Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. Douglas S s.
IVa 'ner's Rusi
Never l)el so large a part In cornet as tills season. There re many kinds
of corsets that fit, but fitting- is not sufficient, A model must do more It
must build a specific typ of form, must create, m 4t were, a base to aerord
with thn gown style that la the prevailing mode. In our search for choice and
accurate models for this season, we selected largely from
Warner's Rust Proof Line.
They Indicate correctness In every detail, and we take a satisfaction not
entirely selfish In recommending them to our customers. Aside from their
style quality, they are unusual, as they are reliable for wear, are guaranteed
the maker stands back of ns In this rust proof and have attached the
splendid "Security" Rubber Button Hose Supporters.
Sold at our model corset department Second Klo
( Trices from fl.00 to f.l.OO a pair.
Open Saturday Evenings.
Howard, Corner Sixteenth Street.
leaders claim that Rotan will carry the
city by 40.0O0, while the fusion manager
claim Olbbon'y election by 30.00O.
Fersonal registration wtll affect the 'vote
her tomorrow. There, has been a big fsll
Ing off Jn some republican strongholds and
the same can be said ef some of the strong
democratic counties. In Berks for Instance,
formally dc.mocratlc by .from lO.imn to H.onn,
tint; more than 60 per cent of the total
vote was registered.
Mnraa's Alleared Alllnaee With Hearst
Aids Repahllraa Ttcltet.
UOSTON. Nov. 6 The- campaign of 1J
!n Massachusetts -.came'-", to the eve "-of
battle tonight. With no lessening of interest
and with the result as much lir doubt as
at any time since .the conflict began: Both
Curtis Guild, Jr., republican candidate for
governor, and John B. Moran, the Tiemcv
'ratio nominee, apoke at enthusiastic-meetings
1n Boston this afternoon and evening;.
Motran, who egan hls- rsnvsss by saying
that he Would aocept no contribution save
frohv the people. Issued a closing statement
today appealing ft the citizens to get out
therms tomorrow. ''is he had no campaign
fund ant) must depend upon the "patriot
Ism and earnestness" of the people.
About "the republican' state headquarters
today 1t was felt that Guild's chances had
Improved during the last few (Jays. It was
stated freely that the speech of Secre
tary of State Root , ln"TCew York against
Hearst had a reflection In this state, where
Mornn hsa been classed, as an associate of
Hearst by republican orators, snd In spit
of the fact that MDran had said on the
stump that he waa allied with neither
Hearst nor Bryan for president, but would
stand as the equal of-either, when It came
to offering presidential candidates.
At democratic- state committee headquar
ters tonight predictions as to the probable
outcome were .withheld. -Mr. Moran was
quoted aa saying late Jn the afternoon:
"I shall win without a douht."
One of the unusual features of the waning
campaign waa the action of clergymen of
various denominations in their sermons of
yesterday In dwelling upon the "new peril"
and pleading for the maintenance of an
"orderly commonwealth."
Democrats Claim Thirteen Conaress
ma aad nrpablteani t'nnred One. '
CHICAGO, Nov. .-t-Altkough estimates of
the party managers differ widely, there
seems to be no reason to doubt that the
republican party will carry the state in
tomorrow's election by a substantial ma
jority. The legislature will be republican
and the election of a republican to suc
ceed Senator Oullom Is certain. The dem
ocrats claim that they will gain 'largely
lu both branches of the legislature, but
they do not expect to gain enough mem
lcra to ohoose the next senator.
The republicans concede that Congress
man Ratney, the one democrat representing
this state at Washington, will be re-elected
In the Twentieth district, and It is also
agreed that there will be a hot fight in
the Eighth and Twenty-ttrst districts. The
Klghth Is normally a democratic district.
The democrats claim not only the Twenty
tirst and Eighth districts, but assert that
they will carry eleven others as well. It
Is probable that the returns In Chicago
and Cook county will be slow tomorrow, as
the ballot.. Is the largest ever seen here,
having the names of XX candidates upon It.
There are many local disputes Involved In
the election and It la probable that scratch
ing will be carried on to a large extent.
Both the republicans and democrats
claim that they Will carry Cook county,
the republicans asserting that their plu
rality will be about and the demo
crats putting theirs at about 20.000. The In
dependence league claims that It will carry
the county, but there seems to bs no strong
foundation for this assertion.
