Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1906, Page 4, Image 4
TIIE OMAHA DAILY. BEE: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER . 14, 190(1. Omaha Daily Bee roiTNDED BY EDWARD VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. Rntered lit Omaha poslofnce second -1 ls matter TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Pally Hee (without Sunday), on iar..$4 J I)lljr Hee and Bunday, one year w Pundny Bee, one year ?' Saturday Bee. one year o0 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. rnlly Ite (Includlni Sunday), per week..1nc 1'nlly Bee (without Sunday), ler week..loc ICvonlng Hee (without Sunday), per week lc Kvening Bee (with Sunday), per week. .10 Address complaint! of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulating Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee building, i South Omaha City Hall building. 'ounrll Muffs 10 Pearl street, ''hlrago 1640 Unity building. . New York-16n Home I.tfe Ins. building. Washington fll Fourteenth street. CORRESPONDENCES. Communications relating to news and ertl turiRj matter should be addressed: Omaha. ee, I-idl torlnl Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing company. Only i-cent stamps received as payment or rnall accounts, personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLJSH1NG COMPANY. STATEMENT Or CIRCULATION. Stale of Nebraska, Douglas County, Charles C. Roaewater, general manager pt The R Publishing companv, being duly worn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Kvenlng and Sunday Bee printed during thr monin or LK-tober, 19o, was as louow: 1 30,660 1 30,800 1 30300 17 30,830 H 30.930 1.. 10.. 21.. St.. .31,390 30,730 f ....30,760 31,700 T .....30,300 . ( 30,070 30,890 10 30,730 11 30,900 12 30,730 , .31,330 ,.31,900 , .30,850 , .30.8SI0 at. 34 30,830 21 31,870 J( 31.410 IT 31.70 1 1 30,870 21 31,800 30 31,110 II 31,110 13 31.08J 14 30,800 12 31,440 16... 33,000 Total a.. Less unsold copies... 981,350 11,083 Net total sales ...950,337 Daily average 30,859 C. C. ROSEWATER. General Manager. Subscribed It my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of November. IM. (Seal.) M. B. HUNGATE, Notary Public, Wllbil OCT OF TOWN. Subscribers leaving; the) elty tem porarily should have The Bee mailed to thesa. Address will be Indictment of shippers at Kansas City may indicate that the railroads have Joined the government in its ef fort to see that no guilty man escapes. Wall street seems less satisfied with Governor-elect Hughes since it learns that the antics of Mr. Hearst has not scared him away, from his ideas of duty.' . -i ; In the death ' of a Pennsylvanlan killed by a darning needle in the dress of his sweetheart the ."new woman" scores a point in the contest with her "domestic" sister. ' The divorce congress apparently be lieves that divorces will br fewer if discordant couples are required to pa rade their family skeletons before their acquaintances. Omaha is about to entertain the conventions of several state associa tions. Omaha will soon have to have a standing entertainment committee for continuous service. vlance at the official estimate for Improvement appropriations b.vjves that recent resumption of traffic on the Miscourl river has not produced the detsired effect on the engineer corps of the War department. Those Cuban generals who made it possible for insurgents to retain horses stolen from farmers must have been counting on the use of cavalry in the , next presidential "election." Pittsburg may discover that its pres ent reign of terror is the natural re sult of the Influx of alleged "private detectives" called to that city by the necessities of its famous divorce cases. ' The incapacitating of the electric lighting plant would suggest that our next franchise grant should be for a double electric lighting service, which is needed worse than a double tele phone service. With a new armor plate factory started in Pennsylvania, the Navy de partment may be compelled to divide Its next award in three parts unless the managers "get together" before bids are submitted. Trust the indicted cattle barons to employ high-priced lawyers who will find hole for them to crawl out of, if there are any holes in the statutes. The little land fencer can plead guilty and pay the penalty. ' The postmaster at Lincoln has ap propriated to himself without credit the recommendation of the postmaster at Omaha for public school instruction in the correct way of addressing let ters. Perhaps, however, our own post master got the idea from some one elbe in the first place. Standing Candidate Hearst has been banqueted by