Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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ifany Olarer Trieks' to Ott Aerow t
Imerioon Bsrder.
llajorltr. After Bavins What Amoaata
to a Competence In China,
Return to Their Katlre
Land to Enjoy Life.
U is the lure of waccs to high that Ave
-ar' ctivtnx made a fortune that In draw
ins ventureeoroe Chinese thec days into Ihe
f.untry by novel elilftn and in "trange dis
sulia. rays the New York Times.
Officially the imugrgllrif of celestials
across the borders is dead. Experts in
Immigration and some lnpertors will say
when quetioned that there is no nue!i
thlDjr. it a matter of fact, however, ul
tbouifh the Chinese population of the
Vnltnd States Is not Increasing and timidity
and the severity of the enforcement ot the
exclusion act deter many who might other
wise attempt to gain this promised land,
plans for getting the contraband race Into
the t'nlted Htates are bolder and more
skillfully concocted than ever.
AfesiUMres sent along the New England
coast a few days ago to Intercept the Frolic
a brhooner yacht, with its consignment ot
thirty-live coolies called public attention to
the fact that the Chinese are still mindful
of the opportunities offered In this country.
Tar-tics similar to those attributed to the
vcbK-l' charterers are used by shrewd
speculators, many of whom are Amerl-
i Chocolate Bonbons
Always Delicious Purs
Wholesoms Difcsubla
0a9 Box wilt aiMk
A Happy Hornet
Every Sealed PackafS gniarantscd
y reatt ana Full Weight
igma hut iuru
Makers ef Cecea aad Checelataa
A Racing
r a
Suits and
cans. Chinese who have persistence , and
courage are able to make their way bor
in spite of the utmost vigilance of the
From a sentimental point of view it
would appear that Chinese would not care
to come here for fear they would be sub
jected to indignities by the inspectors who
are stationed at ports of entry and in
the principal cities and towns on both the
northern and southern borders. This does
not apply to the more comservative of the
race, but there are hundreds of shrewder
and bolder spirits who see a chance to
gain wealth and they miss no means of
gaining admittance to this country. They
are eager to take the places of the thou
sands who are now leaving ths United
States for good with fortunes and com
petences. Gain Wealth and Retarn.
Express companies which have branches
In Chinatowns In the larger cities are busy
transferring accounts of thrifty celestials
to Peking, Hong Kong and Canton. Hun
dreds of the returning Chinamen are buy
ing large establishments In the trade cen
ter's of their native country, while others
are Investing in farms and plantations.
They return with stories of how they are
often ill-treated in the United States, but
they also clink the American gold which
they have garnered. The depletion of the
Chinese population is, ss investigations
made in the principal colonies in the United
States show, hardly met by the birth rate
or by the Influx of ths orientals across
the borders. The result of all this has
been to Increase the wages of Chinese
workmen in America to exorbitant flgurer..
Chinese are in demand not only for work
as laundrymen, but as highly paid ser
vants. The prevailing rate for laundry-
men Is from J15 to (30 or more a week, with
board. Once a Chinese has learned the use
of Irons and starch his services are in de
mand at the highest figures. To keep up
with their work some of the larger Chinese
laundries have been obliged to hire white
help. Others whose proprietors cannot get
along under such an arrangement are sell
ing their establishments. Chinese laundrlr-s
are at present for sale by the score, bo
cause of the scracity In the labor market.
Owners of these establishments are un
usually libersl in their treatment of em
ployes. Where a charge of 10 cents is made
for laundering a garment the proprietor
geta 3 cents and the Ironer 7. The S cents
represents the cost of washing, materials
and rent. To even un accounts the owner
works, crediting the house with the labor
of his own hands. If the patronage hap
pens to run light, however, he takes what
his men ore unable to do. It is lmpossihla
to keep them unless they are able to main.
Uilu uu u.cragn of at least tlj a week.
Many ironers of more than average tntel
llKence have been rejecting offers of clerk
ships at $15 to $20 a week and soma are
working only part time, so as to attend
schools and colleges. .
Make Money la Laundry.
