Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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i Ul FricM , 8 ti trail 7 attadj, with
Trada I airly ietita.
Liberal Rail ef Cheep, Mostly Feeders,
ft hrf Stead)-) WhiU
Feeder Ar Slw
4 Dall. .
t.Wl 81. .i
IX') 20,1.4
.78 . U.474
. t.lhe
SOUTH OMMIA.,lN0ir. , 19U0.
l.ieieipta wet: Cattle. Ilona. Sheen.
Yn. lal MondHy ,..10.1 l.l6 I8.Z
iml.l Tuesday . Mw . U.M4)
' Two tlaya thi wk....K291 .!
Same days lust
Hamc lu weeks go.... t.'lM
Kxine three weeks ao... .H.&h
dome four week o....16.J1
(nn: dxya last year..:...lL
me toilowina; table shews the receipt o(
cuttle. huae und aheep at boutb. Omaha for
me year to date, compered with lant year:
lie. 1&6. Inc.
Cattle Il&,36 71,Ja .6M
ln.KK t,0o.l'lH l,fiikl,V 11. U
Sheep l.tli.23 l,i,8u4 tH,VH
A'A T'i'JLIi gtuiAllUMi.
(.h(1 to choice corn-fed tor......$i.5w'a 15
air to'aMKl curn-fl aieera Jt'd'W
Common to fair corn-fed ateera.... .to W
aot to rholae rn ata. ....
Klr to good range eteera
Common to fair range ateera
Oond grans cowi and helferir
Kalr to good lowt and helfeia. ..
t ommon to fair cowa and helfera.
od choice atookera and feeders.
B air to good atockara and reedera.
Common to fair alockera...
Pull, ataira, eta
Veal calves
the lollowina table shows the
J. Julius 9. t.
foders..l5( (nil 3"
IS eivra....l.'7 I 5 -w 1 i a
A. Iallman H U.
steers.. 46 i4 at-rra. ...12 4 a
K. 8. Welden-8. l.
10 fee,Wa.. 72 1 12 rose 73 2
W Charles 8. I).
10 Steers. ...1K 4 15 t ateera. ...11B 4 15
steers.. .1146 4 16
Thornton Bros., Nrbraska.
feeders.. 104 3 75 grows 101 J 2 90
J. Rna'iah, Nebraska.
41 ateera. ...1120 I 66
J. 11. Quinajley, Nebraska.
46 cows W.1 1 00
J. H. Bleaer Neb.
23 cows fHS 1 16
Brhroeder A HcMurrav Colo.
20 feeders. . f 'H t 90 IT row '.til 3 19
HOU8-While thers was no great change
In the hoe; market today, the tendency of
values wss lower snd the market would
have to be quoted as steady to easier. The
trade wss very slow In opening, but when
nm-e under wst the mont of the receipts
rhanged hands In fair reason In the morn- I
In The receipts were not large anil the 1
quality was only fair. As will be noted
from the soles below, the hogs sold very
loi-.olv St io .KVK 00. With few choice
1 MnnA unwashed Slff'Zc: lelslne unwsshed.
2TiojHr: Kentnrkv. ln.1t.ina nnd Missouri
rombltig. three-elKhths blood, .tffj.'Uc; comh-
' In, quaxter Mnu1, ii.vr ren -ounu
I haalni fine 12 month T-'fiTJc: fine f to I
' months, RSi;Tc: fine Mil clenn. RO'fiDKi'. (nil.
; frrrnls northern fholc-. artier; north.T,n
1 o.wl ...t.1,11 MHhtv K.t'illSio: SOIltll-
rn. 8.;; fall free. 9.,.. feirltory
staple (scoured hanlsl tln. TnflTJc, tine
medium, fiv(17(1c; medium. WaiCr. Territory
orllnnr' conred bMsl fine, OTfincI Hue
medium, stfii7c; medium. W'f'ViC. Coloritdo
snd Nw Mexico spring (cou'ed lvst!i
X, R-'dTUr: No. 1. M'Hi'iC: pullod wools
(couwl b"is extra, SWiTIc: flno A, Wvfic;
A supers. RJfir; H suiters. ".!!'.
ST. liOCM. Nov. .VtMlteady;
medium grades mmblng snd rlothlnK, i-tj1
27r; lixht tine. Wr.'lr; heavy line, 14'alc;
tub wa.'lu-d, 3W :17c
llKht weights st W.lo, the same aa yester-
&y- . ... . . , . ,v.
It Will be noieo inBl I-Fiiriuy iwi in
first time In a long while tne average oi
the sales tell tveinw tne o mars.
4 7 i
$ bi-t .00
, ! 2
I.OB-y-3 7S
, 4.004.00
ftlte of hogs at South Omar for the leal
several dye. with ov.parUMnai
Dte. n04). ioi.;
29... 14i 4 SW
) .. I ii 4 H j
31... 0t (12
1.:. (i 4 64 4 641
S... f Jf i Hi 4 M
... iot. 4 4M
4... 4 L) 4
I... IM 44
4 87
6 811 4 63
( 74
6 7 4 47
6 73i 4 M
I 731 4 oP
4 t
8 31
4 74 61 6 7J 4 64
4 7 ( Ml 73 4
4 17
4 W
1 om
4 8
4 79
( 69
Catlls. . Hoss
Cimaha XMii.7S S.Kif.16
l hJrsgo . 1 ('J.36 6.4'iw.80
Kansas City 10ft$. 50 b Vx).li
si. iuis .nt; o .7e
Ul..,l Cltu l S7mAUS
Th nrhcrlst number of care of stock
r brought In today by each road was
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. H'r'a.
t ., M. Bt. Y 1
Missouri I'aclfio ...... I
V nlon far I no system. Su
C. N. W., east 1
C. A N.-W., weat..:. 33
C. St. P., M. O.... 1
C, H. & Q.. east
t' H. ft Q., west 62
C. R. 1. P., east... 1
C, R. 1. P.. west... 6
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Q. W
Total receipts... ....139
1 he disposition of the dnv s receipts waa
1 ft llowa, each buyer purchasing tne nutn
nor 01 neaa 1no.1ca.1ea
20 12
4 11
16 46
14 la
78 7 1
Omaha Packlngr Co..
riwlft and Company ..
Cudahy Packing Co..
Armour A Co w..
Yansant A Co
Carey tk Benton
Uilmiin A Co
ilcCn-ary A Carey .
v . 1. Stephen
2 1 1 11 A Son
F. P. lewla
1,. V. Uuaa
J. H. Bulla
, Mike Hagg-erty .......
