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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1906)
THE OMATTA DAILY DEE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12. lOOfi. SPECIAL IQTICES Adtrrilirrarali fnr tbea mlimiii wilt fce takf antll 12 m. for the ! etltlea an til fi p. m. for meralas; Mi tiiiif edltloa. Rates 1 l-2c a word llrei laarrllon, la a ward thereafter. Kataln takea for less thaa Sine for the Brst laser, tloa. These adverttsesaents mnt be raa eaaaeeatlrelr. Advertisers, hy renjaestlnsj a aam tared- eheek, eaa hare ataawers ad Jreas4 ta m aamhered letter la eare of The Bee. Anawera se addressed will ka delivered aa areaeatatlea of eheefcr. MISCELLANEOUS THE) FA lili TERM BOTLE8 BUSINESS COLLEGE 18 NOW OPF.N. DAT AND NIGHT. Studenta are admitted any dy- .,. New Catalogue Free. Tel. Douglas 19S4. Address II. B. Boyles, rrwlilmt Boylea Alldg. OrnhnJNeb. OAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., Ill B. 15th Bt. Tel. Douglas 8U B Ob4 I OMAHA Safe and Iron Works maks a sne ciallir cf fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen. Prop. 103 S. 10th 'TON PArNTINO-fl. H. Cole. 1303 Dou as. IOWA Banltary Cleanlnff Co., 1018 r""-- 1 HEFLINL-Locksmlth, moved upstairs; en trance. 1X4 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 28. 4. XV TO JlUBBrB STAMPS-Weslcrn Stamp and Stencil Co.. 313 8. 12th St. Send for cata logue. R-M36B DS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS . OFFICE FURNITURE One fine, large, quarter-Rawed roller top, oak desk, good aa new; two revolving chairs, four straight-back, split-bottom chairs, one new Monarch typewriter and table, a fine oak oookcase, letter press and double-drawer stand, a handsome, new map rack, with city, state and county maps, and one body brussels carpet. R. C. PATTERSON, " 401 Merchants Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Q 464 yon BALB New No. 4 -Underwood type writer and $-& desk for $80; clear t.Uo . - - -I . . .1 .. ...... A , bell at once. Call 822 N. Y. Life fcl.ig., or telephone Douglas 522!). -M44o 17 SHERIFF'S SALE of unclaimed household goods and pianos, commencing Nov. 21, U6, at Omaha Van and Storage Co. s warenouse at 10 a. m. ; 34 lota must go 1120-24 North 19th. ' Q 4111 21 VWO Besley letter cabinets. In good condl tion. made of walnut and nave two draw ers each. Call at Bee business office und get a bargain. 4 llil FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables;, we lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy pammt. Brunswlck-Balke Collcndar, 407 S. loth Sc. - . W-4SI0 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 110 lots. Myers-Dilio.i Drug Co., Omaha. Q till MILK 'cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. W-.2 SODA FOUNTAIN, any size. ISIS Farnatn. ,-, Q o73 PHERWIN-WILLIAM9 CO.. best mixed paint, v Sherman & McConuell Drug Co., W-471 HALL'S safes, new, 2-d hand. 1818 Farnatn. FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, Bee mall room. V-61i FOR SALE Empty racking cases, cheap. Address U H. Bee office. Q 414 TO'DISP08E of household goods and stoves call at 709 So.. 16th. Doug. 57f2. Small com. Q A1J60 Nails II keg. 2iar Box Co., 1807 St. Mary's av. Q MiHl 30 $01 UNBEDEEMED overcoats, 418 No. J6th. O MM8dla YES. try It, 14.75 ton. Mo. nut coal. 'Phone Harmon & XV'eeth Co. Q M441 D7 FINE parlor rug, 9x12 ft., nearly new; also parlor table: at a bargain. Owner leaving city. 1819 Davenport. ..-.. Q-M617 13x HAVING different heating apparatus, we havu no further use for our tine base hester, good ns new, nnd will exchange it for a gus stove or sell for cash. 252S Davenport. 'Phono Douglas 4.W Q-MC3 13x SOMETHING ANTIQUE A beautiful upright piano, mode during tho revolutionary period. A real curio; la or me nnesi sona ruriy manoganv. ana or a raro nesign anu in mm condition, owner leaving city must sell at a bur gain.' Can be seen at 301 Davenport. Q-MG21 12x FOR-SALE A Urge ste M osier sale, weight S.vOO pounds. First-class condi tion. The H O. Smith Abstract Company. Lexington, Neb. Q M631 13 BEAUTIFUL, almost new, upright, ma- hns-snv vtlnnA 1 1 A4 lnau than Q m. i V. 1 also other high-grade furniture. 1231 Park Wilde Ave.; take Harney car; get off at Fa ike Wilde and Pierce St. Call from 9 u.. m. until 9 p. m. for the next 6 dava. . . Q-6.M lix ONE' S-lneh Jenkln'a valve for fcalo. Apply W. H. Bridge, engineer. Bee Bldg. HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE HFCVKRAL vehicles. In excellent condition, consisting of spider phaeion, stanhope buggy, gig and etc. W. H. McCord. ' F-il 637-12 HORSES All kinds, slyer. 1715 Jackson. P MtfMi Di . FOR SALE Driving team; handsome, will matched, lis y trotters prize winners; six und aevep; height, 16V hands: weight, 2 v; city broken; pedigreed; tnnO. A. J. , Welch, Hllford, Neb. P M)l l.ix BAY HORSE, years old. 15', hands high, rn good order, city broke, suitable for uhaetoo or delivery. 'Phor.e Harney 2251 in the evening. lr-M.Vl lsx PRINTING I VNCiSTAD High-grade 1907 Caleidira. o iTmfc 8" K corner lth St. and &JQRVE. Capitol Ave. -713 CENTRAL PRINTING CO.; fine job work; typewritten lettera. 110 8. 