Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
T1IE OMAHA DAILY REE: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER IS. INti. 10 SPECIAL tlOTICES Mirrllarmfiti for .bese rolumn will ho lakra until 12 lit. for the rirnlni edition nnil nnlll r im. fur raornlniK anil "ni.d rdlllou. Ilatii 1 l-r n ituril Dril Imrrlloii. 1 a nnH thereafter, olivine: taken for Ire than line fur Ihf rt Inser tion. Thfie idi rrtlsements must run ronifrglhrlr. MISCELLANEOUS THK YA.l. TERM BOYLFS BUSINESS Ccil-LKiih is now (h'kx day and night. Students are admitted ' ,uy- .... Now Catalogue Free. Tel. Douglas 19V4. Address II. B. Boyle, Pr lib'tit. GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., S. 15ih St. Tel. Doug 1.1 K 6M OMAHA iSa1 nnd Iron Work? make a i inlltv of tire, ffa-npes. ,phuiter.. (1 r,draan. Prim. 102 S l"lh spe- 81. K- Slfl.V I'AINTINQ S. It. Cole, ) Da.UKUS. low A tisnititry Cleming " VMS I'm nam. IU. R'Y. chiropody. Pmm W 1"" r. FiT. -T14 llKFT-IN--I.ookumltli, niovi d iip.t trance. 13; Fiavrnaiu. Tel. Doug i iii-; eti J74. K -689 KI'BF.rtl STAMFS-Wemern Stencil Co.. ;iia ti. llith St. S l)g Hi'. Stiimo ml for and :ata- Ji.WlS RFiiS. Mil -h.tilHts; prn in. UK. Jarksun S:. Tel. I"' l l l.i? . pa ir 1! Dl- BUSINESS CHANCES l oll SAL1 f '1''"' (own .'.:Vi. Will Maud iu' (est rf'MsniiK for wiinlinx In stoi'k. s;i;a'loli .sell. Iowa and Il.iato restaitrant and coiif I'tioiirry. 1 o w I aUk- I )li of o.i'; d.iinly lillMlli'SF. out fietiH Cailf-i' of HellillK. U"aal 111 Jwi-aa ra liuprnveal farm raster." lll. rpmk. Noli. A . if you in riiniii! hai'Kam Hint win mdoii want a f-n.ip let in Full a pl'rill inn of I s h 1 1 w I nl I -M.tMl tli-Hr flir- I'HIn I nl' nished proniptly. i;i 11 TR1TKS. Beeniei, Neb Heal Kutalft and i: jfln -as Man y-m;'- n Try our quick notion plan of auction sal. s to dispose, ol ou city pmpaTiy. We cim iret you more nionov for your city lottf, licitisos or farms til in by any other plan, net our turnia before you list your property for sale. OMAHA AUCTION EXCHANGE, l'hoiie ncd-21o7. 12"1 St. Y MSt. IT BANK Rl PT SA1.17. As receiver in bankruptcy case of John A. Hoban 1 will sell at 1m Lake St.. umahi. at 1') o cloa k u. m , Tuesday. Noiemo'-r -I'th. l';. subtrct to tin' approval of the court, the groceries, granite, tin and croi kvrvware stocks. fixtures, horses, wagons! eta-., now at 17M SI. Man' s Ave. l.".2! No. 241 h St. and l'"9 L.ilte Si., respec- tiveiv. separately or tocauner. or in .-els. to the highest bidder tor cash. Inventorv and pioperty can be seen li. plvlng to me at 211 So. 1Mb St. ' WILLIAM FLEMING. Receive!-. par- ap- l.)o You 'ish to Make u Change Jf vou have n. farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, wiile us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb. X-MMl El MINES and milling and Industrial ntocks bought and sold. Robt. C. Drueadow, htock Broker, 9 N. Y. Life Bldg. VB OWN property surrounded by mines in inn famous Bulirrog district in southern Nevada. For particular addicts me Ne vada Standard Gold Mining and Milling Co., M'tf New Yorg Lite Bldg.. Oinaliu. Neb. 1--M Dl PARTY with $20,v)tX) wants a young man. cx parlcnced In transfer, storage or nuslncHS with about $4,0OU. to join him and manage department. Enquire Georgj Howard. U4i P St., Lincoln, Neb. Mlw 1j FOR, SALE First class drug stock and fixture. Will consider a good piece oi Nebraska land. Address V 15:-. Omaha, bee. YMo-il BUSINESS LOCATION Second and third floors 1511 Douglas St., each Moor about 2-2x711 feet. Heat included on .second floor. JloO per month. GEORGE & CO.. l'l FARNAM ST. 1 All p.. FOR SALE OR RENT Hotel, good town, furnished. Will sell at bargain, or rent. Address box 202, Blue Spniis. Nob. I SOU lox 11KRXESS SHOP, in good locality; wl.l invoice between 11.000 and $1,500. Will sell right. Any one looking for location, .-all and see ma, or write, D. S. Kveves, Belgrade, Neb. Y Mb02 llix FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE New No. 4 Underwood type writer and $-5 desk for $M); clear title guarantied; owner leaving city and must sell at once. Call 822 N. Y. Life Bldg,, or telephone Douglas M2. tP-M44ii 17 SHERIFF'S SALE of unclaimed household goods and piano, coiiinicnclnii Nov. 21, 'o6. at Omaha Van and SUiruge Co. s vnrehousH at U a,, m.l 31 lots munt go. H-V-24 North ISth. U iM 21 TWO Barley letter cabinets, in good cud.- tlon, made of walnut and have two draw- I ttrs each. Call al Bee business office and i get a bargain. U 14Jx I 1-OH SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world in i . liatuin bar fixtures; easy payments, j Bruuswlck-Balktr coiienuar. i a. uubi. '0 SEND us your mail orders freight paid on W lots. Drug Co- Omalia. for drugs; j Myers-Dilloa j 11 ILK cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. 4 Ti BODA FOENTAiN. any mze. Ibis Farnam. SIIERWIN-W1L4.IAMS CO.. best mixed I paint. Sbeiman McCouucll Drug Co., , U 614 HALL'S safes, new. 2' d hand. HIS Farnam. 