his associates on the tjeket. They ought to be willing to pay that much tribute, considering that Hearst put up all the money for the campaign only to be defeated, while they got the benefit of It by being elected. ' Not only the Real Estate exchange, but all the other Omaha business or ganisations, should prepare to back up the fight for the taxation of rail road terminals for city purposes. The successful outcome of this movement . means more for the reduction of taxes and Improvement of the service ren dered by our city government than 4 olbot one thing. t XKRRaSRA'S AEIK ir.aisi.ATVKK. The election of another legislature with overwhelming republican major ities In both house and senate Indi cates that the people of Nebraska pre fer to look to the republicans to cure the maladies that require legislative treatment. The fact that these ma jorities' will not be quite so large In the coming legislature as in the lait is no sign whatever of any great re vulsion to the democratic-populist fusion. In fact, with that single ex ception, the republican preponderance has never been more marked. The political division of the two legislative houses for the past dozen years has been as follows: Senate. House. Year. Rep. Kus. Rep. Fus. 1907 2 1906 S3 1903 23 1901 19 1S 22 1897 7 5 0 4 14 11 3 91 76 63 5:2 The majority by which the repub licans will control will, of course, im pose upon them the full responsibility for legislation and make the party ac countable to the people for the results. It should facilitate the election of a L United States senator and thus pre vent it from becoming a disturbing factor in the work of lawmaking. The personality of the legislature war rants the expectation that it 'will grap ple with the most pressing problems and reach satisfactory solution, espe cially in the redemption of the plat form pledges on which the party went before the people. Should there be any signs of backsliding among the legislators the people will look to the new governor to keep them In line and make good the party's promise of a square deal for all. KO PR ESIDENT1AL "DISABILITY-" For two or three days now the presi dent has been as completely outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States as he will be during his Panama trip, and even more cut off from communication than he will be on tho isthmus Itself, and yet the ma chinery of the government operates as smoothly and effectively as it would if he were in Colorado or at Oyster Bay, if not in the White House Itself. And precisely when the situation is thus reached, in anticipation of which the doctrinaires and sensationalists have for weeks been splitting hairs, the debate over "disability" practically ceases, the whole subject being seen by everybody to have under the cir cumstances no practical pith or mo ment. The presidential succession for all pertinent contingencies 1b In fact thor oughly provided for by the constitu tion and laws and by the common sense of those in whose, hands rests Its direction. The vice president, or after him a series of cabinet officers, is legally designated, each in his turn so that in no event is there possibility of iack of substantial executive con tinuity. Meantime the president is perform ing a public duty, than which no offi cial act could be more appropriate, namely, impressing upon the attention of the country the vital importance of the interocean waterway and in fusing new energy into the work of its construction. ' ORAITL1SQ THE STANDARD OIL. The decision of the Department of Justice to proceed against the Stand ard OU under the Sherman anti-trust act is to be taken as marking in some respects the most serious effort of the government against great corporation combinations in restraint of trade. It follows protracted investigation and preparation for the test of strength between public authority and the most formidable of all the trusts. The Standard OH combination was enabled to crush 'competitors mainly by transportation discriminations. By forcing a system of stifling rebates in its own favor it had in effect beeu built into an irresistible monopoly be fore the enactment of the interstate commerce law in 1889 and before re bates had been legislatively penalized, but by that time It had acquired such influence In railroad transportation that the natural anti-rebate luws were evaded and nullified Indirectly almost as completely as by the original sys tem of direct rebates. And It has been demonstrated by the recent Investiga tions of the Interstate Commerce com mission and the Department, of Com merce that these methods were con tinued even after enactment