Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Sunday Bee
Your Mony' Worth
. Best t!T. West
Vzzzs 1 io 12.
Head of IffectiTe Qhineia Army Lend lid
and Comfort to Canteeeso.
farty of Moderate Prorei Will Haye
Oontert Ofr Hew constitution.
BemoTal of Princo Chinr Imperatita if
Country ii to Develop.
WHk Practically ree-rlous Kil
rleaee Tkfy Are Marias tireat
Influence I pan People In
Present Evolution.
PEKING. Nov. .-(.Speclal Cablegram 1o
The Eee.) The conferences on the
institution continue and are still cegerly
discussed outside. All Indications point to
a sharp dlveion between the party of mod
erate progress, represented by the Viceroy
Yuan hhih-kal and tho conservative elder
statesmen, many of whom are Manchus,
whose prerogatives arc threatened. The
situation la full of interest because ofr" the
position of, the Viceroy Yuan Shlh-kal, who
controls trio only effective army, and who.
wielding a power rarely attained by a
Chinese official, has for the first time In
Irtstory entrusted many of the most lu
crative and responsible posts In the metro
politan province to Cantonese educated
Khroed. while every high provincial au
thority who owes his position to the In
fluence of Yuan Bhlh-kal ha a Cuntonese
attached to his staff. In view of the re
markabl clannlshness and cohesion of the
!a.ntonese, the question naturally arises
to what extent are Yuan Shlh-kale pro
teges to bo identified with the political ac
tivities of their fellow provincials In Slnga
IKre. America, Japan and elsewhere
abroad, whose avowed policy la' the expul
sion of the Manchus and the exclusion of
foreign Influence.
Forrlf Office X Better.
While these important conierenccs are
continuing, and while the outspoaen press
la clamoring for every conceivable reform
from compulsory education, the establish
ment of a Parliament and the abolition of
racial distinctions to the suppression of
domestic slavery and eunuchs, and even to
the alteration of dress, no attempt Is be
ing made to Improve the condition of the
Wal-wu-pu, tho Chinese foreign office.
Uroadly speaking, every Internal change
called for by the press Is in the right di
rection, but the 'methods are ' crude and
the achievement so far Is Inconsiderable.
" .Most satisfactory Is the continued exten
sion of western education, for Ignorance Is
the chief danger In China. Greater
knowledge must bring greater security for
the foreigner mid a greater demand for
foreign things. Thus every power A wlll-
. Ing to assist the spread of education, yet
' every power Is confronted with the dif
ficult of dealing with Clilnn In the) pres
ent voudltiou of the Wel-wu-pu." The re
moval of Prince Chlng from the poet ot
president lc a pressing necessity. The
prince, never attends the office, hut.
dwelling on. a higher plane, grants rare
HUdlnnce to foreign ministers at his pri
vate residence,, (lores dispatches and is
absorbed In srllng wealth.
firowtif Journalism.
To anyone who,, s witnessed and studied
the rise of ChtiT'se , Journalism the re
markable talent ar.J enterprise displayed
by the Chinese In edltifnr and conducting
their Vernacular press cav.ttot fail to con
vey a sense of admiration.' . Similarly to
their general capacity for hundMng the
latest Inventions of a mechanical age. such
ns the motor in all Its forms, and emulating
many of the methods of modern civilization,
they have acquired the art of journalism
In the most natural way. With no In
herited nualUlcations or experience to guide
- them, handicapped as they have been till
recently by an Ignorant and meagre cli
entele ami by the hostility of the official
classtjg of all dngreee. the fact that they
have succeeded In producing organs which
are having an enormous Influence on the
evolution of the new China Is another
proof of the untiring patience, persever
eoce and Industry of the Chinese. When
one remembers that only ten years ago
there waa hardly a Chlnece newspaper
i In China, and that the one or two trumpery
, sheets which then did exist had a cir
culation of a few hundreds only, it Is of
a truth wonderful to know that there are
now organs whose circulation runs Into
hundreds cf thousands and whose status
ta such not only do the local foreign
papers uuute largely from theiii, but for
' 1 signer of (landing contribute to them
' and read them.
Extrav-Terrltortalllr Adtaatawea.
It la equally ot lutereat to remember that
this remarkable progress Is In a great meas-
' ure due to the comprehensive liberty of
th subjeot of Individual of any rare or
nationality whatsoever which Is afforded
l to the treaty porta of China under aegis
! of that extra-terrttorlallty which at present
j forme eucn a prominent factor In the rela
' tlor.e existing between the foreigner and
the Chinese, t'nder the British flag In
Canton and Hong Kong, In 'the Interna
tional settlement of Shanghai and the cos
mopolitan concession of Tientsin, to say
nothing of extra-territorial communities
Mattered along the seaboard of the ce
lestial empire, the writ of the Chinese gov
ernment does not run.
