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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1906)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE; TUESDAY. NOVEMBER f.. 1D01 RAILROADS EXPLAIN PASS Fo Nt Vats Any Denial Thattba Docu msnt is Gentiiia. NOT FROM POLITICAL END OF ROAD Far Ttt nin. Official War They fanaot Mate WkMbrr It Wax He lent for r Pali Ileal PirDsat. (From a Ftsft Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 6.-1 Special.) The rall- yoad explanation of the 0l!oy pass epi sode In Nemaha county aa given by n man en the inside of the Burlington I as fol low; "The rand In genuine, nil rlgiit. but the rnlirnml officials who issued it hdd no knowledge It was to be ued for political purposes. The pans wm issued hy the df partment which usually honors the requisi tion of surgeon of the company on a requisition from Dr. McGroW, supposing It was for the usual purpose for which urceona lequest pusses. You know they often give passes to favor witnesses In dsmsge suits and their requests usually go without question. This pass did not coma from the department that ordinarily lianrtlcs- the political courtesies. I can't my that tho pass was not Intended for po litical purposes, hut not coining from tho polltlral centT r tho railro;id could not he laid to the political act of the company." All I to the Voters ot. It la nn In thn vnlsra fhnlmmn Ttnse of he republican state committee and Chair man Allen of the democratic state commit tee have performed the lust rites of lh campaign so far as changing votes Is con cerned and both are now waiting for the returns. The out-of-town people who have assisted around headquarters have gone to their homes to vote und all work has been topped. It Is now , a case of sitting back and waiting. Rosa Hammond of Fremont nan caused the republican state committee much em barrassment during the last few days by his publication of axj editorial advocating that the pass privilege be taken away from railroad employes. Numerous railroad em ployes have circulated this editorial and It has been us-d as though coming from . the republican party .Instead of from Rosa Hammond. . To 'oftset this the republican committee lias diligently distributed coplea of the republican state platform, but what harm the Hammond smartness will do only " the- results Will show. This afternoon the I W"1" " and Lightly railroads were circulating the editorial 1 " abject, printed on slips of paper on all their trains AI'BCRN, Neb., Nov. 6 (Special Tele nd partie were lUmard who gave them j Turn.) Hon. V'llllam J. Bryan addressed away to people Watting at the various da pots. Nothing new has developed In the cam paign so far as the republican headquar ters know. Mr. Rose still says it Is merely a question of republicans going to the polls. ' i Rose lasnea Statement. Chairman Rose of the republican state committee tonight issued the following statement: Railway employes and members of their families will not be deprived by republi can officials of the right to use passes. The republican platform excepts from the operation of the nass laws railway em ployes aim memners oi ineir iammes. flenrae Sheldon. Nnrrls Hrown and all republican candidates for the legislature distributing free transportation to demo are plftdxcd to this republican plank and I ,. . . , , will carry It out In good faith, when cra, wl' wouId come home to vote their elected to office. For tho purpose of deceiving republican railway employes Into voting the demo cratic ticket, the democratic campaign managers are circulating throughout the state a Fremont Tribune editorial con demning the use of passes by railway em ployes, and they further represent that the Fremont Tribune is Uie mouthpiece iof ttief rcrmWliean h.irf y aid Siniks -i'or Uie republican candidates .tipon this sub , Jict. This Is false. Republican candl ' dates stand on the republican platform which protects the rlRht of railway em ployes and their families to use passes. . (Signed) - W. B. KOSK, Chairman Republican State Committee. Elevator Contract All Itlaht. N The report of George Berllnghof. archi tect, appointed to Investigate the contract for the construction of seven elevators nt the Hastings asylum, will shortly be filed with the State Board of Public Lands and Buildings. Mr. Berllnghof gives the board a clean bill on this contract. Hia conclusions arc as follows: In compliance with your request I vis ited the Hospital for the Insane, lngleelde, Neb., for the purpose of inspecting the work and material coming Under the con tract for the Installation of seven food elevators. 