TOE 0MA11A DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1D0G. 1 s ) s CHAIN AM) PRODUCE MARKET f'flilir It flanc of LiquiJatioa in Decern- btr Wbet it Etty. PRICES CLOSE THREE-QUARTERS LOWER Hews Geaerally C'oaslraed Bailies), bat Trade la Light aad Market aggl.s-rra It alee L.wn Throagb gesslosu OMAHA. Nor. I. 15. iPrlree in whrtt essed oft to1ay under the ine.Wnre of liquidation In the December. fcajHilM were sllghty and at the close prices re c under Saturday. Newa generally Wii construed aa bullish, but despite thla trade Is light and the market eae aeem lugljr of Ha own weight. Receipts ware rnucn smaller than a year ego. Tha visible supply showed a smaller in crease than a year ego and nortnweatem tocka showed a small decrease. Argen tina crop newa waa of a bullish nature. Corn ruled weak the entire session, a depressing effect on valuea resulting from the favorable weather and larger recalpta. Offerlnaa from first hands are more liberal and at tha aame time the raah demand la aiow. Export demand la poor. Prlmaiy wheat re. e. pie were 1,270.0I buihel and ahipmenta 488,W0 btisneis. agalnet recelpta last year of 663,000 buahela and ahipmenta of 721.UUO buehela. Corn re celpta were 638,000 buehala and ahipmenta rtl.ioo buehela. against reoelpla last year of 7i6.000 buehela and ahipmenta of 805,000 tv-.thsis. ( laaranoee ware 2fc,'i buahela wheat, 1 buehela dm, &u,(KX busheia oats and wheat and flour equal to MO, OuO buehala. Liverpool elos-d i lower on wheat and , unchanged on corn. The visible supply of wheat Increased ra.Ooo buahela. corn decreased 87.000 bush In, oata decreased 188,000 buehela. World's whrat ehlpmenta were 11.904,0l) busiiele, corn shipments war 3.667.000 buehela. Broom hall seva: "Latest cablea from Argentina report firm market with light aupplles; locuete are (aid to have now In vaded the eouth and to be threatening damage everywhere. Weather la a til too dry; the ahowera In Buenoa Arret do not appear to hara done much good. The gov ernment offioJela have put out a ridicu lously high estimate of tha growing crop, namely, 1.700,000 tone, thla with a smaller acreage than laat rear and with expecta tion of a poorer yield, la, of courae a mani fest absurdity. Laat year about thla time they put out a preliminary estimate of C.otiO.OOd tona, while tha final waa 8,670,000 tone. Commercial authority agree that tha growing crop will ahow a smaller yield than thla." Local rang ef option: riled by the New Tork Produce mr-hange, wee se follows: Wheat .17. If.lOO bit.: Increase. "Mm bu. Corn 3. 7.'i m hu. ; dcrreere, 37. o tin. t el t.nKi.tio bu ; diT, bu. nye nil.; Increase. 27.i bu. barley 1.4w,(m) liu.; Increase, 13tV0 bu. U: IORK I.KKRAI, M tRKKT ttnotatl tarloae rtlcles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Cloee. Bat y. Tiast 1 Pec... May.. Corn Pec... May.. Oata Pec. . . May.. at, W gru g74 71 7S 71 7l v spa u tt $1 82 w 71 St fits' Omaha Cash Fried. WHEAT No. I hard, 6a9c; No. S hard. rrfltWc; No. 4 hard, 6S7c; No. 1 spring, 7V'y!C. CHRN-No. 1, -Hfl4e: No. t yellow, 41 ClHc: No. I white. 41fi41H5. OATS No. 1 mixed, iiHUMc: No. t white, tiv,trtiic: No. 4 white, iigsifco. RYE No, 1. 60e; No. . Wo. Carlot lleoelpte. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago K ansae City Minneapolis . Omaha Puluth St. Louis 95 .296 An . 63 .448 .11S 320 41 ii 137 S7S 64 39 238 CHICAGO GRAI1V AID PROVISIONS Feataree at tha Tradlna: ssl CIoataK ' Prices oa Board of Trade. rhjetCHICAOO. Nov. . Fresh reporta of lib yields caused moderate weakneaa today In the of wheat In ! the northwest local wheat market, tha December option cloning with a net lose of Com woi down 4c Osta showed a gain of o. I'rovlelons were off 6fi7VM!. Trading In the wheat pit waa llfelesa and sentiment waa bearish all day. Tha In activity was largely due to the reluctance of. traders to npsn n- tmunta In the laca of a holiday tomorrow. The main Infiueno of the situation, ' however, waa the conditions In tha aprlng wheat terri tory. Weather In tha north weet waa much more favorable for the movement and It wa claimed that If the rallroada would furnish cara ahipmenta would Increase ma terially. One report from Minneapolis de clared that the crop In North Pakota as indicated by thrashing returns la running much larger then hae been estimated. Out side of this there waa little In the newa of the day to Influence the market. Primary recelpta were still small, the total arrivals today being 26 per cent leas than for the corresponding day one year ago. Tha mar ket closed weak. Pecmmber opened a shade to He lower at 74c to 74S'S74'c, aold be tween 73So gnd 7414c and closed at 7XVl 74c Clearancea of wheat and flour were equal to M0.1 bu. The amount on paasage decreased 32.000 bu., and the visible supply ('Increased 8W.000 bu. Primary recelpta were l.m.uuo bu.. against l.OU.ono bu. laat year. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported recelpta of P6S cara. agalnat M4 cara laat week and 1,316 cara one year ago. Weakness prevailed In tha corn pit on elllng by aeveral large commission houses. V'eather condltona were favorable for the rop movement and receiving houses re- trted an Increase In country acceptances, oca I recelpta were larger and the esti mate ror tomorrow waa for atlll more lib eral arrivals. The weakneaa of wheat had also aame effect on the corn market. The close wi weak. December opened c to Wf lower at 43fcc to WHtujii-c. aold off Vto 4ic and closed at 42Nit.Ne. Local re celpta weie 830 cara with 137 of contract grade. ,v Iwaplte the easier tone of wheat and corn the oatt market waa firm. Commission y houeea and caah Intereata were active bld ; 4 dere all day, but offerings were not large. Tha market rioted firm. December opened ' a shade hlKher at 14:,-aiS4',c. aold between 64o and 14c and cloaed at 4Hc. Local recelpta were 173 cara. Tha provisions market waa weak on gen eral eel ling, which waa based upon a de cline of MjlOc In the price of live hogs. At the close January pork was off 7Va at tl37lk. Lard waa down 7Wc at 18.40. rans were Bi;'c lower at Wi.Mivff.. Estimated recalpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 17 cars; corn, 4u7 cara: oata. M cara; hogs, ,ri0 head. The Board of Trade will be closed to morrow, election day. The leading futures ranged aa follows: af the Day Commodities. NEW TORK. Nov. 6 KI Of R Receipts, hll bhls.; exports. 4.44)1 l.l.le. ; ilH 410 pkgs.; market null and slwut steady; winter patents. S3 f 4.o; winter sirslgnt. W.KKijaoi); Minncntn pstents, 14.14.16; winter extras. tiWul tO: Minnesota bakere. U uii: w inter lo m1i. 11 ;.Mll.i4. Kit flour, Arm; flr to xi1, '; choice to fwncy, J3 Kfi4 15. Buckwheat hour, steady, lar'S Hr spot and to arrive. im . rv y iir.A 1 nteauy, il ia per i" CORNMlvAL Steady ; fine white hnd yel- RTK Firm: No. 2 western, c; Jersey and state. e'qWc, delivered New York. BARLKY Hieady; feeding. 