One of the most significant out of the Indication of the great qui
eacei.t upheaval and revolut'on that la going
on all round lu China la furnUhed by the
postotflce. In ll'l there were 1W post
offkee and agencies scattered throughout
the country, aud they handled 1U.&u0,0u0
articles. At the end of 16 there were open In China, and during that
they handled 7,00u.nn articles.
VTIU - - " Ul" nANU
Partugal Tries ta Bresk In Illicit
TranVs Across Its toloalal
U&HON. Nov. a. (Special CabUgram to
f-be Ilee ) The Portuguese government
has been informed that the demand
for opium among the Chineea coolies on the
Rand has led to extennlv smuggling of
opium between Ixiureueo Uaruues and
Johannesburg. The Portuguese authorities ' naval attack upon the Dutch Island of Java
have already confiscated a considerable seems to find belief with a part of the fox
uUltT. jelgn press, the altered frequency of Jspa-
It KuglliOiirMii named Cumuimga has I neee spies lu pons being cited as a proof
tts arre.vA at Johannesburg and heavily
sjj far engaging in tlx iraue. lie was be
frveil by a Cliine( smuggler at
a "SMS. una eivueu mm en uarsaien
"later of Former Leader Betsrsi
After rifteea Years Sarni
In Other l.aada.
nrwj:;. Nov. .-Aft'r -insl fifteen
venrs of exile. Miss Anna P ' sister of
Cliailes Stewart Parnell . esent In
Ireland and Is staying f . " In cue of
the Dublin suburbs. cV V .la rarncll is,
Intellectually, doer ' mother Charles
than any mcmbe- Ay.imlly. Her sister,
Miss Fanny V 'yas a more enthusi
astic nation S--' n0 on cltv vrr tor"
get her T J. poem al'it "The Des
tiny of Irei. 'r" when she anticipated, only
too soon, htNiwn earl?. death, and asked:
Shill mine eye behold thy glory.
Oh, my country?
Miss Anna Parnell baa not so continu
ously Identified herwelf with the national
government as hrr younger sister, but that
she felt the same Indignation of Swift
about the miegovernment of Ireland by
England was fairly well known when, as
young girl, she took hold of the bridle or
Lord Spencer's horso In Westmoreland
Ftret und asked him why he allowed pool-
peasants in the wst to be thrown on the
Tho Incident, at ttie time, dented n tre
mendous sensation. It man almost as If a
bomb hsd exploded In the vnults of Dublin
castle or as If a new Titus Oates' conspir
acy had been discovered. Plnco that dra
matic Incident Miss Pamell hs not taken
any kind of prominent jrt in connection
with Irish politics, but a letter which she
wrote n few years ago In connection with
the visit of Queen Victoria showed that
she still held the opinions of the early
'Jf. when she was one of th- most ener
getic members of the ladies' Land league.
Miss Parnell visited Glai-nevlii three
months after the death of her brother In
order to see his grave and since then she
has not been In this country. "There is a
tradition among the survivors of the lit
erary staff of the Irish People newspaper.'
says Mr. T. P. O'Connor In his Parnell
Mevement. of a young woman, heavily
veiled, coming with a contribution to the
office of tho Journal during Its troubled
career. This was Miss Fannie Parnell."
There was not a member of the family
from the mother to the youngest daughter.
who had not this Intense love of their
Inmate of Workhouse Has Keen
Sovereigns from Ueorge III
to Edward VII.
LONDON, Nov. 3. There Is at present
living In the St. Pancras I'nlon Infirmary
In Gray's Inn-road a venerable woman.
Mrs. Sarah Lamb, who has Just celebrated
her 104th birthday, and ,1s believed to be
the oldest subject of the king living In
the metropolis. She was born at Ranis
gate, and when a little girl waa brought
to London, where she has resided ever
since. Her most cherished recollections are
that she has seen five sovereigns who have
reigned In this country. As a child she re
members being told by her parents to
curtsey to George III as he passed through
the metropolis. Subsequently she had nu
merous opportunities of seeing George IV,
William IV and Queen Victoria, each uf
which occasions she recalls clearly. "When
the present king came to the throne."- site
said, "I W8S In th St. Pancras workhouse
and hot free to go where I liked, but I
felt t'aat I must see him, as I had seen
all the others, and so I got them to take
me to Buckingham palace In a cab. and
I saw the king as he came out."
Mrs. Lamb married a pianoforte-maker,
who worked for. a London firm, and some
times for himself, and their married .Ufa,
extending over about fifty years, was, she
said, very happy. They had several chil
dren, but they all died, and her husband,
passing away about thirty-live years ago,
she was left practically alor.e in the world.
