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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1906)
I TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1D06. X ..1 i Y 1 v GRAIN AND PRODUCE BARRET ( Ftuti Cff WiOuut Teattr it th V Beat fit. CLOSING PRICES f RACTIONAU. IOWIR Rstlmat. far World'a Bhlpsaeata Mae. 'tawes Thaw Rttt( ATtMff Crowd Attempts Ball Mar Cora, lm. . . OMAHA. Nov. 10. 1. 'w Wheat was gulft and without feature M hrouguout tha session. Liquidation In Lie i (fmijcr js not cuius forward as rapialy as many anticipated. Ida estimate for wond a stupiuema at iu.lOo.wAj busneis la much lower man the racnt average. The crowd again attempted to bull the May delivery, without success. Cables came "amo higher and unsettled weather ia indicated over a portion of tba belt. Tna Mv,rinii-ni nguies this afternoon were considered beansb. iii buuisn efforts In oats were entirely local, but failed to advance prlcea. Tnere seems little basin for strength aside from uie im;emter posit. on. Primary wheat receipts were 897,000 bush els and shipments 4u,u00 bushels, against receipt, last year of l.lM.uvO buaheis and siupumi.ts ef t,W tioithw. Corn receipts nie w,u0u busneis and shipments 422.ov busoels, against receipts last enr of 4t.ii busneis and shipments of 233.uO buaheis. Cieaianota weie oS,,uX bushels of wheat, M.wu bitahela of com. 17,u0w busnals of oats and flour and wheat equal to 46.1,000 bushels. 'Liverpool cloned unciiunged to Vid hither On wheat and SiJd higher on coin. 'An Argentina can, a as follows: "Wheat crop prospects are iavorab.e In the province ot Ayres, wnich has iarittat area. Those of Hanta t" are the I for 1 a moderate crop oniy, owing to previous drouth and locust damage. The weather at present la favorable). ' . broomhall estimates world's wheat ship ments at iO.OOO.OOo burhela, against receipts lat week of ll,t4.0u0 'duatiels and lust jear of U.562.000 bushels. ' Local range of options: Artic,lea. Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close ! Yes'y WheaH lee.... May... Corn Pec.... May... Oatn lec.... 6P4 ........ M1J "4 71 TlVt 70T 707.j Ul 87'i STi W!T st aiM 3s", ..... Ma, ' '' ' Ouiaha rash Trices. WHEAT No. 3 hard. MVi'Hc; No. 3 K hard, 65t4'367c; No. 4 hard, wwi; No. 3 U -iritig, ojtiVc. V COJKN No. , 40'4r; No. 3 yellow, 40c; , v' No. white. 41c. ,' . OAT9 xv.o. a mixed, 3H'iTSoie) No. 3 ' white, mHtj31Ve: No. 4 white, ai'.iHe. RYE-No. J, 0c; No. t, 9c. Cariui ilrceipts. Wheat. 4 7 291 67 M 64 Corn. S41 a Oat li! Clilcan lva.naas City biiuntupoiis . Omaha ....... IniuLii St. Lous ii" 83 CHICAGO GRAII AM) PROVISIONS Featsres ( the Trading; and Closing Prlcea oat Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. 10-The local wheat mar ket wus held steady by the continuance of small receipts in the northwest. At tnO close wheat tor December ufc.ivery was on UeV t-'un w uown (uc Oats were a .'luirto Iilivhcr. Provikions wifie a shade to 2".jC lower. Trading In the wheat pit todsy was quiet and Llio hulk of busin'bs was In the May option.. Herelpts st Minneapolis and Du luth were again consluernbiy below those for the cot ret-ponding oay nst year and tr.e total primary icrelpts were about J) per- cent Uss tnan for the same dat.. t'lje total w rid s shipments and the amount of hreajstuff on ocean (wssjge. It was predicted, will each show a'decrease fnf M10 wek. These fuctors had a study ing lnt'.uence on prices. An Increase In win ter wheat acreage, as 'Indicated by the re port o( a local crop .export. Induced some !' selling by-pit traders-late in the day nd f' cruised ,n slightly easier feeling. The n. .r ; ltet, however, cloned steady. Decetnb-r jrorx-ued He higher, at 73c, sold between i'c. and i.iVt'triii'tO , and ; closed at .3 c. h amnces-nf -whot and Hour were'T'QUal co 4i.o bushels. . Primary receipts were v!j,Cih Wushels, against l.lHit.000 bushels for it.e corr eiKn.llng day nuo year ago. Mlnne- - iipulis. Buluth and Chicago reported ,. re ceipts rt fi,' cars, r.galnst 614 cars last . week and 1.0S cars a yesr ago. '' Selling of the Deceirber delivery by cash Ivjuses uiininst purchasers from the roun iry raufi'.-d aneasy.tone In the corn-market, although the prices changed but llt tlo. Trading In general was light and the "close waa steady. December opened un changed to V; higher, at . 4'Va4-ViC. gold off to ir. and tlood at ths lowest point. 1. of nl receipts were 841 cars, with 87 cars of eor.trnct grade. CHits were firm all day. because of au active demand by commission houses and local bulls. Selling was chiefly by longs, but offerings were not large. Small re ceipts, a lively shipping demand and an official- forecast of unsettled weather. In tha middle west had a strengthening In fluence. December opened So higher, at 34Vfltf4io, "old between 34V41T34-V) and closed at Ua. Local receipts ware 169 earn, The feature of trading In provisions was th purchase of $,0vt) barrels of pork for May delivery by a prominent commlsslou bouse. This had a tendency to hold prices steady early In the day, but later realising aalea caused slight declines. At the close January pork was a shade lower, at $14.125j Lard was ZVjfo lower, at W.W 4.47H- Ribs were i'Vio lower, at $7.60. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, tl oars; corn, i- cars; oats, M oars; hogs, 14 00 head. Tba leading futures ranged as follows: Articles WhosA rtlcles. Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yea y. Deo. 72T4 T2TH 4214 4o TS Way Coro eo. May July Oe-ta-- Deo, May Pork-. .'Jan, Uf Jj rd-r NrtW peo. Jan. May Rl os Jut. May 7SU :4?HffV4j 42! 43 4244 44, 44 US 94H H(t') I 5W1 - 3u wwj.3i mit a 14 17H 14 28" 14 34 $0 14 12H 14 IS 14 26 14 13 1136 to 8 70 $ 60 ii 14 SO SO 14 ja 2T4' $ 7H 27 t 8TV, 47 S t iT I 60 141 T60 f 7i I 60 I 45 IS I 40 40 7 60 70 42 Hi I 7 60 T .0 No. SV - Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR-4;eady: winter patents. $3.