Hepnblleana and Democrats Kara.
Malm A boat Half the Vote.
DENVER, Colo.. Nov. 6-Party lcade-.a
were all at oea aa to the result of the stute
election tomorrow, being unable to estimate
Hci-urotely the vole to be given Judge hn
II. Liridfey and William D. Haywood, re
spectively ludepeuitent and socialist candi
dates for governor. In batting odds of L'i
to 1 in favor-uf Rev. Henry A. Buciilel.
lepublican cundidaie for governor, over
Alma Adams, democrat, are given. Eugene
lK-trii addressed a large meetliui of aoctal
lt here tonight, urging them to support
their candidate. The following statements
were given out tonight:
John F. Vivian, chairman lepublican
stale cnti-al committee: The total vol
will ! etKiUt )".i. Buchtel will w'4
iii;tt r;.ro.
Milton timith. cliuliinan democratic vtale
leuttai committee: the total vol.- will be
niioul V.'.'i). Alva Adams will poll about
.!'.'. .Ul,,t: 1 ,,'H, 1 rl
eWtaliM ln-aduusrtcrs: Haywood will get
at least 3",i" viiiff.
Hotf. it'uhlicHii and democrats are hope- 1 democrats and the other eight districts will clently serious to cause alarm, until two ! and General Wlnt oi the successful con
ful of obtaining control of the legislature, j return republicans. State Chairman Good- '"" - , feience held with the Ute Indians near
whli li will elect a senator, and of electing rich of the republican mate commute' ",n 'be early part of this summer my I Arvada, Wyo., last Saturday. General
the three Colorado congressmen. 1 claims the state for the republicans by I "lomrn ln u' h aiate I could take ' Oreely fully approves, , as does General
Madalril Situation la lda!-.
UOISK. Ida.. Nov. 4-The c ampaign cl -es
in this state tonight al.h the ltu-.ilo..
badly mixed. Both parties are claiming
.... .. . ,
T n "?
tickets. The situation in nearly all conn
ties is complicated with independent tlckfts
Dr- Graves'
Toolh Powder
Avoid discomfort, danger and
unpleasant after taste by re
fusing all other powders or
pastes, washes and soaps.
Your dentist will advise you.
Xa handy analal eaaa or buttlos. 26ck
Be, N07. 5, 1906.
Proof Corsels.
and a complexity of local Issues. Greatest
Interest now attaches to the plsn- Isuuched
by Senator Dubois of challenging all the
Mormon votera. It is said at democratic
headquarters thst this hss kept a great
many Mormons from registering, but the
republican Insist these people have regis
tered and will vote. The challenging la to
proceed on the ground that tbe church
teaches polygamy, aa shown by the testi
mony snd acts of Its heads and that mem
bers tf. the -church are therefore disquali
fied frtim voting under the provisions of
the stste constitution, . This challenging is
avowrdly for the purpose of. laying the
foundation for a contest 4n congress of Mr.
Borah be elected senator. ...''
IN' i
Ill re Companies of Mllltla Ordered to
Williamson to Prevent Bloodshed.
CHARLESTON-,. W, .Vs. Noy.,l.-On re
ceipt of a complaint thst the democrats of
Mingo county had been, terrorising repub
lican voters, bundling negroes In the trains
snd running them out of the county, Gov
ernor Ivson, today , ordered three com
panies of National Guards to .bo mobilised
at Huntington to be ready to move to tha
scene of trouble. Deputy Inited States
Marshal Day and Deputy Sheriff A. A.
Ouagot are reported to have been thrown
Into Jail at Williamson and b:.Jl refused
them. United States officers left here to
day to investigate.
HUNTINGTON. W. Va.. Nov. 8Com
panic o, H and T, of the West Virginia
National Guard are mobilised and tinder
arms here awaiting orders to go to William
son, where rioting has already occurred
nnd where serious conflicts in expected
on election day. Democratic policemen of
Williamson, snd republican deputy sheriffs
of Mingo county havs clsshed, and -while
no blood has yet been shed there Is every
probability that a bloody Conflict will occur
tomorrow. The officers and policemen or
Williamson are. also In trouble with the
federsl authorities, resulting from the ar
rests by policemen of Deputy Marshal Day
of Walsh. Republicans clslm that his ar
rest was for political effect, because be
secured the releaae of a negro arrested on
suspicion of an Intent to vote . illegally,
while the Williamson officials claim that .he
was guilty of a statutory offonso.