17th St.. IV. blfrcks north Bee Bldg. M644 Novi: COMPLETE Una of 1SW calendars. Sntll Printing Co.. 3-0 S. 12th St -M135 D2 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Mita Sturdy, 'Ml Davenport, 'f bun H u. ttey ihi. .'DOWEU. system of dressmaking and cutttrg: patim cut to nivasure; icsoons rurally an! Thursday evenlnirs. itcj Pamam. ; "V1513 Nlo FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing, c per foot. 2u6 N. 17th Su Tel. Red M4. 875 NoV'4 PLUMBING LYNCH PROSRepalr work our specialty. 118 N. lolU St. TcL Douglas 1477. Mall N?; LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. Maerarland, $V4 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. iyvug v3. St -v7l lo. WANTED MALE HELP J WANTKll-YOPNfl MEN OF GOOD HABliS Age, IS lo 35, to prrp.ire for tire- men and braV.fmrn oil all the leadlm? railroads and for new roads r.ow be. tig , completed; experience unnceessnry ; lire- ; me:i, $100 per nonth; li akenirn, $ per j month, with rapid promotldn to engineer nd conductor. Many positions now cpii. rational jtv. Training Ass n, vm -v. ns ton block. Omaha. Neb. B 193 PI WANTED Fire bnvs; good wa; perma nent Job. A. IJ. T. Co.. 212 8. 13th St. B 678 j DRUG STOKES bought and old; drug Clerks wanted. F. V. Knelst, 624 N. T. L. B-77 HUSTLERS out of employment can do well to call on us; p.iy weekly. C. F. Adams Co.. 16li Ho-( rd. B M133D2 WANTED 3 bos. East Omaha. Omaha Bo Co., B M303 WANTED 3 good eoatmaker", prices start JS 50 upwards at HcmVy Bros., Lincoln, Neb. B 350 12x AVANTED FliHt-class watchmaker; good aalarv to right party. A. Mandemerg, 1622 Farnam. B M.Tt'9 WANTKIV-Men to learn barber trade. The wen itnown Aloier Hysirm or liiiii'hs. founded lM,!, Incated In twenty leading cltien, offfr Rplnciiil opportunities; cun etant practice, nualilicd Instructors, regis tered diploma.; money earned while learning: positions waiting. fall or writo Moler Harder College, 1110 Farnam St. IJ MjOo 15x WANTED For the U. 8. Marine Corps, nvi between flfies 21 and 35. An oppor tunity to tle world. For full In formation api-'y in person or by letter to Recruiting o'.cer. U. S. National Bank Bldg., Cor. 12tb and Farnam Sts , Omaha, Neb. B Mi 20 x BOY wanted for office work; education, two years high nchool; salary, J2o pqr month. Address S 484, The Bee. b mos: i3x WANTED A bright boy to hold copy. Ap ply Composing llooni. Bee. B 4U7 BOY to set type and run small Job press. State age and experience. F 73, Bee. B-Mi-'I 12 WANTED Sign card writers; Blio young men to learn; permanent positions; state experience. If any. Apply by letter only. The. H. Ulick Slgnery, 125 S. Clark St., Chicago. B M49S 1X WANTED, at once, cross cutters, rip sawyers, planing nnd nailing mnchtne hands?, union wage.". Adinss National Box Co., 3Mh and S. Center Ave.. Chi cago, III. B Mf)10 1 WAN'TEl-Butter tub hoopers: write us. Crete Butter Tub Co., Crete, Neb. E MOOT 3 I WANT ten or more good salesmen who are clean, good riresHers, gentlemen In manners and convincing arguers. I have forty-seven of such men who are clearing annually J6.000 to J7,(M). I don't want paupers or hard-luck story tellers; I pre fer men who want to better their position. William A. Bcholl (Diamond Dick), l' S. 16th St. B-634 12 WANTED Experienced picture framer. Apply furniture dept., Haydon Bros. B-640 12 WANTED An errand boy with bicycle; good, wages. S. Fredrick Berger Co., 1&17 Farnam St. B 642 12 WANTED At once, a German printer or printer and editor; a permanent position lor tho right man. The Anzelger-Herald Co.. Grand Island. Neb. 11 M718 12 WANTED Young man for oftice woik; quick and accurate In figures; answer In own handwriting; give references and salary wanted. Address r 373 Be ofliie. B M477 1 WANTED Experienced man tailor for men's alteration room. Apply manager of clothing department. J. L. Brandel & Sons. B M.'OS U WHOLESALERS handle Ce4-Pep-Ko nerve bracer; 135 cases sold last week; now the most populur drink everywhere. B-M724 13x . WANTED1-.Two specialty salesmen; ex traordinary Inducements; good salary. Basement Windsor Hotel B M723 13x WANTEP-8tudens to work for board. Apply at once, Boston Lunch. Ifil2 Far nam St. D M7 13 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED A good cook; ' references re. quired. 8612 Farnam. C 913 WANTED Girl for general housework; two In family. References required. Mrs. W. S. Toppleton, 204 So. 37th St. C M51 WANTED Girl for general housework. In family of three; modern house of Ave rooms. Apply at 2711 Howard St. C-M532 WANTED Experienced salesladies ' for cloak and suit dept.; high salaries. S. Fredrick Berger & Co., 1J17 Farnam St. C G43 12 WANTED Experienced cook with ref erences. Apply to Mrs. Edward Hay. den, 2016 Cass St. C 67S 13 WANTED Young lady for office work: quick and accurate In figures; answer In own handwriting; givo references and salHry wanted. Address K 377. Care Bee oftice. C MU76 18 I WANTED Young girl about 14 or 15 years to wheel babv mornlna and afternoon. 