Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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yi.:lXr.tfc-ln:i 616.
Men's Night Shirts.
' Big Kopmy Ones, Made Especially for this Store.
' Doiiiot Klanriol, really rotten, but fleeced on both sides, very vozy and
kind to terKler-,tl1n, doesn't hrlnk-either, tomes from the wash like new.
St $l.oo rath.iu.adc of fine noft Pomet Flannel, ood weight., fall length,
extra width, made In the popular nilllinry style, pretty colors of blue, tan
n link, flhsoltjry fast. . This number' nno comes In the new pyjama effects.
Klmply a new naino for a doubt? bioHKtyd night shirt, very practical' though.'
.Ai to see It.
"Our &0e and 75c nualitlva. wo' noter any better than they are this sea
son on Rood weight, full lenRth, cholO pretty patterns, and a full line of sizes
up to size 20. The picking has bee tin. Better buy now before the first real
cold, snao conic.
V.; Main floor. ...
Special Sale of Imported Torchon Laces at, per yard, 3y2c.
: .'..Large lino of pretty designs. Insertions to match. Widths from one to
three Inches; Wciln.-wlnr only, nt :ic per yard.
Included In this lot are Hamburg Kmbrolderies, at, per yard, 3!ir.
NOTE Beautirul Souvenir Postal Cards, showing; Interior views of our
biv, free -upon reddest. . ..
-s"-.ry Open Saturday Evenings.
772 '. '4
f- ' V" ' Howard, Corner
:loeed early..the 'workers feeling the i-tralu
jf the Iotik TampfllgH nnd wnnting to get
sway frofn Jhe seen of battle as soon 11s
possible. . ,
. Wlirc Vocal- Interest trnlrrnl.
Ijocal ntrl teemed to center chiefly pi
the race. uftbrN-ces in the Second dis
trict snt) Iclyjihone franchise tight. The
general 4iAij'.ioji prcvnlled niiiong all par
ties that (he republicans would carry the
state, arA iKo Interest in thnt ticket was
not so keen. The light 011 county attorney
came In' fir -a large share of Interest, the
friend uT English In-raiding his victory
with t! utmost delight. Mr. English hlni
srlf vi us in the thick of the finy until he
was assured of election. Mr.' Shibaugh's
friends wera equally concrrm d.
the fight for fcovertfo In New York wns
the ..subj-ti pf. keenest -Interest.. Every
body who was Interested In election re
turns wanted to know., the -"liitest -from
New York." Hearst 'had his supporters,
)ut Hughes seemed to be fur more puimlar
!haji the Kataenjamtner candidate and t
lurprjae. .was .-frequently w-e1 that.
Hearst, hsAroada.ue good iW run he did.
iimr m great amount or betting on
thla and other TesuWn'-T'lhc betting all I
favored Hughes., the r,(.. .li.'.tfa nominee.. ' -I
me saloons having ihsed during
the dsy they opened to ;an i-ager and
liberal patronage after the polls closed and
were popular places througiont the night
inttl the hour of closing. .As ft general
thing- no great amount of disorder pre
vailed. ,. J . . -. , .
Independents Celebrate.
The Independent telephone projectors and
!heir friends were about the most actively
lappy campaigners ' aftrY resuils were
leftnltely known. T. H. .PoJIok and Tom
t'armele of PTnrtsmouth,' twp1 bf the' rhfef
promoters, with a great number of stock
holders and directors" 6f Jnrtope!ilent 'phone
.'oncerns Irofh out in" the "state. Joined In
i huge spread at the Henshaw. They
celebrated ' their victory with mach en
:huslasm. Judge., sHe JVtkr.:torney for
Ihe lodepertdents uof NjVAirtiig: iniy
mourning that -ooulA- be-notk4 with the
laked eye. He assured everybody that
i would have.,pnme WhetWertle wanted
It or not and wor that Arlsona smile that
refused to cwne. ptt,t. , ,
Trie 6ee's extras went as rapidly almost
s iey could be placed upon the streets.
It was bl nlgtiffor'rtie newsies. ' '
i:HPm 'l-ide"ntil"Sf tli Dmy. ' '-.
Ajl .incident, ' Half amusing and half pa
:heHc. .occurred .Tuesday -morning In the
lUy.derk a otllce, where ajwwk gliring the
iam of Gid .Sutherland ..decided at the
ilerenlb hour le. wanted 4o yrte.. Although
n the city .oitMhn hree-regletlation' days,
is tailed to register, and. ffc41hi( t offer a
irtllrfaotory- Reason for hi failure, was
efusefl a certificate Tuesday morning.
