TTIE OMAHA TUILY V.T.T,: TTT.RTUY. NOVEMBER. C. 1f)0(S. V V GOSSIP OF HIE CAMPAIGN litcbcock Gi?i Orde:i to' laerific Whol Ticket for Him if Jecemrj, WANTS TO. 'WIN AT COST OF ML OTHERS mrrl illir Hem ex-rat Caiiaot See I'romlif or irorr I" Re.l trail, Which Shore Tk.n tKMar Ihrnmaittl Hehlnel. Wnlh'r for K.leellna Ua. Probably fair, with no Important change t the temperature. Vlltciicock must be elected If every other .ui onittw Kmtoe.-r.-Utc .yt ket la defeated." This la' the word which antl-Hitchcork rTemo.-rsts declare has lieern pwM around ley th satraps of the elnuble-cnrier dictator. Oet the vote:" la the Dick Crocker edict hat la sent forth. Miey. affirm, ami If it i. necensary to l at Ar. trad every other can didate on the democratic ticket thia edict must be carried out. Th breach la widen ing and Indftiehdent ehinex-rat who 1iav refused 1o rook tho knee to th Hitchcock throne assert that the' rap will develop Into a.aulf, that, will ewillow up the dic , tator a.. he will never again be a candidate for oflftye. ". - a ' Hitchcock la reported a having- "aid that uiilsa nflo. '-skillful trading In done be I ween tat .an Tn?sday iilaht he la a almt;r. Thla sort of thin- la not pleasing to demo, ejrat who think other men on the ticket sir entitled, to coualderatlon as well an Hitchcock: thai tho nth. . .-.ii.i. i-. rv tli support of their party Juet as ; much as the editor-dictator; that other can didates have done as much. If not more, fir the party In season and erut of season' and asked lets than Hitchcock. The dic tatorial nisiiner . In. w hich the editor-autocrat Is ssld to have Issued his orders has created'1 a - greater revulsion of feeling amnna; tientfli-raJa than" anything which this wily porltleisn rms done for many a day. After all the noise which the tom-tom e-hnnis Is making nbot.t democratic proa, peots'ln' JouelAx county, and especially In Omaha, as rivaled hy the registration, consen-atlve democrats are not deceiving IhemselVes. They admit th situation is ( not s ro?ate as a certain candidal newspapec Is pret ending. "While on, t 'nee of 'the ret urns' from registration miRha.,'The d'erpocrata have apparently , smnll TiV ksln, Jt"ls as one democrat not as rotate as a certain candldate'a tha In ntly a of iirr rns4n than Words pointed ottt: 'Wa iro slrnply 'getting; hick on the registration Irts some of our prodigal sons. Home of fhe Krank Moo res deinocrats, who used to V-glst(r republican Ji'ixt to help him tut. We ahntild not deceive oursclvea or try tn ecef've the voters wl';h the iclous atgu nent .that' wlist appears 'to be an Increase n registration Is anything more than this. "At any rate, the registration shows us Hill over 4.000 behind the republicans In UmaJia alone. AVhe're are we golrff to ' hangs 4,000 votes jrrom republican to demo cratic?' Wliatls the issue that will do this? I don'f want my friends to be deceived and Tor that reason ' J. am pointing out thesa facts now. The. republicans are harmonious nd united and a big lead. look aut," Tha atatement in Candidate Hitchcock' circular of personal, biography that ia ex pected to get. all the lawyers to vota for hip reads: "Abandoned the law In 1SSE." Independent of political Influence, guided only by a 'desire td, work for the interest of Orriaha In particular and thos? of .Ne braaka In general, the Omaha Commercial club" appeals to all voters to cat . their ballot at the election Tuesday for Robert OowU for railroad commissioner. The club ha seat Out thla letter to Its members: OMAHA, Nov.. 5. .ISXti.r-Meniberst 4lv Commercial club, recognising the fact that Omaha, Nebraska'a metropolis. . should be represented on the proposed Hoard of Rail way Commissioners, has . endorsed, Robert Cowell, candidate for the office of atate railway commissioner. Thla action has been taken hy the ex ecutive committee and 1 abanlutely inde pendent of political significance, being t in set, of . Omaha business Interests, irrespective of party. . It ia therefore hoped that the business men of Omaha generally will support Mr. . owu, regaroi'sn or party affiliation EXKCUTI riVB COMMITTEE. The mtst intense fight of the campaign appears to be on the ' telephone proposi tion. Both the. Nebraska i-ompany and .the-Independ and are ma! ( I vota. The 1 a franchlsa ' I called in as In the stata the poll Tt printer' Ins features, of