Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Grand Handkerchief Sale Salird i '
Saturday morning begins tha
greatentale or Ladies' and Child
ren's Handkerchiefs ever held la
W a
v WIMHUft.
liaiMlkcttlilcfs worth up to ic,
In nine great lot). ranging in prici
from t , c to lc
Islrf.t llunUkcrt hlrfs for l!e
ra h Fine sheer hemstitched
cotton handkerchief, just the i
thing for school children, limit of
one doT?n to a customer at.
each 154
All LyLxJYjS
Special Sale of Ladies' Gloves
Saturday's Special Underwear Bargains
Just at the time when you nerd them most we offer you a splendid opportunity o
buv your winter tindcrwar at a sulmtaniMI saving. This stores i filiation as
iindrrKrar leader has Inn; hoen established, nnd our offering are only nt worthy
garments with grat econorrv to le en loved In iircl'.iie nl Hstiirduy's pries.
ladies' TJnloa Salt Swi rl'rei1. xllk nml wool, in
- . o.nit lone or while. One ImKoiici garments. s;'e pro "
JJ.9S and , i.M
Ladles' Union Suit All w ol In Rivys, hi o k or w line,
nnrmrnts thai soi.1 up to I.'.&u. eicclal Saiuriluy ei.bO
Ladies' Union Salts Heavy fWced. In pure write, rvu
ular ami exira slscs. splcnni.l alue al . . . .
Ladies' 11.00 rinct Lined Union tilta
ili.iillty, In Saturday's .alr
Laflcs' Wool Unlirmtt- liroken lota t lint
1 Lot Handkerchief for 2ic In- i 6th Lot Handkcirhlefs for 10c Fine
ludoa ladles' plain white or fancy
holder and some embroidered hand
kerchief, worth up to 7c each
choice 2 3s
S1 Lot Handkerchief a for 3 He A
fine line with sheer colored borders
and fancy embroidered corners, good
lOo values, In this sale, each. .34,
4 Hi lot Handkerchiefs at fk- Fine
hemstitched pure linen handkerchiefs
and a complete line of pure linen
hand embroidered Initial handker
chiefs, the greatest snap of the sea
son at, each 5
rh Lot Handkerchiefs for Tf
This lot includes the 15c quality
sheer hemstitched linen and fancy
scolloped border Swiss goods, all in
one great lot at, choice 7H
Swiss and linen embroidered and
hemstitched, worth 20c each; your
choice in this sale, each 10t
Till Iot naiulkerchlefs at 12c
This line Is worth 26c to 35c each
and all tre remarkable Tslnes at,
each 12 H 4
8th Iot Handkerchiefs at 13c In
cludes pure linen, fine Swiss and
fancy initial handkerchiefs In Sat
urday's sale 15
0th lot Handkerchief worth Hp to
BOc at 19c A line of the finest pure
linen hand embroidered handker
chiefs, worth up to 60c Saturday,
at 10
Unequalled Millinery Bargains
Never before in the history of
Omaha merchandising have such val
ues in stylish, millinery been offered.
$5 and $3 Trimmed Hats at $1.93
Handsome silk velvet hats, trimmed
with ostrich plumes, flowers,
breasts, wings, grapes and ornaT
ments, while they last, An
at, choice I oJO
Children's Hat Specials The new
uneyenne hat, made of good felt,
trimmed with plaid ribbons and quills, regular $2.00 value
8Pcial ." $1.50
xear oinn uaps, special at . . . JJ8
75c Angora Tama, very special at 10
Everything marked in plain figures. A little business prin
ciple that is winning ns many new friends and patrons.
See our Sixteenth St. window, display.
jf Groceries! Groceries! Groceries!
, ' Hajdtifs Lead Them All For Highest Quality, Lowest Prices And
Freshest Goods.
The coinnletne8s of our showing and the remarkably low prices makes
ours the mont popular Omaha fclove department. Style or quality 8 con
trolled only by jour desire everything from the most inexpensive glove of
satisfying quality to the finest Is shown In complete assortment. Iet us fit yo"
Ladles' $2.50 Kid Gloves, 8-button
length, in black, whita or colors;
Saturday $1.08
Ladles' 12-Button Kid Gloves, in black,
white or colors, $3.50 values; Satur
day 32.03
Ladles' 16-button gloves, in French
lamb skin, black, white or colors,
$1.00 quality, at $3.50
Ladle Suede Gloves Silk lined or un
lined, regular $2.00 quality; Satur-
r $1.50
Great Opportunity for Sheet
Music Buyers
Lateat and most popular sheet music, vo
cal and Instrumental at c per copy.
