Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 15

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The Sign of Poor Work
By A. Frank Taylor.
ALL- suits, whth.r Custom Tailored
or iVeadj-ta-YY ear, wftea new look,
dike to mast nea.
rtir i aaw suit unless It it a Tory
Puak Pie of wrk usually flu pretty
good at ttrst.
Became tbe tha fabric la Stiff and
whether or not tha suit la properly
mate tha Fabric wLU k.U for a Uma
tho hkaaa Klrea It by Old Or. Goobo
the Hot Flat Iroa.
Ooa.a.aaatl a Baa aaar otUa
Shako Uaada with himself waea ke
flrat trie oa his ault attor It La flalsaod
or ko kaa pnrckasad It.
Aaa tkroe or aix waoka lator will
Kick klmaaJt (or karinc paid kU Good
Mosey tor tke ahapoiaaa aad Ul-fitti&f
Suit burlesque ko and ha Owns.
Now an 111 -fitting aad ehapeUss suit
of clothea la a result of Improper Cut
tint aad Poor Werkmaaalup. An Ex
pert Tailor can tali at a aiasco when a
Bult la properly or Improperly mad.
And we beliofe roc should knew
how ke does It ao that Yon caa toll a
ault for yourself before and not
after It la Purchaaed.
Now no matter If the salt be made
hy tke Most Celebrated Custom Tailor
7 the World or the most Exclusive
Keany-'lo-Wear clothes maker
It you see that wrlakie below the
collar to which old Dr. Gooee Is point
ing la the Illustration lt'a a Poor Suit.
For that Wrinkle ia tke Sure Sign of
Poor Work.
The ault upon" which that algn ap
pear! while It may look fine at the try
on will lose Its shape aad fit a week
or a month later
The Collar will Oap at the back of
the neck tke left Lapel will Bulge
the khoulders will lose their Shape and
Sag tke alooYes will begia to twist
and certain Breaks aad Wrinkles will
appear between the Neck aad Shoulder
and over the Breast.
All other defects la a Coat may be
"adjusted" Temporarily by Remaking
or "doped" for a time by Old Dr.
Goose the Hot Flat Iron.
But that Wrinkle or Fullness below
the Collar where you won't notice It
i ' If you don't look for It must reuia.n.
For that'a Old Dr. Goose's unwilling
jri-VYf"1 f Poor Work la a Bult some-
where or aomehow.
Look for that Wrinkle In the back of
Men's Coats on the Street.
You'll so It In Mr out of every 100.
If you don't 'see that Wrinkle la a suit
you can be sure of one of two things.. j
Either the Wearer has drawn, the on
suit In a hundred tha by a Freak of
Fortune been made right In spite of Im
proper Cutting or Poor Workmanship.
Ot the suit has been made by Kuh,
Nathan Sr. Fischer makers of "Sincerity
Who really know Just how a Bult should
be Cut and who can Afford to pay the
Price af careful slow expert Needle
Workmanship to needle mould Shape and
Fit permanently Into a suit.
And not simply "dope" it into a. Tem
porary Form by Old Dr. Goose the Hot
Flat Iron and have It Fade away into
Bhapelessness the first real hot or rainy
duy that coram along.
The next time you Purchase a suit look
for the sign of Poor Work.
Have a friend hold the coat by the
I shoulders so part tf ths back is Horisnn
'tal aad flat and press your finger along ths
center back seam toward the Collar.
If there's a Fullnas and you see that
Wrinkle ths suit la badly made don't
buy It.
Instead look for ths Clothes that bear
the label below just Inside the Collar
then yeur Bult will be sure t fit yeu
and be Stylish and It will rstaln its style
and fit until you're ready for the next One.
made amd quad ante co by
Kuh, Nathan 4. Fischer Co.
Tha 201fi Century Opportunity
Autorri' b!le
Means Money
Your Pwket.
