Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5
5 ALL HAND TAILORED the Rogers-Peet a Co. Clothes ( , .for Man of-Gjoi Taste . There Is a well-brnl look about thFe clothos that caftnot be fouod n the' ordinary ready-to-wear clothes, no matter how much yon pay for them. The new' pattern aro very refined and drrcsy. The price are 117.50 up to $33.00. Have You Seen Our Windows? J S22.50 . and $25 Hilt and CiSilMlil'glBWftfl THE OMAHA DAILY KEEi SATURDAY, NOVEMHKU 3, 190C. i y .tu j'Mv - 'j Overcoats -US 1 ' ' ; .'. ; :'";-y- 'a?. vV'A J iPX A ' ' ' t i :'-. ft ,t! Ti --X : -T . 'V m 14 . ' ' 1 AND NllY FALL SHIRTS Mousing Union Undei-wear for Men The high est grade union suits made 1 5 0 up JL5 0 we show complete lines at.l to f ' Men '8 fine wool and fleeced underwear values . p" '..250-390-500 i IE Wright's $1.50 . Underwear for men, at . Cooper's Ribbed Underwear f 50 ... vesta and pants, a garment. . . fcole agents for Dr. Ruff's German TJealth Underwear, for. Men's new fall EMISSARY OF RING MENELIK Fathar Chtoluli, Frifst from Abyuinian Haler, Yiiits in Omaha. PREDldi jlHAL SUPREMACY OF HIS LAND I nroniiacrrd and I ncoaqverable HUrk Rmc of Dlatant Mior Will One Day Rnle the - : Rartn, r trlt. ' ' Africa for Afi l( u and Abyssinia their l-'adrr, a Iho Bona-of Ham ultliimtcly la IKiwcr tlie whole white race, is a hr1hi v lfion that' persists in the waking md slpt'plns dreams of a Coptic priest now In Omaha. V A giant Mack man, spiritual envoy of riini? Hm El Menelik of AhyRsinla and l rleit Ot a people no nation has conqutired, f the gurst of Dr. J. II. Hutton and Rev. John Albert 'Williams. Ilia native land, ono of the liat known to the world, will ba the subject of an address he will deliver crs-Dillon Druj Co's iflELEERATED V. ICAR 0MBLATI0S t.O OX SALK SATITIBAV No. ONE One Oato ............... .10j One La Cultura .10o One flordina Invincible. . . ,10c One Princess Sancha Pantella 10c r One Istrouma '. 10c Five Ten-Cent Cigars for No. TWO Oue Tom Moor Uc One Manuel Sanchez 10o One Istrouma 10c Vne La .Trinidad , 10c One La Cultura 10c Five Ten-Cent Cigars for No. THREE One Mi FavoTita 10o One La Cultura ; 10c ne Piinoesa Sancha . 1 Pantelle ....10o Ohe Istrouma , 10o One Hordina 10o Five Ten-Cent Cigars fer Bigst 25c Vcrth in yii Kvary Day and Night In tha Tear Ckt i'rtct tr tira lwb aui My UNDERWEAR quality Health Fleece 98c i to 998 $ 'A LSO B styles in Negligee and Stiff y Monday ex-ening" at the church of St. Philip the Deacon. He believes his race the hob!e.t in the world, with tha only true Bible and true religion,, that It la uncon; quorable In war and that it will , one day be ruler of the earth aa the most powerful unit in a 'political and economical com bination of the black and the red races, meaning by the latter tha Japanese and Chlneye. Ills reasons for this belief will be given In his address. Father CheclssU'a name is pronounced fheslee, with a decided accent on the last syllable. He came to this country as a representative of bis king at the World's fair in St. Louis and . since the exposition has been studying the condition of the black race in America. He carries the de gree of bachelor of science from Cambridge and master of arts from Oxford, but al though ho spent thirteen years at these two universities hehoasts that he received his education In Abyssinia, having only "broadened"' himself In England. He f peaks fifteen language and Is deeply learned in theology, sociology, psychology end espe cially ethnology. He 1 a priest of, tho Coptic church, a sect known to Egypt and Abyssinia and which he saya was founded by one of the apostles. Primed with ,ttlv . Facta. Father Chectzili Is full of facts about his native land and" Is ready to answer any questions on religion, customs, government or oilier phases of the national life. Here are sonic of his statements: "The- government la J'bko yeajs old. King Menelik traces an unbruken line of ancestry back to Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. "The people have never been conquered in war ana cnensn tne tradition