Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1906, Page 8, Image 8
HIE OMAHA DAILY REEx WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 7, lOOrt. SPECIAL I1QTICES Artvrrtlaeaneata for Ihrir raliana prill likm !! 12 m. far the rOiton nail aatll B a m. fat the nomtii i4r edttlna. Ratre 1 a word rui Insertion, le . ward Ihrrnflrr, Kethlag Itkra far lesa thaa far the flrat laser- lion, These a4irlliraraU nmt ba rna ramrritllr. 4il verifiers, hy reftaeatlag: Si am bered check, na have '" al trrmmr to a lamhrrH letter In car nt Tha lira. Aniwrn ao addressed rill le delivered oa presentation of rfcerk. MISCELLANEOUS TUB FALL TKKM BOYLES BUSINESS C ILLEGB IS Now open. DAT AND NIGHT. Student ara admitted any day. (few Catalogue tYw. Tel. Douglas 19M. Address H. B. Boyles, President. Boy lea lildg. Omaha, Neb. K 6a OAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., D3 S. 15th St. Tel Douglas Wt. DMA HA Safe and Iron Works make a spe itallty of fire, escape, aliuttera, doors and safes. O. Andreen. Prop. 103 S. 10th St. K S HON" PAINTING 8. II. Cole, 1.102 Douglas. H 66ti tOWA 6anitarjr Cleaning Co. 1019 Farnam. It 668 HKFLlN-I.ocksmlfh. moved upstairs; en trance, 1324 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 2?"- It 69 FREK for 10 days, on life slie elegant rravon portrait and fitted In an excellent frame for $1.25. This la to advertise our K M portrait. Call 10 to 6 o'clock. Wal lace Hrlslol Co., 620 North 16th St., near California. R-M5I0 NovlO , UBDER STAMPS-Western Stamp and Slencll Co.. 312 S. 12th 8t. Send for rta- logue. R M3 lis BUSINESS CHANCES Extraordinary Offer Do you wish to engage In the real estate business? If so, we will sell our business, wttlrh Includes office furni ture, well appointed suite of romna,. name Hats, corre spondence, records of all kinds, everything most com plete, for $5,00n. Wo have spent $12,000 m the past three years to build this business up to 'Its present Immense proportions. We, have over 1,000 direct correspondent In the entire tributary country and we can truthfully assert that we are the beat known real estate firm In the middle west. We have mndo $100,000 In the pnst three yers and axe ready to retire:. This is an excellent opportunity for a nun of some means to step right Into a big paying busi ness. One of the present mem- 1 bera of the firm will remain with the purchaser for . t leaat three months free of charge. If you are Interested write and arrange for personal interview. Address F 44, care Bee. Y-37S f NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposals for "an Addition to the Pavilion In Rlvervlew Park. According to plana and specifications pre r.rerl hv J. P. Outh. architect. 61-17 1 'ax ton Blk., will be received until No vembr 6, 1S06, at 6 p. in., at the ottlce of the architect. A certified check for ii per cent of the esttniat.d cost must uiM.oninanv each Drooosal. J. P. GU'l'H, Architect, 616-17 Paxton Dlk, X IU1UO IV Nice, clenn stock of groceries, good loco tion, to be sold this weak fct Invoice. ln quire till N. 34th St., South Omalia. Y 3S4 7 Do You AVish to Make a Change If vou have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. G1X)BB LAND AND INVESTMENT CO Omaha. Neb. Y-M9M Dl No charge for treatment at Cralgbton Denial college. WANTED Patients, at Dental college, Treatment tree. I-Mou fiovn mW K.RY for rent: 1711 Nlcholaar St. rent reasonable. Bemls, Paxton block. Y -M907 MINES and mining and industrial stock bought and sold. KoDt. c. urueadow Stock Broker, 8u N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Y-M990 Dl WE OWN property surrounded by mines In the famous Bullfrog district in southern Nevada. For particulars address the Ne vada Standard Oold Mining and Milling 'o.. 809 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Nab. Y-M9S9 Dl FOR 8AIJ& Restaurant and confection ery. Doing good bis. Am aick and got to gel nut aoon. Address Box 3, Fnir inont, Neb. Y 3SS 6x CALL 1003 Jackson St.; earn money easy, safe and quick. Y 380 7x FOR SALE Bakery, restaurant, confec tionary, rooming and boarding house. Ad drees Box 77, St. Paul. Neb. Y-M397 13x WB BUY ALL KINDS OF MINING 8TOCK Write us what you have to sell. Utah Nevada Development Co.. S29 D. F. Walker Bldg., Salt Lake, Utah. Y M391 lOx . FOR BALE 60-barrel flour and feed mill: water power; plenty of wheat; clears tl,6u0 annually; prlc s&.ooo. Address Mllfuid, Mate., It F. U I, Box 61. Y-;M390 14x FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE An up-to-date drug stock, tti.tai, to exchanga for South Da kola or Iowa land. Globe Land and In vestment Cuuipauy, Omaha, Nebraska. IF Toll do not Ind what you want In this column, put lu ad In and you will soon get it. FOR lrXCHANGfc A number of good first inortguge loans ana good lands to el chant.i for groceries or a general stock of merchandise. Globe Land and Investment Company. Patterson fcldg., Omaha, Neb. Z Mails PRINTING I YNflSTAn Migh-grada l9n calendora. r ,S. E. cornar 16lh St. and 5t JUKVC, Capitol Ave. 7U JHH printing and binding. Bprmger Print ing Co., iu N. 17 til. Tel. Douglas tuTl. lbS IV rKNTRAIi PRINTING CO.: fin lob work: typewrilten letters. 