1 am pleased to report to your honorable board that the work so far per formed and the materiul furnished Is In strict accordance with the requirements as set forth In the specifications and con tract, with the exception of the motors, which should be one horsepower tNorth erni Instead of as now one-half horse power ( Westinghouse). I, however, under stand that this matter has already been reported to your honorable board and the contractor notified to replace same with motors as called for under the contract; otherwise the material is of the very best quality. In reading over the specifications and contract there were various Items that did not appear clear to me and you may note, by enclosed copy of letter to Mr. ' Wrmnit, and Ms answer, the nature of the Inquiry. Relative to the price of this work. I thought best to go personally to Omaha and Inquire regarding same, but could not obtain what I deemed the proper Infortnii- tton, the matter having been made public by the press, therefore I found It advls- able to reconstruct the specifications com plete and In such a way as to fully cover the materiul. workmanship, etc., , of the Hastings contract,, but asking for 'ten ele xators to be erected at i.luiuln. Neb., and to give the price in lump sum, and also price per elevator. A complete Met of specifications, to- getner wun a leiter or instructions m itnr oi nin'.riieiionH. n :is ient in nartlii l,-,ihn thi.4 line of ,..wly (Kleveti Itima were afked to bid and are named. In the report. ' Judging from the prices received, the Hlate Hoard or Public Lands nnd Huild IngK is expeclally fortunate in having the work Installed tor the price named In the contract. Mr. Fe; IIi-.Rh if will enclose with the above the. letters and Hds received from the va rious firms. Prisoners ! Rail. TREMOXT, Xb Nov. . iSpecial.) Klbert N. t'nomes who has hn-n In jail as-altinc piellminsi-y hearing on the charge ' asadt wih Intent to do great bodily hain .'-.;;.u C II. Gelse of Rldgeley, was adm'.ttrj to bail In the sum of SI. "00 this morning. X. Orr w ho is charged " Jointly with tmw with the offense is also out on bail. The affair gitw out of a scrap at a. dance lu Itldgeley on October a last. r T7T Tr"P H HTT nothine compares with I-J LuJisJ if MLLlfo jtyte: of the lilTering and danger in store for her, roba the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts oyer her m ehadow of" gloom which cannot be shakan off. Thousands of omw have found that the use of Mother's Priend duringpregnancy roba confinement of all pain'and Ganger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at th time of their most critical trial.' Not only does Mother' Friend arry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system for the coming erent, prevent 'morning aickneot," and olber dis- containing valuable information the Br(t.e.J Regulator Co., Atlanta, at which It la artf yourg 0!e was assaulted by Comwi and Orr and badly beaten that he has been under a doctor rare ever since. The case was continued to November 10 on account of Ocisc'j condi tion. Roth defendants stoutly protest their innocence, Hi t TO! ns FIltST nUTKICT Schools tt Trrtmwh Close to filve Children a Chance. . TK 'L'MSEll. Neh., Nov. 5. William J. Rryan spoke to a Teeumsh audience for one hour this morning. The meeting was held In the temporary tabernacle which was constructed for the revivsl meetings now In rngress lure. The city schools are across the street from the tabernacle and thev were dismissed thst the chil dren mli?lit hear the speech. The building seats about ' 1,L'0 or 1,300 people, and, minting the children, the seating ca pacity was about three-quarters taken with an audience composed of men and women of all political affiliations. Mr. I'.ryon said he would take the advantage of having so many children present to say a word to the younger ones, and he spoke to them for nfteen minutes. The balance of the time was spent In a dis cussion of national and state affairs aa the great democratic leader sees them. The democratic candidate for congress In this district. A. J. loyle, was present and was Introduced, but made only a few remarks. At noon the rarty boarded the special train and. proceeded to Auburn. Mr. Fryan' coming ot tills tlmo will make no difference in the results on elec tion day. Johnson county will roll up a splendid republican majority. PI.ATTSMOt'TH, Neh.. Nov. 8.