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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
10 . , - - " TiiKnmnr itaily bee. vetctsut. -mmEE 7, -ior.?.. fSTi-iL l;lTT.tVr'?Tt'rrit: "irm. 'rg.rt"T'r-yT 1 1 r n rrv I iv-rr, .w- saw .-. I . , ...... , " " " t ' 100 i Calling ! $ Cards, 39c in I Arcade $ ! .1 Nev Arcade Entrance fa easement. for Wednesday $2.00 Chiffon Automobile Hemstitched Veils 3 vards lone, in an colors, in veiling apartment f&S HXa ...aaaMaaiaa... ......... . . . funis' X Men's Hemstitched Carnbrio Handkerchiefs . r With extra large open work initial, at 10 each ...... , . vJfj Exceptional Bargains in Dress Trimming3 Consisting of silk and mohair braids and jet trimmings, in ffjk all widths, worth up to 50c per yard, choice .in mrw store, per yard ,.UU Barinvin Kouar of all Colors in all 811k Ribbon -Plain and fancy, also Dresden and floral designs, up to No. 60, In new atom, go yard 10c-15c Ladies' Plain Black All Silk Gloves Winter weight, fancy lined, all sizes, worth up to 75c, at, pair Infant's and Children's Bearskin and Silk Fm. r vim fant's dept., 50c quality, at Children's and Misses' Winter Un derwear In vesta and pants, fleecy lined, fine and heavy ribbed, broken lota, but mostly all sizes, worth up to 36c, I at 3Qo 0 ii Special Demonstration of jt-. thaci mask, r aaTr: - " suss rjiZ. 'S Boys'. Misses' and $ Children's a is Hje v AjtlCOlS 3 ' n Bo"' " Misses' School r.u " . "'v t. vu I i ilL V I' Ml our 8 K exclusive Children's Dept. ii One lot of bovs youths' s and misses' shoes bought $ a irom a manuiacturer at a $ .s j -. . , M '4M 0f.H. WKATIIKK KtHlKCASt Wrtlm-Mlajr Valr. Pure Food Center of Omalia S s2 ! 2 I i 1 I c I h i ! Ifl l H 11; M ' 1 t K The cnmlna of autumn tnpan the B arrival of new and fresh pure fojri IS Droilurt at onr more, mninrlnlnir r prnuais ana luxunrs in ine grocery 5 N! line an well. Our fall arrivals of new w rannnl , .'J vnnili rt r4 takt. H.lli.r.. u lis. V " - lr" J' l-' Klimliig to show up anil aw nil your tS Inspection. At no other store cant v, you And surh an abundance of th redued price, boi calf, Q vici and relours, Bingl and dou ble sole, all sizes. ft ueualy $2.50, at fl98I Perfect warmth and comfort with light weight, never saga, wool or worsted knit body, fit ting snugly over hips. Taffeta or mercerized raffles. h Children's Shoes K All T.: j . & of g o o d leather, all & is sizes at, a $ pair 0 S Do not fall to hear Mrs. Dwelle's I ' ! J lecture November 7th on "Breakfast V Li 3 YOUR MONET'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK. BJBBjMHBMMBHIaBBBMMSaNBVBMBalBBBMnBBlSBBMB That Scrsatioral Half-Pricc Sale of Silks and Dress Goods THK THim MOKMXO. or No BreakfDst." Much has been j ' , written on this subject of late. $ AVednenday at 2:S0 Mrs. Dwelle will J ;.j discuss the matter from a health ; S standpoint, when the following men i ' " 'i. . . .v Kgps a la' Buckingham. Creamed Spinach. Shredded Wheat Biscuit Pudding (Ilard Hauce). Wedncsdays's Specials in Meat Department & y ill Fresh Spare Ribs, per pound, 8Vjc. $ Milwaukee Sauer Kraut,, per qt., 5c. Beach Nut Hajns. per pound, 17e. ; j! Reach Nut Bacon, strips, per pound, U ?? 20c. jj? v Beach Nut Bacon, In 1-pound Jars, V '4 80c. S Beach Nut Bacon, In -pound Jars. v.- i r. '.' Beach Nut Sliced Beef, 1-pound $ Fancy Silks, Tlaln Taffetas Nearly all colors, full pieces, no remnants, a yard '. 17? rc and 05c Colored Taffetas 19-lnch, very heavy, every shade. 