Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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. . i j .
13. 1P06.
r- t
affaTrTat "south omahT
BuUmtUt bj City Treasurer Shows. Bal
' ; gset ef $386,365,55 oi laid.
Report IlsaTmeat Among tbe
tarkaolders ol OmU Paeklaa;
Caiur la Dented br 8up
rtatondeat Towle.
The statements of the cltr treaaurer
covering tha financial affaJra up to Novem
ber 1 la ana of unuaual Importance thla
month (or tha reason that It summarises
'.ha period at nee tha new regime took office.
The amount on deposit In tha three na
.lonal bank of tha city are aa follows:
South Omaha National bank, $115,807.38;
Union Stock Tarda National bank, $106,
bo.fI; Packers- National bank, 130,070.57;
saab. on hand In the treasurer's office.
I70S.S0. This lives a net balance in the
principal sum of 383,148.01. The fact that
there is at present so large an excess In
tha Packers' National over tha othera Is
becauae the deposits In those two are per
manent, while the deposits In the Tack
era' bank la subject to chick and there
fore variable. Not over two months ago
It wss down to 160,000. Beside the princi
pal there is also the' Item of Interest, which
la a neat sum, distributed aa follows : South
Omaha National, 1,16; Union Stock
Tarda National, $81.B1; Packers' National,
11,1110?. The total of Interest Is, there
fore, I3.217.M, which makes the full amount
on deposit, both principal and Interest In
each bank, in the South Omaha National,
117,089; Union Stock Yards. - $107,886.98. and
In the Packers' National, $181,186.84. Added
to this the 703.69 now In the treasurer's
offlce there Is to the city's credit $336.-
S66.S& The Interest accruing: from the city
deposits Is this year the largest in the
history Of the city. ' The figures above
cover the Incumbency .: of - tha present offi
cials. It Is expected that the deposits will
reach $460,000 before the. close of the year.
The reason for th increase will be the
heavy tax roll, which will be very rapidly
collected during the next two months.
Wo Frlctloa at Omaha Plant.
a B. Towle, superintendent of the new
Omaha plant, yesterday took occasion to
deny the report that there was any dis
agreement among the officials or the
stockholders of that company on account
of the large expense In remodelling tha
old Hammond plant. Such has been tha
report published. Mr. Towle said: "Every
thing has been going along smoothly, with
no interruptions nor objections.- We have
met with greater difficulties than we an
ticipated when we undertook the work of
repairing the plant Many of the floor
which we thought safe- were found to be
hopelessly impaired. The new government
Inspections made us an additional expense.
Tou may deny without .qualification any
opposition from the members of tha or
ganisation." . .
The plant la now naarlng completion.
The killing of hogs will begin In about a
week In all probability. The new offlce
building of five stories is almost under
cover. The loading sheds and other build
ings are well along,' The approach to the
O street viaduct Is practically done and
will be a great convenience. The entire
plant is taking on the appearance of fin-
ished order and tidiness.
Armour A Co, are rapidly raising the
walla of the lard and oleo departments
which were destroyed last summer. The
improvements at Swift V Go's, plant are
well under way.
w.rodr .tii'AT.r'ifivikX? iZ.
It Is rumored tha X-'nton Stock Tarda
compa oy : new about to ' coma forward
with a preposition to help tneolty out of
the tangle of the sewer proposition. Ut Is
declared it Is about to advance 28,000 or
more to 'help complete the Mud Creek
sewer. This report has thus far received
no verification. It may 'come before the
city co u noil In i -rn e ttng ton! g ht. -
Fight Ja a aloon. . ......
John Herzena yesterday, caused the. ar
rest of Anton Systo on charge ot assault
and battery.' The latter is said to have
severely wounded Hericna after a free for
all fight In Minkowski's saloon at Twenty-
seventh and 3 street The fight .occurred
Saturday, night It la said that a1 wedding
was In progress in the saloon and that the
quarrel arose over a game of craps. - Min
kowski waa also placed under arrest for
keeping his place of business open on Sun
day. His excuse waa that - the wedding
celebration which is three days long among
the Polish people hurt not yet hern com
pleted. , ' '
iaal lr .oll !
O. n. Oafford. livery. Tr. W. i
The Roal Achates are to give a, ball
Thursday night. v
C. TL Bone of St. Joseph wss about the
exchange Saturday.
Free llfe-elsed portrait with one dozen
photos till Christmas. Peterson's Studio.
Lewis Johnson reports that some one stole
n gold watch from his room
Chattel and salary loans, 2:o N St. All
business confidential, yulcft service.