Huthierland -wittked ant lot- r -lerk s office
lejectediy. ,.fte- ha ;jjturAi and tntei
eded on behalf of his father-in-law.
"Well, if you can't do anything for me
ran't you fix me. out with a carriage for
ny father-in-law, whe Is M 'years of age
nd a cripple,'! began Sutherland., whose
voice begansto choke up with emotion.
"The old man only has a-few mora times
to vote lri this world; and vn might give
no a cirrtage for hlin. Ido not know
what ticket he wUl vute. J)t I know h.i
will vote and it will make him happy once !
Tiore in His-declining years," continued the
visitor. s .
The city clerk directed Sutherland to the
:ounty oommttteea for - Mrrkme.
' lli,rK for tike Secret Ballot.
A cheer 'for the "Mecret"'bti"Jt" Vent, up
In one of the voting places oil in tie
Klghth ward this morntnaf when' a' ina.i
called out from his boo'.b:"
Bay, I want to vote igainst this tele
phone franchise; bow do I do It?" -
He Wat 'given Instructions by one of the
;lectIon ofilcets. '
"And aay," he called again, "I want to
w-rjitcfc. this ' men Wililuiui for railroad
rommlssioner. AVhat that?"
A round of appUuse ' went up from the'
nttre crowd, giving evab'nee that demu
:its and republican. ah'Ve were pliaaed.
Then one of the judges (ustructe!! l im In
Jie SJt of scratching vho intxiierous Wll-
lanta' name-. I
Amusing tuuta tvltli Machine.
An amusing bicideni occurred In the
Kirst precinrl of the First ward. The etec
lioa board telephoned to the county c lurk's
.ifl'.re that the machine wouldn't work at
Girls' and Misses' Dresses
i - w
red and brown, at
S12.50, $10.00, $8.50 and . .
.$15.00, $13.50,
$12.50 and
Write lar Ula
Slra'.rd Catalog.
He, Norifibr , iac.
Sixteenth Street
all. A man ai sent out to look after It
and found they had been tryhig lb vote
without pulling- the party lever. A few
fhstrurtions on how to operate the machine
wag all that was necessary.
In most of the precincts where trouble
was had with the machines It was due to
the fact the machine wai moved, from the
place where It had been set by the super
intendent and had not been leveled. The
mechanism I so delicate the machine has
tothe perfectly level or It will not work
well. In the 'First of the Tenth the board
forgot to break the Heal that locks the
curtain lever and the first voter pulled the
lever with force enough to unseal ,lt. The
handle of the lever was sprung- slightly
and had to be fixed, but nothing serious
resulted: Only a few of tbe country pre
cincts had trouble and It was largely due
Jo failure to understand how to manipulate
the road overseer sections.
M'nUJMlJl'S, Nov. S.-The i-ijiejitlops' at
1 10:10 were that the repuhl' . ,. i itt elected
Thompson secretary of si;
tire state'tlcket by a safe
man Oaxbor of the stale.
. ad their en
rity. Chalr
conimlttee snld
he would be unable to give wit any state-ment-untli
midnight. Chalrv-n'n Dick of the
republican state, committee-'tiW . at l":0il
p. m.- 'iRet urns. . from republican - t' .triply
chairmen "sliow the election of the -'ent Ire
state ticket' by a'plurallty exceeding 'TS.ftiO,"
- At that bour .only a few congreeStonal dis
tricts had been reported, bnt-ln.none of
thenr had ' there been democratic victory.
The districts reported were those chn'ceded
by republican ' ' ' -v. .'
TOTtCDO.. Nov. 6. Sixty-five preih'CU out
ef K8 in Toledo show:- Hosklns (dem.) for
secretary of state 2.2ol; Thompson, 4.1W. '
CINCINNATI. Nov. ii.Three hundred
precincts,' Including all cities,' out of' 4,:0
precincts In the state, give Thompson (rep.)
for secretary of state 28,833; Hosklns (dem )
Z3,Xr. The same- prw-incta. in ISci gave
Hwrlck bep. SS,87; Pattison'tdem.) '33.JT-I.
At 11 o'clock returns received from about
half of the precincta In Hamilton county
indicate that Thompson- -(rep.) for secretary
of state, has carried the county and thai
the republican ticket has been elected by
from 3,W0 to 5,XI0. esi
1 r
1 a
GUTHRIE. Okl.. Nov.- s.-The const
tion, of the new state of Oklahoma will
written by democrats.