$0rJ.40 straights, HlO'ii.1 SO; spring patents, $..$ if IK; straights, $3.'J3.60; bakers, t-'.aOJ'i.iM. WHEA l-No. 2 spring, 7i81c( No. t, 7:9 tSe; Nn, t red, 71V'73c. CORN No. t, 44c; No. 1 yellow. 46io. OATS No, 2. S4'4c; Nq. 1 white, SSk'tf-Hc: No. 3 white, i3 Yfl -itto. RTE No, 2, lc. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 4?5oo. SEEDta-No, 1 flax; $1.0$; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.17H- Timothy, prime. $4.16!d1ii. Clover, contract grades, $13.25. PROV18IONS-4Shoct riba sides (loose), $8 .uo.3 S 5iV Mess pork, per bbl., $16.25 Lard, rvr lot) lbs., $9.274. Short clear sides (boxed I, $ S74. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Keceipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls ... wheat, bu......... Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bo Barley, bu 20. 3'. 7 78. 0 3.".6i 1-13. TOO 1A.0O0 oo,m .7 0 6T.40S 19 .. 4.101 21 0 tha but- lsjS'-to; On tha Produce exchange today ter market was st"X; creamery, oairies. hvo-k. tegs, steady; st mark. ii.o-,2 1 H KAN la bttlk. ClOa (Superior Board of Trade quotations fo? Virtues pells and Chicago delivery). The laitfe of price, aa reported by F. D. Pay , at Co.. 110-111 Boan. of Trad, was: Articles.) Open ) Hbyh.( Low. Close Yes'y Mlnnespolls Caah Close Wh-at: No. 1 hnr 7Sc- js'o j noi-lcern, T.c, to arrlvj, '.vti No. I aoitkei IitsC, to ki-rlva, .-'.c. i ( inciuiieo. uujju; nrsts, r4iic; prime I firsts, 280. Cheese, Sieady, I2jj U'xjC. . Minnill raln Market. ' MINNBAPOf.IS. Nov. 10.-FlyOUR-First patents, $4 2004.80; second patenU, $4 0tcJ 4 16; first cleara. tlk-ai.fcl , second clears. . Wheat-J I I I . 74S 74S) 744 77s! rr, ' S 'SVj 78 1 I6V4J j lSj j 14 1 15 I 1 j 1 18$ , reo...'74Ufll .74 Miy...,7T'fl:1l 7 I July...t7$4T 7f Flax- ) JVM... 1 1!5T 1 1S Nov... 1 l 1 I'' f klay... I 1 I tu'j No. 8 northern, T'TIHc! No. 1 durum, tpct No, 1 durum, c, tr? arrive by Novem ber 20, uie, regular f.-c.' Torn: No. yellow, 44e: No. . 4c. Oaia: No. 3 white. s:V : . 3, 2faW!. Barley. 37ii47c. Hie. J. tloSaC NEW f lax, iai-- TORK CE1CRAL MARKET Qaotatlews f tba tr Tarleas rnmmndltlH. NEW TORK. Nov. 10. Fl-OUR-Pe-eelpts, Z7.2T.7 bu.; exports. 8,12 bu.; sales, 4.6(0 packages; market steady, with a slow trscle; Minnesota patents, t4.1W74.a'; Minne sota bakers, 83 4"ri4 81; winter patents, tl.TWr 4.00; winter stralshts, t3 .tf-na.Sn; winter ex tras, 82 ;3.10; winter low grades, 12 f 8.05. nye Hour, firm: fair to good, H s-'t 8.M); choir to fancy, 3.K'4.13. Buckwheat nour, steady, 82.26i 1 36 spot and to arrive; buckwheat, quiet, 11 .25 per 100 lbs. CORN MEAL-Quiet; fine white and yel lowy $l.acnil.i6; coarse, tl.10iil.12; Kiln dried, RYE Firm: No. 2 western, RH e. I. f. New York; Jersey and state, 64Vj61Vio de livered NeW York. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 4T,?T44c e. I. f. Buffalo; malting, 4!Vgac e. 1. f. Buffalo. VVH EAT Receipts, 133. 600 bu.i exports, 21234 bu.i sales, 700,000 bu. futures. Spot market steady; No. t red, vo elevator; No. 1 red. git, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth, 81o a I. f. Buffalo; No. S hard winter, 76Ho a I. f. Buffalo. Opening sieaoy on prospects for small world s shtp ments wheat laf-r advanced on steady cables, a bullish Michlaan remit and cover Ing. Towards noon it reacted allghtly un der a bearish anow report. elolng HUo net higher; May, M 13-ltirTi S4c, closed 3Tc; L'ecember, Rl 1.1-li!S2H,c, c'.OFfd 8;'o. CORN-Receipts, 6o,WiJ bu.; exports. .46 bu.j spot market steady; No. 2 64c eleva tor and t4o f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 yellow, Wc; No. 2 white, 64n, Option market was without transactions, closing net un changed; Janunry closed at 6kc; Ma.y closed at . 60',o; December closed at 63He. OATS Receipts, 101, 4f bu.: exiiorts, 1,8T bU.: SOOt fttttnritf! n I Art n.t. 9C rt 3 lba SSC; natural white. to M Ihs.. 4uuc; clipped whit. iK to 40 Ihs.. !Ui;?44i.4o : feed firm; spring bran. t22.35 prompt ship ments; middlings, t.35 prompt shipments, city. HAT Easy: shipping, To'ffSOc: good to choice. tl.OKil.15. HOPS-Steady; Pacific coast, liW, ltf515c. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., ioc; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 21ci Texas dry, -4 to 3f lbs., lSc. LEATHER Ricadv; acid, 27fllc. PHOVI8ION8 Beef, firm; fanillv, t!260 913.00; mess, ts.Cfxfj9.O0: beef hams, $21.Rn 200; packet, SlO5Ot.ll.0f; city extri India mess, tin soft 20.00. Tut meats, steady; pickled bellies. lO'JffUic; pickled hanin, IMjUVjc. - Lard, steady; western prime, i!i..Tffijii.s:i4; refined, continent, Ilo.n0; Pouth America, il0.75; compound, 7740M.c; l"ork. f. fmlly, llS.oiKqin.os: short clear, tl..ii9IR.7.S; mess, tlS.0fKgls.75. TALI-OVV-rirm; city i per package), V: country (packages freeT, 6iiIH,o. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra. VhWtr; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra crtamfi y. i'ic, tuhclui pncea, creamery, common to extra, lP'oVsc; held seconds to extra. ilfjCiiVic; state dnlry common to tancy. 1iaHc; renovated, common to extra, HW Tic; western factory common to firsts. i2uc; western Imitation creamery Brsta, Du5 CHEESE Qulot; state, full cream, mIl fpney, l.-c: ctaie, ivc(inuer ihm, U-vc-state, fair -to good, 1 '."112140; state, October nest, i-ic; mate, rair to 1 food. 1 V, , i 1 1 'ti-J"I'J:'nr- t'lie: skl-n. 3W1.M40. ! iLijfjts t irm , stare, Pennsylvania and nenroy tancy seiecLeo willa, ..rf'; state, vie'.rr, ei-i4o.n... Binr, uiixpn, extra, 33C western, average best, Official prices: Firsts, SGc; seconds, 2.1:5 28c. POULTRY Live firm; western chickens snd fowls, ll'.4e; turkeys. 