Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
10 SPECIAL 10TICES will takes mmIII 12 m. for the ririlni eitltlea aaa oatll M sv sa. for he ranralag cadar edition. Retea t l-e a ward flrat laeertloa, 1 a ward thereafter. othlac taken for leas thaa Sn for the flrat laaer tlan. Theaa aa vertlsesaeats nml ha run rnnser at Irely. A ertlaera, by reqaeatlns a aam l.ered cheek, raa ha ad dressed to a n a sabered letter la rare of Tha flea. Aasrrers addreeeeH 4111 be delivered! 0a preseaia t laa ol eheek. MISCELLANEOUS TUB FALL TERM BOYLE8 BUSINESS COLLEGE IS NOW OI'KN. DAT AND NIGHT. Student are admitted any day. New Catalogue Free. Tel. Douglas 194. Address II. B. Boyles, President. Boyles Bldg. Omaha. Neb. r GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., 113 8. loth Bt. Tel. Douglas RSI. R-64 OMAHA Safe and Iron Work mnke a spe claliiy of flra escapee, shutter, doors and safes. G. Andreen. Prop. 102 8. l"th St. R 610 SIGN FAINT1NG-S. H. Cole, 1:)2 Douglas. It IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1010 Fnrnam. R 668 HEFLIN-T,ocksmllh. moved upstairs; en trance, 10.4 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 2974. R 669 FREE for 10 days, one life sire elegant crayon portrait and fitted In an excellent frame lor SI.2&. This Is to advertise our .50 portrait. Call 10 to 6 o clock. Wal lace Bristol & Co.. 520 North 11th St., near California. R M510 NovlO BI'RHKR BTAMP8- Western Stamp and Stencil Co., 312 S. 12th St. Bend for cata logue R-MtR D6 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS Last Hours Of the Great Bankrupt Sale ol the E'crflela Piano Co's. Sale of Fine Pianos. The Closing Hours of the Big Sale Finds Us Still With Many of Our Best Pianos on Hand. They Must Be Sold Regardless of Price -3611 Farnam Street. OMAHA. Oct. 31. The closing hours pf this big piano event finds us with aomo of our best styles left and In order to dis pose of eauh and every piano In this stock we have odce more cut the price where you must take advantage If you ever ex pect to buy a piano. Roniember this nna will only last for a few d-jvs longer and If you want one cf these bargains you will have to move up and act quickly or th opportunity will be forever lost. Call at once, day or evening, and let us convince you that we mean Just what we say. Fine I'lanrm that sill regularly for li'SO. $275. ;'.''. MS". !T5. H". 1450 ano $500 we now sell at S7. $37. $118, $1.18. $158. $178, $198, ?118, $138, iJfA, etc. Second-hand uprights and square for vour own prices and organs taken In ex change for little or nothing. Remember a mail payment down and small payments monthly you can take udvantage of these prices. 1 Call at once at isu r-arnam Bt. '-317 U X TWO Beeley letter cabinets, In good condl tlon. made of walnut and have two draw ers each. Call at Bee business office and get a bargain. (J 141: FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Haiku coiicnaar, u o. iota Bt, Q f0 SEND us your mall orders for drugs: freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. 1 MILK cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. Q-672 SODA FOUNTAIN, any size. 181 Farnain. y-t73 PHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint, Bherman Jb McConnell Drag Co., ti 4 HALL'S safes, new, 2-d hand. 1818 Farnam. Q flii FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. H. campbejl, wee mau room. 615 FOR BALEi Empty packing cases, cheap Address U 88, Be office. Q 444 TO IISPOSE of household goods and stoves call at 709 HO. loth. Doug. ilbl. Hniu.ll com. (J MaU Nails $1 keg. Star Box Co., 1807 St. Mary's av, q M941 SO ONE (t-lnch Jenkln's valve for sale. Apply . 11. unogea, engineer, tire rsiag. Q-Mll'JX FOR SALE Show oases and counters. In llrst class lOnitdlon; must be sold at once. 612 N. 16th. Q M278 x ENTIRE household furniture for sale, at once. 712 N. 22d Bt. Q MJ06 TO SEIJj OR BUT Furniture, stoves, harness, wagons, typewriters, organs pianos. Cull DougIas-b62, or 70 8. iHth Bt. q an l-X)R BALE Iron hd complete. In good con dltlon. 8(1 N. 35th. O 8 M UNREDEEMED overcoats at a bar gain, .-k N. lbib St, Q S4o ix 6c. UNREDEEMED 16h. overcoats, 3- 418 No, M.m dli BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Lfake a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. OIOBK LAND AND INVESTMENT T, Omaha, Neb. Y-MSSl LI EXCELLENT barber shop in a thriving Ncbraoka town of 1.500 inhabitants. Three chairs, large mirrors, bath room outtl complete with two tubs. Cigar case, et Ikiliig big business. Kixty live mug: wi 1, ike S"0 or will consider trade on good piece of land. Other businese Interests require that the owner dispose of shop a nnce. K KRK-SH ALlf KUSli t.'O . ltH Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. Y M34 No charge for treatment at Cretghton Dentil college. WANTED Patients, at Treatment dee. Dental college. Y-M541 Novll BAKERY for rent; 171$ Nicholas St.; rent reasonable. Bemis, Paxtou block. Y M907 MINKS snd mining snd Industrial stocks bought and sold. Rout. C. Druesdow. Stock Broker, $ N. Y. Ufe Bldg. Y-M990 Dl WE OWN property surroundud by mines in the famous Bullfrog district In southein Nevada. For partieulars address the Ne .id Standard Gold Mining and Milling - Co.. 8us New York Life Uldg-. Omsha, Neb. Y M9s9 Dl WANTED Partner In prosperous business; a wise. wide, awake man preferred. Ilerr.leldt. Windsor Hotel. Y 152 5x FOR SALE Public gas plant In one of the lievt county seats in Nebraska. Ex ceptional opportunity for right purtv. Ad dress Y-157. Bee. Y M250 kx Klrt HALE Restaurant and confection er)'. Doing good bl. Am sick and got to get out soon. Address Box 3. Fair mont, Neb. Y J53 in PATENTS y. J. LARSON CO.. patent lawyeis; ! patent book lice. Bee Bldg., Oniilia. Neb. I -7: i FHARPR MACHINE WORK S I'alents pxx'iireil, tnveniioiis developed, drawings. patterns, castings, machine work. i4-i,i2 8 lot It St. 734 PATENT procured and sold, 1 fee. Nat'l hiv.