Fifteen deputy marshals went to William
son today In charge of Major W. H. Lyons,
and arreated Mayor Plnson, Chief of Po
lice Chaffln end other officers' nnd citisens
of Williamson charged with Interference
with a federal officer. Feeling on both
sides In the election on Tuesday is intense.
Word from Williamson this evening is
that the town Is quiet and that no further
disturbances are expected before tomorrow.
The militia here are all still in the
armories awaiting orders to go to William,
son, but the prevailing belief now Is that
their presence will be unnecessary.
The city officials arrested for Interfering
with a United States officers were released
on bond late this evening. Deputy Marshal
Day was also released.
Conntr and C'ltr Affairs Tarn Atten
tion from state Ticket.
COLUMBUS, O.. Nov. S. Interest in
local fights and In the contest over the
congressional election have combined to
take attention away from tha atate tick
els, minor offices only being voted ror
tomorrow. . , .
The ' democratic chairman.- Garber,
claims a plurality of ls.000 for his ticket,
with gsins In the congressmen, while
Senator Dick, chairman of the republican
committee, malntaina that his party will
not only retain all of Its own congress
men, but will also keep the democratic
districts won two years ago. The in
terest in the republican demand thai
President Roosevelt be given a republi
can congress was Intensified today when
a telegram was given out at Cincinnati
In which the president advised his son-in-law,
Congressman Longwortb, to havo
printed what Secretary Root had said of
him and what he bad written to Congress
man Wataon as a means of showing the
president's desire for a republican house.
The bitterest fight In the state is proba
bly that in Hamilton county, over tha
circuit and the common pleas judges. The
democrats were aided by the citlsens'
municipal party, both having nominated
the same judicial ticket and having united
in attacking
what they termed "Boas
- This - attack waa aJ tried
mads judges.
at George B. Cox, who announced his re-
tlremenl as republican leader after the cnnaiaatea. ins ngnt centers In the out
last election. i L
eleven Rep.bli.-a. (oa.rr....en
. INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. S. With the state
ticket and the legislature practically con-
ceded tu the republicans in tomorrow's
election, interest has centered in the local
results snd In the three congressional dis
tricts which th demorrsttc atate oraranla.L-
.Hon .claims are doubtful.. These are the
I r "st. H-cond ana iweirtu. It is believe!
the Third and Fouith districts will elect
I .. No statement waa msde st the
democratic state head-juarters. Marlor.
! ,.ounly wm U1B, voting machines tomorrow
d ,,,, rult B
j Iy
Tare Reonnllran t'onsresaiarn
8KATTLE. Wash.. Nov. . The camiaign
closed throughout Washington tonight, the
principal candidates addresaing meetings in
their horns cities. The republican man
agers claim the re-election of Humphrey,
Jones and Cushman, their representatives
ill congress, by at least 80.0W. Interest cen
ters on the leglaistlve ticket, aa the stats
senators elected tomorrow will vote on the
successor of United States Senator I.erl
Ankeny two years from now.
t.laat RBl.tratla la M.staaa.
UKUCNA, Mont.. Nov. I.-The campaign
In Montana closed thia evening with huge
meetings in ell the Important cities of the
state. There have hasn bo Important de
velopments sine Hsturday, except that the
smlalteta claim they all) ahow gain m'-r
the Acne of tsji )rar; age. alien tiiey
pulled vols In U.e stats. CU.rn.iu
Browns of the democratic committee and
Chairman Msddox of the republican, each
claim the election of emigre man and a
majority on Joint ballot In the legislature.
The registration shows a considerable f II -Ing
cfT. compared with two years sgo, and
the lots appears to be equally divided be
tween the republicans and democratic par
ties. '
IteaaMlraa Kiserl to fclert line t on-
reaaman In .arlh Carolina.
