Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Of Hce, 10 Penrf
Haa ii Eluffi jail Cob feme t Job Cob
at Valley, Hebruke.
.efaaes te Tell Who Hla Aceottnyllces
Wv- tt Amlt sne Robbery
f Clara 1 Railroad
" ' Vara.
James HlgBlna, arreted by the Council
.luffs polio Sunday afternoon mi suspicion
f being; Implicated In the robbing of freight j
rara In tha local railroad yards, ta now con
fronted with the, charge of breaking Into
tha general atore of "F.'H. Clark at Vaf
ley, Neb1., test Sruttmlfty night and sttallng
a lit Of foods' lnoludlnr wldorweflr,' rauors.
Docket knives, etc. : .. .
"t goods Shippedit is alleged, by Hi!?-,
gins from Valley ta Omaha and which were
seised Monday by the police,, were yester
day; Identified --as having been taken front
the.. Clark atone. Hlrelnn, who Is also
kaown by the Tiame of ,McTuIre, is said to
have . confessed Xn ' the .burglary . at the
Clark storo but eo far bus refused to dis
close Aha Identity cf . his accomplices. If
he bad any. Ble hearing was again enh-'
tlrrued-utrtll this morning. " ,
The goods stolen from the Clark store and.
which tieve been recovered by tho police,
consist of -ten rawors. fifty pocket knives,
six 'iiulta -of ' underwear,- twenty-five" pairs
of socks and two dozen suspenders, be
sides a number of cheap articles of Jew
airy. ' '. ;
Hlrli, altaa McGuIvh, is known' to- .the
local .-xfllcA'":' havinfr ybeen arrested last
spring whtM selling" phony Jewelry here
and ordered' U leave town.
Frank mi;th.. another freight car robber
sunpec5fjjTKler arrest,, wh'oh'ad . quantity
ef cigars which-he Wa.s trying to sell to
the Hungarian laborers.e.t the Union Pacific
transfer, Is'.atTU beinfir held for Investlaa-
tlon.1 Smith Tiad tvfena--on boxes of cigars
and part of? them at1 believed to have be
longed To si shipment stmt out from Tiere
by tatf. Peregoy f Moore company.). lie
says thewere-given him by another, man
to dispose 'of. ' ' ' ' '-t
The hearing 'f ''ilia three Hungarians
suspected ojf . being Implicated in the whole
sale theft 'or shoes, from a car in the Union
Pacific yards was- also continued yester
day -Aintll. . this morning.
Newcomers made their aptcarance this
niornlnlf 'irr our notion department beau
tiful parses', the first of our holiday stock.
Come.' and sea them. They're priced very
lltthf. ' THE JOHN BENO CO.
. ."Veteran Telegrapher Dead..
John Tracy, for twenty-five years telc
Kraph' operator in, the employ of the Wa
bash railroad in' thla -city, died at an early
hour yesterday morplng at his home, 015
Sixteenth avenue, from Brlght's disease.
'1 V J -
1 ulna PaclflO. '
Leave. Arrive.
Overland -'Limited' v.
:40 am a S:18 pm
'JTrr-rB.f ;?EVf a Pin -.lOTm
Colo A Calif- Kx 4 16 pm a :30 am
California & Ota. Ka..a .2o pm a 5:10 pm,
Los Angeles . Uimited..aU:a am elo-.4a pm
Kast Mall al:oopra a;.piu
Colorado Special ..;....
North Platte Ucl.,..t I; J ra
feeairlce Lcal ,.b:lpm
1.44 am
a 4 :60 pra
b $.00 pm
Chicaso St Narthwestero
Cedar HpWa Pasa a r.t am
a 1:06 pm
aio:uo pm
aU:l put
a S:4o pin
a :& am
$;u0 am
b $:4a pia
t i:W am
7'wio City txpreaa
Chicago Uayiujhi a l.uO am
Bioux City Local b:o0pra
Carroll Local a .M pm
fcioux City, Local .-A"'"
Chicago Kxpicsa a 6.50 pm
Fast, Mall :aJu
Kul Mall
T.m City Limited at:pm
a 7 :o am
a 9:lm
civeiland Limited ,.-a pm
hirma Limited
...all.oupia all:laain
...a 7:44 am alu.Ja am
...b7:4uam bl0:bm
...aS:0vpui a 6;w pm
...a :tA! pin a :u pm bo.upm
...D:Wpm bli:40 pm
Lincoln-Long .fine.,
lead wood-Lincoln
Cpi-"olioni ...
i raiuuui-AUuon ....
ltUca-s Rock Island Paclnc.
Chicago Limited...... ...a f Zam a
Iowa Local ' am "
Chicago -Mall r a :! am a y.u
low Local .........w...bl3:lipm b:pin
Chicago tEaatsrn Ex.).. a l.w pm 1 hi
Cliicalo Uowalmtedia i:pm aUUo pm
Rocky Mountain Lln...a T:en il:)lra
Colo- and CaU Expraas.a I:ui pm a 1 to pm
CkL and Tsaas h-x. a 4:40 pm alia pm
Lincoln, t'airoury aad
Belleville - a 1:50 pm aW:0 am
a Dally- bDalJr except Sunday,
thioatta Great Western.