of the rate laws at the lust session of con gress. It has, however, already stopped Innumerable . discriminations manipulated in favor of the Standard Oil. and relentless execution of ,the re bate amendments is in progress lo prevent new evasions and stop what may remain of the old. But the government Is now grappling with the essential peril of this monster combine, wnicn still exists utter so much progress in abating the fatal rebate evil by which it was built up. As a conspiracy it has been left in a dominating position by its marketing agencies and by control of refineries, pipe lines, oil fields, etc. It operates notoriously and as shown by Irre fragable proof brought out in recent trials la Ohio and Missouri through a multiplicity of local and even for eign corporations, all In fact controlled by the New Jersey corporation, as mere parts and means of one purpose to restrain trade. The national gov ernment now proposes to go to the root of the question whether such an organization can be brought within the Sherman anti-trust law declaring Illegal "every contract, combination '.n the form of trust or otherwise, or con spiracy in restraint of trade or com merce: among the several slates or with foreign catljus," and all persons mm i'ui imrai uuis piiKHKn inprt'in pun ishable and liable to interference by Injunction and other remedies. More- lover, both civil action for damages and criminal prosecutions sre provided I for persons who "shall monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monooliie any part of the trade or commerce among the several states or with foreign na tions." Obviously, if the Standard Oil csn be successfully prosecuted under this act, its prluw movers and agents pun ished, the "trust" dissolved and its constituent corporations enjoined, sub jected to penalties and prevented from acting in illegal concert, then few of the many formidable corporation trade conspiracies can withstand the na tional authority acting under laws al ready on the statute book. The strug gle will necessarily raise constitutional Issues not yet Judicially settled as to what interstate commerce compre hends, beyond the transportation phase, and will carry far forward this historic movement for equal rights and equal opportunities in trade and in dustry. FVLLUAS STUCK WATERINO JOB. The Pullman company's resolution to Issue a stock dividend of $35,000, 000 accumulated surplus is nothing more nor less than a watering of stock to that extent, capitalizing an earning capacity on the basis of arbitrary charges with disregard of their rea sonableness or cost of service. It is in fact the culmination of a notorious series of stock watering operations whereby the capitalization had already been swollen from 11,250,000 to $74, 000,000. By 1893 it had reached 136,000,000 by declarations of stock on surplus, after 8 per cent regular dividends and enormous appropria tions for improvements had been made out of profits. In 1898. In addition to 8 per cent, a cash dividend of 20 per cent was paid and also a stock dividend, raising the total to $54,000, 000: Then the next year its sole Im portant competitor, the Wagner com pany, was absorbed on a stock basis of $20,000,000. Since then the charges have been such as to pay the regular dividend of 8 per cent, and now to accumulate, over and above vaBt betterments from net earnings In the meantime, a sheer cash surplus of $35,000,000, which, If divided in stock, will expand the capitalization to $109,000,000, on which the design is to compel the public to continue to pay regularly 8 per cent dividend, with repetition of the surplus profit proc ess. , To all intents and purposes the Pull man company is a monopoly, drawing Its revenues mainly from travel across state lines, and while levying arbitrary tribute upon the public ob stinately shirking its share of the pub lic burden of taxation. This stock watering performance, almost simul taneous with the going Into effect of the new rate law, and bearing vitally on present and future charges, would seem to make the time ripe for ap plying those provisions of the amended Interstate commerce law which make sleeping car companies common car riers within its meaning and subject them to all its provisions regarding reasonableness of charges and the au thority of the national commission to "fix rates," especially since the Pull man monopoly has semi-offlclally an nounced its denial of the validity of those provisions and its purpose to re sist their enforcement. The Commercial Travelers' Anti Trust league, under the presidency of William Hoge, Is getting busy again in the work of boosting