-(Ppecinl.) William Jennings Bryan spoke in the I'armele theater In this city this evening. The play house was well filled nnd his talk was frequently applauded. Mr. Bryan has many warm friends In this county, hut Hon. Oeorg-e 1.. Sheldon hns more, nnd appearances lnd'cate that the hitter will receive- In the vicinity of l.ono maiorlty in this county for governor, while the name of A. J. Williams of Pierce county, nominee for. railroad commissioner, will be badly scratched. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Nov. 6. (Spe cial Telegram.) Hon. J. W. Bryan spoke In the Overland theater this afternoon to a large audience. He spoke principally on state issues. He arrived at S o'clock this afternoon in a special train over the Burlington and left for Flattsmouth shortly after t o'clock. Bit Y AS THKtT.a PASS AS A JOKK the votors of the countv at this nlnr-e today. Despite his magnetism, the glamor that attached to his personality and his eloquence he was hardly able to dissipate the apathy that has characterized the campaign In this locality this year. About 800 people, mostly those living In Auburn, gathered at the opera house this afternoon and heard him speak along the lines that he has favored in his speech thus far during the campaign. He touched lightly on the use of the free pass in politics and dwelt considerably on the tariff lssu-. He contrasted the position he occupied today to that of John M. Thurston. He ! referred to the local sensation which was sprung by the evidence of the Burllnctou puny iHKfi. in pas sou over the matter in a joking way. saying that It wns the. first instance during the campaign where a democrat had been found who had ac cepted a pass. This was taken on the part of most of the audience as a dis appointment as they, thought he would bo consistent enough in the light of his past attitude to condemn the thing in unscathing terms. BABY HAS MIHACIXOIS ESCAPE t'ather Killed. Mother I aeoaacloaa and l.lttle Oae Vnlnjared. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 5. (Special Tel egram.) Further details of the accident in which V. J. Shall, a farmer living near Odell lost his life by being struck by a Burlington train, were received here today. Mrs. Shalla and baby were with Mr. Shalla when the engine struck the vehicle and they were found by a freight crew nve hours after the accident oc- curred. The mother waa lying uncon- I . . i. i Li..k i i scious near the horse, which had been killed outright,- and in her arms waa a baby practically unhurt. The father lay dead about a rod distant from his will and child. They were on their return home from a dance at the home of Paul Pecka, Sunday morning. Owing to the serious condition of Mrs. Shalla the cor oner will not hold an iiutuest. until Wednesday afternoon. of Nebraska. COl.IMBl'S Markets of Columbus Hogs. $5 50; wheat. Mc; corn. 33c; oats, 26c; Barley, 2c; rye, lic. TABLE ROCK Miss Gleela M. Linn, one of the most successful teachers of the county, was-narriod at Pawnee City on Saturday last, to Mr. M. Elmer Blya. COI.I'MBl'B. The Kpworth lenrue and other young people of the Methodist Epis copal church had what they called a "Sheet nnd I'illow" social at the FrledhofC build ing. COLl'MRl'S. The way the young people whooped-er-up here laf.t Wednesday night will cost the taxpayers of Columbus at I least ti, (or lliey toil; up a number of crossings. COl.i MBI S.