Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1906, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY -HKEi- WKDNESnAY, NOVKM UKtt' -14. ; V.KnV:-- Yllcpbnno Ilouplas 61V Infanls' Wear. Department. . New Showing of Bear Skin Caps. v ..'.., - . . . . ', The 1iri)ii-i.1tin'(l m;ectsH of our Infanta' Wear Department prQ.vcs that tv i' meet fhc ren.nlremi.-nts of the hour with 'style, r'lulvrnetts assortments iiimI pflcec. " ' " ' Xf fso nun nnd dainty taps In the popular colors to match the bear skin i-i n! should' Interest every Mother who takes pride In the dressing of her little one. . -.v .Infants' hear skin caps In red, navy, gray and white, special vulue 30c. ' .Infants' bear skin raps In white, with light blue trimmings, also plain v.hit. 1.0 each. . ' ' JnfnnU' bear sUln cups In white, with pretty trimmings of ribbon bows, Mid small. f"i" heads, ftl.oO rncli. Main floor. . . Heaiitifill -fconvenlr poslfll cards, I ti-e upon request.. ' : " ' Open Saturday Howard, Corner MLPA UK RAILWAY MEN Pretidoat Eiiley ,fy Einplojeief Trait- Continental Lines Ars to Get Baiic. CONf ERLNCES TO BL fitLD IN LOS ANGELES Ofllelals of Hunts. l. Mntithern PacIHe niid (mlt Lake Roads Will Meet Committees of K.niln i ''.'... ' .Saturday. , ANviKJ.ES, Nov VS. Humor of h. general Increase in wage on throe trans continental i illinnd, th Souther i Pacific, Santa Fe nnd Salt Luke, wr;. verified to some. extent here today 1y President B. P. Kip,'- of the Sinta. F. President Ripley staicu that various western railroads had sent representative to ii meeting to be held In this city next Saturday at which '."the dally of t lie M'vernl unions of rail road employe that arc entitled to higher 'wages -given cmKMcrntlott. : ' "There will be .om Increase in wages on (ill. transcontinental railroads," said Mr. Ripley, "hut the various unions will not Ket all they nsk for. .1 cannot state now . J t. e 'hat dcpartinc titn aic Jlkely to receive ineiAt tfi ,v or how much. Hut the mil- roads wl., s'rant soinethins Boon." - V' strike nc lOnstern Iton4l?. 'NKW YORK. Nov.. li.-There no lonyer i appears to he any danger of a strike of railroad employes In tin- cast, as- the sliua- lrt My cleared today. The r.'ew York, New . 'Haven' & Hartford and th. New York On- tral railroads came- to an agreement with 1 committees representing the firemen of Hie two roads affecting the status .of the men ei. therew electric locomotives, and the , ,.ra,gl,eil bpfore Jud6e Munger Tuesday adjinit It comnilltee-or the Kile locomo- I norniug for sentence tinder his plea of tKo er.vticers announced late today It had , gulfy to gelling llyuor without" first paying come tp on. agreement with the officials tne tHJC rc,Iuired by the govern of that system. -'' . inent." Coclirnn asked for the merev nt ih. Tlie' flrenien's 'committee will confer further with the .New.; York Central and THE NAME ti STANDS FOR Honesty Honest Statements concerning Honest Goods' Purity Never s question' as to the Purity of our products Quality ..Costliest and choicest materials Used exclusively Reliability Uniform - sxcsllencs always maintained :r ;;.', . Popularity Everywhere high in favor 1 who ever tastes the Lowney products becomes a permsneM customer 'THE WALTER M. LOWNEY CO. Maker of Cscaa and Chocolttaa BOSTON, MASS. f P. E. ILER ' I'apitJtliftl, Street Car Magnate and tieneral llooster for Omaha. .,'otuah.l si tiisu&uow'of the' season ,4 -tailing' bs ntwrite.. this- ad. t Jt suviu Id, remind yon Jo urdeir your iw i fic overcoat now. " . W.e wunt o rniimi oif that the Lest t'lv to order it Is here. We carrya very lare stock of" atj' that Is depirnble In overuoat ln?, and' we- make them ' up at prices Turv HttlR aliovc what you .'inftald sbHva to p.ty for eadv Tuadi'. '. : -. v Kut though "ihfre isn't a treat 'difference in price, our rnade-to- ' your-measure, . . sure-to-f lt-j ou.' wide, long, loose, roomy non-break-' lng breaav overcoats lire vastly su i perior to the ready wades. Overeats lu order.