Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Dee
Kntei'ed at Omaha postcfflre as secomi
tiass matter
Dally lie (without Sunday), one year..M
Dally Bee ant! Sunday, one year
Sunday lie-, one year
Halurdav Ree, one year , ''
IirIIv Bee (Including Sunday), per week. .lie
lWlv Bee (without Sunday), per week..l"c
Evening Fee (without Sunday), per K o
Evening Bee (with Sunday). per week..l'K:
Address complaint! of Irregularities In de
Vvery to City Clreul-iting Department.
Omsha The Bee building.
Pouth Omaha-City Hall building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl street.
t'hlcagoltoO Unity building. ,
New York Horn Ufa Ins. building.
Washington m Fourteenth street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should he addressed: Omaha
Be. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Pee Publishing company,
only 2-cent etampa received as payment of
mall accounts. Personal chevks except on
muha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas Countv, es:
Chailes C. Rosewater. general manager of
The Bee Publishing co-npanv, being duly
worn, says that the actual number or full
and complete copies of The Daily. Morning.
Fvenlna- and Rundav Bee printed during the
month of October. ID", was aa follows:
1 30.650
2 30,800
1 30,000
4 30,730
K 30,760
7 30,300
1 30,670
9 30,560
30. .
13. .
15. .
1. .
Si .33,000
17 30,830
It 30.930
19 31,990
JO v. .31.830
21 81,900
22 30,850
21 30.830
24 30,830
25 31,870
2 3M10
27 31,740
2 , . . .30,670
;t 31,800
SO 31,110
SI 31.110
Less unsold copies..... 11,083
Net total sales.
Dally average
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence nnd sworn to
before me thla 1st day of November. 1908.
(Seal.) M. B. HUNG ATE,
Notary Public.
Sattscrlhera leaving; h elty tem
porarily aheald have The Bet,
mailed ta these. Address will be
hanged aa often aa reaaestedi
Vote right.
Stand by Roosevelt, f
One telephone or two which?
Mr. Hitchcock Is mad.
That's very
The man who falls to vote has no
right to complain of the result of the
It Is up to the weather man to say
whether we shall have a full vote or a
light ono.
On railway commissioner, scratch the
treacherous Williams and. vote for
Hoist In his place.
The railroads of Nebraska have
' gone democratic," but It does not fol
low that as they go, so noes the state.
Terminal taxation will bring the
double shift fire department. A repub
lican legislature will bring terminal
The failure of the president to shoot
more than one wild turkey on his trip
to Virginia may make him more keen
to bag a few predatory trusts.
The taxpajMng citizens of Omaha
and South Omaha should realize the
special importance to them of the out
come of the impending election. All
the immensely valuable terminal
property belonjring to the railroads in
these two cities Is escaping taxation
for municipal purposes almost "en
tirely. The Board of Review for 190.1
assessed the terminal properties of
these railroads In Omaha after a care
ful investigation at 126,429,790, and
the railroads contested not the Justice
of the valuation, but the Jurisdiction
of the board.
If the railroads paid city taxes on
their terminals in Omaha at its fair
valuation, they would contribute up
wards 'of $200,000 a year to the sup
port of the municipal government and
make possible not only a reduction of
the tax rate on other property, but
the expansion of municipal activities
in every direction.
The enormity of the railroad tax
shirking will be readily seen from a
few figures. All the railroads enter
ing Omaha, put together, for the com
ing year are assessed to pay in city
and school taxes less than $26,000.
The city and school taxes paid by the
Omaha Street Railway company alone
amount to $64,800.
The Union Pacific railroad on Its
priceless terminals, estimated to be
worth $15,000,000, isvto pay in city
and school taxes for 1906 only
$8,069.42, while the Omaha Gas com
pany Is paying $37,584 as municipal
taxes and nearly $20,000 in franchise
royalties besides.
The Burlington railroad on its beau
tiful granite passenger station, all its
trackage, switching yards and. other
terminal facilities, is assessed to pay
In city and school taxes for 1906
$2,872.39, which Is less than will be
paid on the First National Bank build
ing alone.
The city and school taxes for 1906
In Omaha on the terminals of the Chi
cago &. Northwestern road are
$1,537.38. John A. Crelghton on his
personal property pays nearly twice
aa much.