tho- Independents are thoroughly organised making a strenuous canvass for Independent who are seeking to do- business In Omaha have as many of their men . from out In the stata a they could get to help at the poll Tuesday. Both sides are using printer' Ink liberally,. One of the queer features. of the fight Is the union printer have com out for Hitchcock and. against the nw franchise, while Hitchcock has fm- 'he nw fran ' '' . t been doing hit the new fran charged by the pany a being fi movement, to, hi utmost In hi paper for nchise and ' haa even been the Nebraska Telephone com- a party' to the Independent vemerit, to, ecu,r a footing In Omaha Monday mornmg Mayor Dahlman ap pointed John ,. Wilson Battln and Edward F. Leary to assist City Clerk Butler Tues day In the work of fa-earing In electors who failed to register but who are entitled to vote. - Mayor thlman'and Chief of Police Don ahue transformed fifty-four civilians Into special policemen Monday morning. The men 'will rve Tuesday at the various election district throughout the city and preserve order while the electors are ex enlsiifg' their eleetKe ftinchlse. He he ' is. s , , Ujneeda i n n XJf N, t horse visits city jail I I ntnnir.l Rrnnrho Joins I he I ronil f lleehlrs Hurt at Vol Ice Ilea el quarter. An unt.inio.l broncho stirred ip thinas In the city lull Sunday evening-, nearly causing severnl eases of heart failure among the assembled officeis ns wll as conxii'.erii'iH merriment. Two hovs found the horse irxir ctt-nih ntnl Webster strcei and Hfter conllembl difficulty xiice-ei iled In leading tho nninvil to the station and tied It In the back yard. Sergeant Whalen appears! on the seen hi tills time and Informed the boy that the proper procedute was to tnke the horse the station and hnve It "booked" by leU Peraennt McCarthy. The boys acted on the. acHice and loil the horse through the halls and ne.trly Into Ithe sacred precincts 'of the b.illwlck of Offi cer McCarthy, where the procession was stopped, nd after an exhibition of great strategy on the pai t-.of "Mb?, Mike," the equine w as ftiducod to return to the ste.blcs, where It was comfortably houed until the arrival of the owner. . . ,. The case against J. favans, who wns arrested Saturelay evening on the clirfjre of fast and reckless dtlvinff. preferred by Offi cer Van Ieupcn, tens dismissed" In police court Monday morning. ' as Judge Craw ford believed the evidence submitted did not sustain the chnrgc. The officer testified that Evans recklesslv drove Into (mother htiggy at Sixteenth and Douglas streets, completely overturning It and throwing a small boy, who wiij seated In the buggy. beneath the vehicle, tendering hlc.i unco-,-clous for a few minutes. Kvans denied the charge, however, amt saw that he drove on after a slight collision, which did not do any damgae. . '. Tim Cornell, a constant offender In po lice circles, was again arrested Sunday night on the charge of drunkenness and sleeping In a hallway and when haled be fore Judge Crawford Monday morning pleaded guilty to the charge. Cdrbett said he was Just going, upstairs to retire, but Was so sleepy he decided not to go to the exertion of ascending the stairs. The case was dismissed on the promise that he would leave Omaha Immediately and he was In such haste to leave the court room that a game of checkers could have been played on his coat tall. t) Weston, a traveling laborer, was fined II and costs In police court Monday morhlng for Imbibing too freely last Sat urday night and breaking the glass door of the store of Samuel Zalkovitrh, 209 North Twelfth street in his mad career. Charged with being drunk and disorderly and Insulting women on the streets last Saturday night, Frank M. Wlnehlp, 3003 Franklin street,' was fined $5 and costs in police court Monday morning. DAY-LIGHT STORE IS OPENED O'Doaahoe, Redmoaa and Norm lie's 1'alatlal Gmperlsm la Formally Dedicated to Pwbllc. Another palatial emporium was thrown open to Omaha shoppera Monday morning with the formal opening of the nw de partment store of O'Donahoe, Redmond & Normlle at Sixteenth and Howard streeta. While It haa been several weeks since thla enterprising firm opened Its doors, tho un- j finished condition of Its handsome new building- ha made a formal opanlng of Its complete stock Impossible until thla week. Three floors and a basement are