Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1906, Image 1

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17lh Strrrt Corner IW lildg.
Tuesday Sight
17th Slrcrt Corner llco III1r.
.in -
Tinal Predictions Throw Little Helpful
v Lieht on Situation.
Party Lines Jrokea As Never Befere ia
the Empire State.
Odds Races from Fire to One te Three and
a Half to One.
R pnbllruna Claim Plurality at 300,
4MM? for llnihra and Democrats
Killmutt Hearst's Margin
at JSiO.OO.
N EW YORK. Nov. 5 Fair WMthr a-d
moderate temperature 1 the forecast
tomorrow when the Issue of the most v..
ordinary cubemntorlid campaign
history of the state will be. decided at Svft 'v.
The night before the predictions coula
ript. tie s:;ld to throw any helpful light on
the situation. Bepublican state headquar
ters confidently expected a plurality of not
less than aio.oon for the ticket, while the
inanaKera of the InJependence league and
democratic joint campaign committer antic
ipated 1WW votes to spare in Greater New
York and to which they added, a plurality
of !V,io above the Harlem
' "?ho political thcrmometei
ttlnrlod during the day from
7 on the flection of a repu
' to 6 to 1 and hack to 4 to 1,
of !V,io above the Harlem river.
er In Wall street
from odds of 3H to 1
epubllcan governor
at which figures
the greater number of bets on the curb
war placed.
Party I.lnea Broken.
Tn spite of the confidence expressed, on
both sides tonight none would deny that
never before could party lines be less relied
uiion to deliver the regular vote
Charles. F. Hughes named by the rcpub
licuiiH for governor, has received the en
dorsement of maJiy old line democrats who
objected to tlm action of the democratic
convention at Buffalo. Senator P. H. Me
Carren. democratic loader of the Ktnga
county democracy, today prophesied a re.
publican plurality of S.00O In Ida county.
On tho other hand William Randolph
Hinrst, llrst the candidate of the Independ
ence league and then of the democratic
organisation, has Invaded the upstate
aUuughcJds. That lie will draw from tha
rvpubllruti vote In certain sections Is gen
erally conceded. The republicans have al
ways counted upon- the upstate counties to
roll up a vote to more than olTnet the
democratic plurality in Greater New York,
but this year, tho upstate can hardly be
described as pitted against the metropolis.
In this city the minor Issues are so Involved
and the1 cundldates so multiplied that
the official ballot, 2,000,000 copies of which
were delivered by the printers today, la
llter-Wly a blanket sheet. .Contrary to the
usual practice of "candidates, this year's
campaigners carried their canvasi right up
to the early hours of election day, and it
will be a short night for party workers who
ure to be early at the polls.
Mix Speeches by Hashes.
Mr. Hughes spoke along tha water front
during tho afternoon and six times up
t.,,r. inntirht clofrinar his canvass with a
meeting In Durland's riding academy.
Mr. Hearst contented himself during the
day with sending out an appeal to election
watchers to be on their guard. out to.
night addressed four gatherings on tho
Faist Bide. Both candidate were hailed
ith the boisterous enthusiasm that haa
characterised their every appearance.
Uhiboiate police arrangements were con
eluded today. Inspectors and captains be
lug instructed by Commissioner Bingham
und Superintendent of Elections Morgan to
Insure a fair election at all haaards. The
police are armed with no less than 2.000
warrants directed against those who are
aliened by tho managers to have Illegally
ivglHtered and these men will. If they at
tempt to vote, be arrested. - These war
rants were Issued after the Investigation of
4.1X10 complaints.
Returns Will Ba Ijita.
In this city the counting Is sura to be
slow. In Buffalo und some other upstate
cities voting machines will be. used, and
from those places the early returns may be
Most astute of political observers are re-
lng their opinions until some definite
can be gathered from the early voting
tomorrow. Never before, It Is conceded,
has, there been greater danger to the repu
tatlou of the careful prophet In making
any positive prediction on the night before
The final word of each standard bearer
tonight was a promise to his supporters of
a great victory.
Speech by Mr. Hearst.
Mr. Hearst tonight told ' his audiences
ho was confident that he would receive a
plurality of MOO.OOO In Greater New York
and be. elected by about the same figures.
Mr. Hearst's filial speech of the campaign
(Continued on Second Page.)
A Democrat
OMAHA, Now 6. -To the K.lltor of The
!: I hopu joii will grunt ine the privi
lege if i xpiTssiug my sentiment as a
democrat III regard to the men running In
this congressional district. 1 have always
lullucd the teaching Jnd precepts of
democracy, as 11 was. Instilled into my
you; lit ul mind hi Virginia, w lucre democrats
w,T burn and not made. However, In
lociil electrons. I belitive It la the duty
of all good citizens to vote for the best
mail, regardless ol party.
