Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1906, Page 12, Image 12
; r 1? nrr. omatt.v vtx nr..:: xqvkmmw i:. v 1 s y 1 i II ,M'; ' ,i ,3c Vwi 'r 1C ft $ V7 Warm and Stjlish Ji 'il nkGiul Winter WeaLr g$ !f win,pr ,s noarly fc arp o" $ $ UmcilMjf I ifdy for it. Jletter buy winter clothet -lu 'SA. K Nr- how. Thursday f offer you these Ms k -1 gi"1SrJ IN BASEMENT f feMl tiTfn,tr yvO Ladlea' Lon Novelty Coat In ihe ' ' i 1 Wk4 "'ii'ijJv up-to-date patterns good I 28 if 1 1 Hll i')jpiri arm coat that will look j.. If 1 jfj-' tjjj 'Tf well all season, g iplCI'T Ladies' Walking Skirt in new pleal- g j , tlFV d tyle jut the risht weight 5Q & & i Dl-r- 17tV0y f(,r winU'r vfry leclal, at .... i M$ iiAy In Cloak Dept. 2d Floor. i jfrt! r4Vvl ThP ,onK Stylish Novelty Coats at 2 bUM. ft .f-The8e coats are the aO-inch j' 5 int9SHiVWiv ,,,,,ptn nove,iy ,,xu,,f,h it 'f atin lined broadcloths w-tiL"? -"v1 vtVi very dressy winter coats. 5 asciesff?- IFURS .w Omaha's Pure FoodCenter $ - - nun II n 1 riMll WLXTIUH FtHll CAM lliuroiiHy. air. Twelve Shopping Days 'till Thanksgiving T-rr-v T-m TV TT T TT T'ZST' 1 J I i 1 r H I II M I rft 1 L 9" ft Let us he thankful that the year y f. has lu'en a fairly prosperous one $1 $ for us, and that there is Mich a r' capital grocery store in the city uu m : Courtney's, where we can Ret such nood thinss to eat. drink and he ft' a merry wiih on the last Thursday of this month. ! i December Style Book For The Taking. SUIT SALE Extra Specials Pillow Shaped Muff of good .dark pray Russian QO iqulrrel. at. T'.0 Hufin Squirrel Ti Zaza shape, fringe and silk or naments Thurs- QO day only, at .JO Astrnkluin Coats Made of guaranteed astrakhan Rood tlossy silk fur and genuine guaranteed heavy natln lining, at 2450-29.3250 Ladies9 Walking Skirts Dou't forget Mrs. Dwelle lure 'a Lee- H at 2:H0 Thursday afternoon, V Novemher l."ith. on the second floor of our new ttore, where the y Iieautitully tailored effects in smart, plain colors or pretty novelty effects the tailor pleated s-Ulcs l 1 1 III ill.. ll l ".J i 'v'illi n Mcore of stunnlni; styles ai In W aist Section, Main Hour, Old store I-.'Iderdown Owssiiiff Sacnues You need one every day now special Thursday only. at. Full lciiKth Striped Fidcrdowii Kimo nos Very nicely made, with f QQ cords Thursday special, at. mJO 1 indie' Wool Waists Prettiest of new styles daintily embroidered fronts -made of veilings, albatrosses, etc. black and new colors, at following menu will lie prepared k' and served: Chipped Beef, with Tomatoes t't Kru; Toast, 4 V reamed I'eas. It Jv ...... f rtea 1 i acnes. v i,euiou ouule ance. 5 in Thursday Morning 8:00 0 clock Beautiful ;. Suits for 2.1.7." L'Od Women's Man-tailored Suits -made of fine chitTon bioad doth and fancy iheviot. eton blouse, colonial Mouse, peplum blouse. :'3-in. tight-fittiug, 4s in. semi and tit;ht-fittiiiK coats: Hklrts are thU Lcason'B bet pleated models: colors, Mack, navy, blue, garnet, green, brown and smoke see window display. The ureatest. opportunity of tu seasou for every woniau in Omaha. Remember, at b a. m. Thursday $35.00 Suit for 23.75 49c 2.50 Keceived today, our first carload , jf "Ferndell" canned goods, com- " prisinR New Maine Com and all tv jf other fruits aud vegetables that $ this justly celebrated brand con- J,., 'jp tains. ft y. BeliiK the Omaha agent for St "Kerndell' jiure foods, we can ,- biippiy your wants. Warm Winter (1 I'nion Suits S y 49c -98c 11 lant -soft MisKos', Children's jukI