occupied by a complete stock of high class dry ! goods, clothing for women and children, men' furnishings, general household fur hlshlngs" and toys. - The name. "The Day Light Store," 'I no misnomer, for there la not a' department where the shopper may not hare bright daylight In which to Inspect goods. In point of equipment the store Is un surpassed. A score of wrapping booths makes It possible to return bundles and change in one minute, thus saving the time of the ehopper. On the second floor are private sitting rooms, 'equipped with mirrors and every convenience for altera tion of suits, skirts or the costumes, of which a complete stock Is carried. The elevator and tha stairways are large. The millinery, suit and Juvenile department on the second floor are among the most at tractive. In addition to the equipment to meet the demands of trade, admirable provision has been made for the comfort of employes. On the fourth floor Is a lunch room, where coffee and light refresh ment are served free to the clerks, while toilet roopis, with ITS lockers each, , are provided, on the third floor for the women, anl in the basement for the men help. The show window are among the hand somest In the city and during the opening the first floor I handsomely decorated with rut. flower and green and an or chestra .will play during the day. I BURLINGTON OFFICIALS' TOUR President Harris. Perkins, , Wtllar-e and Holarege on Trip Over Western Division. C. E. Perkins, former president of the Burlington and at present chairman of the board of director of that road; O. B. Har ris, president of the Burlington: Daniel Wlllard. second vice president, and Goneal Manager Holdrege are making a tourj' of Inspection of the lines' west of the M!tourl river.- They left Lincoln for the wesx Sat urday afternoon. 5eX that knows, and knows that knows is wisev follow him. . . . j .Arabin Pr, ' Hc'thit knows Bi and knows that he knows Wsa , t-zs w ir Well fed. Dine with him. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ' ' ' U.I. SURPRISES FOR THE L11TY Gnerl Eiebtie of Fnlpi'.i Fext Suidaj in ETtncelictl Churches, NAME OF PREACHER SECRET IN EACH CASE Congregation Will Sot Knew Vntll Arrltlag Who Will Prearh Pnrpoae to Mela Torrey Oliver Mission. A genera', exchange of ministers In the pulpits of the city next Sunday as a moans of developing interest In the revival mevl lug beginning late this month was ar ranged at the meeting of the Omaha Min isterial association Monday morning. A few of the minister are unwilling to leave their own pulpits, for good reason! and these will not be Included In the plan. Tho schedule will not be made public and people win go to church next Sunday not knowing what preacher they will hear. Kepoits were brought In by the various committees having to do wjth preparation for the revival. Rev. L. O. Balrd of the committee on music reported that 1.W0 singers would be enrolled, each of which would agree to be present on specified nights to the extent of one-third of tho entire time of the revival, making certair. a choir of WO at each meeting. For each church a minimum number of singera ha been named, and it may furnish mora if possible. Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck. chairman ot the committee on publicity, said four means of advertising had been adopted. Banners calling attention to the meeting have been placed on the churches, contracts have been made for thirty bill boards In many parts of the city and on them colored hand painted bills, seventeen by thirty feet wilt be placed this week: a few days before the beginning of the meetings banners will ap pear on the fenders of the street cars and will remain there through the revivals. Mr. Rurdlck said he had been courteously received by the press and It 1 offering It service for publicity. City Divided Into Districts. The visitation committee reported It had divided the city into fifteen districts, had appointed captains and would see to it that every house, store and shop In the city received a personal visit, with an In vitation to attend the meetings. Rev. R. B. A. McBrlde said he wanted a personal workers' committee of 400 and that he had already begun io enroll it. Rev. J. W. Conley reported on arrangements for union prayer meetings next Friday night. Rev. John Randolph Smith addressed the ministers on tho subject