Jolm I-. Keiuudy, whom I am not per
Mirjilly nc.iiiuid with, I am led to be
!ive is a man -f honor and Integrity and
MiiliH, a man whom 1 am sore would he
iiie best f"r tho people pf this district.
1 liavu many reasons for appealing to
ti e good, true democrats of this district.
First G. M. Hitchcock ts not a democrat
-never was and never can be. There was
no democratic blood In his veins. What
little tliera Is, bus been injected Into him
by fuiie. If we S'lid him to com reus we
t-'ii t tell w beiiier ne win advocate Ueino-
Htie principle ur populist principles, ao-
e..iU-iu or free ailver. Mr. Hitchcock
"in' i trot a mile on a democratic track.
! is jWtt iys irying to grasp sjinnhlna
lo blMer up his political aspirations,
whether lb,.! it any principles or not.
M-ii of that ojliher cannot succeed in
bctnc or in polities"
I have k'ion Mr. !itchck sln.-e 1?7.
I v.ant lu W.l ju Lk u-P.reiK'e between
Premier ( Irmraf raa'i t hnrrh er.
Ion roller Approved hy Vol
of 3tWi fa fM.
PARIS, Nov. 5. Parliament reassembled
this afternoon. Tho prettier, wlien ho
reed the ministerial declaration of policy,
evoked several rounds of applause, reiiec
lally when he announced that the law sep
rating state and church as applied, would
Insure full exercise of lilierty of con
science. A motion approving the govern
ment's program waa carried, SW to 96. The
declaration of policy announced that with
the support of the country at the last elec
tions, the government only Intended to
pursue actively the work of reform and
thru Us foreign policy would remain tin
chunked. The debate in tha chamber which fol
lowed the declaration of policy was con
fined exclusively to the matter of the sep
aration of the church and state. There
wns a perfect volley of Interpellations with
the object of hearing the Intention of the
government In the matter of the application
of the law of separation. No further votes
were taken.
BOME. Nov. 5. A. telegram containing
a summary of ' the declaration of policy
made by Premier Clemenceau in the French
chamber of deputies today reached the
ope tills evening. After its purusal the
tiff Is reported to have said: "The
-h churches are prepared for all kinds
-r of r
They have already shown
slstanoe they possess
Armev !
is Display Stars and
M ay They Want Island
Joined to t'nlted states.
HAVANA, Nov. 6. The report of a re
markable feature In the present condition
of minor disorder which prevails more or
ess throughout the Island comes from
Sancti Splrltus, In Santa Clara province.
In the vicinity of this town there is en-
oamped an armed band of ninety men, tin
der the command of Colonels Sanchez and
Jimenez. Tills band Is displaying the stars
and stripes. The leaders declare they not
only have no Intention of opposing the
Americana In any way, but It is their de
sire to head a movement In support of
annexation to the United State. This band
waa recently Induced to disperse by the
commanding marine force at Sancti Spirl
tus, who probably will again go out and
order the men to return to their homes.
The meeting today of members of the
former moderate party for the purpose of
selecting a new party name and formulat
ing a new program adjourned without tak
ing action.
Explores Cannot Attend Banquet at
8t. Johns In Honor of King
Kdward'a Birthday.
ST. JOHNS. N. P., Nov. 6. Sir John Mc
Gregor, . governor of the colony, has re
ceived a telegram from Commander R. E.
Peary, the Arctic explorer, from Iatbrador,
to the effect that ha will be unable to ac
cept the governor's Invitation to visit Mm
on the birthday of King Edward,. Novem
ber 9. Commander Peary says further that
he plans to return to New York, via North
Sydney, N. B.
Colonel of Vlhorg Rrsiment 9hot by
Soldier While Practicing
Volley Firing.
Colonel Hosheranoff of
Russia, Nov. 6.
the Viborr regi-
ment, of which the German emperor 1. nor.-
orary commander, was seriously woundi-i
today by a bullet fired by a mamher of his
own command while the soldiers were prac
ticing volley firing with blank cartridges.
It 1 stated that the shot was fired acci
dentally. Bulgaria a Cabinet Resigns.
SOFIA, Bulgaria. Nov. 8. The PetrofT
cabinet has resigned, as It did not enjoy the
cordial support of Parliament. Minister of
the Interior Petroff ia to forna a new cab
inet. Pope Receives Americans.
ROME, Nov. 6. The pope today received
In private audience the Right Rev. Mauri?e
F. Burke, bishop ot St. Joseph, Mo.
France to lend Warships.
PARIS, Nov. t. Franoe will send a squad
ron of warn hips to tlve opening of the
Jamestown exposition, April 1!6, 19u7,
President of Pabllshlng Company
Tells Mea to Shoot it They
Are Molested.
