Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Some Mothers, unconscious of the injurious
effects of Alum, are daily giving it to their
Children by the use of so-called Cheap
Baking Powder.
What Alother would do so if she only knew?
Alum's Worst Work is its early harmful
influence on the child's digestive organs.
Positively Never, should Children of tender
years be required to eat it in their food.
Secure your Children against Alum in
their food.
ROYAL is made from Pure Refined Grape
Cream of TartarAids Digestion
Forod to Appssl to Commission to Coa
tiius Hercbanti' Ixoursions.
lirnnhk ind Other Cities lalte la
' Proirut to the Interstate
t-oniiuerce Boarit (or
today. M. Plou. amid applause from the
right, InMsted that the state should negoti
ate a settlement at Koine.
t.o tutiahn Jobbers' und Manufacture
i""" ..T u'iitioh'-nnd: "iWtUar" 6rgjbUations
-, !,. . -.tern cities want to prevent th
by the Interstate Commerce
'...'on of Vie custom of holding mer
i n.eetlugs It Is evident they must
l .. ioit! tne commisslun with tin lv pro
According to the railroad statements, the
i .ill roads have addressed themseivt s to tlv
comratssfon In the. matter and have b n
Ignored. According to their own state
ments, also, they mean to enforce, the re
cently made regulations of the commission
as they relnto tr round-trip tickets on the
certificate plan, and which will prevent
t! tr.erchints' meetings. Thi intontlon
has' boc:i expressed by Ebon 13. MacLeod,
Chairman iti the Western Passeng-r asso
ciation, ui n letter, to the local Jobbers'
organization, as follows:
tn order to unower the lniilri.s of some
f the merchants' association, we desire
to say that while the question of reduced
ate for merchants' meeting.' was dis 1
sunned a; a recent meeting of our nasocla- I
tlon. no gaiwrnl conclusions were arrived!
at as to amending the present iirmim
mntx, but It was understood that It would .
he the subjec. of future consideration. ,
that In thw meantime It will he necessary :
uniter Interaction of the Hsmciatlnn. til
require full compliance with all the I
tlons of the regulations under which the- j
arrangements have benn made W v.1,1 I
advise you of any further action on tne
CoBeerted Protest l.lkel.
Commissioner Guild -of th- Commercial
club 1 In communication with secretaries
of commercial organisations in Missouri
river and Mlsnlhidppi river Jobbing points
nd it is probably h Joint meeting will be
held for the purpose of deciding on a for
ni.l protest before the Inteistat Com
;nerc commission
To the present rules th" commission
"MtggcstH" that 1"0 person- lie r'oulred to
present th'-lr certificstex for validation be.
fore the rate Is granted to any. The Vih
iiera think, this provision may be. all right
for conventions In general, but thev would
have a special ruling covering merchants'
The threetened abolition by th- rmiroenf.
Jewelrr Found by Woman Who
Thinks Little of the Omshs
' Police.
Mi. Smith, ln Chicago street, tele
phoned the city 'all Sunday afternoon and
repotted that romo one had stolen u purse
containing Jewelry to thu value of Sto from
her room while she was absent a few
minutes, An Investigation was made by
two defectives;, who roused the woman's
Ire by askings If she had not mislaid the
purse.' plie sald sh" did not think much
of the police of Onmha anyway and never
expected to recover her Jewelry through
their efforts. Monday morning she tele
phone Chl-.-t Sfcvage that she had found
her Jewelry and udmitted she had mislaid
It Sunday.
Wonderful Development fhowi' by na
tional Beport in Cmsha.
the gss In his bed room and again In July
by assaulting him with a knife and a re
volver. He also charges her with using
liquor and Improper conduct with another
Iteeeptlou Without I'rfculf et
Wednesday Sight for Member o'
All ( relnliton t oilettes.
President Dowling and the Crcightot. uni
versity facttikiy will tender a reception t
the members of all the colleges of the
university law, medicine, donta! and clus
slcal. S"0 students In all In the rooms of
the Crelghton College of Law, Wednead n
night. Such a reception will be a precedent
In the history Of the Institution and the
students are preparing to avail themselves , portane? among he primary markets In
Receipts Three Times Much for
Mac Months This Tear aa
Two Tears Ago and
Double 1BOS.