Dan Cameron Is reported to have been
chosen to an Important position In the
Cudahy Packing company.
Wanted One or two unfurnished, healed
rooms. Address VV, Bee office, South Omaha.
Miss Florence Campbell sang ft, soprano
solo at the Sunday morning service
the First Presbyterian church.
Jetter's Oold Top Peer delivered tt all
parts of the city. Telephone No. S.
The condition of fieorge Ileum who went
to Detroit and Mlchigsn points In quest ol
health Is said to be somewhat improved.
O. B. GafTord, moving and transfer.
Tel. 106.
Jay Williams, perry Jones, William Hick
man and Thomas Pock have .blvounced
along the Platte In quest of Iv'ovcmber
game. 1
Miss Bertie
has gone to
"The County Fair" at the Boyd,
Mr. Nell Purge's and rompsny In
County Fnlr." The cast:
Ablfrall Prue iprlm, prudish, prac
tical) Nell HitrgesS
Gtfa 'Mm i ucmr liHrill'y 1W IIIHIIII
naturnay Tn) fh1 TannPI. William V. O Hjlllvsn
Polon Hammerhead Welter Kelly
Joel Mnrtlett Neve V. Melehsw
Hill Parker Arthur DeMers
Jockey l)an ,.' Charles Kchiirdt
Jockey Joe Harrv Hawkins
Cold Molasses By Himself
Tnggs Francoaca Parker
faille Oreenway Josephine Wlthrow
.MhtIs Perkins Helen M. Cullum
VI,...1... 1. Dlrtk
i -niiiuia c-nnuurn iwiib t.ivu
It has been a number of years since
Omaha has had the pleasure of greeting
Nell Burgess, one man to whom that
venerable end threadbare platltudo. "In
imitable," may justly be applied, for if
Nell Hut-Bess Isn't In a class to himself,
then the distinction belongs to none other.
Since Mr. Burgess himself pleads guilty
to the charge of eccentricity, he can take
no offense If others lay the deed at his
Koe.- daughter of John Nop. ! fl01- ul " vase tne cnarge is us
independence, Kan., hoping own defense, argument and verdict of ac
that the change of climate will improve
her health- . '
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Presbyterian church will hold a business
meeting Tuesday night at the home of
Mildred Jones.
Omega Oil Is Good for Any Pain
that can be reached externally. Trial 10c.
Very Loir Rates Tuesday.
Bvery Tuesday, balance of the year, the
Chicago' Great Western railroad will sell
homcseekers" tickets to Minnesota. North
Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
half rate; to other territory first and third
Tuesdays. Write W. II. Chun hill. G; A.,
1512 Farnam street. State number In party
and when going.
it," y
0 li iQl
""X-JI" aEaisillwsaw ""langniM! a"J"
. . DLE8. '.
There Is nothing So' antagonistic to a
good appearance aa a badly fitting girdle
and to purchase satisfactory ones which
are, within ' jre'aen 0(, jthi. avVrag'a.' purse, 1
not always possible. For this reason tnpn?
rnaks the(p'V'CtraieV'aa.ftlia'''siit!eiw' ol
thfse (depends largely upon the atylo shd,
pattern. A' girdle, in three styles of Out-
line Is given here, all easily made and
fitting snugly about the waist. Silk velvet,
.or the, .skirt .material may be used .foe
their development, of which S yards; 3
inches- wlde,--are -needed;-f or, tow medium
size.. .. ,' j
No. 6772 Sixes, small,', medium and large,
' For the accommodation of . The Omaha
Bee readers these patterna, which usually
retail at from 26 to 60 cents,--will be fur
nished at a nominal price (10 cents), which
covers all expenke. In order to get a pat
tern enclose 10 cents, giving number and
name of pattern wanted and bust measure
As the patterns are mailed direct from the
publishers at New Tork, It will require
about a week's time to fill the order. Ad
dress Pattern Department Omaha Bee,
Omaha, Neb.
qulttal, for the sort of eccentricity of
which lie Is guilty Is such as to make him
and 1,1s County Fair strong In the hearts
of those people who are not so far gone
on '.he "art" und "technique." but like to
get close to nature and enjoy s few of the
old-fashioned realities of life. In this little
drama, as In few others, these people find
an evening of genuine and unbroken enjoy
ment. The County Fair, which has been be
fore the public for eighteen succesful sea
sons. Is an interesting little story of that
Hlmpie. pastoral life back In New England
the northern part of old Vermont, to be
precise. The grotesque simplicity of that
plain folk In Itself Is a mine of humor
and Burgess strikes pay dirt every time
he swings his pick. The man's makeup Is
perfect, his study of the part of a New
England old maid however she may differ
from other old maids brought him to a j
knowledge which oughtn't be questioned by
any one who Is not closer to the situation
than he is and they say he almost lives
the part. It Is a part that naturally would
grow on one. Burgess Insists he knows the
part and knows woman, as he remarks at
one point in the play. "I guess I know a
woman I've been one for such a long j
time." I
Tha audience laughs. Later In the play,
though, the audience laughs again and then
suddenly reflects upon the wisdom that
caused its mirth. J
"Otis Tucker, I'm a woman, I'd have you I
understand; and I want to say, sir, that
when I make up my mind that there ain't
no power on earth that can make me
change it."
