Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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fie to the ii
6a,-MiitendeQt f Street Railway Fawea
Away Aftar Long Illseis.
(onitnal and I'rrnlilril Hard Work
Bronaht Aboat the-disease Which
Unite Ilia Life Wife nit
Son SnrvlTe Hint.
I'.-Merick A. Tucker, for many year
conntvted with street railway transporta
tion In Omaha, died at T 9 o'clock Sunday
evening- at Bt. Bernard's' hospital In Coun
cil Bluffs, after a lingering Ulness of sev-
ral weeks. Mr. Tucker was taken to tha 1
.;Dltal for treatment tot a brain disease
and arterial sclerosis about six weeks ag,
nnd although everything In the way of sur
roundings and treatment that might be ad
vantageous was furnlthed. Ms health stead
ily declined until It was admitted recovery
would be Impossible and death at Inst re
sulted. Mr. Tucker was horn-In the east nnd
In coming west ns a young man. settled at
Kansas City, and became prominent ia
trct railway construction! He was super
intendent of the cable lipVin Kansas City
and superintended the construction of the
Market street lln in Sun I'Yamisco befoie
going to Kansas Clly. lie came to Omaha
nlnwteen years ago, when the fin-t ca
ble system was laid, and was madu gen
eral superintendent of the r.ablo company.
Ialcr, when this oompajiy was consoll
elated with the electric llnf. he was made
general superintendent of the new com
rany, end again when the & Coun
cil Bluffs Street. Railway company devel
oped he occupied a like "position with It.
He has always been u hard worker, and
It Is said, too closo and constant applica
tion to his occupation brought about his
Mr. Tucker was twice married, and had
one son by hl first wife. After the death
of bis first wlfo ha icfnalned single for
many years, but married again In Omaha.
His son. now serving In the united states
avy, and his second wlfo still survive
Un. The family home; Is at 376 North
wtnty-flfth street. Mr. Tucker was about
years) old.
Tucker was a member of several fra
Fs.vore.bly Knswa fm Ocaaa te Ocaajt
Parsooal inspection is what we ask You
can't make it any loo searching lot in
Aik your dealer If he won't show you
. write to us and we will diretS you to one
who will.
McKibbin, Driscoll & Dor.ey
Tut Manufacturers
Ssxinf Minn.
Lancaster County Membars Undertaks to
Eolt Horrit Frrwo for CaoftUn
Clarke and forlv f Omaha Wint
Speakership 'and Saunders
Wonld Sot ."porn Presi
dency of Senate.
AlmisH everything Is to M had In the
way of rendy-rooked f.iod nowadays, and
it Is prepared under conditions that would
I not offend even the most squeamish person,
j Several stores In Omaha make a specialty
t'f bakery anil hot-conked foods. Roast
meats of almost ,iny kind and fowl cooked
In a variety of ways are sold hot for two
hours at noon and from 5:30 to 6:30 In thi
evening ready to be taken home and served.
, Considering the fuel,: the time and the worli
! thnt enters into tmy reparation of this
Joe Burns and John C. Fremont McKesson, , ,ort nf fnnl, .. a rhoilr. ,n (h ...
buy It as It Is to cookj It at home" and lt
Judge C, 8. Loliinavler Receives Henrty
Ovation In the Philippine
Judge C. S. lAibingltit, formerly of
Omaha, and now senior Judge In the point
of service In the Philippines, was the
recipient last month of u flattering ban
quet and ball on the occasion of his de
parture from Leyte, where, he hud gone
to hold a special term of court. A gaily
decorated arch had been erected on the
beach In honor of the visitors when a stop
was made at Naval and a fiesta was given
those two I-anraster statesmen who were i
In the front rsnk of tho movement which
landed for Attorney General Brown the
United States senatorshlp nomination, were
In Omaha Saturday and Burns was hero
Monday telling members of the. Pouglns
county legislative delegation th" remark
able news that "We can defeat Norrls
Brown If -ou fellows will come In arid help
us; every man on the Lancaster county
delegation I him but one and he is
Ned Brown, who wants to be speaker of I
the housi this session." Burdened, as I
usual, with the anxiety for Omaha's wel
fare, these two statesmen of the old school
do not propose to sec Omaha "cheated"
out of the senatorshlp which rightly bo
tongs to It, and they want the Tkiuglas dele
gation to lend ItF aid to the Tmcaster
county delegation to accomplish this end.