Vernon Whiting, secretary of the OklaX
noma republican central committee, tonight
concedes the democrats seventy-three dle
gates, while Chairman Jesse Dunn of the
democratic committee says there will be
at least seventy-elfc'ht democratic delegates
jn the floor of the convention, .Republican
managers' admit ' that Oklahoma proved
great dlsappolntmeht. The ' "Unknown"
quantity of the Indian Territory was a
practical concession to the democrats, but
nine Oklahoma districts, counted on by the
republican leaders, were carried by the op
position. The Osage nation elected two
democrats. The Indians as a general rule
voted the democratic ticket.
RALT1.MORIS. Nov. 6. Returns from 'the
iHrge vote cast In thla city are conilnt
in. very slowly and definite results, even
In the city, will not be known, until, late.
The same is true in even greater degree
of the counties. Talbott. democrat, ran
heavily behind, his last vota In the city
precincts of bis district and early indi
cations were that hi opponent, Garrett,
had carried Harford county by a mall
margin, in the city precincts of the fifth
district the labor opposition to Vludd, re
publican, showed Its effect In a consld-.
erabl falling off as compare! with the i
vote he polled at last election.
KANSAS CITT, Nov. . Returns from
Kansas show heavy losses for Ho-h
(rep.), candidate for governor, who la
running behind his ticket. Hoch's vote j
In Tupeka Is 2,1100 less than In 1904. I
'IVIPKKA, Kan.. Nov. 6. Meager returns I
from over the state show that Governor
Hoch (rep.). If re-elected, will win by a
plurality of lett than ,0i).
Ciirls' Dresses, nes 2 to 10 years, Kussians,
Sailors and Newport styles, in mohair,
serge and novelty cloths, colors blue, jirray,
; $6.09
Mi sses' handsome tailor made serge dresses-ages
12 to 1() years, Peter Thompson
amJ -Newport effects, urices $18.50. S16.
Misses' Sorority -Buits, in blue and gray for
ages 14 and Hi Years, ( 4 -r A
$rrr.50, $25.00, $18.50 and 5ll)3U
s7 : U
. Z77y
Bitnrai Btceived at Wbit Hobs Cffice
Over Pirsct Wirsi.
Ortlii to Incomplete f hararler of
F'lanres (he. -thief sCserntlve
Declines to Make f-'nrninl
WASHINGTON, Nov. S. President r.oose-'
velt eagerly awaited the returns from the
election as they came In over' the t
graph wires 1o the executive offices. After
dlnlsg with bis Qimlly on his return from
Ojster Hay he hurried to his office, where,
with Secretary Hoot, Postmaster General
Cortelyou, Assistant Secretary Bacon, Sec
retary Ijoeb and Assistant Attorney Gen
eral Cooley he scanned the reports fur
nished him by the press ossoclatkm and
by various private sources all over liie
courtry. The. greatest Interest centered in
the reports from New York, where, the
early returns Indicated that If Mr. Hughes
were elected, the claims of his managers
of large majorities for him would be ma
terially reduced. ICaily In the evening
Secretary Root estimated that Mr. Hughes'
majority might vary between 60.000 und
6.flon. One of the dispatches received by
Secretary Hoot came front the editor of
the Press at Utica, in which city the sec
retary mnde his only speech of the cam
paign. This dispatch Indicated the re
election of Representative Sherman and
the success of Mr. Hughes in Oneida county
by a majority of about 3,000.
An early personal telegram to the presi
dent said that Hughes had carried Oyster
Bay by 152 majority. .
Because of the Incomplete character of
the returns, It was announced that there
would be no statement tonight from the
president on the result in New York.
Xo Derided Change- In tbe Alllcn
tnent of Faatern and Western
Klectlons were held yesterday in forty
two states, and while the faults In a num
ber of Instances were of unusual interest,
it may be said, generally speaking, there
were no great surprises. Throughout the
south the democratic state and congres
sional tickets have been elected by the
usual majorities. In the west and east, the
sintes that were aligned two years ago in
the democratic or republican columns, show
no material change, the democrats making
gains In some instances nnd the republi
cans in others. The republicans retain con
trol of congress by a good majority.
Perhaps the widest general interest in the
elections centered In the remarkable fight
for governor, which has been waged In
New York state between (;harlcs E. Hughes,
the republican candidate who throughout
the campaign has had the support of Presi
dent " Roosevelt, and ' William Randolph
Hewrst, who haa been running as the regu
lar democratic and Independence league
nominee. The latest returns available show
that Mr. Hughes, while losing nearly nil
of the principal cities of the state, was
successful by about 60,000 plurality.' The
rural districts " brought tbout the republi
can victory.