Any three coptea for 26c.
Add 1c per copy for poatare In orderlna
by mall.
"Dixie Blossoms" (new two-step.)
'Breath of the Rose" (beautiful naw
"Evening- Shadows."
"Peachea and Cream" (new rag-.)
"Sylvia Walta."
"In Honeymoon Valley With Tott."
"Twlllsht Meditation."
'"Good-bye, Mary Dear."
'Dill Pickles" (new rag.)
"Autumn" (new Intermeaio.)
All Standard Classical Knala at 8H
a copy. Any 11 copies for SSo.
uadrada of Others to Select From.
Star Dance Folio, containing all the latent
hits, regular price ?Ec, on sale Saturday
only, at , .Sfio
Ladles' $2.00 Kid Gloves In fleec
lined, silk lined or unllned; specif
Saturday $1.5'
Ladles' fl.RO Mocha Gloves Silk lineu,
all colors; special Saturday,
t $1.00
Ladies' Kid Gloves Manufacturers'
samples, worth up to $1.50 pair; In
Saturday's sale, choice 60t
Ladles' and Children's Golf Gloves
Manufacturers' samples that sold up
to $1.00 pair; special Saturday at,
pair, 50c, 39c, 29c and 15tt
Book Specials
New 1.50 Fiction at 1.03
Conlaton, Call of the Blood. Saul of Tarsus,
Fighting Chance, Btep ty Step. Whisper
ing Smith.- Rodolfo, Bob Hampton, Lion
and the Mouse, Open Sutter, Love of
Ladv Arabella, Blindfolded and f (10
many others, at, per copy i.ww
Copyright Fiction at 59c
All good, cloth blndtnga.
A good chance to secure your holiday gift
books at remarkably low prtcee-To Have
and to Hold, Caleb West. Told In the
Hills, in the Alamo, That Girl Montana.
A Yankee From the Wert, Bondman, Ar
kansas Planter. Flower of France, Kid
naped, etc., etc., in this to
sale, choice JJ C
Alger Books for boys, 1
at. each
Elle Books for girls, cQ
each o;7C
Dolls! Dolls!
Saturday will he doll day.
Hundreds of handsome dolls
will be sold at a fraction of their
?2.00 Dolls for
$1.60 Dolls for
$1.00 Dolls for. . . . . . .
50c Dolls for
25c Dolls for
10c Dolls for
A great lot of Kid Bodies and Doll
Heads, slightly soiled, will be sold at
almost your own price Saturday On
Bale In Basement.
. .bOo
Wuilitl -)t
7 bars Ivory Soap for SSa i
10 bam beet brand Laundry Soap . ...S&o
I iba beat band picked Navy Beaas ...86o
1 lba. best Rolled Oatmeal 9o
t lba. choloa Japan RJca as
10 lb. sack Fine Buoawbaat Flour.... ASo
S lb. can fancy Sweet Sugar Com ....M
2 lb. can fancy Early June Peaa. aVt
I lb. can fancy Golden Pumpkin. Hominy,
Sauaah or Baked Beajia la
2 lb. can Was or String Beans
. Beat Soda or Oyater C'rackera, pound.. . Oo
vimiui vi i vuuoai v.reuBri, )ui..,.aa
pKRa. i neeoa martins L&Q
SBZxn rxriT au moiAiM
Fancy cleaned Currants, per lb ......
Fancy Mulr Peachea, per lb ....... .laVk
- Fanrjr Italian Prunea, per lb.
Fancy Santa Clara Prunna, per lb. .