Ned Brown, tho lono member of the legis
lature In Lancaster county, who these two
stalwarts say is in favor of Norrls Brown,
wants to be speakor of the house and John
C. V. McKesson wants to be president of
the wnutc. Mr. McKesson and Mr. Burns
were averse, however, to discussing these
Incidents In their possible relation to the
main Issue.
Is not Infrequently thei'ense that the bak
ery oven produces' better results. Roast
beef sells for !0 cents a pound. Veal loaf
from tf to ft' sents a pound, tho latter prloo
Including mushrooms .and truffle. Salads
of every variety and of quality that may be
depended upon sells from 40 and 30 cents
up to II nnd H.50 a quart.
Macaroni and cheeso, bakid beans, escnl
oped potatoes nnd other things ore also
sold hot, while every variety of bakery
stuff from any kind oil lo cents n
doscn to enke and pudding at 50 cents
n pound is to ln had fresh two or three
times a day. Kven the lover of hot biscuit
has been provided for and fresh soda and
baking powder biscuits are sold for 10 cents
a dozen. Those may be dntihed with cold
water and put Into a hot oven and served
without the. least suggestion of being
warmed over. As the demand has como to
warrant It materials and methods are em
ployed In this ready-cooked food that
doesn't lictray Its bakery .origin, and It
may be served with satisfactory results and
an Infinite saving of wbrk to the house
keeper. Honntl steak ;;eeipea.
. , , . , " .... ' I Stuffed Beefsteak For this order a slice
And vpcakliig of candidates for the pre- 1 , . , , . . ... . . . ,,
,i T T., ' . . . . of round an Inch and a half thick, nnd tell
siding oflieershiiis ot house and senate,
suggests the fact that here ugaln Douglas! bu'chr tuf, niakt: a M slln Qn''
county may be henrd from. Charles S. ,h,m,h lnl, the lPt,'r- pouch
Saunders, who will begin his third consecu- ! w , "ockPt; Moke, abou a P "l "tuffln
iiv,. i. m the .,n;,t .i,e flrt nf th ! uslns stale bieadcrumbs, a high seasoning
ternal organizations. 'a .thg which were the pcapio ot Maastn in nonor ot the
Elks and the Ma.onlc order and tho Wood- W Jgc. clos nS with a banquet
and ball In the evening. Over So Invlui-
,n," , , . .,,, i . .t.. i tlons were Issued and nddrcsses were made
The funeral services. -will be nebl at me . ... .
. ., ,a .i isj-.h ! Governor dc Veyra. I Iscal Roumual-
street. Tuesday at 2 p. m., and will be In
charge of Rev. Frank L. Lovelund, pastor
J of the Flr&t Methodist -church. Interment
I will be at Forest La,wni qp-metery. Friends
y ot t::o family are Invited.
(iter that Amount Sow In Hand for
(ho Omaha Hebrew Instl
'' 'tote HalldloK.
The committee appointed to solicit funds
for th construction of tho Omaha Hebrew
Institute building has been active during
tho last week and has secured over S0O In
additional subscriptions!. ' The fund now
.' A.VAK ' -1. - . .Til I . n .-..-1 Vt
amounts to ii.vw. a au uumuunni cmk'-i-ers
aro as follows:
. . . .T!
