Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
10 TTin ofAiiA daily nnni wi;.Nr,M. v, N( rvr.Mnn. II. n;. 8 3 t :fi 'At' 'SW VK- '' jfo) toil rnfm 'A 3 N t. 3 H 8 i Wednesday Special Sale of VEILS and VEILINGS i. i i 0 $ Fine Veilings In plain black, white and $ $ colors--all silk, fancy mesh l f d many with chenillo dots, reg- I if 3 ular 2oc quality, at IXXJf S $ Rea47-Made Veils Thousands of all silk veils and hat , drapes, in chiffon and grenadine1!! to 3 yards fXl $ $ long- black and colors, worth as high as $1, each. V! I Hosiery Sale on Bargain Square 1 1 c Cig bargain square tilled with ladies , children's and men's style?, worth up to 20c pair, at pair Fur Scarfs $ :j Omaha's Pure FoodCcnlcr ft 6 I! Vincinr in nil fc.7.oa jituI h11 fitvloe Tr.Ar.inm ni1 Iiojtvv 3 weight, including fleecy lined this includes ! "V men's warm part wool socks, in camel's hair H U yfl Good cheer for Thanksgiving, no 1 mutter what the mottta, poultry ami K I't'RftaMfi is bound to ln lude nreat.l. . .. ...... Jirv wuj .n n. i ... . L-J " lllvn't 1... ,.i 1 ., ? Un.m 11 U v that you lurk tnaterlalii, skill hpiI v Hlmll lie glad to exoouta your order. IjJ 5 no matter how lorse or how wmall. for a ft i V Darg&ln Square, Main Floor Fur Scarfs in the popular shades double coneys with cord and tails, blended and natural brook mink clus ters, extra large Isabella coney clus ters, tail trimmed, worth $3 QO and $3.50, at.. l0 Large double blended brook mink Scarfs, Isabella and black coneys, Is abella ana opossum clusterB. worth $4 and $5. main AQ floor at A. I' T iv! tf tht-rc Is one thlnir we hav jet U ferted since we have bien In our now gj k. location. It is our bakery department. S A e believe that a glance will vlnce you of this fact. v Cooking School hi Mrs. Dwollf'i leoturB at 2:30 ach U only. . . . Tba TeDdereat Feet Are Comfortable la RED CROSS SHOES 1 $ " ft bends ""CTt ' ' nttlr ' 1 nf (Hit nnw ilnr. urn iX'ti I wArlh f tendlnK. Wednesday, November 14th, the following menu will be prepared a v anu servea: m Q Omtltt with Tomato Sane ft n , Sttamad rrnlt madlaa-, hard aaao fj ! S ; 8 .veancsaay special m s r i 5,000 pounds Cndahy'a Diamond O k Kama and Bacon, 10 to 12 ponnda M ararar Just the right lAl i" W size for family ham, ll 5 Diamond C Bacon, In scrips, 20 tl pound.. S Ankola Jara and Mocha Coffee U f"l served at our lunch counter, ptT , rup Bo 8 !9 Iiun Sandwich 6o M Thousands of ladles declare these the most comfortable shoes they ever wore. The sole of the Red Cross Shoe la recular walk ing tbirkneHS, it supports and pro tects the foot, but it is flexible and you can bend it double when new. , The Red Cross Shoe is made in all styles and all leathers. All the style of -any other high class shoe and twice the comfort. The price of RH Pt-oau Chnua - " " I i V4 !.l 8 S ..IS 3 Separate Entrances: Douglas Street Entrance, 5 Kntranen thrrniirh Wiit Arrade to 5 Bn ndels New Store. 