Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 10(K. i y GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Weik Opati Without flftoitl restart is . Local Whtat Pit PRICES ITtAOY EARLY, BUT WEAK LATER Firm Cables aad smalt Receipts la Xarlfcwest Lead Balls Hop Corn l oi, Official Figures Urine Costraed Bearish. i piled by the New York Produce em-hangs. a as a follows: Wheat, Rx..O"!; tiu ; Increaee. 473.onft. Torn, I. !',:'. nil.; dei-renee. froon i)U. Oats, lo.Mfii") bu ; Increase, 7:W,( bu.. Ry, lXS.onn bu ; decrease 341, bu. Hurley, 3, WO,) bu.; Increase. SM,l bu. I NEW YORK SiOCkS ASDBilMSU5 dajr OMAHA, hna passed f'ur to the wheat markat Tlw mam iii firmer feeling at tba atart. but In tha Nov. 12. 190. without special a Another llflii alienee of aupport prices dropped off to Ho r.elow Saturday. Firmer Liverpool cables and small receipts In tha northwest lent cuursge to the but!". A fair Increase was shown In tha visible supply, though the futures were' only about half as much aa laet year. Cash demand whs fair. Tha trade construed Saturday's govern ment figures on corn ai beariah and com rnlselon houees offered corn for sale. The market ruled weak and cloned Vo lower. Receipts wars moderate and the weather gunerally waa favorable. The cash demand was low and prloea were off In tha sample market. Primary wheat receipt, 1.117.000 bu. and shipments (Ml. duo bu.. agalnat receipts last year of l.SW.OOO bu. and ahlpmenta of 4M.0O0 bu. Corn recHpts were 720.000 bu. and ship ments 4,fKiO bu.. against receipts last year of 878.0r bu. and ahlpmenta of 41,nno bu. Clearances wera 3X3,000 hu. of wheat. 126.00rt bu of corn, 8,000 bu. of oats and flour and wheat equal to 81,000 bu. Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd higher on wheat and Vtf'4d lower on corn. World's wheat ahlpmenta were ll.OOn.OOO bunhels, agalnat -11. MH.OOO bushels. Last week and l2Mi,(X buhels last year. Coin shipment wera ,914,t)M) bushela, against tAx!.i0 bushels laat vear. Tha visible aupply of wheat Increased T7S.00U buaheU; corn decreased, M.rtO bunhels; oata in creased, 739.0(0 bushels. The Market Record today says: "Min neapolis has received J.,noO bunhels less from 190J crop than from the 19 crop for the aarne period Duluth received about,ft,o more of the last crop than of the previous crop. Total movemetit of each crop to thlr imw is about, the same. As to whether nere la more or less yet to come than came after this date last year la allll to ha determined. The chief differ ence In the situation thla year la In the f renter porportlon of durum going to "ninth. Reports Indicate that durum I hurried forward to export before close of navigation." Local range of options: 1 Wheat1 1 Dec... May... m Iec May... Oata Dec...'. May... KEW YORK UtSIKRAli MARKET Virion f the Day Commodities. NEW YORK. Nov. 12-n-OUR-ReoelpCi. 15.33 hu.; exports, d.7 bu.; sales, i.l packages; market quiet and lower to cell; Minnesota patents, K,K4; Minne sota bakera, $3 era 4. 80; winter patent. $l.ini 4 00; winter straights, $3.4n'a3.b6; winter ex tras, $2,9048.10; winter low grades, 2 . i 3 0B. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, H .' a So; choice to fancy, $3.tMj4.16. Buckwheat fi-)ur. steady, l.ii 35 spot and to arrive; buckwheat, steady, II 25 per M0 lbs. CORN MEAL yulet; fine white and yel low, iX 'UMtil.ii,; coarse, $l.loiil.l2; kiln dried, $2.75. RITE Firm; No. I western, 10c c. t. f. New York; Jersey and state, tvc Ue- nverea isew York. JIAKLKYt-Klrm; fowling. BufTalo; malting, 4!y69c c. I. WHEAT Receipts, 13.1.(00 12H.T27 bu.: sales. l.Tjfl.nuO bu.. market easy: No t red. 7&Vc elevator; No. 2 red, Sic f. o. b afloat; No. 1 northern Du luth, 81VC. c. I. t. Butlalo; No. 2 hard. Tbc c. L f. Buffalo. After a steadier opening. 7.j:o; gn,d co ti tind uu'l on, tll7.1ii4.:ii; certificate. i!(.;7.7in. Ca'ilinc of Loam to Rtp'eoiih Depleted Eesertci Ca?ei Eellinc CALL LOANS RISE TO TWENTY PER CENT 4Vc c. I. f. f. Buffalo, bu. ; export. , futures; ppot due to small northwestern receipts and ! by scaling udwn uf outaiaiiuiiig creu.ta Prllina Ry aborts (aaaea a Itlae i aloes Late la Iay and tbe Close la llrm. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. Tha money situa tion nud koine etteel on pine of 10 uuy. 'i ne tiCirmin aohiention Ivoni np ulionb in Hie iiimaei, wiucii was a teaiUie of. itHt wtea, ave place to some liu.J'"" Hon. As line uemanu connnued as iupi K lam weeK, tne seiiing was i-necieu ou.y at concesaiuiis wIiro eic suoalaonai l slochs wiitre praviuua speculatiun iwu octu active. i lie cumpenliia lunuence in WW keliitie was the caning m loan netesaitaieu bv tne a. in ll In tun kki iei vt o luc biiKM tnuwn by tne biuiuay ona sian- iih i.t. io source ot rcpieniamiitmi l cash ( is available yet, unu a ieuui;iiuM ui utpsils in Xeir lurk Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 12. -MONK Y-On chII. strnog at Mr.o per cent: ruling rute. l'J per cent; eluslPK bid. 5 per cent; offered at 8 per cent; tlmr loans, very ntrnn(t; sixty days. 8 per cent: ninety days. rti7$ per cent; lx months. per cent. PRIME MKRCANTIl.K PA PER K'V per cent. 8TEBUNO FTXCHANOE Steady at tie. cllno. with scfiiaf bislne!s In barker"' bills at 14 tt;(K(i4 s.175 for demand nd at $4.wiS'a 4 ai for sixty-day bills: posted rate f4 81' tH W: riimmerrinl bills, $4 . fillA Ell-liar. 71c: Mexican dollars. 5nC. HONLJta-Government, steady; railroad, easy. nonos today sere as OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ftst Caul A brut 8td, Kindt Lower. with Cthtr 27i 4. .'i "i4 3i 8Hk (,!- lima tiii v t Of ij Rceijn momma stesdv cables, wheat felt the effects of re. newed December liquidation and In the Afternoon was weak at Vlj'ijc. net decline. Financial conditions also Induced aime -liquidation. Last prices showed c net loss. Mt-y. 83Vo3Tc. closed at 83 S-lijc; December, 81Vum'c,, closed at 81lic CORN Receipts, K125 bu.; exports, t2,W3 bu.; sales, lS.O'nl bu. futures; spot, Irregular; No. 2. 64c elevator and blv f. 0. b. alloat. No. 2 yellow, 55V4jc; No. 2 white 55c. Op tion market waa generally weaker on easy cables from bearish crop report and liquida tion, closing kc to e net lower; M.iy, j 5"Hcigo0SiC, closed fle; December, f2M ki-c, closed Kc. OATS Receipts, 203.100 bu.; exports, Artlclea.) Open. Hlgh. Iw. Close. Bnfy M4I TOTai 38 I 70; I 70',' I I :f:::::: 70 ij 70Ts 36S 36'4 S7S 31H 32V4 - Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. WHTc: No. S bard. B6'4'f"4,c; No. 4 hard, 63&ti)c: No. I spring, 65if(7c. CORN No. , 40'c; No. 4 yellow, 41c; No. 3 white. 41e. OATS No. 3 mixed, SC-SSOXic; No. S whlta. SlfiSlVjc; No. 4 white, 30Mt231e. Itecelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 1 do; X.nriwl Chicago. Ka.llaa City Ml nova polls '. Omaha. ...... Duluth 8t. Loula 85 ..2i ..41R .. 58 ..335 .. 89 3S3 78 3 129 821 a Hi tne uiirri.utive fiolaers oi ni-unties tnus called upon lor repayment sermo rciuctuiu , to part with their hoianigs, unu nun elfoi'ts : to m-cure fiesn c-coiiiiiiiOMiiti ran ine i money rate up to ) per cent early in Hie i day. The local hajik were said to be out of I the money market entirely, ami lunua wen 1 available omy trout tne tiust coinpanles anu out of town lenuers. The stunaency in tne money market was aggravated by the maturity ol an matail- iiient of about half the subscriptions at par i to u.