-. . .15 lo l-V vult tu older . . tS o $50 MtcCARTSIV-WILSON TAILORING CO. 'Phone Doug. le. ' 4-$ 8 16th fct 'Neat boor, Ul W tJmk . JTu-ket Oftica . m m iow!Ey5 I Sg git . V .' Te. November 13, 1906. showing interior views of our store, Evenings Sixteenth Street. tho New York, New Haven & Hartford i official, 'concerning . the, questions of In creased waft-ex and shorter hours. ft VaV stated at the offices of the Erin ftjit-iii ime ioaay mat mere will lie no troSble in.' reaching aiv.ajrreemcn with tho firemen at tho present tlnA., as 'President I nderwood s letter to Chief Harnuhan was not a reTueal to icrant concessions to the dissatisfied men. but simply u request to bold off until settlements conldbe mado with . yardmen, switchmen, brakemen and thi. employes of the company.. It, was si ld that when tbus- adjusuueiits sMiall It.Te. been 'made .tho drniurids' Vf Jllv flre mkMi will be takon up and those considered iV'SOnjijblA n granted- .. . I'LKVEIaAM), Nov. 13. A- .committee .from the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men was called Into a conference with, the master mechanics of the Cleveland division of-tho Erie road today with the Intention. It In galil, of olTcrinff concessions to the men. SCRANTON. Pa.. Nov. 1.1-Kour (rrlev nnco committees, represent) iir the entire system of the Delaware Iek wanna & Western railroad between Holwken ' and KufTalo are here today. JJattern with rela tion to the firpmetu switchmen, trainmen and" ..conductors are serious., but eontldence is expressed that all points at issue will be settled without a strike. - PHILADELPHIA.' Nov. 13.-AU of the di vision superintendents of the Philadelphia it Reading railway system were called here today for a conference with Vice President Voorhees concerning grievances .of em ployes. ' DECISION (Continued from First Page.) the United States court, but was remanded back to the state courts. . Enmiett Cochran of Frontier r,-iiititw court, as he had a wife and three small children dependent upon him for support. The court thought he should have, thought or tlilet before getting into trouble and im pose the minimum tine of J100 and thirty days In the jail of Douglas eounty. Governor Takes up foal 4lueatim PIERRE, 8. D., Nov. 13. (Special Tele gram.) Governor Elrod, having lerfmed of the soft coal shortage art- roan places tn th state, has takVn' the matter Up with the management of both the Northwestern -and Milwaukee roads, and has received assur ances that the riiatter will receive i'minc dlate attention as such a shortage at this searfbn might mean severe suffering at any Ume. The governor requests parties at any place Where ir shortage exists to at 'once co'nimuntcate " w ith . bliii,' that it ''may be remedied as soon as possible. ' (old Found at Yankton. YANKTON. 8. D., Nov. 13. (Speclad.) Considerable excitement has been caused here by the finding of gold bearing quarts r during the excavating for a building on Walnut and Second streeta. Several pieces have been turned up by the scrapers and experts proclaim the quarts very rich. Thirty-five years ago a similar vein' was struck, only a little farther west. .The owner of the lot,- F. W. SchWenck, IS now prospecting for gold and building operation, have ceased for the present. "' - ' Thrown From Horse and Killed. PAWNEB CITt.'Neb.,' Nov. 13.- Special Tel. gram.) About, 11 o'clock this .niornlng John R. Goswin, assessur of Pawnee county, was throw -from his horse, his head strik ing the harii street, lfe sustained a frac ture of the ' skull, causing, .lit death, this afternoon at 4:15 without recovering con sciousness. " . Huualnic Wire to Fort Xirkrailr. SHERIDAN. Wyo.. Nov. IS. (Spe.lul Tel egram.) Captain Wllcttmnn and the signal corps men scut rom.Furt Omaha to Wyom ing during the I'te. scale; huve returned to Sheridan... Before returning to Fort Omaha they will string a telegraph wire from Sheridan to Fort Mackenzie. . Prune (.roivrr Puce earTnl. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 13.-The prune growers of California will receive iL'.iii.OaO more for their crop of IM'ii than was ob tained by them for the year !yt5. Tills Is I lie estimate of the leading d- aler In, tho local market. The total estimated amount due to the prune growers for this vcur's crop Is t4.Uiu.u0t. representing ldo'eoa.ouo pounds of prunes. In liios the total prune production of California was W.OvO.ijiiO pound. This shown makes the crop' of exceed that of ! i by 1J0.M;0i9 pounds. As all the Mis-k are practically eleaid up the t-Miiiutte-fur i;M la supposed to be fairly accurate. ;-i Savings 0 Every now and then some man takes a sudden step "up" in the world. Then a lot of people cry "luck. As a matter of fact, the man has, in nine cases out of ten, been working and SAVING. That explains many instances of "luck." Many opportuni . ties occur to those who have 1 ' ready money ' ' Our facilities are just suited to assist you. Don't put it off. City Savings Can!; 11. : I " DIRECTOR CORNERS .PROXIES Oic Official f Grain Iichincs Propoiei U Eictste ths Election. OTHERS PROPOSE TO PREVENT THIS Itti nt tare to Hair Affairs of toe HichUDgr. Torncd Over to One Man fur nomina tion. Churglng that one director of the Otnalia Oraln exchange. haj secured Sixty proxies by which he means' to elect men of his ewn choice to the directorate and thus con trol the exchange for his personal in terests the new organization of active (Train men will ware a fight this forenoon to have these proxies recalled. They sver that if thin man' plana are carried otit he will absolutely control the board of directory. They Intend to block his game. G. W. Wattles, whose, tenn of office as director and president expires today, is said to lie one man slated for election by this holder of proxies. Who tho others are the infill pent do not know. They have, nn complaint to make against Mr. Wattle and In fact have placed his nam on their own ticket. They do hold that no man would make a campaign for proxies unlew he had his personal Interests at stake.' -The directory who hn n,ale puch campalirn Is In the grain business on about the largest scale of any local firm and recently bought a long line of elevators. The men who are protesting met yester day and mimed a ticket, placing on It the three retiring directors, O. AV. Wattles, F. P. Kirkendall and S. A. McWhorter and three actual grain dealers, C. F. Da Vis, J. H. Hamilton nnd C. Vincent. Three are to be elected. Iteqneat for Recall of Proxies. . The election is to be held between 11 o'clock and 4 today. The plan will be to ask the' stockholders to recall their proxies liefore 11 o'clock nnd cast their own vole. If they canont place themselve In com munication with the men holding the proxies by that time, they can cast their own vote by getting to the polls In the Grain 'exchange before the proxies are voted. Though the names of the retiring di rectors have been placed on the grain men's ticket, It Is tho sentiment that all members of the board of directors should be actually engaged In the business, and for that reason the vote of the dealers will be for Vincent, Davis and Hamilton. They j have, however, only thirty votes out of , 1H3, the majority of stockholders of tho : exchange being business men who have, i no connection with the grain trade. There are nine men on the board and at present only three are grain dealers. Of these three only one represents interests outside of the elevators. The complainants read hope in the fact that a number of proxies were recalled yesterday after it became known that a grain man's ticket would be placed In the field. A lucent Dlaaraated with It. C. Vincent, manager of the Farmers' drain company and a candidate for elec tion, said on the situation: , "It IS hard to believe that Omaha busi