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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1906)
12 ' " : Il-Bt-IM. .-! JL- Tin: omaiia' 7 daily bees Tuesday. November g, iooo. IHIHIII K p . , . 1 3 .Stori j,tH- lr it ft i-nrsninirris.i u A Special Sale of All Silk Chiffon 5 1,500 yards 45-in. and 48-in. nil silk chiffon and Monsso line ae pkho, jn an ino new jail pnaues, now yi f hrcrwns, row bines, pink, ciol, yellow, cream, Jr jT . Tvhifce and black, positively worth 75c yd., at 1,250 yard3 of 45-in. silk chiffon, in a fine range of new colors, including white and Jr fO black, worth 50c a yard, at, yard a w . Vho ever heard of silk chiffon at thrao prices. All Silk Veiling at 10c YL-A11 silk veiling in chenille dots, fancy mesh, and hair line veilings in black, white and colors, worth np to 25c, yd. J 20o All Silk Malines at 7c These are 2-in. PJ wide, in pink, blues, greys, browns and all n 11 Th Silk Malines at V2c These are 27-in. PJ g in pink, blues, greys, browns and all A . K colors, worth 20c a yard, at, yard ...-... j xdics' Rid Gloves. 75c Pair fine quality Kid Gloves in black rns, whites and greys 7 sC i -oidered backs on bar- J O) nnorn tiw tnrs nAir. .... 5? Ladies' Kid Gloves. 75c Pair Ladies' browns, embroidered gain square, new store pair Handkerchief Sale at 1240 Each Importer's samples of ladies' embroidered, scalloped and hemstitched embroid- fi crod handkerchiefs worth upto 35c also big lot of lr raen's all pure lirwn hemstitched handker- y! Vf chiefs, at, each I 2C jr P Extraordinary Sale of $ $ C. J. Bonnet ct Cic 1 1 SALE OF NOTIONS J Or Back Combs, CA fnr for 10c 24-yards Cotton Tape C. Sfe for 'C P; 60c Jiatln pad Hose Pup- "tO- porters JJ M 80cCan0eld trcss Hhlelds. It. P. size t, pair ,JC H 10c: quality Dusters C- N for JC y Ec Brook's Crocht Cot- 11. ton, spool .3C I j) 10c. Hat Pin, all styles, X U for c M 6c I fooks nd Kyes, "J M g card - sj 3$ 3 25 27-in. Black Tall eta SB Pi Always $1.25 Yd. g Special at. Yd. rl well known laffUB bronirht W 1 , , us bo many customers, who appreciated real values, we t') j Jfl repeat this sale for Tuesday j $ only. Fine 2 7-ln. wide,' worth 0 i $1.25 a yarti. at, yd., ."iOc. S OMAHA elect the Cigar You Smolie ..Guy It of Ug.. 1 r prncc z 1 The above Just about flwscrlhes our sys tem of doln ctsar business. You Just look tn our window or rlgar case and find ths cUar you taow art aura of, then buy it aa many as you want at hajf i-rlce or less. . , , Judflng by the crowds that have tnronRed ur clusr counter, the m-n of Omaha are well plejid with - the values we havo been aivlti them. We have dosens more uuallv ood snaps enroute, and smokers should keep their eye on us. W mentln below a few our our lead ersbnt have a hundred more brands. 10c Kanv.nea & Haya, clear Havana, 5c; 12.60 box of So. 10c Haiel Kirk, Perfecto size for 6o; $1.2S box of 2&o. 10c Tellers for Be; J2.60 boit of BO. Tom Moore Bouquet, 4 for 2Bc; tl.50 box of :b. a for !Bc flanchei Haya. clear Havana, Rothschild, "c each; $3.50 box of 50. . 10c Porto Rlcos for be; $2.00 box of 80. ' 10c Grace Kimball for 6c; J 1.1:5 box of 2K. Robert Rurna, 4 for !Bc; $3.00 box of E0. 10c Lady kenox, 4 for t6c; $1.50 box of r 10c Oarcla Bros., clear Havana, 4 for 25c; $3.00 box of 60. , Porto Rico tiloKies, B for 10c. . 10c l.a Vuelta for Gc; $2.60 box of 50. 