Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1906, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA DAILY J IKK; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER MI, l!of,. 11 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Offices 10 IVnil 'PROGRAMS TOR VETERANS Ertrythisc it leadiatsi far Rtuaian of . tit Army of the Taiitiie. MAYOR ASKS CITIZENS TO DECORATE, V ' Afiaaahtera of the America Hernia, lloa to Giro Reera-tloa at the Kike' Clvb Ream la Hoaor of be Visitor. All arrangementa for the entertainment r'of the Society of tha-Army of the Tennes see, which, will hold lta thlrty-alxlh annual reunion this' city Thursday and Friday 'of thla "week, wero practically completed yesterday by the executive and other com- .mittees having tha matter In charge. The followlna; la the completed official .program for the two day: On Wednesday evenfhf, November 7, there .will, be ,t wo. camp nre for the entertain ment of visiting officer and soldiers of all urml'iK at 'the Dodga I-lght Guard armory and Danish hall at t o'clock p. m., where sneakers of local and national reDutatlon . will, make addressed. ,j Order of Evirliri. Frrst Pay, Thursday, November 66 A. M. Aseernhly by the trumpeters, Wall "MeFadden's Drum corpa following. The Society of tha Army of the Tennessee will march from the Grand hotel to the auditorium of the Elka' club house for the nusiness meeting, commencing at iu o ciock a. m. 2 to 4 IV M--Beoeptlon at the Orand ho tel. At this reception the society will re ceive all old ofneera and aoldlera of tha The society, with lta guesta, will much with ithe )nd and trumpeters from, tha Orand hotel to the New theater. I Mar ilenrrsl Urenvllle M. Dodge, presi dent of the Society "of the Army of the Tennessee, will preside. Muslo :.i t . . Covalt'a Band. I'rayer ij ..I a .. l t . t . . . Sung Star pngled Manner .... Elks' Quartet. wVddre,sa -of Web-ome Jbm. Albert B. (-Hunmlne, Governor of Iowa, Address-of welcome . Hun. Donald- Macrae, Jr., Mayor of - -Ouncll Blurts. ,&0t"--Old Black Joe -. n r Klks' Quartet. Bespojise to th Welcome t . , - . , General John C. Black. .Annual Address .General Smith D. Atkins. Son ; ..v. t -Mrs. Mary E. Latey of the Society of tha Army of the Tennessee. Address Major General O. O. Howard, Commander of the Arhiy of the Tennessee. Address- ' Major. General Y. T. Grant. Commander 'Department of the East. Volunteer Remarks ani'-i it , Elks Quartet. Seond Day. Friday. November' :63 a. m. -"Assembly" py the trumpeters. irtim corps 'followlna:.' ' The society will match to the Auditorium .'of th; Klks' club house for the adjourned 4Htsln-ss 'meeting- at 10 a. m. 2 o P. M. Reception to the society and Its Invited guests at the parlors of the Klks' dun house by .the women of Council uiutra 7:4fi P. M. Members of the society and in vrted guest will assemble at headquarters fn the Grand hotel and at the sound of the ' trumpet march to the banquet hall. Entertainment . committee headquarters DffiOCRATIC TlffiET STATE.' '.' For Qororaer, ... CUtUDB, R. PORTER. CentervlUa, Ia For Lieutenant Oovernor. JOHN D. DBNISON, Dubuque, la. For Secretary of State, J. S. MoLUFUD. Guthrie Canter, la. For State Auditor, C. K. MOORE, Oakalooaa, la. For State Treasurer, -L. F. DANFOTH, Lake City, la. For Attorney General, FRED TOWN8JEND, . , Albta, la. For Judges of Supremo Court. E. M. CARR, . Manchester, la. - L. M. FISHER, Davenpert, la. For dark of 8upreme Court, T. W. KEEN AN, Shenandoah, la. Far Resort rr of tha Supreme Court, H. W PARKS. Muscatine, la. For Railroad Cemmisslonere, W. I,. CARPENTER, Pea Moines, la. B. K. RTAHI Mpunt Pleaaant, la. For Superintendent of BcneoU, PROF. W. S. WILSON. , - Rook Raolia, la. COXGRES8TOXAL. For Congressman, Ninth Iowa, Dlatrtct. . VT. C. CAMPBELL, Harlan, la. ' JUDICIAL. For Judge of tha platrlct Ceurt, V. W. MILLER, Pottawattamie County, la, ' LEGISLATIVE. ' For Representatives, JOHN P. ORGAN. Council Bluffs, la. A. A LENOCKER, Oakland. la. . . COrXTY TICKET. Kor Treasurer, M. C. OOODWIN, Council Bluffs, la. For Auditor, JOHN D. HANSON, Neola, la. For Sheriff, JAMP.H C. JfiNsEK, Council Bluffs, la. Fat Clerk af District Court, FRANK LeFKBER, Walnut, la. i' For Recorder. . FKKD HiKHtR, Mlndeo. la. " "Far County Attorney, : . ROSCOE BARTON, Aveoa, la. For Superintendent of Schoola, MlS CAKOMNE TOBIlY. Oakland. Ia For burveyor, ERWIN NPKTMAN. Council Bluffs, la. - - For Coroner, ., DR. J. F. SPR1NK. , Council Blufta, la. For Supervisors, C H. McOkKADT, Macedonia, la. DOM I NICK OHOU, Pleaaant, la. JOHN WARNER, Valley, la. C M CRIPPEN. Council Bluffs, la. ' LUTE UMITH, Carner Township. . Trw8UIP TICKET. For Jutfge of Superior Court, HAHVEY O. OUR EN. " Council Bluffs. Ia. For Justice of the peace. J.. K. COOPkR, ' Council Bluffs. Ia SAMUEL A. OREEV, Council Bluffs, la. - For Constables, , FRANK EDGAR. Council Bluffs, la. i'H h ,1 KN8EN. Cauncll Bluffk. I a. Kor Clerk, H. ' ' 1 ' tOW, Council Bluffs, la. r or Assessor. WILMON DUNCAN, fCsne Township. For Trustee. J H. 1. 1 BHK.M. Kane Township B I. G4IIR1-: r.