Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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' r.iTTiT or Tin; condition
The Flrt INallnnal Hunk of Omaha.
Omaha. hi the Plate of Nebraska, at the
r'-iat! of buslics-". Nov"
HKfdlTi "LS
' -o-ia anil dis-ounts
1 1 !
ji'.OOOoO j
ix. 'it 41 :
1 'v lr;i 1 1 a. ,ecitrel
ai 1 UnSrrured .
t- bond n semi
circulation .. .
I' B. Ismd to "'in
8. deposits
L'. 8. deposit
l.onos, cmtic. etc
1 aiming house, furni-
tjna anil fixture .
from national
iks mot T'f"Tf .
int .."
from state bunk
..j banker -
f torn approved . , ,
scrVO .11113 !
i,w it 7 m
hecks una other
i-.iPh Items -"
i .,utu7 fnr clear
ing houHt C,'v--'
Nous of other no
tional banks t'.fMV-
Fractional paper rm-
oncy, nickels anil
rent . , . . 1 v '
lawful Money Re-
mrvo In Bank, vli;
Specie. IIMURA'
I lender notes. .. LH74.:f', -IP
ucmrtlon fund with
r. 9. treasurer ii rent of rlrrula-
Jn.ol.KI f
i stork paid In
Surplus fund
I ' n il I vlded profits.
e: s expense aim
'axe paid
National bank not"
Du to other national
bans J2.'.h!',.il .i
Duo to atata banks
and b-iiHer l.tWI.MT..
Hue In trust com
panies and savings
Link 1V...l
t nnml deposit
r'A.uiiii. i.
i..VK, 0)
aubb't'l to In ok . . . 8."i0,5.!i
Demand . ceillllcates
of deposit lf.J.Sli.
'time cerlllroates of
leHlt S.474..HS V:
leit.ned checks liUf
Cashier's checks out
lulled Slate de-
jMSIts 16, 3K.ii i
'uqiosiiB of U. B dls-
bmslng omcrrs .iie.c- o-...
ite of Nebraaka. County of Ioulas-ss;
1. F.H. Ums. rajniKr .., ......
ratr.'-d uanK, nn soienuu? statement is true to the best of m
Miowledge and belief. , wyfc
Suhsrrlbed and awnrn to before me this
14Th Wn .WBNoUry Pube.
Correr,-A.te.t;A CR1.10HTON
v. s. rorpi.F.TON.
No. t775.
The Xrrrhantu allonnl Bank
at Otrmha! in the Sfatt; of N.bra-ka. at tlie
cloae-of Imslr.eH. .November 1.' I!"..
Ivar.s and discounts..
Overdrafts. secured
and unsecured
1". P. bond to secure
S. bonds to secure
C. S. deposits
uiher ImuiiIs to si'ute
V. S. drposdts
liiM;iiiK hotisc I
I i;i.. from national (not reserve
Itc-ioi 00
' Jo "0
M. "
SJS.i :c,
l lei.i:;
lKt fl.'.io
from stnt banKs
and bunkers e
I l ie from approved re-
serve apents
i lucks and other rhsii
i:ehaiiBes fin ilear-
Ihk house
Notes of other na
tional banks
Pi actional paper i ur-'
. rn-.x, ,.jpivK;la...an4,
1 i w Till Money Re
m tve In Hank, viz:
l.eil tender notes
I'.cib nudion fund with
1'. ft. treasurer .V.
of i Irciilatioii l
:;c, , ,r,-j.' ijy,t;;i.5l
MAKlUTIL.-v stock paU In-.
Surplus fund
i nop id. ;d proflcs. less
e pens, s and t.i.v -
Nai lsink notes
L'A"" "0
Late to other rational
atiks .n.nsz.iui
to state bank
find bankers TC.fsVJ.
f I llvldual deposits
j I-ubJect to ehn-k LCLZTT":;
I f mund t ertiltcatcs of
I tleposlt :
J me certificate of
IJ.'i lined fheeka ......
fashler' crock out-
atandlng -
lmied Btat .Ue
poeits .....I.
l2V.lnXl.CU 13,41.517
Total -
...'.'!. 51s. t3
Btate of Nebraska, County of Douglas .
1, Luther Drake, president of the above
named b&iik, da lolemnly swear that tha
above atatemertt is truu to the best of my
knowlecc and belief.
LL'TUfcJt tu. i-reeiueui.
Bubacrlbed and sworn to before me this
KUi day ot November, llMi.
OtiO. li. PKlTCHKrT, Notary Public.
Correct Attest :
GtX). K flUlCHETT.
ings, Water and Sewer System Ueyait
meui ot the interior, Office of Indian Af-
. fairs, Washington, D. C. Nov. a, luuo.
i totaled piopoiwis, plainly marked on
tii outside of the envelope "Pro
poaaJ for Buildings. etc., Bismaick,
J. D.," and addressed to the Com
missioner of Indian Affairs, Washing
ton, D. C, will ba received at the Indian
otlice until two o clock p. in., of December
4. 16. (or furnt;htr.g and delivering Uio
necessary maiertuls and labor rtsjuued to
construct and complete a ournuiory and
mployea' quarters, both of brick, wuu
pluinbiug, kieam heat and electric light, a
laundry and barn, both ot brick, with
plumbing and electric light; a brick ware
house, with electric light, and a water and
ewer system, all at Bismarck Indian '
School. N, D . In strict accordance with the
plans, spec Mirations and instructions to 1
biout-r. which may be examined at this
ortiee. the office of the Improvement Bulie
tin, Minneapolis, Minn.; the American Con
tractor, Chicago. Ill ; the Tribune. Lis
u arck. N. D.; ttie Forum, Fargo, N. D.