14o. ' Dressed firm; western cnlckens, lltjlSc; sprlim tur keys. lWiWc; fowis, 914120. St. t.aols General Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. ;n. wheat Weak: track. No. 2 red, 74g7i4c: No. i hard, lliii 74c; December, "'in.:r; May. 7Hc CORN Weak: tiuck, No. 2 cash, 44W1 4414c: December. 40c; May, 41l.i'a41Sc; No. t white. 44"i'a4'"c OATS Firm: track, No. 2 cash, 83H034c; December, 34'4r(j34V4c; May, 3614c; No. 2 white. 34V483Z5C FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $8.piS J.bC; extra fancy and straight. $.120iu3.5C: clear, $2.0l3 2.90. EEETJ Timothy, steadv. $2.50 I'ORNMEAL-Steady; $2.50. ' BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, ftti&9So. HAY Strons: tlmothv. 113 tii7on- nr.t- rle. $10.0o4J13.00. IHi i.s . , ON TIES $1.02. BAGGINO-SUe. r, 1., . W'.vE 9c PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, tlfi.iVX I,ard, lownr; prime steam, $9."n. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $:ti-Hi clear r!b, i.UH; short clears, tliSi. Bacon,' steadyi boxed extra Shorts, 10.t;;ii; clear rlba, $9.7V4; short clears. $lll.KiV - POULTRY Firm; chickens, Sc: springs, Hc:turkeys, 18 lie; ducks, $'j9c; geesia, Hl.'TTER Steady ; . creamery, JliMTo: dairy, lS(i22c. a EGGS Firm, 23c. . t Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls ll.ono n 000 Wheat, bu , Mono J4.'(ioo Corn, bu 2 uvi 74 000 I Oats, bu ....IJO.OOO 74!fJ0o! Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 10. WHEAT n. eember. ti;e; May, 714c. Cash: No. 1 hard. blWiuw. Nx 8. xaG8c: i,ol 2 r4 CSHc;.No. 3, 67gco. - CORN December. 37c: Mav. HWAn: Jnlv 89Hc Cash: No. 2 mixed, 40tT40kWo: No. 2 white, 40Vi42Hc; No. 3. 3SU339C. OATS No. 2 white, S3c. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $li.753 14.00) choice prairie, $11.76 0 12.00. RYE-Steady, 5760a EGGS Firm; flrata, 24c; seconds, 20e. BUTTEUCreamery, 26c; packing, lbc. Revelpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 7 8.000 82,000 Corn, bu 27,000 10,000 Oats, bu 6,000 24,00) Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 10.-BUTTE-. Firm, good demand; extra western cream ery, official price, 27c, street price, 3oj ex tra nearby prints, 80c. EGGS Firm, good demand; nearby fresh and western fresh, 2So, at mark. CHEESE Quiet and steady; New York full creams, fancy, MHolSc: New Tork full creams, choice, 13c; New York full creams, fair to good, 12-igl3a. - Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 10.-WHEAT-8pot, firm; No. t red western winter, 4s. Fu tures, steady; December, C 3d; March May, 4d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, 4s8d. Futures, steady; December, 4s44d; January, 4alid. . ' Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. Nov. 10.-CORN Firm rellow, new, 3S4o; old, 44c; No. :V4c; old. 48c; no grade. 36t4c. No. $ 4, new, OATS Steady; No. 3 white. 31e; white, SStc; No. 4 white, 82ue. RYE Sieady; No. 4. 64.?6c! WHISKY On the basia of $1.2- No. $ Mtlwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 10. WHEAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern, 7S !$;; jSo. J northern, 7o'i!77tye; December, llUo bid. RYE Higher; No, 1, 6CV,a67o. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, buo; sample, 41 56c. CORN Steady; No. $ cash, I4if4Sc; December, 4JVo asked. Iwlnth Grain Market. DULUTH, Nov. 10. -WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern, 77s4c; No. 2 northern, 7tfic; December, 74'c; Nlay, 78c; July, 76V- OATS To arrive. 324c Evaporated Apples and Pried rrnlta. . NEW TORK. Nov. 10.-. EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues steady, al tliough the demand Is not more than mod erately aotlve. High scholce sre qiioted at 6W'-V.c; choice, "(tJTo, prime, 6lT;c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRIT fS Prunes are In active demand for forward ship ments from the coast and the spot situation la firm, with California grades ranging from lo to 86. Apricots are quiet and hardly enough business Is -reported to fur nish a firm quotation; nominally choice are quoted at 16c; extra choice, 17c; fancy, 18 020c Peaches slso are vry quiet, with the old crop choice quoted at llo; extra choice, U'hC Raisins are firm, with loos Muscatels quoted at lS"17c; seeded ralslna, tyTc; London "layers, $10.o3ia7S. near anal Molassea. NEW TORK. Nor. Id. SUGAR Raw, quiet; rair refining, $-lc; centrifugal, 96 tent, $l.V16o; molasses turar, $ 1-loc. Re fined, quiet; No. 6, 4 tue; No. 7, 4 25c; No. 8, 4 2oc; No. . 4 15c; No. 10, 406c; No. It 4c; No. 12. $.9."c; No. Ii, $JOc; confectioners' A, 4 60c; mould A. i.lio: cut loaf, 6.ivx; crushed, t .V'c; powdered, 4 90c; granulated, 4 8nc; Ciies, tOfc. MOLAfhKS Pteady; New Orleans, cpn kettle, good to choice. jV3?8c, NEW ORLEANS. Nov. lOST'O AR-Ir-rarnlar: ccntrlftixal, yellow, $-iffHo; sec. onds, 2t4i137c New molasses syrup, SViaic. Metal Market. 'NEW YORK. Nov. 10. M ETA I.t4 Mar keis were quiet today . In the abenee of cables, but prices were maintained. Pyv.t tin was quoted at tt.'.TT', bid to $? hIU. i a?ked. Lake copo. r was nrm ut $21 7.? ;r2o. lecu,.l)ti. -'. jo-u .';'., caatuig, $4. (ftTl.TK. T.esd was tJncang1 at tS.7B; rp.l ter. ttS.2T.viti.3F.. Iron was gulet but firm. 8 T. LOl if. Nov. 10 M KTAIS lead, steady a.t ti n.W. Ppelter, firm at 6.3i. OMAHA WIIOLK.SALK biarkrt. CnwdKloa of Trade aad Qnotatlnaa taple and Faary rradace. EOOS-Per doi., 23c. LIVE roi'LTKY Hens, c; rooster. Re; turkeys. 12-jSlnc; ducks, 9c; spring chickens, tc: geese. Jj'.C. BI TTER Packing stock, 17c: rholce to fancv dairy, 19J21c; creamery, 24'S77c. HAT Choice upland, tstoO; med'.'im, t9.00; course, ts.nivii8.t0. Rye straw, IKV.OO. BRAN Per ton, $1S.00. VF1ETARI.ES. SWEET POTATOES Per bhl.. $2 60. TOMATOES California, per banket of lb., $.'