Boys' Vests TIip famous Munsinp' Underwear l'leeeed and art wool effects, at Ladies' Underwear I ?i lots of vests. suits on bargain square worth up to $1.00, at E.3 Startling Bargains in Our Dinnrrwart and Cut Glass Sections The Sale Hv Been Phenom enal tlnest Llbbey Cut Gla3 at 30 Per Cent off, other lines at the earae Biff Dlaconnt. .Iiiks :n S3.98 Sucars anl Creams, pair $3.98 Oltvc TUsln's. Spoor Trays, Viisi'M. valuer up to $J..rft, ach at H'i Iiiiuicr S-'is, Mil pieces, a wt at $1J. $10, $s.!ta ami.. 85.75 ritiost of China. Srts at Jt 7 40. 1.7., $14. S7.. .$13.98 If you inisK ttils sale you're tb loser. Tri' i s cut on every set iu stock. SO'. i L--3 THE RELIABLE STORE rT3rn f Nebraik Agtnts f) Hs LBroU Ad'iuslsble Dress Forms Skirt Made to Me i5ure Inq jire at Dress Goods Dept. Remarkable Sale of Women's Garments A style show that will please t1(. most, eritieal, variety thvt lias never been equaled in this city and qualities unmatched at ou sale price. ,f NEW COATS RECEIVED FOR THURSDAY'S SELLINfc 200 ."tl ami .VJ-in. t'oats In chiffon broadcloths, fine . , i. ..1 . i . ...i ....... ..a . i , nii lflSOS aiHl IliUHlS'MlM' l.1U.) llll'U iu.i ' ' i ll i.-, mi colors, worth resularly tip to $no.ou. rhoii ' at jfclO.OO 'ont In ureal assort nient of newest s-tes I and materials, prealest bargain shown this sea- I son at SI 1.50 ! MylWIi Coat In kerseys and fancy tnlxoif fabrics. ! over 2imi (lariueins to sclei t from, regular $ I ."i on ; values, choice $J).i0 SPLENDID FUR BARGAINS Bemcr Coat Of fine quality, southern beaver. regular S'.oi.imi valu. s. in this sale . . . . $().00 Fine Astrakhan C'oat Guaranteed for two year' w,ar. SI. inner satin lined, pood value at $.,o.00. "-ale price S.;0.00 1..Ott lioiible l'i Surt With two laro bushes. remarkable liamaius at SJKJ)0 ' $:.".) Tailor Suits In chiffon broadcloth "and faucv plaids, urcatost batain of tin season $2i.7r ! WOMEWS SUITS , yiM.OO Tailor Suit in fine ( heviots, serges aud fancy mixtures, all newest stylet and colors ! choice ffill Ckrt i .Newest Skirt Sules In Crepe de Chines. French ! Voiles, etc., at $:;. Villi. O.oo. $jr, ;tnd. 20.00 I f.VfHi Taffeta Waists, in black and white at JjJililJS EXTRA SPECIALS l'roni H Till u. in. Women's Com Fur Scarfs, stiuirrel lined. Sl.r.o : . va,,u' ror ! 1 roin H:.M Till ::tO a. in. Women' Silk I'nderskirts at, choice. . $l.f)$ Zi1 I ilhi If AW From l Till lo a. m. Women's $1.50 long kimonos, for on hour. .(0 From :;( Till JO::iO a. m. Women' $l.r.o Knit Top Underskirts at.05 and union pant? 39c-49c-69c $1 Silk for 49c 27-inch and 20-lnch plain and fancy silks. A new lot just received, not a yard from this lot worth less than Sac and $1.00 all go on bargain square at 49c per yard. 55 Srpmaic Entrances: l)ounlas Street Entrance. 17th Street Entrance, Jj ! Entrance through West Arcade to '' F.r: ndels New Store. kg ' "riione, lloilfclas B 7 p ITivate ExcliaiiKO connects all Depts. Cook Stoves Ltnte Fall and Winter Models in Millinery f-.ll new styles fall hats made in the most popular shapes trimmed after the latest New York and Paris models by our own designers. Nowhere 5Q eise in tne west can you get a hat with such style and beauty at You would declare the hats in this new assortment cost at least $10. OO nearly 300 distinct styles all in the first-color schemes every becoming new shape, at Street and Trimmed Hats for $1 All new shapts, colors and trimmings readily worth $2. SO to $3.80, at I Nov. 17th i NEXT SATURDAY Ladies'Suit Sale All the samples and surplus stock Cohen a Gabriel "stSU See them in the window High ifr&de suits, worth That do your cooking and heating with on fuel sell thein at 3 per month or cut tht price for cash. up to $25, will go iH'Uffi'ftfa mar rrr r m CLOISONNE VASES We ro hutn? eome hanilsome plerpit tn thin line IJ.OIl. $.'