Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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i i
A: cordial invitation is extended to the people of Omaha. South Omaha, Council Bluffs and tributary territory to attend the formal opening of
Our New Modern Daylight Department Store, Corner Sixteenth and Howard Streets
1 1
vv.hich will take place Monday, November Fifth.
Our thoroughly equipped and experienced buvinir force has
been used to the very best advantage in purchasing merchandise
for the forty-eight distinct departments that go to make up our
magnificent establishment.
Every advantage arising from amide capital and thorough
experience is ours to enable us to make shopping in the new day-
light store a pleasure and a profit.
Our visitors Monday will e amazed to find the pile of brick,
stone and mortar that stood on the corner of l(5th and Jloward
forty-five days ago transformed into one of the most attractive
stores in the middle west.
Attention is called to the following arrangements of depart
. On the Main Floor Will be found Dress (Hoods, Silks, Lin
ens, White i(Jonds, Embroideries, Laces, Trimmings, 0 loves, Veil
ings, Hosiery, Knit Underwear, Ladies' Neckwear, Belts, Leather
Goods, Jewelry, Yams, Umbrellas, Drug Sundries, Stationery,
Shoes and Men's Furnishing Goods.
The doors will be opened at 9 a. m. and will remain open in
the evening until 9 o'clock. . .
of Goods
Hourly to
All Parts
of Omaha,
and Daily
to Council
Bluffs. So.
Benson .
Dundee and
to Every
to Our
Be Sure
IN the Basement SaleroomDomestic Piece Goods, Blankets,
Comforts, Bed Pillows, Sheets and Slips, Trunks, Valises and
Telescopes, Crockery, Glassware, China, Cut Glass, Tinware,
Wooden and Granitewnre and all kinds of househould supplies.
Candy and the Celebrated May Manton patterns.
On the Second Floor Cloaks. Suits, Waists, Skirts and
Beady-to-Wear Garments for ladies and children. Infants' Wear,
Corsets. Muslin Underwear, Furs, Millinery and Art Needle Work
On the Third Floor This floor has been fitted up as a Ba
zaar, where will be displayed an immense stock of Dolls, Toys
and many new and interesting novelties Holiday Goods, includ
ing Toilet, Manicure and Shaving Sets, Handkerchief and Collar
Boxes, etc.
Every adult vistor to our opening will be presented with a
unique souvenir, having an actual valueof one dollar. We want
your co-operation in giving away twenty thousand dollars Mon
day. Special Bargain Sales will be made in every department on
Opening Day.
Prof. Kaufman's full orchestra will be present morning,
afternoon and evening to add to your enjoyment.
Our New Linen Dept.
Main Floor North Aisle
We will show the grandest array of the very
finest linens shown in the middle west both in
Irish, German and Scotch, linens. We, . are sole
agents' in' Omaha-for Wm. Liddell's Celebrated
Gold Medal Linens and Webb's famous grass
bleached Linens.-In the finest hand embroidered
Doilies, Tray Cloths, Lunch Cloths,. Side Board
Cloths, Sheets and Pillow Slips' and Bed Spreads.
Prices start as. low as. 25t each and run as high
as $125.00 each.
Beautiful Cluny Lace Doilies; Side Board
Cloths, Lunch Cloths ; and Table, Cloths, prices
range in this grand assortment; from 25f. up to
$ou.uu eacn. , . ;
A magnificent select,lpp of scarfs and lunch cloths In Japan
ese unen, witn Deauutul drawn work, positively the finest
ever shown In Omaha; prices ranging from, each, $10 00
to . V i ;-;.;. ; . ; . ;v. . vV. '.I-
Special showing of the celebrated Gold Medal satin damask
lame cloths and napkins, In seta to match, beautiful pat
terns, in sizes to fit any table; prices ranging, per set,
from f 110.00 to $4.20
200 fine grass bleached table cloths 2, 2 Vi and 3 yards
on, guaranteed pure linen. choice patterns and extra
deep borders, any size; jMonday, per cloth ...... $2.75
100 dozen 18-lnch allllnen napklna, extra heavy quality,
worth 11.25 a dozen; Mdnday, per dozen 75
& Xf -35-
msfflm. ra&zmi
To attempt a description of the bewitching scene that will inee t your gaze in the big Becond floor Millinery Section tomorrow would be
futile. Two thousand hats.- every one a dream of lovllness, the conceptions of a thousand artists, and so artificially wrought that each one
is becoming to some particular style' of beauty. Paris hats, London hats and New York hats are here In magnificent profusion, but no more
Interesting ,tban are those produced right here by our own skilled force of designers and tiiinnirs.
power of this department will be demonstrated by a display of figures for the world's choicest millinery merchandise, such as muBt convince
", the most skeptical that they are practically, throwing their money away if they do not buy their millinery wants from us. And in order to
Kgnnllze the opening we have prepared a most inviting feast of seas onable bargains.'