.25. WAX Bj.N8-Per one-thlrj bu. box. $1 25 BEETS AND CARROTS Per ton.. T5c. LEAK LETTUCE Hothouse, p"T doi. heads. 40c, CF.LERT Per dos.. SOSTWc. CrCl MBERS-Hothouse, per dox., $1.30. ONIONS Home grown, 6?c per bu.; Epan Ish. ti.1 per rrote; Colorado, "16c. OHEEN ONIONS Per doi. bunches. 25c HORSERADISH Case of $ doi., tl 90. RADISHES Per dox. bunches, T5o. NAVT BEANS Per bu., ri.85; No. i, $1.75. Mf A BEANS Per lb.. 6540. GREEN PEPPERS Per market basket, 7Se. PARPLET Hothouse, per dog. bunches, Sc. CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown, per lh., 154c. EOO PLANT Per doi.. POTATOES Per bu., 4016"c. RUTABAGAS Per lb., IV.c, 160 lbs. to sack. TURNIPS Per bu.. BOc. FRUITS. PEACHES California Salway, per box, $1.10; Colorado, $2.26. PEARS Winter varieties, per bu., $S.2o3 $.00. O R A PES Tokay, $173; Malaga, per bM., $r..oofl.oo. APPLES Ben Dnvls, $2.25; Jonathans, $3.2Mr3.60; New Tork sppres, $3.15; Grimes1 GoMen. $2.75. CRANBERRIES Per bhl., $9 00710 00. QUINCES Per box. $2 25. WATERMELONS Colorado, winter, S5o each. TROPICAL FRtTTTS. ORAVOES K.oilda oranijes, j)3.0i1. LEMONS Llmoniers, extra fancy, 240 Size, $7.50; 30 size. $8.00; 360 size, $8.00; other brands. ROflTSc less. BANANAS Per medltim-slzed bunch, $2.fff? 2R: Jtimbos. $2.5O'a3.00. GRAPE FRUIT Slse b4 to 64 and 0 to K $4.fC;34.tO. FIGS Kadaway, c; sayers, fitic; new Stuffed walnut dates. 9-lb. box. $1.10; Cali fornia bulk, 6Hc; 7-crown Turkish. 15c; 8- crown, 14c; 6-crown, 13c; a-crown, 12c. BEEF CUT PRICES. Ribs: No. 1, 14V; No. 2, 9c; No. 3, c. Round: No. 1, 8c; No. 2, 7c; No. S, 8c I Loin: No. 1, 17c; No. 2, 12Hc; No. S, Hc I Plate: No. 1. No. 2, 4c; No. 3, 2Hc Chucks, No. 1, 6c; No. J. 6c; iso. s, ic, MISCELLANEOUS. 6UOAR-5ranulated cane. In sacks, S.3i: granulated beet. In sacks, 16 31. brick' CHJStBK SWISS, new, inc. wibcohbiu ihVtc: Wisconsin nmoerxer, i.yaa twins. Inc; Young Americans, ln4c. . vFFKK Roasted. No. 35. 2Hc per lb.; Vn an !ln tier lh.: No. 2a, we per id.; io. a 1ft rr 1V1 Vo ?1 nee lh. " . .-Tr. 1 . 1. A .nr. 1 1 tJ Rvm-plln hhls.. 27o ner al.: In cases. li. 11 to- 11 Rih runs. 11.80: eases. 24 2H-lb. cans, $1.85. 1 . HONEY Per 24 frames, $3.60. CIDER New, half barrel, $2.76; barrel, $6.25. ' CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west 1 ern. iWfOc: Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cans, $1.10; 2-lb. cans, P7Hcfi$l.00. Tlne anples, grated, 2-lb $2.ory52.30; sliced, $1.90 J12.20; gallon apples, fancy, $165; California apricots, $1.90&2.25; pears, $; peao es. fancy, 11.1fg2.40; . v;. ptm o, .. Alaska salmon, red. $1.25; lancy Chinook. F.. $2.10; fancy sockeye, F., $1.95; sardines, quarter oil, $2.75; three-quarter mustard. $3.00. Sweet potatoes. $1.10$1.25; sauerkraut. . 1 00: numnklns. 80c $1.00: wax beans, 2-lb., frwoc: lima Deans, z-10., iocwii.; rpinncn, $1.36; cheap peaa. 2-lb., 60c; extras. 95c(g$1.10; I fancy, $1.861. 75. j CURED FISH Family whlteflsh, per . quarter bhl., KO lbs., $4 00; Norway mack- . erai, in o. i, 0.1; jo. -o.ia, .-.u. a. -v.w, I Irian. J0. z. l.w; nerrinn, in nine., m lbs. each. Norway, 4k, $9.00; Norway, 8k, , $9.00; Holland herring. In kegs, milkers, I Brie kecrs. mixed. 70c FISH Trout. 12,; halibut. l?c; catfish, 15c; buffalo, 8c; bulTheads. 11c: black bass, flne stock, 25c; salmon, 12c: pike, 11c; red snapper, fresh froxen, 12c: whlteflsh, fresh frozen, 13o; yellow perch, dressed and Scaled, 8c; pickerel, fresh frozen, o; frog legs, 85c per doi. saddle. 1 HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1, 12c; No. 2, ll4c: bull hides, 9?ne.; green hides. No. 1, 11c; No. 2. 10c; horse, $1.6t63.75; sheep pelts. 60c(g$1.26. Tallow, No. 1. 4e: No. 2, 2c NUTS French walnuts. 13V4c; California walnuts, No. 2, hard shell, 13c; No. 1. soft shell, 14c; Brazils, 13T144e: pecans. ll'Jmc; fllberu, 12vS!4c; peanuts, raw, 614c; roasted, 7V4c; California almonds, hard shell. 16c; soft shell. 18c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 10. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10.10c; middling gulf. 10.85c. No sales. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Nov. 10 COTTON Steady; middling, 10c; sales, 892 bales; receipts, 606 bales; shipments, 61 bale; stock. 10,802 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 10. COTTON Spot closed quiet; sales, 8.600 bales; low ordinary. 60, nominal; ordinary, 6V4C nom inal; good ordinary, 71 8-16c; low mid dling, 8c; middling, 6c; good mid dling, lOHe: middling rair. ioc, nom- 1na1; fair, HHe, nomlna . Receipts, 16,141 holes: stock. 216.599 bales. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 10. COTTON Spot in fair demand, rrlces easier; American ' ...ii a AGJ. rtA mMHni, 1. Sli4 mieuilHH lan, w.uoy, .... . -i, middling, 6.60d; low middling, 6.32d; good ordinary, 4.66d: ordinary, 4.72d:. The sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and ex port an dlncluded 5,800 American. Re ceipts, none. Clenrlnai uonse Statement. NEW TORK. Nov. 10. The statement of the clearing house banks for the week fnve davs) shows that the bank- noirt 1.614.129 less than the legal reserve requirements, Th Is Is a decrease ot it.TM,ii as compared with last week. The statement follows: Dereas. $1.08.4s.?00 $ 7 292.7D0 W 754,51 17.0ti9.6"0 R0 544.4uO 1.519.7H0 , 6i;.371.iH) IKW) Il.n3.4i)i) 6.848 Si) , 248.174 ROD 8.R31 3H) Loans Depoalts Circulation Legal tenders fined Reserve Reserve required Deficit Ex-United States posits (surplus. 240 . JTJ!J 4 ')7 4.10 1.614,125 4,6ii3.J0 de- ISni.OM 1213fOO Oils and Itosln. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. OIL Irregular; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 2727c; yellow. 