-i'.iN. TaT.e Iw hsh p. BLUFFS Ht. Tel. 4:1. re In the league rooms, third floor, Ornnd hotel. The parlors nf the Klks- club rooms will he opm at all times for the use of the members of the society and its Invited nests for ensy renting places and cosv chit-chats. Carriages will he at ths Orand hotel eat h morning for the use of the members of the society. Proclamation by Maor. Many of the business houses are being decorated In honor of the distinguished guests and In this connection Mayor Mac rae yesterday Issued the following procla mation: - Tha Society of the Armv of the Tennessee will bold Its snnusl meeting In Council Bluffs this week. As mayor of the cltv and a member of the cltlxena' executive committee having charge of the arrange ments for the reception and entertainment Of these veterans 1 request that all who can do ao decorate their homes and busi ness places In honor of men whose pres. ence Is- an honor to our cltv. I'nfurl Old Glory and fling It to the breeae. Let the red. white and blue be seen from all vantage points. The men of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee fol lowed thst flag on many a hard-rought field, straining their eyes at times through the smoke of battle, while artillery thun dered and the deadly minis ball sang Its song, to catch a glimpse of its beautiful frlils. They loved It then and they love It today. Council Bluffs Is the. Iowa home of the commander of the socletv. Ma lor Genera' Granville M. Dodge. In his honor, there fore, and that of the surviving hemes of the old Army of the Tennessee let us act all together and make our citv a city beau tiful to look upon, worthy of the honor of being chosen as the place of meeting of these veterans. , . U. A. R. Reception. At a meeting yesterday morning of the women'a reception committee, of which Mra. Donald Macrae is chairman. It wai decided that the members of the local chapter. Daughters of the American Revo lution, would hold a reception Thursday afternoon from I to S o'clock In the parlora of the Elks club house for the members of the Society of the Army of the Tennes aeo and their Invited guests.' A cordial in vitation la extended to the women of the city to attend thla reception. Friday afternoon, between the same hours and In the same place, the members of the women'a reception committee will receive. These comprise the women'a reception com mittee: Mrs.' Donald Macrae, chairman; Mrs. R Fj. Montgomery, Mrs. George K. Wright Mra. E. W. Hart, Mrs. Victor Bender, Mrs' Ernest E. Hart, Mrs. D. W. Bushnell, Mrs. C. L. Haas. Mrs. Charles T. (Stewart, Mis. W. H. Dudley, Mrs. H. W. Binder. Mrs. Walter I. Smith, Mrs. Lucius Wells, Mrs Smith McPherson, Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Mrs. Joseph B, Reed, Mrs. Spencer Smith Mrs August Beresheim, Mrs. William Groneweg' Mrs. John N. Baldwin, Mrs. Robert B Wallace, Mrs. Edward Canning, Mrs. W. L Balnbridge. Mrs. O. D. Wheeler. Miss Caro line L. Dodge, Mrs. M. A. Tluley. Mrs. C G. Saund-rs, Mrs. Charles A. Beno, Mrs .V W-!,l,,ri Mr"- c- w- McDonald, Mrs. Emmet Tinley, Mrs. H. A. Qulnn, Mrs. F. R. Davis. Mrs. H. H. Van Brunt. Mrs. J. J. Hess. Mrs. W. S. Stlllman. Mrs. W. A Maurfr, Mrs. J. F. Wilcox. Mrs. B. m' Sargent, Mrs. George H. Richmond. THE RADIANT HOME' BASE BURNER IS WITHOUT DOUBT THE GREATEST HEATING STOVE AND FUEL SAVER IN THE WORLD. NO HOME IS COM PLETE WITHOUT ONE. WE UNCON DITIONALLY GUARANTEE IT. COME DOWN TO OUR STORE AND SEE THEM. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU AND POINT OUT ITS GOOD QUALITIES. SOLE AGENTS, PETER SEN AND 8CHOENING CO., HARD WARE AND FURNITURE, COUNCIL BLUFFS. You can't afford to have your carpets and rugi beaten In tha old-fashioned way when you can have tfiem thoroughly cleaned by mr process at auch moderate cost, without I ilurv to the finest fahri,. ),!.. I , . . --.".. ".... ,our last winter's suit and let us make It look like new. Council Bluffs Cleaning and Bug Factory, H North Main St . Next Monday. Norember 5, new classes j will be organized in the day and evening I school at the Weatern Iowa college. Phone J for information; both phonea. Pictures for wedding gifts. C. E. Alex ander, 338 Broadway. WATER WORK REPORT JtOT READY Baa-laeer Kfersted Falls to Pat la I An Appearaaee. I wiuiam Klerated, the expert hydraulic en- i tineer otnnloved hv the cltv fnH t ... rive veitrrlm- sq ti .v,. ... r yesterday aa. It waa thought possible no tmgni ana consequently there was noth. Ing lng n ii waterworks matter at the regular monthly eeslon of the city coun cil last night. The committee to which had been referred I th n"""" of locating the additional lights under the new lighting contract with the jCitlsena Gsa 4- Electric company presented , lta report which was approved. New art ,Ught are to be placed at Main. Sixth, ; Seventh, Ninth and Tenth atreeta or .Broad. 1 ZH'. n !VenUe ""d rp"r """' . The four arc lights on the tower on the ken HntnT?ly T' hOUf " be .taken down and rep'ueed at Fifth avenue I and Pearl street, inteibtc on of Main and xj.r, c,,.. ju.u Pearl atieeta, Fifth avenue and Sixth .atreot enl Willow avenue and Sixth street, j Councilman Knudsen declared that If arty I"!'""