44 15 FOR SALE Empty ink barrels. Inquire of j J. R. Campbell. Bee mall room. tj-iilS FOR SALE Emrty packing cases, cheap. Addroaa V 3 B ofllce. Q 4i4 OMAHA AUCTION Doug. 6753. CO., 7oS s. Q- 16th. Tel. I Msi! D-H Nailb $1 keg. Star Box Co.. 1jo7 St. Mary's ar. 2l M941 it) ii- l'NP.EDEEMED luth. overcoats, 411 No, 4-M3iJ dir. v i's try 1'. $4 75 ton. Missouri nut coi 1 'Phone Douglas 2417. HARMoN & WEE TH CO. W-MMi D7 j BEAFTIFFI aliuofct new. upright. 111a- lloaanv piano. ura-u I'm an. 10 u niontr.s. 1 ..Is., other lngh-grade furniture. 12511 Park I Wide Ave.: lake Hartiay car; get off al i l arks Wilde and Pieicn St. C11 from I' I a, in. until 8 V- m. lor the next 5 days. Q 539 Hx ONE 4-lneh Jenkin'e valve for sale. Apply W II. Bridges, engirser. Bee Plug. Q Mll.x J'INE upright Chlckering panuo und othe; turnitixe. thup. Cull at on. e. 415 N. 2"d, Vi 7f 17x FOR BALE Ltge Itounil 4)ak stfave. in o)d con'litk.11. 124 5t, 17th. in rear. Cl 7)i It x FoR SALE Hesvv bin. k inii! ova-r-12 t:est : for ... cost $4'l: will nt 40 or $1M. AUdickS K 1IJ, care 4' ins c. i Be-. WANTED MALE HELP I'l.nt k. retail. S neiMl store, T and aicrk. gt tph' rs ?' M ira-gei . St' llogr apt I II. rk. $. i H. rk. ' simply swauipa- Mir supply is 1 XI a r I Will il- i '. go. "I 111 qllal l" til'- dcina n! I 'on t wast t t 1 1 h . looking ri'- or writ.-. 'i .i i pi 1 1 n . ASS X . INC Ml.lK. lillf S".' lis :(( W ES ITItN Kh I'. A- . x. lioNH ii' Y Life anti;ii ii xr. IIA HI! S- A.j- 1 to MEN" OF I.K)01 in p -epa re for ti: r- I'irti nnd I'raki raili.miU ami i. n mi nil Hit- I.'H.IIIIH now 1'nadn i.ow limine ronii"iri.l: i'i-i ipnr- un ueccssa ry . fir n;c.. $lin per nuntli; luakenn ii, $" I"' mouth, with rapid promotion to engineer n,l minim nr. Many positions now open. X.iti.nnil Hy. Tr.miliiR Ass n, K X. I'x ton lili.rk. oniHim. Na.l H-IM VI WANTFD- lll'lit j ib. Kive baiv A. D. T. : Rood Co.. n: waces; perma S. 13th St. n -:s IHUi; STlUiF.S boiislit and V. . Knelst, mild; riru fiJ4 N. Y. la. clerks wuntcd. IlI STI.tCr.S a. ut of pinpl.-yiiirni tan d-i wHI to mil on uh; pay wvrkly. " F. adam -'o., 1619 llnn-nid.' B M1M I- WAXTKH :i boys. Kat.-at in 1 .1 1 m . Omaha Bon Co.. H M3"J WANTKb-Min to learn burlier trade. The will known Moler SyFtcni of Collrges. I'miiideil lv;i.t, looat.'d In twenty leaallnR olfe; sph ndid opportunities; prai ilr.-, ,iialitia d Instrua'tors, reais ' i"ra( fliplotn.T0 ; ina.iiey a arned w hile learmmt; poKitioni waitlnn. Call or write Moler U.ubr r Colkne. Ulrt Fat nam tit. H-Mn"s lax WAXTKP For the men between Htses tllllity ta fff IhP formation apply in r. s. 21 and w.,rld. persor. Marine Corps. 3i. An iippor Kor full in -or by lettc to Nntitiiia' Hank Itei rullInK Ottb er. Hid t; Neb. Cor. 12th and FHrnam Sts , Omaha, B Mb3 3"X WANTKIiA IniKlit boy to hold copy. Ap ply CoinposiniS Hoom, Bee. B 467 WANTKP-iSinii card writers; also young j iiii-n it icaru; pi'rman'Ui i'i'miuh, pia... e.pcrleiii- . il any Apply by letter only The II Clia.k SiKiaoiy. 1JS S. l iaiK mi Chicago. B Mll'.t lt.x W AXTF.U, at once, cross cutters. rl isiittvris, planiiiG; nnl nailiir-: r-acmn hands, union wag.-'S. B..V Co.. I.'ili .nnl S. -n..). Ill Ad Iri'ss X.ilioiial I'rntor Ave. Chi-B-MVia n; VAXTIM - Hutter tub t retc Butt r Tub Co. hooper- write us. Cra te, Neb B M,')ii7 13 VANTM i Two farm hands. I.,S 'nuntli yen loilinl. Aalilress l"i'W N. Si. So. uii tiiuaha. Telerihotio A -;!. per i".tll B 7:il IS I.fllala'cl.intZ. wan ted K. at iimf. . Neb. Carl P. M771 SIX WANTF.P Hustler lirst-flass mliiint; ;n. are Ber. n take ipo.-iiio nirency for Address A B 7S4 1" WAN'I'EIs-Several good drivers and da -liveiy men. See Mr. Williams. Order T"e partmen;, basement. The Bennett Com pany. B 7'-4 15 W ANTKI Al once, several as assistants mi ileliv.r bos over la W.lijolis. Si- partni.'iit, base- Mr. Williams. miVr inent. THE BKXXEI'l COMPANY. XJ-MM4 17 PHOTO i:NGHAVKHS wanted; a tew good, r. lialilc men In all branches. Best wnge.4. , steady positions. Slate uualllii a t Ions and I salary expected. Write at once. Eni- plnving Photo Enslavers' Assoi-iatloti, Milwaiikc. Wis. B-7iW Hx WANTEH At once, help on ranch; good i cook. German or Swede not oldened to. Good waga.s. Permanent situation If j satisfactory. Address Moore. Dayton. . Sheridan county, W yoming. H 7ii ll: j CYLINDER PRESS-FEEDER ami eylin-. der pr .-ssman fair night work. Several ; weeks' job. Century presses: ten hours; I ftate wages. Wire Patriot. Clay Ca nt. r. Neb B MM'l l' CHORE R )Y ami grocer j pet i need general stun a b rk ; also ex- : clerk: German i ! preferred; must In ! Co.. Spalding. N.b. workers. M K. C. B MS..1 IS ! WANTED Barber, per cent: a good J12 to J2i). C. D. first class. 1 lay i.O i.ian a an make l lo.n Custer. MeCook, Neb. I! M7:".l P.s lVO hustlers mas articles; to handle : city work. new Hue Christ ii;l!i How-aril. B-M123 D2 TEAMS w Nicholas. intcd Coal at Hill our y;:rds Coal Co. 1 :lt 1 1 and B-7S1 1.-, WANTED FEMALE HELP Two stenographers. 