Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    TMc i hone Dongl 61(k
A Great Galliering ol Inlanls'
' - and Children's Wear.
. . .....(
T1juu;iijU of ilmulia inotlifrs liiive lenini'd to tlt-pcml on ouri
Jnfaiit'.Wnirstoro for the outfitting of their littlo. ours, and the
rnjiidity with Avjiich this section of our establishment lias grown!
find is growing proves that we liave the right things at the right!
prires. - "Ve liiow lliat daintier or prettier wearables are not to!
he had in -Omaha,. Wu know that no store offers more complete!
or extensive assortments than you'll find here. And we also
know, what is 'more important, no other store gives the values
you can get here not only on special occasions, but every day.
A complete slMiilng of, the nv KiinV.l"-7 Infants' and children's wool mittens. In
ei'.an Chiilnic" 1lles for baby. In pink navy, red. white, pink ' and blue, '2bc and
Jinl hit. Mil-.- iii.-l whit',. r pliiln col-j Jiv per pBlr.
ors. 12 Vi rm ii. ' i cinldfrn K Astrakhan lesgnirw. all colors.
Pretty eliln-down CiirriiiKr Rubes, in plain
colors, edge trimmed with ribbon, I: each.
Kancy eiderdown wool earring nuiiea, I
cr.. l,f.(1.rt-In all .the. fucy slitehes. pink l
.. .., ..... .n.n. ..,. II, .-. ,iir.
nnd blue. iid ,whl(c of. pl.iin uoloir,
HM and t.i.M) each.
Compieti. line of-children's wool weal era,
'n .led. jiavy vind whlLe, H..VI. J.'.flO, fiJ5 and
IJ.V) i.r:ll.
NMeBeaiitirul Souvenir Postal Cords, showing interior views of our
store, free upon request.
" Open Saturday Evenings.
Howard, Corner
Tennessee is welcome; ' thrice welcomo to
t he Ktnte of luwa.
The pleasure we experience Is intensi
fied when we look upoji the strong, .atnlr
wart though cnerable Jlgiire of our clti-
lingulslied nnd beloved prescient. low
liolds In tender memory and high respect
a vast company of ' men who have ren
dered fHlthful Service and who have lifted
up the name of the -'commonwealth to an
honorable place In he sisterhood of stales,
but amorig them all there are. none more
deeply respected, none whose deed are
mora ftodui'lnjrly written in the history of
great acvomiTHshrneiitS'-ihan your leader
and cvmtnandew UeheTHlr Urvnvllle. i.
It gi-ea me pliasuie to know that among
your rmmbrr Is that fierfect'1 f mlxidlmcrit
of American womanhood, the life com
panion of that, daring, victorious hero of
citizen, soldiery, (Jem-rul John A. Logan.
1 give her an rspc'li'l welcoipe. not only
for what she fa, but. for what he .did both
In war and peace.. , .. ..
, ( C'ltr Kxtenda Velciiiiie..
Mayor Macrae, on behalf of (lie -city, in
welcoming, the society spoke ls pnrt art fol.
low s: ' '
It has been lny privilege on numerous
occasions to welronie. vncloiia
to our queen. city, but jiever hcfon.lwiv 1
felt so helpletiA siul at, ii hes to exprt sa the
dcp personal emotions thut till my heart.
As I look Into your faces nnd note the marl;
of time upon your silvered im-ks 1 am Im
pressed with the solemnity of thv occasion.
Much of your' camptire talks will of a
rieeesslty be devoted to stories of your de
parted comrades. It seems to me that 'Jrutit,
f-'herman, txgan. Mcl'hersoo and thotuwnds
of other dead hero-s 'of the civil 'wur must
be pri-sent bete -tonig-Ht.. Not one' of th-m
would absent himself without cause mid I
tee sure that the good Clod in His kindness
would .furlough the spirits' of these men for
three daya each wiv. In order that thev
npght enjoy, t lie , good ' fellowship of n re
union of this character. I wish to tell these
spirits of the departed. '.flint they are' wel
come (o Council Bluffs md that our cltl
ena hnpe'they imiy come often and Instill
Into oil" yuutlj the Alrtues of true p:vl riot
lsm, . .Arnr .Mrleoue Uvrrrnhrrd
General John C. Black showed himself to
be a finished orator and his eloquence' ip
pt aled .4n lb. auiUnc'. . w ho folloMoi' his
every word :wllh thei ilfPK Intp.nt.. Jlls
rcfrponaa' on behalf. f the society to the
addresses of welcome was a gein. ' '';
W'ben" tlencral Black rose to spe;ik' the
klks' quartet, with their splendid voices,
had Just left the stuge after responding to
art encore -to the 'singing' of "Old Bluck
Ja"," which they hal done in a way 'that
brought the ious to their feet, and gave
Mr. Black - the opportunity tt any tlmt
tha rhte of the south, failed not alone
IwcauCof tiio 4nudetttaey of Its army, but
because of the singing around the cump
lires of the union army. It waa a pat com
ment uttered at un uuxpiclntia moment.