The Bee, Omaha. Nebraska; the Globe
T'einoi aat, St. Louis. Mo.; the Builders' and
Traders' Exchanges, Omaha, Neb., Mil
waukee, Wis., ht, Pavil, Minn., Minneapo
lis. Minn.: the l, S. Indian warehouses at
Chicago, St. Loul. Omaha and New York,
and tha postmaster at Blamarck, N. D.
For further information application should
1 mad to thia office. C. F. LARRAUEE.
Aiding Commissioner.
N 8-10-13-15-17-2O-3-:i-n
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to William E.
oweiis, Andrew Peterson. Jame E.
v riaht and any and all persons Interested.
J ..l,5is.r;; j
j rfrfi.Kyi.iio I
'.'iii..B,.'.'X' I
tl.t the Na4ionl, Oment Post company!
T Chicago. in , . A snott - and
.George C. Gray, also of Chicago, m.,
are interested in certain patents on con
cret or eminent rots which. It Is clalmod
by the SI4 William E. Owen and James
t . Wrtgnt, were granted to said James
v C Wright on or about October 2$. l0G;
also that all patents which said William
K. Ow ens and Andrew Peterson ar now
Interested ' In, In any way applying to
euneiH.- r tiini'mm- ihwi, n said ra.
!:onal Cement Post rtompany, W. S. ill
u'.t and George C. Gray are now inter
std In., and no Interest therein can be
posed of by any one without the con--:.t
and the signatures of the said Nn.
"nal Cement Puat company. W. fl. Ahhott
fi.d George C. Gray.
By GEORGE C GRAY, Secretary.
lil'OKill-. C illlAV,
i-a at
Of fire, 10 IVnrl
MIMtll l-.TIOV
I i i tlni'S
! Clark's, sodaf
I Stockcit sells i..iii"ii
Fine et gravings h: lefler. -!
El Rogers' Tony Faust hen
tirt tlios.- new photon hi SiIi'i iU fc
riu:nblnK and heal In;, nixby A P'i"
Lewis (iitl-r. funetal dire.-lor. phono
Wnodrlnu riulrrtakins rofipanv. Tel. .W
llo tr Hl' ks. l:: I'enrl street, for up-to-
ddlo ami Ftyhsh silts and oereonts.
Always Interestlnc. new Roods arrlvlns
dally at the John Heno C ompa tiy store.
Ilal'xr liui the h' xi u.nrtuiiiit of I'Uil'L
i tn miitr-rials In the middle Wi'H. (Jet his
. l'llri s.
' A b'.muful nr.. I niinmonliil b:i Iv.irnei.
i tlv WtlKli.irn rl li k l imp, rumple te. fl.:."i.
; b' pii.m lt.--, n.'i W. l'.i o:idw.i .
CliAL TKAMf WAM'l.i to hnil I
for the I "! i I . 1 1 'n khiitn I'oul . onipanj.
lllUh'T vnijes pnid. p7 Pearl streii
MiKS halo Tn-ynor of the I'hire sttert
srhuul, lin has liei n III Willi piiiMiinoiua,,
w as reported yesterday to be mm .i h -snnn.
A til m l Sl'l-.A I .li 'II lo K 1 It I. KHill 1
yW'' rr'
Uutli ltusfi-ll. .".J"J Aviiiii- I'. anil Call
inkhr. l.v. Liyhlli avenue, win- reported
to the Hoard ot Health
nig Uiphtheria.
I pay p.r ton for
Ili; Ht-ne, .Vs: -:iks. I1
i v'. ropper. It' pt r lb.
i Mi
ihiy as ha -
.iM iron . mixed,
pel lb; rubber.
J. Katvlnuin,
! Mam, bun 'li 'ii' s
, At the regular tin etinR of llai neuiy i hup-
ter. iiid -r of the Kastern Star, totutJiit
there will be Initiation of randlilalest in
! addition to tho usual business,
i ThroJBh the i-fTorts of the Comtiinrlal
;lub I ounrll HluUs has been niveti lonsui
eralilo in oinltn nee )n tho new nine tables
1 Issued by tie: Hurluifc'.ou railroad
That s this right number phone 7.'. If
i you want kooiI owl. we've got a Ins stork
on hand. Prompt de,tery. OIiIikhik drlv
! its. I onnril lUufTs Coal and Ire t'o.
whkn (;ii.ti to iii in) tio 'in r.r.o.
A. huAlil.AMi, IIII-; PiO.NKKK I.I M
M'll, Pl.ri.KS
S I'lIKKT. TKL. :i"'
Vou can enroll any day or evenlns n t
West rti Iowa college. Students are as
sisted to positions. S.nd for catalogue,
phone tor intormation. Uoth phones.