Fancy California Peedleaa Ralslna, lb.. So
Fancy California Cooking Flga. lb...TUo
Fancy S-crown Musnatol Ralslna, lb...M
t.: Fancy Imported Sultana- Raisins, lb-, 16o
.. Fancy New York Kvap. Apple, lb. ....So
1.1b. pkg. fancy Seeded Ralntna... luo
Tiiaa amo oorrsss
r Xaydea Broa, Blrect Importers
Fancy 8antoa Coffee, per lb. ........ ,15c
Fancy Marlraibo BlenA, per lb 17Via I
Fancy Ankola Java and Mocha, par lb. 30o
Fancy Porto Rico Blend, pex lb-....... aao
Fancy O. O. Mocha and Java, per lb. .tSa
Fancy B. F. or Sun Dried Japan Tea 8&o
Fancy Oolong, Gunpowder, Ceylon, or
English Breakfast Tea, per lb 35a
Fancy Tea Blftlnga, per lb lHo
svttxs Ajra CKzssa uii nicsi
Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, lt.M6o
Fancy Full Cream Wisconsin Cheeae, 16o
Fancy Full Cream N. T. White Cheese.
Per lb. iHo
Fancy Full Cream Brick or Limberger
Cheese, per lb, 15o
Sap 8a go Cheese, each THo
rrnmsx yeoetablh avs nvzr
bunches fresh Radishes a
Fresh Spinach, per peck THa
Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnlpa, Parsnips
or Rutabagos, per lb. ............... lo
I bunches fresh Parsley &
Fancy Home Grown Sweet Potatoes,
per lb, mo
Fancy New Jersey Sweet Potatoes,
per n I'yLt
I bunches Salsify 6
Fancy Fard Dates, per lb 130
Fancy Hallowe'en Datea, per lb 7V40
Fresh Roasted Peanut a, per qt bo
Fancy Jonathan or Wins Sap Apples,
per peck 2 So
Best Corset Models
We wish to call cpeclal attention to the No. 0143
Kabo Corset, which is especially adapted to stcut
figures. It is double boned, reinforced across
abdomen and has double strap in front, two sets
of best hose supporters and, comes laff) PA
sizes 23 to $6, white or drab; price, t . p,JM
Nemo Corsets In all models, sis months' wear
guaranteed; price $1.50
R. G., Warner, W. B. and Royal Worcester cor
sets In all latest models, at $2.00, Tf ff
$1.60 and pi.UU
Ladles' Cashmere and Fleered Hose,
worth up to 38c, special Sat J) 1 -urday
at 25c, 19c and JafejZC
Ladles' Fine Li6le or Maco Cotton
Hose, special ejp
values at aDC
19c Cotton Ribbed Hose, me- !
dlum weight, special at... .... J (C
Children's Hose, heavy fine ribbed,
with triple knee and double A )L
toe, 19c qualities at JfcSC
Men's Fancy Hose, fall weight j) i
special at, pair.... JabC
Men's Cashmere Hoae, worth up to 50c
pair, at 2 5c - -and
up to 11 .0 p. r Ruinicnt. to rioie nmrnu. ui '
Ladles' Tuts and Vnnts In tilk and wool, all slx-,
veil worth . 1 . 7 1 . hi. Karm.-nt 80
X,diea' Vit and Pants Hcnvy flrfcr lined, ery ep-o-
nil aluea Saiu:v nt . 0-, Hfi- mid .'B"'
Children's Tests and rants M-nvy lleee lined, ape.-iM
p'atiirfav at, anrmnt. -5. and
Ken's Undsrweat Hnvy tl lined In nlver uret or
Kino ir mialltr. at. aarini-nt 4.'r nnd 30
Wra'a Jtrsey Bibbed 6 bins and Drawers Light I1eer.-l.
at, per Rarment
Men's Shirts and Drawers Kxtra quality wool n.-e4-..
1o ninnv flue wool garmenla. worth tip to :.t0 pet
garment, at !Sc and J'
and camel s hnlr. worth tip to iJ.rn.'. "t ' ', o I
I V - W BV . nin... I ttlinoO. atlK llll'MI . I -
at iwi
lined. $1.0" qualities, tit
Men's Imported Lamb Skin or Morhu tllovis. In all col
ors, unllned or silk lined, at l-'.OO and
Men's Kid Gloves and Mlttrna Fur lined, the rjneet
..... . i. ..iiv i,rliea 110.00 down to
Boy's Gloves nnd Mlttena prlHl win .
and . . .. . . .. . .. v:''"i;n' ',:;,',,',; it '!!!!!.