!1! . oiane (o remove ire lights from the uuuit house tnw.r ini,, J iceedinim would be brought against the city. Let them enjoin," said the n.ayor, "I believe the city council has authority to place the city lights where it deems beat." The committee also recommends that the arc lights In the several wards which are In Isolated places be excifanacd for four thlrty-two-candle power tncandekcent lights, tha latter to be ao placed aa to give a more general Illumination. The recom- i mendatlon waa concurred In. '. The committee consisting of Councilman Knudsen, Maloney and Wallace to which had been referred the matter of purchasing dump wagons aa recommended by the or, reported favorably as to thj purcha , Fourth Ward. First Precinct County of ane at a, cost of uot to excewd Hm iva an court house. l ourth Ward, Second Precinct 1302 South experiment. , 1Il4i) Rev. W. L. Glersdorf asked permission ! Fifth Ward. First Precinct-Count v fo elect a city mission building, to be con- building, corner Fifth avenue and Twelfth atructed of frame, covered with corrugated tiJ7t!; , a A . , . i, . ,. . . " , Hfth Ward, Secotid Precinct County Iron, on a lot owned by the city at Twelfth l.uildliiK. corner Thirteenth street and treat and Broadway. The building. It wau .Fifteenth avenue. Stated, waa to coot $2,500. The request was Sixth Ward, First Precinct County referred to the committee of the whole. ! 0V,rTrl'Ks'treetr'''"r Av,,nU6 " ",ld 1 "'"- C. N. Poor was granted a permit to! Sixth Ward. Second Precinct Fifth and operate a saloon at 1U0 West Broadway. ', Locust. The finance compilttee, to which waa re- j The following are the Judgea and clerks ferrvd the matter of the purchase by the ! of election for the rlty: city of the oil painting by H, Jensen of First Ward. First Precinct JudKcs, Council Bluffs when it waa nothing more J"1'" Halle, I-wis Hammer. II. Shoemaker; than a trading post, reported that the con- ; iTSSit lnVc-Y.fdges. V. tlngent fund was depleted and conse- K Keller. N. W. Williams, Robert Rain; quently there was no fund out of which clerks. Henrv De Ing. jr., lxmie Snyder. the city could pay Artist Jensen. The ie- 8"-'0,,l WhtJ; t ir rreclnct-Judges. ..... Spencer Sni th. George lxuut. M F Rolirer: port was concurred in. Mr. Jensen tlua , iVrk. J. S. blanchard, A. A. Covalt. ' stated he was willing to leave the pahiiiiii; Second Wsrd. Second I'reclnct Jui1es. A. hanging In the council chamber, If the Ask with. John Olson, - L. p. Hervlss: counci, would purchase 1, at the beginning X " of the new ftaual year next April. The Knox. Robert Green. P. J. MrHrlde; clorka. councllmen declined to make any promise. It. V. limes. George F. lluhi-. The city attorney Was Instructed to tile ' .,Third ,w,ard- . S'fond Preeim t-Jl..g .,. an information against J.( Stein, a WeM ' aaierta. J." iT'&uJ'iC Broadway Junk dealer, for moving a email Thomas. frame ahack on to a lot on Broadway, Fourth Ward, First Precinct Judges, y. near Seventh ..reel, without aecurl... ,h. 5.$ VMH-rid'.T "F.Jpi, h". " consent of the council. At a former meet- I Fourth Ward, Second Precinct-Judges lnj; of tha council tha city clerk was In- H. F. Knudsen. Ed Ford, S. J. H. Hoyaen; structed to notify Stein u renune the ' c','r'1"- s"rn Wilson, William Guff, atrucur. a, once, bu, .Inc. then Stein. UtZVSrs"ol:Xfc place of removing It, had covered It wl'hlj. i '. Fl-mmlng Ed Welch, sheeting. Fifih W ard. Second I Tivlnct -Jmiges. H. Kegardlng the Dm suits brmiaht hv th. properly opposite the high school buildltiR by reason of the peculiar construction of the pHving at this pnlnt, whl.-li it was complained caused the surface water to flow onto the lots. City, Solicitor Kimball recommended thai the city reconstruct the p.-ivlng so as to avoid the conditions coin plnliied of. The matter ass referred to the ilty engineer, city attorney and Coun cilman Wallace, with Instructions to report bark to the council. l'mler the new rule the consideration of the monthly grist of bills was postponed until the next meeting, only the pay rolls being allowed last night. A beautiful diamond ring worth tV will be given to the lady receiving the largest Dumber of votes. One vote given with every cent's worth of candy purchased at our store, rurlty Candy Kitchen. Bt! West Broadway. See the Beckwlth Round Gk before you buy. They last for thirty years. None genuine without" the nm on the legs. Swaine & Mauer, M6-S.1S Broadway. 8e Stephen Bros, for the latest and best Inverted burners. W West Broadway. Wood or Wood 1 oa ol f Would you like to buy better wood and more of It for less money? We sell store lengths and chunks. Missouri oak wood at ll.M a rick. This Is a bargain. Brldenstetn A Smith. Fourteenth avenue and Sixth street. Tel. IB. Our highest ambition is, when we frame a picture for you, to do It right and please our custmers. Perhapa you have a picture that needs framing. Bring it to our store and let us see what we can frame It for. We'll do It as reasonable as It possibly can be. done. Council Bluffs Taint, Oil and GIa.s Company, Merrlam block. That old frame Is beginning to look shabby. Let us put on a new one. We can frkme It right. Just to suit yon and up-to-date. Borwlck, ai South Main. For Imported wines and liquors, and Bud welser beei'. go to L. Rosen f eld. wholesale liquor dealer, 6U South Main street. ESTIMATE f ELECTION RESII.T Managers of Both Partlea Pretend to Re Satisfied. Everything looks exceedingly favorable for the election of the entire republican ticket. The candidates on our county ticket will be elected by majorities ranging from (ffl to 1.4UI. Governor Cummins will, go out of Pottawattamie