-The Woman's Club held a very IuteiestiiiR meeting on Saturday et tnc resiuence ot Mrs. .1. H. (ilenori. It he. ....v... . i . "m,,r porta from the federation of clubs meet ing. Ht'lll'YLER-The llttlo daughter of V.d Rouse died this hum nl aa from diphtheria. The whole family has been tiown with the liHeube for tho paal two wreks, but all having light cases except daughter and Mrs. House. the youngest TABLE HOCK (Jlllte a little excite- ment was created here this morning when George M. Scott received through the mall a tiackace of aumile ballots from pawnee City. Neb., in which were six official ballots of the First ward in Table Kock. How the mistake occurred is only a matter of conjecture. The county clerk was immediately called up by F. H. Taylor of the Argus, but he could give no explanation of how the mistake bad oc curred. Attorneys were called up and had numerous questions fired at them, and the statutes were In demand for an ex amination of the election laws. Mr. t-'enit had ordered no sample ballots and claims to have no idea wnatevur as ta the identity of the party who mailed him the package. Is ta ordeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, for free Ca HOT WISDIT FOR SHELDON Republic! Candidats for floTsrnsr Toon ths Tim District. SPLAKS IN SPRINGHEll) EARLY IN DAY He and Senator Rurkelt Address Aaliarn Voters Hon. Charrh Howe Presides at the Mretlna-. SPRINOFIEI.D, Neb., Nov. 5 -(Special Telegram.) Springfield cxpore1Md a lively time this afternoon, when George L. Shel don and Congressman John Lj. Kennedy arrived. The public schools were dismissed at the noon hour, by order of the Board of Education, as they were last Tuesday In honor of Mr. Bryan; the town was dec orated and flags were flying. LH-mocrats vied with their republican brothers In an effort to outdo each other In tho way of decorations. The afternoon was pleasant and the opera house was comfortably filled when Chairman I. D. Clarke called the meeting' to order and Introduced Mr. Shel don. He1 spoke for one hour and thirty minutes and had the best of attention, not a soul leaving the hall during the tim. He handled the railroad freight and passenger rate question in a most masterly manner, the speech being conceded by many demo crats as the most honest, straightforward and logical ever delivered by a repub lican candidate for governor In the state ot Nebraska. Mr. Sheldon was followed hy Congress man Kennedy In a short address on na tional Issues. He admonished the votere to stand by Sheldon nnd help him control the railroads In Nebraska and to send him back to Washington and he would be in a posi tion to help the president control them in the nation. GENEVA. Neb., Nov. 5.-(8peclal Tele gram. ) The closing rally of the campaign was held, at the court house this even ing. The local candidates all spoke, after which Hon. Charles Sloan was called for nnd made a strong address. State Superin tendent McBrlen also spoke and made some telling points. BROKEN BOW, Neb.. Nov.- 6 -(SpcclaJ Telegram.) Norrls Brown concluded hia camitaign In this city tonight by speaking to nn appreciative audience that completely filled the Temple theater. He began by stating that he felt more like abusing the opposition than talktnk rolltics, as there was absolutely no excuse for a man to be wrong this year, and a democratic or fusion vole was nothing more or less' than an Impeuchment of Roosevelt. After clearly demonstrating that he knew what he was talking about, he passed to the prosperous condition of the farmer at the present time as against the Cleveland administration. The trusts and railroads were then taken up and discussed at length In an able man ner nnd certain accusation brought against him by the opposition he declared to be utterly false, which he proved to every one's satisfaction. Other speakers of the evening were Judge Gtitterson, candidate for county attorney, and Fred Wilson, candidate for state representative. At'BURN, Neb., Nov 6. (Speclal.)