Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Joht a Jt.rnard li Eadoned ftr. Chif
, Clerk f tb Hoots. , ' "
- . . ' .. ' A ' '
Mntlva ( fanrastcr RfiMori In Tr.
rn& Revolt I adrtuot In
Omaha Gallnwar Pitu
on KBhlbKlnn. ,
John C. liarnard of Tabic Rotk hits beon
v In Omaha visiting among members of the
Timing- legislature nd .making no ferret
1 the fact he is a candidate .for chief dork
ii'c the house thla time. It became known
'' tit the close of last aeairtoii he would be.
Ha already haa the unanimous support of
the fifteen olj 'Bmmbew jof the home and
that of many other, JVhen ankod If he
would be down at the legislature this tlma
he laughingly replied: !'Jf I can jet fifty
i .ne vote I VnlL" -
Mr. Banian lias ;Tiaa(i a clitrk In the
house for aeveral term. For the laat two
sessions he iiaj beanv flrct a'rtstant to
Ohlf Clerk John WaJI. Prior to that he
was second dork.. He lias rime out of
rach session with the rut-U,n of an ao
i ommodatinf and efficient clerk.
"I do not care to make much noine over
my caaJidaoy," Mr. Barnard. . "'If fifty-one
members of the loo li the house will vote
for ma I will appreciate ft" and will en
deaver to render as faithful rvlcs a I
know how. As to opposition I cannot say
thure la none... I know where there Is soma
tippotilUnn to tny candidacy, but of course
any other ma.l has the same right to run
for the office as I have. I can say I have
had some pretty warm encouragement from
the member' who Sorved In the last ses
sion and know me,'.' .
N. P. Dodge, Jr., who was In the laat
house and will be In the next one, thmv In
this boost, for Barnard:
"If Mr. Barnard's election rosW with
the 100 members Of the IMS house he would
get Jie place without a dissenting vote. I
think that ought to count for something"
with the-new members, . who may not know
him as Well wa who- have served with
him. lie, knows no bounds to. his tndustry,
nallenco and accommodation and Is as ca
pable a Yuan as ever undertook the work,
i He and John WaJI, his old chief, made a
Sam that could not be Improved on."
Other re-elected mem'ier of the Douglas
delegation spenk In the fame way of Mr.
Barnard.' ' . '
. - ,
"Te. you may depend upon It, when two
Lincoln men assume the role of helping
OmaJia there la a 'nigger In the woodpile.' "
remarked a prominent Omaha republican
and business man, referring to the anxiety
of the, two Lancaster county senators to
have Omaha, retain the United Statue sen
atorship.( "Their ptetenso at instigating
a revolt against Norrts Brown and dragging
Omaha and Douglas county In as supporters
of the movement , may be adroit, but t
cannot deceive every one. It Is simply a
scheme d annihilate Omaha, politically.
Realizing the shock to 'the political prestige
of Omaha, which the loss of the United
States senatorshlp Js.' they., as. the agents
nf a large number of crafty politicians, now
propose to nnlsh this city's power by lead
ing it into a trap. I Imagine the IJncoln
crowd , ( whom they represent) will And
Itself sorely disappointed."
The Galloway Burlington pass iHsued dur
ing the campaign for the purpose of gut
ting the' university student, Galloway, to
go home and Vote the democratic ticket,
and whose genuineness the World-Herald
labored so' Vainly to deny. Is now on ex
hibition In-one of the enow windows of a
Steading store at Lincoln, where It may be
seen by anyone wishing to satisfy himself
further as to Its authenticity. It Is under
i .itood the republican -arate committee will
auk that It be sent ijp to Omaha as soon
as the exhibition, at, Lincoln is over and
' exhibited In a '.window here, where the
readers of the World-Herald may compare
' it with the belabored1 article they saw in
that paper. Borne wit has suggested that
the World-Herald be . asked to allow Its
window far the purpose of the display.
Charles Q. McDonald, treasurer of the
republican congressional committee, filed
! his report of receipts and disbursements
' with the county .clerk Tuesday. The re-
port shows the, committee handled $340,
f mnlHhli.aJ mm ..11 . T L T r ...
