Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Ee'-jblictn Clab Msrabrri Hats a Littls
Chat at Headquarters.
On Saloon Keeper Arreated Charged
nllli Keeplna- III Flare Opea
Jonrlny anil Dispensing
Drink to Customer.
A numner or tne repunnran nun mrin-
iTipu met nt tn neanqunriers msr. Miunmy
'evening for ft fmnkc nnd a casual discus
sion of the political xttuiitinn. Tlie presi
dent of tho club. I,ew Ktter, and several
good worker were among the nuinber, end
with them wna one of the loenl ctuidhl.-ileg.
The president expressed regret that tliera
was auch apparent Indifference In both the j
political psrtles. "I like & good, hot srrnp
like we used to have ten year ago, when
everybody pot excited and talk on the
'cornets and If two men should get In un
argument the street unit the Kkhwnlk
would be Jammed with lls:ii"ts. Nobody
wan! to henr that kind of arguments now.
There are sum" funny thine I've not Iced
that you tjever saw In any campaign be
foie, and snimt of them mean a lot. It Is
trnnK that the democrats, who have nl
ways boasted of the poverty of their cam
paign funds, ehotild now be fltiah with
money. It Is a feet. You fellow all know
that wo haven't had a cent from the len
tral committee to be n-ed oven for hiring
rigs or any of tho legitimate activities of
election time. We've taken tip a collection
of about $K) and. I've put In about t,T0 out
of my own pockets. The Individual candi
dates have Mnt us a. few candidate's pic
tures or we'd be mighty near out in the
streets with not a thing to show.
"Several fellows have come to me and
fked If I wanted to hire any men to give
up their time and work at the polls. I
told them I might want to do It all right,
but I hadn't a cent to hire thuin. The can
didates will have to dig up If many car
riages are lined on election day.
"I predict that the big contribution with
in tho next five years will all go to the
democrats. The time lias come already.
Few people reaJIze how stern a front the
retinbllcntl nurlv hai (nlinn nirlnat i ;-t'
porate nggreseion. Well, we may not get
any corporation money, and I'm glad If we
don't; but we'll give 'em the biggest scare
before we are done that they ever had."
Regarding tho lead of, the democrats In
the South Omaha registrations the chair
man said ho was not much surprised con
sidering the local conditions. "The bun
combo promise of the democratic leaders
has been having its effct Such a speech
ns the local candidate for representative
made before the Bryan rally at the An
cient Order of United Workmen temple
I don't bellevo tho fusion organ would dare
to quote verbatim even In the South Omaha
The chairman announced a meeting of
tho club members at the headquarters this
evening. All the member are wanted.
There Is no notion of quitting until the
polls are closed Tuesday,
One Saloon Man Arrested.
The police arrested Frank Kosiskl yester
day afternoon for selling i'rjucr on Sunday.
Ills place was, found open and a good
business wss apparently Interrupted by the
otllcer. The arrest waa made about 6
p. m. The location of the saloon in ques
tion Is at Twenty-sixth and N streets,
lie was taken to the Jail and gave bonds
for his nppearance. The police captured
a quantity of the beverage which was
found on draught. Samples of the same
were placed In bottles and labeled for fu-
ture reference.
IMaKlc City Gossip.
CI. Jl. Oafford, livery. Tel. 106.
The council meets tonight In regular ses
C. n. Gafford, moving and transfer.
'J el. J".
V. W. Fisher has gone on a business trip
Free life-sited portrait with one dnsen
photos mi i nrlstmas. i'elerson s Studio.
Mrs J. I Duff has returned from
month's visit in Iowa.
Chattel ami salary loan 243i N Bt. All
bi.'m.i roiilutf ntml. Quick service.
Onirics Coleman was arrested last night
on mo cnarge vi larceny as bailee.
Duncan castle of the Itoyal Highlanders
will meet in regular session this evening
10 uibcums piana ior a oau .Novciuoer a.
Dr. R. I. Wheeler went to' Benson last
muni to noin insian a new pastor.
Miss Matilda Waggensen, ift.'! A street,
U reported severely ill of tonsilitls.
Jotter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all
parts of tho city. Telephone No. 8.
The German Cecillan club will meet next
Wednesday iiltcinoon at the home of Mrs.
