) ) TT1K OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: NOYEMBKU 4. 1900. Over 30.000 Indei 1 1 JL oenaent crib Can now reach Omaha subscribers over the Nebraska Telephone lines. pJ3 fp$fe .. - J v jtLMUBUS-1 v&1 SECTIONAL MAP OP fllK $7Wk 4 " L't-L J - W f NEBRASttlM Shaded circles and squares represent territory of Independent Telephone Companies, who now have direct connection with Omaha over Nebraska Telephone Co.'s lines. Stars represent territory operated by the Nebraska Telephone company. A Few Pertinent Questions; Why should Omaha be burdened with divided telephone service, increased expense and the nui sance of looking in two books every time a telephone is used? Where have the voters' of Omaha been given any positive guarantee that rates will be lowered the franchise says they May charge $1 for business telephones and 50c for residence, it does not say they SKa.ll. Why should the Independent. Telephone Co. be given rights on the boulevards and in the parks, through the streets and over the housetops? Why did they cut the purchase clause out of their franchise at the last minute, so that the city cannot buy their plant if it ever wants to do so? Why should they be given the right to mortgage a franchise for which they pay nothing? What assurance have you that they will spend $2,000,000 in Omaha for labor and material other than the word of a few speculative promoters? As a matter of fact material will be purchased outside of Omaha, equipment will come from large eastern corporations labor will be secured wherever it can be had the cheapest. Do you want to benefit Omaha business men or outside promoters? What will the Omaha business man profit through the franchise. Examine the Above Diagram Sift the facts and you will find that a vote for this telephone franchise means not a vote for Greater Omaha but a vote for private individuals who are not Omaha taxpayers not men interested in Omaha's growth but outsiders seeking individual and selfish control of privileges which have already been denied local capitalists.