(Ki,(w of St. Paul stock, whicu theie i fore called for provision of aooui ju.uw.w. 'Operators in atocka were ' somewhat . Oia Iturbed by the explicit assertion of Hie sec- retarv nf the Irnmuiv tnat ne wouiu bu.; spot market barelv steady; mixed oats, . no measure of relief tor the money in.iraei W to 33 pounds, 89c; natural white. 80 to In present conditions. Tne tepetilion ot 33 pounds. 3Kj4rtc; cllppinl white, 38 to 40 j the announcement today was that, aiier potinds 29ft43tc. i confident aasertiona were In circulation in HAY1 Firm; "-hipping. 8 Ki5c; good to j Wall street that early steps would be taK",i choice, t.(frq 10. to replenish the money market In spite oi HOPS-8teady; Pacific const. lOloc , the disclaimers of the treasury authorities. HIDES Steady; Galveston. SO to 26 Opinion Is not united In financial circles lbs.. Mc: California, a to Li lbs.. ZJc; Texas 'as to the feasibility of treasury measure drv. ?4 to an lh ie ! to iv effei-tiva relief at the present tune. Quotations on lows: I' S. ref. J, res... in coupon V. 8. ta. re do cnupon V. 8. nld 4s, -s. dn roupon I' 8. s. 4a. rt do roiipna Aki. Tnbscco 4a.... do (a Atrhiann gen. 4a... do dj. 4a Atlantic C. L 4a.. I Bal. Ohio 4a. I do 3Wa Brk R. T. r. 4s. ... Ontral of On. ta.. I 'do lat Inn do M Inc do Id Inr rnen. a Ohio 4'4a.. Chlrago A. . C.. B. Q. n. la.. . R. I. P. 4... do col. ia 1 n r. a at. L. a. . . Colo. Ind. (ft, aer. f'nlorario Mid. 4a. , Tnlo. ft Ro 4a .. , Cuba 5i , P. ft R. C. 4a... I tUMIIIrra' aer. it ! Erie p. I. 4a do sen. 4a Horklax Val. 4'a Japan 4a 'jffired. fol- HOGS EXPERIENCE A SHARP REVERSE Moderate Raa of lbeep and la nabs. IU (taallly ol Very ttood Klllera aio and l.orrer, with Feeders Abont Steady. .104 'i Japan la. it . lH't! do 4a rtf" aarlea. 4a. .I'M do 4'n rlfa..., .I" do 3d aeriea... .1"! b. N. tan I. 4a in: Man. c. t 4a... ,11H Oentral 4a AX do lat Inc.... . 7 I'Mlnn. St. b. inf'kl . K T. 4a do ! . :h N. It. H. of M e. . tlu, N. T. r. f. JH.. ....10'H N. 1. c. s t.. .. .... 4 .No. facl So 4a . 4 do .111 tN W 4a. . . . 0 IO g. L. rtl. 4a. . Pern. ronr. Jla. . 71 'Rpadlns sen. 4a.. .U'4'4 Ft. L. A I. M r. . St. L. S. r . ft 4 St I.. 8. W, e. 4a ... T7 onboard A. L. 4l.. ... " So. Pa.lflr s ..HVi, do let 4a rtfa ... A. U So Ratlwar Ha ...74 Tia. P. la ... M T .. St. 1.. W 4a ...1' Slilfnton Pai-lfl' 4.... ... aa'f. s gteel :d (a... . M-a . "'a . 1 . !HI .101' . . il . 114 'i . MH . . 4 . K li .!.' 801TH OMAHA. Nov. 12. 1!H. Recelpfa were: Cattle. Hugs. Sheep. LEATHER Steadvi add. 27rc. PROVISIONS Reef, firm; family. I12S0 (613.00; mess, $a fioi9.); beef hams. $l.o"'8l 23.00; packet, 1 10 .M(. 1 1 0; ; city extra India mens. $i9 601520.00. Cut merits, steady; pickled bellies, lOtfiU'c; pickled hums. 12f124jc. Ijard. easy; western prime, $9.4S&9.55: refined continent, $9.90; Scuth American, $10,7t: compound, I7.87HUH.lVfc Pork, steady; family. $19.lVwil9.flC. short clear, $17. 25ib 18.76; mesa, $lft.l8.5. TAbbOW-Firm: city 2 per pa 64"'; country (packages free), 6Wa$o RICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra, SSit-jo; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; street prlcea, extra creamery, 27c; otllclal prices, creameiy, common to extra, 19'fr.Wxc; held seconds to extra, 2KnJoc; atate dairy common to fancy, lfa renovated, common to extra, lotii 22o; western factory common to firsts, li. 4 tiMc; western Imitation creamery flints, 2"H 4j2l".c. CHEESE Qulat; state, full cream, small fancy, lbc; state; lecember best, il'Sc; state, fair to good, Vi'ffK'Hc; state, October best, 12ic; state, fair to good, iJ'a IS'jc: State. Inferior, lvA.'ffllc; skims. 310'43. EGOS Firm; atate, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 6',ruifr. stat. choice, 34-tlbc; state, mixed, extra, 33c western, average best, 30S31C. crloes: Firsts, 80c; seconds, 2n28c. POULTRY Live firm; western chickens and fowls, HVio; turkeys, 14c. Dressed firm; western chickens, lKuUc; spring tur keys, l&tjl&oi fowls, V312c. i It Is recognised as out of the question ij bring about easy conditions In wan mrrci except by carrying foreign inarketa with thla to a lower Interest basis. Any marked relaxation In rates here will lead certainly to an outgo of gold to assist the struggle of the London money market to adjust ""'T to the heavy coming requirement of tne year-end settlements. The stock market setlement beaan In London today and carry- I over rates were again stiff, a rate of per okage), ' rent helnar rennrted at one time. The rates . 7 .100 . o'4 .101 . 7'.i TVubaah la ,. do deb. P.. . . Woatem Md. 1 W. aV L. E. 4 Wla.- Central .... M', .... ss4 .... M .... n -. fa.. 114 ( 4 II " . 11 . at . tl .tiaii .11H . .K2', . 7 .112', . . Official Mondav 9.3iO .!00 .&" Siitne dav lust week IO.A'1 3.l''r' 19.-'. Same day 2 weeks aeo.. 9.M6 2'X m, 8a mo dav 3 weeks aRO.. 8. 4 3.217 17!3 S(iin do?" 4 weeks ag... MSi 1.12 27 vs Hnme dny Inst yenr 8.3S3 3.'M l.-",9 The folluwliig table shows the receipts of csttle. hoas snd sheep at South Omaha for the year to oate. compared with last year: iojA 1aV Inc. Cut tin ... 916 M W2.47R 2I..172 Hogs J i:,8 274 1 P'K.l.W l'4.1 Sheep 1,!CS.9i;7 1.75J,1 17.R'jS CATTLE gUOTATlONS. Oood to choice corn-fed steers $5 78 35 Fair to g iod corn-fed steers &.nii. Ooininun to fair corn-fed steers 4.l"(ie '(0 Qood to choice range stt-ers 4.7;Viu.4o Common to fjir range steers Jcfn4(Vi Oood grans cows and heifers 8 3-x'4.(M Fair to goou cows and heifers Mr.VJ.3o Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1.whi-'.7o OoodK-hnlf-e s:ockers ami feeders.. 4 i4 V. Fair to good stockers and feeders . 3 2.l.nO Common to fair stockeis 2.7oii3 3o Bulla, stags, etc 2.Utti3.75 ; Veal calves 4.i'i.0; The following taole shows the average i price of hogs at out li Omaha for the last I several days, with comparisons: i 7." 111 Ml V7'a ; i ... in ii i ... j" of sheep were vriy only a txut timty .s bcinu leportett In when the ntirfcri I'lunwl. It ks junt as well, however, that the luu light sn advices Ironi t imago ami more easterly hiiiis were deculi-uiy un favorable. Packers hsd inessnires quoting the Chicago market l.v'nlnc loner and In cases more than that Naturul.y they aeie Inclined to move retty cautiously at this point with tha result Hint the murk. I on killers was slow from start to finish, with prices generally a little lower. The tct that there X ere almost no good killers either sheep or lambs on sale irade the market even -lower than It aould other wise have -been. Most everything In sight was on the feeder order and while the condition of tna 'market on killers niturully made huyi rs a little bearish, the trade ns a whole was, In fnlr shape. Desirable feeders such as were epeclnllv Fought after were iully steady with last week. In spite of the fact that there was no great life to the trade the receipts were so moderate thai tha bulk was cleani-d ii" In fair season. Quotations on klllera: Oood to choice lambs, $7 OOOJ7.2S; Talr lo good lambs. $(V7r'? 