T. U. laur.
Mrs. F. Reynolds. Sixteenth and M
Directs, is slowly recovering from a surgi
cal operation.
Charles 10. Wilcox leave this week for
South Dakota, where he will take up a
holm-Hied d clulm.
Tho Women's Christian Temperance union
will meet Tuovday afternoon at the home
of Mis. W. S. Abel, k"7 North Twenty-tlfth
hi reel.
V p
"Old Innoeenre'
Mr. Tim Murphy
In "Old
acts, by
All Dealers
Bryan League Bolt Hearst.
OMAHA. Nov. 4-To the Editor of The
Bee: It is as I feared and Intimated in
The Bee a few days ago It would be. Mr.
Brvan writes a strona anneal in a loiter
to Mr. Bird C. Coler of New York to any j
friends he may have in that state to sup
port thnt unspeakable scullion. William It.
Hearst, for governor against Hughes, and
the Urynn league Immediately bolts Hearst.
Tho president of the league is Albert S.
Drliin, "a close friend of Mr. Bryan," and
campaigned with him In JM." President
Drilin was asked what Mr. Bryan' would
do about the league's action. This was his
answer: v
'He won't repudiate It, you can be sure
of that; Mr. Brvan declared for Hearst
because he could not afford to be put down
as irregular. "
'It will be recalled," says the truthful
Mr. Drilin, "that Mr. Bryan stumped New
Tork and the rest of the country for Judge
Parker In That did not keep l,40O,nn0
democrats from voting for Roosevelt. "
I know Mr. Bryan as well as any one (cer
tainly you do, my boy!) and I am prepared
to soy he realizes that in this man Hearst
lies tho greatest menace to a united demo
cratic party In 1908." (Strike out the words
a united democratic party" and Insert the
name of William Jennings Bryan, and the
meaning of the attack on the New York
embodiment of what Bourke Cockran calls
rottenness and riot" In hi speech at Buf
falo will be made clear.)
Bully for Drilin!
Specifications of Mr. Bryan power to do
things which he Bays he does not want
done may be reduced to two, as follows:
First, according to ITesldent Drilin of
the New Yck Bryan league, by stumping
the country In 1904 for Judge Parker, he
Influenced 1.4AO.0O0 democrat to vote for
Theodore Roosevelt.
Secondly, Mr. Bryan writes a leMer to
Bird C. Coler of New York containing an
appeal to any friends he may have In that
state to vote for that unspeakable scullion,
William K. Hearst, and the Bryan league
immediately declares that It will support
I am now convinced that if Mr. Bryan
had made a few speeches more than he did
In this tato for Parker In 1HM, the vote
for Roosevelt would hive' been-unanimous.
at the Ilovrl
and company.
Innocence." H convdy In three
, Richard Klngsley. The east:
j Mi. Jason Green Tim Murphy
' Flint Green, bis brother James Cooper
I lien, his nephew bum Arthur
Con, his fhoeniakcr James J. Dudley
James, his daughter nhenuiker
George R. Hudson
J.e. his butler U. J. Griflln
Frank G lodfrictid. Ids friend's yon
I riving J. lie?
Olive, his dHiighier....Miss l.oile Whittled
Gladvs, h s ciok. Ml?s Aubrey Powell
May. his wile Miss Dorothy Slierrod
Mr. Tim Murphy comes to Omaha for the
first time In several seasjns with a play
that Is leally worth his while. This, of
course, bars the revival of "David Garrlck.''
That genial classic Is always excepted, but
It means "A Corner in Coffee" and other
unworthy ventures of this actor of real
merit. "Old Innocence" gives hint an out
let for his quaint and droll expressions, his
personality, that no other of ids recent
plays have, afford'-d. and in It we see the
Tim Murphy who has won an abiding place
In every heart ihnt 'enjoys resi humor
biendid with sympathetic pathos and un
mixed with bitterness in any way. As
Jason Green Mr. Murphy gives us the
character of a kindly old man,.-whose big
heart takes in all the . world, and whose
nature will not let hi in he at peace while
a rase . of .unrelieved suffering Is within
his ken. He I imposed upon most shame
fully, but he manages to kep himself
sweet and cl-an of mind and heart In spite
of this. It Is altogether a loveable charac
ter, and. in its delineation Mr. .Murphy gets
plenty of chance for- his talent as' a
comedian. . ... . -
Sit over against the credulous generosity
of Jason Green Is the worldly wisdoms and
tighttistedness of his brother, Flint Green.
