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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
TII OMATLY DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER X 1006. 3 i m il 4 s-; ! f. 3! fliins ? II I. Mia dow. Ml IIIMIMlj.ittJMU)jTnaaWBPBWMWWi'V ...... J Rc3 k Sale day Mon- Today Wo Place on Sale AIT IMMENSE PURCHASE OF THE FIXEST fT7 T TT Venetian Class, Vases, Candelabra, I Hand Fainted China x Painted Vienna Chin , Clocks, Limps, and if ft . n n . I? imported unc-acurcLC 01 iu vetcripuons. Thie Wonderful Sale will Indicate the Exceptional Bargains you, may expect' n.". China and Glassware Dept. H The etock is so enormous that we devote the entire west end of our new store' to this display and sale. We bought this stock at 28c on the dollar and JUST ABOUT I iPriee 1 j . . Z2 ' We divide this 'stock, in 3 great lots: LOT 1 $25 High Grade Cut Glass at $5.00 Consists of all it the lanrest pieces of cut class, porcelain, chinas, UU J ' - lamps, hand painted china, actually worth up to $25.00, your choice of this immense lot, each. .. LOT 2 $10 Cut Glass, Hand Painted China at $2.50 Con sists of cut glass pieces of all descriptions,, imported por celains in vases and bric-a-brac articles, hand T50 painted china, Venetian glass, every piece guar- 5' 3 5! anteed worth up to $10.00, on sale at, each. . . LOT 3 $5 Porcelains, China, Cut Glass, Etc., at $1 Con It tains choice of 2,000 pieces of porcelains, imported china, ,1 mi , 1- i 1 1. ' 1. i 1 TVOna Will uu iuuiiu iu imo hmuiiuicui, oiiu cci piece guaranteed worth up to $5.00, choice of , this entire lot at, each '. You will also find in this stock most extraordinary bargains In t bronzes, statuary, electroliers, Carrara marbles, nana wrougnt oraa nients, etc. Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in America , PRICE $4.75 A gereat bargain. They are worth $S at Installment houses. I. I'l 11 I , if .- jj -3 & k .a PRICE $25.00 The greatest value ever offered In Omaha. A $40 value. CASH or PAYMENTS THE RELIABLE STORE Omaha Furniture and Carpet Go. 1209-11-13 FAKKAM STREET It 1-i 1 if 1 TI H? W ITT IT TDW An Extra. Special Sale irv Y DEFT 3 5 if if 3 2 i Sterling ailver sugar shells. Jelly spoons, meat forks, pickle forks and cream ladles, each stamped sterling silver, extra . 75 heavy, worth Sl.BO, at.. . i DC Mounted combs, all the latest styles for fall, beautifully mount ed in gold bands, set with fancy Htones, silver, gold plated and ox idised at, ea 25c 5Gc,75c $lu$15. 1.00 Very special Oneida community tea spoons, Finer de Lux and Avion patterns, warranted for 25 yearsat, for six spoons Jet bracelets, let necklaces, in mourning and ' Frt CQ. bright cut, at DXfC'DJC Attleboro manufacturer sold us his entire stock of gold filled brace- j lets, each bracelet carries a guar- i antee for two years, f f( worth $3. B0 and $3.50, atl.UU Fancy Scotch Bilk hMU,' regu- tEn lKr Driue 26c ajid Sue. at SOW $2.S0 Sterling Silver Scissors at 60c Pair 50 dozen Sterlln silver scissors, embroidery scissors, manicure and straight scissors, ?LC positively worth up to $2.50; Saturday, choice, at. .......... DtC Ladles' $1.23 and $1.60 Leather Bags In all the new colors in leather; for Saturday, at..... , 89c u f 171b and Pi Douglas M Streets I i fit 11 .i , r FRY'S 2o00 BOYS SHOES Our $2.00 Boy's Shoe is a prize. So parents think who have been buying them for their boys. We selected good cased calf for these shoes, had them double soled and strongly made looked after all the little detail in making and sell them for the reasonable price of $2.00. . Somebody, somewhere, may be selling as good' a Boy's Shoe for' the same money, but we've - yet to see it. FRY SHOE CO. Til IIOIBI, I61h and Douglas Streets' strccts yf 647 I Omaha' Pure Food Center. The bread that keeps the family healthy. Is a treasure no one can afford to be without. It is made right here. Once used it be comes a luxury that you won't dispense with. It comes m in all kinds of styles; Sf price, the loaf. ..." SPECIAL In Meat department for Saturday , boneleb rib roasts, yer pound lOH J, 000 pounds o? Armour's Bacon, per pouud 14- Ankolo Java and Mocha, the 3ij finest three pounds for a dollar !! coffee In Omaha, is making new , & friends every day. Special for Saturday in this department. j Our 20c fancy Santos. 