... .60
... .50
Ferei" :
J. Fass
H. While
t in .Caplan
M. Horn
J. Waxenbcrg ...
B. Roblnaon
A. Komui. M. D-
Loula Ruben
imon; Hosenthal
A. Levin
F. Wlrtshaftcr ..
J. Koaenblum ..
F. Jarobs ...
.'! . Hoff ner
I, Kovlts
M. Mayc rovltcli .
M. Adulson
If. Frledel
des and Dr. Llora of Bombay. According
to the Manila Cablegram's glowing ac
count of It, Judge Loblngler replied:
"I should have preferred to remain In
this district, at least until some of the
work which I have tried to Inaugurate
had been finished; until tlw improved sys
tem of primary Justice had lecn estab
lished, and those who udmlnlster It trained
to a higher standard of public service and
efficiency; until the whole Judicial ma
chinery of the district had become unified
and systematized, working harmoniously
In all Its parts, responding promptly and
effectively to every Jupt demand, enforcing
all rights and redressing all wrongs in so
far as law provides a remedy."
evr Board la Fleeted and Will Hold
First Meeting; Net
At the annual business meeting of tho
Associated Charities Monday this, board of
directors was elected: Rev. T. J. Mackay,
K. C. Bartoti. Robert' Cowell. Mrs( Draper
8mlth. 'Rv A-.-. C Clarke.' T. T. fiturgess,
W. W. Slabaugh and E. M. Patrick. On
vacancy Is left, which lt is hoped Rev.
Patrick McGovern will fill. The new board
will hold a neetlng for organization next
year, has been mentioned for president of
tho 'senate, though he Is not making a
vigorous campaign as yet. Representatives
Dodge and Clarke, both of whom were In
tho sesflon two years ago, would like to lie
speaker. When the time cornea for a de
cision one or tho other probably will be
projected as a candidate. Mr. Clarke Is In
tho east Just now and when ho returns the
matter will be submitted to the Douglas
delegation, as both have agreed that will
be a satisfactory way of determining which
shnll make the race. Mr. Dodge emihatl
cally denied there will be uny contest be
tween himself and Mr. Clarke, who have
always been tho closest sort of personal
and political friends.
On the assumption that Omaha has lost
the senatorshlp. which was considered as
Its by right, the members of the delegation
who consider themselves bound by the
parly's pledge to Norrls Brown, maintain
that Douglas county should have the speak
ership In this session. This Is the first
basis on which the claim will be urged. The
wcond Is that Douglas county will send to
the legislature this time five of the fifteen
members of the house who served In that
body lant time. And In addition to thse
two arguments It will be urged that their
candidate Is as well qunlllled for speaker as
any other memlier of the house.
of salt, pepper and thyme, nnd moistened
with four tableeppoonfuls of melted butter.
Stuff the meat with this ancT close tho open
ing with a skewer. Placo on a rack In a
braising pan; add one tablespoon of chopped
onions, two finely cut tomatoes, one-half of
a toaspoonful of salt and one pint of stock
or boiling water; cover closely and braise In
a moderate oven for two hours and a half.
Smothered Round Steak Take a slice of
lean round at least two Inches thick, trim
olT any extra fat and wipe with a damp
cloth. Pectl and thinly slice one onion and
spread lt over the bottom of the dripping
pan. On It lay tho steak. Mix one can of
evaporated tomato soup or one pint of
thick tomato Kauce with one cupful of boil
ing Tv&ier: pour. ha'f pf ft,oyr the meat;
cover closely and put Ip a1 moderate oven.
Cook twen y to thirty minutes to the pound.
When half done add a. little more of the
sauce. If necessary; the remainder Is served
In the gravy boat with the meat.
A. Mucbneck . .23 The report of the executive committee for
t. Stern -ijjthe first tn months of the year was
lu frenzied finance."
expended and receipts
u. "line nrsi in montns
joesgeV denominated -a study
K. Greanberg ' !' It. showed $2.Jt.t exi
Jacob Lleb 10
j. Rromen ' 1"
M. Markovlts 10
Joe Ycnner W
11. Marks 10
harle'a Lliktarr nd Oliver Coultoa
Uhrn ' C hance , to Clear
Selves In Court.
