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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1906)
TIIK OMAHA DAILY REE: MONDAY, XOVEMHER 5. 1006. f r Hi- II I NEVVS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA '"council Office. 10 roarl IttiSRYE FUND IS INTACT Tntiarer of Daniih Brotberhosd Did Hot Hits tbt mouej in Hit Cuitsdj VAULTS OF FIRS i NATIONAL IN OMAHA Kuril of Three Trustees lias a. Key to the strong; Dm find All Three of the Kfri Are Necessary to Own It. l ii .1 tiie reserve fund In impaired or thai the Danish Brotherhood will lose one dollar by the defalcation of Supreme Treasurer lleklldscn of Chicago was officially denied yesterday by Supreme Secretary J. Michael ren of Omaha and Supreme Trustee Peter sen of this city. . Supreme Secretary Mlchaelsen made the following statement a the press dispatches from Racine and Chicago, be (did, were misleading and In correct: .( The reserve fund, which amounts to 1.14, CVi, was not in Ksklldsen's hands. II was and Is safely under lock and key In one of the safety deposit vatllts In the First National bank of Omasn. ' There are thi-ee separate and different keys to the deposit vault and each of the three supremo trustee ts custodian 'of one of the kejrs. consequently th reserve fund cannot be , touched or the deposit vault opened except by the three trusteea together. , Former Treasurer Eklldgn'a shortage I cannot exceed fcll,00 and probably will not be that much. In any case, the Danish Hrotherhood will not loss a dollar, as Ksklldsen was bonded by two surety com panies In the aggregate sum of l-Tt.ODo, At the recent quadrennial convention of the order In Council muffs. It was decided to make a radical change tn the method of the funds of the order. Heretofore Treasurer Ksklldsen had kept the money In such bank as he willed mid In bis own name. At the, convention the Commercial National bank of Chicago! was selected as the depository for the funds of the order, the bank giving a bond n Iful.fKiO to protect ihe order in case or posetnie failure, xna . k ilay following the close r the convention, a meeting of the executive committee . ih. nr.r m.Ki..n ..n..ita Af h nr.ii. I dent, vice president and the three trusteea. Treasurer F.skildsen, who had been re elected by i the convention, was directed to transfer at once all funds of the order In his possession to the Commercial Na tional bank of Cbba-go. Ksklldsen said tie had soma bnslnessTlo attend to In Iowa and that he could not return to Chicago at that time, hut would meet the com mittee there October 37. when he would make the transfer. When the committee went to Chicago on the date named - ' klldsen was found to be 'missing and the money not transferred a directed. The shortage, which had been suspected, then ; became apparent. I I The executive committed, acting under I the authority Imposed on It, appointed Kof , Rosniussen of Chlcago-as supreme trews- urer. the convention In this city having I elected Mr. Kastnussen aa Esklldscn's alter nate. I I'nder tho new system of keeping the 1 funds of tho order, as decided upon by the recent convention, there will be hardly any chance of a defalcation by the treas urer. All checks drawn on t he funds of tho order are to be eountersigned by the president and secretary and the bank In to make a statement monthly to the secre tary showing the deposits and disburse ments. This monthly statement will then be copied and sent to each of the three trustees. All funds will first pass through na neatness, we make tne most reason the hands of tli secretary, who will keep aDie prire on atov-,,1 the city, considering RC-cmmi Jl Minn mi UMfi. in uiv iuiui, inn treasurer could not, possibly get away DEMOCRATIC TICKET STATE. . ; For Ooyernor. CIAODK R. PORTS. . Centervllla, la. For Lieutenant OoTerner, JOHN D. DENIEON, Dubuque, la. For Beoretary of grata, J. B. Wo LURE, Guthrie Center, la. For State Auditor, C. E. MOORE. Oskalooaa, la. Tor State Treasurer, I F. DANFOTH. Lake City, la. Tor Attorney General, FRED TOWNSEJND, Albla, la. Fsif Judges of Supreme Courfc E. M. CARR. Manchester, la. L. M. FISHER. Davenport. Ia. For Clerk of Supreme Ccrurt, T. W. KEKNAK. Bhenandoali, Ia. For Report r of the iu prams Court, H. W. PARKS, ' Muscatine, Ia FT Railroad Commissioners. Yf. It. CARPENTER, Molnea, Ia. B. K. STAhL. Mount Pleasant, Ia For Superintendent of Schools. FROF. W. 8. WILSON, Kock Rapids, Ia. CXINGRESSIONAL. far