7i; good to choice yearlings. $.'i.5tifi.U; fair to good yearlings. $.i.2Mj3 50; good to chnlcn wethers, $S."t?S "0; fair to good wethers. $4.7.'4ja.00; good to choice ewes, $4...o(i6.25. I Quotations on feeders: Oood to choice Ininlts. $ p"tS.2e: medium lambs. $3 oix&f.iiO; I light lambs. $l.7.V(Ki.2o: ycnrllnK', $.V1 wethers. $4.7.Hioo; ewes, $3..VKti4.2j; lug ewes. $4.7y(i5.on. 43 Nebraska ewes and wethers cull feeders' 1.S8 Nebraska yearling ree,1"it., F 44 Nebraska yearling feeders..., 3:2 Nebraska yearling feeders... I" 7 Wyoming lambs , 2o0 Wyoming lambs bieed- 1 81 8 4 40 5 J 25 I 40 7S No. ;n, sic per Ih. ; No. JS. I- per lb.; No. 2". I'H' per '.h : No. 21. l.V per In. t CO'-OAM TS-l'er pack of on. $4 Mi . SVIU'P In bbls.. :7c per ail.; In cse. 6 i0-lh cans, $1.7(.; cases, 11 i. lb tans, $1 cass, i4 :-lb. cans. $I.K.'. HONEY Per 24 frames, trt.KV Cll'KR New, rmlf barrel, $2.76; barrel. $r..o. CANNED O'MIDS Corn, standard w. cm. Ivili'c; Milne. Il li. Tomatoes, 8 lb. curs, 41. In; 2-lb. eann. tT'ciitl (0. Plne spiiles. grated. 2-lb.. $2Mi.Sv; Sliced. tl.Ct ti1:: jinlhoi apples. f;incy. : ; California apricot". H.SOii J 5&; penrs. $1.7;. -!..; peac fancy. $1 Tt.-o 2 i; II. C pes. bes, I.u iiIm Alaska salmon, red. $l.i: Jancy Chlimak. F., $.'.1(1: fancy sot key e. F.. $!..'; SMrd'ie s. quarter oil, $2.7fi: Hit ee-quni ter mustard. 8V0j Sweet potatoes, $1.irlil.i; sauerkraut. $100; pumpkins. IsX-tiH (HI; wax beans. 2-lh., i J..i.0c; llipa lieans. 2-lb.. 7.".ciSl 3i; spinach, 1 $!.Si; cheap peas, 2-lb., 60c; exiras, 9jci$l.lo; ' la i,cy. $1 1.75. ( I ll KD fish Family whliensn. per qunrter bbl., Iki lbs., $0ii; Norway mack erel. No. 1. I2S.O0; No. 2. $.''. 0; No. 3. $20.(0; Irish. No. t $bi.0(; herrina. In bbls. -.1) lbs. enrh, Norway, 4k. $9.0"; Norway, 3k, $9.00; Holland herring, in kens, milkers, sec; kegs, mixed, 70c. FISH Trout, lie: halibut. 12c; catfish. 15c; buffalo, sc; bullheiids. 11c: black bass, fine stock. 25c; salmon, 12c: pike. 11c; red snapper, fresh frosen, 12c; whltellnh, fresii froxen, 13c; yellow perch. dress-d snd scaled. 8c; pickerel, freh froaon. 9o; frog legs, 35c per d". saddles. HIDES AND TAl.LOW-(Jrecn s-tlted. No, 1, 12c; No. 2. llc: bull hides, 91 1.8-1 green hides. No. 1. 11c; No 2. lie; horsa, 1 fnorS.75 ; sheep pelts. 5tv'i.'?1.25. Tallow, No. 1. 4c: No. 2, ie. NI TS French walnuts, me; California walnuts. No. 1. hard shell. 13r; No. 1. soft hell. He; ljrar.ils. U't 1 4;0 ; pecans, 14c.il7cJ filberts, UVuHc: peanuts, raw, 5c: i oastc.1. 7Hc; California almonds, hard el. el!, loc; soft shell, lsc. CHICAGO, I.IVB STOCK MARKET Date. Boston Stocks and Ronds. BOSTON, Nov. 12 Call loans. TI per cent; time lo-ins. sti 7 per cent, official quotations on stoc'-s ind bonds were: 19o. il$06. 11901. ;Ha)3.;i902. 11901. IIWO. ad, 4a. 4a. II CHICAGO CHAM AMD rHOVISIOS. at. I.ools General Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 12. WHEAT Lower; track. No. 1 red. oath. 757u4c; No. 2 hard 714i74c: December, TZdtTihtc: May, i6ic. CORN Lower: track. No. 2. cash. 44c No. 2 white, 44Hc; December, 38!4'940c; May, 41Vf41VJ. OATS Lower; track, No. 2. caah, S3V4tt 34c; No. 1 white, 344 33c; December, 33;t). 34c: May, 84e. FTXJt'R Steady; red 'winter patents, $1503.80; extra fancy and straight, $,'1.15 fc3.4(: clear, $t.20(&175. SEED Timothy; steady, $3.26ff3.75. , CORN MEAU Steady. $2.50. RRAN Sacked, east track. 93Cn95i-. HAY-Steady; timothy. $12.50ia'l5.00; He. $10.50-( 13 60. IRON COTTON TIE8-$1.02. BAOOINO 9V4c. HEMP TWINE8C.. Jobbing, steam. $9.02. Dry salt meats, steady; Doxed extra shorts, $6.92Vi; clear ribs, 9.12; short clear $9.874. Bacon, steady: boxed extra short, $10.624; clear ribs, $9.874; short clear, $10.87i. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 8c; springs, 8c; turkeys, 13ea'15c; ducks, 8'ti9c; geese. for sterling exchange had declined, never theless, under the Influence of the stringent I money market and free offerings of cotton bills. Discounts hardened In London and Berlin, but the Bank of England secured a large consignment of South American gold newly arrived In Txindon. I The decline In prices of stocks gave some I Additional point to the discussion of the , labor question, which Is going on either by 1 voluntary advances by many corporations I or by demands from labor organisations. 1 Nof much apprehension was expressed or i strikes In spite of the having of a ballot reported amongst the Erie firemen on the question of golnx out. Ths reports of the prosecution In preparation against the r. . 1 a i-, CnmnanV ftf Sn intended lh- Ofticla . vestlgatlon of the Harrlman railroad combl ! hntlone by the Interstate Commerce com mission and of rumored recommenoa.-oo. In the forthcoming message of the president were Items In the day s discussion and had some Influence In the depression. The con siderable pArt played by short Selling hov ers was Indicated by the recovery In the latter part of the day, due to covering or short contracts. The closing was firm at . Ronds were easy. Total sales, par value. BUTTER Steady: dairy. 18n21c. EGGS Higher; 24c, Flour, bhla W heat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Pea fares uf tha Trading aad Closlnr . Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. 12.-Advleea claiming s liberal yield of spring 'Wheat In the: north west depressed the local wheat murket to day. ,At tha close wheat for December de livery, was off V&.Ho, corn was down We, oats were Ho low.. and provisions were 'oT'to to 10c lower. During the eariy trading In the wheU pit the tone was moderately firm, because of a fair demand by commission houses. This buying waa largely the result of firm cables and continued small receipts In the north, west. Iater, however, the market gradually eased off. Ixcal holders were free sellers I PROVISIONS Pork, lower; of MM) December delivery and I coiuihM)lon4 ird.TVJvJei prlme ' ate selling was bnsed upon reports of the north west declurlng that this year's crop of spring wheat will prove very large. Selling hy commission houses that nave northwest ern connections seems to confirm this Im pression. An Increase of 775,000 bu In the visible supply hud some beariah Influence, although the increase for the corresponding time last year amounted to 1.826.000 hu. The market closed easy. December opened higher at 73c, sold oft to 72V and closed at 72'ii-72-ic. Clearances of wheat and flour were equ,-U to 399,000 bu. The amount of breadstuffs on ocean passage decreased 876,0) bu. Primary receipts were 1.187,000 bu.. compared wtth 1.548,010 for th corre sponding time one year ago. Mlnrenpolis, Duluth and Chicago reported rcre'pts of 833 cars, as against &S5 last week and l,3o a year ago. The, government crop report, which showed a farm reservs on November 1 of 119.ufO.000 bu. of corn, was chiefly responsible for Ihe moderate weakness that prevailed all day In the corn pit. The Increase) In local receipts also inspired selling. Leading