Chinese laundrymen who save tsO a month
out of their warn are common. It costs
only It a month to maintain one person In
China. A laundryman In this city, for in
stance, tnav send money home tn maintain
wife and children, also his parents and the
parents of his wife, if need be, to say noth
ing of contributing to the support of a
needy member of the clan, and yet be able
to have a substantial emergency fund.
Within a year or so an expert laundry,
man may establish a shop of his own or
found a little business In oriental wares
If he does he may go to China, visit as
long as he wlbhcs and boldly pass through
a prt of entry as a merchant, for ho is
entitled to that privilege under the law.
Tim Ironing board at the prevent time, how
ever, is ths beat means by which the av
erage Chinaman may tind lire smooth and
To get a chance to aviul himself of pres.
ent conditions la tha labor market Chinese
it ii
Oose-Out Sale
Kohn Brothers
Each Garment in the Very Latest Style and Cut
Worsteds, Gheviots, Tweeds,
Blacks and Blues
Goods Made to Sell up to Thirty Dollars
Your (Slholce
Who have initiative or are under the direc
tion of 'some American adventurer who Is
bold and resourceful frequently make their
way here by methods underground and
oversea. '
Although smuggling them across the
Canadian border is now almost stopned,
some of the most Ingenious schemes are em.
ployed with succetis. It is a popular fal
lacy that all Chinese look alike and that
no matter how they are arrayed they will
betray at a glance their orinental origin.
There are white men in Vancouver, B. C,
who do not accept that theory, for by
shrewd manipulation they are able to con
vert the most thorough going Chinese Into
an American or Canadian farmer.
Tricks to Cross Border.
A coarse shirt, a pair of blue overalls
and a straw hat will work wonders in the
hands of an expert. Parties of Chinese
going across the Dominion In bond not in
frequently leave the trains forty or fifty
miles before reaching the boundaries of the
United States. Here they are taken in
hand by one who understands something
of theatrical makeup and converted into
tramps, farmers or whatever he thinks
would be best suited to their talents.
After that it is a walk to the border, and
in many cases It Is possible for the coolies
to gain their destination. Once within the
borders of this country they usually prowl
forty or fifty miles farther before they
think It safe to board a train and proceed
in a more conventional manner.
Chinese have been Intercepted in the
stats of Washington making their way on
boats In the rivers, ostensibly bound to
work as laborers on some of the large
farms. They are disguised as Immigrants
of other nationalities. Msny of tbera have
essayed the roles of Italians after Incasing
themselves In corduroy Jackets and trous
ers and tying gayly-colored silken hand
kerchiefs about their necks.
It la along the Rio Grande border, how
ever, that the smuggling of disguised
Chinese is conducted with consummate
finesse. The schemes in use there if fol
lowed by a really capable Chinaman are
usually effective". Hundreds of the more
Intelligent are landed in Havana and at
Mexican ports, whence they can make their
way to this country.
Arc Welcomed la Mexico.
Chinese Immigration is welcomed in Mex- i
ico. There is a tradition preserved In the
old histories of the celesta! empire that
centuries ago trading junks from China
landed on the western coast ot Mexico and
opened up commercial relations with the
subjects of Montezuma. The Chinese often
have in mind thla ancient relation when
they go to the country over which rules
President Dias. The Chinese learn Spanish,
adopt the Mexican dress and manners,
learn to wear a sombrero with grace and
often after waiting for two years to per
fect themselves In being Imitation Mexicans
they boldly cross the southern border and
make their way to the nearest Chinatown.
They do not like sombreros much; neither
do they taks a great fancy to jingling
Once In their element, they are back
again in slouch hats, blouses and woolen-
soled slippers. As Mexicans, however, after
they have permitted the hair to grow on
their heads and have learned a glib com
mand of Spanish, they are able to pass
muster without having suspicion attracted
to them. Many of the stations along the
Mexican railroads, or restaurants near
them, are used as depots for receiving
Chinese-Mexicans who are to be conveyed
into ths United SUtes.
Some of the Chinese under the direction
of shrewd agents have even passed over
both the Canadian and Rio Grande borders
garbed as nun. Most of them are born
Imitators and once they liave seen their
Instructor in familiar poses they follow his
directions to the letter.
