TIIE jail a jt OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, XOVEMREU 2, 1W)G. CRMS AND PRODUCE MARKET 7bM Fiit"ntwg Uon Aetitity Thai foi Com Tim. PRlCtS AT CLOSE FRACTION " HICHE I II la Despite raet ho ForM Mar W4 Rale Weak Ree-elate mall a ail Flaar Bastaeae "laa- rttrn-Cora la rlra. "in . J 1 1 " " NtvW YORK etttoae OEHERAI. MtRKRT a Yarloaa OMAHA. Nov. 1. 1M. iTrad wan a lltti mr otlva In th I V I'll. ii.en it nan uru iwi "-miph ih, and fter an unchanged opening plcrs advanced to a fraction above yes trday. Liverpool market fr lower, liut did not seem to hv ny Influence, new generally being In favor of tha bulla. Re ceipts are ait III amall, eapeclally In tha i northwest and raah premium have bean advanced. - J-ar sale of flour ware re ported for export In tha southwest. Weather condition era favorable for the movement of grain, but the car situation la atlll an important fartor. Despite -rood weather throughout tha com belt and reporta from tha elevator af good acceptance, corn til strong. Commission af the Dag (tMMtllllfl. NEW TURK. Nov. I. FLOUR Receipts. nVAfiH hbla j exports, 10.4!1 bbls. ; :lcs, l'.JW pk I market firm, with f'r demand; inter patent-.. $2.7trd4.00; winter straight, 13 :g ; Minnesota patents. M l.V'it.afc; winter extras. $2 tntS 10; Mlnneanta bakers, .VtiJ W; winter low grades, $2 T-Vit" OS. Bye four, firm; fair to good. $1 nfi3.e; chops to fair, $.1 uMi 10. Buckwheat flour, barely steady f &: .16, apot and to arrive. -BUCKWHEAT Hteadv, 1.?5 PT 100 1 4'ORNMhAL Steady; Una while and yel low, tVA'ni.-A; coarae, M.l'll.l.; kiln dried, RY8tedy; Jeraev and state. nivffWS, delivered New Tork. . . BARLEY Steady ; feeding. 4.140, c. I. I. New York. WHEAT Receipt, 10, 000 mi. : exports, TP. Ml bu.: sale. 2.7o.OOO hit. fnlurea. Ppot, firmer; No. I rod, 927ic. elevator, and 84te, f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northern. Iniluth, p. f. O. b., afloat; - No. S hard winter, MSo, f. o. b., afloat. Except for a short time around tha opening, whin the market yielded to easy rabies and renllTing. wheat Was generally firm all dtv. IVmlur led on a arare of shorts over the transportation problem, and othr months were affected by strength In ihe northwest and smtll receipt. Iaat price showed afVic net advance. Bales Included .No. t red, May. 44t)t6c, closed ht sac.;., December, &i M n-Tc. closed at MVdo. CORN Receipts. . S4.1W bu. Boot, firm; No. 1. Mc. elevator, and 5T.v4e, t. o. b., afloat: No. 1 ve4iw, p64c. nominal: No houses wer .beat buyr. Reeelpta were whu,' The option market wna without small and the caah market wag Arm. Op- i transaction, closing net unchanged. Jann tlon trade was light. ary closed at MVfcc. . May at aOSc and De. Primary wheat reoelpta war 9 45,000 bosh- lumber at UHo ela and shipment noO.OOO bushels, against i OATS Receipts, Wl 000 tin.; exports. l.WJ reeelnta last year of 1.O4JV0O0 bushels snl bu. Ppot firm; mixed oats, W to lbs.. Moments of W.Onn bushels. Corn receipt 1. natural white, to to tl lbs.. WWVfcc; were S5:000 huahels and shipments M.O00 'Pir,m,rt white. II to W Ihs.. SMftSc. bushels, aralnat receipts last year of Vi.nno FKKIKKIrm: surlna hran. I?-'.W. prompt NEW YOUR STOCKS AND BOSDS Ifgrktt it Active knd tbg 0earl Trtid of Fiiett it Upward. , . INTEREST CENTERS - IN PENNSYLVANIA Plactnar ( tkt . (Urk as a Peea Per Iral Basis Creates a Lively Deaaaad t laa la Straag. Increase. H3n.Bt: other ecurtle, Incresa, CiT.Ciu, other det.ita, decreaea, public deposits. In'rease, :70.i; notes re serve. Increase, government eecurl tlea, unchsnsed. The priiirtlrn of tha hsnk reserve to liability this week Is :a 11 per cent, ss com pared with Hi per cent Isst week. Sew lark Mnaey Market. NEW TORK. Nov. l.MONEY-On call, strong and hlicher at per cent: ruling rate, t per cnl: laat losn, I per cent. Time loana, strong and dull; sixty d ys and ninety days, fH per cent; six months, ( p'T cent. KRIMB MERCANTIL.K PAPKR-VtjS'i per cent.. BTKRI.JVO tCXCMANiOR-H-aJivy. with actual business In bankers' bills st 14 itAi.lf 4.f. for demand snd at Mfc'a 4 H4 for Mxty-day bills; posted rates, I4.fitt44.wm ; coitinierrtnl PUIS, 1 NEW YORK, Nor. !. Ther was a fur- j F1LAT.R Bar, 70Sc; Metlcgn dollars. mer expansion of buslneea In the Htoca M'c. market today