CUTVFTjA N D. Nov. 6. John A. Penton.
president of the Penton Publishing company
of this city, liought a supply of revolvers
today and gave them to his employes with
Instructions to use them if they were mo
lested by the pickets stationed about his
Penton declares his nonunion employes
have been repeatedly insulted and assaulted
by the pickets.
on Hitchcock
two editors In Omaha. 1 met RdwarU
Kosewater la lS'Jl In Washington at the
Ebbltt house. I culled on him tor a letter
of Introduction and his answer wa.i this:
"1 will be glad to assist or help you. I
will go with you in perauu. I uin always
glsd to help any Omaha boy.
He has acted a good Siniarituu to more
than me. May God bl'sa him. Is my prayer.
in the spring of 1W I went to the editpr
of the World-Herald and asked him for
a letter oi introduction. His reply was:
'I have promised to give no d-mocrut
a letter, if 1 give oue a letter I will have
to give to all. So 1 will help no demo
crats," uie the words he told me, so God
Is iny joJge.
I thought of the young women who were I
drowned at l.aka Manawa. If Mr. Hitch- !
curk had been sent out In a lifeboat he !
would probably have unid: "If I save one
young woman I would have to save all; so
I guea I will li-t them all drown."
This was his attiiuJe to a democrat, who
always helped th ctuse of democracy. I
niHKe fins request or my democratic
friends, hoping they will all support Mr.
John 1- Kennedy for "ocgrefS.
I hope I may never again ask this favor
fpnrt my democratic friends, as you cannot
expect very much fiom a man born In
Virginia, naturuliz-d In Indiana and civil
ized i'l Nrbisku.
I remain, yours, most eine.-r-K.
Embargo Aeaiast Bock Ialaid System
Continued bj Omaha Iaterests.
Commercial Club and Grain Exchange
loin ia Letter to Pablle Pro
clalmlag Imposition Prevails
Against This City.
That the boycott in Omaha against the
Rock Island road is still In effect is made
plain by the following letter which has been
sent out by tha Commercial club and the
Omaha Grain exchange to their members:
OMAHA, Oct. 31, im To Our Members:
It seems proper to call your attention nt
this time to the fact that the Memphis
"equalisation" plan of the Kock Isiand
Frisco system, put Into effect July 1, Is
still Iwing adhered to by those roads, to the
great detriment of the Omaha grain market.
We sre also advised that the Kansas City
Board of Trade, not Hatistien with the
original plan. Is seeking to have its opera
tions extended to cover additional Omaha
Thls helng true. It Is necessary that It be
clearly understood by every loyal citlaen of
Omaha that, the Rock Islaiid-t'rtsco system
has not altered Its hostile attltuoe toward
the OmrfW grain market. This hostility is
further shown by the action of the Chicago
& Alton railway, reaching rroni Kansas
City to Chicago and St. l.ouls, which was
recently taken over bv the same Interests
that own the Rock Island and Krlsco. That
road Issued a circular on October 18, agree
ing to absorb all elevator charges at Kan
sas City, assessed by any elevator against
any grain. No such -concession has been
made by the Rock Island road at Omaha
and the action of the Alton road places our
dealers at a great dlSHdvantago on all Chi
cago and Ft. IjouIs business.
If there is any change In tho hostile atti
tude nf the Kock Island-Frisco Interests to
ward Omaha you will be promptly advised
of it. Respectfully,
J. M. Gt IL.D,
Commissioner, Commercial Club.
Secretary Omaha Grain Exchange.
o Settlement Made.
"Yea, it is true the Rock Island-'Frlaco
system still maintains Its hostile attitude
towards Omaha," said Secretary McVann
of the Grain exchange, '"vVe sent out the
letter mainly becauae there seemed to be
an Impression among a great many of our
people that spme settlement of the con
troversy between the commercial Interests
of Omaha and the Rock Island road had
been made. This Is not true and we want
all of our members to know that it ia
not true.
"I confess I am unable to understand I
why it Is that the Rock Ialand-'Frlsco peo
ple maintain their position In regard to
this canalization plan. Their attitude
would be easier to understand If by reason
of the operation of the plan a large amount
of Nebraska business was being diverted
to Kansas City and secured by the 'Ftisco
road that would naturally move via
Omaha, According to the very best Infor
mation we have been able to obtain the
I high prices paid by Omaha dealers have
.prevented Memphis business from being di
verted to Kansas City by reason of the
'Frisco equalization. As a matter of fact,
It wiu clearly shown, at the Interstate Com
merce commission hearings of the Peavey
case and at the investigation under the
L.Follette resolution that the 'Frisco road
was not particularly popular among the
grain men In Kansas City, because It Is
the only road 'at Kansas City owning Its
own elevator which does noi give the use
of that elevator free to Its patrons. ' Fur
thermore, It was clearly shown at the same
hearings that the Rock. Island system was
tied up tight with tho Rosenbaurr. Grain
company, giving that concern the exclusive
use of lta Kansas City elevator free.'
ot Likely to Help 'Frisco.
"Since all the facts regarding that lease
were made known publicly through these
Investigations, it would not seem reasonable
that tho knowledge would Increass the pop
ularity of the Rock Island road among
1 thohe sanis grilin mfm.
