TTTD OMATTA DA ITT BEG: WEDNESDAY. XOYKMr.KK CAS NEARLY RILLS TWO MEN ... f v mm fa r n and look in the You can't help . to think of tasting it By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders vou take this Duckcrinr injurious Alum right into ahd ruin your stomach. m i I'.- i ir- l ':' Royal is made than Alum but a JJR RETURNS TWO VETOES '. : l-'mai Esfuies to Sien Bsiolntioii D mi'udinc SsUlement f Lee Grisr. S ON LBBECK'S CHANGE OF FRONT . .. - - i nun-it Itecfinclle O. K. of Comptroller unil Sadden JMacovery of Short- He and, XI till, Jnslsts u Kiirtt Accountant. ' Mayor Dahlman Tuesday morning ' re iirnrd to the city council with his veto two 'i iiirent resolution referring to the Loe Jrkr alleged shortage and an audit of the , il y oMW cs. .'.'"' '"" ', ' ' . Oie of the resgiutUms wss a direction 'rum the council -that '"the mayor make a, i.-nMiid on Lee Ciller, former clerk of the . i,.lc court, turr an alleged alienage of 2.4l$ discovered '"by the city comptroller; I he olh r'resolutloii, was to. take" .steps to nivo the various surety companies) check jp the comptroller's aS 'treasurer's ofllees iml report to' the counc.ll and mayor on the j Mitt'cuncy of tho system of .bookkeeping in In these offices. On these nutters mayor and council are not of one ion. i 'ir Dahlman still '.contends that no ,1 Khguld be made on l.te Urier'or liondxmen for the alleged shortage on the Ktreneth gf the report made by Comp trollri Ixilieck 'Octuhrr 6. the mayor hold iiiK that the) romptroller'a previous checks (A . of "O. K." on. Cirler's books ate hard to 0J, reconcile with the sudden . discovery of . T inrtnge a few months ko. The mayor xlnlii ves an expert accountant should con V Ann th cvmi'troller's -Teport and chccK "i s aocoiijyts to the beginning, as Mr. heck's report covered Only the last three i T'. fivnr rlcht . nlontr snd still think. 1 f Tne expert n1 i plete Ji t y'-i nreounthnt should make. a com plete Jo4 tyihieck!nR.,iPvthe whole munici pal counting hnue. A majonty of . the . council has been of . W f ' ;vocoa beans grow in upland limbs ol a dII i fiV Pte tropica! tree. Kltliey contiUi' six 1 i .... j lime more uou vm ufe than beef; v We use the highest cost beans that are grown and there Is nothing In our cocoa but cocoa. A .'That Is Is the -wost-dellclous of cocoas ai au.Tia a. is win cs. r t j J ii m m 1 w n t .'' it A AV v KM to MOT glass you will see puckering it malses l O' j your system you injure AVOI1E) AEOT2 from pure, refineil you have the profit of the opinion that no export accountant is needed. Inasmuch as the city comptroller Is under bond to keep the city's books In order. It Is' not likely the mayor's Vetoes will be sustained. For Sore Throat and Told In Chest Use Omega Oil. Trial bottle 10c. Bnlldlnnr l'ertnlts. Huildlnsr permit Issued: W. T. Graham, 2S10 Laird. $1.00 dwelling: Oeoriw Spraniie, Forty-fifth and Seward, $1,6d0 dwelling; i. la. Cook, Forty-llrst unl r.mlle, JI.OOO dwelling. ' t " Unrrlsite Licenses. The. following marriage " licenses bfen Issued: Name and Reslflenee. " AiiKust V. Iloos. South Omaha Ctllve M. Miles, South Omaha Joseph Krenek. South Omaha Mary Iilalia, South Omaha Otto J. Beltz. Omaha Helen A. McGovern, Chicago, 111 "liavs Age. .... 3'i .... 3D .... 21 .... 21 .... 21 .... 10 22-k Vedding Rings. Edholm, Jewelcf. SEASONABLE FASHIONS. 6773 6774 NOS. 773-6774 A SHIRT WAIST Sl'IT IN LIGHT WORSTED. ". The styles of summer have trespassed upon tlio hitherto forbidden gruund ot winter mill with so muck success1thu.t even fabrics of light weight are now being fashioned into shirt wsint dretes and separate blouses fur general wear. n attraclive'costume of this. kind Is shown and will perhaps be a happy suggestion for the home s-.