Mai; Joseph Clark, 110; George H. Thum
mell, J25; Q. R. Butkln. 116; F. W. Bhot
well, $40. The entire sum. was disbursed,
a detailed statement being attached, show
ing each item of expense. The expendi
tures were for halt rent, printing, music,
Brushed Scales from Face Like Pow
der Under Physicians Six Months
But Grew Worse Some Said
Face Would Be Marked for Life
Now Without a Blemish. .
"As I was a sufferer with ecsem
I write to tell you what great friend
I found in Cuticura Remedies. In
sir months I had
tried three doctors,
but did not get any
better. It was on
! my body and on my
feet so thick that
1 could hardly put
t pin on me with
out , touching ec-
swaa. My fare waa
vaTawui my eyeDrows came out, and
then i got ia my eve. I then went to
another doctor, lie asked ma what
I waa talon fo it, and I told hiin
Cuticura. lie said that was, a very
good tiling, but that he thought that
my fare wotJU be marked for life. But
Cutic-tJa did its work and my face la
' now Jiiit as clear aa it ever w.
"My brother-in-law told Die about
the 'wonderful Cutienrm remedies
1 took hit advice and got the Ointment,
Soap, and Resolvent. I washed with
the Cuticura iSoap and then applied
the Ointment, and took Cuticura
keaolvrnt as directed. In a short
time my fare began to get better, and
when I had taken one bottle of
Resolvent I could bruch the scales
off my face like a powder. When I
had taken torn bottlea my face was as
clear aa ever.
"I kid all my friemds about tiiy
remarkable cure. I feel so thankful
1 want even body far and wide to
know what Cuticura can do. It is a
ire cure for eczema, (signed )Mrs.
i-aama Whi'e, 641 Cherrier Flare,
Camden.. N. J., April 25, 1905. w
CWust k i.ft fta4 trvak TrveUameat is ry
HbXKMttf f, ,4 tm V ri- frM I ?
r..Uat. ( t.( t UJ U m . -K -, Ct.-. rL a; ka e
..(. Jw. 1ttt fT4 V I o C Tl.taV ttr pJ
4 w, I'K) u h4 tt Jl 4. tt4 A ( 4as;uf4,
Fu '.f l i t 4 i baaja. t ..ry . 5 F'v , tcte
Hi IV -
Many Friend t; ot
Jiitotv Attend
1m "HttniliiiK
Tlie funerst of Frederick A. TiiLker, who
died last Sunday evenlnc at 8t. llenmrj s
hospital In Council Itlufts after a lingering
illness of several weeks, waa held at 2 .
n. Tuesday from the family residence, UTS
North Twenty-fifth street. Many friends
wre Jn attendance, notwithstanding tlio
Inclement weather. As 'a mark of respect
the offices of the Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway, company wei-e closed for
the afternoon and the ofneert and clerk
attended the funeral in a body.
The floral tributes wsro profusi and
gave atnplo testimony to the universal es
teem In Which Mr. Tucker was held. Tha
patlbearvrs were selected from the car
operators, motormen and conductors of the
company with which Mr. Tucker had been
o long. Identified.
- The servlfces at the residence were- In
charge of Rov.( Frank L. Loveland, pastor
of the First Methodist church, and several
songs were sung by members of the choir
of that church. The address of Rev. Mr.
Lorelatnl M the residence was brief, belriR
partly a feeling recital of the workB of
Mr. Tucker as a man and as a Christian.
After the sen-tees at - the residence tho
body was taken to Forest Lawn cemetery
for Interment and was followed bv a lona
Members of the family from out of Hib
city who were In attendauce were Mrs.
F: W. Armstrong, a sister, and her hue
band of Marshall tovrn. Is.:. Charles K.
Armstrong, a brother-in-law from Lin
coln; B. G. Armstrong, a brother-in-law
from Cedar Rapids, la.; Josephine Arm
strong, a niece from Lincoln, and Guy and
Donald Wood, two nephews of Mr. Tucker
from Oklahoma. ' .
Several Peraoaa Not Coatent rltlt
What Capld Did for Them '
in Coart.
1 ' (
Maude K. Coghlan. whose marriage to !
Jay W. Coghlan at Ottawa. III., Septcm- i
ber 24. 1906. la said to have been the result I
of dare, has filed divorce proceedings In j
district court. Three days after the wed- I
ding, aha declares, her husband demanded
the keys to her trunk and when she re
fused to give them to him he assaulted
her, choking and striking her and cutting
the hand with which she held the keys.
Bhe says she has not lived with him since.
