Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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    the omaiia daily bee: .sati,hiay, novembek a. woe.
V -
t u
jYarkrt Wall Supplied with I .Mongol.
Dkintitt aid fubiUntiali.
til Lawal ItDTM
Mtk I'p tba
Malta In
nisctosea to
Hlfkfat St? I.
Tha ouawtlon of supplying the inner man
I. on of continual interest to housewives,
chef, ml all those having to do with pre
paring for tha table the various forma of
vegetable and animal Ufa used for food.
Tha average housewife who wisely appre
ciates tha philosophy of "feeding the
brut," knowa her husband cannot live by
bread or flapjack alone, no aha scans tha
marte and even at that occasionally re
marks, "What ahall we have to eat?" For
har anawer ahe either calls up her pur
veyor by telephone or goes to market her
aelf and flnda that today Omaha wan never
batter provided with the (rood things that
go to sustain Ufa and please the palate.
Tha Omaha market at thla season of the
year take on a now leaae of life with the
autumnal tinge, as with the advent of
cooler weather and approach of Thanks
giving tha appetite of tuaj community takea
on added xest and supply meeta demand.
The market! are Just now presenting a
tempting appearance, much of the product
being of a mora aubatantlal nature than
that offered In tha summer days. The local
market facilities have kept apace during
tha year .with other tinea of advancement.
Fruits, vegetables, nut flrli. poultry and
other forms of food are coming In abun
dantly from both domestic and foreign
Start la Anywhere.
"Where ahull I begin T' remarked a
woman who wanted to look over the mar
ket yesterday afternoon.
"Juat begin anywhere." ahe was told.
Bo ahe atarted In with the cranberries.
Bhe learned that tha quality of cranberrlea
Is fine, but that there will be a material
advance, in prices before Thanksgiving ahall
have arrived, the reason being that the de
mand for the little red turkey accompani
ment la strong this year.
Tha poultry supply In general is plentiful
and the quality good. Peculiar circum
stance, have affected the price of poultry,
which will be lower this season than last
'year. Turkeys will not be as plentiful as
last year in Nebraska. It Is believed some
of tha tribe will have to be brought from
Texas and Oklahoma to Nebraska this
There are soma fine spring chickens and
domeatlo ducks on the market Just now.
Geese are nearly as scarce aa hen teeth.
The uncertainty in the east as to what con
ditions may. prevail in cold storage legisla
tion has had the effect of causing some
thing of a slump In the poultry market,
particularly that of chickens.
Oyster, asa Celery.
Then cornea oysters snd celery. David
Coia now has two cara of Nebraska celery
on tha track and at least a dozen cana of
oysters at bis office. Mr. Cole says oysters
ara corning along fine, so that he who
runs can eat oysters it he chooses. There
are plenty of "standards" In. The stan
dards are the spring chickens of the
oyster family. They come from the waters
of the Cheeepeake and are separated from
their kind parents at the tender age of
3 years, for standards travel on their ten
derness. Omahnna who like "selects" can
have plenty of tbem. Selects are oysters
which reach their majority, which In oys
ter Ufa Is S years. They are nice raw or
fried. New York counts are In by the
bushels. Tha New York counts ara the
Beau Brummel of oysters. They ara, after
all, but selects transplanted to watera of
Long Island sound or other similar water
and not marketed until large enough to
sell by the thousand in the abell. No one
ever beard of a New York count being
sold by the gallon. That Is why the price
of "counts" is higher and the demand
so great Omaha people consume New
York eounta In large numbers. The oyster
dredging season was opened October IS in
Maryland and Virginia.
Speaking again of celery, It la noted that
tbla plant la taking rank In Omaha with
cabbage and pressing the potato hard for
Its laurels. One dealer who has two cars
on hsnd hss ordered six cars for bis
Thanksgiving trade.
Apples asa Other Frwlts.
All aorta of tempting fruit ara on tha
market, with others on the way. Such pop
ular New York appliea aa Spltsenberga.
Wagners, Kings, Baldwins and Greenings
are offered at slightly advanced prloea, but
tha quality thla season Is such aa to causa
a great demand. The same varieties from
Michigan are offered, but they are not
plentiful. From the Ozark districts splen
did table and eating apples, such as the
Jonathans, Wlneaaps, Missouri Pippins and
tha old reliable Ben Davla are shown.
The fancy varieties from Colorado and
other western states will be in this week.
A fine grade of "Parson . Brown" . Florida
orangea ara to be had. wjokay and Red
Emperor grapes from California, In large
clusters, and Almeria white grapes from
Spain, packed In kegs, are now offered.