RALEIGH. N. Nov. B.-The election
tomorrow will be qulet'ln North Caroline,
except In the F.ighth congresslonnl district,
the contest being between Mlnckburn, re
publican, the Incumbent, and Hackett, dem
ocrat. Only ons state officer, corporation
commissioner, will be voted for. Tho.lndi
latlons arc thst a large vote will be polled,
but Interest Is dull.
LITTLE nOCK. Alk.. Nov. S. The In
dications today aro that the democrats
will carry all the seven congressional dis
tricts of Arkansas In tomorrow's election.
In the Fourth George Tilles, republican,
has made a great effort to defeat W. B.
Cravens, democrat, and during the cam
paign Vice President Charles W. ' Fair
banka and Secretary Shaw made speeches
In that district. The vote will be light.
Little interest Is msnlfested.
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 6. Apathetic con
ditions prevail in the congressional cam
paign In this state. The only show of fight
made against the democrats Is In the
Seventh district.
RICHMOND. Va.. Nov. 6,-Iu the con
greayionai election tomorrow the vote will
bs light. Tha democrats will carry with
out doubt all the districts ex'cept the Ninth,
now represented by a republican.
KASpy'LLEt Tenn., Nov. S. The contest
In Tennessee between M. R. Patterson,
democrats, and H. Clay Evans, republcan,
for governor. Is close. Both parties claim
tiie election' by from 20,000 to 30,000.
' The vote is expected to be light on ac
count of serious dissatisfaction in demo
cratic ranks upon which hope of republics!)
success Is based.
ATLANTA. Ca., Nov. 5.-Three Judges of
the state court of appeals authorized by
tha last legislature- and eleven congressmen
aro to be elected tomorrow. Except In the
First congressional district the democrats
have no apposition. It is not likely that a
heavy vote will he polled.
MONTGOMERY. Ala , Nov. 6-Chalrman
Smith of the democratic executive commit
tea is confident that every state and con
gresslonal nominee of . the state will be
elected by Increased majorities tomorrow
that the vole will be large.
DALLAS, Tex., Nov. '6. It is generally
conceded that the full democratic state
ticket snd the democratic candidates in all
congressional districts will be elected In
tomorrow's election. ' Good weath-r condi
tions we expected. , .
, JACKSON. Miss., Nov. 6. Mississippi will
return the democratic candidate in each
congressional district tomorrow. General
apathy prevails and a moderate vote Is ex
CHARLESTON, ,W. Va., Nov. 6. -After an
active campaign the republicans claim four
of the five - congressional districts. There
'has been a lack of Interest ' apparent
throughout the statnC
LOUISVILLE, Ky.,. Nov. 5. t- Senator
Jamea B. McCreary today claimed a ma
jority In tomorrow's senatorial primary
over Governor Beckham of 23,000. Governor
Beckham's managers say the Governor will
succeed to McCreary's seat by 24,000.
Samuel W. Hager, who Is running for
governor against B. Hayes, says he will
win the primary by 31.460. The rsces la
several of the congressional districts prom
ise to be close.
California ' Predletlous Vary,
SAN FRANC18CO. Nov. 6.-Wlth elec
tion only a few hours off, predictions as to
t.he result In California vary as widely as
at any time during the campaign. Tha
republican managers assert that Gillett wtll
be elected governor by nearly 30,000 plu
rality; the democrats claim they will have
over 8,000 plurality, while the leaders of the
Independence league declare that Langdon
Is a sure winner. The labor union, social
ist, prohibition and other parties In the
field are making no statement as to their
strength, but each counts on making a
good showing in the returns. The demo
crats expect to elect three or four con
gressmen, but the republicans say that a
solid delegation Is likely to be returned. '
Arlsona Asralnst Joint Statehood.
PHOENIX, Arts., Nov. 5. The total regis
tration In Arlsona Is 32.000. It is expected
that the vote will total 28,000. Those favor
ing Joint statehood claim 25 per cent of
the vote, but their opponens concede not
to exceed 10 per cent and Alnsworth for
congress. Democrats clulm Smith will be
elected for congress by 2.UO0 and the re
publicans claim Cooper by a small plu
rality. The labor vote Is an unknowmquan-
tlty. If It goes for Cooper the vote of
republicans for Alnsworth will be offset. It
Is claimed, and Cooper will be victorious.
err Mexico for Joint Statehood.