ness men who -started the Grain exchange to promote the best Interests-of the city and state will lend themselves to a few self-chosen guardians of the exchange by handing their proxies to persona who seek to-control or to their friends. All Inter est should be represented on the board, and it seems not unreasonable that active, I practical grain men will sorve all Interests as well or better than .men whose time IS' fully occupied in other lines. .of .business and who are unfamiliar with the needs of tne exchange. In askirg for the active grain men a larger representation on the board the purpose is not to censure present-members, but gratefully to 'relieve some of . them of duties that muit' be onerous. - .,"It is . to be . hoped' that business men wno are stockholders will cancel their proxies and come to the exchange at 11 o'clock to vote t'leir own shares as they cnoose after luo. ..ig Into the situation. SYRIANS CAPTURE A BURGLAR Hoanil Hand and Foot, They Deliver Mini (o Connt-ll lllnfls . I'ollc. John McCarttiy "made a fatal- error when h- tried to dispose of some stolen property to a gang of Syrian railroad luborers near council Bluffs. The Syrians suspected j.inething wrong and surrounding McCar hy they tied him hand and foot and' Sent or the police. It was found that the goods iad been stolen Sunday ,nlght from Clark's general store ut Valley and McCarthy. is now In the Douglas county Jail . charged with the burglary. Doputy Sheriff Hale went to Council lii tiffs Tuesday afternoon and got htm und his pluuUer. Not long ago some of the Syrians got into trouble with the Council Bluffs poliue for buying stolen properly and when. McCarthy appeared with his grip full of goods their suspicions were aroused. Not Intending to be caught again they held him and notified the police. In the grip lie had were eleven pairs of shoes, alxiut 130 pocket knives, a cuuule dozen razors, u lot of underwear, socks, suspenders and other articles of mens weur. all tak'-n from the Valley store. Official t Ire of Sliafter'a -Death. WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-Offlcul notice of the death of Major General Shatter reached the Yar department today from Major General MacArthur, commanding the Pacific division, who will take charge of the funeral arraifgements if desired by the family without any orders from the de partment. C nrrr ! ouiuiltleea Hasjr. WASHINGTON', Nov. U.-The currency committees 'of the New York Chamber of Commerce und the American Bunkers' as sociation, which .are at work on a measure ank "Luck 1 6Ili and DOL'g.StS. J prorldlnff for the Issue of emergi-rfcy cur rency In tlmea of financial sirinxtcn y, con tinued thetr work toon jr. The meetings lire seem " ' ? ' ' 1 ' DIVORCE CONGHbSS AT WORK lirrmtrr Tnrtlon tti rrope4 Intform IrAw la ftofcr Over ib4 .pirttt4t ' - 'v ' ' ' PHILADELPHIA. 1 Cov. M. The national congress on unllorm, divorce laws. In ses sion In this city today, adopted about one third of the proposed uniform bill as drafted by the committee appointed at the meeting held In Washington nine months ago. ;The portions adopted Include seven causes under which annulment of marriage may tie obtained and six causes for abso lute divorce. . . j . Delegates from twenty-seven states and the District of Columbia, and representa tives of all protests nt denominations who attended the International conference on marriage, together .with the Catholic pre late, Blehup Shanley of North Dakota at tended the sessions, which were .presided over by Governor Pennypaeker. The important -changes In the. bill are the striking out of all references to pro ceedings and practice, leaving the question for the various- legislative bodies t pass upon. The corntnltte decided that so long as open bearings are held and the laws provide for direct service on the respondent and fix a punishment' for cotloslon the measure need not conform to any fixed rule. ' Caaaes