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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
bet: V . miDAT. NOVEMBER 9, 1906. y .: the (watta pailt Don't Miss Bargain Friday. The re 1 ii L A li -J inJV S ' Winning Interesting I thi mmw mm J Vitue MAI OMAHA WE AT 111 :H l'OKEI'AST I'rldaT Fair. 1 i v 1 LAU A We Announce fort &4v Our Greatest Remnant Sale of the Season Fancy Silks, Louitene Silks, Taffetas, OQ Satins, etc., regular pries up to Vjffi 75c per yard bargain square mJj About one thousand five hundred yards from our regular stock good line . of patterns and colors many suit lengths. Extra selling space given for easy se lection.. About one thousand, two hundred and fifty yards of all silk Chiffon Cloth, In every shade of the rainbow. Near ' south entrance, new store. Importer's Sample Pieces of Silk From one-half to one-quarter yard Taffeta, Peau de Cygne, Fancy Silks, Urocades go according to size iU 2r-10 "d $1 and $1.25 SILKS at. Yard 49c 75c SILKS at, Yd. 25c 5c Fine All Wool Dress Goods Remnants 25c Yard No matter what they cost, they must jro. Imported Dress Goods, black and end nil colors. Enough for coats, skirts or suits. In new store. Remnants of Dress Goods ZlWll 39s Yard Scotch ranamas, Venetians- Suitings, Tailor Cloths, -every style and color. In new store. Large Bargain Square All Kinds of Dress Trimmings Odd lots of si Ik braids, jot, ii-idescx-nt and many stylos of fancy trimmings, worth up to 25c a yard at, Z a yard , C Ladies and Childron's Hosiery at 10c This includes child ren's Broncho Buster hose some are fleece lined, fine and heavy ribbed all styles, worth up to 20c IV THE OLD STORE Importer's samples, 3 to 8 alike, of the highest grade goods made in Germany, black and all colors, on sale in old Btore, each 10c 29c IX BASEMENT Dress Goods, 3 to 8 yards, for- party dresses and waists, double width crepe, 60c and 75c dress goods for chil dren's dresses, at, yard.. 15c GREAT MIMM SALE IN OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT Yon Can Enter Oar Casement from Arcade Connecting With New Store Arnold s yard wide flannelette, large range Persian and drt-ss Ktyli'M, in lvngthg suitable for waists, dressing Barque, kimonos, etc. at, yard 36-Inch shadow plaid beige. 19c the regular price of this loth. Friday we will sell 2,000 yards in desirable lengths at. per yard. BIO BARGAIN SQUAKK FILLED WITH REMNANTS REfl ILAR 10c. FLANNELETTES SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY nt. pi 10c 7ic 5 c Thousands of yards full standard dress calicoes and comfort prints, nlc-o Ions perfect lengths nt. vnrd Special fine lot heavy mercerised mi teen,' Iilark and all desirable that sell for Sue off the bolt. In lung lengths at per yard..., i . ......... 3ic 15c BOOK In the forenoon we offer a special tine lot ,16-lnch drapery and com- 1 fort sllkotlnc, In mill A.'At lengths at, yard At 1:30 In the afternoon we will sell remnants fine 3G-lnch bl ached muslin. mis win be 11 a very special bargain J-tIT ut, yard 2 NEW EFT. Will Open Saturday Watch - for Opening Announcement. It will be a great bargain event. I T Omaha's Pure Food Center Don't fail to hear Mrs. Dwelle'd,' demonstration lecture. Friday, November 9th, at 2:3 On the second floor or our new store. She will lecture on Vegetables v. V and the best way to prepare them This Is one of the most Inter- M eating and practical numbers In $ the entire series. The following V menu will ho nrpunrrH nnil Rnrvpd- & menu will be prepared and served: Epirurian Asparagus Tips, vicmiieu ouceu lieei, Egg, Tomato and Green Pepper Salads. Shredded Wheat Biscuit with Peaches, i ihn.viHiiiu iw4 nits auutc can be obtained at our fruit and & f.