ALBl'QUERQl'E, N. M-. Nov. 5 -Indications
tonight are that. New Mexico will
return a majority for Joint statehood to
morrow of from 8.000 to 10.000. Reports
have been received from all the counties of
the territory and Indicate that with a few
exceptions the vote will be favorable to
Jointure. Later the reports from Arlsona
would h'Hn to warrant the prediction that
Joint statehood will be defeated in that
territory by a large vote.
Coastltotlonnl Ktaht In Oklahoma.
GUTHRIE, Okl., Nov. 5. Tonight wit
nessed no change in the attitude of the
republican snd democratic leaders as to
the result of the battle tomorrow for con
stitutional delegates. Chairman Hamon at
repuuncan neaaquaners says Indications of
the past two days Juatlfy the prediction of
iaventh hour slump toward the party
Takes hy Amy One at Siuall p,,,,,,,.
A bright young lady was telling ft
friend recently, of her trip along th;
moat delightful road she ever traveled,
the food route. She said:
"For a number of years I tmv been a
sufferer from Indigestion with its attei
i ant ailments, but my case was not sum-
I l" lM" "'lpnse sur-
l!!'"? " ..c"u,w,. neequety I was
losing flesh rapidly, and groning vceaa-ri
, ,n IPr and magasines. ami two
months ago persuaded myself to trv a
! " read the Utt.bookle. It con-
every clay. I had read about (Jra e-Xuti
tatned and resolved to follow liisjs-n. i loo.
as closely ss Dosaihl
"The result may be understood when I
ssy thst I met a Mend whom I had n .t
seen for three months Ji-r nm .,........
waa. "Where hate you been all aummer
I ssid. for the nasi, two month I v ho.
traveling along the road to Wellville.'
-'What are you dolngr she asked. .
"I've been feasting on Grape-Nuts .end
drinking Poatum Coffee, I replied.
on,, sne sam. -you are lonkinc
well I did not know you at tirat flight.'
"Whereupon I told her all about it
advising her to pursue the taint course
and continue It Indefinitely, aa I shall
"I am now using U rape-Nun In aoutn
form three times dally, snd Postuin Cof
fee twice a day, and I shall Improve neiy
opportunity by advising others to il.j like-
I wise. Name civen hv I'oaium Cn. ill.
j U, Creek. AllcU. "There's a reason."
lying di.Mrlits of the Indian Terrlt no
where the. status, of neither party t known.
An effort will be made by the various chiefs
to get out the full Indian vote.
I.laht Vote In Mlnneaotn.
ST. PAUL, Minn.. Nov. t. The Imita
tions tonight sre that a light vote will be
cast In tomorrow's election, . except In
the second congressional district ami the
city of Minneapolis, where more Interest
hss been taken In 'the remralgn than
snywhere else In the ststte. In the
second congressional district Congressmsn
McCleary Is making a strong fight for re
election, while In Mlnnespolis, where
municipal officers also are to be elected,
the question of "lid or no lid" hss made
the fight an intense otie.y Governor John
A. Johnson returned today from a speas-
Ing tour throughout the state snd ex
pressed confidence In his re-election. It
is generally conceded that the republicans
will have a plurality of 60,000 or mora
on all other state officers. The republi
cans admit that their candidate for gov
ernor will run behind the balance of the
ticket, but maintain that he will still wit
out by about 10,000 plurality.
Mir hiss a Republicans Confident.
DETROIT, Mich.. Nov. 5. The night be
fore election 'Michigan finds the republi
can party confident of the victory, of
their state legislative and congressional
tickets, snd discussing the slse of their
majorities, Charles R. A. Klmmerle, the
democratic gubernatorial candidate, does
not concede a republican victory, but
gives out no figures on an expected demo
cratic majority. Interest continues to be
Intense in Detroit In the street ratlwsy
franchise situation and Mayor George V.
Codd and his democratic opponent for the
maynrallty. City Treasurer , Thompson
continued their campaign until well Into
the night, Codd advocating and Thompson
opposing the proposed new franchise for
the Detroit united railways.
Solid Delegation from Kansas.
TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 5. On the eve of
election It Is reasonably certain that Kan
sas Will elect a solid delegation of eight
republican congressmen, although In sev
eral districts majorities will be cut down
on account of the fight which has been
made by the democrats slong tariff re
vision lines. Colonel William A. HarrK
the democratic nominee for governor. Is
as strong tonight as he has been at any
time since his nomination last Spring, ami
many republicans freely predict his elec
tion by a small majority. The republican
managers still claim Governor Hoch's re
election by at least 26,000 plurality, and
assert that this will be increased to over
40,000 If a full vote is polled.
All Confident In Missouri.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Nov. 5. The close of
the campaign tonight found both the re
publican and democratic managers claim
ing victory In Missouri. The final estimate
of the republicans was given out by Sec
retary Joseph McCoy of the republican
state committee, who predicted that his
party would carry a majority of the six
teen congressional districts, elect a repub
lican legislature and carry the state for
the general ticket by a majority varying-
between 10,000 snd 16.000. . Chairman Evans
of the democratic state committee asserts
that the democratlo party will carry the
state by not less than 30,000 majority.
Taft Speaks la Wyoming;.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. 6. All over tha
state the political campaign waa in active
progresa up to a late hour tonight. Ad
vlcea Indicate .a large Increase In the
democratic vote,, although it Is not ex
pected to be great enough to overcome
the republican nprmal majority on state
officers. . In many, counties local Issues
will give the. democrats an ascendency
they, have not had far years. , . '
Secretary Taft delivered ah address here
tonight. He" reached Cheyenne at noon
today and way met by troops from Fort
Russell. A dinner at the Cheyenne clui)
followed. -
Piles Cared la 6 to 14 Days.
Paio Ointment Is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles In to 14 days or money refunded.
(Continued from First Page.)
KollitiK. carrier; Peter Hillbert. substitute.
Centerville. route 5, James W. Vandyke,
carrier; Ada Vandyke, substit. c. Hilton,
route 4, William A. Crouch, carrier; Perry
Is. Orach, substitute. Jolly, route 1, John
F. Whipple, carrier; George F. Whipple
substitute. Malvern, route 1, William R
Emerlck. carrier, Clyde U. Norton, sub
stitute. MyHtic, route Z. Arda W. Scott,
carrier; Harry 8cgtt. substitute. Sioux
Center, route 2, Bejtjamin Kameran, car
rier; John W'lekamp. substitute, .t
A. M. Reber of Humboldt. Neb.; F. L.
Skrabee of Albion, and I J. Proper of
Wapello, la., have been appointed veteri
nary inspectors in connection with the bu
reau of animal industry at 1.2(X).
L. L. Houghbrandt of Glenwood, la., has
been appointed tagger in the same bureau.
Devising? fystem of Aeooants.
Tha committee of accountants appointed
by the leading railroads of the country to
take up with Statistician Adams cf the
Interstate Commerce commission a uniform
system of keeping the books of the several
railroads are now in session in Washing -
In addition to Krastus Young of Omaha,
genetal auditor, of .the Harriraan lines,
there are present Mr. Rebauack of the
Pennsylvania. Mr. Plant of the Southern,
Mr. Korhcrsperger of the-New York & combined Independence league snd deino
New Haven. Mr. Kreba of the Illinois Ccn- cratlc vote to the republicans: we should
tral, Mr. Bailey of the Santa Fe and Mr.
Farrington. vice president of the Great
Northern. The committee expect to be In
session for several days.
Mr. Young came In ' from Boston, and
after be gets through with his work here
will return to his home In Omaha.
t.oterauieat Hears of the Ileal vrllh
- . the 1 te Indlnns.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6-A telegrsm wss
received by the military secretary today
from Major General Greely at St. Louis
: transmitting a report from Colonel Rodgers
V lnt, of the agieemei t made with the In-
diMn, by r,H,nf. Rodgsra. aaylnc:
"This effectively removes dangerous In
present them again in
'""" " iumb.1
so handled as to
vading a vet tied
' ' TKS
ARK TO RIIIK l Tilt) ( (HI
! '
''"p "f Treachery said . t
i f baaae of I'roaraiu.
" ! SHKRIDAN. Wyo.. Nov. 5 A messenger
.. arriving at Arvada from the headquarters
j of the Tenth and Sixth cavalry reports
I a change in the plans. , The Utes a 111 be
brought to Arvada and taken from there
I ny ra,i 0f marching overland to
Fort Mcaiie, as was at first proposed.