110 S. 17th Bt,, 1V& blin ks nortii tte mug. tM rvovii CViMPl.ETE line of 17 calendars. Bnell Priutmg Co.. S.0 8. 12th Bt. U136 D; PLUMBING Bl'V plumbing supplies direct. Wholesals iirim. Save on every article. Only fliat cUm goods hanldvd. Prompt attention to evrrv ururr. di.u tor catalogue, n. t, Krol, -u Haniwn St., Chicago, HI. -T27 LYNi'll BROS-Ilepair work our specialty ilk N. Utli bt. Tel. lxmglua H.7 Mull N23 DETECTIVE SERVICE WKT411KE Detective Service. 'Phone Red 74uL Rooms 11 and 14, Union Block, lbib tt Faraauk -UJ Is j WANTED MALE HELP AUTOMOBILE drivers, Wchsnlcs, chain' - rorn, rcpnlr nwn, demonstrators, sales, mpti, garage managers waniM all over the country. 1&"7 will offer great opportuni ties and high salaries for competent man. tlur " practical auto-educatlon ran be ac quired by night study at amall monthly tost. Positions acrnred through our em ployment bureau. We have the only prac tical an-i'S of textliook In existence and our Instructors are experts. Study fr"w srvd lie ready fir the spring opportunities. For full particulars Including one free ls son and dictionary of motoring terms ad dress The Correspondence School of Au tomobile Engineering. Suite 1777. American Oarage, 40 V. with St.. New VorV Cv. B-3M 7x WANTKD YOCNrj MEN OF UOOl I H A (ill S Age IS lo Xa. to prejiare for fire men and lrnkemen' on all the leading railroads and for new roads now beinn completed ; experience unnecessary; fire men, $H per month: lirakenien. per month, with rapid promotion to engineer and conductor. Many positions now open. National Ry. Training Ass'n, 6 X, Pax ton block. Omaha, Neb. B-102 Dl WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks complete; tools Riven: position waiting: qualified Instructors, steady pne tlee. registered dlplomaa: board provided If desired. Call or write Mnler Parber College, m Farnam St.. Omaha. , B-M120 Sx WANTKD Five boys; good wages; perma nent joo. a. . t. Co., Z12 s. lain u B 7 . DRUO STORKS bought and sold; drug cierKB wanted. F. V. Knelst, K.4 in. x. u. B 677 TOOTHACHE? Free treatment at Creigh- ton Llental college. Crown or bridge work. No charge at Creiglilun Dental college except for ma terial. 3 M042 Novll SPECtAI, contract men; several expert speclnl contract life Insurance men desired Immediately. Rupert F. Fry. Special Supt., Mason lildg., Houston. Tex. B M969 !x HUSTLERS out of employment can do well to can on us; pay weekly, c 1. Anams Co., 1619 Howard. B M133 D2 REPRESENTATIVE wanted In this city lor leaamg Automobile Hcnnol. uoemi terms to right ninn. No "has been" or fakir need apply. References required. Corresonrtence School of Automobile, West 60 St.. New York City. B 152 6x WANTED 3 boys. Omaha Pox Co., B M30J Kust Omaha. WANTED At- onoe.16 boys 16 or 17 years old. See Mr. Williams, order department, basement. The Bennett Company. B M.VS S WANTED 3 good contmakers. prices start s SO upwards at llemey uros.. iincoin, Neb. . B 350 12x WANTED First-class watchmaker; good salary torlght party. A. Mandelberg, 1622 Farnam. - B M369 BOYS at once for factory work. Betnis omana eag co. u su t WANTED Experienced man on waxed noors; young man to take care or omoe. Address M 4S0. Bee. B M373 8x FIRST-CLASS coatmnker wanted; guaran tee steady work; first-class pay. r"att Bros., St. Joseph, Mo. B M370 8 WANTED Young man who Is quick at figures to work in Jewelry dept. Apply. with references, to A. D. Brandels. be tween 8 and 10 a. m. J. L. Brandels & Sons. B 374 8 WANTED Young man to travel In Ne iiraska, on salary; drugglxl preferred:. Address o-4S2. care Bee. B s.b 7x WANTED A responsible architect and structural engineer, engaced during the day, wants night and Sunday work de- Bipnlng heavy buildings. warehouses shops, factories, steel structures, trusses. etc.; plans and specifications at reason able rates; satisfaction and flrst-clura work guaranteed. Address P 4K3. Pee. B 8SS 11 x BRIGHT, honest young men to prepare for coming Exams, for Railway Mall Clerks and Ciov t Stenographers. Good Silary. Permanent. Many appointments. Thoro preparation. Address 116 Inter-State Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. B M385) 9X -4- WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at Avery lirii K yards, 2 miles south of Al brlRht on Bellevue car line; good wugts; boarding house at plant. B 3! 7 BOY wanted for office work; education. two years high school; salary, $26 per montn. Aaaress rue x:ee. B M387 13x STENOGRAPHER. I7S. Call at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., (Inc.), Suite 840-1-2 IM. X. Lire Blug. B M900 7 8HOE CLERK, retail, $50. Apply at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., (Inc.) Suite 840-1-2 N. Y. Life Bl.lg. B M901 7 WANTED Book and catalogue printer steady lob. Press feeder, cylinder press, Good wages. Telephone Martin Martin, Falls city, iseu. II M4W x WANTED At once, help on ranch, good cook, German or Swede not objected to good wages, permanent situation if walls factory. Address Moore, Dayton, Bherl dan county, Wyoming. B 393 Tx WANTEDFEMALE HELP FIRST CLASS bookkeeper, $50-170. Ap- nly at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., (Inc.) Suite 840-1-2 JN. X. Life Bldg. C M899 T WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. Inquire 701 No. 23d St. ( C MS79 WANTED A good cook; references re-C-918 quired. 