39V'940c Petroleum, steady; re fined New York, $7.60; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.15. Turpentine, 66'i69Vc, ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, $4.25. OIL CITY. Pa., Nov. 10 OIL Credit balances. $1.88; runs. 103.789 MMs.; aver age. 81.499 bbls.; shipments, 100,501 bbls.; average, 153.591 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga., Nov. 10. OIL Turpentine. 66Hc ROSIN Firm; A. B snd C, $3.95; T, $4 00: E. $4 05: F. $4.15; G, $4 20: H. $4 SS; $6.26; K. $4.75; M, $o.Z5; IN, 5.75; WO, WW, $6.60. Wool Market. LONDON. Nov. 10 WOOL The ar rivals of wool for the sixth series of auction sales amount to 49 000 bales, of which 10.0U0 were forwarded to spinsters. The Imports this week -are: New South Wsles, 3.300 bales; Queensland 1.509 bales; Victoria. 1,800 bales: Pouth Aus tralia, 100 bales; West Australia, 100 bales; various, sou Dues. PT. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 1 g WOOL Pteadv; medium grades clothing. 260 27c; light heavy fine, 14316c; tub $7 He combing anf fine, 18(?21c; washed, $2 3 Coweo Market NEW TORK. Nov. 10 CO TTTTE Futures opened quiet st unchnntred prices to an advance of 6 points In keeping with steady cables. It eased off shortly after the open ing and prices during the middle session were about 6 points lower. Townrd th close there was support from lartre trad Inierests. however, and the market was finally steady, net unchanged to S point his-her. &al were reported of 81.600 bars Including December at 6 lV; FViwrv 6 Soc;- March. 6.40i.4V: Mav. 6 iMiit y July, 8.7'ic; Rptemh-r. 6.855$ aoc Spot Rio quiet: No. 7 Invoice, 7if. Kxperte and Imports. NEW YORK. Nov. 10,-Total Imports o' merchandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending Novembe $ were valued at $14 8-10 481. Total Imports of sne le at the port of New York f.,r th week ending today were $12,424 silver and I2M.2C1 gold Total exports of specie fror the port of New York for the end etidin' today were $424,720 silver and $17,000 gold. Toledo Seed Market. TOIJCPO, Nov. 10 PFEDS -Clover, cash $ 30-. Novemtier. h' Tiecentber v .'S alarcu, t l aiuke. $.' 7C; timothy, tj OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET G4 Ctttlt Otiertllj Eutdy to Etrsi . for Wgek. HOGS CLOSE AT HIGH POINT OF WEEK FM Sheep Ten to Flfteea Lower and Tat Lamb a Steady Feeder Tea to Flfteea Iovrer Than Week Ago. SOUTH OMAHA, November 10. !M. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday lO.fWl $.1C6 19.221 Ofllclal Tuesday $.8S0 6,0!8 2'.6t Omcll Wednesday 6,iii 4, 20.4 S Ofliolal Thursday 6,iai 4,. 72 L.blil Olncial Friuay , 2,2rtj 4.4 i.cV OlHclal Saturday tioO 3,w) 1.00 Six days this week 27.8' 26.05 Same days last week....i3,i4 27,67(1 Same two weeks ago....!!",:'? 19,773 Same three weeks aK0..3-ii!8 27,"T'2 Same four weeks ago....32.6"l 24.M3 Same week last year.... 20.741 2S,Sil et;.4T9 4i,J04 101.114 $0,723 8S'.6T The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 19o. li. Inc. Cattle 9"i,H.l 89.M..1 ll.iiJ Hoga 2.H9.415 1.9M.8W l,o-l Sheep l.fllg.S'T 1.761,543 167.2M The following taDle shows the average price of hogs at outh Omaha for the laat several da.ya, with oomparlaous: Date. I 1908. 1906.1904. 1903. 1902.1901. 1D00. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1... 2... t... 4.., 6.. 6... 7.., .. 9.. 10.. 6 06 4 84 4 K4 6 54 5 731 4 63 09 4 90 4 84 5 00 6 73 4 60 ( On' 4 87 4 8 4 87 6 SO 4 bi 4 8S 4 90) 4 79 48 6 81 6 98 4 89 4 7 4 6 61 6 72 4 84 6 9f. 4 87 4 73 6 6 2 6 72 4 64 t . 4 83 4 91 4 7S 6 66 5 68 4 8 6 03 4 81 4 9.5 44 6 6! 4 71 4 79 4 79 4 80 6 74 4 69 4 $0 4 97 4 67 36 4 73 Sunday. CATTLE QUOTATIONS, Good to choice corn-fed steers $S SovfH 35 rair 10 good corn-fed steers Common to fair corn-fed steers.... Good to choice range steers Common to fair range steers Good grass cows and heifers Fair to gooa cows and heifers Common to fair cows and heifers.. Good-choice Blockers and feeders.. Fair to good stockern and feeders.. Common to fair stockers Bulls, stags,, eto Veal calves , ), RANGE OF PRICED 6.0"!f5.60 4.ova.u0 4.7.Vfjo.45 8.60 17 4.00 3.tH.ii0 2.7nh 3.34 1.8 75 4.00V,4.75 3 2Tff 1.00 2.7.Va3.35 2.(KVri3.7 4.0uB6.ij0 Cattle. Hogs. $5.iiiKi(.2S 6.6tVnii.50 8.flnfii4.2S 6.9ii.30 -mana Chicago Kansas City Pt. Louis .... Sioux City .. .$1.8o'f,i.oo . 1.4ffjj7.20 . 2.00o.ttf . 2 0frt77.fl0 6.95-6.03 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. HVs. c... m. & st; p. By. 1 Mo. Pacific Ry 1 1 17 2 12 6 6 11 2 1 1 1 . f. system 11 C. & N. w. (east).. .. C. & N. W. (west).... $ C, St, P., M. & O. Ry .. C, B. & Q. (east).... 3 C. B. & Q (west).... 13 C, R. I. & P. (east).. .. Illinois Central . Chicago O, W Total receipts 30 60 trie aisposiuon of the da-s receipts was f a fi lU-ws. tach buei purchaalng tua num. ber of head Indicated: Cattle.' Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. fctt-lf on r . . 144 7.M 249 lt8 18 169 12 18 34 2 16 44 7 ICiifljhu ti..),) ' - 1.21S 1.423 1,46$ ...... j 1 avnuig V Lf , . Armour & Co Cuoahy Pk. Co. country. Armour & Co., Denver, Hill & Bon....... ; p p Lewl 697 vvou. Mike Hagerty .. J. il. Root Ac Co. SulTlvan Bros.... Other buyers ... 