Wl are th olf tchaal
that rrov-dvs p -o.
tit-aj aio..r-r,tfta tai'eiODty.
i saving training by stall ly oparaltca rtPM.r.' ua
. airiKilug aua dMlg&Laf rvwy fciaa ot msior vhlcla,
1 119 tCAit
! t arlva a Motor-Oar, ta armta th 9t taring wnral,
I Lvvra awe P4ala. tut eu caa u r a. oasa
y patatit cbkutt.ur. aavar a aaf a. IU. r
abla to gl ur awtaakebtl sroj. I .r in
i h-'u a Uaarowua kavataaga af gaola vesicle
i ni'-lJO. aua nauiaiu. Our auut ks i u.a
.11 aralI as. but l Warn, g our Kiub oai
.uraau orotuxwa iuvratire i;.oa (or our graU
To rhauI'Mra. Drnrara, Auiauublla I .giaaara. Ma
baolo. ttaualraxa and Paalgnara. M.oua Btolor
vaAicUa awul Id la L'u( tUl a ae wr. tiraalvr
rwwauot-aa Uu lul. sraaUkg gawt d-uiaus for wa
Srtaut auleu!la aa. rite lr t ru vtk tr
u,pla laxava laper. l alotoriiig
T-roa, 1- r. . -e v v i-u I aCMOOL
A.airiia Oaraga. v Vat Hva au. Nas furs Cur
The GuarantDed Cold Cora
j f he 1)
ruggUt Will Itefnud Your Money
It liltOMO-LAX rail
Evsry box of BROMO-lAX Is sold with
tbe poaltlv. understanding that if It doe.
not our. your cold you can go to your
druggist and get eur iuouy.
huUU'l.AX Is coniyouuded on a new
and ctentlflu baois. ukli a-joui.ts lor
the Wendurful sucuess It Is niaeung with;
It Is nut a lot of drugs thrown together,
hut each ingrrd.rnt la put tn for a. aa
i lflo purpoae; ach Ingredient helps the
r liigreWicnta ue lueir aura.
I BHOMO-LAX leave, tb. head free and
) laar after a few uoa-s have been taken;
1 ' does not lrav. it stuffy and atl.ey like
" II oulnlne preparations. Lecauae
TBtxma o QOiaiarB x XT.
' If ruu l.ave a -uiti " (lis luaJ get a box
1 f HkuMii.,AX today from yotir drug-
gtat; II com m a I" u'-WiSe: IUI.
Of'KI H 'Ma ?1j If It does g.U
4,4 aad blllaa if It !os".
f ioBtr An Girev Sid. n Uw Liu fc
Gtnsral ) anar.r Imith.
Man? People vVbo Helped Build
Bellevwe Enjoy Drlof Fteanlon
Together with Apple
and Cider.
A Jolly party of old settler at Bellevue
boarded one of the. Omaha Council
Bluffs Street Railway company's cars at
Fifteenth and Farnam streets yesterday t
afternoon on Invitation ot Oeneral Man
ager Smith of the railway company to
visit the old town cf Bellevue. The cars
were started at 1:10 o'clock and Journey d
to South Omaha, where the new Interur
ban line was used on to Bellevue. Before
the car started Mr. Smith was the re
cipient of a large floral tribute frem the
old settler In appreciation of his efforts
in gettlag a tins opened te Bellevue and
In extendlag ths eeurtesles of the trip to
the jelly arewd.
The parts- mads ths run from Fifteenth
and Faraaoa streets in Just forty minutes.
At Belle-rue the delegation was met by a
oemmlttee ai Bellevue citlsens, headed sy
Chairman Peters ef ths town board. Rev.
Stephen Pbelpa of the First Presbyterian
church and a committee front Bellevue
00 liege. The visiters disembarked from
the car at ths eellege and then west up
for a short visit, returning later to the
church, where a brief reception was held 1
and addresses were sjoade by several of the
Bellevue people. Rev. Stephen Phelps pre
sided. Judge Gees, ene of the old pioneers,
extended the address of welcome, which
was responded te by Mrs. Grace Allen
Bradley. H. T. Clarke alse spoke, giving
a brief sketoh ef the early struggles of
Bellevue and ths gratlflcatlan that he felt
with others for ths completion of the in
terurban road te Omaha, which would re
sult la bringing the two towns closer to
gether. Weinen Hare Refreshments.