"When these facts are considered and
when the further fact Is remembered that
the 'Rock Island road Is doing practically
no grain bushier out ot Omaha, and no
merchandise business Into Omaha that Is
controlled by Omaha people. It would seem
to man up a tree as If they were getting
dfcldedly the worst of It, but as long as
they are willing to do without business at
Omaha for tho sake of the very question
able amount of favor they seem to be ob
taining from the Kansas City grain men
Omaha can stand It.
"You ask liow we know that the Rock
Island road Is doing practically po busi
ness Into Omaha? Well, e have pretty
certain channels of Information upon this
point, and I can say positively that, barring
business controlled by the trusts, the ship
ping ot which Is entirely in their hands
and not controlled by Omaha people, the
Rock Island did not receive enough Omaha
business during the first fifteen days in
October to make a respectable Iralnload of
merchandise. This fet shows very clearly
that the people Omaha are united In
their determination to have their ust con (
tentions recognized hy this railroad, rnvl, I
failing this, to hak-e nothing to do with U
Former Cashier t,t Wrecked Chicago
Baalc Plead Gnilty and Is
Sent tn JoliH.
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. -Paul O. fetejisSand.
the formor president of the Milwaukee Ave
nue State bank, who was arrested in Tan
gier, and Henry W. H''Ting, cashier of the
same Institution, were tod.iy sentenced by
Judge Pinckney in tho criminal court to
Indeterminate terms in the puniW-Dtlarjr for
emlieazlement and forgery.
The sentence may run anywhere from one
to ten years. The sentence given Stensland
today will not lengthen his term of im
prisonment, as the new sentence Is concur
rent with the old. Stensland had beea
brought from the penitentiary at Jollet to
give evidence against Hering, who It waa
! ...... , .. ....
I ti,1,,rl Bl ,uu wuoiu iiini? iigni, dui jiering
changed his mind and decided to throw
himself upon the mercy of the court.
Stensland, however, took the stand and
told of how the bank was wrecked.
Both men will be taken to Jollet tomor
row morning.
Inheritance Tax Law Applies to ft,.
OlMMMMt ia Stock Transferred Be
fore Death af Fred Pabsl.
MILWAUKEE, Nov. 5. Judge Carpen
ter in the probate court today decided
that the Pabst estate will be obliged to
pay Inheritance tax on $4,000,000 stoc'
in the Pabst Brewing company trans
ferred to the lielrs of Captain Fred Pabst
a short time before ills death. it was
held hy the state that the transfer of
stock waa made by Captain Pabst. in con
templation of death and was therefore
taxable. Judge Carpenter ti holds this
contention qualifying his decision, how
ever, by saying that this does not neces
sarily mean that the transfer was mada
with tUe lp'.eiuluu wf evading tLa tax.
. The Bee will kepp up !ts
record for giving the first
reliable and accurate re
turns of the election.
Watch Its bulletins on the
night of election and read
lta columns on the morning
after to get tho truth and
In a nutshell. Always the
Employes of Twenty-three Roads
Entering; Chicago Present 1141
mat nm to Employers.
CHICAGO. Nov. 6. Unless some sort of
a compromise Is reached between now and
Wednesday nlgM, tho switchmen who are
members of the Swltchmen'a t'nton of
North America, employed on twenty-three
of the railroads enuring Chicago will go
on strike In nn effort to compel the ruil
. ads to accedo to the demands posted by
the men two weeks ngo. The railroads are
firm in the stand they took at that time,
that they will not grunt nmre of any In
crease than two cents an hour. At a
meeting lu'ld tonight between representa
tives of the labor onnmliatloiis and the
manngvi-s of the various road affected, the
strike ultimatum was delivered by the
.switchmen which called for an answer early
The original demand of the switchmen
was for an eight hour day and an In
crease of 10 cents an hour. For the last
two weeks negotiations have been in
progress between the railroads and tho
switchmen with the result that although
the demand for an eight hour day was
dropped, the men are. still determined in
their demand for the 10 cents increase.
The men declare that they have the moral
support of other trnlnmen who huve also
made demands and that a strike will ef
fectually tie up ull rallronds entering Chi
cago. Hhould the strike be cnlled It will
affect every railroad from Buffalo- to the
Pacific coast.
Two Men Fatally Wonnded When
egro Resists Arrest Near
HATTIESBt'RG, Miss., Nov. 6v.Two men
were fatally wounded and over POO shots
were fired in a race riot at Wiggins yester
day afternoon and night.
William Smith, a negro. In resisting ar
rest fired on Marsha'. Quarrels and Deputy
Mitchell, the latter receiving a fatal wound.