2 1 -Inch Ijoulsienea and Taffetas Hair line stripes and checks, pretty plaids, worth Sac and $1 a yard, for. . .48! 30-lnch I'laln Itlack Taffeta Chitron finish, very rich and lnstrotis a ard 5f) THKSK VAH'KS AHK STRAIGHT. WHEN WK SAV 7.V and 03c SILKS WK lilXV. YOl OCR WORI VOH ITS IK IT ISN'T, WE OWK YOC AN a yard . , Jars, 30a j OMAHA. j : 1 .i I j..3 ( ! 17th and Song-las Bts. Kntrance on Douglas St. Entrance on Seventeenth street. Entrance from Brandeis' New Storo i Through West Arcade. 'Phone, Douglas 047 5 0 is Next Saturday A GREAT SALE OF- GENUINE MENTAL RUGS 2 bales of thess Rugs bought from R. R. Co. to pay the freight charges. Not a large lot oi mese rugs out tne Dargains s are astonishing. We bought v far below their regular price KJ and when we buv cheap we sell cheap. ACTUALLY WORTH UF TO $75, at, choice fecc them la the Window Sale is Next Saturday. 5) Ifl'f 9 i ! DR. DRADDURY, Dentist I'JK1'"' 1506 FAR NAM, OMAHA Try the new roofless plate, made to crack nut with. Bold IHUagi.... $ ea prtwai tlia 'Phone Douglas 175t "ik Teeth extracted with- out pain 6 different . 1 1. "t give naa end oxygen, also VI tilized air. Wark Cnarurteea ! ytart. FoUew the Flag.' Holiday Excursions fe vi Jjy.v-,, ah ucean Liners Homestsker Ritas to Man; Points South and Southeast Special Rate Pally All Winter Resorts. Fast trains Excellent service, FVr rates. Itlnersrles. beautiful descriptive booklets. In fact, all tnformstl eall at Wubah OJty ctmce, 1601 Farnara Street. Phone Douglas 1(5, or addrw Osaka, Neb. s gl: To Europe Wlutor tVuiscs to Cuba, West Indiea and Medtterraneao. AMY E. M00RIS. 6. A. t. D. Wasath I. I on res g - '- 1 1 " " ii,. ,-sr. m in ii i isw-i . . 1! li fit 1 1 J t 1. A. Bujnpson, Un. Hales Att., Umalia. Busiics Boosters Safclie i Eo s Try tha Want A. a Column of TLa Bee. M HOOl S AD COLI KtiFI. DCLLEVUE COLLEGE COLlVil i liiiiial. Blrnt:S.'. ttbilutopb'.citl rour A Ai'tkV An .i.rrdutMl tl.t, ft,,l pr.tmr 1, bfltrva or dv om.r tuil.. ui' univai.u,, huhVAb 31. lnxiL. tlfiu.uLrjr ud a.utaui.4 t I'N -KtlVA luh V I Woj , wl, pi.uo, tic, .(Miu. vio.ui'on .ntj mrl. CklAriA li.N.&.( t lyNS tlectric .nm u4 Burling . Allans w.a.Mta, itvl;ii. A.k. I Now In the time to start your satchet huas. Our aH.xiiriinent of satchel KjvnJ-r.i l Hie must com)lot ami bp-do-date ever bIiowm in Uinalia. Tic Plvlr's Asurla Satchet Powder, in , S)r. 75u I'ivlrs Im. Ticfelc Satchel 1'owdor, ler ounce. itc. - V jc IIikiiiiii s Chrvsis Satchet, per os , r.Oi- 7c Ou,-i lain"s Jockey Kalciie;., cr nz., 5 c. W' IUC "iilet til, per '.. 2'K.'.' 5"c Allan's Ilclii.lrope. per oi., i'Cic. ltoiibiK.iut'H. Hcikman's. 1 inn n x, j-i-naud's. Hiik.set.kei s, Uauiook'a and lit ty others. Beaton Drug Co ISth anJFarnam. t-u Our lils IH'.pl jy of Sli.Lilni S:iops In vui utii M IIIUOIV. Food for Nerve k and nervoiM ntcn w'.i li .i their u,, er t. Wi. k aiid yuuiliful vigor H H I t-Hull of nv. r- ,...irl.. ui .k .KA s NKK i: l)ol IMI l.d. Tiiev nake im ,.M( n, w ,.,;, ttKii 91 Boci 3 boxes $3.50 by HuL Three Dollars la always a popu lar price for Women's Shoes. Every Shoe Store in the land sells Women's Shoes at $3.00. But very few stores, if any, sell our high grade of Women's Shoes for $11.00. The leathers are Vici Kid, Pat ent Colt and Gun Metal Calf. They're handsome and stylish. They were made to sell for mora money, but our price w'lll be JUST THREE DOLLARS FRY SHOE CO. HI IHOI18, 16th and Douglas Streets j f a - u i mm 1 Many More NEW WALK-OVER shoes for Many Men. licst workiiinushlp, fliest ktrate lealli- i r.