Imported Models at 938, 935, 946;
Pattern Bata at 910 and 916 A gur
ftpnuit ehowlng of Pattern HhU at
these price lias been prepared for
your rhooslng. You cannot realize
the grandeur and eleRanco of the
Coorta until you have pernonally taken
a ee& at them. We have rautiouxly
elected the beat Ideas of the Purla
artists end reproduced them with ma
terials equally as (food. And as to
style, have repeated on several occa
sions before that our millinery can
not be excelled anywhere tn the
ISX8!11.": nd Si"
Oar Stunning Trimmed Hats 95.00.
For Monday we offer a collection of
Trimmed Hats at t which are nvu
veloMsly corr'ct copies of the French
and EnKllsh Creations. c 'iave been
offering" Home wonderful values at
tliis price, but we feel safe In saying
that in this assemblage we have far
excelled our former efforts. There
are velvet of the popular garnet and
blood variety, beautiful soft felts pro
fusely trimmed with wide, soft silk
ribbons, ornaments and handsome os
trich illumes and a vurlety of funcy
feathers nml other effects. Most
stores ask $8 for hats not C
quite ns good Monday -J J
SS Ostrich Flumes 93.98 Mnndnv, .
ss an opening attraction. wo will sell
25 of the very best selected African
iok, extra heavy; they come in
black, white, garnet) brown, gray,
light blue and pink Monday our
opening price,' 93.98.
91.60 Amazon names 89c Thesi
are exceptionally fine stock, ver
heavy and 16 Inches long, all colors;
Monday, our opening price, 89o.
80c Rat Braids 19o 1,000 pieces
Silk. Chenille and Fancy Braids,
worth BOc, Monday, our opening price,
1 .50 Vntrlinmed "Peter Pan" Hats
fiOe hunches Grapes, 390.
51c Jet and Steel Ornaments, 37c
2 So girls' Caps, 10c.
75c Natural Wings, all colors, 49c.
Grand Opening Display of
Silk Hosiery
An exquisite line embroidered black silks, black
lace silks, plain colored silk hose, at" about h20'c
less than their regular values; prices ranging from
$7.50 to $1.75 a pair.
Lcirge assortment of Ladies' Fancy Lisle Hose
in all the new plaids and 6tripes, all colors and
fancy silk embroidered black hose, worth 75c and
$1 a pair; opening price, a pair, 75 and 50.
Great Bargain in Ladles' Cotton Hose Just
received another KM) dozen ladies' Viola hose,
made of fine Egyptian cotton, a perfect fitting
guaranteed, fast black, ',)c. value, per pair, 25.
Grand Opening Display of High Grade Knit
Underwear Ladies' all silk union suit6,'in white,
pink and Wue, range from $7.00 the suit to $4.00
Silk and wool and all wool union suits, hand
finished garments, at, the suit, $3.95 to $3.25.
Excellent lines of all silk, silk and wool and
lamb's wool Vests, with tights to match, at 2oco
less than values.
Extra heavy all wool Vests and Tights, shrank
by steam, hand finished garments, cream, white, a
$2.00 value, the garment, $1.50.
Opening Day in Our
Ladies' Cloak
Suit Department
Must be a Record Breaker
Our stock of Ladies' Suits is the
largest, best assorted and most com
plete ever shown in Omaha,
The latest models in Prince Chap,
French Pony, fitted jacket suits,
long Palelot suits and Norfolk suits
cannot be equaled. Prices for open
ing day will be
$35 $25 $22.50 $18.50
$15 $12.50 $9.90
Opening Specials in
Our Basement
Indies' white shadow embroidered,
c hildren's colored border and plain whlt
hemstitched handkerchiefs, only 3c saca.
6,000 yards of Venice, Paraguay, Imi
tation Cluny. Torchon, Normandy, Vol.
Laces, in al lovers, edges, appliquos,
bands and festoons, black, cream and
white, worth 10c to 76c a yard Opsn
tng piles, a yard So.
2,000 yards of fancy and rlaln mesh
veilings, good assortment of color,
worth to 60c a yard Opening Pries,
ths yard. o.
250 pieces of all silk Fancy Klhbous,
four and five Inches wide, regular ilos
and 2!)c values Opening1 Fries, 14c.