3612 Farnam. A COMPETENT girl for general house work; reference required. Mrs. Robert Dempster, 3527 Harney. C 968 WANTED A good cook; wages $6 per week: 3 In family. Mrs. Ben Cotton, 4X! 8. 3Sth Ave. C M361 WANTED A good nurse girl for 2 chil dren; per month; references required. Mrs. Ben Cotton. 432 8. 38th Ave, C M360 is! Apiy WAITRE to manager Dellone C M2o 7 hole shirt; workers wanted at kino- GRAHAM Mr G. CO., 11TH AND JACK SON. C-M.157 WANTED Girl for general housework : also nurse girl. 26( Dewey Ave. C-377 8 WANTED Two dining room girts; wages ib: will senu tickets. Trie tvovnirr. Grand Island, Neb. C M398 8 : 1 WANTED1 Girl for general housework; no washing or Ironing: wages $ per week. Inquire 6t4 8. Sulh St. C M395 9 WANTED A competent cook; German preferred. 1329 S. 32d St. C 376 7 GIRL for general housework; no alundry; guoa wages. 3416 Burt. C S68 B WANTED AGENTS NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; samples free this week; other nov elties. Ladles Supply Co., 3263 Prairie Ave.. O., Chicago. J MtkSo Novlzx SALARY and commission will be paid to an old line life man of experience. Ad dresa Bux 1195. Lincoln, Neb. , J-77S NovlS I AGENTS WANTED-We have 2W,' acres panhandle, Texaa. land for sale, near Hereford, lu Deaf Smith and Palmer counties, Texas. We run our own special train the first nnd third Tuesdays each month, consisting of Pullman ind dining cars, for the convenience of our agents and their customers. Join us. Agents wanted. Address T. H. Wiley, 424 Br-e Bldg., Omaha, Neb. J-999 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Two energetlo men to travel for Minneapolis wholesale house; will pay $75 lo l-v. per month and expenses to start; will meet suitable parties In St. Joseph about November-12; excellent op portunity for young men to gel utart. Address at once, F. W. Potts, Minneapolis, Minn. L M2U 7x WANTED Good cigar salesman ; samples dee. Call UUl Jacks-jn bt., basement. L-l 7x AUTOMOBILES FOR ( 3 R AUTOMOBILES FOR Both Advrtlj Under "Automobll" on The n M I FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS WILL RKNT. to gentleman one front room In new. modern apartment house; re w furniture, never before used; steam heat and electric lights; hath adjoins room; only two blocks from postnfnce and -on principal car line; will make It home like; no children In family. Price, 113 per month. Address J-477, care Pee. E S4 2fix S ROOMS furnished. Fine cheup rent. Private home of 4 voting people who desire company mora thnn money. Piano, all modern, including heat, 2210 Pntiplntnn. K 1)61 6 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks I-679 CAPITOL HOTEL. ISth and Capitol Ave.; American or Luropean; steam heal. E 6S0 NEWLY furnished rooms; new house: one oiock north of Farnam car; gentlemen "nly; every modern convenience; hot water heat. 107 8. 31st St. E 115 N18x NICK, large, southeast room; nicely fur- nisned; all conveniences; electric llKht an'l ga. 'Phone Douglas 3S37. 217 S. -'Fth St. E 101 TWO furnished rooms, modern; gentlemen prercrrea. Tel. Harney 32w. ZT.7S Jinrise. E 129 8x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks F-6M VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; F s: cafe. THE ROSE. 23) Harney St.. nicely fur nished, warm, comfortable rooms. Good board. F 4S0 2tx Vv'ITH board, south room, suitable for two. Address D-472. Bee. F M298 10X FRONT parlor for two. with b:ard. 116 F-M -4tn St. 527 PARK AVE., bright, warm room for two, with breakfast and dinner; private. F 3S2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT SUITE of 4 rooms In the Ormond, on first ' floor. 665 8. 28th St.; rent. 128. Bemls, Paxton Blk. O M906 FOUR pleasant aooms unfurnished or partly furnished. 1214 North 25th St, G M334 7x FOR RENT STORES .& OFFICES Low Priced Offices Two rooms, 620 and 607, at $16 each. A good place to be in the winter time. The Bee Building Ask for Mr. Baker, Supt., who will bo pleased to show you these ruoma 1-522 A VERY DESIRABLE office, room 648 with south and east light. In partitioned, one room being b-uxiu-g and th oth-r 19-8x21-7; has large also fire-proof vault; Janitor service and electric light free. This Is one of our best suites of offices in the building. See Mr. Baker, Supt., Bee Bldg., 17th and Farnam. 1620 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office city hall building, 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1131 FOR RENT Large corner store room, 16th and Vinton Stn.. $30. C. M. Bach mann. 436 Paxton Blk. I M621 THE two store rooms, with basements, at 703-705 8. 