Congressman, Ninth Twa Dtstriot. ; W. C. CAM! BELL, I'ii ' Harlan, la. JUDICIAL. For Jafijre of the District Court F. W. MILLER. Pottawattamie County, Ia, LCGIJIiATIIIU For Representatives, JOHN P. ORGAN. Council Bluffs. Is. A. A. LENOCK.ER, Oakland, la. (Xt NTY TICKET, for Treasurer, M. C. OOODWIN. '. ' f.'Puncil Blutrs, la For Auditor, JOK D. HANNON, Neola, la For SherrlT. JAMES C. JENSEN. tiY'Uncll Bluffs, Ia Ktr Clerk: of D!Hrt Court, I 1ANK LeFEBER, Walnut, Ia. For Recover, FRED FlEPER. MlDden, Ia. .For County Attorney, ' . .ROKCOE BARTON, ' Avoca, Ia Tor Superintendent of Sehoels, HI CAHOLINK TOHEY, Oaklaxid. Ia. For Surveyor, FRWIN 8PETMAV, Council BluSs. la For Coroner, DR. J. F. 8PRINK, Council Bluffs, la For Supervisors. C. Vi. McVRKADT, Macedonia la DOM I NICK OROSS, Ple.aut. la . JOHN WARNER. Valley, la, C M. CRIPPEN. Council Bluffr, la LUTE fcMlTH. Carner Township. TOWNSHIP TICKET. For Judge of Superior Court, HAHVEY O. OUREX. Council Bluffs, la For Justtcv nf the Peace, J. K. COOPER. Covrirll B'ufls. la . lAUVEIi A. tlREKX, Ce incll Fluffs. Ia V'or Constable. FRANK EixiAR. Co incl Bl'iBs. la. CHRIH .'KNSEX. Council BinRk, la Fcf Clerk, U. C U't'HOeV Cei'iirll Bluffs, la For Assoesor. WILSON DUNCAN. Kue Township. For Trutws J H. LUBBKN. Kaae Towrmhlp B 1. OARBF.ThC'N, 'wane Ti' rs.'r.p bluffs St. Tel. 43. with more than one mnMh a receipts. If he should wish to be dishonest. Mr. Michaela-n ssld he regretted the prfs reports which had emanated from Raons snd Chicago, as they would lend the members of the order throughout the cniin iry, not otherwise Informed, to bli"e thut the order had lost Us entire reserve fund. s well as the balances in the various oilier funds. Combination gas end electric chandeliers and the celebrated Welsbaeh Incandescent ess burners. Why not see us before you buy. Ve can certainly please you on price and quality of goods. Stcphan Pros., 129 West liroadwsy. Tou get the lowest price, casket terms and best guarantee on your piano when purchased at A. Tlospe Co., 20 South Main St., Council Bluff. KIERSTED Ml BE 1IEHK TO! W H Report an the 'Water Works Matter Completed. The regular monthly session of the city council Is scheduled for this evening and It la possible that William Kiersted. the expert employed to make a computation of the value of the present water works plant and estimate of the cost of a new one. may be here today and submit bis report at the meeting tonlrht. Councilman Wal lace, "chairman of the special water works committee, stated last evening that he ex pected Mr. Kiersted here today, although he had no definite assuranc from Mr. Kiersted to thaw effect. In his letter to Councilman Wallace, received by the latter last Wednesday. Mr. Kiersted merely slated that he had his report completed and hoped to be In Council Bluffs in u few days. Mr. Kiersted Is fully aware that tlu council holds Its regular meeting on the first Monday In the month and this In clines Councilman Wallace to believe that he will be here today. Other members of the council, however, do not look fur Mr. Kiersted until after election. Not the lfht.,,t information as to the nut live i.f I1nt""t information as to the nntute of Mr. Kiersted s reoorL has been received here. At tonight's meeting the committee on fire and light', to which was added the mayor and city electrician, will present a report on the disposition of the twenty or more additional lights under the new lighting contract with the Citizens' Gas and Electric, company, and the re-location of several of the old ones. Each council man has had the disposition of two new lights la his respective ward and the re mainder have been located In the business center of the cltar. Our highest ambition when we frame a picture for you, to do It right and please our customers. Perhaps you have a picture that needs framing. Bring It to our store and let ua aee.wht we can frame It for. We'll do It as reasonable as It possibly can be done. Council Bluffs Faint, Oil and Glass Company, Merrlam block. The famous Acorn stove; nothing In the market like It for lieat, economy, durability the quality. We handle a large stock of car- I pets, linoleum and oilcloth. 