- dull una brunt- msjhie to wil ut 53.50 and $4 .loin the army ot men wearing tlia Wlk-Ovr Shoe trotu tliu Walk Over Shoe Store Farnam Et. Ed 9. Thompson, the Walk-Over Man. L'L'ir STATE VET ERIN A It JAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, 0. V. S. CUV tlUIMHlA.. ft ,, .. i timri ana innrniav; wtli ana Alason Sit. inerman (a rlcCoivntll Dru Co4 o-maua. J-.iuia usrp.jt i 1 I'OR S.V JtKIM. TIUK APOLOGV. fl.OO and 9t.2X Novelties, Broadcloth and fancy Suitings r yard, at 47 $I.BO Majinish Mixtures, for 75 91.50 Scotch Con tines, for G3 9 l.(M) Illa k Dress Goods, for . .Q? 50c Wool Dress floods, for 29 Oc Wn1stiiirs, for. . , 21 IOPUL.AR liKNtJTHS CI T AND RKADT ON SALK AT HAU(j.IN Kgi ARKS. 35 Double Green Trading Stamps Wednesday lo Atl Buyers of Silks and Dress Goods. Two in Place ol One. Ten in Place ol Twenty. Double Green Trading Stamps. Handkerchiefs Linens, White Goods EmVLd. an( Bed Spreads kerchiefs, isc value at Bargain Prices rJncKclav, IArt for, each. r.. lUC 56-in. Cream Table Damask, regx,--i nvrc ' lar l)ri(e 3;5c a vnrd ht 25c4 ULUVLS tit n , , T We can .supply your m' 9rea.m Table Dajnwk, re wants with 12 or 16 Iar pnce 50c a ard' at 35 Button , Mousquet- Mercerized Figured Waistings, ro- aire Gloves in black "Jar price 25c a yard, at 15 and white, y n r Full Sized Hemmed Bed Spreads, at $3 and. t O regular 95c quality, at 69 Laces and Sample Hosiery Lmbroidenes N 3.0OO Vards Embroidery, trial We w,n V' stripes, from 2 to 12 inches plate on sale) "..5c nesday, a yard . . . Fifty assorted patterns in Point de Paris Laces, from 2 to 6 inches wide, worth 7 12c and 15c yd., at... C J8-in. Allover Kmbroidcry and J8-tn. Cofsct Cover Embroid ery, 49c value, J7 a yard, for C 25c Post Card Albums 10c On Sale, ho Post Card Albums beautifully embossed cover, noma S4 and 48 cards, ia while they last. each...IUC morning 1786 Sample Pairs ladles' Hos iery, In fancy lace, black, white and tan, worth 25c and 35c a pair, on bargain ' tables, two lots, a pair, 17c and 10 S IN THE CR.0CKER.Y THE MAJESTIC-The Welsbach Co.'s New Light-Complete with Burner, Mantle and Q Globe - r ft each DOC Pretty Little Cut Tray '6-inch blze, two different designs, a $2 value; Wednesday, each jgj Pretty China Sugar and Cream Full, gold treatment, a 65c value: pair 38 Fine.t of American Porcelain Dinner Sets The Kent Shape Onsale Wednesday, a full 100-plece on a good shape, set $8.98 Japunese Nut Set Pretty blue with rose decoration; on sale Wednes day, a $2.00 value for .j Hundreds of Odd Plates, Cups and Saucers Pieces left from our bie fl nnortDOfa aula v Plates and Fruit Saucers, each. Large Plates. Cnna and Smicnr. ntv, ..v.i of? . "'- eacn 10 FURNITURE XOMAIf CKAZB (Like cut finely, finished, tn a nui'iogany color, hand carved high arms, pure Komau chair style, seat coveted in genuine leather or Im ported Verona, a regular J10 piece, Wednesday, for. 3rd Tlocr. .6 50 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY COFPKB ROASTF.D IN THE DE PARTMKNT WHILE VOi; WAIT trranulated Sugar Double Green' Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Coffee lb 2ic And thirty green trading stamps. Lennett's best Coffee, lb .:.35 And twenty green trading stamps. Tea yotir choice, lb 48c And forty green trading stamps. Bennett's Kxcellor Flour, sack. .. 41.40 And one hundred green trading stamps. NEW CANN'FD OOODS BEST WE HA VK brand. Btrlctly first class. Tomatoes, can, i:!jr-dosen gl .4 Beans, fancy French, ajc do. .IlilS Beans. Lima. can. 16c. dozen 11.75 Beans, wx (-n, ISc. dox 11. 