Hiyh jrade graiuie work, I mm the best
Halle Import' d uniiiiles, lettering, carving,
and tracing. l'nie monumental worn a
speciait... Mieeh y a.- Lane. l. Last llroad
way. Council Kl nfTst tent. Knights of Macca
bees, will hold an open n tins this even
ing, to which all friends, including women,
are invited. Refreshments will be served
and a program given.
Miss Francos I lierrilss, daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. S. M. Cherniss, who underwent
an operation fur appendicitis at tin- tii n
tral hospital Tuesday, was reported yes
terday to lie doing nicely.
J A. Kaplan, a young traveling nmn of
Davenport, la., and .b r.nie Thri kmurton of
Mapleteui. i t . wire m.irriou In this my
yesiiTduy atterniHin by Ki-v. Henry Do at his office In the court house.
To lovers of art needle -oirk and espe
cially I huso w ho at e planning to make
holiday prcseiiis of their own handwork
our art department will appeal most
strongly at this time. T lie John Heno Com
pany. The will ot the late Miss Vermont Reyn-
I olds, principal of the Pierce Street school.
was liled for probate yesterday
erty. both persxmal and real, is left by Miss
li Vilnius to per luotner, iiarvey. witn
. whom she lived.
The Nichols & Shepard company of Let
Ik- Cn-ek. Mich., brought suit In the dis
trict court yesterday James O'Con
nor of Vnderwood. la., for $l.a"u. the price
of a twenty-horse power traction engine,
shipped to him in IfliC.
LIQl'lD K.NKKR. the ucw- furniture
wonder, takes off that smoky dullness from
your lurtiiture, especially your piano; pre
n rvis your varnish, brightens up and
makes old vnrnish or paint look like new.
Come ami see it Mt our store. Horn Ick, -11
South Main.
Articles of incorporation of the F.oyd
Liuuur company were tiled for record yes-
lenlav. The Incorporators ure F
J. Boyd
and V. K. Myers, and Council P.luffs and
Omaha are designated as the principal
plaos of business. The capilal slock Is
placed at !U.-.
Mrs. Mary Anderson, wife of J. K. An
derson. H'-J Avenue It. died last evenli g.
aged 71' years, liesidea her husband, one
on and one daughter su.vlvc her. The
funeral will be lu M Saturday afternoon at
2 o dock from th- lamlly residence, and
burial will be In I'airvicw cemetery.
Fin" pictures, good trames and the best
of work, wuh good treatment ami fair
prices; thee points nr.- our trade-getters.
If you want pictures, come In. If you
want a name made, this is just the place
to tpa it mad" to suit you. Council Bluffs
Pain', oil and Glass company Merrium
Buy that new overcoat at the John Beno
'Conipanj's stole; vouil get more style,
quality and value than you'll hnd else
where. Prices range at J7.oo, $10, 112.50. 15,
. tl, t'-'O, $22.60 and
Mrs. Mary" Wortman, wife of Peter Wort
man, died "Tuesday night at her home in
St. Mary township, just over the line In
kJJm C." wy-nf..n Vlfv'.rtSn.hferi
besides her husband leaves six daughters
snd one son. The funeral will be held
Friday morning from the German Lutheran
rhurch In the I'lunier settlement, and burial
wiu oe in iue cnurcu ceiueii-ij.
A Mrtiiar 1 Co.
New Location of Wholesale 'Bakery,
rW Mynnter Street, Couucll Bluffs, la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Visitors Welcome.
The lirst snow of the season generally
call tor a nw horse blanket. We're pre
pared to serve you best. Rare values In
horse blankets at $1. tlM, 12, 12.50 up to
$10. Basement section.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 2f.O. Night. ii"3.
Marrlatie l.leeusea.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence.
R. V. Srebold, Trevnor. la Hart well, McClelland, la
Henry Harms. Council Bluffs
Matilda Stumpf, Council Bluffs....
J. A. Kaplan, Davenport, la
Jonnle Thorktnorton, Mapleton, la
Ray F. Krell. Des Moines
Katherlne Balde, Des Moines
- i
- ,
; ,
, - y i, - f .
t'ld Mrk vL
fO lo r wlr i
I'lnitimiUIOrnl" Ir w m
farapaaieorlleiil(l iwlt.hf.f
,,, unit , lliBr,
ana 1M1 NOT ril B Ot F.
r'RI'I' HAMPLl. Addr.i nPt. i
ianfnt. arLpnAl e. .a!. .-.ii:.:srnr..S T
The following aupplica for tho coming
legislature will be let to the lowest bidder
Saturday, November 17. at 10 o clock
a m. Samplea on file in the offl-e of sec
retary of slate:
& binders, inaikcd on side, for senate
and house.
b" house roll calls.
fno senate roll calls.
5" list of house metnl era.
5io list senato members.
2.Hj list member of legisliture, ith map
showing representative and senatorial cli
tnct 2iS members' desk cards.
2 senate dockets page enrh
I house dockets, ) pagrs each.
5 b.Kika vouchers, nurubened and prr
foratea, 6t0 to book, four forms.
A GAI.USilA. S.,itai--.
St. Tel. 43.