they never will be. They overwhelmingly defeated the Italians In TS3 'and the English in iotii. They ate the only nation which could not ije conquered by Alexander the Great. "Ther arc only three juoes in the world, black, white and red. the, sons of Ham, Japhet and Krieni. Adam and Eve were blnck and had six black children. All the inhabitants of the world were black until the time of Noah, and Christ was a black Jew. "The original Bible came from Abyssinia, and tha white man has no true Bible. "For 11 years the government has been I a limited, monarchy; ptevlous to that, nn I absolute monarchy. The senate is com- I id of twelve men and the house of lep ; st-ntatlvfg of twelve women. "Juries are composed of twelve men and :welve women, and a verdict run be tutmght only by a vote of nine men and '.wen wonnn. "When a king is ruling, capital puiilbh in in id meied out to no male; when a "U.tu rules, nn woman is put to deutli i' lis is t xpow ineut to the throne. foaaaiuraatloa of Penalt. i .:jltal punisnmttnt is cnnsinumail l-v :,i:ig the criminal In a walbrd inclu.-ui . .i itirk forest In company with hungry ki'i a -xl other wild beasts. If he can ::!.i '. j over the tweuly-foot nail and es i ape, he goes free, for it is a sign to the .-..'I'le that God h.ta forgiven him. "The Abyssinlans are a moral imJ law ;l.i..!ing race. In my lifetime I have heard only two murders In the kingdom. ,l,.l.lei4'S and adulteries and other crimes - , few. "The men in my country do not steal. I l.oi-e Africans who came to America learned from 111 whit man to steal chick- j:. . "lruukenuFxs is unknown and it la an '.miaissibtlity to ' flu J Intoxicating liquor. Anyone found bringing skoholic drink into lite kingdom would be put (o death. . ' are a race of big people, the men averaging six feet two Inches In hvight and the womeu rtve feet ten Inches. No :i,an can enier tike army unless he U six i Icet and all ho attu.n tnat height are nbject to coiiaci iption from 17 until they j" 31. We have a regular anny of 5u.u) i: J if need be, l.'juUxl soldier.4 lan be ;iered on short notice. Nn man is allomed to marry until lis has t- it wres X giVund or oihsr proieriy i.4u!alenl to Vv. He ihen may take i.Le AN'lit n h is woinli 10.'s he may ttf Xtdl uu intjis. A lirtiet Have you it is the best clothes value you. ever knew. This season we have put more Q good value into these garments than vye ever did before -more careful workmanship better U materials and even smarter snappier style than ever. There is an enormous assortment at this price all regular and extra sizes in Men s Brnndeis The usual run of overcoats and suits at this'price. They have style and tailoring that would let them pass anywhere for $18 garments. The over coats are good, warm and up-to-date in every way. patterns and F T ,t rtir C-!i An extra special offsr for Satur DOyS LOIVg rantS OUltS day in fine worsteds and cassi. meres, single and double - breasted effects suits that young chaps like lots of style and good wear, at . ;. MEN'S Brandeis is the prac tical store for men who want good shoe values. You are given courteous attention and you have tho advantage of being waited upon by exper ienced shoe know the style best adapted for your foot. Ve mention our resrular lines of shoes (every one the bcst value in Otaaha for the may have, four wives and a king may have as many as he chooses. "Priests may not be married until tney are 2S. No man may be a priest wno can not trace ancestry back through a una of ancestry 1,975 years to a prleet named Jethro. White Man's Time is 8ht Thet-e. "Some day there will be no white men In Africa; all will be compelled to leave by the sword of the Abyssinian. No man may step now on the holy ground of Abys sinia except tho envoy of another nation or a trader with a special permit from the government. Abysrtnla will weld the Na tions of Africa together. On the destiny of the o lacks Father Checlzzlt says: "Marvel not because the biacks are In come sections oi Airica noi u yei itkuw to the towering height of equal Intellectual ascendancy. Ah.