Smith escaped to his home, barricaded the
doors and windows and defied capture, until
a mob threatened to burn the house. After
surrendering he was locked in tha village
jail, where late last night a mob dynamited
the structure, fired several volleys Into his
cell and left him for dead. While the mob
was storming the Jail a large crowd of
negroes came on the scene and began firing
Into the crowd of bes'fritrers.- Over 600 shots
were exchanged and p.'- T.t. Clark, a white
man, was fatally Injured., Several negroes
Are supposed to hav been shot, but so fur
the totI number of Injured has not been
Tonight the danger of further rioting was
apparently over. Armed patrols had left
the streets and the negroes were quiet.
Attorneys for Defendant Insist That
He ia Not Attempting to
I snrp the Office.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 5. The court
room of Judge Beawell, before whom the
injunction proceedings restraining Abra
ham Ruef from securing the office of dis
trict attorney is being tried, was crowded
today when argument In the case waa re
Humed. Arguing In behalf of Ruef, Attor
ney Ach contended that bis client Is not
endeavoring to usurp the ofllce, but that
he had simply been appointed to the office
by the mayor to fill a vacancy under the
provisions of the charter.
Former Bicycle Rider Shot by Enemy
tn Alaska, Where He
nan Hotel.
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. S.-A special to
the Post Intelligence'- from Juneau, Alaska,
says: Norman B. Smith, a Tcnakec hotel
man and former fanioua bicycle racer, haa
been killed at Tenakec Hot Springs by
Holier Reld.
The Shooting was without warning. Reid
emptying both barrels of a shotgun charged
with bta ksJiut into Smith's body and head.
S-nlth is said to have had a bad reputation
amorjg the miners and Reld claims to have
been inrnaUmed by the hotel keeper.
He Cxpects YladlcaMon,
I a ii y era May Xot Be Ready
Ni:w YORK. Nov. B.-"My trial cannot
come too quick for me. I expect a quiet
vindication." This was Harry K. Thaw's
written reply to a query sent to his cell
today concerning a report that he may be
put on trial this week for the murder of
Stanford White.
It Is generally believed that neither the
district attorney nor Thaw's lawyers are
ready to go on with the case immediately.
Message to I.oagworth He Re
affirms Position Taken Karly
la Csmpalga.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 6. Secretary Root's
leech and his own letter to Contrressman
Wilson was ir dorse by President Koose
velt In a . telegram received today by his
son-in-law, Congrennin Nicholas Inng
worth. The telegram Is aa follows:
If anvthing Is dnslred from me, you print
1 Hoot said aloit my dere for the
elct-tion of a republican congress and ro
print portions of my letter to Watson.
J. H. Carr. a WhiieMan, Foand Ciallty
and Court Reserves sealeace
1 alii Friday.
ATI .A NT A, Ca , Nov. S.-I. H. Carr. a
white muii, was today found guilty ot riot
ing by a Jury li, the city court. Judgj
Pendleton reserved sentence. Carr was in
dicted with several others In connection
with the recent race riots here. The other
iii will bo tried this week aud atlu
lmpoawl on Friday. T - -.
Chieft to Visit the Qreat Father oi His
Beturn from Panama.
Hope is Expressed They 1 Itlmalrly
Will Re Pcrsnadrd to Return In
Peace to Their Reservation
In itnii.
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. tSpeclal Tele
gram.) A dispatch was received from Colo
nel Rodgers, In command of the cavalry
which rounded up the renegade White
River I'te in Wyoming, stating that he had
promised to use his good olTlces to secure
several of their head chiefs an Interview
with President Roosevelt. The president
received Indian Commissioner letipp this I
afternoon and the I'te situation was dis-
cussed. The president expressed himself
as much gratified over the outcome of the
situation. Mr. Roosevelt said he would
receive these Indian chiefs so soon after
his return from Panama as may be con
venient to all concerned and hear their
Colonel Rodgers will move the t'tes to
Fort Meade. South Hakota, where they will
bo held, comfortably housed and fed until
such time aa the chiefs can confer with 1
the president, who will undoubtedly event
ually persuade them to return to thtir
reservation. '
Ciraud lew Case A formed. ,
1 lie supremo court today affirmed with'
costs the case of tho Northern Assurance
company of London agains'. the Grand
View Building association, coming upon ap-t
peal from the supreme court of Nebraska. 1
The case grew out of a transaction oc- j
curring between parties In Lincoln. Neb.,
in lS9i. The Northern Assurance company
Issued to the Grand View Building associa
tion a policy of insurance running for two
years and indemnifying assured 'in the
sum of SJ.5(I0 against loss or damage by fire
on certain household and kitchen furniture
located in a certain building In Uncoln and
occupied as a boya' military and boarding
academy. June 1, JS98. the property was
totally destroyed by fire. Some time after
the lire suit was besun In the ITnlted
States district court for Nebraska by tho
building association Hgalns-. the London
company to recover on the policy, the court
adjudging the plaintiff to recover the sum
of $4500 with interest n 7 per cent. The
defendant thereupon carried the case to.
the I'nited States circuit court of appeals
for the Klghth circuit. where the judgment
of the trial court was affirmed by a
divided court. Afterward, upon application
of the defendant. It (wa brought to the
supreme court of the United States on
cerlorar'. which resulted In a reversal
of the judgment' as rendered by the trial
court and sustained hy the circulr court
of appeals. Sqme time after the building
asportation instituted th present suit In
the district court of Lancaster county to
reform the policy In controversy and to
obtain judgment upon the reformed policy
for the sum of 12.000 with interest. The
supreme court of Nebraska after due con
sideration found for the Grand view Build
ing association, In all amounting to $2,740.