?. t r, zn.. it Vo dow.. to
Bargains Saturday
240 pair of ladles'
they last, at. . .
fine shoes; small sites and narrow widths while foQ
80 pair men's genuine kanparoo bull I AfJ
booties, welt sewed soles, $5 values, at. . J.MV
94 pair men's calf boots, all solid and 'T fift
good, nt ,UUi
Ladies' genuine patent colt, dull calf top, welted
sole, newest shape button shoes, 2 50
Ladies' gun metal college cut Bluchers, rA
welted soles, at
Sole Omaha agents for the famous Queen Quality
Shoes, button, lace or Bluchers, all T f,f
leathers, $4.00,. $3.60 and J.UU
Also agents for Grover't Soft Shoes for Tender Feat.
Children's Day in Our Cloak Department
We have centered our efforts upon making Saturday showing of
Children's Garments the irreatest in point of variety, excellence in
style and quality ever shown in Omaha. Another manufacturer's stock
has been added to the already tremendous showing and you can now
choose from over 2,700 children's and infants' coats at unequalled bar-
Tape Girdles, with hose supporters. In pink,
blue or white; special Saturday
Visit Our Hew Candy Department
Main Floor
Sea the Handsome New Soda Fountain and Serving Parlor. Watch for
Opening Announcement.
"V. Leading Meat & Money Saving Section
Fancy Spring Chickens, pound. .......
Pork Loin Roast, pound
Sirloin Steak, pound.....
Shoulder Steak, pound.
Boneless Rolled Rib Roast, pound. . . .
California Hams, pour. 1
Shoulder Roast, pound
Boiling Beef, pound
gain prices.
Children's Bearskin Coats In sizes
from 1 to C years, $4 values. $1,05
Children's Bearskin Coats Regular $5
values, sale price $2.05
Children's Coats In sizes from 2 to
14 years, in mohair and plain bear
skins, fine velvets, frlezea and ker
seys, plaids, checks or plain colors
about 1,100 garments in the lot,
worth $5 to $7.60; choice Satur
day, at .$2.08
Children's Coats In fine Imported
mixtures, kerseys, astrakhans, chev
iots, etc., finely tailored and worth
up to $10; choice $4.05
Infants', children's and misses coats,
In the very finest quality of mater
ials and workmanship, $12.50 values,
sale price '. $7.50
The Greatest sale of Women's Coats
ever known. Never before have such
enthusiastic crowds thronged our de
partment, and no wonder, for the val
ues are simply unmatchable. We have
Just received 775 new coats by express
direct from the factory for Saturday
selling, the . tremendous selling de
manding hasty delivery of the newest
$10.00 Coats, 48 and 50 inches long,
in handsome fancy mixtures and
plain colors, remarkable bargains
at $6.05
Fine Coats Made to sell at $18.60, all
the nobbiest new styles and materi
als, at $9.00
Coats Worth from $25 to $30. In
tight, semi or loose fitting styles,
checks, plaids or plain colors; sale
price $17.50
A 5 Silk Underskirt Free Saturday
to each purchaser of one of our voile
skirts at $0.00
Max Roth Waists Entire sample stock
about 275 dozen garments, worth
up to $4 In three great, lots, at
$1.49. 79c and 50fr
From 8 Till 9 A. M. Children's Jack
ets, dresses and caps, worth up to
$1.60. at 25
From 8:80 TiU 9:30 A. M. Women's
cravenette coats, worth up to $6.50,
at .......$1.50
From 9 Till 10 A. M. Women's suits,
worth up to $10, slightly soiled
choice $1.50
From 9:15 Till 10:15 A. M. Women's
beaver shawls, full size, at. .$1.00
From 9:80 TIU 10:80 A. M. Women"!
silk underskirt, worth $6, at $2.10
From 10 Till 11 A. M. Women's silk
waists, $5 values, all sizes, at $2.75
From 10:15 Till $1:15 Women's
coney scarfs, regular $1.60 values,
at 59
Eepublicaa Club limes an Address to
' Votsri of tht City.
Gram 4 Jwrjr Acala Reported to B
Bur with th Missouri Avenaa
Pavlaar Matters Reccftttom
si T. M. C. A.
Tha following circular letter was Issued
from tha llepublican club headquarters
yesterday. It crystaliuea the Ideas of the
toeal leaders well and the club members
and the committee of sixty ara beginning
to act along tha lines outlined.
The all Important lasuea to be considered
In this campaign la the personality. Indi
viduality and integrity of the candidate for
which you are to vote, and tha ability he
mlaht have to aid In the passage of legis
lation In the event of his election. Isnues
that are fruitless of results, even though
they emanate from republicans, are Idle
tales and only for the purpose of deception.