In New Tork City the famous Thmmany
Independence league Judiciary ticket was
successful, with possibly one exception,
over the candidates named by the nonparti
san "Judiciary nominators" -
' Massachusetts' has - To-elected Curtis
Guild (rep.) fes' governor over District At
torncy Jolm-B. Morun of Boston, who. was
the candidate of th democratic party, In
dependenoe league and the prob.ibitloniA3.
In Chicago 11 la estimated that the In
dependence league ticket polled 40,000, but
there was a heavy republican plurality for
the state officers. r
, Pennsylvania elected Stuart .(rep.) gov
ernor over a fusion opposition by the usual
republican plurality. '
Michigan, Iowa, New Hampshire. North
Dakota, Connecticut, Indiana and Wiscon
sin have rolled up republican pluralities,
although there was some falling off In the
usual vote In Iowa. In Minnesota Governor.
Johi son (dem.) was re-elected by the
largest majority ever given a democrat In
the slate.
Nebraska shows big republican gains.
Ohio also shows republican gains over the
Pattison vote of last year. The republi
cans expect a plurality of 75.000 in the
state. The constitution of the new state
of Oklahoma will be written by demo
crats. The Indians voted the democratic
ticket almost solidly, Oklahoma also went
strongly democratic In choosing delegates
to the constitutional convention. Governor
Hoch, is re-elected in Kansas by a slightly
reduced majority.
The result in Missouri was in doubt at
a late hour, the democrats- expecting to
gain some of the congressional districts
'they lost two years ago Congressman
Nicholas Longworth was re-elected In Cin
BOSTON," Nov. 6. The republicans were
victors In the state election today. Governor
Guild ' being re-elected by a considerably
increased plurality over last year, while his
opponent. District Attorney John B. Moran
of Boston, the candidate of the democratic
and the prohibition party and Independence
league, received a somewhat larger vote
than that given the democratic candidate
a year ago. With two-thirds of the state
vote tabulated. Mr. Guild's plurality was
estimated late tonight at about 37.0UO.
The republicans re-elected their entire
state ticket, although Lieutenant Governor
Draper fell considerably behind Governor
Guild. The next legislature will be repub
lican by the usual large majority in both
houses and this will Insure the re-election
of Fnlted States Senator W. Murray Crane
of Dalton.
The Massachusetts delegation to congress
will' remain practically the same.
The outcome of the election was a con-sid-.-rable
disappointment to Mr. Moran and
his fellow campaigners. E. Gerry Rrown
of Brockton, candidate for lieutenant gov
ernor, and George Fred Williams of Ded
bam. - .
The Moran campaign was hand learned by
I lack of organisation, a meager campaign
fund and opposition froia a large number of
former leaders. The vote came from the
wage earners principally, as was shown by
the strong endorsement given the Suffolk
county district attorney In nearly all the
mill cities and other Induigrlal renters.
Governor Guild expressed himself tonight
ss ve-y much gratified at the endorsement
of liis administration. . while Mr. Moran.
after learning, the result, refused to com
ment on the-imcoess of his opponent.
PH1LAPP.I.P11IA. Nov. At the hejd
quarters vt the republican state comrafttee
It was said that encouraging reports had
been received from the state, and confi
dence was expressed that Bturtrt had been
elected. There were no figure to sub
stantifcle this clulm, however.
PITTSUVRG. Pa.; Nov. At the clos
ing of the polls tonight teadera of all
parties stated that an unexpectedly large
vote had been polle in Allegheny county.
It wf estimated that from ii to 97 per
imi of tbe registered Vote lu Pittsburg.
Allegheny and McKeesport had been got
out. First returns f flritcste F-mcry. fusion
democrat, slightly " al ead of Stuart, re
publican, for governor.
PHIMDKM'HtA, Nov. 6. -Scattering re
turns from the 4 itjr Indicate large repub
lican gains a compared ..with last year,
when Berry (fus.), for state treasurer, had
.Ifi.liX plurality In Philadelphia and !,m in
the state.
Itt'TTK, Nov. 8. Incomplete returns front
the atste Indicate the election to congress
of Charles N. Tray, and Henry C. Smith,
candidate for the state supreme court. Re
publicans appear to, . be. making gains
throughout the atate V . .