-.iiii, m Co., Douglas iilwk, ih audi WANTED MALE HELP WANTED YflCNTt MEN OF GOOD HABITS Age II to 35, to prepare for fire men, and brakemen on all the leading railroads and for new roads 1,11 being completed; experience unnecessary; fir n -.en. $l"0 per month; brakemen, $0 pc month, l!h rapid promotion to engineer lid conductor. MsiA' positions now open. National Hv. Trslnlng An n, X. Pax ton block. Omaha, Neb. B-102 Ul F IN NKED of a position we ran place Oil. alls for Bookkeepers, Stenographers, I 'Inrlia c, .. H..n.,,l lh ,r.,,1i' western rkk. pond Assri inc.). St'-2 N. V. Life Bldg. WANTED Men to learn barber trd-: few weeks complete; tool given; positions n a Miner: qualified Instructors. t;idy prac tice, registered diplomas; board provided If desired fall -or write Moler Barber College, in Farnam St.. Omaha. B M120 x WANTED Five hoys; Rood wage; perma nent job. A. D. T. Co.. 212 8. 13th St. DRL'n 8TORK3 bought and fold; drug cieras wanted. F. v. Kneist, t. in. i. l B-677 TOOTHACHE? Free treatment at Crelgh- ton Dental co lese. Crown or bridge work. No charge at Creighton Dental college exrept for ma terial. B M5I2 Novll PECIAL contract men; several expert special contract life Insurance men desired Immediately. Rupert F. Fry, Special Kiipt., Mason Bldg., Houston. Tex.' B M968 9x M'STLERS out of employment can do well to call on us; pay weekly, c f . Aosms Co., 1619 Howard. B-M1W D2 WHAT la woman? One of God's moat agreeable blunders. What la Cel-Pep-KOT Ask barman. It sobers up quick. B 151 Bx EXPERIENCED sewer diggers. S. l;th St. Apply 605 B 146 5x WANTED A young man to learn the sheet music business; small salary to start; must play popular music at sight; references. Address A VS. Bee. B-M175 RFPRKPKNTATIVK wanted In this city for leading Automobile School. liberal terms to right man. No "has been" or fakir need apply. References reiulred. Correspondence School of Automobile, 40 West 60 St.. New York City. B--3&2 fx WANTED 3 boyi Omaha Box Co., B M30J East Omaha- WANTKP At once.15 boys 18 or 17 years old. See Mr. W illlams, order department, basement. The Bennett Company. . B M.KS 8 MAT.K help wanted, book binders, compe tent head stamper in open snop. 1 nuiy dollars per week 64 hours, 52 weeks In a year. Address Postofflce Box 2fl. New York City. B M.T17 6x WANTKP i good coatmakers, prices start $8.50 upwards at Hemey Bros., Lincoln, Neb. o ow J-x , j WANTED First-class watchmaker; good salarv to right party. A. Mandeiherg, 1522 Farnam. B M36 BOYS at once for factory work. Bern is Omaha Bag co. a an WANTED Experienced man on waxed floors; young man to take car or omce. Address M 4X0, Bee. B M373 8x FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted: guaran tee steady work; flrst-clasa pay. patt Bros., St. Joseph, Mo. B M.170 8 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. Inquire 704 No. 23d St. C-M879 WANTED A good cook; references re-C-18 quired. 3612 Farnam. A COMPETENT girl for general house work; references required. Mrs. Robert Dempster, 3527 Harney. C 968 WANTED Good cook. Mrs. Mursh. 804 C-141 5x Pine St. WANTED A girl for general housework. 1822 Blnney Bt. at 0 GIRIS wanted for making paper boxes; good and healthy work; good wages earned. Eggerss-O'Flyng . Co., 15th and Leavenworth Sts. C M241 6x 1 WANTED Clerks for our new book depart ment. Experience prelerrea, but not necessarv. Apply to E. J. Brewster. J. L. Brandels & Sons. C M281 6 GIRL for general housework, small fam'ly. small houxe. Tel. iiarney lxw. or call 3it Howard. C M283 WANTED A good cook; wages $6 per Mrs. Ben Cotton. 432 C M361 week; 3 in ramiiy. 8. 38lh Ave. WANTED A girl to assist In general housework, small family and good wages, and good houis. 29 Farnam Bt. . C-M297 6x WANTED A good nurse girl for 2 chil- ilren; $25 per month; references required. Mrs. Ben Cotton, 432 S. 38th Ave. C M3o WAITRESS. Apply to manager Dellone C-M156 7 hotel. SHIRT WORKERS WANTED AT KING- GRAHAM, MFG. CO.. 11TH AND JACK SON. 1 C M357 WANTEaJ 50 girls to work on coats and skirts In alteration room. S. Fredrick Berger &. Co., 1517 Farnam. C 150 S WANTED AGENTS NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; samples free this week; other nov elties. Ladles Supply Co., 3253 Prairie Ave., O., Chicago. J M635 Novl2x SALARY and commission will be paid to an old line life man of experience. Ad dress Box lltto. Lincoln. Neb. J-773 Novl3 L. , AGEKTS WANTED We have 2S,m0 acres Panhandle. Texas, land ror sale, near Hereford, In Deaf Smith and Palmer counties, Texas. We run our own