J. B.'Root & Co...i..,
T.' H. Inghram
Sullivan - Bros...',.....,
. A. Brllton
Jacobs ,. ,
Other buyers
... 445
.... 1.1KS
.... I,'
.... 1,043
.... 40
.... 115
... t2
.... 148
... 62
.... 170
.... 221
... 84
Hogs Sheep
Representative sales:
Ka A. tt. Ks. A. r.
jl ... I 4t n ISO M
(1 .. . 7 ... i (ft tl 21 J "
It"'!.... ! ... 4 l r'1' ,0 1
lit. ...... M . K 711 Kt
44 .... 1ST ... t H 307 M I M
ll' ill . . 17 2 0 i S
Bl.' VA n I H Ct 2 '40 B B
BJ lt "... I V M i'i
H..-....U0 W I tO H .. 52
,0 J ... N 47 277 SO I 7'4j
4 ill 240 iX 71 :.V4 40 7',
4 l( too I to IT 2J1 120 6 7H
H ion luo B l m t i't'i
M 0? 0 I JH M... 2t 4 B 7V,
tl J. 310 i 2' t.7 2S1 10 B 7H
Bl I7 XnO I 7B 2S4 120 B IT'S
41 2M 40 t Tl 2t ...
M .l"0 120 B I2H Kl 2M ...
13 .-..Ml 346 B t 60 ffi.J M 17V,
10 W4 ... BM M 27J 120 B 7Vt
Bl 01 40 I It 232 50 I 00
BT HI 0 B 16 0 !"'4 40 I 00
41 2l 40 I M B7 219 40 I 00
I7....-....J77 40 H TT 220 240 00
Bl Ml ... I II BT 2:i2 l.'O I 00
M i. 40 I (I !0 120 t 1-0
44 IKS M I N 7J I.VI 40 I ("1
If 21 240 B 9 71 210 M 4 00
BT J4 40 I H 5 24 l'!0 I 00
12 no mil-. 213 mo 4 00
11... .....171 10 M 7 241 10 I 00
CI. ....... rl ... IK T3 2'.1 40 t
M ,.3M 40 I IB tl 205 40 4 00
41 171 ... I 15 M 291 ... I 00
BB ?l fl I H SI 23 240 lH
41 M 120 I IS . T7 247 SO t 02
0 171 10 B X 71 11 ... I 03
tl 21 10 IS 11 227 ... Ili
6,07 5,018
CATTI.K Reoipta of cattle this morning
trrTOTtateljr'Were quite moderate after the
excessive run of yesterday, eo that the
market waa given a little breathing apcll
and an opportunity to recover aomewhat.
There did not appear to be very many
desirable beef steers on sale this morning.
either corn-fede or western rangers. There
waa very good demand on the part of
packers and while prices were probably
no higher than yesterday the feeling If
anything waa a trifle better.
Cows and helfera moved off a little more
freely than yesterday and while the gen
eral market waa quoted only steady there
were spots that looked strong.
The better gradea of feeders, that la
cattle having both weight and quality, com
manded firm prices and were free sellers.
Unfortunately 76 per oent of the receipts
consisted of the less desirable kinds, which
are slow sellers every day.
Representative sales:
BS.K.J is.ikxva).
Ms. At. tk. Pr. X. at. Ih.
SHEEPi-Recelpta of sheep were very lib
eral this morning, but the supply of desir
able killers was not overly lajge. There
were a few good wethers, but nothing In
the way of choice lambs, the great bulk of
all the arrivals consisting of feeders.
The situation aa re sards killers waa just
about the same as dot a tied yesterday; that
Is, there was a very fair demand on the
part of local packers, but a general feeling
among the buyers that killers at this point
are too high as compared with eastern
markets. Still, Just as was the case yes
terday, buyera were forced to pay the
? rices because of the light supply. While
here were no choice lambs to put a toil
on the market, pretty decent killers sold up
to 17.10, with good old wethers and grassers
at $5.60.
The market on feeders waa In very unsat
isfactory condition. U being election day,
oountry buyers had evidently all stayed
home to vote and there was almost no one
In looking for sheep or lambs. As a result
the market was extremely dull from start
to finish, with the feeling unquestionably
Quotations on killers: Good to choice
lambs, $7.(xo'7.26; fair to good lambs, ?.76t
7.00; good to choice yearlings, t5.oC'ot.2i
fair to good yearlings. t0.aVi6 W; good U
choice wethers, 5.0i((6.60; good to choice
ewes, I4.50ti6.26
Quotations on feeders: Lambs,
8.60; yearlings, 26.26a6.60; wethers,
6 16; ewee, 33.604.40; breeding ewes,
691 Wyoming ewee, feeders ..
131 'Wyoming ewrs, feeders...
249 Wyoming ewes, feeders...
16 Wyoming ewes
102 Wyoming lambs, feeders..
8i!2 Wyoming lambs, feeders,.
140 Utah yearlings, feeders....
234 Wyoming lambs,, culls.....
21 Wyoming ewes
631 Utah lambs, feeders
109 Utah lambs, feeders
2"8 Utah lambs, feeders..
170 Utah lambs, feeders
664 Utah lambs, feeders
47 Utah lambs, ' feeders....
930 Wyoming lambs, culls
318 Idaho, lambs, feeders ,
3:U Idaho lambs, feeders
320 Idaho lambs, feeders
319 Idaho lamba, feeders
157 Idaho lambs, feeders
597 Wyoming lambs, feeders
i:w wvnminjt iambs, ret-dnis
446 Wyoming yearlings, feedcra.
446 Wyoming eweB, feeders
S W yoming ewes and wethers..
I Condition of Trade and Uaotatloaa on
Staple and Knney Prod nee.
r:C,GS Per Ooi., 22c.
LIVE PUI l.iRV Hen. 8c: roosteia,
5c; turkeys, 10ul5c; ducks, 9c; spring chick
ers, Sc; gruee, 6c.
Bl I I l'.l--iic'iir sloe.;. lie: choice
to fancy dairy, lx5i!0c; creamery, 24ig27c.
HAY Choice upi.tnu, Ba.ix ; Medium, f.i 00;
cosrse, 1 00418 go. Kye straw, lo.ood i.vw.
BRAN Per ton, 115.00.
PWKKT POT A TO KS Per bbl.. 8160.
TOMATOKS California, per basket Of
20 lbs.. 2.2b.
BBA.NS-I.lma, 5Hc; navy. No. 1, 31.75
per bu.; No. 2, 81.65.
WAX fcKANS Per market basket of
about 15 lbs., 3I...V
BFF'"T8 AND CARROTS-Per bu., 75c.
LIU 1'' LUTTUClHoiiiouse, .r do,
heads, 3.'c.
CELERY Per dor.., ?5a40c.
(T I'M HKRS Hothouse, per dox.. $1.50.
ONIONS Home grown, Sic per bu.;
Sronlsh. 11.05 ner rrate.