"There la no spot on the American con
tinent,, where' the . Army of the TciincsMce
would .-not be weltomo," said the sia uker.
replying to the aplendid welcome which bud
N-en acconied the .gui-sts by the governor
nd the muyor. . Vunly today wo huve the
Invitation to come to Vlckshuig next year
to hold iur reunion In llie city wjilch
forty-three j .-rs agu win besiegi ti by 3::,(mft
union aoldlera, and I b-lleve that Invita
tion came from the heart. "What greater
triumph has the world ever knowg?"
General Black paid a glowing tribute to
the knightly valor of Oeneral Howard, to
the' valiant ' i vlc'o' wrtlc"h had" earned for"
him the empty slucye and the good service
he haa since done in tilne if peace: - v ' '
' Not leaa graceful waa Ida tribute' to iii'n-
eial PcKlge, whom lie'gavf credit' 'fot 'in-i
iuguratlng, aa ho apd Iloisl met, the llrst
backward movement of the confederate
til oops, and who a civilian had been a very
useful member of the government as a:
railroad builder. : 4 ,
.Though our hair h whitened ouf hefrrta
nro young and we can refill the, Rr,ii,,.i,t
that pervade! the bnddlhg spring time when
came the call to anna and all thoughts of
"her' bud- to be put away.
, We'ea proud of this, royal welcome which
has I wen accorded us -bv the side of llie
urbuUjnt river whlcA losses toward the
ea. - , .
We are proud of the, progress of the. na
tion Xvbh-ii haa been s. teielv told by the
htmoned c.haidain in his supplication to the
throne, of grace. , . .
, We would have you reiiieniUcr whst the
. v : . IS cents; 2 for 25
Wiudsgr .Ties, almost .end
.tltiiia varitty of checks and
'plaids, "Konian striiK's and
plain colors, handsome new
' silks; Keeial values OTj
at 50e aud '. .UOL
Four-iu-livud prettA-.-. novel
ties in. .phun colors and
fancies," na'ribw or medium
wide style;,, unusual val-
lles $t,,0c,r3,V
'- anti . i . , i . . .
Bee, Not. 8, 1J06.
ll.-'ii per pair.
Wi)'l! O'ShHnters
for misses and
children. In red. brown, gray, navy and
a hlte. 3Sc, 5"c and Sl.00 each. '
1i i':uit'n and children's Bath Koles. made
of wool and c
ideliintc shudes,
otlon eiderdown, In all the
uges 2, 3 and 4 years, 11.30
to $.150 each. ,
Come in and see the pretty" things fen
If you haven't the slightest idea of buying.
Sixteenth Street
icoinradea of tliese men died for, that we
mignt nave a united country under the con
stitution, a union of liberty, equality and
onporl unit v. Let not the fluff fluat over the
merest! sooUdanee of tyranny. The SiK'Irty
oi iiicAriiiyor me Tennessee lays on you
the solemn obllgutlon to keep thai which
we lay on you. . - .
Annual Address of Society.
' The anmml address to the Society- tut
delivered by General Smith IX Atkins of
Kreeport, ill., who spoke In pHrt as fol
lows: . The Army of the Teiinessie.. Ilka ail
other Hrmles tliat fought to reatore tho
union, nlmost entirely an army or vnlun
teura citlaen soldiery, the like of which
no other country or nation ever saw. Hut
the army needed a leader, and after a
wliile a gentleman from near my home,
an educated soldier who won distinction'
In the war with Mexico, but who had
long been only a plain cltUan of the
republic at Oaleiia, r. 8. lira nt, came
down to Cairo, and then there was some
thing doing; I 'ad ncall was occupied JufJ
before the enemy -who contemplated its
occupancy; Fort Henry on the Tennessee
was taken: Kort Ifcmelson on the Cum
berland was captured after hard lighting,
with li'p.diHi prisoners; and the awful bat
tle of Shiloh, with the help of Buel snatch
ing victory from defeat; and the slow ad
vance, upon Corinth, and its ciptuie be
cause the enemy had no longer any use
for it; the long siege and capture of
Vlckabtirg, and the confederacy cut in
twain, and tlie tlreat Catlier of Waters
was opened to the sea; and the long march
from Vlckshuig to Chattanooga to th-
rescue of the Army of the Cumberland,
and away to Knoxvllle to aid Hurnstde,
and the almost 100 daya of continuous
battle to Atlanta, and the march to th
sea. and through the Carolluaa closing
up on' the back door of nichmond. and
the chdlng or the war. What a splendid
part In It nil the Army of the Tennessee
mid. And you, tnv contraries. were
through it all. and the glory of tSrant
and Hhermaij nnd victory was yours.
The glory of our splendid generals wa
upheld on the points or the swords of
tlie subaltern officers, the colonels and
lieutenant colonels, and majors, and cap
tains and lieutenants. And greater than
all else it wus upheld on the pidnts of
tlte bayonets or tlie private soldiers, who
fought for the maintenance of law' and
the- dug Vlth little hope for" pvrsonal
distinction- c.i i .
. No nation ltrps to itself alone. What
happens here- influences other nations.
The civil war in this country freed 4.000.