Oliver Coulton, who Is charged with
holding ui William 8mith of Buckgrove,
la.. In, "the aloon of William Bilk, July
8, and robbing him of (23. was placed on
trial before a Jury In Judge Sutton's court
Monday. Coulsoo, It Is charged, saw Smith
n&fh bis. money. aud then struck him. and
grabbed the pocketbook.
Tuesday morning the case of Charles
l.ightner, charged with murdering Charles
Hanson In a grading camp near Elkhorn,
will be taken up. Hanson was cut on the
arm byj xitir,rid hld to death. Light,
ner escajniiJ. front ;,cmi), but was over
taken by'u posse, composed of members of
the giading. gang. The defense will put
up the plea that Hanson had the rasor and
cut himself ? accidentally while struggling
with LigliUifr.
A new panel Jury reported to Judge But
ton Monday morning for three weeks' serv
Coea ta Mlnnetota Capital to Take
I aare of Seeret Service
' Bureau Temporarily.
Cuptain . John Webb of the secret service
bureau baa gone to St. Paul. Minn., to
take temporary charge of the secret service
bureau for, ' the Minnesota district, vice
Captain LAsrence, who died In that city
several day ago. Captain Lawrenca was
one of tho, oldest secret service men In
point of servlca In the west, and the tem-
tment of Captain Webb to.
it post Is a high compliment
to the lyr efficiency, lt Is not knrwn
Just when a. permanent successor to Cup
tain Lawrence will be made. In the In
terim of Captain Webb's absence from
Omaha the Iowa and Nebraska district
will be looked after by L. C. Wheelor and
his secrqt tainlce assistants now in Omaha.
of only 1,M7.40. leaving u deficit of 39.ic
The report also showed B,27fi people had
been cared for. IJ73 visits to homes had
been made, employment liad been secured
for ninety-two. transportation had been at
langed for 177, meals had been given fj
663 and lodging to 250.
A committee on finance was appointed,
consisting of Rev. T. J. Mackay, K. C.
Barton, A. Hospc and Secretary Stephen
Morris. This roinmltteo will adopt nnd
push como plan for raising money . ,
But Douglas and Lancaster counties are
not alone with candidates for speaker.
There Is at least one ether. Gage county,
that would like lo :si Its hir.d-ome end
eloquent Adam McMullen, a member of the
lust house also. In the presiding officer's
chair. What progress McMullen has made
toward organizing his support Is not known, j
Members of the state committee have re-
celved notices of a meeting of the commit- '
tee at Lincoln Friday. Stat officers-elect
are expected to be present and matters of
much Interest to the party will be consid
ered, ns well as putting the final touches
upon the management of the recent state
Members of Bar lu Omaha and Ne
braska Will Address Crelxhton
Lesrnl Students.
The faculty of thd Crelghton Collego of
Law has instituted a series of lectures bv
members of the bar and "hench In Omaha
and Nebraska, The first lecture will be
given Filday n'glit by Arthur C. Wakelsy at
the law college. His subject will be "The
Roman Law and Its Influences on the Com
mon Law." '"!!' '
)...., .
Omaha Firms Form Association for Fur
poifi of Lf eiilatiou This Winter.
Most Important Measure Contemplates
to Limit Liabilities of Snrrtr
Company by f hanajna:
flngle Bond Limit.
The Surety t'nderwrltcis' association has
been orgnnited by the surety bond m :n of
Omahn. lt Is announced as partly for so
il 1 1 and partly for business purposes, In
cluded in Its business atms being tho p.
sage of laws at the session of the legisla
ture this winter.
These arc the officers: Piesldcnt, H. S.
Bryne, general agent. Fidelity nnd Deposit
corr.pimy of Maiyiand; first vice presinen'..
Georg Dodson nf K. K. Howell & Co.;
second vice president, Richard Pun ell of
Webster, Howard & Co.; third vice presi
dent, Robert A. .Morrison of MelKie Morn
son; sccrctaiy, J. It. Wells of the Brennim
Love company; treasurer, W. K. Steele
of Klng.valt Bios. The following commit
tees Wire also chosen: Executive, H. S.