They should arrive at Arvada tomorrow
evening. Fear of treachery on the part
of the I'tes is believed to bs the reason
for the change. Many dtssstlsfled I't.-s
still advise resistance to removal from
the Powder river valley..
Ta Care a Clt . Due Das
. . . .... .
. . Urevs s .:.iaiu.s 1 va teen U. 3s
Every Souvenir
Given Out
Daring Oar .
Opening Week
Is Worth $1.09
Was so entirely satisfactory,
bargain inducements offered
be continued during the week
OUR SOUVENIR will be given to
The store will remain open and the or
chestra will play until 9 o'clock, this, Mon
day, evening
Iideptidtat Eifineriss Flan Extsniivo
Otmpaitrt for a Square Dial.
Instances Cited Where Distributing
Rates Are 286 Per Cent
Higher Than Car Lot
CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 6. Following
their complaint against forty railroads In
Ohio, charging rate discrimination, the
Independent oil refiners expect to lodgs
similar complaints In all other states that
have railroad communication.
"We now have papers drawn and read
for filing with the Illinois commission,"
said C. D. ' Chamberlin. secretary of the
National Petroleum association, today.
"We are working on a complaint to be
filed In Wisconsin, from which state we
have just received reports of lailroad
discrimination. ' Instances are given in
which railroads there charge distributing
rates of 235 jer cent. Higher than car
load rates.
'We are to have. a hearing before the
Indiana commission December 1."
Progress of Terminal Center Mult.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Nov. o. Senior Counsel
R. C. Crow, for the government In the
ouster suit against the 'Terminal Railroad
association-r-i -the grounds of 'alleged vio
lation of the Sherman anti-trust act, today
turned over , to the terminal attorneys the
records of the proceedings of the eastbound
freight committee and the. St- Louis coal
traffic bureau for examination. The rec
ords comprise B.6oft,000 words and were se-.
cured by the government from R. M. Era
ser, chairman of the former organisation
and secretary of the latter, after a bard
legal contest, during which Fraser. who
refused to surrender the records, was ad
judged in contempt of court and technically
placed under arrest. Special Commissioner
Rombauer granted the terminal counsel a
week's time In which to examine the rec
ords and set the next hearing of the cane
for November 12.
Sleeping; Car Rates Too Hih.
AUSTIN, Tci... Nov. 5. A reduction In
Pullman Palace car rates of 30 per cent is
demanded by the railroad commission of
Texaa and an order was issued today for a
hearing on November 27, regarding the pro
posed rule, which. If adopted, is intended
to go Into-effect at om-e. The commission
will seek at the same time to phss the
rule compelling Texas railroads to haul
Pulln en car aa the commission may direct.
(Continued from First Page.)
took the form of replies to questions which
he said had been put to him by a New
York newspaper. Among the questions and
answers were the following:
"In your estimation, will you receive a
much larger vote In this city than you did
. iait year."
! -j believe I -will recele about double
t the vote in this city that I did last' year.
j The total vote'of the Indepencence leaguers
and democrats last year was over 460,000.
The republican vote was under 150,000.
; If 50.000 should be transferred from the
still have over Uml.OOi) plurality. I am
quite confident, therefore, that we will
have 200,000 plurality or more ln Greater
New York."
"Will that vote together with the vote
you will get upatate elect you?"
"I have never spoken up the state In
any place where Hughes had been, that
we did not have from two to ten or
twelve times the number of people that
lie had. Our audiences were not only
much larger but more enthusiastic. Tills
was true even In the most rock-ribbed
republican countiea. I do not believe that
the republicans will carry the upstate
counties this year and I believe we will
be elected by ths plurality that we rs
celve ill Greater New York, by 200,004
or more."
Flaat on Trosls.
Mr. Hesrst further said that if elected
he would continue his fight against the
trusts. If Mayor McClellan was shown
to have been Illegally seated the cour'.s
would unseat him; and If District At
torney Jerome or any other official. . re
movable by the governor was Incompetent
or false to the interests of ths people, he
would be removed.
Kvery where that Mr. Hearst appearel
tonight great throngs cheered him wildly.