New York Concord grapes may last up to
California Winter Nellia pears, tan
gerines, Ilallowl and Bayer dates and
Smyrna figs and Malaga grape alse ara In.
The Florida grape fruit la becoming more
popular in Omaha every year. That va
riety will be In within two weeks to re
lleve the California aupply. The grape fruit
Is considered very healthy. A local chef
says: ' "Cut the fruit In two, fill with
sherry and sugar, stand over night and eat,
Out commission man said the demand this
aeaaon for grape fruit is four times that
of a few years ago.
Egg plants from the south, are In. They
are nice cut Into squares and fried In but
ler. Southern cultivated mushrooms of un
usual size are to be had and Brusel
sprouts from tha southland are available
and of good quality Just now.
Caallflowrr ana Vegetables.
Cauliflower Is now being offered by the
pound. Here are some of the vegetarian
offerings: Head lettuce, raised In Ne
braska; green and wax beans from the
south, beat ever for this time of year;
Nebraska spinach, radishes, lettuce, car
rota, tomatoes, cucumbers and other rel
ishable products of the soli. The southern
vegetables will be In soon In larger quan
titles. Tha California tomatoes are worth
mora than passing Interest.
risk, Flaa ant Fleailfal.
In the Hue of fresh fish the best trout of
tba year la now being offered. White fish
pike and pickerel, next in the piscatorial
category; may be had for a few weeka
longer from the lakes. Modern refrigera
tion baa made It poealble for tha Omaha
housewife to have what practically Is fresh
Bah even after the great lakes are frozen
Red snappers and blue fish, desirable salt
water &sn for baking, and sucU pan Dsn as
black baas, croppies, bull reads and cue
th, ara offered la abundance. For break -fas
there Is flue mackerel, either Spanish
or native.; aad there are frog legs or a
dainty and shrimps aud locators for salads.
Halibut and salmon, good gonaral purpose
salt water Cab ara en market In Una form.
New stocks of siMoked salinou. halibut and
awl may h had of the dflioutee us. Stcol
aad aalrnoa aad baby bailout Ls tasty -i;J
uvmmmm ii. imiiii wwmaiii. nn mk i n im i i n m, -asm sin .1 11 1 1 1
ao mo. la
After "Red Letter Day" cornea ur many specials, with I. It X. Oresm
Trading Stamps In the bargain. Are yon saving S. U K. Oreea Trading
Stamps If you are not you have rot been benefited like your neighbor. Have
you Bern the beautiful cut glass dish or the elegant pair of vaaea or rocking
chair that your neighbor got with a book of 8. as X. Oreea Trading Stamps?
You can get the same thing by saving the stamps wa give you on each pur
chase. Call at our store and get a book to paste them In and ten stamps free.
Wa give these stamps on every purchase you make.
Spring Chickens, freak dressed,
per pound V4
Veal Rtew, per pound 4Vc
Vex! RnaRt, per pound So to 80
Oood Steak, fovir pounds for 36o
Round Steak, per pound 80
Sirloin Pteak, per pound ....... .10o
Boiling Bf, 10 pounds for 860
Chuck Roast, per pound.... to O
No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams, lb.,.13Vi
Compare our prices with other store
aad be convinced that everything wa
aall ls a mossy saver.
20 pounds pure cane Granulated
Sugar for $14)0
TTneda Biscuits, t pkgs. for lOo
reaches! reaches ! Fancy freestone,
to 7 dozen to crate, per crate. 4o
The Lanno
: :
I 24th Cl Cuming Sts., Tel. 1530 Douglas 3223.
now being offered oa tha local market
In new atocka
Nuta oa tha War.
A large shipment of California walnuts
will be In this week. Foreign nuts are
coming in for tha holiday trade. What
pumpkina were not used by the boys on
Hallowe'en night will be offered In the
market places this week. Nebraska pump
kina are always on dsck and constitute ths
principal ingredient of the best pie In the
world some think. New cider and cheese
being shipped in. Plenty of both. ,
The harvest has been great this season
In the food producing sections and the re
sult is Omahana will have plenty of good
things to eat, though the chilly northwest
winds blow and the outdoor god of nature
sleeps In this "deestrlckt."
Soath Omaha Chief at Folic Acewaed
by Bradeest, His Eacmy,
George Bradeen of South Omaha, who
haa had mora or leea trouble with Chief of
Police Brlggs and his men, now comes for
ward with a new charge. He asserts that
in June, 1906, he gave Chief Brlggs and De
tective. Klsfelder $30 to pay tbo expense of
bringing Lillian Bradeen and James Beck
back from Bloux City and that tha officer
later collected from tha county for the
The records in tba county clerk's ofOce
show that Henry Elsfelder did render a
bill for the trip after the two partlca
named. The bill was for 116.10 and was al
lowed by the county board and paid by
warrant No. 6730.