county with from l.iOO to 1.600. Since his Council Bluffs speech conditions have become much mora favor able to the governor and to a very great extent pre-conventlon diHaffectlon has van ished. In the strong Cummins districts the feeling has also greatly Improved and the county ticket will receive the support from the republicans which It should. K. E. SMITH.' Chairman Republican County Central Com mittee. . We "feel very confident of success this year and expect to elect our whole ticket. I have been In close touch for the last thirty daya with all parts of the county and have received expressions from many sides that It Is the Intention to have a general house cleaning In county affairs this year. Tha vote on election day will demonstrate the fact that the voters of Pottawattamie county are now ready for a general house cleaning. A. W. CASADY, Chairman Democratic County Central Com- nritteo. The whole republican state ticket will be elected. Including every congressional nom inee, with the possible exception of the First district, that occupying the south eastern corner of the state. Congressman Smith will receive a majority of anout 7.000 In the Ninth district and Governor Cum mins, I think, about 6.0U0. Governor Cum mins will be elected by a majority of be tween 25.000 and 30,000. The whole repub lican county ticket will be elected by safe majorities, although I - look for mere or less scratching. County Attorney Hess will ne ntgn man on the county ticket, aa he was two years ago. The three candidate. on the Judicial ticket will be elected without ny qtont as Wj j j Brandes and Wllloughbv Dye on the legislative ticket despite the hard fight made against the former. GEORGE S. WRIGHT, Member of the Republican State Central Committee from the Ninth Congressional District. I very much dislike to forecast, because I do not believe thtre is a man in the Ninth district or in the state of Iowa who Is uOlu to intelligently forecast the result of Tues day's election. The democrats realize their exceptional opportunity this year and will get out a full vote, while I have every reason to believe many republicans will stay away from the polls. In my opinion there la no doubt but that Porter will carry the Ninth district and I wou'd not be at all surprised If he carried Pottawattamie 6ounly by a neat little majority In view of the fact mat despite an sum ana done there Is not the mwt perfect harmony existing in tha republican ranks. J. J. HUGHES Member of the Democratic State Central rommittee rrom the Ninth Congressional District. The close of the campaign yesterday found both republicans and democrats con fident of victory today. While the demo crats ara hopeful of electing trulr county ticket, the republicans expect to, and this is the difference In the situation. if the local beta posted Indicate any- thing, tney Indicate that the democrats have very little expectation of electing any of the candl(,utea on their county ticket. Not do"" ho." been wagered by the demo- cra tntU y mcur candidate will . but a number of bt. have been ,',,, ..,., ,., , fh. 7,7 , . 7 , .7 publ oan cand dates obtaining certain ma- , . ... . . ... Joritles. In almost all Instances the ma jority wagered again et hus been SuO or in excess. At republican headquarters last night ,hre w" en,r1 ""I" that when the votea are counted tonight they will show another conclusive victory for the repub lican ticket, almost as great as those in le and 1WH. These are the polling places in the city: First Ward, First Precinct 132 East Broadway. First Ward. Secor.d Precinct 207 East Broadway "erond wara, first rrecincea Bryant "i,7,' ,, ,.., a... i, Broadway. Third Ward, KJrst Precinct 101 Fourth ".'."V.., r...j a i r ...... o , o-.... Main ' ouu... """"'-K. I A. rirewl.-k. Join II To vet C VTITI i a m-MiitTir nn. X TT "vTvaU; clerks. Ed Cadwsllad'-r. K. J. McKlnley. Htxth Ward, Seeond Precinct Judges. 1 Pliv-tlel. C. A llatulltoo, John Hansen; clerks, Jens Hinisen, James M. Traniker. - The famous Acorn stove; nothing In the market like It for heat, economy, durability and n"atness. We the most rcasant able price on atoves In the rlty, considering the quality. We handle a lurge stock of car pets, linoleum sad dlclotn. D. W. Keller. 103 South Main street. MAU)NEY CIGAR CO., ft) PEARL ST., COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA., DISTRIBUTERS FOR THE ROBERT BURNS 10c Cl'lAH AND LITTLE BOBBIE, OLD TIMES AND ERB1S 6c CIGARS. 14 you -want the best lights to be had buy your hornets and mantles at W. A. Maurer's, Lindsay burners complete, 73c. Ilsrrlste Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Ag". .T. II. Boyle, Omaha ;t Mary Mleark, Lincoln, Neb Jd James O. 8wngger, Nebraska City, Neb.. X! Lucy J. Lamborn, Nebraska City, Neb... "fi Combination gas and electric chandeliers and the celebrated Welsbach 'Incandescent gas burners. Why tint sec us before you buy. We can ccrtninly plejise you on price and quality of goods. . Strplmn Bros., West Broadway. You get the lowest price, easiest terms and best guarantee on your piano when purchased at A. Hospe Co., South Main St., Council Bluffs.-. MIXIR MEXTIOJI. Davis, drugs. Clark's, sodas. Stockert sells carriets. Fine engravings at Leffert'e. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Get those new photos at Schmidt'. Plumbing and heating- Blxby A Son. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 9S7. Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. 33. ,nP,IAJMON1?!v.A3 AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFEHT ABOUT IT. TINNERS AND PLUMBERS WANTED. F. A. SPENCER. IM W. BROADWAY. Hafer saves you money. That Is what yon are working for. C. Hafer, Council Bluffs. I repair talking machines, bicycles nnd sewing machines. S. M. Williamson, 17 So. Main St. A beautiful and ornamental gas burner, the Welsbach chick lamp, complete, Btephan Bros., 629 W. Broadway. COAL TEAMS WANTED to haul coal for Fenlon Wickham Coal company. Higher wages paid. 107 Pearl street. Hat and cold drinks served with vanilla and saltin wafers; hot chocolate, oyster cocktail, clam and tomato bouillon. Clark Drug Co. I pay 12 per ton for cast Iron; mixed. 110; atove, is; rags. - lvc per lb.; rubber, 7c; copper, 14c. per lb. j. Kaielman, bui Main, both 'phones 650. a A building permit was issued yesterday to N. P. Peterson for a two-story irauii dwelling at the corner of Ninth street and Avenue A, to cost $ii,f00. WHEN GOING TO BUILD GO TO GEO. A. HOAGLAXU, THE PIONEER LUM BER MAN OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. K4 SOUTH MAIN STREET. TEL. 24i. High grade granite work, from the best Bane Imported granites, lettering, carving and .tracing. Fine . monumental work a specialty.. Sheeley Lune, J1V East Broad way. Rev. H. W. Starr', rector of St. Paul'3 Episcopal church, who was called to Waco, Tex., by the death f his tatfier. Rev. F. R. Starr, la - expected home to day. Miss Kathryn TreYnor of the Pierce street teaching force Is on the sick list. Mrs. Nora Lathrop Karnes of Kansas City is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McClelland of .thla. ftity. The Infant daushtir".of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Ladlges, 1SM8 Eighth avenue, died yesterday . The funeral will be held thla afternoon at 2 o'clock trom the family residence and bmOJ $U be iix Walnut Hill cemetery. . , One Of the bl- Wucg deer at Fairmont park eacaped - while '.being', transferred trom one enclosure'-Tb the other. Tiw animal took fright at a dog and made a dash for Jiberty. Whi last aeen it was city fr ou'ih'''Bt,;rn )arl ol tho Fred Hchelber, aed t M' years, died yes terday at his home at Twenty-sixth street and Broadway. He Is survived l,v four sons and two daughters. The " metal will be held Thursday morning at '.'-SO o'clock from the German - Lutheran church. j The "society vaudeville" .entertainment last Friday night af, 'the. New theater, given for the bene!)!, of the creche build ing fund, will net the rUnd a little ov-r $Hu0. A harvest Iiome for the same In stitution will be given, at the creche next Monday. Articles of incorporation of the Warm SprliiKS Valley Development cum). any were tiled for record yesterday. c. W. Douglas and A. C. Stiles, both of this city, are the Incorporators and the capital stock Is placed at !!(), uon. Santa Monica, Cal., la named aa thu'princlpal place of business. . The funeral of the iale Mrs. S. II. Eves will be held Wei;iedav afternoon at U o'clock from the residence in Lewie town ship and interment will be in the Lewi township cemetery. Rev. F. A. Case, pas tor of tl.c First Baptist Church, will cou duct the services. - ' Captain Shafer and "Officer Gillespie were called late Sunday night to the resi dence of Mrs. Strain, 1'12 Harmony, wheie a. dog which by Its actions ws thought to be suffering from ruble nad inva.l.-l the domicile. A shot from Officer lespie's revolver terminated the earthly career of the canine. Emma Rlpke, the ,vpung woman await ing the action of ilrw- grand Jury on a charge of killing . Frank K. Polta, waa visited yesterday at the county Jj.11 by the pastor of the Gorman Luthenm church at Hanover.v Kan., her former home and by whom she waa confirmed ahuut two ears ago. William Stevenson, colored, charged with breaking Into a dining tar in tile Milwaukee yards Sunday and stealing Ji5 and some of the silverware, was lodged In the county Jail yesterday evening, hav ing been brought buck from Omaha where he was arrested. Stevenson w as formerly employed as second rook on the car, but was recently discharged. The police were asked yesterday to locate a stranger who hired a horse and buggy from the Lovejoy livery on diutu street Sunday afternoon and failed to. re tdm them. The buggy, badly wrecked. was found near a saloon on Broadway and Thirty-seventh street, while Hie hor&o waa hitched nearby. Investigation leads to the belief that the stranger, alter meeting with the mishap, hoarded a cur for Omaha. The hire of the rig, amount ing to 1. SO. was j aid In advanie, but Ixivejoy is now out ftbout 1D for it pans to the .buggy. .-'.". A. Metsarar Jt l u. New location of Wholesale Bakery, 616 Mynster Street, Council Bluffs, Ia. Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitor Welcome. o Work, fo Grand Jury. LOGAN, la..' Nov. S (Spec ial -At the Harrison county district court now In ses sion here the grand Jury convened and. after fifteen minutes llnditur no business to transact, adjourned without finding any Indictments. Tomorrow being election day, there Is no court either today nor tomor row, but court will reconvene on Wednea day. Ntudrat Hurt In U uinaaluiu, IOWA CITY, Ia., Nov. 8 (Special Tele grant.) George F. Hruiah of Cedar Raplda, Id., a university student, sustained sprained aiikUs in (he university gymnasium thla afternoon. A screw holding- a Vope ladder on which he waa climbing- broke and he fell t lex en feet. Theu Cure CJ . , short ord onstmation ?s?i I cnlha A af .i HOPE OF DEMOCRACY FADES Erjio'i Viiit, Iuttt ad of Uelpiir, Kiocki Holes in tne Ikircrasr. VOTE IS EXPECTED TO BE A LARGE ONE Kriinhlirana- Feel Confident nf tarry Isg All Rut the First, Fifth ml Mh Cnnarrssloan I Districts. (From n Staff Corieepondent.1 DKS MOINES, .Nov. S.-(Speelal.)-Head-quarters of the republican and democratic committers In this city are deserted today and all have gone home lo vote and the work of the campaign Is ended. Tomorrow both headquarters wtjl keep open house nnd receive returns up to a late hour tomorrow night. About the republican headquarters the last few days there has licen every all ot confidence, the. confidential feeling grow ing perceptibly. There Is no question hut that the speech of W. J. Bryan, In which he said thnt "If" there were men on the, state committee not favorable to rate legis lation they should resign, and "If" there was money received from the rallroadH lor the csmpnlgn It should be returned, has had a had effect on the democratic strength and did much for Cummins. The repub lican newspapers of the state have had no trouble In producing the editorials of I-ouls Murphy in the Dubugue Telegiaph, a democratic paper, and have produced the page from the proceedings of the rump convention in Chicago, showing the name of C. W. Miller, chairman of the demo cratic committee, as a delegate to the con vention which voted In opposition to giving to any commission power to fix rail rood rates. It Is confidently anticipated that the vote tomorrow will be a large one on both sides. New elements, however, make It very difficult to make a prediction as to the probublc plurality for Cummins. Boles wus elected governor on the democratic ticket the second time by 2n7,mn to 1H9.000. Aside from, this, the largest democratic vote for governor was in 1897, when Fred E. White got 1M.853, against 224,729 for Leslie M. Shaw. The democrats are counting on a' big Increase In the democratic vote over that of l!o3 for Jerry Sullivan for governor, which was 159.726. There is little, however, to Indicate that thla Increase In democratic votes will be aa large aa the democratic estimate, their figures being 3I.MO Increase. To elect Porter governor the democrats are counting- on an Increase of 20.000 In the democratic vote and on 30.000 republicans scrntchjng Cummins. This means a change of 300 republican votes ' In each'. county on the average, and If their hopes come true Porter would get 209,000 and enough to elect him, based on the vote of 190:!. Thla allows no change of votes from the democratic column for Cummins. Conser vative republicans admit that Cummins will be schratched some, but put the figure at less than 200 to tha county and believe that Cummins will get a democratic vote for every republican vote that he loses. If the republican predictions come true. Cummins and the state ticket will be elected by about the figures of 1903. when Cummina got a vote of 238,804 and Sulli van, the democratic candidate, 169,726. There is no possibility of the democrats getting a majority In either house of the legislature and they do not claim the will. On congressmen three districts at least are In doubt. Every Iowa eongress man now la a republican. The election tomorrow In the First, Second and Sixth, however, Is In doubt. Some republicans go so far as to say that the First will surely go democratic. The. next' greatest doubt Is in the Sixth, where Lacey has been making a hard campaign, but with odds against him: There Is sonle slight question aa to the Fifth, but for the moat part It Is expected to go republican and return Cousins. Meat Prodncera Afrr Bla; Men. ' OnVera of the Corn Belt- Meat Producers' association of Iowa are making an effort. With a show of success, to get Judge Cowan of Texas, the attorney for the National Association of Cattle Growers, to come to Des Moines next month to address tha as sociation. The meeting will be held at the same time as the meeting of the State Agricultural society. In addition to Judge Cowan, other notable cattlemen are to be brought to the state for that meeting, and with the excellent program that Is being arranged for the State Aglcultural society it is expected that wide attention and a large attendance will be attracted to the meetings. The State Horticultural society meets at the same time. Hare Hlol (nrlled. A race riot broke out among the work men on an addition to the plant of Dodd & Struthers In this city today and police were called to quell it. Negro workmen dropped several wheelbarrow loads of bricks down a shaft and were accused of doing It purposely to injure the white men at work on the building. Words led to blowa and knivea were drawn and a free-for-all fight ensued In the alley between the Chamberlain Medicine company plant and the Dodd & Struthera plant. Several were badly brulaed, but none Injured fa tally. - , Almost Hlot at City Council. When the