Utile is htaid these days of the specta
Three Gigantic Lots
3I 1
cular methods Of running the blockade
which were once employed by eager
Chinese and have dropped Into disuse.
Chinese no longer have themselves packed
up in boxes or chests and sent by express;
neither do they go in vans, which are likely
to be suddenly tipped Into rivers. Thete
are seldom wild chases across the snow
from Canada to the United States with ac
companiments of baying hounds and bark
ing revolvers. Such methods are Irregular
and unreliable and they have been sup
planted by those which are esteemed as
more businesslike.
This recent expedition, in which it is
alleged the Frolic has taken part, has
more of the melodramatic spirit in It and
it had Its origin in peculiar conditions.
Chinese are not welcomed In Canada any
more than they are here and a head tax
of toOO each is placed upon them. It is
regarded as, in fact, prohibitive. Until
three months ago, when a law was passed
assessing them at &K0 a head, no such tax
was exacted in Newfoundland.
Chinese could be carried in bond from
Vancouver without having to pay the Im
post demanded of them in the dominion
and the result has been that many of them
availed themselves of thorn conditions. It
was until quite recently the custom to per
mit Chinese, who were supposed to be on
their way to the United States with proper
credentials to remain in Canada for ninety
days before they were notified to proceed
with their Journey. By a special arrange
ment, however, with the Canadian Paclflo
the Chinese were rushed through the
British territory without having the ad
vantage of the ninety-day clause. This
arrangement, however, did not hold with
certain smaller railroads which carried
passengers to Newfoundland. The United
States Chinese inspectors have negotated
an arrangement within the last few weeks
under which Chinese supposed to be on
their way to the United States must be
bonded, even If they are carried to desti
nations In the provinces.
There are now snld to be hundreds of
Chinese In Newfoundland who have for
months been waiting their chance to at
tain their ultimate goal, the United States.
The Krolic is credited with landing two con
signments of them in the neighborhood of
Boston, despite the vigilance of revenue
Problems for Inspectors.
One t the problems which have worried
the Chinese Inspectors stationed at Malone.
which Is the point in this state where many
Chinene are brought from Canada, is the na
tivity clause. Scores of them present them
selves and submit to srrest, for they have
about them as a usual thing nothing which
Indicates any claims which they may be
inclined to make. Hardly have they been
taken Into custody, however, when rela
tives or friends, accompanied by a shrewd
lawyer, go to the rescue with birth certifi
cates and affidavits which show that try
persons detained were really born in the
United States, and as such are entitled to
admission. It Is estimated by a prominent
inspector that if all the claims to American
birth made by Chinese be true every
" Jl mIui uuiuil.'. t r,-r tkA Vti-
I ! Watt. i.r.i 1. t. I-.
M fmp a. r U4 luaol BISJ OH.
l latent. 'rlia-ro..Afi .Tl H nrtaow St.. T
NOVEMBER 3, 1006.
usiness or
Dress Wear
Chinese family in this country must have
seventy-five children.
Until within the last few weeks the
Chinese who made thla claim to native
birth under instructions from their ad
visers did not talk, but they are now re
quired to submit to a cross examinnt' .n.
Occasionally fatal and glaring Inconsisten
cies in their claims are detected, which re
sult in their exclusion.
Another method employed In getting
across the border depends upon the making
of one passport do for several Chinese.
Even by the use of elaborate anthropo
metric measurements it Is difficult to dis
tinguish one from another. Even the pho
tographs on these documents are changed
to suit the various persons to whom they
are given. The fact that the color of eyes,
the complexion and the facial appearance
of them are so much alike aids In making
one passport do more service than It was
Intended should be required of it.
Chinese of Intelligence who can give any
evidence that they are not laborers, but
actually merchants, are ablo to get Into the
United States with little trouble. One of
the familiar schemes and It Is one which is
often successful Is employed by merchants
for the benefit of friends and relatives who
may wish to establish themselves here.