Bradeen asserts h will at once file
chargea against Brlggs and Klsfelder with
the South Omaha Board of Fire and Police
Omega OH ta Goad for Any Fata
that can ba reached externally. Trial 10c.
The tailored suit expresses the highest
form of the fashion designer's art and
here Is a new model which ls especially
trig and becoming. Tbo natty little coat
closes In double-breasted style, being
need In back only. The neck edge la On
ished with a Tuxedo cellar-facing of vel
vet according to the latest fashion. The
skirt la a new thlrtaen-gored dare one,
plaited at the center front and bark ae
as to afford a becoming fullness at the
bottom. Any of the aeaaooabla materials
are recommended for the suit, broadcloth,
serge and cheviot bing auggested. The
patterns are fcjwily put together so that
even the amateur may attempt auch a suit
aa tbla For the taedluni sUe 7 yards
of.M-inth goods ara needed. Two pat
terns: !. sixes, ti to 42 Inches bust
measure; 770, sixes 20 to 14 Inches
The price of these patterns is 20c, but
either will be sent upon receipt of 10c
For tha accommodation of The Poaha
Bee readers these patterns, which usually
retail at from SUM cent a wtll be fur
nished at a nominal price (1 cents), wnlch
covers ail expenses. In order to get a pat
tern enclose 10 cents, giving number aud
name of patteru wattled and bust measui
As las patterns at nailed direct ficm the
i77 I I I
mwmi co.
Fancy Sugar Pears, each e
Syrup, per ran Bo
Pure Maple Syrup, quart bottles. 35a
And 13 in Green Trading Stamps.
Pure Maple Pugnr, per cake....7Ho
Pancake Flour, 6-pound sack....90o
Buckwheat Flour, per pound.... 4Vo
3 3-lb. sacks Table Salt for 100
And tl in Green Trading Stamps.
Navy Beans, 10 pounds for S5o
3-lb. can Baked Beans 7Ho
Fancy Queen Olives, per quart.. 35
And tl in Green Trading fe tamps,
Pweet Corn, 2-lb. can...! Bo
Freeh Krgs, per doxen IOo
Fresh Creamery Butter, lb B80
Fresh Country Roll, lb 30o
Purity Flour, the best on the mar
ket, every sack guaranteed or your
money back per 4-lh.
And t2 in Green Trading Stamps.
Grocery Co.,
AD HO. 10
Where you can always depend upon
getting the best the market affords
snd the price ls always consistent
with quality. Quality has always
been first consideration it slways
will be. That's why our customers
are so loyal they know they can al
ways be sure of the beat meats to
be had.
We will give you the benefit of
lower prices saved through discon
tinuing the expensive credit and de
livery systems.
Dresesd by us pound lvI
pound aw
Jos. Bath's Gash Market,
1921 Farcam Street.
Waahinrton Correipcadeoti as Bontan for
tha Square Dal.
Some Notable Achievements for Pwblie
Good Crooked aad Shady Tricks
Rxposed with Beneaclal -Results.
A "people's lobby" is the attractive
scheme proposed by one of the nisgaxines.
The Idea ls to establish at Washington a
lobby of well known men who will acrutl
niza all the legislation that cornea up, de
tect the "snakes" and warn the public of
But there la a people's lobby already at
Washington. It has been operating with
the utmost vigilance for many years. Bo
efficiently doea It work that whea
"snakes" get Into bills and May In them
till the day of passage. It ls never because
tha public has not been advised of them;
it Is alwajs in defiance of that fact.
Thla people's lobby haa driven tha old
fashioned professional lobbyist out of
Washington. The days when the beautiful
female lobbyist of the stage got votes for
some scandalous "claim" have gone by In
Washington,, though those daya still exist
on the stage when a drama of Washington
life is on the boards.
The time of "The Gilded Age" haa gone
by; Laura Hawkins and Colonel Bellera do
not flourish in Washington any more.
Oa Haadred Fifty Traiaed Observers
This people's lobby consists of 160 trained
professional observer, who. upon proving
their richt to be accepted, are admitted
by the duly constituted authorities to tha
press gallery of tha senate and house.
These duly constituted authorltlea are
created by congress, but elected by the
newspaper correspondent themselves. Not
all tha newspaper men In Washington ara
What Terminal Taxation r.Ieans-What
Lincoln Evening News.