Scotch Company Has High Hope of
Gettlna "panlsh tiold from
GLASGOW. Nov. 3. ncbert Peterson of
Messrs. Paterson and Newlands. Glasgow,
who is acting us secretary to and is a mem
ber of the ayndlcatc which Is carrying out
the exploration at tho wreck of the Spanish
Armada treasure ships, has received an
encouraging telegram from Tobermory. It
stutes that eight gurs, presumably bronav.
have licen loca-ted, also a chest. The sea
hi-hiar rulm und the weather fine the work
jir Mng t.arl.,ed on vigorously.- So
fa no portion of the wrecked ship has been
located, 'rue enter uinicuity winch the ex-
plorers have to overcome Is the presence
of the large quantity of ftnnd and slimy
tmul which has been silted up during the
Hires centuries uy me rjurti wnicn now
h'to the buy at the poln;. where the vessel
was blown up. and the ares, some yard".,
which has to be probed. The syndicate is,
however, quite salinf.ed with the progress
of the operations so far, and Is hopeful that
It will yet discover the poop of the vessel.
in which, it is believed, not only the treas
ure, but the captain's valuable reld plat-)
will be found.
Spa.I.k A.dle.ce C.mpel. tauager
to Let Pet Aaliual Escape
with life.
MADRID, Nov. 3. An unusual occurivuro
is reported from Yallulolld, a bull being re
leased at a bull fight.
Tho bull, which was a imith uUtly fine
animal and called Aldeano, fed out of the
hand of his keeper and followed htm u)xut
Uk a dog. These facts became known to
the public, who applauded Aldeano when he
... i.-.a into the arena
vi.. keener cried bitterly that hl f l. ,t
would be killed, and his sobs so detracted
the instador during the fight that u,,
toreador became nervous aiid instead of
1 killing tho bull with a blow of his knife
only wounded him In the ehoulder.
The audience hissed the clumsy lighter
.nrf then damaiuled that the hnli'M nr. k
! spared. So great wa the uproar that the
president of the bull fight was ebllged to
declare that Aldeano should not be killed.
Waald Not Be Surprised
It Has Troabls la
TUK HAGl'E, Nov. 1. The stoiy einanat-
I ng from Italy that Japan Is preparing a
; of Its truth.
It Is ttaten that a few cimo f eapiousge
date as far back as the Rnsslaa. war. and
no Information of an alarming nature lias
ranched tus autbtrl'lee recently.
Freieh Problem of Church and State Be-
viewed by Member of Parliameat.
Sje Lata Diepatohei from Madrid Hate
' Ho Foundation ia fact
Hone at Iricnos to Bo CoDTorted Into
8how Place.
Thrrateaed Spilt In Party Kalis
Take riacr, Marh to Disgust
of Some of Its
ROME. Nov. 3 (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The alarming news of a
proximate rupture between Spain and the
Holy Bee has recently been bruited abroad
to all the winds of heaven on the wings
of the telegraph.
Now, Count Bonl do Castellane, deputy
of the lower Alps, declares that all this
story of complications between Spain and
the Vatican is a striking example of Inter
national "bluff." The trench government,
he says, had In 1!K4 Judged It advantsgeous
to break oft all relatione with Home. Tho
proceeding followed In these circum
stances was qualified as "historic false
hood," by an eminent republican, and he
had good right to know. "The inoppor
tuneness of thj rupture," says the viscount
do Castellane, "even for the ends which
a minister Inimical to the church proposed
to himself, la indeed fully demonstrated
by the separation law, since It Is the
previous rupture with the Holy Bee which
prevents this lay from entering on lU
Tho French government having com
mitted itself to such a course, is endeavor
ing. It Is claimed, to have It believed by the
whole world that It la not alone In the con
flict with Rome; that all the other Catholic
countries have differences with the head of
the church, and grievances against him;
that even Spain, a nation Catholic above all
else, feels the necessity, since the arrival of
the'llberals to power, of shaking oft the
Intolerablo yoke of the religious power and
of defending themselves from Its Intrusions
In the domain of the civil power.
Reports Sot TTne.
And at tho head of this strango enterprise
they have not hesitated to place the young
king, under whose protection the new niln-
later should develop the movement cf eman
cipating, a they pretend, the Bpanlsn con
aclence. The Viscount Castellane says it would
be Interesting to know, does the Spanish j
government regard there wild stories as so j
much in keening with the conduct of
French ministers, that It Is scarcely worth :
while -attempting to note their abundant
The virtuous and respectable .Reuter's
agency gave world-wide circulation to the
French report that- King Alphonso had
signed a decree giving full authority for the
Institution of civil marriage. The Viscount
Castellane declares "such
a decree has;'
never existed."
It was added, beside, that outside of the
question of civil marriage the government
had to preoccupy itself with the reform of I
the Concordat. Now, It Is precisely the
liberals who did not wish to touch the
Concordat. Such arc two, out of several i
specimens of French Inventiveness concern
ing Spain.
Troops to Leave Old Palace.