10c Colonel Cervantes (Porto Rico) for he: $2.00 box of 60. . And many other brands of 10c clears for be. ' All 5r clrara t for 10c. We mention be . low a, few brands now In stock and sold 3 for 10c: , Little Tom. Old Chept. Owl, Ton Armorn, Henry Oeorire, Heroic Royal Rluw, ' Hurl. .Capaaluii, Emery, Charter. Kismet, i t;nlT Cube. Ilia t we have all the other l popular 6c brands, S for 10c. Wa fcve a aaosk complete 11a of Oarola k Bros, and Teraadea clear Imu foods, as wall as most of the wall kBOwm brands of Key Was and . Domes tlo clears. Watch oar ads, and see window and follow tba crowd of smoxers. Sherman & McConnetl Drug Ccmpsny Til XXXAXX. riUMUTI, Ccr. ICth and Csdgs Streets EXCLUSIVE STYLES ST 'il' uutoulythal you see the livwrsi tailoring fabrics KIRST at Mcoll's but you'll see novelties in rloth that you'll not find on display elsewhere. Thotie fabrics are exclusive with Nicoll. A wide range of styles and materials Hive yon an almost endless variety to select from. Suppose you drop in to day. trmcrs J5 to SI 2. Suits S20 ta $50 rrra A n rt sr djfie Wales Adding MoLchine Is the latest, most modern, up-to-date Adding and Uhtlng Machine on the market. It must be teen to be appreciated. Correspondence Solicited. Trial Examination Free. A. L. McCreary Nebraska Agent, k T. O. BOX 801, LINCOLN. i t W4a-a n va iw 1 IX I..V. A A nB v1 4- Lincoln State Fair. 1893. Highest Award and Gold Medal at Trans Mlsfllsstppl Exposition, Omaha, 1898. Highest Award and Gold Medal at Lewis and (Mark Cen t n n t a 1 Exposition, Portland, Ore., 1905. This, when in competi tion with the renowned beers of the world, and when Judged by a Jury of the most critical ex perts. No other beer has had higher endorse ment. Drink Stori BVct for yoor health's sake. Keep a case In your home. Ktorx Brewing Co., Omaha. is I The 20th Century Opportunity Autemcbile Knowledge .Means Money in R Vour 1'ixkct. , ,h fc-hooi wt llnl pi-oiM., rnnipin. (,r.- MvIp. lr..nlg br moll in opT.,,,. ru UU.-UUI o4 dignlUli svrry Un.d or nmtur whti'i irs ksi L..... ...d Win bui o,i ,,,, ..r J.-r pr,Kur iuc-k.H. l;,(Jil. , X ."Id- 11IU11 SALAUIKS A1 T. Ch.uff. irv nn,.n, Au.m.,bll. K'liitiern U. .h.ui-Hp.lrB., ,j l.iur.. , BIM ,. Per c Food Ccnlcr ol Omalta Thanksglvlnn time will soon b'e here and we are prepared to fur nish Thankpplvlng table delicacies both fancy and substantial, and of the highest obtainable quality. Tn view of the strenuous times of the season, we have laid in a stock of these pure food products that is sure to gladden the hearts of those who do the providing of the good cheer wherewith to celebrate the day. TABLE WINES The following prices show how cheaply we' are selling fine wines and liquors: Leading brands of Imported Champagnes, per quart. $3.65 Imported Cognac Brandy' (12 years old) S1.2." King William Scotch $1.85 Old Crow (bottled In bondlJgl.lO Cohasset Punch (somethinn new) ...a.. 581 .2. Williams 4- Newman's Old Fash ioned Cocktails, very fine, ready to drink S1.25 Old Maryland Rye Whiskey (our own bottling) per gallon $3.00 Full quarts Kentucky Bourbon (our own bot tling) per gallon $2.85 Full quarts 75 Fine old California Port, Tokay, Malaga, Maderia, Angelica nnd Muscatel, for this week, per bot tle 50 Assorted, if desired, per dozen $5.00 'Phone, Douglas 47 Frlrate Exchange Connects All Departments. Throe Seoarato Entrances: 17th Street, Dong-las Street and Wast Arcade from Brandeia. f FOOT Comfort Shoes