-wt-r. TJie shirt waist has a nam ir. the ceutrr of Urn back which Is very binart when the waist is cut on the bias of tlie material. Whether tiiu waUt shall bo cut bias or straight, s well a the length of the ,fh-e'e, remain for the maker to decide. The shorter siee've has a fancy cuff which renders It especially fetching. The skirt ia one of the new seven-gored skirts, one of the best models for walking length. The trimming bauus need not Lj used unices desired, but tliey assist the flare and prove a snmrt adorn ment. The costume Is oiiu easily made and requires but yards ot 44-lncli goods, iu the medium size. No. f-.Vi-Sltts, .32 to. 42 Indies, bust uieusure. No. S774 Plzts, M to !2 Inches, waist. The prise of these patterns Is cents bm either will be sent uikiii rte.lpt of 10 I cents. For the accommodation of The Oni.ih Bee readers these patterns, which usually retail at from S to W cents, will be fur nished at a nominal price (1U cents), nhlcli covers all txpenkes. In order to get a pat- tern encloft 10 cents, giving number uud name of pattern wanted and bust measuro as the patterns aro nm-led ilueer from publishers at New York, it will re.iuliu about a wek's tune lo fill the order. Ad dress latiern Department, Omaha, JU Omaha Uee. the effect you puckc digesti PUE)EE3 Grape Cream of Tartar quality, the profit of AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OKADA City Couicil Unablt to Knsttr a Qtitrum Monday Bicbt MEMBERS TOO BUSY WITH CAMPAIGN Board of Kduratlon In the Same Boat and Both Bodies Take an Adjournment to av Later Date. The meeting of tha city council was ad journed Monday on account of the, cam paign closing. There were not enough members presant for a quorum. Adjourn ment was taken until Thursday night. There was also no meeting of the Board of Kducatlon from the fact that two mem bers, LAverty and Corrlgan, were out of the city. The board will meet at the cull of the president after his return. The police will put on all forces to take charge of the election. The men had or ders from the cheIC last night to take It as easy us possible after 'i p. m. and to rtpoit at the station for duty this morn ing. Instructions to I nreslnlrrrd Voters. City Clerk Glllin has Issued the follow ing to guide unregistered voters: We lind that the law governing the swear ing In of votes has been thoroughly gone into. In the ease of Unltt against Miller, and also In tho case of Crocker agalnNt Iewal. and hence, after b. careful analysis of these cases we think the correct rule as laid down therein, la as follows: 1. Tho voter desiring to swear In hla vote on election day as being unregistered must appear before the city clerk and be sworn. 2. His affidavit must also be signed and sworn to by two freeholders residing u thn nrerinet in which he desires to vote, who have been residents' of the precinct for one year. The fact that they are rest dents of the ward in which he desires to vole Is not sufficient. "They must be real dents of the same voting precinct." 3. Tho atlidavit made by the voter In or der to entiled him to vote need not be con fined to "sickness." "absence from the city," but may include "at work and did nut have time to register. If any one of these reasons shall be as- signed they will be deemed uiclent, ntl the voter so applying to this office Novem - her 6. will be given a certificate show- in K nis fiuaiinraiinn to voie on mas aay. The above rule as to valid excuses nece- voters. The two freeholders should accompany the mentioned above applicant to this onlce. A careful observance of these rules will ive much time and trouble to all con cerned. Polls In each precinct open at 8 a. and close at 6 p. in. Call 'phone 1C4 for city clerk. Call 'phone 4oJ7 for city attorney. Magic Tit)' f.o.ll. lT;,tvy 'lxon was up from IJncoln m. to vNlt. his p-trcnts Sunday. (5. K. OafTord, moving aud transfer. Tel. The funeral of S. O. Rirnard took placfl yesterday niori'ing at lf a. m. free life-sized portrait with one dozen pltotos till Christinas. Peterson's Studio. lleinz t'relUrf spent Kiturday and Sun- TOOTH TALK NO. 79 If you are looking for a dentist who works carefully and well, gives little or no paiu, uud whose charges are reasonable, I most heartily recommend 111) He f. I never permit work to leave my office unless 1 know that it 1b well done; therefore a business RetU-i . 1 feive less pain than any dentist au where because I've given the closest attention to this feature of painlessness in dentistry; a somewhat .uiiexpluie.i field" r assure you. My prices are reasonable In both 1 directions; it Is fully aa great an In justice to charge ait amount insuffl cient to cover the cost of time a.m fcu,J L,. aL rial as to overcharge. Examination costs uui Ling whatever. UK. Fll'KKS, 1KTIST, XIH lk-tj Hid. 