An Interesting piece of news cornea from
Avignon. The Palace of the Popei, In j him In the mud from one end of the vll
whlch French troops have been quartered luge to the other, belaboring him with
for more than a century, has at last been sticks till he became unconscious,
evacuated, barracks having been con- J Father Hojnsyik was conveyed home,
etructed near the town for the soldiers, j where rs recovered. He still refuses to
so this historic edifice will now lie re- reclgn, and a detachment of Hussars and
stored lu a manner befitting Its past and a company of Infantry are now quartered
will henceforth be kept with due care and In the village to protect him.
attention. This excellent arrangement Is j
to be attributed to tho energy of the local PICUrRMFnl FACF A FAMINE
municipal authorities, who. aided hy the , rldntniVICI. rHUE M rumiNC
rrencu sow, uio nuimini
of the "caserne," which hag had the effect
of removing the stain. After having served
us the residence of several popes, or of their
legates, the palace has been converted Into
barracks when the first revolution broku
out. Later on It was used as a prison,
thin state of things lasting until 1871, when
troops were nnco more locuted within Its
walls. It Is rut her a curious coincidence
I t,iit honor should again be paid to a struo-
lure which was begun in 1324. during the
pontiliiate of Pope Ileiu-dlct XII, so soon
after the breach between the French gov.
eminent and the Natlcau. This is. of
rourse. a pure coincidence, but there Is the
tact, nevertheless.
Socialists Surprised.
The victory or the "lntegralists" at the
socialist congress was spoiled for them
by the adhesion of the "reformist" section.
At the last moment the latter announced
that they would throw lu their lot with the
"intr-tfi-fll iul anil vote for their nin.rn n.
j an announcement received by Slgnor Enrico
! Veril and his friends with barely concealed
dismay. The party ot the Irrcconcllables
under Signor Itbriola, who, under the
name of "slndacallsts," profess rigid ad
herence to the Marx doctrines, wero easily
defeated, recording only some 5,Xjo votes
against nearly 27,oui. Rut the victory docs
not belong to Slgnor Ferri, tinee the "re
fonulKts" and the "lntegralists" share In It
alike, and the leadership and direction of
I ,ne l-rt' t,n u" falr,y cla''' by Slgnor
i lilssolatl or Slgnor Turatl as by the "In-
tegrallst chief. The congress has not
' "ttled either that question or the question
, T luture policy, i ne integraiisi program
! cutalns too many contradictions to stand
! ' tual practice.
j "hen the Italian gocrnmeiit decided
UP" nationalising the railway system, and
began lust year by taking over tha man-
j agen.ent of th two great Mediterranean
! HIclliau companies, it soon found that
the shortage of locomotive power und roll
ing stock brought about by the old ad
ministration thiealsned to give rise ty an
economic, crisis.
To tide over pressing needs a suue com
missioner was dispatched to England for
the purpose of picking up some second
hand locomotives. If possible. As a result
of hla visit a number of the Metropolitan
Railway company's old engines, together
with fifty old six-coupled goods locomotives
of tha Midland railway, are now on their
way to Italy.
St. Loals Urtaarr la Traable.
MAN FRANCISCO. Nov. S W. B. Would -riilg,
a drummer for a Jewelry company la
St. Louis, waa srrted yesterday by d
'.ecties snii accused of the theft of
Oelueen and W't), mo
may he la allrsd
i to have obtained by forging buajar safya
; names to jvweury omrrs ana srsnas Lm
iJsseiry i4es It arrival (rein aJra.
KrMenre of Heal Competition Be
tween the Carriers In Trsile
la Aastralasla.
SYDNEY, Nov. 3-Not only In tlm ship
ping business Iwtwceu the New Zealand
ports and the Tnlted Kingdom, but also
all over Australia, there Is st present rag
ing a fierce wsr of rates among the several
Important shipping companies doing busi
ness between Australsia (portieularly New
Zealand) and this country. The cutting of
rate Is not conflited to freight, but Includes
also passenger fares. An Interesting point
In this war of rates Is thHt It cuts only one ,
way namely, from New Zealand to the
fnited KingOnm, the outward freight and
naesenger rates being quite unaffected.
Plnce tho beginning of the rresent year,
when the New Zealand government Invited
the federal-Hoiilder-Bhim combination of
steamship lines to enter the New Zealand
carrying trad. the trouble has been In ac
tive operation: and st the present moment,
according to the niansgero of the several
companies principally Involved, there Is not
the least f-lgn of any cessation of the war.
Lor any Intimation of a desire to effect a
compromise. The fHct that tho lederal-Houlder-Shlre
combination are now curry
ing the bulk of the Nr-w Zealand govern
ments freight from this country to New
Zealand In no way lessens- the bitterness
of the fight now in progress.
Adiasre la Price ot Food Ceases
Complaint from All Classes
of aoeletr-
LONDON, Nov. 3.-(Speclal Cablegram to
The Bee.) The English are complaining of
a rise In prices all along the line.