special train the first and third Tuesdays each month, consisting of Pullman rind dining cars, for the convenience of our agents and their customers. Join us Agents wanted. Address I. U. Wiley Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 424 Bee J-999 a WANTED SALESMEN W ANTED Two energetic men .to travel for Minneapolis wholesale liouae; will pay $7n to l- per month and expenses to start: will meet suitable parties In St. Joseph about November 12; excellent op portunity for young men to get start. Address at once, F. W. Potts, Minneapolis, Minn. I M2M7X WANTED SITUATION WANTED Situation in city as stenog rapher, by young lady experienced; ref erences. Address K-478, cure Bee. YOUNG man . wants to work In lunch room to learn business; some experience: wages ligltt; references best. Please tell proprietors. Address Y 158, Omaha Bee. A M:36 9x SITUATION wanted by young expert stenographer. Chicago and St. I.ouia ref erences. Address L 479 car B;-e. A Ml3 lx FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE An up-to-dats drug stock, $6.Vi. to exchange for Houth Da kota or Iowa land. Globe Land and In vestment Company, Omaha, Nebraska. Z -Mt5 IF YOU do not 1nd what you want In this column, put au ctd in and you will soon get It. Z-9.12 FOR EXCHANGfc A number of good first mortgage loans and good lands to ex change for groceries or a general stock of merchandise. Ulob lnd and Investment Company, Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Z-MM WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT. 8ECOND-HAND furnltuie. stoves! carpets, clothing and ' shoes; pay the best piices. Tel. Douglas 1 tiil. N-5S4 Novll I W ANTKD lo buy. 10 acres improved, some fruit, near Ueusou. Addlea den 0 lo-ige. THE "OMAHA A CLERK OR A SALESMAN? :: :: :: A GARDENER OR A COACHMAN? PUT A WANT AD L FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS WILL RENT, to gentleman one front room In new, modern apartment house; re w furniture, never before used; steam heat and electric lights; bath adjoins room; only two blocks from postnmce and on principal car line; will make It home like; no children In family. Price, $12 per month. Address J-477, care Bee. E 334 26 X ROOMS furnished. Fine cheip rent. Private home of 4 young people who desire company more than monev Tlano, all modern, Including heat, 2210 Ponpleion. E .151 6 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-678 Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks E-K70 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.; American or European; steam heat. E 80 ki i fufnlfhed rooms; new house; one block north of Farnam car; gentlemen only; every modern convenience; hot water heat. 107 8. 31st St. E-115 Nlx rFv. ,arr. southeast room; nicely fur nished; ail conveniences: electric lipht and gas. 'Phone Douglas 3S37. 217 S. 25th St. E 101 TWO furnished rooms on car line: all mod ern; In new brick flat 3113 Leavenworth St. E 149 6 TWO furnished front' rooms with or with out hoard: modern. 612 N. Tlst St. Phone Douglas 6156. E M254 6x FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. 1114 24th. E-M3.H 6 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks F-681 hotel; private dining rooms; F-6S2 THE ROSE, 203) Harney St., nicely fur nished, warm, comfortable rooms. Good board. F 480 2Ux W ITH board, south Toom. suitable for two. Address D-472, Bee. F M298 lOx FRONT parlor for two. with board. 115 24th Bt. F M 8 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT SUITE of 4 rooms first floor. 6H5 8. Bemls, Paxton BIk. In the Ormond, on 28th St.; rent. $28. Q M906 FOUR pleasant rooms unfurnished or partly furnished. 1214 North 2oth St. G M334 7x FOUR nice, large, unfurnished rooms, first floor, strictly modern; easy walking dis tance. 624 South 2th Ave. G MX 6x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES Low Priced Offices Two rooms, 620 and 607, at $16 each. A good place to be In the winter time. The Bee Building Ask for Mr. Baker, Supt., who will bu pleased to show you these rooma 1-522 A VERY DESIRABLE office, room 648, with south and east light, is partitioned, one room being 6-11x19-8 and the othi-r 19-8x21-7; has large sixe fire-proof vault; Janitor service and electric light free. This Is one of our best suites of offices In the building. See Mr. Baker, Supt., Bee Bldg., lvtn ana f arnam. I 5o FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 FOR RENT Large corner store room. 18th and Vinton Bts.. $.10. C. M. Bac h mann. 434 Paxton BIk. I M621 THE two store rooms, with basements, at 708-705 8. 