'J bo lie, Douglas 5 3 7, DENTIStRY! i f. I. hi IB i Costs more good health. day wfth his parents, He has returned to the State university. Q. M. Hamill spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents at Atlantic, la. Chattel and salary loans, 2tW4 N St. All business confidential. Quick ruervloe. William Nath, Thirteenth . and Y street, has a son. George F. Spetir, 3116 K, also reports the birth of a boy. ' Mrs. C Ilahn and her daughter. Miss Zelma Ilahn, of Audubon,- la., are the guests of V. J. I'reitag and family. Jetter'B Gold Top Heer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone No. 8. Albert Marcnn underwent fl successful operation for hernia yesterday morning. He la reported to be doing very nicely. The saloons of pat Jlannlgan, John Iturke, Kred Heffllnger and William Ifrod- erick wera all TuldecT "niT"foiind to bd open. - , M , Superior lodge of the Depres of Honor will meet with I'pchurch lodce Wednesday evening for a Joint social und entertain ment. ' Joe Turner was fned opl ssstiult In the police court yesterday morning. J. Kang ley was also sentenced to liluch days for Intoxication. Io was taken to the county Jail. monthly dance at the Ancient OrdiT of I'nlted Workmen temple . November S. There will be a business meeting of the club at A. C. Pancoast's office Tuesday evening. - Harry Thiel, who formerly was with C. K. ticarr but who Is now in Alliance, Is visiting a number of his former friends. He has a flourishing business of his own in Alliance. Mrs. J. A. Fitzpatrick,- thirty-six and Q, gave a party in honor of her birthday. A good time was enjoyed by her many friends. It waa passed In playing cards and games. The women of St. Acnes' parish will set an election dinner today from 11 a. m. to 'i p.- m. and a supper from ib p. rn. to 7:) p. m. The meals will be. served at tho Lewis block at Twenty-fourth and M streets. Make an onVr on the northwest corner of 18th and. Missouri Ave. a. nearly new house, east front, and neat cottage, south front; two new lots. Room for two more houses. Will nell on easy terms. Price, :,'M. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Karnam St. Arthur K Searle and wife are the guests of 11, IS. Kleharty. Mrs. Searle la a sister to Mrs. Flvharty. Mrs. Klehnrty and her guests left yesterday ufternoon for Ogallala to a: lend the majnaga ceremopy of ainKlier sister. The ceremony is celeMrated today. Bensm of Freqnent Colds. A succession of colds or a protracted cold is almost certain to end In chronio catarrh, from which few persons ever wholly recover. Give every cold the at tentlon it deserves and you may avoid this disagreeable disease. How can you cure a , ... . . . , , . ur" cold? Why not try Chamberlains Cough Memeay n is nigniy recommenuea as a ; , ir f Vhit f u.,,i Tenn., says: "Several years ago I was bothered with my throat and lungs. Boms one told ma ot Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. I began using It and it relieved me at once. 1 used it for some time and it cured me. Now my throat and lungs are sound and well." Announcements of the Theaters. Robert Kdeson will play at the Boyd this afternoon and evening, lie will ap pear In "Strongheart," a four-act comedy drama by William C. De MUle. While the dramatic interest is serious, as it concerns the problem of the educated Indian and his love for a woman not of his race, theie is abundant comedy to relieve the emo tional tension. Much amusement has been derived by the picturing of episodes in colli go life. Mr. Kdeson's company has been carefully selected by Mr. HarrU Willi a view to presenting college men as they are and the Barnard contingent is represented by an unusually attractive set of femininity. The Burwood is having large audiences this week. Thursday afternoon a souvenir matinee will be given. Kuch person hold ing a lower floor ticket will be presented with a photograph of Grant Simpson. Next week the Burwood will present "By Right of Bword." Hon. George R. Wendllng of Washing ton, D. C, will lecture at Lyric theater on Thursday evening, subject, "Mlrubeau and tho French Revolution." Tickets on sale at Brown & Borsheim'a Jewelry store and at box office at the Lyric, where they may be reserved this afternoon and tomorrow. It Is expected that the wests will be sold before the evening of the dale of lecture. It Is the Intention of the promoters to bring other attractions of national Interest to the city this winter, If the result of the WetiUling lecture are sufficient. Mr. Wend llng's lecture n placed upon its merits, ami is guaranteed to please the audience. The subject is great and, as delivered by a inast.rr oiator, will captivate Ins nettieis J to the gitaUel J.'