for Dlrorer. The ' eauses' for 'which " divorce curi- be granted are infidelity, felony, blgsmy, de sertion, liabitusl drunkenness ' snd Intol erable cruelty and In the discussions of the various sections there van little opposition to any of these provisions. Hut In' the list of causes for annulment of marriage op position was presented against sevetal. Governor Pennypaeker took 'exceptions to the clausew hlch provides that If either party unknown" to' the other wss Insane at tho time bf niafrtage, It should be an nulled. The governor held mat the clause not only gave the Sane parry the right to begin suit, but also to a commission for the lunatic; ' This Would give a commission appointed by the court a rtght to' begin a suit In the name of ah Insane party, even If the person not'drisane did not want di vorce. He -argued that marriage was a personal relation and' a third person had no rights lii the contract. Seneca N. Taylor of Bt. Louis and C. La Rue Munson ' of Wlflidmsport, Pa., clashed with the governor on the subject. Mr. TaS-lor ' said the ' third party is the public and it has a right to forbid the propagation bf children from the" Insane. The question of -property rights he also held was involved. Mr. Munson 'said the clause was the "only protection for an Insane person against , a designing man or-woman. He cited a case where relatives apd . friends were helpless to protect an Imbecile who had' married a designing woman. The clause was adopted. Ace for Marrlasre. There was also . opposition to the clause annulling'' the marriage of a girl under the age of 16 and a youth under 18. Ernest Merten of Wisconsin held that a girl under 18 years was incapable of making a proper marriage-contract, and Frank H. Kerr of Ohio favored t He law of his state, which makes the marrlitge of a boy under and a girl under 18 void. Miss Rachel Stegel of Utah, the only woman speaker, held that 1 years for the girr was all right. She said: "We women ought to know," The clause was adopted. ' Though personally opposed to divorce, Bishop Shanley' Voted for" the ' sections tn behalf df his stale" because the other dele gates were not1 present. ' 1 TWENTY 'YEARS', CHURCH LIFE Menihera of 'Calvry: Baptist Flt- ,'tlnair Observe tlir Ami. 4 -,j . veraary. To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Its exis , aa a church the members of Calvary ptist church, and their friends met in the church edifice Tuesday night for a sociul gathering and' to listen to the story, of the struggle of the church as 'told by some of its first members. Calvary : church t .'was first 'organised twenty years ago' and the first place of worship was a' -small frame building on Twenty-fourth street, one block north of Cuming street. .A lot' was then bought and a new church built at Twenty-sixth and Seward streets, which was the home of the parish until the pKesent structure was built five years ago at iTwenty-flfth and Hamil ton streuts.. The church is now free from debt on its large church building, but owes a small debt on a mission which was built some years ago at a cost of tXM. and this will soon be cleared of debt. . The program last night consisted of ahort reminiscences by L- D. Holmes, Mrs. Almi. I. W. Carpenter and Mra. C. E. Lathrop. Miss De- Graf furnished the music and the pastor. Rev. E. R. Curry, used as the sub ject -of a few remarks, "A IxKik Into tho Future." DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Fred Segar. MISSOURI VALLBT, la.. Nov. U (Bpecial.) Mrs. Amy K earns Segar.' aged l year died in an Omaha hospital and the funeral occurred here yesterday. She was born and ruised near Modale, was' a graduate of the Woodbine Normal school and married Fred Segar two years ago. A daughter 7 months old survives. Bookmaker ou Trial. WASHINGTON. jN'ov. 13.