A committee of Bellevue wemen had pre
pared refreshments at tke okuroh ef Belle
vue grown apples and Bsllevue-made el
der te whloh all did ample juetloe. A
vote of thanks was extended te Oeneral
Manager Smith of the street railway com
pany for affording the ride to the visitors,
and to Mrs. Bradley, who was chlety in- !
strumenlal in getting up the pleasant ex
cursion. The party left on its return to
Omaha at 4:80 o'clock, reaching Omaha at
& o'clock.
The adults composing the party and the
dates of their settling at njellevue were:
IL T. Clarke, 1816; Judge Oess, llt; Mrs.
J. T. Allen, If 52; Mrs. Oraoe Allen Brad
ley, lSITt Mrs. Bruno Txsohuck, Uii;
Mrs. Tony Tzschuck Oerber, 1ST!; Mr.
Lena Txsohuck Meyer, 110; Mrs. Mar
garet Dalton English. 182; Mrs. Delta
Dalton Mulvllhlll, 1S60: Walter Lemon,
1859; Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, 1865; George
Wilcox. 1866; Mrs. Qeorgs Wilcox, 1I7;
Mrs. William Leaoh. 1867; Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. McLean. 1867; Mrs. Arthur. 188tD.
D. Hall, 1867; Mrs. Silas A. Strickland anl
Mrs. Kate Strickland Haynee; AI. Butter
field, 1869; Mrs. Angle Harris, 1861; Mrs.
Luola Swain Campbell, 1861); Mrs. Julia
Oliver Eads, 18651 Mrs. Margaret Olive
Hallam. 1172; Augustus Clark, 1164; Paul
QetsKhman, 1856; Mrs. Thomas Hendricks,
186l! Emma B. Myers, 1872; Mrs. Wil
liam Leach, 1167; Mrs. Jessie Leach Hot
lenbeck. 186T; Ralph H. Hall. 186T; Mrs.
Idalyn Owyer Tates, 1857; John Drexel,
1856; Mrs. Susie ChUds and Mrs. NellU
Peck ham Woraersley, 1868; Mrs. Baylay,
1866; Mrs. Calla Lane. 1871. and. Mr.
Sheehon, 1856.
Many of the pioneers had their children
and grand children with thsrn and the
party was a most Jolly and happy ene.
Eastern Architects Are TJslaar Brasw
dels as Model Hew Retail .
It appears that Omaha has looked to
ths esst long enough for Inspiration In
building up ths town to occupy 1U right
ful position as the best eitr ta the middle
west Tho east hss finally come to Omaha
to copy Its buildings.
Th. latest turn In affair, ha. been
brought about through tin publicity that
has been given ths new Brandsis store
throughout the country. Eastern builders
and trades magaclaes havs published the
picture end printed ths description ef this
building .0 often that Its general su
periority snd adaptability to its purpose
have been widely, recognised. The archi
tect, John Latenser, Is dally besieged with
questions about the building, and be has
on his desk a huge staok of letters making
Inquiry in reference te sertaln features
ef the Prandels store. As the building
progresses it beoomes mors snd more evi
dent that different Innovations are buund
to be of deep Interest to the builders of
new retail store, all over this oountry.
Another unique accomplishment in arch
itecture Is now sees at the Brandels store.
Workmen have cut an incline from the
liDMniant cf tha aid at urjfc. enampptlna? with
the east arcade, whloh la turn connects
ths first fioor. of the -tw and old stores.
At the junction of these three oros.ways
a customer may now either g. to th. ba
, ment or the flrst floor ef th. old store
or r. under th. street t. th. a.w tt-
without enccunt.'lng a ftus'e stairway ntfp
in any of the Journvya The new buaemont
connection was operating Saturday for the
first time.
tevr lllrt ta Orarral Dudgt anil Mr.
Lagts at the Omaha,
Those who Initiated the plan fur th big
iccei'tloo and banquet at the Omaha club
the night of November lu, are auxiuua i
have it undcreiotie that the slatlncl utt
of honor is te be Oeneral Oretivllle M.