October 12. she asserts, he forced her, un
der threats of assault, to return the wed
ding ring, ehe also declares he has not
supported her since the wedding. Bhe asks
for the restoration of her maiden name,
Maude Klrke. s
Coghlan was attached to a street fair
amusement company that visited Omaha
this summer and it was here they became
Maude Wilson has begun suit for a di
vorce from Charles B. Wilson. The petl.
Hon was withdrawn from the files by her
Lars J. Peterson says his wife, Mary, has
abandoned him and has not lived with him
for over two years. He asks the district
court, to grant him a divorce.
Laborer la Posad Lifeless la
Room at the Metropolitan
George L. Hart, a laborer' who formerly
resided at 2506 N "street. South' Omaha, was
found dead In his room at the Metroplitan.
hotel, Twelfth and Douglas streets, about
12:15 p. m. Tuesday. ' Hart went to the
hotel laat Friday and had been on a pro
tracted spree for over two weeks. After an
examination of the body Police Surgeon
Harris, who was summoned, said the cause
of his death was undoubtedly due to al
coholic excesses.
The body was found by the landlady of
the hotel who had become alarmed over the
prolonged absence of the lodger and Hart
had evidently been dead for twelve or fif
teen hfturs. He complained Monday even
ing of feeling sick and went to his room and
when he failed to appear for breakfast or
lunch the. searoh was Instituted.
Among his effects was found' letters ad
dressed In care of Harey's barber shop
from a friend named Swanson at Fargo
N. D. '
Coroner Rrallcy has charge of the body
and wilt hold an inquest Wednesday morn
llantera Are Hald to Have Shot Too
Many Prairie Chicken'
and Docks.
On complaint of C. A. Nott, a farmer
from Wheeler county, the 'police are look
ing for C. H. Barnes, who told Mr. Nott
he was a switchman for the Vnlon Pacific,
and from the story told by Mr. Nott both
he and Barnes are likely to find themselves
in trouble with the game warden on a
charge of having In their possession more
prairie chickens than-the law allows.
According to Notfs story Barnes was
out In Wheeler county on a shooting trtp
and the two went into partnership. Mon
day they brought 160 chickens and twelve
ducks to Omaha and sold thet.i at the Cen
tral meat market for T2. They drew l&
and divided it between them. Intending to
get the rest later. Tuesday Nott went
batk for the rest of the coin, but he found
Barnes hud been there before him, drawn
the $52 and skipped out. He reported It to
the police.
As the limit under the state law Is fifty
chk'kens the case may be turned over to
the state authorities.
Ballote Came front First uf Truth
Wlthont a Scratch 1 ou
The txard Uiat is canvassing the county
election returns struck a snag Tuned ly
when It opened the poll book from
First precinct of the Tenth ward,
book was entirely blank, except for
poll lint end the signatures ot the
on the back page.' The portion of the book
In which tho vote for each candidate
should liave ben recorded was left entirely
blank and there was nothing In the book
to show the vote In the precinct.
County Clerk Haveriy at om-o dispatched
a letter to the members of the tvirrf -.n
lug tlmra to bring In their duplicate book
at cmoo. If they failed to kvep a duplicate
ii win im nooaesary to unlock the
machine and get the result from it
hoards In several of the precincts sent the
cuy poll doors to the county and
county books to the city, but thla ii
rrsl precinct In which to record
election was returned.
of the
. Northern ParlSe pia1( tars.
. Run through from St. Paul and M.nneap.
ells to North Pacific coast points. Careful
and attentive service, .exrelWnt cuisine.
Tickejs and full information tioi
S:S CitlseBs' Bank fcldg , D Moims. la.
Btiiiuf Moral lost of ffenmositT Object
ef Tfuid Hill Club.
Hn) llnilrtlna- for Home and Incites
llrllaluas Forces to Kaafe
liah t ssrrk and Saaday
Sehool There.
The trulJ Hill Improvement club is su
ing down lu history as a body that does
things. It has organised a company whose
prime object shall be the building up of
that community with home owners or rent
ers of good moral character, thrifty and
progressive; the establishment of a Sun
day school nnd church and the main
tenance of the high moral tone on which
the community lias begun existence.
The club held a meeting at Thirtieth ami
Bpaulding streets Monday night, which was
largely attended and at which steps were
taken to incorporate a company to deal In
real estate. Toward this end t2C0 was sub
scribed on a proposed capital ot , Sl.GOU.