-The campaign was closed here tonight with a genuine old fashioned rally. There was more enthusiasm disp'nyed than there h:i been for years. Tne opera house was packed to tho doors by voters from all over the county who came to listen to Hon. George L. Sheldon and United States Sena tor E. J. Burkett discuss the issues from a republican standpoint. The meeting was opened by Dr. E. M. Taylor, chairman of the county committee and Hon. Church Howe was selected to preside. As he aro" te face the audience It burst into a. .tumult of cheering that lasted for many minutes which only went to show how proud the people of Auburn and Nemaha county were of him and In what esteem he wns held He made a characteristic speech and put the audience In a happy humor. When he Introduced Hon. George V. Sheldon, the gentleman was given a most enthusiastic ovation. Mr. Sheldon dwelt at length on the ques tion of railroad rate legislation and ex plained the republican plan of securing more equitable rates. His speech had the ring of sincerity and wa frequently ap plauded. Senator BurUett closed with a brilliant speech in which he urged all the voters to stand by the republican policy ! of reform and vote the ticket straight from I trxn n IviOnm trimni'l-ow. At the close of Iod to bottom tomorrow, At the close of the speech Hon. Church Howe aroi-e and called for an old fashioned "three cheers" for the republican party and it was Riven with the utmost vim nnd vigor. -Fish Throws I 1 Hla Hands. NEW YORK. Nov. 5. From an authori tative source it wai learned today that at Wednesday's meeting of the board of di rectors of the Illinois Central Railroad company Btuyvesant Fish will uot attempt to control the election of president and that the wishes of E. H. Harriman will be car ried out. Mr. Fish, It Is t'nderstocd. will contest control of the property at the meet ing ,of stockholders next year. From the same source it was learned that Mr. Fish probably will be succeeded by J. T. Harahan, vice president of the company. The vote Is expected to be 7 to 5. Mr. Fish will continue aa a director of the company. FORECAST OFJTHE WEATHER Fair Today In Sebraaka mmtk kaiui. Cooler In Kaatern I'ortloDj Fair Tomorrow. WASHINGTON. Nov. 5. Forecast of ihe weather for Tuesday and Wednesday: For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Tuesday; j Wednesday, fair and cooler in east pr- j I tlon. l For lows and Missouri r air Tuesday; i Wednesday, fair and cooler. For Wyoming Generally fair Tuesday and Wednesday; ct.lder Tuesday In south east portion. For South Pakc.tu--.Falr Tuesday and cooler In east portion; Wednesday, flr. I. oca I Record OFFICE OF V. 8. WEATHER BUREAU", OMAHA, Nov. R. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: im. 196. 104. im.3. .Maximum temperature .. km s 41 Minimum temperature ... 56 34 ax t' Mean temperature 6.' 41 5 4 rreclpitatlon i0 .47 .i .to Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1 and comparison with the past two years: Normal temperature II r.xceea fo rthf day in Total exc-ss since March 1 Normal precipitation liefiiieiiey for the lay I'reclpliatiun since ..erii 1. licficl. ncy since March 1 as ... .04 inch ... -Winch . ..i4 &) inches 8 8S Indie pendency for cor. period. . 1. 10 Inches Iefletency f r cor. period, 1!4.. 4.J9imii-a Reports front Stations at T H. HI. , Station and State Temp. Max. Ruin, of WeatLer. i p. in Team, Hismarck, partly cloudy ... .So tti Cheyenne, clear l ti Chicago, clear ij M !a eiip":ut. cloudy w hi lienver, clear 51 el Havre, cloudy 41 4 Helena, cloudy 4u 4s I Huron, clear i ,S4 Kansas City, clear Si 74 Omaha, clear lis Kald City, cloudy Mi k4 Hi. Ioiiis, clear .ti 7 Hi. I'aul. cloudy .Vi n:l Hilt Iake lily, snowing. .. S4 4K 1 r lent 1 iic, r'ear 4 m; 1 WllliHton, cloudy 44 SJ .'(1 . f .ft i t! '"I T lnd'cate trace of precipitation L. A. UtJ.H. Lvvai . .. WOMEN IN CLUB AND CHARITY Some of the social needs of Omaha and some plans for meting tiem made up nn interesting program at Monday nf'er tionn'i meeting of the social science de partment of the Woman's club. Tn the ab sence of the lender, Mrs. Harriet II. ll-ller presided. Rev. Robert 1 H. Bell spoke of the deplorable conditions existing In snot of the homes Irl the letter p.irt of 'he city, 'mm which he said little besides n repeti tion of their own miserable condition might be expected to emanate. Here he descrHico' squalor and sin that c:m only be sppr" clsted by those who have seen It for them, selves, and he attributed the conditions to three causes; unfortunate m.irrlnges, and attendant dlscoui-atrlnfT results: the need of work by the father and Inability to pet it, and the discount o-cment and Indifference that follows, and drunkenness and sin on the