Four franchtsed corporations,
namely, the water company, the elec
tric lighting company, the street car
company and the gas company, pay in
city and school taxes In Omaha for
1906 a total of $155,076.40, while
the Union Pacific, the Burlington, the
Minneapolis & Omaha, the Wabash,
the Missouri Pacific, the Rock Island,
jthe Illinois Central, the Milwaukee
and the Great Western, on terminal
property, which could not be bought
for $30,000,000, will pay scarcely
$25,000 toward the support of munici
pal government.
, The taxpaylng citizens of Omaha
and South Omaha should ponder on
these figures before they cast their
votes. One hundred and ten out of
one hundred and thirty-three repub
lican legislative nominees- and among
them every one of the republican leg
islative nominees In Douglas county
are pledged in writing to carry out
the platform promise to remedy this
evil and force the railroads to pay city
taxes in somewhere near Just propor
tion. On the other side, the demo
crats are lined up with the railroads
to perpetuate(thls outrage.
It is for the taxpayers of Omaha
and South Omaha themselves to strike
he blow that will free them from this
hand concerning what their apents add
trustees, the Btate authorities, shall
tolerate in these charges within state
It is not surprising that the Ameri
can Bankers' association expedient of
promoting currency legislation through
a board to draft a currency reform
bill for presentation to congress is
meeting with little encouragement.
The expedient was a palpable evasion
on "the part of the association wnich
found Itself utterly at sea as to a basis
for such a measure tfhen discussing it
two weeks ago at St. Louis. Divided
against itself and in the midst of a
babel of voices. It was inevitable that
any 'board to w hom the matter might
be referred in such unbaked shape
should find Itself in difficulties.
The legislative board of twenty-five
members, includes eminent and able
bankers, selected from the commercial
centers of the various sections of the
country, whose individual opinions'
carry weight. But they are widely
separated in opinion, and even if It
were possible for them to agree there
Is no assurance whatever that the
bankers' association could be brought
to like agreement. It is morally cer
tain, on the contrary, that any board
consensus would be only the signal for
even more violent dissensions in its
constituency than were manifested at
St. Louis.
In fact, every Important project that
has been mooted, whether for elasticity,
for asset notes, for expar.sSon tjf na
tional bank note volume, branch bank
ing, etc., has so far been more violently
opposed in banking circles than sup
ported by their advocates. It has been
promptly made apparent that the
scheme of a great central bank of issue
upon the model of the German bank
would be uncompromisingly resisted
by the overwhelming mass of smaller
bankers throughout the country, who
tolerate no notion of control of note
allotment and the decision as to ne
cessity and volume of issue, as well as
of the credit of applicant banks, in
any Wall street hands.
The truth in short, unfortunately is,
that the bankers as a body, although
complaining of currency evils, are in
no position to Influence effectively
either legislation or public opinion for
their remedy at this time. Entire
unanimity Is of course not to be ex
pected of them, but until they can at
least agree substantially on some one
proposition, the country at large,
which has the real decision, is likely
to refuse critical attention. Aaid in
such a situation little if any important
currency legislation, however serious
the shortcomings of the present sys
tem, is in prospect for the near future.
The success of either party will leave
Omaha without a senator and makes
It more important thn ever from a
purely business standpoint that the
Omaha district be represented in the
house by a congressman in harmony
with the president and his administration.
Chairman Allen of the democratic
state committee Is a great political
prophet. Two years ago lie predicted
the election of Parker and Parker was
the worst beaten candidate for presi
dent who ever ran. One year ago he
predicted the defeat of Judge Letton
and the election of Judge Hastings
and Letton got a majority of approxi
mately 30,000. . This year Allen Is
again predicting a democratic land
slide, but he 'cannot convince even
hfruself. . -
Three candidates on the local ticket
have what mignt be called "a dead im
mortal cinch." ' A-maq who has no
one running against him Is sure to be
elected and this is the condition of
County Superintendent Yoder and M.
T. Barlow and1 D.' J. O'Brien, as can
didates for the Water board.
When G. M. Hitchcock was a mem
ber of congress he declared that he
could do nothing for his constituents
except to distribute seeds to them. The
people of this district want something
better than a seed distributer to rep
resent them at Washington.
If you want 'to make the railroads
pay their city taxes like other people
rote to send a republican delegation
to Lincoln. If you want to continue to
pay city taxes for yourself and for
the railroads, too, vote the democratic
ticket. .