Chuirman Allen of tha democratic atate
i nuirman Alien
jinmittee has louna on. conv.n w
anti-terminal taxation propaganda. It ia
the Beatrice Sun, Dan Cook'a friendly
newspaper. It aaya
About the most foolish fight that The
Omaha Bee has ever made la the one that
it la now making to convince the state that
the present condition of affairs should
chance and that the terminal facilities. In
cluding the railroad depots, which are
worth milliona of dollars, should be aa
iraae as a part of Omaha. Instead of being
pro rated along the line as at present.
Whatever one may think ot this aa a mat
ter of equity, It vsould certainly be bad
oolitic, for the rural countlea to let go any
part of the taxes that they get front ths
railroads In order to enrlchen the cities of
Omaha, and Lincoln. The Bee will probably
make votea for Ita local legislative ticket,
but It will gain nothing In the rural coun-
The Sun editor certainly cannot be Ig-
norant of what terminal tax tUon neana, acuept the flguru. ot tha .tate board,
yet tha above I. strong proof. Or else be Is To make this clearer, suppose the value
deliberately mUrepreseniing the question, of the Burlington railroad property In Un
it la quite likely, however, that he hlmrelf coin Is 2.00u,u00. It haa 1.600 milea of road
doea not understand It- In the atate. Each one of these 2,6u milea
The terminal taxation movement dues not
comprehend the assessment of the Otnaha
terminals "as a pari or uinana instead of
being pro rated along tha Una as at pres
ent." Neither are "tha rural counties un
der It to let go any part of tha taxes that
they get from tba rallroada in ordar to
enrich tha cltlea of Omaha and IJncoln."
Here Is exactly what tnru'inal taxation
Is: That the present law al13.ll be amended
AS WO. 14
Why Plot Trade
With Us?
We have the best of everything and
our prices are the lowest In town.
Any Nebraska Flour 91.00
Finest Western Potatoes, bp..yy
Fresh Pancake Flour, 2-lb. pkgs.,
3 pkgrs. for 20
Fresh Prunes, large 7H
We handle the best of meats and our
prices compare favorably with any
market In the city.
The White House Grocery
and Meat Market
1813 St. Mary's Ave. Phone Doug. 541)
M. Sommer & Bro.
2601 Cuming Sts.
Telephone Harney 2499
We never sacrifice quality for price
We have earned a reputation for sell- j
lug uiaiiuifso kuuub uuu auaii aiuj
sustain this reputation in our Saturday
Specials. As a special inducement,
however, we give free with every pur
chase S. & H. Green Trading Stamps.
2-lb can Stewart Bros.'
Wedgewood Coffee ....
1-lb. can Rumford Baking
Powder ;
H-lb. can Prlce'g
Baking Powder
tt-lb. can Royal
Baking Powder
25c can C. P.
Baking Powder
Spring Chickens,
per pound
(Our own Dressing.)
This Coupon good for 10 extra
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps,
with every 50c purchase or over,
in addition to the regular stamps
to which your purchase entitles
you. M. SOMMER & BRO. ,
admitted to the prers gallery. The press
gallery ls not merely a gallery; it ls the
name for the organised corps of corre
spondents! It has headquarters, set apart
for It by congress. In rooms located back
of Its galleries, and it has a staff of era
ployes appointed by the authority of con
gross and paid out of the public funds.
The head of this organization is called
the press committee. It ls an official
body, created under the rules of the sen
ate and house. This committee consists
of five men, who bold office two years,
and are elected every other December b
the ISO men In the organisation.
Power to Expel Black Sheep.
This press committee is vested by con
gress with complete power over the men
who elect it. On charges duly preferred a
newspaper correspondent can be brought
before thla body and tried. If found guilty,
he can be expelled from the press gallery.
This doe not mean merely from his scat
in a gallery; It means that he can be ex
pelled from the recognised body of corre
apondenta, driven out to aeek his bread
with a brand on hla forehead. No man who
has been expelled on chargea of corruption,
grafting or anything else affecting hla mo
ral character has ever been able to do busi
ness In Washington. It has been the end
of them all.
It la due to this institution that tha or
ganisation known as the "press gallery" is
about the cleanest spot in Washington life.
For three congresses It was presided over
by the late E. G. Dunnell of the New York
Times, who won tber reputation of being tha
most unsparing and remorseless rooter-out
of grafters that ever held the place ct
chairman of the press committee.