part of both parents. As a rellef. If not a complete cure for these conditions, he advocated the establishment of an In dustrial settlement in the neighborhood of thse homes. Such an Institution, he sa!d, might be started and, maintained at com paratively little expense. A four or, five room house w.i suirRested as a start, one room to be equipped with tubs and necessi ties for washing nnd a co-operative laun dry maintained. Washing might be solicit ed and done by the women, and all earr ings above the running expenses be -voted to them. Another room he suggest ed furnishing as avnursery where the chil dren of the women, under school are. ml?M be taken care of while the mothers worked j This room, too, wns to be furnished with '. suitable literature for the women during i the resting hour. A third room might be equipped with bath tub and shower and a fourth room or rooms, be maintained as emergency quarters for families needing temporary shelter. Rev. Rell also suggested that lifter the women had left the building In the evening it might be used by men. Dean Beecher pointed out that the poor condition of tho home Is the root of the trouble and that as Omaha grows larger problems and conditions are beginning to develop that, while not extensively serious yet, are rapidly becoming so. To meet the growing reed for better homes for people who can afford to pay but s.nall rent he advocated the purchase of a block or so and the erection of a lot of com fortable small cottages equipped wiJJi bath and other conveniences that would enable their occupants to maintain sanitary, com fortable homes. These he proposed to heat from a central plant and thought they might be rented in summer for j or d a month and for a little more In winter. While reallxing that such a, scheme would cost something, he hejd that It was entirely possible if the people would work for it. Mrs. Albright, superintendent of the In dustrlal Home for Girls at MUford. spoke of the work of that Institution. While she did not oppose its proposed consolidation with the Home for the Friendless at Un coin. her presentation of the methods of the home made evident the Impracticability as well as the disadvantage of such a combination. The Mllford Institution I the slate reform school for betrayed girl, and has during the sixteen years of its existence cared for something over C00 girls. These have rftrtKed In age from 14 to 30 years, but average from 15 to 20. It has at present sixty-nine Inmates, forty three girls and twenty-six infants. In addition to a school, there is instruction In every branch of house "work that makes competent housekeeper's ' of the girls by the time they are discharged, and enables i them to support themselves and their babies honorably. The term'of'commltrnent Is one year. Where a gicJ('sj'T4nable "to care for her child it is found a good home and adopted. If she wishes to keep it. It Is kept at the home for the year free of charpe and after that retained for J5 until other provision can be made by the mother. The large majority of girls discharged front the school are. reformed and live honorably. ' ' The official minutes of the eighth biennial of- the General Federation .of Women's Clubs, held last spring at St. Paul, have Just been published and Issued. The report is complied by Mrs. John T. Sherman, re cording secretary, and In addition to being admirably compiled, tne Issue at this early date breaks all records for time. The report Includes over 400 pages and In addi tion t6 the routine record reproduces al most 111 their entirety the addresses of the notable speakers and reports of standing committees. The report would be a val uable addition to every club library, not only for Us detailed account of the biennial, but as a reference volume. YEOMEN REMOVE TO OMAHA State Headquarters of Order Brought to This City from I.lneola. The Brotherhood of American Yeomen, which lias heretofore maintained lta Ne braska state headquarters at Lincoln, has just transferred them to Omaha, the office being at 318 North Seventeenth street, with G. H. Chestnut In charse, an stale manager. Mr. Chesnut la very en thusiastic about the rapid growth of tho order in Nebraska in the last few months. y ii