Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI-NO. 120. OMAHA, .MONDAY MOKXINU, NOVEMBER o, 1W. SINGLE COrY THREE CENTS. The BIG FIGHT TUESDAY tnrrtf tt to Politioal Fild a the Etc of Caitlic of Ballot. . POINTS ON WHICH BOTH PARTIES AGREE Democrat, it ii Concdd, Will Yaka Gain ia Ooarsmen. HOT FIGHT IN DOUBTFUL DISTRICTS Situating in 5tw Ytc Too Complicatad for Intellietnt Eitimavt. FEDERATION OF LAbuR FACTOR IN RACE Unmpere Leading; tbe Fight Against omher of ( nrf m In Different Parts of the ' Cconfry. WASHINGTON. Nov. 4.-Witli election rt jr but n. few hours away, the political situation hs rrysialised to an extent that permits a purvey of the field, limited, how ever, to the point where the battle has waged the fiercest between the two domi nant parties for control of the Sixtieth congress and for elate supremacy. Tha managers of both the republic sd democratic campaigns agree that t, data are to mnke gains over theft "a representation in congress, i-sotn arv-j, ty.. agreed aa to the states where these a are to come from, ntid both are directing r .... ... ... .k h.,r. of th. I campaign to these battlefields. In New York, where tha state campaign HUB l upevu ail ini ir iui tifiiRi.r.- inen will be disturbed by locsl conditions to siich an extent that the returns Tuesday night, will lurnisn pernaps me most in teresting reading for those at the head quarter of both congressional committees. A landsllda for either candidate for gov ernor would carry with it unexpected re sults as to the congressional ticket. It ia conceded, on a normal basts, that the demo crats will tnako gains In this state. Hot la Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania, lurnlshes another interest ing situation with the governorship fight between Iewls Emery, democrat and Lin coln party candidate, and Former Mayor Stuart of Philadelphia, republican nominee. Many republican and democratic heavy weights hava been sent Into the western part ot the state and the campaigning has lKen -lively. Representatlv Dalzell of Pittsburg Is having opposition, which some "time ago assumed serious proportions. In Dr. It. J. Black, former mayor of McKeesport. In the south, the Interesting points are In Texas, Mississippi snd Tennessee. In Texas a campaign ugalnst the re-election to th I'nlted States MenHte tif Joseph XV. Halley is making things lively. M. M. Crane is regarded as the leader of the antl-flalley forces. In Mississippi Repre sentatlv Williams, the democratic floor leader of the house, is making a race for the senate against Governor Var.da.mati. 'reniiesuo- IniorUth.. Inlaws! "because . of the" governorship "fight between H. "Clay Kvsns, republican, and Representative M. R. Patterson, democrat. The republicans In the state have hopes of electing more than two members of congress, which they now have. The districts ' where Samuel Gotnpera, president of the American Federation of Im- bor, has made a fight are also points of In- terest. The leader of labor paid his com- pllmcnls last to Representative Mudd of Maryland, and democrats predict the defeut of Mr. Mudd. In Ohio. Representative James Keji.iedy. representing the old McKinley district, has received a call from Mr, Gom pers, who supported John C. Welty, th democratic nominee. The democrats, now holding but one district In Ohio, are mak ing vigorous contests In half a dczen others. Mr. Gompers has been aUo heard from In the flgl't In Chicago, where the republicans now have all ten of the congressional dis tricts. Both aides agree that this solid del egation will be broken Into and that Repre sentative Rainey. now the only democrat from Illinois in the house, will have com pany. Hope to Hecaptar Mlaaoarl.- In Missouri th democrats have great, hoiiea of regaining the five districts lout to them In the tidal wave of two years sgo. Much has been done In this state to arouse the party vote by Bryan and Folk. In Idaho the republicans raised the issue of "law and order" In aiipport of the state's prosecution of officers of the Miners' fed eration for complicity In tha murder ot former Governor Bteunenberg. while Sen ator Dubois, who is leading the democratic tight, declares Mormonlsm the lsue. In I'tah th' Mormon church is said to be supporting the republican nominee for con gress. W. I). J lay wood, one of tho Min rsf federation officials, now a prisoner In Maho, I the socialist party candidate for governor. Democrats are confidently looking for gains In Indiana and Iowa, in Massachusetts th governorship tight eclipses all else. Curtis Guild, Jr., repub lican, is opposed by John H. Moran. nomi mted by tha democrats, prohibitionists snd Independence league. Summed up, the states in which both ldes seem agreed thut democratic gains may be msda are New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Ohio. Indiana, Illinois, Mis souri, Iowa and Maryland, NKW YORK. Nov. 4.