SIOFX FA LI .8, Nev. .-Reports fratn
the state are very rue-acre, owing to the
slowness of the count, due to the great
scratching of county, tickets. Incomplete
return Indicate the election of the republi
can congressmen, and republican state ticket
by no less than 35.0W. . ,
STI HGIS,. Nov. 6. (Special Telegram 1
Crawford will carry Sturgis by seventy-five
majority; Mead county by about Com
plete returns not available for several days,
Fight on county ticket .close. Republicans
will elect majority of ticket. Complete re
turns necessary, on some offices. Both re
publicans and democrat scratched county
ticket, Large Vote polled, '
CHARLESTON, S. C, Nov. 6.-The elec
Hon held In South Carolina today was
without incident and a very small voto
was polled. Governor V. M. Ansell (dem)
and the entire state ticket was elected, the
only opposition being. J: I,. Chandler, who
received half a hundred socialist- votes.
Seven , democratic . congressmen ; were
elected, five without opposition.
NASHV'ILLK, Tenn., Nov. . Reports
from over the state indicate a large falling
off In the republican vote and that the ma
jority of Patterson (dem.) . for governor
will approximate 80,0no. :. -
SALT LAKE CITY. Nev. 6. -The' republl.
cans In t'tah have elected their stale ticket
by the usual plurality, 'returning Joseph
Howell to congress and -eliding Joseph V.
Frlck Justice of the supremo court. In Salt
Lake county, where the American, or ahtl
Mormon party centered Its' erforfs,' tho re
sult Is In doubt. The?- Americans' have a
plurality of the votesMn Salt Iike City,
but this may be overcome by the republi
cans in-Lhe county outside of -the city. -Tbe
democratic vote In Salt Lake City shows A
falling off of probably 30 per cent. It is
estimated that 75 to 00 per cent of the
Mormon democrats In this county voted
the republican-ticket.- .
WHEELING. W. V.,' Nov. . Partial re
returns from scattered counties In West
Virginia at 9 p. m. show the probaole suc
cess of all five of he"republlc.n congres
sional nominees by "the following plurali
ties: . -' - ' '
Hubbard (rep.V- First district, 3,000 or
tnore; Sturgis, Second district, 1,500 or un
der; Gaines, (rep.), 3,& to 4,000: Woodyard
(rep.), J.Ooo or tinder Hughes, (rep.), Fifth
district, 3.000 or mote '"'
The legislature will -be republican with
the present Jc4ntvballot -majority of fifty
seven. Insuring "the-re-election of Senator
8. 13. Elklns..' 1 -i.. ...-'
MILWAUKEE;- Nov. Tt.-The republican
state ticket headed y Governor James D.
Davidson-swept tbe sXate in today's election
by an estimated plurality of at least 40,0f0
over John A. Aylward. the' democratic can
didate and his colleagues. '
At 10:30 tonight returns showed the elec
tion of nine republican and one democratic
congressman and one district, the Third,
still in doubHC Congressman Babcock (rep.)
is bflng given a hard' race in the Third dis
trict and incomplete returns gave him about
500 votes lead over his opponent, James W.
Murphy. :
The real contest of general interest .. In !
Milwaukee county Is over the. .election of
district attorney. Incomplete returns show
a very close contest between--Frank X.
Boden (rep.) and Francis E. McGovern, the
present dlxtrlct attorney, who la seeking re
election on an independent ticket. The
rest of the repuhllca ticket in Milwaukee
county Is elected.
8I-:.TTLE. Nov. 6,-All indications point
to an overwhelming republican " victory In
the state of Washington. W. K. Humphrey,
Wesley L. Jones and Francis w. Cushman,
conrfessmen at large, all republicans, wili
be returned. The house of ripresentatives
and stale senate will be -strongly republi
PIIHTB.NNB. Nov. 6 -The entire republi
can ticket, headel hv Governor Brooks,
lias been elected by majorities of not less
than 2.0110. and possibly considerably more.
The republicans also elect the member nf
congress und the legislature, which' will
elect a Culted States senator.
Drugrran Show Heavy Ualns Over
Vote Two Years ao.
The precincts In the' appended table rep
resent about oie-tenh of the vote of the
Third district and show a net loss for
Boyd of 42ii. McCarthy's plurality two yeaie
ago was 3,941.
Antelope, 5 out of 26.
Platte, a out of a)
Colfax. 1 out ef 14..
Cuming. 4 out of W. .
Klxon, 9 out of 17...
Knox, 7 out of J9...
Shel iShal.l M. t B.
airii .i STil ko
.tm W4' 64
IWii 1!HI 27t Tin
W1 Kl iK6l ' 2l
3XX J7iM 3.-J I
344! Sl!) M,S 1
Totals 1HU5; 1811 23:il ' 1S47
LINCOLN, Nov. .-(Speclal Telegram.)