000 black men in' America; it freed the
serfs of Russia: It established the re
public of Kramt; M gave the deciding im
pulse to the. marvelous- growth of Japan,
fiat has eventuated in making that little
nation tho leader of oriental nations.
Uenerat O. O. ' Howard, who received a
tiemeiiiloiia ovation. In Ills address told of
the campaign of the Army of the Ten
nessee. The closing address was by liin
er;U Fred D. OnuU.
I'munin for Friday.
'This la the program for Friday: , '
H : .V, A. M AuMotiihlv 1.,. , v. .. ;,........
, .... ,- iiuiiiu.i'rB
drum corpf following.
Iom.ii A. M. The society will march to the
auditfirnrrti ol tho kilm ,.i,,t, i r....
the adjourned busuiees meeting. . .
to B : l. M.-.Heceptlon to the society
and tneir Invited guests at the panors of
the 1-lks' (lull hllllKa liv hra u-.,n,.
Council Blutls.
i: I. M. Member or the nociety ami
Invited guests -will assemble at headquar
ters til the tlrAnil hnlul anI u . W - A
of the trumpet, march to the banquet hall.
I ne. program to follow the banuuet to
night Is as follows:
Opejilng 8onfc-.Tentln Tonight..,'..-,."...
tlks- Quartet.
"T;he rreajdent'l
Kesponsv by letter from- Jh'esideiii .
"Our Country" ;
... . u.'.aa, T-iniHl,
Song Battle Hymn of tlie Republic... .
F.Iks" Quartet.
"The Heroes and Victorteej of the Army
: l m rillicstee 4
Mrs. Johi-..i'T.nnn '..'""
Si'ing ' ;
MTs.' Marv K. Uitey of the Society of ' the
- Army oi ins iennersee - 1
'Forward'" (Moral: Time rolls Its cease
less course)
Rev. T. K. Sherman.
Tlie Volunteer Boldler"' ...,.,...'..;.'. .
Tkrlv-ut. TImiiiius f TJi,. I, .,..., .4
Song Hark, the Trjjinpet.
r.ias . vjuariet. . -
Major Oeneral Jamea B. MePhersdn.
Comnianibr. xil .the Army - vf . the
. Tennessee''
Hon. Kmlth f.-Pherson. " .. '
Deil ProJucl From Torelga
and Domestic Knittiag Mills
KAV -STtK'KIXtiei-1,
These very: popular stocklnga. in
' fine, medium weights, fiicordlog
o Bizt .". : y. ' 9r
40c and
- - x . . -1. .....
Medium heavy ."tUou, 'plrfln "or
fleeced, accord flis to .-.' r
iie, hoc an-.-.'. . . . ; . j)C
Kuy lasliniere, ac
- curding to size, JIF
50c and 13C
Evet yljod) 'a favorites, In dlffereut
. weights, fleeted or - tyZm
plain, per pair ZjC
None quite so good, for boys, aud
girls, per pair, 9C
iUf. 3o and . .-;', ?. ,'. ... .ZDC
si ! :
. i "
Song Soldier's farewell..,
Elks' guartrl , , .
Adif k !.:...
Hon. John N. Baldwiu.
"OM Glory"
Orrwrsl J. II. Btlbbs.
8on AuM lan Ryne ,
Elks' Quartet and Society.
During the banquet Whaley's orchestra
will render the following program :
Mnrrh Stars and Stripes Forever
feieftlon Remlniseeneee of the South.
Selection It Happened In Nordland. '
I'strofc-.lthie and Uray.
Selection Tnylnnd.
Novelette Dainty Tanirs.
Medley isfiil. .
Marrh General Mlxtip, V. 8. A.
Sidelights of the Rraalna
While the flocMy or the Army of Ilia
Tenreaaee la ostensibly n orgnnlxatioii of
commissioned officers of that division of
the western armies the meeting at Council
Bluffs la more In 1he nature of a reunion
and hosts of old vrtemns of the Army of
the Tennessee were present to pay revr
enti'al tribute to their surviving command
ers In the (lenmiin of Generals Howard and
Dodge. The reception .at the Orand hotel
was trplcte with many Interesting Incidents.
Here were gathered Old -Veterans from New
Vork to Oregon to avaU of the privilege of '
shaking hands with their old army com
mat tiers, ttnd with the beloved wife of Gen
eral lyogan. and with the son of General
Grant In the iieraon of Major Gnerl Frd
Grant. General John C. Black was not In
the receiving Hue, but some of the old boys
learned that he was up In the reception
rooti. and they trooped upstair to shake
hands with him.
v General Howard is holding his years wtll
and does not look materially older than
he did nearly twenty years ngo when he
was In command of the I'epnrtment of the
Missouri at Omaha. There may he a lew
more gray hairs In his beard and hair, but
he Is the same General Howard that the;
old boys knew on tlie "March to the Ben"
end (h'rdugh the Atlnnta cttfnfialgns. Gen.
rrul Podge is a trifle" 'more feeble with
years than nt the hist meeting of the So
ciety of the Andy of the- IVnnesflee twelve ago-at Council titufTs.-yet lie Is tho
same old. soldier of tha Phllh,. Corinth and
Atlanta days of nearly half a century ago
nnd It was a genuine Joy for the old boys
to meet both him nnd Gcncrul Howard.