4iJ s. mtn Ave. a M-iMJ WANTED Experlonced lady bookkeeper ' in wholesale house; must bo gooi pennman. Address N 380 Bee. C M701 12 WANTED AGENTS NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; samples free this week; other nov elties. Ladies Supply Co., 253 Prairls Ave., O., Chicago. J MC35 Novlix SALARY' and commission will be paid to an old line life man of experience. Ad dress Box Lincoln, Neb. J-7T3 NovlJ THE Columbia Accident Insurance Co. has u good proposition to offer Insurance a gems. In good territory; accident and noowment. Write us or call at cnVe, 201 ;. 11th St.. Lincoln. Neb J-MI24 11 e S XV'ANTED Good reliable life or accident man to sell a business proposition of accl- dent Insurance. This Is aS excellent con- tract; territory. Call or address, vith reforence, American Accident Inaurl nnce Company, Lincoln, Neb. J M719 17 WANTED SITUATION WANTED Situation iu city ns steuog rapher, by oung lady experienced; jel erences. AddrtBs K-478, euro Bee. A-335 27x A. N'Tra Position us cashier bv vounir lady; experienced. Address H !CV rare Hw. A MS58 12x CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, The lead'ng palmist of Omaha. P.evelatlon of past and future described Parlors, 113 S. 16lh St., Opp. Boston Store. S-7U5 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CH.VTELA1N School of languages Day and evening.. 1 lasses. French, German. Spanish; fencing. Davidge Bldg. i3 N0V14 MIStf IU.MA SPRINGER, piano lesona M tenia lJ- N. 41at St., Waluu. itill ra'r. slwt, Novli CHATELAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGti Siwclal French and Spanish classes begin Monday. November 19, $1 a month. Heg. ir 1 n nun, -417 19 : VOICE Inrtruction; opera oratorio, concert I etc. Grace A. Hitchcock, 626 8. 19ih St! I 'Phone Tuylor 45fs. Mix Lr OSTEOPATHY J JOHNSON Institute, 418 I Doug 14. N. T. L. Tl -729 DR. BOW Sf. R. over 1500 Farnsm. TeU Ioug. K7o. -M544 Nov2 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMOKE Detective Service, Phone Bed 74"U. Kiiua 13 and II. Union pl.M-k. Mh auj Farnauv, li 11 IL IJ I, I found a pockclbook full of valuables, watched, but did not see it advertised Why didn't you take a lice want ad and get ai ikmhuct FOR RENT FURNISHED R007JIS WILL RENT, to gen'leman one front room In new, modern arartment house; new lurniture, never beioro umiI; slesm heat und electric lights; bath adjoins room; only two blocks from postofiice and on principal car line; will make it home like; no children In family. l'rh-e, 112 Per month. Address J-477, care Uee. e-;;;i 2s NEWLY furnished front room In modrrn noartment house. Steam lieat. elertrlc light, bath adfolning the room. Only f-w blocks from potofIli. Small family will tnnko It homelike. Address K 47S. cm re of Hie. ' E-1 llx DKXX'EY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-4.T3 Doug. 611. O.MTETilauls Trunks D-i:o CAPITOL HOTEL, Uth and Capitol Ave.; American or European; steam heat. E CSO NEXVLY furnished rooms; new house; one block north of Farnam car; gentleman only; every modern convenience; hot . water heat. 1I7 S. lt St. E 115 NISx MCE, large, southeast room; nicely fur nished; nil conveniences: electric lipnt and gas. 'Phone Douglas 3837. 217 S. 2Sth St. E1'H MODERN, well furnished southeast front room, with alcove; private family. Tel. Harney 2295. E M427 V.x FURNISHED ROOM for gent'enmn: pri vate family. 316 N. ISth. E M44 1-tx PLEASANT furnished room for gentleman, modern .private family. 70S S. lth Kt E Mf8 LARGE front room, furnished; on car line; modern conveniences; reasonable. 23i! Sherman Ave. Thone Douglnfi 6&T4. E-Mii73 13 I- TWO or three desirable furnished frort rooms, complete for housekeeping. 2011 J avcnpott S t E M ; 0 4 1 2 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD NEAR lOlh and Pierce, well furnished, comfortablo room, modern houses, with excelelnt board, for two young men; pri-x-ate family, . no other boarders; refer ences required. Address J 37, cere Bee. F-M552 13x Doug. 611. Q.M.E. Haula Trunin F-6iil VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. F&i THE ROSE, 20 Harney St., nicely fur nished, warm, comfortablo rooms. Good board. F 4S0 2t;x 627 PARI' AVE., bright, warm room for two, with breakfast and dinner; private. r-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT SUITE of 4 rooms In the Ormond, on first floor. 666 S. 2Sth St.; rent. U. Bemls, Paxton Blk. G M906 PARLOR, and two bed rooms, modr rn; best references. 1907 Wirt St. Tel. Red 17. G 4)3 FOR RENTHOUSES NEW APARTMENTS Heat and Janitor service furnished. 6 and 8 rooms modern. In every respect, easy, j walking distance from busl ness center. Twenty-fifth Ave. Half Howard 8ts. See us for terms of lease. GEORGE & CO., 1 .1001 Farnam St. . D M500 IS FOR RENT. 3007 Decatur St., good tt-room cottage, j:3 50. 2X29 Decatur St., good 6-roi.m co.tdxe, lio.W. 20 8. 9th St., 6 rooms, modern. !.. 2610 Dewey Ave., 8 rooms, all luoui rn, 140 0 6-room house and five aces, in Soutn Omaha, four blocks to car, 112.00. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. 'Phone Douglas 2'7. 212 S. 14tn St. D M546 12 624 N. 32D ST., 5 rooms, modern, 115.00; with Itarn, 17.50. 