.50, $3 iO, $4.00, $S.0u, $3.(10. $7.00 and tl'.ey are heutie. Nothln nicer for a Christ man gift. SipenJ a few minutes In our ttore and see them. look rox th xa.kx. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1518 Doula Street. We have Just received a car load of cook stoves iu all sizes. Cook stoves heat twice as much room with the same fuel as steel ranges, because steel ranges are lined with asbestos and don't let the heal out. it ruins them to force them to heat the house. We have cook stoves with water backs. The Stoetzel Stove Company 714 South 16th St. AT NICOLL'S nl Winter fabrics awuillng you here; an aggregation represent ing all that is new and disiinelivo in tailor's cloths for UiU season. Selected by expert buycrs-fioin the piin- elpal cloth mart of this and foreign I countries unci many of the designs con fined to Nieoll alone. Trcisers $5 to $12. Suits $20 to 550 SILKS THREE TIMES GREEN TRADING STAMPS. 36-in. Black Taffeta Silk, very lustrous and heavy. will wear well for suits, dresses or underskirts. every yard sells for $1.0 on sale, a yard 6J 75c Fancy Velveteens, embroidered effects for waists or dresses, dark grounds, embroidered with contrasting color designs, very pretty on sale Thursday, a yard.... 29 Beautiful Collection Fine Fancy Silks, suitable for shirt waists, dresses or linings on sale Thursday, a. yard. 35 DjESS goods Wash Goods and Domestics WOXPKHFMi BARGAINS THl RSDAY. i 1'KKK TIMfcS GKKKX TKAIUXO STAMPS WITH KVKHV ri'KCHASK LOT 1 A very beautiful new collection of all wool Suitings checks or pluid etfocts In all colors, that sell for otic resularly "Jin, on sale at, a yard Jto LOT 1 34 in. Fancy- Suitings, worth $1,2:: 5J-in. Fancy Mohair woith $101); 50-in. Plain Melton, worth $123; G'l-in. liluck Goods, worth $1.00: in fact nearly some pieces of all Fall Suitings JtCin on sale Thursday, a yard T"C FATKA SPECIAL 23 pieces elegant Itainnroof Suiting, iu all shades tan, green, brown, navy aud black mixtures, either plain, plaid fetyles or shadow check effects, for tale Thursday only, Domestics l!cM American Prints, in all col ors, yard 5c Apron Gingham, all size checks, yard 5o I'nlilcached SlteetiiiK, a yard :I?4c Large Lot 15c Flannelettes, yd. 7c Outing Flannels, dark styles, 10c grade for 7c Elegant new Kobe Blanket Just received; best line iu the city, all new, prices ea. from $S.50 down to $1.00 Three Tunes Green Trad ing Stamps. Wool Dress Goods Linensnd While Goods rrotii 10 to 11 a. in. We will sell ;.0 II K, II (, i: HK PF.PAKTMFNT MIIJ pieces ol l'rlesileys genuine Craven- OLE SECTION'. cuv, o -.-iu. w nuv some inaia oat km i i.-m-:ii , n among them, only one pattern to cus tomer at EXACTLY HALF THE MAKK E!) PKICE. From ;l:;ttl to 4::iO p. m. We will sell 13 pieces of black broadcloth, 4ti-in. wide (remember, this is not a flan nel, a genuine broadcloth), only one pattern to customer at. a yard 23 For all day, 73c and $ 1 .Oil Mohairs at. -va,,! 