-Regarding the re port that a large quantity of campaign lit erature depoa.ted at a subatatlon of the liostofftca ate last night was held up pend ing a decision by the postal authorities as to whether the matter was mailable. Pest master Wlllcox tonight made the following statement: There waa no matter whatsoever held up at the substation. Ihe 4'iui leitt-r arrived lam tfaturday ,iiht and two clerks in charge .f the substation thought that per haps they were not mailable matter. They mil tried tho mailt poatomcw and then placed the le.ters 111 the vaiious buxes readv lor distribution. Bath Parties t lalm Missoarl. ST . IOl'lS, Nov. 4. -The cieci.on III M- I sourl arouses particular interest In that U will bs the (list ten of party oigsnization lnco the repu'tillctn landslide two yesrs ng . Ever since that election, which placer a democratic governor In office snd carrHd th rest of tho republican ticket, fence building hts been pursued vigorously ai.d relentlessly by both the d mocratlc snd re publican parlies, lite former to regain lost ground and the Istter t.i retahi supremacy. All Indications tonight are that victory by rlther pny will be won by a close margin, chairman W. N. Kvsns of th democratic statu cumn.lltso says Ihe state will go g'-mocrHflc, but be decllneil to mtke sny ;eii.i.ut fur publication. Chairman Thorn K. NlaJrh.ghaus of the republican tati com mil tn npre.s himself as coufi- rol thut tho election will show 4 repuKl- vietorv. CUBAN MODERATE PROGRAM Old Party to Dp Dissolved aad a New Organisation to Be Knrnfil. HAVANA, Nov. 4 It l probable that Ihe new platform for the old moderate party, presented yesterday by General Hila Ri vera, will be adopted at a meet Inn of the party to ba held tomorrow. A new pirty name will then be selected, the party hav Infc voted unanitnotialy lo dissolve at the meeting held yesterday. The Rivera program Is conservative. In , character. It iermlts foreigners to v te and extends the presidential term to fix years without re-election. These measure will make necessary additional amendments. At yesterday's meeting of the moderates, which waa attended by seventy from all parts of the Island, the resignation of the executive committee snd of Memlcz Capote, president of the party, were ac cepted. It is the Intention of Ihe provisional gov ernment to h the American troops line make extensive practice marches through out the country. This should not be In terpreted a a threatening demonstration, the step is taken for Its moral effect on the restoration of contldence. In a general order General Franklin Bell enjoins all officers and enlisted men of the American army of occupation to manifest all possible courtesy towards Cubans of all parties. ITpvn ihe recommendation of Carlos Garcia y Vclez, Inspector of public In stitution!. Han Lizaro hospital, In which heT are several hundred lepers, probiMx be shortly renuived to an llinH nff Tthern coast of Matansss province. ' e i'R nr roi husmrai lias inn. , . . " 'K. ,hR ProJ-t has been opposed y private Sled. corporation by whlc. f cited ovet ,he Isle of Pines are ex ' arrest and Imprisonment of a countryman namd Holmesburg on the charge of cutting down a tree on the boundary line of his own property. A commute has come from the island to re quest Governor Magoon to depose the pres ent mayor and appoint aa acting mayor Second Lieutenant Robert "fllttonl of the Marine corps. , There have liern rumors for some duys past of a projected uprising of moderates In Santiago province, but no importance Is attached to them. CLEMENCEAU FOR REFORMS Sew French premier and Cabinet Una an extensive Pro gram. PARIS. Nov. 4. Interest In the re assembling of the Chamber of Deputies to morrow centers on the reading of the, minis terial declaration of policy. Premier Clem- enceau a statement Is very long It was ) aociarea roriay uy a soon authority to bo a great literary effort. The program for Internal reforms to be set forth Is considered to be the most advanced ever presented 1c. France and the approval of these reform is believed to be virtually assured before hand. In the matter of foreign politics, the cabi net la expected to .follow, the same course as has- hlllirrtn'. been' purkued.i' Tht pre--mtcr's statement will conclude with the demand . of a of confidence from Parliament, so thst the cabinet may ef fectively carry out Its projects. According to a letter from MlnlsteX of Finance Culleaux to tho chairman of tne budget committee, the budget for 19t7 shows, In round figures, a revenue of 3.817, OUO.OCO francs and expenditures amounting to J,8:i;,U00,OUO francs, mnklng a deficit of 17fi.uuo.OUD francs. In order to provide for this deficit there lias been added to the revenue the sum or 111,00,00(1 francs through increased taxation on special articles. There remains SJ.OOO.ftm francs which will be raised. If necessary, by short terra treasury bonds. ESPIONAGE CASES IN FRANCE Germany Areasrd of Efforts to Secure