J Rhoary of Jiwelry Stcre tt Valley, Neb.,
' Charted to Him.
omver Innllnne to Inearth Plunder
stolen from Ian In the Hall
rnail Anrds In This
It is be!ie.d Il-at jmrt of t lie jewel!
found In the possession of James Wapitis,
alias Jli'Ouiri, was stolen from ("Iraham's
jew.lry stoie at Valley, Nob., whlrh was
bnik. ti Into a f' iilt;hts hfore the f'l irk
'p. nirn-handlse store was roblxd. 111k
Blns has hem turned over to the Nebraska
, authorities.
Inlornmtiolis ihii;iiiK Iheni with ht.iili
.,. ami vohblnir freight rnrs was
hied yesterday by Assistant County Attut-
my Hess against Anton Jaeowilr., Dan
arir ..n(i r'..trr Xeirh. the three HunL-ai-
i railroad laborers and Tom f'nrter, who
lis known cus tho "man newsboy." As the
Krnnd jur now in session is ln estijfatlnc
the ease, tho preliminary hearing id the
four men was again continued in lmllic
' court yej-terday.
Frank Smith, muter nrrest on suspicion
I of havlru? stolen a quantity of cigars which
he tried to dispose of to the Huneailan
laborers at the Union Pacific, transfer, is
still behind the bars pt the city n!l. The
euthorities have us yet been unable to
ascertain where the clgais were stolen
although they have learned who the ship
i pers of the gixids are.
The police yesterday found fourteen fliirs
I, of slippers which had been stolen from a
...I in no- v iiioii i acme yarns at the same
time that over I'D pairs of shoeo were
Better ilolliingr for the boy. The len
iency of the times Is for bettor merchandise
jnnd especially boys' suits and overeonts:
I it has not always beon ho. hut today the
I popular price Is J3 and J7.SH, but we have
many extraordinary values to show you
in boys' suits at IJ. $j.5n, $;). .. ,-i n,i' ,j
Hoys' mitflttlng department, main Moor
Stop and take a look in our window and
see the famous Quick Meal range and the
Red Cross base burners they w ill save i
Sin fuel and make your home happy. I
a.ltl-.ISS Rroa.Hinv '
Arise from Mlaunderttautlf nit of
Order of Mayor.
A ebisb between the. nour.l r,f lr..uiii.
lnnd school authorities out quarantine
KUlailons was narrowly averted yester
'V. Parents of children attending the
'ait ty-second street school complained to
.Mayor Macrae, who by virtue of his office
Is president of the local Board of Health,
that one of tha teachers there was living
with a family quarantined for diphtheria,
but despite this was attending to her du
ties In the school as usual. Investigation
disclosed the fact that Miss Margaret Mc
N'amara, the teacher referred to, was liv
ing" In the home of It. Kretrhnwr,' on
Fourth avenue, where one of the children
was sick with diphtheria. Mayor Macrae
at onee. notified Superintendent Clifford not
to permit Miss McN'amara lo teach until
further oraers.
Later, through the physician attending
the Kretchmer child. It was learned that
Miss McNaniara wus teaching as usual,
and Mayor Macrae lost no time in calling
Superintendent Clifford on the carpet lor
an explanation why the orders of the
Beiard of Health had been disregarded.
Explanations followed nnd it developed
that Superintendent Clifford had in some
manner misunderstood the nuiyor'B in
structions. MioS McNamara was at once
sent home.
With the
appointment of Charles M.
Nicholson as quarantine officer it Is the
Intent uf the health authorities to take
more drastic
measures to enforce the re-
of the quarantine, law. In
, ,, . - - .... . ,,
" "vi viitt iivan o i iiic imiuiy quai'
antined ts employed In some outdoor posi-
tion he will be permitted to continue at
M VOTk Provided conncHtlon with the sick
nn, , . . . , . , -
"ns J" '"red. In case the head of the
lamlly Is employed in a clerical or Indoor
position he will be obliged to remain uti-
i ape Quarantine with tho ntl,r , ,.!..,
of his family.
Let us do that Job of wall uanerlng
J for you. Come In and seo our samples
and get our price. Tou will go out satls
1 fied. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass
comPuhV. Merriam block,
Remnants of those splendid rapid Belling
ginghams nnd flannelettes. 12c and
grades for !r per yard. Main aisle.
Caaltra In One Gopher' flaw.
"I was Just driving by and I thought I
would stop In with thse," remarked 10-year-old
Harrv Smith to County Auditor
Cbtiyne yesterday, as he produced from one
of his pockets a pair of gopher claws. The
lad stated that he had killed the gopher
in the vicinity of the railroad tracks near
Eighteenth avenue. With due solemnity
Auditor Cheyne wrote out a draft for the
young lad on the county treasurer for S
21 cents and Harry crossed the hallway to the
19 , office of County Treasurer Conslgny where,
after be had inscribed his name on the
back of the warrant, was duly presented
with a nickel and three pennies.
Pyrography outfits and supp!e. c.
Alexander, 333 Broadway.
Corean lu I'nblle sehonla.
Feu the flrst time in its history Council
Muffs ha enrolled among its pupils of 'he
public schools a young native of Corea. Kim
Sa Hung is his name and he came to the
United States from Corea about live months
ago. He has been In Council Bluffs and is
employed by a family near the Bloomer
Our buslnea was esiablJahed nearly B0 7 ear a a0. (188a).
loan on horse-, rattle, household furniture and other chattel.