The Birmingham and Midland Counties
Growers' association have decided to raise
the price of American bacon Id. a pound,
and also to make an advance o( Mi. In
the price of coupon soaps.
An advance on cheese was postponed,
though a resolution was passed urging
members of the association to make In
creased efforts to put cheese ot a remuner
ative bat-Is. The question of raising , the
price of sugar was also postponed, as the
etste of the market was uncertain.
The president of the association. Mr. G.
Ker-n, said butter and cheese had been af
fected hy the continued drouth during the
summer. "
The rise In jams is to le attributed to
the failure of this summer's fruit supply.
Foreign oranges and lemons are also very
Regarding the sugar supply, the Cuban
Insurrection occurlng Just when csnes were
ripe ha forced America to seek her supply
from continental beet.
Heavy storma In Spain and France have
resulted In a terrible failure of the raisin
Slovaks Object to the Appointment of
Magyar as Their Spiritual
VIENNA, Nov. 3 The .women of Zobor,
near rressburg. Hungnry, have nearly
lymlod Fether Hojasylk, who has Just
been appointed priest of the-parish.
Father HoJnsjik Is a Magyar, and his
Slovak congregation regarded his ap-
' . i n , . . n Insult in thnf. A t tona 1 1 1
. . . . , . . .
Al ne rcilUH'a i resign, ine muuii-u nun
children of the place, who. It was thought,
would be more likely than the men to es
cape, attacked tho priest's home, which
had been barricaded.
For two hours they continued the siege,
and finally battered In the door with heavy
beams. Then they rushed In and dragged
tho unfortunate prleet out Into the street.
He had put on his vestment, thinking
they would secure him personal respect,
but the women tore them off and rolled
i-..,... uf Catch Will Throw Thou.
sands of Persons Out of
7. ... . u. v
Brittany fishing has
PARIS. Nov. 3,-The
i again been a fllpastro
winter will once more bring with It starva- I
tlon for the unfortunate population.
0 I The fiilluie nf tho flshlnr season anella
' disimtcr not onlv till round the cosst. but
also In the villages inland, for when there
are no fi.h to pack or tin thousunds of
women und children niurft perforce remain
idle. "Last year," said ono old woman,
"we women und our Utile ones lived
through the winter on dry breud and tears.
This year's tears will be all that we shall
have to live on."
A number of Influential people In Parle,
with the Duchesse do la Rochefoucauld and
other leaders of society at their head, are
attempting to rains funds for the women
and children of the Ilrlttany fishermen by
encouraging the laco trade, which In late
years has fallen Into disuse.
No Merger of Interests, hut
I nderstaadlasT oa Matter
of Pri'a.
L1VERPOOU Nov. .-There have been
rumors current lately of a big soap combine.
I Inquiries, however, show thai ihere Is no
actual fiision or ainulgama'.lon Involving
absorption of any business, but almost
all of the big firms of soap manufacturers
have conrlud.d a friendly working arrange
ment, with the object of counteracting tho
influence of the enhanced pricrs of raw
The capital of the companies
. well .,1a Mjt..k1l(wl t . U .
wholesale and retail grocery trade there Is
a feeling of hopefulness that on. outcome
of the compact will be to put . eud to
.h. rfiimnn svstem. which Is now so ex.
tenslxely applied to proprietary soaps.
Where Mack Money Has Been
Sprat Is Nat snltable for
ANTWKRP. Nov. J -The pert of Zee -
brugge, near Heyst, on which the Belg an
go.-erniiient has pent over $7,&oO,OOH la pre-
tounced to be a failure.
Shifting sejids, an lnsunVie.nt duUi oi
e at r and danger of uulllaLaU w,7ls U)a
Jetty In guaigh weaUtae ksve aaaate the
harbor aJkaolutely Impracticable far Itage
vessels. It can only be used for nka
Wanderinc Indiana Will Go to Fort Meada
Fending Veretiationt.
Bed Cap and Black Whioton Will Ooafer
with the Preiideit
thiefi Afraid Their Feoplo Would Etam
ia Utah.
Indians Will Be Allowed to Keegi
Their Arms Vnlesa They Exhibit
eigne at Treachery Signal
Corps at Work.
SHERIDAN,' Wyo., Nov. 3. (Special Tele
gram.) The Ctea have agrfed to go to Fort
Meade In company with Colonel Kogcis of
the Sixth cavalry. They will be issued
rations until the chiefs go to Wasnlnston
to talk with the grrat white father. The
I'tcs will be represented at Washington by
Red Cap, Black Whiskers and Lnaaskin,
who will urge the president to give tuetu
another place to hunt.
Indians and troops will march overland.
This agreement was reached alter a
pow wow of twelve hours. Several times
during the conference the Indians with
drew and started for camp without having
agreed to anything. They were coaxed to
return and would never agree to return to
Utah. They finally decided to accept the
offer to take them to Fort Meade and await
president's decision.
The L'tes have great faith In Roosevelt,,
they call him the mighty hunter.
