12 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 4, I'M. c i C 3 ir JL n 1 1 i UVi L-Z3 FA nj rr7 (0) A fu)fPAfl If i9 uw viJ U U i BBBBBBBBB4BEBflBTBBaB C. J. BONNET ct Cic 5 I Black Taffeta I : $1.25 Value, 27 Inch Wide n 59' Yd. n 100 pieces of the celebrated Bonnot 27-incli black guaranteed taffeta, known nil over both con tinents as having no superior for wear, luster and beautiful weave. We are direct Importers of Bon net Bilk, Insuring you fresh, reliable goods the only genuine has name C. J. Bonnet & Co., wear guaranteed, woven In white on every yard: also the trade mark on every piece. Yellow Horse and H Jockey. Made ox- . pressly for J. L. Bran- 5 fV.W' dels & Sons, Omaha, U. Wfc S. A. yard, .AWW I i 5 J- U nJ nJ a1 2 Extra. Specials In DRESS GOODS I n 75c Dress Goods at 25c Yd. Black and atf r . colors, plaids, silk and wool fancies, a 2 Afplrnsp. kptccs. rnslimprps. otc F 2 h vard . ..... .'..ZDC h All broken lines sold up to $1.25 yd. at 49c 2 yard Chiffon Panama, mountain serge, coatings, waterproof gray plaids, black and col- M g ored dress goods of every description a f J S at yard J iUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr B n BBBBBBBBBBBBBB4B4BBBBS EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS 1 In Our Dress Goods Dept. ! n n M a 91. OO Silk and Wool riaids at 75c. All our high grade separate patterns shadow plaids, broadcloth, Marquisettes, silkB, voiles, etc., at reduced rrices. Cloaklngs, camel's hair coatings, striped and checked worsteds, etc., sold up to $3.00 yard, at, yard CREAM DRESS GOODS 60c Mohair, lOr ynrd OVV. 1.60 Silk and Wool Crejo nn L,ollnin, hljn w w 98c; yard i.oo r4-itich Panama, yard J1.3H B4-ln. Cream Yacht ing- berg. yard 6Qc STacht- 2 89c 41.50 and $1.75 silk Eollenne, black and colored J - crepe ae fans, buk ana wooi jonenne, Jlll etc, yard J OJC 5BBBBSBBBB4BBBB4BBBBBB lXHBflBBBtBflflflBBflBB4BBB . m 1 65c SILKS at 27c Yd. Buuciuuy m 27c 2 n H All silk Loulsene, new fall colorings, specially adapted for suits, waists, children's dresses and has always retailed at 60c yard, at, yard w Arrivals in Fine Silk M Pompadour printed Persian and Dresden Crepe de Chine, some with borders for scarfs, etc., CIQ 5 24 inches wide, yard JOC 4 5-lnch Marquisette, plaia and ombre effects, 45 inch Michinette Gauzes, 4 5 Inch Pekin stripe Peau de Radium, 45-lnch Silk Voile Pompadour, worth $2.25 and $2.50 a yard, at jjj 2 Exclusive l'atccrns From Lyons and Paris 5 55 exclusive patterns of LyonB and Paris silk H j materials, selected abroad by our own buyers, $100 H patterns at $50; $75.00 patterns at $37.50; $50.00 patterns at $25.00; a few $35.00 patterns will go g " at $15.00. 2 laBBBBSvB4flB4BBE4BBlflBBBBB 1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB4BB l'LAll AXI BLACK TAFFETA WAISTS 5 5 Our line of plaid and black taffeta waists is the most complete in the city. We make a specialty and feel positive we have the a most wonderful value in these popular H wnlntA at - . ... . 2 The iit It SS silk prttlroa pluld. 