7. Clerk, jewelry store; pennant lit ; $ to, otllce clerk: must be good at figures; $30- See us at once or write. WESTERN REF. & B N D ASS N., INC. Mo-2 N. V. Lite Bidg. O-Ml 13 WANTED Experienced sewing woman for alteration department. Apply O. K. Sco ficld Cloak and Suit Co., 1510 Douglas. C-773 14 WANTED A young latly who has had ex- nerlence as demonstrator Appiy b tween s and in a. in. to A. D. Brandies & Sons. Brandies. J.. L. C-M777 lii WANTED A quired. 3613 good cook ; Farnani. references re-C-918 WANTED Girl for general housework, In lamily of thtee; modern house of five rooms. Apply at 2711 Howard St. C MMJ WANTED Young girl aixiut 14 or 10 years to wheel baby morning and afternoon. 432 8. 3Mb Ave. C M-BS3 WANTED- Girl for gtncral housework; no washing or ironing; wages, $a;.jo per week. Inquire 5o4 S. Siith St. 0-M7: 15 COMPETENT ! good wages. girl for general 2416 Butt St. housework; C 730 14 WANTED Genera! serv.-int; small family; vf-rv convenience; Farnam car. lis X". 30th. C 763 WANTED Experienced cook with rel'er-Hayd.-n. 2nl.; C M7ii7 lii ences. Apply Airs, lalward Cass St. WA NTE1 Woman about 30 i .-.1,1 I,, kea.n lioosi. on farm or 35 years for widower and lour llll le hildreii. Address A. C- 7'JS 15x Chancy. Gene N-b. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing. U'lo So. 30ih Ave. C--M772 1H WANTED Head waitress. Grand Island. Neb. Koehler hotel, C Mix 16 WANTED SALESMEN 1 WANT ten or more good salesmen who are clean, good dressers, iri-ullftm 11 in manners and a oiivincing arguers. 1 have fot ty-s- t-n of such men who ure clear ing annually $5, turn to $7.t00. 1 don't want paupers or hard-luck story lelleis; I prefer men who want to better their position. Wlllbiui A. Sclioll 1 I n iniolid Di.k). 1 09 S. liil!i St. L M796 17x WANTED AGENTS WANTED Good reliable iife or accident man to sell a, busin.-ss pi uioslnun of a ci. dent Insurance. Tliis id an excellent con tract; good territory. Call or address, with reference, American Accident Insur ance Company. Lincoln, Neb. J M719 IT WArg-ITUATION WANTED Situation ill city as stenog rapher, by young lad experienced; ref erences. Addrtss K-47S. carts Bee. ' A-7x MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELA1N School of languages Day and evening classes, Frencn. Germau, Spanish; fencing. Davidge Bldg. b,3 -Novl4 CHATELA1N SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES Sis-cial French and Spamsli classes b. (fin Monday'. November 19, $1 a mouth. Reg ister now. 7 u VOICE liu- ruction ; oper. oiaiono, eouurrl. I t ic Grare A. Hiuhcovk, 62C S 19i h Si. 1 'fben Taylor 4im9. -A1.v Dvx A $28,000 deal was closed a lew days ago and a Bee Want Ad inserted more than a month ago was the direct cause. Are want ads good investments? FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS "II.Ij HKNT, to Rpntlrman nnf front room In new. i.i"ilrrn npntmrni haHisr; rw I ' i rti 1 1 u r -. iiiviT hrfrir us d; Fifm lient r.i fl-vt rli- lights; batli hiIjoIus rm; 'ily two blocks fioin totolllr nnd on riiiu'lraal rr lino; will make it luinv- ikf; in, (hlldri'n In family. I'rlr. U1 l-t r month. Address J-4T7, car He- Ii AM NKWI.Y fnrnlsln-d front riwnn In modern apartment lioii!e. St"Bin heat, elrrtrli' biclit. l.pfh adioltilmt the room. Only few Mm k. from p.ktofltre. Hmall family will make It homelike. Addles? K 47, rare of ll-e. K 31 Hx I'FWICY European hotel. 13th and Farnnm. Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks IK fi79 I CAF1TOI. HOTEL. ISth and Cnpi'ol Ave.; steam beat. E oW AiiK ili-an or European; X K W4,Y furnished rooms; new house; or.s blork north of Farnani car: utenllenien only; every tnodain ayjnvrnienie ; hot watt:- heat. 107 8. 31st St. E Uu M NICK, large, southeast loom: nicely fur nished; nil convenience, electric Hsfbl and 8as. Fhone Douelas W.37. -It 3. - til St. K -I'd FlUXISIIKI) vate family. Hi OM for ;ilii N. lSth. gentlem prl- .M-IS .1 FURNI SHED ROOMS AND BOARD VIFX'X'A a s ! hotel; private dining roams; F W2 iTIli: HtiSK, ?'i3 Harney St., nicely lur i iiisli .I, warm, comfui table rooms. Good ! board. F-4. :x Mi IDEHN iibl.i prii-r ronnr . home cooklni?, Howard; 'I'lionc reasoii linughis F-7HJ TW O tehned young ladies or gentlemen can secure warm, comfortable room, with Kooal home board, in private family at reasonable rate, modarn. bSi Talk Ave. F-7H5 FINK heal ; southeast suite of choice meals. fil7 S. rooms; st. am j lsth. r ..mi'i -i a UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT PARLOR and two bed rooms, modi in; brst references. I'M Wirt St. Tel. P.ed 25".7. G-l, FOCR unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, se-.-ond floor. l'.H Farnam St.; reference exchanged. O 1M TWO large h-at. 122 S. pirlors 2.ith St and Tel, kitchen, steam Douglas rcv-a. G 7K7 lix TWO largo model n rooms with alcove; hot water, heat. 11"7 No ISth G Mlf 10 FOR RENT HOUSES 22:i 4a"i; 3.17 lal", ilristol St., PacIHe St.. Seward St.. Cuming St. South 2Mh, North, North 21st. list at a atlll s rooms, modern; $22.5u x rooms, modern; 'i. r.