'l'honc, Ooaulas 647 M Private. Exchange connects all Pepts. 4 NOV. 19TH H M M H H m H The Great Sale of Three Carloads of OSLCLOTEI and LINOLEUM At About Hail Cost to Manufacture I I SI See the Window Displays Our line of $3.50 Men's Shoes meet every requirement of a mod erate priced shoe. You can choose from several smart, shapely styles having all the appearance of a 5 Bhoe. L awtefflb&cli'' (Try this n your piano) t- Ecre is a strala Irora the new raging rag timescecess, "Lau tcrbach" composed by Ernest A. IJtner, oee o! Omaha's popular mall carriers. The other parts are- equally as fascinating an this ami it i the kind of rag time that wins itself into public favor not to rngjy, juft lively enough. lie sure to hear it all. For Sala Wherever Sheet Music is Sold. The stock is Velour Calf, Patent Colt and Cun Metal Calf. ' The shapes are the same as the higher priced shoes. We've nil sizes and widths. C0 Cf i a very popular prici for Men's Shoes these days. We were bound to have the best, and WE'VK GOT THEM. FRY SHOE CO. Ill IIOIII, 16th and Doughs Streets SOMETHING NEW WASHINGTON CHOCOLATES, 80c a pound Uui'VM in i - t rmur m h u a v. i . ,r r- W t. i - l torn mr It iv" ! -n- I. Arri t 'tt' ii 't iti 'j i ini jf v ht 4 n frU'H n (1. Dsaton Drug Co,, as 4 rarcj:n. Food top ik, in! rtrvoun ni filial li.l iM.a a... irk ..r i. j. , , ,t,.,u ,j lK. liHAY Vlr. III l.M n,.. Wl n. ,1 an. 1 ua a hosoa U.M ay MaU. Shermtn O MeCoixneii Drujf Co THE OMAHA DEC Cesl yiLfi rt ll'ATK Vt VAK.AK, H. L RAWACC10TTI. 0. V. S. 1 1 1 1 a. i imuh C "- ' .'( . V.t. HMt tOllklfaC. UELLCVUC "COLLEGE i i i i - 4 i w . o4 N .... . ' -i. I. - rf 4 I , i r in t I i n i I w t.1 On t ... - 4 n WATERPROOF s:ies 53.EO SHOES JU3 LACE CC3TS zrz;i stc:u sfcculs AT Tin Walk Over Shoe Store I S4 1 raNi It, D W.ut Yoi Write to Adversers i4n.wr II j a tr tik f OM,ll Ul .tllil i: H)IU HT Ai.lM.Mln. NlmmK' Thirteen Shopping Days Till Thanksgiving www TVTT TXTT d v i i.t i in !1 W & J Li fl I Jl JJ J DUV CAPITOL COAL Wednesday Green 1 Trading Stamp Sensations IMH ISM; (iHKKN THAP1NO STAMPS IX 1M1MKSTK S. IK)l i;i K C'iRKKX TRAIIXi STAMI'S C) ALL KMT t XDKIUVKAH. IH)l IILK CHKKX TKAIHXtt STAMPS OS ALL HOSIKKV. Kvfru irr'n TraHnt SI amps on Llsk HonMci'. Kxtrn f;rorn Trndlnn Stnin on n Srorc of Smh-IhI? in Grocery. t;ut I'rieeH on Kvt'rylhiiift. ,,,,.,, to Mtasure Dress Goods Department Special mm THB WILIABU ITtUt HOSIERY In our Hi'iy M-rtioii.we claim the most complete slock in the clly and . ut prices that cannot 1' matched, l.iiy a pair of hme from us, ami you'll' lie a customer of our always. , Women's Cotton Hose at 75c, 50c, 35c. 25c, 15c, 12Vsc and . 10 Women's Fleece Lined Hose, pair. 50c, 35c, 25c and. 1314 Women's Wool Hose, pair, 1, 75c, 50c, 35c and 25 Children's Fleece Lined Hose ut 35c, 25c, 15c, 12"4c aud..lOc Children's Cashmere Hose, pair, 50c, 35c and 25 Double Green Trading Stamps Wednesday, 3 ,. Knit The weatherman says Told Weather. That niean( wanner underwear. We have all kinds cot ton, wool, silk and wool and silk and cotton. If yon have not yet provided yourself and the children mm- our tcck before purchanlne. Women's Vests and Pants at $1.50, $1.25, $1. 