Then Otls-h's her big fat, laxy suitor who
takes fourteen years to rake up courage
enough to put the question blunders up in
front of her and smiles and she falls all
ever him and herself, too, as she spurts out,
Otls. you kin do the cutest things."
. But, like most New England farms they
tell about In stories, the one Aunt Aboy hag
Is mortgaged. Imagine a stiff-necked old
Puritan, New England old maid, who had
waited for fourteen years for a man to pro
pose to her and twice that long to raise the
mortgage, at a county fair where her own
horse, ridden by a beneficiary of hers, with
out her knowledge, having handed to her at
one and the same time 13,000. first money at
the races, and a marriage license by Otla.
That's Aunt Abby's finish and she-recovers
the shock In fine shape.
Probably the two most striking features
of the play, so far as realism is concerned.
are the horse race and that, good, old
square dance in the barn at night.
Mr. Burgess has a very clever company
if "which -Wnrtley-frtcCutJurrM Wta: Tti
l-'cesf aParker,; Miss Josephine Wlthrow" and
William F. O'Sulllvan win a great deal of
applause for themselves' and aid In bring'
Ing cheers "to their leader. Mr. MeCullum
la an actor of uncommon talent who stay
close to the star. Like Burgess, his Initial
tlve powers are superb. . ''
-By Bight of Sword" at the Bnrwned
"Standing room only," was the sign that
went up early In the evening at the Bui-
wood yesterday, ' the Kosslo-Amerlcan
drama, "By .Right of Sword," being the
magnet that drew the two Immense crowds
together The word "powerful" Is rightly
used to describe this production so full of
stirring Incidents from 'the time the rur
tain goes up until It is rung down. Cer
talnly nothing that could appeal to the
audience so strongly has-been shown at
the Burwood this season. .It appeals both
to the emotions and to the love of spec
lacies. in sci 11 is to D seen a very
of the
not otherwise
. V" " ..
.iK.. f-
I'd Vv. .
I is.-
sT VI .! I taw
a g ' I V 1
v r'r JTVC V effect! it i always nece- Jv PC'V
l L, ..kb:;:,,,. -1, XSSJ J -
The Children Enjoy
Life out of doora and out of the games which they play and the enjoyment
which, they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the greater part of that
healthful development which ia so essential to their happiness when grown. When
a laxative is seeded the remedy which is given to them to cleanse and sweeten and
strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, should be such as physicians woull
sanctioDi because its component ports are known to be wholesomj and the remedy
itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and
parents, well-informed, approve and. recommend and which the little one enjoy,
because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is-Syru?
of Figs and for the game reason it is the only laxative which should be used by
fathers and mothers.
Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally
without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually,
without producing that constipated habit which results from the use of the old
time cathartics and modern imitations, and against which the children should be so
carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood,
strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not
needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only
the simple, pleasant and gentle Syrun of Figs.
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative
principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but also to our
original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little ones, do
not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous dealers sometimes offer to
increase their profits. Please to remember,' the fall name of the Company
CALIFORNIA FIG SYEUP CO. is printed on the front of every package. Ia
oraer to get us Denenciai j
effects it is always neces
sary to buy the genuine
only. For sale by all re
liable druggists.
u n
i. '
Vi. ' v.-'V''
.ml ,'
best authorities now agree that the
for contracting diphtheria are greatly
enhanced by colds. The cold
system for the reception and
germs of this disease
find lodgment;
one child will contract the disease, and
exposed at the same time will not take
one that takes it, as a rule, has a cold,
slight colds are dangerous, and should
and intelligent attention.
or an adult you will find no better prep
to cure a cold than Chamberlain's
a child
prepares the
that would
is why
it. The
Whether for
upon to effect a
ger in giving it to children
opium or other harmful drug.
It can always be depended
quick cure. There is no dan-
as it contains no
thrilling duel and in art III the sensation la
a balked attempt to wreck a train upon
which the csar of Russia Is riding. The
plot Is sufficiently deep to maintain an in
terest until the. last.