Visible and Impressive.
Chicago News. -
One of the bcautlna of sending Secretary
Taft on a campaign Is that no one Is
obliged to put on glasses to. see him.
Current Ktpnti C.leaaed from the
Army and Navy Register.
Naval recruiting methods have been Im
proved recently by the adoption of a sys
tem of maintaining sub-stations, adjacent
to the permanent naval recruiting stations,
such as those at I'lttsburg, Cleveland and
Ontaha. The officers engaged on the work
of 4nbt. lining recruits make periodical visits
from the permanent station to the sub
stations, being preceded by their assistants,
who look over the field and advertise for
candidates. This sort of work is serving
to reduce the amount of labor devolving
upon the traveling recruiting parties, of
which there are nnw but two In the field.
Between the two systems, the country Is
being very thoroughly covered, with re
sults satisfactory enough considering the
way lu which congress In a misguided mo
ment hampered recruiting by legislative re
strictions at the last session.
Quartermaster General Humphrey, Brig
alder General Barry, acting chief of staff,
and Captain Grote Ilutcheson of the gen
eral ataff has left Washington to Join the
secretary of war. They will meet him at
Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., on November 5,
and will visit Fort Robinson, Fort Leaven
worth, Fort Riley. Fort gam Houston and
Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.. returning to Wash
ington In about three weeks. It was
planned that during this trip of the secre
tary of war he should be accompanied by
General Bell, chelf of Starr, and the ab
sence of that officer In Tuba has necessit
ated a rhsnge In the plsns, and General
Barry takes his place on the Inspection
trip, the object of which Is to determine
the needs at the various posts to be visited
with a view of guiding the head of the
War department In hts recommendations
to congress. During the absence of Gen
eral Barry. General Murray, the chief of
artillery, will act as chief of staff.
The oiisrtermaster general of the army
his sent out Instructions this week for the
Invitation of hlds with a vlo-w to making
contracts for a big cavalrv drill hall nt
Fort Tnvenworth, and another structure
or the same sort nt Fort Riley. These will
be built In accordance with the type plans
adopted for such bulldlnirs. Authority hm
also been given this week for the construc
tion nt Boise Barracks, Idaho, of some nw
buildings. Including officers' quarters, bar
racks and a guard house.
Fortunately for their future course
our Filipino wards are so far away as
to be unable to study political methods
in' New York, Utah and Colorado.
Jasper county, Iowa, through its po
litical evolutions) la receiving more at
tention than has been its fortune since
the famous calf case was thrown out
of court.
Reports from the Southwest indicate
that neither bride riof groom la will
ing in that union which Uncle Sam 1
ready to perform between New Mexico
and Arlseona. "
American residents of the Isle- of
Pines seem to feel that intervention
which does not extend to that island
was bardly worth the cost of their re
cent agitation..
As there is no law to prevent Japan
making maps of the Philippines, the
mikado may be able to give the United
States a correct diagram of the hiding
places of the ladrones.
k The decision of the Cuban moderate
party to disband proves that modera
tion la name as well as in fact is no
longer attractive to the islanders. But
Will conservatism be any more sue
eessful ?
The republican legislative ticket in
liougias county contains eigbt re-
nominations. .An .experienced member
may be counted on to accomplish a
great ".'deal more than entirely raw
timber. . .
TJie effort . of Germany to secure
French, military Information may cause
General Picquart to look with greater
favor on the secret service branch, but
he will probably revise it before glv
lug It his full confidence.
Now that Hall Caine has begun to
tell tales out of school as to profits of
book publishers he need not be sur
prised to hear that "the taste of the
public is ('hanging ' when his next
story Is ready for the printer.
So Xear and Vet So far. '
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Those last 300 miles seem merely a trifle
to anybody who has rot traveled near the
pole. '
Expert Testimony Available.
Washington Post.
It might be cheaper If Dr. Wiley would
abandon his class for ' experiments wjth
alconollc drinks and Just take the expert
testimony of men who' have been conduct
ing that kind of experiments for years.
An Approarhlnsr Introdnctlon.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Western passenger agents are said to
have made up their mlnda that the demand
for a 2-cent-a-mlle rate "will sooner or later
have to be recognised. ' There Is no likeli
hood, however, that they will consent to
recognize It without a formal Introduction.