While this company will be empowered to
do a Rinirral real cstato buslne. Its flrst
function will be to secure home owners or
good renters and keep out of the vicinity
the undesirable class. It believes by thus
maintaining a high standard of cltlsenahip
It can do more good for the city as a
whole than t.y going out after political
favors. It Is not that sort ot Improvement
Club Muys Official Hoar.
The club has bought a building tit which
Its meetings will be held. It also has
opened negotiations with religious organi
zations for the establishment of a church
there and has made the proposition that
until a church la organised tt will open Its
building to a Sunday school. If religious
workers will lend a hand in planting one
In that community. Services of all kinds
might be held In this building until a per
manent church home was established. The
club pledges Its moral and financial support
to these religious bodies.
One point the club is seeking to have dls
tlnctly understood Is that It does not con-
template doing any real estate . business
In conflict or competition with established
firms of that character. Its whole energies
will be devoted to the upbuilding of a
strong, enterprising people on Druid Hill,
one of the Inviting and rapidly developing
out districts of the city.
Officers and Committees.
The officers and committees of the club
President, W. A. Chapmen; vice presi
dent, George J. Bird; secretary-treasurer,
E. L. Pint.
Executive Committee W. A. Chapman,
George J. Bird. E. L. Plats. Andrew Peter
son. J. C. Smith, J. B. Ntckerson, John T.
Sidewalk and Crocslng Committee An
drew Peterson, D. C. Goodenow, E. C.
Bikes, J. M. Baldwin. Albert Bihler.
Publicity E. L. Plats, J. C. Smith.
Lignt Committee George J. Bird, Wil
liam Tegemyer, Henry Funk, Ernst Mcsser
schmldt, P. H. Nielsen.
Street, Alley and Boulevard Committee
C. W. Pierce. II. F. Brown, Jared J.
Smith, H. D. Pageler, Harry Christopher
Sewer and Water Committee J. C. Smith,
William Hoffman. J. Waldelock, George 8.
Weeks, M. F. Hotchkiss.
School Committee J. B. Nlckerson, J. P
AtiKtln, W. A- Chapman.
Entertainment Committee John T. Dillon.
C. W. Pl.-rson, George J. Bird, Fred J.
Unkel, J. C. Smith.
Delegates to City Federation George J.
Biid, Jared J. Smith, John T. Dillon.
These committees were appointed Mon
day night. The total membership of the
club is 1X4.
Bankera Vnlon President Probably
Will t Be Sued on Criminal
It is now said to be almost certain that
no. criminal charge against Dr. E. C. Spin
ney of the Bankers Union of the World
will be filed In Douglas county. "Certain
creditors of the- order assert the list of
assets sworn to by Mr. Spinney and filed
with the Insurance department at Lincoln
was incorrect and did not show the true
condition of the order. Borne of them
threatened a prosecution for alleged per
jury. County Attorney Slabaugh has made an
Investigation and finds the first affidavit
against which objection is mode was sworn
to so long ago the statute of limitation be
gan to run on It last August, hence no
prosecution could be had under It The
second affidavit has Mr. Spinney's name at
tached to it, but the name waa signed by
Miss Margaret E. Burdock, supreme sec
retary. This signature would be valid and
Its being signed by another would not af
fect a prosecution If Mr. Spinney gave his
consent to It. It appears, however, that
this consent was given and the affidavit
i. y --. .....,,, ana
if ywu are prfiikiuii, euppeas uu
invcki.iu.ait mesa mootm painisae
ineuibua of mine.
Hamieskness Cleanliness Re.
Iifcuniiy iivuraii ri ices are tna
itabiiiy ica.uica or my prawlib.
Kiiuns aim crowns, ti.uu and 11.
fnone O. bi. a iiay.
To Sell
Household Goods
Wagons, Buggies
Real Estate, or
If You Want
to Exchange
A Bee Want Ad will
be found a speedy and
satisfactory method :
to employ.
Telephone Douglas 238
iVS It
I have to In- In I.i
I.imoln an. I tmi In omjlia.
piDSft.utjon Im had it will
live to In- In Lincoln and not In Otiuilm
Those Intei estt In the csee said there
were no In developments in the e:it
Pew Make Tame Dnwn ?anlay,
n tt Raoaah to Make
a (.NOTrlna.