- vegetable department, as well as $ the following:- $ i 5 6 7? French Cucumbers, Brussels Sprouts, Artichokes, Wax and String Beans, EgR Plant, Cauliflower, Head Lettuce, Green Onions, Radishes, Endives, Persimmons. lis GRAPES Malaga. Tokay. Eng M llsh Hot House. Florida Grape Fruit and Oranges. 3 to 0 ? 8 Separate Kntrances: I .j DoiiRlas Street Entrance, 1 Jl$ litli Street Entrance, ' -J Entrance through West Arcade j Q Bn.ndels New Store. (') 'Phone, Douclas M7 Private Exchange connects all Depts. l-IIMIIII 1 'I FRIDAY'S BARGAINS MEN'S .CLOTHES Men's $12.00 and $10.00 Suits ;uul Overcoat, well made in this sea son's leading styles at OVEALU street! AIkhii ono hunilied and eit?lity buils, utid nia4le of nohhy fancy ' woltfdii, Seotch cheviots, we'l niude and trimmed, will clve honest service, JMUO and $1J.50 VuJtics, fit 750 The Overcoats miprise 4. anci (i)-iiieh lengihs. in black iind oxford frlcie, cheviots or kersey cloth, new fancy nilx turega upecinl inducement at .'lain noor. mi vy i n- 41 Iff IT I OMM-M w i If i. EVER.Y THOROUGnrARE will be an easy street for you, if you wear The ONIMOD Shoo Hand built Onlmods are all right verywhtre, on the attect, on the cars, at home or at a social function. They are the best and finest shoes made and $6.00. liench made Onlmnds are all around good shoes good enough for all occa sions 11.00. $3.50 and 2.50 Onlmods are good shoes good shapes, good values. The Newest Shapes and Leathers e&ent 205- SHOE (3 S.SSZ 41 " ii noor. 5 Special Offerings in Basement c,D.t;i.nt 3? SMHlo Suits iinil Overcoats, usually I Our Roys' Kuee Suits ant JS ,'i0 values, black and fancv Cheviot I at Sl.iW are all thHt in.,i s.iits. nil . KiKs. M rouul v made. suit. lieet in Imv 1.98 il .: it in; IS Our Roys' Kuee Suits and Overcoats at Jl.SW are all that luonev e7nf" I lit. f, "r stronir rna . nru neweu lor me I rougn and tumble hov. I Wi guarantee every sut, i ueiueni, ai 75c Knee rants, I Boys" $1.50 Knickerbocker nil J to it LAlic I coruuroy punt.x, tiJ r f w I S to iK veara ZJ W riidln for woik and jl overcoats in blackn. oxfords, cli" lots. at.. $5 Ikvys" 75c tdue and gray nuiiiiei mouse Waists 39c htilMbin. ci A SHAVING MIRROR O em ; :(() (()) inonuird in Ebony and Mrtsl TriniinlnKS any of them f nould iiihWs a nice gift to a g-eutiemap.-i4.v0. $6tt, I nut 10 i. , SjenJ u few minutes In our store. 1-nok for the name. $. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1316 tKu!a Street. KRAMER NOT FROM MEMPHIS Mttn 1hi Miot Self and Ualters Oul ILere Tn Data, Mrtukr. Ti body if t'arl Kiaiuij-. who died at p. tu. AVcdiii-ailu v at the Omaha hosiiitdl tmm injuries rere4vei by hliootlnr. lnni.-"-ll l:i tiie uuiuili o;l l:uiiuiR!ou fSj. I Wi-uiiitJjy iiiornliiy. mar ire!tia, Vkai t.iken in iharge by I'lhi.-rtaker Burket. l:HiUtri-s itutle at Memphis, Nel., wl.cie Kramer ixurded a truln for Ooii'ha. have UkiUd tLe la jiiuau-.-u lhat Kiuuitr aj not a resident of that place, had only been there two days and hud no relatives in the vicinity. Mayor Peters of Oreu-.a arrived In Omaha Thursday morning and took the body to Urelni, where the rhooting occurred, hut It lias not been devidei if an lugucut will be held. Wuaiaa Carrlraa nilh Muar. bile in tiie women's toilet loom at I'nlon htalioo V' atti-rtKNjn t'ora In. tdMin of liani roft laid Iter jiure. eon taJuiiiK $47, on the window sill and loiKot it w hen i-he ,lefl the fuwu. tSlie returned iaier, but the puiue was aone and ahe i'e porteil tier toes lo the Mthee, w ho al e iu teoiitcatii g the ca.