It la a well understood fact that the gov
ernor and legislature of this state will be
republican, consisting of men of actions
and not lames, for this county to awnd
democrats to the legislature at Lincoln
would mean that their ability to pass
legislation of any character would not be
considered as an Issue.
If you were unwlxe enough to take aerl
nnalv tha circular which has been Issued
I end circulated from the pretended Bouth
I " Omaha Democratic club, you would believe
I that the only question of vital Importance
". to this community Is what they please to
Iuall home rule undefined.
There la a vast dtflerenee between a
condition and a theory. Those of you who
have lived here under several former ad
i ministrations csn easily recall what the
i actual moral conditions were under mis-
l Special Ladies1 liotice
J I ' A The drawing for the Old Aitecs Tur-
i quoise Navy Bean which was discontinued
y at Frandsen'a Jewelry Store at K9 south
r lath street, on account cf the remodeling
' of the display window, will commence agjln
Monday morning, Nov. &lh, and continue
until ladles' have drawn. The loose
gem Itaclf is worth, and never will be sold
er than 19.00. There are tickets among
the number which calls for a gem. Tho
chances to draw la free to ladles' or married
gentlemen, providing they havo sam
mounted in solid gold by us or a reliable
Jeweler which we may mention. This in no
catch fienny affair but our ayatem cf lu
troduclnc tho most hundsomo Jewel In the
world which is today tha fad of Iiundon,
l'arta and New York society.
1 1
Delicate enough for the softest
in, and yet efficacious in removing
tny stain Keeps the s,kin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all the
desirable after-eficct of a Turkish
cath. It ahvuld be 00 every wsa
rule and lawless rule, when the affairs of
Bouth Omaha were In the hands of un
principled offlcera.
The theory of home rule la rlg-ht; there la
no member of the legislature on the re
publican ticket opposing such a measure,
and on the contrary many of them have
openly declared for home rule under such
restrictions as seem wise and best, par
ticularly for the common people. The
legislature of this state makes the laws,
and any individual can Instat on the en
forcement of the Blocumb law. the state
menta of the democrats that they propose
to be a law unto themselves to the con
trary notwithstanding.
If you are Interested in the commercial
welfare of Bouth Omaha and desire legis
lation of any character that will be effec
tive, compare the present administration,
which waa brought about by an empty
issue, with the one preceding It.
There Is one remaining registration day,
Saturday, November 3. If you are a re
publican, the success of the ticket may de
pend on your vote. If you are a democrat,
consider seriously the above facta and vote
for the party that has been responsible
for all the legislation ever enacted that has
benefited the public.
Don't fall to register on Saturday, No
vember 1, or to vote on Tuesday, Novem
ber .
Orssd Jury Busy Agala
It Is commonly reported that the grand
jury has aaaln taken up the Missouri ave
nue question. Several more witnesses were
examined. What the result will be no one
knows. The engineer yesterday took an
Inventory of the material delivered by Hugh
Murphy on Missouri avenue and has the
same ready for his report. He served a
second notice on Mr. Murphy yesterday.
rderlng him to vacate the street. The engi
neer said that If he were permitted he would
fl nlsh up the paving of the street In a hurry.
Reception at Y. M. C. 4.
The reception tendered hv the IadloV
auxiliary of the Young irfen's Christian
association to T. C. Marsh and O. A Young,
the former the retiring secretnry and the
latter the Incoming secretary, was a de
cided success In evety way. The associa
tion rooms were well filled all the evenlnir.
A number of congratulatory and reml
t) I scent speeches were given. E. I Howo
acted a chnlrmm of the evening. Messrs.
I Van Winkle, Klnger, Bal'ey, Mclean, Marjli
and Young t sounded. Mrs. Dr. White also
1 spoke a few minutes on Ix'hnlf of the
Indies' auxiliary. A number of athletic
1 stunts of merit were presnted. Tho women
I served plenty of refreshments. The mem
bership of the association w.js divided In
I two classes for a membership can vans
I Badges and ribbons wore diitrtbuted In blue
I and red. Tha canvass lasts thirty days.
The Blues are at present two ahead in the
Kauine Strikes Watos.