Bt. Paul Minneapolis.' I.) pm - 7 M pnt
hi. Paul 4b Minneapolis. 7:46am U.s0pm
Chlcsgo Limited 1:4-? pm v l:wim
Chicago 'Kapresew.. ..'',. T:46am. ll:M)Bia
i'hlcaaa 1 txprsna l.JOpm J.IOpm
MUaoarl Paclne.
K. C. BL L Express.. 1:00 am 6:30 am
K. C. i CI. L. Eisrega..j.!:lb pm e 6.: pm
Nebraska Local a 1:06 pm all:40am
C kiuauu, Jlllwssko A at. faal.
Cm and Colo. Special. . .a 1:t am aT:Mam
California and Ore. tx.a piu a$.l0pm
Ovei land Limited a 6 $ pm a9:J0am
Marion 4k Csdsr R- Loo.b :u am U:wm
Ht Louis Express : pm a$:ejam
Bt Louis Local (from
Council Blurts) a 9:16 an alO aOpm
Ctanbtrry - L.ocl - from
Council Viu(t) bl OOpm bli Sa am
Illlneis Ceulral
Chicago Cxprese a 1:00 am a $:M pm
Chicago Llmusd.. ...... .a l:wl pm 7:j0m
tave. Arrive.
fienver California.
Black HiHs :
Nurlhwrsl dpaclal
Nurthmesv Expiea ..
Nebraska .i-ms .
Nebraska Lucl ......
a 4 10 pm a I pm
iv pm a - pm
4:10 om
a t: am
..all. 10 pm
..a t.lQ am
.-a . am
a 6 30 pm
a X.n) pn
Lincoln J-oo
Lincoln Wail b 2 iw pm
Kt. Crook & FUtttsm'th.b I -SO pm
llcllevue PUii'uth..a 7.oO am
Louver Limited
liellsvue has. Juno.. .a 1 .39 am
Wissue fc- J-nc.a t " un
Chicago Special ,-tlliim
OnioMfcO 1-npriwa ........ a S "-
Olid -j r'l)l a I u6 pm
ua LovaJ .a I 15 sin
tt. Louis Express... .....s 4 4 pm
Kansas Cliy-st, Jo.,,.al0 i.. pm
kuw Ciiy-bl. J(X..- I Ij kia
Uuw City-St Joe.... a 4 S pm
all tu am
a am
a k.ill f 1M
kl.-.KO . raal, Mlaueaaulis
IT ' Leara. Arrlv.
1 Twin C'tr Passenger. . .b . j.n b lo ( m
Q fioux City Psssengsr... : pm all snt
" r....e....n Local fesWpm b t 10 am
Turin Cits' Passenger.,
flioux City Passenger...
r.tneitoa Local
F.nriiQn local
MUaaarl J'aclae.
J.r:.l via Weeping
Va.i fit jr Local
. t ii am tiU
a $ 06 am a t AO
t M pm all.-v
a Dslly. . b Pslly IPt BunJsy. t DsV
itW S.turday. "unday unur, a Dll
)- pi V,o'".l-
- - - '- - ,
K "
liCEA TKstS.
" - .-
v.iibiii . All(, .,-,,) i,,, D.reo
f lb.
1 1..
Ik I
A.l.n. 11 v..
N V.
St. Tel. 4.1.
I1! whs 45 years nf due and Is survived
by hi8 wife und one daughter, besides a
brother In Dixon. 1U., anil a sister Iri Chi
cago. The funeral will t". held Thursday
morning at t o'clix k from Ft. Francis
Xavler's church, and burial will h" in St.
Joseph's cemetery.
A Radiant Home hard coal stove will
make any home radiant, grand and com
plete, it Is acknowledged by tho leading
people of Omaha and Council Bluffs to j
be the greatest coal-saver In the market
today. Call at our store and see them
and let us explain the fine features.. Over
1.000 of them in use in Council Bluffs.
Bole agents, Peterson & Schocnlng Co.,
hardware and furniture. Council Bluffs, la.
The happiest of all combinations may be
seen in our line of blanket robeS for loung
ing, ' bath and house . garments. Prices,
11.25, 12.00, 2.73 and $3.80. Basement Sec
CENTRAL, FLOUR-$M5. ISvery . sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both phones 24.
Material ( banters In the laofllelal
The Hoard of Supervisors completed yes
terday the canvass of the vote cast at the
election Inst week with the exception of
that for Judge of the superior, coilrt, jus
tices and constables Hnd the township
tickets. This will be done today and will
take. but a short time. The canvaHS showa
a number of chauges In the unofficial fig
ures published, but they are not important
and do not affect the result
Governor Cummins' plurality over Porter
in the county Is 1,136, while Oarst, repub
lican, for lieutenant Kovernor. has 1,491 ma
jority over Denison, the demoncratlo nominee.-
The .vota on thc legislative ticket was
the closest; Brandos, republioan," only de
feating Imocker, demoorat, by 184. le
nocker, on .leaving, for his home In Oak
land lust evening, had not decided wh'ther
to contest Or not. Ilia friends are urging
him to, but Lenocker. it is said, feels sat
isfied that ho Is defeated. '
The scheme of the democrats in " nam
ing only one candidate for Judge of the
district court as Against three republican
candidates did not work out as they ex
pected. Miller failing to get within 1,410
votes of Judgo Green, the low 'man of the
three republican nominees, S. B. Wads
worth and 8. B. 8nyder each received one
vote, although not candidates.'