Our reputstbn and the buslnea w enjoy Is the realilt of fair and 1'keral treat
ment of our atrons during these 10 yiars rur rate r -m'v I"wer than
ether efflcea. Our loan are mad In our own nam and revir aold ar neg tii !,
Remember our new cfflr are opp alt alue ot the hail fro .. . oid orllc-, ara
conveniently arranged with private consulting room. We wlab to warn, tha ptib.le
that w have no connection with the firm doing bualn under tha name of tha
Clark Mortgage Co., now occupying cur old office. It la a compliment we appre
ciate giving our nam to their buainesi. but it la confusing to the public.
Our 'Phone i 217 Don't confuse it with th Tel. of Clark Mtg. Co.
s.-liool, where he 1.4 curolh'd anions ttie
pupils. Kim Pi H'Hik Is Btaett In mr. of
.ia. but us et ha. tint sunirhtitly mas
tered the Intrirarles of 'tlie KngltsU lau
tmie to nn to any extont with tho otlu r
students. Jte Is said to be- partiiulat'l'
brtsht iiml Is able In imlrrstind mil. h tliuV
Is said to him
Ihui t buy a Hot Hlast until j'mi see ours.
It Is th'o latest improved Hot Plist on
the m.nket. top doot , sido door and ash
pan; consumes its own b.isis and smoke;
holds fire forty-eUht bouts; nlr tlftht Joints, j
The most convenient Hot Itlast made.
Hurnn anything. $11 to Jirt. fteo it in our
window. T. '. KelTet. l'B Soulh Main '
Varm mats for the outdoor man are in
order. Iiurk coats lined with ni.irkmaw
or sheep, very spei ial values at $1, !-, $11. .V.
Jk"". t' "tid 115. Basement sertloti.
r .s or o ri; m ompi.i:tkii
l;lertlun Ottleers Till lenr
Are rntri
Ity the llonr.
Tho canvass of the vote cast at the ie
rent i bet Ion lor Judge of the superior
cnuit. justices of the peace and constable
tiy the Hoard of Supcr isors, shows
Attorney S. H. Snyder., the republican li uu
inee, was elected judge of the supi'io;
court by a majority of t'di over H. O. Omvii.
I he democratic candidate; that .1. K. Cooper
and S. A. Ureen, the democratic i -nrndiduti s,
wrn elected justice of the jieare for
Kane township, which Includes the i.;iy
of Council Bluffs, over Oviib Vb n and I".
K. Deuel, the republican candidates, while
J. C. Bilker and J. Palmer, the republican
nominees, were elected constable over
C. Jensen and F. Kdg ir, the democratic,
The vote on justices was as follows:
Cooper (dein.l, 2.1 l'.i; Ureen (denO, J.e;
Deuel Irep ), 2.W; Vien (rep.). l.KVi
The Board of Trustees canvassed the vole
for the township ticket yesterday after
noon. John Halle und J. K. Butk r, for
trustees, and Andrew Fellentreter, for
clerk, tho republican candidates, were
Under the new law the judges Htid clerks
of election are entitled to pay at the rate
of 25 cents an hour while engaged in their
duties as such. The Board of Supervisors
I yesterday allowed the judges and clerks
t in the First precinct of the Sixth ward
1 pay for thirty-five hours, those In the See
' ond precinct of the Third ward, for thirty
' lour bouts; those in the First precinct of
' the Second ward, for forty-two hours; those
in the First precliujt of the Fourth ward,
for twenty-five hours; they in Kane town
ship, outside the city, for eighteen hours,
and those in Boomer township, for twi nty
two hours. Owing la I he fact that they
c. vim looked counting a large batch of bal
lots, the judges In Knox township were
compelled to make a recount and the super
visors decided they were entitled to pay
for seventy-two hours, or 18 each.
The board will order tho payment ot the
judges and clerks in tle ot her . precincts
as soon a they report the number of
hours engaged.
A Radiant Home hard coal stove will
make any home radiant, grand and com
plete, It Is acknowledged by the leading
people of Omaha and Council Blufts to
be the greatest coal-saver in the market
today. Call at our store and see theia
and let us explain the lino features. Over
1,000 of them in use in Council Bluffs.
Sole agents, Peterson 6; Schooling Co.,
hardware and furniture, Council Bluffs, la.
CENTRAL Kvory sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meal Mar
ket. Both 'phones 24..'
The Town of iKood.
My lriends. have you heard 'of thi
ol' Nogood,
On ihe banks of tho River Slow.
v nere blooms the W'aitaw hlle llower
Where the Sometlmeoiuther scents tin
And the soft Uneasys grow?
Go to Leffcri'H for the b-et watches.
an ,
It lies iii the valley of Whnt'stlicuse,
In the province of l.etersliile ;
That tired feeling is a native there;
It s the home ot the reckless Idon'tcare,
Where the Glveitups abide.
Wo guarantee to do the best jewelry re
pairing. And oacK our guaranteeing. I rTert s.
It stands at the bottom of Lazy Hill,
And is easy to reach. I declare;
You v only to fold up your hands and
Down me slope of Weak will's toboggan
slide . .
I To be landed quickly there.