16th street; $80 per month for both. Inquire R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. IM4S BUILDING 1005 Farnam, will .be vacant November 15; 22x100; 9 floors and base ment. Apply 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. I-S0 DESK room In one of the large offices, partitioned off. $10 per month. Bee Mr. Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. 1521 STORE ROOM, 16th and Harney, x100 ft. Can be vacated about Dec. 15, 1906. Ad I dress, F 440, Bee. , I M659 FOT RENT Store room; a 2-story building, 22x132 feet, with lease for 3 years: best central location In the heart of Omaha's business district; well ventilated and . lighted: rent reasonable. Apply at 1513 Howard St. 1343 7 BAKERY Large store room; large bake room with cemented floor: furnace heated: 1718 Nicholas St.: Just the place and loca tion for a live man to supply the trade and at the same time retail. BEM1S. Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 585. I-M4U T WANTED TO RENT WANTED A home to take In emergency cases; such as scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles. Must be without children. Will pay well fur same. Call at Heullh Office, City Hall. Telephone Douglas 601. K M9H6 DESK room wanted In good office by In surance man. Address B 470. care Bee. K-M171 7 WANTED SITUATION WANTED Situation in city as stenog rapher, by young lady experienced; ref erences. Address K-4.H, earn hen. A-336 27x YOUNG man wants to work In lunch room to learn business; some experience; wages light; references best. I'lease tell proprietors. Address Y 158, Omaha Bee. A-M33 x SITUATION wanted by young expert stenographer, Chicago and St. 1-ouls ref erences. Address L 479 care Bee. A MU52 lOx 1'OUNO WOMAN desires employment In doctor's office, store or home, or any posi tion of trust: experienced nurse; would accept temporary yoaltlon. Address N-4M, Bee. A-379 7x LOST LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN Little Irish Terrier, from Clinton H. Brlggs' residence, Wtst Dodge St. Reward and no questions asked If returned to 120 Farnam St. Lost M349 LOST lady's gold watch, with T. P. A. fob. Saturday afternoon. Reward for re turn to Bee office. Lost 310 tx STRAYED My old brindle bulldog; very thin; without collar; near H'UiO JPimey. Who's seen him? Harry lk Moorea. 142 7x CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. FAUST will guide you In all the af fairs cf life; her predictions are reliable; he tells everything; complete life rend ing: ladles 60 cents, gentlemen $1. 1608 Cuming St. "Phone Dougias-4122. 8-JH8 25x MADAME BUDDHA. The hading palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future deacrlbed. Parlors, 11 8. ISth St , Opp. Boston Store. v S-736 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON -Institute. Doug. loot. 418 N. Y. L. Tet -729 DR. BOW6ER, Doug. 6370 over 1500 Farnam. Tel. -MM4 Nov2 WINES AND LIQUORS BOL 8. GOLD8TROM Whiskies, wines and liuuors for family use. Mall orders given iirompt attention. ftend for price ht. South Oiuaba, Nwb. Uvvualle Stuck Yauu. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE New 6-I?oom House Modern, largo lot, good neigh borhood; $2,000. INVESTMENT 9 rooms, five minutes from postoffice, will pay 12 per cent; $1,000 cash sufficient. National Investment Co., Douglas Block. RE M 404 BIG SNAP FOR INVESTOR, 64 FEET, $450. Double front, on two streets, sewer, water, n:is, one block from 24lHSt. car, south front, room for 2 or 4 cottages. Come In today; you may not be TOO LATE. Hastings & Heyden, 1T04 Farnam St. RE 3S3 WEST FARNAM HOME One of the nicest homes In the West Farnam district, on a lot 93x155, all mod ern, new and nice, good neighborhood, near car all one can ask for in the way of a nice, complete home. Parties leav ing the city and must sell at a sacrifice. Boo me at once If you want It. SEARS. ROOM 521 N. Y. LIFE. 'Phone Douglas 3150. RE 348 t To Grading Contractors Bids will be received for Im mediate removal of 30,000 cu. yds. All machine work. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 FARNAM. RQ-M275 7 FOR SALE BY OWNER. A splendid stock and grain farm of 322 acres, 7 miles from South Omaha. A good house, barns, sheds, etc., good orchard, plenty of water, good fences, good railroad and lnterurban facilities; have R. F. D. and telephone. Price fur the next 30 days, $:tt.oro. Address, LEMUEL NORTON, FORT CROOK, NEB. RE M171 13 Brand New and Easy Terms We had three new, modern houses, close In and on the boulevard. We sold one of them today for $2,750. The other two can be bought for $2,600, without fur nace. Come and let us show you these properties. Quick work Is Imperative If you desire this kind of a home. This is the Other One Everything and everybody strikes for the north. Why not you? We have the best located 9-room, modern rooming and boarding house In the city for the money. Just alx blocks from the postoflice In fine condition $3,600, $1,000 cash, if taken at once; rent pays the balance. National Investment Co., 52 DOUGLAS BLOCK. KE M40S 7 FOR SALE. A 9-room bouse 42,000. A 6-room house J2.