County Attorney Hess led the county
ticket, his majority over Roscoa Barton be
Ing 1,757.
The prohibition county ticket received
from 65 to 75 votea. .
John E. bhank, socialist candidate for
governor, received 153 votes. Lorenao S.
Coffin, prohibition candidate for governor
received 134 votes, while J. R.- Norman, the
people's party candidate for governor re
ceived three votes and Andrew Tow nsend
Hlsey, the ' "secular government"
date, received .four votes.
DlarnMd Ring Ulven Away. '
Thlrty-flve-dollar diamond ring given
away to the lady -who receives the largest
number of votes. ' See It in our window.
One vote given with every cent's worth of
cuudy purchased. O. C Brown, Purity
Candy Kitchen, 548 West Broadway.
Evenings are long. Buy a mandolin; or
violin Br guitar fbr a ChriBtmas present at
Bourlc-IUs Piano House. We have some
"J. T. L." violins, the best on the market.
335 Broadway, where the organ stands upon
the buildiiuj. ,
For Imported wines and liquors, and Bud
weiser beer, go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale
liquor dealer, 619 South Main street.
Small Fire a Creche.
Fire waa discovered shortly before noon
yesterday in the basement laundry of the
$.00 am t uuuuiim- m. turner oi ruurui sirecu
a$:uopm.and Fifth avenue, occupied, by the Asso
ciated Charities ua a creche. . The fire de
portment won soon on the scene and the
blaxo was extinguished before damage to
any extent waa done to the building. The
contents of the basement. Including a large
quantity of clothing, were almost entirely
destroyed, while the furnishings' ot the
rooms on the upper floors were more or
Cure ForThe Blues
Hsaltk Filly Restored and tat Jsy tf
Lift Regained.
When aeheerful, brave, light-hearted
woman is suddenly plunged into that
perfection of misery, the BLUES, it is
a sad picture. ' It it. usually this way I
hfi has been feel'ug "out of sorts "
(or some time; head has ached ant
back also ; hau slept poorly. teen quit
nervous, ami nearly fainted once or
twice ; head di..r, and heart heats very
a i 04 am I fast then that bearing-down l'-enng',
bio '1 PU ' and duriug Ler period she is exceed
aljj j Viif'y desixnidrnt.- NotUioir plrates
a7r.omj her." lier dfK-lor fcays ?" Cheer up : you
a w am i have Uvkpeokia; von will be all right
P" o.n "
a i 5a pm j lut he doeso't fet " all riirht." and
s 7 .5 am booe; turn come the brood-
i0. morb;d, melancholv. everlastio
nf ri .
Don't wait unt:l vour kufferinira bay
DOB l u UMi.i juur ui.cnu(u'
driyi u you U despair, with your nerves
sll shattered aud vour courRi'e cone.
I but take Lydia fc.. 1 inUham a ere-
a. i table Compound. Hee hat H did for
Mrs. Kosa Adams, of 819 12th Street.
Louisville, Ky . niece of the late lieo-
eral iiiver Hanson, C.S.A. She write:
' , u Po.m.,,,.
Dear Mrs Fuikham.
pm ' " ' cannot tell vou wit h pen aiul Ink wbal
I.ydia E. Plukluuu's Vrreiable Compound
i has done for me I sotferad w,th feiuale
pn ' trouble, extreme laitude. Mha blurs,'
am , nervousness anl Uistall none fmlinjt lass
advixni to try Lydut E. hinkhain s Vegetabls
' 4'on.iH.iind. aiul it ii orilv -uid mv f.nutia
, dei-angeiiM-nt. l,ut it fcas r.toiv.l n to pel f-t
. i!,l. ....I dniu-ih II,- l.n. v,w. ,.
. . Taintr days Bas n-Juraa I. aixl' 1 do a. aulX
' ler mu lunger itfc diouj n t. I dul bo
j fore. "I i-oikMih r Lvd.a K s 1'oovA.iid a boon toslck and suTru.g
j wutuen."
: ct
the female ortanlsm writ Mra.
f'tUKUsm, I ynn, Mass., lor r-Jvit;.
less diimagd by smoke. The damage,
which Is expfctrd to annflint to alxiut $?o,
is fUd to b covered by Insurance. While
the origin of the fire Is unknown. It is sup
plied to have started In sonic manner from
the laundry stove, which wns In uw.
Combination trns and electric chandeliers
and the celebtated Welsbnch Incandescent
sos burner. Why not see tn before you
buy. We can certainly please you on price
and quality of goods. 8'ephan Pros., 62J
West Broadway.
They stand on their own merit values In
cotton blankets we are offering at 39c, If-,
$1.50 and $1.7.. Come and, see.
Pyrography mitflts and supplies. C.
Alexander, 333 Broadway.
IMlorce Casrk Dismissed.
Two wives who recently commenced pro.
feedings- for divorce have chanced their
minds and yesterday filed notices in the
district court of the dismissals of their
suits. Mrs. Agnos M. Stelnberger, who
brought suit. Monday alleging extreme
cruelty on the part of her husband, Henry
ft. Stelnberger, dismissed her petition yes
terday. The teal estato transfers for the
day show that Btclnberjrer deeded over five
lots In this city to his wife, presumably
as part consideration for her consenting to
give him another trial.