-". but wilb UlU ltoo vf sucevtis. PILLOWS We are closing out all of our Pillows for fancy work Pillows and are offering for this week, while they last BKST QUALITY' Silk Down Pillows 32x22 inch at, each ..3.V 24x24 inch at, each. . , 40c 26x26 inch at, each 45c MIST QUALITY" FEATHER PILIiOYVS 20x20 inch at, each..,.. 5c 22x22 inch at, each. tNK- 24x24 inch at, each e.v 2Bx26 inch at, each 7,v All Linen Centerpieces, sold in any store in Omaha for 60c, 7Dc and 11.00, our price while they last, li.V each. Hosiery; Underwear and Yarns, as usual, at price always right. Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns. JOS. F. BILZ, 322 South 16th St., OMAHA Food for Nerves vs aa and nervous men who find their rawer to work and youthful vigor cone as a reau i or ovu. work or esertion should tak (IRAV S NUVK HUU l ifAJi. They will Qiakti you eat and leep end re a iohh again. i jsozs j Bozsa aa.oo oy wsu. Sherman O McCorvnell Drv Co , WWW B JL-iJtlJ JLJ II - 1 ii 11 YOUR MCNET'S WORTH OR TOUR MONET BACK BarQLin Friday in Dress Goods 17c Bargain Friday Racing Furnace of Bargains In Every Line Fer Everybody Elegant WnistliiKf In wool or mo hair weavt'H, white or or dark ground" with plaid or check ideas, some em broidered effects; these goods will bo sold Friday, yard, for l.MIOUTAXT hl'EI'IAL FOR FRIDAY OXLY" We will offer about l.tiOO yards new, stylish lire" (ioods, in fancy cheviot weaves, all colors, worth $1.25: black' moleskins and tweeds worth SI, 04-incli t heck mohairs and many other weaves included in this great lot on sale 'lOn Friday, a yard JL Hsw Gray Boltings Kspecinlly adapted for separate skirts or coats; the- goods are considered good value at J1.D0 on snle Friday, K()r. per yard j BILKS FOB TB.IDAT OHI.T. 19-Incb Colored Taflsta In every conceivable shade every yard giinianteed to be perfect, pure silk sells everywhere for liic also In changeable color combinations line for skirts or linings, etc. 2Hc on snle l'rldav. a vnrd Friday Only $1.00 Bilks for 47o We offer several thousand yards briKht. new. fatu-v Silks of all kinds, fancv Taffetas, lmisines. etc.. In checks or plaid's, hair lln-1 stripes, with embroidery effects remember, every ymd is perfect and new worth up to $1 on sale Friday, ATI c a yard . , Another Lot Plain and Fancy Bilks can be found In Harney street aisle, in long lengths, at the low price of, ; lC R yard EXTRA SPECIALS I"0 BABGAJIT miDAT. 15a Moleskin Flannelettes For sacqucs, kimonos or house gowss Rr sll colors on sale, a yard 3-4 Best Oil Cloths In all odors quality the best (slight Qc imperfections! Friday, a yard, nt 35 Pieces Donble-Fold Buttings In checks or plaids theso goods are sold for 15c everywhere fine for dresses on sale ltargnin TC 111 lift V H ".rl eee tee'eaeee4eB tee. Extra HfKT Wool Blankets in gray only this offer is undoubtedly the best blanket bargain ever made In Omaha we secured 103 of of theso fine wool blankets on sale Kurgain Friday, pair. COAL! COAL! Wf II Srreeate. Well llranrt, Ecenemlcal 4 Great In Brst Civtnf :: :: Capitol Coal Illinois Coal Cherokee Coal Iowa Coal Prompt Deliveries by Obliging Driver j COAL BOOTH-MAIN FLOOR HANDKERCHIEFS 110 dor.en ladles' Hemstitched, embroid ered and lace trimmed handkerchiefs. nc value at S l-3o GLOVES Liidles' Onc-clasp French Lambskin (Jloves, all colors and sizes, worth $1 and $1.25, bariraln Friday, pair 73o HOSIERY Ladies" Fast Black Seamless llose, dou ble sole and high spliced heel. 172 value, per pair 18H Hovs' Extra. Heavy Bicycle Hose, lix value, per pair NOTIONS Black Pnrning Cot ton, worth 30c per at 16o Fearl buttons'. HH sortod sizes, a cards for Bo Feather stitched fin ishing braid, largo assortmsiil of pat