431 44c, c. I. f., New York; malting, 4(;61c, c. I. f.. New. York. WHEAT'-.Recelpts. 140,600 bu : experts, 151. 09 J bu.; sales, 1,260,000 bu. futures. B(ot market eaay; No. i red. 81Sc. elevator; No. 1 red, 87vc, f. o. b., aflcat; No. 1 northern Puluth, c. I. f., Buffalo; No. 1 hard winter, 7K,o. liquidation waa responsible for a sharp decline in wheat today. The weather, a bearish Ohio state report, llbcml world's shipments, easy cables and weakness In outalde markets all contributed to the break and last prices showed VaHc net loss. May, R4fiK4 13-16c, closed at MSc; Pecember, tl2S'U3 6-ltic, cloeed at R2c. CORN Receipts 40,425 bu.; exports, W.OO bu.; sales. 45.000 bu futures and !oo bu. spot. Bpot market easy; No. 2, h'Ac, ele vator, and 66V4C, f. o. b., nfloat; No. II yel low, 65Hc; No. 2 white, 6f5,c. Option mtr ket opened steadier on a bullish cauh sana tion, but eased off with the west, closlnm V4f(i0 net lower. January closed at f2c; May, SO 16-1&&MHC closed at 61c; Decem ber. 53HB64Ho closed at 63c. OATS Receipts, 229,400 bu.; exports. 40,- 204 bu.. Bpot market firm; mixed oats, 24 to 32 pounds, 3c; natural white, 30 to :) pounds, 8SHS404c; clipped white, 38 to 4 pounds, ffiHiic. FEED Firm; spring bran, 122.10, prompt shipment; middlings, 122.10, prompt shipment. HAT Ktesdy; shipping, 80c; good to Choice. l.fV(V10y HOPS Quiet; atafe, common to choice, crop, axtfMc; Pacific coast, 190H crop. . HIDES Steady; Galveston. SO to 26 lbs 20c; California, 21 to & lbs., ?lc; Texas ary, u to 30 lbs.. lc. LEATHER Steady: acid. 2702Sc. PROVISIONS hMif Arm- limllv 11 ? RO VI. HIO : mess. MOCttftOn- beef him. 11!1 fttfr 23.00; packet. 10 6oiail.00: city, extra India m w.p" ill I'nr menTH sTeafiv Pickled belllee. ll(lil?Hl r.l,.WI.,l bom. IlIoofMiso. iArd, quiet: western prime. .60ro.0; refined, steady: continent,; Bouth America. WO 7R: rnmnonni4 t? 7U.fJl s.i4. -otic, nrm; family, rorffl60 Short clear. 117.04i 18.50; mess. 118.00118.75. TALLOW "Irm : cltv (8? ter oka.i. V4c: RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra JM'tie'Vic: Japaneee. nominal. bui rEKr-Klrm; street price, extra creamery, zrc: officio! nrlcea. creamerv. common to extra, lt'WHc: held seconds to rxira, iiifl jbc: stare oalry common to fancy. l!ff26Hc; renovated, common to extra, lfHg 23c: western factorr common to flrats C'SOc; western Imitation creamery firsts, iH4, VJtc. CHEESE Quiet: state full cream, small rancy, I3"4c; atate, lecember best. Kc: atate, fair to good, i:ai2Vic; state, October best, 2Aic: state, fair to good, 12812V,c atate. Inferior, 10ni1lic: skims. SfflOWc. IMtiJa Firm; eiaie, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 3iic; stste. choice, 83'i;c: state, mired fancy. 31&3!c western nrata, rc; omciai price, aic; sec onds, 34fT26c. POULTRY Dreaaed, atealy; chickens. lOUitTlSo; spring turkeya, l&(20c; fowls, i Uo. St. Lonls General Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 6 WHEAT Lower; track. No. 1 red, cash. 74W"ty76c; No. 2 hard. 72QT8c; Pecember, 72V72c; May, 77He. CORN Lower; track, No. 1 cash, 444 46Uc; NoT1- 1 white, 46Q4t(Hc; December, 40c: May, 42'0'4.'ec. OATS-Bteady; track. No. 1 csah, 33 83Hc; .No. 2 white, 34Vi36o; Pecember, 83c; May, 86c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $.63.80; extra fancy and straight, 1I.208.60: clear, 12 60tf8.0. SEED Timothy, steady: 13.2668.75. . CORNMEAL Dull; 12 40. BRAN Strong; aacked, -eaat track, 12 86c. HA Y Firm: timothy. 113.0O17.OO; prairie, flO.OO1j3a8.OO. IR(N COTTON TIES 11.02. BAOOINO-4c. HKMP TWINE c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; lobbing. H6.75. Im-tA, lower; prime steam, $9.02V Prv aalt meats. steady; boxed, ex tra shorts, 18.62H: clear ribs, 19.36; short rleara, $in.l24. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, r0 37Vk; clear ribs, 110.00; short cleara 110 R7H. POULTRY Quiet: chickens. 8c; springs. 10c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 8-a(c; geese, 6 J 8HC NEW 'URK STOCKS AND BONDS All Optrttiort in tha Fall ttrtet Maritt Eteni to Bt Under EeitreitU MONEY RATES SHOW HARDENING TENDENCY Traders seem ladlspaaed to Make Market tommltmeats oa the Rre of the Klectloa . Holiday. NEW YORK. Nor. . Operation In stocks were under some restraint today, due nrlncloallv to a hardening tendency in the money market, but partly also to the eve of the election holiday, causing the In variable Indisposition to make market com mitments with an Interval of closed mar kets to be passed. The action of the money market was a disagreeable surprise, aa the passing of the November settlements had Peon expected to rcHull In some return of money to the market, which was onlv temporarily with drawn for the purpose of dividend and in terest disbursements. There is a growing disposition also to count upon the end 01 the interior nemana lor currency ior nar- vestlnc purposes as within distance. New York exchange at Chicago, in fact, rose to par today, aa compared with the discount at the beginning of last week. Thla move ment cf Interior exchange may be attrib utable In part, of course, to the Hue In the local money rate, which has attracted some nfTerlnirs of Interior funds In this market Estimates of the shipments of currency to me west hy trnicaxo banks mane ine move ment much heavier than In last year for October, while the movement from New York to Chicago for the same time has been lews. This would Indicate a consid erable effect yet to be felt In New York from the west a demands ror currency. Mui It was believed that the principal lnnu ence on today's money market came from the other direction in connection wim out standing credits In London. Neither of the last two bank statements here have snown any effect In loan Item from the shifting of loans from Indon to New lork. Ac count Is taktn also of further scaling down of accommodations to New York borrower! In future stock market settlements In Lon don. The London Btatlft, speaking after the last stock market settlement, said Trade never was more active in the United Rtatea and the value of stocks never was more real, but the account being carried over here Is too large, considering the funds available for the purpose. It is un derstood, however, that large accounte have bren transferred from London to New iork. Unfortunately, fresh accounts to be dealt with were found to be larger than has been anticipated. It is essentially necessary tnat before next settlemen comes on the American account should be materially reduced. The stock market aet tlement referred to by the Statist occurs next week. Today there was some Incilna tlon to case In discounts both In London and Paris, but the Bank of England has not yet made any progress In the recupera tion of its reserve. This Is regarded as necessary In preparation for the require ments to be met at the end of the year. The opinion continues to be expressed In London advices that the bank rate would be raised to 7 per cent If that measure Is found necessary to attract the desired In flow of cash reserves to the bank. The day'a operations were largely In pro fessional hands. There waa accumulation during the first hour and some profit taking late in the day, with an irregular closing. Bonds were steady; total sales, par value, 11,632.000. United States 3s advanced H and the new 4s H per cent on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change today were aa follows: In. HUB. Lew. cinm. s m ... riimsa Pslsoe Csr. ...... 