Mrs. Mtnda Points, who on October $1
brought Suit for divorce from Andrew
Points, dismissed her suit yesterday.
Mrs. Bortha Iuncan, who was granted a
divorce In th district court here less than
a week ago and wan Refused a license to
wed Phillip Gibbons, a youth of 12, because
she Was not of lcnal age, having stated
sho waa but 10 on her last birthday, se
cured a marriage license in Omaha, where
the records show she gave her age as 19.
The suit brought by Otto Weaver against
the street railway company for $1,7SS dam-I
ages for Injuries alleged to have been re
ceived January 1 of this year, when ' a
motor collided with tha wagon in which
he waa driving, was dismissed yesterday,
having been settled out of court.
Hot Blast.
This is the only atove that produces heat
Just as you want It, THE BOSS HOT
BLAST, on exhibition in our window. Do.
not miss seeing It. Ash pan, front feed
door, top door, air tight doors and Joints;
holds flro forty-eight hours. You can save
enough fuel to pay for the stove. Burns
anything; consumes its own gases and
smoke. Price, $12 to $18. D. W. Keller.
Down comforters, extraordinary values at
$5.00. Basement section.
See Stephen Bros, for the latest and beat
. . . r . . i
inverted Durners. o west uroauw.y.
- Real Estate Transfers. i
These transfers were reported to The Bee
. .. ,.' .., r. ...
iovemoer 10 uy mo -ui.twfci.a.inio m j
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
James Holm to Charlea Sehloegl, lots
b and 6 In. block 73, in Riddle's sub- .
division in Council Bluffs, w. d. ...... .$5,B00
Emma Carter to E. E. Spencer, part
ae4 2-77-44. w. d 1,200
P. C. Peterson and wife and Henry
Peterson and wife to William Ryan,
lots 11 and 12 in Peterson's subdivi
sion, on part of outlet 1), in Mc
Clelland, .la,, w. d
V. A. Chittenden and wife to William
Arnd, lota 41 and 43 in block 6 In
Wright'a add. to Council Bluffs, s.
w. d ; .
Henry J. Stelnberger to Agnes Steln
berger, lots 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, in
hlock 19 In Bayllss' third add. to
Council Bluffs, q. c. d
J. P. Greenshlekls and wlfa to William
Arnd, lot 4 in block 20 in Benson's
first add.; lot 6 In block 19 In Central
subdivision; lot 13 In block 23 in Ev--ans'
Second Bridge add.: undivided K
'of lot 4 in block 6; undivided Vi of
lot 16 In block 7, and lots 1 and 2 in
hlock 29 in Howard's add.; lot 4 in
block 16 In Hall's add.; lot 3 In block
7; lot 6 In block -9 in Mullln's subdi
vision; lot 1 in block 68 in Riddle's
subdivision; lot 9 In block 3 in Steele
& Woods' subdivision: lot & in block
1 In Squires' add.; lot 44 In block 4,
and lot 41 In block 6 in Wright's add.;
lot 25 In block 26, lot 15 In block 30,
and lot 23 In block 40 in Ferry's add.
to Council Bluffs, q. c, d
, Six transfers total
Illinois Coal.
We've got the inside price on all Illinois
coal. Come down and figure with us for
"r W'n.t'rJ" 'fi??ne,h
" " "
Right after the falling of the first snow
of the season is a good time to buy the
horse a blanket. We've good ones to show
you at $1.00, $1.50, $J.OO, $2.50, up to $10.
Basement section. THE JOHN BENO CO.
Let us do that Job of wall papering
for you. Come in and see our samples
and get our price. You will go out satis
fied. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass
company, Merrlam block.
Marriage Lleeases.
Licenses tp wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age1.
Clyde Ogborue, Kt. Joseph. Mo 2
Ruth Qgborne, Denver, Denver, Colo IS
John Billiard. Sioux City, la 33
Bessie Huglund, Sioux City, la 'ii
A. Metaiiar A o.
New Location ef Wholesale Bakery.
Sit Mynster Street, Council Bluffs, Ia.
- Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Visitors Welcome.
N. V. Piumblng Co. Tel. H0. NigliL,
Vnvit, drugs
Clark's, sodas
Stockcrt sells r;Hcn
Kine engravings at Le fieri t.
EJ Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Get those new photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating, Blxby & Son.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone Wi.
Woodrlng I'nderluklng compuny. Tel. 8.a'.
The bit-1 ladles kid gloves for $1.00 will ba
found at The John Lteno Co.
I llaf'-r has the U al um tment of bulid-
Inrf luateri.ils in the mlddiu weat. Get his
pi ices.
Hearkin foe children's cats m1 colors:
&i inches wlue, at ( a yard. Main aisle,
'ihe jonn lieuo Co.
t'oi.trurior Vlikham expects to brfin
the urk of dregijing the 1'iKeun creek Ulich
tlie lallrr part of this w,- n.
i A bt-Mulilui ur.d orntiiiteiHal gus burner,
tlw Vci3i.cii chuk Idii.p, comuiets. II. Ji.