Vice Chairman Strode of the First district
congressional committee claims Pollard
will be elected by B.OHO. He claims Lan
caster by S.dOO.
In the returns from the Fourth, Fifth
and Sixth districts are meager, but show a
heavy decrease in'the total vote and also
a loss in the net plurality of the repub
lican congressmen In these districts which,
if continued throughout the district, would
make the result doubtful, except In the
Plxth district.
RhW'O. Nov. (.Vote counting, whlcfc Is
proceeding slowly. . indicates damocxtic
silver purty victory. Sporks, for governor.
Is running ahead of Mitchell In all quarters.
Returns show Sparks, Ban net t for con.
gres. and Sweeney for Justice. of the su
preme court,- In the lead. i
Driuoeretlr Jailers lit Oregon Kefase
lu 4diulalstrr Oath.
i;OI?K. Idaho., Nov. -Tn Kremni.t '
county democratic chelleners. on the ad- i
vice of the republican committee, have
been arretted t all m- -in -, tbrcWQ in
Jail and icftt-d bail. In ;iannoca vuunly j
We must ask the
Indulgence of onr
customers If de
lay In , delivery
ore u rs for n tiny
or two. : : : : ;
17,000 Dollar
We will continue to give
week. All the Special Opening Day Sales Made
week unless sold out.
j) If
Fancy crepe 4e Chios, rare Silk
In cream grounds, with colored
floral and coin dot effects, very cor- .
rect for party gowns, waists and
neck scarfs. 2 Inches wide, rtgular
' value SSc, Wednesday, a yd 68c
E8-lneh Rain Proof Covert Suitings
Ulue, brown, tan, grey, oxtnrd and
green mixtures. These goods are
guaranteed absolutely Water proof
and are sold regularly for 12. 00 and
$2.25 a yard, For Wednesday Only,
a yard ...... 91.68
Klegant display of sample Coa.ts,
bought for the Opening, that have
served their purrosa and we will
place them on sale Wednesday. Beau
tiful red and wine garments elegantly
lined and tailored, also some nlc
coats in black. In plain and fancy ef
fects; coats worth $42.50, special
Wednesday at 930; coats worth J37.SO
go at 935
latest novelty In worsted waist in
blue and white shepherd plaid
Peter Pan, with pleat, collar. cuf-
and pocket of solid color, in all
sizes, Wednesday at 93.95
In black, grey and blue, made up very
full, wide flounce, full -d ruflle over
shoulder, fancy braid finishing,
lined through body, pleated hack
and belt, special Wednesday -.. .91.00
Fancy striped 'cloth, plaid back, rain
proof, full box back, ages 12 and 14.
special Wednesday at 91.48
the judges refused to iidmlnisler the oath
to those cbanenged 'and i-erni'U'ed them 'l'i'
vote. These ae so-called Mbrmn counties.
wluere the democrats sought to shut cut
Mormon republicans by ohnUriiiui; them
for alleged coiiHtJiutlonul disquilitication
on account of their religious uclief.
Bee Want Ads always ;iing the best
r suits.
(Continued from First Page.)
lug, shoving people. Of nolne there was
every variety It was possible to create with
the use of a good pair of lungs and a tin
horn, cow bell or other devices. It was a
boisterous crowd, but good natured.
Beginning at Times square at Forty-second
street, Broadway was impassable ti
everything except pedestrians as far dowi.
town as Twenty-third street. The greutist
crushea were around Times square. Herald
square and Park row. At these places as
well as several othiT points bulletins were
flashed upon screens and everybody cheered
Impartially. Around Herald square the jam
was terrific. Street cars could not get
through and only by getting In the currents
that surged up and down Broadway was it
possible for a pedes! ria ft to make progress.
At the Gllsey house. Twenty-ninth street
and Broadway, the headquarters if the In
dependence league, there was a crush of
enthusiastic partisans, cheering every bul
letin that seemed favorable to their candi
date. Puller lirn the Mtrret.
The ' greatest . number of people was at
Madison square. Hi-re a huge screen had
been put up In a conspicuous place and
around It were couutless thousands. In or
der to open Broadway for traffic a row of
several hundred policemen standing shoul
der lined the west side of the square. Here
pictures of W. R. ll-arst und his rellow
candidates on the Independence Irague and
democratic ticket, were flashed uikjh the
screen every few minutes and the crowd
cheered -wildly. Along Park row it was
impossible to pass early In the eveiting.