&U0. A 6-room house ll.&rO. A 6-room house $1,100. Will sell the above snaps If taken at once. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Patterson Block. RE 54397 f WANTED We have large dtmand for homes and Investment property on the south side of railroad tracks, and acreage property In the vicinity of Omaha. If you have such, send us description and price, and wa will .sell It for you. Bet ka & Co., 911 New York Life Bldg. - t" RE M290 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 31si i"asv Sts., with ground on which to . another house. Paved street, ea. 1, nice shade trees. Make me an offf: ' one or both. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, N. Y. Ufa Bldg. RE 691 BEAUTIFUL KOUNTZE FLACE-Modern home, hot water heat, 75-ft. front; space for another house; small house aken as part payment. See owner, 1921 Wirt. RE M324 ALL modern S-roonY hous and lot for sale at a bargain. 922 No. 19th RE M910 FOR SALE Two half sections improved lun,t a Half f ,.h ?a.m lanH ItulunCA ' meadow and farm land, making an Ideal stock farm; located on Logan river, three miles from Lyons, Burt county. Neb., the garden spot of America. Easy terms. Owner, Box 6, Lyons, Neb. RE AI405 II FOR SALE FARWS OWN 8.000 acres of fin rice land on rail road, within seven to ten miles of Hous ton, the best and moat progressive city in Texas. Will seil In tracts of 220 acres and over, to actual settlers, for $25 per acre, payable In ten annual paymenta. Purchaser must h'tve money sufficient to put down irrigation wells, build necessary houses and barns and to plant und take care of first crop of rice. No payment on land required until first crop Is harves:ed. Work ehould begin by January 1 for 1906 crop. I? you are coming to Texas to farm, see me before you ony. Charles Flnley Smith, 217 Main 8t., Houston, Tex. H-M411 D6 $20 ACRE FARM for sale In the Republi can Vailev, no better land than tills for alfalfa, corn, wheat or oats. Will sell horses, hogs, cattle and farm machinery with the farm if so desired. This prop erty belongs to a company that wants to dissolve and desire to divide up Writ for terms etc., to Moore Merc, Co., Franklin, Nebraska. M M126 lOx THREE farm bargain. Writs J. T. Camp bell. Litchfield. Neb. H-M916 N16x FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS TWO Beeley letter cabinets. In good corJil tlon, made of walnut and have two draw ers eacn. can at xiee uuiiucaa uium n get a bargain. W 141X4 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; wa lead the world in cheap bar fixturee; easy payments. Uruutswltk-Balke Collendar, 407 8. lota Su U !0 SB'ND us your mall ordere for drugs; freight paid On $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. W 'l MILK cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. Q 673 SODA FOUNTAIN, any atze. 1S1I Farnam. W 673 BHER WIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., v W 674 HALL'S safes, new, t-d hand. 1818 Farnam. FOR BALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, H mall room. V-613 FOR BALE Empty packing cases, cheap. Addreaa U 88. Bee office. Q 444 TO DISPOSE of household goods and stoves call at 70$ So. Kth. Doug 6762. Small com. W MoU Nails II keg. Star Box Co., 1807 St. Msrv's av. Q-MS41 io ONE 8-lnch Jenkln's valve for sale. Apply W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg. Q-M112X TO SELL OR BUY Furniture, stoves, harneati, wagons, typewriters organs, pianos. Call Douglas-5752, or 7 8. 16th 6t. Q-318 2i FOR SALE Iron bed complete. In good con dition. N. otb. Q M0 160 UNREDEEMED overcoats at a bar gain. N. 16th St. , (i 345 7x 5 UNREDEEMED 16th. overcoats, 418 No. (J M iw d!5 ENTIRE household goods fnust be sold f . pituseii.iiu m". " iiiu.. -. by N ...-.n.Kr k Wrini eiiv A I.Mr. 713 No. lit Bk a-M40J gua RENT SALE Want Ad Paf. FOR RLNT HOUSES 262.1 Bristol St., 8 rooms, entirely modern, gns range storm windows, window shades, full lot, paved street, close to nir line. ll; South .loth avenue, 11 rooms, modern, $45. 3223 Pacific St., 8 rooms, modern. $00. South 2Mh. S rooms, modern, 3:17 Cuming St., 8 rooms. $2i. r.-B K. 2Stli St., 8 room cottage. tl.Srt. 'J3 Burt St.. 4 furnished rooms, modern, 4"1! Harney St., 4 room flat, $15. ?KA3 North rsth, f rooms. 15. 210 North 24tii St.. 6 rooms. $!'. 2556 Snhler St., 5 room cottage, $12. Hastings & li'eydeu, 1704 Farnam St. D-3f& NEW APARTMENTS 26th Ave. and Half Howard Eta., 5 and 6 rooms each, mod ern In every respect; rent, $07.60 and $40. GEORGE CO., 1601 FARNAM. 'Phone Douglas-756. D M274 10 WE DO expert piano moving at fit prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Solum & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1J13 Farnan.. D 6SJ HOUSES in oil parts of tha city. R. C. Peters at Co., Bee Bldg. D fel tlfYTTQlVQ In all parts of tha city. Tha uvwuxjkj u F Davla Co., Bea BKig. D-4to HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. D 6S6 OMAHA Van & Storage Co.. pack, move. store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-21 IS. l'Jth. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 155J. D 687 A NICE modern 7-room house In fine re pair, new, Just what you want. Call tele phone Harney 1H73 or Douglas 2081. Im mediate possession. E. E. Huntley, owner, 329 Board of Trade. D M174 3223 PACIFIC ST., 8 rooms and bath; en tirely modern; finished In oak stain; storm wind'ows; $:)0. 1118 South 30th Ave., 11 rooms; modern; $45. 3217 Cuming St., 8 rooms; $24. 2623 Bristol Ht., 8 rooms; modern; 1.113 8. 2Nth St., 8 rooms; cottage; $21.50. 271:3 Jackson St., 8 rooms; modern; $27.50. 213 8. 30th. 9 rooms: modern: $40. 2223 Burt St., 4 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 4249 Harney St.. 4 rooms; $15. 2W3 N 25lh. 6 rooms; $15. 2613 N. 17th Ave., 8 rooms; barn; $30. 2556 Sahler St.. 6 rooms: $12. 2W5 Hristul St., 7 rooma and barn; modern; $22.50. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. D-S'4 7 FOR RENT Nice 7-room bouse. $15.00. 2641 Patrick Ave. For Rent Fine flat, all modern, good fur. nace. 406 S. 25th Ave. William K. Potter, receiver, 301 Brown Blk. D M870 CTHPAflF. Household goods. OiOUAUJJ chand'e. Fre. mer chand'e. et.. Fred Lush Transfer Line, lu03-5 Farnam St. ' D M568 N10 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor nge Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Office, 1713 Web- eter St. Xj 6w SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west, we can snve you money, EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N, Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1195. D 669 FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern: fur nace; 5 C. M. Bachniaun, 436 Paxton Blk. D-323 COITNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city. Immediate attention given. 1623-31-33 .N. itnn Bt. III. uougias 4hl'j. D C90 CENTRAL, steam, modern 7-room house. Tlrard, 220 N. 23d. D MMti 6-ROOM cottage, city water, $7.00. Breen & Bloom, 613 Bee Bldg. D M769 4 ROOMS, modern flat; adults. 1112 So. nth. D 158 FOR RENT 8-room flat, modern, good re pair, opposite iianscom park $33. .. I'hone i Douglas D 163 j FOR RENT After November 1. 8-room house, all modern except furnace. $20.00. C. M. Bachman, 436 Paxton Block. D M811 FOR RENT 5-room, modern house, 26th and Chicago: easy warning distance, c. W Blixt, on premises or First Nat l bank. D M363 8 CENTRAL. 220 N. 23d. steam, modern. 4-room flat. D M372 NICE 8-room cottage; rent $9. South 26th St. Apply 1515 I 341 6X MODERN 7-room house, 2805 Bristol St. D-S44 7x FOR RENT Modern. 9-room, brick house 1126 South 31st St.; $40 per month Thomas Brennan, room 1 N. Y. Life Bldg. D-M358 MODERN DWELLING Eight large rooms excellent repair, $46.00, vacant Novembe: 15th. W. L. SELBY. 440 Board Trade Bid. Phone Douglas 1510. D M373 Dx FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, now In perfect con dltlnn. 1312 8. 4th St.. between Wlllinm and Popplt ton Ave., near depots; rent, $12. cbMio, raxion iiiocK. D M399 4-ROOM flat, second floor, very pleasant; gaa and rlty water; $10. 2322 sn. sutn St. D M388 9x FOR RENT 8-room house, modern except heat. 520 N. lth St. Inquire Mtt N. 20d St.. South Omaha. I Mlo7 9x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. and M4j per cent loans on real estate; no aeiay. W-667 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 661 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co L20 Farnam 8t W fc BUILDING loans on residence property; per cent. v. a. ateiaie. nauige HIM. W-671 LOWEST RATES Basils. Ptaton Block, w gi PRIVATE MONEY- F. D. Waad, 1520 Doug. w li tl 000.000 TO LOAN en business and rest denca property Id Omaha; lowavt rates no delay. Thomas"Brcnuan. R. 1. N. Y. Ufa. w 71 WANTED City loana R. C Petera Co, v 67 City farm loana. O. F. Carson Ca.. N Y U YT SIS LOANS on Improved city property. W. Ii. Thomas. 606 First national liana Biag. W-471 DANCING WORTH considering. Isn't It, when Mo rand's Dancing School for adults will sell you a ticket good for 12 lessons at the reduced price or, iaoies M. gentlemen i, which will teach you how to dance per fectlv.-' Former pupils tl less. Three as sistants to help beginner. Call or TeL lHjuglas 1041. Fall terms begins Friday, Nov. 2, 8 p. m -'...""14 PATENTS is .1 1. ARSON A CO.. patent lawyer patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. KUIHI'K MACHINE WORKS Patent ..r,...nrei inventions developed. drawliiKS. y ... - I i.atterns, casunas. uuiiinuo win B. iUi St. -S4 PERSONAL PKWINO machines rented, any make. 7Fo per week or 12 00 per month. Second hand: machines for sale. I-VOO and up. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. IT 713 tR. ROY, chiropody. Doug. !97. 1 far. L! 14 t - rniVATF, CON F1NKMK NT HOMK. Mrs. I Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st Bt. Tel. lHiug. lj iu PLEATING B!oS Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing; only 5c per yard. Bend for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. G0 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas u ill LAUNDRY CITY'BTEAM. Tel. Doug. 254. 