Byrne, chairman, W. A. Yonson. C. W.
Drew; permnnerit orgs nir. (Ion. J. R. Wells,
'. V. Drew. W. K. Steele; legislation, R.
B. Howell, J. R. Wells-, P. J. Tebblns.
The most Important bill It is proposed to
Introduce Is one to limit tho liabilities of
surety companies by limiting the liability
on any snglo bond to an amount not ex
ceeding one-tenth the cnpllal of the com
pany, or, what would be more desirable to
the majority, an amount not exceeding
j one-tenth of the capital, plus the surplus.
At present the Nebraska laws ate very lax
in this respect and there Is no limit to
the money a company may risk on a single
man. One company In Omaha with a cap
ital of Is known to Tinve placed n
bond of t.oiV'0 on one man lu the state,
and siinllir Instances where a single liabil
ity has exceeded the capital are common.
Provision of town Law.
Iowa has a law which limits the liability
In a single case to one-tenth the capital;
members nf the new Omaha organization
sr this Is a sUp In the right direction,
but It would be only Just to make the
basis tho combined capital and surplus.
Where two companies with the same cap
ital are concerned, but where the surplus
In ono case Is greater than the other, they
argue It would be right to establish the
sumo limit. For Instnnee, If a company
hss SI. 000. two capital and S500."00 surplus,
tho limit on single liond ought to be
SloO.OnO; If It has J1.0fi,(jil capital and no
surplus, the limit ought to be Jioo.floa The
Iowa law would make the same limit In
both cases.
Several Important measures were passed
by the last legislature nt the Instance of
the surety bond men. Among them was
a law allowing the companies to write
saloon men and one limiting the duration
of bark depository bonds to the term of
the treasurer bonded.
Mr. Zinah Hawley. who is
eighty-three years of age, says
that Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key has kept him young and
vigorous. He cannot say too
much in praise of this great
tonic stimulant and renewer of
"I have Just passed my Md year and I
have always enjoyed1 good health until
about one year ajo. when I rommeneo'l
to feel the effects of old ace. During the
past six months I have been taking your
imffy's Furc Malt Whiskey and I hove
been (yreatly benefited. I consider It tha
means uf prolonging my life, nnd at pres
ent would not be without It." Ztnich Haw
ley, FdwardHVllle. N. Y.. St. Lnwrema
County. May 27, 190S. .
Duffy's Pure EVJalt Whiskey
Is nn absolutely pure, gentle nnd Invigorating stimulant ami tonic, builds "r..f.r,r''rv!
tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the bruin, strength and elasticity to tha
muscles nnd richness to the blood, it brings Into action all the vital j force.. It mak oa
d1getlnn terfect. and enable you to get from the food you eat all tho nourishment II
contains. It Is invaluable, for overwornca
men. delicate women ami sickly children.
It strengthens and sustains the system, is
h promoter of good health and longevity,
nukes the old younur and keeps the young
strong, puffy' a Is the only whiskey that
Is reeuirnir.ed s n medicine and Is guaran
teed absolutely free from fusel oil.
IircWAKK of dnngi-roii imitation
and Mibstltntc-s. Tliey nro positively
harmful aud ai sold fur profit only by
unscrupulous dealers. Ixiok for the
trademark, the "Old Chenilxt," on the
label, nnd ho certain the seal over the
cork Is unbroken. All druKjclsts or gro
cers, or direct, SI.OO a bottle. Doctor's
ndvlec und medical booklet free. Duffy
Malt Vhl.key Co., Rochester, Xcw
Birth nnd Mentha.
The following births and deaths were re
ported to the Board of Health during the
forty-eight hours ending Monday noon:
Births L. Frank, .vo South Nineteenth,
boy: Carl Calleson, 1001 Oak, boy; Givirgo
McMcan, 2ti Charles, girl: J. P. Dahre.