. A wonderful growth In -tbu -gtuin busi
ness at Omaha since the establishment at
ttie O.naha Grain exchange Is shown by
cve.i a casual glance at the September
rtport of the Department of Commerce
ni.d Labor, just Issued. Receipts of grain
have been Increasing by bounds, for nine
monthi of l'JOtt they weto three times as
large as for the same period of lOvt. and
30 per ccm greater than In 1905.
Total grai i receipt for nine months of
1!"; wre Zi),K2,)0 bushels: for nine months
of l!ii they were il.SKNV.riu bushels; fo.- nine
itionths of l'-ot they were 10,5-S,5oi bushels.
For the first nine months of lPW, 1! and
lw4, i-tspe -lively, receipts of wheat were
i.r.'3.(ti bushels. busheli: and 2,i.-
3tM bushels, corn rtc.iptM were l,63a,lliW
bushels, lt.i;i2,(( bushels and S.TOZ.OQO busb,
I els; oats receipts were l.tvtn.OOO bushels,
; 3.!'75."JO btishtls and 1.105.300 bushels.
By the larg" movement of oats this year
Omaha Is pun-ed In point of greater lm-
Many Friends Attend Services
Home and at Prospect 11111 -Ceiueterjv
of th
huuot .
opportunity marked by the high
Aildltlonul Passeuue.- train to Ac.
eoinnifdate Service In liniurdiate.
Vicinity of Omaha
respect to that grain. Omahu was elov
enth In oats receipts In 1!. ninth In 1!
and fifth )n 1!;. The1 market was tenth In
oatH shipments in seventh In IM and
.th ill lHli.
Imports at the Omaha customs house
The last rites over the body of James O.
Meeath, wao died last Thursday at the
home if his son, ' i all P. Megeath at
Salt Like City, w. ' .1 at 10 a. m Mon
day at the home '''-' ..-urge W. Megetttli,
SI"? South Thlrf y-y7"l street. 'The serv
ices a: the residence aijd cemetery were in
charge of Rev. T., J. Mackay. rector of
All SalnVs Episcopal .church and the
music, was renuercd by members of the
tholr of that church under the direction
of Mr. Binims. The ritual of the Episcopal
church, of which M Megeath was a mem
ber, was observed,
Many prominent, resident j of Omaha
were present at the serviced to pay theii
last tribute to their old friend and business
associate. The pallbearers were chosen
frot'i amoiiR the close personal friends of
Mr. Megeatli, XI. C. Jordon, II. G. Penrold,
Gustav Anderson. Pr. A. S. Pinto. 'William
MacDIartnid, L. II. Bradley. A. J. I'leraon. I
W. B. Graham, A. H. Donecki n. W.- 6.
Wedg', Victor White and Luther B. Hoyt
acting In that capacity.
Many members of Mount Calvar7 com
mandery of theKnlghts Templar were In
attendance, although this organization did
not take an official part In the ceremonies,
merely being present In their .individual
After the services at the residence the
body wat; taker to Prospect Hill, where
Rev. Mr. Mackay conduct d the brief burial
service of the Episcopal church and the
Eeadof Bankon Uaion tayi that Order' i
Afain ira Etraiebt.
Declares All Ills Transactions at
Lincoln Are Square Son
Dolna Doslness with Morth
eott la Chicago.
lr. E. C. Spinney, founder and president
of the Bankers fnlon of the World, who
Is In Omaha attending th trial of a suit
against the order and himself In Judge
Bstelle s court, declared Monday he M
very much surprised at the charges tnat
have been made against him and ha aaya
to far as he knows every report of the
condition of the Bankers Union filed with
the Insurance department is correct In
evry particular He ascribes the troubles
of the order to what he terms unfair action
on the part of the Insurance department
and to the eagerness of some claimant!
of the order to have their claims paid Im
mediately and In full Instead of accepting
the money on the installment plan as other
claimants have done.
It Is said a practical basis of settlement
between at least some of the objecting
claimants and Dr. Bplnney has been ar
rived at and It Is considered Improbable
that any criminal charge will be filed.
County Attorney Blabaugh said so far aa
he knew no complaint would bo filed at
Surprised at Charges.
"I was much surprised to read of the
charges against me." said Dr. Bplnnfy.
"As far as I know the reports of the con
dition of the Bankers Union filed with the
Insurance department were correct In evtry
detail. I knew nothing of any threatened
prosecution until I came here and saw It
in the papers.