k ii : Why 5yrup of li': i.ii ?' , j I FOB SALE BT ALL LEAD1S0 DKVOGISTS. ' "' ' 1 w-h ' I ' 11 i 1 1 11 an 11 1 1 1 1 ii a' iS eecial wimk Notice A Most Remarkable Sale of High Grade Enamel Iron Beds The Adams &: "Westlake Co., Chicago, docidotl to discontinue manufacturing. Iron licds and confine themselves to making Brass Beds exclusively. The Adams & Westlake Co. are noted the country over for making a superior quality of high grade beds. . We secured a quantity of their most desirable patterns, both plain and brass trim med. These come in a combination of colors of baked enamel and Vernis Martin finish. Wo place the entire lot on sale commencing tomorrow, Tuesday morning. This surely is an opportunity seldom offered to purchase such high grade beds ; at prices such as we are making. Com Tomorrow and See This Beautiful Display Orchard (Si Wilhelm Carpet Co. 414-16-15 South Sixteenth Telephone Douglas-313 i V ns.. - i X A r 9 it an nreua I CHINEpE JDOO VV uf J.es1 oat!,v ... .. ...-'v .... durable nnd Or, you can i A GJ-Kr" rt,arpr 'urs; JjTj-.iUiW'V. i'" w"y "P "' fceaver' "y I nil 1NU I nlA INDIAN LAND DECISION White Men Who Married Gherokeei Frior to 1875 Will Get Land. COURT OF CLAIMS VIEW IS UPHELD Men Who Desert Wives Ila-re o Itluhta, According: to Opinion Handed Down by' thief Justice. WASHINGTON. Nov. 5. The supreme court of the United States today ailirmed the decision of the court of claims in the cuso of Daniel Kedbird, the Cherokee Na tion and others against the United Slates, known as "tne whito man's case." The cases Involved the long pending claims of 2,100 and 3,0"0 white persons to participate In the distribution of the lands and the funds of the Cherokee Nation be cause of marriage with members of the tilbe. There urc over 4,000,000 acres of land and tho tribal funds are extensive. The de cision was favorable to the Indians. Tho Indians btrcnuously resisted the claim, contending tnat they had nevr by law recognized property rights on account of iuU l inariiJKe. In passing o.i the decided today the court of clnl'nn held that the tribal lar.4s are not communal lands, but that whites who acquired citizenship by marriae prior to 1ST5 have equal inter ests with tho Indians. In the case of mar riage Into the tribe since that time it was held that no right of property had been ac quired except by those who had paid into J the common fund the sum of $5"0. The court of claims also held that while hus bunds of Cherokee women who have aban doned their wives have forfeited all rights aa Cherokee citizens, including that of participation In the proceeds of sales of Cherokee lands. Today's decision affirmed that decision in the- bc-st family laxative It is pure. It Is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladles. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly afe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families th.4 world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. Ii you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. i li f )i ti rC PHv. ti. ...... . .... . 4 4Vi jwu i... i.-mii iu jiiukb iur coat aiues; nearly every a iur coal lor hcullh let nlone comfort i,i. m ,,c ,ur coat gives its wearer. .i.ha-!fV!.li "way lHtle book, written from your L V i . some inings moat people know about furs and tells them honestly. You will be I 2In 1 'T.IVj.'ii O.E""8 ,h" laxt very easy reading, call it "JLDGG FURS" (s-o below). Here Is a standard, economical, rood-looking fur coat inte oroin.iry nam winter wenr BLACK CHUT A. DOGSKIN with Nutria collars and cuffs. 'or "Tvlce and appearance, are in tnanv .... momiit.v mm. uuii ue maue, i ney are easllv renu're.l Induln-e yourself In a verv rleh 'An.ifin with Nutria Heaver and Otter collar and facing', all to 8125. Here Is an idea: Nutria, sav 4T: Fine M to 70; unplucked Otter r,7 to S90. tnese are but a few of over "00 varieties of Jiav 'n tock Men s Fur Coats ot glG up to f-..fl e:ich. every one a good cont; every coat appro priate for some use: well made v.ithout n single ex- yepiion. ir it s a LAXPHKR Fl it it Is made as well as ir we made It for our own use; rmnn are made better. v.? !J?E ?0B?,, soId by ln'lng dealer in exeiy community. Write to us for tho book "Judging