18th street; $W per month for both Inquire R. C. PETERS CO., Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. h-.M4'4 BUILDING 1006 Farnam, will be vacant November 15; 22x100; 9 floors and base ment. Apply 314 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. I 80 DESK room In one of the large offices, partitioned off. $10 per month. See Mr. Baker. Supt. Bes Bldg. 1621 8TORE ROOM. Wth and Harney, 25x100 ft. Can be vacated about Dec. 15, 1906. Ad dress F 440. Bee I M859 FOn RENlVStore room; a S-story building, 22x1.12 feet, with lease for 3 years; best central location In the heart of Omaha's business district; well ventilated and lighted: rent reasonable. Apply at 1512 Howard Sr 1343 7 WANTED TO RENT WANTED A home to take In emergency cases, such as scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles. Must lie without children. Will pav well for same. Call at Heulth Office, "City Hall. Telephone Doiiglus 601. K M91S A FARM within 4 miles of Omaha and Co. Uluffs 8lreet Ry. Address S 4ti7. Bee. K-M1G7 6X DESK room wanted In good office by In surance man. Address B 470, care Bee. K M371 7 LOST LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN Little Irish Terrier, from Clinton H. Brings' residence. West Dodge St. Reward and no questions asked If returned to 132U Farnam St. Lost M349 LOST lady's gold watch, with T. P. A. fob, Saturday .afternoon. Reward for re turn to Bee office. Lost 3 H) 6x STRAYED My old brlndle bulldog; very thin: without collar; near Tt2i llirne. Who's seen him? Harry lu. Moores. 34? 7x LOST Eye glasses In case, to 12X S. Xth St. Reward. Finder return Ixmt 348 ox PRINTING I VNf.TAn High-grade 1907 Calendars, LinoaiftL; B K corner 16th St. and & JORVE, Capitol Ave. -782 lOB printing and binding. Springer Print ing CO.. i6 N. 17th. Tel. Douglas 9071. ' M569 NovlO CENTRAL PRINTING CO.; fine Job work; typewritten letters. 110 8. 17th St.. 1 bloc ks north Bee Bldg. M644 Novli COMPLETE line of 1907 -calendars. Snell Pri ntiii g Co . 310 B. 12th St. -MV.g D2 CLAIRVOYANTS MLS FAUST will galde you In all the af fairs of life; her predictions are reliable; she tells everything: complete life read ing; ladles ftu cents, gentlemen $1. 16U6 Cuming St. 'Phone Douglas-4122. S 816 lx MADAME BUDDHA, The leading iialmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors. 113 S. lull St., Opp. Boston Store. I i DETECTIVE SERVICE WFTMORB Detective Service. 'Phone Red THOl. Rooms 13 and 14. Union Block. 15(o and Farnam. rM-U ?JIONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas tsO. V1iil Novll LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. Macfarland. 80 N. Duug. w. U Bldg. Tel DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 0, lOOfi. THE DEE AND GET EITHER FOR SALE REAL ESTATE "WEST FARNAM HOME One of the nicest homes In the West Farnam dlslrict. on n lot SHxlfvi, all mod ern, new and nice, good nlghlorhoid, near car all one can ask for In the way of a nice, complete home. Parties leav ing the city and must sell at a sacrltlce. See me st once if you want It. SEARS. ROOM 521 N. Y. LIFE. 'Phone Douglas 315i. RE 348 ( To Grading Contractors Bids will be received for Im mediate removal of 30,000 cu. yds. All machine work. GEORGE & CO., 1001 FARNAM. RE M276 7 $35,000 Investment 3 STORY BRICK CORNER NEAR BUSINESS CENTER SNAP FOR QUICK SALE 1. CONNER, NEVILLE BLOCK. UK FOR SALE BY OWNER. A splendid stock and grain farm of 323 acres, 7 miles from South Omaha. A good house, barns, sheds, etc., good orchard, plenty of water, good fences, good railroad and Interurban facilities; have R. F. D. and telephone. Price for the next 30 days, $i.ono. Address, LEMUEL NORTON, FORT CROOK. NEB. RE-M171 13 FOR SALE. A 9-room house $2,000. A 6-room house $2,500. A 6-room hoiMc-$i.5t'0. A 5-room house 41,100. Will acll the above snaps If taken at once. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Patterson Block. RE 4897 WANTED We have large "sltmand for homes and Investment property on the south side of railroad tracks, and acreage property In the vicinity of Ouiaha. If you have such, send us description and price, and we will sell It for you. Berka & Co., 9! New York Life Bldg. RE M 290 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 31st and Cuss Sts., with ground on which to build another house. Paved street, east front, nice shade trees. Mnke me an offer for one or both. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 692 KERR-SH ALLCROS9 CO.'B ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro tected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. Ifil4 Farnam, Tel. Doug. 47. RE- BEAUTIFUL KOUNTZE PLACE-Modern home, hot water heat, 75-ft. front: space for another house; small house taken as part payment. See owner, 1921 Wirt. RE-M324 ALL modern 9-room house and lot for sale at a bargain. 922 No. 19th REM910 FOR SALE FARMS 320 ACRE FARM for sale In the Republi can Valley, no better land than this for alfalfn, corn, wheat or oats. Will sell horses, hogs, cattle and farm machinery with the farm If so desired. Thla prop erty belongs to a company that wants to dissolve and desire to divide up Write for terms etc.. to Moore Merc, Co., Franklin. Nebraska. - M-M136 lOx THREE farm bargain. Write J. T. Camp bell. Litchfield. Ksb. H-M915 NISx MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $ t $ $ $18 $ $ MONEY, TO LEND SALARIES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, ON HORSES AND WAGONS. This U your opportunity to get money iy inose lime "" -V. range your affairs now so tuai wnen u;" .., ..... cold weuther comes you 'will only have one company to owe. ' You can repay us In small weekly or nionthly payments, best suited, to your In come; amounts paid before due, full rebate is ALWAYS feirowed. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Sts. X-M338 10 $$$$$$$$$$ WHEN YOU FIND IT NECESSARY TO BORROW give us a trial, after which we will by fnjr treatment attempt to retain your patronage. We loan from $10 up on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc. We also make loans to SAItARlED PEOPLE without mortgage or endorser. We transact business quickly and quietly. We do not (induct interest in advance. We ajways try to please our patrons. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2286. (Established 1892), 806 8. 16th St. X-M964 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy pay ments; offices In 63 principal cltlus. Save yourself money by getting my terms first, t). H. TOLMAN, 714 New York Lite Bids. X-V06 DR. PRIBBENOW S MONEY, loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horse etc.. In any amount; less than half rales; perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payments susended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach BIk. South 15th St. K-7U6 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; do red tape; you get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X 842 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all business coundeutlul. laol Douglas. X 844 MONEY losned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, ate C. F. Reed. 310 8. 18th. X-848 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loads. Duff Green Lban Co., room 8, Barker block. X-846 CHATTELS, salary and jewelry loans Foley Loan Co., 1S04 Farnam St. X-840 CHATTEL and salary loans. Credit Co., 633 Paxton block. Phoenix X-847 DANCING WORTH considering. Isn't It. when Mo rand's Dancing Bcnool for adults will sell you a ticket good for 11 lessons at the reduced price of, ladles $4. gentlemen $5, which will teach you how to dance per fectly, Former pupils $1 less. Three as sistants lo help beginners. Call or Tel. Douglas 1041. Fall terms begins Friday, Nov. 2, 8 p. m. 66rN-14 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss Sturdy. 2tut Davenport. 'Phone Har ney 2kl2. ' M72 M DOW ELL system of dressmaking and cutting; patterns cut to measure; lessons Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Ih23 fnrnain. . nlsJ3 N'-'L. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. Doug. 11.154. DR. BOWSER, Svtr D.'Ug. t3i0. 418 N. Y. 15u0 Farnam. Tel. JL44 NovM ONE OR ALL QUIOaY FOR RLNT HOUSES 21.23 Bristol St., 8 rooms, entirely modern. gus range, storm winnows, winnow similes, full lot, paved street, close to c-ir line. $.15 1US South 3oth avenue. 11 rooms, modern, :i:23 PhcIIIc St., 8 rooms, modern. 1 Pouih ih. 8 rooms, modern, '.. 3?!7 Cuming St.. 8 rooms, $21. 22-J3 S. CMh St.. 8 rotin cotMue. $C1.W. ?223 Burt St.. 4 furnished rooms, modern, 4249 Harney St., 4 room, $ij. 2WS North, rooms, SIS. 2?n North 241 h St., rooms. $19. 256 Sadler St., 5 room cottage, $12. Hastings & lieyden, 1701 Fnrnam St D 365 NEW APARTMENTS 25th Ave. and Half Howard Sts., 6 and tj rooms each, mod ern In every respoct; rent, $37.50 and $40. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. 'Phone Douglas-7ot. D M274 10 FOR RENT. 9mi7 Decatur, H rooms, city water, $13.50. 2S29 Decatur. t rooms. $15. 2i3 S. 9th St., fi rooms, modern, $J3. 210 Dewey Ave., all modern, $40. STORE. 718 S. 13lb- St., two noors and basement, $40. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Phone Doug. 297. il2 S. tth St. D Mltvj 6 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1H.'5. Schmnller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D-6&3 HOUSES In all parts of ths city. R. C. Peters ac Co., llee Bldg D J4 UnTTQlTS In all parts of the city. The tlUUGiiiO q F- Davis Co., Bee Bldg. D-tS6 HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker BIk. D 4i8t OMAHA Van & Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. 1511 Fnrnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. D-t!; A NICE modern 7-room house In fine re pair, new. Just what you want. Call tele phone Harney 1H73 or Douglas 20S1. Im mediate possession. E. E. Huntley, owner, 319 Board .of Trade. D M176 FOR RENT Nice 7-rooin house, $16.00. ?C41 Patrick Ave. For Rent Fine flat, all modern, good fur nace. 4'6 8. 25th Ave. William K. Potter, receiver. 31 Brown BIk. D M870 tsTflT? A f JTv Household goods, inir-chandi-v. etc Fred Transfer Line, 1W3-5 Farnam St. D-M508 N10 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor- age Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Oftlce, 1713 Web D MS ster St. SEE us when ehipping household goods to larpe cities west. We can save vou money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1195. D 689 FOR RENT 9-room douse, all modern; fur nace; $25 C. M. Buchmann, 436 Paxton BIk. D-322 COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO. storage and transfer. Bent storage house In the city. Immediate attention given. 1629-S1-3J N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 4619. D 90 FIVE ROOM house, 1312 8. 4!h St. now being put In perfect condition; vent, $10. Eemls. Paxton BIk. r M399 CENTRAL, steam, modern T- room house, Tixard, 220 N. 23d. D Mbl6 5-ROOM cottage, city water, $7.00. Breen & Bloom, 613 Bee Bldg. D M789 4 RdOMS, modern flat; adults. 1112 So. llth. D 158 I WD DUMTl.rm au. ,a . , pair, opposite Hanscom park $33. 'Phone Douglas 023. D 153 NEW modern cottage and a 5-room flat, close In. Apply Clinton H. Brlpus. 