of the revival, which needs above all things, he said, the enthusiasm of the preachers. . "Ood Is not a water-soaked log or a piece of punk, but tire," he declared. Two humorous features relieved the serl. ousness of the session. One was a state. mont. by Dr. Burdlck as to the havoc made by small boys Halloween night by tearing down the banners which had been placed on the churches. Rev. L. Oroh caused much laughter when he arose to explain his vote after he had expressed himself against the exchanging of pulpits as far as his Individual case was concerned. "I thought there was to be an exchange last Sunday," he said, "and I announced It the previous Sabbath. I found last Sunday that a great many people stayed away from church, thinking I would not be there." TAX SALE STARTS LIVELY Annnal Anctlnn Begins with Brisk Bidding, Indicating Cleaa Sweep of Lots, City and County Treasurer Fink tegnn thanuuai tax sale Monday morning tinder circumstances that would Indicate an early clearing up of alt tax lots. Tha bidding was more keen than noted for a long time. The salo Includes property on which there are any delinquent taxes. Mr. Fink wll! continue the sale from day to day until all haa been cleared up. In connection wltri the sale Treasurer Fink Is being rushed taking In taxes from many who have been urged to pay up on account of tne sale. . Berrnro of Frequent Colds. A succession of cold or a protracted cold Is almost certain to end in chronio catarrh, from which few persons ever wholly recover. Give every cold the at tentlon it deserve and you may avoid this disagreeable dlaease. How can you cure a cold? Why not try Chamberlain Cough Remedy? It la highly recommended a a cure for cold. Mr. M. While of Butlar icnii., ocmmi years ago I waa bothered with my throat and lung. Some one told me ot Chamberlain' Cough Rem edy. I began, using It and it relieved me at once. I used It tor om time and It cured me. Now my throat and lung arj sound and well. J2-k Weeding Rings. Edholm, Jeweler. Marriage Menses. Tlv following marriage license have been landed: Name and Address. Michael Schuster, Omaha Age .... 31 Catherine Mollner, Omana Jneeph A. Plnnault, Omaha , Nellie Almendinger, Omaha j Jvee Samson, Millard, Neb Dnuun, miiaiu, icu , James K. Smith, Omaha , Ie Turner, Omaha , Walter O. Spain, Omaha Byrd Purdy, Omaha , , John Koss. Omaha Mary Myendowskl, Omaha Ieonard K. Miller, Belllnsham, Waoh Antoinette Keliner, Omaha v va !! 1 jj 1 i I n ! i Fairs Style is ralucless without quality PUm lemembcr that McKlDBIN garments ars alt maeia from pelt per sonally seleeSed hy a member of out firm al the primary fuf markets of th world. Not every dealer stilt the best Get the STANDARD McKibbin furs J If the ejealef wottt show jroej writ to ut and we will direct you to on who will. McKibbiiv, Driscoll 2l Dorsey rVR, MANVTACTVRERS SAINT PAVL DELAY IN THE TRIAL DOCKET Book for November Term of Feelornl Conrt Is Not Tet Made I p. The trial docket for the November term of the Vntted States courts, which will be opened Monday, November 12, has not yet been made up, though It Is practically ready. The delay Is Caused lmtil it Is defi nitely determined whsther two ludges will preside during the term. The principal In terest of the term centers aboi't, the district court. In which the mnd fencing and land conspiracy cases will be tried, Incluellng the Richards Comstock, Chicago Ranch and other like cases, which will be the leading feature. No trials will he had of a cer tain class of lootlegfftng cases from tho Tn dlan reservation until tha Simon Hallowell case, now pending in the United States court of appeals. Is decided. Bootlegging cases or rm the docket and also a number of minor postninco cases. It ia probable the minor cases will be dis posed of flrt In order to give ample time for the trial of the land ensvs. The twenty-8ven Indictments found by he federal grand Jury-at Lincoln in Octo ber will be among the first tried. No grand jury will be empanelled for the November term of the courts. Th-petit jury, which comprises on f the largest panel yet drawn for the trial of federal cases in Omaha, will report Monday, November 19, when tho Jury trials will begin. The first week of the term will b devoted to equity and law cases. ED BIGNEL FOR DEMOCRATS Barllnston Superintendent Make Peraonnl Canvass for Vote for