The merchant will practically close out his
business, leaving, however, a few outstand
ing accounts. Sometimes, If his customers
are good iay, two or three obliging friends
may consent to be debtors. The merchant,
after confortubly establishing himself In
China, sends his friend or kinsman over to
the United States to close out his business,
looking after bis bad debts and generally
adjusting things. Duly certified accounts
are shown to the inspectors to demonstrate
the necessity for admitting the "merchant"
without delay. Frequently such a one Is
found ironing shirts in a laundry, but his
legal status Is that of a dealer.
Aside from the Chinese who gain admit
tance through the gates of the country by
means ot keys to which they have no legal
right there Is a vast majority who. as mer.
chants, students, travelers or actors are
entitled to all the privileges guaranteed
them under the statute. The classes with
money do not have to fear being submitted
to inconvenience. As far as the celestials
are concerned who g t lu without comply
ing with the law, the high wages and the
industrial opportunities here make the
game for them well worth the candle if
they succeed.
Father of Thlrt) -Three Children.
There is in the Belly Oak workhouse an
inmate named John George 8 1 rat ton, who Is
the father of thirty-three children. His
case came before the guardians this week,
when inquiries were made as to a mainte
nance contribution from his. family.
Stratton Is to years of age and his third
wife, who l with him in the Institution, Is
67. His thirty-three children are scattered
all over the world and nono is in a position
to ass-ixt the father.
His first child was born two month after
Queen Victoria came to the throne. It was
a girl, who has now attained the age of 69
and lives In London. His youngest child is
?t, so it will be seen there is a difference
between the first ond last of forty-five
years. London Chronicle,
See Sunday Dinner bargain- So. 11, page 13.
Chinese Printers.
The Chlntse, who are sald to have In
vented printing, have made little progress
In Its development. Setting type by the
Chinese method is a slow procers. The
Chinaman's "case" is a whole room. The
walls of the room, up to the height of the
compositor's . head, are made slanting; and
there the S.ouO or ti.WO characters are di
vided off into clasars by partitions. The
American printer has all the type In a
snnsll case In front of him, and can easily
reach every Uttsr with sue hand without
. Mrntor-Coopor Tnioii SaM, $5 to f t reit,
"IiUierae" doable front and back Shirts, double seat Drawers,
$ZJiO, $a.00 and $1.50.
Odds in All-wool Shirt and Drawers, 91 at 69c.
Men's and Boys' Sweaters, coat and other styles, $4 to 30c.
Cardigan Jackets, 95 to $1.
Berlin Jeraejr Office Knit Coat, 95 to 93.
Bine Flannel and Fancy All Wool Shirts, 93 to 91.
Hansen's Sample Line of Gloves, 90 to 25c a Fair.
moving from his seat. The Chinese printer
may go to one corner of the room to gst
one type, and then to the opposite corner
to ge ths next typ- Even with this slow
process, the Chinaman has made consider
able Improvement over his former methods,
by employing the American "stick,"
"forms," "Imposing stone," "keys" and a
press similar to the American make. Ths
Chinese compositor carries the copy in his
head, for the Chinaman has a wonderful
memory. This he must have In order to
learn the language and become familiar
with the thousands of characters necessary
to read and write. The printer looks at
the copy once and Is able to set up an en
tire article of. say 500 words, without con
sulting it again.
He Was Loofclncr for Trouble nnd His
Quiet Partner Ulelned
Him Out.
A smart young drummer was driving
his hired team along a difficult bit of
Wyoming road when he overtook a rather
dignified old man who was walklrur in the
direction In which he wss driving.
"Have a lift?" inquired "our Mr. Simp
son" genially.
"Thank you, sir," and ths old man took
a seat In the buggy beside the drummer.
The team happened to be a pair of half
broken bronchos a fact upon which the
drummer enlarged gleefully ss he slack
ened the lines and gave the horses their
heads a trifle. They were off at a jump,
and as the buggy swung violently sround
a curve the old man was all but thrown
out to the great amusement of the smart
young drummer. When this occurred a
second time the old man said politely:
"If it Is all the same to you. elr, I should
be obliged if you would drive a little more
"Oh. If you sre afraid. "-n sneered the
young man unpleasantly, "perhaps you had
better do the driving."
.The old man looked at him for a moment
with a look In his eyes which the drum
mer never forgot.