Dodge and Incidentally air a John A. L.gin,
with the rerualndei' th. ulguliurtta as
honorary guests aud also that instead of
being a military fuueilwn U is to be dis
tinctly clvlo and given primarily as irib
ute to tbe great works of development
i wrought by Ueueral Dudgs in this wutui
couutry. The other dlstinuUlied guests
will be there by reason ot tntlr attutdaics
at the reunion of army of ths Tenneasse.
but imt because of their attachment f th.
military arm of the guvernm.iit. The will
Include Generals John C. Blaok, Frs3eriok
D. Grant, O. O. Howard. Menatur Wi: l.;n
Warner and N P. Dotlg. of Ceuncll Bluffs.
(Continued from Beoond Fag..)
Hat Bprlngs. Ark. They will return to
Onutha Wedneadsy.
Mrs. Leruy Taylor of New York, who has
been th. guest of ber oousin, VI rs. W. O.
O.loett. during the past fortnight, returned
home Saturday evening. Mrs. Taylor was
the guest of honor at many social affalis
during her vUlt here and made many
Mend.-i, who will welcome ber oa another
alls. atUucL. Sorojuoa, Volts la gtaag.
Th. Omaha Woman's club will extend an
Invitation to the Nebraska Federation ol
Clubs to bold Its annual convention In tbls
city next October. This was decided at
Monday afternoon's meeting and tae other
clubs of Uie city will be Invited to co-oper-ate
In the entertainment. It has been eight
years sines the stats federation held Its
fourth annual meeting In Omaha, alth.ugu
It was organised In this city In 1894. The
places of meeting have been as follows:
Organised In Omaha. 1894; first annual
meeting In Lincoln, 18D5; Fremont. UM.
Beatrice, 18J7; Omaha, IBM; York, 1SS9; Lin
coln. WOO; Wayne, 19ul; Columbus. 1902; Fre
munt, 1SW8; Eeward. 1901; Lincoln, 1S0G,
Kearney, 1906. It Is time that Omaha en
tertain again. It has not been Indifference
or Inhospltsllty on the part of the loca.
women, however, that has prevented this
Invitation coming sooner.
Until the last three years the Omahrt
Woman's club has been the largest in th
slate. Club interest has hen abundant
and opportunities superior. The federation
meeting, with Its - gathering of bright
women 'and ths unusual attractions Its
pregrams offer, is one of the Inspiring
experiences of the year to ths club .woman
and It never falls In Its broadening influ
ence upon the community In which It Is
hold. For this reasen, the Omaha women
havs rather favored holding the meeting
In the smaller towns ef the state, where
suoh opportunities are less frequent. How
ever, an Invitation does not necessarily de
termine the meetlag place, as ths decision
lies with the executive, but as no other
Invitations were extended at the Kearney
meeting Omaha Is likely to have the honor
next fall.
The state" convention of the Nebraska
Toung Women's Christian association will
be hald at Cotner college, Lincoln, Novem
ber ( te 11. Among the speakers announced
are: Miss Bertha Conde, national secre
tary; Mrs, E. E. Barber, nee Miss Mar
garet Kyle, one of the national secretaries;
Miss Florence Hansen, general secretary
of ths Lincoln association, and Mrs, Byers,
general secretary of the Omaha organisa
tion. Toung women expecting to attend
are requested to leave their names with
Miss Dart at the office of th 1 local asso
ciation. The following program has been an
nounced for the quarterly meeting of the
woman's auxiliary of the Episcopal church.
te bs held in St Luke's church, Platts-
mouth, November 7: Holy communion, I
a. m. ; addreaa of welcome. Rev. H. B.
Burgess of Plattsmouth; business meeting,
10 a. m.; missionary meeting, 2 p. m. : paper,
"Dtocesan Work," Mrs. John Williams of
Omaha; report ef the Minneapolis mission
ary conference, Mrs. Chetwoed Hamilton
ef Omaha; paper. "Work In the Domestic
Field," Mrs. James Wise at South Omaha;
addresses by Bishop William and Rev. Mr.
Smith ef Lincoln. Train leaves Omaha at
7:26 a. m. on ths Burlington, returning at
S p. m. on the Missouri Pacific Those de
slrlrg entertainment will please notify Mrs.