Jhe question of local freight rates
has become vital in Missouri as in bo
many other western states, and the
contest fn the legislative districts has
this year tended more all the time to
turn on this issue. The facts, packed in
the speeches of Attorney General Had-
ley, who has come so rapidly Into prom
inence as a real rather than a hot air
reformer, comparing railroad charges
in Missouri with those of the younger
and less populous state of Iowa on
the one hand and with those of the
older and more populous state of 1111
nols on the other hand, show abundant
cause for Missouri shippers to assert
themselves, and may be pondered with
profit in Nebraska as well.
The attorney general demonstrates
by an exhibit of actual tariffs and
freight bills that, whereas the haul of
a thirty-ton carload of wheat costs $60
for 100 miles in Missouri, the cost for
the same haul In Iowa Is only $48.60
and in Illinois its; that naming a
thirty-ton car of oats costs $51 in
Missouri, but in Iowa only $40.60 and
In Illinois $43.80; that a fifteen-ton
car of flour in Missouri costs $30, but
in Iowa and Illinois only $24; that a
20,000-pound car of agricultural im
plements or wagons costs in Missouri
$34, but in Iowa only $24 and In Illi
nois $23.40 In short, by these and a
multitude of like citations, that Iden
tically the same service costs from 15
to 35 per cent more in Missouri than
in the adjacent states to the north and
east. Likewise t costs from 20 to 33
per cent more in Missouri to send the
same car load of cattle or hogs to the
St. Joseph or Kansas City market than
it costs In Illinois for the same distance
to the Chicago market.
All three of these states have rate
laws under which a state railway com
mission fixes a maximum schedule of
rates for hauls between all points
within the state. The glaring in
equality of charges for equal service
only throws Into startling relief the
notorious fact that the roads invariably
extort lu local carriage all the traffic
w ill bear or "all the state authorities
will let them charge. The most en
couragiag circumstance of the whole
situation, however, is that In Missouri,
as in Nebraska, which has suffered
The order issued by Postmaster Gen
eral Cortelyou giving effect to the
agreement of the universal postal con
gress at its 'session last 'summer will
greatly enlarge the use of picture post
cards. Under the restrictions that
have heretofore obtained the post
cards have proved immensely popular,
but the permission now granted to
write a message on the left half of the
address side without marring the pic
ture side will certainly add to their
popularity, whether considered from
the standpoint of the collector or from
that of the general public. The resolu
tion of the universal postal congress
admits such cards to the International
mails, and Postmaster General Cortel
youls order admits them also to the
Aside from the pleasure and utility
of the cards they are one of the most
fertile revenue producers in the whole
mail classification, the cost. of service
being only a very small fraction of
the postage. They amount to a form
of tax which is willingly and even
gleefully paid, and with a stimulated
use will be a welcome addition to our
postal receipts. '
Candidate Hitchcock's paper makes
a bid for the Jewish vote by a fulsome
eulogy of Oscar S. Straus, who has
been called to serve as the secretary
of the Department of Labor, and will
be the first Jew to occupy a position
in the cabinet. Before Mr. Hitchcock
bethought himself that there were
Jewish votes to fish for he ridiculed
"the changes in Roosevelt's kaleido
scopic cabinet," and declared that
"some clever magician ought to take
that cabinet on the vaudeville stage."
This is on a par with Candidate Hitch
cock's plea for support from the Cath
olics, whom he deserted when they
needed help and turned his paper over
to the A. P. A's. He gave another ex
ample of his political agility when he
Bold editorial space to Tom Majors
against the regular democratic nomi
nee, whom he was pretending to sup
port. Candidate Hitchcock is versa
tile, to say the least.
(iood Thlnsr for. All People.
Wall Street Journal.
Justice Brewer says that' the most Impor
tant element in the Ideal lawyer Is charac
ter. It la also the most essential element
In the Ideal Journalist, the Ideal teacher, the
Ideal merchant and 'M he Ideal financier.
Character Js the moul Important thing In
the world. - .! f, .
Age Works that War.
Chicago Chronicle.