queetlon of paving Forest ave nue was raised at the meeting of the city council today it nearly lead to a riot. Charlee Krana declared to the council that George J. Stebel had come to his hoi. as and almost forced Mrs. Krmm to sign a petition for ereosoted blocks. He claimed If.. T." .. r.ran was very atck at tha lime and that Stebel's actions waa hastening her death aud that she would probably die soon. He made a apring at Stebel and trouble followed. Aldermen separated th combatants, but the prolonged discussion of the question by the aldermen was with tha bitterest feeling. CENTRAL, Evary Back warranted. Central Grocery and Xf.. t... ket. Both phones 14. BUNCH OF GASOLINE DON'TS How ot lo Blow 1, tho Hoaae aad Your Fa sail r with It. Mr. 11. V. Davis, who Is the atate Are marshal of Ohio, and who haa prepared eome very unpleasant statlstlca In reg-ard to gasoline stovea. haa prepared also the fol lowing "don'ts" for gasoline consumers: IUH t fill tha Stove's reservnir mhll.. .1.. burner is alight. Vapor or gasoline, bchuf ntavter than air. will reach the flame and the flush will ao frighten the filler that more gasoline will be apilled and the room Instantly filed with flam. ' Don't fill the can quite full, for gasoline expands much more than water when it become warm and la likely to force open a seam In the reservoir. Don't fall to. turn the burner shut befote filling Ihe reservoir, for the fluid leaking inrougii it win make a vapor which 111 set on fire one who strikes a mauh to light the otove. Don't allow too muih fluid to flow Into 1( you tmnk conatipatioa is of lYirui consequence, just ask your doctor. He vill ditabuse you of tbat notion in thortorcter. ' Correct it, at once ! " he Then ask him about Ayer's A mild tivrr pill, all vegetable. pnl-Hah tua fornu'.aa t c fo the burner or fail to t lose It light whin putting the fire out. iNm't potir gssollne from one vess-i to another In a room In which there is n Hi or lliffht, tecause the Invisible vnor of gasoline will be drawn to any trc;iily live, liinip, candle or gas Jet. Ikni't fall to watch rh-cly for leaks in reservoir or burner, because Knsnllne, hi-iim but two-thirds as dense as water, wilt exude through a snmller hole. Remember, too. that when the l-nk is Flint II then- is no drop or damp spt anywhere tn show Its existence, because the gasoline vapoi Ir's ss fast as It exnd-s. IVn'l slop tho stuff, fu- it is more il in-, gorous than powder. Three-font Ihs of the stove accidents occur while nillnk tho reservoir. Don't keep gasoline In any Jug or In a can larger than two gallons, because It is difficult to pour the thin stuff from either without spilling it. ln't get your gasoline and kniosene cans mixed. That error cost two lives In Ohio last year. Don't leave any gasoline can open, be cause currents of air draw out the vapor. Tho reservoir of every gasoline Move should be outside ihe building, the feed pipe passing through. Ihe wall. If so placed, heat from the stove cannot burst It, a leak Is harmless and vapor cannot Ignite while It Is being filled. The stove Should be fixed to a permanent foundation so that it cannot be set against npy In flammable material. All gnsolinc stoves should have bottom and three sides closed to prevent com bustible material from reaching the rUme, and the main burner grates should be two feet from the floor. Finally, don't hunt the source of an odor of gasoline with a light. The result of finding it Is always Instan taneous nnd disastrous. Council Bluffs Heal Estate Transfer. These transfers wore reported to The Bee November & by the PottuwHltamle County Abstract company ,,f Council Bluffs: Ellen Carlisle and husband to Fred C. Deen, lot 9 of Auditor s sub sw'4 not sw-i 9-77-3M, w d $ 1,)0 James Nelson and wife to Joseph G. Hanson, lot 2. Auditor's sub se4 sw'4 17-75-4:1, w d tun Sarali E. Davis, executrix, to William C. Blunt, one-half Interest in lot -2. block 10, Avon, Ia., ex d George L. Wilkinson and wife to W'. H. Buttler, part of lot 4, block 24, Neola, la., w d Isabella Johnston lo S. W. Besley, 50 4.0U0 iois in ana 14. mock 24, Kallronrt add. lo Council Blufta,. w l im Rosa G ill to William Gall, part of lot 1, block 1, Kubanks1 first add. to Council Bluffs, w d. iK Charles T. Officer and wile to Chris tian Eberhart, lots 1 and 2. block 5, Squires' add. to Council Bluffs, w d 2,WM William M. Perkins and wife to J. N. Hutchinson and D. H. Bailey, lot ii in nantnorn a uoi. to L.ovei,uid, la., w d i Christen Peterson and wife to Mrs. E. J. Melton, lots 9 aud lo, in Peterson a sub of part of out lo D In McClel land, la., w d Mark L. Williams and wile to S. V. Bealey, lot lrt. block 24, In Ferry add. to Council Bluffs, w d Burlington Savings bank lo Charles 4,000 12 r. ornccr. lots l and 2, block i. In Squires' add. to Council Bluffs, w d 2,B) Ethel w. Henrich to Mary H. Wil liams, part of lots 1 and 24, block 2, in Glendale add. to Council BlulTs, w d Mary E. Rowley nnd husband lo F. C. Maxfleld. i Interest in lot 10, block 7. In Mynster's add. to Coun cil Bluffs, w d Walter Kilnoskt and wife to Rosa Gall, part of lot 1, block 1, in Ku banks', first add. to Council Bluffs, w d County treasurer to W. 8. Cooper, lot 1 in 14-75-44, t d 4,000 Fifteen transfers, aggregating $'2,:'i:j Bee Want Ads produce naults. liver for i.'aierntiirul. WASHINGTON. Nov. 6.