terns, worth up to 10c, at 4o lf,ink-nii and belts with pad. and sid-i Fancy Mallne Ruffs hose supporters, in with ribbon ends, In white, black and white, light blue, colors, worth Inc. pink, black and will go at 10o white. ...iavac I VEILINGS AND ' NECKWEAR 1,000 yards fancy niesh and chiffon veiling, worth tip to 25o a yard, Friday, at 90 Fancy boxed ruch lng, six assorted patterns to box 21o 1.9& That Sale Every one's Talking - Abont Saturday In Art Section See 16th St W lade-Note Fri dty'i kig ad BARGAIN FRIDAY IN LINEN AND WHITE GOODS We will place on sale Friday in Bargain Square Center aisle short lengths and waist patterns of white goods at very, low prices prices that will make it worth your while to see them. 64-in. Cream Table Damask, regular price 43c, Friday.29 Iluck -Towels, 19x40-iu., good value for 12 c, Friday, eaeh..: .....10 Men's Guaranteed Rain Proof Overcoats TO CLOSE OUT Worth and Sold up to $15.00 Friday. C , y -....V-K-U All day BARGAIN FRIDAY III SHOES 'We're Unloading Winter Shoes You'll Find Them in Shoe t Section Bargain Square. We're determined to make quick work of a number of lines ot ! seaaonabl nierr shoest-Ford s Cushion, damp proof sole shoes, worth H. Friday $2.89 only, a pair And Sixty Green Trading- Stamps. 1'ATFNT COLT EXTENSION BOLE LACED SHOES, stylish and rv Iceabl'e. our regular U6o Shoe. Friday, $1.89 pair ...-v And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. . . . . , 11 . . 1 FIVE 1 OTS WOMEN H bliUIB uroen suzes, uui. nu 3)iSt lf l.euvv soles, n.30 and 3 values, at. And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. -jt tirs ROYS' 12.50 and 11(10 Tan 13 PAIRS Calt KxteiiHion bole Bins up to 6-2. at.. CHILPRKN'8 VELOrn r.if p-vieiiMmn S,de Shoes, all f 111 CALF and VICI KIO LACED bHOES. r " . u sizes V4 to w. t.a and II values, at 79c Friday in Hardware Stoves! ' , Stoves. Stoves! JUST l.U)AI)t:i AXOTHKU an SPECIAL ISDl'CEMKNTd ON HEATERS AND RANGES. EXTRA GOOD t?IX-HH.E RANGE for 134.60 IIAtiB ULRNER Spnelul 924.50 $8 iO HEATER Special $6.49 tH.f.t) HKATKlt Special K7.4J I'tlAL MODS All kinds up from... 85c and 20 k n irudliiK lamM WASH BOILERS All prices up from And Forty Green Trailing Stamps. WASH Tl'HS Galvanized at T3o, tvto, 56o and 8e And Fortv Gteen Trading Stamp. WASH WHINGERS Every one Biiaranted Irom 1 to 6 years up fi'im J35 And KiKlity Green Trading Stamp. 60c F CRN ACE SCoOt' for .39c 0e F CRN ACE SCOOP for I Mm m ...84c . Bennett's Big Grocery see yorn coffee roasted WHILE YOU WAIT. Bennett's Rest Coffee peJund 33o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Coffee lb. pkt;..28c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Rasket Flrxd Japan Tea pound.. 3tfo And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Pepper Gr Mind, black can 130 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Tuxedo Plums can 35o and 60 green trading stamp Velvet CfK-oa, Toilet Soap eight liars 85o Judtiah shredded three, packages 35c and 10 green trading stamps Bennett's Capitol Mime Meat 3 packages 360 ud 10 green trailing Ntampa Navy Beans Clean, hand picked 8 poundH 35c liuiiuett'a Bargain Soap 10 bars 350 Peanut Butter Medium jar I80 and 10 grei n trading stamps XLilne Corn Special Can, 10 -per dozen (LOO Si In ip's Cocoanut four ',4-pound paekages a&o And Ten Green Tradjng Stamps. Ginger Snaps pound 4o DENNETT'S CANDIES SEVERAL Hl'M'RED POUNDd OF WIN E BALLS III. 1 wu iitl ............. W High Grade Linen Department Main Floor, 2nd Aisle. R KM N A NTS OF TABLE LINEN. In odd lengths, coons from our reisulnr Mock thes ? Ini lude blenched, linideiii lied and mercerized, worth up to l."x a yard In