GREEN UNIONS Per dot. bunches. 250.
llOM.KRAIilSH Case of 2 dox., $1.90.
RADISHES Per dot. bunches. 26c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.W; No. 2. 81. .t.
IT MA RB-.AVS Pr lb..
GREEN PEPPERS Per market basket.
To"5- .
PARSLEY Hothouse, per doa. bunches,
CARBAQE- Holland seed, home grown.
per lb., IHc.
EGO Pl.ANT-Per do.. "Be.
I'OTATiiF.R Per bu.. 4fK3'i5o.
RITTA FIAOAS Per lb.. 11'mc: 160 Iba. to
TURNIPS rer tin., 60c.
PEACHES-Cniirornlii Salway, per box.
$1.10; Colorado, $2.26.
rjir k i?aMnter vnrlet'es. rter bu.. 84.00.
URA PES Tokay, 11.75; Malaga, per bbl.,
ipin i'S-ni.n rn-l tl 25: Jonntnsns
3 25'ri3.50; New York apples, $3.25; Grimes
Oolden. $2.75. .
I'HANI'K HRIFS-Ter bbl., $9.0039.50.
QUINCES Per ox, $2.2.
Haxes of Mini-ten and FnlpiU Ibey iil
Ccoapy Giten Cub
Arrangementa far Inloa Dlslrlet
Pir Meetlnga Are Made by
Misiitri of the Torre).
Oliver Mission.
and to tholr desire to srpesr tall must
bs crsdited the Invention of high heels.
Once let a SturVipy little bit of femininity
get to wesrlng French heels snd feel much
more than her Inches and she will never
depart from them.-New York Press.
13... r
34.. .
I. ,
.. tot
.. tat
,. Ill
.. M
.. Ml
.. US
.10 i
tit I II
6 COWS.'.... VMS
21 -tk civs.. UK
40 fedra..U4
bi feeder,. 7tM)
4 Hlel.. ImJ
i cows..... Srt
18 feeder. 871
i oowa 10K3
8 ateera.. ..Iu66
116 steers... !t6
I cowa.... KM
16 feeders.. 977
4 t
f U
I Bt
COW 8.
1 I
I to . 4
I M 10
3 It 14
I 10 4
... 474 I Tt
... W0 $ Bt 41
.... Til : K ' I......
110 I 00 II Ml
8 30 10 f eodora. . 661
t 10
$ 66 8 feeders.. 1140
3 30 76 cows tol
$ 16
I Bt
i eo
l 00
l oo
I ot
I It
I It
I 41
I B0
3 to
It ateera.. ..llm)
4 00 - 28 cows....
8 15 S feeders.
4 00 ' 147 steers..
3 10 ( 9 helfera..
3 64 f cowa....
4 05
, 905
, M7
3 40
S 00
2 be
3 15
1 95
S 40
3 U
3 ii
ateera.... 98
f cows 1112
4 rows 12
10 steers. ...l-'ssi
9 steers. ...1113
s feeders:. IK
I feeders.. 900
4 ateera..., 7ifl
$ bulls 1VJ6
47 steers.. ..17
6 bulls L4
6 cows Pel
cowa u6
3 70
3 10
3 30
4 00
4 25
3 30
3 26
3 46
1 o
2 60
I 76
I 26
27 cows 890 2 16
Bpear Bros. Cattle Co..
35 cows lunO 3 66 ; 11 cows
10 cows 9,1 $ 00 150 steers.
17 steers. ...1164 4 16 ' 13 atuvrs..
1U0 Steers. ..1146 4 26
J. L. Thomas Wyo.
164 feeders. 3 $ 90 10 fecdeia.
il mm 6.1 $ 3k
C. BrltieganWVo.
ts feelers.. M la 6 feeders.
.. 975
., H7
12 cows.
26 cows...
14 steers..
7 steers..
8 steers..
20 feeders
4 feednrs.. 81
2 bulls m
S41 steers., ..U6
19 cows 14
16 cows Mil
6 cowa 1040
3 30
t 76
3 i
8 30
8 NA
8 96
3 45
2 9
3 90
3 uu
2 70
i 95
3 26
4 'ii
4 00
. 90
. 94
. 1
. 98
. 45
. 44
. f6
. 52
. 107
. 53
. 66
. 61
. 64
. 64
. 64
. 62
. 64
. 4
. 00
57 i2
4 30
$ S3
4 !0
4 75
5 60
6 60
6 40
5 25
t 60
u 60
5 60
5 W
3 60
4 25
6 35
' 6 85
6 35
6 o5
6 35
6 10
6 10
5 40
3 90
S 15
Cattle Market Steady Hoas Steady
Sheep glow.
CHICAGO. Nov. 4. CATTI.K Receipts,
1,000 head: market stendy; common to prime
steers J4.oow7.3o; cows, ;UQ'tM.(;.; neiic-a.
8J.60ifi6.36: bulls, $2.4i'd-(.5ii; calves. $3,004
7.60: stocknra and feeders, $2.404j'4.50.
HOCkS Receipts, 22,Oii0 head; market
steady; choice to prime heavy. $6.L'Vi4.ii:
medium to good heavy, $6.15ti.!i; butcher
weights, SA.204i6.3n; good to choice mixed.
$6.(M?i6.10; packing, 5.754i.04; p't. to-'f
$.00. i -
SHEEP .VNP IAMBS-ltecclnts.
head; market steadv but slow: Nlieep, $4 DO
b.65; yearlings, $6.50j6.H5: lambs, $'..Wi''.25.
Kansas City Lite Htork Market.
ceipts, lO.OOO li;ad. Including 6uO southerns;
market steady to strong lop. $V.3; choice
export and dressed beef steers, $5.6Ka6.ti0;
fair to good. S3.75W5.40; western steers.
$3.40J?6 .26; stockers and feeders, $2.6r'tt4.6(;
soathern steers, $2.75()4.76; southern cows,
$:J. Ootid. 25: native cows, S3. 00013.74; native
heifers, 62.754. 60; bulls, l-i.luu3.Co; calves,
$2.7516 60.
HOGS Receipts, 9,600 head; market strong
to 5c higher; top, tij.KU; hulk of sale,
M.UHKO-l'H heavy. 8.i2Vi.20; packers,
tB.12k'ti4.2?Vi; pigs and lights. S5.7oii6.17Vs.
SHEEP AX1) LAMBS Reeelpls, 4.5PO
head; market strong to Kic higher; lambs,
$6.4'j'7.73; ewes and yearlings,' $4 7Mi5 75;
western, $5.26fiiil.0O; western siifep,
$4.26(ii6.60; stockers and feeders, $;.5oitO.OO.
it. I.nuln I Ive Btoek Market.
8T. I.OUI8. Nov. 6.' CATTLE Receipts.