T. P. Livingston of Plattsmouth.
The membership committee of the Toung
Women's Christian association ha an
nounced 2.068 members, ths largest number
In the history of the organisation. No
vember 12 will be membership day and rn
effort Is being mads to secure the renewal
of all expirations and as many new mem
berships as possible on that day. v
The class work of ths association has suf
fered materially as a result of the fear o'
young women to go out alone after da k
AH of them have offered the same exp'aia
tlont "I am afraid to go out alone at nl'-ht."
While It Is well to take every precaution for
personal safety, the association rooms are
so accessible to the car lines that there Is
really not so much dnngsr.
Th world's week of prayer for the Toun
Women's Christian association will be ob
served November 11 to It Special prayer
services will be held In the local asseola
Uon rooms at 12:80 each day snrter ths lead
ership of the In His Name circle. All
women are Invited.
Prof. Charles Zeublln of the University
of Chicago, in a recent address before the
Boston Equal Suffrage association, said:
Five women, who are called "Chioage's
Ave maiden aunts" -Jane Aodams ef Hull
House Marv McDowell ot th.
Settlement. Julia Lathrop. the chief charily
expert of Illinois; Maigaret Haley .t th
Teachers' federation and Dr Cornelia De
"who it .YocCT atrK
by bringing about arbitration are dolat
mor. to further th. Interests ef Chloagi
inavii in nvi men in tnai city. Their work
Is fully accepted by the publl. as within
woman's new sphere. Chicago's free puU o
baths. Its grreat free auditoriums, iu ball
grounds, etc, are only ex'ersns of thi
settlements When a woman goes Irate set
tlement work everybody blesses her, but If
she wints to sit in the city ecu noil, or .van
to vot. for th. city council, that thas. ad
vantages msy be rhtnlned for averyhody
and not merely for a little erun, sr s
looked upon as eut of her sptere Ti e
miffrage Is merely the leTical outccme of
the work that women already are doing.
Th. Cms ha Society f th. Fine Arts held
Its third rssrular meeting at the puhllo li
brary on Thursday morning. Th. society
now numbers one hundred and still has a
waiting list of women whe ire anxious to
loin this esthtiylaarlc band of students. Mrs.
J. W. Griffiths had charge of the pregTarn
,no T,u ? S"' rtl3t wn
""Hy Influenced by Leonardo da Vine!
""' Ar,nur ! wk. entertainingly
of "rrrnt art "ff read
' 1M,r b,y "r' Hayrte.
aiok , of the Madonnas painted by the onn
tampimrles ef Dc Vlucl snd Mrs George
1'nyi e eav. thg "Loireiid of St. CVthlnc."
Ea .h vubject wa illuattvted by stereopllcon
pli t-iea.
Th. Omaha Circle of Mathers will hold
Its flrst meeting of the fall Wedaaeday
afternoon in the Toung Women's Chrlatlan
exudation. "Reading for Children" will
i be the subject ef th. afterDoen and will
be presented by Mrs. Einma F. Byera
The November meeting .f th. loeal chap
ter Daughter, ef th. American Rev.lutlon
will be held Monday afternoon at ths bom.
ef Mrs. F. P. KlikendalL
The social science department of the Wo.
man's club will hold its regular meeting
Monday afternoon tn the club rooms. Mrs.
Albright, superintendent .f the girls' In-
dustrisl school at Mlh'grd. will be tbe truest
of the afternoon, nnd. by request, lll
! present th. work of that institution and tho
ivasons why Its oombluutron wlttt the Lin
coln Home for the Friendleas would b. ob
jectionable. Dean Beecher and Hev. Robert
B. 11. bell will be th. other speakers.
Mrs. K. Remlngtot) will hav. charge of
Tuesday afternoon's meeting of th. cur
rent topics department of the Woman's
club. Th. program a. scheduled Includes
a number of Interesting features.
Temple Israel Sisterhood will give a whist
party Monday afternoon In th. vestry
rooms of th. temple at I o'clock. There
will also be a meeting of th. board, which
will be called at X o'clock.
Del more Cheney, baritone. Teacher of
voice culture. Residence studio, northeast
oorner cf Capitol Ave and Ed street.
Miss Boulter, plana and organ, til Uo
L'kfu. building.