While meteorologically speaking the snow
which began falling In Omaha Tuesday
morning Is not the first of the season. It
Is the first that has made Itself manifest
to any visible extent. Sunday last takes
rank as being the day of the ilrt snow of
the season, a few scattering flakes being
sufficient to give It the record.
Tuesday morning, snow began falling
about 11 o'clock. About the only Industry
annoyed Is the street car company. The
snow has the effect of handicapping the
iree running of ears, particularly along the
Podgu, Farnum luid Leavenworth street
A temperature of S above sero was le
ported at Omaha Tuesday' morning, with
M at Cheyenne and Li at Denver. The
cloudy condition prevails all over the cen
tral valleys west to the mountains. Light
mln, sleot or light snow ute r'Uorted un
the valley, but no stormy conditions exist
In the west, where a much higher tem
perature prevails than about Omaha.
The local outlook Is for rising tempera
ture Tuesday night, with rain or snow or
both, to be followed by fair weather, with
colder Wednesdar. There Is no promise of
any severe weather following the prevail
ing snow.
NORFOLK, Neb., Nov. 13..-A sleet storm
envelops north Nebraska. Sidewalks, fields,
wires and trees are covered with a thin
coating of ice.
Attorney Mach Better and Injnred
Ft rem aa Kxeeted to Re.
rover Aaoa.
Tuesday morning the condition of Charles
H. Morgan. . who Is seriously 11) at his
! home 1919 CaM "treet. was reported to be
somewhat Improved. Members of the family
said that Mr. Morgan was doing as well
ss could be expected, but his general con
dition is very weak. .
M. G. Herllhy, the Union Pacific fireman
who fell from his engine near Grand Is
land several days sgo snd sustained In
juries which necessitated hla removAl fn
the Omaha Genoral hospital last Saturday'
nignt, is very much improved and his
speedy recovery is expected. Helihy had
his left hip badly braised and had other
Injuries, which temporarily a free ted his
mind. . Tuesday morning It was reported
that Herllhy was nearly rational and had
not suffered Internal injuries.- which was
at first supposed.
Propositions Borne for the Com
mercial Clab Will Be
Asked For.
The Commercial elub's . executive com
mittee has decided to., have offers sub
mitted In writing before next meeting on
new quarters for the club, which has out
grown Its present home in the Board of
Trade building. . . , ..
Among the subjects of, discussion at Tues
day's meeting waa the, recent Increase of
Insurance rates In Omaha. Jay D. Foster
and John M. Guild, wce, appointed a com
mittee to learn the dots lis and report.
David Baum was . appointed a delegate
to the . deep waterwaynonventiqh in St.
Louis November 16 and' 18 , ,
The membership of H, H. Churchill was
transferred to J. A. Kills, Mr. Churchill's
successor as general agent of the Great
Three Tickets In the Arena, for Elec
tion of Ulcers Xext
Politicians are now busy In the Omaha
Field Club, for the directors for the coming
year are to be elected the flrst Wednesday
In December. The club has 600 members
and all are active, not only on the golf
links, but also In the management of the
affairs of the club, and want to have their
own men elected to fill, the offices for the
coming year. This Interest of course, bids
well for the club. Some think a boord
should be choeen which would spend a lot
or money In fixing up the club grounds,
and some would like to elect a conservative
board, which would let things rest as they
are for a year or two, until the club could
get out of debt. Three tickets are already
In the field and some more may be ex
pected before next month.
Detectives Mitchell and Snlllvnn r
- rest Sasneeta Mitchell and
Snlllvan, Who Get Free.
Charles Mitchell and Ed Sullivan, two
colored citlsens of uncertain occupation,
were before the people's bar Tuesday morn
ing on charges of vagrancy preferred by
Detectives Mitchell and Sullivan. The
testimony offered by Mitchell and Sullivan
ngalnst Mitchell and Sullivan was to tho
effect that Mitchell and 8ulllvan had an
aversion .to work of any kind, sort or de
scription, but Mitchell and Sullivan proved
to the satisfaction of the court that
Mitchell and 8ulllvan were inlfinformtd,
and the cases were diminseU.