- watch the present glare illuminating the western . horizon; climb over the gigantic pillars of prejudice and see the vivid glare of manhood arising from out the stagnant cavern of oppression. j a m not pessimistic of the psychological future of tho black race; tne towering structural buildings, the artistic architec ture, the boastful militias and powerful battleships of tha white nations, l envy not. "No, 1 am glad to see the military and naval competitions of theirs, for a distant spark emanating from the domain of prog nostication tells me of the awful disaster that must come to- pass in less than 100 years, when the various white nations will light against themselves, while the black and red races shall watch In silence until the last battle cry is given, then rush for ward and stretch out their hands unto Ood In thapkfulnesa, grasp the supremacy of the world and protect the remnant whites. "In anticipation of these grand glories, be prepared and united,, apprehended closer to religion and ethical ideas, that the political degenerate Vardaman. the diabolic fanatic TUlmaii and other intellectual parasites whose glory Is o widen the psychologically racial chasm be quickly blown to the ob livion ocean." HARRIMAN GOULD CONFLICT former's Closing; of Ogden Gateway Xtlranlas o Rival's Xw Line to Coast. " The building of the 'Westetn I'acirtc, the new Gould line to the coast, probably will be hastened by the action of the Hairiman lines in refusing to grant through rates to points west oil shipments of ireight re ceived from the Denver & Rio Grande at Ogden. Work on this line has been hara ptred by the scarcity of labor, although seventy-four miles of track have been laid we-rt from Salt Lake City and some has been laid east from Stockton, Cal. Although no work has been done In Nevada, the contract has been let for lo miles. The Silver Zone pas Is the higheat point on the road, being B.S feet of elevation. The road will be 9i7 miles long from Sa.n Francisco to Salt Iake Tty, and the completion can hardly be expected by the summer of 1908. unless weather conditions are most favor able and l.ibor Is more abundant. VERDICT FOR FIVE THOUSAND Salt for Damages Wou by Kmploye of Aruioura South Omaha. Former A verdict fur fO.ouu aas secured from a Jury in Judge Esti-Uv's court Friday morn ing against Armour Co. by I'tter Debus, a loinitT employe in -the packing house. While helping move sheep carcasses from the weighing scales to the coohug room he fell through a trap door, which had been left open negligently. It is alleged. He claims tu have suftcred permanent Injuries will shorten his life aevrnU years. l"udr instructions from the court the Jury returned a verdict in favor of Robert C. Hunt, who was made a party to the suit. Cha-rles S. Kigutter and J. W. West wera attorneys for the plaintiff and Mauoney 4 Kenliiedy tor th Uefents. ever worn a Brandeis' $15 Suit or Overcoats and Suits clothes at $10 don't The suits are in the newest materials SAL fitters who money) at g Boys STRANGER ' IN WRONG OFFICE Man Goes to Treasurer Fink at Citjr Hall to Have Railroad Ticket .Extended. ' A strange giving hie name a John-Henry Johnson entered Treasurer Fink's office Thursday morning with an excited state of mind and a suit care. " "I would like to got this extended," be gan the traveler. - . ' ' "Well, we will do what we can for you, my friend." replied Treasurer Fink'. . "Wliat may It be?" "I want to gut this ticket extended two more days. I have tarried lcro longer than I expected. 