108 South Main street. D. W. Keller, ' Reopenlnsj of Bloomer School. The Bloomer school has been closed for one week on account of the principal. Miss Hardin, and two or three of the pupils being attacked with diphtheria. While closed the building has been thoroughly fumigated and disinfected and the school authorities believe there will be no danger In opening the school today. Superintend? nt Clifford stated yesterday that everything possible had been done during the week the school had been closed to give It a most thorough disinfecting, and after a conference with the health au thorities. It had been decided that there would bo no danger In reopening the school this morning. Miss Hardin was reported yesterday to be nearly convalescent, and as far as was known there were no new cases of the dread disease among the children attend ing this school. The last case reported was that of the little daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Marcus P. McClure, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, which de veloped Saturday. There Is nothing to Indicate that there Is sny spidemlc of diphtheria among the school children. If you want the best lights to be had buy your burnera and mantles at W. A. Maurer's. Lindsay burners complete, TV. Tou can't afford to have your carpels and rugs beaten In the old-fashioned way when you can have them thoroughly cleaned by our process st such moderate coat, without Iniurv to the finest fabric nriro- rim a.,..,.. i..!-.- ..i. , . . . ,vu. i-i ...!7. . iuii .im I'l'ia IllBKe It look like new. Council Bluffs Cleaning and Rug Factory, 84 North Main St. Mrs. Sophia Eves Dies Suddenly. Mra Sophia E. Eves, wife of 8. H. Eves, died suddenly yesterday morning at her home Just outside of the city limits In Lewln township from heart trouble. Mrs. Fves and lier husband, after partaking of breakfast, were preparing to drive Into the city to attend church. Mr. Eves went out I to the barn to lilcli up and on returning to the house discovered his wife lying uncon scious on tho floor. Medical assistance was secured as soon as possible, but Mrs. Eves never regained consciousness and two hours later passed away. She was 75 years of age and of late had been In roiuewhut poor health. Besides the husband she leaves two daughter. Mrs. J. Watson of Mlllbauk. K D.. and Miss Marv Eves of rHilnh.u,u. ....h rt -,,. wiitio,.. t ,.r ri.i i "... two sons. William 1. of Oklahoma and K. S. of ONelll. Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Eves hull ! only been residents of Iewis tow nshin nhnni four years. MALONEY CIGAR CO.. PEARL ST.. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA.. DISTRIBUTERS FOR THE T.OBERT BURNS 10c CIGAR AND LITTLE BOBBIE. OLD TIMES AND ERRIS Sc. CIGARP. ervTRll. vi h o c T.. , 'AH R-tl.l. Every sa k warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar- ket. Both phones 14. A revolution In home decoratlng-Maratla, protected by pateut; very expensive, but a labor saver. ee It and get prices on your work if you te going to decorate, pic tures and framing artistically done, clos ing out our wall paper, and new. clean stock to select from. W. S. HEWETriON. ! M&sonlc Tempi". Broadway and Fourth! stieet. Council Bluffs. t Felling Flares Taeaasr. I These are the polling places In the several I precincts rf the city: 1 First Ward First tiri..n..i it t-.i Broadway; Second ptccinct, i East Broad way. Second Ward First precinct. 11 Hivart1 strei: Second precinct. 7:t4 Weitt Prusdwav. j Third Ward Kirh precinct, lid Fi.urtli strei-t; Second precinct, hil South Main. I Fourth Ward First precinct. courthouse; Second predia l, VJt2 fr'ouih Fifth Wuid-Firnt precinct, coiiuiv Inn!.:. Ing. corner Filth avenue und Tw -lfib sti-t; Second precinct, c ui tv bu'l ling, corner TUrn-nib stieet ami Fifteenth ave. i.ui . S.kt! Wi'U-F:tt prt'ci, coUMy ui J- ins. rorner Avenue I) snd Twenty-fourth street; Hccond precinct. Fifth und Locust. See the beckwith Piound Oak lefire you buy. Thry last for tliltty years. None genuine without the iihiiip on the legs. Swaine Mau'T, StU-r.? rtrnadw.iy. Picture? andcr. for ucddirg gifts. Uroadwti y. C. K Alex- ol'i frame Is beginning to look shnbby. Let us put on a new one. We can frame It right. Just to f ill you and up-to-date, llorwlck. U11 South Main. ik iriki:m a motoh car Joseph Mehllim M-rlously and Others StUlitly llnrt. Joseph Mi hling, niotornin'n, was poniewlmt severely Injured In a collision Inst evening b. 