Colonel Bryan Into the presidential chair. This is the same organization that was par ticularly conspicuous in arranging for the Madison Square Garden reception to the distinguished returned traveler. Its latest scheme is to create a com mittee of 5,000, each member to con stitute himself a traveling agent for , the dissemination of Bryan literature with railroad fare and traveling ex penses paid for by their employers. Should Colonel Bryan ever reach the White HouBe, Mr. Hoge will certainly be entitled to something good at his hands or an office that pays equally well. It Is quite possible that one great advantage not counted on will result from the voting of a franchise for a second telephone system in Omaha. What object can there be now for either the old telephone company or the Independent telephone interests to maintain a lobby at Lincoln to influ ence legislation the coming winter? If the election here sha'l result In ex tinguishing the telephone lobby at the capital It will help along a grjat re- ! form. j In the nieautime Uovernor Mickey ha those impeachment charges pre ferred against his police board ap pointees securely concealed in his in side pocket. The law says In so many words that the governor shall proceed "within a reasonable time" to investi gate the complaints and render a de cision u ion them. But what's the law between friends? Should Russian officials generally follow the plan of the Mosoow prefect who killed a man caught throwing a bomb at him, revolutionists might be driven to a more civilized mode of warfare a consummation most de voutly to be wished. Pity the poor Hurllngiou road. Down In Missouri It Is trying to prove in court that its earnings have shrunk so tbat It cannot posbibly pay divi dends if its rates ate reduced by a hair's breadth, and up her la Ne ! braska It Is enjoining the collection of I taxes. alleRing that to pay on the same , ! basis that other people do would con- ' ""''' " "" ' " ' nscste Its property If not throw It Into j A '"Ts'Vhc latest in,v. I bankruptcy. No one has noticed, how- ' nn abroad In New Yoik. run in cntinn I ever, that the dividends are suffering ,l0" with the day and night bank mi Kifth appreciably. ' '' 'avenue und Kurty-fourth turret. Since llm J 'I bhiik started the managers found that a 1 . '., C T, '.'W.'" .. 'number of dcp,.t Itors were a little chary I When the National Wine Growers I nf .,. , , Bflfr association assembles to adopt rules to comply with the pure food law the committee on nomenclature will be . . , . . , . glad people have long since ceased looking for "port" wine from over the sea. Members of the last Duma who signed the Vlborg manifesto will be considerably surprised to learn that they gave the only practical co-operation to the government in its efforts to exclude them from the next house. Va Rernon for Cold Feet. Washington Post. The treasury of the United States an nounces that there Is now In circulation over 12.000.000,000. Consequently, finan ciers should not attribute attacks of cold feet to poor circulation. Normal Heart Action. Washington Herald. A Nebraska congressman has returned 11,900 salary, and the fact that the ser-geant-at-arms Is still alive to tell the tale Indicates that gentleman's heart ac tion to be perfectly normal and healthy. Overcome by Shame. Chicago Record-Herald. Somebody Is offering a reward of $5,000 for the capture of a man who Imper sonated a Pittsburg millionaire. The fact that the impersonator Is hiding Indicates that he is not completely lost to shame. The Mmm tor the Place. Chicago Chronicle. Provisional Governor Magoon continues to show that he Is the man for the piano in Havana. The complaints of the liberals that he has not appointed them all to office and turned the other crowd out is one of the best indications that he Is righteously administering his office. Tiie howls of disappointed office seekers are a tribute to his firmness arid discretion. Another Japanese Grievance. Philadelphia Record. Another grievance has been added to the Japanese complaints over the San Fran cisco to eat Japanese cookery whether It keepers complain that their business la boycotted by the white Inhabitants. But the treaty with Japan does not make It compulsory upon the people of San Fran cisco to eat Japanese Cookery whether it agrees with their taste or not. Our Jap anese friends are rather exacting. Canned Mnslc Iter to 8ny. ;- Chicago Chronicle. "Canned music" Is the designation ap plied to the melody which Is obtained from phonographs, mechanical piano play ers and similar 'devices by a gentleman who Is a bandmaster and consequently