853 Total &3 4,829 L419 4 J-r inere were not enuugn came ; w, f n.iJnc!.?'ero nominally steauy. whS.ymle"ity-v.ih'rr,'P18 tor the fLr ZJJ,1 showf t"'ng oft of not far from i.wi, as compaicd with the heavy U,5. f la" week'. They were, however, aliout on a par with a year ago. j The moderate receipts and the very good local uemand has kept the market in a thorougniy healthy . and satisfactory con dition ail the week. Good corn-ted steers have been sought after every day, but strictly good to choice cattle have been extremely scarce. The beet cattle received I during tna week were inoi n..n.. tn 1.0,., i.tb. While prices at the dote of the week 1 lare not quoted any higher, the tendency iiover ine less on the better craries has 1 been fit ivin tr all , . -. . . . . . I , --- a ' " " . . r. 1 1 H .3 lUUIiadV, " common to medium kinds of corn-feus have not been so much sought after, but stnl they have sold aeneraliv to verv ot . . uiw mcvk nince iuonaav advantage considering that range cattle are generally preferred, nwinir m th,H better killing qualities. Good range cattle have been steady to strong all the week. Cows and hellers broke sharply on Mon day under the Influence of very large re ceipts, but from that day on the market waa quoted steady to strong every day. . the close of the week the loss Is uractk At practically '.ii UIO.UO up ana cows and hellem aia soiling just about as high as any time. No great change has taken place In the feeder market this week. In fact the gen- T-iai snudiiuu jias oeen aoout the same for some time back. The country evidently wants good feeders, weighing too pounds or better and Is willing- to pay tna good strong prices which have prevailed all the week On the other hand Inferior grades of cattle and practically all kinds of light stock especially anything rough or trashy have been very slow sellers all the week. The country does not apDcar to want nvihim. , R 8 I? 1 teeners ana j P"! : , j - - . .- . .ec. jwhi kinds are strong as week ago, wulie the compared with one less dealraule klnda are at leant weak. Representative sales: COWS. No. 11.. AV. . 6-20 Pt. No. Av. Pr. 2 75 CALVES. - 4 00 1 200 6 00 8 10 FEEDERS, 1 464 I 40 2 90 115 616 &4 HOGS liogs looked tip this morning, the market being on the different grades any where from steady to 60 higher. The im provement, as might be expected, was principally on the better grades, especially those light In weight. The market was low ana 11 was ojiu worn to get the ad vance, but still everything sold In fair season. One very good load of light weights sold up to $6.. the high price of the week. As will be noted from the sales be.ow a largo proportion of the hogs sold 1 at o.wuTj.iv., aa asaiiist sti.uouvus ester day. Very little change has taken place In the hog market this week. It started out with a break of 5'aiOc, and was still easier on Tuesday, the hogs that day on an average selling 100 lower than on the previous Saturday. 'Commencing with Wednesday prices showed a little strength each day, so that at the close of the week the hogs are selling not far from where they were at the close of the previous week. In fact, the week closes with the market practically steady with one week ac Representative sales: No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. 16 83 ... i 60 6 i6i 15 13 ... S W iVi....376 80 h VI ... 6 60 (17 lf3 ... & 78 ... 6 60 f.l ... e 18 ... 8 60 a. ... 32 IO ... 6 60 CS 261 ttfl 3 0 13 40 6 ! 7'J Tii6 31 4tl 3 40 00 78 y ltjO 01 2'7 ... 4 00 60 273 ... S6 10 ... 6 00 63 3r7 ItiO 67 815 8S0 4 00 ' 103 1T4 SO Bi .-0 ji) 4 O.'ii T7 120 C7 i7 ... Sf-'S 6 .0 ... 4! .V ... 6 OTTj . 71 2. a 80 6f..ll5 SO 6 0,'U, 71 2,5 4- 63- 22 1.1) 6 024 W 2ii 40 U... 30 120 OCH ti 120 70....278 80 6 fr."4 M. . 246 luo 74 2v4 80 02V4 75 2-T7 ... GS 2:-0 120 td-'V, 61 2l& ... 49....2T6 M l 7 227 80 62 2S8 SO 6 OS 71 J10 ... 81 2T3 ... 4 06 67 ... 61...M.i0 ... 06 77 2.12 ... 40 224 40 8 06 79 138 ... Pr. 6 (16 6 0b 6 05 4 06 6 06 8 IC4 6 O714 u7H 6 O714 6 U.Vs 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 8 10 10 12H 6 1.-4 6 1:14 14 6 la IS 6 15 6 36 btittr i nere weir a ! sheep re x.rted in this morning, but they were llrect to packers, so that there waa very Ittle of an thing on sale. The receipts for he week as a a hole have been large for his seison of the year, showing a heavy rain ov.r last aeek. but still only about n a level with a year ago. Fit sheep have bAn in moderate supply nost of the wees, and while packers com plained that rricee were too hiuh thi y J forced to nay them utnier protest, hi t were, until Wednesday, when largt-r re ceipts made it possible fr buyers lo se cure thour tuppuua lower. At the cioaa of the week fat she'p are generally 107 lfeo lower than one week ago... The de hiantl hia heen very good all the week and the maiixet In a good healthy condi tion, notwithstanding the somewhat lower prices prevailing ' at tha close. T.iere have bej haraiy any good fat lambs on sale this week. In fact, not enough to really make a test of the market. Th f'eiing at the ciose Is that a right good bunch 01 well finished lambs would sell right up to last week's prices. The teod-r trade this wet k has been rathet In the dumps. The Intervention of election day kept country buyers at home. So that there was a very apparent lack of demand during the first half of the week. Aa the receipts were liberal, prices natur ally had a downward tendency. On Thurs day and Frlduy there was a very much better demand and the market became more active, so that a very good eram-e was made. Aa to pries, good kinds ate rirobably 15f??0c lower than last week and t would be possible to pick out spots where common to medium grades have sold off considerably more than 23o. Quotations on killers: Good to choice lambs, t7.0orrf7.25; fair to good lambs, tA.TTiV 7.0"; good to choice yearllnns, $.VtW4.1.i; fair to good yearlings, $.2.V?i5 60; good to choice wethers, $o.0iTS.50; fair to good wethers. $4.7oS6.00; good to choice ewes, $4.!r.2S. Quotations on feeders: Good to choice lambs, i.f'i.25; medium lambs, $B 0ftJv5.H0; llRht lambs, tl.7Wf6.25; yearling'. $.".; wethers, $4.75'o.S.fiO; ewes, $3.50'(Lj4.2a; breed ing ewes, $4.7685.oa CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady-Hogs Strong; to Higher Sheep Slow. CHICAGO. Nov. 10.