'tween a Iiuiliugtnn switch engine? ami a motor on the Manatva line. The hit' dent happened shortly before o'clock at what Is known as the Hnriington stoik vards switch track on Twenty-sec-entl uve- I cue. The motor, w hich was In charge of C on ductor C. K. Durham, was south-bound and should have stopped for the crossing. while the switch engine, In charge of Kn gineer James Smith and l'iremun Lnrl Uns-; well, which was running light, was going ' east on Its wav back to the roundhouse, The engine strm'k tho motor about two fed behind the front vestibule, the force of tho collision, while ftiilimr to turn It over, rush- i ing it rlenr across the. two tracks. The en gine, after going a few yards, also left the tracks, but the tender stayed on. j Motormun Mehllng received a severe blow on the temple, In addition to a long cut. evidently from broken glass, on the left side of the throat, lie was In a badly daz'd condition and was removed to bis home, where he was attended by Pr. Macrae. The two little daughters of Cfeorge W. Grow, "318 South Ninth i-treet. and a little friend, Ijiura Hansen, were In the car. Tho two Grow children were slightly cut by broken glass and the rldcst bruised. It Is thought, by the stove falling ngulnst her. Mrs. Frank Rachwltz, residing nt Mi South Thirteenth street, was nlso In the car and was somewhat bruited and chaken up. For Imported wines and liquors, and Bud-' wclser beer, go to K Rosenfeld. wholesale liquor dealer. 519 South Main street. . N xt Monday, November 3. new classes charged ns additions to the original capital, will be organized In the day and evening The water works plant makes even a bet school at the Western Iowa college. Phone ter showing. The Income from water rent- for Information; bothkphones. mi6k MEvriox. ravls, drug. Clark's, sodas. Stockert sells carpets. Fine engravings at Ifferfg. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Get those ntw photos at Schmidt's. Plumbing and leatlng. ETxby & Son. Lewlg Culler, funeral director, 'phone 97. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 33J. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO I.KFKERT ABOUT IT. TINNERS AND FL.UMBKRH WANTP.n IT. A. SPENCER, 15S W. BROADWAY. llafer saves you money. That is what you 1 aie working for. C. Hater, Council Bluffs, I repair talking machines, blcvcles unrl sewing machines. 8. M. Williamson, 17 So. Main St. A beautiful and ornamental gas burner, the Welsbacli chick lamp, complete, Stephan Brow., 0:9 V. Broadway. COAL TEAMS WANTED to haul coal for Fcnlon WJckhani Coal company. Higher wages paid. 107 Pearl street. Hot and cold drinks served with vanilla and saltln wafers; hot chocolate, oyster cocktail, clam and tomato bouillon. Clark Drug Co. I pay ,12 pr ton for cast Iron; mixed. J10; stove, $; rags, lc per lb.: rubber, ic; copper, 14c per lb. j. Xaielman, m Main, both 'phones tioO. The funeral of the iate Daniel J. Fogarty will be held this morning at it o'clock from U1' Frsnel Xavler's church und burial will be in Ht. Joseph's cemetery. WHEN GOING TO BUILD GO TO GEO. A. HO AG LAND, THK PIONEER LUM BER MAN OF COUNCIL BLUFFS- 7:4 SOUTH MAIN STREET. TEL. 245. High grade granito work, from the best Bane imported granites, lettering, carving and tracing. Fine monumental weak a specialty. Sheeley & Lane, :17 East Broad way. The anniversary party to have been given tills evening by the Council Bluffs council. Knlglus of Columbus, Iihs been postponed for one week owing to the death of D. J. 1' ognrty. Major G. II. Richmond received a lettur yesterday from General Green B. Raum of Chicago, unnounilng that he would cer tainly attend the leunlon of the Society of tho Army of the Tennessee. Rev. A. Overton conducted religious mtv lces st the city Jail yesterday morning, having ns his congregation fourteen men who were enjoying an enforced temporal')' sojourn behind the bars. Ivanhoe commandery. Knights Templar, will nn-et In special conclave this evening at Masonic temple for work in the order of the temple. The Inflatory exercises will commence promptly at 7 o'clock. Alien Enters, son of Mrs.' Bailie Daven port. 1104 Avenue C, died yesterday, aed i years. Besides his mother he is survived by tine sisters and two brothers. The body will be taken to Columbia, Mo., lor burial. Iady Mary hive, Indies of the Modern Maccabees, will meet Tuehday afternoon In iimmsn nan. coiiowing me uusineii.4 ses- ' Kion the members will enlerliiln their friends ut a high five party from .1 to 5 o'clock, ut wjuch refreshments will be served. Clara C. the 2-vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wahltierg, died yesterday from membraneous croup atter three das' Illness. The. parents, who are inemtiers of the ChiiFtlnn Volunteers, are .recent ar rivals In the city and uro eiopplng at ill'i West Broadway. Mie. Laura Ann Doty, wife of Isaac Doty, l:i!4 Avenue D. died yesterday from dropsy and heart failure, agel K7 years, after ail Illness of four months. Ucsidca her hus band sho leaves four ilauiiters and two sons. The funeral will lie ned Wednesday afternoon at '1 o'ehrck from the resilience and Interment will be in I'aiivlew ceme tery. There will be no iultwci 1; servlees ic choir rehearsals this week ut !M. Joint's English Lutheran church. The Ladies Aid socieii' will n net ThurMlny afierr.