-room cottage, $1S. S rooms. J.1. s-room cottage, $:;1.5o. Ii rooms. J!a. 5 rooms, j. Hastings S: Heyden, 1701 Farnam P-S12 Itll, etc. 221ii Charles, 12 rooms, b .117 So. 2!Hh St. new u-r. bat, G2.5 ;;217 Paciltc, good 7-r.. bath, barn, $2j. j llii2 So. '.lib. rooms. $2.1. I alio So. 26th, S rooms, modern, $20. :is:!2 Parker, 0-r. aoiiage, modern, $1S. :i:;30 Corby, ,"a rooms, modern., Sis. a:(22 Boyd, new ,".-r. cottane. $H. 2i'.n!t Lake, ,1 rooms, hath, :.'. GARVIN BROS., 1C04 EARN A.M. 1 M7!i7 IS COTTAGE 'INl South 21st Si., .i-room LET. cottage, i s; modern except furnace. $20. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., Tel. Doughm ln.4. K12o Farnaoi U-M7U7 St. Hi WE DO expert piano moving al lowest Juices. Tel. Douglas lii2o. Sclimoller & duc-lkr Piano Co., KJll-Ulci Farnam. D HniTSFS ln parte of tha city. R, ' I a UC1 I HOUSES ' in all parts of the city. Th O. F. Davis Co.. Be Bidg. 1 665 HOUSES, iusura.uce. l'.lngwalt, Barker Blk. D jSi OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. l'Jtn. Office. 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. Ibii. 1 i7 j fOR RENT Nice 7-room bouse. $14.00. 1641 Patrick Ave. For Rent Fine flat, all modern, good fur nace. 406 S. 26th Ave. William K. Potter, receiver, 301 Brows Blk. D 170 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van U Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14tn. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D-3t SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN' S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 11 D tiiiS COl'NSMAN-VAN BURGH CO., storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city. Immediate attention given. 1520-21-3'i N. l'Hh St. Tel. Douglas 4619 D- CENTRAL sleam, modern TUard, !20 N. 23d. 7-room D house. Mil i 4 ROOMS, modern flat; adults. 1112 Bo. Uth. I D 15 I FOR RENT S-room flat, modern, good re pair, opposite. Hanscom park $33. 'Phone Douglas 3. D 1U FOR RENT Modern, 9-room, brick bouse, 112ii South 31st St.; $10 per month. Thomas Brennan, room 1 N. Y. Life Bldg. D-MiiS STORAGE Household goods. inur Lush chaiid'se. te. Fred Transfer Line, lui'3-5 Farnam St. D M52 D A RARE CHANCE. FOR RENT A new seven-room houie, ali modern. No. 4S2I) Webster St.. one block from Dundee car lino. Phone Harney 255s. D 546 FOR i.ENT S-room house, all modern ex- ct pt furnace $20. 9-room house, all modern, new furnace $25. C. M. BACHMANN. 43t Paxton Block. D 492 K-r., mod., desirable, 211K Sherman Ave., V". -r., mod., very choice, '.'Ji Maple, $23. li-r., inrsi., close in. V!f) S. 24th. tJ. R1SSELL & M klTKIi'K Co., t 132-33-34 Ramge, lSih and Harnev. D 759 13 51' S. 22d St.. 10-room 1 fto nei- month. flat, in good repair, : 2"il7 N. 24th St., 6-rooui month. 41EORGE & CO.. 1601 cottage, i:, per Flarnani St. D-761 11 COTTAGE, S7. Breeii and Francis, Rood condition, Bloom, Bee building. D-757 IS 7-ROOM flat, modern, good condition. $17, 1.137 Park Ave. Tel. Red 4558. D 756 15 NEW brick and cement house. 4124 I sard St., occupied Pt months, vacated account of leaving city; moms, cement porch, first-class In every particular; low price immediate tenantry. F. B. Ward. 222 Paxton block. D 7St 16 S-RCK1M house, Joins St. all modern. Inquire 265" I J Tbii h.x ! 5-R KM bouse, 2.'2Ki Rees St.. water In i kltcheu, oak finish down stalls, stair tj Urge attic $15. BEMI8. PAXTON BL4X"K. D-791 LAW AN COLLECTIONS J M. Ma.-'arland, 3' 9 N. Y. L. Bldg Tel. 41-624 Dig FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Did You Ever Stop to Figure How Cheap Kountze Place Lots Are? Take, tor Instance, a lot on Spencer St. lor f.M. .Vixl.4 feet, a.n a through, paved street, from lfith to 24th. paving paid, per manent slalewnlks, sewer, water and gas. The improvements alone ate worth and the class of neighbors Is worth a good deal more; close to two ginw! car lines, the 24th St. and Sherman Ave. car lines, close to good schools, churches, stores and the business district. The piles on BIN NKY ST. paved with asphalt!, only higher; 60-foot lots on KM MKT ST for and IWo. You cannot buy a lot In Omaha, with the same class of surroundings, on a paved street, at anywhere near the you can buy In KOL'NTZE 1'I.ACK. That is why you should let us show you the unsold lots in this beautiful addition. Se lect your lot now, make a payment on it and arrange your plans this winter. Houses Built to Order "Not How Cheap, but How Good." Hastings & Heyden SOLE AGENTS. 1T"4 Farnam St. Bee Bltlg. RE Tistj II SOUTH END Splendid 9-ruoin house, mod ern except furnac, locatetl in good nelghborhixid on nice east front lot and only two blocks to car line and boule vard. A decided snap at $2,450. We can make terms to suit you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Doug. 17M First Flisir N. Y. Life Bldg RE- 7s4 15 THREE GOOD ONES Park Ave . new, rooms and re ception hall, nil modern, hot water heat; 50-foot corner lot; nothing better lor the money. Ask for price. South 24lh Ave., nearly new. ? rooms and reception hall, mode, n throughout, gas and electric light, porcelain bit!i, only ten minutes' walk to postofllce. $1,5"0 cash, balance sani- ns rent North part of city lcception hull, built room: ati'l about four years ago; nil modern: permanent walk, shade trees; one block to car. A line home at less than cost of improvements. Ask us aboui It. Wrisht & Lasbury, 5ii So. luth St. 