Military Secrets of Coantry. PARIS. Nov. 4. Two recent cases of espionage have attracted more or lews at tention here. A woman of Toulon, sus pected of being a spy In the employ of a foreign power, was convicted lust week on the testimony of a sailor, who swore she had tried to bribe him to steal the plans of certain fortifications and subma rine vessels. The other case is that of Gaston Maltrugue, an artillery reservist, who was arrested at Meaux for a trifling offense. When searched the firing In structions for the French army ar.d tracings of drawing of the mechanism of siege, field snd other guns were found In his possession. Maltrugue claims that he is simply Interested In the question of armaments generally, but appearunres are against Mm. Hla case Is still pending. Arrests of suspects, especially on the Ger man frontier, take ula-e. constantly and ate exploited by a, section of the French press as proof of the warlike designs of Germany. COMMISSION TO SALTON SEA Mexican Knalneera Will Tndertake to Home of the Probler-s. .NIKXK'O CITY. Nov. 4-v commission composed of Mexican engineers and experts,' un iH-eu uupaicneii oy tne 4icxican gov ernment to the "scene of the late flood cauaol by the diversion of the channel of the Colorado river, to study the problem which for some time lias called for tho at tention of the t'nlted Suites and Mexican governments. The Sahon sea question has become an international one, end It Is said here In government circles that the discus sion through ordinary diplomatic channels regarding the responsibility for the dangers ensuing will be dropped for the time being ' in order that the Immediate action whic:i lhi situation demands may be properly j taken. NO JAPANESE SKETCH FORTS General Leonard Wood Denies Re ports Printed la I alted Str.tcj. MANILA. Nov. 4.-Tlie stoty that- a Japanese srmy officer had been placed un der grrcsl here for sketching certain forti fications of Manila harbor as denied to day by Msjor General Ionaid Wood, com. mander of the division of the Philippines. No such arrest has been made und no Japanese have taken sketetuk of rhs fortifications. It Is well known that since tbe American occupation Jaimncse hav been eiigajged in making maps of tae Piiiltp', There U no existing law te prohibit them, altiiougU such laws wei In force under the Siwulsh regime. General Wood has Just returned to Manila fioui a hunliiitf ex.R(Iltla SALOON BROIL MAY BE FATAL Sials Joniea, Bartender, Badly Beatea by Four Crank Mtn. SKULL IS FRACTURED BY A BRICK Trouble Starta Over ame of Hire Three Men Involved Arrested and Police Are After the Poarth. In a fight which started In the Willow fprlngs Kxlwn, 'iVZ liming street, itbout i p. in. hunnuy, Niels Jensen, a iiarl-mder , employed at tnc saloon, was bad'y IkmIuii ny four men, said to be drums, one or whom threw a brick at jenseii, which struck him over the left eye and fructuve.I his skull. The police were notified, Police Surgeon risponding, who had the man removed to tne Omaha Gen eral Hospital, where an operation to reduce tho fracture was performed by Dr. K. C. Henry, but Jensen was badly Injured and it la feared death may result from the blow. D. O. MeMellen. 1721 South Ninth street. William Kennedy, 814 South Thirteenth street, and E. Wilson, 1112 Jachsnn street, have been srrested on th charge ot bolt); Implicated in the affray, which may prove to be murder. These three men and a companion went to the saloon and re quested the use of the dice box, which was produced by the bartender, XV. A. Myers. Jensen wa off duty, but was 1n the si loon, and the four men, who were some what intoxicated, induced him to Join In the gams and the fight started when one of the men accused Jensen of losing a game, which Jensen dnleo. Jensen then ordered the men front tha saloon and one of the men tried to strike him, whereupon he attempted forcibly to eject the quartet. The men turned upon him. striking blni several times, but h succeeded In forcing then) all out of the seloon. when one ef ihe men grabbed half of a brick from the walk, stepped to the door and threw It at j Drlesnlder and Max Cutterplan, who wero Jensen, who. was Inside of the saloon, I attacked by u mob last night, were ar strlking him In the forehead and knocking ralgned In court today and held for fx him to the floor. The blow rendered Jensen amlnatlon. unconscious for several minutes and tha men made their escape. Officer Llckert later arrested MeMellen snd Kennedy, while Wilson wss picked up oy detectives Maloney and McDonald, but the man who threw the brick Is Still at liberty. Jensen Is 42 years of nge and had been employed by the proprietor of the saloon. H. Niel8on. sine last January. Jle Is un married and roomed in a cottage at the reae of tile saloon. HV baa served several enlistments In the regular army, having participated In the Spanish-American war In tha Philippine Islands. OFFICER HAS YELLOW