-mn at the residence of Sirs. H. H. Whlttcll. .-.".') Avenue 11. Tho women nf the- cohariga- t will give u coffee chut entertainment land sm iable hi ihe church parlors Tuesday evening. hni at langementH will be made tll .eeeive the . I. lion returnK by e. ri,.. i.mmuIiis of Mr.. Marv lioulilen. who ' die;! Saturday night at the home of daughter, iies South '1 weiily-thiril Omaha, were brought to this city yester day and Intel taken to her former resi dence neiir Motn y Creek, from In if the funeral will be held Tin-ra..' nm num. The icotli'Ki' will leave tin residence ati'MIl In j o'clock ami proceed in tne -. .itige churcli in Boomer township, where the services will j In. held. Burial will la- In the llcomer I U'"II.-llll . . .... . . . . , u.'P-acro farm In Sv Dakota. 4 miles frora , K K j,,,,,; 2W ,:rw i cultivation. balunce paMure and In hay; cn all be cut; s-ruom house, large, barn, crllis and cranurv. well at.d mill, deep black soil. I lileul ln.ine. Price. Vi per acie. Will take j .j in wilier good property, bul., Sl.uat p.T 'vear; iiHo a busine.-s block, with laige barn: on corner. In good Neb. town, all in ftii" vcichiidii ; lcnt.s for S--" per month; will lake vve-i.tu land. Aiiiltess D. rt. Ke r. ;) I'.dvv j. Co. Bluff. Pitolies 417 Slid 406 Ued. Ask Your Friend how Cof.e treats him. You can gather some facts. "There's a Reason" fur POSTUM hr'venwMn 'J STUDENTS WATCH ATLANTIC Etport on Municipal Cwnsd Fluti of Orttt Iiterest. RAILROADS FAIL TO KELP UP TO DATE Traffic- Increases More Rapidly Than Equipment to Handle It Is Iro- Idrrt t loslnn- In ( am ps Ian, (From a Staff Correspondent.) Di:S MOINES, Nov. 4. (8pccial.) Be cause of Its being one of the first Impartial and absolute authentic reports on the con dition of a municipal plant the report cf the Inspectors on the accounts of the city of Atlantic Is considered by students of municipal affairs one of the most Im portant. The city of Atlantic owns both its water works and electric light plants und there 'is agitation at this time tn the city lor the rale of the electric light plant. The matter must be submitted to a vote of the people before the plant can be sold ami the sale Involves with It the letting of a franchise to an electric railway. The figures tiled with the state auditor by the Inspectors of city accounts for both the a4r'' works and electric light plants cover a period from April 15. 10H,to September -5. 1!"". In the case of the electric light plant the receipts from consumers were !tKK,itT.33 for the live and a half years, and the espeniliturcs were less $:;,flixt, which was illegally transferred to the water woiks fund to help pay for the water works plant. The street lighting, which had cost the city a month, or J.'1oO a year, under the municipal ownership of the plant cost the city but $:!.ra4.3a for five years and a half. During that period, however, there was pnid into the treasury from an clectrlo light tax the sum of i;,t0".34. but the fund has $!.ts:'."t In cash on hand, which with the $o,(iii0 Illegally transferred, would make $12.4S2.24, showing that the plant could operate and pay all expenses without tax ation. Tho Knowing should even be better ,l,a" "' for the lt,mn ot P"""ture lnPre ar R lar(fe umr of lt"" tnat really mounW to """n"'"1 and Im- ! provements in tne plant, wnicn snouiu us i a Is from tho period from April 15, 1S01. to ! September 23, lSoS. as 3 307.24, which sum I came entirely from supplying consumers J with water and making connections and j the like. The expenditures during the same period were $49,(2.0i, showing a clear gain, the plant being operated at a profit and the city getting Us own water for the fire hydrants and public buildings free. o Actlou on Trusts. It Is probable that no action will be taken against the trusts by Attorney General Mullen. His term lasts but two