75c, 4Sc, 39c and 25 Women's Union Suits at $3, $2.50, $2, $1.50. SI. 75c and 48 Children's Vests and Pants at $1.25, $1, 75c, 5i 35c, 25c, 15c and 10 Children's Union Suits at $1.50, $1.25, $1, 75c. Oc and 21 Boys' Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, each. 22 Double Green Trading Stamps Wednesday. December Style Book Illustrating Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Free for the Taking;. Patterns 15c and 10c No other it terns snrpANN the La dies' Home Jour nal Patterns. LADIES' COATS 150 Women's Fine Kersey Coats, ,VJ inches long, full satin lined, handsomely trim med in velvet and braid, regular $10.00 value, Wednesday special sale price 13.95 "We will also add 43 fancy mixture eoats, 50 inches ,long, half lined, made of fine Scots-plaids and tweeds, at 13.95 Fine French Flannel Waists for $1.25 .Made pleated front and back, fancy stock and cuffs, black, white, retl and blue, a regular $2 value, for 1.25 Fine Nun's Veiling Waists for $2.50 Made of embroidered nun's veiling, open front or .back, wide or narrow tucks, fancy stock and cuffs, black und white, regular $3.50 value, special 2.50 Underwear Thursday Suit Sale Thursday Mom inn. w will place on nale 200 Women Man - Tailored Suit every aui has been a. ready K-Uer at $;.T all size and all col ors, this season' best styles not an old suit In tho lot. Iteniemlier, Thursduy, H a. in., and remem ber the price 90 7 11 ..,,,1,11 W!lirr! .UJJL. aw ..! Bennett's Bijr Grocery 6EK Ol-R , EI.K1TRIC f'OFKER rtOASTKR .UFFi.i: ROASTED ALL DAY. UfDiictt's Breakfast coffee 2 iKiuml ran 4e And twenty Rreen trading Miami. llttinptt'.x Golden rnffiw'. 11 'C And twenty grevn trudlnK eianip. Ten, your ihofv. lb fo And thirty green trading Mam. Corn, can 6" Fea, can o Tfimatne. wullil pack, cun.. .Id: Wax Nnn. can $ So Oil Hrdlnn, can 4i-'K l M.ltid wheal. 2 phgs...3ic And Hn green trMllng Ftanipa. Lennctt a C'H'd ontn. i likKf SH: Anil leu aien lia.liiiir Hianipn. Bennitt'ii Cnvltul Kiinui, loitle ISO And twenty an-en trading Kiainps. n'imetf Cai'itnl unrake, And ten bwii irad'ng tiiniiK. Krnuett'a Bargain map. I'l burn....lf.n b h.-'P C'o oiinut. 4 '-ll. pkga Zia And ten green Irudl7ig flampn. B.H.ivU Boilml elder. lMittle....SX; And ten green trading Mumpr. Three H'ar HirawlM-rrten. can I'm And twenty fc-reen trudmg mint,. ..-vl velvet , iH' i ii, 'i r m.iui. a LLJnniilM green ltM:!r-' rtvmpa on grunuiiitrii ugu.r. t A . ,1 wtfgretii The Dinnerware Sale of the Year Kvery net In atock at rut price Xone rcMTi t'd ." put tern to clioow from. Sla at ?.$. 