The north tnul Limited
of the Northern Pacific railway Is in elco-tric-llghted,
steam-heated train, carrying a
splendid dining e-.u and a beautiful nnd
spacious observation car, with all modern
convenience, between St. Paul ami Minne
apolis and North Pacific coast points. In
formation and booklets regarding westward
Journey from '
' B. D. ROCKWELL, D. P. A..
tl Citlsens' Bank Bldg., Ds Moines, la.
Low Hates to Virgiata Pulatt
Via the
On November ith and 20th. one rare plui
17 00 for round trip to Norfolk. P.t. hmoud.
Lynchburg and many other points In Vir
ginia, return limit thirty djye. For folds,,
and Information call at City Ticket Offlc
1614 Farnam St.. or write to
F. A. NASH. General Western .'ssnt.
Omaha. Neb.
Wlate Visitors' Kad Eicar
slaas. On Saturdays and Sundays duriag the
winter the Chicago Great Western railway
will sell tickets to points In )ewa at half
tariff ratea The rates slso apply in oppo
site direction, enabling your friends to re
turn your visit. Ask 3. A. Ellis. General
Agent, Jill Farnam St., for Information.
- Marrlaare I. tresses.
The following marriage licenses have been
Issued: - - -
Charles 11 fctein. Omuha
May P. fcihean. Omaha
Carl ptteison, Omaha
fc.-herrM. Bwansufi, H tan ion. la!
OtKirge M. Wise. Omaha
Opul Bonn, Omaha ;.
XOYKMP.KK 14, 100(1.
All ObiietisniPa;.diCLeerine Aiuiuace
meat at Opcnine of Keetinc,
President "teams of lietallers Kn
Joins Association to Work Aanlnst
H Knrroarhment of tyr
annised Capital.
When the Ni'luaxka ami Western low.i
I'.etail Implement and Vehicle Dealers' as-
bociauon tKRiin its sixteenth annual con
vention n the rooms of the CnnimerelAl
club Tucaduy morning, the members r
celved t lie cheering news, through the re-
iins in secretary nnd treasurer, that the
association had paid all Its debt and waa
)' to iemn another yeur with a
balance in tho treasury. This condition
conlrn.sis stronsly a Ith that disclosed by
tlie reports of the same olficcs a yenr aso.
At that time tho association had lost
heavily In money and reputation through
bad work of hired organizers, and the
finnncial outlook was black indeed.
Another good bit of news o(T.?red by As
sistant Povretary J. D. Klnger was that
now menibei-s were fast Uelna. added to the
roll nnd the assoiUttion could hope for a
membership of 1,000 at no far distant day.
As one means of adding to the member
ship and Inoreasing the strength In every
wuy of the organization now In session It
ia hoped to merge with It the South Platte
Implement Dealers' association. This que,
tion will be taken up luter In tbo session
and President Jerome Shamp of the South
Platte association will be present to take
part In the deliberations. His association
has been holding Its conventions at Lincoln,
but the feeling has been growing In the last
few years that all the dealers of the stale
oiiRht to get together In convention at
Address of President Stearns.
Speaking on the welfare of the Associ
ation, 1'rosident J. F. Stearns of Logan,
la., said in hl annual address:
Men nnd combination of men, wha have
at their command millions of dollars, are
endeavoring to control the great ma kets
and industries of the world. What can you
or I do in opposition to sueh corporations?
otniiiK. Public measures are he In in
troduced In our state legislatures and In
congress which are sometimes greatly to
the disadvantage of tho retail dealers.
What kind of a light can we put up against
these, as individuals? None of Rny effect
whatever. Yet through a thorough. v
organized association, working In touch and
in harmony with other nssoclations we
nmy hope to accomplish much. '
I hrfve hud some knowloiiso of associa
tions In other lines of trade and have
found the strongest bodies to be those
whose members pay as much as Jj ier
year dues, with as many as 1,K or l.m
members, and in addition Jhey collect 16
from each one as membership fees My
opinion is that we should raise money
enough to pay a good, competent man ns
secretary a sufficient salary fo that he
could nlTord to devote his entire tune to
the interests of the members, and that tho
president should also receive such compen
sation ns would enable him to place a con.
siclerablo amount of his time at the service
of the association.
I am strongly in favor of local clubs, or
ganized In counties or districts, making
thorn, of course, subject to and In harmony
with the general rules of this association.
Sen Committees Appointed.
These committees were appointed:
Nominating Charles Wagner, J. M. Kl
well, L. P. Byers.