4,000 head. Including l.UUO Texans; maikel
steady; naiivs slilpphiK and caihuI sl.-.-ie,
$5.757190, dressed beef and butcher steere.
$45i(n6.00;XFteers urider 1.4I lbs., $3.'J3ff
4.40; sloikeis and feeders, $:'.iku4.5i); cows
and heifers, 52 'n6.;!6; runiv rs. $1.0Jii2.10;
bulls, $2 . lo'ii 4 . 6ti ; culves. t ! " U .6": Texan
and Indian steers, S3.ikU5 .jo; cows and
heifers. $-.'.0fVfi3 5(1.
HOGS Receipts. 6.500 head: market
str-adv: nigs and lights. So 75ii r: packers,
$t.wKut;.:'5; butchers and lest heavy. $'i (if'if
6.25. ,
besd; market strong; native muttons, $.1.(0
fu5.75: lambs, $4 .4H . 5 : 1 tills and bucks.
$2.76m3.60; stockers, $3.Jfr1i4 W.
on 1 Vfria TTl , I H a nranses. 83.00.
LEMONS Llmtmlers, extra fancy, 2W
a'xe. $7.60: .V0 ilzr. $8.00: 300 else, J8.00- othei
brands. 50fi7rp less. . ,
ORAPE FRUIT-Slse 70 to 9A $425ff.7
BANANA8- Per inertiiim-tiied bunct
$ nrkf 25: Jumbos. $2 5CVffTl.0O.
FIGS Kada way, 6c; sayers, BHc; new
stuffed W".!:iu' dates. 9-lb. box, $1.10; Call
fornla bulk. 6Ho: 7-crown Turkish, 15c; a
crovn 14c- 5-crown. 11c: 3-crown, 12c.
Rlhs: No. 1. HHc; No. 2. 9c; No. 8. c;
Round: No. 1. 8c; No. 2. 7c; No. 8, 6c.
Ixln: No 1. J7c: No. 2, 124c: No. 8. 8Mr;
Plate: No. 1, 4e; No. 2, 4c: No. S. 24c.
Chucks: No. 1. c; No. 2. 5o; No. 3, 8o.
RrfiAR Granulated enne, In sacks, $5.31;
granulated beet. In ancks, $5 21.
CHEr.HE ris'tss, new, lie; n launpm
brick, lCVic; Wisconsin Hinburger, ltc;
twins. 15c: Young Americans, 16Hc.
COFFER RoasteC. No. as. c per in.;
No. 30, 21c per !b.; No. 25. 19c per lb.; No.
20, lfie per lb : No. 21, 13c per lb.
COCOANUTS-Per sack of 100, $4.50.
SYRUP In bhls., 27c per gal.; In esses,
6 10-lb. cans. $1.70; cases, 11 6-lb. cans,;
cases, 24 247-lb. cans, l.f.
HONEY Per 24 frames. $3.50.
CIDER New, half barret, $176; barrel,
"canned GOOD" cyirn. standard west-.-rn.
6Feii0c; Mame. $1.16. Tomatoes, 3-lb.
.nr.. ti 10' -lh cans. 97IAC4JS1.00. Plne-
ariDles. grated, 2-lb., $2.0B'a2.30; allced, $1.90
412.20; gnllon apples, fancy, $2.66: California
apricots. $1 90(32.26: pears. $1.752.50: peschea.
ti iw Jrc W C nesches. $2.00(32.60.
Alaska salmon, red. $1.26; fancy Chinook,.
V.. 12.10: fancy sockeye, F.. $1.9o; sardines.
,..M.F nil i'!7fi: three-nusrter mustard.
$3.00. Sweet potatoes, $1 10W1.26; sauerkraut,
$1.(i0; pumpkins, 80cO$1.fl0; wax beans. 2-lb ,
6fii80c; lima beans, 2-lb., 76c(ff$1.36; Bplnaoh,
$1.35; cheap reus. 2-lb., 60o; extras, 9&bxi.l0
fancv. S1.S5fll.76.
CUREO FISH ramny Tnnwiiin, per
quarter bbl., 100 lbs.. $4 00: Norway msck
eral. No.-1, $28.00; No. 2. $26.00; No. 3. $20.00;
Irish, No. 2, $16.00; herring. In bbls.. X
lbs. each. Norway, 4k, $9.00: Norway, 8k.
$9 00; Holland herring. In kega, milkers.
80c: kegs, mixed, 70c .
FISH Trout. 12c: halibut. 12c; catfish.
16c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, 11c; black basa,
fine stock, 27c; f-nlmnn, 12c; pike, lie; red
snapper, fresh froxen. 12c; whlteflsh,' fresh
frozen, 13c; yellow perch, dressed ana
scaled, 6c: pickerel, fresh frozen, 9c;
frog legs, 35c per doa. saddles.
HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted.
No. I, L'c; No. 2. 11c; bull hides, 9-8 10c;
green hides. No. 1. 11c; No. 2, 10c; horse,
!1.6Wi3.75; sheep pelts, 50c&$1.25. Tallow,
No. 1. 4c; No. 2, 2c.
NUTS French walnuts, 1SH; California
walnuts. No. 2. hard shell, 13c; No. 1. toft
sheel, 14c; Braills, 1314c; pecana, 1417c;
lilherts, HWhHc; peanuts, raw, 6Sc; roatted,
7Vic; California almonds, hard shell, 16c; soft
hell. 18c.
WOOL-Per lb., 16ff22c.
Forelan Financial.
IX5NDON, Nov. 6 Money waa In good
demand In the market today and the sup
plies were moderate. Discounts were firmly
maintained. Bills were not taken freely
owing to fnrs of a further Increase In the
Bank of England's rate of discount. Trad
ing on the Stock exchange was dull, the
monetary situation effectually checking
business. The changes in the quotations of
British Becurltles were light. Parla sates
caused a weakness In foreigners, while the
holiday In New York was responsible for
the dullness In Americans, which after nar
row HuctuatioiiB around parity, closed Ir
regular. A rumor circulated here during
the afternoon that Charles E. Hughes, the
republican candidate for governor of New
York, had beer ussjssinated caused a drop
cf half a point In some Inaues, but the re
purl waa not believed, and In the absence
of confirmation the loss was oon recovered.
Japanese Imperial 6s of 19n4 cloaed at 104.
BERLIN, Nov. 6. A moderate, amount of
business was transuded on the Bourse to
day, but prices were tirnier on the easier
rates for money.
PARIS. Nov. . Prices on the Bourse to
dav wire unsteady and weakening. The
private rale of discount was iT !.er cent.