- e certainly keep rh.v best stock ot jewelry
in souinwestern luwa. icuuis.
The town is as old as the human race.
And it grows with the flight of years;
It Is wrapped In the fog of idler s dreams.
Its streets are. paved with discarded
And sprinKled with useless tears.
If you want anything up-to-date in the
Jeweler's line
Go to Leffert's.
The Collegebred, fool and the Ilicliman's
Are plentiful there, no doubt;
Tho rest of Its crowd r a motley cjew,
With everv class except one in view
The Foolklller Is barred out.
! We are putting in the largest stock of
holiday Jewelry' '
For the commencing holidays it will be
Immense; '
Larger than anything we ever thought of
I In former years-.
At 1 fieri s.
The town of Nogood is all h.ilged nbom
By the mountains of Despair;
No sentinel stands on its gloomy walK
No trumpet to battle and triumph calls.
For cowards alone are there.
Remember, we sell all our goods with a
strict guarantee. Iftert's.
My friend, from the dead-alive town of
If you would keep far away,
Just follow your duty through good and 111;
Take this for your motto, "I ran, I will,'
And live tin to It each day.
If you want satisfactory goods
Good that will cotno lip to your expecta
Guaranteed to be Just as reprejtented,
Make this your buying headquarters for
holiday Jewelry. Leffert .
Illinois Coal.
We've got the Inside price on all Illlnol
coal. Come down and figure with us for
vour winter's supply. Both 'phones 1S2.
Bridenateln & Smith, 14th Ave and St.
Many pretty stuffs for children's school
dresse In one special lot, were 5fo. on sale
for 3Sc a pard. Main aisle.
Public Merlins for Crrclie.
For the purpose of arousing public Inter
est in the work of the Associated Chart-
ties in connection wltfi the Creche, a pub
lie meeting will be held this evening in
the auditorium of the library. No admls-
slon will be charged, as the sole purpose
of the meeting I to present to the public
When the
the work of the Associated Charities and
the efforts it Is making to erect a suitable
and permanent home for the Creche on
the. property recently purchased on LVist
Fierce street.
The following program has I n ar
ranged for the meeting:
Song By Children of the Creche
Piano selection Miss R. cilia Haetens
Select reading Miss Fannie Dletrlck
Vocal selection Mrs. L. It. Hypes
Address Hon. Walter I. Smith
Song By Children of the Creche
Combination gas and electric chandeliers
and tha celebrated Welsbnch incandescent
ga-s burners. Why not see us liefore you
buy. We can certainly please you on price
and (iiuillty of goods. Shepliati Bros., .".'!!
West Broadway.
Thanksgiv ing Fxtra 11 daimek lunch
cloths, beautiful designs, on sate for 7'c j
See them In linen section, main floor.
tii i : John company.
See Siephati Bros, for the latest and best
Inverted burners. 69 West Broadway.
evrer "yateiu for West K.ikI.
City Knglnoer Andrew Ros-water of
Omaha will address the West Knd Improve
ment club this evening and will outline a
plan for a sewerage system In the western
part of the city. Residents of the westei.i
portion of the city have been unable in the
past to coi.vince the municipal authorities
that a system of sewers in that section
was feasible. Mr. Rosewater. it is said,
has given It as his opinion that a sewerage
system in the "bottoms," as tin) western
portion of the city Is known, is entirely
Attorney J. .1. Stewart will uddress tho
club on the i-cent fare Ion be
tween this city and Omaha and there prob
ably will be ether speakers. All persons
Interested In the welfare and development
of the western part of the city are in
vited to attend the meeting, which will be
held in the Kpworth Methodist church, at
Twenty-fifth street and Avenue B, Instead
of In th comity building, at Twi'nty-fourth
street and Avenue B. as preciously an
nounced. ROO Ferns.
Incladiiig a jardiniere for 45 cents each.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If you
want one, better order at once J. F. Wil
cox. ,
We make a specialty of repairing talking
machines, sewing machines and bicycles.
Prices right. S. M Williamson, 17 South
Mln street.
Heal Plntr Transfer.
These transfers wero reported to The Bee
November II by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Fred C. Hoist and wife to Charles
T. CarVT, part 4 nw1, 7-74-11, w. d $ a0
Henry McComb Bangs lo William M:
Haygood. lot 1 In block 3 in Hughes
and Dutitphan's add. to Council
Bluffs. . s. w. d 20.)
Florence Horton to A. A. Luchow, lot
t In block 2 in Cochrans' add. to
Council Bluffs, w. d 300
J. H Hendrix and wife to Emil Kun
ath, north 25 feet of lot 22 In block
1 In Treym r, la, w. d 4
SI. W. Raymond and wife to Henry
C. Ravmond. lot lti In block 6 In
Sackett s add. to Council Bluffs.
w d f)
Kll.i True Conner and husband to H.
W. Redding, lot 11. in block 2 in
Avoca, la., w. d 70i)
B. M. Smart and wife to Ieon Wood.
lot nnd n's of lot 4 In block 4 In
Huff's add. to Oakland, la., w. d
9 i
Seven transferf-total.
Diamond Ulna (riven Ara.
Thirty-flve-dollar diamond ring given
away to the lady who receives the largest
number of votes. Bee It In our window.