712 N. 22d St., 7 rooms, brick, very desir able, !e".50. RING WALT BROS., 306 S. ISTH ST. D Mj63 12 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schuioller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Fainam. D-&3 IinTTKFS " parte of the city. R. UUUOLO c peters & Co.. Bee Bldg. L t; I 1 , Ji 6!s HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Bik. D 066 OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack. move, store H. H. goexi; storehoufce 1120-24 N. l'Jtn. Office, loll Farnam. Tel Doug. l.VA D ho? FOR RENT Nice 7-room bouse, $15.00. 2611 Patrick Ave. For Rent Fino tint, all modern, good fur nace. 416 S. 26lh Ave. William K. Poite.-, receiver. $01 Brown Blk. D J1J70 WE MOVE pianos. Mac-garrt Van Hlor age C o. Tel. Doug. 1416. Olllce, 1713 Web ster Et. D-64 : SEE u when fhipplng household goods lo 1 cities west. We can sive you money. KXPUESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.. 214.N. Slxteentii St. Tel. Doug. 11!0. COUNSMAN-VAN BC:RGII CO., ftorae "i'S i' . aJ.' "L .".'n V aRtJ hiU" , : t-y'if. R ' r,?""' N' 16 Ax leU L,ouUa w-m CENTRAI eleam. modern 7-room house. Tisard, 220 N. 23d. D-MjIU 6-ROOM cottage, city water, $7.0. Hwn & Bloom, G13 Bee Bldg. D-M7 4 ROOMS, modem flat: adults. 1112 So. llth. D-15S FOR RENT 8-room flat, modern, good re pulr, oppoMte Hantcom park 13. 'Phono Douglas D 153 CENTRAL, steam, modern, 4-room Hat. 220 N. 23d. V D M372 FOR RENT Modern. 9-room, brick house, 1124 South 31st St.; 140 ir month. Thomas Brennan, room 1 N. Y. Life Bldg. D-Miis RTflT? AflF. Household goods, uier D AJlV.VJIi chandi?- efe.. fred iuh Transfer Line, K-ua-6 Farnam St. . D M52 D9 SUITE of 4 rooms In the Ormond, on first tloor. 565 8. 2Mb St.; rer.t JJO. He nlt, Paxton block. D M: RENT 8-room hoc.-, inmlern heut. 620 N. ISth St.. South Omaha. D M5.-J Ux FOR RENT -rooni house, city water and gas. Apply 506 Brown Blk. D i'J& 12x A RARE CHANCE. FOR RENT A new seven-room house, all modern, o. J8 v eBster tit., one block from Dundee car line. Phone Harney 25.16. 545 HOUSE TO LET. 1537 Park Ave , 8 rooms, modern U5. W. Farnam Smith & Co., liJU Farnam St. D Mwil 13 FiH RENT 6-riom modern house, 4i N. Mlh Kt. C. W. Blixt, on premise of Klrnt National bank. 1 Mikj 11 FOP. RENT- -10001 cottage, 2-210 Burt tMt IJ Mi 17 lix ' FiOR RENT 8-ro.m houe, all modern ex. 1 cept rurrace e. ! 9-rom house , all modern, i.ew f irnaco $."d. C. M. BACHMANN, 4oi I'uxtou Llvck. V-lji FOR SALE REAL ESTATE OWNER NOT LEAVING TOWN lint you can buy these bargains: venlen-"a. c lose In. 24th and Burt streets, ; reins for W.O"; price for both, K.Sio. Jut ns good. 1514 N. IDth St., house of 9 rooms, brick, onk finish, mantels and grates, modern. 3,flr4). Two houses, rooms I'ach, hath, closet, gii. se-.-r. near 2!tth and Franklin Sts., both for $J..V Modern house, 7 romis. full lot. on Miami St.. 14 biork east of 24th St.. J2,7.V. House of in rooms, 75 feet front, " South L'lh St.. 4.75i. 3515 Howard St., cottage, modern, locality mi-Mi 4H. 115 South 2s th St.. 9-roim house, modern, fine condition, $4.iiK. fA Mason St., 7 looms, paved street, $3.noii. S.'il North 4oth St.. H rooms, modern. 13.750. 1518 Onio St., house 8. rooms, corner, only II .i.'-o. S202 Seward St., corner. 5 rooms. 11.250. irsii; Barker St.. full lot. 5 rooms. fl,26v. Vacant lot en Xlh, nour Cliarles St.. SO-ft. trotit. 1.3.. Some vacant lots near end of Ames car line, water and gas in street, fjno. Somo vacant lots In Ambler Place, 175 each. AK INVESTMENT Apartment house, 0 suites, on Sherman Ave., worth llfl.OOn, can be had for 112,000. Four cottages. N. E. corner of 22d and Grace Sts., pays 8 per cent on llO.noo, can be had for lii.i'io. Look at any of these properties. Do not bother tenants, see me In regard to them. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bids:. RE Mij'.ti 13 SPECIAL BARGAINS FORI Quick Sales 3- room house and largo lot on car line, J400. 4- room brick houso with two large lots, JG00. 5- room house, full lot, one block from paved street, $500. 6 room, east front lot close to car line and boulevard, $1,400. 7 rooms, two large lots, fruit und shade, barn, 1950. 8 rooms, nice lot, good neigh borhood, close to car, $1,500. 9 rooms, good location, good investment or home, $1,800. National Investment Co., 63 Douglas Blk. 'Phone Douglas C691. RE M171 12 IN FLORENCE Neat east front; 6-room cot tage; has electric lights, hard wood finish, a sightly-lot 66x 132, facing Boulevard and car line. This Is a bargain at $1,350. Let us show. It to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. L., Bids' Tel. Douglas 1781. RE M5I7 13 In West Farnam District We offer for $5,000 a modern eight-room house at 207 8. lith Ave. Good, well ar ranged, practically .new. modern hi every resptct, clone to, furnam car line. Look at it and It will you. K. C. Peters & Co. Exclusive Agents. 