Later the supreme court overruled a mo
tion for a rehearing and entered the above
Judgment when the case was brought to
the suprems court for review. The de
cision of the supreme court of the I'nited
State today ufnrnis the Judgment of the
court below. Charlen J. Greene and
Ralph W. Rrecklnridg were attorneys for
the assuranc? company and Halleck F.
Rose of Lincoln, represented the building
Iowa Case Revernel.
Argument was had today In the supreme
court In the ense of the Home Savings
Rank, plaintiff in error, against the City
of Des Moines and the city council thereof,
and nt the same time there was heard the
cases ot the Des Moines Savings Rank
against the City of Des Moines and the
People's Sayings BanV. the cases being
Identical, growing out of the taxatlyn of
moneys und credits of these banks. The
claim niado by defendants in error was that
an assessment was made against the shv
lugs banks upon the actual value of shares
of stork of said ba jilts in the hands of its
shareholders and that the savings banks
were primarily liable for the payment of
the tux under tho general laws of Iowa.
The district court sustained the assessment
made by the assessor whereupon the cases
were appealed to the supreme court of
Iowa, which sustained the court below.
The cases now come before the supreme
court of the I'nited States on review.
Minor Matters at Capital.
Francis M. Barnhouse has been appointed
postmaster at tVaterson. Ringgold county,
Jown, vice T. J. Hardin, resigned.
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska, Wol
bach, route 1, Michael C. Kinney, carrier;
F.d Hansen, substitute. Iowa, Akron, route
5, Frank K. Burke, carrier; Miller M. Han
ren, substitute. Mellevue, route 3. John T.
(Continued on Hecond Page.)
Let the Taxpayers Protect Their
Prior to 1902 there was much complaint
concerning unfairness In taxation. Tho
great body of home owners were paying
much more than their share, while other
larger property owners paid almost no
taxes at all. Incited by this condition of
affairs the Omaha Ileal Estate exchange
appointed Its tax committee In the fall of
litil. The story of the work of the com
mittee is too long and too well known to
nerd repeating. It Is enough to say that
the committee Inaugurated a movement
that has added many millions to the as
sessed value of the cities of Omaha :md
South Omaha and Douglas county. A few
examples of 1901 and 19(16 assessments will
show what haa been dona:
Personal 1901 190$
Tuvee. Asstnt. Aemt. Rajs'.
'Street By. t'3... $ 736.0iiO $ .WV" S 5.i.WJ
Water Co....
ISO, 7 all
Oaa company
a.?.', iw
F.leetrie LI.
South . Omaha
Union Stock Y ds
company. per
sonal and real..
377.4M 2,352.79a 1,975,311
73,Oin 4.46.fi90 3.747. 90
Totals $4,W7.18 $r- 384.15a $1S.21.5U
The work, of equalizing taxes his been
pushed, until today there is little reason tn
complain, except tliut the railroads do not
pay their sliar of taxes in Omaha and
South Omaha and the other cities of the
mate. For example, the 1'nion Pacific Rail.
'load company owns in Omaha about e -I
nty-live miles of side tracks and spur
I tracks, splendid passenger and freight ik
'pois, more than 4V acres of land in the
heurt ot the city and mm li other valuable
property on what it calls Its right-ol'-w.ij ,
till worth not less than $15.nViw and on
which Uic pay about $;uo citj' taa rata
Fair Tnrsdavt Wednesday Fair and
Cooler In East Portion.
Temperature at Oniahai
Hour, Ilea. Hour. Ilea.
B a. in Ml 1 p. m :(
a, m RT ' it m "
7 a. m nil :t p. m l
s a. m . 4 p. m
It a. m Ml .1 p. in 14
1 n. ni tin II . in till
II a. m R7 7 p. m H.f
lit in til H p. m HI
ft p. m '.t
Breaking; of Turbine Engine at the
Power llonse shall Off
Omaha streets were again deprived of
electric, light last night until midnight,
when the lights were turned on In the out
lying districts.
This condition was brought about hy nn
accident at the power house of the Omaha
Klectrlo Light and Power company. On
Hiind.iy evening about 11 o'clock the con
densing machinery of one of the big turWne
generators gave way and put the big
machine out ot commission. It was thounht
repairs could be made on Monday, but the
damage was more extensive than wits nt
first thought, and the effort Is now being
made to have the plant running In full
blast by Tuesday evening. Not only was
the street lighting system put nut of gear,
but some of the commercial circuits wcro
cut off as well.