This man Is at the opposite pole from the
genial old duffer,, "whose pity sjaye ere
charily tegan." ."They can't fool me" Is
Ids .motto, claim of .kindred or plea
of misery can move him. He is Flint by
name end adamant by nature. The con
trast brtween the two brothers Is great,
and is set out most strikingly by the
fidelity with which Mr. Coojior plays the
part of the hard-hearted one. Miss Sherrod
Is happily situated In the cast as the young
wife of the kindly old man;ln whom she
believes fully and with whom she sympa
thizes perfectly, although'she docs:tryto
save him from some of the impositions
practiced upon him. Miss Whitfield, as the
daughter, plays a charming Ingenue role
with grace and girlish interest. Others In
tho cast assist In carrying the comedy
along; Its pleasant way and altogether the
result la u delight. .
Mr. Murphy was greeted last night by the
largest audience he has faced In Omaha
for.a long time, and was given a cordial
reception. The play was much enjoyed,
and the people very freely expressed their
approbation by applause.
thrillers which are usunlly made an ad
vertising feature of productions at popular
prices. As far ss the play Itself Is coii-
cernd It depends entirely on the intense
human Interest running through It for in ,
claim to popularity.
The plot gives opportunity of contrasting
the open-hearl"d life of the western part,
I of the I nlted States wltli the severity of
I English society. There is nothing compli
cated about It. Sunday, a joung girl;
bruught up by rough miners, to whom sh I
was left by her father on his death bed,
finds English relations of her parents and j
goes there, where she meets Colonel Brln- '
thrope, with whom she falls In love. The
match Is appatcntly Impossible hrcHiise be- j
fore she left America Brlnthrope's yoimser
brother Is killed by on r her fi lends for
offering her an Insult, the fact of his death
lcng kept a secret between her end the
young man who did the killing. She leaves
England and returns to Silver Creek, and
Colonel Brlnthrope follow her, when satis
factory explanations are made.
Miss Nora O'Brien gives naturalness to
the character of Sunday, vivacious and
crude at times and at other times very set I
ous. The rest of the cast Is good and the
pictures '.of western lire, in whic h Elmer
Grandin as Towzer. , Charles 'Gibney n
Davy, Frank Kendrlek ns Elvely and II.
Ogden Crane as Jacky play the principal
parts, are natural. Frank Ohoen as the
two Brlrithropes, Joseph E. Whiting as Tom
Oxley and Miss Kmc Gernion as Mrs.
Nnrcrby complete, therlncipalu of the cast.
and all of them do commendable work. No
complaint can be made as to staging.
Sunday" will be at th Krug until
Wednesday night, with a matinee on
Gained Ten Pounds in Two tTJeek
i Railroad employees ell over .the west have
been moving fofc. better wages, especially
the tralnmrn, and the switchmen have
united In the movefuent. Meetings haye
been held In Chicago and at St. Paul and
another la scheduled for Kansas City for
November 14, at which the switchmen of
this territory will be represented. The run
way clerks also have begun a movement for
higher wages, M while most"branches of
the service haV''had.' ttielr ' pay .Increased
since the wav of prosperity struck the
land,' many of thctlerks are getting less
pay than they were ten years ago. The en
gineers started the movement two months
ago and are demanding more pay for engi
Sold 1y all druggists and grocers, or direct. In scaled bottles only; never
in bulk. Price 91. Insist on the genuine, and see that tho "Old Chemist"
trade-mark Is on the label. Beware of refilled bottles and spurious malt
neers on short runs. The conductors have whiskc. substitutes offered for sale by unreliable dealers. They are positively
been holding meetings and now the switch- .. . ..... ,.., .... ......
men have taken tip the question of better ' "",m ,,u ""l , url" -'"" ' """ "
pay. Nothing will he done locally until Malt Whiskey Co., Kochctiter, X. V.
after tho meeting at Kansas City Novem
ber 14 ...
Indictments of Two.
The grand Jury has returned Indictments
fiK'i'.nst l.ouls llartnian and Charlie
Jjcnovo, the former being charged with
Healing a cjis each of cigars. "Lucky
Strike "' toba i and briar pipes from lxx
cars In the railroad yards and Denovo with
receiving tho stolen properly. The bills
were relumed Haturrfsv. but were not made
public until Monday. The property taken la
valued at JiiG.