3 KZ
Mere's Proof of Oar Liberal Credit System
The accompanying letter
we could tell you. Read every word and see for yourself how we
About a week ago we heard that Mrs. J. Coderel, a customer
of ours at 183G Vinton St., had lost her husband and was finan
cially embarrassed as he carried no insurance. After making the
necessary investigations we issued hor A RECEIPT IN FULL
i INSURANCE that you have so
tr-;n r ,1,, 4t.:
nan m 1.4111 tio mufti tut llifi I LUSIUIIICI H YU UO. X OU Ilt'iir H
great deal of talk and air bubble promises, but that only requires
the cost of the advertisement. THE PEOPLES STORE MAKES
"We guarantee everything we sell, our terms are easy and our
credit system more liberal than you can obtain elsewhere. Our
prices are hammered down so low that others cannot approach
them. We take better care of our customers, give them better
service, have more consideration for their wants and needs and
will do more to help them, especially when they need it, than any
other firm in Omaha.
im m m i
m rsti ii Ail n btt r j n i
TA V ., T TWW t tfl 4T"f pa m i al m Jt
(Exactly like cut.)
Frames of birch mahogany
Made of
ana are neatly carveo; the
upholstering Is of selocted
velours; makes
1 50
a very pretty
parlor chair.
Our speoiai
hi jTV f?tl . ;Tmf Trust tejzrzzzr,
'' J 1 itIaa.Vl IL J 1ST 4 reODtO. I"' 4 t I s .. " I
mrm mmm mm
AM&m )0$M mmmA ?- y
tt fj W JrVi
(Exactly Like Cut)
Mad. of solid oak, with quar
tered effect, stands 62 Inchoa
high and is 30 inches wide;
. has bent glass ends and dust
proof glass door of durable
ass door or durable
strength; has
patent lock
. ana makes
very fin.
special price..
Terms, 9XX0 Cash, 99 Monthly
This tsbl. I. mad. of genuine guaran
tee oak or manogany JTr! tS
veneer, has spacious drawer, fy
large l.w.r und.r-shelf
and Is pollvhed t. a
plan, finish. Our
special price
Tarma, 91 Cash, 9a Monthly
Carpets, Rugs and Draperies
WUton Velvet Ruga, handsome designs,
extra fine oaality, very rich color
lags, size 9x12. $30.00 f)4 P(
values; ea sale. ........ slaOU
Terms, $2.00 Caah; $2.00 Monthly.
Axminster Carpet, extra heavy quality,
large assortment ot patterns, regular
$1.G0 grade; on sale, per
yard ifOt
Rope Portieres,' big assortment of
ors, $3.50 values; special 4 Jf
price JL.I U
Curtain Stretchers, full size.
built very strong; spocial..
i orrl lataer !ayt H i fatktr and Usthtt
Aba. d H.ia.
favrents Knter Vlaoas Denlavl. ef
Uis Vara and say Tbey
Did the ilcst They
Co aid.
Morris Ratner, a 12-year-old newsboy,
told his doiuoatlo troubles t Judge tiulton
tUttuday moaning In Juveulle court, lie
has bad cousiuerahle trouble with his par
ents and has betin iu court ono. before on
charges of "grafting-," by working tho
sympathy game on bis frleaus. He asserted
bis parents whipped him for not brlugrlug;
boms as much money as they thougul he
rught to hav. earned selling papers.
"Bhe told Bi sh. didn't wa-ut to se. my
bUody faos a.aln," be said, poinUng la
his mother, wh. was iu th. court room,
"tih. told nie 'she UlJu't waut me arouud
home, and I don't ant to go back Uiexe
any more."
A wk ago h. voluntrrily w.nt to th.
Detention sellout and gav. himself up, and
ho has been there sine. Ills father and
mother both entered vigorous denials to
bis story and said they Lad done the best
they could by blw, but he refused to My
hia nrayars aouoidiag ta tb. Jewish ous-
tells the story itself, far better than
often heard us speak of. No store
j v 1
ica tLTiaaX
(Exactly like cut)
solid oak with a quarter
veneered top; can .be had
either In the golden m
or weathered oak fin- 1
lah Alan In tha mfl. II
hogany. Other stores I a
ask $3.50: our spe- - "
Everything We Sell We Guarantee.