I brus.. e- W. lwoaJay.
auuwi cl.lns vpecial
sale on
"'' """"" " .! u saucer,
-tr vslurs, ou per cent uiscuunt.
Btar clmptt h, , Ar,.u Mam,. ,
1 ,,..... i,. ..i-i, . i nr... ....
, work in tha mark masters' degree.
i 'HAL 1 KA.ia W AN I'KIj lo haul coal
!'.,r '"" '" yu-anam loal cmpany
fur tl.a Kei.u.u Wuknxm Con I
nm-l.-r ag- paiii. u, 1'r.trl sire I
Attorney Kin met Tinl- . who wax re
ported C o be IhrrMtemd alih dlph.herM.
: ji said lo Ik iiiuiH improved )tsterda.
lliold Horton. who was before the com-niiM.ii.-rs
on insanity yeatrrasv, mii ad
jutiMid Mne and u ordered di hrd.
Tiaredlu trn.pls, Bisters, will
nievt In rrluUr ass'on r ritny rvrniag (ur
lull iai ion and nun i ui lion n( ortlceis for
or t )er.
MKN A I'lilMill WALKS V A- Kl't.M .1
Tt.xNhlt A.SD Pl.l'MBKK, lw IIKcil'
Kor cliildren's si.iitKl dreMs k- suittnss,
on sale fur u.ilr sac .,! Many
lutllerns lor selection. klaln aile Tne
Juhn Leno Co. Franklin lluffe. ,,f Mr. uu.l
lllv !.! I t II. .n ol I nd ra i..l. ia.. It e,l
1-,i,i1hv from an ac i.l.-iital sotiMhut a, ui.d
, i l.l Ijurl..! n l.lld l-t,,..4 III
auspices of the lodge of M dei n Woodmen
of America of that ton. ,
H wise end give i your order ami
wive worrying hen cold wether sets In.
We can please you. Council Bluffs Coal
anil Ice Co. Tel. 7:'.
John Ballard and Bessie IlHUlutid. both
from Pinux City, la., were msriled In this
city yesterday afternoon. Justice field pvr
forming the ceremony.
I pay $12 per ton for isst Iron; mixed,
$ia; st ive. IV rags, ISc per lb; rubber.
ic: copper, lie per lb. J. Kaleltnan, CiC
Main, both 'phnms ti'iO.
The West End Improvement club lll hold
Its regular meeting Thursday evening In
the county building, nt the corner ot
Twenty-fourth street ami Avenue B.
You can enroll any day or evening at
Western Iowa college. Students are as
sisted to positions. Send for catalogue.
Thone for Information. Both 'phones.
High grade granite work, from the bent
Burre Imported granites, lettering, carving,
and tracing. Fine monuments! work a
specialty. Mieeley : L.ane, 21 East Broad
way. Chit f of Police Richmond announced yes
terday that he would appoint Charles M.
Nicholson, former chief of the fire depart
ment, qusrantlne officer, hut It Is not known
yet whether Mr. jsionoison will accppt inc
Richard J Organ, the yoiintf attorney
who recently became a -benedict and set
up housekeeping on- Harrison street, had
liis stock of winter preserves badly depleted
Sunday night by a bad, bold robber who in-
vaaea nis cellar.
LdQt'ID VENEER, the new furniture
wonder, takes off that smoky dullness from
vnnr furniture, especially your piano; pre
serves vour varnish. brightens up and
makes old varnish or oalnt look like new
Come and see it at our store. Borwlck, 211
South Main.
Clyde Ogborue of St. Joseph Mo., and
Ruth Oaborne of Denver. Colo., were mar
ried In this cltv yesterday by Rev. Henry
Delong at his ofllco In the county court
house. In becoming a bride it will be no
ticed that Miss Ogborhe changes but one
letter in her name en "n" for a "u.
Fine pictures, good frames and the best
of work, with good treatment and fair
prices; these points are our trade-getters;
If vou want oletures, come In. If you
want a frame made, this is Just the place
to get It made to suit you. Council Bluffs
Paint. Oil and Glass company Merrlam
The receipts In tho general fund of the
Christian Home last week were $187.33, be
ing $1.67 below the tieeds of the week and
decreasing the balance In this fund to data
to $388.30. In the manager's fund the re
Mlnt were I24.25. being $10.75 below the
needs of the week and Increasing the defl-rlencv-
in this fund to $tJI.52 to date. The
amount needed lii the Improvement and con
tingent fund for the remainder of i;i06 is
Although It has not yet come before the
board In, a formal nanner, the trustees of
the public library are considering the ad
vinliiitv of fitting ub the auditorium with
seats and arranging for a series of public
meetings during tho winter months, for
which speakers of prominence from here
nnd elsewhere ar to be Becured. Thla
matter, it is said, Is likely to come up for
consideration at the next meeting of the
library board.
ah too ranldtv. perhaps, winter is com
,ny- ,n a Bnort- Um), wi wl celebrate the
downfall of turkey. Time files and Thanks-
giving day Is about to put In its annual
appearance, ana you i.i.i nu
pants or overcoat. Place your order, oxr
clothes reaulre a reasonable time to make.
My tailors are busy, but I want your order
nH will use vou right. Tor correct style.
correct fit, correct goods, see Hicks, . 13
Pearl street, Council Bluffs, la.