8m4id 1 gasitma 1st f Resiling It P'J ft-eublte ttael RMiJbllr SlAel pft Rnrk lln Co Hfx-k lilDd f4 ftutibsr Moods ?M tt. L- S r M pM tt. Louis t W st. L a. w. pt to. Pant to. paa eta to. Railway to. Railway std Tonneonee r. a I Tviaa a Petite t . tt. l. a w T., at. U W. pti t'nlon Patltn I'nloa Paris eft I1, t. Ktprwva V. g. Rsalty V. B. R'lbher f. a. Rubber pft s. at mi R. Steel pM Va. -Carolina ChriBloel .... Va -Carolina r hrm. pfd . . Wabaah Wabanh pf4 Walla-rare sxpreM Waatlnghouaa Klsrtrt .... Waatern I'atos Whaallns a L C wteronaln rsntral Wit. Central pft Kortharn Parltr t antral Leather Central tathr pft tloaa-ghafllalt Steal Oraat Northern pM Interberouih Metropolitan Int. Met. eft Total aalas for the 4y. tM.too snares. h ft tent, tM 171, TPS 1 1T 1474 tl ta I. )4 Ma, M i t.r aa mv, t"n It K i fl U Lsm n t4j M 10 t4 100 (. tt t4j tt.tnt tf tt'-t toe lit1, lit liH t.MM 44 n 100 lt Ml 1M tn f Itv, PM) 41a ,v4 1O0 14V 44 Ml II. Km IMS lH lS 404 t tl t 1!t ts fx 4 10 IM'a i' i4 4 tot i 41H 4:t II. ine io7a l"'" tot nt rs rt lot 100 i-4, s ih 140 41 4 4IVt 41 iw L 4ot itevtj i Kt Sim M M M 14 mo t s ttst M 1 tfT tis t;4 4"C 31 1i ton 101 m 11114 1M 74 Tl Tl . 1 tot m tn iuj . 11.000 t SV4j . Ttk 71 Tl lere York; Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 6.-MONKT-On call, steady. 4i'74c; ruling rate, 6c; closing bid, c; offered at V per cent. Time loana, Good choice atockers and feedera b aa. ax. aa I r at anil nirlalU aIuuai 75 Hljf ra wr 1 . v'-n , r sir 10 good atockert and reeaera Common to fair stockers OUAUA LIVE STOCK. MARKET Ctttl tlew tid Otnerglly Till; Ta Cent Lower. HIGS EXPERIENCE A DECIDEO DROP Vary Fair Raa of Sheep aad I.ambs, with Feeder Lambs glow aad All Other Klade Felly Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Nor t. l.W. Recelpta were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Official Monday lO.OOO L5 11.4" Pame day last week.... t.l S.737 li'M Kama two weeks ago.... t.4 2.217 17JT3 Same three weeka go.. i 3 1. Pame four weeks ago.... ..lot l.lfl 2K.11 Some daya last year t.71 S.0S7 30.M The following table ahows the recelpta ot cattle, hogs and theep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: If. 16 Inc. Cattle ITS. CM o.'..?;i6 10,3 Hogs 2,1 22 Oil l,ti0,310 Bheep 1.847.(m 1.6a,731 14,3 CATTLK Ql Ul ATIOiNO. Good to choice corn-fed tteera lo.&O-yv.lJ Fair to good corn-fed steers &.tV(l.W Common to fair corn-fed eteera.... 4vUJt) Good to choice range eteera Katr to good range steers Common to fair range eteera Oood grass cows and heifers Kir to aroorl cows and helfets. .. Common to fair cows and helfert. strong; alxty and ninety days. cent; six months, B4 per cent. PRIM IS MERCANTILE PAPER - C'yU'i per cent. HTKBl.tVd r.VCHANnR rirm wltb actual business In bankers' bills at 4R5 4.R6H6 ror demand and at 4 cn(U-4.ixo tor sixty days; posted rates. 14 81 and M 80'4; commercial bills. t4.B0V,e4.KuH. H1LVER Bar, Tlo; Mexican dollars. Mc. BONDS Government, strong; railroad, steady. Quotations on bonds today were aa fol lows 4 TVafi 41 4 W "if 4.74 l.M04.M S.2f.a3.M 1.(4 Al'l 4.4.tia 3 va4 04 t Otltl 78 which reported week market Moreover prices at this point were already high sa iomprcd with markets farther et, thus the outside pi-Ice for the verv beet lambs at Buffalo st the close of laat week wss only $;.:!, which Is no more then good lambs are bringing here. hlle the fi elmg on fal sheep and lambs wss weak this morning, the supply lelng moderate and the demand fair, packers were forced to pay fully steady prices. There were no choice range lambs In sight, but a little bunch of natives sold tip to 17.2(1. with ewes as high s 1S.2S. Some western earllngs sold as high as IS to, the aame as Hat'irday. Feeder sheep were In very fslr request and prices fully steady on that 'klnn A long string of f4eder rwes brought 14 40, w-hlch wss f'lllv ns good as last week, but they were of right good quality. On the other hand feeder lambs were slow, there not being ss many buyers as usual looking for that kind and the market was well ad vanced before very much was done toward clearing up the feeder Inmba supply. Quotations on killers: ttoixl to choice lambs, 37 000 7.: fair to good lambs, M.7eM 7.00; good to choice yearling, le oOt&S.iS; fair to good yearling. l6.2lVu.V60; good U choice wethers, f5.0nfi-j.5O; good to choice ewes. l4.noAn.2S Quotations on feeders: l-amb, tM; yearlings, to.2MH.t0; wethers. 6. lfi; ewee, 13.50ff4 40; breeding ewes, f 2S. No. Av. lm Wyoming feeder ewes 2H9 Wyoming feeder ewes 26 Nebraska cull ewes ft Nebraska null ewes 1M Nebraska cull ewes 71 Wyoming cull feeder lambs. 53 Wyoming ewes 34 Wyoming feeder lambs 1.14 Nebraska lambs 85 Nebraska wethers Hi Nebraska yearlings December. 75V575c; May. 78N97Sc; July. 7f 0 ATS To arrive, CHa. Tt. M 4 05 4 4 35 M 4 10 5 4 tS 114 5 00 42 5 00 3 5 10 61 I SB M M 4 5 Ti X3 6 90 BITTTER Bteady; dairy, lt2Cc. KtKJB Firm at 21c. Flour, bbla Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oata, bu creamery, a27Vc; Receipts. Shipments. 22.0OO n.ono ll.ono . 46.0 0 137.onO 48.000 23S.0OO 16.0X) I.lrerpaol Grain aad Prorlelona. LIVERPOOU Nov. I. WHEAT Bpot, firm; No. 2 red, western winter, 6s HHd; futures, quiet: December. 6a 6Vtd; March, ts 6d: May. 6s 6'i.d. CORN Soot. American mixed. 4a 4d: I futures, quiet; December, 4s 5Vtd; January, ts ia. HOPS At Ixndor. (Paclfio coast) steady, 4 4&5 6s. No. No. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. Nov. 5 CORN Steady; vellow. old. 4Sc; No. X old, 40c; old. 4Sic: no arde. 44t44c. OATS Firm: No. 2 white. 334c; No. t white 33c; No. 4 white. 32iG32c. RYE Firm: No. t 64a&c. WH18KT-11.21. I Toledo geetl Mnrkef. TOLEDO, Nov. 8 SEED Clover, cash eli id November, ft. 221: December, t'.2l March. f8.1?tt; alsike, 17. So; timothy, 11.9a. Ataina Eipress AmalssmatM Copper .. Am. C. P Am. C. P. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil Am. Rxpreas Am. H. L. pfd Am. Ica, securities Am. Llnatsd OH Am. Linseed Oil pfd.... Am. LocnmottTS Am. Locomotive pfd.... Am. t. R Am. 8. A R- pfd Am. turar Refining Am. Tobapeo pfd ctfs. ., Anaconda Mining Co.... Atrhlftnn Atchison pfd Atlant'e Coast Line Baltimore ft Ohio Bal. Ohio pfd Bronklrn Jtapid Tr.... Canadian Pacific Central of N. J ., Chesapeake A Ohio Chlcaso Ot. W Chlcaso A N. W Chlcaso, Mil. A St. P. Chicago T. T.: Chicago T. A T. Pfd... C C. C. A St. L Colorado P. A I Colorado' A Ro Colo. A 80. lat pfd Colo. A 80. td pfd Conaolldated Oaa Corn Products, rfg Corn Products pfd. rfg Dataware A Hudson... Delaware. L. A W Dcorar A R. O D. A H. O. pfd Dlatlllari securities .. Erts Erie 1st pfd KHs M pfd Ocneral Rlectrle ! Hocking Vallay Illinois Cantral International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Cantral Iowa Cantral pfd Kanaas CK Co K. C So. pfd Loularllle NaahTllle Maxlrsn Central Mlnneapoltp A Rt. L M , tt. P. R. fl. M M.. Rt. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd. Mtasourt Pacific Mlaaourl. K. A T M . K. A T. pfd National Lssd National R R. of M. pfd.. X. T. Cantral X. T.. O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W pft North Americas Parltr Mall Pennsylvania, ai-dlv People's Oss P . C. C. A Rt. L.. Preaiied stsel Car... M lot ins m w 4. 00 44 44H 44 4 too 10H4 4.100 M 10H4 It 100 J4t 145 1,100 1214 tO 10 74 100 111", 74 101 Uj If 4 4H M to II T4U, I'. 8. raf. 4s rag 104H do eonpon 104Va V. 8. la. rag lot do coupon lot V. 8. old 4a. rag tt do coupon let V. 8. n. 4s. rag 130, do coupon 130a Am. Tobacco 4s 74 do ta I10 Atchison gen. 4s loots do sdj. 4s t!w Atlantic C. L. 4s t7ttj Bal. A Ohio 4s 10144 do J Ha tf Brt. R. T. e. 4s MVS Cantral ot Oa. ts.....l1lw do lat Inc tt do td Ine 71 do Id Inc 71 Chss. A Ohio 4v,s....loVt Chicago A. a C. B. A q. s. 4s. C . R. I. t P. 4s. do col. ts....... CCC. 8t. L. g. 4s..l0IH Colo. A to. 4s tl Colorado Mid. 4s 71 Colo. A 800. o4a tl Cubs ts 104 D. A R. O. 4s M Distillers' tee. ts.... U F.rls p. I. 4a lot da gen. 4a tt Hocking Vsl. 4ViS....10tt4 Japsn ts. M sarlss... t7Vi do 4a ctfa I3H do 4Vka ctfa l4 do td series to I. A X. unl. 4 10l Man. e. g. 4s 0"H Mex. Central 4s I?, ds 1st Inc WVt Mlna. a tt. L. 4s.... nt M.. K. A T. 4s r do ta MVt N. R. R. ot M. c. 4s. H N. Y. C. I tH tt N. J. C. g. ts lt Ne. Pacific 4s lot 14 do ts 7A X. A W. f. 4s tl O. 8. L. rfdg. 4s I Penn. conv. IHs 100 Rssdlng gen. 4s loo St. L. a I. M. e. AS .104 77 St. L. A 8. P. IH St. U 8. W ns tt (g 4a t4i st Jspsn c. 4s "aboard A. L. 4a.... tl 80. Pacific 4a 11 de lat 4a ctfa Of to. Railway ts I17V4 Tsxss A P. la lis T.. Bt. L. A W. 4s.. tlH t alon Psclfin 4s K3S 1'. 8. 8lsel Id ts t!l4. W'sbsah Is 1UH de dak. M 10 Wostsra Md. 4a tl W. L. B. 4s M nH'WIa. Cantral 4a. to VI . Boatoa Stocks aad Boada. BOSTON, Nov. 8. Call loana, per cent; time loans, braty per cent, umclal quotations on stocks and bonds were 11 Va ...100 ... to ...lots ....100H U!4 111 t.too 11114 rwtfc is4 too itivi lit 117U, l.lno 1I4(4j 1"H 14 Me i4 ttti tt . t.too rui 7i m 11,400 102t4 1014, 101, 400 10144 101 101 Vi . 1. tOO 117 lit 1M 4.100 UtH UtVt lltvl . . . .V .'. II 11.100 tivi tavi. 1114 . 3 100 17114 171 '1714 tit te4 nv, 174 17Vj J. 2044 17IH 11IV4 11 14 100 t4 t4 t i too ii 11 1,fl0 tt 17 I7V4 tl 17 M4 lSS1 14 1.400 W. JO0 1744 100 JOS ll.tOt 172 "0 I7S 700 1404 4i lit, 300 7S tOO 31144 ' too '44" iteio 4 ' 44 s 700 74 700 tuv, l.tOt. 171 i4 IHV4 'tt,' 'tsti 44 7S4 17 V, 17t 20a I7SV4 1TH us 1IV4 too 100 too too too 4ft 11V, It 'is" to 45 t14 5t ''" ItVi n vt 1114 IM l tJVi 71 44 Vi 7ti st 17t 111 171 It II 44 11 4 Itv, to M t44 Atchison adj. 4s do 4s Max. Cantral 4s Atchison do pfd Boitos A Albany.... 141 Boat on A Mains Ul boaton Elevates! ... Fltrhburs pfd Mexican Ceotrs! ... N. Y., N. H. A H Psre Marquatts ... ttnlon Pacific Am. A. Cham. pfd. Amar. Pnau. Tnbs.. Amar. Sugar do pfd Amar. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd 'Dominion I. A 8. Edison Klsr. Illu 131 Msaa. Klactrlc 17VI do pfd 17 Vi Msss. Oas United Krult Ilulla, stage, elo veai calves 1 ha faiiomitn nhu tha avsit price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several daya, with comparisons; Date. 1 lto. W.iw4.iM.iM.Wi.ioo- Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. "Jet. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 28... 2S... 27... 2s... va... to... 31... 1... ... 1... 4... ... 16& 13 a ( 14V 1 06VJ vz Oe I 00 K oil t 101 s 711 8 061 4 tii I 0 16 25 Out 4 181 6 01 1 6 18 2 4 til 4 to! 6 Wi I 4 W; 4 7 4 HI ' - 4 K 4 tM 4 tZ. Ml 4 Ml 4 64 4 i 4 K4 5 1 8 611 6 tt 61 1 S SI til 6 Ml 6 7i O0 6 73 1 it; 1 Ik 4 87 4 60i 4 8SI 4 9o: 4 7UI 4 6 31 I 4 M 4 74 61 6 4 41 4 63 4 61 a 4 52 6 72. 4 60 t ti 4 61 4 aT 4 Ml t 4 4 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hos Omaha 11 8Mt.00 t5.66'fl.l5 Chlcsfo 1.6K87.15 , I.K'dti. Kansas City 2.00-II175 koyatliV) Ht. Loulg 2.C4a 0 6 Mitf..40 bioux City 2.WV86.25 5.g0i4J.l) The official number of cara ot atock brought In today by each road was; C, M. A Bt. P 3 Mlasourl Pacific 7 U. P. System 53 C. & N. W., east .... 1 C. or N. W., weet ....153 C, Bt. P., M. 4 O.... 7 a. B. A Q.. eaat 12 C, H. A J., west 141 C, R. I. A P., east... 1 C. R. I. P., weet.. .. Illinois Central 1 Chicago Gt. Western. .. CHICAGO II VK STOCK M4.RKKT Cattle Ten to fifteen tenia Lower Hogi FlTe to Ten feats Lower. CHICAGO, Nov. 6 CATTLE Receipts, about 28.0,0 head; market steady to Itvirw lower; common to prime steers, fl.OOTi i.30; heifers, fiftfao.oo; bulls, 12.404i4.4.": calves, fa.Oinr'r.liO; etockors and feoders. f.'.4'"li4.&0. HO3t4 Receipts, about S2,ij0 head; mar ket Millie lower: choice to prime heavy. f.n0ia.40; medium to ood heavy. I6.lht ' 26; butcher weights. 16.2iK&.3o; good to choice mlxd, ffitTOjiUlS; packing, 35.70 6f: piKs. t5.54Vp6.00. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, about 28,0110 head; market for sheep stfarly, for lambs slow stir) weak; sheep. 14 GXKftS.Ro; yearlings, 35.yKu.85; lambs, fS.MKij7.66. 1 .. ! -5 55 "I 16 7 "i 6 1.. 1 1 7 1.- Kaaaaa City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. M Nov. 8. CATTLE Receipts. 15.000 head, Including 810 head southerns: market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, f6.o0ti6.76: fair to good, 13.764i6.afi; western steers, f3.6itifi.25; stockers and feedera, f2 60tj4.50; southern eteers. t2.(fa'4.75: southern cows. I'i.OOOT. 25 ; , native cows, t2 0fvti35; native heifers, 1.1.00 &4.75: bulls 32.2tU3.75: calves, !2.7Tv.26. HOOS Receipts, g.ono head; market 10c lowr: top. 17H; bulk of sales. fs.lSVtf 6.15; heavv. W.lOr&e, 15; peckers, Vi; pics and lights. 16.5i5 16 BHEEP AND I,AMR5-Recepts. l.tOO head; market strong; lamb. t.00'jf7.rj; ewes and yearlings, 14 755.75; western yearlings, 15.2Mi4.oO; western sheep. f4.0(56.oO; stock ers and feeders. f3.7Vfi6.00. 69 Us Had ekos MaoX. do pfd V. 8. Steel 47U Kada 4s pfd 107 Mltchall Bingham HUj cat. a Hscis ........ il'i Centennial 114 Copper Range U pair west xo Franklin U4 Orsnhr ills Iale Rorals 14 Masa. Mining 14 Michigan Mohawk tl Mont. C. A C I Old Dominion 1 Oacenla 117 Parrot Kk Qulncy 101 Shannon 164, Tamarack 100 Trinity Ill, t'nltad Coppsr ....... Itv, t. 8. Mining 43V V. S. Oil 10 t'tsh IIUj Victoria fit lluiWinons iou ...106v,tWoIvorine IKS ..1UV4 IMVk .11 . Va .112 . M .1I.1H . II .. It .134 .11 . .its . MV ..m 17 Total recelpta ....388 4 The disposition of the duy s receipts was at follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: ' . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Buyers. Omaha Packing Co Bwift and Company 1.448 Cudahv Packing Co 1.2M Armour A Co 1,211 I Armour A Co., Denver I Van Bant A Co Carey & Benton nu. Lobman & Co. MCt-reary or v-arvy W. I. Stephen Hill 4 Bon V. P. Lewis Huston Co Hamilton & Rothschild 1:3 65 llo 152 26 ' 37 307 89 140 69 4 9 007 9!) 1.022 3 2 4X4 fcc-J I 1.35; St. l.onls I. Ire Stork Market. BT. LOT'IS. Nov. 6. CATTLE Receipts. 7.5I,0 hend, Including 8.000 Texans; market 10c lower: native shipping and exrort steers, fu.'Oiot.fK); dressed beef and butcher steera, t4.tu6.00: steers under l.OiO lbs.. J3.25'ii4.4n: stockers and feeders, 12.OXff4.5A; cows and heifers. t2.40y5.26: rsnners, fl.OIKJ2.10: bulls, calves. f3.rj50; Texas and In dian steers, f2.7rj..26; cows and heifers, fMiri3.50. ; HtXSS Receipts, 6.5H1 hesd: market Wit ers. 16.00fi6.26; butchers and best heavy, 16.1o1ifi.30. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.5fO hend; market stendv: native muttons. H.fO fi6.50: lambs, tt frj7 60: culls and bucks, J2.75i53.a; stockers, 33. 25ff4.00. . jji Wmtj.Bts n biii roaiitioa I7u U V. Hull 74 Wolf 278 J. H. Bulla 19" Mike Haggerty 163 J. B. Root A Co 21 Z. H. Clark 147 T. B. Inghram Sullivan Bros 35 V. A. Brltton , 10 Jacobs 17 ...... ..... (Other buyera 1.117 v.... 8.207 Adventure .... Alloues .,, Amalgamated Atlantis Bid. Asked. suPCtl. A Alisons . MVi Tecumeeh. lU',iArltona Com .... 14 lOresns Cob . t .IM) . 1.114 . ts . MVt London Closing! Stoeka. IX)NDON, Nov. 8. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: I too 144V4 14', 14S 14, Jt 1.700 lot 1 400 1.100 mo 1.400 ion too 1 too 14 tV4 t44 It tt 77 H iso 11 vi 4t t4 4V4 tt 71 147 111 14 M 44 7t WVi 1M44 ltluj t"C 17 .. 44.IOA 1444 4 OS in, t44 It 141 tt tOO 144. 84V4 t4 ttvk "Vi tt 141 tt I 64 Articles. I Wheat I Dee. I Msv t urn- I Dec. I Vay July eoats I Dec. Msy July Po, Jan. Viav ilrn- Nov. Iec. Jan. May B I he Jan. May Open. High. I Low. Close.! Sit'y. fsttffHI I ' I 4.Vfr43tHl 44J44', I 44V I !S4VA.I I35SCIV,, I Ti t 74V4I TVa si 44-J! 44V, I TSTt!71T,fi74! 74f, 7Sa, IJVilTStyiiv, 42!42'g-74i 43V4 434'43U'''t 44V, 44Vil44'1ffl'444ei 34HI 34V, SAIa.S&Vift'SI 13Vg 31SI 13 95 I 14 00 14 7V 14 10 8 tiVk tt 46 11 SO 14 0a 34.! US S6V, .&4 , sas :3i 13 Vil 14 00 14 6 14 UH I 1 36 I f 30 t 60 I 8 7V4 T 62l 7 Ill I I 21 HI I trvsl i f.7v.i 8 46 I 1 37V,I I 40 I 8 47i la I It) I I 421,! 8 62', T 67Vg' . 7 6-V,l 7 66 I 7 as 7 70 7 64 I 7 7Vfc 1 75 Duns Report of Bank Exchanges O itober bask exchanges show a marked improvement, not ealr la corn partson wltk prveedlng 7 sera bat wltb September, total exchangee for October at all oltiea In the United States being 114,813,069.738, aa Increase of 14.9 per cent over last year and 25.1 per cent, over October, 1904. The month this year contained one more bostneae day tbaa In the two preceding years, yet average daily exchanges are 10.7 per cent larger than a year ago and 21.2 per cent, over 1904. The Improvement It general and more evenly distributed than in Beptember, exchanges In all sections showing a considerable tn crease In volume of payment through tha banks. In the Bouth AUanrJ States, where a small Wat In September reflected a curtailment of trade and alow eoUastiona owing to the backwardness of cotton, exchanges in October are 10.1 per cent larger than last year. There are notable gains in the Southwest and at Pacific Coast cities. Bank exobangot at all cities reporting in different taction! and average dally figures for October and the year to date are compared below for three years : Ocrosin. New EtigiauJ Middle Bouth Atlantic.... Southern Cent rat West ..... Western Pseide .. leoei 898.7(12.057 l.i'.V.77.4W 241.04;;. 117 ti2'i,9l7.215 1.44a,4.1l,4'JJ ........ t44.UUJ.bKH 413,bl,61 No. 1 ' Cash auotatione were aa follows: FLiOVR-B esdy; winter patents, tt.8J3.40: ' trugbts, t3.lou4 80: sprli. a pjirnu, tw.8 (( I 3tt: s'ralghta, UlVlU: bnters, 1 .:0fc.'. WHEAT No. 1 si'Hne. l;c; No. 3. 71 7k; No. 1 rid TiHKSf. ,1 COKN No. i. 4i-,i4-; No. 1 yellow, 47c. OATS No. i. ',c; iso. 1 white. Sic; No Total Ntw Vork City... A3, 16.1,0 10. '7 t,344,l4J.lW 190V I7oe.m.20l 94,ti;b.(l.3 1.4 1 1' . f it I &i:4.4! l,3-'7.67w,Wl 401.687.44 3 31i8.0M,105 a4,S0).S33.9; B.t'.'0.l2,0l7 PC --13 9 -- 9 5 --10.8 4-181 -f- 8.9 -r-108 2lil 12.8 4-10.4 1904. , 133,121 829.528.837 J29,H!0.475 620.122,478 l,17tf.l'2.O.S9 349.oxi8,90 x59,i77,162 4.0rj.384 OW 7.47H. 064,591 FO. -(-32 0 - -17.1 --24 4 --1I.8 --rij --24 2 4-&4 4-2T 4-25.0 tt 1-14 M , K. A T IIV) tt 7-lt M. T. Central lllVt ... 14 Norfolk A W 17 ...104 do pfd tl ...104'., mtarto W 47 ...1124, Pennsrlvsnlt 7414 ...111 Kand Mlnsa I ... t Reading 71 ... 11 Bo. Railway ir ...171, da pfd ttn, ... 10 Bo. faclfto t6 ... 41 I'nloa rsclfle 111 ... MV, do pfd M ... 4 I'. 8. steal ... 71. do pfd do 14 pfd 7u Babaab Illinois (antral Ill 4 osfd Loularllls Naah....l4t Ipsnlsk 4s BILVKR Bar. firm. 32d per ounce. MONK Y 4 per cent The rate of discount In the open market for ahort bills la per cent; for three months' bills, bbi per cent Consols, monsy .. do sccounl Assconds ...t..... Atcblsnn do prd Baltimore tr Ohio t'snsdlan Paclfie . Cbes. A Oblo Chicago Ot. W... C. M. A 8t. P... DaBeera , . D. A R. Q do pld Erls do 1st pfd Totals .8.356 ' 1.108 I 23 Sleax City I I c Slock Market. SIOUX CITT, la., Nov. B.-(8peclaJ Tele gram.) CATTL.E Receipts, 3..O0 head; mar ket 64110c lower; beeves. 4.0iitl.2&; cows, bulls and mixed. U.6Ora4.0O: stcckera and feeders, I3.0ft4r4.00 ;calves and yearling?, $.'.50 (6 3 76. HOGS -Recelnts, 3 7vi .-sd: market 8??10c kwer, sel ing at :B..0): bulk f Silet, 86.86(56.90. . 41 .110 . t . 44 t4 Boatoa Copper Market Closing quotations on Boston copper mar. ket. reported by Logan A Bryan, 1 Board of Trade building. Omaha: Mohawk gs NeTada Coo solid ted. lt Nortk Butte 111 Old Pomlaloa tl Osnsola .-. lit rasa, tarries 14 1 .... M .... 11 .... U 10 Adventure Atlantis Ulngham Black Mountain Bostsa t'enaolldsted.. tl Butts Coallttoo ... Calumet A Arlsona Cslnmst A Heels.. Csatannlsl Copper Raags Dally Was. Bast Butte frsnklta Oraeae Cesser Orsaby HalTstla lals Roral U B. A Pittsburg, ataasschusstta ...... Hit tt 414 its lH U M 10 tt M II IV4 4 Pnau. tarries. (d... 10 tl Qulnry lot Shannon 11 Tamarack lbs Trinity 11 Is Had Frail 104 t'nltad atates, eon.. 44 United lutes, pfd... 44 I'Ub Conaolldated.... 