And the happiness of the meeting was mu
tual. .
General Fred I. Grant bears a striking
'resemblance to Ids father. General I;. S.
Grant during the days of his great achieve
ments at Donelt-on, Shiloh. Mission Uldge,
th-s Wilderness and Appomattox.. Many of
the old vetcruiiH remembered General Fred
Grant of those days at his father's huad
twt;ters when he was a more boy- .and. re
called pleasant incidents of those bygone
Says. -
Mrs. I.okmii ta Favorite.
The presence of Mrs. Logan -In the rect ly
ing lino was an Inspiration to man; of the
old Fourteenth and Fifteenth corps boys
who knew General Iigan only to love him
and who had followed his gallant lead on
many a bloody battle field. "God Bless
you," was the most frequent expression as
the old veterans grasped her kindly hand,
and many could scarcely say that from
emotion arising from the recollection that
General Logan was no more. No person
In tlie line waa more warmly greeted thart
she and surely none more lovingly. "
After the afternoon reception groups of
the grizzled old veterans oasembled In the
lobby of the Grand hotel or over at the
park and lived over tlie old days again
In story and reminiscence. Generals How
ard, Dodge and J. H. Wilson of the west
ern and tan Blckles of the Potomac army
are. all that are left of tlie old corps com
tnandnrs of the. civil war period. and this
sad fact suggested to the old boys that
they, too, aro of a raftidly vanishing gen
eration. However, there Is a Joy In those
gatherings that can be only appreciated
by the men of battle days of forty-five
years ago. With the vanishing years tuo
tie that blnda these men" becomes stronger
and It needs but the Loyal legion oi1 Grand
Army b'ltton to cull forth" the wa'rnt clasn
of the hand. Wh'ether of tho "wentein,
Potomac or Gulf army or-the Atlantic or
Mississippi navies the knowledge that they
were comrades or the great struggle of
1SS1-5 needs but the Introduction of . the
corps badge or Orand Army Insignia to
make Mrhngers the warmest friends And
so it wus at Council Bluffs yesterday and
win ne tonay, ana win ever be here vet-,
erans of tlie old days meet,
- Home of the Visitors.
Among the members of the society
present yesterday were':
Captain George. Ady, Denver. Colo.; Gen
eral S. I. Atkins. Freeport, 111.; Colon-t
W. 1 1. Barnum and wife. Chicago,. III.;
Captain J. Irf-Roy Hennett' and wife. Chi
cago. 111.; General John C. Black. Wash
ington. f. C; Col.mel Wella H. Blodgett,
Ht. Louis, Mo.; Captain Samuel T. Brush,
Carbondale. III., Captuln G. A. Busaa and
wife, Chicago, HI.; Colonel Cornelius
Cadle, Cincinnati. (.; Mr. Henry Cadle,
Bethany. Mo.; Captain R."-M. Campbell,
Peoria, III.; Captain H. A. Csstle, Ht. Paul,
Minn.; Captain John B. Colton. Kansas
City, Mo.; General O. M. lxaige, New
York City: Captain C. W. Fracker, Ies
Moines; General F. I. Grant, Governor's
inland, is. 1 .; I aptaln A. . J.
Harding. !
Chicago, 111.; Colonel W. P.
Henhurn. 1
( Inrlnda. la.
Captain W. R. HooaAa. Ht
Louis. Mo.i-Ge.nBral George F. McGlnnis.
Indlanapolls. Ind.; Captain V. A. Mulvan,',
Tnpcka, Kan.; Mrs. H. T. Noble, North
Boston. N. y.; Major J. A. Plckler. Faulk-
ton. 8. !.; -Captain Charles K. Putman,
Cedar Rapids, la.; Major Leo Rassieur
and wife, St. Louis. Mo.; Cnptaln Joseph
R. Reed, Council Bluffs; Captain George
II. Richmond, Council Bluffs; Captain I.
P. Kurnaey, Chicago. HI.; Mrs. Jas A.
Sexton and daughter, Chicago, III.; Hey.
Thomas K. Sherman, "Chicago, III.; Captain
K. B. Soper. Clilcago. III.; Captain K. H.
Spalillng. Sioux City; Captain N. T.
ij"ui., i""., wruirnaii I nomas I
Swohe, timaiiH; Mrs. j. C. Towne, St. .
I.ouls, Mo.; Major William K. Ware, St.
Ixin Is. Mo.; Major Vespasian Warner,
Washington, 1 . C.j F.dward F. Webster,
Kansas City, Mo.: Major A. "Williamson,
Creston, la.: CapMiln John Y. Stone, tJlen
wpod. la.; Mrs. Mary K. Lstey.- 8t. Ixjuis,
Mo.; MUa Bessie (. Sty, Cincinnati, O.j
tleneral J. 11. S'H.s rt.)-m jn.: Lleu-ter.ui-i
I. F. Vail, St. Paul, Minn.; Gen
eral T, J. Kinney, Taola Orove, ill.; .Lieu
tenant Frederick Mott, Wluterset I. ;
Captain T. N.' Stevens. Stanton, Mlcli.j
Mrs. L.'-A. Kemir. Fort Bussell. Wyo. ;
Mr. F W. Prenttss,Brthan , Mo.; Surgeon
. W. Gordon, Council Bluffs, la.; Captain
J. O. Kverest, Chicago, III.; Mrs. rnuglas
H ape man, Ottawa.' 111.; tteneral Samuel
Fallows, Chicago. III.; .Captain Joliu t:.