cash houses were the principal sellers and there waa some liquidation uf Deceinlier holdings. Offerings were taken by aborts and commission houses. The market rlnswd easy. . December opened unchanged to "tc lower at 42'c, sold off to 41rTi417e and closed at 42c. Local receipts were S-j core, with 102 or contract frraae. The oats market was weak for the greater part of the day. The market was affected ny the weakness of wheat and corn and hI so by an Increaao of iJ9,0)0 bu. In thn visible aupply, ss against a ' decrease of i2.u0 bu. for the corresponding lima last ear. Pit traders and commission house sold, while shorts and cash interests took tl offerings. December opened unchanged to s shade higher at 34S to 31(fiS44c. wild between 34,c and 34o and closed at 34c. Local receipts were 321-carr. Trading in provisions was active and the tone of the market was weak. The receipts of live hog today were 6.000 more than had been expected and this led to considerable selling by local tongs, who nought Salurday on tho expects tlou of light receipt. There was u!so considerable selling of January lard by a" local packer. The demand came chiefly from shorts. At the close Janu-rv pork was off 7Sfil0c St $14 OS. lard was down .Willie at $8,371 j and ribs were 5c lower at $7 55. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, IS cars; corn. 387 cars; oata. 209 cars; hogs. The leading futures ranged as follows: 21.0U) head. $".monn. United States nonos were un changed on cnll. - The following was the range of prices on the New Tor t Stock exenanae. Sulfa. Hlh. Prsl- . i. creamery, 21'ff27c; case count. Receipts. Shipments. 12,(0 9,000 W.Oi O 41, (mi 128.000 6),ioo 138,000 89,000 Minneapolis Grnli Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 12.-FLOUR-First patents, $4.iOiiJ-.J0; second taitents, $4.0i744 4.1&; first clears, $3.i(3.35; second clears, $2. 407i 2.50. BRAN In bulk, $1C.25. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis snd Chicago delivery). Ths ranga of prices, as reported by F. D. Day b Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. j Snfy Wheat Dec... May.,. July...78'(aT,i r iax Dec. Nov.. May. 74&1 777u78 1 1 I 1 l.4j . 1 aoHi 1 7Lsl 7ii 17Hl ' 74i 77l 1 1 1 19S4 1 'V! 74S1! 77 78S, 1 17. 1 an, 1 21V, Articles.! Open. I Hlgh. Ixw. Close. Sat'y. W heirT" 1 j j j Dec, 173 iV 73KI 72S,72",'ir's! TV, May.. (78 )' 78H.I 7741 nS: 77 Corn I : I I I Viec. . 142 45V 42W.I 41'' 42 ' 42K May i434,H. 43 W! 43 43''o' 48H Julv , 44 1 44 I ' 4X1 . 434! 44H Oats- ! I 'I I Dec. , !S4S(! M W,! 34'i! 34; MiT ;ViviAi' 35SI !KV- W, S5 Julv ! 33,; MV S3'.' Pork- ! Ill Jin. . 14 IIH! 14 12HI 14 00 ! 14 05 11 IF. ew May 14 25 I 14 26 14 12H1 17V 14 SS l.nd I'll Nor. 20 j 9 25 91 I 2B rv' rec. 8 ft 8 6" I S H'Li,' S 574l 8 7H .Ian. v 8 42i 142V 8 35 i 8 37il 8 47H Ribs. ! I I Jan. I T 571,1 7 so 7 S2Hi 7 55 May :i T 87V 7HI 7 hi I 7 67V 7 t 7 72V. Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat : No. 1 hard, 784c; No. 1 northern. 77Vc to arrive. 784C; No. t northern, 74C, to 74ac; No. I northern, 72H'uv73ii. durum, 6..i,c, to arrive November 20, 6uH; regular oomic; no, 3 aurum, bic, to arrive, 57Hc Corn: No. I yellow, 45c;. Oals: No. 3 white, 31vic; No. 3. 29VnJO(,c. Barley: S7&-47C. Rye: 67fe68c. Flax: $1.17. Kansas City Grata aad Provlslou. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 12 -WHEAT-De-i cembar, 6Sc; May, ile: cash, No. 8 hard, $7Hib7c; No. 3 oOOdc, No. 2 reu, (H0 No. J, o.foWw-. CORN-December, S7'4c; May. 38'c; Julv. 887c; cash, No. i mixed. 3Mi3!Hc, No. 3 3V4o: No. 2 white, 88Vv(j:c. OAT8-N0. ,2.whlt, BJVc; No. 2 mixed, 32 V" JJ. - . RYE Steady, 57 6 60c HAY Firm; choice timothy, $13,763' 14 00; choice pralrlu. $1 1.7i 12.00. Ml. TTER 4. reamery, 20c; packing, EC.OS Firm; extrus. 25V'; hrsts. seconds, 19c. Adama Expmai Amalgamates Copper ...... j Amartean C. 4V V 1 Am. r. T. pf4 I Am. Cotton OH Am. Cotton Oil pM Am. Eipra i Am. H. U pfd ! Am. Ira, aerurltlaa Am. Llnaead Oil Am. Llnaea.1 Oil pf I Am. Loromotlv ! Am. Locnraotlva pM , Am. . R..- 'Am. 8. R. P'4 Am. 8usr Rallnlns , Am. Tobacco ptd. ctta Anaconda Mining Co I Atchlaon I Auhlaon pfd I Atlantic Coaat Lina j Baltimore Ohio tiai. tin... e". Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... Canadian Pacific Oulral of N. J ChcMpealia V Ohio Chicago ct. Weatara Chicago Norlhweatorn... Chicago, Mil. St. P Chicago T. 4k T Chicago T. ft T. pfd C C, C. St. L Colorado F. r I Colorado At Colo. A So. 1t pfd Cola. A 80. Id pfd ConnolKlaled Oaa Corn Product, rfg Corn Product a pfd, rfg Delaware A Hudann Helasara. L. a W Denver Klo Oranda P. R. O. pfd IllatllUrs- Sacur'tles Kris Urlei 1t pfd Erie td p(d General Electric Hocking Valley Illlnola Central International Ptper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iws Central pfd Kanasa CHr So K. C. 80. pfd Luulavlils & Nashville arrive, 1 lleilcsn Central No. 1 I Mlnnaaonlla St. L M.. St. r. a a. M . SI. P. 8. S. M. pfd M'.uourl Pacific Mlaaourl. K T M.. K. & T. pfd National Lead Sal ion. I R. R. of M. pld New York Central 1... N. Y.. O. W Norfolk St W....; v Norfolk A V. pfd North American Panne Mill Pennaylvanlft Peopie's 0a P.. C. C. f St. L PretaM Staol Car Low. Cloae. 2M TS.S'KI i.i'Xt 100 XXI too 1(10 110 414 I'll MH IOB'4 , 41 101 4H 11 Atchlaon do 4a M'l. Central Atchlaon do pfd ftneton A Albane. Roaton A Maine.. Boaton EiT1tMf . Klt.hhiirg pfd . Mexican Central . N V., N. II A Per Marquette I nlo.l Pacific , . . Am. Arge. Cnem Amer. Pneu. Tune Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. ft 8 Edleon riec. Illu.. Ma. Ele,lrlc .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa, ei-dlv. 1 nlted fruit Inlted Shoe M.rh.. do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd. ei-dlr AdTentur Allnues Amalgamated Atlantic Bid. "Asked . a'V Bingham .KK'Vcal. ft Hcla... . 7 ( entenntai . I.H'Cnnper ... .miS, Pair Km .in Franklin .141 Granhy .1M jtale Rrtrele .133 Maaa. Mining ... . 1:H Michigan .lf:"a!M"hawk .... 88 iMont. C. ft C... i...1ni,loid Domlnlos ., pfd iS",rol . 18 'l arrot .IJ2 Oulncr Hhannon . ! Tamarack .... .lnin Trinity . ?S"4Cnltcd Cooper . .23 H'. 8. Mining.. . 114 P. 8. Oil . it'tah . 7i'virtorla .10 IWInone . 70 Wnlrarlne . IVorth Butte ... . 454 Bmta Coalition .104 1 .-.reels 8-, . 71 .. 17V, .. (6 .. It, .. 6 ..1!4V, . . til . ,10O .. 1SH ..101 .. 1" Nov. Nov. Nr.V. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1...I 05 1 4 S4 4 84i ' !... fl 0974' 4 80' 4 Ml 00' 3...; Oo-, 4 871 4 i ' I 4 s 4 00 5... i 98 I I 4 ! ... 5 IhSI 4 87. I 7..., 5 14.1,1 4 83 4 81' 8... i 01 1 4 M 4 Vv 0 03 f 4 7' 4 7i! 10...' 6 r7 4 4 97 11. 1 4 82 51 I 12...! ixa,i 4 831 4 M 4 4 03 4 87i 8 50 4 7H 6 4s: 4 7P 6 61 4 781 6 r.2 4 781 ( 55 I 6 41; 4 tall I 4 87' 8 35' 251 101 5 03; 4 ! 4 0V 4 " 5 ;i 5 73' 1 5 811 i 72i 4 M 6 72 4 1 5 opi 4 ; 5 asi 4 71 5 71 4 8!' i I 73 R 731 4 81 Cattle Steady In Lower Hons Lower Sheep Slow. ClUCAtlO. Nov. 12. C ATT I. K- Receipts, I 3.