1 think Omaha is a splen did town." continued the stranger. "I'm sorry to say 1 cannot help you out in this matter. We like to accommodate our friends, but in this instance it would be impossible to" "And so you intend to turn tne down. I have been traveling over your rood for sixteen years and you have received lota of my good money. And so this is tho way" The stranger started for the door,, but was recalled V- Mr. Fink, who said: "Ccmo back and let us talk It over." "I thought you would take a turablo to yourself and do the right thing. I paid for thle-tlcket, have not ridden on it and could get my money back If I tried," re marked Mr. Johnson. "My friend, this is the city hall," an swered Mr. Fink "Pshaw; I thought I saw locomotives and j arhea ss I entered," remarked Mr. John- coaches son. "Goodby." SWITCHMAN KILLED AT WORK Join 'Marphr Crashed In Yards and Dies at Hospital loon After Removal. John Murphy, a switchman, waa enwhed between a switch engine and a car In the freight yards near Fifteenth and Nicholas streets about f:39 Friday morning, sus taining Injuries from which he died about two hours later at - the Omaha General hospital. Ha is survived by a wlfo and mother and father, ' Murphy was preparing to make a coupling between a car and switch engine No. 'Ml, la charge of Engineer George Kounts and Fireman Rhuuips, when he stumbled on the running board and fell between tha bump ers. He sustained a deep cut over the right eye, his right leg was badly crushed and bruised and the left leg was so bidly crushed between the knee and blp that the flesh was torn away from the bune. The Injured man was takvrf to the Omaha Gen eral hospital and his Injuries attended to by Dr. Itumsty, but he expired in givat Tks PsrfartUa ( Sweet U.I vlmt, laeaga yim Sat a aaa. . DE.LICIOUS CARAMELS The enftctio't of purity, 'riclmrs and quality that made Rrpetti (anion. The name on erery caramel. Chocolatei, Bonbeix, Candy Prbblri and all kind of superior confection!. Mail eiders eareiully and promptly filled. Write for Frire I.i.t. tsclahaf Coakttiwur fills Avtass, Hew York KOIt BALE BY t'Ol UTXKY A- CO. HKXNh'TT CO. HOhTOS hTORK nmu DFI'T. OMAHA Overcoats and Suits at- at $10 look like the show in patterns at OF MEN'S PANTS at Your choice of hundreds of pairs of men's fine all wool pants in neat stripes or plain patterns regu larly worth as high as $4.50 and $5.00, at BOYS' STYLISH NEW OVERCOATS and SUITS All tho newest Russian styles, th jaunty effects for little chaps with bright trimmings the neatest styles we eve r offered at price. A big saving in every gar ment, at , Knee Pants, a 75c value, at '. . .' . Boys' Flannel Blouses, a 75c value, at agony shortly after his removal to the hospital. . . The body was taken in charge by Coroner Bradley, who will hold an Inquest Friday afternoon or Saturday. Murphy resided With his wife at their home, 713 North Twenty-second street, and his parents live at Sioux City, la. . OCTOBER AN AVERAGE MONTH Tenaueratnre Hanwes Iron Twenty ElKlit to Klirhty Dearees Above (lie Zero Mark. The - meteorological nummary for the month of October, 1!K8, Just issued by the weather bureau, shows that the month av eraares up fairly well in this locality with previous Octolers and was on the whole a pretty good month. The mean atmospheric pressure during the month was 3'1.C, the highest being J0.54 on tho last day of the Month and the lowest 21.6t on the 2th lns Tho highest temperature during the month was on the 7th, SO, and the lowest tem perature on the 10th, 2X. The greatest daily tinge of temperature during the month was 29 on the 6th, and the least 5 on the 22'1. The mean tcmierature for the month was S3, the mean average for thirty-six years for the month of Octolier being Bi. The total precipitation of rain or snow for the month was, rain, 1.B6 Inches, with no snow. Tho greatest precipitation in twenty-four hours was .S9 inches on the Zid and 24th. The average precipitation for this month for thirty-six years Is 2.49 inches, making a deficiency from the normal of prevailing direction of the wind 93. The prevailing- direction of tne wind haa been Iaoutb, the average hourly velocity being 1 7 miles per hour. The maximum velocity of the wind during the month was 43 miles per hour on the 26th, the wind blowing from the northeast. During tha month the num ber of clear days was 11, partly cloudy 7, cloudy 13. Thunderstorms prevailed on the 30th, 21st, 22d and 23d. Light frosts pre vailed on the 1st, 2d and 6th. No heavy frosts prevailed. One killing frost prevailed on tha 10th. HONESTY PAYS PRISONER Candor of Colored Han May