-Tlin director of the mint today purchased ounces of silver for delivery at the Denver mint at 71.431 per fine ounce. Falllnar'Colamn Kills Workman. NEW YORK, Nov. 5. An eight ton Iron column, forty feet Ions, which had just been placed in position on the second floor of the New Grand Central depot today toppled and crashed through heavy Iron gliders to the basement, a distance of sixty feet. It struck and killed a workman and. seriously Injured another. A Skin of Beauty i Joy rorover. T. Felix Oouraud'a Oriental Croam or Magical Boautlfior. Rtmovtf Tn, flmr-'n irct-kiu. Il-ts Patcho. uik, ted Skin lirae and rTtry Mtmltt I os bei,i y. n4 Ue r B' (IFlt'.-tlUB. it bu stood lbs t of 67 Tars, aa la aa harmlrta wt tattrit t,beturll la pr.'.perlf Biada Accept nocouQtvr frit of alnjlia aaiaa. Pr. L. A Havrs anil to t laii? of tba hut ton i vt lent i A you laille) will uia thrn I rerammrnc 'ftaaraaa'a Cressa at tna Iraat harmful of all lh kin preparation." for aala ay all artiKt-iftta and Y ancy Oaoda Dralara la tha Ct..ttf ataua, Canada sod Europe rERB. T. HOPKINS, rrGt 87 Grrat hnn Slnd Reg Tut DELICIOUS CandyPebbles Ts Itltst triumph of Cnfstiont'Art 7 Put np in linen has all ready to mail. 2Jc. aka(,tl.Ntlk, Repetti' Clhrat4 French Caramels kOc. a Ik. A Sample Box enn tainlne Six f lavors mailed postiMtd on receipt ol lor. Chncnlatea and Bonbons superior to aor other. Maautaclurian' Caolaclloaer 431 Filth ., Mtw York Mail order rs.efullr snrl promptly rilled. Koud fr price nat. FOR 8ALE BY COl'ItTXKY CO. BKXXKTT CO. . BOMTO.N KTOKK DKIG 1KIT. OMAHA HOT Crcadway, flllb Ave. D a s S I IOTE la a modern, nrat-claaa hotel. In Ihe cen ter of tha shopping district. Complete la all lta appointment and absolutely flie- rroof. Furnishings and deooiwtiona a irely new throughout. Accoiurnt'datlona for Ms) gueats; lis) suites with bath. Hut and cold water and telephone In evary room. European plan. utslr.e tinea celled. Rooms l f0 a day up, with lo'ri CM up. Ha only hotel in M-mhattua fronting both oa Broadway and fifth Ave. GEORGB W. IWtUCNET Froprlato ! LAFAYETTE Pil Quickly Cured at Home In-tnnt Itcllef, IVniinnoM I 'hit -Trial Pnckiuto Mnilcl lire lo .11 in ri.iiu iii) n. Piles is a f- ai lul u..-e:sc, but e.tsy tft cure if 1 1 1 1 in at it l ilit. An C'l'-iail'in with the knife is d.inn r ous, cruel, humiliating and unnecessary. There Is Just (me other sore way to In cured painless, safe and in the pilvii-y of your own horn- it is Pji-amid 1'ile Cure. We mall a trial package free to all wh'i write. ' ' It will give you Instant relief, chow ou fhe harmless, painless nature ol th-s great remedy and suiii oil' wi ll oil 111 way toward a pet-fed cure. , Then you can get M- full-siei1 box front any druggist for 50 efiit,, luid often one box cures. If the druggist Jitcs lo sell you some thing Just as Kood, Il ia because lie makes more money on t ho, HubMitule. . . Insist on haviiiK u hat you iuU;for. The cure begins ht tun e 'and continues rapidly until 11 is completo and per manent. J You can go right ahead with your work and be easy and comtortahlo all the timo. It ia well woith trying.. Just send your iiauic mid addicts to Pyramid Drug Co., 65 Pyramid Building, Marshall. Mich., and receive free by re turn mail the trial package In a plain wrapper. Thousands have heen cured In this easy, painless' and Inexpensive way, In tha privacy of the home. No knife and Its torture, . . No doctor and his bills. All druggists, 00 cents. Write today for a free packago. NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE BROEMAX CURES CCLD3 IN THE HEAD, AND PREVENTS LA GRIPPE. Your Druggists Guarantees It. This Is the season of the. year when po many people are troubled with coltla In the head; If you are one of these, go t your druKiKt and set a box of BltoMO LAX, the new and Si-ietititlo Cold Cure. HHOMO-liAX contains no quinine lo make vour bend stutTy and produce deaf ness; but It clears tin? head quickly alter a few doses1 lmve been taken, leavluK tha head free and Hoar and easy ,10 breathe. Your (IruEBiNt positively sWraiite") everv box of .IJltO.MO-l.AX. to do Juxt what we claim' for it, or he will refund your money. Better Ret a box today aa you may catch cold any day. HItOMO-l.A.X. costs lit all dtg store". . t ,. -. . ., ,, At it th BoJv, -So utili it iht Mini; Ai is th Clothing. So uill bt tht Body, nr -r.iir"iriAt nArt ot ruthini t&h1r.h most In- U 1 V Wl I 111 y miiwh nn-nri'lhf hndv is tne Underwear. Equally, ot course, ihe Underwear ol Underwears Is Dr. Jaeger's Sflnltirv Fabric Ask your own Doctor. odor. I J ver 300 IJ !n New York !om over Pbvslctana wear It. Special Wi'ight for Fll. For Bala In Omaha By ALBERT CAHN KC2 Farnam Btreet. Every VGcnan . uintereMad and ahonM taw "in wtrimerral "infLi n nil ling oproy fba new V.rl.&J .,. ... tummtui Ji,Wiariasl Haf. -I, IAmi aranbi Aw f I 1. iiiii.L I otttrr, Itnt h.n.1 alauin for IllMStrslMl iMM.k mA ralUKldal" alies. M IKln, l aJl a. .iir..kaH .oaij rot umjm tit StiiCRalAM i atcCONMtlX ukUO CO, Kth ana ixidga Bis. U E.HB-DILLIN DRUG CO B. kT. Cor. UUt tu iraxaa ana. K 1.9. and 27th St., New York .IOTE.! rjz I v I s., - ' v.. w a I' .. HN,if ,1 il a. H i f vi r l wmm SwU faim!, tw gUtg Uau.... U.ix lH rt i rr-Lr. .. Lew 1. Maaa