('" hed; market for best steady; others 1 weik to loc lower; common to pnine steers. ! $4.tkvi7.: cows, t:'.C4.7J: heifers t ."5f 15.10; bulls. J2.4o!i4.50; calves. $-10'ia .01; Islo.Kee snd feeders. $"40.j4 60. i HOC5S-Receipts. Sfl.'OO head; markf t ro'l'V I lower: choice lo prime heavy. $H 3 .ii-l 4..: I medium to ood heavy. $; l'n 710 ; butcher 'nelchtF, $t;.3.Vo;.tr.; sood to choice mixed. I lb .ltn;.25; packmic. $5.5ifi 10: pips. 8B.SO.K..3 I 81II-JKF AND l.AMHS-Receipls. hrnd; n arket slow: sheep. $1 'Jf.tio 85 linns. $.i.;iU'jti.4i; lambs. IF..joi (.ao. T Sunday. RANGE Omitha Chicago Kansas City .. 8t. l.ouls Slim. City .... 1 he oniclai OF TRICES Cuttle. ....$1.80til.O , ... Lw 1.2.1 .... 2.oui(0.5o .... 2..'((7 -o .... 2.5tKf(6.25 or cars Hogs. Sr. !j.ijo.07',i 5 m u b S.'iO'ttS.'JVSi 5.M"((i.2i"i 5 8V1 ..10 of stocR ! brought In today by each road was ..1"4 .. 18 Cal. A Arizona. Teeumeeh Oreene Con . 2 . .ltnv, . ftM, . li .1(4 . 14 (i . lit 'CM X, Ht P Bv I Wabash I Mo. Fac. Ry Il'nlon 1'ne. 8yten.. C. & N. W. (oasti... & N. W. (west). ... C. P.. M. A O Ry B. Q. (east) II. Q. (west) R. 1. P. (eaat.. l.HlO 7114 71 H,,M"1 100 1.2H0 300 11,t(") 80.9'Xl n0 l.oon .joo 153S 1174 1S1 im 27 W T 101 1.14 .1174 T74 1,000 171 1.7O0 I.n0 44.700 00 11.100 aOO 400 1.100 200 inn 00 12 1714 U2H 117 1314 1 2K4S TV, 101 1.14 llS 'is', ViS 17 no ldSS Mi 81 37 . . . . UK 14 tl'4 M4 137 14 76 21SS 41 0 J1.8O0 JOO 200 8U0 74.1, 7hs 9H 42 S 75, 4S 17H4 414 75-4 , 1T1 Vfc 40") 171 17m l 17 17 400 ll '' ioo '" ri" stio mi, in'i 16c. itvc; Receipts. Shipments. 2L-...0) lu2,(i 78.0,(0 22.0 4) 25.0i ln,un() Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oata, bu Liverpool 4rt-la ana I'rnvlalona. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 12.-WH EAT-Snot, steady; No. 2 red western winter, 5s il.d; futuiert. uulet; lieceuiber. t'j 37d; Murcn, tia 5'-d; May, lis Hd. CORN Hiot, steady; American mixed, la 3V1; futures quiet; December, 4s Kl; j.inuary, 4s tl HOPS At London (Pacific coast) firm, Jt4 los-ald. pfd Palace Car.. lat pfd :d p(d Sleel Steel pfd... Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. Nov. 12. CORN HiBher; No yellow, old. 444c; new, 4oc;No. 8, 44c; No. old, 44c: No. 8 old, 44c; new, S9o; No. 42tc; new, 37'aC; no Krade, old, 41c; Si;i-ie OATR Steady; No. 2 white. 34c; No white. 33V:; No. 4 while. 32UfiiS.,c. $ 5 4 old, new. No. t. Cash quotations were aa follows: L I 1 f ' K' wlnlar nat..,t. 4-. - a .a transits. $l.Po3.i; sprlnit nate'nta 1" t ii - Philadelphia Prod nee Market. J $0; atralpthta, $3.2fti3. 50; bakers. $.'.2t;i:. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 12. Hl'TTER WH K AT No 2 spring 774(MUc- No 8i Firm; extra a eetern creamery, offlclnl prl eprbiK. 72&7Sc; No. $ red,. 71h72c- (?7c; street price, 28c; extra nearbv print; r-iK .-so. .-, ei'mv-; ,u. 3 vellnw. 4'.i:c 30c. Ot'lt-.No. l 3oc; No. X white, .5c-; No! 3 ntllle. 5.M(V, UVF No. t. "Ji01c. HA Ht-F.Y Fair to choice malting. 47.4,51c 8EK-t)i-No. 1 flx. $1.11; No 1 northwest ern, tl.i". Prime timothy, $1 il.25. Clover contract (trtid. $13 26 PRuVISION3--4Short ribs sides (loose) $.0 fi bi Mees pork, per bhl . $I6C0. L-rd' er l..i Ihs.. $i'..'5 Short clear sides iboxeil)' $s rif$ 4-V Tlvn receipts snd shipments of fluur and grrain were; iteceipts. Bhlpmei.ts. Flour, bbls.... Wheut.ibu "rn. Oil S'ats. bu Rye. hu Warley. bu.... i On the Produce ex 3I'0 23.' ...a.. th.all) iK'.0 4ZI.5UI 2S. 3S5.2H0 .( S('l at aw 10 nr.) hiiuae todav the but- I r market was ateadv; creamerli-s. l!(i.'5iso; I I., rles. I:.ffa.. Kkio, stronj: r.t muk. a.e Imiuitci, V.'li.'lc: firsts, 2S-; rime Imts. 2ac; exuas. UK-. Cheese, sleudv. 12' . l.'.V.c. Dull: northern, 75a' 6'.l-.f7;7c. , 5oH,c; sample, 42fJ '47c; NEW of r. Islhle Si.v t vr.c l- v.... ,0. I SSaturJ iy uf .ral The vein I visible nipp I y E1G3 rlrin. 2c hlnier: nearbv fresh and western fresh Sic, at mark. CHEESE I iv hai.ged; New Tork full creams. 12-W.&13V'. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAIKEE. Nov. 12. WHEAT No. I northern. Ttxusc; No. 77(c: May, i."o ma. RYE l-teadv ; No. 1 PARLE Y Dull; No. loc. CORN Hlsher: No. 1 cah. May. ioSaW 4Sc aeked. Coffee Market NEW YORK. Nov. 12 tXJFFEE Futures opened steady at unchantrrd piicea snd worked up u partial 6 points on ad lc s from Havre savins that, the unfavorable Santos crop accounts bad tieen coiillrui.1 and that - InterW.r Slocks la Europe were light. Tradinc aaa only li).-ht. hut the market held steady and ekiaed steady, net niirh.inred to $ points lutrher. &tles for the dav were reported o( sIkiu! h.iax-. In. ehiillng Ieceniber at t Ii'm. ; March. $ loc 4V, M iv.. s Not H :;; J-.Hv, 7-c: Kepte-nb. Priaaad Pullman Reading Heading Reading ReputiliL-Rrput.lie Ro. k imanfl 10 Rock lalsnd Co. ptd 8t. L. ft 8. r d P'd St. Louie S. W St. Louie 8. W. pfd Soulhrrn Pac'nc So. Paclftc pfd Bourhrrn Railway Sn. Railway pfd - Tennae (. ft I True ft Pacific Toledo. 8t. L. ft W T . St. L. ft W. pfd I'B'on Pacific I Bli.n PaclDr pfd I. 8. Kiprraa f 8 Realty I'. 8 Ruhher V. 8 Rubher pfd P. 8 Steel I". 8. Sieel .rl Va. -Carolina chemical ... Va.-Car. Chem. pfd Waha-h Wahaeh pfd Wcllfr-fargo Emreaa Weettnghnuea tlactrlc ... We.lern I'nloo Wheeling ft I- K Wleionaln Central Wie Cetitril p!d Northern Pacifte Central Leath-r Central I.e4lher pfd tt'oea -Shtfll-ld Slerl Creat Northern .fd Interborough Metiopolltan Int. Met ptd Total aalea for the day. 1.100 8.409 !00 ioo 4.8O0 1.200 !) . 1.3.(0 . 1,0"0 . 8,7( . 1.7"0 Toe 100 T'"t no ' . 47.1.W V '. l.aoo 100 . 1 l .K4."0 44t 2)14 44 2 V4 n 7'4 tl l!7( 4.'. .1 in 14 8814 117 ' 4(14 "iivi Ji tun 14444 r 10, as cum-j t Soc.'' Slvt RIJ, iuiet;" No. 7 Involco, 74.C. . 1. too Sa1 . 7.400 too . too . , 100 '. 8t-) I too . t.k'U "0 4n . 1 tl .141.700 100 ". "i(io . 1.000 H .. 12 7iW . 4.100 KI ?lrfl o0 KM .. " L 4ue JOO 41. 100 " 700 7o l.lmi 1.400 SI 874, 4 (4 464 24 'in:4 in M'A 0 V-i Zi S( M los, 14 '3" 4H 104 414 104 94 4 111 14 42 153" 44 601, i4 15-4 'ii" 1C4 77 864.400 aha res. 14014 22V 44 4 ' tl'4 l tk 74 624 124 444 1 Si. I, 87 S 4 13 801. 7 tf 1414 S44 7 7 a 44 5$ 014 HI 5 H IF..'! 14 VV4 344 844 17i4 21 m" 44 10 44', 104 U 111 lft, 414 iso" Sc 217 1S4 7i" 11714 74 4214 10f M '4 M4 1411 24 H n ns S7H 71 111 1H4 ' 117 112H M ti4 ,JN in 0 u 17i4 HI M IT !00 171H JO 1214 SO S44 ' & 19714 1114 71 314 Hi 8814 13 114 4?K 75 172(4 I2J I74 I 43 7H4 21 :i n 14(04 H'4 44 14 1411 5H MS "04 T4"4 II 124 '4 44 m 1 0 7 II 11114 . 0 20 1414 a 11 H"4 7 ;m4 4 41 V4 t4 67 8l, lil II 44 164 iS 14 '4 LIS 1W I 111 71 4i 105', 4i 104 M It 14 41 Vi tn is K 144 M 80 :i4 lt4 101 '14 111 9 7114 Boains Copper Market. Closlriff quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan & Ilryan. 2 Board of Trade building, Omaha: rsevada t ons V", North rtutto no Old Dominion.... Osceola 121 Pneu. Service.... V, do pfd 8oi i Qtilncy lim Shannon Tamarack lfl Tenn. Copper.... 4'."4 trinity Fnlted Fruit. F. S., com... 1'. S.. pfd I'tah Cons ftah Copper. ictorin Adventure 8 Alloues .18 Atlantic IHVi ItlnRham SH Black Mountain. Boston Cons ftoii Butte Coalition. 