"He no wants Ctes starve; Know Injuns
like heap big game; he give us good hunt
ing ground."
Credit for the temporary settlement ,ia
largely due to the diplomacy of Colonel
Rodgers. whoso knowledge of the Indian
disposition enabled him to handle them.
Unless suspicious action Is noticed the
Indians will be allowed to carry arms, and
much uneasiness la felt until the reds ar
rive at Fort Meade as they are known to
be treacherous and may contemplate
further resistance along the route.
The messenger-arriving with this Infor
mation could not state when the trip to
Fort Meade would begin; probably not until
the arrival of troops from Fort Keogh
supplies for the Sixth.
The. Signal corps under Captain Wild
Is now working out of Blrney and exp
to remain In the field some time for
Troops from Fort Keogh may be Jte
the vicinity of the Cheyenne reserv
for some time.
lllntarr of the Trouble.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 3.-(Speclai
gram.) The disaffection of the White
L'tes, which U la hoped la now' settle
gan about two years ago when coi
opened their reservation In t'tah to
sottlemcnt. Chiefs Appall and Red Ca
two warriors who have been promln
the recent wanderings and defiance
government, led the revolt at that th
came to Washington, 'and later held
ference w It h Commissioner 1Mipi
went to Vtah to pacify them.
' Apjwih, the deposed leader. Is es
well known to tho officials of the
department In Washington. Over tl
tel hack of Commlsnlnncr Leupp's
the Indian office hang two plaste
relief heads of Appal) und Red Oi
mlRsioner Leupp's casts, suspended on Ui
wall among many handsome Indian decora
tions, have been hanglnsr there more than
a year. Thry were not put up In honor of
the latest Indian uprising. It Just happens
that at this time thes- are much In the pub
lic eye. as they were In Washington a year
ago last spring, wlun they took the first
steps in tho movement which has since led
to such fear on the part of the Wyoming I
and Montana ranchmen. '
When congress passed a law opening their j
reservation to settlement, the ,I-.dlpns j
cnuiun i oeueve mat this would be dene,
and Appah came to Washington and up
braided Mr. Leupp for permitting the net
to be passed. H wouldn't tuke the coui
mlssionfr's word that their . lands were
opened to settlement, and Mr. Leupp took
,nem ,0 HltchcockPP
. ....
"Tnke us to see the great Whlto near
Hunter, take us to see the White Father,"
demanded Chief Appah, dramulically. Ap
pall iiiyone of the most m ted Indian o-ators j
oi ine present generation. He has a silvery
tongue. lie. h.ts much faith In Roosevelt.
"Take us to see the Great White Futher,"
again demanded Appall. "Him big hunter;
no lie; tells Indians with one tongue."
So there was a stnuige audience at the
White House that afternoon. President
Roonevclt received the Ute chieftain and
his followers, and Appall sat in the e:
neutlve's cabinet r-h.l. in . u - ,.
K (ll council t
room." and the president of the United
Htutes told them it was tfue that con- I
gress had paeeed a law opening their lands
In the white man. Then Appah and his 1
tribesmen returned to the mountains of
i lan ana a large majority of them ac.
repted their fate. When the lands were
opened ell but the White River Ttea ac
cepted their eighty acres and settled down
to the peaceful occupations of farmers
I Appah, however, declared that he would
i riiir a ffpni iha ririuu,slilnn . .
! " " ,"", V. 1 " pul "p
r . ....... j, . year ago, i oin-
nilHsloner Leupp went out there to settle
matters. For a time the situation was
threatening. Chief Appah and the Ute
gathered In the council room and Commis
sioner Iiupp talked. When lis concluded
Appah talked. He stalked up and down.
denouncing ine advent of the white man,
T" nst
... ..wiK. uuc. ir. i-eupn. SI-
! I , ,h, J k ki ,1La41,",y
,'U"t "! h'1 TL, J h, ".
f1" KAp?h tM ,rtJ1, Met
,""u- " nita
River Utes left the coum-ll. That night the
ttlephcu lines connecting the agency with
Fort Duchesne were cut aud the situation
looked ugly. Finally the break was dls
covered snd the line repaired. W. Leupp
was not troubled by the Indians.
This summer APPah and Red Cap led
' their band from the Uintah reservation
I into Wyoming, iiound for one of the reser-
1 ' ations In North or South Dakota, where
thP" Intended to visit the Slou. They
"o'd Tenlee and fuws snd purchased a,rma
and aaimun
Walls tksis nisaseits haws never glvng
skuy as guaat a esters at tle radian, bursas,
h ased set be sail that tke efflelals ass
mush gistined at the happy outcome af
tke neci'tialloiis bsureen th sLaan anal
Forecast for Nebraska Chowera Snn
Hr and Mondar.
XKW8 Sl:CTIO-Twele Pases.
1 Ma arli a Rnle In China Shaken.
tonut Baal Writes Ahont f hnrch.