Without depreciating the acumen
perspicacity of that Boston reporter who
has discovered that Mrs. Eddy la "very old
ana reeble." we can truthfully say that
we have for some tlrte entertained a sus
picion to the same effect. Bo far as our
experience goes we have yet to see a
woman of 80 kicking up her heels and per
forming like a sweet girl graduate. We do
not believe that even Christian Science
ought to be expected' lo produce such a
result. It Is too much to ask.
The records of the quartermaster fc-en-ernl's
office show that there were Issued
during the last fiscal year m.rfl pairs of
shoes, an Incident which Is sufficient Justifi
cation for reviving he story about the
"absurdity" of buying 2),00l pairs of shoes
for soldiers In one That fact was
disclosed In some of the numerous Investi
gations to which the quartermaster's de
partment has been subjected In the last
yesr or two and th newspapers which
commented on the fact tried to make It ap
pear that If wss a treat waste of the publ'j
funds to buy so many shoes. The allow
ance of that article of apparel Is enough to
reoulre the actual Issue of at least 2:0,000
pairs hf shoes per year to the members of
an army of 50,0rs men If they draw their
proner allowance In that direction. The re
ports of the Issues really made In the twelve
months ending June 30 show that consid
erably more th.m that number of sllo?s
were Issued.
The quartennaater general's oflce ta In
receipt of numerous reports from army offi
cers giving useful Information respecting
the cost of rented quarter at many places
where officers are. on-duty nnd rnust pro
vide for themselves out of the present legal
allowance. Recommendations will be re
newed this year by the quartermaster gen
eral for an increase In this nllow.inca, and
General Humphrey will probably follow the
lines of his report of last year on this same
subject. He will also urge the Increased
allowance In his personal testimony, which
he will give before the house nnd Senate
and j military committees. It Is shown In the
reports received that officers are (.bilged
to pay from two to four times the allow
ance for places to live where they are on
duty. This information will furnish Gen
eral Humphrey with the necessary a'.atlstlcs
In order to make what ought to be a con
vincing demonstration before the military
QORDON Fur-Lined Coats differ from all others
in at least one essential feature the quality
of the tailoring of which Gordon fur-lined coats
have the benefit.
The most delicate and expert tailoring marks
these coats with perfect proportions and vigor
ous style.
The fur linings and trimmings
are GORDON quality nothing
stronger could be said.
Gordon FurLincd Coats
Ready to wear, or mad to order from
skins of your own choosing.
A desirable coat is one of fine Kersey
cloth, lined with brown rauskrat, with fine
dark unplucked otter collar. The price ef
this coat is $100 other styles at from $35 "
to $300.
P! '"'
if '
Aek your dtxUr fw
Philosophy of Flahlnar.
Grover Cleveland's Book. "Fishing and
The unstrenuous. philosophical fishing
fraternity doea more for humanity than
the strenuous people.
Fishing stories are always to be be
lieved. It Is better to go home with nothing
killed than to feel the weight of a mean,
unsportsmanlike act.
There can be no doubt that the promise
of industrial business, of contented labor
and uf healthful moderation In the pursuit
of wealth In this democratic country of
ours would be Infinitely Improve If a
larger ehare of the time which has been
devoted to the concoction of trusts and
business combinations had been spent In
The biggest fish are always lost.
Fishermen necessarily see and do won
derful things. If thoae not members of
the fraternity are unable to asalmllate the
recital of these wondera, It la because their
believing apparatus has not been properly
regulated Htid stimulated.
No man can be a completely good fisher
man unless he Is generous, sympathetic and
Coadltloaa Maae Possible by Trolley
t ar ana Aatomoblle.
Kansas City Journal.
One phase of our .modern life has de
veloped allently yet remarkably within
the last few decades and Is now exerting
an Important Influence upon the American
people. This Is the constantly Increasing
habit of the city dwellers to seek tha
country at every opportunity. There was
once a tlma when only the very rich
could afford country homes, for It was
frequently impossible for a man doing
business In a large city to make dally trips
to his office without the loss of much'
valuable time. The trolley and tha au
tomobile have changed the conditions of
the city family, for with these swift means
of locomotion country homes may ba
reached within comparatively short time.
If It were not for the disposition' of tha
urlaBn people to leave the noise, the amoks
and the confusion of our modern cities
we should soon become a nation of neu
rotic. The business pace has been getting
so fast that the human constitution sim
ply cannot atand up under It. The little
rest and fresh air that a business man
can secure at his country home In the
evenings fortifies him'- against nervous
breakdown. For his family the change
la even mora beneficial, especially If ha
have growing children who absorb from
the woods and fields, from -tha soothing
atmosphere of the country home, health
and strength and energy.