Russian lmpcrl.1l 4s closed at 75.8 and
Russian bonds of !'V4 nl 4Ho.
so s it
63 steers.. ..1144
13 feeders.. K4 3 D
6 steers... .1046 $ 10
8. A H. Suckwt41 Wyo.
22 feeders.. Is2 4 40 U steers.. ..lis
31 cows 11 t 76
A. i. Martin Wyo.
49 feeders.. 815 4 16 23 feeders.. 93.
18 feeders.. Boo 3 44 . 16 cowa lOJI
T. 8. Trimmer Wyo.
. 987 4 16 4 feeders. . 78
..lugs I 85 24 cowa W5
V. 8'Ocks-Wyo.
, 664 $ 3b 87 hellers... 612
P. J. Ullland-Wjo
. M $ X
H..W. IXomla Wyo.
, 4 3 '"i it Cows...
.til IK
,1. iiogan, Wyoming
$2 ateera. .1-I 4 to 7 ateera.
k feedera..ltH3 3 6
O. J. Hm, Wyoming.
26 feeders.. l'lM 4 46
H. I- Vamassell, Wyoming.
34 cowa lv 2 t
W. i- Hampton. Wyoming.
26 steera... l-4 4 k&
8. 1'. Ditto, W ycmlng.
10 ateera. ...12.8 4 bo 15-ateera. ...1364
16 cowa 942 I 46
K. 1. super, Wyoming
m feodera.
U ateera...
41 foedera.,
23 oowa
17 feeders.
13 ateera.
3 00
I 56
4 44
4 16
8 '
& 25
8 OA
St. Joseph I. Ive Stock MnrVet
ceipts. 4.UH head; mnrket steady: natlv
$6.0iiJ.76; cows and heifers, $1. 1644.
stock-rs and feeders, fxwi4 TAi.
H MIS -i Receipts, 4.3."p7 head; mnrket
steady light, $6.0606. IE; bulk of sales. Sti.05
tj l-'1.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5.19
head; market steady.
951 3 IS
1120 4 36
4 40
II steers...
11 heifers.,
lit steers..
il cows..,
11 S 00
, '7 3 14
1IM1 3 95
1171 3 uu
13 cows.
919 2 13
Slonx ritv live "(oik Market. '
BIOL'X CITY. Is.. Nov. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts l. head;
market steady; beeves. 4.(Xr?i6 1; cows,
bulls and mixed. $3 6'Krt3.75; stockers and
feeders. t3.tVttr3.K5: calves and yearlings,
t2 64.eS, 3 50.
HtMia Receipts. 2.5'iO head: market weak,
aelling at t6.76cav.96; bulk of tiilea, $i.K2Vt
London linlna storks.
LONDON. Nov. 6. Closing quotations on
the f.icn exchange were:
M M.. K. T. ...
! n y cs"'ri. ..
13', Norfolk A W...
H'4S to ptd . .
11.4 , Onlirlo & W ...
122'4j I'ennpylvBulii ...
IMil Html Mi'Ul ....
f,4 4 Krading
Xouthrrn Klll
:,7 do ptd
2"' Southi-rn Pa-IAr
4l t'tilun ParlAe ..
Oo pfa
4v I', il. Sio
do ptd
70 K.liuti
17 do p(d
steady; sza jer ounce
CiwkoIb. tnoner ....
dn srrount
dn !'(d
Paitlinorp A Ohio.
Cai.adluil Polll. ..
t hen, tk Ollle
( lil.nso CI. W
C. M t. P....
D. A R. O
S, J do pfu
do vi I
do 2d ptd
IMItinlB iriitral ...
Uulvl!la Na.-.h.
81 LV EH Mar
MDNF.Y Fa5 per rent
The rale 01 discount In the open msrktt
for short Mils Is 6 per cent; for three
n.onths' bills, i"i6 per cent.
48 '
The Omaha Minislvilal union a coiuiint-
tet in cnr ul plana lor the intci
cliaiige 01 pastoia next ouiiuay haa iwuii
aidered Its ft lit Intention and bus decldtu
to make pulillo the names of the ministers 1 U))n )Hiker
with the pulpits tney will occupy. nils :
plan, as leaders of The Bee Know, U
forinuiated In connection the ariange
ments lor the Torrcy-Oliver mleluii at tne
Autiltorlum November 18-Decenibfr 16, as
a means of promoting Interdenominational
interest In thuse meetings. At the meeting
ot the Ministerial union Monday each
pastor who was able to make a change
gave his name to the committee and only
audi were considered In making up the
In this schedule of assignments each
paragraph shows the pastors of the two
churchoa exchanging;
Rev. kl. C. llering. First Congregational,
and Rev. J. W. Conley. First Baptist.
Rev. H. B. A. MtBrlde Central United
Presbyterian, and Rev. K. R. Curry, Cal
vary Baptist.
Rev. John Randolph Smith, Trinity
Methodist, and Rev. L. O. Balrd, St. Mary a
Avenue Congregational.
Rev. Newman Hail Burdlck, Second
Presbyterian, and Rev. E. E. llosman,
Walnut Hill Methodist.
Rev. John F. Poucher, Seward Street
Methodist, and Rev. D. R. Turnbull, First
United Presbyterian.
Westminster Presbyterian, no pastor, to
be supplied by Rev. C. C. Clssell, Hanscnm
Park Methodist Episcopal, who la unable
to exchange on account of previously ar
rangod special service In his own church.
Castellar Street Presbyterian, to bt) sup
plied by Rev. Foater, Rev. W. H. Reynolda
being absent from the city.
Rev. II. L. Mills, Hillside Congregational,
and Rev. William Esplln, Hirst Memorial
Methodist Episcopal.
J. M. Leldy, Benson Methodist Episcopal,
and Rev. R. L. Purdy, Clirton Hill Prea-
Rev. Q. A. Dax?k, First Unite 1 Evangellotl.
and Rev. W. D. King, Cherry Hill Congre
gational. .
Rev. F. P. Cook, McCabe Methodist, and
Rev .Joseph P. Cherry, Third Presbyterian.
Rev. M. V. Hlgbee, Knox Presbyterian,
and Rev. D. W. McGregor, Dleta Memorial
Methodist Episcopal.
Rev. T. K. Hunter, Dundee Presbyterian,
and Rev. F. W. Leavltt, Plymouth Congre
gational. Rev. Jesse Wilson, Benson Presbyterian,
and Rev. George MacDougall, Olivet Baptist.
Work of Visitation.
- Following la the districting of Omaha by
the committee on visitation. Rev. E. H.
Jenks, chairman. First the name of the
district and Its location and then the name
of the person responsible for the work In
thnt district:
First North of Lake and east of Twenty
fourth streets. Rev. C- W. Savldge.
Second North of Lake, west of Twenty
fourth to' Thirty-third, Rev. R. T. Bell.