211 8. Hill Bt. L '17 THE SALVATION ARMY acllcltfc rastoff cioming; in fsct, anything you ao mi need; we collect, repair and sell, at in N. JUh St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and waffon will call. U 611 REE medical and treatment nt Creighton Mer'lcal college. 14lh and Dav enport Sts.; speclnl attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 116i. Calls answered day or night. U 129 (THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leaven woi tli Bta. Tel. Douglas list. U 111 PURVEYING, Bllckensderfer, 812 Bee Bldg. I ! 119 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Rampie I--720 Bldg. MAflNETTf"! treatment and bath. Mrne. JkLAVIlX j X amith, 118 N. U 2d floor. l-MJUl CHAMPION carpet cleaning. Doug fifvV r23 ijeavenwortn. I M no inovs NY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the nmtroi, of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 324 N. 24th St.. Omaha, Neb. U M100 RIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San-Itarli-m, 728 Firtt Ave., Council Blufls, la. Tel. 774. U-322 M AXS! AflP Swedish movement. 410 N. iiUlOOAUfj mh Room a, (necond floor. U M9S2 Dl OTHER'S BREAD Ask your grocer for i4. H. xteeder s MOTHER 8 BKKAU. U M987 Dl A Dollar Free for You This coupon will be taken ss $1 payment on a iu of shoes, nats or dom ing balance paid as you earn It. HOME CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY, 15L'0 Dodge St., Cor. 16th, Omaha. U 118 N18 PENNELL Millinery Co., 322 North 16th ci- . u 712 jan RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no neienuon rrom business, call or wrlie for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., 611 Woodmen of World Bldg., umana. U 723 CEIGHTON Dental cnlleee. Pallenta free r ree treatment at Creighton i ental col lege. U-M540 N 11 C. J. PA LMQU18T, customer shoo maker. ii-i Hamilton si. ana lOi B. i.Mh st U-M566 N 10 ECZEMA absolutely cufed by W. A. Pax- ion s Buive. B. J. Hcanell, agent, 59 Ware Blk. U-M896 N 15 CHRISTENSON, carpet cleaning. Tel. U-74 N14 Doug. 1659. THE ACORN Press. Tel. Douer. T.Vl. Commercial printers. 1610 Howard St. U MH99 N1S TYPEWRITERS AH makes, for rent. $2 to 4 month. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1603 Leavenworth. 'Phone Red-6599. U MW 29 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut E rices; send for rreu catalogue. Myers Ullon Drutf Co., Omaha. U 724 i . DRS. VOGEL, private hospital for women ana ror iaoies oeroro and during confine ment. 319 S. 13th til., Omaha. Neh. U M945 N30 TYPEWRITERS rented. $2.50 per month; an manes; sansraction guaranteed:. Fox Typewriter & Supply Co., 1822 Farnam St. 1T-M367 25 BE kind to your skin. Use only Satin skin cream and Satin skin powder. 2oc. U E. V. Your father has charge of business, satisfied your partner and cleared you. Anxious to hear from you. J. U-MI' 13x FOR RENT No. 6 Remington typewriter. Address c. A. Wallace, 2109 Iiuins. U-MsKSx MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases. weaknesses. discharges, Irregularities cured ainlessy and safely. Withnell block, 15th and Harney, Room 2, Omaha. -725 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. OmahH. 726 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS t t $$$$$$$$$$ MONEY TO LEND t t ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES AND WAGONS. This is your onnortunltv to get money and pay those little annoying debta. Ar range your affairs now so that when the cold weather comes you will only hava one company to owe. You can rensv us In r.rr.all weekly, or monthly navments heal suited to your In come: amounts paid before due, full rebate is A1.WAIS auowed. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Sts. Y-MXW 10 $$$$$$$$$$$$$! WHEN YOU FIND IT NECESSARY TO BORROW give us a trial, after which we will by fair treatment attempt to retain your atronage. We loan from $10 up on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc We also make loans to SALARLED PEOPLE without mortgage or endorser. We transact business) quickly and quietly. We do not deduct Interest In advance, We always try to please our patrons. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Bldg. -Tel. Doug. (Established 12.1, 36 8. 16 th B. X-M964 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy pay ments; offices In 63 principal cities, gay yourself money by gttlng my terms first. JJ. 11. TOLMAN, 714 Ntw York Lila Bldg. X-706 DR. PfUBBEWOW'S MONEY. . loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payments suspended when sic or out oi wura. jxai imcn o'a. M South 16lt St. K-7'X Iiowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels of salary; easy to get; no red tape, ou get money aame day asked fur at email cou Open evenings till 7. X 843 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, uccom modatlng; all tusiness couAdaulWl. 