I te Indiana Come to Terms.
Democrats Have Transportation.
SI Review of Election aitnatlon.
Oatlook In the Empire state.
Peary hlp Coaslderablr Damaged.
3 eers from All Parts of Nebraska.
Conarensinnn Sorrls to Opponents.
6 (ioaalp of the Pending; Camvalain.
Riders Hart aad Horses Killed,
ft Sheldon Talks at gonth Omaha.
Affairs at Sooth Omaha.
T W yoming; Provlaa a Wst Oil Field.
Soldier aad Ills. Bride la War.
Services at the Omaha t hnrches.
O Sews from the lows Capital.
French Church ot In Revolt.
10 Crelshten Wins from Amity.
Mehraaka Makes a Better Showing.
Princeton Wipes Oat Old genre.
Miscellaneous Sporting Events.
11 Conncll Blnffs and Iowa ews.
a Past Week In Omaha Society.
3 Juveniles Have Day In Court.
Pearr Falls to Reach Sorth Pole.
Canal Project la a Vast One.
4 Fidltorlal.
5 Timely Real Estate Topics.
Woman Solves House Problem.
Relieving; Congestion at Jail.
a Want A Vis.
T Want Ads.
Want Ads.
Want Ads. .
Condition of Omaha's Trade.
H Financial aad Commercial ews.
12 Ten New Motor Cars Are Ordered.
1 Bryan's Advice to Travelers.
Raln-ln-the-Face Tells Story.
2 In the Field of Electricity.
3 Gossip of Plaa and Players.
Music and Mnslcnl Matters.
4 Economics nf the High Plains.
Some Women Missionary Workers.
Little Stories for Little Folks.
Northwest Nebraska Potato Fields.
Some Qonlnt Features of 1,1 fe.
Nebraska Boy a Famous Vlollalnt.
T t orteljou on the Mall Service.
Pioneer Couple Celebrate Anniversary-.
Scrlbner's Live Stork Show.
Tersely Told Tsles of All Sorts.
H Womani Her Ways aad Her World.
11 Sporting Gossip of the Week.
1 Brer Rabbit Builds a House.
3 Bulldlna; a Modern Battleship.
3 How to Make a Lamballe Hat.
Treatment of Maatela and Kl re
T a. m ...... 41 ;t tFiti"". . . J "eve"
f a. m 41 4 p. m 81
9 a. ni 41 K p. m RO
10 a. m...... 43 dp. m no
11 a. in 44 7 y- m ...... .Vt
13 ni 47
Acting Secretary Says Money
Missing from St. Louis, but
Implicates Mo One.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. Acting Hecre
tary of the Treasury Keep stated today
that a shortage of tfil.&m had been found
In the St. Louis aubtreasury, but when, the
shorts are occurred or who Is responsible for
It he declined to state, saying that the
matter was under Investigation by the
treasury officials In conjunction with those
of tho Department of Justice.
The announcement was made Immt-diHtely
after tho return of G. C. Rants, deputy as
sintant treasurer of the I'ulted States In
Washington from St. 1uIh where lie, wl.h
other government experts, has been count
ing the cash to determine whether or not
there was a shortagt in the cash ss re
ported by the assistant treasurer of tho
United States.
I Gord
Thomas, Who Eloped to
Heaver lakes Dona of Strych.
nine, but May Hecover,
DENVER. Nov. 3. (Spoclul Telegram.)
Gordon Thomas, aged :3, who eloped ?rom
York, Neb., on October hi with Lulu Co.c,
ug d S3, and married her here, took a dose
of strychnine today and lay down beside his
sick wife, telling her he who going to die.
Ho complained she no longer loved him.
Mrs. Thomas summoned a doctor who hopes
to savo lur husband's lite. Two days ago
Thomas, nwuldcned by drink and charging
his wifo with scorning him, tried to kill
her with a carving knlft, but she fought
until she secured the weapon. She hud
money when they were married, which rhe
Invested In a business hn-re. Thomas ran
stationary engine und had been drinking
heavltr at lata.
Foreign Supply t urlatled aad Call.
faraia Prodart Is Oversold
with Light Retnrna.
BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. J. The piierit
year is a record breaker In the lulsln busl-
nnss In California. Fifty por cent of the ST. PAIL, rov, J.-Jh members or the
estimated output of Valencia and Malaga ' Switchmen's Union of North America tin
r a Isles that compete with the California j ployed on the six lines of railroad entering
product was ruined.. A great crop. It Is ! the Twin Citl.-e have voted in favor of
cnld, was expected in California.
The grapes grew, but mysteriously, they
lacked in sugar. This caused them to
shrink. There Is u grest tfhortsgt in the
weight of the expected home supply. The
large dalers In luteins, who do business
In this city dvclure that the crop Is oversold
Lead tvvtlea hens awma .' "its' r
Democratic, Btndenti at University Get
Trie Traniportatiea.