"Perhaps you are right, sir." he said
with the utmost politeness, as he took the
lines. Then he reached for the whip In
the whip socket and, leaning over the
As announced yesterday, the cUar war is Just commencing The real
fighting will be done from now en. We give below a few pi Ices on wtjll known
brands of clrars We onlv quote goods we can furnish in prime duality and
at BAX.r-VBIOX OB LESS. ' qu'y ana
Out-of-town customers may have cigars mulled or expressed l.v arlrtln -to
the price loc for box of 25 and 30c for box of 60.
We mention beow a 'w our leaders, hut we have a hundred more
iwiu,, wkva& wu a n im w t.
10c. Ranches At llHva. clear Havana
6c: S2.50 box of ul).
10c Hasel Kirke, perfecto size, it;
$1.25 box of 25.
10c Tellers for 5c; 12.60 box of 60.
Tom Moore Bouquet, 4 for ,'5c; H.fu
box of :5.
3 for 26c. Sanchez & Haya, clear Ha
vana, To each; $3..)0 box of 10.
10c Porto Ricos for 6c; ti box of SO.
10c Grace Kimball for 6c; (1.6 bojt
of 26.
Robert Burns, 4 for Jjc; 3 box
of 60.
loc Lady Lenox. 4 for 26c; $1.60 box
of 25. ,
10c Garcia Bros.' clear Havana, 4 for
25e; 3 hox of 60.
Porto Rico Stogies, 6 for 10c.
10c La Vuelta for 5c; t:.0 box
of 60.
But we have all the other (Opular 6c brands, 3 for 10a. We have a most
complete line of Garcia Bros, and Fernandas clear Havana gocxX., as wtll as
most of the well known brands of Key West and domestic cigars.
Watch our ads snd our window and follow the crowd of smokers.
Sherman & McCor.nslI Drug Co.
4 ha
dashboard, he lashed first one broncho and
then the other.
"Are you afraid, sir?" he demanded,
turning upon the drummer, but before tha
terniled drummer could reply he threw
both lines out of the buggy, and the run
away horses, with the lines dragging, tore
around the curve at a pace at which "our
Mr. Simpson", never had ridden.
Both men were thrown out snd the buggy
splintered. The old man, the first to srlse
from the wreck, stood over the prostrate
drummer ss he returned to consciousness
and again demanded:
"Are you afraid, sir?"
The smart young man learned ultimately
that his patfceuger was Major Welten.
whose reckss courage is a bywerd
throughout Wyoming. Llpplncotfs Maga
zine. He Silenced Him.
"The corporations must be cr-r-rushd!"
roared the candidate.
"Hold on," shouted a man In the gal
lery, ".voti yourself are a stockholder In
at least three corporations that I know
The candidate frowned darkly.
"Well," he cried, "If there were nn stock,
holders there wouldn't be any corpora
tions." "I admit it," shouted the man in the
"And If there were no corporations they
couldn't be crushed,' could they?"
With a withering glance at the man in
the gallery the candidate resumed his ar
gument. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Grasping; Spirit.
"This somewhat grasping spirit," sal. I
Senator Burrows; In the course of a recent
argument, "reminds me of a woman who
dropped In the other day at a certain bsnk.
Going to the paying teller's window she
opened her pockett-ook. took out a chark
and pushed It under the brass gratlif
'Cash this, please,' she said. But the pajir K
teller, after one glance at her check, put-hed
it back to the woman again. 'I can't ca.'li
It, madam,' he snld. 'It isn't filled In." Tbeie
is my hu.Hband's signature on It,' the womin
said excitedly. 'Yes, I know,' admitted ths
teller, 'but there is no amount.' Oh, never
mind that,' said the woman Impatiently.
'Give me what there is.' "
See Sunday Dinner Bargain No. 10. page II.
10c Colonel Cervantes (Porto Rico)
tor &; $2 box of ,0.
And many other brands of lOe
Ogars for Co ,
All Bo Cigars 3 for loo We mention
be kiw a lew l.ran.l.s now In stock and
sold S for 10c:
Little Tom.
Old Chest,
Hon Armors.
Henry George,
Only Cuba.
Kojal Blue.
Corner 16 tH
and Dodre