23C one Cashmeres, ::0-in. wide U5o $1.'") Novelties, 3i)-!n. wide ....'in ! $1.00 ICtamint s, black and colors. .Su it), wide 39o :JO H. in. We will tell Turkey Red Damask, all fine patterns, sells at P.oc yd., not over 6 yards to customer at, yard...JOo From 2:30 to 4:3(1 p. jn. We will sell 3d pieces of extra fine bleached, unbleached and silver bleached gen uine Irish linen, not over 6 yards to customer, at, a yard 4Gc Here is your chance for Thanksgiv ing Linens. From 3:. -10 to 1:30 30 pieces of beautiful dotted Swisses, 1-slzed dota regular l!ic goods, only 12 yardi or less to customer nt, a yard. . 10c SCHROEPER SELLS BREWERY Iinoaea PU Sherld Hate frllam 8eriaa One Iu Cuaatrr. ltA S-hrodr ot Slieridan. Vyo.. In Omh, hvlnK Jut oomploted the sale of h:i brewery a Sheridan. Mr. Srhroedr KtLa formerly one of the big rfcjugla county farmer, llvlnjf est of Millard, i.4 moved to Sheridan several years ago, where he now has targe property interest. "The traneportatlon problem ia what ii U.therinf the people of the northwest, " uid Jlr. Bchroeder. "It ia almost lmpa aitle la got anything through on that line, aa the busirvesa of th tiurllngton hua reached aucU enormoue proportloi, the train cwi hardly get through at all. Bribery laivealtalloa Infraitlul riNTIAY, O.. Nov. 14. loife, nrur IiHVid aid today. In reiereni e i no nhhiii .ioii ef llt"1 att-inpta "t lnil.ery if jurynun Oil cotnrwtny in the prolia'e court, tlut o far nothing ha come betore the jury u;i action could le tokii. CHIEF MAY LOSE A FINGER Hat in Serlone lroullr with Sore Martina; from Bite sf no laaect. t'liief of Pohof Donahue Is huving coi. ldrable troulile with a case of blood pois oning of hie left foieflnger. which wtta bit ten by an inttert a few dayv ago and wus then lnfuctt d ty his scratching the wound with a penknlfi'. Tin' finger cauked tin chief such iritenwe pjtln Tuesday night tliut he sought the aisuinc. of i'ulice rjurguon Harris Weditc-alay morning at tlie city Jail, who lanced the Injured member. lr llari ia said that ui:li.- great caro was ex ercised it might be iu ct.ji to rtmuvu tho linger lit order t i pi event the rpread of the iu ration ia aa eOoil to ivi the huJ. WILUAM J ERR EMS' SONS. So. 15th St. BAILEY & MACII DENTISTS 3D FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK HIGHEST GRAD DENTISTRY REASONABLE PRICES Your Monty' Worth THE OMAHA DEE Best i". West r If BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY (iniiu'lt's lieM I'liffee. pound S.",c. And Twenty (ineii Trading .Stamps Jiennett!" Capitol Coffer, lb. pkg 'o And Twenty iroen TradlnK Stamps l'.aHk''l Fired Japan Tea. pound . .c And Twentv fjreen Trading Ktamps lied I'iiiss Cream, -ans J)c And Ten Oteen Trading 8tumpH Pianiond S I'rcserves, large Jar 2r And Twenty fjreen Trading Stamps "Bent we Have'' brand Tomatoes, new stock, can l:''je. roz.-n cans $1.45 Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder. pound can ....24c j no ini'iuy un'ru iia'iini( Stamps Bennett's- Capitol Pancake Flour, pkg 1V And 5 Green Trading titajnps t'lieeda Ulsetills. 4 pkgs 1.V And 1'i Green Trading Stamps Iliirnh.ini's Ji-llycon, three pkgs lie And 2 Groen Trading Stamps FURNITURE! Attractive, Inexpensive Pieoee for Tour XUbrary. Combination BHk Cu"-' (like cut) quartered oak, rich golden polish finish, ornamentally carved, haa shaped drawer, hunt glass door and French bevel mir ror. Desk la conven iently fitted with in terior compartments. An excellent valu at S15.75 IJbrary Table Gol den polished oak, one drawer, round legs, ball feet, top is 20x40, a good design aud cheap at... $10.25 Rubber Footwear Warm Lined Lea ther Foxed, Leather Soled Felt Shoes for Women at Out Pri- rf".S1.60. 