5 5 colors, iiichnllnw atriueii aiidtH, newest of stylos-sll mg BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBfc BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 Wool Waists at $2.50 In embroidery and shadow embroidery, all the light shades and white.. A 498 5 special value offered CA 5 2 Monday for the liDU 2 first time, J? "SB4BB4BBBB4BBBBBBBBBBB? P4BH4-BBB4BBBB4BBBBB4BB4.BBa4 B4 Net Top LACES All new patterns, up to 7 Inches wide, wortb up to 35c, 1 n at IJC if ;n 1 iAa K- i qmm ! .1 11 iiwuTn JiiMmrnrTJTn-''Jtr-tfirTirMMWB-jij--.ii tn 1 L --ki six nr 1J Wool Fleeced EIDERDOWN regular 25c quality, n colors, at only yard 5 c Imported Sample Handkerchiefs Hundreds of Styles Embroider ed, Scalloped Edge, Hemstitched Embroidered at less than half price worth up to 36c At Hand Painted China, Cut Glass, Venetian Glass, Vases, Can delabra, Bronzes, Statuary,. Clocks, Lamps, Electroliers and Imported Bric-a-brac the finest imported ware act ually worth upto$25 5 $10 CUT GLASS And Band-Painted China At 2 Imported Porcelains, Vases, China, Venetian Glass, Painted Vienna China, every piece worth up to $10, on sale in our great new china dept. In West Arcade, New Store. HandkVchicf Linens White Goods Dept.-Aisle 7 pure all linen handkerchief cambric, 36 inches wide, at 3 6c, 69c, 66c, 75c and $1.00 a yard. Sheer linens, 36 Inches wide, at 50c, 85c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50 per yard. Xew plaids, iu sheer linens, the latest fad for handkerchiefs, at 49c per yard. These are all 'our own direct importation, sav ' ing all middlemen's profits. cr. c u n J L IF u u The r.loot Astonishino Darcalno Ever Heard of in All the History of MerchandisingA Grand 1 3 U 'wwpnsi We Dought a Gigantic StocEi at Less Than 50c on the Dollar and Place It Ail on Sale Dcginning n pjN rt) p F 7 And Lasting Until ths Great Crowds Have Cleared VzZs L? U Awav Every Barnain in This Ginantic Stcck Threre never was a sale like this in the West never such fine rugs selling at such wonderful record-breaking bargains. Thousands of people have admired the splendid rugs in the window and marveled at the amazing bargain prices. It is a bar gain event that will long be remembered as the greatest of its kind. : Here Is a Dargaln Never Before Offered In This Country: $25 ROOM SIZE RUGS AT $9.98 The .'rugs-are all the finest high grade Axmihster and Moquette Rugs in 9x12 size new and beautiful patterns in floral effects etc. A 9x12 Axminster rug never before sold for such a price as this the richest most desirable colors regular $2 room size rugs at. $12.50 SMYRNA RUGS AT $5.98 All the room-size mottled Smyrna Rugs. These are reversible and can be used on both sides. We bought them very cheap' and although you can see at once they are $1250 rugs we will sell them Monday at $3.50 Axminster Rugs at $1.25 All the 27-inch Axminster Rugs, in the Per-afl sian, Geometrical and Oriental desijns, j easily worth $3.50 each, at " 30x60 Smyrna Rugs at 75c These are reversible Rugs, in the most desir-ns able patterns, size is 30.G0 and worth up f to $1.50 each, a splendid bargain at..' u All the Ingrain Granite Art Squares $2.98 Reversible and absolutely fast rolon;. sizes nn tn 9y12. a.snnal h?ra.iin MnnH.qv nt L3D AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER WONDERFUL BARGAINS 1Z H M Oponsum Cunadlna bcarf .l Natural LADIES' FUR SCARFS ....1.98-4.S3 Martrn double 