"The Bankers Union Is In better condf
tlon than It has been for three yean. We
came out of the litigation with the state
two y-ars ngo with M,on0 of claims against
the company. These have been reduced to
14,on0 and current claims have been paid.
Two or three of the claimants have been
demanding that their clnlms be paid at
once and these have been making the
Dr. Spinney said a payment of $li1 hart
been made and accepted on the claim of
M. A. Hall's client and Indicated that an
amicable understanding had been reached.
Mr. Hall said there were no new develop
ments In the case.
Dr. flplnney is now at the head of the
Bankers Union of Chicago, which Is Incor
porated under the laws of the state of Illi
nois and is entirely distinct from the Bank
ers Union of the World, the Nebraska or
ganisation. Since he left here the latter
organization has had no office, he said, but
he had been transacting Its business from
Chicago. No new business la being taken,
and it Is still doubtfu! If the organization
will ever resume business. He said It
would be Impossible to do so unless the at
titude of the Insurance department at Lin
coln changed. The order still has Its char
ter and he en Id It might resume business
again If conditions became favorable. Some
of the records of the order, he said, were
still at the office In the Paxton block,
though no business Is being done there.
Kortheott with Him.
In his Chlcagi organisation ho has Asso
ciated with him W. A. Northcott, formerly
head consul of the Modern Woodmer- fot
tight years lieutenant governor of
and now United States district attornc., f .r
southern Illinois. He says the new order is
in a prosperous condition and doing consid
erable business.
The suit in Judge EsteKe's court was
brought by Receiver Starr or the order of
Iron Chain against the Bankers Union and
Dr. Spinney to recover severa.1 thousand
dollars alleged to have been paid the de
fendants by the officers of the Iron Chain
at the time of the consolidation of the two
Quality Value-Supremacy Beyond Contention
Tremendous stocks hundreds of styles sizes in all
proportions mid-season styles just developed newest ideas.
Our Men's Overcoats tvt $25
Embodying the uppermost accompllstamenta
of integrity In tne art of modern clutues
building. Made from the best of appropri
ate fabrics, in oxford gray, black and thw
new gray shades. The models at this
price embrace all the styles that are in
vogue this season and Bought by men
(hat heed the details of y
fashion H M J
Our Men's Overcoa's a.1 $2tJ
At this popular price we have prepared for
your chousing a most comprehensive as
sortment, including all tun tnurougnly
good fabrlca and shades that are proper
and stylish for overcoat wear. In atyie,
fit and finish they are the equal to any
merchant tailor's productions and supe
rior to most, at a great JiTfl
saving to you d "
Our Men's Overcoats st $15
Contain most excellence aud thorough
goodness of moat coats at f 18 and $20.
Yon have the same mammoth assortment
to select from. They have had the same
careful attention aa to style, fit and do
tail In workmanship aa the higher priced
garments, and the same guarantee of ab
solute aatlsfac.tion that goes with every
garment which bears the Nebraska label.
They are worthy of your Gl't C
attention at DlJ
1 I :-W.,r-,,: '.'..'vsC-i'A
I 4, '.ft-.-Y'i.'.S
Northern PaclOo Hallway Specials I
As an inducement to general laborers '
and settlers moving to the Pacific north
west, special rates have been put In. The
Northern Pacific railway will sell dally un
til October 81, 1906, colonist tickets as fol
lows: St. Paul to Billings, Mont.. $15; Helena,
Butte and Anaconda, Mont., 120; Spokane,
Walla Walla. Wash., and Uewiston, Idaho,
21 50; Seattle. Tacoma, Wash., and Port- ,
land, Ore., C.V Similar reductions to other
points. Apply for further Information to
A. M. Cleland, General Passenger Agent,
St. Paul, Minn.; E. V. Rockwell. District
Passenger Agent. Dee Moines, la.
Go. Somewhere
braska and Kansas, every Tuesday; to other destinations in
the West and Southwest, first and third Tuesdays; especi
ally low round trip rates.
Tuesdays, to numerous points in Arkansas, Missouri, Colo
rado, Indian Territory, Kansas, South Dakota, Texas and a
tounst destinations South and Southwest.