-t albk txlvut. Jtmfi ?. White tf Omaha and Job a EchmiUof Uianeiota Ira CTercoma. . LATTER HAS SLIM CHANCE FOR LIFE Both Cases Heitardrd aa Accidental, as There is n Kvldence In Kit her to Suggest Thoaght et tilclde. .Tames P. While. 1723 South Twenty ninth street, sgent for the raclflo Kx press company and John Schmitt of Winona, Minn., were overcome by gas Monday night and the latter may die, while White's re covery Is regardtd as reasonably certain. Both cases are believed to have been ac cidental. Mr. White was found In a semi-conscious condition about 10:15 Tuesday morning in a room In the Murray hotel with one of tha gas jets turned fully on. The room was filled with gas as the windows were tightly closed and the transom was only open about one Inch. It Is believed that Mr. White inadvertently turned on the gas upon retiring. One of the guests In the hotel reported to tho cleric that there was a strong odor of gas on the fourth floor and O. F. Allrcd, a bell boy, waa sent to Investigate. He traced the odor to the room occupied by Mr. White and summoned help. The door waa broken open and Mr. White was found lying on the tied partly dressed. One of the gas Jets was burning a low flame, but the other Jet was turned on but not lighted. Tho pollca were notified and Police Bur geon Harris responded. He had the patient removed to tha Omaha General hospital. It Is believed Mr. Wlilta will recover, al though he had a narrow escape from death by asphyxiation. Mr. Whlta went to the hotel shortly be fore midnight. He said he left one of tho gas Jeta burning, but had no knowledge of the other being turned on, although he said ho had Intended to light both. He had been exceedingly overworked for the last few months and after working so late Mondfty night, "went to the hotel In preference to going to his home, 1723 Park avenue, whera he r cat nes with his wife and two children. After being taken to tha hospital he com pletely recovered consciousness and his chances ot recovery are considered ex cellent. Minnesota, Mil May Die. Within an hour after Mr. White was found unconscious In a room filled with gas a second message was received at the po lice station that a man had been found in a room at 1120 Farnam street with the gas Jets turned on. Police Surgeon Harris was again pressed into service and found John Bchmltt of Winona, Minn., lying uncon scious in the rear room on the second floor of the premises on Farnam street. Schmitt came to Omaha Monday after noon from Millard, where he had been working on the Union Pacific cut-oft as a laborer, and obtained a room from the pro prietor, W. 8. Harrle. He retired about 11 p. in. and his disappearance was not noted until about 10:30 Tuesday morning. when the colored porter smelled gas Issuing from the room and entered It from one ad joining. Dr. Harris worked over Schmitt for some time, using artificial respiration and admin istering hypodermic injections of strych nine, which seemed to relieve Schmitt con siderably, but his ultimate recovery Is ex ceedingly doubtful. He was removed to St. Joseph's hospital for further treatment, where he now lies in a precarious condition. Among Schmitt's effects were found let ters from Miss Mary Bess of 164 West Broadway, Winona, Minn., who Is evidently a sweetheart of the man. A lodge card also was found showing that Schmitt was a member of Ancient Order of Druids. It is not believed that Schmitt Intended to commit suicide, but that after turning oft the gas he carelessly turned it on again. ' He is about 24 years of age and had worked in a grading camp at Rapid City, S. D, WOMAN BURNED AT BREAKFAST Hair and Kiebrnna Singed by Kxnloslon of Stove from Kerosene. the While preparing the fire for breakfast Monday morning Mrs. J. W. Dibble, wife