Shallenberarer Ticket. County Commissioner - J. 8. Gillen beck of Mllford called up The Bee by tele phone yesterday to aay that Ed Blg- nell, superintendent of th Burlington, was circulating around-in Seward county Mon day In the Interest of the democratlo ticket. You can say for me," said Mr. Gillen- beck, "that Ed Blgnell approached a man who ia well known to me and asked him to vota tho democratic ticket, and if he couldn't vote it all to begin at the top with the name of Shallenberger and vote down the Hat for as many of the nomi nee a he could. This waa at Glendale this morning. This Is no fairy story and the democrat cannot dispose of It by merely calling It a roorback or canard. It a fact and If the man to whom I refer did not object to having bis name dis closed In this connection with Ed Blgnell I would tell you who hs Is." ROAD FIGHTS LOCAL TAXES t nlon Parlfla Files Salt to Get Ont ot Meeting; City Assess- x meat. The Union Pacific has begun Injunction proceedings in district court to prevent th collection by City Treasurer Fink of taxea on four lots in the Omaha railroad yards and a small strip of land In South Omaha, asserting it ha been assessed twice. Tha petition states the property was lilted by th Stat Board of Equalisation as right-of-way and waa assessed by that body for 1904 and lSuS. The tax commissioners of Omaha and South Omaha also assessed It for local taxation. The railroad assert th assessment by the local officer I illegal and want It set aside. Judge Troup Issued a restraining order and th hearing will be held November 10. Announcements of tbo Theater. Arrangements have been made at th Or pheum to receive report ot the (lection Just a faat as the return come In and they will b read from th stage tonight between th acts of th excellent bill that I on at th popular vaudeville house thla week. Robert Edeaon will be seen afternoon and night at Boyd Wednesday in hi latest success, "Strongheart," a new play of col leg life by William C. De Mill. Mr. Edeson, with a carefully selected com pany and an elaborate scenic equipment. wilt present sirongueari precisely as given at the Hudson and Savoy theaters In New York and in ex her large eastern eltle. Th first of th souvenir matinees will be given Thursday afternoon at the Burwood. Photos of Grant Slnipsem will be given lu all holding lower floor tickets. Next week "By Right of Sword." Ralph Stuart great uccess, will be produced. LOCAL BREVITIES. The hotel clerks noi-Ut1i.n will tutet Monday evening at i',s nmni! in tlie M block n Fourteenth street. ( 'oneiilrrible j; 'i V f biinmes is to be t -t nsAi te.i sn-l ; hr ars -M.iiifl.Ly L PUZZLE FOR THE COMMISSION ElcTtUr AlUwaits it Ftrpleiiir Isttr- tUt Commtre Mil, Eji Qriin. UNDECIDED AS TO RULE FOR COUNTRY Bnrllngton onnael Itetorr from Kaat Impressed rtlth Indications , of a Landslide for Mngtie In rr York. Charles J. Greene, cousel for the Burling ton and C. S. Spen general freight agent have returned from Washington, where Mr. Greene for the Burlington, Mr. Seversnce for the Great Western, John N. Baldwin for the t'nlon PaclAo and Mr. Lathrop tor th Sante Fe have been arguing the caae against the Union Parlfla for granting elevation allowances under the Peavy con tract before the Interstate Commerca com mission. The Union Pacific haa been granted ten day In which to file a brief In the case and ten days after that will be given to the opposition to file a counter brief, after which the commission will con sider the case and a decision may be ex pected In anywhere from thirty to sixty days. It is obvious the e-onienlsslon Is perplexed on t lie general proposition of elevation al lowances," said Mr. Greene Monday. "That hi as to what rule it mill esiabllxh or what regulation It will make on grain allow ances to elevators generally In the countty. can't, of course, predict what It will do lib reference to the case under the Peavey contract, but am satisfied It will give It most thorough consideration and endeavor to make a ruling in accord with th general proposition to the best Inter est of all concerned. One of Moat Altai Isaaes. The commission regards this as one ot the most Important matter ever brought before it, not only because of the practice on the Union Pacific, but on all grain-carry lug railroads. The personnel of the com mission is well made up and It Is a