Real Lace Robes
Our opening display of Real Ouches,
Frlncesa, Baby Irish and Irish Crocunt
Robes, Embroidered Net Robes In cream
and white aaft Black Spanish Real tAo
and Kacurial Net Robes will b most In
teresting In our Lac Section. Ilract
from the Importers at SS per rent less
. than value, ranging In price from S3 SO
to $50.
keel Berthaa aad Bolsre Jacket.
The most exquisite line of dainty
Duchess, Rose Point and Princess La- c
Berthas. Real Baby Irish and Irish Cro
chet Bolero Jackets, Black Silk Venlo
Rolero Jackets; In otir Lace Set,on
Monday at wonderfully low i rices
running in price, each, 9100 e VIS,
For KesJ Xiaeea.
The most complete stock of Real IrUn
Crochet and irlnoss Baby Irish Fin
ished Allovers, Duchess. H'tse Point and
Princess Lace Edges, t to 12 Inches widn;
Apllques, Festoons and Bands to m4U'h;
Just received from the importers
marked at prices thut will sill them
Allovers. the yard. 133 to IIS.
Lace Bands, etc.. the yard, 3J to M.
Oar Veckwear Sectloa
will exhibit the' newest Id'-as In Dueh"s
and Princess Luc Chemisettes, Cullur
and Cuff ttcte and Ktocks, fine Venice uul
H:iby Irish Chtinisett.ts, maikiwl al -
to J.11 j per lent less value, prices
ranging from 91S to 93 each.
The t .Ivor He Malmr and fill (ton Boss,
made of several thicknesses, pleated In
a wide ruchlng. with long sailn strenni
ers; special, eaih. front Sll down tu
Best Lace Kan&ksrenlsfs
In the most exquisite patterns of
Pliiuess Iscu bordeis, line shM'i liteu
centers. These will be sold at 910 to
AS. About ".'0 tu St' rwr cenl leee III. m
Aa OpealKf Item la tbe Kaadkereaie
IhUox, '
Ladies' Sic all linen hemstitched, han.1
embroidered and fine sheer linen lan y
embroidered Handkerchiefs, to be sol
at, each, Sic
Ladies Silk .Petticoats
NerlX thousand to aelect from In
every color.
Opening Day X.eaderWah Taffeta
Silk Petticoats, all colors, rood tyl
ladies' Waists, In wash materials,
silk, lace and net, all new and up-to-date.
Opening; Day leader A fine Net
Waist, trimmed with baby Irish and
Battenberg lace, very swell. 9S.89.
Fartloular attention Is called to oar
Maslin Underwear and Corset Depart
ments on the second floor. The het
styles of the best makers prevail nt
lowest prices.
Infants' and Children's Coats and
. Dressss for all ages uud to suit any
purse. i
I Grand Opening in Our
' Silk Department
I An elaborate display of fine imported
silks will, be found In this department
I Monday, consisting of waiMt uiui u
patterns. Imported directly by us. such
aa real Prencli Taffeta Chiffon Messu-
lines, etc., In the most exquisite flor-il
and ttrtpe effects, and real French color
combinations. Dress patterns are in
' styles especially adapted for the much
i suiiKht after I rincea effect, ranging in
; price from $SO.OO to 9186.00. -
Waist patterns from 933.50 to 935.00.
; Owing to the iiicouvenleuce of our new
, building now being completed until now
i tlmls us with an extremelv lurgn slock
I of Full Silks, that will be sold al price
w hich w ill cause wonder and surprise.
Pretty new Silk fur street luul evrii
; lug Uowns. in printed warp effects, also
; small, neat briMades, floral designs In
I French M.ssallne. These era the sinail-
eat and newest silks shown In the woil l
i of fashion. Ti e regular alue 11.60,
Opening- prloe, 91-00 per yard.
Plaids and Persian stripe effects are
me rag or tne season in silk Tor aisia.
We have them in a vast aasori mem of
. color combinations, in both light or
' dark, ranging In price from Bsc to 93.00
per yard.
Blob Feaa de Cyrne Bilk, Me This
, beautiful lustrous fabric is one of tlm
favorites this season. A complete raitgo
. of all the moat desirable alieet and
I evening colors, will be found In the lot.
1 Included are browns, navys, grays,
smoke, tans white and black. You have
; paid "6c for this same quality, Mouuay
I at 4oe a yaro.
A big section full of 36-lnch ligur-d
'eilkolines, lu good lengths, worth lflc
a yard; good, dark dress Calicoes, in
full pieces Opening Prloe, 3Vac yard
200 single blankvts, direct from tho
mills, nil nicely bound, ready for use
and very good for winter sheets.
oial Opening Prloe, 3So eaoh.