2M8 Ames. Ixiy; w. O Anderson. VM North
Peventeeith. hov; Andrew Downs. 6002 Mili
tary avenue, hov nnd girl: Nlrholas Power,
5744 South Thirteenth, hoy: Louis Llnd
hlom. 607 North Forty-first, boy; Harry
Showers, Fourteenth and Brown, . girl;
Mnthias Kchmiiz. T" North Twenty-Eighth,
girl; R. W. Walnwrlgbt. 103 Bancroft, gtrl;
('. W. Sanger, 771 Soyth N'neteenth, girl;
T Jacobsen. Fortv-sKth and Maple, boy.
Peiths Baby Randolph, ?1? Vinton, .!;
Tillv Minardi. 1301 Cuming. 7; Willie Cohry,
ni Snutn Seventeenth. II: Lulu McKern,
Ninth and Capitol avenue, 21: Marraret Ed
wards. '73 North Twenty-seventh,-75; Henry
Msg"dom. :noti Lake, 7S; Jnmes Anderson,
St. Joseph. Mo.. 47.
1 i
ew (ate Treasnrer Says Governor
Can Be Relied on for
Justice to AU.
Lawsnn il. Brian of Albion, successful
candidate for the office of state treasurer
on the rrpubllc-n ticket, was at the Mer
chants hotel Monday accompanied by Mrs.
Brian. He said he was cn route to transact
a little business.
"Out our way we were pretty well
pleased with the outcome of the, election,
although the pooplo arc almost too bu.iy
to pay much attention to politics," said
Mr. Brian. "The state never was so
prosperous. I was especially pleased with
the election of George Sheldon for gov
ernor, for I think he will make a splendid
executive. He is a cool, level-headed fel
low with good Judgment and I think lis
can be relied upon to do the right thin
by all."
The Xorth Coast Limited ,
of the Northern Pacific railway Is m electric-lighted,
steam-heated train, cnrrylnr
splendid dining car and a beautiful and
spacious observation car, with all modem
conveniences, between St. Faul and Minne
apolis and North Pacific coast points. In
formation and booklets regarding westward
Journey from
E. D. ROCKWEt.U- D. F. A..
?1S Citizens' Bank Bldg., Pes Moines, la.
Marrlnae Licenses.
The following marrlago licenses hava
been issued:
Name and Residence. Ag.
Ctn 11' Clt.a KJ&annk TIM
Bridget Flanagan! Omaha o"
Charles H. Outhrle. Omaha. :3
Kmma Kochlrr, Omaha Hi
V" .. . n , . . I I, . T . - CnKln 1r.,n rfi
Florence Walker, Lost Cabin, Wyo.. -M
Josef I'rban. Omnha... C",
Coctlle Bclshrodsky, Omaha ?J
Phillip "4ibb.ns. Council Bluffs Ti
Bertha Puncau, Council Bluffs 19
Clinton K. Benedict, Lenvltt, Neb 27
Edith Leo, Leavitt, Neb II
Clever Crook "aid to Hare Picked
Thla City as the Nest Field
of Operation.
Mead I'rlsouer to Jail for Violating;
His' Pledge to the
That Judge Crawtord Is a man of his
word was shown in police court Monday
morning, when he seuteneed John Ryan to
thirty days In Jail on the charge of drunk
enness. Ryan was released from the county
Jail last Friday and Immediately begun to
celebrato by getting In a most hilarious con
dition. Ho was arrested for his trouble.
When taken before the Judge Saturday
morning he promised to leave the city If i
ho was discharged and offered the Judge
(he alternative of sending him to Jail If he
broke his word. Judge Crawford ordered I
his rase dismissed, but assured Ryan hs j
would get the limit if be was caught again.
Prosperity was too ranch for Ryan and be
forgot his promise and ended by being ar-
V vo i
Ed Johnston, chief of police at Pes
Moines, has notified the police of Omaha
to be on the lookout for a clever forger
who left Pes Moines for Omaha last Sat
urday night after passing many forged I rested again Saturday night,
checks lu tha'forui'ereity. . The crook gave I ' ,
the name bf H. F. Curbbe and Is about 35 j VINSONHALER FILES ANSWER
years of age. 5 feet nine Inches in height
and is neatly though plainly dressed. He
passed several bogus checks In Des Moines
purporting to be signed by the Minneapolis
Land company.