strong body and at present Is overwhelmed with questions brought before It under the new act. The powers of the commission ara more extensive and far-reaching than were ever possessed by any administrative body In this country or elsewhere. Practically the commissioners have now the power to regulate the railroads delegated to them and this power affects not only tho rail roaels, but every other Interest, social. In dustrial and commercial. In the entire country, and It is this circumstance which w-elghs heavily on the conscience of the member of the commission. "After we finished the arguments in Washington I took a run to New York and there tho sensation of the hour was Secre tary Root's speech. In which he arraigned W. R. Hearst. So. far as I could gather from conversation with prominent people the speech Itself Is going to have a decided effect on the result In New York. People are looking for a landslide for Hughe. It seemed to be In the very lr. We heard It around the hotels, at the Board of Trade and all over from democrat and repub licans alike." Cards of Thank. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown us In the death of our beloved husband, son and brother, especially to Rev. Dean Beecher and choir and the Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, the Switchmen's union and Missouri Pacific employes and the many friends and neighbors, and also for the beautiful floral offerings. MRS. JOHN P. MURPHY. MR. AND MRS. T. W. MURPHY. MR. AND MRS. T. A. MURPHY. Wo wish especially to mention the kind ness of Mr. and Mrs. Rye and the other members of their household and express our heartfelt thank for their kind assist ance. MRS. J. P. MURPHY. MR. AND MRS. T. W. MURPHY. MR. AND MRS. T. A. MURPHY. Births aid Deaths. The followir birth and deaths were re ported to thr Board Health during the forty-eight hours t.i.'.'ng Monday noon: Births R. A. Brayton, 40S Bar '.roft boy; Ralph Brooks, 1114 North Twenty-second, boy; George Bosanee, 1213 South Four teenth, girl; J. J. Jensen. Sixty-eighth and Center, boy; William Barton, 2214 North Twenty-eighth avenue, girl; M. Cohen, 311 North Eleventh, girl; Otto Ebert, IT?) South Eighth, boy. Deaths Esther Bogus. 1420 Brown, Id days; Mildred Evans, 1014 South Eleventh, 6 months; J. P. Murphy. 134 North Four teenth, 23; Tom Ruby, Thirteenth and Corby, 14; Harry Spels, Rogers, Neb., 8; Mangum & Co., LETTER SPECIALIST". Cionld Diets ioes Abroad. Gould Dletx will sail from New York about the middle of January for a three months' cruiBM on the Mediterranean. He will meet Mr. and Mra. C. N. Diets on the other side of the water and will also be Joined by a party of young folk from Chicago. Grandfather's Cure for Constipation REAT medicine,- the Sawbuck. Two hours a day sawing wood VV TT will keep ny one's Bowels v Jl l regular. No need of pills. Cathartics, Castor Oil, nor "Physic," if you'll only work th Saw buck regularly. Exercise Is Nature's Curo for Constipa tion and, a Ten-Mile walk will do, If you haven't got a wood-pile. But. If you will take your Exercise in an Easy Chair, there's only one way to do that, because, there's only one kind of Artificial Exercise for tha Bowels and its nam Is '"'C ASCARETS. ' ' Cascarets are the only means to exercise tho Bowel Muscles without work. They don't Purge, Gripe, nor "upset your Stomach," because they don't act like "Physics." They don't flush out your Bowel and Intestines with a costly waste of Digestive Juice, as Salts, Castor Oil. Calomel, Jalap, or Aperient Waters always do. No Cascarets strengthen and stimulate th Bowel Musclea, that line the Food passages and that tighten up when food touches them, thus driving th food to Its finish. A Cascaret acts on your Bowel Muscles ss if you had just sawed a cord of wood, or walked ten miles. Cascarets move the Food Naturally, digesting It without wast cf tomorrow's Castrlc Juice. The thin, f!al. Ten-Cent Boi is mad to fit your Vest pocket, or "My Lady's" Purse. Druggists 10 Cents a Box. Carry It constantly with you and tak a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need one. B very careful to get th genuine made only by th Sterling Remedy Com pany, and never sold tn bulk. Ever Ua- let I'-unpci "CCQ." n Uncommon Clothes for Men Our clot hen fr men are poseeJ vf so muck frace and style atul eleyance so fecie 11 j ' ' di f ferent