7."5, HlO, on u' to extra Kood values at W1S.OO. K"e tlie Cut ilut Six--ial Reg ular $S Juk. 2-qt. elze, at f 1.98 lt4Kular 2 Trays, at HcKular 2..V Traya at IleKular Foolel Coin Mrta, at 1.39 1.98 3.98 A TWENTV Vl.ll ror.r o kvijiy IN HTM'K. i'KXT IHjw I'l M E OK Stoves! Stoves! I: $44 Peninsular Base Burner hpeoial. .$37.50 Special Peninsular Base Burner ut $2 1.50 1 Extia Quality Six-hole Range MHt-iul. S2 1.50 Lare 16-in. Peninsular Oak Heater, $1. vnluv 51 1.9." Large 16 in. Hot Blast, $14..V valu.. nt 11.85 $3.50 Oak Peninsular, jxt ial at $0.50 Lisk r r Agents tor Hall Qrochert Dress Forms Inquire at Lace Department Sale of Boys' Clothing The 1t nit ndotm w iling In the department dtirlnr tli puM hIx wee J. a hun h ft nn with ninny lln mTi or ! hrolcen In glrtu, which we "alll offer during the net few fluyn at Hiihmantliil il e redui flona. All thenc gitrmentg tr from our own regular tKk, aKntlng yon nf ncwot tyl. und very bent i n a 1 1 1 i . r Children ' Knee runt Sult In newent atylra and tnaierla nnd nohhlcKl pHttemg. worth i-epulwrly ni to $ t) )r three lots, at 93.1)." ?2.0." "'1 $2.r) Poyg' und Children' Overcoata In plain eolora and novel ties, all, worth up to $.".l0 npo lul aaie price. $:!.:,. f 2 .So and S2.50 Children's Odd Knee Pant Mcwt of thetu ltb dotihlj gent ;ind Kneea, treat aawrtnieny of colors and fabric. "' to !5c values aale prlcea 50 ot"l I5 The (iroatcM Line of Men'a Sulla and tlerroata ulnmn I the city t SlO.OO- 912.50 815.0a "" Special Sale of Stylish Millinery Ah iiiinirnse lu rebate of Haiidnomp Trim med Hrttt at I.cms TIiuii . Manufacturer' Cot ITice. !H and WIO TriimiKHl Ifata at M.H Several liundred rhnrmlnK hats. In a great variety tihapeti, beautifully trimmed and made finest mutei'Ial. all new designs, many Hliown for the flrnt time la Omaha, actually worth up to $10.00, aale price. .. .Special, price reduction . of untrlmincd shapes, flower, feather, and material. . A discount or 20 ,l on all Otrlch riumei. HATS TKIMMKI) FBKK . WKOXESOA V A M Till 'KsltAY. of r 3tt---f FursI Fursl Fursl The freatent tok of Fin f'w vr ahowa !a I Omaha more garmcr.ts ihao. oU -othr Omaha ' hounea combined. Every variety a ad atyki l plva dlly ripreaented, aod our urprllniy low j-rleea are delight to the bn)era. Kl It rO.ITH Made of gcrnloe Hotao Pony Coll colt, hand no me and ctylliti garment, jcreat ! t ' S3.00 KIM: ASTMAKMAN CVAT!4-.KLIouer aatla Hard, warraoted for 2 year' wear, him Ul value t '0.00 lll'USOX IIAV HEAVEK CO THKor whb h yo i would ordinarily pay ISQ.O. f!net q'tmii'r. re markablo al'ie, at S0!.0O sgrillKFf, itIATH Aotomoblle tyie, Zt, n lonw. wle pri. HANDSOME HCIHIIKL COAltwfs bloi aiyle. lc pric f .Many Utlicr HprcUl Fur Valaa Hale of iVomrn' (ith Coat WnliM-wtay Wash Goods Safe 250 piece of double fold beige. elW at 2c, and nlco check and shadow plaid, looka like real wor fcted. at. a yard 5 The bet flannelette in the world, all new fall style. Wednesday, yd. Hr Wool Dress Goods Sale From lo to II A. M. We will ell 1$ bolt of 5S-ln. tailor Buitlng. The good are made to aeli at f 1.25 and fl.50, all new fall pood, only one pattern to a cuHtomer, at. yd...0 From 2 ::o' to 3:30 I. M. We will sell 25 bolt of Fred'k Arnold' all wool Henrietta. 