115 1 aiumet & Arig.lh Cal. A Hecla. Centennial ..v.. Ooppeo- Rante. . Iiaily West .... East Butte Franklin Oreene Copper.. Granby Helvetia Isle Royal L. B. A Pitts.. Maaanchusetts MichlK.m Mohawk Sou C. ' C. 1 V-, C Chlcatfo Ot. W. Total receipts The disposition of ib fclliws. rpch huvi bcr of head Indlrated 116 14 ISO 1 ,. 5 .8111 thr 1 1 15 3 '9 3 3o-1 Tew York .t' Star!. Market. NEW YOUK. Nov. 12 BEEVES Re ceipts, 4,443 head: steers In fair demand and V'c hlsrher. except for common: ft bulls 'strnn, others stendv; choice fat cows 1"1C , 1Rc higher, others sluw; steers, 88. 70118.0.1, ioxen and sttRs, tir: bulls, 8Msrj( 1.1H; cowj!. tl l:fc3.S2V; helftrs, 83.80. Exports to j morrow M cattle and 1.4(81 quarters of beef CALVE.3 Receipts. I.V h-.ii: prime nrd choice veali. firm, others ' steody : jtrasseia and westerns dull: veils. 4 lOnM.oti; r iss, rs.. I2.i(n2.75; westerns,; dress.1 calves In moderate demand; city dressed veals, Ku' 12c per lb, PMEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpls. l,t3f heutl; sheep dull; lambs opened steady to weak, closed easier; sheep, 3.tfi8.t. with few choice at $.1.6": wethers, 8fi.tS24; culls. 12 iKff-.rsJ: lambs. cS.tHW7.30; choice, 17.11 7.W; culls, S4.t"i;5.0i): Canada lambs. $7 HOGS Receipts. ll.SWl head: market llrm; j state und Pennsylvania. $8.80. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 12.- COTTON-Spot olom-d n,ul-t; 20 points niiv.-inco; nilddliuK uplands, lu.tfic; ir.ltl.lllnR gull, W.loc; sales, l.NKj hales. LlVEKl-C)OL. Nov. 12. COTTON Spot Mn ralr demand; prices 1 point liliilur, 1 American mlddlltiK fair. 80id'.; (towl niid i dilni;. 6.60.I. mlildlinR, fi.IWI, low ninUllinx, t.iid; Kood ordinary. 4.87d; ordinary, 4'i'hI. The sale of the day were lo,U) bales, of j ahlch Id.) holes were for speculation and I export and luclmled s.jno bales Anu iicaii. I Reccl.ts. 1M1 bales, Including 14.IKSJ bal 1 American. , a.-.. 1 . , . 10 CllTTHV ' 1 Steady; mlddllnir. U"c; sales, 4u baba; ru "rlir" I ceipis, le2 bales; rhlpnit-nts, li bi.Us; ' flock. 1(1 314 bules. NEW tiKI KA.19. la.. Nov. 12 . COTTf IN iiwit closed steady; sales S.otio hales, low ordinary, fiic, nominal; ordinary, H'c, nominal; good ordinary. 7 15-lilc; low mid dling, 8c; middling, VHc; (rood mlddllii, loc; nilddlliiK fair, loSc nominal, fair, 11ic, nominal; receipts, 18,000 bains; slotk, 24..'iOI) bales. Kansas City Live 44 84 4 KANSAS CITY'. Nov receipts was reipts, l,8w) head,, Includinn Oils and noalu. NEW YORK K, Nov. 12. Oil- Easier; Prime crude, f. 11. b. mills, 27c: yellow. ;le. 'elroleum. steadv; refined New York, ti.fto; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.1.". Turpen tine, (;!Hyu70r. , . HOS1N Finn; atralned, . common .to good, 14.25. OIL CITY. Pn . Nov. 12-OlL Credit balances, 81.58; runs, 1!4).212 bbla.; uveiaite, 81,220 bbls.; shipments. 2!i.i'l bbls.; uvor ape. U,.V2!(1 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Nor. 12. OILTur. pentlne, firm. (,f6. ROSIN Firm, tjuote: A. B snd C, II.IO: D, 14.05; E. 14.10; F, $4.25; tl, $4.30; II, 84 40; I. 4 4f: K, 1..o; M, lu.tsi; S4 t" I 21 264 "12 'J SUI Winona Wolverine llViplMlnir . 17 jCunanea .. 6fiii . 21': 8 1074 lflti (!1 IS li 23 V4 10 158 JtlJ London Closing stocks. IONDON, Nov. 12. Closing quotations on the Stock exchasge wore:n Conaola, money 4t43f., K. A T.. - do account I4'4,N...V Cent ml Anaconda 1! Jvorfolk ft W. Atehlron 701: do pfd do pis r.I05 inntarlo ft W .I(1S Hennayleanls .17lfRnrt Mine, . 84 -Headlng . 174 ;8nulhero Rsllwar ,17Bm do pfd . 204, Southern Peclflo . . 4C14 tlnlon PaclBc .... . 8i to pfd . 434ir: 8. steel . 7714 dn pfd . i4Whah .171 I do pfd .UlU'Snanltli 4ai SILVER Bar. steady. 32 1 5-ltd per "ounce. .. c mvi"--! ir cent. The late of discount In ths open market for short bills Is 8 per cent; for three months' bills, ( por cent. Btlttmore ft Ohio. Canadian Pacific Chea. ft Ohio ... Cblnagn Gl. W . C. M. ft St. P.. He flee ra D. ft R. 0 do pfd Brie do let pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Central Loulerllle Naah. ..... K 1tl4 K 9S ' 72S '14 .. 71", . . 3 ,1V, .. tl .. I.ii . .ISA'S .. 9 .. 47V. ..101'i .. to .. 44 M 1-11 lOmnha Packing; Co.. 1 Swift and Company!. Cudahy Parking Co.. Armour & Co Armour A Co., Denver.. Vansant A Co Carey A Benton Lobman & tVi McCreary A Carey... W. I. Stephen Hill & Son F. P. Lewis Huston A Co Hamilton & Rothschild. L. V. Huss Wolf J. II. Bulla Mike Haggerty J. B. Root A Co Z. II. Clark, S. A S T. B. Ingram Sullivan Bros V. A Brltton ; Jacobs Other buyers r tiurchaslna tie num. stendv to shade hlnhcr: ton. 88.40; chob export and dressed neer steers, j.. !. .-; Cntt'e Hogs Sheep. I fnlr to good, 84.noftiti.40; western steers. I' ... 915 oUi ifi.40; sltxkers and feeders. 2.5tV(i4.5(): south. . 1 820 inn Xti ern meets. JSOo-ob '5; southern cows. 82.(t . 13:12 1019 2 4aI 8 26; native cows, I2.Oi4i4.i8i; native heiferi, "-i 1 tfl-i "e.n tLMi.M: bulla. 82.HH3.78; calves, 83 (Ki.2. I HtKia Iteceipts. i.a"( neiio; rcnic lower: ,op. $6.174. bulk of sales, W.loii.15: heavy, it8.124t' p'ickers. $ti lifi6.15; pigs and I llghls. $S.Si5i6.i:t. . ! SHEEP AND LAMBri-Rccelpts. SiX) head: murk'-t weuk; lambs. 8fl (nMi7.5i: ewes ind j yearlings, $4.Wfj6.6"; western yearlings. $5.25 ijitt.0"; aestern sheep, tl.rr7ij.4o; slockots i and feeders, $3.7Mi5.CO. H t nr. It Market 12. CATTLE Re- o,; i 11. .wi, 1 .Hi afiiiihnrnt' : 3-V) 15 :25 147 878 122 314 34 Kn 27; t 127 . 8 Foreign Financial. I.0NDON, Nov. 12 -There was a keen de mand for money today and the supply was moderate. Discounts were firmer In sym pathy with ihe money market. Business on tha Stock exchange was oulet. with a Total CATTLB Hecelpts of cattle Ihla morning were the same as ono week ago. there be ing not far from 400 fresh cur on sale. Considering the large run. the market as a whole was In very fair condition. Oood beef steers, such as packers would especially desire, commandeu about steady prices, demand helug good and the movement fairly active. The tendency on the loss desirable kinds, owing to the large offer Ings. was considerably lower. The supply of cows was very large, which, taken in connection with the fact that nrlcea at the close of Inst week wer vrv j high as compared with other market points. orougni snout a lower range 01 prices to day. The trade opened rather slow, owing to the bear tactics of the buyers, and waa I at no time very active, with prices loc and J In many cases 15c lower than the close of I last week. The best feeders accmed to be In very fair demand this morning, the same as was the case every day last week. Buyers wars especially looKing fur good, well bred , . . Lnnla Live Stock Market. 8T. LOVlS. Nov. 12. CATTLE Re ....!! ceipts, 7.5t including 2.018) Texans. Market ..... ' steady. Native shipping and export steers, .... ' fj.Ttcol.OO; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, ' o.OO'fjg So; sters under l.fOO pounds. $3.aVf 4.75; stockeis and feeders, $2.0Xpt.uU; cows and heifers, $2.2tk(i.5.26; c,annrrs $l.nO'1 J.2j; . " bulls, $2.2'4.0O; calves, .$3.50tfj i.On; Texas and Indian steers, $3.00(fjo.50; cows nnd helferu, $2.1Qi3.fio. 7,(00 HOGS Receipts, 7,000 bead; market He lower; pigs and lights, $5,8016.21); packets, 8.4H0 3.147 10.32$ $0.