prejudiced. Tha-; rest of us will testify that this "canned music is a good deal better In every way than the efforts of a great many amateur ' musicians and some professionals. It is too late to ery out against the music machines. They have come to' stay and they have earned the right to do .so. Illinois Central Management. Springfield 'Offass.) Republican. Nothing could i more admlre.ble In rail road management than Mr. Fish's policy of building up the' road as a community Interest In the omistry through which It runs; and now that property Is to be turned over to a "community" Interest of quite another sort and made a pawn In the great game of high finance to place the whole country under control of speculative ' free booters. It has been one of the few great properties to be continued under old-fashioned and unspevulative Ideas of railroad management and development, and Its fall from that estate makes a long step forward for the new policy of rallrond consolidation under a remote and Irresponsible Wall street autocracy." It Is a disturbing tend ency, and will not Improve the popular temper In relation to private control of railroads. Lives Lost tn Philippines. Army and Navy Journal, Major General i Leonard Wood, United States Army, commanding the Philippines division, includes in his annual report some statistics to show what the Ameri can occupation of the Islands ha cost I .. 1 V . . K Asn.t 1 fr oil- pears that from the occupation of the island. to July 17 1906. S.S84 soldier. and officers, regulars, have died In tht islands; navy and marine. S07; scouts, S6; state volunteers. 71; t nltod volunteers. 1,287; total. 4.84 2 UMlla n Ill IIUHiail J I "It. , ,v I 'T " ..rr.-. ,e,.:inow """ favoring new construc tion of the Islands to July 17, 190, civilian employe., 47: civilians not em ployes, 460; total S9. Of the vlctlnu. S76 were killed by the enemy. 5St died of wounds, 401 were drowned, 62J died of cholera, 315 of smallpox and 126 were suicides.' ' Bit VAX AM) HtSAHST. m,i HenO- The u t . state elections smashed Hearst In f."ewTh 1"Per a"d spedier of the boats draw York, nr.d his underlines In Massachusetts, llllno'ls. Ohio and California. In tying .P to Hearst's politic! remains Mr. liryan , . . . . , . I increased the reasons why the people should : smash for a third time the Bryanlsm they I have smashed twice. Nw York Tribune (rep.): Colonel Hryan emerges from the tumult und the shoutlnu of u defeat for bin parly in his own MHt as a self -elected clegantloe arbiter aus- i teroi..' rebuking President Roosevelt for I ' bad taste" In the late camp.ilgn. If the fact should be communicated to the presi dent by wireless telegraphy we don't be- I llevt It would greatly mar the pleasure ot , visible to ships In nnv pari of the i ha.ii ! his Panamun excivrslon. , nel. The advantages both as regards the i Nt-vr York Pout (Ind.l: The linp rtanl ! fiavl,l" l,f ""' UK '" ;o Increased :lhlng to note is that Mr. Bryan ts at in- s!,ff,ty of u,e nt'w erannel are exnected to finite pains to effect the poltKcal rosuccl, '"suit in the r ,icte a band nenl ol the i him as a valuable ally, and as a chief factor ! in ie-et"ibll,.hing democratic asc-ndenc v. us a c.d!.'a-e calmly 'Thus a twice-defi ati d cmdWu-e calmly Ignores the verdict of the electorate of this state, substituting ther'fur a trs nfc mlental distinction between Ixlrg beaten by your ; person I enemies ami beaten pcliUca ly. j It ' an Irishman win distinguished be i tween being merely " kilt" and beinj ' klit j entoirly." Mr. Bryan clearly be I mgs to the ; Hibefnlan school of political diagnosis. Wai-hlrgton Post (lnd : It Is generally understood that Mr. Brvan. appreciating the Importance of a presidential c i ndl- date's recognised ability' M carry his own sute. made an unusual effort to rr cover , ISrl raska this year. Tne republican ma- .-hoal. jjortty Is reported to te 1.(). Inss.nuch as i The new channel, although not so brll ! Mr. Bryan's personal popularity Is confl- llantlv illuminated as upper llioudway by l dently expected to overshadow snd cancel night, will nevertheless cotore .with or that, leaving him serene ard dom'nent, dinary much as upper Broadwny j does It not ststid to reason that the mOAt I compares with ordinary street. There popular president the country has ever j will heaven flishirj led ga buoys to the : had will b- able to contemplate the limited j starboard of Incoming ships and six fixed J dcmrcratlc victory In New York with com-I while light buoys to port At a further j T"'urc. still retaining his far-to-the-frc nt j precaution to mark the channel eleven new ; po'ltlon 'n.the list of