4 inche wide, it I known to be the bext Henrietta in the world, only one pattern to a customer, at, a yard APc Linen Safe Main linen Dept. Front o to II A. l W will Mil 100 all Unen na tlachd ttl cloth that we r now .-i:inj at $5.00 each. tn hour only aud n&lr one to a ruttomr. at. each . ..BX49 From to r. M v ui n 100 table cloth -4ilO-4, that -IU from $1.20 to II. 09 each. o hour only and ooly two rantnoivr. at. earb MM Drapery Sale From IO to II A. M U i:i w l 100 Couch Covra that -ll evr where at $1 15 and $1 59 rab. flu pattern, only on to a rtirtosuer, at. each 7 'to From 2 lo l I. M-W will 11 loo pair of Curtln. ftb grade. -veral klnda regular $5.04 curtain, oclr 3 pair to a rutotner. at. tMh 9tJ- Hayden's, the Great Universal Providers of Pure Food Products. ma HI I.Alt TNI 'AT KK1IIT Irt ON. ril U.n IS CIIKAl'KK lil-lli. vurkM lirt l,ipe hiie Tleat flour, lb- 7-Ipk h.-ft hmi'l kd navy lieana I g-llia. heKtTe oatmeal I ;-ll. pka. If riKlng p-iiKke flour .. 1 jl. eaiia g4len Inlil" yru i 2-lb. fancy ikwI mignr crn ... I Hrnnienael'.n. Jellvew or Jell-, t-kg I fill or muntard vaidln.-. run i lan y Italmn prum . lb i Kunev mrAirn rMitn l I l-miey 3 t'nmn Mum-atel rai'i:i. lb , Mtl n r.,ir i !.r. atli,m KKi--!M KHl it am vk;i:tahi.i- ! Frmli beela, earrit. turnip. prnip or i rutalMga. lit ,..Ic Kaney ri r yIV.w ..rirtr, 1 . ... Fiev t"wea a,n ..(imk, iU fr'n V N" Jry rvl p-t . 10. . J -ri ri"b (plna. Rl p h i ' I b'ifieh fren p.ff.y 1 I , I bjrx-i.r. Iri tfr w , TTaii'. r mt Iev. 1 ... ... h- ; I'mikinf appU-, t a I tfaney Cape t'rwl ihr?,.. .jtrt. ..s : ...V . . . r.w hofi.r. -r rata fchell4 r- i-'.rn. l I'.wir tf ti n. I I I'.ta i rir.l. Krfi r.,.t tmxu'. iti , I r HIV Hep Bpele. p r.i Ha ..... i. ... tl .. e-i . Ii .i:s ... ii .. J UL d U LJliiliU !Mwd il UliHtafUWIa 150 FAR HAM, OMAHA Try ttva nw roofloaa plate, mad t crack nut with. Cakl ruiiatl tl af taa llMay rMaf,4 LUIUlJl Roaster Frpa tarn Taaa. ri.ia. ' kti,wf aw I JlJU. IIM a4 IS Taaea lim Ltvaatiaai $ 0xfa $7SS TtKlrvcaif vrttH" Pir abrsertmf war. r fm vl 0ttfu a.d V t tiiiM$ tr. t art artsfi It fun. I l FypQ Watch Cleaning B UJ,D 1V( M.nirl. t)t t5l.00 I 7t ro Main i-iriru"', l..Vi rtK1-" jtw. ..., i!VCb u .sum Ilih Cast Jewelry Replxinj at K!,;i:t (r7 ' Price Fruits, Etc. ivt,o.i t-tt !.. rt. ..aiy lv t.u, .1 I M !. . 1 1 .' .,-; . i ft ! I.'lt Mi . I lj .. . . .1 ,,. . .- - ' I. ....... i iiitTt c.miti i..... I SIM Ca4 tPMb IWt-i 'i J . i Jil 1W CHICAGO HETUpH VIA Chicago. r.:!LVAr.:fi sr. pall railway Accoar.t lateTXUtiosjJ Livt :x Ei-o:.; Ticket on -iilo Djc. i, L. t). 4. Hctura limit D:j tOU Thrco Fast Trains Dally Br-r-i vt.r.. i X". a. lv . n. ;.. th I. t L: I e- t! ; r:. r-.r .i.f ma'. ., f ' ir, . C t f, ml ' c, I W far n V.. k, r. t F. A. NAG It. c'i r.u) $t ohaha, lira. s ,4 V i' h 1 a i ....