(O'il2b; butchers and best heavy, vMdt 8HEEP AND LAMBS Rccelp'a, 1O0. Market strong. Native muttons, 3.0,h!i5.jO; lambs, 84.000)7.50; culls and bucks, IJO 8.60; stockers, $3.064.RO. Ilulnth (.rain Market. , DCLl'TH. Nov. 12.-WHEAT-NO. 1 northern, 7740 : No cember, 7474c; May, OATS To arrive. northern, 7i!Mc; Do- 78c; July. 78V,c. 32'4C l.laln Butter Market. ELGIN. III., Nov. 12 -BCTTER-Flrm and unchanged from last week tit 2io. To tal output Tor the week. fif.5.:a pounds. PACIFIC PACKERS COMPLAIN Washington Meat Men say Hates Are Too High fro..i the Corn Belt. ' 3S4 5 75 3 30 18 50 508 packets brought 8t. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mn., Nov. 13. CATTLE Receipts, 3.177 head; market steady; na tives, $4.00(6.75 ; cows snd heifers, $2.0o 4.5o; stockers and feeders, $3.00' HOGS Receipts, 3.134 head; m.irket about 5c lower; top, $6.15; bulk of sales, tti.oTVytf b. 1-4 fleso v firm undertone, In spite of the dearness of feeders, und eaule answering to that de money. Gilt-edged securities hardened on scrlptlon seemvl to sell quite freely. On the Bank of England, securing the bulk thu 0,ner hand, It was slow and hard work of the week's gold nrrlvala. Operators were 10 move trie common ngni and principally occupied with the adjustment I klnn". which were lower without SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.0IS I jhead; market slow, loc lower. Moux City Live Stock Market SIOCX CITY, Nov. 12.-Speclnl Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 4.U8) head; market steady; stockers, best strong; beeves, $4.uoiti.2G: cows, bulls and mixed, $'.50t(t.2o; stockers and feeders, H.oocm; calves and yearlings, $2.fsyii3.n(). HfiGvS Receipts, 2.5oi) head; market 5c lower; selling at $o.SMj.C0; bulk of sales, !&.1K.5.Kj. , WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-Mcal In the Btate of Washington have an action before, the Interstate Commcrcjn commission against the Northetn Parllle and Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy rail roads, alleging that" these roads have raised the rates on shipments of hogs from the corn belt states to Seattle, Wash., to a figure that practically prohibits the ship ment of hogs west. 1 The Chlcr compiaintani is rye a tirunn, j -ncorporated. operating at Seattle, which ! concern alleged it would : not be able to 1 continue business except for the fact that having established nn extensive plant j under favorable rates that had existed for j seven yiara. The continued existing high ' ratos, this llrm cays, would Uneaten It with bankruptcy. I ! PORTLAND MINING ELECTION J. C. Helm Succeeds IV. H. Baker aa - President of Bis Copper Mining; Corporation. of the account. Foreigners were a leader, owing to t-ans Dtiying. Americana we-e Irregular and dull. The poor New York bank statement and Secretary Shaw's an nouncement that he could not rellfie tha money market had a discouraging effect on business during the forenoon, quotations being below parity and business light Later New Tork Selling cauped a further setback and the market closed, weak at ths lowest quotations of the day, excent Mhaourl Pa cific, which received considerable attention Jananrse Imnerlal 8s of 1804 closed at lootz BERLIN. Nov. 12-Prlcea on the Bourn today declined owing to annrhenelon of a further rise in the Bank of England's rale of discount. Americans were depressed upon New York Advices. PARIS. Nov. 12. Tradlns on the Bourse tndnv was heavv. Ro-slnn rnre-. 4, closed St 74.50 and Russian bonds at 493.(0. Metal Market. NFW TORK. Nov. 12 .-METALr-Thi London tin market was hlsrher with soot otioted at 11 6s and futures at ei8 15 locally the market wos nqiet. with snot quoted St $42.70 bid and $42 88 asked. Cooper was higher In !ondon. with snot quoted at f ?s 6d and futures at Kio Is. locally the market was unchanged, with lik minted at $21. 7S ft 22. 50. elertrolvtlc t I'UM 2.t and casting nt lrl.?8'o21 7S. Iad was unchanged at $5.7Siff6.9"i In the local mar ket and at V) IRs In London. Fruiter wm quoted at 23 l"s in I.nttrrn, but lornllv was hlgh-r at $.30tfi 40. Iron was higher in the Ena-llsh msrlret. -s-l 1 h "tandird foundry n noted nt Wis 4d and Cleveland war. rants at Ftfs ltwd Locsllv Ihe morket was firmer, with No. 1 northern foundry ouotd et 2fi ?5. No. 2 northern foundry n 8'4 7sf 25.75 No. 1 southern foundry at 827 "."fl? 50 snd No. er.uthern nt ITS 'Vr?-T on ' ST. tXHTT3 Nov. 12.-MFrrAf.P Ieid 'ID) fi6.95. Spelter, firm. $8 28. ' rw York Mlalac Stacks. on mlnlns Moc wsra; Aa.raa t'oa il-'ule Chief Alice 171 lOnlarlo Inn Hreece Ophlr jjj Ursunrtck res IPoloel tt roinatn.k Tunnel jHaease 144 Cos. Cal. A Va 140 jSlerre Neeetft I.e. Hars SlUer 1 (Small Mope -70 lroa 8ilr 44. 8tana4rd m lUadrllle I'oa I i Bank Clesrlaas. OMAHA. Nov. I!. Bank cleurlngs for to. dav were $1,878,291.71 and for the corre sponding date but year 31.9M.luS.7ik Trrasarr siateaaeat. WASHINGTON. Nov. 12-Today s state -.iient of the treasury balances In the gen nal fund. excluive of the $Lio.ucv.re1 f,(i ierrve, shows: Available cash balance. Kresnratetl Apples and Dried Pralla. NEW YORK. Nov. 12 EVAPORATED APP1 .F.a Market is unchanged. Recelnls are running a little heavier, but demand la sufficient to absorb ofTe-ings and the market Is sdv In tuna. Hiirh choice are quoted at 8tiV; choice. 7ii7Vc; prime, ' CALIFORNIA DR18TD FRFITS'-Prunes sre reprirted In active demand oq the coas' with prices for forward shloment ad vancing. Tbe spot situation is firm and iincnansea. wnn 1 itii-mia grades rang ing from 3c. Oregon prices on sool are quoted at IrUtlOc for 40s to 204 Apricots are nominally unchanged, with choice nuoted at lc: extra choice 17c: fancv i',e fix: Peaches sre In IItIiI supply and 'uri. es hold steadv. with old croo rhnlce ouoted at llo; extra choice I2'1"c: fancy to estra fancy, ij'til2c. Raisins are steady, with looae Muscatel quoted at 7W''D.'Tc' eetled raisins, tyt'qc; Iondon layers' ni5tl.76. ' NEW car sit) Molasses. YORK, Nov. 12. SrQAR- Raw tlon. Representative sales: ... BEEF STEERS. trashy excep- No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 12 Iul6 3 aO Mi li'l 5 va) COWS. 4 830 1 90 2 llio 2 C 83 3 ' 7 1171 3 uu 1 8!0 2 26 h Mi 2 no 3 ..VM 2 4o , 111 vi IK) 7 1021 3 iV 1 laiu 3 uo 19 884 3 75 i ,.Hm 3 00 1 luui 3 75 4 8ti2 I 4u 4 1UU0 3 SO HEIFERS. 7 17 3 86 Bl'LXaS. 1 1280 0u CALVES. 1 l"t) t 26 1 180 I 00 2 115 00 FEEDERS. 3 750 3 00 lu 91 8 W5 7 Wl 8 40 ,i VoO (u) 11 .72 8 7 Stock In Mght. Receipts tf live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Tattle. Hogs. Sheep. South omana y.3" 6.:uo I Sioux City 4,t 1.4 Kansas City l.rKO 7.6() St. Joseph 3.177 3.131 8t, Louis 7.500 7,(01 Chicago SO.OCO . 38,000 NEW YORK, Nov. 1?. It was announced today that William II. Baker, vice presi dent and geivral manager of the. Postal Telegraph and Commercial Cable company, has resigned all offices which he held In the Portland Copper Mining company. J. C. 9.7,00 ! Helm, ex-t-hlef justice of the supreme court or Colorado, was today elected . president of the Portland Mining company to suc ceed Mr. Baker. This Indicates no change 800 4.518 100 Totals ...66.577 61,364 1 cows.. 7 heifers.. WESTEKN8-WVO.MING. 11.6 . 