Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9
i' TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY ItKK: XOVKMIIKII 1, 1 rn r,. Y i 1. ) i 1 n r i r i r i 1 1 u 1 9 i r r - 1 1 P M n u n n n In I 1 ,1 n L a. La . . iu a a fcw mi ta . m - k- m m m m 4 M u . ' r" IT! . rr""' ' Pall the Lever to the Left and Vote Yes vo 1 YFS Pull the Lever to the Left and Vote Yes ..ON THE.. Ind tit BECAUSE YOU WANT A $2,000,000 ENTERPRISE IN OMAHA WHICH WILL GIVE PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT TO 600 MEN AND WOMEN. WHICH WILL EMPLOY 1,500 MEN DURING CONSTRUC TION. BECAUSE YOU WANT CONNECTION WITH 150,000 IN DEPENDENT PHONES. BECAUSE TELEPHONE RATES WILL BE REDUCED 40 PER CENT. BECAUSE OMAHA WILL RECEIVE A 2 PER CENT ROY ALTY ON GROSS RECEIPTS. BECAUSE OMAHA AND SOUTH OMAHA CAN TALK TO EACH OTHER FREE. THE LABORING MAN INSISTS ON IT. THE WHOLESALE MEN DEMAND IT. THE RETAIL MEN FAVOR IT. ' T THE AVERAGE CITIZEN WANTS IT. WOT A NEWSPAPER IN THE CITY OPPOSES IT. ion IT? 1 raticmse ". QUESTION Shall the franchise provided Top in Ordi nance No. 6813 of the, City of Omaha, to use the streets, alleys and public grounds of said City to erect, operate and maintain a telephone plant and system for a term of twenty-five years be granted unto Joseph J. Helm, T. E. Parmale and T. H. Pollock? YES NO Pull the Lever to the Left and Vote . Yes 1 II III III j h3 Joseph J. Heilll, T, E. Parmole, T. II. Pollock, Grantees for .the WepuSn! Telepta Go, of Omaha, Nebraska 19119 7 H n t Who Docs Oppose It? THE BELL MONOPOLY AND THEIR PAID HIRELINGS, AND NO ONE ELSE. THEY WANT TO CONTINUE THE EXTORTIONATE RATES AND A MONOPOLY OF THE TELEPHONE BUSI NESS IN OMAHA AND ARE USING YOUR MONEY TO DO IT. THEY ARE AFRAID TO HAVE THEIR PRESENT WRETCHED SERVICE AND EXTORTIONATE RATES COME IN COMPETITION WITH A BRAND NEW, UP-TO-DATE IN DEPENDENT TELEPHONE SYSTEM. VOTE YES AND TAKE THE CLUB OUT OF THE BELL MONOPOLY'S HANDS AND PUT THE CLUB IN YOUR OWN, HANDS. THEN YOU WILL GET RELIEF IN BOTH SERV ICE AND RATES. THE TELEPHONE PROPOSITION WILL APPEAR AS QUESTION 1, IN THE UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER OF THE VOTING MACHINE. Pull. the Lever to the Left and Vote Yes ESTIMATES' AK FAR APART lUbty Thousand Liffenncs ti hepttblioaii and Uejaacrat Cbmmuteei. NEARER TOGETHER ON THi COMGRiSSsU llep.bllcaa. Say Tbey Will Klect .1 ' Least Kla'e " Eleven, While the Democrats Assrrt They Will Elect Three. Krom a Staff Correspondent I iKA MOlNK.8. Nov. l-tSpeilail-Chalr- Vt,.n Frank I. Vocdi of the repubucan -tale committee today gave out nil rut in. I nr avofto nlurality lor the republican Hue .1.1,.. .1 Tn.uliv'1 election. Walt Butler .nd Chairman 'MUlef cf the demoi ra I committee gave out un estimate of 1W.0W) to an (ma nluralfty for the democratic conuioai ' lor governor. The taumaie i ' Voods baaed on a moal thorouii tiii Vaa of the ontlre atate. Including ,ttlmoi tvery iireoliict. ond he eatimatea Hi eIo- lion of at ieaat nine of the eleven oongress Wn nnd at least nlm-ty-tlve of the 1M uirin ber. of the legislature. At the laal naioii the republican had 1 out of 1W inembem of the lagiFlature. The democratic estimate clalnia but fifty members of the house and n few gains Iu the seiiwte. where they now have eight members, four of wluae terms txplre this year. The Ueniociatlo .sllmnle on'wmen Is that at least three dcui tuials will be eleote.1 and possibly a many a six. Caadldate ralla to Paaa. ii-. T.nni. iiixule. the reuublloan can approval'.' The anntenca la a suuiplu-.of J tli rntlie circular. It cost the stale of Iowa about $5,000 for the exlra paper and printing to get his name on the bullot. Civic Lrafil Claim Victory. Officers of tha Civic league or this city are. claiming a victory from the mtttm meet ing, which was held Inst nlgiit to wcpiva lndlgnution at the failuio of the Rrund Juiy lo Indict the street railway men for bribery, hut which broke up in confusion. They asJW'it that the conviction of Hlppee unit Hudley before the courts Is of small conee quence. compared to their conviction before the court of the people, which the Civic league claims to have alrenriy aepompllFhed, Not without retison, the league offlom assert, thut the acts of the attorney foi