That's what we call oui Cushion Sole Shoes. And those who have worn them say "there is more real com fort to the square inch in a pair of those shoes than any kind they ever wore." It's the only real Cushion Sole Shoe on the market hand sewed, which makes it flexible and easy made on a broad foot form last, which allows the foot to reBt square ly on the sole, as It should, and not on the uppers, as most so-called cushion soles shoes do. We have them men and women. for both Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. To New Omaha Citizen Who have recently come here, and to those who have not jot called 011 us, we extend a cordial Invita tion to call and see us. Come, make yourselves known, and let us get acquainted. lo so whether you wish to buy or noL. It will be a great pleasure to show you through our Immense stock. Jr f- I tilt VtKATIIKR roiir,l'AT Tnesdar eder. 1 A I V 3 zd 11 YOUR MONET'S WORTH OR TOUR M3XET BACK s fl That Ambitious Sale of Dress Good begun Monday morning, is continued Tues day. If you secured it Is likely you did a rip-tearing bargain Monday come again Tuesday, and have another. SOME LEADERS: 50c "Waistings for....' 21 $1 wliito and navy mohair for 29 50c wool dress dress goods for 29 $1 black dress goods for 39 $1.50 Scotch Coatings or heavy suit ings for 63 $1.50 mannish stuffs for 75 $1.L,5 and $1 novelties in broadcloth, fancy suitings and black goods for. ... . .47 , DOMESTICS AT HALF PRICE. NOTE: "We positively prohibit ex aggregation of values. "When we say 50c waistings for 21c, we mean that those waistings are on sale in this city at 50c you know it. Perfect goods, up-to-date goods, relia ble goods to facilitate sales and you save your time, we have cut popular lengths from these dress goods and thrown same on bargain squares. Ribbons 4-inch all silk taffeta Kib bon, in all the popular col orings, worth 25c, at, yard, 12c 4-inch fancy plaid ibbon, all the new combinations worth .'toe a yard, at 15c Agent for Hall Dorchrrt Adu stable , Dress Forms THE RELIABLE STORE v J Special Sale of Boy Clothing Tuesday 1 4-inch satin edge fancy flowered Kib bon, all white grounds, worth 35c a yard, at 15c CROCKERY THE RAYO LAMP the Lamp The Stan ard Oil Kecommends we have it (J CA complete for . . , .vJLu" THE BLUE LUGANO an English Porce lian Dinnerwear pattern, finest of ware, pretty gold, a $15 set Tuesday, for $11.98 SOLD IN OPEN STOCK AT A DISCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT TABLE TUMBLERS AND PRESSED GLASS OF ALL KINDS AT A DISCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT. LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND LOWEST PRICES SEE THE SPECIALS AT 6 FOR 30C. ,6-INCH JARDINIERE in assorted blends and )Q - shapes, special fclJC OTHERS at 75c, 48c and . . . .'. .' fioC BENNETTS' BIG GROCERY Coffee roasting extraordinary Blest with the largest retail coffee business in the state of Nebraska, and that un questionablywe roast every ounce of coffee we sell not in a corner of 'the boiler room, but right in the coffee depart ment in full view of the customer, in our new Gas-Electric j"0ci$trr ' ' YOUR COFFEE ROASTED WHILE YOU WAIT. Peanut Butter, medium Jar ijjc And Ten Green Trading . Stamps. Schepp's Cocoanut, four im pound pkgs 25c And Twenty Green Trading " Stamps. Red CroflB Cream, 2 large cn 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. ,48c Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lli. can . . L 4Hc And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. BennetCs .BWt Coffee, pound ' 35c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Basket Fired Japan, Tea, lb And Forty. Green Trading Stamps. Pepper, ground, black, pure, can 12c And Ten Grtron Trading Stamps. Japan RicenJt pounds .Ik And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Double Grcu Trading Stamps on Granulated Sugar. Maine Corn Special Can 10c Dozen cans fl.OO Jl'ST AKKIV1. "Best We Have" Tomatoes Solid pack, splendid, can ViUv dozen cans 91. 45 Table Syrup, 3-lb. can 12c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. COMBIXATION SPECIAL. Bennett's Capitol Pancake, PK IOc Bennett's Capitol Wheat, pkg..lOc Bennett's Capitol Oats. pkg...loc ' 80c And Forty Green Trading Stamps. BENNKTT'S CANDIES. SPECIAIi PKICE Butter Scotch Balls, pound tOc 1 Drown & Borshcim .-. jewelrs .-. 220 Soula 16tb SL DAILEY & MACII DENTISTS 3D FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK HIGHEST GRADE DENTISTRY REASONABLE PRICES WANT DESIRABLE TENANTS? Ivtrllit lu Tbs Be. Where You See the Oldest Trees in the World YT MAGINE thl3 if you can 3 equare miles or forest, containing 3,000 trees measuring over 300 feet in M height and 50 feet around. When you consider that every one of these trees Is as high as Uie ordinary city skyscraper of today, and that there are 3,000 of them in this one forest, you have only a vague Idea of the sisht before you as you ride among them and look up among their branches. Even thee are larger than any tree near your home. Expert estimate places the age of these trees at 8,000 years. They were growing before the pyramids of Egvpt were built. The UNION PACIFIC is the way to this and tha many other wonders and dellghtu of California. Ask about rates, trains, etc. Cet the California books and plan a little trip for this winter. Inquire at CI IV TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FA It X AM ST. PHONE IMU GIiAS ;14. LAY IT ASIDE for Christmas. Make your selection while th stork is complete. A piece of Jewelry makes I be niott accept. uuAe Chrifitmas gift. pend a few minutes in Our store and see what we have. Look for the dm me. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1510 lXm(las Street. IK' v Cloaks! BARGAIN DAY IS $10.00 Black Broadcloth Coats, lined yoko, velvet colhr, braid IriimntMl, strnp lrnrky great larjain, nt Jj5G.5l $18.00 BLACK BROADCLOTH COAT; satin lined throughout great snap Tuos day, at : $10.00 $1. l.OO ('oats, in handsome faney mixed ma terials, trimmed with combination colors, i."0 .in the Jot to select .from, nt, choice. $8.90 Many other bargains in suits, waists, furs, skirts, etc. Linens and Wool Dress Goods O TAItLE, I.INEX SALE 1 FROM 3 TO 4. P. M.-Wc will .sell 4 inch table damask, the 6bc quality', only 6 yards to a customer, TIf -at, a yard. . ,.i 00 iC CI RTA1X SALE FROM 3:30 TO.4:30 We will place on sale 200 pairs of lace curtains that sell at 75c to $1.00, a e per pair, at each J ?Q Only three pairs to a customer. No dealers. H sure and attend our famous wool dross goods sale. FROM 10 TO 1 1 A. M. we will sell B3 inch broadclMhs. grades that sell from $1 to $3 per yard, all colors. no blacks, pur wool, not over 8 yds. , to a customer, at, , a yard FROM 2:30 TO 3:30 P. M. we will sell 50 pieces of cream mohair, the 11.00 and $1.25 grade, at a yard, only, Xo dealers. 