Size of Flae for Man AVbo Get
Drank and Split Woman's
"Five dollars and costs" Is what It cont
Frank Clark, 6u? North Thirty-second
street, to beat his wlfo In the middle of
the street Sunday. '
Olark, who was beastly drunk, started In
on his wife in their home anil ndminlstetcd
etch a sJiajrieful mauling that the poor
woman ran from the house into the street,
seeking refuge and screaming murder as
loud as her waning strength would permit.
Neighbors hetu'd the woman's pitiful cries
and one had presence of mind enougli to
notify the police headquarters bv telephone.
Captain Mostyn and Olftcer Hell responded
and reached the scene :n time to see' the
brutal husband dealing blows upon his wife.
The woman is elderly nnd not strong, but
this did not moderate the punishment In
flicted by her husband. lie split her nosa
with some sort of Instrument and beat her
terribly In the face. He consented to stop
when the police arrived. The woman Is
suffering seriously from the assault, and
the husband, unable to pay his fine of to, is
staying In Jail until the law shall have
been satisfied.
The Knock-out Blow.
Th blow which knocked out Corbett
was a revelation to tho prbo fmhters.
From tho earliest days of ho ring tha
knrM'kiiut Mow was aimed for the jaw,
the templo or tlin Jugular vein. Stomach
punches were thrown in to worry and
weary tho lit'litcr, but If a aolentltic man
had told omt of the old Hunters that tha
most vulnerable spot was the region of
tho stomach, ho'd have laughed at him
for an Ignoramus. Dr. Pierce l bringing
b07C'o tho public a parallel fact; that
t hif iSiiuacVls the most vulnerable organ
out othe jre rin as w oil a In it. Wa
protect ViirJiaaH, throats, feet and lungs,
but tuAJhyNhwe are uLlerly indiffer
ent to, until liiseVAtinds the solar plexus
and knocks uouC M'tke your "tomiich
SQ'ir-d and Strung I'vTTe L.m: d IV'b?
IWjliiiliH-ii, TecnrnT-J,scov,-rv aLl
Viol r.dcit Viau.:nil )''i't IH"L1
hl ' sl1". ''OolUen Mimical biscoveiy
cuics "wTTSi stomach," Indigestion, or
dysiJcpMa. torpid liver, bad, thin and im
raire blood and other diseases of tha or
gans of digestion and nutrition.
The "liolden Medical Discovery " has a
HKM'iflc curative etToct upon all mucous
t-i:rtaves and hence cures catarrh, to
matter where located or what stage it
may have readied. In Nasal Catarrh it
Is well to cleanso tho passages Willi Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Uemcdy fluid while using
the "Discovery " a constitutional rem
edy. Whi tho "tiolden Mod leal Discov
ery "cures catarrhal diseases, as of the
stomach, bow els, bladder and other pelvic
firmans will bo plula to you it you will
read a booklet of extracts from the writ
ings of eminent un'dlcal authorities, en
dorsing lis Ingredients and explaining
their curative properties. It is mailed
free on reu-st. Address Dr. Ii.V. Pierce,
iiutlulo. X. Y.' This booklet gives all the
ingredients entering- Into Dr. Fierce'
medicines from which it w ill tie seen that
they cuntuln not a drop of alcohol, pure,
triiile-reiin. d glycerine Is ing us-d lu.-tead.
Dr. Pierce's great thousand-pane lllua
1ratsl Common ficnse Medical Adviser
w ill le wnt lre, paper-bound, for '.il orne
rent Mumps, or cloth bound lor Si Blamp&
A'uiutx Pierce a abov
'At the "While Horse Tavern" at the
Burwootl. ,
Another of those delightful comedies
whose action borders at time on the far
cical, and which never tire. Is being offered
c mo iiurwooa inis week, and in a way
that brings out new capacities of the
woodward Stock company. Mr. Schoneld
Is getting his cHan.ce this ' week, and Is
fully improving It. As' the Irascible and
self-sufficient Berlin maker of lamps he is
given a low comedy part that is well In
his line, and from which he extracts an
Immense amount of fun without departure
from legit Imata ways. Grant Simpson
siiHi-es wnn mm in a measure, having a
role that permits him to add a great deal
to the general sum of the merriment. Miss
Martin, as the daughter of the old pro
fessor, and who lisps, again proves her
capability. John Da vies gets a fine chance
In the second act, with his old professor,
He has Imagined a line character, that of
a mind that Is not spoiled by worldly con
slderatlons, and a nature that can rise
superior to poverty's limitations. It Is one
of Ids best creations.