FEVER Lleatenant ' Wiley of Fifth Infantry Taken to Hospital In Havana. " HAVANA, Nov. 4. Second Lieutenant Noble J. Wiley of th Fifth infantry, whose discovery on hoard the transport Sumner yesterday with-- yeIUw f-vor -cause five hours delay liv tho departure of the vessel. , has been removed to Anlmvs hospital. His illness todav was diaimosed as vellow fever of a mild type. Lieutenant WJley boarded the vessel to go-home on leave of absence. He arrived here recently on the transport Tarnholm and lodged In Havana. He did not visit camp Columbia. x Some Questions Still i Unanswered by Bryan William Jennings Bryan Ib now engaged In a campaign speaking tour of Nebraska. While addressing the votera at different points the taxpaying citizens would like to have him answer a few questions that are specially pertinent and timely: Do you approve of the deal, which your brother-in-law, T. S. Alien, chairman of the democratic state commit tee, has made with the tax shirking railroads to line all the democratic legislative candidates up against the taxa tion of railway terminals for municipal purposes the same as other city property. Are you in favor of compelling the railroads to pay city taxes on their property within limits of municipal corporations, or in favor of the continuance of the present system by which they escape paying city taxes almost en tirely? Does your declaration that no one connected directly or indirectly with privilege seeking corporations should have any place In the councils of the democratic party apply to Chairman Allen in his partnership with the legal rep resentative of the Missouri Pacific railroad and the use of partnership stationery in sending out democratic campaign literature? Will you use your Influence next winter to get the democrats -in the legislature to Join with the republicans to force the railroads to pay their full share of city taxes, irrespective of any promises made to the railroads by your brother-in-law, Chairman Allen? Nebraska Democrats in T, a, SLLSN, aaslraiaa. Y a&iaiT . . f ll U ST.JS ... P" - 1tr SCII-ITA . fimCMj .yc:5 ,. . ., -..., . te ' -'"Jwra IfX'i' CEKSSPiTIC STATE UNCOCN HOTEL, TV, ft. Te ft, ALUN. . . W4HMIJIVT Unceln, Ncbr.. 00. 19, 1906. n.e sirt ' I enclose jou hrwltn oopy of an ditorll which appeared In th Blatr Pilot, rpublloan paper. I think thl 1 good stuff and If you can find po for It or fraa up an editorial In your s own language conveying th ease Idea It will bo ffeotlve. Th rpublloa platfoni ha a 'rnslnl raxatlori" plani that, will glv to Cnaha th benefit of all th terminal taxes Instead of alstrlbutlng th saa out orsr th ntlr atat a 1 now don. If th republloan platform 1 naotd Into law It will aean that vry town In th tt will lo thlr proportlonat har of th railroad tax and that Caaha will b th bensflclary. Th Oaah Be ha already pledged ninety republican candidate In th legislator on thl proposition. Th thr republican candidate rfusd to glv their assent to th oheoe. I think thl 1 Important. Tour truly, C; . ! THAT TELL-TALK LKTTEK. This letter bus been mailed oat fioin demoiratlc state headquar ti.s to all editors of democratic and populist neaspapers In Ne braska In an rnvelojie hearing the Ins ript lou. "Talbot and Allen, attorneya-at-Uw, hVateruty building. Lincoln, Nebraska." Talbot is tha chief legal representative In Nebraska of tbe Missouri Pacific railroad, BIG INCREASE IN IRON TRADE f . , Past Mar Monte Make Better Show Insr Than Any In the History of toontry. j WASHINGTON. Nov. I. A bulletin Is sued by the Department of Commerce snd Labor e.-iys that exports f Iron and steel maiiufactiirers show ' an incrruse of about X per cent In the Jiltie months ended with September and imports of a similar char acter show also an Increase of practically 'Ji per cent In the same period as compared with the same months, of the preceding year. Kxports, of all domestic produrts Increased about 13 per cent, the bulletin says, and imports about 9 per cent. Pig iron and iron ore Imports aggregated over $lnot.nno In the nine months ended with September, sgiltist about t'l.oon.tioo in the corresponding period of 1!Y. and alijttt K.Oie.onr III 1904. Pig tin imports In the nine months of 1 amounted to over T7. 3.11. Son, against JW.T'W.aTl in I'.ms and 117, :!4S.2t In r4. Tin plate expectations, the bulletin says, alsr show a marked Increase, the exports in 13"H being 1.7T4.1S1 pounds, against 14. 562.152 in 195 and 12,06,OflB In 190. The growth In operations of Iron and steel, the bulletin says, was larger In the nlno months eneledfwith September, I!1, than in any corresponding period of our j export trade. The jaraln In these months ..m cuii.