One vote given with every rent's worth of
candy purchased. O. C. Brown, Turlty
Candy Kitchen, 541 West Broadway.
Antra at Mock how.
AMES, la., Nov. 14. -(Special. )-Prof. M.
L. Bowman of the Iowa State college ha
Just announced the names of the team that
will represent the college at the Interna
tional Live Stock show In Chicago, Decem
ber 1-8. The team will consist of B. W
Crossley of Council Bluffs; R. E. Drennon
Corning; G. W. Patterson. Burt; W. 11.
Peters, Keokuk; A. E. ejualfe. Ionia, and
T. S. Serauer, Ankeny. R. E. Prentian
and B. W. Croseiey aro both members of
the stock judging as well.
The Iowa State college will b well rep.
resented at I his show. Prof. C. F. Curtis.
Prof. W. J. Kennedy and Prof. Wayne
Dinsniore will all have classes to judge,
and Dr. J. H. McNeil will be veterinarian
In charge. The college will also have
about thirty-five head of stock on exhlhi
lion. Evenings are long. Buy a mandolin or
violin or guitar for a Christmss present at
Bourh-lus Piano House. We have some
"J. T. L.' violins, the best on th market,
i'-l Broadway, where the oi tan stand upon
the building.
Defective fiae Jet Fatal.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Nov. 14 (Special Tele,
gram .) George Stuart of Merrill, la.,
found dead In bed a a reault of asphyxia-
tion. at the side of hla wife, w no was In
I the death throes when the couple wa dls
' covered at the Vendom hotol. Th tragedy
I was the result of a defective .is Jet.
For liniie.rted wine und llqqois and Hinl.
i welser leer. go to L. Roseuteld. wholesale
l.cuui Ucw lei, 51 South Main an tel.
cool days come, a steaming dish of
BEST Cereal
V1TOS, is a breakfast to tempt the most fastidious. Just the
white heart of the wheat.
One 21b., 1 5c. package makes 1 21bs. of dainty creamy
white cooked food.
Your Grocer has it
Made by the man who makes
"The Flour
KOR BREAKKAST- Snr nlow ly one lill cup into
, i w i i i. . ...
and one hall rup ol Dolling water, fan 10 ia."ic anu
boil 15 minnutef. K loo thick add boiling water.
Serve bot with cream and usar. W hen cold it
makes drlicioui luncheon dun, tried and
served with tyrup. Numerou dainty
dinner deterU can be
and jelly.
Feruier Conerefsman Selected to li
Member of National C'mmitt.
Hon ril ui Control Will Make No
Attempt Till lriir to Krfet Tnber
enlol llopltal on Account
of l.nlene of enon.
i From a Staff Col 1 1 spendi-in . i
DES MOINES, Nov . If iSperial. I-Walt
Ruth r, i x-congressmaii irom the fourth
Iowa district, may be named by the denio
ciatic state central coniniHte. tomorrow
as the, Iowa representative on the national
democratic committee. V. W. Marsh of
Waterloo, who was a stiff candidate lot
the position, with every show of having a
majority of both the Iowa ami the national
committee wilh him, has withdrawn from
tho race, which leaves the he id open. Hon.
Cato Sells of Vinton was n candidate foi
the position, and tie- light between these
two men for the position previous to elec
tion day was one of the featui-s of the
campaign. It is asserted now among poli
ticians that the committee tomorrow will
terminate the tight by making a selection,
and that though the committee is strongly
of the conservative wins of the. parly, it
win name a radical Bryan ilemm rat for the
national committeeship, hut one who has
been working all during the past campaign
with the committee. It is chaig'd
Cato Sells, though a Bryan man, has been
inactive during the campaign. This leavi s
General Weaver and ex-Congressman Walt
Butler as the most conspicuous members
of the party meeting that l qulrcnic i.t . and
there are strong Indications that Butler
will 1k- selected. In connection with the
withdrawal from the race of W. W, Marsh
of Waterloo come the rumor that Iniltn n
tinl and monied democrats of the state
will start a morning democratic nwspaper
In this city. Mr. Marsh Is one of the
wealthiest m n In the state. He Is the chief
owner of the Waterloo Times-Tribune, n
morlng daily paper, nnd having made a
success of that venture, and being anxious
for a larger Held, he has an eye on Des
Molnea. This rumor may to some extent
explain the reasons for the withdrawal of
Mr. Marsh from the rnce for Iowa com
mitteeman. The talk of a morning demo
cratic daily in Des Moines has been active
for some years. It is revived every cam
paign and several times a year ever since
the Consolidation of the Leader with the
Register. The democrats over the state
have for the mcst part looked to Hearst
to start the paper.
Conrt t gal list Doctor.
It Is not a good defense for a doctor
charged with practicing medicine, without
a license to claim that he does not pretend
to cure Ji disease, 'but allows nature to
cure nnd only aids by removing the cause
of the trouble, according to a decision of
the supreme court, given today in tho cas'
of the state of Iowa against J. p. Wilhite.
Wilhite was Indicted in Webster county
for practicing medicine at Fort Dodge. Je
styled himself "Doctor of Neurology and
Ophthalmology." The supreme court In Its
dirclslon says his pretensions savored of
the charlatan and bnposter.