the accused men in Inflimlng the nulienci last night only Intensified the belief of the public that the courts and city council urn unflcr the domination of the htreet tar com pany. Mamea o HhIIo. Anmar. The names of J. 1 Wutann and IX J. nunxan are on th ballot for state ofricoK the building wilt he envlowd by January 1 and ready Cor occupany when college opens in thu fuJl of 190". i . Uoluir Home to Vvte. Frank P. Woods of Ksthervllle. chairman of the republican atato central commute, and V. L. Converse of Crcsco, chairman o) the republican Kpeakcis' bureau, ill their respective iuimns lo vole Tuesday. They will make quick connections, ln ever, nnd return to L)eM MoineH Tuesduy evening and keep heuduuurters open until the last return", ure in. HERING WILL PLEAD GUILTY DefaaltlnK (anhlrr of t'lilcaao Dank, Will Join Ilia t hief la Jollet I'culteatlary. PIlICAtlO. Xw. 3 It at:nounctHl late today by State's Attorney Ilenly thut Henry AV. Uerrlns. former cashier of the .VTIIwau kee Avenue State bark; will plead millty to charges of larceny and forgery on Monday. though both men asked that their numoi j Th B'alement was made after an extended be withdrawn. Watson was nominated conference between H-ring. his at oiney by the prohibitionist for attorney a-encral and the "tale's attorney. and Dunnn for secretary of state. Th. v ! Herlng was formally arraigned earjy notified the state committee of that party to withdraw their names and the committee notified the secretary of state, but ths law requires that a withdrawal munt be tiled by the candidate himself. As a result the names of t lie two candi dates were left on the ballot by he Stan election board. College Uuilda o uiaualua. In spite of the agitation over the state relative to the matter of locating a bap tist college, Ic Moines college of this city, a Baptist Institution, which will bo effected by the decision, has started tK I erection of a gymnasium bulldiiiR. didale for county superintendent of Iruds J J;",UV W" broken by the s.udenls of f Volk county, fulled to pa- lh "late " eollew the plow, which was eac'iorV t .1 held iU week, and by the president. Work will oe 'a a r",,U cannot qualify for the position, j P"" once with the expecat.on that In the week and his attorneys made motions to quash thi? indictments and nlo appllel for a chunge of venue. Both were denied and it was then decided by Herlng that his bert course was to plead guilty. It Is ex pected that the formal plea will be made Monday. Aaatrin Waata Uetter Keel I it. VIENNA. Nov. i An official statement Issued today indicates that the new Austro Hungurlan minister. Barn von Aehrenthal, Intends to dissipate Italian distrust of Austria's Intentions In the Balkans. It Is said that there has been a friendly ex change of views between Baron von Aehrcnthal and Slgnor' Tlttonl. the Itallun foreign minister, resulting In mutual de termination to cultivate close and cordial relations between the two countries. The election ballots are already printed and It la therefore too late for Mr Jlueale tu withdraw. The result will be that hor nntne remain on the ballot and If elected, bslng unable to qualify, the prcacnt count v aup r Inltndenl will hold ever till the iionI ile fiof, W. A. fruslnUrty. tr- f "fsor if math.-niutle In West Ues Moine.i A,h si liool. an able educatr, Is an Indep-n lmt fci'or the same ortlce. The denncraiR n.ade 0 mi nomliiKtlon for that office and the a:o!il- Ists nnmlnnted l,uck M. vor. wno n-vr t.iuitht and makes no pretensf at bn no.b e to qualify, fnder the law Mr. Hu-gle Wiinld have to qualify within ten djys from the day of election. This precludes her taking another examination for the reisjn that the next regular examination will le h!d the laat week In January, and thirty lny' notice piust be given before a a-rcll examination cn be held. Aadrew ItUey la the t'ltr. Andrew Hlsey, the Tama county can. It 'll t for governor on the secular govern ment platfoini. Is lu the city. Hh-ey le ..i cvntrla person whose nams la on the state ' vket because citlsena signing his petition J .it a Joke were In ufflclent numbers that under the law th name had to be il tod in tue ballot by the election board. HUey M apeaklng from th street corner, giving a