-pvm1ib prtiuo .u . oe yre- ; ceoing yeeir was over J1."W,'S'. iron ana steel exports In th filnc months of V.06 were JU27.1W.R7J snd ti-On and steel imports for the same time wtve C4.S7B.JS7. SPECIAL POLICEMEN HELD Cbara-ed rrlth Shontlng la Blot Over the ChansTrara' trlke la Sew Turk. NEW YORK, Nowyl. The four special policemen. John J.. Devlin, Thurlow Waters. ' Warren LeVerman and Iixarus Lorla. with the three strike . breaking chauffeurs. Theodore Shaler. William S. Tho special officers were charged with doing the shooting from an Eighth avenue car. as a result of which August Lamb, a striking chauffeur, is lit a hospital dan- gcrously wounded. Hail was furnished by representatives of the New York Transportation company. PRESIDENT BACK FROM HUNT Drives Direct to on Arrival Capital. White the Hoi WASHINGTON, Nov, 4. President t;r.d Mrs. Roosevelt arriveft In Washington to night at 9:10 o'clock iVoni Tine Knot, Va., where they went Weclnesduy last to hunt wild turkeys, accompa riled by Surgeon Gen eral Rlxey and Prlvat Secretary Latta. The party came In I fid special car Signet over the Southern raihiy. ' "The president and Mrs. RooscvehV yfc d-lven direct to the White House. S I m n d r 4 Dati Mt Lands. . auRKVICPORT. Ln.. Nov. 4.-The Stand- rd OH company has bouaht forty-two acres In Ihe Caddo City oil field, twenty miles north of Hhreveport and will begin operations at once-in the development of the property.' It is the Int-nUuu of the Standard Oil company to ship the onide oil to Its refinery nt Beaumont until the field is fully developed, when a refinery will be erected In Shreveport. League with the Railroads a. a. dskiils, asnurT, ISII.MI,. . ktNMI X riAaarmi . h hsl J CwV Crj (, Pcaaoa Lsm"? ft fTiayg.1 .' ..WtBMl' 1 iccn ft- 1 C H tu", . , ,...fyrWt aV KoikUl ...Oast JrCc.-.-..-..'-::.::;d & V HrL. . 0.:.M, (AM Inpt. Son Oui'HM M.r lu S U tK,,L, ,..kv,m CIITRAl CCaaiTTEE LINCOLN. NEBRASKA 4M fr WMofK , 4- sfc. 0OTTT Chair SEN ATORSHIP IS THE STARE Fsbraika LfiilatiT Contest In an Added Intmit Thii Yr-ar. REPUBLICANS ARE CERTAIN TO CONTROL Both Hranrhes Will Be Dominated h Grand Old Party la plte of Railroad Aid to Fusion Campaign. (From a Staff Conespiindoiit.) LINCOLN. Nov. 4. (Special.) The con- j test for the control of the legislature this i Inter In Nebraska Is regarded as of more than ti.ual Importance, because upon Its pe.lltiesl complexion will depend whether the T'nlted States senator to be elected will be a republican or a democrat. The republicans have nominated Attorney Gen eral Norris Drown, snd the fuslonlsts W". II. Thompson ss their candidates, respect ively, for fnlfed States senator, and each, with his friends, has been making a thor ough canvass for the legtelativc follow ing. In- most of the districts the. demo crats and populists have fused. In some cases only after much difficulty, so that the )1r().t bPtwf.en r,.pbcan and fu- sion legislative nominees. In two or three in.innp,,, 1Hndldates Hre run- nlng, but without prospect of success, ex cept to complicate the situation betwcen the regular party candidates. It Is said that the railroads and their corporate allies hava been working to the end of making the house democratic, realizing the futility of trying to lake the senate awsy from the republicans, with the avowed purpose of putting the two houses at cross with one another and thus heading oft legislation which they fear. . Returns from all the legislative districts, however. Indicate that both houses will be safely republican, although, of course, with majorities reduced from those of two years aRO whp tlle Roosevelt tidal wave brought the republican ascendancy to high water mark. The lineup for the legislative fight as between the two opposing parties Is as follows: Senate. Republican. Diet. No. Fusion. Dr. W. H. Wilson.. 1 John M. Osborne J. G. O'Connell a.. Dr. W. L. Helliniin jPHie U Root!;;;;;; 4.'.' Joel Eaton S H huck James manner W. R. Patrick Alexander L:ivcrty. 5.... L. C Gibson c." I Saunders... H. F. Thomas H. C. Wolf- G. XV. Wlltse K. D. Gould W. D Holhrook.. 6 C. S. Monternmery ti R. O'Keeffe K W. S. Shoemaker 7 J. B. Uitta S Oscar Brin !).... Dr. A. D. Cameron 10... George V. loschen Chttrles Randall 11. ..John Matthenon John C. Byrne ...M. Marshall 8. S. Jovce I. A. Ollis J. K. Johnson F. W. Ashton A. Edglnaion Henrv Diers A. S Tibbets T, II. Saunders VJ IVank W. Phillips..! mnhl Ilanna 14.., Byron H. Glover 15... R. M. Thomson H.... W. H. Harrison. ...17,., K. L. King 1... C. H. Aldrlch Is... Joe Burns t... J. V. McKesson.. m... ,...J. V. Wolfe H K. Packet! 1 Thomas Kemmers lr. V. P Iodon...2, K. Ballard Dr. F. Wilcox.. .;a... -Henry Kuhlniann .....J. P. Kennedy ,...Fr"d Newberrv Ge-orge Clapp .Dr. J. W. Lymnn ...... B. W. Si onus Israel A. Sheridan , J. G. Heeler lwls Goodrich, C. H. Knperson. W. K. Thome... A. I. Clarke C. A. Luce A. Wllsev , ,'J. ... ..26... ,.ar.... 2!i. 3t'. Charles A. Sibley Republh an. Albert Sttilder Dlst. No. Fusion. .... 1 '.Kward Lsmbert Frank ShulHTt .. Cats Jones N. A. HlciiHiuer.. W. P. Raprr C. B. Parker A. L. Lawrence.. . . 1 J. H. von Hfiger .. 1 D. R. Crush .. 2. Fred H. Barclay .. James Murphy . . i... W. D. Redmond .. 