three lots Ar at. vnrd i'a-, t!c llli.MNAXTK (IF TOW ELING-ln o.ld lensths. lots of them suitnlile for roller towels, nil linen" and unions, sold reg ularly tin to lSe a vnrd. In 3 lots, 47of nt. yard. fle. T1- and '-SV OHM LOT OF TOWELS in nil linen, tun k snd union, extra long and heavy, sold regularly up to 15c onlv fLc fi to cUNtuliier, at, piece VI 1 ODD LOT OF DRESSER SCARFS, stand end fii( . ..25c tops and doilies, hemstitched drawn work, nil sizes up to up to fvc pair , to clone ut, piece ODD LOT OF PATTERN TATtLB Ct-OTHS dliihtlv Foiled. Ill S-l and I'M (.- -all linen, bleached and unbleach -d sold up to J.'..:"', onlv : In a fls4r piece , , cuslomer- U. ODD LOT OF RED PPREADSsllgbilr soiled, lull size, frlmred and plain honey cninb and Mars'llle8 patt'rps won h up to 12 only i to OHC rtistotm r t, piece n Our Great Bargain Room Remnants of Table Linen at Less Than Half. Pennies, Ginghams. Calicoes, etc up to l'e yard. In lung remnants at. per yard Heavy Swansdown for kimonos and wtap pets. worth up to lie C ard. Friday at l'-e Sllkolines. good colors und )iittern., in lung reniniinis, a Fridav. at. van! C AmoskeBg Apron Check GliiKhams at liV 1onsdale Muslins, special r3 Frldnv at. yard V4C 2r.c Hlesi-hed Sheeting, Sl-ln. wide, from the bolt. t l-'Uc Light and Dark Percales, great snap at, yard worth 2c 5c 18c 4c 6'i' SlHtidnrd IikIIko Blue J. Print?, fmni bolt, nt c ti'sie outing Flannels, light or JJ dark putteriiM. at I C i;u,e Cotton Flnnnel, heavy 71 twilled, at. yard 4 SC Vc Blid's-eye Baby Flannel. In pink, blu. and cream. Tit. red SP'-clill nt 3Jc Comforter Calicoes, til?c value, from the bolt, at From 9 Till 10 a. tu. German Fleet. Grey Blanket. 11-4 size, worth il.2o pair, dur ing this ono hour, tain ....V-"1 Men s, Women's and Children's Underwear, heavy fleece lined, worth up t3 19c Vc per garment, at .C Men's and ladies' Tnderwcar, heavy fierce up to 7jc .2Sc INDIES UOMfJOUmiALpAlTEnNS lined, worth garment, at Ladles' AVsts and Pants, all sizes, great snap at Men's and Hoys' Sweaters, heavy weight. In plain or fancy colors, all glees, worth up to 1.W, at, 29c choice . . $1.50 Ladle' outlna B'lanne values, .slightly choice .... Ladles' All Wool black or white, special salo, price Indies' Wool Vests and l'ants, ribbed nt Hat wove, special , . 7C. at, garment Men's Over Shirts, heavy fleeced, or nisd ras, remarkable 2.?. values, at ...................... C Men's and Boys' Suspenders, 2Tc values, at ... 10c Main Wash Goods Dept. Flannelettes, fleeced Serges. Percales, t I'lalds, in fact all kinds of Wash Uooda that sells from 12V40 to 25o yard, on salo all day at, yard V,- ? 10.000 yards of all kinds of fine Wash Goods at, a yard ....... .10o, TVio and Be Z.IKZsTOS Remnants of our fine Linings that Belle) from 18c to 40c yard, all at, ygrd loo, THo ml .... Wool Dress Goods Remnants of our Finest Patterns that Sold out First-On Sale at a Trifle of Their Value Two Sales Friday Forenoon and Afternoon 10,000 yards of the finest Broalclotlt in tho market in all colors, ranging in price from t.00 to 13.00 per yard In lengths from 2 to 8 yards In piece some 1nado r,v the Botony mills. Aetna, mill; soma French production. etc all 3Jot s- 16 000 yards'of mohair, In all colors and 1 creatand black. 40 45. 60. 62 n I 84-ln wide and sells at 1T,c, 1.00. 