-William Davis as put on trial before a. Jury in criminal court today on a chaise of operating a lac lng book at the Ueniilngs race track. The action la in the nature of a test rase to de. termlne the legal status of the , btlllng operations at Bennlnaa. Senator ( nlloin III. WASHINGTON, Nov. U.-8enator Cullora suffered a slight attack of Indigestion and nausea, while at the Navy department .to day requiring the attention of a physician. He is resting easily and it is believed soon will be completely recovered. Uakt Csteh of Ubalrhoae. NliW BEDKOKD", Mass.. Nov. 13. -The full catch of whalebone will not exceed hi. ooO pounds, according to advice, recelvt-d from the Arctic fleet. The latest arrival from the An lie Is the steamer Belvedere of this port. Captain Cottle, hlch brought down to Ban Francisco only one whale. KlKht vessels are still to be heard from, hut the local ship owners express little hop that their luck has been any better than Hint of their predecessors. L'p to date tli fall catch amounts to only nipe hales aiming tlx ships. ew Armor Plate ITaelarr. NUitRISTOWN, Fa.. Nov. IS. The. Alan WimkI. Iron and Steel company of t'on horken has do-ided to enter the armor piste field and bid for armor plate contracts a.,lnst the other companies now furnishing tli. i material to the navies of the wyrld. The company has purchased the realty of the C'onshocken ijuarry company,-Including the village of Connaughtun, and will erect an armor piute mill on the newly inquired Uilld. . Xotaelva at .New ek. . NEW YORK, Nov. 13. On board the steamer' Kalsei Willulm II. which arrived toddy from Bremen, Southampton and I'helbonrg, were Lir. W.- H. Sif, Uarnmn guvrrnor of bamoa; Gcraldlne Farrar, tu rico Caruso and Ar.ton Vai Kooy, the opera singers, aitd Fred Tarai. the jockey. udllor -'oan-' , POPLAR BLUFF. Nov 1J -Following HKinl sliois In his room iii the Jun,n hotel, rhoiuas A, llv.n-t.jii, icniii Oi JL Mail Orders 1 M Receive Prorapt Attention. Send for Sample?. Our Souvenirs arc coming back so fast on $1000 pur chases, that we arc fairly, astounded Just bring, your; sou venir and $9.00 and pay for your $10.00 purchase. - V. , Souvenirs given to every visitor to the daylight store this week.' ASOTHFU SAI.K OK LAPIKS t'OATS AM) JACKKTS AND CHILDHKX'S Wl.NTKH t'OATS AT $1.00. Y'dnesday This Is & greal op jiortunlty to get warm, Bervlcea .ble garments that cost at the factory from $3.50 to $7.00, and are worth every, cent of tho cost AT Jl'KT 1.00 Ladies Silk Petticoats An ImfnenHe bargain table of fine . Taffeta Silk Skirts, every one perfect, '.black and all tho newest colors, regular prices $5. $6.50 and $ .5" V etlnesday 3.95 : $5.95, $1.95 and. Ladies" Coats N'er "black and colored tight-fitting coats, new novelties In long, . loose coats. ,' Loose Coats, In full circular and Gibson backs, very loose and swagger, 52 Inches long, black velvet collars and : i sn1 cuffs, special at . .. ..1.3U Tight-fitting novelties, body lined In grey checks and plaids, a reg ular $17.50 value, f m re special at Ir. J" New black tight-fitted Coata, ele gantly man-tailored, beautiful line at $25. $22.50, 1 C Art $16.50 and . Largest and Most Carefully Se lected Stock of Fur Coats In : the City. Near Seal and River r rt Mink Coats at t,,D3 Sable Coney tight-fitted Coat, fancy lining . . . Beautiful Astrakhan Coats at .$25 $30 WEDNESDAY BARGAIN SALES In Our Basement Salesroom : . j . Japanese Cups and Saucers, fine china, d e corated" In blue and white, 25c quality, ..... .15 " Special Colored Glass Tumblers in sets of six, one set to each customer, ' ' sale .'price, ' " Wednesday only .'..'. 1.2-4J . Cut Glass' Naplers, 6-ln. In di ameter, the $1.95 quality, Wednesday .31.23 Nickel Bath Room Fixtures Complete set, towel rack, tumbler holder; soap holder and brush holder, set . 75 100-plece Set " of Haviland China Decorations gold, ' with pick or green, regular price, $35.00, Wednesday ' at ..$29.00 Gas Mantles With double wire supports, regular price 20c, Wednesday ............. LITTLE THINGS AT LITTLE PRICES 5c Wood Mouse Traps.... lt Good Dust Pans . 