Resolutions J. G. North, J. D. Rinser,
M. C. Dafly.
Grlevance-J. D.' Ringer, L. P. Byers, J
M. Blwcll.
Arbitration Charles A. Wagner, . A.
Spooner, J. T. Thomas.
Auditlng-J. W. Newell, J. M. EIwcll, E.
F. Morris.
Constitution and By-laws-C. Van Zyi, T
M. Reed, A. P. Karbach. ; ,
J. F, Jones of tho Implement Trade Jour
nal, Kansas City; R. L. Kricghbaum of
Farm Machinery, St. Louis, and Fred
Loomis of the Implement Denier, Council
Bluffs, are present to report the doings of
the convention.
No sessions are held in the afternoons.
Wednesday' morning, in addition to tho
transaction of business., there will be an
address on "Insurance Matters" by J. W.
Garvey of Kansas City, secretary of the
Reciprocal Underwriters.
For Sore Tnrom and Colli In Chest
Use Omega Oil. Trial bottle 10c.
Last Big Land Openlo;
In Oklahoma .
Over a half million acres of agricultural lands will be opened to settlement this fall in Southwest
The quarter Sections will be Bold to the highest bidders.
Minimum price; $5 per acre, which is a very low figure conuldering the richness of the soil in the por
tion of the Xrw State.
Purchasers must be qualified homesteaders and comply with homestead law as to residence, cultivation
and Improvement.
Tci-niH Are KcuMiutble Purchaser has tho privilege of paying for his farm In five enqal annual pay
ments. Tho lands are mostly rolling prairies, well watered by living streams.
Corn, wheat, oats, rye, alfalfa, cotton and all kinds of garden products and fruits of almost every
variety can be grown In abundance. '
Thla opening will be the best opportunity to get a farm at your own price ever offered the homeseeker.
You cannot afford to miss it.
You should lone no time In getting on the ground either to select a business location or. to famlllurlze
yourself with the lands on which yo'i Intend to bid.
The rules and Regulations cf the Interior Department at Washington, D. C, for opening ofthese lands
lire as follows:
Sealed bids bhall be received not before 9 a. in. December 3, or after 4 p. iu. December 8, 1506, at Law
ton, Oklahoma, Land Office, where bids will be opened beginning December 10, 1906. PiOBpectlve bidders
should make application for proper form on which to submit bids and for full Information as to conditions
regarding this land opening to "Register and Receiver," United States Land Office, Lawtou, Oklahoma, to
whom all bids should be addressed when proper form has been received and all conditions have been com
ulied with.
Chaap raiis first and third Tuesdays or euch month via Rock Island-Frist o Lines, only direct route to
tho His Land Opening.
Write for further information to .
Rock Island-Frisco Line
AH fitat is
besl in - -
We've picked out the best manu
facturing tailors in the country and
chosen the best of their original
style creations. That means a
larger variety to select from than
you'll find anywhere else.
Standard of Overcoat Values in
This Community.
A 4 Clfl Many koimI JikIris fcuy
HI 9IU these overcoats are worth
$15 and they look the part. They'd
really cost that in most stores. They
cotne la a splendid variety o( materials
good wearing, serviceable coat.
At ll Th 8,vle8 80(1 tailoring of
HI ylJ these overcoats are excel
lent, and they come In a splendid va
viety of fashionable fabrics. The gen
eral finish throughout Is what you
would expect in much more expensive
AA C0n These are the very smart
Hl WbU est up-to-date overcoats.
Fabrics are strictly puro all wool. They
are made to meet the Ideas of the moat
careful dressers garments that ere
perfect in every detail.
Dandruff Goes-New Hair Comes
Pafojmerie Ed. Pinaud
I'aMM-nxer Traffic Manager,
Im Sail Station, Chicago;
or Kriwo ItuiliUng, St. loiiis.
All wool Droudbrook Overcoats. 4-lnct
lr-nRthn, bhuU and oxford CI C
frray shades ,
St. George- Kersey Oven-Outs, back
well shaped in, or athletic Ryton cut.
Most fashionably styled,
black and oxford gray..
Patent Chinchilla Overcoats, wind
proof, serge lined, full and
Konerously proportioned . .
Silk Lined Overcoats, genuine vicuna
top, Chesterfield back, decidedly
swagger, illustrating
extremely strong values.
flAMOM'U-LIUvfm, IStu and iliarj.
.-., -a ff