3.9S-12.50 Kiiulrrcl Zfxa. 2.98-9.98 Long- double Sable Blend- ril Scarfs gg W Ht.iral Mink "iWr'n (FA y.nzae from.. I6.U-JU 12.50-598 S HBBBBIaBBBBBBBBBBfBB eBBBBBBB4BBBflB34BB4flBBB4 ? J25i . $5 Bracelets -'ll a M H H The entire stock of bracelets from a well know Attleboro manufacturer. The bracelets hstand the add toot and we will give a C-year guarantee with each one. In Komun gold and bright finished, band cbaud and plain, lu ladles' and uileaeb' sizes, (2.50 and $5 ral., Monday. . 1! Dird Carving Sets Hemarkable salo of bird and game carver. Kntlre aaoopla line made by the Landers, Fury and Clark Meridian Cutlery Co. and American Cutlery .Co., carver and fork. In box, made to retail at $3, at pair........ S Tabic Cloth A larg'e assortment of 'pat tern table cloths, 2 and '2 yds. long and each of them 2 yards wide, strictly all linen, real $3.50 A GO values, new VU . store, aisle 7, " at, each U A sample line of high grade table cloths, 2 V? and 3 yards long and 2 yards wMe; these aro very Cue Ua- ally as hinh as $5 ' each new etore, ' alislo 7 at, each . . "T l Tabic Damask Two-yard wide, extra heavy all pure linen,table dam ask, known as the famous Steller lines, there are no linens made that wear bet ter; these damasks are' worth up to $1.25 per yd., new stpre, aisle 7, and go at, per XAPKJXS Full size all linen din ner napkins, wortb up tu PA $2.50 per dozeu new H' store, aisle 7, at per IJ" dozen U 75c Bed Spreads Bed. n in Full eize fringed eprade, square and cut corners, worth 11.50 at NwvStor, Alale 7 Extra Lit it Size TuikisK Towels Worth 35c each at IQ-, each ;...ICIC Ginghams One lot of ginghams, suit able for boys' shirt waist?, children' dresses, etc. usually sells at tjl 8icayard, SS'JP gees for .... ... w w Suitings One lot of suitings, skirt ings, etc., very h9avy. u? ual price 15c per f yard, goes at, -Ml? per yard w U Mounted Combs In brilliants and fancy designs. Thetse are samples purchased from a rm J drummer, worth up to $1.23, Monday 'lp I J all at one price I BBIBiBBBIBBKBBBBBBl New Stor LACE CURTAINS iMk-r uilainii all new tylcB anJ la palra, fli-i worth up tu : I'.iii, ko ut i-m h 4VC Ijkc l Ul luius, woi Hi ui tu Ja .'iU puir, gu at a gQ I.Hir I.VIO Cnii b i-ovi i'H, 11 liii-lia widv. 3 yards long. fQ worth up to 14 .'. kj at c-ai h liVO BatK iibuiK lurlaltix. haml made and on Fiem h o Qfi mi. wuitli up to $ii imiIi', no t jiair "O Conli d Arabian in lain., wui tli up tu $10 A Qu , )air, juur t bolie, pair JfJ 1'lnli not. worth iir yard, nu at IT ' n ard ." I JU Sioti li in(lr. worth $1 Zo aid. ko ut fOr vard lb-st tirade Klllioltiu- in full bolts, ald 8ic COMFORT CALICOS tVom 8 to 10 o'clock in the morning1, our regular So comiort prints, not rem nants, but cut right from I1UIB, J1UI I (.'111- ut the SHEET MUSIC OrXBA KITS Cross Your Hea-n; ou iook Aful iIkh1 m f to Father; 1 Know a tilrl L.lhe You; I fl f .1 Wou't You lt Me Put My Amis Around I II r ' Y ou; I Our 1 11 TakH the Train Hk f II 2? , J ffl Home: How d You Like tu Like a Girl I 13 TJ fj Like Me d-t cpy Add le (or Vortar. Reindeer (new; Walt Till thi Hull KIHiien Nellie: Not rlTauoe Y'our Hair I 'uriy; In My Merry Oldnmonile; Dreaming IiVB of You I Hurrlt I : Why Ijoh'i You Try; tiirl You Lovm; silver H l; Hlu5 Hlbbon Kair (new); Lkuterhaih (new , Hag: Hurdler (new); I'addy (ne); ("Indt-nlU tnew) Tu (or 25c BBBBBBBBB4BtlBBBBBBBB f Millinery Sale Stunning Hats That Arrived Too Late for the Horse Show These elegant hats were bou Bros. & Ulnth. 