3....E. B. .Quackenbush (Continued on Second Page.) Democratic Cdltora steak Oat. Srcclal pinp.itch to the World-Herald. GRAND 1SUAND. Neb., Feb. 3, lW3.-At Ihe meeting or the Democratic Kditorial association this evening resolutions wero unanimously adopted endorsing House Roll 171 and also the revenue measure, now be fore tho Nebraska legislature. A special committee, of which C. J. Bowlby. editor of the Crete Democrat, wss chairman, and C. t. Caspar, editor of the David City Prens, secretary, reported the following: W desoonc th attempt of th railway lobby to deoelv th publle with respect to mouse Koll 171, now pending- before th Xebratka legislature, the earn being' bill designed to require railroad companies to bear their Just prcportloa of taxation In oitls of th metropolitan class. The attempt on the part of the railroad lobby to make It appear through editorials, admittedly written by the lobby and paid for by th railroads, that thl measure, If enacted l&to law, V Jttld affect tax to be paid by the railroad for state, county and school purposes 1 indefeasible and deserves prompt aad vigorous rebuke at the hand of all who boiler that th truth should be known with respect to every public msaaur aad who object to the escape of taxation by the rwilroad fox tat, county, city or school purposes. W believe it to be to cuty of every demeevatle member of the legislature to Tote for Mouse atoll 171 and register his protest la aa effective way against the at-to-i., oi hUM iSuttasia M, iimmvi twi o pie, aad tarourh such deception escape aw piopotuon of taaatiok. this rcaoiuuon , Luviuuniy discussea and was anopied by a unanimous vote of li.e saeoc-ation. Action of Democratic Editors. The Worid-Heraid tongraiuiatea the Den.ocratia xnitoriai association ot Ne orasaa upon tne adoption of a resolution enaorsing iouse Koil 1 VI tpronalng for mumcipsi taxation of railway terminals). Altnough tne ranroad lobby Is exerting its best t-noris to hoodwlna the people wltn respect to this bill. It has failed to pull the wool over the optica of the democratic, editors of this state. Tho democratic editors have taken tha correct position. It Is to ho hoped that the suggestion they make to the members of the legislature will be adopted by at least very democratic and populist member. Cm ali a World iltreid, February i, 1?4. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Monday 'and Taeaday. fooler Tneaday. Temprratare at Omaha lesterda t Hoar, ft a. m, H a. m, 7 a. m M a. m, l a. ra. 1 a. m. 11 a. ni. 12 m. . . Ilea. . . . . .Tl . . :tt . . ft , . ia , . 4H . . !M , . lit Hoar. 1 It. Ilea. . AH . ft . . AO . Ol . rn . s . . Bf AFTER THE TOBACCO TRUST Mnssarhasetts District Attorney Asks Jerome to Hrrart Evi dence. BOSTON. Mass., Nov. 4. District Attor ney Jonn H. Moran sent a letter to District Atinrmy Wlhlsm T. Jirome of New York today. In which he stated that he wss In formed by Btate Henator A. V. Hughes of Michigan that there Is In tho pOTSc-askm of Colliers' Weekly evidence In the form of otlgmal documents, letters, telegrams and secret codes, which tends to show that an organized method of 1-glslatlve corruption Is practiced by the so-called Tobacco trust throughout the country. Tho letter fol lows: I am credibly Informed by one A. D. Hughes, formerly a state senator of Michi gan, that ther Is In the possession of the proprietors of a publication, by name. Colllets' Weekly, having Its principal place of business In New York City, evidence in Ihe foim of original documents, letters, toUgrams, secret codes and the translation thereof, some copies of whl'h I now havo and which I nppend herewith for the pur pose of Identification, which tends to show an organized and genersl method of l"gls latlve. corruption practiced by the so-cuiled Tobacco trust throughout the country. I urn Informed that some of the documents, copies of which I do not have, tend to show that several hills affecting the Interest of the said Tobacco trust were defeated at the capltol of this commonwealth at the last session of our general court (Massachu setts legislature) by practices which are a part of this systematic scheme. 1 am In lorn led that ptoptietors of the said Colllors' Weekly have purchased the evidence for a large sum of money under a contract to publish the same not later than ten weeks after the first day of August; that the last dn.v for publishing the same has expired; that the said Colliers' Weekly has refused to publish the samu according to the cou Ui'ct. , , I sm further Informed that Colliers' Weeklv is delaving publication of this evi dence 'in violation of Its contract, until aftr election. Therefore, I respectfully request you to obtain the same evidence and transmit to me lorthwltri, in oraer mat i may orgm an Immediate Inquiry Into such acts occur ring within my JurlacMctlon ns may be dls rlosefi by an examination of the said docu ments. in making