Nelson, Logansport. . Ind. : Captain Lyman
Richardson. Omaha; Colonel William
B. Keeler. Chicago, 111.; Oeoi-e AY. Baxt M
West Liberty, la.; Captain Henry C. peek.'
Omaha; Major- General O. O. , Howard,
Burlington. Vt.j Mrs John A. Logun
Washington, l. C.j Mrs. W. F. Tucker,
Washington, I). C.
Among the quests of the society . present
yesterday aiwl who will auend the itn
quet tonight are:
. Hon. A. B. Ctimniln'a and wife. .Jowa;
Judge Smith McPherson. Red Oak. la
Archbishop Ireland, Hon. Walter I. Smith,
'olomi c. K. Clurk, department commander
Grand Army c the Republic, Iowa; Charles
Aldueh.. curat-:,,- Ioa Historiiwl soeiely,
1?h Moines: Colonel Ueorge A. Newman,
mutuant -Grand Army of the Republic
Iowa; K. C. Kerens, St. Louis; T. O. Hlch
nioud. MailiHun. Wis.; Judge Jacob Fawn-It,
titiiaha; A. Noel Blukeiuau, .Omaha
Ir.-George L Miller. Omaha: Ir. lauiald
Mers. jr.. Council Blurts; Senator K J
Btirkett. Lincoln. Neb.; IJeulenunl Uttle.
Colonel Kugetin F. War. former commis
sioner of pensions, Top ka ; W. 11. Thrift
adjutant general Iowa National Guard, lies
Muliie; Rev. Father Thomas K. Slierinan.
Chleugo. '
.These will be gerieral Ootlge'a personal
guests at the banuuet tonight: .
sir. anl Mrs. N. p. rolg, N. I IXniga,
'.. John loekwood Uodue. Ml.. Cu.ri.
otge, Mrs. Ittie D. Montgomei v. Mrs.
leanfir- Parker. Mrs. Juiiu. II luu.j u.
apd Mrs. R. H. 8cott. '
Bllt:S3 BlCsslOK 1 MORMtU
Faaa started ta Erect Mosisitsl to
Oeaeral Mtirtr,
Tha bunliiess sessions ot ths reunion are
being held lu the lodge room of the Elks'
club huuae, the Mrsl being yesterday morn
ing nt Pi o'clock, when General Dodge
tailed the aihrliig to order.
. Tile V1'tmli,r subject dL us a aa that
V I J- -!-
of erecting a m-vnument oe,r the gravs of 1
Goners! Jnsteh . piurer Ik the.- national j
cemetery at Arlington. This was brought
up by General Dodge, who auggcated that
Ure society fnlso a fnml (otj the piu-pOHK. j
The members present responded to the Re
peal by promptly subsfriblng $T"m. .
A committee ofl fmmlna lions was ap.
pitntcd to report at the huslneia s4lon this
morning, When officers for the ensuing year
will be elected. A committee on the next
year's reunion-was also appointed-. Invtta
tlona have been reoelved from Jamestown.
V., Vlckaburg.. Chicago St. Ixuls and
Raginaw, Mlch.
Their annual reports were read by Maor
W. H. Chamberlain, corresponding secre
tary: Major Augustus M. Van Pyke, treas
urer. and' Colonel Cornelius Cadle. re.-.ord-Irg
secretary. All three officers are resi
dents of Cincinnati.
(Continued from .ir'list Pare.)
good name 'tif Idaho and the tteonle have
f ' , " " Ji" -f' .''L"" V.'
iomi inw and orijer in this stare. Mr.
Horah will receive at least S7 votes out
of for Culled 8 taw senator,- and Pen
ator DubowII never acaln attempt to
fide to victory on his hobby of "Mor
monisnt." I think It is only .'fair, to state at this
time that a large majority of the leading
democrats do-not now nor have they ap
proved of the Illinois course In this matter
and In the next campaign T expect to see
th political battle fought on strict pnrtr
lines. . ,
TOPF.KA; Kan., NoV. I -'Although, there
are still live Kansas Counties not heard
from. It Is geriemliy 'hellevod that Hor;h.
republican cnndldnfe Mir govCrhor, has beep
elected by between' !t,sa and 4.000 plurality.
The democratic commfttef has conceiletl
nothing, saying the rifflcIM' canvas will j-e
necessary to determine (he resuft. Morton.
Mead. Stevens! Sherman and Orant are the
counties from which Chairman
of thff republican Commi'tte has had no re
turns. They are far' distant from railroads
and telegraph. At tl o clock tonltrht Chair
man Crummer said that so far as he had
lenrned 92 members" "of the lower house of
the state legislature were republicans and
St democrats. He Mrs that even thiugli
the counties not heard from' were to go for
Harris they would riot change th final re
sult. The official canvass of the votes' will
bo made Friday. ' No definite returns have
hern received- on the remainder of The 'stato
ticket. .........