Q. A. Schemmell of Chicago was sen
tenced to ten days In Jail by Judge Craw
ford Monday morning on t!ie charge of at
tempting to pass -counterfeit ' money.
Schemmell denied the charge and a!d lt
waa a case of mistaken Identity, as he was
In the store when a man tried to pass
spurious money on the proprietor, but that
he1 was not the guilty person. V
L point of servlc
V. porary pln
Jiecr l a, Stoves t'amio.
Orders' hava been Issued from street rail
way headiU4rter to have the stoves put In
the street tars Immediately. The cold knap
makes it uiicomforUtblo without bent In the
nrs and the management Fays lt will take
'iit a coijiiw of s to Install all tho stoves
Northern Paclfle Ulnlug t'nrs.
Run through from St. Paul and Minneap
olis to North Pacini- coast points. Careful
and attentive service, excellent cuisine.
Tickets and full information from
31S Citlsens" Bank Bldg., Pes Moines, Ia.
Defends Himself for Appropriating
Marriage Fees While Ai-tlaa,
mm ( nasty Jodge.
FORM 744
IS an excellent model
for well developed
figures. Its closely
stitched front subdue
abdominal prominence
' and rounds the figure
into graceful lines.
Made of white im
ported coutil. Trim
med across top with
lace and ribbon. Hos
supporters at front and
Sizes 19 to 36.
Price, $2.00
Bt Want Adb produce results
r' t Ptuon!'
A building permit bus been ixtued to K. A.
Headb-y for the erection of a IWfl dwelling
at Kkw Fowler avenue.
The largest number uf postonVe niuiiey
orders Issued In Omaha since !hn taliiiFli
nient of lhn ofhee whm inurto Monday, si'U
orders, calling for tx.',T.w, up to non. Ui
fore the day closes it Is expected that tills
amount will be brought up to over lle.o.ii.
Tilt fun-ral of livoigl.: Footer, an Inhalil
taut of the under world who commit. ed
fculclde last Friday night bv taking ccrbnltc
acid, was held at 10 a. in. Mnnday from the
undertaking parlors of Brailey A Poirancu
Interment wan had at Walnut Mill cemetery
lu Council UluHs.
Charged with disturbing peace, bv
dghilng, near Kleventh nnd Faniam streett.
last Plluiday afternoon, . C. Carson a
sentenced to ten dam In huh whilw 'ho
ch! ag.ilnot tus 1'hiel was tlmn,i.-s.d
Thlel and Carson came to blew In arguing
the labor yuefctlon. Carson asserting that
Thtel waa a "scub."
Andrew Hanks, colored. North Fif
teenth street, who was urrrutl Saturday
venlng on tha charge of the larcenv of a
trim!; and contents troni Oscar Hart lev
several montlis ago. whs hound over to the
dtstrici court u.ider lall of SISn on the
churKe ot grand l;iiceny befotv the pclj e
magiFtruto Monday roorliliH'.
Atiout forty of tho' friends of Mr. and Mrs.
A. i. Yrom.r gutheied at their Imme un
Cuming street, ntar Tweiit , -fi.urtli Himi
iSatuid.iy evcnifig to as!t M'. Vrtun. r In
j the crlubraimn of hi. seventia lit l.irlh.Uv
. m ii. , -i , . iii iii iuiik ui, c.iri:s Ultll IjllUT
loci tarui, d tic ri,(.iii. ilr.