Wiilier Nostrum, living in the vicinity
of Fifty-fourth ind Center streets, had hut
left shoulder dislocated In u railroad acci
dent ytterdiiy. He was drlvlnr. Into South
Omaha with a tcom, and crossing the tracks
nt L and Thirty-sixth street hl wagon
was struck by a Burlington engine on tht
stock yards truck. The locomotive collided
a 1th the rear of the wagon and overturned
it. Nostrom '8 thrown out. He aas
brought into the city and his urm s-t. re
turning home In (he afternoon.
Have llulloweea l'art.
The Halloween purty g.ven by the
Masons YVednes.luy vening was oti of the
most pretentious amontf the rumeroun
festivities of the season. The members were
out In crowds nni IndulfrU In almcet every
variety of amusement. There waa at apple
eutlng ceateet for the men. was won
by Audy XI. Our at an abuormally fcl;:Ii
score. Tll women were Injjcrd to engage
In a hall throwing contest which was
amusing. ITverytfcii g In the ball. Including
tha celling, waa hit repeatedly, except the
big' pumpkin at which they threw. There
were a few exception. to this. Mlas Laugh
Un winning1 the contest by three hit out of
six. Miss Myrtle Keefer sang the openln?
solo. Miss Mand Henry rendered a piano
solo, Miss Slate favored with a reading and
Mrs. W. H. SI aba ugh sang a solo.
Maajle City Gossip.
O. B. Gafford. livery. Tel. 108.
Paul Bllinlski. Thirty-fourth and X
streets, baa gone on an excursion to Den
ver. O. B. Gafford, moving and transfer.
Tel. 106.
The English club will give a Canterbury
program Tuesday evening at the Library
Chattel and salary loans, 242Mi N St. All
business confidential. Quick service.
Mrs. W. 8. Bhafer has returned from a
visit with friends and relatives out of the
city. Her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs.
K. B. Cronk of Duke Center, Pa., have
Jupt moved to this state.
Free life-alxed portrait with one doien
photos till Christmas. Peterson's Studio..
The cost of the clty'a electric lights for
the last month waa 11.377.06. The arc lights
were 11.807.
Mrs. Doulse M. May, Nineteenth and N
streets, died Wednesday night at the age
of 67. She had been a resident for six
years. The funeral will be Friday at 3 p. m.
The burial will be in Laurel Hill ceme
tery. John McCarthy, one of Armour's em
ployee, haa gone on a three weeks' visit
to relatives in Chicago.
.letter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any
psrta of tha city. Telephone No. .
Another case of diphtheria hus developed
at the home of Dan Harmon and the resi
dence haa been again piaced under quar
antine. The Kale of postage at the South Omaha
poetoftlce for the month of October waa
J:i.741. This tlfture Includes both stamps
ami mampca paper.
Edward Hanlev has succeeded in Incatlnar
his son James at Gretna. The boy read
in The Hee of the unxiety of his parents
and called up his father by telephone.
Peter Kemlzior. who assaulted KtanlMaus
Korea Tuesday evening, ass tried In police
court yertei'day afternoon and fined tin and
costs. Korcs has an eye out, a broken
none and two severe cut on the side of
his head.
B. M. Joy, from Brundon. Manitoba, la
visiting O. A. Young, the new secretary
of the Young Men Innstian association.
Mr. Joy is secretary at Brandon where he
bus Just compl. ted the erection of an
Make un otter on the northwest er-rner of
lth and Missouri Ave. u nearly nsw
house, east front, and neat cottage, aouth
front; two new lots. Room for two more
hollies. Will Hell on uvitrm. I'ric.
fA75i. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farn.-un St.
The fol.owlng births were reported jemer
day: Harry Wilson. ,1 Bouth Tnlrty-ttrat,
girl: Samuel D. Kadt, 1(01 North Twen
tieth, boy; John N. Hervaston. 372 South
Twenty-fourth, girl: U. Bterba, Twenty.
IIihi and Madlsrin, girl; A. B. Croiler, -zit
N, girl; 11 any isutlon, girl.
The I.'nlon Pacific is building a new Iron
fence around the new depot. '1 ha len e win
prevent lootmen from gaming access to
the arils through the depot. There are
four gites to Le opened at the time of the
arrival of each train. Tha ptllura sup
porting the fence are set In cement.