I inner, Colorado Springs and Pueblo.'.'. . . .$2425
Kansas City, Nov. 18, 10, 20; 21.... .'. .... . 7.75
Mexico City, Nov. 22 to 28, inclusive 53.25
Chicago, Dec. 1 to 4, inclusive 14.75
The Missouri Pacific Sunday will put In I ror September were $.. compared with I body was then placed In the marble mau-
servlc.-- two new ir:uns. cau-maiea 10 vm ; t,-A42S )n 8f,m, n,)r ,)f t year. Imports
of censiderah e help to the people residing ; for ,,.,. n,nIn(1- ending September 3".
on the Missouri Pacific near Omah. , wer, m,;,v13i compared with m.631 for
No change will be made In leaving tima ; ,,. mnths of ,n1 a.;. for nine
of the trains from Vnlon station at 9 a. m. I ...1(,nt,hs cr y,, ,
ur.d 11:1 p. m., nor in the arriving time of j '
Nebraska "lty vi Fort Crook and
Plattsmoiith, arriving at Nebraska City at ,
3:40 p. m. It lvs Nebrafka City at 4:1ft
p. tn. and rmoee to Oinlvt via Union, '
Weeping Water. lyiuisvlll an.l
fi-ki. arriving at Webster sirel station dl i
:,7 p. m. The time of the Fall.! City local. '
now l-aving WehMcr street vtatlon at 3:0
p. m.. wl'-l n"' he changed but the time of
titvivul of the tialn i'ro.n Falls Ciiy will
be changed to ope hour enrllcr and it will
arrive at Il:-i a. in. itiMeaa or j;;zi p. m..
r ne pr.vneg ... ' . ''- "-; i , ut on. leaving at S:oi a. m. and
in transit for partly loading or un-, 1 HprlngHeld. Iulsvllle and
loading - probably will not mt,riall. ' ..., , ,.nion .... ,hr ,
eeks the Omaha Com- ; " ' ,...... .-! .
t i" . il a. 1.1. a u . ,i " v n. in.
- I
Kesrnts Judicial Anthorlty and un.
eqaeatly l.s Coatoay of
Ilia Children Again.
soleum beside that of the wife of Mr. Me
geath, who died about ten years ago.
Relatives of Mr. Megeath woo came to
Omaha to be present ut the funeral were
Mr. and Mrs. Jcsepli P. Megeath of Salt
Lake City, Samuel A. Megeath. a son,
from Franklin, Ta. ; T. A. Megeath, a
brother, rrom Rock Springs, Wyo., and J.
B. Robertson, a grandson, from Diets.
If juu have anything to trade advertlss
It In the For Exchange column of The
Bee Want Ad pnge.
Christian Science Lecture.
A free lecture on Christian science, under
Bciui he got "fresh" with the court the auspices of First Church of Christ,
and Intimated in strong language that he Scientist, by Mr. Edward A. Kimball, C.
would do what he pleased with his children 8. D. of Chicago, will be held at Boyd's
In spite of the Juvenllt authorities, William theater next Tuesday evening, November
Brisbane will not have custody of his chll- 13. at 8 o'clock.
dren for some time. Judgs Sutton Monday Mr. Kimball la well known in this city,
at nrfson' In addition to this service "ffrnoon paroled them to Superintendent and his lecture promises to be of more
n.tjwar'i ii .ii uiiiupi i ibi s-nooi at man psc-'iua nivriiTD. fcvj .u Keii.rai puDlto.
Kearney, where Brisbane is preparing to
Within the last two w
'sercifcl club bus filed
piotepts with the
and running to Omnha via Muir.iv, l'l.itts
move hlH family.
Brisbane and his wife had some trouble
about a month ago and divorce proceedings
were started In district court. Throuah
Wextem Trunk Une committee and 'i,h j mol:th un,, Frt Crook, arriving "n't fnlon ,h" Intervention of Judge Sutton they were
the local representative of the toa.U who
are memhera of the association. The re-
)lles from the committee have relb-ved the
.iobberd of anxiety. Assurances hav ali
been given from the local ofrli-rs of several
f tbe roads that no chamie wi'l be made at
present nor" In the near future.
Announcements of the Theaters.
Ths trick pony "Dandy" and the mu'e
"Maud," with SI Perkins, the farmer clown,
will be a laughable feature of the "Zoo
opening Thursday.
ttution in Omaha ut 11:40 a. m.
Debate ta l-ie.,rt iinnse.