1 .3 a ml tl.60 yard. In lengths from 2 to 7 yardV-neW goods put on"fta sold all you want all at, a yard.. 35c 60c Henrietta lengths, yard 12,000 yds. of genuine Danish Cloth al- ways sold at 15c, all colors and croam. all day long and piles of it, at, yd..8VsO OT Til OOODfl DBFT. Remnants of all kinds ol Black Goods up to 5.00 yard, colored silk and wool, all wool plaids, shadow checks, etc.. that Drapery and Curtain Sale in Valr J1.25 Port,.e.r.e.S.48!o each 100 pairs 3 &o anu i.i ;iWo 1 oTpat.; 3'50 'and ' ll 'fj, ' i 2r SI lkoline" Drapery iSc Drapery Sateens, at ers. etc. Attend thla sale. Friday Sale of Silks Velvets, worth up , IIM ...4QC Fancy and plain fillks, worth up to $1.00" vanl. at. choice. per yard ........ IN MAIN "ti "" 1 " j .., 27-ln. Black and color Taffeta and fatvy Suiting Silks, regular $1.00 59C In. Black Taffeta, $ VoC quality at, yard Four Cloak Department Specials . .-..i. ... n fnilnrpd Suits, Manufacturers sio. iv 'n fir. sixes S3 to 44. worth $15.W 9.90 to $18.00, choice 200 P'vlish Coats, sles 32 to 44, all colors "nd 'black. 4-in. long, regular g Q5 1 $10.00 values, at Handsome Coats, tu fine kersey a and rhif. roll uroaoe.ioi.iif, nnn . -jy out, unmatched $)() Astn!'khanaFu'r CapVeV'satln lined through out $18.00 7.9o value .............. Other Friday Bargains 1 !5oc i'oret Cover Embrolderies-a fresh new lot. exceptional bargains 25C at 200 yards Machine Thread, per spool $1.00 Automobile Veils. 3 yards long, each 200 Side Elastics at, per pair lie ...... 49c 10c WASH LACES-A plob lot of liatrow and wine lorcuon mm --. , tn Friday at. yard """""JTZ b0o Fancy Neck- 25C pWrettLliien"Vl'aridkcichieiS, w'ltk hand em broidered Initial. eai'h " - 5uo Satin Pad Hose Supporters. 25C vi5rraorR jo ribbon counter 1T' A WONDER. - Hayden's, The Great Universal Providers of Groceries, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. ...8 10-lb. sacks beet lte buckwheat flour 2-lb. pkg. self rioing pa.i.-aks flour. tt. can golden table syrup , l-lh imiKirted miuaionl Jell-O or Bromungelon. pkg in bars liesl brands laundry soap ..... Pl-lbs. be.t rolled oatmeal - 8-lbs. hand picked navy tK-ans Peanut butter. Jar Oil or mustard sardines, can Potted meats, can la & perrln's sauce, bottle Snyder's or Blue LhIw-1 catnip, bottle, t-ili cans' Waller Baker s cocoa ..... cleaned currants, in Italian prunes, lb seedless raisin. 111 Missouri iiearhes, II) Sultana raisins, lb i Crown Muscatel raisins, Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy ....1 lb Pure Apple Cider, gullun TUA AND COFFEE BPECIAI.S- Fancv Santos Coffee, lb Fancy MarcoilMi blend coffee, lb 1 Fancy Porto Rn o blt-ud cj(Te, lb Fancy Amnio Java and Mot lid. lb O. G. Movha and Java, lb. ...oc 1-Si; . .9.: 1-V ;v c .2f,c . 2-V ,. !c . .a- 2'-,e .2Sf ic ..He ,V ilC l.Sc 9c 16c lac ;v .""to 26c The finest Manriahling Java and Arabian I coffee 3 pounds for ,. - $1.09 BCTTER AND CHEESE SPECIALS Fancy full cream brick or Llmburger-. ) chetse. lb ...M..M..ld Fancy full cream Young Arrerka I cheese, lb .' !." Funcy lH)inetic Swiss cheese, lb.... ,..!. Fancy Imported 8wiis cieese, lb 3 Neufehatel cheese, each. ............. J Sup bagu iheese. each '''t Fancy Separator creamery butur, lb....Joo FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 'Fresh tplnai-h, pe k : ..7Vje) wax or string beans, lb n Fresh beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips, or rutabagoes, lb lo Fancy Cape Cod cranberries. n,uarf ,...7Vy Fancy red or white onions, lb ..IVno K bunches fresh radishes .......Sc. Lai go grape fruit, each 8 FaiK-y Wine Sap apples, peck IDo Fancy Jonathan apples, peck ........... ato Italian i tiefinuts, lb ,'-.-o MAN8FIELDH GREATER NEW TORK PEPSIN G1M-SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATl'RDA X pkg . .-,..ld j L If u U !ri j lr) Special Furnishing Bargains In the Great Bargain Room. i'lannel Gowns, regular II .rd-; ...;.:......50c j jl t'nion Butts, .in $TnVr.x I f Kf 1-. 1