81.30 Twenty Extra Green Trading Stamps Felt Fur Trimmed Leather Soled Jul ietskeep the an kles warm, dandy for mornings Twenty Extra Green Trading Stamps MAIN 1 -'LOOK. CLOTHING Tbls Is Overcoat Weather. V, or Rain Coat Weather. BUY A BROKAW BROS, at S35-S30-S25 If Too High, BUY A KOKN BROS, at S20-517.50-S15 Still Cheaper and Guaranteed Drapery and Lace Curtain Dept. From IO to 11 a. in. Irish Point Curtain Sale We will place all our Irish Point Curtains for one hour, and you can take from one to three pairs at ex actly hair the marked price, ale closes at 11 sharp. From 2; ;ui to 3:30 .. in. We will sell 73 pairs of Nottingham Lare Curtains, the tl.tio curtains, only 4 pairs to customer at. each 374c!.. Soret- of entirely new models, expressing all that is most beautiful and an ropri'itc lor the winter season. Winter Millinery SILK AMI STRKKT HATS In splendid variety, beautifully trimmed ruthans in all the prevailing colors, including Fur Turbans, with soft draped ' rrewns of velvet. 1 ALL IMPORTED PATTERN HATS AT 331,;; to 50 Discount Special sale of Trimmed and I ntrimmcd Shapes und Material-. Every, tiling marked hi plain figure. t Hayden's, the Great Universal Providers of Pure Food Products. v:ic urcin tim-st i.TruiT iij nv ............... . , h'ii I,, jtiitiw onions, in ia ft (i K IS I HKAf'iiK lunry home grown fweet potatoes Hi "o ' beM piif tuii-kwTieat f I, ,ur . . :V.e Fancy New Jersey sweet potatoes. Ib ,-lhs best hand picked navy beafcs Sic Fresh spina, h, peck ' . il , s-llis. best rolle.l i.atmoal . :. 2 hnnrlies parsley J y,I -1 - pkK. self rising pancake llnir ....81-:!t ! bin. lies fresh celery J I Qi. ans gol.len taltle syrup '...., Fanev wax beans, lb '1 il 2-lb. cm fancy sweet sucar corn .6.' , Cookinir annle i.-l.' 1 "l I romr tigelon. Jellycin or Jell-l), pkg. ...7 Fancy Crown Imported ii-'"i,' oil or mustard sat dines, can S, Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, 'quart.' '. lancy "'l; prunes, lb 7V.C i Fancy large grar I run, each i ... ... rancy seedless lalsms. lb 7Uc ! Neve honey, per rack Fauiy .1 Crown Museaiel raisins, lb !'c I Shell.M por.rorn Hi Moil's puro Hpple elder, gallon Si'i Fancy rooking ' fins "ih FHKSl FKITT AND VK.lKTAHr.KP- Large. Brnii I 'ocolnut.'eacji'':::::.': . . . . , ,..... t..v. yiitaio in r resn roasted peanuts, nuart 1 e i fancy Wine Sap apples, pock ... rutabagas, lb. fo)fn) if ...7V ...ho 6.1 I Men's! Shoes $3.50 Why not step in aud try on a pair1" of our men's "Special" $3.50 shoes. We have all sires and widths and can fit you perfectly. Besides, we guarantee to glvo vou more value for $:i.5u than g you can get at any other store. Men's $S.50 shoes is only one of the many different lines we carry and we don't have to depend on this shoe for our profits. Every pair more value than the ordinary $.5.00 shoe, and when vou see them you'll say so your self. Patent Colt, Velour, Box Calf. Ylci Kid are the leathers. All the new and latest lasts. jDrcxcl I 14191 1 VllWHWIH'l Drcxcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. To Sell Household Goods Machinery Horses V , Wagons, Buggies Heal Estate, or If You Want to Exchange Anything A Bee Want Ad will be found a speedy and ' satisfactory method 1 to employ. Telephone Douglas 233 IF YOB BSJOl . cool, dellcloas. satisfying Mnr.Va one Iwnlah yur rr and mak Life worth livlnj;. be sure und call !r the old reliable nr.-j"'"" V, It. like Mcrvautll,: Ctnr Cv., MaJiui.Kluxer, St. Lvo4 -"s 10O I 4! ra Via Vw B. tri.;a4 i