of Officer Dibble, 931 Twenty-seventh ave nue, had her hair and eyebrows badly singed by the explosion of the stove. She had lighted the Are, but It was slow In starting, so she attempted to expedite mat ters by throwing a cup full of kerosene on the partly Ignited coal and kindling. After placing the lid on the stove the combination of coal and kerosene formed a gas, and when Mrs. Dibble threw a lighted match into the stove there was an explosion, but no jamage was done beyond the scorching of Mrs. Dibble's hair. MILWAUKEE'SSUNDAY TRAINS Road Establishes Service for the ftah. bath Day on Its South : Dakota Lines. The Milwaukee railroad has established a Sunday train service in South Dakota for the first time. Sunday trains will be run from Sioux City to Aberdeen and from Sioux City to Sioux Falls. This will be quite a help to people desiring to go from Omaha, as heretofore the service did not permit a man to leave umalia Saturday night and reach any point In South Dukota on Sunday, as he had to lay over until Monday. would be than we are would be no benefit Ten Clothes fliat Arc Built for the "American Gentleman." AT $15.00, AT $20.00, AT $25.00. "As gootl as the Nebraska polls at such ami pucli a price" is the stamlartl of value and mfcrit' which guitlo the purchaser and seller alike. Our clothing is built primarily for the American gentle man. It is not made by every Tom, Dick or Harry, but by the most reputable manufacturers on the con tinent. "Where other stores show you a tossed and tumbled assortment of a dozen patterns or so, wo show you a well regulated, thoroughly complete stock, representing hundreds of styles. Our prices are based on a fair profit over the cost of manufac ture. AVe are glad to assure you that you always get fullest value for your money here. We are showing an exhaustive array in Men's Suits' and Overcoats at 15-$20-$25 &&K!itLifeiuqr. .af '" " - - NOTES 01 OMAHA SOCIETY The niembere of the Harmony Card club were delightfully entertained Saturday evening at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Sholes, who recently moved Into their now home at 3301 Woolworth avenue. Following the dinner, high-live waa played, the prizes being won by Mrs. E. A. Benson, Mrs. K. L. McCoy, Mr. E. A. Benson and Judge Munger. Dinner was served at several small tables, which were adorned with roses, while American Beauty roses were used to trim the other rooms. Those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. H. N. Wood, Judge and Mrs. Munger, Mr, and Mrs. J. I .Baker, Mr. Lsnd Mrs. W. D. Selby, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dinning, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McCoy, Mr. and Mra. J. F. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. John Robblns, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Breckenrldge, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ewmg. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. VanCourt, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. White, Mr. and Mrs. A. Scrlbner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates and Mr. and Mrs. Sholes. Mrs. Harry Wilklns gave a pretty luncheon of twelve covers Saturday, large yellow chrysanthemums furnishing the decorations, Mrs. W. J. Foye was the win ner of the prize. Those present were: Mrs. C. T. Kountzn, Mrs. W. S. Poppleton, Mrs.. Ward Buraess. Mrs. T. F. Kennedy, Mrs. W. T. Burns, Mrs. W. J. Foye. Mrs. Her bert Wheeler. Mrs. Sam Burns, Jr.. Miss Webster, Miss Domax and Miss Roe of Kansas City.' The regular monthly whist party of Temple Israel Sisterhood was given Mon day afternoon In the parlors of the temple. The game was played at eleven tables, the prizes being Won by Mrs. Carl Brandeis, Mrs. I. Rosenthal and Mrs. Carrie Good man, llght refreshments were served late In the ufternoon. The Sisterhood Is plan ing to give a play and ball at Metropolitan club, December 4. Mr. Leonard E. Millet and Miss Antoinette Kellner were quietly married Tuesday at high noon at tha residence of the bride's parents. Mr and Mrs. Morris Kellner, 668 South Twenty-eighth street. Only about twenty guests witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by Rahbl Frederick Colin. The wedding march was played by Miss