22U S. 17th St., Bee Bldg. RE M700 Here is a Real Estate Bargain .1 store buildings 'in good condition, rent ing for ll.oii per year; can be increased to ll.tno per year, and can be sold for $7,500. Located 1200-62-64 So. 13th St. BERK A i CO., Tel. D 2V. Uil . N. Y. Life. RE -49 I'OR BALK BY OWNER. A splendid stock and groin farm of 322 acres, 7 miles from South Omaha. A good house, barns, sheds, etc., good orchard, plenty of water, good fences, good railroad und interurban facilities; have R. F. D. and telephone. . Price for the next 80 days, $33 .COO. Address. LEMUEL NORTON, FORT CROOK. NEB. RE M171 13 FOR SALE Two half sections Improved land. Half of each, farm land, bulanre meadow und pasture land, making an 1 eil stock farm; loeatea on Logan river, three miles from Lyons, Burt countv. Neb., the garden spot of America. Easy terms. Owner, Box C, Lyons. Neb. RE M406 14 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 3ist and Cass Sts., with ground on which to build another houfe. Paved street, east fiont, nice shade trees. Make me an offer for one or both. THOMAS BRENNAN. ' Room 1. N. V. Life Bldg-. RE-6S1 ALL modern 9-room house and lot for sals at a bargain. 22 No. 19th RE M910 FOR SALE Houses and lots in North Omaha. Bargain?. Inquire 3320 N. J4th St- RE M 477 Ds WANTED A modern residence In Omaha in exeniinp;o i r noil county, lUstou 1, Uud on the Missouri river valley near Forbes. Own two eighties and one forty adjoin ing, and will exchange all or patt ac cording to the value of the residence Would prefer 7 .r 8-room house. W. D liiro, .Missouri valley, la. RE-M5U3 16 BEAUTIFUL KOUNTZB PLACE-Modern borne, hot watrr heat, 75-ft. front; space for arother house; small house taken as part payment. See owner, 1S21 Wirt. RE-M324 FOR SALE A corner lot In Orchard Hill on Hamilton atree near 37th, cheap. Dex tir L. Thomas, 472 Bee Bldg. RE 720 12x Nice East Front Lot On 2ith St., north of Cuming. 02x125; owner wrote to sell this week and will make a sacrifice price. Come and see us about it. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Fist Floor, N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. R E M728 12 PATENTS F. J. LARSON St CO.. patent lawyern; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. -733 SHAKPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 6v4-iil2 d. l'Jih St. 714 PATENTS procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat'l Investment Co., Douglas Blk., Uth and Dodge. 4.4 I WINES AND LIQUORS SOL H. G)LI8TROM Whiskies, wines an Iniuors lor family use. Mull orders gtveu I'iuiiiii w k'.''iui'n. r"c 1 1 11 iKf yi i.r iini, ii'h f'nialiH. N, b. i, Stock Yards. LOST AND FOUND LOH'-Geiitlenifn's gold tilled hunting case w. t. li. phoio In case. Ubtril reward. B tuiu lu II So. 17U St. ixst-M725 11 for." it back. 3VaQ ZJSV PERSONAL fEXYLNa machines rented, any make. 7.c . pei' week or Ij.OO per month. Second hand mechines for sul". i on and up- j Neb. Cycle Co.. loth and Harney. U I" HU1, chiropody. Doug. Wai. 1? r l U-71 I PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME. Mrs. Dr. King, 2U18 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. .);;''. Li ilo I PLEATING BS?;)deViir"' I'yelng and cleaning, ."ponging and shrink ing; only 6c per yard. Sei,u lor price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., fXl Douglna Block. Tel. Douglas V.-u. V 713 LAUNDRY CITY 8 T E A M. Tel. Doug. '.54. 2U S. 11th St. U 717 3 HE SALVATION ARMY s. llcttfc ra-stoft clothing; in fact, anvtliing yon do not need; wo collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Dous. 413S and waon will call. U 511 i REE medical and surgical treatment nt Creighton MecMcal college. 14th und Dav enport fits.; sieclal attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. H6i. Calls anttWcred day or nlRlit. I.' l."J r - THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 13t7. U-718 PURVEYING. Bllckensderfer. 312 Bee Bldg. U-719 OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers' Institute, Ramge 1720 r MAlfNKTTn treatment and bath. Mrne. y-n.iriUXi.j n.nith lit n: ii vil floor. U M204 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend cill or write to the matroi. of the salvation Army Home for Women at 324 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U Miu) PRIVATE home during confinement; ba- Dies adopted. The Good Samaritan nan Itarlum, 72S First Ave., Council Blutis, la. Tel. 774. U 322 CHAMPION carpet cleaning. Douglas 5j. iujj Lrf-aven worth. u M4u pi PALMQUIST custom shoemaker. 4124 Hamilton. - U M470 DS Af ARS AflV. Swedish movement. 410 N. ' U-MM2 Dl MOTHER'S BREAD Ask your grocer for H. Keeder's MOTHER S URfc.AU. U MS7 Dl t A Dollar Free for Yon This coupon will be taken as 11 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing balanco paid as you earn It. HOME CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY. 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th, Omaha. , U-118 N18 FENNELL Millinery Co., 322 North 16th St U 722 Jan 5 RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or wruo for booklet, etc. Q171CK CURE RUP TURE CO., 611 Woodmen of World Bldg., Omaha. U 723 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax tnn's Salve. B. J Scanell, at.-ent. Bon-Ware Blk. U M896 N IS CHRISTENSON, Doug. .J59. carpet cleaning. Tel. U-S74 N14 THE ACORN PreM. Tel. Doug. Commercial printer. 1510 Howard 8t.' U MK93 N13 TYPEWRITERS AH makes, for rent, $2 to $4 month. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1603 Leavenworth. 'Phone Red-.'H9. U M64? 