PerTiaps the problem of our cltiea has
not been solved In this flight to the coun
try, but thera Is no question that the trol
ley, the automobile and other forma of
rapid transportation will eliminate much
of the ttnhealthful congestion that has
cost so many lives In the past. The fam
ily of modest means that Uvea In a cot
tage within convenient reach of the city
will be able to add materially to the
breadwinner's income by maintaining a
garden and other light agricultural fea
tures. In this manner enough extra money
can bs earned to. more than pay the fam
ily car fare. From every standpoint tha
country home appeals to the poor man
as well aa to the rich one, a condition that
did not exist many years ago.
of his view of hts own work, and of tha
view of It taken by the bishops refarrea, t
become apparent when any clear-yad ex
amination of the poem is made.
According to the accepted story of Ita
origin, Newman wrote tha poem awny from
horns and at sea, when he might well have
been either home sick or e elck, or both,
and at a time when lis felt himself some
what adrift. The poem . obvtwusly reflects
a combination of Inner mood and outer lm
Equally plain should be tha fact that tha
poem contains no thought or teaching dis
tinctly Christian. Tha Idea of personal tro
mortality and reunion with lost lored one
In Its last lines Is merely the general hum
yearning and vague hops rather than tha
Christian's assured faith.
There is In the poem none of that manly
fortitude and victorious faith which ring
through such hymns as "Oh for a Thou
sand Tongues," "Joy to rh World," "All.
Hall the Power of Jesus' Name," "Tha Voft
of God Goes Forth to War," "Onward.
Christian Soldiers," "When I Survey tha
Wondrous Cross," "Head of tha Churob
Triumphant" or "Rock of Ages." ..,',
The modern popularity of Newman's poem
and what causes It to ba regsrded as s
"hymn" In tha religious sense Is doubtleaa
tha tendency of the time toward an Intro
spection which Is apt to ba rather jnorbid
and to tha mood which mistakes an acuta
self-consciouaness and an easily Impressed
sensibility for a sign of mental and spiritual
The accidental wounding of Hus
hlan officers by soldiers at practice is
probably more effective than bombs
but, after all. residents of other coun
tries could have more sympathy wlthiuudcr similar handicap, a third patty.
Husslan "revolutionists" If they were j uatitel; the peopl?k with power and c!ls
iauc atvvs board lu their operations. pusKlou lu act aud compel, is UkJu a
The Chicago & Northwestern rail
road has JukI bought four city blocks
for more than $360,000. which will
l-e completely eliminated from the list
of taxable property in Omaha unless
the law Is changed so as to give Omaha
the right to assess and tax railway
terminals the same as other property.
The site for the freight depot bought
by the . Northwestern railroad paid
more than $2,000 in city, taxes last
year, aud if the railroads are allowed
to have their way this burden will be
transferred to the owners of other city
property, who have no way of escap
ing their taxes.
Rise of Hoahea Majority the Mala
Qneatlnn In Mew York.
New York Sun.
It would be a reflection upon the Intel
ligence of the people of New York to
have any misgivings about the verdict
election day. The campaign la one of com- (
mon sense as opposed to humbug; of
reasoning answered by wanton abuse; of
honesty and singleness of purpose con
fronting Insincerity and deception; of fair
play and a pledge of the aqua re deal con
trasted with foul play and heartless dem
agogy. In the last analysis it la a question
of whether a man or a mountebank ahall
be governor of the state of New York with
Its S, 000,000 of people and Its Immense in
dustrial and commercial Interests. The
whole country Is waiting for the verdict,
and . the effect of it, good or bad, will
reach into every corner of the union and
be felt acrosa the aeas. Rejection of
Charles B. Hughes by tha voters of New
York In the present remarkable emer
gency la unthinkable. It is only a question
of the majority they wlu give him. It
should be so large aa to overwhelm, once
and for all time, the yellow peril.
The republicans of Nebraska have
nominated Attorney General Nonis
Brown of Kearney as their candidate
for senator, and the democrats have
nominated V. II. Thompson of Grand
Island as their candidate fur senator.
Time Needed to Develop Beaeflta
lleoatnrimrd Alcohol Law.