Rave Him a Term la (he Peni tentiary. William Smith's honesty and frankness may 6ave him from a term in the peniten tiary. He is can of a squad of colored people indicted by the grand Jury for rais ing a row in the Houso of All Nations at South Omaha several days ago. He is charged with assault wltn Intent to kill Frank Smith, lie pleaded guilty Friday und then in a straightforward wuy told Judge Sutton his version of the affair. He denied using any weapon but his fists. Judge Sutton was so impressed by his story that he sent him back to the county Jail without sentencing him to the peni tentiary. He ordered Deputy County At torney Murdock lo make a full Investiga tion of the case and If It appears Smith used only his Ust he will probably draw a Jail sentence. CONTESTANTS APPEAL CASE Dr. Kason aud Mrs. Minor Press Fight for Estate of Tnrlr Brother. Dr. A. W. Nasou and Sirs. Ester Minor, brother and sister of the lata W. N. Nasou. have not dropped their fight for possession of the estate with the decision of Judgs Troup of the district court, which holds that tha widow of W. N. Nason Is en titled to the property mentioned iu tho will. The will, it suddenly developed when time for distribution of the property ap proached, was lost, and court proceedings were resorted to by Dr. Nason and Mrs. Minor to gain title to the property. Judge Troup ruled that the existence and pur pose of the will wore apparent and proved und that none other than Mrs. W. N. Na-ion was entitled to the property cf her hu&Uai.d. The contestants hay- app-ultd the c&se to the supreme court sii't served nutlet: of such spi'ul upon the widow. . Overcoat? If you Men's Suits and Overcoats at $12.50 The plain colors predominate this season and this assortment fl splepdid lot ot the refined so much worn everywhere.' A whole six months of good service in every suit and Overcoat Vnore if you want It, rr I8rox-::5:.'!S-. 2C i'5 ' IJS I I W mm m wr. m a t-m. Si S2.98 the 98 39c 39c with fur lined $ rath; LEONCAVALLO NOT TO COME Great Italian Musician Inahle Get , . Mght at Auditorium .or . Boyd. After all the plans made and the antici pations enjoyed over the hops of having Leoncavallo, the great. Italian musician, at the Auditorium the muslcluns of Omaha and the ' Than people in general are to suffer the disappointment of not having the virtuoso. It was originally planned to have him at the Auditorium November 12, and then, owing to a change -Iri liis route. It became necessary to. change tho date to December 4. Now tomes the Torrey-Oliver mission ut the Auditorium from November IS to Deoembcr R and the ministers In charge of the mission cannot see their way clear to 'give one night to music lovers. It Is also impossible to get the. Boyd thea ter, and ex it f feared the feast will have to be abandoned. This disappointment falls keenly upon those who had anticipated Leoncavallo's coming, especially among the Italian people, who had made great' preparations. The seat sale had actually begun, and with a lively motion, too, so the material as well as sentimental side of the case Is affected. HIGHER FEES ON IN-WEIGHING Proposition to Raise Rates 1 for In creaaln Re-renue In EUleleney of Department. A proposition 4o raise fees for the in weighing of grain, for the purpose of in creasing the revenue and efficiency of the weighing department, will be considered by the board of directors of the Omaha Grain exchange at its next meeting. The present fee is 25 cents a car on all grain, of which 10 cents is rebated to the elevators, though the dealer who pus the grain through the elevator gets no rebate. It Is proposed to charge 35 cens a car and to abolish the provision for rebates. This increase Is necessary to make 'the weighing depart ment pay expenses under the new system of weighing which haa been adopted. POSTERS PULLED OFF POLES Candidates Post Campaign Notices, bnt Police Make Them Take Them Dona. Men working In the Interests of several candldatea tor office at the coming elec tion were bqsy Friday morning placarding the telephone poles with signs