'Phone Douglas 152. KB-.M774 IMPROVEMENT JH'i.Wi stock certificate, 6 per cunt Interest, secured by hrst mortgage on $2,500 Omaha property, due In one year, fot $H0.01. This will make th' money Invested pay 18 per cent Interest. National Investment Co., Douglas Block, Doug. 6691. RE-AIW! 10 In "V2st Farnam District We offer for $5,0o0,a. modern eight-room house at 207 S. 35th Ave. Good, well ar ranged, practically new, modern In every respect, close to Farnani car line. Look at It and It will please you. R. C. Peters & Co. Exclusive Agents. 220 6. Uth St.. Ece Bldg. RE-M7U) MODERN HOME Almost new 8-rooni well built house, No. 1 2615 S. 32d. Lot 5ox2U0, running through to Boulevard: room for another house; every convenience, modern plumbing, gas and electric light; large cellar and laundry, re frigerator room, good furnace, shade and fruit. Owner has accepted position in an other city and wants his money out of this home. Price $4,lsoo. WALLACE. Brown Blk. Phono Doug. -1950. RE 734 14 KERR-SH ALLCROS8 CO S ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the saiest You ate pro tected by a lio.oou bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buv a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Farnam, Tel. l)Ug. 14S7. RE QPPPIAI OPPPR 6-room house. In first-class condition, will. 1 city water, good cistern, gas, cellar; also i brick cave, barn and wood shed, fruit and shade trees; easl front lot, 5)xl20 feet; pos session at once; owner going west and will sell with or without furniture and will make sacrifice sale on furniture; about three blocks to car, handy to Omaha or South I Omaha. Price, only $!.G5u. Owner musi j have cash, but we can arrange easy terms If des4red; investigate. REM IS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE- -M745 TRADE FOR VACANT PROPERTY, have a mortgage for $1,000 )earmg Interest at 8 per cent that is worth its f ire value of any man's money (security is worth 4u"i, liiat I will trade for vacant lots or acreage near city. Might trade for equity ill house and lot. Address B 3s;, Bee. ' RE-751 14x SUBURBAN Cos 6-room cottage and one acre of ground, nice lawn, trees and gooal barn; 1 1, is prop erty Is located on Florena-e boulevard und car line and is a beauty. Lei us show it to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug 171. RE-7W a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE IN FLORENCE Xaat east Iron tage. , ha:; i le lianlwooal finish, ..xl.C facing In J-IOOall ml- til.' lights, a sightly lot, nib , ml and aat line. J I. .T.H. 1 This Is t us show bargain. It to you. I'AYXE INVESTMENT CO., Cirst f-I. i. N. Y Life; HI!-:. Tel. Iioug KM. ItK--7!i. la H PER CENT ON IN VESTMENT OF $7,5t)ii l'.UI-li.'-M So. Itn Si., wall built, well lo cated, alvas orrupii'd storts. with flats abova.; wtl! stand th- closest u rst ign t ion and witnout apn stioii will Iner-ase in value in in-ar fuiura-. :'f"'i So. I. Hi St.. ;i-!ooiii house, modern except fiirn.n-e; owner would eonsnler u trail,, for n.Ti's t rai car line; price x-. '.on. Modern farm of :'.:' ar. in l-'illmore Co., Noh. ; line, hirg' bldgs., sun omnia ii with evergr'-ens; Improvements nlon worth mire than one-third of the whole ptl.e; owner moved to Arkansas and rathei than to lent will sell ch'ap for onlv ui an . BKKKA & CO., IMl N. Y. Life Bldg. UK -MMS TWO modern hwuses at the southwest cor ner of ,11st ano Cass Sts , with ground on i Wl.leli t.. liiiilrl UTiaitlia.f I.OIia streart, east front, nice shade trejs. Mnk tno an offer for one or both. THOMAS BHENNAN. Kuoiii 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. R K C2 THINK OF IT Two six-room milages nt ,;5th and Mason, walking distance, on "-riicr lot 64x! ft., well, cistern and shad- trees; nt ar sa haml and ear: renting tor 24. for only i3;'.'.,. t an makr tortus r sell one for $1 Jen. Don't briber ten ants; call at oflie" without d'lav. J. S. Honk . Co, 42!t Paxton PH.. Rl-; 7m; 14 WANTETt A modern resilience In Omaha in exchange for Holt county, Missouri, land on the Missouri riv t valley near Fortes. Own two eighties and one forty adjoin ing, and will exchange ail or part, ae. cording to lhe value of the residence. Would prefer 7 r fv-room house. W. D Bird, Missouri Valley, la. P.E-MMiS P. ALL modern 9-room house and lot for sile at a bargain. H22 No. 19th. RE M910 FOR SALE--Hons. Place. Bargains. 4 anal b Impure ts In Kollnf.a Xi20 N. 241 1) St. KE-M477 lis II. R. STRINGER 1116 Jackson. D.ois, 72Sl. FOR SALE FARMS 1 OWN" S'it acres of line rke land oh rail road, within seven to ten mil-s of Hous ton, the Iw-st and most pronresslvo city In Texas. Will sell in t lacts of 320 acres and over, to uclua. settlors, for $25 per acre, payable in ten annual payments). Put chaser must hive money sufficient to put down irrigation wells, build necessary houses and buns and to plant end take caie of rirs: crop of rice No payment on land required until firs! crop is harves ed. Work should begin by January l for 3tOi crop If you are coming to Texas to farm, see m before you icy. ( .'hat lea Finlcy Smith, 217 Main St.. Houston, Tex. H .Mill Do BEST RANCH IN NEBRASKA. 