Mr. Morrifon appear this week ss the
head waiter at the White Horse tavern
and has undoubtedly studied from nature
for tho part. It Is great. Miss Klliott
delighted the audience last night by doing a
German dance so cleverly that It had to be
repeated again and again. She Is the
hostess of the tavern, and In her simple
Swiss costume Is more than ever attractive.
Mi ss Hill, as the daughter of the lamp
maker, and Mr. Todd, as a clever young
attorney, add the love Interest and help to
keep the fun moving. Mr. Fey has the
role of a beggar. Miss Hudson Is seen as
the lamp makers sister, and 'Mis May
cllffe In a fetching costume enacts the role
of a female postman. The long cast is
filled out by other members of the com
pany In minor roles. Mr. Long has staged
the piece with his usual care, and It was
performed twice yesterday to the intense
satisfaction of large audiences. .
Will Hold -Meeting at Kansas City In
Fen- Day to Take F ormal
Action, r
. w "" mmm
I y,.; V-
v -Vv)i
MR. J. B.
coon: it.
Mr. J. B. Cooper of Scotta
ville, Ark., who wasted away
from 180 pounds to 150 pounds
in a few months, praises Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey for restor
ing his health.
It required only two bottles
to effect a cure and increase his
weight 10 pounds, according to
his own statement, written
June 6, 1906, which follows:
"During my seventeen years as a
salesman of general merchandise I
have lost about six months' tlm only
until recently, when I contracted a
severe attack of bronchitis which,
made me feel as though I had con
sumption. "I had been bothered with a Blight
rough for eight or nine months. I
lost in weight, from ISO to 150 pound.
My tlortor recommended Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey as the best euro for con
Piimiitlon, so I decided to try It, and
after using, two hottlea sweetened with
rock candy, I Rained ten pounds in two
"It certainly does all the doctor told
me it would do, and Is the roost ef
fective tonic aud stimulant I have ever
taken. The doctor had roe order
aonie of It for hia patients, so you caa
see what he thinks of It."
Respectfully yours.
uffy's Pure CUilalt Whiskey
Is an absolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating stimulant and tonic, it builds up the
nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the brain, strength and elacticlty to
the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings Into action nil the vital forces. It
makes digestion perfect and enables you to get from the food you eat the nourishment
It contains. It Is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly chil
dren. It strengthens the system, is a promoter of good health and longevity, makes
the old young and keeps the young strong. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is a form of
fooil 'aln iuly digested, it contains no fusel oil aud Is the only whiskey that is recog
nized as a medicine. This Is a guarantee. ,
Deprived of Last Bed for Dellnqnenry
and Police Are Looking;
for llnshand.
.Superintendent Ellison of . the -Nebraska
Humane society and" Asslstnnt Secretary
Wlnshlp of the Associated Charities have
Isad joint advice of a case disclosing two
features. Mr. Kllison is Interested In a re
port that the 12-year-old son of Mrs. H. C.
Markley. North Twenty-first, has re
ceived 111 treatment ai.tlie State Orthopedic
hospital at Lincoln, .while Mr. Wlnshlp is
Investigating the, VnijiiiVf poverty. It was
stated that Governor Mickey will be given
the report of the boy's treatment, the gov
ernor being a member of the board of di
rector's of that Institution. The woman Is
said to be In dire want, and a bed which
she bought on the lnslallmint plan was
taken Saturday. The police have been
culled on to round up her husband.
Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar Is
Amount, for October at the
Omaha Postofllre.
The postage receipts at .the Omaha poM
oflice for the month of October I! readied
tho extraordinary sum of I'I4,"12.4' ns
agiilnst $."il,R-l.L'4 for the month of October,
1!6, being nn' increase of $!, IM.16 or II
prr cent. This Is the largest receipts for
postage in the history of the Omaha post
office in any one month since the estah
llHhment of the office. The nearest ap
proach to this amount was during the
month of March, 19tW, when It was $61,071.35.