(Exactly Ilk. cut)
Our special Steel Range, made of cold
rolled steel, asbestos lined, heavy
castings, w. guar
antee this range ab
solutely. We offer
the above range in
6-hole with hla-h
warming jlosel for .,
Terms 93 Cash, ta Monthly.
Your money back
if you are not satisfied with
your purchase.
Made In fancy scroll design.
run sent posts oa seam
less tuning ana very
ifieavy chill werk; can
b. cD
had In full or alsa.
Special prlc.
1612 & TABNAM
The Peoples Furniture and
tom and was altogether a recalcitrant
judge Sutton said b. was not sura aboat
th. truth ef the boy's atsry, aad bs toelt
th. caso under adviaoiusat. AocwrUlngt to
the father's story, it is a case ef a dis
agreement between the buy aad sis par
ents as to wluit age a boy sitauld beouiae
hi own boss. As be left th. court room
Mr. Ratner declared b. wanted nothing
more to do with Uis son.
Trlek of Uallawa'ea.
A Hallow en trie gut i.oe Ad.rsoa lata
court, oa complaint f st. Kilts, ii.
charged the Andeisoa boy with ail kioUa
of mischief perpetrated nightly tec two or
three aeel.s. gialiow'eoa nlgtbt. Ue de
clared. Ad ilaisua and soui other bos
threw stones through tL windows ot bis
slur, at Thlrtletn uid Chicago atreets aud
broke up hi. wag-uu. Ue aaid.h. uaugUt
Andoisun and one ef th. oilier boys struck
hUn so bard h. was still dlzy troia th.
effects. Judge Euttou said he thought th.
buys ougrht to hav a little leeway on Hal
le w'aen uig-bt, but they must not duatroy
property. Tha caxe was centiauod until
next Satuiday, whan Ellis will Inltsdao.
witnesses to show ths extent ef the dam
age dene to bis property.
George Sohll! was before the oourt on a
oharg of attempted aa-sault ou a- young
girl living near them at Twenty-fifth and
Oak street. Hs admitted the charge, but
was very penitent Judge Button paroled
bun to Probation Offloer Bernstein. Ii.
aud Charles brown tan away from the De
tention school several, days ago. He Is
only II years old and bis mother declared
it waa tha Ura trouble b. waa ever La.
Published by' Permiasion
Omaha, Neb., October 27, 1908.
The Peoples Furniture St Carpet Co.,
Omaha, Neb..
I thank you a thousand times for your klnanesa to me In cancel
ing my Indebtedness to you on my two bllla, oae amounting to 95.41
and the other 147.76. I t was more than 1 dared hope for and In my
unfortunate condition It conies like a blessing. My husband, Mr.
Ceded, who died two weeks ago, unfortunately carried no Insurance
and your kindness Is appreciated even aiore because I am In such
need of the assistance. I did net think that any business house
would do this.
I thank you many times.
Youra sincerely,
frl U H 1 IlllttD
u B I I I I I I c r
'I T 4 II V t II I I 1 I D 1 1 01 I
f -1 tr 1 1
Peoples Store
Brass Bed
(Exactly like cut)
Finished in the latest quartered oak effect,
has large 42-Inch top with s
heavy rim. These tables Ivf tall
are built extra strong VXWV
and are of a high grade I u
oni'r. Our special price asv7
only ,
Terms, 91.00 Cash, f.a.00 Monthly.
Mad. of
See Our Three Room Outfits,
furnished complete for $74.50.
Term f 7.50 cash, $0.00 monthly.
(Exactly like cut)
Mad. ol very best selected
oast gray Iron, heavy nlr.knl
trimmings, airtight maga
zine and guaranteed H repot of
good size. We jm
know It to be A H l T
the best low I VrU
price base M ay if
hi rutir on th. aMs
market today.
Nicely nickel
trimmed, has
screw draft
reglater, makes
a dandy heater,
special price...