Cupula r American j buoys will he set In the U' du y rial ami ti'aUniuiil i tU J414IU j l0.uiuM not M nnvr WW tnittt. . dork, i-Mpeelally from distance. So I tnr' P"t force a collection system hy wl,'n ""i"""10"' ' "ved the trouble of visiting the bank and ate rnnbled to ! ,lr,vnMt . thc mollPV on hRnd nt a ,,,. i hour without the risk of sending It by messenger. The bank officials have hsd built a spe cially designed automobile. Taking up the greater part of the spare-In the body of the machine Is a lnrg safe. There are no side doors, entrance only being poslhle to the section containing the safe by a door ne.t to the chauffeur's seat. The nieehm Ispi Is so constructed that It Is Impjseihle for any one but a chauffeur who has learned, the plan to operate It, obviating the possibility of a band of thieves knock ing the driver on the head and running off with the automobile, safe nnd nil. Ea.-h depositor receives a metal dispatch box, numbered and Inclosed In n leather cae. In this he puts his currency and charks and when the machine comes around he turns the box. linked, over to the messenger,- who gives him' a receipt for the box. "contents unknown." On the stub of the duplicate receipt which the messen ger Is to take back to the bank is a memo randum of the box's contents. At the bank the boxes are taken out and the receipts checked off with the deposit slip that has been locked In the box. On the next trip the box and passbook are returned to the deporltor. Tho automobile will follow reg ular routes, starting at 3 o'clock, making; trips to the larger stores at S nnd calling upon the theater box offices and the res taurants at 10. "There Is going to be a revolution in this country," said Hetty Green to a reporter. "And the people are going to revolt against the oppressions of the trusts. There will be a deluge and the streets will run with blood when tho people sre aroused. "The people are finding out .gradually about tho trusts, and when they realize a little more fully how they are running the chances of the average person there la going to be a revolultion. It will be a deluge, I tell you." Mrs. Green, who probably Is the richest woman In the United States, holding stock in many corporations, who transacts her business in the office of the Chemical Na tional bank of New York, has many In terests cloeely connected with big corpor ations. Tet Mrs. Green Is against trusts. She consented to pose for a newspaper photograph and was giving the newspaper man advice about how to Invest his money when she Interrupted herself to condemn trusts. There are some queer tastes seen In restaurants. "Tou know the predilection of school girls for cake and pickles? Well, I have seen that beaten often," said the proprietor of a large Broadway cafe. "I've got a customer who puts sugar on wliite potatoes. Sugar on tomatoes and canta loupe Is pretty bad; but sugar on potatoes iwh! A lady customer, a corset maker, melts a lump of butter In her cup of tea. Could you go that ? A pugilist puts vine gar On all his meats and vecetablea vinegar on everything except his desert. This Is not because he wants to reduce his weight; It Is because he likes the taste. Of course I have lota of customers who drink sour milk and eat high game and cheese customers for whom we ripen milk and cheese and birds till the aroma of our. cellar would cause a turkey buzzard to- quail. I have never seen anyone put sugar on oysters, but I have seen several persons sugar their fish." If the state water commission accepts the views of Its engineer, Myron S. Falk, It. will not give Its approval to the New Tork City water commission's plans to spend 1151,000,000 in tapping the water sheds In Ulster county for an Increased water supply for New York City. The engineer's conclusions are all against the proposed extension In l ister county. The commis sion's estimate of tl81.000.000 as the coat of the proposed extension Is regarded by the state water commission's expert as being far below the' real figures. In Mr. Fallc's opinion, the Ulster county plan would In volve an expenditure of many millions ovr the estimate. Ho would have the city re stricted to the Esopus shed and extensions Into Suffolk and Dutchess counties with a further extension. If found necessary, that would tap the Ten-mile and Delaware rivers. The Croton supply, Mr. Falk sug gests, should be connected with the lfeopus water shed by a &10.000.000 aqueduct. In brief, the engineer's report holds that with , ,,-K AnnM. I... . . ,Z properneveiop- TyXuJJTnJ ,?? '"f U"0,1 , Vn Jl T l rstocom" 11 the damose of water famlJ m CUy , , M ,pr,oug c(?rtaln tion