Mildred Kellner, violinist and Mrs. Frances Baetens, pianist, s the bridal couple, entered. The rooms were prettily decorated with pink roses and smllax. The brldn wore a pretty gown of white batiste, end carried bride's roses. Mr. and Mrs. Miller left in the afternoon for their future home In Bellingham, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Ixive have moved from their country home at Benson to the residence on Thirty-eighth and Farnam streets, which they have taken for the winter. Mrs. W. g. Ilea ton will entertain the Comis club Thursday afternoon, November 8, In her new home. 3507 Hamilton street. Mrs. F.dson Rich will give a reception Wednesday afternoon In compliment to Mrs. D. W. Bushnell of Council Bluffs, the vice president general of the National So If we undertook: to supply every per son in the United States who had lost their appetites, with a package 'of, Toasted Corn Flakes, very much further behind our now. But one thing is certain, there such thing as lost Toasted Corn Flakes have a dis tinctive flavor, the very thought of which makes you anxious for break fast. We have never heard of a person who did not like them who did not by eating them. I ry tnem tomorrow for breakfast and eat heartily cents at all grocers. BtttU CrMk Tettlid Corn FUki C. BA1TLI CRIEK, MICH. ciety of the Daughters of the American Revolution. All the members of the Omaha chnpter of tho Daughters of the American Revolution are invited. The Visiting Nurses will give one of their enjoyablo dances at Chambers' this even ing. Captain and Mrs. David J.. Stone arrived Saturday and are with Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hoagland. Miss Anna Covell has returned from a visit In St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. W. F. Conyne ot Warren, 111., la tho guest of Mrs. F, II. Cole. ... Miss Ethel Byford of Lincoln, Neb., is the guest of Mrs. A. 1 Sheetz. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Stoddard left Wednesday fur southern California, whera they will spend the winter. ARKANSAS JUDGE IN OMAHA Trleber of Eastern Division' Will Assist Manger In Conrt sit November Term. ' ' Judge Walter II. Sanborn of the United States circuit court of appeals , for tha Eighth district has Just issued an order assigning United States District Judge Jacob Trleber of the eastern district of Arkansas to assist Judge Munger In hold- ' ing the November term of the United States circuit and district courts for tha federal district of Nebraska. Judge Trle ber's assignment begins November 3 and will continue until March 1, 1907. ' Low Hates to Virginia Point . Via tha v CHICACO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY On November 8th and 10th. (in" rars plus 12.00 for round trip to Norfolk, Richmond. Lynchburg r.nd many other polnta In Vir ginia, return limit thirty days. For folders and Information call at City Ticket Ofllos 1524 Farnam 8t., or write to F. A. NASH. General Western Agent Omaha, Nab. Winter Visitors Week End Excur sion. On Saturdays and Sundays durlag the winter the Chicago Great Western railway will sell tickets to points In lewa at half tariff rates. The rates alno aVply in oppo site direction, enabling your friends to re turn your visit. Ask J. A. Ellis, General Agent, 151S Farnam St., for Information. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Charles W. Pearsall f onfind to' his home on Park avenue with a severe attack of tonsilltis. A. V. Whiting of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Kenzle of Uroton, 6. D are at the Her Grand E. E. Lo of Cody, Wyo.: Ida Kroft of Stuart and H. E. Teachout of Dixon are at the Merchants. AV. A. Miner of Greeley. Colo.; Mrs. Reed of Lincoln and W. S. McCune of Denver are at the Murray. O. E. McClutehron :tnd Mr. ami Airs. C. C. Evans of IJncoln nnd E. M. K. Lefiang of Leylngton are st the Millard E. P. (irlndel of Tucson, Ariz ; R, I. Mever of llanns, S. B. Turner, Robbie Turner, C. W. Graves. Darnley Fork, N. D. ; '. J. Hale ot Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Wertz of Creighton, O. Bailey of Kullerton, W. If. Morten and family of Bpokai and R. E. McConaghy oC Sail Lake City are at the Paxton. ' we orders TOASTED conn FLAKES ajlTn w cr,. I f 'ni'LU Hr M y i i