PARIS. Nov. 12. The debate on the appli
cation of church and einte expiration law
was resumed In the Chamber of Deputies j
Card ok' lliunks.
We de.-ui to thank our many dlemm fur
their kindn"ss. asyitince and rxprpsslons
of sympathy, during the i-vcnt si'-kns.',
and death 'f ut belovi .1 daughter, Annie.
ieconi'lld and decided to go to living to-
i (,'ether again. Differences between the pro
j batlon officers and Brisbane caused Judge
Button to have all three of the children
tiiken into court. Then, Instead of giving
them to the parents, he paroled them to
Mr. Hay ward. They will go to Kearney
! Correct quality goods, lowest prices.
Hubermann, jeweler, cor. 13th and Douglas.
Paul. Minn., Is In
Movements of Ocean esaela Nov, 11, !
At Liverpool Arrived . Celtic, from New I
York; Tunisian, from Montreal; Winl-
fredlan, from Boston; Umbtia, trom New i
York. I
At Gibraltar Arrived: Pannonla. from i
v.u, York. Hilkd: DeMilan. for Boelon.
At Movuie Airivea: loiumnia, trom !
New Kork. Bailed: Astoria, for New ,
At Southampton Arrived; Philadelphia,
from New York.
At Genoa Arrived: Romanic, from Bos
ton. At London Arrived: Sarmatlan, from
At Naples Sailed: Republic, for New
At Queenstown Sailed: Lueania for New
At Palermo Sailed: Slavonla, for New
At Boston Arrived: Cymric, from Liverpool.
Seattle Gentleman Cured with Leg
Then a Box by Th Pyramid
HI Cur.
Aayene Caa Easily Test It an I Prv It. far
Free S.anp.a is Sjoi ilall t All.
Seven out of ten readers of this paper
are tortured with pllea or some form of
rectal disease. ou are, or you would not I
As is the Body, so will be the Mini ;
As is the Clothing, so will be the Body.
Of course, that part of clothing which
most Influences the body is the Underwear.
Equally of course the Underwear of Un
derwears is Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Fabric.
Ask your own doctor.
In New York alone over 300
physicians wear It.
Bee Want Ads Hre Business Boosters.
Iti !T X ef7 mother fecli
- I inr great dread of the"pi
jf I III 14' nd danger attendant upon
Li U LIU tha most critical period
Til r. Wilkes of Rt
r.r,,oha ih. di,. nf vi i. x-i .. n. ka rcitlnv this srticle. Thirtv VHar, -
.... .. mm n.e hi nome, vviikes Is general agent for the Equitable i doctors carried a lancet In their vest
I though nominally in charge of Mr. Hay. In Minnesota and one of the leading life In- j nork.t .na bled people for all sorts of
i WRlrd . suiance m n of the country. pocaei " " r ur 01
lne Vo,. u 1R vap ntit ,t,t - . Amonf the state arrivals at the Murray ! tHsea-a bled them hard-sometlmes a
Ines Moise. a 15-year-old girl, wa com- are: j "R Golrtin, Nebraska City; John duart at a time. It was the fashion then,
jmltted to the Milford borne by Judge But- Bushnell. Noifolk: F. O. Westering, F-dgar; ; All that is changed nowadays and a doctor
ton Monday afternoon. She ascribe, her A H Miller frete; H. reen, Wilbur. wth a Unct would be considered a curl
! ruin to several men. hut under conditions nJ M' J t "K'r , osity
that moke it Improbable that any prosecu- WedTe.dayd fo't'helr newbonle' 2"w..h'. Flva year, ago doctor, "cut out" P11M
iiui. .-an iiiii.iw. a rompiaini against a
Of her life. Rei-nminc
( mother ghould be a sourca of joy fo all, but the suffering and
danger incident to the ordeal makes it anticipation on of misery.