work might wish the public to be lieve. Ambrose channel, the short cut throne-h New York harbor to the sea. which Is near Ing completion, will be the most brilliantly Illuminated channel In the world. It will be forty feet In dept and l.ono feet wide. The draught of the great Atlantic liners averages about twenty-five feet. The ! h"a vi"r "f ,heBe draw thirty-two ' feet. rather less than thirty feet. The work, ! V"' tor nearly six I 'J 1 '' 1 pd- b "nlshed ..m. i time In IKJi. Powerful dredging nnd sjc- : ma,.,llm.ry hav. Dp,n at.rk j movlng the sand from the bottom of the harbor, but the undertaking Is obviously j our of gigantic proportions The appropriation maile bv congress for tlghtlue: the channel Is n$3J0,'u. The plans for lighting the new pathway to the soa re conceived upon broad lines. A llKht- norsa is lo D erected on Staten Is'-.inrt at a cost of lixV"0. A powerful light will 1 Installed hure which will be clear! v An Important change will hIho be rmil i Swinburne Island, known among sallo, j ag 'T 'where .. powerful new ranee IlKhts will be instiled which wil' ; still further Illuminate the channel. In f-r-' terlng the harbor In the fur ire vessels il' firs: I ik up the new light. tip which 1a t be Installed well out to sen. fter pac ing the lijL'.tship they will sail on !!- ranRe ! line forn ed by the old west bink lieht and j the new light mi Staten Island. On reach inn Kwlnharne inland vess-ls will ch,nr ! their courFe. with the"' famous Sandy Hook ; iirht nnd the North Hook beacon dead I ,8ti i n. At the end of the dangerous w.itr j they will pick up a new gas tank vessel j and finally a new stone beacon on Craven TTW1TOT5) 0 CREAF3 Made from pure, grape cream ol tartar Makes home baking easy. Nothing can be substituted for it in making, quickly and perfectly, delicate hot biscuit, hot-breads, muffins, cake and pastry. Insures the food against alum Pure, Healthf til, Reliable niO 8AKINO POWOIS OO. OMIOAOO J- SENATORS BT POPULAR VOTE. How the Pnblle Will Is trnns;le(l In Rhode Island. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. As an example of what the election of t'nlted States senators by popular vole would do, the Rhode Island situation calls for further attention. On the basis of voles cast directly by the people. Colonel God dard, the Lincoln republican and demo cratic candidate, stands overwhelmingly the peoples choice. His legislative ticket car ri d every city In the state, except New port, by large pluralities, and the cities In Rhode Island contain by far the bulk of the population. The republican mem bers of the legislature, upon whom Senator Wetmore and Colonel Colt must de;eid to elect either the one or the other, represent a beggarly minority of the people of Rhode Island. We understand that the Idea of making an Independent and low tariff re publican like Colonel Qoddard the demo cratic candidate for senator, and of plac ing him before the people prior to the elec tion of a state legislature originated in the active and fertile political brain of ex-Oov-ernor Garvin, who might himself have justly aspired to be the senatorial candi date of his party. The outcome has been a striking vindication of his political Judg ment, In spite of the fact that Colonel Ood dard failed to win an absolute majority of the pocket borough legislature. PERSONAL NOTES. Simon Guggenheim, It is expected, will succeed Thomas M. Patterson as United States senator from Colorado. Mr. Gug genheim has lived In Denver for eight years and ts only S9 years old. Dr. James L. Slmonds, one of the oldest dentists In the country, who has just died at Dorchester, Mass., was the first dentist to use ether after Its discovery. He also claimed the distinction of having been the discoverer of the porcelain tooth. Former Postmaster General and Mrs. James A. Gary of Baltimore will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage with a dinner November 36 and a reception November 27. Thirty-two members of the family will be present at the diner, the seven daughters appearing tn their wed ding aowns. Punch's fine tribute to Abraham Lincoln ("Tou lay a wreath on murdered Lin coln's bier,") whose authorship Splelmann In his "History of Punch" ascribed to Shir ley Brooks, Is now restored to Tom Tay lor, who until Splelmann's book was uni versally credited , with It. The present authority Is G. S. I .a yard, who Is writing a "Life of Shirley Brooks," and says he has absolute proof that Taylor wrote the poem. While excitement regarding the Hohen lohe memoirs is still rife In r -rone there Is subdued talk In British military circles regarding the forthcoming apeurance of a book which will contain some of the Kto duke of Cambridge's voluminous nnd ex ceedingly frank correspondence. A dfilry kept by Emperor Frederick of Germany is In safe keeping In England and the day may not be far distant when It also will be published. Correct answers to numerous historical enigmus may be expected from such a publication. KLASHUS Or PI A. "How ubuut this XOCO,000 suit against the banana trust?" L,i..eiy iu slip up on It, ain't they?