Third North of Lake and west of Thirty-third,
Rev. II. L. 11, Mil Is.
Fourth Lake to Cuming, east of Twenty-
fourth, Rev. M. V. Hi g bee.
Fifth t- Lake to Cuming and Twenty-
iourth to Thlrty-Uilrav Judge L. D. Holmes,
Sixth Lake to Cuming and Thirty-third
to railroad. Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke.
Seventh Dundee,, aouth of Lake and
west of Military avenue. Rev. T. K. Hun
ter. !
Eighth Cuming to Dodge east of Twen
tieth, Miss Magee of the City mission.
NlnthCumlng to Dodge, Twentieth to
railroad westward. Rev. C. A. Turnqutst.
Tenth Dodge to Leavenworth, Twentieth
eastward. Rev. H. C. Herring.
Eleventh Dodge to Leavenworth and
Twentieth to railway westward. Rev. 8. D.
Twelfth Leavenworth to railway on the
aouth and boulevard west and aouth. Rev.
Joseph R. Cherry.
Thirteenth Leavenworth to boulevard
and westward to Missouri Pncllic railway.
Rev. C. C. Clssell.
Fourteenth South of Union Pacific rail
way from Thirteenth to boulevnid, Rev.
D. W. MoGregor.
Fifteenth South of Union Pacific railway
west and aouth to boulevard. Rev. W. H.
South Omaha Similarly districted by
Rev. Andrew Renwlck, who la chairman
of a subcommittee on visitation for South
Omaha. .
. Colon Prayer Meetings.
Here is a list of union district prayer
meetings to be held on the evening of No
vember 16, two days before the big nilaslon
1. Central Park, Olivet Baptist church.
2. Kountze Fhicev Trinity Methodist.
3. Central Northern, Second Presbyterian.
4. Dundee, Presbyterian.
5. Central, First Congregational.
6. Hanscotn Park, Westminster Preaby-
7. West Farnam, Kountae Memorial.
8. Walnut Hill, Walnut Hill Methudlrt-
Bcnson, Methodist.
Clifton Hill, Presbyterian.
South Side
tl) Grace Baptist.
(-') Dleta Memorial Methodist.
(3; CBFtcllar Presbyterian.
B uth Omaha El. si M tholht Kplicopal.
Swedish, First Swedish Baptist.
German, German Methodist Epl'eopal,
to be held on Wednesday evening;.
Keatncky'e atar-re41 Uaddesa Speaks
Friendly Word for the
II. O. Wella, the peripatetic Briton who
haa branded the great American gams of
draw poker dull, may be merely a cheap
i bidder for notoriety who takes the ob
, vlously untenable position for the purpose
j of provoking discussion and drawing at
1 tentlon to himself. If he la In earnest he Is
resting easily, hut his general eondttlo
wis shout the same as that of Mondsy.
Ill-Informed. Many Interesting opinions
have lsen delivered by the
pulpit and the press, but Mr. Wells' view
Is unique, not to say ridiculous.
Draw poker has been rightly charged
with wrecking homes, with murdering
Bleep, with taking the bread from the
mouths of children, with driving the ab-
rossasenaattle Hahlts of laborers
Atteaaln a Mat Sehee.1 id
The force of habit followed In everyday
lire by people employe In every field ef
Industrial activity Is strongly exemplified
by hundreds of tbe 3,4' studsnta who at
tend ths evening classes of the Central
High school, at Broad and Green streets.
I Many or these men. seeking to acquire
! knowledge, are connected with the Raid
j win !ocomotlve works and similar plants
J of Industry. As they' m ar the school build
j Ing In the evenings these sons of toll, pipe
I In mouth, ruff awny with evident delight.
; and, later on. reluctantly replace the pipes
i In their clothes before occupying seats In
! the school rooms. It Is when the hour of
I 9:Stt arrives, however, the men fall In
i line with their dally rusinm of rushing
! awev from the scenes of their labor. The
1 Instructors ate endeavoring to
I the men soholars to leive th class rooms
stnmtous to drink and with enough other j on trle serond tup of the bell, but up to
high crimes to condemn It utterly, but $ai9 jul,t a nKton ' an the first bell Is
never until now haa It been described a . pounded the .men, upparently forgetting
dull. i where 'they are. quickly grasp
Did the fortunes of a poker player rest
upon his chance of his drawing three of a
kind to beat two pair, or a royal flush to (
sweep the Jackpot from the clutching fin
gers Of the man across the tabln made
reckless by confidence reposed In a full 1
house, draw poker might In truth be only
a gambler's trade and a diversion for thick- j
heads. But there Is more than (he charm
of chance In this distinctly American game.
More skill Is brought Into plul than la
used by the gamester who takes his money
upon the turn of the dice or the stork mar.
ket or wagers upon the results of horse
Draw poker Is a game for students of
human nature battle of wits. In which
the man with deuces is not always looted
of his lucre by the man with trays. In
the stock market and at the race course
men bet upon Information, and often upon
Information that makes the possessor of
the "tip" somewhat below the mere gam
bler and upon a level with the "sure-thing"
man. The (honest better upon races Is at
the mercy of crooked owners and Jockeys,
aa well as chances that the horse In any
event "a vain thing for safety" may do
his best and yet not defeat the animal of
S'hovn he was master yfaterdny. The cut-
alder who plays the stock market In at the, j
mercy of the elements, the' politicians snd
"the system." He may ' see his winnings
wiped out by war or pestilence or election
results, and can only remain Inert, a spec
tator of the wreck ' of his fortunes. In
games played with dice, when the dice are
not loaded and the play Is "square," there
la neither, triumph of .mind over mind, or
mind over matter, but merely the opera
tions of the laws of chance, which the
goddess of fortune often administers In In
scrutable ways.
In a game of draw poker, played by gen
tlemen, the resources of the diplomat are
brought Into play. What waa the Porta-
mouth conference but a game of "bluff."
cast upon heroic lines? The successful
poker player's capital must consist largely
of the quality called "cold nerve," and the
ability to mask his own feelings behind Im
mobile features, and read his opponent s
mind by the light cf his eyes or the almost
Imperceptible quiver of an eyelash. Herein
lies the fauclnatlon apart from that of the
faro bank or the chuck-a-luck board.
Draw poker may be charged with enough
alns to damn It utterly, but . the man who
calls It dull has no more than a rudl
mentary knowledge of the game. Louisville
their hats
and proceed to rush from the building,
as they, do from mills and factories. The
bell to them Is the aime as a whistle. The
Instructors have hopes of success, however.