City Father Convene for Two Days
of Adjustment of Prop
erty Values.
Monday mornlnir the city council met to
fit two days as a board of equalization.
The work Involved at this sitting represents
$2,00i of public Improvements. The l.irsest
Item Is $11,573.1!) for pavliiK and curbing
Fifteenth street from William to Lincoln
avenue. The estimate for sewer district
318, In the vlclnfty of Twenty-fifth and
Twenty-sixth and Jaynes and Fort streets.
Is $."i.4;S.50. covering 7.04 frontage feet. i mute for sewer Wtween Boyd and
Taylor from Thirty-third to Thirty-sixth.
Is $l,fl54.N For sewer between Twenty
second and Twenty-third and Clark and
Grace the coft has been estimated at $4ir'.7
and between Twenty-second and Twenty
third from Browne street the cost 1 placed
at $1107.3:;.
Battleship Goe to Virginia.
NEW VqitK. Nov. 6. The new battle
ship Louisiana which will carry President
Roosevelt and his party from Chesapeake
bay to Colon, Pnnarnn, left this port today
for Hampton Roads, Va.
i ..ui i i) ii mi i .. .. i. i sin ii J 1 I i i - .. lirili .. in n V I ii I
7 Vo LdJo
Additional Poner Most Be Provided
by tho Local Company to
Meet Larger Demand.
The Omaha & Council Bluff Street Rail
way company Is now considering plans for
new buildings and a new power plant
which Is required for the power system
which Ihe company Is forced to Install to
handle the Increasing truffle In Omaha.
The plan Is to put In a high service plant
to convey the power to f ubstations. where
It will be converted to Doo voltage, as la
required for the running of cars. This
new plant will require an outlay of $J50.
00 n:nl will Ih Installed at om-e. The
cumpany la' called upon to furnish power
to the new Omaha & Southern lntrurban
company, and under the present system It
is a difficult matter to get sufficient power
Into Sarpy county to run more than two
large cars, nnd on pleasant day like
Sunday the business would warrant the
running of aeveial cars. The heavier cars
to Benson also require more power and
the company will Install the plant at once.
Petit Larceny Substituted' for Kmbei
slemeat and Young; Man I
Seat to Jail.
After consultation with the prosecuting
attorney the employer of Craig decided t.
prosecute him under the charge of petit
larceny and abandoned the charge of em
bezzlement. Craig was nrrnlgned In polii-iv
court Monday morning on the larceny
char-re and was sentenced to thirty days la
the county Jail.
Omega Oil far All Aches and Palaa
that can be reached externally. Trial luc.
Vaudeville at the Orphenui.
Margaret Wyrherly Is furnishing patrons
of the Orpheum with a remarkable evidence
of her versatility this week. In the course
of a rather short one-art play she appears
in six widely different characters It would
be too much to sny that she gives a pro
fonnd study of either, but she makes her
changes with such rapidity that one seems
to come on the stage as the other goes
off, and each is sufficiently differentiated
to present distinct Individual characteris
tics. She Is first the suffering wife of a
drunken husband; defending herself from ,
a brutal attack she slabs and kills him.
Then she tries to conceal her guilt, and by
turn Is a servant girl, a crlprled daughter,
a Casino "fairy," a French chauffeur, a
senile old woman, and again the wife.
In the final scene Miss Wycherly rises to
a genuine height, pleading her case with
the detective who baa run her down.
Ben Welch has driven his brother Joe
from the Omaha home of the latter. There's
nothin' to It; Ben Is far funnier than Joe,
Is cleaner and more finished In his work,
and Is altogether to be preferred. While
his Jew 1 still of the "schuorer ' type,
and even an exaggeration of this, his
Italian may be seen on tho atreets any
day. His fun is good and his turn made
a tv-Immense hit yesterday. This is true,
too, of Trovolo and his ventriloqulal stunt.
It Is new and snappy and really got the
big nols of the afternoon. Latlna la aa
beautiful, as graceful and a supple as
ever, and does soma things that even phys
ical culture folks avoid. The Gonzales
brothers sing very well, a bass and a tenor,
their selection . being frpm well known
operas. Max Hlldebrand Is a great treat
fur the Germans and gives evidence of be
ing really funny to any who can understand
him. Tha brother Kochly un clever acro
bat. The pictures round out a very cu
Joyable bill.