1320 Farnam St. 'Phone Doug. 2224. D 9a6 6 FOR RENT After November 1, 8-room house, all modern except, furnace, $20.H). C. M. Bachman. 436 Paxton Block. P MS11 FOR RENT Nov. 10, six rooms, modern. 2626 Dodge, $25. Inquire at 2628 Dodge. D M2M 6x FOR RENT 5-room, modern house, 26th and Chicago; easy walking dlstnnce. C. W. Blixt, on premises or First Nat l bank. P-M363 8 CENTRAL. 220 N. 23d. steam, modern, 4-room flat. D M372 NICE 3-room cottage; South 25th St. rent $9. Apply 1515 D-311 x MODERN 7-room house, 205 Bristol St. D 344 7x FOR RENT Modern, 9-room, brick house, 1126 South 31st St.; $40 per month. Thoniaa Brcnnnn, room 1 N. Y. Life Bldg. D-M358 MODERN DWELLING Eight largv rooms, excellent repair, t45.tK, vacant November 15th. W. L. SICLBY. 440 Board Trade Bid. Phone Douglas 1510. D M373 9x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. i and iVi per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-W7 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-468 WANTED City loans nd warrants, w. Farnam Smith ac Co, 1220 Farnam Bt. W-668 BUILDING loans on residence property; per cent. W. B. Melkls, Ha nig e BIk. W-678 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block, W-671 PRIVATE MONEY F. D, Wsad. 1530 Doug. W-673 81,000.000 TO LOAN on business and real, dance properly In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Bronnan. R. L N. Y. Life. W 471 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters Co. V-74 City at farm loans. O. F. Carson Co.. N Y L, W-478 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. 505 First National Bank Bldg. W-676 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES MISS IltM A SPRINGER, piano lessons, 50 cents. 1320 N. 41si St., Walnut Hill car. -MW4 Novl3 CHATELAIN School of languages Day and evening classes, French. German. Spanish; fencing. Davidge iildg. s7:i-Nov14 WINES AND LIQUORS SOL 8. GOLD8TROM Whiskies, wines and liquors for family use. Mall orders given prompt attention. S' nd for price list. South Omah.i. Neb. Opposite Stock Yards. FLORISTS HESS A SWOBuDA. 1115 Farnam. 730 L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1254. 721 FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing, 5c Pr lout. 2U6 N. 17th Si. Tel. Ra sh. -e75 Novl4 PERSONAL 1 PEW l.N'n ma.hlnes rented, any ml;e, 7": per week 01 $J i per month. Hei-ond-hnnd machines for eaV, '-.(J and up. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and ,,MI "cy'l-713 IR. ROY, chiropody. Doug. B4J7. 1FJ6 l"r- miVATK CONF1NKMKNT 1 1 0 M H. Mrs L-715 ALL K1NPS. Buttons, H -idling. Embroidering. PLEATING 1'vclnc and cleaning, sponging an1 'drink ing; only 5c per yard. Send lor price list Slid sample. 111)1. D.MAN PLEATING CO., m DohcIm ui,.l Tel Douglas l...t. II' CITY 8 T E A M. Tel. Douif. 2U8. .n..s.-71. LAUNDRY THE SALVATION ARMY cliclt cast off. 1 clothing; In fact, anything you uo not need; we collect, lir.ilr mid ell, at "4, N. 11th St., for cost of coll. cling to the ( worthy poor. Call phone Doug. 41 and . wiifjon will call. I 511 I FREE medical and surgical treatment at -Crelghton Medical college. Hth and Dav enport Sts.; aiectnl attention raid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douif. IJ''. Calls answered day or night. 1 THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Hts. Tel. Doufe-1"" l-; 71J PURVEYING, Bllckensderfer. 312 Bee Bids. U-719 OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers' Institute, Itanise V 720 . MAONF.TTn treatment and bath. Mme. Smlth u8 N. 1 M floor. U MJ04 4 CHAMPION carpet cleaning. Doug. 55. U'23 Leavenworth. V Mls6 NovS ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3s24 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U Mlu , ' PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Blults, In. Tel. 774. U 222 TYPEWRITERS rented, $2.60 per month; all ninkfs; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter & Supply Co., 1S22 Farnam St, U-359 N5 Af A K! XCiV. Swedish movement, 410 N. iiuiooAUL 16,h Room 2, necond floor. U M982 Dl MOTHER'S BREAD Ask your grocer for Z. H. Keeder's MOTHER'S BREAD. U-M987 Dl I A Dollar Free for You This coupon will lie taken as $1 payment on n $'0 purchase of shoes, hate or cloth ing balance paid as you earn it. HOME CREDIT CI-OTHING COMPANY, 1520 Dodge St., Cor. IGth, "Omaha. U-118 Nlh PENNELL Millinery Co., 322 North lhlh St. ' U-722 Jan 5 RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no pnln, no detention from business. Call or write for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE Ki.T T1 R;: CO.. 611 Woodmen of World Bldg., Omaha. jj 72.1 CEIOHTON Dental college. Patients free, free treatment at Crelghton Iental co '"8e. U-M540 N 11 C'.,. PALMgUIST. customer shoe maker. 4124 Hamilton St. and 107 8. 15lii St U-M565 N 10 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax l?"'a Salve. B. J. Scanell, agent. 5o9 Ware Elk. itms x- is CHRI8TEN8ON. carpet cleaning. Tel. U-874 XII Doug. 1659. THE ACORN Press. Tel. Doug. 3752 Commercial printers. 1510 Howard St. U M999 N18 TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent, $2 to $4 month. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1603 Leavenworth. 