The present committee Is aa strong as
any that ever tveld that trying place. It
consists of Bamuel G. Blythe, chairman;
Maurioe Splaln, secretary ; Richard H.
Lindsay, Arthur J. Dodge and John P. Mil
ler. Going as far back aa Grant'a second ad
n that when the authorities ot every vll-
lage, town and city in Nebraska make up
,,.11. .,, .hn u.s
and city In Nebraska make up
.... .- ...-, - -
whatever property a railroad has within its
borders at its actual value. This ls all. No
change In the present method of assessing
property tor atate, county and district pur-
posea is coniempiaiea.
The rallroada are assessed now tor mu
nicipal tares in every city, town and vil
lage, but they are enabled, by reason of the
law as it la now, to evade a large part of
their Just share. The present law provides
that the state board shall lump all tangible
property, add to tbla the tangible value,
and divide tha total by tba numbur ot
rallea of road In tha atate. . Tba quotient
repreaenta the value per mile of tha roads.
and all that ls necaaaary theu to find out
tha taxable valuatlou for each taxing dls-
trlct Is to multiply that quotient by the
number of miles ot road tberln. When the
city, town or village starts to tax the rall-
road property Inside lta borders It la not
permitted to appraise ita value, but must
gets tsoo of taxable value from tbeso
urmlnala. Each school district in the atate
baa that aum aaaea ior each mile in it to
Its tax roll. If the terminal taxation Idea
prevails that system will not be changed.
The Burlington baa about sixty mile, of
main and sidetracks In the city Umila of
Lyicoin. It actually pays city taxea upon
but 01 lullaa of track. it paya state,
county and ecbool taxes on all of tU trauk-
MOMMawMuaUM mtmv -wJ-M.Mr.-rttM.'w.
mi m m
.Baby's health Is, and should be, the vital question in every
household. Thousands of. babies are lost every year by the using
of poor milk. We can conscientiously recommend Alanilto 8tj
Certified Milk for the baby. Scientific study and years of practical
experience have enabled us to solve the problem of delivering
pore milk to our customers. Don't take chances on baby's health.
Call us up and we will arrange to leave a bottle of Certified Milk
at your door each day.
Phone Douglas-411. 2Q06 Farnam St.
AD SO. 13
good eatables, drink good "rlnkables
heolth Is yours. We sell only THh
VERY BKPT" et pries asked for
that has made this store popular, and
in our prices for tomorrow we set the
Upton's No. 1 Tea, 55C
per pound
Upton's No. 1 Tea, 29C
the bost nd frenhest. 10 C
per pound ,
Rib Roast, very best steer, fOJC
Jausageasf'nedV our own nuike. and
the best in Nebiaska, ..IOC
Foce. "thl1" mosrucVlciou j' j fjc
15c Breakfast Food, per pkg.. .""'
Peas, good early June, 10C
wr can :."';
Kippered Herring, Aberdecns jTl-
tst. pT can ajw
Cakes, our leader, big S layer white,
nut, caramel, chocolate, 3lit
or cocoanut, each
Johnson & Goodlstt Go.
Tel. 1B75. 20th and Lake Ets.
ministration, the people a lobby did yeoman
service In the exposure of the whisky ring
frauds. Grant himself was opposed to the
showing up of the thieves, because the trail
led to his own personal friends, and It was
one of Grant's faults that he could never
be Induced to believe that a friend of his
could be crooked.
Secretary Brlstow conducted hla Investi
gation with the aid and knowledge of all
the correspondents in Washington, with the
understanding that none t them should
print a word about It until he gave . the
The star route scandala were exposed
by Major John M. Carson, then the corre
spondent of the. New York Times. He se
cured documentary evidence In a number
of cases, and one day printed the evidence
In a single case. It attracted little atten
tion, but the next day Carson printed the
evidence In another case. Thi time people
began to taka notice. On the third day
out came the facts in another case, and
so day after day Carson continued to pour
In his broadsides until the country was
ringing with the exposures and congres
sional investigation waa started.
After the congressional Investigation As
sistant Postmaster General Brady was In
dicted, with Senator Dorsey and others.
They escaped ultimately, but thaw was no
fault of the people's lobby.
Congreaa and Cabinet Abases.
The present government of the District
of Columbia by a commission appointed
by the president, the people of the Dis
trict being dipfranchised, la the work of
the people's lobby. A. M. Gibson, then
correspondent of the New York Sun, opened
fire, on the government headed by Alex
ander R. Shepard; other correspondent.
took It up. and the people', lobby com-
pelled an Investigation, which resulted in
the abolition of the territorial form of
th. f tha
present one.