.Mother' Friend u the only ren. edy vrhich relieves womea of the great
pain and danger of msternity ; viiis hour which is dreaded as woman'g
severest trial is not only made painless, bu all the danger is avoided
by its use. Those who use thi remedy are no longer despondent or
gloomy; nervousness, nau.ea and other distressing conditions arc
vercoire. the system is made ready for the coming event, and tha
serious accidents so common to the critical
hour are obviated by the( use of Mother's n n v HI. sa
Friend. -It is worth its y eight in gold.)1 I VJfl H fij f56
ays many who have uieU u. fj.oo per Ilfl VU tila f
swine at arug stores. nook containing
valuable information of interest to all women will
be sent to any addre frr upon application to
rJlADHLLD K0UlAT0It0O.t AtUatm. Caw
younger brother and a younger sister has
hi en filed In Juvenile court, but these cases
will probahly be dropped In view of th
, fact she Is to leave home.
wherever they got the chunce. All that
Ingum. 1). C, win-re Maior Zulinskl mill
lake up his duties as post Quartermaster . , M,.n .in h. .......
tt tho national capital. 'i
Judge 6utton of the juvenile court ha ! soothing, healing and ouraUv properties
By very rt letter Ilka t til :
Farmer Police Jadge Ueatr Charges
sf Craelty aa4 Aeeasea
the Wautaa.
In an answer and cross petition flled
Monday In district court, William Scott
Wishing to give credit where credit I.
due, 1 fl It roy duty to humanity a
wsll a yourselves to write you regarding
your pile remedy. I have not finished my
been asked to address the national convrn
tlon of the Humane society, which mee.s In
Chicago soon, but owing to the piea of ts in the criminal court he will not
be able to accept.
Among the more prominent attorneys
from out In th state called to On,.h. v.
the assembling of th November term of first bojt and am bow well. After th first
wr&br -or.
Jettls and K. M. Flansberg of Uncoil I "e8" left- na th w1Iln hav keit de
Owing to th absence of Judge Lay, who I creasing, I also used your pills and am
accoinpaniea ins nooy or nis motner-la-law, feeling Ilk myself again. Thanking you
Mrs. B. M Brown, to New York. hi. court ' . .,.. .ruiv r rni.. i-n
r,rr. win ri.uA fnr m u ' klndty, I am, yours iruiy, L. Crowley, 170
Babcock. formirly police Judge pf South hedick has gone to Sarpy county to loia ! h Ave., 6eattle, Wash.
I Orach, denies the charge made by hi. after the court buslnes there in th tb- If you want positive proof of th cu-a
1 wife that l treated her cruelly. In htr of, J"d ?y' , tlve valu of this remedy, send to the fyn-
pettuon. filed Mvral day. ago. sh. charged ! ViSort" '."VOi w," tbt!!111"1 ru Co - 61 Pyr'"1J ulldJ"-- M-r-him
with .trlklng her and abusing her In continue on wat to prepare his show tor ahall. Mich. Tou will receive a free trial
other way.. He denies this and tumn the summer season In the I'm ted States. I iiackage by return msll. Try It. then go
X tan give you all the latevt tufoi motion and
free descriptive literature.
1502 F&rnam St.. Omaha. Neb.
Dr. Etts Says:
Lady, are you pale, unnaturally tired, full of strange aches, paina
and fancies, due to Irregular health or any of the multitude of weak
nesses peculiar to the sex? Do you want pleasant, permanent relief and
help to your natural strength and health from e source that doesn't
want a cent of your money If we don't do good? Ask the nlan for
FEM LETTS. Bold and guaranteed at snv of the following stores:
SCXirrtBl CUT FBICB DKUa STOBZI, Cor. lth and Chl.-ago hit..,
Omaha; N. W. Cor. 24th and N fel... South Omaha; Cor. Sth and Main his..
Council Bluff., I.
X. St. ailWO, 4ih and rrnara Sts. lOim KOX.BT, ;4 N. lsth ft.
BEX.I. PStoa CO ir. Karnam St. WAX1TVT MILT. FaiaMiCT, 4th
J. K. MABVOlLAjrT, Cor. 14th and and Cuming file.
Howard M. emiiZB'S laiaHlCT, Cor. Park
CIAS. X. FaVAOUH, Bea.oa. Ave. and Taj-inc bt.
bkv-k with the acc
. g it j I.ih lit in
lonel W. F. Cody will arrive In Omaha",! 7Z. i-a fit
3o p. m. for a short stay and will then mld Vru LO t
inue on wat to prepare his show tor , aball, Mich. Tou
summer seaisun In the I'm ted Slate, imikura t.v returi
cuaation that she enda,.- '
May. I -, by turning on Ulu- ib ff-rv vt frK.niU "uu' 4 and get wtli.
YOU WANT w, ;... ADS