'Phone Red-6r99. U M5t? 26 81RINGE8. rubber goods, bv mail; cut prices; send -Tor free catalogue. ITyers Dillon Drue Co., Omaha. U-721 DR8 OGEL private hospital for wonrn and for ladles before and during confine, ment. 2319 S. 13lh St., Omaha. Neb. U M945 SS) MUSIC TEACHERS WANTED. $10 to $20 Per Hour Guaranteed. Illustrated Classwork. Great eUiecesj. Salary or Commission. Territory Reserved. No Competition Pos sible. Correspondence Solicited. Write Today. PERFIELP PIANO CO.. 1611 Farnam St. U M336 6x OMAHA Steam Pnste Co. manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Telephone Douglas 4521. ij SATIN skin powder being best made It's bst for you. Flesh, white, pink, briinet. U- TYPEWR ITERS rented, $2 50 per month: ail makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter & Supply Co., 1.822 Farnim St. U-M3S7 25 MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses. discharges. Irregularities cured painlessly' and safely. Wlthneli block, 15th and Harney, Room 2, Omaha. ' -725 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve oni fins,- l box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omuha. 7; PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Only first class goods hanlded. Prompt attention to every order. Send for catalogue. B. F Karol, 2: Harrison St., Chicago, 111. -727 LYNCH BROS Repair work our specialty 118 N. loth St. Tel. Douglas 1477. Mall N25 HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE HORSES All kinds. Myers. 1715 Jackson. P M js6 Dl FOR SALE Runabout and set of single iiaiiic... nifjuiie oiv itruson el. P-144 6x WANTED To buy 8 or 8 horss, 1.3m to 1.4( lbs. See Tom Baker, barn master, The Bennett Company. I' M369 8 Go With Us On one of our regular excursions to where you can buy flue farm and ranch laiala at $3 to $5 per acre on easy terms. The U. P. R. R. Is closing out Its lands In Western Nebraska, Kansas, Colo rado and Wyoming. For Information regarding lands and excursion rates apply LAND AGENCY l P. R. R. Dept. B. 81$ 8. lttn Htrset. O GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. master. Fori Leavenworth, Kars, Oct. 9. li. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be leceived here until 11 a. in., central time, November 8. lis, and then ovened. for constructing the following buildings, including plumbing snd electru wiring: Two stables, one double stable guanl building, eight double sets nori luiiiinUsioned staff officers' quarters, on" engineer workshop, two Miiitooti slieds, ut Fort Lea enworth. Kansas. Full informa tion snd blank forms of proposal f iiriiislic. on application to this office, where plans, and sfeci heat ions may be seen. United States reserves the right to accept or re ject any or. all prossnls or any piri thereof. Envelops to be Indorsed "F'ro poeuls for I'uhlic Buildings," snd addresxd to Captain Peter Murray. Quartermaster. 4ct9-19-ll-J2Nuv0-7 RAILWAY TIME CARD ISIO STATlJ-TKHITil A D MAICYy t'alaa Paeltlc Arrlt-e a 8:1$ Pt) ICve 8:40 am Overland Limited 'i'I.a i'hlt,a mnA JfltljLn Fast Mll a 4:16 pm Colo. calif. Ex a4;15ptn California Ac Ore. Lx..a.2pm I.os Angeles Limited.. all :90 am Fust Mall 1.55 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am Noith Matte Local... 8:10 am Beatrice Ixcal bj:16pm Illinois t entral Chicago Expreea a, $ 00 am Chicago Limited a iA pm I liliiian A orthtratera Rapids Pass 7:o5am Twin City Express a 7:50am thlcsgo Daylight a8:Oam Chicago I Altai all:30in Sioux City Loial b i.M pm Carroll lxjcal a4.32.vm oux City Local.... a 8:10 m a 8 30 am a 6 10 pm 10:45 pra a 1 M pin a 7 44 am a 4 :50 pm b 2 uu pin a I 55 pni 1:M am a S 05 pm aiu:uu prit 11:15 pm i HI Chicago Express a 5:oO pm Mall a 8:2a pm l'BSt Mml Twin I'itv Limited a 8:25 pm Overland Limited a 8:38 pm Chicago I. milled all:ipm Noriolk-Bonesleel a 7:40 am Lincoln-Long Pine b 7.40 in Deudwood-l.mculn a l:W hii Casper-Shoxhoni a 3:U0 put Hastings-Superior b 8:UU pm Fremont-Albion b 6:02 bin t hi can at St. Pawl Chi. and Colo. Suecial...a 7:64 am a 7:30 am California and Ore. Ex. a S:4j pm a 8:10 pm Overland Limited a8:85pm a:90am Marion & Cedar R. Lnc.b:4Gnm blLOupm (Jliicagu (;rent Western St. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:10 pm bt. Paul & Minneapolis. 7:45am 11.50 pm Clilcami Limited 5:4ipm ' 8:00 am Chicago Express 7 46 am 11:50 pm Chlc.igo Express 8 10 pm 82 ft) pm Chicago, lloek Islaad A PaclSo EAST. Chicago Limited a J 15 am a 7:10 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Chicagu Mall a h:lu am a s:4u pm Iowa Local bL2:lopm b 9:55 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a 4.05 pm a 1:45 pm Chicago (Iowa Limited) a 6.85 pm ai2:10 pm WEST. Rocky Mountnln Llm...a 7:20 am Colo, and Cat. Express. a 21 pm Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm 1 lmnln Fuli-burv and a 8:18 ara a 3 66 pm aii.i pm Belleville a 8.50 pm i0 00 ana a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. Mlaaoarl Pacific Ft. Louis Express a 1:00 am K. C. and SU L. Ex pni Wauaaia a 8 80 pm w pra St. Louis Express a 6:30 pm a 8:40 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:15 am al0:S0 pm Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs). b 5:00 pm bll :80 am B.URLIXGTON STATIOIV lot h MASON BorltnsTton Leave. Denver