The famous salary grab In congress waa
denounced by the people', lobby, who
kept up their attacks until a succeeding
congress repealed tha grab. That waa m
Grant'a time,-but only a year ago tha
aame thing was repeated on a small scale,
The Fifty-eighth congress waa drawing to
a close when the houae voted Itself mile-
age to which It had no moral right. The
people', lobby at onca pounced upon -the
"mileage grab" and so thoroughly aired It
that when the measure came up In the
senate It waa killed.
The Pan-Electric acandal In Cleveland's
first administration waa expoaed by the
newspapers. m m.i v.. - "'W"'
it Does Not Mean.
ate because when the lumping is done
these values are counted In and spread all ;
these values are counted In and spread all
.,. .tut. not when tt en., tn eii
laxes it. oouf a very l.i go pari, og wait
tt should ray because upon every mile of
Ita that la without the limits of
any municipal corporation it escapes mu
nicipal taxes, notwithstanding that each
of those miles had had added to It Ita pro
portion of the value of terminals In the
cltlea and towns.
The Burlington will pay In Lincoln city
taxea thla year upou 6.01 mile, of road, tha
aum of f3.124.5u. If It waa aaaessed for city
taxea on tha basis of actual value, it
would pay five timea that amount of taxes.
All of lta property lu Lincoln la now aa
aeasad at W,0u0 on a one-fifth valuation.
Tha other rallroada Iiere escape Just aa
The same condition of affairs exiat. In
Beatrice. Tha rallroada that have depots
and trackage there dodge a considerable
portion of these taxes by tha aama device,
spreading out the values into the country
districts whtre city tsxoa are not col
lected. Doe. tha Bun say that ta right?
Terminal taxation doea not mean tba les
sening of a dollar In the taxes of railroads
for atate, county or school purposes. Jt
means that wnen any municipal body
makea up lta tax roll that it shall tax the
rauroaos iur tiij, iju m vmuga pur-
poses, on the property they actually have
within lu limits; that after the county,
aiata and school districts have taken their
toll of the road as a whole tbla distributed
value shall be gathered up and held in the
city long enough to be assessed upon the
aanie basis as all othac properly.
AD TO. 16
'I'll Increased Production
and Consumption of
Colo. Mountain Fruit
in an ample evidence of its extreme
popularity with consumer. Situated
in the valleys of theae mountains are
Immense orchards, principally devoted
to the cultivation of the famous lun
clous. Sugar Loaf Pears
conceded to be anperior to any variety
of this fruit in sweetness and flavor.
For Saturday Only
Colo. Sugar Loaf Pears, basket .30?
Choice Flo. Grape Fruit, basket.. 5
Extra Fancy Dates, per lb 10J
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dot 25
Creamery Butter, per lb 2HC
Cream of Wheat, 2 packages. . .5
Saratoga Flakes, 2 packages. .. -25i
Golden Pumpkin, 3 cans i25?
35c Durkee's Salad Dressing, per
bottle 23c
60c Basket Fired Japan Tea, per
lb 33
Fembrook Corn, (try It) per dos.55
company which was trying to rival the
Cell concern gave stock to members of the
senate and house and to high officials, in
cluding Attorney General Garland. The
people's lobby unearthed this and ham
mered away at It for months until a con
gressional committee waa appointed to In
vestigate it.
Caraosi lap vers Carter.
The famous case of Captain Oberlln M.
Carter was unearthed , by Major Carson,
then the correspondent of the Philadelphia
Public Ledger. He pounded away at Car
ter for a long time before anyone else
dared to take the case up.
The Influences behind Carter were enor
mous. Libel suits were threatened. At
last, after the people's lobby had com
pelled tha administration to take action.
President McKlnley began to falter be
cause of the terrific pressure, senatorial
and otherwise, which was being brought
to bear upon blm. It se-med as if the
Carter case would be allowed to die.
Again Carson opened his batteries wtih
a full page broadside; the rest of the peo- j
"" louoy ieu in line, and the danger of
Carter' escape was blazoned and scare
headed all ovar the country until tha pro
ceedings were resumed, and then ended
" ,r" Leavenworth for
"un tT.h et th"
y"r WJ'h th eviction
Oreene and Gaynor after their long de-
. " irom canaaa.