An ofllcer of the company ln't night
said: "The accident was a very urd'or
lunato one, n; it lina simply put tho street
lighting plant out of business for the time.
We h.ivo a large force bf skilled mechanics
workln." as hard as they can to repair the
damage, and hope to give full service on
Tuesday. In the meantime, we that
the people will be patient with us. It was
an unavoidable occurrence, and simply
could not be helped or remedied sooner."
Ueneral ManaKcr and Secretary ot
filrcet Railway and Zlmnian
Hitch Before Council.
Councilman .Zluiinun, who has taken the
initiative In forcing an Issue on the street
car ordinances now In the hands of tho
city council railway committee, yesterday
afternoon bad an informal conference in
tho council chamber with President Smith
and Secretary Ieussler of tho Omaha &
Council Bluffs Street Railway company.
Tho street car officials contended their
company had been pursuing a liberal policy
witli the public and had no other Intent
but to give all concesaions within the limits
of fairness. Mr. Z-lnimnn reiterated hi
former statements that the present trans
fer fyateni was not a fair one.
It haa been agreed that th committee
now having the ordinances in hand will
have two more weeks In which to report.
The ordinances In question cover twenty
four tickets for $1. thirty rides for $1 for
school children and transfer at every Junc
tion, excepi where the passenger might
make a round trip for one fare.
Case of Chairman Fairbanks of Massa
chusetts Exposition Commission
Is Beinar Investigated.
, BOSTON, Nov. 6. The Suffolk county
grand Jury today took up the case of Wil
son IL Fairbanks, chairman of the Massa
chusetts commission to the l.iewis and
Clarke exposition at Portland, Ore., who
wiis recently accused of forgery and mis
conduct In connection with the expenditure
of the state appropriation for the exposi
tion. James N. Perkins, secretary of the jpom
minslon, whose public aflidavit that ho was
not permitted to examine the records of the
beard formed the basis of the charges, was
the first witness. Both John IJ. Moran,
who had made use of the charges In his
gubernatorial campaign, and Mr. Perkins
have each been sued for slander by Mr.
(.rologlcnl Surrey Cives A nine of
Prudnrts of I nlled States
for if ,-,.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. According to a
bulletin issued by the Cnlted States geolo
gical survey the total production of sand
and gravel in l!Xki was 23,174.967 short tons
valued at $llflSfl,tO, an average value per
ton of 48 cents, although the value varied
from 0 to 8 cents to $ a ton, according to
the use to which the sand was put.
The total output of crude borax for the
year 1SG6 was 46.IE14 short tons, valued at
$1,019,154 as against 45-t47 short tons, valued
at $'.98,819 in 194. an Increase of i tons In
quantity and t320,S24 in value. The average
value of the crude borax product In 19U5
did not actually Increaae in this ratio to
the somewhat Increased quantity.
year, while Hayden Bros, alone, on their
8tore building and stock of merchandise,
paid for city taxes (not including school), in
IK, the sum of $4,227.09. You say that is
unfair! But It Is not as unfair as the fact
tliut the Omaha home owner. In 1W paid
$7.0i city taxes (not Including school per
$1.0oi on his home, while the Union Pacific
Railroad company paid 6 cents on ech
$1,000 worth of its terminal property. The
truth Is, the citizen now pays 110 times as
jnuch city taxes on the same value of
property as the rallroails pay on terminal
property. All railroads entering Omaha,
Willi large holdings of valuable projicrty,
pay city taxes In much the same propor
tion, hut the cities must give fire, police
and water protection, and lights, paves nn.l
cleans the aired, from which each rail
road gets Its -tdvantage. For years the
fight has gone on for fair taxation of rail
road terminals for city purposes ami we
have been beaten tn every effort. Wo be
lieve now w have the opportunity lo win
the tight. It cornea about this way: Th
republican parly has written this plank in
Its state platform:
"While we believe that the present '.method
Cf assessing railroad property in c'.jiia and
villages and diatrlbuting taxes therefrom
through the aiious counties is Just und
fair in to far as it relates to county, statu
and school taxes, we demand that the rev
enue law be so amended that the railroad
property within cities and vlilagi a tdiall ub-o
l assessed and taxed the as other
propel ty fur city aud village purposes. "
One hundred and eight oat of l.'fi of the
republican candidates for legislature (all o
Douglas County's among them) have sigm-d
a kta-leinent Uial they aland tor tliij plana
Strut-trie fer the Control of the Sixtieth
Heuse Fastes Into Hie tort.
Eepublicais Expect a Margin of Fifty asd
Demeorats Twenty-two,
Fewer Federal Employee Than Usual
Leate Washington.