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Great Scot! What ails your steographor'a spelling?" y "Alls It? Nothing. It'a In It normal conuiiion. She a a i.ttlu In advance ol tne Other spelllii icfofiucia, lluit's all." Chi cago Tribune. "The soprano gave the choirmaster a . canury for a birthday gift," remarked the I contralto, "and he's named It alter tier." ! "Wuite appropriate, ehr " replied the tenor, I "Yes; I understand the bird can't sing a Mile bit." Philadelphia Catholic Stuuu- ' ard. "Are you discouraged by defeat?" ! "Certainly not," answered the candiadle. "The only way to convince some people that a man Is a real reformer l to keep on detesting him for office.1 -Washington Star. . . "The ancients thought the world was flat." "Well, 1 don't blame 'em. They had no cl.erns girls, no cigarettes, no hridue. no society Journals. It must have been In those days." Philadelphia Bulletin. "I've aot a duck of a 'lrl to listen to me!" cried the vain young doctor. "You needn't tell us that," giurnbled the Yes, while We could not sell so many in 1874 as we do in 1906 we had but 18,000 inhabitants then! We but we will have this number in 1010. Kimball Pianos sell from $200 up pretty cheap for a standard piano. Made in oak, walnut or mahogany, and sold on $8.00 nioithlv navments l.n 41, ',ot T.i .... v mi u u urut iiuoi uai ll Piano and Organ House the 1513 NOTK. If mixtures called baking powder sr8 offered yon st lower pries, remember they sre mostly made from alum, a metallic acid deleterious te health. , hsrdened old surgeon. "No other kind tt girl would listen to such a qusck." Wash ington Herald. ? "I'm sorrv I didn't get to thut barealn sale." remarked the soprano. "I under stand some very lovely thing went for a song. ' "Yea. dear." replied the contralto, but do vou think any of your notes would be high enough?" Philadelphia Press. MOHBl H BRYA.NK IS. Out In the farmyard whlttlln' a stick, tint in the sun sits sits Farmer Ilck: Sits there frettin' wnlle his tools all rust. Horse needs a shoe, buggy needs nxin Three-year-old colt. Named little vixen. Bucked In the harness, broke both shafts Nothln' he done, ever done In halves Chicks round the doorstep, cows In th vard 'n' . Horses In the corn 'n pls In the garden;! Old Farmer Dick sits round slarhln', Countln' the days till he votes fer Bryan. II. Moll's In the kitchen tryin' out lard. Sal's In the smokehouse worVIn so hard, Hakin' an' churnln' nn' hustlln' fer life, Sweat Just iMiurin off Farmer Dick's .wife: I, Hats out o' season, dresses all skimped. What does It help If yer hair Is crimped? , Ma still wears that rustv old bonnet. ' Little His scowls an' snvs, "doagonlt" Dress hiked In front 'way up to her kneesj, Swoops In the back as long as you please; Can't have a new one, have to wesr this Till Bill Bryan's elected, I guess. . III. I"t's take a drive! Just go flyln' Tell pa to bitch up. Sick? Almost dvln' Sharp shootln' (wins all thro' bis head, Can't sit up, better go to bed Next day better up. "Well. Sally, Halnt this the day fer th' democrat rally?" Goln' to get the horses! Well, what a rid dle! Already pa feels as fine as a fiddle; Horses h'tched up. nil jump In. la's all spruced tin slick as a pin; Face all shaved clean as a dollar. Sis tugs away, flxin' his collar; Moll ties his necktie, ma combs his hairla1K,' Pa kin hardly wait 'till he gets there; I Faces all beamln', there they go flvln', I Givin' three cheers for W. J. Bryan, BAYOLL N. TRELB. Omaha, Nov. 1H0. "A'o man," said Beau Bru-nniel, "but in a belier man for a proper pride in appearance." THE LATEST STYLE Nothing will set off the ngure oi a young man so - n . - stylishly as our "Ultra ". It is Fashion's last word in Overcoats. In grays and fancy pat terns, $25 to $50. We have some attractive weaves in subdued checks in Sack Suits, for .tpse who want the distinctwst- of a bit of color, $15 to $35. WJB'OWrilrvc V Kir9- (5 I ttt rr r -ens urSSdYear - Soiling the Wonderful KIMBALL PSAHOS we sold 3,500 Kimball Pianos- the factory made close to 1G0.00(T now have some less than 200,000, ...,,1 .. 1 uuu 21 11111. rre 11 o rmn m-..-, a 0 , " e, rr. H' Doi-slas Street f "s1 sA i