Lata Paatamee Revelations.
ins poatai exposure In Roosevelt's ad-
ministration was Initiated by the people's
lobby. Before ever Assistant Postmaster
General Brlstow had been ordered to ba-
gin his Investigation. Major J. J. Dlckln-
son waa pounding away at the department
day after day In the columns of the Wash-
ington Times. After awhile the president,
incited ty Arslgtant Toatmaster General
-Wynne. William Allen White and others
erdered an Investigation
j Thl. investigation, ao far a. Postmaster
' General Payne managed it. was not aes-
tlntl to fo dMper tnw t)a ex -
crti specified criminal practice The
people a lobby bun. on Pavne'a Wi
after day and forced Mm to broaden the
scope of the Investigation until It took In
the whole department.
Protected Rat BUI.
An example of their work Is afforded by
tha history of the railroad rata bill last
" "vn
.Proposition that waa offered was scrutln
t every step or the wav tin
Ized and Its character h,n i,n r .
; j i-
tempt to hamstring tha bill met Instant and
wiae puDiicity. Propositions that never
got to, the stage of being offered were dls.
covered in the process of Incubation and
killed by advertisement.
When tha bill came over from the house
It was to be an easy matter to emasculate
It and turn It back to the president in a
harmieaa condition. That no auch effort
aucceeded la due to the people's lobby.
It take, more than good Intentions and
good will to do the work of a people',
lobby; It takea efficiency and special train
ing. Wlisn the amiable and well Inten
tloned people's lobby for which the mata
sln apeaka geta down to Washington It
will flnd that out. Whether its life Is long
or short. It will not materially hamper or
assist tha real people's lobby.
That body will go right on doing tha
work which it l:a dona so efficiently for
o many year., and never more efficiently
than now. Philadelphia Ledger.
Salooa Mas Is tlsstae.
Tha caao against Clarence Jtviva, who wus
arrested on Oct.ber on the eharce of
; Twenty-folmh atiwt'aftr hoursV 'wai ' Vm.
; L'.''"" '' imwiura rYi.iav moinli t-.
. ... , ....... umirr WHICH pyiva WM. Mr-
re.twl iwiulre. that tha r,mtUint at e
ot1ealy stale that tha defendant ia the
proprietor of a saloon or the authorised
r-preseiitatlve of a proprietor, and the corn
plslnt mada against Hvlva was defective In
th respwt. "lty Prosecutor Itanlel has
flied another emnnlatnt on the same rliarte
and the merits of the twaa will eventually
b nramntad to ths court.
A shipment of New York Cnnronl grape
which csrne In Thursday in of thr
surprises f ih" ' k. w t'onrni 1 grni'-
hnd been given tip for the year. They wi;i
be In mtrk't ttio rrM of the tik r:.
will sell for cont a tFkct. All kkiIi
of gTHrws arj in market Jut now hikI
they rc not only sbundant. but of fn
quality. More !u!ar penis r In nn'i
they are lsreT than those offered the
early part of the wivl;. They sell for
cents a iloaen. r a bn. 1rap fruit
ha dropped ;'giln anil the smsiler fruit
sells for 5 cents each. Florida oraiiK's Hre'
rather deceiving In appeuriinoe. Most of
them have green spots that are not Invit
ing, but the fruit is sweet snd nice Inside. .
Oranges sell from M to -K rents n dor.en,
according to sire.
New dates arc Just In. They come fpim
Turkey an.l Asia snd arc In thiee tinllt!e.
I Bayers ami Kudawny. which noli for In
I rents n pound, mid the fine 1'nrrts. which
: sell for 13 rents. 1
! N"w hickory mils enmc In Friday mid
j sell for 5 cents a pound. Black walnut
I and chwtnuts are scarce ,1usl now, tlie
; walnuts selling for M cents a peck mi l
the chestnuts from -0 (o ;'5 cents n pound.
The delicious little pinions from Arlione,
announced a few weeks uao. have arrlvM
and will be In the market this week. They
will W1 for JO or its cents n pound, or
cents a measure.
Kprs have gone up lo 17 rents a dozen
and creamery butter costs . ":5 and "0
Cenfs a pound for the package, creamery,
according to Its brand. wMc tub creamery
of good quality may bo ha. I from 24 centa
up. New cliler Is l:i and sells for 38
cents a gallon, or 10 cents a quart.
Timely Recipes.
Cream of Spinach Soup rick over, wash
and stem half a peck of spinach; put with
no water except tich as clings to It from
the washing Into the Inner rail of n double
boiler with bolllns water In the outer, and
cook tender. Kuh through the colander
back Into the saucepan. Make a "roux"
In a frying p;in with a heaping t;iblcapou
ful of butter snd an even spoonful of flour.
Stir until It Is smooth and bubbles and add
gradually to a pint of rich milk hound
Willi h pinch of soda to prevent curdling.