IiKTUOIT, Nov. . 8,-Wlth but one pr
clnct to hear from today,. William. B.
ThompBon, democrat, has- defeated Major
George P. Codd for re-election by the ma
jority of 3,311. , The .vote against th pro
posed new franchise for the Petroit United
railway, advocated by Mayor Codd and
generally accredited, w ith . causing his de
feat, was 2.m, with only 13,314 votes In
favor of It. Under the proposed franchise
the rates of fare would, have been ten
tickets for 25 cents, during five hours of
the day and six tickets for 2J cents the
other hours. To give the cltisens an op
porlunlty to test the proposed rates of fare
the company several weeks ago put them
Into effect on all lines. At midnight last
night they were withdrawn. .
ST.- LOUIS. Ndv. S.-T'nbfflclaJs returns
from "KB of tha '111 counties In Missouri
show that the 'democratic, stste ticket has
won by a majority of probably ,0on.
There Is tllF'SOfne uncertainty as 'to the
result of the contest for supreme Judge
for the long trhiv which Is ten years.
Kennlsh (rep.) bus led--his picket In erery
county thus farshesrd from, whereas WooJ
" .'r.,u-JuA. s.Ugfrfly behindh and Jt will
necessitate jil returns to. decide. ( .
Nineteen , stale senators .. were elect
jue.iy. y,i yl(B number fourteen ore oem
i ocrats and Ave are rennhlicans As tlw.w
' serve for four :ears, they WJU have a
voice In tlie selection of a United States
senator In lfln. The members of the house
are elected for only'two years.
In the" Heglslature the demot-rats will
have a majority" of thirty on Joint ballot
at the session which opens' In January."
Democratic State Chairman Evans ex
pressed himself as greatly- pleased Vlth the
general result of the election. "It Woks as
If the 'mysterious stranger' had departed
from Missouri,"- he said., with a smile.
CONCORD. N. H.t Nov. -Unofficial re
turns in New Hnmpshire Indicate that the
voters fulled by the narrow margin of ten
to elect a governor. The state law requires
that the successful candidate receive n
majority over the other candidates and
Charles M. Floyd of Manchester, the re.
mibllmn nominee falls ihort o,t i
i-.i ... . "
.neeaea majority. Unless
"'e official result, which Will not be cotu-
piled until next week, shows a change tha
' leirlslntnre will bo oiii . "
1 ,0,f,!!llntu,' " called Uon to name the
I Mxi governor. Tho figures are: Floyd
, (rep.), .40.51K; Jameson (de,m.),' B7.524" Telley
,mrol 2 113" McFall luvi coo. r-h.i.Mi .
tp'" '' ""''' wffa taoc ). KW. Churchill g.
ALBCQCKRQCK. N. M.. Nov. .-Com-plete
returns from all but .two counties In
the territory have greatly reduced the ma
jority for Andrews, republican . candidate
for delegate to congress. The democrats also
claim the missing counties by from 3t to
600 each. If confirmed, these returns will
result In the election of I-arraiolo (dem. i
to congress by from 600 to Btrt majority.
However. Andreas' defeat la no.
the renubllcans assertlna tht th wi..i
count will give him a small majority. They
admit that the vote la very close rind that
a majority for Li rssolc. in ih.r i,
two counties not-yet In will result In his
elertfon. Iirrasoln's large vote has sur
prised both" sides.
KKNO, Nev., Nuv. . The inUli'-atiniis are
that ths democrats will carry the state by
S.iou yotes. The republicans will-have a ,.das In Cienfucgos last year. It Is ba
majorlty of one in the state senate, The J ileve(i that bis removsl will tend to the
assembly is still In doubt. Both sides claim j restoration of tranquillity in that vicinity,
it by one majority, with prospects of one wh tlvere has been much discontent and
sociality being elected in Ksmeralda county. ,.OUslilernble dlaorder.
... ,
8Ul'X FALLS, 8. D., Nov. $. Complete
returns on the legislative vote of Tuesday
show that the republicans elected thirty
six 'members of the stale senate, Inde
pendent republicans and democrats seven.
Tha liouse consists of eighty-one repub
licans and eight democrats.- This Insures)
the re-election of I'nlted slates Senator I
Uamble. I
Live comfortably
nhile you can.
If Cottte hurts, us: .
3 Z
Frw Iaxona In
Art .Needlework.
Kvcrjr day
' tt H . in.
2ntr n or.
AH Roads Lead to the Daylight Store Every Pay
Frid.y D.rgtins in Our Money-Satinr Daement Salesroom. . , '
FItllAV'SIKClI,S 50 pieces Oiitin Flannel,
light and dark patterns, a splendid value r
at 7 ic Basement price, per yard DC
new pnuei ns ana snodes, 07
as a special for Friday ......'
Thorndlke saieetr finish feather
light and dark stripes, Baucment
One table of Turkish and Htick Towels.