.'nnier 1. ..1 v.irt .u il tk.. i-uii v..r a-'t
iKutiK the guikts Wer.. a nmnlwr'of .'.. nl.H
nd Artiiy coturnl"S aid Hu-tr wlv.s. j
Puucan M. Vinsonhaler has filed answers
to nil three of the suits filed against him
by the county to collect fees for perform
ing marriage ceremonies while liu was
county Judge. Ho sets up as u defense
that ho tiled lit reports rogularly while
h" was county Judg and did not Include
any fees for performing ceremonies. Tha
reports were approved by the county com
missioners and he holds the county U
estopped from making any claims. He also '
pleads the fees ate not provided foi 111
law and hence do not belong to the count. I
Iong custom geneially recognized over tho J
state lie says gives the fees to tha county
Stay of Fiecatlou Gives Harrison
( lark and Jay O'Hearn Nerr
Lease of Life,
Monday was tho day fixed by Jjdge Sut
ton for the execution of Harrison Clarke,
the negro who murdered Streat Car Con
ductor Flury, and Jay O'Hearn, who ki:iej
NUF0RM 403
WILL fit any slen
der or average
figure. Long above
the waist which it de
fines very distinctly,
showing a perfectly
straight line down the
front of the figure.
Made of white and
drab coutil. Trimmed
with lace and ribbon.
Hose supporters front
nd sides.
Sizes 18 to 30.
Price. $1.00
- -- --- - - - - - - - - -gilisy-J jehssjaMamSBhlB
i x lMo
Nels Lausteu while holding bp his saloon I
at Twenty-first and Cuming streets.
Neither execution came off, however, he
cause the supreme court gnuited a stay
until the appeal from the district court i
could I liuard by tlmt body.
' A3 ' "
Brirailt. rUgPfit. IxmI
4 ia ash4. ruwe4 t-a ltes
a Hi M fMsri r Maji4 . a. tttvUl' IU ftl 0.
i'UI IC HAMULI; Atiirn Ptput
1 tiioii -riksi . rt w H utiwtt St , V
NUF0RM 447
FOR well develop
ed figures, is a
reverse gore model.
The gore lines run
backwards, a construc
tion which restrains
' undue development be
low the back. Medium
high bust, long hips
nd extra long back.
Made of an excellent
quality of white coutil,
elaborately trimmed with lace
and ribbon. Hcee supporteri
front and sides.
. Sizes 19 to 30.
Price. 3 00
fS. l Red
The V.B. Reduso Corset
IS a boon for Urge women the ideal garment for orer.
developed figures requiring special restraint It act only
reitmins the tendency to ovet-fietliineM, but it moulds
the oyer-developed proportions into those pleasing, graceful
outlines, hitherto thoujht to lie attainable only by slighter
figure. The (articular feature cf this model n the aproa
j over the abdomen and hips, booed ia such a manner as lo
ine wearer aixoiute freedom ol movement.
leduso Style 750 for tall tMll-Jtotloptd
vs. Made of a durable coutil in white or drab. H
ont and sides. Sue 22 to 36. Price 93.
S O S ty I O 7 6 O for tborl uxll-dncloptj
lade of while and drab coutil. Haas supporters
t s;de. Sites 24 to 36. Price, 53.
FORM 720
IS a corset for
average fig- '
ures. Has me
dium bust and
long liip. Made
of white ' and
drab coutil.
Hose supporters
on front and
sides. Trimmed
cross top with
lace and ribbon.
Sizes 18 to 30.
NUF0RM 733
IS an excellent
model for average
figures. Constructed
sectional!)', making
the garment fit at all
points, accentuating
the slenderness of the
waist line. Bust
moderately higk, h'rpi
rather long. Made of
an imported coutil in
white only. Trim
med with lace and
. ribbon. Hose sup
porters front and sides.
Sizes 18 to 30.
Price, $2.00
377-8 BrMdwar
N.w Yoek
; WW.
V I f a. JLM I w
a? I Ktrroax
1 1 1 r
IS a splendid
corset for me
dium figures,
pleasingly f r e
from any bulky
effect common to
previous models
of this type. Me
dium high, bust
and deep hip, end
ing in aa unboned apron
extension. Made of white
and drab coutil. Hose sup
porters front and sides.
Trimmed with lace and
Sites 19 to 30.
Price, $1.50