39c we will air, th ...47c In Omaha's Greatest Bargain Room 6! Heavy Unbleached . Muslin, from the bolt, Thursday, at, yard. .4 75c Heavy Cotton Klankcts, 1 1-4 size. ftt lalr . .45 12iic Percales, 32 inches wide, 2 to r( yard lengths, at, yard 12?,' Sllkoline, best quality, 36-inch, wide, long remnants, at A 7 He Standard IVintja Loug mill ends, at, yard . 1 U ' a. rmi t a m jiin-v i.rvni x nmos or 1 nucnvcar and HoMcrr. 1 Ladies' Vest and Pants, f TABLE a Men's hvr ticon htr. and drawers, ladies' union s men's work shirts and Jersey over shirts and boys' sweaters, winter weight, values up to 75c, Tuesday, choice TABLE heavy ribbed, fleece lined; misses' and children's fleece lined vests and pants, misses' union suits, men's win ter weight shirta and drawers,, val ues up to 50c, on bargain square, at 1 rj, hlrU-5 nits. 29 TABLE 3 Men's hose,, heavy woolen, fleece lined or cotton, regular 19c val ues, laaies ana cnnaren s heavy ribbed, fleece lined hose, fast black, regu lar 15c quality, yon bargain square; at pair...... lO Hayden's, the Greatest Grocery, Fresh Fruit, Vegetable, Butter, Cheese and Cracker Market in the West S-lb. best hand picked navy hoans 2oo 10 bars bout brand. laundry soap ........25c -lbs. rolled breakfast oatmeal 2rn- Lea & Perrln's Sauce, per bottle 23c 4-lb. cans Walter Baker's Cocoa. Fh: Peanut Butter, per jar 9c Crosse &; Klufkwell'H Jams or Klllln's Dun dee Marmalade, per Jar 23c. l-ll. pkg condi-nwd mincemeat 7c, Ounrt In ra Ttnrj. Oliln munl 'if... .15c c. ure Ohio maple syrup, lb 1 i'otled meats, per can 21 i-lh. cans assorted foups fi Ki-esh crisp RiiiKer snaps, lb 4: 4 pkits. I'needa biscuits ljo The best soda and oyeter crackers, lb....0c Fancy Full cream Young-' America cheese, per lb lzo Fancy Full cream brick or I.lmburRer clieese, per lb. lro FRICSH VEGKTABLKS AND FRUITS Fancy conklnn apples, peck 1iV Fancy 'ape Cod cranberries, qt 8 l-.'te Fresh siinaili, jier pock 7HJ 2 liejida frenb cclerv M l-'nncy wax or string; beans, lb 74o Fresh parsnips, carrots, turnips, beets, or rut aba rocs', lb Jo 5 bunches fresh parsley fi 6 bunches fresh radishes ....fin Ijitk" heads cabbage, each 4o Fancy home (crown or New Jersey sweet potatoes, lb .m! T.arfte crape fruit, each 7V.o Fancy Jonathan apples, peck 2To I.arce ripe banana, dozen lo-i California flits, pkg; Ja Fam-y Malaga crapes, lb lis Fancy Quinces, . 0o nil.NESK SACRKD LILY BUL.B3- caoh ....8a Largest Base Burner in the World Weighs 800 Pounds and Will Heat a Whole House Like Furnace "- - fc't ti Hi: i'.''. J HOWE VEWTILATOH made in Rochester, N. V., and sold Is tho East for ten years sold bf us for the third year. The feature of this stove is the circulating system. Tha construction of this base burner Is entirely different from any other All thl week we will give demonstrations and show the construction of thU wonder ful heater. We sell any size at $5 down and $5 a month or a cut price for cash THE STOETZEL STOVE CO. 714 South Sixteenth Ot. Ir TOt EHiJOV ' cool, delicious, satisfying smoks one thut will banish your rarea and mate life wort Ii liviu, i sure and cull for tlie old reliable 1 (7 9 V 1 r ii "i'" mm., w liwi armoa for iui. nl .uiouibu. u.t... W.u. Jf ,.JU1. w lk (r.. ,.n.k. u( -,r ..,,,n, n, Mu,ri.,,. or At .ToMohiLic it.s.aNtKHLsu.1" ?,r: "Tift a i.., h v, , t,,. ,MJl Bee Want Ads Produce Resnt"i I J