New York Sun.
AVhen the denatured alcohol bill waa be
fore the country lant winter lis advocates
asserted that with the advent of free alco
hol the Industries of the country would
atrlko a new and more rapid gilt, a briphter
day dawn for the farmer ami the "atrmngie
hold" of the Standard Otl company be
loosened. It was said that alcohol could
and would be limde from almost every prod
uct or the farm, with the possible exccpiion
of ragweed and. fence rails.
According to the ofllolsl statement of Vr.
Harvey W. Wiley, chief of tha burvau of
chemistry, disappointment la In ttoro for
many, and In particular for the farmers,
lie says that the benefits of tho new In
dustry will con..) "not suddenly, but hlowly,
as agricultural products become more
abundant, technical methods of manufac
ture are Improved and the methods of util
Islni; the ItuMstrlnl alcohol m bei'.cr un
derstood," This iloubileaa ;reaents th t cus
us it really stands. Only the first step hue
been t.tken. ''hernial and Invent' ;no
huy devising methods of economical j ro
ductioii and ineiiiaulial u ppliaitcca for tha
effective use of the material. i
Germany has had tax-free alcohol fur a
number of vaafs, yet Its consumption t f
partly and fully denatureJ spirits for the
year J9u was only about ?,uon.uO gailuns.
Prance, with a similar Hyelem, pars to jr.o
ducers a bounty of about G cents per gal
lon, while French corsi.'iipt'on amoU'ila t,j
only some T.UUo.util to 8,t'lJU ai'lo:i u year.
KnKl.uid, In otder to atlm.ihtta tlie use of
the material, ij a re.iuced le nite-.-nry
percentage of denat :i.-:int from 1) r cent
to & M-r cent.
Nevertheless, the :ilciiol bill
opens the dour to vast t.pportunities md in
due time lull advanlav ul ttiom Mill la
L A. Barnea of B3 Paso, secretary to Gen
eral Wood during tie Anurloan occupation
of Cuba, has been, appointed aecretary to
Governor Magoon.
In relation to tha strike of chauffeurs in
New York It is satisfactory to know that
several of them are getting the clubbings
they often missed when they needed them.
Hammurabi, king of Shlnar and sixth
king of Babylon, Is said to have been the
first to uncover a grarter. lr he wrote a
magazine about It. however, the files have
been destroyed.
In Cleveland a woman obtained an Injunc
tion against her dying husband not to pie
vent his death, but to compel hlin to make
his life Insurance payable to her. He beat
the case by dying before the papers were
Mayor Htrrlck of Pone City, Okl., la
bound to have order In his bailiwick. A
street carnival Is about to be held there
and his honor has announced that he will
"cut the ears off the first boy or girl, big
or little, he finds throwing comment, shelled
corn, rice, flour, beans, etc.," In the streets.
Henry Mltuheil of Boston has been for
forty years maker of the diet for tha
stamped envelopes Issued by the govern
ment, with a brief Intermission. At uue
time a change of administration resulted
In his being relieved. But he was not out
long only a few monthe-or U was soon
discovered that nobody but Mitchell could
properly make the die needed by the gov
ernment. William Moore, a veteran of the civil
war, Indian campaigner and builder of the
lirst huusa la Onuiha, la atlll a buay man
at 78. selling books from door to door In
I -os Angeles. Mr. Moore has had a wide
and varied experience In war and peace.
Wealth and poverty often changed place
In his lot, but the rooted cheerfulneaa
which Omaha Infuses Into Us children
sticks tit him la distant lands and enaulsa
htm to sin lie aad look pleasant amid tha
dlawucagweieat al louaJit aad. climate.
gome Henectlons oa the Rellglnas
Character of tha Poem.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Several American bishops of the Roman
Catholic church have taken the position
that Cardinal Newman's well known poem,
"Lead, Kindly Ilght," Is not really a hymn
and therefore Is out of place as a part ot
divine service. One bishop has even char
acterised ihe verses as merely a senti
mental song wholly devoid of Christian
This attitude of these prelates toward a
great literal j' production of their own
church appears to have been thought singu
lar In some quurters. Comments to this
effect would seem to have moved a corre
spondent ot the New York Sun to oaJl at
tention to the fact that Cardinal Newman
himself took exactly the same view of hts
own work. ' ' . : .