Stop and take a look In our window and
see the famous Quick Meal range and the
Red Cross base burners they will save
you fuel, and make your- home happy.
336-238 Broadway,
College Indents In Trouble,
CEDAR FALLS. Ia,, Nov. 13,-tSpeclal.)
Three students of the Iowa State Mining
college have been. In trouble, 'during the
past few weeks becauaa.'ipf suspicion resting
on them for stealing ties from the Illinois
Central Railway company, and today they
were brought before m, Justice to defend
tneir suit, ucteeuve BJeenin ot tne ran
road company 'has Defer) working on the
case for about twe weeks. The Justice
will impose a small fine,'. as it la 'thought
the young men did not-commit the depreda
tlons so much for mischief as from a neces
ulty to make personal expenses as low as
possible while helping Themselves throngh
' Defendant Wins t'ase.
SIOUX CITY, Ia., Nov. 13 (Special. -
Judge David Mould today decided the J J). OK)
breach of Dromlse. case brought, hv Mr.
vietta. Davis K.lnt h pv T,.r,.ir.w
wealthy bachelor, against the plaintiff. Mrs.
. Davis brought suit against Purslow last
year, but settled later for $25. She came
,nl tne court a second time, alleging the
acknowledgement of the receipt for settle-
ment to be a forgery.
"The signature was
held valid.
Tricked by Dyspepsia
The Doctor Couldn't Tell W hero Tho
Truujle' Lay.
"for the past seven years I have been
a victim of dyspepsia and chronic ccnstl -
patlon and have consulted the most noted . ntv foal Laud Ieal.
specialists to be found on diseases of ths operators at Oskalooaa, Buxton
character. None, however, seemed to to-!Bnd yt cheer have purchased the hold
cate the difficulty or give relief. In addition 0 the Iowa-Coal Mining company of
to the medical treatment I have resoi ted
them faithful trial, but ull to no purpose.
Vpon the recommendation of a close
friend, I purchused a ooe package ot Stuart s
DyspepiiU Tablets and In less than live
days noticed that I was receiving mure
benefit than from any remedy 1 hud used
before. I continued to use the tablets after
each meal for one month ard by that time
my stomach was in -a hy condil.on,
capable of digesting anything which ray In
creasing appetite demanded. i
I have nit experienced any return of
my former trouble, though three months
have elapsed since taking your remedy."'
We wish that you could see with your
own eyes the countless other bona-llde
signed letters from gruteful men . and
women all over the land who had suffered
years of agony with dyspepi-U, tried every
known, remedy and consulted eminent
specialists without result, until they gave
Stuart's Dyspepkla Tablets a Iris). 1. ke
the doctor above they couldn't Imiue the
seat Of tha trouble.
Dyspepsia la a dtsew which has lung
baffled physicians. So difficult ef locution Is
the disease that cure seems next to tnlrac-
i.l,i,a Th,f,i la fin v nna ,v .
, . i .v . s.ippl" th. elements which
nature has ordained lo perform this fune-
tlon and t cause them lo entr the dine.,
tlve organs, supplying the fluids which
they lark. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
ln till then, requirements
the re.,uiremen... , shun n ; xn ,ecetv.d from Urge grain com
ac ,.t p , . tn4 lm.h..
tata and Canada unite In tec-
by the fa
I'nlted K
emmendlng them
stomach disorders
to i hair puUt-ris
TV. do net claim ol expert i-'tuart Dys
pepsia Tablets to cur. anything but dis
ordered conditions of tha stomach and
other diaeatlv. organs, but this they never
fkil to do. They work uin th. Inn-r llnn
of th. stomach and Intestines stimulata
h gastric g'amla and aid Id th. a,-,rtii n
cf Juices nrcea-ary to dUeation.
Staarts I'yspepaia Tah'eta sr lor a tlx
by all drusgtxts at 6A rent a tx.x. On. box
ill fieuuenily eft, t a perf.l . ur (
in Vul. and you lh mur .l-,r.ii pi,M,f
send ua your imm. and a-ldrr. and a
gladlr mall ta a saintl p;.,-ki,gv free. T
A Stuart fa., 1 '.Mil l!.,l . Jd. .ljli
If is ! I I S7-Y-TTT T-nrr n rrrrr I I
III I Ull "" m m hajha. aaa.,rf r I , ,;-r-
rr! AW Zr-Sf
1 1 11 Mi
I' A! I
II yoa have lost your appetite and wish to regain it ; if you have a good
appetite and wish to satisfy it follow the tfuidc post. It points the way to
the most delightful Breakfast Food you ever ate. Toasted Corn Flakes possess a
flavor so delicious so different that you simply cannot resist it after the first taste.
And you can eat your fill without fear of harmful results. Corn ia the most nutritious
and healthful of all cereals, and Toasted Corn Flakes are corn in the newest and
best form. 'A food for the sweet-tooth of youthfor everybody. 10 all grocers.
Ltcislature Nw Has Tatal of Twtnt;
from Lift-Tirm ConTicti.
Repnbllcan Committee Called for
November 2rt to Wind Is Affairs
of ttecent Campaign Lyons
Assistant Attorney.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
tK8 MOINES. Ia., Nov. 13. (Special.)