setting forth the merits of the candidates, when their labors wkre rudely lnternipWrd by the police. The officers of the telephone com pany complained of the use made of their 1 1 V 4 L-3 3 22 uEA8!L Dr. Bull'a Couorh Syrup la ueed, praised, loved, Idolized by t honaand of mothers who have, cured tnetuilea andcroupwlthlt. Mothers, why not put. your irusc in 11 SAMPLE SENT TR-Ett Vi want yon to have absolute oonfl denea in Dr. Bulls Cough by run, so write for af re sample aud try it. jttsa tlon this rsper. Aiiuress A. 0. Aleyer A Co., Baltimore, If i. "1 have used Dr. Bull's Cough fiyrap for the past Ova years and eaonot say enough in its braise. It ruiwi measles sud a bad cough, and always eurss . uir ooy 01 ins croup, DR. DULLS COUGH SYRUP myself for a bmnetilal cough and It en red me. I keep it la the house as it bus tared m Hi&uj doctor-bills, aud I gladly reoumiaeud it toevaiy ono." Mrs. M. H. La fieri r. lo luh Dtrset, euperior.'WU. Avoid th Dealer's Substitute offered you under the prefeit thst it is "Just ss good" ss Dr. Bull's Congh flrrup Ta Vj nmett iuiinesrouaiid hauulul b the eriilj; and hen yvu have found this out li v i.l 1 1 e 1 0.1 In to. ,..' 1 hw reliable r. V. ill s iVugh Hrnrpet 1UC 41 Uuuxss. Tiici. iu. aJ SJ-ui. tfcJd LririuliiaiJddi.altAaia'4i;i.os. !lua,sHs have, you know i wo - m9i'i&?:& tn-tavjuz FALL HATS Stetsort Hats 'These are the men"a fashions to They are as comfortable as they r Htjllsh and their good appearance- lasts the Stet - ' non'8 In stff and soft shapes, at :3,50! BItAXDKIS' SPKCIAL HOFT AXD STIFF HATS. All the value that you can get in a $3 hat p the latest and Tiest styles of the season, at Men's Kaniple Hats at 08c These are the balance 'of our great purchase every desirable sjjape . CQ and color, at. . . . .1 OC noys' and Children's Fall and Winter Caps Made bands, plain and fancy, 49c poles and orders were given to the patrol men to stop th work of placing tha post ers. The officers of the company will see that the 'posters which have been placed, will soon be removed. PATRICK MONAGHAN AT REST Pioneer of Omaha Burled at Holy Sepaleher. with services at t. Peter's Church. The funeral of the late Patrick Monaghun took place Friday morning from St. Peter's Catholic church. Twenty-eighth and Leav enworth streets. A large number of friends attended the services, including a number of old pioneers of Omaha and Douglas county. Solemn requiem high miss ws celebrated, with Father McLaughlin as cele brant and Fathers Gannon and Buckley aa descons. The eulogy was rronounced by Father Gannon. The pollbearer were J. J. O'Connor, Andrew Murphy, F. B. Wears, Thomas Grlffln, Thomas Mullen and Roder ick McQrath. Interment wits made in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. SUIT OUT OF THE FLURY CASE Dr. Condon's Bill Is Protested aad Administrator of Estate Will Appeal. A controversary over tha payment of a surgeon's bill for the treatment of Edward Flury, the street Car conductor murdered by Harrison Clark and a gang of hold ups in Albright last March, has been ap pealed from county court to district court by . the administrator of Mr. Flury's es tate. The bill was for 125, presented by Dr. A. P. Condon. Objection was mads to It on tha ground tho street car company bad already paid him $125. The objection was overruled by County Judge Leslie and the bill allowed. The administrator will appeal to the district court. CALL FOR A NEW MINISTER luTltatlon ent by Swedish Lutheran ' Immanuel to Rev. Ad.lph Hult at Chicago. The congregation of the Swedish Luth eran Immanuel church has extended a call to Iter. Adolph Hult, pastor of an English Lutheran church In Chicago, aa successor ot Rev. P. M. Llndberg, who resigned re cently to become manager of Immauuil hospital. The congregation had previously, called Rev. C. J. Sodergren of Burlington, la., but he hus decided not to accept, a he has been In Burlington but a short time. It was decided to extend the call to Rev. Mr. Hult at a meeting held Thurs day night. lil ami ieei sale? bf lot I a ir r,f iT. l ustxi nnr " ? ; 2 'II