! The candidate, who hart ln a great
measure recovered nis voice, wnicu nai
bothered him was evidently in excellent
Mr. Hearst closed the campaign aa far
as speechmakiug s concerned at an
Italian-American cltirera meeting held on
Orand street, sfter which the crowd of
several thousand residents of the Italian
colony gathered around liS automobile
and cheered for fully ten mlnutea.
The republican campaign waa aiao wound
up with Mg demonstratlona. Mr. Hughes
;as given sn enth.islsatlc r-cepil n ai
m.ta mi f.tch Hijm-
j orl at ir.icrruytl.. aud cheers for llem.
swst.ssjeaje.ssaaans''w ynr-sst N-y --T--e1-r-- r "ft.""!
The success of our
Day s Formal
the supply lasts
but the Interrupters were ejected by the
police. At Camp Hughes in Harlem so
great waa the crowd that a temporary
panic followed an attempt by those outside
the hall to break through the police lines.
A few persons were slightly Injured In the
crush, but quiet was finally restored.
Final Word from tu-hea.
Mr, Hughes, in the course of his speeches,
I havo been going about the state. I
have always held that the people are in
telllgent and seek a straightforward gov
ernment and now I am more than ever con
vinced of It.
What we want to see ended is corporate
disregard of law. We must get rid of the
misuse of corporste interests. The state
must insist that the corporations bear their
share of public burdens, no matter whether
they are banks, railways or newspapers.
YVe want to see done away with the use
of money for the purchase of office, the
deliberate attempt to purchase the hlghrst
office In the gift of the people. The people
won't stand for it.
If I am elected we won't have an alliance
with the bosses; the people must recognise
that their representatives at Albany are
free from dictations and free from alliance.
I want no deal with any boss to touch the
judiciary; I want no deal to mnke the
Judiciary anything but the independent
body It should be.
The Issue of this campaign, if I read It
rightly, is William R. Hearst against the
American flag, and the American flag has
never gone down in disgrace.
Final Meaaare from Woodruff.
Late tonight State Chairman Woodruff
gave out his final message from republican
headquarters calling upon every voter to
cast his ballot.
How can there be sny doubt, he asks,
that tomorrow's election will result In tri
umph for decent government, which will
be memorable in the history of the politics
of the whole country and unparalleled In
the history of the politics of this state?
Chairman Ihmsen -of the Independence
league state committee Issued the follow
I have no reason to change my mind aa
to the result of t' -elention tomorrow. Mr.
Hearst will be elected governor of the state
of New York by lou.ono plurality. He will
carry King'a county by 50.000 and will get
about the normal republican plurality above
the Bronx.
Our friends In this state are not at all
dismayed bv the great sums of money that
the republicans have sent up there.
Nevada Candidate Critically 111.
RENO, Nev., Nov. On the eve of tho
election Governor John Sparks, the demo
crstic silver party nominee to succeed
himself is taken very 111 and threatened
with pneumonia Two-doctors and nurses
are in constant attendance over him . His
Illness is the result, it is believed, of col
lapse from the hard work of the cam
paign. George A. Bartlett. for congreas,
is picked as a sure winner over the re
publican opponent, Oscar J. Smith, and
Sparks Is believed certain of election.
Booth Itakota Mtronsilr Republican.
SroUX FALLS. 8. D., Nov. 5. The cam
paign in South Dakota closed tonight with
addresses at Aberdeen by Coe I. Crawford,
republican nominee for governor, and
United States Senator Gamble, whose
term explrea next March, 'and who was
endorsed by the republican state conven
tion' for re-election. The proposed amend
ments to the state constitution will be
voted on Tuesday. Republicana expect a
plurality for their ticket of not less than
40,000. Democratic leaders assert it will
be much less than that.
Hci.ahllraa t onareaaiuau la I tab.
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 5 That the
republicans will re-elect Congressman
Joseph Howell and will elect Joseph -K.
Frick. their candidate for Justice of tho
supreme cout-t, 1s generally conceded. In
terest centers in the strife over the
county officers in Salt Ijike county, with
the issue in doubt between the republi
cans snd the American party, the anti
Mormon organization. .The Mormon, vote,
so far as it can be controlled by the
church leaders, will be cast for the re
publican candidates.
' Dr. Lyon'
TooSli tab?
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