Philadelphia Record.
i'i . 1 1
The Financial World
stwrcnii c::icac.o
33 UroaCvtrny 109 naaC4lp$ "t.
The Leading Tlnnr.C.rl tfstisly
Valuable to Dtn'.iera and Tlnanclert
Indispensable to Investor? and petal"
The only financial publication ef pa kind. Send
for free aam pis cpy. You ' ntlnceu 4,1
Ita talue and send your subscription.
the rtAMCiAL wonio
3-J Broad way Stw Viti
nVOsgue Investment Co. to Union PS
elflc Rnilrond Co., lot T, block and
s.-i ft. lots J, 3 and 4. block S
Oicaha 8
llsrrv B. Randall to Charles O, Tal-m.nar-.
c't lot 2.1. block 99. Dundee
John P. Ssenson snd wife to Charles
'. Miller. 6 acres nel, neV section
Binvi"! Di-rscher and lfe to William
W. Mace, wll ft. sublot 1 of lot K
Johnson's add
Stephen 1. lungs and wife to Unsiav
Van M'Hirlegiietm lot 6. block !.
Summit add
Fred Kavsn to John Kr.uis snd Wife,
lot 2. Oak Hill No. 3
8me to same, lot 3, O.ik Hill -No. 2
snd s'4 el4:i ft lot f.. Kountae
. 4conll
John Krs'is and wlf to Fled Kav.m,
lot . (ink Ilill No. i snd sTlCt rt.
lot 26, Kountae Hecon.t
William C. Norrls to Miry Th ims 11.
et si.. n15 acres nes nw"k section
Marv Ellen Wilson snd hunband to
Untie C. Graham, lot 1,' , b'o k 2U,
Oar'.liage ;.
Mnry J. lira hum to Lliale V. Graham,
same ...
Belle U. Brown to Wilson T. Graham,
lot C. block "Y." Shlnn a Third add.
discipline ' Fred l. Wend and wife to Sadie U
1 neraeron, tots a.t ami .11, unic n,
I orchard Hill
Bnima C. Johnston and htilftnd to
James O. Mot tin. lot 1. iiiock i,
Hprinc Ijike Park, Smith Onviha....
Jnmee llaieg to Frank Prlbofky. nH
In) 15. block 7, Kountae Fourth Supplemented-
John Skajvi snd wife to John Novak.
wlXHi ft. ew;, ft. Iota 11 and 12. Nock
I, Potter A Cohh's Second, South
John Pawievi to Julia H.iwlca, lot a.
block 11. Brown Park add., South
Omaha - ,.'...
Emms A HeadUv .iii.l htshnnd to
Peter Westerberg. lot 1, Karr i sub.
George H. Angell and wife to Mike
No-sk. lots 11 and 12. block 7. Potter
Cobb's 8.toti'l. South Onmrn,
W Ellerv Heese to Gertrude S. 1ive
gren. lot 3. block 4. Poppleton Park..
.814. Ml
Nn. 3
No. 1
Stoek In Mailt.
Receipts of live stock at the alx principal
western markets yesterday:
'attle. Hogs Sheep.
South Omaha
Sioux City ...
Kannxa fity .
St. Joseph ...
Bt. Ixiula
in i)
4 om
f .mo
9 ,-.)
4 3-7
Penrlit f'riin Market.
PEORIA. Nov. 6-'ORN Lower:
yellow, old. nominally jc; new, 4Se;
1 'd. t'I'.c; new, 4c; No. 4. old, 4ol c
"'Jc; no tirade, old. 44ii4'c; Jiew, Is'ic.
OATS Him; No. 2 white. 3;,c; No.
white. 3:!S!' : No 4 white. xji4&3iVie.
RYE Firm: No. 2, iHwiwc,
Mveroonl ftrtu hmiI Provision-
fir. 11: No. led wetern winter, 6s. r u
tunr". quiet; Dcrrmhei, 6s4Td; March, 6i
5Si1; May. 6s o'.d.
I'oliN-Siiii. rlrtn; Ameelcan mixed 4a
4'vi. Futures, dull; December. Is 4d;
jHiiuary. 4s llj.
Rack to the Farm.
One morning I was awakened with a
1 strange, new Joy In my soul. It came to
me at that moment with Indescribable
poignancy, the thought of walking bare
toot In cool, fresh iiiow furrows as I had
once done when a 'boy. 80 vividly the
memory came to me the high, airy world
aa It waa at thai moment, and the boy I
was walking free In the furrows that the
weak teare filled my eyea, the first I had
shed In many years. Then I thought of
sitting In quiet' (hlckuta In old fence cor
ner, the wood behind me rielng still, cool
mysterious, and the fields In front stretch
ing away In Illimitable pleaaantnest. I
thought of the good smell of cows at milk
ing you do not know. If yoi do not know!
! I thought of the tights and sounds, the
South Dakota.
l.C ateera.. .113
South Dakota.
3 96
8 oows 1016 2 95 cows 9:8 3 25
t 8 coas kic' ! 4 feeders., fc? 3 70
. T. MMshon, South .Dakota,
s. 12 ateera . ..11.9 4 06
U Young. South Dakota.
j S cowa 2 si
iff J. M. Stephns-S. D.
. I I 1$ feeders.. .f! 4M 11 ateera. ...131 4 25
. 1 17 cowa.... 1) 3 10
NVesieif R i)S he--8. IX
, ay4(....lu7 4 24
' Wool Market.
BOSTON. Nov. . WOOL The wool iiiar.
et is In a hetlt'if'il cindnh-o .icti- ""d
fir" Prouinent inil's are 1.0 rja'i'ij all y
I and are taking ci- hv 'is. '.a l'ne
business in territory Inrlil-V' t'l-""""' V
all "Hrietle In nullil win1" "nc 's -e
selling nesti rately st Mi''- Foreign
arades nre siemlv. I;iilovc .lu ie'k o'!..
tatlons follow: i ))iio and Pennsvlv il: XX
and shove, ,W. : X. 71:at'c: No. V
4lr; No. 2. .::: fine iiiesh-., :".u.'t,
unnifri' hsntshle. ti"": bill Ihsxl tin
washed. thr e.ejcl-tl 1 in
wimtied. S'ul'-c: quarter ! "1 unw isled.
3"i.V1c: Delaine washed. "t.i.T.Vs: ! Is If
unWHsh-l. -to.-ic M'cll-r.ll In- 'ilviMst.
?4i'.-: l;s:f ttloisl new. 1 . l '"o:iOc: ti '.-
tigUllia bluud uiittssiied, ;i ti J Ic ; uutcr
R:ink t'lenrluas.
OMAHA. Nov. 4. Rank clearings for to
d;i arif tl.i9(,2i'9 41 and fcr I lie corre
BMU'dina date U-t yeor tl.474 849.84.
heat and eweut of the hay fields. I thought
of a certain brook I knew when n boy
that flowed among alders and wild parsnip.
where I waded with a three-foot 'rod fori
trout. I thought of all thee thlnga aa i
a man thinks of his first love. ' Oh, I i
craved the soil. I hungered and thlrated i
for the earth. I waa greedy for growing j
things." American Iagailn.