"Sunday" at the Krug.
A play of high class presented by a com
pany of merit was shown last night at the
King In "Sunday," by Thomas Rjceward.
made famous last seat on by F.thel ifariy
more. It Is something entirely out of the
melo-dramatlc class and It has no scenic
FORM 744
IS an excellent model
for well developed
figures. Its closely
stitched front .subdues
abdominal prominence
and rounds the fgure
into graceful lines.
Made .of. white im
ported coutil. Trim
med across top . with
lace and ribbon. Hose
supporters at front and
hips. :T '
Sizes 19 to 36,
Price, $2.00
Very Law nates Tuesday.
Evry Tueuday, balance of the year, tha
Chicago Great Western railroad will sell
holm-seekers' tickets to Minnesota, Nor'h
liakot and CunadUn nurtharst at about
half rate; to other territory. Prut and third
Tuesdays. Writ J. A. Ellis. G. A.
lill Faiuam straat. Unit number iu par'.
aad afceo goicg.
NUF0RM 403
'.' .
T7ILL fit anyslen-
der or average
figure. Long above
the waist which, it de
fines very distinctly,'
showing a perfectly
straight line down the
front of the figure.
Made, of vhite and
drab coutil. Trimmed
with lace and ribbon.
Hose supporters front
and sides.
Sizes 18 to 30. '
Price, $1.00
&MWmMn :
JL. .J ''H1 I a J?edaso. I
. tm um A lor r SIXTr TEAKS ay MILUol
1 MOI HkHS lor IHll.DHSN WH1LS Una.
I.NJ. ll'IIU r-fe.iirt.iT tUtUl. IT touliia, (
trtlt.D. EOrTfcr.S If ULM. ALi-l UI tfAltti
tut. lOIJc. ti to t. teat naMf u
tOAKHOJl. fcoMl fej lirugBiMa la af.rj ,rt
tM vrid a our aaS aa fair
NUF0RM 447
FOR well develop
ed figures, is a
reverse gore model.
The gore lines run
backwards, a construc
tion which restrains
undue development be
low the back. Medium
high bust, long hips
and extra long' back.
Made of an excellent
quality of white coutil.
elaborately trimmed with lace
and ribbon. Hose supporters
front and sides.
Sizes 19 to 30.
nira 7B .
The V. B. Reduso Corset
IS a boon for large women the ideal garment for over
developed figures requiring special rettrnint. It Dot only
restrains the tendency to over-Acihioess, but it moulds
tha over-developed proportions kilo those pleasing, graceful
outlines, hitherto thought to be attainable only by slighter
figure. The particular feature of this model ia the apron
over the abdomen and hip, boned ia such a manner as to
give the wearet sbwlule freedom of movement.
n l..l. 4f A . , II iri ,
Ss-vuuav iD (3w;r ran UKU-aeoclopea
figum. Made cf a durable coutil ia while or drab. Moae
I supporters front and side. Sues 22 to 36. Price, $3.
RcduSO Style 7 60 for thort tstll-J:vcopeJ
Jigura. Made cf Vtltite and diab coutil. Hose supporters
, trout and sides. Sizes 24 to 36. Price, S3.
Naw York ,
FORM 720
IS a corset for
average fig
ures. Has me
dium bust and
long hip. Made
of white and
drab coutil.
Hose supporters
on front and
tides. Trimmed
across top with
lace and ribbon
Sizes 1 8 to 30
' 3
NUF0RM 733
IS an excellent
model for average
figures. Constructed
sectionally, making
the garment fit at all
points, accentuating
the slendernesi of the
w a i 1 1 line. Bust
moderately high, hips
rather long. Made of
an imported coutil ia
white only. Trim
med with lace ani
ribbon. Hose sup
porters front and sides.
Sizes 1 8 to 30.
Price. $2.03
IS a splendid
corset for me
dium figures,
pleasingly free
from any bulky
effect common to
previous models
of this type. Me
dium high bust
and deep hip, end
ing in an unboned apron
extension. Made of white
and drab coutil. Hose sup
porters front and sides.
Trimmed with lace and
Sizes 19 to to.
Price, $1.50