The death of S. D. Barnard occurred yes
terday utternocn. He was a man of 67
tearx, living al 1310 North Thiriy--,h
mreel. He had been a resident here for
i;eaily tent -e'fclit yeara. His death came
unexpectedly. There are several chlidrcii,
niott of them awty from Lome. Arrange-
ite-iits lor the funeral have not as yet
heeti n.nde.
'Knock at a Venture," by Eden Pbllpotts,
la a collection of ten short stories, which
opens with "Mound by tba Way," by far
the longest and best, which ranks worthily
with "The Secret Woman" In Its under
standing and Interpretation of the emotions.
the exaltations and weaknesses of human
character In Its least complex. Its most
primitive modern embodiment. It la a tale
of love and lenlously, of surrender and
tragedy, whose protagonist Is a simple
young Dartmoor peasant. Love plays its
part In two more of these tales, and In
bota the outcome Is not what the routine
of Action would lead one to eypect. Through
all these tales there Is more optimism here
than one usually finds In this writer's work
-the Dartmoor peasant talks with all the
shrewdness of his class, with all the racl
ness and richness of his dialect. Published
by the Maemlllnn company.
Magaxlne readers will recall the "hit" that
was made by The Reader a little over a
year ago with the serial publication of
"The House of a Thousand Candles." Mere
dith Nicholson haa now written a new
story, which begins in The Reader's No
vember number under the title of "The
Port of Missing Men." The first Install
ment contains the elementa that should
make up a charming story.
Vrr Lew Ratea Taeaday.
F.vrry Tueitday, balance of the year, the
Chicago tireut Western' railroad aiil sail
home seekers' tickets to Minnesota, North
ijakota and Canadian northwest at about
naif rate: to other territory, first and third
Tuesdays. Write J. A. Ellis, O. A.
IS13 Far nam meet. Stale number in party
.aid nbeu fOlng.
"In Cure of Her Soul." oy Frederic J.
Btlmaon, Is another storv of social life of
the class found In Mrs. Wharton's "Houre
of Mirth." A young lawyer of high Ideals
marries a very pretty girl to save her from
n unpleasant engagement. He becomes
absorbed in his work and ambitions while
I his wife, who Is not so Interested In his
work, goes her way and becomes an as
eoclate of people whose moral standard docs
not tend to elevate her own. As they drift
! fnrther apart the husband meets a woman
i who would have made a more suitable tnd
I comninlonnhle wife. Her earlv death causes
s reconciliation between the husband and
wl'e. It Is not probable the book will bs
numbered anions the lust sellers. The D.
Appleton company Is the publisher.
"Literature: Its Principles and Problem."
hv Theodore W. Hunt. Ph. D.. LK D..' pio
f'ssor of Kngllsh In Princeton university.
Is evidently Intended to discuss ome of
the fundamental topics that arise In any
thorotiffh atudy of ro comprehensive and
vital a subject as literature. As tht dtttcu.
ston soee on Its ultimate aim appears ns
that of suggestion and stimulus along the
lines of inquiry that are opened and ex
amined. The treatise la thus an eminently
thoughtful presentation, and designed to
awaken thought In every careful render
of Its pages. It Is especially to be com
mended to all students of literature with
the assurance that they will find Its con
clusions substantially sound, and Its final
Itnpreaalon Invigorating nnd Inspiring. Pub
lished by Funk at WngmtUs.
"Making the Most of Ourselves," by Cal
vin Dill Witson. is a book which can be
perused with great benefit by all. The
author, a practical, experienced writer for
young people her offers a volume of fifty
short essays on subjects of the most per
tinent snd timely Interest. He addresses
his readers la a clear, concise style sod
ha Is always1 sane, discriminating and sa
gacious. Bama of tha articles are: "Manner
and One's Personality," "Virile Reading
for Young Men," "The Duty of Learning
to Laugh," "On Trying to Be L'p-to-Date,"
"The Charming Art of Listening Well."
"Thinking Straight and Seeing Clear,"
"The Magic of Geniality." etc.
Nestled In the embrace of Lakes Su
perior, Michigan and Huron, lies the gem
of the north seas, Mackinac island. It
is a famous summer resort and abounds
In historic and legendary lore. The cover
of the September Pilgrim shows a sunset
st this enchanted spot. It la truly a
striking thing and La the most beautiful
cover the Pilgrim has ever shown which
Is allying a great deal.