Government Aaked to Provide Fanda
to Prevent Passing; of the
Flaay Delicacy.
That the whlteflsh of the Great Lakes
are passing as rapidly from existence aa
did the millions of bison which at ona
time swarmed the American pralrlea 1
an undlsputable fact, and with the reali
sation that with the departure of th
whlteflsh Industry the United States gov
ernment loses one of Ita most remunerative
Industries, and also one of the most val
uable food products on the market, It la
strongly urged that some remedy bo
adopted at once.
A man prominently connected with one
of the government flah hatcheries and
who Is well Informed on the question of
fish culture and propagation atated that
the one and only successful remedy Is to
promptly Increase the capacity of the
various hatcheries.,
The government should be willing to
expend ten times the amount of money
It now does on the propagation of the
whlteflsh," said the hatchery man, "be
cause the whlteflsh la the most valuable
frceh-watcr fish known, and. even exoeeda
the value of salmon t60 per ton in the
eastern markets, while considerable more
la paid out yearly for the. Pacific coast
"And then, too," he continued, "30,000
more whlteflsh eggs can be handled in
the1 aame space taken by salmon eggs."
To Illustrate the seriousness of thu Im
pending whlteflsh destruction, the follow
ing figures, which are correct in every
instance, were given out for publication:
The retch of whlteflsh In Michigan In
1891 waa 8, lid, 000 pounds, while In 1904
It fell off to 4.197,000 pounds. In Lake
Krle the catch for 1889 waa 3,300,000
pounds, and In 1899 it came to 2,100.000
pounds. From 1698 to 1905 the catch In
Ontario decreased from 7,500,000 pound
to 2,895,000 pounds.
The total catch of whlteflsh In the Greai
Lakes on both the American and Cana
dian sides lt 19114 exceeded S.SOO.WIO flidt
averaging two pounds and a half Jn
weight, and the loss of egss contained In
these fish excoeils 35,000,000,000. In 19JS
the combined hatcheries of the United
States and Canada only propagated ih
eggs from less than 10,000 fish, which Is
altogether Inadequate to overcome the
) gresl loss of eggs destroyed by the fis.ioj
! men.
Lake Michigan alone in 1904 gave uil
1 l.ow.coo fish, and It la safe to say thnt
I Lake Erie provided l,CO0,000 of the flnuy
I tribe, au aa to overcome this los the
j -gga of fully 75,000 nh should be pro;.-
ngattd each year. ' '
' A three-pound whlt?flsli yields over .
i 001 eggs, but if tltes.) only So per c vu
hatch, and only 4 pel ce;it of ihee reach
maturity that la, 4 years old. '
L&at year the American and Canadian
hatcheries propagated less than 'JW.uOo.l")
fry, while the number of tip In fish
caufht was 36.0UO,(00,000. '
Forty years ago the citeh of srhitellsh'
la the Detroit river on th Amr!ran ald!
alorie exceeded l.O.OoO pounds annually,
while In later years the combined eat.-p
of both the American and Canadian anj.."
only amount to 35,CuO Free
Press. 1
Why It Read " '
a Western Farm Magazine?
Is edited by western men and cov
ers the field of western agriculture.
Special Feature Articles
Five whole pages of each issue are devoted to special articles,
which cover a field so diversified as to embrace during the year all
branches of farm life and activity. Note the prominent con
tributors to recent numbers: . ,
li riiti.i-r Ixtr I
MOXTI.OMKKY, Ala.. Nov. 5. Cashier
II '. Il.IiI-o of Hi Monroe county lunk
at llonroei nle has rcen chec ked short t.'.',- j
115, acorvliii to a report received loiay I
l.v Slate Hank F.xiiniuer Rutlcilge. The I
b:ink perfect! anient, the directors say,
and 1:0. i jo Ir.s been secured against the j
t-tiortafce. , 1
a'irs to I4
R KADI NO. P . Nov. 4
Iroi. curoiianv
vi vl l.a Kin; luj es..
The Renl ng ths wages
Cork Boles In Ancient Horn.
Not nine new under the ami. It Is now 1
an established fart that the Ronuina lu '
dnsslral times wore cork soles hi their I
shoes to protect their feel from water,
especially In winter. Aa high heels we;e j
not then Introduced th Roman women 1
who aKl.ed to appear tnl'er 1 1 1 a 11 they were
fashioned by nature put plenty -of coik j
under them. It renialna to be J mon- '
slrjted that the French wovc.rn of the 1
seventeenth century i alioil of s'.aiure.
. Tft Rflnrm T'-i-uli lr-lm : i
8ecrtary cf War Tal't and r's r-a"f.
which hiis been Insp ciieg th- a Oiv
Ma In the west, will 1 uss thrnualt Omalm
lay nlalit. Tht ie. if the 'ril l ( not
run via Missouri m py rroni Fieniont, .a
was train of Prldent Rorai vr!t thi
last time he went east. . ;
p- Ms
Or. t'rummer 1 ntie l.ovr.
The cendition of Dr. B. F. Crummer,
la seriously ill at Ins
iti j6 not shown
hi ivfnn nt In Hie
1'iwkUt iii.rriii.g he
home, iV-3 Itoiep.
any meierlal lru-'i
t wenty-fuur houi .
was it-putted to Lst
JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture.
F. D. C0BUEN, Secretary Kawsaa Board of Agriculture.
QIFFORD PINCHOT, Chief of Bureau of Forestry.
A. B. STORMS, President Iowa Agricriltural College.
F. H. NEWELL, Chief of Irrigation Service.
W. E. SKINNER, Oen'l Manager InUrnational Live Stock Snow,
C. R. THOMAS, Oen'l Manager Royal Live Stock Show.
A. 0ARLET0N, Cerealiat, Department of Agriculture.
GEO. P. BELLOWS, Live Stock Auctioneer.
CHARLES E. BESSEY, Nebraska State Botaniet.
H. R. SMITH, Expert in Live Stock Feeding.
Regular Departments
No agricultural weekly maintains more regular deparfcrnenta
conducted by editors of practical experience, who can tell intel
ligibly exactly what the farmer wants to know. r4:M
Feeds and Feeding eiatn
. - Live Stock. O. W. Hervey
Veterinary H. L, Rariiacciotti, D. V. S.
Weekly Markets. A. 0. Davenport
Orchard and Garden .M. J. Wraffg
' ' Poultry Ida M. Shepler
Dairy and Creamery.. A. L. Haecker
Legal Queries... D. M. Butler
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TKc Twentieth Century Farmer!
' ' 0.aA.tiA .Nu. .