Great Car Taken to Cow Up Wherg
Tranoportatioi Uomei Irom. v
Farties Bounded Lp at tho Depot and
There Givea Tueir 'iicketf.
Scene at Burlington Statloa oa Snt
arday Morning When t nldentlued
Man Passed Out Free Hides
to Democratic Voters.
(From a Stsff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. S. (Special ) Through
the democratic state committee transporta
tion is being furnished students of tha
Slate university and others who will o
home and vote the democratic, ticket. The
red tape which surrounds the giving of the
transportation proves conclusively that it
Is being furnished the democratic state com
mittee free of curt by Its railroad allies.
William Blatts of Lincoln has for tho
last two days been rounding up democratic
students and others In Lincoln who ate
willing to vote the democratic ticket, lie
mokes no secret that he Is working under
the direction of Chairman Allen of the
democratic stste committee. The student
Is then directed to go to the Clsry cigar
tore on Eleventh street. There ho 1 re
quired to register and In told to repoit
at the station. Cpon his arrival at tba
depot he Is given a ticket home. None of
these dcmoci-atiu voters have been given
their transportation until they get to the
depot and are ready to get on the train.
One party asked that his transportation be
given him a day In advance of ihu time
he war to go home, but he was refused,
ho man with whom he talke! saying the
committee feared publicity and when he
got to the station and was ready to g.t
on the train tho ticket would be given
At the Burlington station this morning
a crowd of people wore sent to Omaha on
transportation furnished them by an un
identified man. Those who were to leave
town were herded up at the station and
' n-e- distributed the tri
Vm. Each of them In
itie democratic ticket.
a ... , A r,.. ... t.
had promised
The voters
only sent to Omaha, but they
elsewhere. Mfy were sent down
ee county with the promise to
democratic ticket. Reports from
e state were to'the effect that the
s were furnishing transportation
-Ie packages.
lubllcan committee Is not furnlsh
transportallon and owing-, to lis
funds Is unable to do so. This
t was made by Secretary Perkins
r to an Inquiry.
a Is Rammed hy Merchantman.
ad Kaatalan Damage to
t aper Works.
"OLK. Va,, Nov. 3. The battleship
was rammed today In Hampton
y tho Old Dominion liner Monroe,
sscls came afterword to this port,
iroe. Inward bound from New Yo.k,
ts passengers at Us pier, while the
hip. following shortly under Its own
proceeded to the Norfolk navy yard.
'Irginl'i sailed from Old Point about
ward the iinnroe came In,- following the
battleship through Hampton Roads. Off
SeweH s Point the Virginia slowed dowg,
appiyently, and the Monroe Immediately
rang down.. The Virginia's steering gear
seemed to become deranged and It sheered
out of its course.. The Monroe could not
stop, nor could It change lis course In
lime, so It struck the battleship on the
j after-part of Its armor belt and raked Its
starboard quarter. One set of the battle
ship's davits, was turned in-board, . while
two of the battleship's 6-Inch and one of
Its S-lnch after guns were raked and prob
ably materially damaged.
The Monroe sustained a bad twist of Its
steel prow and the damage to It may prova
more serious than now appears. A survey
will be made Of both vessels.
It Is rtaled that tho buttleahlp had no
Virginia pilot aboard at the time of the' col
lision. ,
Tho Old Dominion officials here state that
the Monroe Is not seriously damaged.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.-I'. Is stated at
the Navy department that the uccldent to
the Virginia wl'.l not delay the government
In making use of the vessel, as It lias been
ordered to the Norfolk nsvy yard to be
laid up for two months to make necessary
changes In its ordnance outfit.
Laundry Balldlng la Wrecked aud
Two Men Killed and Twa
Badly Hurt.
BUFFALO. N. Y., Nov. S.-Two men were
killed and two were hsdly Injured this aft
ernoon by the explosion of boilers st tho
American Palace steam laundry. A scor.i.
of glrla who wen. working In a room
twenty feet from the boiler house escapej
i'.-h .'cred.
Joseph Schweitzer, a driver, and Kllsha
Simpson, a watchman, were Instantly
A. J. Smith, driver, and Thomas Mc
Clone., wire t.iribly cut and
! scalded.
. The sides of the boiler were blown out
and men and horses utta.hed to the laun
dry aagons. which they acre loading, were
iiurie.l against the side of the building.
Fireman McClono was found beneath a
pile of bricks and timbers near the street,
fully thirty-live fet from where he was
standing wheu tb; explosion occurred-
i Members uf laloa on Sis Liars Place
Power la Officials
granting tho grand lodge full power to de
clare a strike.
It Is said that a strlku may be declaied
' Monday evening If the pending arpUoaJtifi .
or increase. wages is not seitiea. A S4
mewling of the chairman and gea'eout'
with the committee of switchmen and
L. . . t k a. . - - -