ieJiL-."J1 ,w wUI also send yu th address of our nearest dealer. J UKPIIER, SKSHMER & CO., S. all respects. The opinion of the supreme court was handed down by Chief Justice Fuller. Ceorula Murder Case. The supreme court of tho United Slates today affirmed the decision of the Georgia supreme court in the case of John G. Raw. lings, under conviction in that state on the clinrgo ot murder, the effect of, the deci sion being to compel the conviction of Huw. lings unWxa his lawyers succeed In finding other . means of securing a btay of pro ceedings. Jlawllngs, who is a white man and a preacher, was charged with employ ing negroes to murder a faintly of neigh bors. Two children were decoyed out of the house and shot, but the other mem bers of the family saved their lives by re maining within the cellar of their home. Oklahoma Case Mettled. The supreme court of the United Stales today dismissed the writ of habeas corpus aaked for by George Moran of Comanche county. Oklahoma, convicted of murder In 1502, about the time that the county was being organized.'. ' Moran pleaded ii reg ular on account of the chnotic conditions existing and also for other reasons. Ho alleged that lu being compelled to exhibit himself to the jury he had been made a witness against himself, an unconstitutional TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AT JOB II. C. Parkins Rpends Quarter of Century Carrying; Letters for I nele am. 11. C. Parkins, carrier No. 2 at the Omaha postofflce. yesterday took a deep breath to commemorate his twenty-fifth anniversary of service for Uncle Sam. It was not so much the length of servlre that Mr. Pat kins took pride in as much ns the fact that during the quarter of a century he had been late only once to work, und whin it in appreciated that "going to work" means several times a day for some of the carrieis tho excellency of Mr. Paiklns" rec ord will be more credited. One of Uncle Bccaisc Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. , It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by JF9RNIA HG 5YRVP San Francisco, Cat. Loulavilla, Hy. J J! F1 II U 1 JOK X v ! i f.-v. " :, -'7 and the AftoJ f ' ' '( "i.' ' i own (theV''-V ),'i, XS' l H- respec warm "nn itwn. men'a fur Paul, Sum's hard and fast rules la punctuality. If a carrier is a few minutes late lie loses the following half day. While Mr. Par kins' record of once late In twenty-five years is not a perfect one. yet it is such aa to biing it into notice and Is a mark for others to aim for.. , t PRCPHET CURRIE IN TOWN Comes Out Of the West With Cheer Ins: Words on Ills Lips. State Representative Frank- Cunie of D.iwes county is In town. Mr. lurrle is the only man in Ids county who has never fulled In his political horoscopes. Yester day at the Merchants hotel he inude the pie. diction th it Sheldon would carry Nebraska by as large a majority as ever was given a republican candidate for governor. He also said Judge Kinkaid would carry the Sixth congressional district by a large vote. Mr. Currle is one of the few political men whose predictions invariably come true. In his county ho is known aa "Prophet Cur lie." Incidentally he thinks H would be possible to tell, after tonight, whether the democrats had taken . lime to nominate a candidate for congress or uny or the legis lature here. Notwithstanding his nnm do plume at homo, Herr funic makes, no claim to being Elijah 11 or anything of that sort. He is nothing but a "plain, blunt man," as a great Nebraska ula'e.unan, in an un guarded moment and in the heat of excite ment, once exclaimed on the floor of Uie lower houso of legislature. Hattleshlo llaniaxr Mlaht. . WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-The report of Captain Beaton Schroeder. commanding the battleship Virginia upon the collision of that boat with the Monroe of the Old Dominion line in Hampton Roads last Sat urday, waa received today. It conhtms the press, report of the accident, showing that the Monroe was drawn Into the port quurter of the battleship by the suction of the screws of the latter and that the damage to the battleship was trifling. 'Tili r.i l. 1, New York, N. Y. don't t. ' . V. r 'X vi S "' nded "X . W hriJ ana K ' W "?VtW 1 mimm pmmm