months more and the time between now and the close of his term Is hardly sufficient to begin any litigation such as that would the. Furthermore, the evidence taken In the groin hearing In thla city recently that might give him some Information for pro ceeding against the-Grain trust cannot be had unless congress should vote an appro priation and order the work printed. Railroads Don't Keep I p. With the exception of one or two small matters the railroads have fallen far short of keeptng their equipment up to the con dition of the' freight business, according to tiie report of the Iowa Railroad com mission that has Just been made public. The tonnage, according to this report, has been shipped over the railroads that trav erse Iowa amounted to 172 per cent more than It did back In 189i. fifteen years ago. On the other hand, the number of box cars available on the same lines for ship ment of grain and the produce of he farm amounted to but 131 per cent, and freight engines 119 per cent. The total number of box cars, coal cars, flat cars, stock cars' and the llkt'. Including all cars for ship ping freight, has Increased in the saino period of years but 144 per cent. Increase In the sire of cars and the power of the locomotives would, of course, make con siderable difference. Rivalry for Banners. A stiff competition Is likely to ensue for the Tippecanoe banner and flag that Is given each election to the county making the greatest republican gain and to the county making the greatest republican vote. At the last general election tne com petition was so close that It was somo days after the election before the matter could be determined and the banner and flag awarded. With tho recurrence of the custom of the Tippecanoe club to give this banner and Hag interest Is beginning to center In the occasion. It la made a sort or rcpubllcini jollification following the election, and prominent men of the party aro CBlled in from over the state to de liver the addresses of presentation of the trophies to the counties winning them. Tho Tippecanoe club has for the past two or thtco weeks been Into the campaign In a strenuous manner In spite of the age of the members in an effort to line up straight party votes and with signs ot KUCCChS. Many Speeches Monday, Although the campaign Is practically 1 over so far as the workers are concerned the republicans will hold a numlier of rallies and addresses tomorrow. Governor ! Cummins will speak In Dubuque that; niht. Secretary Wilson at his home in j Truer, Secietary Shaw at his home lit , Dcnlson, Senator Dolllver at his home In Webster county, Auditor Carroll at his! home in ua is couniy unu vv eou nyers at Ills home In Shelby county and ex-Governor l.ariabee at his home in Fayette county. Eveiy candidate on the republican ticket except the governor, who makes a speech today closing the campaign, will make that sMich ut his home, tin the democratic Hide the rallies for Monday night are con lined entirely to lle big rally In this city, which will 1 addressed by Claude R. Porter, the candidate for governor. After the Violators. The secretary of state Is out af:er the violators of the automobile registering law. He has r.o funds with which to up llio violators other than to draw on the contingent expense fund for stamps to wtllc letters over the state, but In that manner lie ahs been anle to ferret out any number cf violators. The public Is conMi.ually misunderstanding the law, which provokes and bothers the secretary cf slate's office. The law requires that automobiles must be regisured, and when registered the secretary nf state supplies the machine with a number, which must Ik? hung from the tear. If the machine Is old the number still stsys with It. but the new owner must reregister It. Many automobillsts do not do this. Some think, havlr.g bought the uumber with the ma chine, there Is nothing to be done. Other auloiiK bilista when they aell a machine J hike off the number and attarh It to the next new machine thai they own. Both ciuisea aie illegal and the secretary of mate 1 having hard work to gel the auto mobile public to understand It. Despondent Wunaaa Hills Herself. SlOl'X CITY. la.. Nov. 4. iSpccUtl Tele gum. -D' sponUi in over the death of her husband, Mr I J. kS Kyu luday cjinmHted Tlr i V mm suicide by Inhaling Illuminating gas from one end of a tube fastened to a gas Jet. She was found dead In bed by her 2a-year-old son upon his return from a hunting trip. Mrs. Ryan has been In pr.or spirits rlnce the death of her husband a year ago. A beautiful diamond ring worth $45 will be given to the lady receiving the largest number of votes. One vote given with every cent's worth of candy purchased at our store. Purity Candy Kitchen, 510 West Broadway. See Stephen Bros, for the latest and best Inverted burners. B9 West Broadway. Dor Naves Man's Life. SIDNEY". Ia.. Nov. 4. (Special.) John Focht, a farmer who lives near Randolph, came near being killed a few days since by an Infuriated boar. The animal got him down In the pen, and only the timely Interference of his faithful dog saved him from a horrible death. 