5 Wood Coat Hangers' 3(k Kitchen Table Knives 5 Anierlcan Audit company ,f Ciliclnnntl, was found dead last nlKht witli a bullet wound in his temple and another near his heart. Houston is believed to' huve com mitted suicide, but no reason for the act Is known. Ho came here two week ago to inspect some books. Funstou Aaauuiea Com maud ST. lyOUIS, Nov. 111. Brigadier General Frederick J-'viniuii today fuiimtlly took command of the Southwestern division of the United States army headquarters, which haveUieen moved to St. Louis from Okla homa. The -headquarters of the northern division of the I'liited States army huve bee,n transferred tu Chicago and General A. W. Greely and his staff department forces g'j today. Fox Hinlrra la Ke-ntuckr. BEARTJSTOWN, Ky- Nov. 13. The gieat- ect gutliei'ing of members of the National Fox Hunters' association ever assembled nn a similar occasion are here fur the big chase, which benan early today and which will be followed by many festivities during the week. Scenting conditions for the chase were not the beat, the .weather being cold, clear and dry Baak Hulilirra In Missouri. WALKER, Mo.. Nov. 13. Three robbers here early today escaped with the content." of the safe of the Bank of Walker. Tfta amount secured Is not known. The safe, and front portion of the bank bui'.dlug were v recked by the, explosion of a heavy charge of dynamite. Insarauee tuoiluliiloatri Ui). CHICAGO. Nov: 13. Tlie eonferenca- of Insurance comn Issloneiii was today turned Into an txecutlve session, which was scheduled tu last until evening. It was announced before the session opened tlit it was iniprobuble thut any speciho actinu would lie taken before tomorrow. larnarr'a Wife Asaaalteil. ATLANTA, (la., Nov. 13. Mra. J. N. Camp, larmer wife, wax bound with a leather strap and aksaulted by a negro at her home near the city today. An armed party l. seeking the negro. Taft (ioea to.Tesaa. FORT SILL. Okl . Nov. 13 Secretary of War T.fl and party left Fort Sill this morning In a special car for Fort Sain Houston, Tex. Always KsunentBa Cae N2B 1 axauve jromo Cam CoU la Or Day, GipLa 2 Day j JS TJf JtA I W r ' I Vfl 00 oaavary 47W tCX. i Near Seals at $50, $42.50. $37.50 and National Russian . -Squirrels at ......" .$35 $75 Aleutian Seal Coats, in half-fitted and tight-fitted coats. at $110.00 and . Beaver" Coats, best, quality at ..... i ... . $95 $98 Infants Coats, ages 1 to 5 years, navy anil red astrakhan cloth, full lined, high collar, " y y C large sleeves, special at. aW.w7 ' ,69c for Polka Dot ' Silks Worth $1 10 pieces of fine, soft silk, with ..pavy, blue ground and white dot effect, also black ground, with ;. white- dots, worth $1.00 a yard, : 24 Inches wide. On special sale Wednesday r vfs at ...'.'.. '. OJC Chiffon Broadcloths in the new . shades and black, the popular weave for dressy suits, the $1.50 ' quality, -Wednes- 110 day only, a yard LIU IJXKM I1AUGA1NS FOR WEDXKSDAY. Linen glass toweling, in blue and red check, worth 8c a yard, Wednesday, c yard ...DC Arniaha Linen Dresser Scarfs, 36 to 54 Inches long, with spoke stitch and drawn work, ajl around. These scarfs are worth tip to 65c, our price Wednesday, each' .". 35c TOWEL SALES. 100 dozen bleached huck towels. good, heavy quality, Vlth red borders, special for Wednesday 8ic Feather Dusters, 19 inches long, Wednes day, at 9 c DRUG SUNDRIES Standard Toilet Waters Flor ida Water, Rose, Violet, Helio trope and Lilac. 50c quality. Wednesday 39 Colgate's Palm Soap, Wednes day, 6 cakes 25 Toilet Paper The best Lan scon brand, 2,000 sheets to pkg., worth 12 c, Wednes day 9 Package cl Emery Boards, 12 pcs., worth 10c, Wednesday at 5 Powder Chaniula Skins, finest quality, Wednesday 4 Standard Toilet Pumice Stones,. Wednesday-. ... y 9 Hoot Manicure Sticks, 5c qual ity, 2. for 5 X.mWjS Delicious of Lemon Almond, etc., are as natural and strong as can bo made. AMI SK.MEVI S. BOYD'S w,Sur;.r.V'"- Mgr.. TONIGnT AT S:10 Tlie Successful Opera, THE MAYOR OF TOKIO and the famous Peanut Ballet. 