1 have the sole agency for the best lo cated, hi si I;i :! oni ami liest eipiippe i ranch in the state the well known Adams ranch Potter, Neb. On the riiniii line of the L'nlon Paeltla- iallioa.1. travel sen by Lodge Polt. creek; svcral hundred ucies irrigated, or can be; '.i.innj acres fenced; thousands of acres trie range. Fuil equipment of well con stituted .stone buildings, corrals, sheds. Im plements, horses, mules, 7i head high grade cattle Is makli.g money Get pai llculais at once. G. G. WALLACE. Brown Blk., Omaha. 11-733 16 ST( P HERE- 1 will pay lats to party bringing the best ranch layout dress V 12. care Pee. two thousand dol me purchaser for 111 Nebraska. Ad-H-5,4 THREE farm bargains, be'l Litchfield, Neb. Write J T. Camp. H-M915 NltaX MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE $500 TO $5,000 To loau 011 Umaha iniproveu real es tate at lowest late:-., with privilege of pay lug r,art ' a'l be Tore maturity and stopping Interest. No delay. Monev on Hand. GARVIN BROS.. 1U04 Farnam. W M4.S3 13 GARVIN liKi'a., jwi rarnani, o and o'i pe" cent loans 011 real estate; 110 delay. vv - MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 0i WANTED City Farnam Smith loans & Co. and warrants. W. 1320 Farnam St. W-6',9 LOWEST RATES Beads, I'axtor. Blo.-k. W-671 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 152"' Doug. W 672 jl.iiofl.iiii) TO LOAN on business anal resi dence nropetiy In Omaha; lowest rates no del;i,v. Thomas Brennan. R. 1. N. X. Life. W 673 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co W-674 I Citv & farm loans. O. F i Carson Co.. X'.Y.L. W-675 LOANS on improved city property. W. II. Thomas. 5o5 First National Bank Bldg. w- "irs FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A VERY DESIRABLE oflice. room 54S. 1 with stout h and east light, is partitioned.1 one room being li-Uxl'i-H Hiui the nthei ; l.i.Sx'21-7; has large size flre-praiof vault;! lanitor service nnd a-lectric light free. ' This, is one of our best suites of offlt es In the building. Se Bldg.. 17th and Mr. Bak r, Supt., I- Farnani. '2U FOR RENT--Desk city hall building. Omaha. Apply to room ill Bee 417 N. 25th St., iiianngci . otflce. South 1-134 I'oOUl, Bach--M621 FOR RENT Ijnge corner store 10th and Vinton Sts., $20. 1 '. M. maun, 4"ii Paxion Blk. I- THE two st ore 7u2-7i S. 161 h botli. Inquiri IX. C. roaniis. si ras-t with has-111. nts, ai at-".') per mui th for PETERS Ai C ) . Groiinil Floor. Bee Bldg. 1 -M4M BUILDING lio" Farnani. will be vacant November 15; 22xlim; 3 flames and luse- 1 incut. Apply 314 Fiist Nat l Bunk Bldg. I - 9-0 I DESK room In one of lhe large offices, laartitioncd off. $lu per month. See Mr. Baker. Supt.. Ba- Bidg. 1521 STOKE BOOM. Can be vueate dress F 44ii. Be 16lh and II. .111. v d about Det. 15, Z'.xlio tt. Ad. I -Mii'.'.l WANTED TO RENT I WANTED A home ta take in ctuei g. noy ; caes, audi as scarlet fever, diphtheria and nieasb-s. Must b' without children. Will pay well for same. Call al Health Office. City Hal! Telephone 1..ii,;1j (01. K Si Ji ROOM AND BOARD: two young fa mil v. K- MM men ; walking distance; dress C 3V7. He. privat" DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE fieteetive Serrli e. 74vl. Rooms U and 14. L uion no k'arnaiu. 'Phone Rid Motk. l'.'li -M.J 14 PERSONAL fEW iNn machnns tented. " make. 'l1' per wk ir $2 (0 pi r month. Sc,ou, Iiximi machines for sib $.'. On and up N b. Ccic i',... and ll.irmy. I -ii.. rruvATK cuxhm;mi:nt home. Mrs , Ir. King, 2nis N. 21st bt. Tvl Doug- PLEATING ALL, KINDS. Hun .us. B irliini; rim: I'veiiiB an.! .1... u .in. I shrink' 'i.iy oc per yard, miiu 101 pan... per list I ana saippir. . Gol.PMAN I'EKATINU CO.. '0 Oouglas Block. Tel. Lou.;l i l ' l-7Hi ! LAUNDRY TMi: SALVATION AKMY si.llclta castctt ; clothing; in irtct. anything you do not herd, we lai.Jii .and Bell. nt HI ! N. Uth St fnf ..... . .f rnlUltlllH to th .1... worthy n,aa.r. t all r.h.oin 1 loliu 41 ia and ,'ir' I t w again win call. C- . 'JIK IC iiiedlcnl nnal un. Diril treatment at Crelghton Mei'li-al roll..ira.. lilii and I'av ; engirt Sts.; (.fecial attention liald to con tiiiennpt casi-s. all treatiienl supervised by college pr..fessors. 'I'hono lnui. H i I Calls aiisweicd. day or nlsht. I 12a Rill' "'I-.'.- . . . -.7 . . - - " . " .. . . L. .ar- a il I li.M(II.liK t IJ., Oince 4.11 :'lio Leavenworth Sts. 1Y1. IioukIis i;; ! Sl'RYEYING, JUIckeiisdrrfcr. X12 Be.. Bid ; 1 ."ll OMAHA Hldg- St a m meters' Institute, IKatni-.e F 72 r MAONFTTP treatment and bath. Mm. i; M2n4 ANY POOH GIKL In need of a friend rail or write to the inntrni. of the Salvation Army Home tor Women at 3-24 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. L'-AliOO FKIVATK home dining, ba lms adopted. The Good Samarium San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bliitls. la. Tel. 774. L-322 t CHAMPION a-arpet cleaning. Douglas r, ,1 5 11123 Leavenworth. L M475 DH I J I Al llQFIST Hamilton. cuHtom shoemaker L M470 41 . 