7S Means, kidney, .can. i:V dox.... $1.45 Peas, Peiis Pols, 12'e, jns $1.4.1 Peas. Karly June. (k', dox II. an Pumpkin, can, 12V. dor t)l 46 Sugar Beets, can, 18c, dox 11.00 Bauer Kraut, can, 10c. doz $1.15 CINNAMON' P.Ol.L 8P10CIAL. ONE HUNDRED IKDZEN FRESH MADE CINNAMON ROLU, dox lie KgR-O-Sen Breakfast Food, pkg 1e And ten green trading stamps. t.rape Nuts, pkg 10c. Lr. Price's Breakfast Food. pkg . ..10c And ten green trading stamp. Bennett's Capitol Cocoa. -Ib. ran..21o And ten green 'trading stump. Bennett's Cap. Mincemeat. S pkirs. .2To And ten green trading stamps. Shredded Codfish, J pkgs Xc And ten green trading stamps. FRIITS AND VKOKTAH1.KS FRESH KVKRY DAY. Pplnach. peck . hk- Ben Davis Apples, pevk IV' tjweet Potatoes, pound lv SensaSional Sale oi Clofbinc Me tfs KohnBros.' Union Label Merchant Tailored Clothing Tor Business or Dress We;ir Latest Style and Cut--Worsteds. Chaviots, . Twaedai; Black and IJIues-In Three Lots $17.50, $15 and $10 DenneU's Candies... SPECIAL OFFER Hoarhound Drops lb--- 10c Don' Miss ' Wednesday's Bargains. THE RELIABLE STORE Everf Item a Winning Value. Special Sale of Black Taffetas I A purchase of 23, 000 yards of handsome Black' Silks will he sold during I the next few days AT AND HKIX)V MILL PRICES. $1.50 Black Taffetas. .10 Inches wide. ,Sc lllack Taffetas. 27 inches w4d. wear guaranteed, at. . . $1.25 Black Taffetas. 27 wear guaranteed, at... 85 I 'ear guaranteed, nt 4l Inches wli.., 50c Dlack Taffetas. IS inches whV. GOi groat map at SO Be Sure and Mend Our Famous Dress Goods Sale IS THR ANNEX BARGAIN SgUARE. tl.W and ll.S Mohnlrs. nil colors, snd Mack snd cream, for alt day, yd.. 2f,c $ to :l.f) Bnmilcl.iir.s. S2 Inches wide, all colors, yard, 5Sc. 4!V and HiV 32-lnrhaII wool Tricots s. 27-ln.rh Mottled Trn ots. . sold here In 1 town at 85c to. 50c yard, at 26c FROM TO TO 11 A. M. We will sell Lupin's French EollBnee and Crepe lr I'nrls, 4fl inches wide, silk and wool; thev sell at 1.s and $:.! yard, .me hour only, at yard. . ; FROM 2 TO 4 P. M. We will sell a, pieces of shaded Plaids that are now selling at 11.26 vard. one pattern to a customer, at. s yd.. 4? These goods are all wool and to Inch. wide. Drapery Sale FROM. 10 TO U A. M. Your 'choice of 100 patterns of Clunev Bros, celebrated all silk drapery the finest patterns In the world, sells at 75c and S5c, for one hour only, yd...3Sc . FROM 2:30 TO 3:30 P. M. We will sell 100 palra of the celebrated Zlnn City cable net curtains that we sell at $1.60 and t2.n0 per pair, only 3 pairs to customer, at a pair 98c Linen Sale MAIN T.INF.N DFPT. From : to 11:30 a. m. will sell 10. Linen Table Patterns, plain, fringed, disced, ptc. ; your choice of It. 10 or 12 quarters, and are now selling tt SI 60, 12.00, 12.26. 12 60, one pattern to a customer, at, each tm FROM 3 30 TO 4.30 P. M. we will sell 4. S and 72-inch nil linen damask that we are now selling at Wic, 11.00 and ' 11.26 yard, not over t yards to custo mer, at a yard .,4M (No dealers. ) Cotton Dress Goods Sale 38. thai All th latest in Flannelettes, Polka Dot Serges, Crene and other rlestm sell at 10c and 12c all over, Wednesday, yard TU Percales, dark and light colors, yard, 12Hc. 10c, 7V4c and., . . . . '. '. '. '4 i.gj In Our Great Bargain Room From 8 Till A. M Lonsdale Mus lin, every piece stamped Lonsdale, at, yard 5 From 9 Till lo A. M. Cotton Blan kets, heavy fleeced, large aize, worth bc pair each .. From 10 Till 11 A. M 35c. Snow White Table Linen, great bargain Wednesday at, per yard ....... 