and better' thtl customers are amazed and delighted that it possible to ware ttuch gar ments read ij for service. The explanation i sim ple other stores buy what the malirs show them. As a consequence theie is a sameness and a lack of individuality about tliese clothes that tend to pre judice fashionable dressers against ordinary "ready-made"1 garments. With us "it's different . Our buyer is a man o f ideas he does nt take what is offered. He is alive to the hourhs orders aur clothes according io his own ideas. Idea's formed by keeping ahead of date, by notic ing the trend of fashion by keeping in touch with the leading style centers. We see t it that nobody (els the models and patterns we have. The result is delusiveness, and if 8 noticeable" that's why our clothts are "different and better"1 that's why we get styles and patterns impossible to duplicate in this city. Office Economy There are many things to be considered in renting an office. The location of the Building, the facilities it has in caring for the tenants and the associations sur rounding and, last, but not feast,' the price you have to pay. The Bee Building Is in the heart of the large growing city of Omaha, has the best of janitor and elevator seivict-, has its own plant for heat and light, all of which is furnished free. You only need to look over our directory to determine for yourself the high class of business and professional men who are off iced here. "We have a few vacant offices at a low rental, which' afford all the comforts of the higher priced ones: KoomNo.520is8Vox22,'a good small office.. 15.00. Room No. 007 is 15x15, faces on court . .15.00 Two Large Offices. x Koom No. 428 is located in the NE. coniei-Aif the building, has 668 square feet floor space and good vault. Was formerly used as court room for Douglas county. Room No.- 548 is paxHitioned in two offices, has good south and east fronts and plenty of light. This is with out question one of the best offices in Omaha for rent today. ' . ' The Bee Building Co. See R. W. Baker, Superintendent. 0TKS for rEW N : i ( -! 7 : r - t The Reliable Specialists Men! Take Heed of Competent Advice We have been tlie nieana of restoring- thousands of affllrteil sufferers te romplele and perfen-t health. Will you (ilai-e ynur e-oiifldeni-e in tlie rare of honest, skillful and sue-e-e-sHf ul specialists? Years of prartlral experlene-e, thousands tf dullarM s,i-nt tn rcs'-m cnea iirnl ik-tf mirier luveMie. lion. .- u,e mented by an immense .ra the, have enabled lis to evolve a spec ial system of treatment that Is a safV and prompt cure for elise-iises and weaknesses of men. The change in thousands of cases is marvelous. Blighted lives, blasted hopes, weakened systems, and nervous wrecks have been safely and firomptly cured by our method. We have evolved a system of trealme-nt that is a powerful and determined niedlcsl e-orrecttve where man's energies have be-coine Weak" ned and debilitated eithe-r through neglect or Improper treatment. We cure safely and thoroughly Nervous Debility. Rectal and Kidney dis ease and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to neglect, iglioranc or Inheritance, or the result of specific or private diseases. fui Consultation ml Elimination-;;- m. 'u UuLrcr'l: STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. WE CURE . MEN FOR ALL DISEASES AM AILMENTS OK MKX Write V and We Will Explain Everything About Your Condition. si Dr. Searles & Searles. 119 S. 14th. A ; ... X i , ,' " T ' -i - YfiA I By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles Kmabllshed in Omaha for 2 1 years. The many thou sands of cases cured by us makes us thn most ex perienced specialists in th West, In all diseases an.t allmruta of men. W know just what will cure you anil cure quic kly. We Cure You, Then You Pay Us Our Fee We inuke no misleading eir false Statements, or uff'r you cheap, worthier, treatment. Our 'reputation ami tiame arti too favorably known, eveiy iund b treat, our reputation is at slake. Ynur health, life and happi ness is too serious a matter to place lu the hands of a "NAM Kl.fcSh" 1HH"I UK. Honest doctors e-f ability use their OWN NAMK IN' 'I 1 1 1. 1 R HI ' s . We tan effect for everyone a life-long e'l'Ri;. examination and oiiKUliatlou. W rite ful s C W fii, nip loin b ank for homo 11 e itmetii. Cor. 14th & Ooug.Sts..Omaht I'