public the letter, Mr. Morati also gave to the press copies of many let ters, telegrams and codes, one letter being from Hughes. Hughes claims that he bought a factory In Marlon, Ind., last Apvll from Former Senator O. A. Baker and In the factory Mr. Hughes found a desk which, he asserts, was full of correspondence and documents revelling certain transactions with the American Tobscco company. OFFICERS TO MEET TAFT Generals Humphrey and Barry aad Captain Hatehlaaon "ton la " ' ' " 1 Omaha. I --'-- - Brigadier General .Charles f. Humphrey, quartermaster general of the I'nlted States army. Brigadier General Thomas H. Barry of the general staff and Captain Giole Hutchinson of the general staff of the army arrived ill Omaha over the North western Sunday afternoon from Washing ton, en route to Cheyenne, to meet Secre tary of War Taft, to accompany him on a tour of the military posts In the north and scuth. "" The party was met at Council Bluffs by Major Charles R. Noyes, military secre tary of the Department of the Missouri. I'pon arrival In Omaha General Humphrey and party were met at Vnion station by Senator Millard. Brigadier General T. K. Wlnt, Major M. G. Zalinskl. Captain Thomas Bwolie and Lieutenant Davids of General Wlnt'a staff. "'We Just stopped off here between trains, en route to Cheyenne," raid General Hum phrey. "We are en route to Cheyenne, where we will meet Secretary Taft and will inspect forts. Russell and Robinson and go from there to Fort Bheridau. Chi cago and from there to Forta Leavenworth and Riley and thence to Forts Reno and 8111. In Oklahoma, and Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and then back to Washington. We will not visit Foris Omaha, Crook or Des Moines on this trip. I am glad to learn that you Omaha peopla finally have had trclley line built to Fort Crook. It has long been needed and I think the Omaha people will enjoy a visit to tliut fine post frequently." The party left for Cheyenne over the I'nlon Pucifle at 4:lu. General Wlnt accom panied the party from Omaha, with his aide-de-camp. Lieutenant Davids. He will return to Omaha after the party has made the Inspection of Forts Lesvenworth and Riley. GOOD YEAR FOR VOLUNTEERS Balllngtoa Booth Tells of Work of the Organisa tion. tbe CHICAGO, Nov. .-"The last year has been one of the happiest In the history of our organisation." declared General Balling ton Booth, heed of the Volunteers of Amer ica, tonight. General Booth Is here to at tend the annuel meeting of officers during the present week, at which the election of officers for tho coming year will occur. "During the ear," he continued, "we have cared for S.9SJ women In our Homes of Mercy. Volunteer officers and workers have assisted 27.187 fainlllt; 21. SI J persons were lodged In homes for worklnginen and women, not including those succored during strikes; i'A.'.M persons were fed at various Institutions and the Volunteer Prison league, has cared for so. wo persona. 70 per cent of whom ate now living upright, law-abiding lives." FISH RETURNS TO NEW YORK Decllaee to Disease Uaeatloa of Control of Illinois f entre.l. CHICAGO, Nov. i.-aiuyveut Fish, president of the Illinois Central railroad, l-f for New York today, after having been In consultation with Vice President J. T. Harahnn. Attorney J. M. Dickinson and other officials of the road. Mr. Fish was accompanied by J. B. Dill, general counsel for the railroad company. Mr. Pish su'd that bis visit here was in con nection altli plicate matters and had a bearing on a poaylble arrangement for the meeting of the board of directors in New Ycrk this week. He declined to diacuas the prceidency or any other mallei s per laluiiif lo Uie affair wf lu railroad PROOF ABOUT PASSES Homaha Count Committee teoorei Cut Iiiusd to Vtef. FREE RIDE FOR A DEMOCRATIC VOTI Recipient Vtrj U iroinic fr fan Wta Given to Eim. ORIGINAL PAPER NOW ON EXHIBITION C. B, Galloway of Aabnrt th Van tt BeceiTs tho last. 08TAINED THROUuh DR. S. W. M'GREW Facsimile of Ihe Pass Is Printed oa Another rage In This lasne of The Pee, with tatemt at Concerning It. (Fn-in a Htaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 4-tSpeclal Telegram. ) E. M. Tyler, chairman, and E. M. Kerna, secretary of the Nemaha county republican committee, Issued a statement tonight in which they claim to have absolute proof that the Burlington railroad Is giving pasee to persons who will go to their homes and vole the democratic ticket. The statement says, among other things: "This committee knows that the Burling ton railroad has been giving transportation lo those who agree to vote against the republican ticket. The committer has been able at last to get the absolutit 'proof of this fact. A pass, which waa obtained through Dr. S. W. McGrew, the pass dis tributor of the Burlington railroad In thl county, was obtained by this" committee. The original- or the pass can be seen la tho window of tho Nemaha County