"A Servant of the Public." by Anthony
Hope, is an Intimate' and unbiased story
of the private life and personal feelings of
a popular public character. While It is
a character study of an actress, the story
Is not about the stage, and hold nothing
In common with the conventional novel.
Published by the Frederick A. Stokes Co.
"A Common Sense Hell." by Arthur Rich
ard Rose, is the title of a book of alleged
letters between a young Princeton grad
uate, who Is deal rone of entering the mln
istry. nnd bis father, who la a 'Wall street
banker. The son, seeking parental permis
sion to enter his chosen field of work, la
Involved In a discussion with his practical
father, who eeema opposed to his views
on the ground that orthodox teachings of
Christianity are not logical, reasonable
nor believable by thinking men. The lucid
chain of reasoning by which the result
is attained does not Involve any wrestling
of Bible language out of Its common sense
Intent. It simply places new but perfectly
permissible and reasonable Interpretations
upon some of the sayings of Christ, and
deduces from theae Interpretations certain
startling facts which had heretofore been
overlooked. The G. W. Dillingham Com
pany Is the publisher.
The first number of the thirty-fourth
volume of St. Nicholas appears in a new
and becoming- dress of type and Its con
tents give promise of a richer and more
attractive year than ever before In the
history of this enduring favorite of the
children. Mm. Frances Hodgson Burnett's
series of fairy stories alone would make
any volume notable. This number brings
the tale of "How Winnie Hatched the
Little Rooks,'' with this forewjjd and
afterword from Queen Silver Bell:
"Now please to remember that It is a
fairy who wrote this story a real fairy.
Just as real us you are yourself because
if you don't remember It will make me
scold like anything. The next story I am
going to write la about two dolls' houses
and the doll families who lived In them
and I know both families well. One doll's
house was a grand one and one waa a
shabby, disreputable one, and one doll fam
ily I liked and the other doll family I
didn't like. And you will have to read the
story and find out for yourself If you have
sense enough which was the nice one.
Queen Orosapatch."
"Memories of a Great Schoolmaster" (Dr.
Henry A. Colt), by James P. Conover, "an
old St. Paul's boy," are Intended to recall
"old boys' " impressions of the personality
of one around whom grew a great school
and whose name Is among the cherished
possessions of nearly three generations of
St. Paul's men. The book is one that will
be very much appreciated by all students
and friends of St. Paul's school. Houghton,
Mifflin A Co. la the publisher.
"In the Brooding Wild." by Rldgwell
Cullum, is an absorbing drama of the
j froxen north. It is notable for Its broad
I conception of elemental character, Its real
istic descriptions of nature In its fiercest
moods and the Intense excitement with
eihich the reader's attention is held to
the end. L. C. Pare oc Co. is the pub
Another book In the series entitled
"Phyllis' Field Friends" is "Stories of Lit
tle Fishes," by Lenore Elisabeth Mulets.
The author, while telling a very interesting
story of Phyllis' outings and excursions.
Imparts much valuable! Information as to
the characteristics, habits, etc., of the dif
ferent varieties of fish, lixards, frogs, .
toads, stiuils and turtles that will be easily
Page A Co. is the publisher.
Above books at lowest retail prices. Mat
thews, 112 South Fifteenth street.
K. 9. Mtethfa of Fsllertos Gets ear
to Death's Door by the
The favorite pastime of verdant strangers
in blowing out the gas was Indulged In
Thursday night by E. S. Stephens of Faller
ton, nearly resulting In his death. Stephen
arrived In Omaha late Thursday evening
and obtained a room at the Windsor hotel,
S22 Bouth Tenth street, retiring aoon after
ward. Gas jets were evidently a new fan
gled contraption for Stephens, an he waa
found on the brink of death about S a. m.
Friday by John I-orack. clerk at the hotel.
The odor of gas was detected In the hall
snd traced to the room occupied by Steph
ens and entrance effected by opening a win
dow from an adjoining room. The fact that
the window In Stephens' room was pulled
down a el-ort way from the top waa the
only thing that saved his life, as the room
waa full of gas.
Dr. Ford waa hurriedly summoned and
after several hours of strenuous work suc
ceeded In restoring the man to conscious
ness and It is believed that he will recover.
It stciiads for
Used RcundiliG World.
yjTXIftcfttest Awarcfs ir
LbiJILurope ancf America .
A handsomcl" Iflustra.tecfRecipa
Boofsont free.
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