-CATTLE Receipts, $,000 head; market stnodv; bevcs, $3 toft 7.W; cows and heifers, $1. IO'i75.20; calves, $5 oo77 70; stockers snd feeders. $2.OMft.10. HOGS Receipts. 9.rX head; market strong to 5c higher; mixed nnd butchers, $6.onfn6.SO; good heavy, t6.3W55fl; rotish heavy, tJ.So-iJft.oe; light, ' $5.9"?ft! 37HT lgs, $T..6iV.jfl.lS: bulk of sales. 86 05tri4a SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.SO0 head: market slow, sheep. $3.10g.50; yearlings, $5.50y.40; lambs, $4.2537.50. Kansas City I.lve Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 10. CATTLE Receipts, 900 head; market strong; choice export and dressed beef steer. $5.50'?6.60; fair to good, $4.005.40: western steers, $3.60i3 5.25; stockers anil feeders, $2.60ffr4.60: southern steers, $2.0 5.25; southern cows, $2.00ff3.2S; naMv.i cows. $2.00rr4.00; native heifers, $3.00y 5.00; bulls, $2.25tf3.75; calves, $2.75V6.50. Receipts for the week, 49,000 head. HOGS Receipts. 4.200 head; market weak to 6c lower; top, $6.224; bulk of sales, $6.15-!? 6.20; heavy, $6. 151$ 6.22 Vj : packers, $6.1 6 Hi' 6.22 V; pigs and lights, $5.60(96.25. Receipts for the week, 45, 100 head. - SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.010 head: market nominally steady; western yearlings, $5.B0ifi6.25; western sheep, $4. 60S 5-60; stockers and feeders, $3.50' 6.00; Receipts for the week, 30,900 head. Hew York I Stock Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 10-REEVES-Re-celpts, 189 head, all conslnned direct. Feel ing dull. Dressed beef slow; native sld s, e-iTlOc per lb.; Texas beef, 5M.7iC Ex ports, 735 cattle snd 5.400 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 200 head, all grassers and westerns. Almost no demand; veals quoted steady at $4.5tff 8.25; grassers, nom inal at $2.5fW52.75; no sale of western calves. Dressed calves, dull; city dressed veals, 8$ 12Vc per lb.; country dressed, 6511l4c. HOGS Receipts, 3.665 head. None on sale; maricet nominally higher on Buffalo ad vices. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, L94 head. Sheep very dull and barely steady: lambs slow, but rrlma stock steady, me dium dull and weak; sheep. $5.ofHT6.00; lambs, $&00g7.00; Canadian lambs, $7.30. t. Lnnls Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 10 CATTLK Receipts, 300 head, Including 160 Texansj market steady: native shipping and ex port steers, $5.85(5 7.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $5.00o6.05; steers under 1.000 pounds. $3.25(3 4.60; stockers and feeders, $2.00(B14.50; cows and heifers, $2.25(ff6.!5; canners. $1.00(f? 2.10; bulls. 12.20'r? 4.00; calves, $3.75'? 7 25; Texas and Indian steers. $3.00 6.50; cows and, heifers. $2.10(3.50. HOGS Receipts. 8.500 head: market $0 higher; pigs and lights, $5.90(i?6.36; pack ers, J Onfi 6.26; butchers and best heavy, $6.15 Vt 6. SO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.00(3 5.25: lambs, $4.00 7.80; culls and bucks, $3.00(3 3.50; stockers, $3.60(34.00. Slonx City Lire Stock Market. PIOUX CITT, la., Nov. 10. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 100 head; mar ket unchanged: beeves. $4.506.26: cows, bulls and mixed, $2.5OYf4.00; stockers anl feeders, $3.00(84.06; calves nnd yearlings, J2.IW7 3 50. Htos Keceipts, z.tuo neno: market a shade higher, selling at $5.956.05; bulk of sales, $5.95(6.00. St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 10. CATTLE Receipts, 20 head; market steady; natives, $5.0ftT6.75: cows and heifers. $1.50f44.9il. stockers and feeders, $3.00 0 4.35. HOGS Receipts, 6.869 head; markot t 1 stp,a( bulk 6H eady to be lower: light, $6.12 Vj if 6.20; or sales, lB.infT6.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. Stock In Slixht. ) Receipts of live stock at the six principal western marraets yeaternay: Cattle. Hours. Sheep. . 6T.0 3.900 1,000 . l'Yl 2,7n0 . 900 4.200 3,001 . SO 6W9 . 300 2, Soft Vt) .8.000 9.000 J.ViO .9.970 30,169 6,800 Pouth Omaha Sioux City Kansas City St. Joseph Ft. Louis Chicago Total receipts London Closing: Stoeka. LONDON. Nov. 10. Closing quotations on t' utock excnsTe - ere Cons., money . 86 3-"l 1.. K. & T 34 J. Y. Centrsl....1?1'i do account 86 Anaconda 13 Atchison 104 Vorfolk & W 95V do pfd 93 do pfd lOfV Ontario W. 461! 73'I 6 74 3l 9S W 187 47 109 20 Pal. Ohio .12111 Pennsylvania Can. Pacific ... Ches tt Ohio .. Chl-ago Of. W. C. M. & St. P. DeBeers d. & r. a do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central .179 Rand Mines . . 60 Read'if . 18 'So. Jm 'way . .176 , do Old . aitH'So. Paclflo .:. . 4nt4;Unlon Paclflo . i:W do pfd . 44i.U. S. Steel.... . 77V I do pfd . SKvI.Wabaslt 178 do nfd 44 95 Loom AV Nash .146 Spanish 4s .. SILVER Ban steady, 32 15-16d per ounce, inj-E.i ov4iijvi per cent. The rate of discount 1n the open marks! for short bills Is 6 per cent; for three months' bills, 6!tJ6 per cent. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. 10,-Today s state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, excltialve of the IISO.000 O10 gold reserve, shows: Available cish balances, t'2?.301.142; (f"ld coin and bullion, U4.82j,. 