602 Broadwa conslsta of over 2.000 hich claf All the most stunnlna horse show hats big stock, many are exclusive" models, they go at each , oiiuw . r- ought of FoKflmnp y. N. Y. The stoc. ass hats. om ine All the hand made velvet hats In newest shapes and trim mings, Including ostrich plumes In eft 2: millinery dept. . . . , All the up-to-date hats that were" sold up to $5 whole sale, new shapes and trimmings, at SjKTlal 100 of our own finest horse show hats elaborately trimmed with long ostrich plumes, etc., $20 and $25 values, at $1 05h I 1 $105 bb1 BB4BfltKBBBBBBBaBBBB BBB4l4BEBBB4BBlBIBBflflBR 5 Entire Surplus Stock of 2 1 Children's Dresses J All wool dresses in the prettiest plaids, checks H and mixtures bright, plain colors newest trim- " mlngs, about 50 desirable styles. 2 Wrth Regularly Up to $3 i " 1.69c - 9 - Bll fl4flBBBBB4BBflBBBBBB4B4BBB H Ladies' Glace 5 cJ KID GLOVES These are all in 16-button length white 2 only real kid and regularly ffoo B 5 worth $3.50 a pair, at, Jo n pair J bbibbebibbb7 BtBBB4BUEBB4BBBa!BBBBBBBH n H Ail-Over Not Laces inches wide, m CV j ecru worth aWk J I. a bigbar,. Zr J mm All new designs. 18 inches white, cream and 2 up to $1.00 a yard 3 1 . . j . pi gnu, jaiu.. BBBBBB4BBBBBBBABBBBBnB BB4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB m sj Fin Torchon and French Val Laces and Inscrtings All Al X T 1 T b au tne mosx Deauinui new aesigns many 5 to match regularly worth ' 1 71. r, a -i-nwl of 2CI yard. bbbbbbbibbbbbbebbbbb" tbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb i All Silk Ribbons : fetas, fancy Dresden Ribbons, "i(D)c-!5cli my All widths of plain taffetas, fancy Dresden Ribbons, floral designs, etc. . wide ullk moire rib bons, worth up to 36c a yard, at yard. BBBBBBBBBBBABB4BBflBBB BB4BvBBBBB4BB4B4BAB4BAB4EBBBB Ladles', men's, boya' and Kills', in medium and heavy weight on big bargain square, worth up to 20c a pair, at pair su. W fcv Hosiery Sale nedium and I 10c W B4BBBBBB4BBBBBBBB4B1BBB JIBflBBBBBBBB4BBBBBflB4BB . 5 Ladies' Union Suits ReguVar 75c quality, ito silver gray regular and extra sizes special nt 33cs BBBEHBBB4BBBB4BB4BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBB4BBvBBBBBBB ; All Silk Gloves J Two-clasp, fancy lined, worth 5f 5 up to 75c, also all wool Golf ) IO 5 Gloves at, pair M Jr BBBBBBAB4BBBBBBBBflB4BB BB3BBBBBBBBBBBBB4BBBB ! DRESS TRIMMINGS Silk braids and silk appliques, In J black and fancy colors, all the M latest styles, at yard, 4Q and fflchrJ BBvBBBB4BBBBBB4BBBBESBa BB4BBB5BBBBBBBBB.IC3BB i VICUNA FLANNELS J m Extra heavy Vicuna Flannels, the usual " h i)rico 15c per yard, goes at, "er yard. . BBB4BBB4BBBBSBBBEvBE4-EBB BBBBBEE4BBEBBBBBBBBBB ip ui Regular 10c, Outing flannels, in light col ors, and in small pat terns go per yard. 3k I . bbbeebbb7 BBBBBBBBB I j e lot of Imitation, ioadclotb, UKual price a I ' One b 25c xer yard, goes at per yard. , BBBB4EBBBBflBBEflB4BBBBi bolt, at per y Add lo Sack, tor ToaUg: (