Everywhere that bulletins could be read
and the varying political fortunes of the
candidates were told upon the screen there
was a Jam with all. the nccwmpanylng noise
and political enthusiasm.
As early as 9:StV the result was told In
flashlightsignals sent out from the toner
Should Not Bo Idle.
Plat-e your money at work. It wijl work even
more steadily than you do yourself. AVhile- await
iug investiwuts, our facilities will aid you. We
pay 4 per rent compound interest.
We resiKvtfully invite your' close inquiry.
. (ESTABLISHED 1834).,
Oldest and largest SAVINGS BANK in Ne..
braska. ..
City Savings Bank,
16th and Douglai Streets.
Souvenirs Were
Visitors Opening
Souvenirs to all adults visiting
A Great Ladies'
Wednesday morning we will
put on sale nearly one hundred
Ladies' Strictly Tailored Suits,
all this season's purchase, worth
$15.00, $16.50
Another feala Say Tor th Home
Milliners la Omaha's ' Bargain Milli
nery Department.
Huckram and-WIre Frames. . . . '. .lJn
60c Black Ostrich Plumes i ...... .a Jo
lie Colored Plumea :....99o
' All kinds of Braids, worth up to Hie
ysrd, at, a yard lo
i $1.00 Jet and Chenille-Crowns. .. .4o
, Fifty dozen, all kinds, Fancy Feath
ers, worth up to 76c, in one big lot
' at '.... X9o
Mlc Fancv Hat Pins. . . . . ...... .37o
$.1.00 fcillk Velvet Hats in light and
dark colors, at 91.98
All the latest fads in novelty Belts
will bo found in our enlarged bvlt
section cut steel - and Jet clastiu
belts, new plaid- and Roman stTlpa
silk belts, plain colored silk girdles,
iretty Jeweled kid beltst Persian
leather belts; In fact the cream of
this season's novelties, at prices
from $7.60 down' to, each. 60o
Ladles' Walrns, leal and Moroooo
Leather Carriage Bags, H;mhI Bugs,
I'nrseis, Card Cases ami Children s
Imported Novelty Leather Purses,
all at S3 4 per cent less than value,
prices ranging froln $9.90 to 35o
First floor,
jkwklry dbpartmknt.
. Is complete ' with a new stock of
pearl. Jet and gold necklaces and
bracelets. Jeweled bar, pins, brooches,
-hat pins, jeweled combs, rings and
such other items as may be found In
a notion Jewelry stock. RKMAKKA
Hpaclal Lot of Brooch Pins. Brilliant
and Pearl Bar -Pins. Chatelaln Pins,
Collar Supporters and Beauty Plrts,
worth to 60c each, CHOICK. . . . .S5o
(if the uptown, newspaper buildings. When
It .was felt that the question of, the gov
erncrrshlp was settled --the people, turned
their .attention . to the enjoyment of the
night. The weather . was , perfect for out
door revelry, t'p anl down Broadway and
In all the side streets where cafes were to
be found surged the crowds. Kvery. public
place was Jammed and there were shouts
everywhere for Hughes and for Hearst. The
partisans of the- losing caidljate showed
no chagrin and good naturidTy pointed to
the "great run" he had made.
. of Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, etc., im
men uciicats iresn fruit flavor.
oa every
box. 2io.
'Phone Douglas 494.
Every Night. Mais. Thurs., Sat., Sun.
Margaret Wychstly, Ben Wileb,
TrovoUo, -Brothers Kochly, I,atlna, Max
Kllderbraadt, Oomsliss Bros, aad tbe
Prices 10c, 25c, 50c.
Hen. George R. Vendling
of WABKOrOTOB, B. C, at
Lyric Theater
Thursday Night
Sac Announcement.
Always t&.emembe''' Vnt JWI .Nint
t axaiive Urcrao . Qtimina
CuraCfe!dtaOMBay(Cr(plii3 Day.
7 . t
(I w. a W V .
Our It n a r m e nt
Mlrsniii Mas m
great business
r riytr r o,nlng
l m jr . Shoper
rrnieJ delighted. .
Given Away io
the New Davliffht Store this
will be continued , through the '
A clean, new, up-to-date ststlonerr
department. Full line of Papei t leres,
' T"" Cards, Playing Csrds,
I ore bleached heavy sbsorbcnt. Tow
els. ISxW. frep from dressing,
worth 15,.- caefi, for this oienln
sale only, r,-h., 10o
(irsss blenched Table Linen, 72 ftirhej
W-lde, heavy quality, worth' 9 1.00 n
yard, very newest pnttem, with Id'
inch single Rn, 4ini,n borders.