147; gold certificates, $19,042,760. I have, la connection with practical miners, secured bo me most promising propertle In the great Goldfleld, Ne vada, camp. We need aid (or quick development We are confident of opening up good mlnea, aa we are turrounded by the shipping mines. Write for particulars. Address GEO. W. E. Dorsey Fremofit, Neb. After Nov. 17th, Goldfleld, Nevada, Jhe Financial World SEW Volt Ik CHICAGO Si Droadwsr 109 Itandelpai at. The Leading Financial Weekly V aluable te Bankers and Financiers Indltpenaable 10 lavsiters and speculators The esly financial publicities, ef Its ktad. Seed f.r fre sAmi.le .py. Y1.11 will be c.nvljuied of tie talus sod ou J jruur ubacripuoa. TICK rilCIAL Brosdwaf 'oniD Kew l ark iGoldfield! Why Not Read a Western Farm Magazine? THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Is edited by restora men and cov ers the field of vrestern agriculturo. Special Feature Articles Five whole pages of each issue are devoted to epeciaj article? which cover a field so diversified as to embrace during the year all branches of farm life and activity. Note the prominent coa tributors to recent numbers : JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture, F. D. C0BTJRN, Secretary Kansas Board of AgricultTrr. GIFF0RD PINCH0T, Chief of Bureau of Forestry. A. B. STORMS, President Iowa Agricultural College. F. H. NEWELL, Chief of Irrigation Service. W. E. SKINNER, Gen'l Manager International Live Stock ShATS. C. R. THOMAS, Gen'l Manager Royal Live Stock Show. A. CARLET0N, Cerealist, Department of Agricultur. GEO. P. BELLOWS, Live Stock Auctioneer. CHARLES E. BESSEY, Nebraska State Botanist. H. R. SMITH, Expert in Live Stock Feeding. Regular Departments No agricultural weekly maintains more regular department! conducted by editors of practical experience, who can tell Intel eh t ligibly exactly what the fanner wants to know. Feeds and Feeding1 H. R. Smith Live Stock .G. W. Hervey Veterinary. H. L. Ram&cciotti, D. V. S. Weekly Markets A. 0. Davenport Orchard and Garden M. J. Wragg Poultry. Ida M. Shepler Dairy and Creamery .....A. L. Haecker Legal Queries ....D. M. Butler Home and Household Isabel Richey We Want You to Take The Twentieth Century Farmer The subscription price is one dollar th year, or 50 cc-xts for fix months, less than 2 cents a copy. Could you ask for a more practical or interesting magaria than ours for the coming year? Now, more than at any other time, do you nerd the season able suggestions that are found in all our regular Department, which, in each issue, may be worth many times the yearly ub cription price. The Twentieth Centyry Farmer, OMAHA. NEB. RAILWAY TiME CARD INION BTATIUM TE.1TH AftU MARC I talea Pa el no x Leave. Overland Limited a 8.40 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4 18 pm Colo. Calif. Ez a 4 18 pm California at Ore. Ll..a t:Ji pin Loa Angeles Limited.. all :) am Fast Mail a 1:86 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am North Platte Local. ...a 8 10 am Beatrice Local b 8:14 pm Arrive, a 8:14 pm ' a 6:10 pm a 8:30 am a 8:10 pm al0:4i pm a 3:80 pm a 7:44 am a 4:60 pin b t:oo pm Ilaels Central Chloaga Expreaa Chicago Limited ..a 8 SO am ..a 6.00 pm a 8 n pr a 1 .30 am Cbleana Korthv Cedar IWIds Pass., Twin City fc.xr.rasa., Chicago Daylight ., Chicago Local Bieus City Local..,, Carroll Local Bious City Local.... Chicago kxareas ., Fast Mall Faat Mall Twin City Limited. Oveiland Limited ., Chicago Limited .... Korfollt-Boaeeleel Lincoln-Long Hoe., Lead wood-Lincoln Caeper-6tioshom .... Haaiings-Uuperlor .. Fremoni-AJDion .... rostera ...a 7:0 am ....a 7:o am ....a 6:00 am ....all:30ara ,...b I n) pm ....a 4:82 pm !!!'.a 4;W pm ....a t.21 pa ....a pm ....a 8.4 pm ....all:o pm ,....a 7:i am ....b 7:4u am ....a 840 put ,....a l:oo pm ,....b 3.00 pm t 8.03 pm a 8:68 pm al(:00 pm aU:16 pin a 3 4s pm a 8.3 am a I m am b 8.44 pm a 1 : am a 3.34 am a t ot pm a 7.-06 am a liliia alLliam al4.36 am bluM am a 6:u pm a 4 04 pm b pm tU. pia Chtcagj, Hllnaakeo St. Iaal Chi. and Colo. Special.. .a 7:8 am tl Nm California and Ore. a.x.a 6:4 pm a8:lupin Oveiland Limited a ia pm a 80 am Marlon Cedar R. Loc.b 4 4tn bU:uupm 1:14 pm 11 M pru ( im n. 11:60 pm :su pm locky Mountain Llm...a 7:l am at olo. and Cel. Express. a I.m pm a 8 ikl. and Texas Ex.. . .a 4.40 pm ail incoln. Fuirbuty and :16sm 46 pin a4 pm 60 am Belleville , -i l'i pm a 111 a Dally, b Dally except ttiica. Ch lease rireat Weslera 6L Paul 4k Minneapolis. 8:80pm fit. Paul at Mioneapults. 7:46am Chicago Limited 8 W pm Chicago Espreaa. 7:48 am Chicago Express 8:84 pnt Chicago, Rock !aa 4b Paelao KAST. Chicago Limited at lfam a 7:16 am Iowa Lorai a 7. Mam a 4:ot pas Chicago Mall a 6:1 am a 6 4j p . Iowa Local bl! IS pm b 8:68 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4 0i pm a 1:48 pm Chicago (Iowa Limited). a 6:84 pm eXi:lu pm w st m r P c c I "RAILWAY TIME CARD Missouri Pneiae. K. C. t Ft L Fx prose.. a tK) am la a dt pm aU.40 am S:4aa al:8pw bU:asa K. C. ac St. L. Express, .all :1b pm Nebraska Local .........a, 2:06 pm abasa Ft Le jls Express a 8:80 pm Et. Louis Local (from Bluffs), 3:11am Council Btanberry Local (rrotn Bluffs) 6.00 pm Council BIHLIHGTOH STATION lot os 4ASOjI Bnrllngtoa-. . jLeara. Arrive. Denver Callfornl.... 4-10 pm a 8 m Black Hills a41pm a 6 30 pm Northwest Special a 4:19 pm a 86 am Northwest E.xprese .....all:16 pm a 6:8 m Nebraska Kxpreee a 8:10 am a 7:4 in Nebraska Local a 8.00 am Lincoln Local ........... ... ... a8am Lincoln Fast Mall b WOO pm a12 l nm Ft. Crock Plattsm'th.b 8:60 pm bl0'28 am Bellevue Plattsm,th..a IM am a am fienver Limited a7:iam Bellevue Pea Juno... a t 39 am a 6 80 am Bellevue A Pat. Juno.. .a l am a 1 06 pm Chicago Special a 7:26 am a 7: am ChlcafcO Fxprees a : l u p, Chicago Ilyer a 6 08 pm a 7:28 am Iowa Local a 8:16 am a 10 M em Ft. Louis Express.. a 4 4 pm all SO am Kansas Clty-Bt, Joe....al0:46 pm a 8:48 am Kansas Cltv-St. Joe. ...a 8:1h am a 6:18 ui Kansas Citjr-Bt Joe.. ..a 4 41 pm ........... WEBSTER STATIO-IStk A WEBSTER Chi cosr. 84. Omata- PasJ. A Leave. ,.b 6:1S am ..a t:oo pm ..b 4:30 pm ..a 6:eS am Arrtvw b :l pm an as am b :lo am ipm Twin Oty Passener. ftlouz City Psssenger. Emerson Local Emerson Local ...... Missouri Periee Iocsl via Weeping Vater Falls City Local a-Dally. .a 8-os am a i pm .a 8:60 pm all. 20 am a DaUv. b Pally except Bunder.' 4 TeMy except Saturday. Sunday only, a Dally - xcspt Your Monay'a Worth THE OMAHA DEC Best tl".-West .