300 seats, en lower floor at t LUO. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JANE CORCORAN, ill The Freedoms! Suzanns Saturday Mat.. A ZOX.X.'S SOOIB. au seats on lower floor at II.Od. UUIvWOOD TWELFTH PIG WEEK TON TGHT ALL WEEK Souvenir Matinee Thursday. WOv . t: .'ANY In the Romantic Drama, BY tjokt or IWOIS. Fr es Kvenlng and Sat. Mat., lvlc, 25c; Tues., Thur., Sat. Mats, 10c. Next Week CAPTAIN SWIFT. ..TH K.. Ladies of the First M. E. Church ' wIM ael g . In the Churek Parlars November 15 and IG Useful and fancy needle work, dolls, home looked foods and candies will be for sale. a light luack will he servea all day. ! Visit Our "InfanfEDept. '-l2ndirioor. Our Babies' v Clothing Dis play is Very Attractive. Cold Weather Underiyeai4 ' Ladies' Extra Heavy Fleeced Cot ton Union Suits, perfect fitting. In peeler, white and gray $f. 25 value, our ' special, each , 'umy CHILDREN 'WOOL tTMO SUITS. , Grey Union Suit,' two-thirds wVrol, drop seat, sizes 6 to 8, worth to $1.46 a suit, .special Art sale, each .I.UU HOSIERY SALE Ladies' Fast Black Heavy Fleeced Cotton Maco Hose, medium afid out sizes and y wool cashmere hose, double spliced olc,BCn special, a pair .'..'.'... .',a D C OUR GLOVE SECTION Complete with arbig-lins of - chil dren's, misses' ah.,boy8' kid and Mocha fleeced-linad mitts, with or without fur ''tops, fleeced lined gauntlet gloves and boys' fleeced lined kid. astrakhan and bear skin gloves, all n sale; Cn 'the pair, 75c and O UC A SAVING HANDKERCHIEF SALE TWO - GREAT SPECIALS Special No. 1 Ladies' and gents' 1 hand embroidery" initial alt lfften haudkW hlefs,--laundered . and ready tor use, 19c value, 1 1 only,, each . . . . . . . 1 UC, Special No. 2 Ladles' Pure Irish Linen convent embroidered lnl- . tlal handkerchiefs,, unlaundered, worth 10c each. ' , . ,1F--peclal, 6 for . tC (Only six to a customer.) DRAPERY SATEENS Fine Sateens, 26 inches wide, good, heavy quality, floralpat terns, for draperies or' rom forts, for Wednesday only, per yard , i.5? BaBBBaBBaBB-SBBBaBBaBSaaaaBBaaaBBaBBBBa PLAIN HEM CROCHET BED SPREADS With MarBeillea patterns, worth' $1.25 each, Wednesday only, each , Extra large Cotton Batts, only roll 3V4 36-lnch Brown L. L. Sheeting Muslin, yard i . . .4V Fruit of the Loottl and Lonsdale Muslin, yard ...... ...7'4j Table and Wall Oil Cloth, new tile patterns, yard 15 Fancy Blankets for bath robes,-' worth $1.00 pair, Wednesday, pair 75J Big 11x4 heavy fleece Bed Blankets, worth $1.35 pair. Wednesday, pair . . . . i .08 ' 54 -inch Bath Robe Flannels, pretty stripes, extra special for Wednesday, yard. .29., Imported German Flannels' for ' bath robes and house-.coats, pretty patterns, extra, special Wednesday, yard . r . -.39 Ladles' and Children's white and colored border Handker chiefs, worth 6c and 10c each, Wednesday special, each. 2 ED. ROTHERY'S ' Schlitz No. 2 BEBTAUmAJf T and CATX. Ill onth 14ttt t . Highest grade of. Wino, - Liquors and Cigars. Imported Alo aild porter, hchlitz'a Famous MawuH Boer and Half-and-lUlf on draught. AMI EMET 'Phone, Doug- 4(4. EVER1C NIGHT-MAT. Thurs., Sat., Bun. MODERN VAUDEVILLE Harry Tates' Sag-Ush Oo MoMahoa's Btlostral Italds, OUao, Xatheriae stag-eat, Minnie XaoXmaajL, XJndstrom at Aadersoo, MoMaboa ai CbappeUe aaA the KlaeoLroma. Vrtoes loo, B&o, frOc KRUG ""HEATER Tonlglit t3-Mat. Today That Big ' Musioal Joniedy Success THE WAR X)RRESPOXI)EXT Pretty Girls, Funny Comedians, A World of Laughs. Thursday-MY WIFE'S FAMILY. Trained Wild Animal ZOO At. n. Barnes' Consolidated S '. LV7 DOUGLAS ST.. Will open Thursday. Nov. 15. Hourly performances from 1:30 p. m. Sootled. pony. "Beauty," given away Jan. 1. Admission luc. One price to all. AUDITORIUM Boiler xatlug Ivery Afteraooa acd Uvrti lag Ail Tills Week. Thursday ladies- day Ladies Ad-iilttd Tree to Manns, MVSIO IT TB OaVCOXSTBA,