Moderate Temperature Predicted (or
East, Middle Went and fonh
Halm in Minnesota and
WASHINGTON. Nov. 5. The campaign
In forty-two states for the election of ihu
Sixtieth congress passed Into history to
night. Beside the congressional balloting
twenty-three states will elect governors;
Arizona, and New Mexico will accept or le
Jcct a Joint statehood; Oklahoma and In
dian Territory will adopt a state constitu
tion and twenty states will chooso legisla
tures, which In turn will elect Cnlud
States senators.
Tho I'nited Stales wenther bureau sets
fair weather for election day throughout
tho cast, middle west and aouth, with mod
crate temperature; rain In Minnesota, and
the Dakotas und cold and snow In Wyom
ing, Montana and tho interior of Wasliliui
ton and Oregon.
President Roosevelt, who yearly sets Uio
cxumple of good citizenship by going from
Washington to Oyster Bay to cast his votu,
left the White House on this pilgrimage, at
midnight. Ho will return tomorrow, and
arrangements have been made, as usual, to
keep him posted at the White House of
the election returns.
The president's cabinet Is still In the
field. Most ot the cabinet officers havo
dono strenuous work and several of them
will Und it convenient to be at their hornet
to vote tomorrow.
From all reportH, however, fewer voters
have gone home from Washington to vote
than In any congressional year for a de
cade. This Is owing largely to the fact
that free transportation has been cut oft
und that election rates on the railroads
ure higher than they have been before. Tho
single exception to this rule is the case ot
New York voters. Considering tho ex
pense, a remarkably large number of Em
pire state voters resident In Washington,
are going home to vote.
Tho congressional predictions by the re
publican and democratic congressional com
mittees, with headquarters, respectively. In
New Y'ork and Washington, retnuln tho
same ns the "tinals" announced a few daya
ngo. The republlcana claim tne next bouse
by fifty; the democrats claim it by twenty
two. New York .-maintains Its position In the
limelight of public Interest and the cam
paign there Is to be kept up until tha last
possible moment. Both stato committees
claim tho stato for their candidates by
largo pluralities. Reports from other sec
tions of the country Indicate alternately
apathy und Interest.
Kach Chairman Claims a. Large Pln
rr-,y for -Ilia Ticket.
PHIL'. I'llIA, Nov. 6. "Edwin 3.
Stuart V.. . r elected governor of Pennsyl
vania tomorrow by nt least 50,000 majority,"
suys Chairman Andrews ot the republican
aiate committee.
"Lewis Kmery, Jr.', will be chosen gov
ernor of this state by the handsome ma
jority o 1O0.O9V' aaya Chairman Nllea of
the Lincoln state committee.
These views were given out tonight by
the chairman of the respective parties.
Aside from tho above statements there la
absolutely nothing upon Which to base a
prediction as to the final result tomorrow,
with the exception of tfe fusion -ote in
1906. Berry, tho fusion candidate, carried
the state in 19H6 by nearly 4O.0HO, but the
republican leaders claim that tho situation
this fall is entirely different. The fusion
slogan in that year was "lift tho lid off,"
referring to the condition of the Mule,
treasury. "The lid was lifted," said Stat
Chairman Andrews tonight, "aid all tha
stato moneys wore found Intact, there not
being a dollur which had not been properly
The fight for congress has been unusually
bitter In the country districts and the fact
that there has been fusion In some formerly
democratic districts muxes the outcome In
these localities very uncertain, with tho
odds In favor of the fusion candidates aa
against the regular republicans.
The local fight for the district attorney
ship Is exciting almost as much Interest aa
the gubernatorial battle. The republican
Own Interests.
In the republican state platfonn. If we can
L. C. Gibson.
Charles, L. Saunders,
Benj. F. Thomas,
S, C. Barnes,
F. C. Best.
H. T. Clarke. Jr.,
N. P. Podge.
A- R. Harvey, ;
Michael Lee,
Ed Ieeder. - (
F. C. Tucker,
James Walsh,
who. with their party, have declard far
taxation of railroad terminal taxation, we
believe terminal taxation will be an o
complished fact this next winter, lta im
portance to Omaha and Sout hvOniaha tax
payers Is apparent. Tho right to tax rail
road terminals for city purposes will mean
a reduction in city taxes of possibly $1 In
each $5 of city taxes heretofore paid. Or It
will mean that Omaha run have the twi
platoon fire department without adding the
increased expense to the already overbur
dnnid small taxpayer. It will mean that
both Omaha and Soutii Omaha can at om a
increase their police departments, a thing
much to be desired- It will mean that the
Park boaid cun add to our growing ark,
parkway and boulevard system other
breathing places without adding to the bur
den of tht smihII taxpayer.
Our advice Is that you vot for the men
win) have declared for terminal taxation.
For If the party which dei-lurea for terminal
taxation la defeated in Tkmgla county this
yeur we believe years will pas before we
can hope to accomplish what we hope for
this Winter. F !. WE AD.
',. , - C. F. HAHRIooK,