1 Farmers Notice! 400-bushcl corncrib )3.6ft. Loose grindstones, per pound, lc. J. Zoller Merc. Co. Wood or Wood Von otf Would you like to buy better wood ami more of It for less money? We sell stove lengths and chunks. Missouri cak wood at $1.50 a rick. This Is a bargain. Brldenstein Smith, Fourteenth avenue and Sixth street. Tel. 182. THE RADIANT HOME EASE BURNER IS WITHOUT DOUBT THE GREATEST HEATING STOVE AND FUEL SAVER IN THE WORLD. NO HOME IS COM PLETE WITHOUT ONE. WE UNCON DITIONALLY GUARANTEE JT. COME DOWN TO OUR STORE AND SEE THEM. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU AND POINT OUT ITS GOOD QUALITIES. SOLE AGENTS. PETER SEN AND SCHOENING CO.. HARD WARE AND FURNITURE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. A. Metssrar A Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, 516 Myneter Street, Council Bluffs, Ia. Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. FIRE IN CARNEGIE INSTITUTE Beautiful Structure Damaged to tho Extent of Ten Thousand Hollers. PITTSBURG. Pa.. Nov. 4. Fire today threatened the destruction of the Carnegie Institute, valued at $i;,0ii,t. and the 'most beautiful structure of its kind in America. The lire originated In the power room in the basement, from a defective electric: wire, and was extinguished after damaging the building to the extent of Jlo.ijO). There were many people in the mulc hall of the Institution attending an organ recital, but all reached safety. All goods sold at A. B. I--ierniKnn's jew. elry store are guaranteed as to price and quality. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Monday and Tuesdny Cooler Tuesday In rhraskn. and : i WASHINGTON, Nov. --.uecast of tho wctther for Monday and Tuesday: For Nebraska and Kansis Fair Monday and Tuesday; cooler Tuesday. For low a and Missouri Fair Monday and jiii-sijh.i. i For Illinois Fair Monday and Tuesday fivsh est to souilifust winds. I Fcr Fouth Dakota Fair Momliy; Tucs- i day ta'n or snow and colder. For Wyoming Fair Monday, except rain In extreme northwest portion; Tuesdnv rsln or snow and colder. For Colorado Fair Monday; rain or snow and colder Tuesday. Local Record. OFFICE OF U. 8. WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. Nov. 4. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last threj years: Maximum temperature Minimum temperature . Mean tenipeialure l'.n'ti. lfloi. I:i04. it:i. til 4S tll : 4o U 4ii 5 44 M ;, T 1.1S .tn .W Precipitation Temperature and precipitation dep'-irtiircs from the normal at Omaha since March 1 artd comie rlson with the past two years: Normal temperature Excess for the day Total excess tim e March 1.. Normal precipitation Deficiency for the day Precipitation since March 1.. l'.. a l & I ..... 1. l 4 4 lo . . . inch . . o") Inch . .4 Inches IC 111 11111 . tlll I" 0ltlllll I Deficiency for cor. period, V. Detli'lency for cor. period, 14. 31. M inches Inches 4. "5 Inches Reports from Stations at T 1, M. tstaiion and State of Weather. Bismarck, clear' Cheyenne partly cload Chicago, clear I av eiiMrt. clear Denver, clear Havre, cloudy Helena, cloudy Huron, clear Kansas City, clear Noi ih Plutte, i leur omiiha. cloudy til. IaiuIs, cloudy St. Paul, clear Kmt lMku Ctty, i-iolldy V a lent Inc. clear T Indic ates tr-tce of V h " iw"ihlBiin JliliEfjrOQO L "W? ii t lilt its! I t t V X . Temp. Max. KV.i. 7 p. re. Te:i". fall. ul VI to ly... 4-' S-' ..i 64 :; .no C4 as .no rj tij .in Jll .lt .Vi .DO 4. .".1 .ll r M l 1- .HI .1)1 :H III ,.ll i isi .iJ 5o ft? .no : . prei ipltstlon. L. A. WELSH. Jv.e.' Forc'-iiler. tnrrnl itidcmn c nf f Jssl it ttftui iy utoKisi t utiiiku When you know that the grf t Pillrbury-Washburn Mills of Minneapolis manufacture PILLSBURTS BEST Cereal, Vitos The white heart of the wheat A 2 lb. package retailing for 1 5c, makes 1 2 lbs. of creamy white delicious cooked food Made by the makes "The 'J."1 rUK plhM" Ao 1 -- aur tiowiy A .a. a a s ltK-VsIv' into two nd one hlf rupi of t Tv ' S ..u iM km I mmirfM t V KlLfc .1.1 -JJ L-:l: C L inica etra DOIllog ,m liw cream and tugar. U hen cold it make a deiiciou luncheon dish, (ned aod erved with lyrup. Numeroiu dainty dinnet deserts can be prepared with htut and jelly. HEAD OF THEOSOPHISTS ILL Taken to Hospital in While oa His Way to India. Italy KANSAS CITY. Nov. 4.