2 EYRINGES. rubber goods, by mail; cut prices; send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. L" 724 TYPEWRITERS rented. $2.50 per month; all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewrite & Supply Co., 1S22 Farnam St. U-M3i7 D5 E. V. Your father has charge of business, satisfied your partner and cleared you. Anxious to hear from you. J. U-M109 13x FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodnian & Co., 1614 Capitol Ave. U M44y D7 Masque costumes. Lieben. Tel. 4115. Open ev. TJ-M142 DR. VOGEL'S private home for ladies be fore and during confinement; best and cheapest In the city. 2319 8. 13th St. U M945 30 SHAMPOOING, hairdresslng, manicuring; hair kept In curl by Hawley's Unique Curleno; a trial will glvu satisfaction. 12li Kcc Bldtr. U M618 17 Y'OU dun't experiment using Satin skin or;am and powder. Their merits are proven. IT- MUSIC TEACHERS WANTED. $0 to 130 per hour K'lurantt-ed; salary or commission: territory reserved; no roinie tlllon possible: correspondence solicited: write today. Perth-Id Piano Co.. 1MI Fnr nam St.. Omaha, Neb. U 7)8 m MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses. discharges, irregnl irltlcs cured painlessly and wifely. Wlthncll block, 15th and Harney, Room 2, Oumha. 725 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Grav's Nerve F'cxd pills," 11 box, postpaid. Sherman ii IfcConnpll Drue; Co.. Omnli.i 728 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE $500 TO $5,000 To loan on Omaha improved real es tate at lowest rates, with privilege of paying part or all before maturity and (stopping interest. No delay. Jloney on hand. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. W-M433 1$ GARVIN BROS.. 1G04 Farnam, S and 5 tr cent loans on real estate; no delay. . W-oo? MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 608 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. larnain Smllh 6 Co., 1320 Fainam St. W-608 BUILDING loans on residence property; i per cent. W. B. Mcikle, Ramge Blk. W-670 LOWEST RATES Bxi, Ptaton Bloei! W-471 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1520 Doug W-673 TO LOAN en bualnesi and real, dence property la O ma ton.; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brotnan, K. 1. N. Y. Ufa. W-878 WANTED City R. C. Peters 4t Ca -t-874 City 4k farm loans. O. V. Carson Co.. NT L W 4175 LOANS on Improve cltv property. W. H. Thomas. 605 First NauonaJ Lok Bldg. W-478 FLORISTS he3 A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -730 i, HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. Dvg. 1253. MONUMENTS Crest Western Grauite Co. Douglas ssQ. iisu' TNtiv. BUSINESS CHANCES Foil HA1.K -i Oj hardware stock. Iowa town 2iV'. 'AX III stand Investigation, sod bent reasons for wanting to si ll. t) m) rvstturant and i-onfecllonery. low., t .wn of S.f: danilv ti lnes. but lck ness cause of selling. I.ok this up quick, lfo-arir improved farm eastern Neh. A genuine bargain and will soon no. If you want a snap let me show this. Full description of either ot these fur nished promptly. EH II. TniTKR Reemer. Neh, It. i 1 IMnle aivl IMslncs Chance. Y M012 li Tit our iulek action plin of buctlon sales to dispose of your lt- property. XX'e cm get. you more money for your 1 Hy lots, houses or farms th in by any othr plnn. Get our terms before you list your property for snle. OMAHA AUCTION EXCHANGE, 'Phone Ked-.'lc7. 1?1 F.irnam St. Y-MS IT Do You "Wish to Mnkc a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you w?nt to sell .r ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT t!0.. Omaha, Neb. Y-MiWl VI. ARK you from Missouri? If s I run show vnii that we have the hnt and safest investment lu Nebraska; sfock which we .. tii. r..,. t'.T .wl.i ' I iinnii.MHui'. lire I't'lilllK II" . -" el ..j..--., nhlv ')0 wirth lli per share In eighteen months: monthly pajmrnn ol onr-tcnth crtcli month for Ave or more shares; we arc building the grNitest electric rtillroad In tho world and if you mean business nnd will write me 1 will "show you." Address W. F. Porter. Fiscal ARent, 1740 Harwood Ave , Lincoln, Neb.- Y-M528 14 MINES and mining and Industrial stocks bouKlit ana sola. kodi. c uruesuow, Stock Broker, SCO N. '. Life Bldg. Y-M990 Dl WE OWN proptriy eurrojri'led by mines la the famous Bullfrog district In southern Nevada. For particulars, address the Ne vada Standard Gold Mining and Milling Co., Sua New York Lllu Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y MlW Dl FOR SALE Bakery. reKtaurant, confec tionary, rooming and boarding house.- Ad dress Box 77, St. Paul, Neb. Y'-M397 13x ' FOR SALE 50-barre flour and feed mill; water power: plenty of wheat; cleais !i,54 annually; price $T5no. Address Mllford, Neb., R. F. D. 3, Box 31. . Y-tM20 14x PARTY with $30,000 wants a young man, ex perience! In transfer, storage or coal business with about $4,000, to join him and manage department. Enquire , George Howard. 