47 t tab Oops tl Victor!, 1 Winona 1041 ltiWolrsrlne 1H t'Nlaiaalug 11 II ICesasaa U Hew Tork MlalasT Itoeka. NEW TORK, Nov. 8. Closing quotation! en mining atockr weret Adsma Coa at Ultlla Chief I Alloe SS7 OnUrlo Mo Braecs st Opblr n Brunswick Con tt retool 14 I'ometock Tunnal .... It Sarage joo Con. Csl. A Va Its Sierra Narads tt Horn lllrar lit Sinall Hopes II Iron tllvsr 410 Standard 7t LMdsllls Cob t United States 814,513.069,738 Average dally 1 October 8.VT.421 000 Tbtrd ttiarter 4l.i.!U0t breond Quarter........ 4t7 Ml.'.tS) Flret Quarter 557,132,000 12,624,548,873 141 111,500,218,647 25.1 84M.5j9.000 424.012. 000 4ti5 491. UUO 478,344,0v0 10.7 4-14 1 4- 4-10 1443, 471, 000 33l.9.r3.0tM 821.9;iuO0 341,077.000 4-211 - -45 I --M.7 1 I white, 3-ftJ4',c. I HYK-No. f. etiStilo. V HARl.B-r"alr to chrlce malting, 476c. I SKEUd No. 1 ax, 31. ta; No. 1 north 1 muth, ll.WV,.' Timothy. ' prime. M. 16. Clover, contract grade, 111S6. ft fHOV18HNWM'ort ntis. a.'deg (looie). f tl 7t Mesa cork. ter bbl.. Its 1 n la the Far West there it aa Increase In bank exchanges at every city but one la eompsrtaan with both ytart, and a very large gala la aheaa ever October, 1904, at nearly ' every city. The report it given below la detail : per !' Iha., M Short clear siaes tbood r'ol.owirg were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Kceltts. Shipments Flour, bhls r.J 601H) Wheat, bu 44.0m 60.3U) Corn, bu 34.' "ata. bu 26i 3. So) 1 -a. Jte, bu .i- 6.:o) J ' -f l . . en ..... i wji, dm i.ivi 1 Oa the rroduue exchange today the but- t market wes stendy; rreauijrlro. lyn V; dairlt-a; lsVv;i:3c Fs-ga. at rang; at : v. y.iisrk. caeea Irrliided. fl473c: nrt la,.- I prime Brsta, 3bV,c; extras. JSc. CtMtse, ! 4ateaoy; lvraiso. I Tlalble Bapaly af firala. KE tV YORK. Nov. 6. The visible supply ! af giala svaieiday, Ntvemfcr 3. aa cum-7 a Ocrosta. Mlnnesil it .......... bt. Haul Pea Muinet.. ......... bloux tity laveaport. ........... tVdar hsplds Kansas Oiy ta. Jiseph ......w... Omsha Kreiuuut I.lneula Wichita Tupeka Dearer .............. Col hnrtngs Pas bio Fsrge Sioux FalU Weatera OuiUied freia total, 1906. 116:5..!i27 42.4U!i.7.4l 12.b444 I,210.?21 6 310 '..'J 2.0Mi.:28 1XI,I2J,6'J 2i2l,ls8 4a.3:5.ll l.t-tn.271 6 675.K85 4 I4.16 4.3iM.4n4 ll.4MI.714 8.tt4 44 2.9HU.M19 174.4'4 1.116,'r.7 .4,0O6,s 1909. im.on.o5i 30 442.0.19 Il.2'l7,sl7 7,971.43 4.M.N 2 644.9-JS 117.412 123 20 301,326 l,041.9.t 1.W.501 4.7M.M6 2 stU.464 81.72l.e3 t,M2.l4 a.407"ii7 1,M7,18 I.M7,40S 10 6 1904. 1102.148118 0,783.094 .lns),8l6 1.344.100 4.106,861 I,5o6.0 11,827.418 M.44W.6if7 sui.ooa 4 1AV6O0 1,M.H76 21.467,219 2.4U2.I76 2.llV7N 1.82 Met) pa --in --38.1 - -28.4 --46 I - -29 I --79 2 --317 -- 5 6 --33 6 4-90.6 -- 6.1 --46 6 --3fli -in -T-4A7 ForelCB Ftaaaclal. IX)NIX)N, Nov. . The supplies of money were largei In the market today to met the Increased demand. Discounts were In clined to ceaae. The Bank of England se cured tl.100.ouO of the gold available In the open market. Prices on tha Stock exchange were quietly steady. Business In gilt-edged securities was checked by the uncertainty regarding the monetary situation, but home rails continued to Improve on Inveetment purchases. Foreigners were steady, espe cially Russians. Americans at the opening advanced to over parity on bear covering. In the afternoon New Tork advioet cheered the market further, but the support slack ened later and prices sagged and trading cloaed dull. Japanese Innierlal 6s of lu4 cloed at (J0. brJRLIN, Nov. I On the Bourse today trading was very light. PAK18. Nov. 6. On the Bourse today rentes improved on official Information to the effect that the question of the appli cation of the Income tax to government securities will not be settled for several moiitlia. Kuaelan Imperial 4s closed 76.76 and Ruaalji bonds of 1904 at 4A. Ca'1"1XJ& Rrceiota of cattle ui.a n-.orn tug were very large. 4u3 1 cars being re ported In, aa against id one week agi and U6 two weens ago. The big bulk of the arrivals cona.suu of rangers, with, a very large allowing of cow stuff, It being estimated that there were 100 cars or more of the latter. The big run, to- . V. -111. ...... I n murk-ba - ull other points, brought about a sharp de- fP" Si?" nlin. in vulun I Iim mtifri market nere , .'v.h j . .11 L i.wl- uM ton lm,.r an., I KOni the trade was alow and very late In open ln. In fact, Ii waa well along toward midday before any buaineas of consequence waa trasacted. There were not very many eornfed steers in the yards and nothing among tha early recelpta,. at least that could be called gool to choice. The fair to medium kinds were at least 10c lower, with buyers very widt apart In their bids. Cows and heifers were at least 10c lower and one would not have to look very far to find aales showing more decline even than that. Borne of the best feeders, which Just haDDened to meet soma special require ment, aold about steady, but aside fi m that both feedera and stockers were 10c lowtr. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. St. Joseph 1,1 ve Stock Market. ST. JOSKPH. Nov. B.-CATTI-.I5-R0-celpts, 3.500 head; market slow; natives, !Ji.0rp."6; cows" and helfere, 11.25(84.76; atockers and feeders, I2.50fa4.30. HOGS Receipts. 2.775 head: msrket, (,9 10c lower; light, 16.06(Q6.16; bulk of sales, 88.06ti.l6. SHKEP AND I.AMBS Receipts, 4,543 head; market steady. Stock la Slht. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep OMAHA WHOLKHAIR M4RKKT. ( oadllloa at Trade aad Qeetatleae aa Staple aad Fsscf Prtisee, F'308-I'er flog., tlo. L.WK I'ori 'l Ry Hena, 8c: roostets, tr; turkeys, Italic; ducks, to; spring chick ens, so; geesa, 6a. BI'TTKIt-ParKina stock. 17c; choice to fsncy dairy, ldfcjOc; creamery, f4J27c. HAY Choice upiHnd, s.!h), medium. ;i 00; coarse. liK'-utvto. Kye straw, to.6O4ii.OO. BRAN Per ton, $16.00. vf;e tables. "WKKT POTATOFS-Per bbl., 1160. TOM A Tons California, per basket of 20 lbs., 1136. BEANS- Unit, 6'ic; navy. No. t, 11.73 per bu.; No. A tl.t. WAX B E AN 8 Per market basket of annul 16 lbs . 11.26. BEETS AND CARROTSt-Per bu.. 78o. LEAF l.KTTL'CE Uolhou.'e. doa hearts, S5c CELEHY-Per dog., 2640c. Cl'C'IMBERct Hothouse, per dot., 11.60. ONIO.Nrt-IIome grown, 460 per bu.; Spanish. ll.6 per crste. GREEN ONIONS Her dot. bunches, S&a. MORSI7RADISH Case of t dog., 11.90. R A PISHES Per doa. binchee. 26c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., I1.X6; No. I. $178 LIMA BEANS-Pr lb., IV. OREEN PEl'PERS Per market basket. Toe PARSLEY Hothouse, per dot. bunchea, JOc. CARBAOR Holland seed, home grown. per lb., lHc. KOO PLANT-rer dog . 7Bc. POTATOFS-Per bu., 40f,ja. , RITTABAOA9 Per lb., llo; 180 Ibt. to sack. TFRNIPS-Per bn.. rVHj. FRUITS. rF.AriirS-Cnlifnriiiii Salway. per box. $1.10; Cnlorsdo, 12.26. , PKARS Winter varieties, per bu., $4.00. (1UA PES Tokay, 11.76; Malaga, per bbl., Ki.OtK'ul.OO. APPLES Men Oa'-ls, t.'.ffi: .lonnthHns. $3.2503.50; New Tork apples. 13.25: Grimes' Ortlden, $2.75. CRANPKRRIF8 Per bbl.. t!.00JoO. QUINCES Per box, 12 2n. TROPICAL FRUITS. OR A NC5F.S Florida omnges. $3 00. LEMONS Llmonlera. extra inncy, WO !xe, 17.S0: SfKi slvtc. t".00; S00 slxe, .00' othet brands. 