Opening sale price, per yard 890
-2-inch Napkins to match, worth $!.Jj
per dozen.. Opening sale price, per
doen 92.19
?rc fine white Walsilng at, per d 19i
Jlernerlzcd white Wsistlng. good 'fine
quality, with pretty small pattorns,
worth SRc a yard. Opening
price, a yard io
3i-lnch Kress Lining, black -and -colors,
10c and Jut! UHllty gemi
lengths, a yard ;i.--.. .h (So
Fine Mercerised Waist Ings,. whH e. Bud
colors. 3iio quality, yard. 15a
tiU dozen Indies' n-nd gents' s it. -ranted
all linen laundered Handker
chiefs, hand embroidered Inltltl.
satin bar effect 1Mb U hi -xqelienr
lc value basement, eticlt lOo
75 pieces Beige Suitings, in -new
plaids. In gray, tans and lirownw,
basement special,.' yard .;..6o
One case of fine Outing Kbmiiel. a.
good heavy ileece, pretty pauuras.v
worth 10c a yard, basetfient ii
cial . i . . . .-. . .Ti0-
I'lllow Cnses special torn and bein
med. big sise, our l'i- qualitv,
basement special , .8'i0
100-Flece Sinner Bets, best FngVlsli
china, beautiful decoration, $lfit'
value, special offer at. per eet. 910.95
ronr-Plece Glass Bets, a creamer,
sugar bowl, spoon holder and cov-.
ered butter dish, 35o value, at, per
set of four pieces !... j , . ,'19o
8-lnoh Oat Glass Bowls, $5.00 value,,
at ,..93.95
C" and Sancers Best white Kng
llsh porcelain Teacups and Ksu
ccih. nil neat embossed decoration,
at per set of six, cups ami sau
cers 490
VES. The Best Trunk Department In tbe
City will be found iu our Daylight
Basement Salesroom.
Special for Wednesday A good 2S
Inch trunk, strong- Iron bound,
at 91-95
Bult . Cases Imitation leather. ,'4
indies long, corners leather btbuMV
earner dh'ihii, II
91-49 If
es 24 Inches . . j
made, at. 93.95 H
rap, the most y
at u.-i 91-49
Bona Leather Bolt Casei
long, strong and well mai
"Bare Catch" Monae Trap,
successful trap made, usually 5c at.
each ,,.......,...10
A Bet of Xltohea XnlTes A scol
loped edge steel bread knife with
blade 7 inches long, 'and a paring
knife, blade 3 Inches long,, all with
enamel hand lea the complete net
of three knives at the low price
of .- ..10o
F "Slill'SJ UHJ'iHy ,V H SSSSBBI j
The Nciv
Chesapeake Cafe
i i i i ii . i. ..
This now Cafe, the Hnetefe Jn hm' v
city, Is '" ''
Private Dining Rooms m
. Special preparations for , ' . ' .
. . after-theator parties t , '. '
" ' ', 'it - i ."-.
Table d'llole Dinner Every
Evening, 5 to 8 o'clock
' I i '.. ''.' ' - "... JV
DOYD'G W7;.V'"- Mgrs
Today-M.Lilnee and Night only-r
AI scuta on lower floor at l.ou.
(.'urtaln at 8 p. ni.
Thursday T.slin CMlv . 'i
'i'he Ka vol ite's Jteturu- i
3uo seals un lower floor ut II. 00.
Kituay, 8turdiy " Matinee ' 'and
Night MAXIN K KhMOTT. -.':..-
'Souvenir Mrflinee Tomorrow,
VOwt.Kl it'K ODMl'AW
-1N ' " '
M'lllTK HCiltNK TtVKRI.'
Prices Night, fSnnday Mats.. W. 2Bc;
Tues , Thurs., St: Mats., 10c, -c:
ext Wee't-IiV. RlCilX OK HV ORD
Roller ;Skatinc
Every Alterooon' and Evcnlar This
Week, x;eptliK Wednesday.
Thursday Aftrnoft)': Ldlt' Bay.
. All LadUa Admitted Fr. ;
rchcstral Huslc Every Night. AIo On
Thursday Ai(erpooa.
ks'tes, IS Cent
MriMr Ceste
l'ufi:lt I 15--Mntlnee WmlTirsuay Tbe
Hensatlonal Pua ,
1 ft?ce f
'IhursriM y
or life.'