1H4 P St., Lincoln, . Neb.' Y-M4S0 15 FOR SALE One of tho Tiest hotel btrber shops In northwest Missouri; 3 chal s, bath; everything up to date; good trade. Address G. M. Larrabee, Mound City, Mo. Y M813 12x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine, es tablished hardware business in one of the best towns in Iowa, population 6.01X1; best location. Stock, fixtures and tinner's tools, $ti,no0. Reason for selling, am going to Cal ifornia. Only trades on cash basis rc n sidered. Address Y 101, care Omaha Dee. , T M50S 12 FOR SALE FlrHt class drug stock and fixtures. Will consider a good piece of Nebraska land. Address Y 159, Omsha lee- Y M531 , I "OR SALE Half Interest In well estab lished real estate business to competent rarty. Address S 3S3, Bee. Y' M7i9 12x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS I $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 1 $ 1 MONEY TO LEND ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. ' PIANOS, HORSES AND WAGONS. This Is your opportunity to get money and . pay those little annoying debts, Ar range your affairs now so that when the cold weather comes you will , only have one1 company to owe. Y'ou can repav us In - small - weekly or monthly payments, best suited to your In come; amounts paid before due, full rebate Is ALWAYS biiowed. , Reliable Credit. Co Rooms 307-30S Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth - Sts. - -V-M7L7 17' I $ $ $11 t t $ $ $ ' WHEN YOU FIND IT NECESSART.TO BORROW . Blvo us a trial, after which we will by fair treatment attempt to retain your -i-atronsg?. We loan from $10 up on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc. We also make loans to SAIiARDZD PEOPLE without mortgage or endorser. We transact business quickly and quietly. 'We do not deduct Interest In advance. We always try to please our patrons. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2295. (Established li2). 306 S. 16th St. X-MX4 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy pay ments; offices In 63 principal cltlts. Save yourself money by g ftlng my terms first. JJ. H. UOlA.N, 714 New ork Lue Bldg. X-7C DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONET, loaned on furniture, salary, p.ans. horses, etc., in any amount; less than half ruin; perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any wanted. Payments suspended wmn sick or out of work. 214 Karbach B k. 2U3 South 15th St. K-706X Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances prl-ate money on chattels or fealary; easy to get; no red tap; you get money same day asked for at small cost. Oper evenings till 7. X 843 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable iceom. modating, all conhdeutWI. lsul Douglac. X 844 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cons, etc. C. if. Reed, 310 S. lath. X-848 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co.. room 8, Barker block. X-84& CHATTELS, salary and " Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. X 640 CHATTEL ar.d salary loans. Credit Co.. f'Ct Paxton block Phoenix X-847 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE An up-to-date drug stock, lti,S"", to exchange for South Da kota or Iowa land. Globe Land und In vestment Company, Omaha, Nebraska. 2-M545 IF YOU do not ind what you want In this column, put an ad In and you will soon get It. Z 933 FOR EXCHANGE A number of good first mortgage loans ar.d good lands to ex change for groeerles or a general ctock of merchandise. Glob Land and Investment Company, Patterson Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. 'r -MaiW HAV1NO different htjtlng upparatus. we have no ti'rther use lor our fine base henter. gdol as new, and will exchange It r,i 11 gas rtove or sell for cash. 2525 Davenport. 'Phone-Douglas 87 SS Mfif.2 Ux DANCING WORTH considering, Isn't It. when Mo rand's Dancing School for adults will sell von u th ket good for 12 lessons at the reduced price of, ladles $4. gentlemen to, which will uacl, you how to dance per fectly. Former pupils $1 less. Three as SiBlunts 10 help beginner. Call or Tel. lmjglus lo41. Fall leruis begins Frldny, Nov. 2, 8 p. m. -W.yN14 POCL AND BILLIARD TABLES PASSOWS new billiard and pool table am the best money can buy and are sold much i-hear; easy payments; catalogue fret. Charles I'assow & ton. :1 ti. 19lh bU Wii t8 FOR RENTSTORES &..CFFICESW A VPKY DESIRABLE ofllce, room . 1 with south and t li?ht. Is) partluoned. J one room being 6-llxW-t and ih ih-rl 1"-t2'.-7; hns Urge six fl.e-pro;f nn. lunltor service and elrctrlc light fre. I i-M Is one of our best suites ol olllccs In the building See Mr. Baker. Supt., Ho. Bldg.. 17th snd Farnam l-6 i'OH JIFNT Desk room In Re mve. cltv hull building. 