9L7S Cash, 93 Moathly
Comes In either oak or
mahogany finish, very
strong ana useful piece
Carptt Co. Established 1887.
ait Tiwifsrr.d fram Jiutlo of leaoo to
ftsWal Co art.
PARTIES UVE IN DIFFERENT STATIS Mattes of Forcible Eatry aad
Detaiaes, bet To Bis; to Aay
bat Uncle Saw's Je-rU-dlatlosv.
An unliiuo tr ansae Uon ta th. trannfar of
a case of forcibl. entry aitd detamar irom
a justice's court to tlx circuit oourt of ths
United States has Juat been aooouipUatud
iu th. federal courts of Omaha.
Ths caa. is that of tUruuct kaU against
tit B. Herschel Manufacturing Company,
an illiuola corporation doing business m
Osuaha, the plaintiffs being resldeats of Ne
braska, and Is brought fur the reuovcry of
posseaaleit of certain propurty ccupla by
tho defendants at UM, t& and UU Jones
street, Otriaha.
Tb. defendants entered In posstrsaloa of
th. property a tenants of Martha M. Ish.
Mr. Kats, tli. plaintiff, ailegas In his peti
tion that th. leas, on tb. property to the
Herschel company expired October 3S, lWli,
and that notice was given to the iUrscbal
company October t, as required by law. by
U tilalutlS that th. ie would, aipire
. 9
183 Vinton Street
Goodi bdrertised'
are on naal all
this week.
(Exactly like cut)
very best grade of brass,
, has I-lnch
posts ana is er a very neat de
sign: the head Is 51 Inches In
height and the foot is 87 Inches,
lias a very swell appearance;
comes In the full sis. only. A
regulsr 186 value, special price..
Terms 99.00 cash, Sa.og monthly.
tig'r "j"
(Exactly like out)
French beveled mirror of
gooo sise, ex
tra well mad.
na m . i v.
Our special 1
prlc. JT
Vexma, 91 Oaah 99 Moathly
(Exactly like eut)
Frames are made ef heavy birch
mahogany with striped veneer
effect, and highly finished;
the coverings are er imported
veronaa ever guaraat
springs. Our special price
Terms, 91 eaah, 98 Monthly
0a a bill of $25.00 f $2.50 cash,
$2.00 a month.
On a bill of $50.00; $5.00 cash,
$1.00 a month.
On a bill of $75.00; $7.50 cash,
$8.00 a month.
On a bUl of $100.00; $10.00 cash,
$3.00 a month.
Larger bills in proportion.
and that they should vacate the property
October SC. On the ether hand, the Herschel
company holds It has a lease (or two years
from October 1, 14, and that It Is ready
and willing to pay tha lease rental of tlT
per month tn advance to Mr. Katg, his heirs
or aeslgns, and that th. lease Is of RMQ
value to th Herschel company, axclualT.
of Interest and ooats.
Th. suit for ejectment was brought In tha
court of W. A. foster, justice of the peace,
but under tha law the amount of money In
volved Is beyond th. Jurisdictional action
of a juatloa's curt, or even a county oourt,
and from the further hot that th. parties
to the suit are resident, of different states
the case comes only within the jurisdiction
of the United States court. For these rea
sons the case is transferred to th. fodtral
It is th. flrst caa. of this character
wherein a transfer Is mads from a justice',
court to th. federal court that has aver
ocurred In th. federal oourts of the Ne
braska dlstriot. The transfer is mad. on
the motion of th. defendants, th. Herschel
Manufacturing oompany, by Its at orney,
Charlae A. Ooas. Th. rulstl. bond of fW
ha. been formally executed for th. transfer.
lone uaad Sale.
Benjamin Folaom of Paa..dena, Cal., wbo
owns property in Omaha, has sold a farm
of 240 acres near i'lrmoLt. through the
Dyron Rvtd company, it went to a farmer
named We.t arid broupht t7.UM. Ths sania
i-oniuan; reports the aie of a hurne at ill
i DOUin 1 wniuv'iui'i a tiiu. ui isaiiaioa auii.
lard to L':.ails iiafike. tio re lu rived to
1 Omaha raceiiUy from Uie I'fulipulnas. Mr.
I UaCa. ia la tb. law ofho. of It. 1. jKtni..a