775 8 cows 915 11 heifers... 6tt3 i 25 10 feeders.. 5t8 3 t5 i3 feeder, .lc.n' 4 (o 23 tuners. ...1170 8 8t 69 cows led 3 40 27 si ers.... llio 4 26 SOFTU 3 feed3rs..lllo 3 40 11 coas 9t3 4 feeders.. 82 8 35 1 cows. 8 26 COLORADO. In t-owi .12)0 2 75 i cows. 125 feeders 22 steers.. 21 t-uws... ..1018 .. 874 ..1121 ..ll.'l ..lo:7 2 90 3 2J 4 50 3 96 i io DAKOTA. 4 feeders. .1120 - feeders.. 9:'S 7 feeders .. Iuti3 3 40 3 00 3 70 41 cows 9!8 9 cows 922 20 his it cs- 940 2 90 2 80 2 70 19 steers.. ..1354 4 70 980 2 90 3 OU 3 70 5 cows 9A0 2 .15 NEBRASKA. 53 feeders.. 795 3 35 21 feeders. . 857 8 7S 6 feeders.. 912 3 75 4 cows 910 2 26 9 cows 837 2 W) 4 heifers... 00 2 40 6 rows 842 2 10 20 steers.. ..U99 4 40 14 feeuers..lo67 3 90 NEVADA. 68 steers.... 987 3 50 23 cows. SOl'THERNS. 26 feedors.. 693 3 80 bolls. .... 836 150 John Mullen Wyo. 11 cows 942 3 90 C. Grass Wyo. 26 feeders. .1069 4 40 W. H. EadsWyo. steers.. ..1395 5 10 2 steers. ...1176 $10 8 steers.. 4 u6 J. H. Howsrd-Neb. 7 steers.... $34 3 66 15 cows 898 $10 C. B. and Wood Smith, Bouth Dakota li feeders.. 858 3 HO Hi feeders.. tfc,9 3 00 7 cows lo42 3 80 7 rows..... jo 3 80 5 ste rs.... 89M 3 26 HOGS There were hardly enough hogs in sight this morning to make a market but In spile of thut fact the market waa very slow snd lower. Large runs at other points, together with lower prices, put huy- OM AHA WllOLUSAfclu MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations en Staple and Fancy Prod are. EGGS Per dos., t3o. LIVE POULTRY Hens. $c; roosters. Bo; turkeys, 124115c; ducks, 9c; spring chickens, 8c: aeese. 84ii'ic. . BUTTER -Packing stock, 17e; choice to .fancy dairy, 19ia21c; creamery, 24'827c. HAY Choice upland, $9 50; medium, $9.00; coarse, $8.0)1438.50. rtye straw, 8o.aWI.uo. BRAN Per ton, $15.00. VEGETABLES, fl W F FT POTATOES Per bhl.. 32 50. TOMATOES California, per basket of 'lbs., $2.25. I WAX BEANS Per ons-thlrd bu. box. ' tl 26 BEETS AND CARROTS Per bit.. 73c. LEAP LETTUCE Hothouse, per dog. heads, 40c. CKI.KHY-rer dos.. S'Jic. Cl'C UMBERS Hothouse, per doi.. $1.50. ONIONS Home grown, 66c per bu.; Bpan ish, 11 per crate; Colorado, 76c. GREEN ONIONS Per dos. bunches. 26c. HORSERADISH Case of 3 dos., $190. RADI8HE8 Per dos. bunches, 8Sc. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 31.85; No. 3, $1.75. LIVfA BEANS-Per lb., 6,io. GREEN PEPPERS Por market basket, 75c. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dos. bunches. 3".c. CABBAGE Holland seed, horns grown, per lb.. Hie. EGG PLANT-Per dos.. $2 00. POTATOES Per bu.. 40t.vC. RUTABAGAS Per lb., lc, 150 lbs. to s.i ok. TURNIPS Per bu.. Joe. QUINCES Per hot. 12 . FRUITS. PFIACHES California Salwsy, per bog. $1.10; Colorado, $i..'5. PEARS Winter varieties, per bu., $3.2.rji 3.0O. GRAPES Toksy. $175; Malaga, per bH., $r..ooni.oo. APPLES Ben Davis, $2.25: Jonathans. $3 264)3 50; New York 'appns, $3.25; Grimes' Golden, $3.75. CR A N hEHRI E4 Per bbl.. $9 Ootfrl 00. WATERMELONS Colorado, winter, 35c each. TROPICAL FRU!T8. ORANGES-Florida .oiX 1 LEMONB Llmonlers. extra fancy, 240 ' I In the administration of the company, for 41.918 I Mr- Baker states that ha has had tlr I several years a large holding In the stock I of the Portland company gnd propose to j keep It for tho present. ( ghavr Not Ready to Act. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. Secretary Shaw today said that ha saw no' present need of going -to the assistance of tha money market, nnd that as before stated by him, unices conditions materially changed, ' he will adhere to his Intention not to refund, buy bonds or Increase deposits. Taft 1 LAWTON. Okl., t Fort trill.' Nov. 12. Secretary of Wsr Taft and party arrived at Fort Sill this morning and was given a sal life of twenty guns by the Thirteenta cavalry, tne sec retary spent the day inspecting Fort Sl'.l and the reservation with a view to making this a brigade post. The party leaves for Fort Bam lloualon tomorrow. A 1 leict era at this point on the bear side and they slse,'7.5o; 3oft size, $8.0; 360 slse, $8.0o. other siariru um uiuuimb i.murui, tower right . brands. fOyiDC less from the first. Sellers, on account of the nutet; fair rennlng. $ 6-lo: centrifugal, lei 1 light receipts, mads a hard struggle to hold HIS lllli a., uf, uui ana lo ISKS Ofl a big 6c and 'n sums cases aa much ss 10c. The trade waa slow and It was bus before a clearance was finally effected. Representative sales: test. 3 13-lsc; molasses eusar. 3 1-lBc. Re Mned. oulet; No. . I: No 7. 4 'Ac; No 8 '30c; No . 4 15c; No. 10. 4ti8c; -0. j No. 12. 3 96e; No. 13. 3S0c: conffx-tioners' a' ' (4ic; mould A, 6.15c: cut loaf 5.f5c; rush -j' 8.5.K-; powdered. 4 90c; granulated. 't, 5 OPc. MOLABriES Steady; Vsw Orleans. eitl. good to choice, 4;s8c. . NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 1?T'GAR; centrifugal yellow. 3 aV-hu-S 16-li-ct seconds. S.'OSSc. New molatses syup, 24 asoc. ' ' - open Wool Market. BT LOUIS Mo.. Nov. 12-WOOL-tteady: m'chuni rrades. r.m.l-in ntl 1 .tlilr.r S4'o27c; light fine 18'tjIc; heavy hue, Hjliic; tub aaahed, i-S.c. No. Av Bh. Pr v.,. Av 8h pr 6 .340 ... 6 90 3 Jg o 3.0 44 i-'I 40 5 90 M .rtl 80 ( no 411 3-'7 80 6 1s) Vi 164 IO til) 61 332 ... 5 92V4 :) S"2 ... !.' M li ... 6 8A 72 275 40 lO 81 815 120 $ 96 52 273 12 4 00 61 349 3V0 S Jo H 2S5 11 0JV4 T ' I "Jf 69 2n7 240 02 t 33 324 80 6 M ,17 2r,l 1 8 06 50 o8 40 6 00 41 p-6 H) (ft 47 2wi .... ID M .237 40 ( 16 83 3K! ... 8 tw W 12 80 i5 30 ,1 4U (W Ti 306 80 U7'i BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch. $;.'"H.'.2f.; Jumbos, $25u.o3 .00. GKAI'f, FHUlT-biss t4 to 04 and W to W. 11(1X04.60. FlOS-Kadaasy, c; sayers, 6'i-; new stuffed walnut dates, t-lb. box. $1.10; Cali fornia bulk. 5Mrc; 7-crown Turkish. 15c; la crown. 14c; 8-rroan, 13c; $-crown. 12c. BEEF CUT PKICEW Ribs: No. 1, 14'c, No. t, K-; No. 3. c Round: No. 1. 8c; No. 2, 7c; No. 3, 6c, Loin: No. 1, 17c; No t, 124e; No. 3. 84e. plats: No. 1. 4Sio; No. 2. 4c; No. 3. 2V:. Chucks. No. 1, : No. 1 6c: No. $, SVfcc. MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR Granulated cane. In sackn, $5.31; grunuiatied be-i. In sacks, $0 31. CHEkSE ewlns. new, Ilk-; Wisconsin brick, licrjc; Wisconsin limLierger. 1 .'';. t Ins. lie; Young Americans, Itv'ic. ' COFFkE-itoasted. No. 3i, iw. per lb.; I have, la connection with practical miners, secured gome jnosC pforulslng properties in the great Ooldfield, Ne vada, camp. We need aid tor quick development We are confident of opening up good mlnea, ai we are surrounded by the ahipplng mines. . - 1 . Write for particulars. w Address GEO, VV. E. Dorsey Fremont, Neb. After Nov. 17th. Goldfleld. Nevada. The Financial World XKTVYOltlt CHICAGO " 3 llroBuvttr 100 llandelph 8)1. The Leading Financial Waekly Valuabls te Bankers aad Flnsndsrs 1 ladlspsatabls ta inveslwa snd SpMiilstsrs The only flannels! publleallon of Ifa kind. Send for fre sa.uple o.f.y. You will be enaTtuved ol lie ralaa sud seuil your subsorlptloo. the: nAt iai. hoiild Broadway New York I