417 N. 25th St.. South Omthn. Apply to manager. I 131 FOR BFNT-Lntge corner store room. lh and Vinton St , $30. C. M. B h tiiann. l; Paxton Bik. I M621 THE two store room, with bis-ments. at 703-7O6 S. 16th straet; $M) per mont'.i for both. Inquire R. C. PETERS CO . J Ground i-toor. reo niug. . g I-.M4f4 V BUILDING l'loa Farnam. will bo vacanl November 15; 22xlon; 9 floors and h a -ment. Apply 314 First Nat I Bsnk B dg. DESK rooTi In one of the large offices, partltion-d off. $10 per month. Sea Mr. Baker. Fupt. Bia Bldg. 1621 STORE ROOM. 11th snd Harney, '25x100 ft. Can br vacated shout Dec. 15. I'". Ad dress. F 440. Bee. I MRS WHOLESALE BUILDING TO LET. 1213-15 Harney St., 4 floors and ba-ement, Xxl ft. W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1320 Farnam St. I-M2 13 FOR SALE FARMS I OW7J S.'OI ncrrs of ltn rice land oil rail road, within seven to ten mlls of Hous ton, the best and most progressive city In Texs. Will sell in tractfl of ; acres and over, to actual S"tlers. lec $25 per nere. payablfi In ten annual ?'ymeuts. Purchajier must hive money 'iincint t put down Irrigation wells, build necessary houses end burns and to plant ind take rate of first crop of rice. No piyment on land leoulrexl until Orst crop is harvis:d. Work should begin by Jnnuar t for 19o crop. If you ore coming to Texas to farm see me bofore you ouy. Charlra Flnley Smith, 217 Main S;.. Houston, Tex. H-Miu r; STOP HERE I -will psy two thousand dol lars to paMy bringing me purchaser for the best ranch layout In Nebraska, Ad dress Y' 102. care Bee. H 644 FOR SALE A nice 320 acres In Castro countv, Texas, for $3,200. Write owner, John E. Jordan, Fonda, la. H-M510 13 WANTED TO BUY WANTED to buy. 10 acres improved, seme fruit, near Benson. Address 3870 Dodge. N M87J N2 i WANTED Second hnnd hose cart to hold 400 or 500 feet standard hose. Address Jr. S. Holtzlnger, Plcasanton, Nob. N-M722 14 WANTED TO RENT WANTED A homo to take In emergency cases, such as scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles. Must be without children. Will pay well for same. Call at Health Ofllce, City Hall. Telephone Douglas 601. K M9M WANTED TO BORROW' WANTED To borrow $3tK) for one year. Will pay 8 per cent Interest. Address O 881. Bee. V-M708 13x Go With Us On one of our regu'er excursions to where you can buy .fine farm and ranch landw at $3 to $5 per acre on easy terms. The V. P. R. R. Is closing out Its lands In Western Nebraska, Kansas, Colo rado and Wyoming. ' For information regarding lands and excursion rates apply LAND AGENCY C. P. R, R Dept. B, 818 S. litJH Street. OMAHA. ee LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The ' following supplies for tho coming legislature will be let to the lowest bidder, Saturday, Novtmber 17, 1908, nt 10 o'clock y 0. m. Samples on file In the ottl.-e of sec- I retary of elate: 800 binders, marked on side, for senate ond house. 6 house roll calls. EA senate roll calls. 500 list of house members. 5y list, senate members. 2.000 list members of legislature, with map showing representative and senator! dis tricts. 2t8 members' desk cards. 2 senate dockets. 520 pages each. 2 heUf.e dockets, 4(0 pages ench. 5 hooks vouchers, numbered and -perforated, 500 to book, four forms. A. GALUSHA. Secretary. NlO-dSt GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office. Fort Dee Moines, Iowa, October 15, 1906. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 2 p. m., standard time, Wednesday, November 14. 1908, for con struction of 1 cremutory building and gar bage, crematory (complete); 1 veterinary stable. Including plumbing, steani heating and electric wiring; 1 shelter for mounted guard. Including plumbing: 1 addition to and alterations In subsistence store house. Including plumbing; 1 fuel room and ov;n in bake house. Including plumbing steam heating, electric wiring and machinery eumpment. Information furnished on ap plication here. United States reserves thej right to accept or reject any or all pro posals or parts thereof. Envelopes con taining propowils should be endorsed "Pro posals for " and addressed W. K. Cole, Q. M. 01S-ltj-17-18-NUria Teaded Ills Own Orste, Few men dig their own graves, kr-et-them In trim year after year, and then calmly wait for the final summons, bat that H Just what John M. Clark, who died at Grujs Valley, Cat, did. Clark was a peculiar genius, eccentric to a degree and Via.4 mnrle his home at the rountv Institu tion for several years, being too old to work. Strangely enough, ho was an old mining partner of the late Judge Holbrooh, whose death at, the same Institution was recently clironlcled. When young men they mined together above here and both owned rich claim. Clark is reputed to have made a "be-riel of money," but let It slip away from him until old age found him helpless and pen niless. Several yecivs ago as a last resort he went A lh. ml u hn.nll'.l mnA o- o tr,11e.-.w4 not Ions afterward bv his old crony. Clar!- dug his own grave and seemed to take u delight In keeping It and trim. The surrounding ground he carefully kept clesr of grass and weeds and would often wal'it out and look at tins hole which would one day hold his body. This, afforded him a kind of grim pleasure, thouf h to most mm It would have given the horrors. It Is even said of htm that he made hi own colrlti, though this has not ben r on firmed. Hm was a native of Maine, aged 84 years, and caine to this county In the early 'Jew. Run Francisco Cull. - 1 The Gentle Cynle. No woman Is so mannish as to dlsu mopping. An ounce of hurtle Is worth a pjund of rabbit's feet Hope Is a magnifying glasn, but dltap polntinent need only tlto naked eje. Nar Yulk limes. THREE farm bargains. Write J. T. Camp be'l Litchfield. Neb. H M9H Mtx FOR"SALFA thousand acre stock farm on the Republican river, close to town It Is a snap and In going to be solda( qulck. James Pearson, Oxford. Neb. H-M721 14g. 1