Charles Stegall, sentenced to death arii
later commuted to life Imprisonment foi
the murder of Bill Miller at Davenport, Ia.,
in a quarrel over the collection ' of an
account of So cents, has petitioned to the
legislature for a pardon. Stegull was com
mitted to the penitentiary October 20, IS!.
Four other petitions to the legislature fo.
pardons were received In the "mall at the
governor's office today. L. W. Holey, edltoj
of tho Prison Press, published at the Anl
mora penitentiary, and Hugh Robbard, a
prisoner in the same penitentiary, con
victed together from Dubuque county for
the murder of two policemen. Frith and
Talcott, the night of April 13, 1810. have
petitioned for pardons. A statement of
their case, printed in pamphlet form and
neatly and carefully prepared, was pub
lished by them some' years ago and dls
tributed to members of the legislature.
They admit being in the city of Dubuque
at the time the crime was committed and
engaged In a number of holdups, but deny
tho shooting of the two policemen.
A. D. Storma, committed from De Moines
county in 1898, and O. McPherson. com
mitted from Louisa county in 18U7. both
of whom asked for pardons at the last ses
sion of the legislature, have again sent In
- . . i.:.: . W..ras nnuf VsOan
A total of twenty pernio... .. - """"""
filed with the governor u u "h "lj
tho legislature, wnicn .
has been piesented for a number of sessions.
Republican tiommlttee Called.
Chairman Woods of the republican state
committee has decided to call the com
mittee together for ovemoer -meeting
at which all the affairs of the cam
paign will be closed up and Chairman
Woods will make an accounting of the
money received for the campaign and the
purposes for which It was expended.
Thornbara- May Be Appointed.
Z C Thornburg. county superintendent
of Polk county, and at present chairman
of the executive committee of the State
Teachers' association, is likely to be ap
pointed to the position on the State Board
of Educational examiners to succeed Su
perintendent McMunus of Council Bluffs.
The appointment will not be made for
some time, though Superintendent Mc
Manus' term expires "November
Lyons for Assistant Attorney.
C W. Lyons of Valley Junction will be
the next assistant attorney general of
Iowa, succeeding Lawrence DoOraff. who
has been elected county attorney of Polk
county. Hon. AVeDD ner,
attorney general, gave It out m this city
today that he would appoint Lyons to the
. - position
' Moines, comprising leases
I acn.f ou Hi--
...i.... i..,.w. tauthWtt Of
Milimun siaii"... "-
Des Moines. The pror-erty has only been
developed during the last year, and It has
prospects which are considered very rich,
being underlaid with a vein of coal of
high grade, five and a half feet thick. The
price of JUO.ijoO puld for tho Iowa com
pany's holdings Is considered a bargain
The sale was forced by disagreement
among the officers of the Iowa company
over tho operation of the mine.
Going to take a drive? One of our lap
rohvs is a very convenient thing to have
these cold days. Special values at
$tii $o', $t.oo and $7 .66. Basement section,
l.aeal tuMpaar la
organised te
r.rvrt It.
VlOCX CITY, la., Nov, lS.-lBpeclul TVI
egrain.) The movement to make Sloux -lty
gruln market culminated this evening In
the omanlaalion ot the Sloux City Ter-
mlnul Elevator company and the ele tlon
1. r.t tha oraunlxatton
nf I
. 1 v
J,,hn Hornlck. one of the city s m.isl prom-
1 f "1" " '' ...... luminal elevator
'" laiul,.,ly ,,f bushel, will be
i T V. ' , in the new cm-
Utflll. as i
w.ny Is held by Sioux City business n.en.
Air.... iv three offTS to lease the elevator
Haaaatal lea)lratln Taaai.
VK'KIU'Ra. Miss. Nov U Ev.ry pr.-par-.lion
ha a ben ni.ul. t r the dadi-aflim
riiurailay of th. $iV.' loaa atat. miru.rla
in ttie Vlckaburg rialional pik. flurrnwr
4'umi.dna. al the l"rad of a party from
,i4. o.cupln4 t" aa,,-Ul traina. ill
am in Ira cily at I o't-lutk l-.tiwarow
ciomiii to ,art In the dedication e
: i. p T. p-.uiuw ultht Ilea iliiaena ts'll
give a t , vi I.. I. I i v - t uor a 'i.miim il.s
ai. l; al.-i al.rla a.ul s " "
Former Secretary of the Interior John
Noble arrived in the city tonlKht to par
ticipate In the dedication.
State Department Asks for Informa
tion as to Charges Aaralnat '
Lawyer In Germany.
LONDON, Ncv.' 13. At the request of
the State department at Washington the
American consul general at London, Mr.
SVynne, has forwarded all information
available respecting the case of Karl Hau,
alias Stau, the lawyer of Washington, D.
I C, who was arrested in London November
3 charged with the murder of his mother-ln-
aw at Baden Baden.
Both the embassy and the consul gon-
ral communicated with Hau, asking
whether' he wished for assistance as an
American citizen, but he did. not reply.
The German officials here expect the ex
tradition papers to reach London Novem
ber 15. Hau has not yet engaged counsel.
The police say Hau Is apparently willing
to waive extradition, but, as usual, the
British authorities are insisting that all
the formalities must be complied with.