California. ...a 4:10 pm Pluck Hills 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest Express alliio pm Nebraska Express a 9:10 am Nebraska Local a 8.00 am Lincoln Local , Lincoln Faat Mail b 2:00 pm Ft. Crook & Plattsm'th.h 2:60 pm P.ellevu & Plattsiu'th..a 7:60 am Denver Limited liellcvue Pac. June... a 8:30 am Bellcvue & Pac. Juno.. .a 9:10 am Chicago Special n 7:25 am Chicago Express a 8:45 ; Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm Iowa Local ...a 9:15 am St. Louis Express a 4:45 pm Kansas Clty-St. Joe....al0:45 pm a i nm a l.;wi a 9 -L on b :4aP'S a 1.3v 11 a 8 .30 aVi a MD pm a 7:05 am a 8:15 am 11:15 ai.r al0:3a am blu:35 am a 5 uo pm a 5:05 pm b 5:05 pm bl2:40 um Arrive, t a 8:80 pi a 6:30-11; " :06 an a 8 80 pm, 7:40 pm a':bo"am 12.01 pm bl0 25 am 8:.'0 am 7:i0 am a 8:30 am 1 :50 pm " - ' Wll 8:55 pm a 7:28 am al0:53 pm 11:30 am a 6:46 am a 6:10 pm Kansas Clty-Kt. Joe a 9:1b am Kansas City-SU Joe....s 4:45 pm W EBSTER STATION 18th WEBSTER Cblcaao. St. Paul. Minneapolis A Omaha- Arrive I . 1,1 v.. i ' .t '. ... v .o nlll b 9:10 pm Ploux City Passenger. ..a 2:00 nm ill :i.m I .... ...,11 T .... o I K S-Qn n w . , a Emerson Local ,...c 8:46 am o 1:50 pm Missouri Paeltlc, . . Nebraska Local, via weeping water a pm D1Z IU pm a Dally, b Dallyexcept Sunday, except Saturday, c Sunday only, except Monday. d Dally Dal7 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Samuel J. Cogan to John L. Splti- hart. lot 6. block 2, Pope Place $ 250 i 1,900 1 2,008 480 1 1 3.2U8 Adelaide Young Aldcrson and husband to W. L. Hail grin, Jr., lot 10, replat block 6, Bemls ParJt Gertrude James et al. to Lucy E. James, lot 6. block 5, Van Camp s, und lot 7, block 10, Hitchcock's.... Kate Keesheii to Joseph Minardi and wife, lot 8. Redlck's 2d J. W. Cnrnilchael to Mabel J. Harte, lot 20, block ltd, Dundee Place John G. Jacobs and Lillian M. Maul to McCafiue Investment company, part lots 3 and 4. block K8, Omaha.. S;;me to same, n22 ft lots 3 and 4, block Ns, Omahii Addle Y. Conover and husband to Charles C. Steurns, nM ft lots 1 and 12. block 2, Slierwjod Park Will S. Thompson and Paul L Mar tin to John 8. (.Villus, lot 6, Collins Place 14, 500 Janus . Craig and wife to Peter B. 1 1. light, part lot (i. Forties Sub Jot-eph E. Musgrove and wife to Mary P. Benedict, lot 8, block 2, L P. Hammond's Ad Frances Butterfleld to Ixirentz Ander son. nVj luts lo and 11, block 3, Denlse's Herbert H. Fish and wife to D. V. Wholes company, inc. part lot 2, block 5, 1st Sub Grltlin & Smith's.... ,506 t .200 4SS Tot H I .$28,M MINERALS - IN KANSAS LAND Omaha Capitalists Eagerly Watching h Government Sarvey Now Going; On. 4 Mr. C. E. Klebenthal, assistant goologlst of the United States gcologogical survey. has arrived at Baxter Bprlngs, Kan., to begin a geological survey of the Wyandotte quadrangle, which Includes the Baxter Springs mining camp in the Quapaw reser vation south of lhat clly. This area reaches from the Kansas line on the north to a line six miles south- of Grove on thn south, and from two miles west of Afton to, und Including a strip Ave miles wide In Mii-souil, und Is thirty miles long porta and south and twenty-seven miles wide east and west. A number of Omaha capi talists are Interested In this section. Tho geological work will Include the In vestigation of the whole area, the a real mapping of the different formations, and the gathering of specimens and fossils to aid In the accurate llthologlc description and age determination of the formations, im well as the mineral contents. In the regions where prospecting snd mining dave been engaged In, a special economic survey will be carried on. The preliminary description of the ore deposits of th region will probably appear in the Economic Bulletin, a volume published by .. , I J.a,.a 1 ..,.l.w.-t .. I 1H T l niieti r L.i' v. . " . "p, , . , u, .i-j iii tfunv of each year, giving the advance resultJ of tho previous year's work. Complete geological description will appear as the Wyandotte Geologic Folio. The mining geology of the area will appear In the general report. ueaiins wnu in uie ue posits of the Joplln district which is now in preiration. Of almost equHl Interest with the geolo gic survey of the Wyandotte quadrangle to the Inhabitants of that region is the geologic folio of the Joplln district by the United Stales Geogollcal survey. This re port prepared by W. S. Tangier Smith and C. E. Is now in press and will be ready for distribution sbout January Fun st Ills raaeral The will of T. I Kerr, a wealthy manu facturer of Connellsvllle. Pa., Is unique. After bequeathing all his property to his Msier, Mrs. Emma Kerr Dunn, he closed ih dc-cunienl with. "I don't want a lot of money bquandered on my- burial. My sister needs the morsy und any old place will do for my burial. I . l , . . I ,i r J ,li-,n In 1,A n.11 wain, a uo ' i -' - - - - - e-1 ' fc bearers. I want J. F. Hailett, John Orr Geotge Baker and R- Montgomery to serv and. if they are living, let them carry f t tl.s. srut p unfi sV.lfn th. irrnm (J Ml 1114X11 '"T '"-"" ----- vuiii Is dumped in and 1 am covered let theiV shake hsnds at Ihe grave, then gcj home J and take a drink and know that If there la I a place uereaucr a w.u men invm