repub lican In Auburn, Neb. This pass was given with the understanding tlmt the person ob taining It would vete against the republican ticket and was not given until this ws agreed to. The statement of Mr. Tyler and Mr. Kerns will be printed on circulars and will con tain a fac-slmlle . of the pass which was sent to C. B. Galloway. It Is the pass reproduced in The Bee. Student Corroborate Ntory. Theodore Schneider of Sutton, a student of the.gtnto university. Is one of the many who corroborates the statement In The Bee this morning that the democratic state commltte was- furnishing transportation to students and others who would go home and vote tho democratic ticket. Mr. Schneider contradicts flutly and unreserv edly the denial of thut statement by Mr. Allen. Mr. Schneider, by his statement prove that the democratic state committee Is getting free transportation from the rail roads. His statement, which ho authorised published. Is as follows: I wss approached by William Shitt In the lobby of the Lludell hotel on the after noon of Saturday, October So. Jr. 81a tt informed me that It would be possible for him to secure transportation for me from Lincoln to my home u Button, provided that I would agree to voe for tbe demo cratic legislati oaiidaeir In Clav countv; innr-ne. weuiii mno thj matter up with Chairman Allen of the democratic sttite committee and Ihst I should call at Mike Clary slgar store and register for th-i transportation, which would be provided me on the following Friday evening, when I was to call at his room. Mr. Slntt after ward explained that the transportation had not yet been received by Mr. Allen and put me off from day lo day until Saturday. November 3. when he told me that owing to Mr. Allen's fear of publicity the pass would not be Issued until Mondav morning, when I was to meet him at th 'Burlington depot Just before the ti-aln wss due to leave and receive It, Mr. Blatt gave me to understand definitely In each and evert' conversation 1 had with hlm on the subject that ho wss acting with authority aa the agent of T. S. Allen of the dcmncratlo slate committee. I did not wait for tho free pi;ss promised me. but paid mv far to Sutton and will vote . the republican ticket straight. Bnrllnarton la Lancaster Fight. The Burlington railroad today dipped lta oar Into the Lancaster county enmpalgu and despairing of defeating the whole re publican ticket, has marked for slaughter Ned Brown and Klmer Brown, candidates ft r the legislature, and Congressman Pol lard. One meeting was held at the Lincoln hotel this morning, at which the railroad bunch gave out the report It would take no active part In the county campaign. This Information was communicated to Chairmsn Baer of the republican county committee to lull him to sleep. W'hllo the ccurler was delivering the message, a majority of those at the first meeting, headed ty Engineer Beatty, who run from McCook to Lincoln, met In another hall and decided who was to be slaughtered. The two Browns were selected because no confusion would result In trying to acratch them, and Pollard was selected for de feat because the Burlington bosses do not e.Pr.t htm elected. A fac-simlle of tills pass may be found en the second pege of this Issue of The Bee. 1 GAS KILLS FULLERTON MAN David . Stevens Dlea After Lingering front Accident, Kever Re gaining Mease. After lying unconscious for two days st the Omaha General hospital from the. ef fects of the Inhalation of Illuminating gas, David F. Stevens, sged 'Si. of Fullerton died about Sunday morning without re gaining consciousness. Mr. Hteveus caipe to Omaha Thursday night with a brother, who was on hts way to Virginia, and ob tained a room at the Windsor hotel. B'J South Tenth atreel. Friday morning the night clerk. John Lorack. detected the odor of gas near the room occupied by Stevens and entered the room through an adjoin ing window, when the young man wa found unconscious and the gas Jet psrtlally turned on. It is believed the gas Jet was Inadver tently turned on by Mr. Btevens upon re tiring and an Inquest will hot be held.' Dr. Lonl was caUcd and luid tbe patient removed to the Omaha General hospital, but all efforts to savo tils life proved fu tile. . D. E. f Broan of Fullerton. who ia an uncle of Mr. btevena, arrived In Omaha Sunday morning and will accompany the remelns to Fullerton. where the funeral will be held under the auspices of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows, of which organisation Mr. rttevens wss a member. Mr. Stevens is survived by two sisters and two brothers, who realde st Abblngton, Vs., his parents having died several year ago. ' i we a killed and four others seriously InJuivf In a fire totlay iijt caused u money loan e.f r.'Sou In the building occupied by the ' New Yora Viliiled Tile company end the I Pilgrim Mteam laundry In Brooklvii. Tl,e ! doad and injured were bulled under a Wall that collaj'eed.