15e From 11 Till 12 M. 10c Percales, light and dark, eolors faBt. heavr 201 Quality, at, yard.. ... ...... ...54k 1 I RV mm Boys' and Children's Clothing Specially Priced for Wednesday You'll find these the most attractive values shown thia season. Splendid quality and style, pleasing variety and","yif truly remarkable values. "" Boys' Knee Pants Suits Well made, neatly trimmed. Rna- slan blouse, single or double breasted Norfolk and plain double breasted styles; bargain at... 2.95 and $3.50 Children's Novelty Overcoat Sizes from ' 3 to 8 years; special gale prices Wednesday $2.50 $1.95 jj Hoys Overcoats Sises 6 to 19 years, stylish long coats, in great assortment of shades, materials and natterna. greatest values ever offered, at $3.50 and $2.95 November Sale nf MWHnerv - - - v . aaas.aaiflawaw ' . c . - Radical price reductions throughout our entire .V'.' V stock of handsome Trimmed Hat. Beautiful models Yp 1 1 ' in black and colors, every Imaginable new style and if V ' "P color, all artistically trimmed. Divided into four A 1: ' great lota for this sale. ity&''A- Lot 1 Trimmed Hats worth $8.00 to $10.00 VV' ' ."csvi 11 choice, at $4.98 AlfyY iTytW' ' f Lot 2 Trimmed Hats worth $5.00 to $7... 4 V , .3 olce. at $3.08lY 1 Lot S Trimmed Hats worth $3.00 and $4.00 iZr osS Zs'lf ... ... y t' ' ennicA ar o -a a-ao - , aPA.UO Lot A Trimmed Hats worth $2.00 and $2.60 V choice, at f 98 Mm f-t,.. I t fl ... 1 Price to All. See 16th Window Display. 7 Cloak Department Bargains rr 500 new coats, Just received, will be placed on Bale 'Wednesday for th first time. The best bargains we have yet shown. $21 Coats, made of imported broad cloth, 60 and 52 Inches long, heavy Skinner's satin linings, choice t $18.90 922.50 Tailor Suits, in broadcloths, serges, cheviots and fancy mixed materi als remarkable values at, choice $14.90 $1.1 Coats, in handsome fancy mixed materials and fine kerseys, 50 idt hea long great bargains in this aula at sn.nn Great Bargain in Sample Hats lit m A' tremendous stock of manufacturer! samples that, would sell regularly up to $3.0i, in all blocks, such as railroads, fedoras, telescopes, Greclo. etc. the greatest lot of bargains ever offered in Omaba at, choice .79$ e the Display in Our Sixteenth btrtet Window. Elected By a Big Majority. Hayden's Grocery Dept. for, the Freshest Goods, Highest Quality, Lowest Prices. V 15i'iFKF.SH FRIITS AND VrXJKTARLES . 1.1.. rainy roriKing app.eH. peck l,N j 4 pkgs. I'needi liiscuits iiatnifSi or itranaui " , vnrv ., i .4 h-Vri. t S 1I Fresh rp ginger snaps, lb 4' I Fresh Kplnach. per puck...'. 7ViJ 'The t-et sod.t and ojpter craikers, lb..iicjj heads fresh c-l,.iy o Ivory Bosp, lar 3c i Fancy wax or string beans, lb... 7H jfc lbs. Im-.I lu.ud picked nmr beans .0. j - .-' jb .7. . Ill bars Lest urands laundry soap c j bunches irosli parsley I m.--li.. caiis Welter Baker's Cocoa 3"' 1 K bunches fresh radishes , akes Walter Baker's Chutniluta. .lv.' I Ji'H heads t-abbage, each , Lea IVrrtii's nauce. buiile -'' : Fam-y home grown or New Jersey 8nder's or Blue Itbel catup. boltle. .is- I sweet potatoes, lb Plum Butter. Jr '.OiI.rg grapu frilt. each 10-lb. saeka pure bui-kwheai flour Fancy J.uiathan apples, peck Bolted m-ats, can i.hib rine iiiiiianaa, uoieu la 60 So ,4a ( li.i.ev full 1 r.-Min cheese, lb lie California Has. pkg Fancy lull oreain brick or l.linburger 'Fancy MalaKa grapes, lb... clieeae lb l&e. j Fancv tV'ilnee:, duzen Fancy full cream Young Anier.can flllNKHK BACRKU LILY BL'LBS- 7 .'LA .li . .30 .lbu .4 i l:ee 11.. .... 16c each i -3 A