Tha story is of ; a young American who
assumes tha name: and role of a dashing
but cowardly Russian nobleman, Petrevlch,
the deception being -aided by a remarkable
resemblance between them. Besides his
name and tha custody of his charming sis-
ter, the American falls heir to a part In a
Nihilist plot to murder the chief of police
of Moscow, a duel with the most export
swordsman In - afl'"Ther domain, - a' very
dangerous, love Jnftlgue,. with, the wife of
thftjChtofiof' pt)H. i.ndV ifew'.tjilher things
equalryaaunpliwrt4 that 'serve" -to make I
him the. busiest Hi ,ib V) Russia for a few
days. '' Jle;.comes .put of it al : right, of
oourse,7 marries OWa. JPetrevlch," downs the
vtlllanous Major Dcyenski and' Is decorated
bythe cxar. To reach this Jiappy conclu
sion requires alt orts of daring situations
end rash undertakings and the. audience Is
kept In nervous' pense art through It.
Mr, Morrison' 'ha ,the part-of Richard
Hamilton, the youag American, and plays
It with all the dnjflrr and Vigor" It, needs.
Miss Elliott s 0lga Petrevlch. sister of the
man whose Identity Hamilton assumes. Is
excellent. Carl Fey makes a very vll
Ilanous Major Devenskl, who is at the bot
tom "of all the trouble. The rest of the
company give the usual high class support.
The cast is the largest of any play at the
Burwood this season, consisting of over
twenty-five persons,
The production' requires very Important
stage effects and these have all been taken
care of In detail by Harry Long.
"By Right of Sword," will be at the Bur
wood the remainder ot the week with the
usual matinees.
"The War Correspondent" at the Krugr.
Tha three acts of solid fun, thrilling
drama, good music and enchanting love
play; interestingly .mingled under the namo
of '.'The War Correspondent." began a half
week engagement at the Krug theater Sun
day matinee and waa welcomed to Omaha
by two large audiences, which took up all
tha apace the law allows the management
to sell, at both afternoon and evening per
formances. There is much excellent sctlng and the
music and slngtngj is ' a.n'good." Johnny
Fogarty as the assistant correspondent
with the slang Is about all the money, and
Mabell Addlngton, the stenographer,
Jlmmlc's sweetheart, who . Is also there
with the the same class of goods "Gee,
but she certainly is great." There Is a
whole lot of her (300 pounds with her gum
in her mouth), but not any too much to
suit the audience. George L. Cox Is tho
Telegraph's correspondent who starts the
war, and Leo Kendall Is a dandy Louis
Koeln, who has to "commit suicide to save
his life." and refuses to do either.
Tha female portion of the cast cannot
be spoken of with too flattering words,
from the "native women" to Mabel Mo-
Cane, whose name is on the list In caps.
She is tin Princess Lfelany. Ethel Dovey's
name ought to be set from the upper case,
too, if popularity with the crowd is used
as a teat. Both young women are decidedly
handsome and have good voices.
The "Telegraph", will continue to get re
ports of Egyptian war plots from Its love
sick correnpondent at the Krug until
Wednesday night. Those who like music,
lots of fun, aa well as considerable action
and excitement; Should not fall to go to
the seat of war.
Vaadevtlle at tha Orphcant.
The troubles of a party of motorists
with their sprocket, commutator and mag
neto form the basis of a laughable fare
at the Orpheum this week. The owner
I ui ine macnine smns out iur a nan
hour's spin to a college town "only a
j couple of hundred miles away," where his
I son expects to enter school. He Isn't out
of hla home town until the thing breaks
down. Tba tribulations which follow ought
ito bring tears of sympathy to the eyes
of any right-minded man who has had
sorrows ot bis own in the automobile line.
T cap the chapter of calamity the nto-
torlct, his sun and tha chauffeur are ar
1 rested by a truel policeman for "exceed
j lng the speed limit."
j Oil of the prettiest things on the local
' vaudeville stage In many a day Is pre
j sented by the "Minstrel Maids and Water
melon Girls. After doing song and dance
In old-time minstrtl style, they finish by
coming, when least exi :ted, from a huge
waf rmeton, with big blnck stdt and
rich red core. The lights in this part of
the act give a splendid effect.