The evidence of thla Is found In the cardi
nal's rather well known letter of January
IS. 1879, to a Mr. Greenhlll, who had asked
an explanation to the last two lines of
the poem:
And with the morn those angel faces smile
Which 1 have loved long since, and I oat a
In reply Cardinal Newman cited the re
ported answer of Keble, that "poets wer
not bound to give a sense to what they ha
written," and, while disclaiming for hlmsel
the title of "poet," pleaded that ha wai
"not bound to remember" his "own mean
Ing, whatever It was. at the end of almo
forty years." He then added:
Anyhow, there must be a statute of ltmi
tatlons for writers of verse, or It would be
quite a tyranny If, In an art which la the
expression not of truth but of lmuftnKtlot
and sentiment, one w era obliged , to be ready
for examination on the transient state of
mind which came upon one when home sick
or st-a sik, or In any other way sensitive
or excited.
Opinions may well differ as to the ac
curacy of Cardinal Newman's definition of
the nature ot poetry. Yet the correctness
.' '..
"Miss yuear is exactly Ilka her father.
Isn't she?"
"No; not exactly. Phe's a crank by la
heritance and he's a crank from choioa,"
Chicago Tribune.
Edith You would hardly know Robert
since he got back from- Kurope. He lost
all hla money there and
Ethel Hardly know him why. I shan't
now mm ai am rw lor, jrreas. ..
' "That man I on of my friendi.Vrs-"'
marked the novice In public life.
"Which klndf" responded Senator (Sor
ghum. "Friends, you know', are divided
Into two great cl Asses; those-whom you
need and those who need you." Washing-
ion Dtar.
BUklns Why In the world do you spend
so much time reading bear stories?
Wllklns I'm courting tha mother of a
4-year-old. Detroit Free.
4-year-old. Detroit Free Press. 1
"Ma," asked the little rabbit. "la it trua
that pa was shot by an amateur gunner?"
' "Not at all!" snorted tha mother-rabbit
scornfully, "tha gunner waa shooting at
something else while your poor faUter
sat behind him and laughed. Unfortunately
tha gun kicked and the man sat down oa
your father and killed him." Philadelphia
Preas. . ... ,
"I suppose there Is such a person as tha
foolklller," mused Uncle Allen Sparks, "but
he hsh either retired from business or he's
hopelessly behind on his orders." Chlcag
Tribune. .
Mr. Footenit I waa under the lmpressioa
I had met you before Miss Jlggs."
Miss Jlggs No: you may have met my
sister, but not me. '
Mr. Footenit I gueas that's it; ths Mtsa
Jlggs I met was pretty. Philadelphia Cath
olic Standard.
Miss paynti I Just -can't bear to walk
out In the wind. It , roughena my com
plexion so. ....
Misa Knox-Maybe your complexion's too
thick; If you put it on thinner It might
not do that. Cleveland Leadet. ,
Edward W. Barnard In Putnam's.
Upon this hither side of Paradlae
There are three dear, unpurchasabls
From whose possession every gladnaaa
Which lost, tha Indies' wealth will not
Vml one of these Is youth, whose fair da
vice .
1,1-1.1 k A H4!..t An filllrlf tnil
wlnga: ,
Then health, tha flrat desire of serfs aad
We Joyed to sea you wear these pearls
sans prtca.
And now the third is sddsd unta. you!
Uve. all your ways with brighUssa t
endue; " . v
A good man s lova 'gainat all Ills t pe
vail. .
Guard well this gift in your moat rverent
For when the other twain shall fads aad
fait . : t
Twill still make happlnesa your : happy
1 1
Whole wheat Vs of greater food value thaa any ether
cereal. It contains all ef the (onx.eeo elemeats nec
essary for the sustenance ef the human body. The
most important of these (the itrorenous principles
aad salts) lie near the sartace of the f rain and arc
only partly tit wed. In the manufacture of the present-
day wheat flour.
do L bail
presents Whole Wheat in a moat acceptable form. It
it flavored with celery after beio evoked, flaked and
lowly baked far a snflVcient tinse to rattler Ue
starches easy of digestion.
PalatasVte-MtrltUinKaey ef Btgoeuee; aad reedy te I a!
(u k lenes Mt. rat I est arcs fas t aetata; er essg ass
au a pick: v:::zr