13ul Douglas. X 44 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, coaa, el-J. tteea. iiu a. luh. X-816 FURNITURE, live slock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room a. Barker block. X 846 CHATTELS, salary' and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. Xtft) CHATTEL and aalary loans. Credit Co , 6a Pailon block. Ptioenlg X-tJ DEATH NOTICES RrnriFLIV-Mrs. II. E - Widow of Chrl- Hedncl.l. mother of Llmer K. Pert e M Kvn E. Redticld and Anna A. RedllrUJf November 8. ' Funeral Wednesday. W f from resi dence, 14:4 Soiuh Seventeemh street. Inter ment Prospect Hill cemetery. Mends Invited. LESLIE Taul, November 5, IX. aged $8 veins. Fnnera! from residence of his brother. Jurte-e Charles Ille. 2122 Kurt street, Wednesday. Novemler 7. si i ;.v p. o- in terment Forest liwn cemetery. i lends invited. McCARDLK Mrs. D. A., at Pedslla, Mo., November i. 19H. aged 7 years. Funeral from residence, of her grsnd ri.n.i.ur m, v. if. Ahmanson, 118 'f.ri h N'iet..enih ireet Wednesday, at o'clock n. m. Interment at orest W' cemetery. Friends Invited. FLORISTS HKSS & 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. TS0 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. 1253. Tel. Doug. -731 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglag gsZl. . MNoTlf MUSIC AND LANGUAGES MISS IRMA SPRINGER, piano lessons, bt cents. 13J0 N. 41st St., Walnut Hill car. M60H NorlJ CHATELAIN School of languages Day and evening classes, French, German. Spanish; fencing. Davidge Bldg. S7-Nov14 HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE HORSES All kinds. Myers, 1715 Jarksnn, P M9SS Dl WANTED To buy 8 or 8 horse. 1.300 to 1.4'0 lhs. Pee Tom Baker, barn master. The Bennett Company P MW9 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT, SECOND-HAND furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay the best price. Tel. Douglas $S7L N-6S4 Novll WANTED to buy, 10 acres Improved, anma fruit, near Benson. Address 8870 Dodge. N MS72 N2t DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at horn. Miss Sturdy. 2606 Davenport. 'Phone Har ney 2812. M728 M'DOWELI. system of dressmaking and cutting; patterns cut to measure; lessons Tuesday and Thursday evenlnrs. lfcl Fnrnam. MTdS N25 FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Winj Fencing, 6c per foot. 206 N. i7th BL Tel. Red W4. 875 Novl LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. Macfarland. SO N. T. L. Bldg. Tat Doug. (858. -24 Nor Foollsuly and Imagine you cannot gavgf Sow a 'dollar today in the Omaha Loan and Building Association and a year from now It will have In creased 6 per cent in size. That dollar ten years hence will have grown bo big and fat that you won't recognize it. Keep planting other dollars and you will have enough money to start in business or tide you over a bad spell. should hard luck befall you. We solicit small and large accounts. - New loca tion S. B. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sta. O. W. LOOMIS. Pre. G. M. IJATTINGER, Secy, Go With Us On one of our regular excursions to whera you can buv fine farm and ranch lands at $3 to $4 per acre on easy terma. Tha IT. P. R. R. Is closing out Its lands In Western Nebraska, Kansaa, Colo rado and Wyoming. t For Information regarding lands and excursion rates apply LAND AGENCY V. P. R, R. Dept. B, 311 8, 16th Street. OMAHA. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- master. Fort i-eavenwortn, Kansas, Oct. , !!.. Scaled proposals. In triplicate. will be receivea nere until u a. m., central time, November ., 13v. and then opened, for constructing the following buildings, including plumbing and electrtu w iring: l wo siuoies, one aouois stable guard building, eight .double sets non i nmnils.-iuncd staff officers' Quarters, onn engineer workshop, two pontoon sheds, at tort ieaven woi in, ivitutan. run inrorma tlon und blank forms of proposal furnished' on application to this office, where plans and specifications may be seen. United States reserves the light to accept or re ject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes to be Indorsed "Pro poKals for Public Buildings." sod uddreased to Captain Peter Murray, Quartermaster. OctB-10-l-!3Novfi-7 QUICKER MAILS FROM OMAHA Better fterilce Olea ftaulkerai Ne braska by taw gfheaale Over Hoek IsUtad. Answering an inquiry of the Commercial club as to lh efficiency of the express pouch service recently put in effect from Omaha to Belleville. Kun.. over the Rock Island, F. L. Kelh-r, chief clerk of th railway mail service at Omaha, says: "I will state tiiat service since the re cent time card of the Rock Island be came effective Oftober 21 could hardly ba Improved on In so far as the commercial interests of Omaha are concerned, a it is now possible to dispatch n-.ulla to every connecting line bordering on the territory of the Rock Island in southern Nebraska, northern Kansas snd the Colorado points." The malls for ihls part of the country leave me posiomee at c.w i ".cum , and the- train leaves Omaha at $:50. lt mskea connection wild a wnmouna nun. ington train ut Endicotl nnd gives twelve hourV earlier servicw lo ilia country M tha e-