1)S I f SS5 AfP Swedish movtmt-nt, 41'i N. .UilOiMUIj ltjUi Houm ., second floor. L'-M'J2 Dl JdOTIIER'S BREADAsk your gmcey for Z. 11. Rtiar's MOTHER'S BP.EXP. L -M97 Di A Dollar Free for You This coupon will be tnkm as $1 or. i Dial pun-has of shoes, hats payment ur cloth- ln lialatica- iiald as you earn it. home credit clothing company 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th, Omaha. I'-UJ Ni TO FARMERS AND PHOD1CE SIliT PERS We pay highest market pri. c obtalplnir on date of receipt for best it butter and .aiKS. Wo charge no cauii mitslon. Heinittanri' in cash or metchan dNe promptly. THE BENNETT COM PANY. I' M775 2" PEN NELL fit Millinery Co., 2" North lith F 722 Jan 5 ! RUI'Tt'RK Cl'RED No knife, no r.ain. no detention lrom buslnei-s. Call or wrlie for booklet, etc. tjl i('K CL'RE P.t.'i' TP RE CO , 511 Woodmen of World Bldg.. Omaha. L' 723 ECZEMA absolutely cur"d by W. A. Pax ! ten's Salve. B. J Scanell, nr".nt. r".'i Ware Elk. U-MSM N 15 CHRISTEN SOX', Doug. H59. carpet cleaning i; n lei. '4 Nil THE ACORN Press. Commercial printer. Tel. Doug. 1510 Howard St. j2. V MliiW Nli TYI'EWRITERS-All mak-s. for rent. $2 to $4 month. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1603 Leavenworth. 'Phone Ra-d-ios?. L-M547 26 SYRINGES, rubber goods, bv mail; cut prices; send fir free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. " V 724 TYPEWRITERS rented, $2.50 per month; ail makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox I Typewriter & Supply Co., 1S22 Farnam St. I U M7 D6 ! FOR anything 111 Hie sewing machine Hue go 10 1'. I-., j tollman : Co., 1514 Capitol Ave. U-M143 D7 Masque costumes Lieben. Tel. 4115. Open ev. U-M 142 DR. VOGEL S private home for ladles be- 1 fore ur.d during coiiilneinent ; best and ! cheapest in the city 2319 S. l.ith St. ' U-M945 SO j E. V. Your father has charge of business, 1 satisfied your partner and cleared you. ' Anxious to ileal 'from vou. J . W MM) I 21 X ! SHAMPOOING, halrdressina-. manicuring ; lair kept in curl by Hawley's Unique Curleue; a trial will give satisfaction. '.2d Bee Bldg. V M61S 17 ITS exqul.-ite laerfume Is only virtues of Satin skin powder. one 25c. of tne MEDICAL I DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, I weaknesses. discharges. Irregularities, ! cured painlessly and safely. Wlthnell 1 diock, lain ana Harney. Room i, Oiiiuha. 735 I BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve I Food Pills." $1 box. Dostnnld. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. -726 WANTED TO BUY WANTED lu or 12 acres adjoining Omaha. Give full description and price. Address C, lo Pearl St., Council Bluffs. N-M779 2" WANTED to buy, 10 acres Improved, dome I fruit, near Benson. Address 3870 Dodge, i N-Mi.72 N , WANTED To buv second-hand furniture. stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay the best prices. Tel. Douglas. 31'71. N-.M746D12 WANTED Union Stork Yards stork. 47.'!, nut) or less. Address W 3M. Bee. N" 7 14 PATENTS F. J. LARSON 4 CO.. patent lawyer; paieiit book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. -733 8HARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-1,12 8. luth St. 734 ! PATENTS procured and sold. 1 fee. Natl 161 h and 421 D6 Investment Co., Douglas Blk. Doalge. DRESSMAKING 1 DRESSMAKING In family or at home, i Miss Sluidy. 26aJ6 Davenport. 'Phone ll.11. 1 ney 21112. -M7.S M'HuWElJi system of dressmaking and cutting; patterns cut to measure; lessons Tuesday an-J Thursday evenings. 16J3 Farnam. --M512 N25 M RS. St. E. FOSTER, ili. ssm. 'Phone Doug. 5.4;. iker. J0O4 No. 22al V D12 DANCING WORTH considering. Isn't It, when Ma rand's Dsnring School for adults will sell you a ticket good for 12 lessons at the reduced price of, ludles $4, gentlemen $5, which will teach you how to dance per fectly, Former pupils $1 less Three as. sistauts to help beginners. Call or Tel. Daiuglas 1041. Fall terms begins Friday, Nov '. 8 p. m. -66.'' N'14 1 LOST AND FOUND LOST A camtra pocket kodak. No. .;, oM pattern, dre.pped in he. sliea between wholesale disti ll I Mini Omaha, ('I11O. A reward will be lx.1'1 lor Its reti.rti to RaH.m 1. Army Bldg. Lost-7n3 14x LOST-A pin, wreath of black enan.el. set with pearls; teturn to this nflVr; rewaid. IJSt-MKh FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Farting; ire Fencing, ic wr fool. N. 17ih St. Tel. Rrd M4. -175 Xov.4 CITY S T i: A M. Tel. lou. 2 211 S. 11 1 It St. I ill DEATH NOTICES AMKKSK Mi 5 Kste. hi lov . A It Ai:il'iH'. Hi SI Joseph Wnlnes-liv looming, X'ovctnl. wife iio?pni M Vellts. .it .' p. Hi 1l"iu r : I I t 1 rchrirk strcat. I uii i incut at I n w n ."riui'lrry. ... ij Forci t FLORISTS I H I :ss SWt il'.OI A. 141.' I arnnm. .. Wl.XT'KKSiiX, 1510 I 'u l ii.nii. Tel. 1 Hl'llal. MONUMENTS Grcut Wratein Granite Co. Pouglas iv lu -M;f Nov J vj' i MONEY TO LOAN CHATTEL! IB. ; M ( )NEY T( ) LEN D X O.N S.W AKIKS. FI BNITCKF. FIANOS." , llnHSKS AX1) W AGONS. Thii- Is vaiiii- oraraortuntt v to get money nd pny liaise Intle annoying debts. Ar rang.