According to the evidence Wilhite studied
for two months In the Northern Illinois
College of Ophthalmology and Othalogy
nnd was awarded the degre of " Doctor
of Optics." He then studied by correspond
ence school for a couple of summers on the
farm and was awarded tha "master di
ploma." Then he studied for three months
st the McCormlck Neurological college, got
another degree and started to practice
He styled himself the master mechanic
fif the human body. One of hi defenses
was that If he was ptiilty there wire also
many other equally guilty. The supreme
jyeourt says It will be time enough to pass
upon the guilt of others when their cases
ronie before the court, and quotes scrip
ture In reminding Wilhite that many of
those who escaped when the tower of
MothcrS Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties,
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, ana
so prepares the system tor the
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers
have testified and said, it is
worth its weight in gold." Ii.ooper
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
tUt B2U)f ILID RIfcUUIOR CO., AUmU, &.
Xjie Story of
X 7
V.r .. irniiM. .
tw o
0'Xat7 THf IPlAi.
mum wisnjinw pjuji iui a
! ' - t. J
ly as guilty as tha
the walls.
Siloam fell were equa
eighteen crushed undo
Hiillilliiu of Hospital llelaeil.
Tho Statu Hoard of Control will not try
lei do more this fall than select the slta
on which to erect the tuberculosis hospital.
The troubles in finding a site that would
inert the requirements of the board have
so far delayed the matter of finding a slta
that nothing could be done toward erecting
a building this year anyway, nnd further
more, the p'.nti appropriation will not
leave a great ileal after the lea-acre farm
is purchased for the site. H has practic
ally been decided by the board to select a
site if one can be found before the first
of the year ami then have to the legis
lature the question of piuviding additional
f inula with which to irrt lln adequate
To nil I n so ii lo Meat Producer.
Secretary Toinliiisoii of Denver. Colo., ee
rctary of the American Cattle Growers' as-
socliitio:i, ha- been secured as one of the
speakers at the convention of the Corn
Belt Meat producers, to be held In thia
-It V next month. It had been expected in
secure Embodiii, the Illinois nmn, who is
an expert on raising steers: and feeding
cattle, but he vviil be unable to attend.
( lilcltiiaiivv- Mini .U I'unlon.
Herman Bock, convicted of murder in the
first degree in Chickasaw lounly and com
mitted to the 1 1 nitentlary for life Oc
tober 5. lv'., at the age of ;I7 years. Is the
i wentv -lirst life prisoner for murder to
ask for a pardon of the legislature. Hie
rc.ibvst reached the governor tislu .
tsaiann Federal ! .
Judge Smith .M'Tiirrsoll of the fej, rai
court today made the following assignment
of cases: Welti, s lay next. United States
against Geoige A. Kcnd, United State
against F. P. Bradley, T. I.. Wutsnn against
Iowa Central, hnd L. oleson against Illi
nois Central. The court will open next
Tuesday and tin- following criminal cases
have beeen assigned to be htard during the
term: Hudson Ciiss. Andrew Sorensn
and Frank Hodge. Carl M. Spencer, Carrie
Brown. Hud Smith. John H. Swift, Ar
thur Thompson. W. L. Smith and Wilwau
kee Railroad. Judge McPhrs.m has ruled
against ;icc-ttng pro', ssioiial bondsman
in his coin.
Wright lo speuL. Here.
Carroll D. Wright. x-l'nlied States la
bor commissioner, now president of Clark
college at Worcester. .Mass.. will be on
of the speakers at the convention of the
Iowa Teachers' association, which meat
here holiday week.
Thanksgiving Extra Sue hi-tiistitlied pil
low shams on sale lor Ic Linen section.,
main floor. .
Horn Boat Arroaa lllvrr Filled with
Ice to Heaeli IJoclor.
6IOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. H.-iSpeclal Tele
gram.) Gallantly struggling for two hour
against the ice floes in tlw Missouri river,
Mrs. Ernest Powell succeeded in rowing her
husband, who was seriously wounded, to
the Iowa shore a short distance below
Sioux City white he was given medical
attendance and hi bfte probably saved.
Mr. und Mrs. Powell wcie enroute to
Sioux City in a house bout. Powell acci
dentally shot himself with a revolver thia
morning, the bullet enteritn: his chest.
Dressing his wound to the best of her
knowledge. Mrs. Powell settled her hus
band comfortably In tho boat and then
began the difficult undertaking of croaa
ing the Missouri umld t!.e ice. She aue
corded after a plucky fight and doctor now
hold out hope of the recovery of her hus
band. Illahop Morrison 111.
lfl'RLl.NG 1 0.s, la., Nov. 14. (Special
l'eli gram.)-Bishop T. N. Morrison ot th
Iowa Eplscop.U' diocese is reported to ba
physically broken down. He will leave for
Europe November 20.
Falling Hrldse Injure Five.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 14 A loveland. O..
dispatch states that a sjian of new bridge
being built ai ross the Miami river at Love
land fell Into ttie river today. Five man
were Injured, one of them probably fatal.
Is to love children, and n
homjs can be completely
happy without them, yet tho
ordeal through which the ex
J A 1 h
pectant mother must pass usually is
so full of suffering, danger and tear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with apprehension and dread,