18x36, Special Friday, basement . . . .'.'
Infant's Embroidery Flannels and
,nve pieces only, that were 60c
69c basement ,.
Emmerich Pillows, in blue and white stripe cover
ing, best-feathers p
Friday, basement, each ... 03C
A big counter full of fine dark Calicoes
icngms, aiwaya sold at ic
Friday Bargain Sates on
First f loe r. -
Floor Manufacturer's Sample
table cloths, 2, 2 and 3 yards
long. In fine- bleacned linen, ex
tra heavy quality, 69 inches
wide, worth 93c yard Friday
we will sell a . '
2- yanl cloth at, per cloth. . . 1.11.5
2 H -yard cloth at, per cloth H .6f)
3- yartl cloth at, per cloth . . .$1.08
lOO tfljiewtry couch rovers, Rflit
94 Inches, good heavy quality,
nicely fringed all around, worth
$1.25 and $1.50 each, QO
Friday, each JQt-
I'ltlC'tt- In our embroidery sec
tlo)a Friday we will place on sale
allovers, corset cover and flotinc--ing
embroideries, wide watsting
bands and fancy headings," 50c
to 76c values, all In one 9 C
lot. a yard JOC
Big Neckwear Sale Saturday
in Our Bargain Basement
At the Ribbon section, main floor,
100 pieces all silk ribbons, tn
plain shades, 1 to 4 Inches . jf
wide, 10c quality, Friday. . , Jt
In Our New Stationery
. Section.
500 boxes fine writing paper, plain
or ruled, regular price
16c, per box, Friday. . . ,
Oovtraor lfarooa'i Dirtribution of Offices
Hot Satisfactory to Oppoiitioa Letdsrs.
C ommitter " Apsiolntcjl ' t Request
l.trsrr nccoanttlaa of Liberal
Asplraata for Political
HAVANA. Nov. s. The arowlna ssjiti
mfint of dissatisfaction among liberals In
consequence of lark of success of their
efforts to Induce Governor Mapoon to dis
miss moderates from important posts, re
placing them with liberals, crystallised to.
night In a secret meeting of the liberal
committee on appointments. There were
prssnnt Pino Querra, Alfredo Zayus, Jose
Manuel Gomes, Jose do Montcaguedo,
Uufael Uuany and representatives from alt
the provinces. Bpociul objection was made
td -the reappointment of a police csptaln
named Reguerda, a moderate, who recently
has been reinstated In oBloe,' and to the
appointments of vurlous minor officials In
the -customs office. The reappointment of
Reguerda was particularly obnoxious to tlie
liberals. "
Vp to the present time the leaders of the
liberal party have protested that they did
not seek office and were entirely willing to
abide by th selections made by Governor
Mugoon. The meeting tonight, . however,
is a result of pressure brought to besr by
oppllcsnts for office, and it was decided to
appoint a committee to call on the gov
ernor,' exrress the party"s dissatisfaction
with recent appointments and make a
strong appeal for the recognition' of lib
eral aspirants to various Important posts.
Hitherto 'Governor MagtKn has shown no
haste tn making appointments, tilling only
.....i. u- ume1 narticularly necessary. H
I haa been expected for some time past that
1 the patience of the liberals would soon bs
' exhausted as time went by and they wers
! ,..,t eiven office and that steps would be
! taken to bring pressure to bear on the gov-
Governor Altman of Santa- Clara has dis
missed Garcia Vleta Jtom, the post of
mayor of Clenfuegos., The ex-mayor waa
a strong moderate and he was bitterly op
posed by (he liberals on accbunt of his al
i....j ,w.n.niiliv in, the murder of Vlllu-
Mrs. Kate aU.
TKCl'MBEH, Neb.. Nov. i. tXpei tal Tel
egram. )Mrs. Kate Nail, wife of Krank
Null, died at the family home here today.
Phe had been elclt for a year with tulercu
losls. Mrs. Nail was born In 81. Joseph,
Mo., and was aged 46 years. 8he was mar
ried t Mr. Nail In 1084 and ths husband
and an adopted daughter survive her. The
funeral will be held Sunday afternoon.
Thomas M. Merbaa.
Thomas M. Meehan, a prominent- tle'inoCrat
ami since 1897 circuit Judge, ' died today of
tvpnoid ,'evrr-
CoagrvsBBsali Barke Will Try to Upea
Trlus (noil) I'rart. ' ,
PlERllE. H. D , .Nov. .-(rtjierUil Telc-
gisni.--X''eiiaresHmae liarke left this fter-
I noon "Tor Tripp county to look overthe
! Iiwal situation In fegaid to th' 'tiuliig of
I that, l-vyniy (o sUlimeut. ' thut being a
) tnenaine whieb be HI ai'ei,it to gel
' through' 'the routing 'fchuri s'i aaiuu uf ion-
gr.-s be fore his ui ni ciul.
s'1 ' . I... fli m ,.i i si--.- ht.fc.-C'.i K . '.... l--S
l lione W8I.
73 pieces Just in.
ticking, 11 t
Friday. . C
sold everywhere at $35. Co openlhff
'week sale . .'. i -.-..