50(ii76c less. (tRAFK FRUIT-SIxe 70 to . 14.2ftT4.78. BANANAS Per merlhim-slxed bunch. $2.ooti2.: Jumhos. 1260433.00. FK19 Kadaway. c; snyers, 6Hc; new stuffed walnut date. 9-lh. box. $1.10: Cali fornia bulk, 64c; 7-crown Turkish, 16c; 6 cro"n 14c S-Tnf1. He? 3-crown, 12c. BF.EF CUTS PRICES. Ribs: No, 1. 14Hc; No. 2. c; No. 1. 8c i Round: No. 1. c: No. t 7c: No. I. c. Ixiln: No 1. 17c: No. 2. 12Hc; No. 3. tuo: Plate: No. 1, 4'4c; No. i. 4c: No. . 2H". Chucks: No. 1. 6c: No. 2. 8c: No. 3, Vic. MISCELLANEOUS. 6TrO AR Orttnulated cane, In sacks, $3.21; granulated beet. In sscks, $6 21. CHEFSE Swiss, new, 1c; Wisconsin brick. lfiHc: Wisconsin llmburger. 12V4: twins. ISc; Toiing Americans, IRHc. COFFKTa-Ronstet No. 35. 2tic per lb.; No. 80, 21o per '.b.; No. 25, 19c per lb.; No. 20. 16c per lb ; No. 21. 13c per lb. COCOANUTS Per sack of 1(10, $4 80. SYRUP In bbls., 27o per gal.; In cases. 6 10-1 b. cans. $1.70; rases, 11 6-lb. cans, $1.80; case. !4 2V4-lb. cans. t.St. HONK Y Per 24 frames, $3.50. CIDER New, half barrel, $3.75; barret $5.25. CANNED GOOD" 0rn, standard west in. 55ipoc; Marne, $1.16. Tomatoes, 3-lb. na 1110- ?-lh cans. 97V4CRI1 00. Pine apples, grsted. 2-lb., 2.052.30; sliced, $1.99 I St2.20; gallon spple. fancy. I'J.efi: California ' apricots. 11 f'wz.zs: pears. 11. ibtiz-io: peHcns, fancy. $1.75'&2.40; H. C. peaches, $SfS!.S0. ' Alaska salmon, red. $1.15: fancy Chinook. V.. $2.10; fanry eockeye. F., $1.95; sardines, UHrter oil, $2.76; three-quarter mustard. in.OO. Sweet potatoes. 81.10jn.25; sauerkraut. $100: pumpkins, sOrfTll.OO; wax beans. 2-lh.. : fiMiSOc: lima bean.e. 2-lb.. 76cifT$1.36; spinach. $1.85; cheap pens, 2-lb., 60c; extras, 9&cfj $1.10; fancy. $1.3681.75. CURED FtftH--Ftnl!v vhltefllsh. per . quarter bbl., 100 lbs.. $4 00; Norway mack eral. No. 1, $23.00; No. 2. $.10; No. 3. $20.00; Irish, No. !. Slfi.OO; herrlnr. In bhls., 0 ' lbs. each. Norway, 4k. $! X); Norway, 8k, f9.00; Hohand herring, in kegs, milkers. 80c: kegs, mixed, 70c. FISH Trout, l?c: halibut. l?e: catfish, 15c; bu!tnlo. 8c; bullheads. 11c: black bass, One stock. 2Tc; salmon. 12c; pike, He; red ' napper, fresh froxen, I'.'c: whlteflsh. fresh froren, 13c; yellow perch, dressed and scaled, 8c; pickerel, fresh froxen, 9c; ,: frog legs, Soc per dox. saddle. HIDES AND TALLOW Green sslted. No. 1, U'ic; No. 2. llc: hull hides, fliSlOc; green hides, N8,"l.11c; No. 2, 10c; horse,. flOi3.75;,vv5iK;ia.U. .Tllow. Nt. 1. 44r; Nti: 2, 2- NUTS French walnuts, 13Ho; California, walnuts, No. 2. hard shell, 13c; No. 1. soft sheel, 14c: Brarlls, 139MV,c; pecans, 14tH7e; lllberta, imihl4c; peanuts, raw, 6'l.c; roasted. 7Ho; California almonds, hard shell.Gc; soft thell. 18c. WOOL Per lb., 15 22c. Ks. I.... I... I. .. 4... II. .. 14... II... t... 4... 4... 4... ... t... 14... 4., It. I cows 7 feeders.. 21 feedera. A. r. Na. As. rt. .... Ht IH It 1111 tt ....1114 4 14 COWS. .... tOO 1 M 1071 1 II .... tse t to l loot l tt .... IM IM 1 10SI I 10 .... IM I M 4 171 I It ....10M 1 40 I lift I It .... ttt 1 to HEIFERS. .... tit I tt 4 It) IM ts I tt t til I to .... 117 1 M t ttt I tt BULLS. ....list I Tt 1 lilt I tt CALVES. .... rt i to i nt t it .... til I to 6 . 110 6 It FEEDERS. .... tit 1 tt n lit l 41 .... Ill 1 Ot ti US lit WEbTEANS NEBRASKA. City Ht. Joseph ... St. lxnils .... Chicago ...v.. Totals ..10,01 10 .. 1.700 ..16.000 .. S.5O0 .. 7.600 ..28,000 2.9iO 3.700 8.000 2.775 6.600 32,000 21,000 .68,700 56,876 67.643 942 I 10 6',3 2 86 721 3 46 14 heifers.. 746 3 00 11 cows 1000 2 70 14 feeders.. 805 8 35 6 feeders.. 850 1 80 I oowt 1090 2 6 7 heifers. 18 cows..., 7 steers.., 19 feeders. 4 cowa. . 6 cows.. 8 cows. 19 cowt. 7 cows. at J46,30I,K UI Trsssgry taleaaeat,. WASHINGTON, Nov. l-Today's state ment of the treasury baianoea In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 re serve, shows: Available caah baJenne, tmi. 490.147: gold coin and bullion, 8114.2MI,0U7; gold txrUflcatee, e47.3j4.440. 14 cowa 872 1 96 COLORADO. 864 2 60 10 heifers UVl 2 69 71 rows. . . lis 2 80 6 feeders.. lot 170 891 8 10 Shulte A Dulln. Nebraska. 12 feeders.. 845 3 30 6 cows..... 928 1 00 870 I So T. McMahon S. D. 878 3 00 4 feedera. U Young B. SJ. tt feeders.. 947 1 60 ' W. B. Tlce 8. D. . 920 2 90 16 feeders.. 894 1 70 C. E. Grundy Neb. .1052 1 70 9 COWS.. .1003 8 80 D. Taylor Neb. It feeders.. 931 8 40 21 cows.. 29 feeders.. 9M 8 90 41 cows.. HOUt-There were hardly enough hogs here to excite very great Interest or to make very much of a market, only a few over forty cars being reported In when the market opened. At the same time advices from other Belling points were very dls ooursgtng, decided breaks In prices being reported at all volrita. Under sjch condi tlona It la not surprising that the msrket J opened here slow and mostly 10c lower. AS Will te notro trom ine shjcp dciow, a food many hogs sold at $6 9uii 00, whereas be big bulk of the hogs on Saturday went at 85 There was a small bunch of wagon hogs sm.-xl enough to bring $4.16, which waa the top the aame aa Skturday. Among the receipts today were quite a good n sny light high mixed nogs, running from piga up to big and heavy hogs, which sill I 05 900 3 00 878 2 40 936 1 90 910 2 IS 9 2 68 OMAHA. day were tl.ll5.tu8 Si tponding date laat y Bssk Cleariaas. Nor. 6. Bank clearings for to- ind for thi r $1,833. ?tg On. EltTta Mattes Market. ELGIN, 111., Nov. I.BUTTER Market uachaoged from laat week, at 1 4c per round. Total output of district for week, 41,006 pounds. Waal Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 6. WOOL Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing k:g'27c; light fine. lHt'iio; heavy flue, l44j-l66( tab washed, 3-'fi3,-Vu. Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 8 COTTON Spot closed quiet: middling uplands, 10.10c; middling gulf, 10.66c; salea, 700 bales. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 5. COTTON Spot, moderate business done, prices 2 points higher; American middling fair, 6.60d; good middling, 6. Hod; middling. 5.72d; low middling, 6.60d; good ordinary, 6. ltd; ordinary. 4.90d. The- sales of the day were 7.000 bales of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 6.600 bales American. Receipts were 16,000 bales, all American. ST. LOt? IS. Mo., Nov. 5. COTTON Market steady; middling. 10e; aales, 42 bales; receipts., none; shipments, none; stock, 8.706 balea. NEW ORLEANS, La., Nov. 6. COTTON Spot market cloaed easy: sales, 10,100 bales; low ordinary, 6 ll-16c, nominal; ordinary, 7 8-18c, nominal; good ordinary, 8 Ho; low middling, 10c; good middling, lOHc; middling fair, 10Hc, nominal: fair, 11 Vic, nominal. Recetpte, 19,631 bales; stock, 196,831 bales. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 6.-COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unsteady prices, which waa about In line with steady csbles. There waa a little selling agalnat Braxlllan offers and neaj-by Uauldatlon. under which prices eased off a partial 6 points, but the tone of the market waa steady at the decline and trading aside from switching, which represented the bulk of the business, waa very quiet. The market closed ateady to net 5 points lower. Sales were reported of 130,00 bags, of which 10.000 were exchangee. The buaineas In cluded December at 6.15c, March at 6. 4 6.46c, May at 4.&fy.o0c, July at 6.70O, keu tember at 6.90c. The world's visible supply statement showed an increase of 1,012,165 bugs tut the month to 13.145.7H6 bags, against 13,0841 bags laat year. Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 5. METALS There was a considerable advance In the London tin market with spot closing at 19 6d and 19 7e for futures. The local market 1.500 1 was firm, with prices about 6 points 4.643 i higher on the average. Copper waa higher 3 600 I at '99 for spot and 29 15s for futures In S8.OU0 the London market. Ically the tone was quiet, witn lime neia at s-i. ij electro lytic, $21.50(522.00; casting. $J1.26iU 21.76. Lead was unchanged at. 15.7515.95 In the local market: In London lead advanced to 11 7s Ad. Spelter was 2s M lower at 27 10s In txindon. The local market was unchanged at $6. 3ftf6.80. Iron waa 3d lower In the English market with Standard foundry quoted at 67a and Cleveland warrants at 67s 4d. Ixx-ally the market waa un changed, with No. 1 foundry northern at $34. 26H 26.00; No. I foundry northern, ta.TW 24.50; No. 1 foundry soutnern. t.tiyga.iu; No. 2 foundry southern, ira.wierit.iiu. RT. LOUI9. Nov. 6. MTAL8 Iead. steady at 85.9ufi6.95. Spelter, weak at J.17v. Oils ana Rosla. NEW YORK. Nov. I. OIL Barely steady: prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 29w 10c; prime yellow, 46c aaked. Petroleum, steady; refined Philadelphia and Balti more, $7 45; New York, $7.60; In bulk, $4.35. Turpentine, quiet, 8tVi3 70c. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, 14.26. OIL CITY, Pa., Nov. 6. OIL Credit balances, $1.68; runs, 166.890 bhis.j average. 60.914 bbla.; shipments,, 871,14$ bbls.; average, 165,690 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Nov. 6. OIL Turp entine steady, 44e; sales, 14 bbls. ROSIN Firm; A B and C, $180; D. $3.90; E. $3.9004.06; F. $31534 06; O, $4.004 06; H. !4O5t4.10: I, $4 20; K. $4 70; M. $5.16. N. $6.60; WG, $6.00; WW, $4.00. Mlaaeaaolla Grala Mark. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 6 FLOUR-First patents. $4.2l-"4 30: second patents, $4 064 tit; tl rot ci f a, .aDt.u; second dears, 12.4&2 60. BRAN In bulk. $16.76316 00. (Superior Board of Trade quotation for to very poor advantage and which made the I Mlnneapolla and Chicago delivery) The market look still lower on paper than It I rn? .f.Ar r';- u ."V:Ti, by F- D- Dy retd.y was. Ne. As. IS Pr. Ne At. SS. PY. 17 I) ... 6 at tl Z7t so t so KM let ... 11 ti tat I ot II lit ... tlS 41 141 ... t ss tt 161 ... I SO M tt 4t I in at : M let I tl it trt ... t to Ii toi I4t I 14 it 144 tt t OS si tt I'M I l Is Nl iro t te 10 Ut ... I tt II 14 1M I at tst M IH ts :u ii w as .ttt ise I M M ! t t IS JI 34 t tt it SI7 4t t M, 41 101 ! It 141 lu ot., tt Ill ... I tl tl 114 ... t 11 to7 ... I 1H at 14 44 I M t4 1st ... I trvg 71 ni 40 t tt , 144 IM 44 4 14 IM' tt I OS rr tat 40 t oe it in ... I :i tt 144 ... t te SHEEP Receipts of sheep this morning were fair, some seventy-odd cats being re ported in. The general situation was not any too favorable fur seller. In the flret place there waa a heavy run al Cukago, I A Co., 110-1)1 Board of Trade, was: Articles.! Open. High. heal Kaaaaa City Grala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. I. WHEAT De cember, 97c; May. 73e: caah. No. 2 hard, ohfcOc; No. 1, 67e69c; No. 2 red, 70c; No, 8, 88C . . COKN uecemner, s'ttc; may, "c; casn. No. 1 mixed, 4Vtitlc; No. 3, 29tr4oVTc; No. 1 white, 413p4:!1o. OATS No. 1 white. 334c; No. 2 mixed. 32f 32Hc. HAx rirm; cnoice timomy, im.iotgis.w; choice' prnlile, $11 50ifU.76. RYE Steady; 57HOc. EOOS Firm; extras, 24; flrstt, 28Hc; seconds, 16c BUTTER Creamery, 26c; packing, 16c. EOG8 244c. Recelpta. Shipments. 206,6w) 181,000 4t(W) 21,000 84,000 17,900 Wheat, bu Corn, bu , Oats, bu star aad Malassee. NEW YORK, Nov. $. SUGAR Raw! quiet; fair refining, SSc; centrifugal. 96 test, 3T4C. Molaases sugar, Vir. Refined, quiet; No. 6, 4.3jc; No. 7, 4.26c; No. 8, 4oc; No. I, 416c; No. 10, 4 06c: No. 11. 4.00c; No. 12, $96c; No. 11, 8.90c: No. 14, 185c; confection, ers' A. 4.60c: mould A, 8.16c: cut loaf, 6.&00; crushed. 6.6O0: powdered, 4.90o granulated, 4.80c; cubear 8.05c. MOLASSIOaV-Qulet; New Orleans, ope kettle, good to choice, StK&asc. NEW ORLEANS, La., Nov. 6. -8UCJAR Market Irregular; centrifugal yellow, I 18-16 4 7-14c: seconds, I4tf30. MOLASSES New syrup. II 14a. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. " PHILADELPHIA, No. I. BUTTER -Firm, good demand; extra western crwaun. ery( ofllcial price, 27c; street price, &c; ex tra Pennsylvania prints, 80c. EGGS Unchanged; nearby frelh gnd western freski, 2bo at mark. CHEESE Unchanged; New York full creams, lZVglitc. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. I WHEAT Firm ; No. 1 northern.; No. 1 northern, 78 ty;9c; December, 74c, aek-sd. RYE Lower; No. 1. Miio. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 6Mj6Hc; sam ple. 41ttWC. CORN-Steady: No. 8 caah. 4fy36c ; De eeuiber, 4V&"l27AO' . .!'' Ixw. I Oose.l Set'y. Iec ... 7:11,1 74 lhy... !.iili: 7"t 7 I Julv...l79'5tt,l 7. . 7:HI Flax- i I I I Ni.V...' 1 17W 1 17 1 IT Iec....! 1 14',, IK 1 I4S "i 74", 74 7XS: I I7' 1 15 I 75H 1 17 1 MV, Mlnii4-apoliH (ash Cloae What : No. 1 hard, 7v; No; 1 northern, 78V-'; 10 arrive, 7'c; No. 1 iinrthtrn. 7t,'i'; to arrive. 76c: No. 3, 74Vc; to arrive, isc; No. 1 durum, 6c; to airt.e. Uic; No. 2 durum, tc; to arrive, ilc. Corn: No. 3 yellow. 44c. Oats: No. 8 while. 3;V; No. 3. OfVuS.,"'. hye. SV6C. Flax, UIlV Dalalk Grata Market. DULUTH. Nov 1,-WHEATjJii track. No. 1 auriheru. 7tc, Ne. 1 no- ra, '.,.', Evaporated Apalea aad Dried Kralta. NEW YORK. Nov. 8.-UVAPORATED APPLES Market holds ateady. but demand is mtwierate; high choice, Vtfnci prime, jtitji.c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunet are firm, with quotations ranging from ; to 9c, according to grade for California fruit. Oregon prune, are quoted at 9VO 10c for m and 20e. Apricots are very quiet and prices are little better than nom ine 1 In the absence of trxnsnctlwnt. The Financial World 3IW18HK CHICaVOO 38 Uroadw ay 109 Baadelph It. The Leading tnaaaolai Weekly Valuable te tVinkers and Plaaaatsrs ladispansaMe te Invesiers aad laacaMiire The only financial publlealion ot Us kind, leud for free saiu pie op?. Ynu will be.uttace4 ef lie value an 4 send yur sub(lptl)e. THE nlAtlCIAfc VO'JLD . 33 Dreatitay Sftrltrk s