A big section of tie Celebrated A. B.
C. Dress Ginghams, tn good lengths,
sold everywhere at 10c a yard Opening;
Frlee, ee.
AVe closed out 70 pairs of lace cur
tains from the great Marshall Field &
Co. wholesale house. They come in
creams, white and ecrus and are woriii
$1.00 to 13.50 a pair. Opening- Prloe In
oar Basement salesroom, 50c, 75c, 95c
and 91.85 pair.
Our Fur Department
Most complete stock of Neck Furs,
Miiffs and Coats In the west. Wl caa-
nt n..r.r4hi them all. but see them.
Black Coney Coats, brocaded satin lin
ing, 935.
Hsar Baal Coats, London dye, best
satin lining, plain or trimmed with
mink, beaver or Persian lamb, at 937.60,
943.60, $47.80, t0 and 959.
Alnstlan Island Seal Coats, worth 1D0
and U'o. for 9110 and 996.
Genuine Montana Beaver Coats, worth
1 .-, nr 398.
I Hudson Bay Otter. J200 yualuy for
; (135.
I Genuine Alaska Beal Coats, sixes. U4.
I 36, 2H und 4 it. worth K'OO, for 9148.
Our glen's Furnishing
Goods Department
Next to tho Howard St. Kntrance,
main floor, has many attractions for
opening day.
Man's Shirts (or BOc Fine zephyr
cloth, in oxford, blue, tan and light
shades, worth 75c and Jl.Op, for 60c.
Men's 4 Hoss A very complete line
from 100 to BOo r-er pair.
Opening Day Leader, 40c quality, 75c.
Men's Dress and Fall Dress Shirts
Are the very latest fashions, prices 91.50
and 93.00.
Men's Underwear at Startling Frioes. .
Jaeger wool fleeced Shirts und Draw
ers, 60o.
Djrby Ribbed in blue 'and natural, 60o.
Camel's Hair and Vicuna, 1.50 qual-
llty, for 91.00.
Men's Union Suits, 91.00 to 93.80.
Men's Street Gloves, tan and gray. In
Moca. pique and dog skin, special value.
Men's Suspenders, the best lisle web,
350 and 60o.
Men's Neckwear, the very finest Hue
In Omaha.
Opening Day Leader Kour-ln-hand
ties, worth 75c and $1.00, for 600.
Men's Mufflers, the Way muffler, the
Reefer and Scurfs and Squares.
.. Vlirht Shirts, in muslin, cam
bric and ouiing llannel, extra value, 600
and 91-00.
t"hey- THc0RowrT-SHOE companysBlueRi5don Shoes
1 .
coevsiflwr im mr rut 9 mown smo f eel
;r.?r' Houselurnishino and China Depts. in the Basement
A new und complete line (if China. Glassware. Household Cooking
Utensils and everything needful for house keeping. Housekeepers will find
our line complete and on sale at money-savlnR prices.
the lot are all sizes of stew ketilt-H up to 9 , Inches in diameter.
All sizes of preserving kettles u; to 9 inches in diameter.
All Btzes of wash iinns u: to 1 2 Vi Inches in diameter. Alfo dipper,
pie liana und many other items.
Fl'Lli 1.IXK OF AIA.MI.MM COOKING I'TKXSI I.S MaiiufuT.ture-d by
the Aluiiilnum Cookins Utens-11 Co. of Pittsburg, Pa. Thesn poods have
never been offered in Omaha before except by siieuul agents. Come In and
have, their merit explained.
Kmall hand scrub brushes, l!j Indus
in length, Cc alue, a for 6o.
Special attention is Invited t nor
large line of nickel plated Hulling ilish.M.
tea and coffee nuts anil uii k. l plated
bath room fixtures.
Tin Dish Puns, lj Inches In diameter
at lOo each.
Toll 1,1ns of Volrath's Scamelcd Cook
ing Utensils lli-autiful liKiii blue o.n
sijn, uluie lined, every piece warrantel
. an ornament to the klu-lieu, nearly as
cheap a sthe grey goods.
. I. ace Xdge Bhtlf Paper For pantry
siielves, 11 inches wide, ten yards in a
piece, all ccliiis, regular pre c Jr, on
sale ut two pieces fur to.
China Department
Special Sale of Sample China and
Cut Class.