Eyelet Work
AIA'.MIM'M WAHF. Sauce pans. 7-tu. nUe.
worth 55c, marked (or opening week. .'..'..
cood 1 1
t Friday. JoG
In Our Notion Section
Full count paper pins,
only, each-. . ........... iC
4c Hooks and Eyes, all f
sizes, a card. ... .IC
Black Mourning Pins,
per box -. . . IC
Chinese Ironing Wax, f
a stick IC
Wire Hair Pins,- per
paper IC
Mckel Plated Safety Pins, .
all sizes, per dozen . . . .2C
10c Fancy Cube Pins and g
Pin Sheets, only, each. . .DC
Hose Supporters, side elas- Q
tics and pad fronts, pair. JC
About Our Opening Week
Our souvenirs are worth $i.OU
on any $10.00 purchase matle in
the new daylight store before
January 1st. One is presented to
every visitor to the store this
week. We want to give out ten
thousand on Friday ahd Saturday.
Come and get one.
The extensive tale of
ta owing to their perfect purity;
t sxative Urcmo Qki
Cum Col4 InOiMDay, Crtpu J
3 ttyt
. , oaovcry
vTOW hex. 259
BOYD'S WoSM7.r.V"- Mgrs.
In the Fitch Comedy. '
Sunday and Monday Wail Burgsss.
Bee the Great Horse Race Scene.
SiO seats un lower Moor at
Matinee Tomorrow. -WOOtU
i . 4 . ljM1AXY
Prices Evenlnas and Sunday Mat
inee, 10c, Zic; Other Matinees, 10c.
"Phone Douglas 49
Toalrbt aaV adsy Matlaas as 9 bright
Margave ' Vycherty, Ba "Wtieh, Tro
olio, Btotasrs Kochly, Itauaa, lass
Btldsroiaaai, Ogasalss 9rws, - aad ttas
K.laodroma. ,
Prices 10t, '25c, 6t)c.
I inMi.i , m a. a
iKMUiuui vs. rnny
ruu I
C .'Balling S
w t.(l on will bei..s fo . ji"
a n siihstsno Isiurlous to
Ueservctl seals on salt- at Heat
rr antl Meyera-IHIlou lrK 'o 10th
SalnMay ill lie
' ( lliltll Ill's
. Pay In-, the
r' IMjNk"'
V Slnrr
36-lnrh I'ercallnes black and colors, 10c " I '
quality basement. Friday s2iC
100 dozen liWles' hand embroidered. Initial Iiifh
linen handkerchiefs, unlaundered, ti good r7-J-A
12Hc h'd'k'f. basement, Friday, oacb... I 2 C
pieces, handsome fitiral decorations, goW bunds
I $29
MltH. POTT'H IHONH Make laundry xt'W5 a pleaa
tire, sets of three, with adjustable .JuijW
dies and stand, per set '' . .;.'.'. U7C
HK.MXAXTS OF MLK About 10, (Mill yards of silk
remnants In lengths from to. Hoards eacrj,
very pretty for fancy work and children's waists,
' worth from 60c to 76c a yard ''' Iflf
on sale Friday, per yard 1UC
Drug Sundry Bargains :
VlIet Aminonla--12' ounce bottle,
regular prlve iptj-.'
Friday . . ... . . r
Witch Hawl 12' ounce
regular rrlce 26c'--
Friday A . nvj.!i
Friday Bargains 6n the ;
Second' Floor.
... -iK . i
A large asKortiueut from IH-UIO
to, $123.00. . , v ,
8peclal for Friday we will sell a
50-Inch coat, lined wllhnatujal
:Arnerlcan aquinvU" itlade ot full
Skins, sable coney collar; a reg
ular $30.00 coat Fri
day only..... .
IXFAXT'.S COATS-Acf(, 1- lv . i
Years Buster -Brown astrakhin-
coats, collars and ruffs trimmed
In white, patent leather.
belt, special Friday
Kegular $ 1.2S Tallies., neatly
. trimmed in wash braid fxtra ;
full, all colors, odds and f Ok
ends special Trlday . . . 0C
PETTICOATS D est quality
flannel, 6-inch flounce trimming,
with bias bands', extra wide;
regular 75c value m q
special tJ0C-
Chesapeake Cafe
This new Cafe, the finest la the
city, is
Private Dining Rooms
Special preparations for -" '
after-theatef parties '
Tablt d' Hoie Dinner Every
Evening, 5 to S o'clock
Roller Skatinc
Every Aft.rno6t ' and Evening Thie
Veck. EyeptJg.Wedaeday.
Thursdsy Afterrion,, tedlee Kay.
. . AH Ladle Admitted Free.
Orchestral fltislc Every Nl.h'iUo On
' Thursday AlUrnoW-
- ' '"' .-.
ksta,: 1 Cents
Wrsav Cant
Tonight BaS. Matins Btttiitdfy
The tsreat lUclng play. '
A Race for Life
-Ths War Correspond')!.
-' .:'.'.' .1 -3
nn i vision
75 c5
M. "
on Ilruu ttt. latli and Kurnain,
aad Karnaiti.