- your affairs now so tint when th cll we i.ii. r i onu s )ou will only ( PC (OlMlHtn ft OWH. You i ar tap iv m In i;r,.i:l weakly ..r niont! ly pcyments. Ik st salted to vour in come; am aims Paid before due, full re-hat Is Al.W A S a ttow eal. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms X"7-. Corner Fa mat ; - Pnxton Blork. i -and Sixteen! h Sts. X-M7-7 17 t J I t I J 'VHEX YOli 1 find it Nr;t r.ssvp.Y To I5O1UJ0W s" us a ti Jill, niter which wr will by fair I treatment alta-mpt 11 retain your tronsg ". ! We loan from $iu up on furniture, planus, I llvo stock, etc. We ulso make loans to ; SA LA It I ED PEOPLE I without tnoits ige or endorser. We transact ! huslr.ess riuackly ami quletlv We tlo not deduct Inl'test n advance. Wn always ti 1 'O pa':,-. n;,,' t,ti-, ns. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. ' :iJ Bon id of Tiktie Bldg. It-1 Doug. 245. lEt labllshed lK-, 3ts. ii. IStti St. SALAlilED PEOPLE and ow n tthcis (uiinsJifd money upon lianies, without sei-uiily; easy their pay, 1 ' ments; ott'res In 63 rnlncipal ciUes. 1 yotnsadf money bv ttinir my teiins. bav firs D. li. Kib.A., 714 .New fork Life Bldg. A ft DR. PltlBBEiNOWS MONEY, loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horaea, etc , in any amount; less than half rates, perfect privacy , Immediate attention; any tonus wanted. Payments suspenued whn sli k or out of work. 214 Karba. h Bik. 209 South 15th St. K-7u6x j Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., ! Advances private money on chattels or j salary; easy to get; no red tapt ; you get , money same day asked lor al email cost, j Open evenings nil 7. X iHJ EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; mouatli.g; all business Douglas. reliable, 'iccorc confldentiul. 13el X-4 MONEY loantd on r'sncs. furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, ut-j. C. F. Reed. 310 S. Uth. X-S46 FL'P.NITl'RE, live Duff Green Loan block. stock, (alary loan. Co.. room 8, Barker X-815 CHATTELS. Foley Loan salary and jewelry luani. '"u.. 1501 Farnani St. X !' CHATTEL Credit Co., ar.d salary loans. C33 Paxton block Phoenix X-I7 FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 379; a flna- stock of general merchandise, 1. catct in a good Kansas town: will Invoice about $.i. a fine paving business; will ex changa. for well improved farm. No. Iti9-A fine drug stock, located in .1 good Iowa town of o.' i inhahltanis; vv 1!: Invoice about $15.i; will sell for cush 1.11 easy terms or exchange for good real es tate. Globe Land und Investment Co.. Omaha. Neb. Z M743 IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad in and you will so,.n get It. Z-U32 FOR EXCHANGE A number of good fltst mortgage loans and good lands to ex change for groceries or a general slock of merchandise. Globe Land and Investment Company, Fa'tetson Bldg., Omaha. Neu. ii- -M:t9 2 '.". Farnani St.. large h'iseinent, $25 per month store room and l'illi Howai.l Sr.. store room will be vacant December month. .".rut Nisomtit: m-' 1. 19". $75 pcr-f GEORGE & CO., H1 Farnani St. Z-762 IF YfilT want to trade or exchange land, send lor for Farm Buyers' Guide. ontains description of 32a farms owners aanress. want farms 10 se Horace Grant, Kansas City, Mai. va Z-770 14 PRINTING LYNGSTAD Si JORVE, Hlgh-trrade 1907 Cal-r dara, S. E. corner 16th St. and Capitol Ave. 7JJ i CENTRAL PRINTING CO Fine Jon work; ivnewntten letters. 110 6. 17th St., j blocks north Bee Bldg. M-741 ui: I COMPLETE line of 197 calendars. Snell ! Printing Co.. 310 8. 12th St -M135 DI When You Write to Advertisers reinen.ber it takes only er. extra stroke 01 two of lhe pen to mention the fact that j vou saw 1 their ad In lhe Kio. CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The leading palmist of Omaha. P.evelations of p-ml and future described. Parlors, 113 S. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. S 736 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. Doug. l'4- 41s N. T. L. Tet -T2 DR. BOWSER. Doug. 6370 over 1600 Famsm. TeU -M544 Nov26 HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE liORSES-All kinds. Myers. 1715 J.u-kson. P M9h6 Dl FOR SLT-- Horses st i-asonable price. W. II. McCord, 2-:il Ciss St. P-7IV-16 POCL AND BLLJIARDTABLES PASSOW'S new billiard and pool table are the best money can buy and are soli much cbeaiiaar; easy paymeuts: catalogu t free. Charles I'assow & Sons. 216 "4. l'lth Ft. M476 DS PLUMBING LYNCH 118 N. BROS - Repair 15th St. Tel. work our specialty.' Douglas 14.. -Mill N2 Go With Us On one of our tegu'er excursions to where you cid buy fine farm and ranch lands at $3 to $5 per acta on easy terms. Tbe F. P. R. R. Is closing out Its lauds In Sesiern Nebraska, Kaosaa, Colo rado and Wyoming. For Information regarcTnc land! Si d excursion rates apply 1 LAND AUU.NCT t'. P. R- IU Dept. 14. ails S. lSih etreot. OalAUA. 1L?1 f-r if .lth i jell. " (4 1 J