3 pounds U for ft A satisfactory basket fired Japan U tea, per pound .5 H Mr. Twel1e'a 1ctnra fn 9r.i...j. i" Nov. 3d. at a:30 in the afternoon, on thu necond floor of our new tore. will i' be on the eubject of practical houso- & .kepln when the following menu will b prepared and served: M Panned Oysters Lemon Buttir R Welch Kareblt M ABDS.rMiruii Ittira r-t... . W ' p Our Disimoivd Suteriorily For years past our hard and fast rule regarding Diamonds has been "Absolute Perfection." Every stone must pass the "100 Per Cent" perfect mark before .uing entry to our stock. There is never a question - about precious atones bought -from- this house. The insur ance of full value lends ad ditional ' charm to ' their sparkling- purity. This store is a veritable treas ure house of. beautiful Diamonds, Rubles, ' Emeralds, Sapphires, Pearls etc.; in the new and artistic Platinum Mountings. We ask you to pay us a visit. 1 MERE QUESTION OF MAJORITY Ihmi la All There la Dkt Akott Sfceldea's Rses, Sys ' - Qcorare TVtltas. 'tSvorg Sheldon will bs elecrod; why. of cuurs. Of tbat ther can ts no doubt. Ths only quewloa Is, What will bis ma jority be?" Buch is the view of Georg "VVlIt of Cedar county, who Is ruining for th tats on ill j republican ticket, lis Is representing, or going to represent, Ui distrl'.'l formerly reprearnted ty Btvnalor AVsrjior. now L'nlted States niurvhal. Last vtr ton. lor Mfterva was in tho lufiUla. lu.o frooi that district. "I have no better fouiidatkm for my statements than an eipwlrnce of ram lausnlng with Bhcldoji." added Mr. Wilts. '1 ka tteo uJdiig atsvUa with Uiu through our country, and I know the tem per of our people. I know the temper of tlis people la Nebraska. I know It Is, tbat they do not proper to be fooled with: they do not Intend to be buncoed by democratic hot air. The people of Nebraska are In deadly earnest this yvar. They have tlrvd of bully-ragging-, tired of sophistry, tired of Jomogoy; they now propose to: run inuigs inemsrivee a wnne, wmcn means that the democratic party, in its alliance with the railroads, must take tho conse quences. r rum past r xpti teuce ot Ullluoa '! nusltloo the republicans of this tate know what they sj up against. T!iy know that the allied corporations in co-opt ration with the democrats and pops are making u luad right to get control of the state house, and I can tell you the republicans are lotting no chance or time In their fight tgslust th se elsaients." . . Brown & Dorshcim .-. JEWELRS IJl South 16:h St it j One of New York's Finest Wholesale Tailoring Firms Closed Out io Us About Twelve Hundred of Their Tj " TT" n QJJ mm T"i r Atyi We Place Them on Sale at ff7K Co) Co) OHO Special Sale of Boys' Suits at $2.50 and $2.95 THE REUIABLK TRK Finest line , of Cravenet' f Coats Shown in th: City Special Sale of Men's Clothing Quality and style that meets all tho requirements of the most fastidious dressers nt special prices, which mean a very substan tial saving KXJJ- Worth Up to $18.00 A DARGAII1 WITHOUT A PARALLEL Lien's Shis M wrtli Up to $1.50, Sale Price ..... u w iuarantee Glotliing Co. 1519-21 DouQlao St. At $10.00 and $12.50 Men's Suits, rstedC, 5 K:.i';-':.t-si 'lt': .- (Sf '0.7 :ii 4 M l :.-.-.;Ji,. .-i;,--.b . V-.--.-..:iww.