Season the spinach with salt, white pepper,
a teavpoontul ot stisar and a suspicion of
mace, and mix quickly wlih tho hot milk.
Turn Into a tureen and strew tiny dice of '
fried bread on the annuo.
Temperance Punch Pour two quart." of
freshly boiling water over a tahlesponnful
of good tea. Bteep fjr flvo minutes on
bock of stove or tabio. Have ready in n
large pitcher or punch bowl the Juice ami
peelings of three lemons and two oranges.
Strain the V through a fine strainer over
the rrult and add two cupf jls of sugar aiul
cool slowly. When ready to serve alil
plenty of cracked Ice, well washed, with
ted raspberries, shredded pineapple and
sliced oranges enough to allow a bit of
fruit for each glass when serving.
Cheese Rtraws-Plfti together one-half
pound pastry flour, hatf a teaspoonful each
of baking powder and salt, half a salt
spoon of cayenne. Rub In one-quarter
pound grated cheese and pour In a little
bit of cold water. Just enough to enable
you to roll the dough out very thin. Cut
In strips and bake In a moderate oven until
Almost Seven Thousand Dollars ov
la Ilaud for the New
The fund for the building of a Hebrew
Institute in Omaha was Increased by
at the sixth anniversary celebration of
the establishment of McKlnley lodgn B'nal
B'rith, Thursday night In tho Rohrbougli
building. This addition brings tho total of
tho fund up to $j,700. a little more than a
fourth ot the amount It is desired to
At the celebration Martin L. Bug-arum, i
prepided and addressea were made by l
A. Wolf, Charles Logosa, L. Harris, Joe
Levlne and others. Musical numbers wero
rendered by David Gross. The new con
tributors to the building fund sre as fol
lows: H. F"rldman
Jacob Slosbvrg
Mrs. L. Weinberg
Jake Sloeberg. Jr
H. Goldstein
Kmll Hornsteln
McKlnley lodge, I. O. B. B.
UlcK Hhlaes
Dave Marks
Sum Malashock
Will Castleman
vvtor Oerlx-r
Jxo Iewis
Dave Sherman
Dave Gross
Joe Conn
H. Segal
Charlei Nathan
Will Slosberg
Sam Whltebook
Morris Deniorateky
Sam Greenblatt
Abe Levlne
Charles Preglor
H. Theodore
Meyer Coren
Arthur Rosanblum
Joe Llpsey
Max Morris
Mrs. Ida Hornsteln
Morris Horn
M. Loirs sa
Hurry Marks
L. Mot.
Charles Psaoia Held eu Chnrae
Receiving Stolen Goods at
Hla Store.
Thursday afternoon a further search of
the premisea occupied by Charles Douova
at Sot North Sixteenth as a cigar store waa
made by Detectlvea Mitchell and Shephard
and much more stolen property was found,
In addition to that recovered Wednesday
night. Donova is being held on tho hari
of receiving stolen property, for which of
fenso he waa arrested Wednesday night,
when cigars valued at about tl3 were
Louis Hartman, 1711 Mason street, a
driver In the employ of the American,
Transfer company, and Donova havo evi
dently .been doing a wholesale buslnest.,
Hartman stealing the goods and delivering
them to Donova. In addition to the cigars
which were atolcn from the Vuion Pactflu
freight platform, a box of tobacco con
signed to Stewart Bros., which waa atoleit
from the Burllngtun freight office : a licit
of pipes stolen from the Union Paclllc yards
and a box of chewing gum consigned to' the,
Richardson Drug company were found In,
the basement of Donova s store, hidden un
der a pile of kindling. Hartman Is being
held on the charge of grand larceny ami
It la believed that the bulk of tin stolen
proprty haa now been recovered. '.
Friday morning. In speaking of the case.
Chief of Detectives Savage suld:
"I think we have caught a clever thief in'
young Hartman, but the extent of Donova a
operations Is only a matter of conjecture.
Wa have enough trouble catching ordinary
thieves, but when a business man of supr
poscdly good reputation conceals atoluii
property our task la rendered doubly tlifil
cult." laatcled fcy 4, read Jury.
Henry May haa te-n Indicted by tli
grand Jury on a charge of tattmnpivd crim
inal aaatault upon Hazel llrasnrr. T!,
crime ia alleged to hrvc b-.n committed
Ootober 17. C harles Hrott ia cliaig in
another Indictment wlia hicuklng lino tiwj
store of Isaac Irvy and mcaJiug eoiue ci-r-r
wire aud two hie cxiinguiiihais W01U4
I i
i i
i I
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