jargon of Imaginative doctrlue. lie said today that whether elected or not he would i arry hi campaign Into national politic and become at one a candidal for prcsi- -'- dent. It hand out circular maae up or nocont an meaning lee platitude and incoherent aentenc. Ill first aetitenee on 'i circular la s fallow: "To cmpartlv ,'ovemmnt, ohleftalnlsm and brutailty. i with due raepect to the opinion of f kind. I preni the olutlon which eienc . ", I give to the problematic question dlacusaed I V III th club of politics and hasten with all PEARY'S SHIP IS DAMAGED Vessel lose Twq Rudders, Stern fot Topjiait gad Fart of Propeller. ... TENOR BIAMS USED FOR . FUEL l)oaa I'olaoned by Imp a re Food. Several Ton of Which 11a to Kf Thrown LENOX, Mass.. Nov. S. That Commander Hubert E. I'eary encountered unuaual diftl cultioa In his search fur the North Pole was Indicated In a telegram received today by Morris K. Jessup, president of the Peary Arctic club. Buftelleil about in u Held of Ice, liia ship without coal, his dogs potauned by impure food and a. portion cf the interior ol the vessel torn apart to provide fuel fcr the boilers were some of the trials which the explorer was forced to face. The most significant portion of the telegram, however, was that contain ing an intimation that Commander Peary would again try to find the North Pole. The telegram follows: HOPEDALE, I.abradnr, by way of Twlll Ingate. N. F. Steamer Hoosevelt now here. Repairing rudder and stern, taking ballast and awaiting arrival mail steamer to secure coal. Hetui n voyage incessant - struKgle with Ice to Cape York. September W. Then storms and head winds to Labrador coaat, October n, carried away two rudders, stern post and two blades of propeller, foretop maat and spanker boom; lost one boat; burned all coal and Home Interior bea-nx. using wood and blubber along coast. Kx liret to communicate again from Chapeau bay. All progress will be slow and have no anxiety for our xafety and give no credence tu exaggerated reports. Roose velt Is returning this year for additional supplies and repairs. Several tons of whale meat ami dog food thrown away last fall, after poisouing a number of dogs. Other supplies lost by breaking of Ice fn April. PEA KIT. Mr. Jessup declined to comment.on the lelegram, stating that it speaks for Itself. Roosevelt IC pee ted nt Ht. John. ST. JOHNS, N. F., Nov. 3 The new of Commander Peary's latest achievement In Arctic exploration was received here with great satisfaction, Captain bartlatt and the other officers and crew of the Roose velt being Newfoundlanders. Sir William McGregor, governor of Newfoundland, him' elf an explorer and geographer of world wide reputation, today wired IiIh heartiest congratulatlona to Commander Peary and Invited the commander and Captain Hart lett to attend' the state dinner at Govern ment house; November . in honor of King Edward's birthday. Shipping authorities here expect that the Roosevelt will confe to St. Johns to obtain coal, which Is scarce In the Iynbiador stations. Conarratnlntlona for Peary. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. The following mes sage of congratulation fur Comm inder Peary was recelvc-d today by Herbert U. Hridgeman. secretary of the Peary Arctic flub: Peary, cure HrlIieiiian, New York: Very hearty congratulations upon your splendid achievement. WILLIAM 8. BRUCE. Edinburgh, Scotland, November 3. Mr. Bruce was the leader of the Scottish Antarctic expedition and spent two year exploring the Antarctic regions with the Scotia. Mr. Bridgeman said today that he did not believe Commander Peary's steamer had been seriously damaged by Ice or the ex plorer would have so reported to him. Mr. Brldgman said Peary would have no difficulty in obtaining coal In Labrador. He cxpuets to hear from Teary next at Sydney, Cape Breton. Mr. Robert E. Peary, wife of the ex plorer, received today the following pas sage from Commander Peary, datft, it Hopendale. Labrador: Homeward voyage Incessant battle with Ice, stitrma and head winds. Propeller dam aged and progress very slow. Waiting here fur coal from mall steamer. Have no nnxiety. Expect wire from Chateau Imy. Am perfectly well.. Mr. Bridgeman said that Commander Peary's mention of Chateau bny might Indi cate that he expected to touch there on the way to Sydney. Mr. Bridgeman believed that Peary obtains coals from the mall steamer which carried his message to Twillngate, N. F. . . ew Standard for Kplorers. NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Nov. S.'