--? J'i y - f . I Copyright 1 906 hf Hart Schkfnerjjf Mr. in fine -worst cassimererV Merges, chenots, vtc, in complete assortment of colors and patterns. Men's Overcoats, in plain black or blue kerseys, black and Ox- ford f?ray, Viennas, Irish friezo and fancy cheviots, cut in long or medium. length and includ ing tho new form" fitting-styles, Prices mean a saving of $4.00 to $7.50, M $15 and $18 Hen's Suits and Overcoats, worth regularly up to $25.00 made of very highest class, all' wool materials, in unsurpassed" assortment of styles and pat terns. The .very best class of tailoring is shown in these; garments. Tho stylo, individu-. . ality. and perfect draping will be extremely pleasing to those' ' who appredato really stylish.. dress. Compare those special offer ings Saturday. . You'll ind: them superior in every respect to any before offered at thes prices so early in tho season .MAYPBKI Bl8. gSTOTiWHftTriiiliiili liiiTi I 11 mi w iimmltT in.. I INDIANAPOLIS, JND., and Return 019.40 Our haBlenge Sale ft sagj k Buys another Entire Wholesale Stock of Beautiful Pattern Hats from an eastern manufacturer at an Enor mous Sacrifice :: :: :: :: Saturday tho Grand Challenge Soles Day Absolutely every one of these exqui site patterns placed on sale and every v Hat In the house. Enormously Re duced in Price to make this the GREATEST MILLINERY SALE OMAHA HAS EVER KIIOWII B,H'K"r!!!..?5-60.T8!!:010 This Is your opportu lvy to save from three to ten Dollars on your new Fall Hat Euy Millinery Now EC E n N Buy Millinery Right THE BEST EVER WE NK VER bad fluch a splendid and gemroua tho wing of Fall and Winter fabrics. - It's a facinating aggre gation that wUl gladden the heart of every good dresser at prices, lees than you expect. Skilled tailors and competent cutters will look after your order here, and you'll pick from the choicest styles if you pick today. Trsmrs $5 to $12, Suits $20 to $50 l ej Ann sr 40&.11 io, istb su Cheap Excursions Southwest Tickets on sale Nov. 11, 12, 13. Return limit Nov. 19, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Three daily trains from Union Station Omaha to Union Sta tion Chicago, leave Omaha 7:85 a.m., 6:43 p. m., 8:33 p.m. For Information and folder call at City Ticket Office, 1824 Farnam St., or write to F. A. NACH, General Western Agent OMAHA, NEB. 4 The a& Boys' Feet ! . - On November 6th and 2)th. One-way and round trip tickets sold from nearly all Rock Island points in the North and Central West to practically all points South west. Rate about ' half in many cases less than half the regular fare. Special Tourist Sleepers on our Southwest trains these dates. Pluck means sure success in the Southwest. An illus trated book or two will help you to a better acquaintance with the country. I'll be glad to send them on request F. P RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. 1323 Farnam St., Omaha., Neb. 5 Must Be Well Shod. We care for the boys feet the same that we do for men's.. We take as much pains in select ing shoes for them as for any line in our stock. Perhaps we give the boy a little better value than we do his daddy. . We are particularly greedy for boys' trade. We take aa much pains and care in fitting the boys' feet as we do the other lines we carry. We have no one but experienced salesmen to wait on- our boys' trade. Our Boys' Special "Htecl Shod" Shoes bavo stood the test. Boys' sizes o rn 2tf to 64 .tlV Youths' SireB-- 9 1 to 2 ,....t.bO Little Gents' Sizes ' O Aft 10 to 13 .ii.VV Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. antral hesss: DA1LEY & MACII CEKTIiTS 3D FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK HIGHEST CFADti DENTISTRY REASONABLE PRICES. y : t Buy Your DOUBLE SOLE SHOES at the Walk-Over Shoe Store ' 1621 Farnam SI Dull nd Bright Lssthers-ALL MEW B4 B. Thompson, ths Walk-Orsr Msb COB. mm. A9 DODOZ, OMUL DEPUTY STATE VETERINAHLAN. I H. L RAMACCIOTTIt D. V. S. CITY VKTEHISARlAir. Office and Infirmary. 2Sth and Mason Stj SCHOOLS AMI COLLEGES. DCLLEVUE COLLEGE COLLKOB CUsiJcsl. -t.uliSc. BbllosohUl courMS. Al AKfcMT AB .ccrwlHcii H"ga ho-l piXMru US U.1IV.U. ir ny um.r r lol.rilj. NUSMAL gi'H'XJL KHis.ui.rf u4 .4IMM4 cure. r.rtiOcU. ioll. CONPtRVATOMY I fcoi ot BlBSlc, ItUss. Slm, vtollD. ulon bnS .ft. OMAHA CONNS.CTIO EI.trto Us i Barliogv uu railf. Umiv. lAxaUturiw. aMiws 10 in Utbwucu, kUTiMi tit. Find a Customer Brery thing you bav to sell U wanted hj eomslody If price aa4 quality are right A Dm Waat a4 13 JsA tk costoQie ) I r I