Katherlne Nugent, formerly the "Flora
Wiggins of the College Widow," glvea some
humorous impersonations of Marie Dress,
ler, Elfio Fay, 'Anna Held and other
"Why la a woman going south In the
winter like an old hen calling eight
chtckena Into the coop?" asked Tim Mac
Man oo in "Twenty Minutes Before the
Train Leaves." When Edythe Chappelle
cannot answer, lie answers for her. "Be
cause she's trying to recuperate." If one
thinks the things they say are not funny
enough, then the dancing will make the
tura a success. ,
Chlnko Is a Juggler who does clever
things with billiard balls, coal scuttles,
plates - and other articles. The Midget
Minnie Kuuffman manages a bicycle al
most aa if it were a part of herself.
Llndstrom and Abderson make their in
itial bow before the Omaha public in a
skit, entitled, "Pastimes on the Farm." In
which they do some creditable gymnastis
Hyde Discharged, aa Her Hus
band Does Not Insist on
Mrs. Lulu May Hyde, with whom Fred
Good eloped from Kansas City and who
was Indicted with Good on an adultery
charge, has been released from the county
Jail and the charge against her dismissed
by County Attorney Slabaugh. Her hus
band, who followed the couple to South
Omaha, did not care to prosecute her. Good
was found guilty and was fined $500 and
costs, which means he will have to stay In
Jail several months.
The criminal charge against Peter Waa
gees, Walter Weshal and Steve ZedaMos,
who were indicted for assault with Intent
to kill Peter Krlsicunas as the outcome of
a fight at a Lithuanian wedding In South
Omahn, has also been dismissed. Alex But
kls and John Polviw, who were Implicated
In the same assault, were found guilty of
assault and battery and are serving Jail
sentences. County Attorney Slabaugh has
also dismissed the Information against Jake
Schlank, charged with stabbing Frank
Dinuxso in the latter's saloen on Augast
26. The Information charred assault with
intent to kill.
Torrey-Ollrer Revival Orropln At
tention of Ministerial, t alon - In ,
Preparation for the Caoipalgrn. -
The Torrey-Ollver mlsBion was the toplo
of Interest at the meeting of the Omahi
Ministeral union Monday morning at tli
First Congregational church. The commit
tees in charge of the revival reported on
the progress of their respective duties.
Dr. Torrey Will address the ministers at
their meeting next Monday morning. Mon
day morning, December 10, he will speak
to a gathering of ministers from a territory
within a radius of fifty miles from Omaha.
During this week Omaha ministers will
reach the members of their churches nnd
urgi attendance at the Torrey meetings.
Every effort Is being put forth to make the
first week successful from attendance
standpoint, the assurance being that Dr.
Torrey will accomplish great things if
the local committees do their part.
Next Friday evening union prayer meet
ings will be held in the following districts
at the churches mentioned: Central Tark
district, Oliver Baptist church; Kountse
place. Trinity Methodist Episcopal; central
northern. Second Presbyterian; central.
First Presbyterian; Clifton Hill, Presby
terian; Walnut Hill. Methodist Episcopal;
Dundee. Presbyterian (Thursday); Benson,
Methodist Episcopal; West Farnam,
Kountse Memorial;' Hanscont Park, West
minster; South Side, Diets Memorial, Grace
Baptist and Castellar Presbyterian;
Swedish demonlnations, 8wedish Mission;
German demonlnations. Methodist, Episco
pal (Wednesday).
City Haarlnrcr Mill Ask Council
Pnt It In lie for Needed
City Engineer Rosewater Is trying to get'
the city paving plnnt In operation again
for a few weeks before severe weather sets,
in;- - ; ,. .I .;
The engineer appeared before the council '
committee meeting Monday afternoon, and
took the matter up. The plan is to usa
some of the money left over from the
amount deposited In the city treasury for
the telephone election nnd add to that
amounts advanced by various business men
for the repair of asphalt paving In tha
downtown districts.
The engineer believes that by repairing
breaks now much could be saved the city,
on the old theory that a Mitch In time
saves many more.
Bound Over on Charge of Taklaa;
salt of Army Officer's
Charged with stealing a suit belonging
to the wife of an army officer at Fort
Crook from a wagon which was standing
In front of the postofflce., Henry Smith,
real name not given, was bound over to
the district court by Judge Crawford Mon
day morning under ball of 1500. The suit
was valued at 166 and Smith was caught In
the act of taking It from the rear end of
the vehicle.
of a
I !
You have heard that some foods furnish fat,
other foods make muscle, and still others are
tissue building and heat forming.
You know that most foods have one or more
of these elements, but do you know that no
food contains them all in such properly balanced
proportions as a good soda cracker 7
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water, are richer
in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much
higher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made
from flour.
That is why Uneeda Plscitlt should
form an important part of every meaL They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to you in a package that is proof
against air, moisture and dustthe price being
too small to mention.
s - v