-Prof. An gelo Hellprln of the Sheffield Scientific school, who led the first Peary relief expe dition In 1892, tonight summarized the achievement of Explorer Peary as the mo't remarkable piece of polar exploration that has ever been accomplished. He said .after reviewing the work of pre vious expeditions, that "the combined achievement of the northward penetration and the east and west traverse is un equalled In tho annals of exploration lI sets a standard for work and accompli h meiit which few will have the courage to emulate and atill fewer the bodily vigor and Imlomln table energy to achieve. "It is with interest." he continued, "th it one notes and with a bearing on futute ex plorations tha! In this, his lattat effort northward, Mr. Peary passed Ms or.n rec ord by 196 statute, miles." FUEL FAMINE IN RUSSIA Suggestion for free Admission American Oil Meets 0ioa. - ' Hon from Baku. of BT. PETERSBURG. Nov. 3.-A confer ence was held at the mlnietry of com merce today to consider measures for al leviating the fuel crisis. A project for the abolition of the duties on fuel oil, in order to permit the Importa tion of American oils to compete with the Bu.Hsian fuel reaidum, the price of which now Is almoHt prohibitive, was dlscuased. The Baku oil Interests oppnee tu proposition. CHURCH SOT IN REVOLT French ifiniater Worship Telle of Cabioet'i View of Situation. NEITHER MARTYRDOM NOR PERSECUTION Church Property. Will Be Forfeit, to State, but May Still B taed for Catbollu ' Worship, PARIS. Nov. J-The minister of publlo Instruction and worship, M. Brland. today announced in an authorized Interview that the government did not regard th Catholic church as being- in revolt against the law providing fur the separation of th church and statu or" against th state. The Cutholio church having simply de clined to take advantage' of It prlvllng under the law, as the other religions did on December 11, would forfeit Its 8,04. of property and thereafter would liv under the common law. There would be neither martyrdom nor persecution cf the faithful. The church, us stale and communal prop erty, would remain open, for Catholic w0r: ship. ' The object for which the republican party in France had struggled for thirty years, the minister said, had been achieved. The" concordat was at an eni, the state would no longer contribute to the support o( any religion and pnestB would no lunger enjoy privileges- In both their duties and obliga tions they would be on an equality with other cltlxens. In other , words the state wa at last neutral toward all religlona and would permit the exercise of all of them, with special favors to none. The cabinet today approved th minis terial declaration of policy. : U) Inti inc nat av tbetr 'ravognlUou of universal o well that they get up mornings without having to pull them out of bed. Then breakfast is al ways ready because BO cooking is required. .u .gE2K! purisms. "1 Nl(Pf"k i) (Htf fFtN) Saysl Saysf S 1$ crTcoC, The toasted b'f In n food. l.v. Says Xtti- . S KVrl Saus . i Family hie, coen rtAE.s Til were as easy to Milk i, ptty F 17 r Toasted V Jf " T"ted coen flakes ' good alone, but V . Ne ve r . a w r 1 Coru Flakes V $tart me oul ln it Corn Flakes, we , T J anything ro so V- v Sll tt i I .u : f.i 1 I "" .- I I ill it ifoes down a V 3 66 VZlJ I i tuuiBuig ,c" i gins wuo prepare i kind ot make a I ' . . .1 1 r-K fast in mv nr.. "ri T in iust rieht for the daily meals V. i ,,.,.u reat Ceil eas,er JR. . 7 .. ' m h s t ! m - w w a v ic iuw vkiAii uicusv k si t .mi m ill.. . II w v.- a i ir I f I and tastes & rood 1 I I . 7 7 there never would be thrM im -y, makes me a good deal 7 11 feehng just right for j ,ny coroplaint about I with one thrown in happier when it is 1 I VJ L a night's good sleep. VJ LJ nr rrtntrmiy II B 4 Vwt-tajn meals 1 11 .W.. L.ll ill Never saw anything go so fast in my life. Juat Like ' snow flakes on a warm day. Guess that' because they melt in your mouth. II