-Colonel Henry Steele Olcott of Adyar. India, the president-founder of the Theosophlcal society and co-worker In her llftetlme of the late Helen P. Blavatsky, has been seriously Injured in a railway wreck In Italy, ac cording to private advices received today by a member of the society In this city. Beyond stating that he had been placed In a hospital and Is "In a bad way," no details are given. Because ot his ad vanced age fears for his recovery arc en tertained. Colonel Olcott at the time was on his way home to India from Chicago, where he had presided at the annual convention of the American section of the Theosophl cal society held In that city In September. MONOPOLY PROVES BAD THING Boat Company In Yellowstone Park Holdlnsc ti the Tourists. WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-According to the annual report of Major John Pitcher, acting superintendent of the Yellowstone National park, the monopoly enjoyed by the Yellowstone Luke Boat company for the transportation of tourists from Upier Geyser basin to the Thumb Is becoming a. serious problem. Major Pitcher has recommended that competition be estab lished In somo way or that the stage lines bo permitted to operate their own boats In order to give their patrons the choice TBtl(SW Os INDIA AND CEYLON T You Iess4-n (lie cost of living '' uing Tctlcy's Tea. It got- inucli farther than other (oa lecnuse of its greater strength and this combined with its purity and delk-iousness make it the idenl tea. , McCORD-BEADY CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha. Colorado Low Rates Tin- lry, ci-isp mountain air of the Kockies is at its let in Fall and Winter. No more healthful journey can rw mauV than a trip to this great Resort. Very low rates from Omaha. $18.15 $25.85 Union Inquire st IITV TICKbT IlKKK'K, :UI FAUN AM ST. I'tionr lnu"lit ;t;il S tort of n re i C2f i& iujl man who Flour" t I iff one nsti cup bothns water. II too :,U null Your Grocer has ii now of boat or land transportation to the Thumb. The Yellowstone Luke Bout company charges ti a head for the trip, which Is eighteen miles distance. Its franchise ex pires July 21 next. Major Pitcher em phasises his recommendation of last year that the garrison at Fort Yellowstone be increased to a four-troop or squadron post. For ore Throat nnd Cold In Chest use Omega Oil. Trial bottle inc. WARM PRAISE FOR ROOSEVELT Promluent Halibl ThlnVs Supreme Test of Ills t ouraac Yet to Conic. NEW YORK. Nov. 4. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, for the last six years rabbi of Con gregation Beth Israel of Portland. Ore., child labor commissioner of Oregon and one of the leading spirits In the progres sive movements among the Hebrews on the Pacific coast, spoke this afternoon at the Young Men's Christian association. Dr. Wise's topic was "Do or Die Versus THin't and Die." Dr. Wise said: Men nre warned constantly of the rmse ejoenoe anil peril of becoming extremists. The man who dare not stand for truth and right, lest he saerlttee his Influence and, his prestige has neither the one imr the other to lose. Theodore Roosevelt Is the great, saving asset of the republican party, because be is rightly held by the nation to be h scorner of consequence. Roosevelt Is greatest when he Is himself, his daring und achieving" self, when slinking off the trammels, of party alliance, he dares to follow right; nyc. to lead the people aright. The eu preme test of his courage Is yet to coino if it should become his duly to appeal from Ills party In congress to all the rattles hi the nation for support lor the enactment and execution of those measures whtrh are Justly and equitably to serve the wel fare of the whole American people. s (BQl to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and return. ' , Tickets on sale Nov. 10, 12. 13, 190C. to Deuver, Colorado Springs, Fucblo nd return. Tickets on sale every day to May !il, 1 ! 0 7 . VIA Pacific in" 7 m it ini iii i ii i - i