This necessitates Hau's remaining In Eng
land for a fortnight after the magistrate
orders his extradition, should the hearing
if his case result In his extradition being
Expectation of Speech by Chancellor
Draws Out La rare Cro-wil
of People.
BERLIN, Nov. 18. The Relcluta re
asrcmhled today with crowded galleries In
expectation of a speech from Chancellor
von Buelow,' who. It had been widely ru
mored, would take the first opportunity to
dlacusa foreign affairs.
The chancellor did not inuko a speech,
I but probably he will address the house
tomorrow, when Herr Bassrman. national
liberal, intends to Interpellate the govern
ment on Its foreign policy. Von Buelow
and his ministers will have to meet several
serious questions, among them . the ex
traordinary rise in the price of meat, the
colonial administration and the unrest In
Poland on account of the school strike.
After the budget is disposed of the com
mercial relations between Germany and the
United States will come up before Parlia
ment. The social democrats dodged a question
regarding the meat scarcity and the rad
icals Inquired whether the Imperial chan
cellor Is willing to open the frontiers to the
free importation of cattle.
Ready for Business When Ger
Min CoYernnient Names
Men to Aet.
BERLIN, Nov. U-3. N. D. North and
James L. Gerry of the American commis
sion to confer with German officials re
garding tariff complaints arrived today and
Joined Nathan I. Stone, the third member,
who has been here for some weeks.
Germany will designate three or four rep
resentatives to co-operate with the Ameri
can commissioners. The American Asso
ciation of Commerce here has arranged to
supply the commission with much specific
Rebel Leader, Mantilla, In Arma and
May I a aae Tronble In
. W I LLEMST AD. island of Curacou, Nov.
IS. The latest advices received here from
Caracas confirm previous reports to the ef
fect that President Castro's Illness Is ap.
proachlng a climax and that his physicians
blieve It Is Impossible for him to recover.
The Venesuela rebel leader. Montllla, Is
again in arms, has twice defeated govern
ment troops and has threatened to pillage
the town of Barquislmeto. Serious disturb
ances, it is still asserted, are feured in rasa
of Castro's death.
- ' i I
1 1
1 i
i is f'l-l 'mY a-w a. ar m.... 4 vaa
I ; I ,' 1.1 . -J. W axnia o-i a
V I' 5w 'Cf H.Cadrlxrl Ilbrtxtt I-elabert Cersuj
J I fL it-t-if LITTIE HHOTni-k. laaa l Agaou
xaa. -a II
' i
WVmm Mssa.
Stop Wkipping
Your Nerves
A horse will go further on oats than a'
whip and live longer, too. Just So with
your nerves. If you are driving them
with stimulants stop it, FEED THEM
It will fill your veins with rich, red
blood; make you eat and aid digestion;
make solid flesh and strengthen your
nerves and muscles.
20 Days Guaranteed Treatment $1.00
Smdfor a sampls end let m U turn mJl asont
Station L Cox O. Chicago
.nbin Iuiuresnts aid to Hare Eesi
Helped to Keep 1 loader.
Roles for ldent mention and Recovery
of Horace Made So Stringent
(hat Owners Cannot Com
ply with Them.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Sonio of .tha
Cuban generals who have been assisting th
Americans In the effort to disarm fnd sent
to their homes the Insurrectionist In th
late revolutionary movement appear to
have dignified and legalized the crime of
horse stealing In the most Ingenious man
ner, according to reports that have reached
the War department. When the rebel
soldiers surrendered their aims they were
told that they might keep their horses
until they could reach their homea Now
theso horses had been stolen mostly, and
the individual soldier was told that tho
I nust return the horse to Its owner If the
latter could show that the animal waa
registered according to the Cuban . law.
Each ot the aoldiera was given a certificate
describing the horse bnd the conditions
under which he might be returned to the
real owner.
Two facts mado this reclamation well
nigh impossible in most cases. In ths
first place only a small proportion of the
horses In Cuba were registered, so that
no matter how thoroughly a farmer could
identify his own horse In the possession of
one of these rebels he could not . obtain
possession of the animal for lack of the
registration certificate.
Soldiers Trade Horses.
In the second place, the disbanded rebels
before returning to their homes took care
to exchange horses, so that an animal
stolen in Bantiago would not be returned
to that province, but would find a home in
Pinar del Rio.
This state of affairs was made worse
according to the report,' by the action of
some Cuban generals actually Issuing certi
ficates In blank to the disbanded soldiers
so that It was poeslblo for them to con
tinue Indefinitely to steal horses, all tha
was necessary for them to do bJ to
pick out a likely horse, make sure that It
waa not registered, nil In the blank certi
ficate with the description of the animal
and defy the owner to reclaim It. It la
only fair to state that the Insurgent gen
erals deny Indlgantly that they have given
away any of these blank certificates, but
the fact is stated In the report that such
certificates have actually been found la
the hands of disbanded soldiers.
The Best Bitter Uqueur.
Drink to the health ol your friend In
UnJcrtttrg Boonckamp BUtcrs and
improvn your oan- Taktn bfoaj
niea! it givrs a reloh to kaxl and skis
d.iejttoa aUays the game irv 1840.
Call lor a " pony " at any firl-t.Iav bar.
E2a)s'. as a eevkua aa4 Wttur lee .
6.acaj,ooo bo' ties Impoited to th U. S.
i i n