Dwrhx; Ak-Sur-Ken week Pi' sin
Plonks of hlciigo bad u lull smnpc lib
of China and Cut i'i!as on display
I lie ller C.ranil Hotel for tlie beuHit of
vIhIuiik iuci (iniiitH. Alter Ak-Sar-HfU
week e fiun M.IS.':I Hie entire line a' .1
I.Ik dUcoui t They are now ou sals ut
our china department at one-third isa
than tegular pilces.
I.aie table of fancy cui-S a:id sau
cers, bhavicg miiK. platen ami .!ii klirJi
of fum y Inna at lOo each.
One larK! pyramid of Kuncy Sleins.
all siK-s ami vl y lei, largest a!rriiiu nl
iu the city, (13.50 down to 35c
Opening Pay Attractions in ShoO Dept.
We mre sole agents for the Bunter Ilrown 8hoa for boyg and glrU. None
lH-tter. Special attention is called to our stock of Ialies' hhoM, In all tbe dif
ferent leathers, vld, patent colt, gun metal, In all the best lasts.
The celebrated Plngree Shoes, for ladles and men at $5.00
Men's Harlow Shoes, $4 00 and $3.50 In the different lasts and snappy
re 1 s i
v, orth
icntnt.' day we will sell I
I nil e Kloss drlnklnn ti
:ijr a f'oeeu at lc each,
are showing the laruest
if fancy bund painted china in
l he ciiy.
Underwear on Sale in
Our Money - Saving
Basement Salesroom
Ooods bought at low prices In antici
pation of 'an early opening specially
priced for quick selling: .
Ladies' Vests and Drawers. heavy
coton fleeced, a splendid winter weight,
35c value, at 83c .
I.xtra slses, :'5c the garment.
Fine Kgyptlan yarn, heavy elastic and
perfect fitting, 5Ue value, 35o the gar
ment. LudRr-a' heavy natural grey lambs
down fleece Vests and Drawers, special
at 430 the garment.
Ladies' heavy, full slue. In natural
grey und Poelrr union suits Mpeclal
Opening Pi ice, 43o.
Odd lot of Ladles' Colon Suits, many
in extra sizes Opening rrtoe, B3o,
Misses l ulon hultf, ualuial gn y.
good weitflit, all sixes Opening Price,
Misses' and hoys' heavy fli-eced Vests,
-:u,!s and drawers, 3."c qtiallty OpenlJ
Price, all sixes, tne garment. 33o.
peclal Opening Bargains for tJis Is-
lbls 15a duxen infants' Hose, due Ann
I tralian wool, silk heel and toe. In all col
l ors. not every pair Is perfect, but on
none is ihe wearing guailty iinpauud.
j Never sold at less than ;'c Opening
: Price, 16o s pair.
j Special value in Infants' Cotton ili
lOo a pair.
Misses' and boys' cotton Hose, double
heel and toe and double knee, all sixes
Special Opening Price, tne pair, 7o.
Hoys' heavy cotton hose, all sixes, 16c
ouality Opening Prloe, tkreo pairs for
Misses' heavy fleered hose, all sixes
Opening1 Prloe, the pair, to.
Boys' heavy Ierby ribbed hose, all
sixes, up to 10. wear proof and elaatl.i,
26c values, Opening; Prloe, the pair, ISo.
Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, dou
ble heel and toe Opening- Price, the
pair, 7o.
Ladles' fine Cotton Hose, full seam
less, nil sixes, g to 10. 15c value Open- .
lng Prloe, tne pair, lOo,
Ladles' Cotton Hose, double sole, h!
and toe. some with maco feet Opening
Price, two alra for SBo.
Ladies' Cotton Hose, double sole an!
good weight. ZSo quality Opening Prtoe,
tbe pair, lvo.
Ladles' Lace Hose, odd lots, to closj,
worth up to 20c -Opening Prtoe, Ike
pair. o
ladies' Black Heavy Ribbed Fleeced
Hose, J sole, huel and toe, ribbed
elastic tops, :0c value Opening Prloe,
Drug Sundries for
. Opening Day
Perfumes. Odors. White Rose. Lily of"
tbe Valley. Apple Blossom. Viol... regu
lar price 6ic an ox., BSC
We furnish bottles.
Heap Colgate's Tuscan Castile Toilet
Heap. 13e box.
ou.erior pewing Machine Oil. war
ranted not to gum. per bottle, 6c
Fountain Hyrlngc. J-quart, regular
flow, slip pipes. 45o.
Complete manicure Bet. containing 1
box Rose Nail Powder. 1 Mece Toll it
Pumice Btone. 1 Genuine Orange Wood
Mock, cloth Center Linery boards, to.
we carry a full Hue of Vantlne'e
goods at regular prices.