and soma gain In animation and moreover the Increaae of activity waa accompanied by rlalng price. The specu lation Intereat centered largely In Penn sylvania and the whole market was bene lited by tha raising of the dividend rata on that atock to 7 per cent by the dec- luPUllr.ll n A .rr.l-Bnn..! AifLl.nrl nf lU. per cent, compared with t per cant for the old i.r.tin. .1. caupoa firm; railroad. bonis today were as fol- Hf)NIJ Government steady. Quotations on lows: V. . rat. 4s rag IM (Japan . it aerlea... riH la emipan U. Is. r lo tnupon 01IA1IA LIVE STOCS MARKET ! Caul I'ullt ftsftdj tid in tpoU Littla ftrongir. HOGS SHOW SOKE LITTLE STRENGTH StroaaT Prlcea 4oad Faedera rally Bteady, rltk C'owi maa Kinds Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, I 4s rtfs. ,.1HH . 1 H " . .I"!'!1 da !1 series. I. nw 4a, rag. bushels snd shlnmenla cf 1rt.orift hushe'a Hesrancea a-era 1?0.(K0 bushels wheat. 114.WK) btishHa corn, lloon bushels oats and flour and wheat rfiusl to 174,000 bushels. Liverpool closed 4WHd lowar on wheat and UiHd , lowr on com. Minneapolis ssld: "A company with J10 country elevstors savs that only fifty 'muses are. full, the other almost empty. They thlttR that maximum receipts hera and at I)ihith have been resetted and that receipts will not show any such as Is gen erally expected." Winter wheat millers re reporting heavy sale of flour. A Buffalo miliar gaU he was sold ahead up to January IB. and h- sd Inrra numher of nrdere about Bo under hi price. Tha rprlnsr wtteat mlll '"wnr, are l aving a hard time ow Ing to competition of the winter who! mills and the difficulty In getting sup plies of bread wheat. Receipt- at Minneapolis are barely enough to- go around, with only two thlrda of the mllla running. When the dlfTarence In price between the spring snd winter wheat Is considered, the cash pre mium for No. 1 northern I nearly pro hibitive. The long prnmlaed run of spring I wheat falls to materialise, arrivals so far this week being way under a year ago.: 1 uocal range of options: .M!cr. Open, Ship- I High. Low Cloee.l Yes y Wheat ' i I I I. I Dec... I 7l rrV.' 7N g7il 7S M.iy...l I 71H1 71l '1 HM 71 Corn ft I ne...l,.fr7V Z7 j'Xm RTfii T, May. ..I .08 V' M Mtsl S Oat a I,,. I . Pec. ......, SIM, ., , i Oanatia Cask frtees.. . WHEAT No. I hard, Wfinftp; n. bard, '(?sc; No.. 4 hard, M-aiToL-No. t spring, CORN Na : Vftici No. 'S yellow. 40ic: No. X white, 41c. . OATB Ne;' II wTed. SftftiOHe: 'No. t white. 31HtSlW: Kj. 4 white, 30!tr31. . HYE No. J, m; No, i 68c.. . ., , ; . Carlat Reoelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. ..a H :-7 .. 84 1 1S 131 , . spring hran. shipment; middling, RZ.w, prompt ment. HAYQulat: alilnclna. SOci good to choice, l.t&l.. , , hofh Btcady; at at a. common to cnoio-, l?"a, mac; im. lOfilSc; Pacific eoast. 19i, 15f&18c: 1o, Utttiftj. HIDKH Steady: Galveston, to lbs., 2oc; California,. 21 to a Ibs.v Ho; Texa dry, 24 to to lbs,, lo, LEATHKR Firm ; geld. jrr28c. PROVI8IONB Reef, Arm; family, 112 60 eiS.OO; meaa, ta.0rh.00; beef hama, t:Mnit a 00; packet, $10 IWtfj 11.00; city, extra India mesa l.6XS'ao.). cut meat, steady; plckl'd belllee, $lo.5r'312.D0; pickled ham. $13 y"F'l SO. Ird. Arm: western prim-, Joa'H.TO; refined, easy: continent 'n'., South iAmerlca, I10.7B: compound, 7.7r4i.no. Pork, ateadv famllv. lS.0n4W9.fi'; ahort Clear. IlT.otvaix.W; mesa. llii.0Offll.75. TALLOW Strong; (city 12.00 per pkg.), 6c' eountry, (pkgs. free), 6'!fi,ic. RlCB-Fteady; domestic., fair to extra, ' BUTTER Steady to Arm; street price, extra creamery, 7c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, lmi'c; held, sec onds to extra. 21&2c; state dairy, ctmmon to fancy, I(i2!tc; renovated, common to extra, lhnWYte; western factory, common to Aret, IhWa'JUc; western Imitation firsts, 20Vi CHEE8H -fttasdy; state full Creams, small September, fancy, 13ic; state Oc tober best, UHc alma fair to good, 12' tc; tate large September fancy, - 13c; state fair to good, i?n2',ic; state interior, llc; skims. SiilCSc. ECJQ8 Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected whites, 3.V state Choice, Sirf94c; state mixed xtra. 30c; western firsts. 264)270; official price. 2&S:to; second. 2Sft-34c POCLTHY Alive, quiet; western chick ens, 104c; fowls, 10"4c; turkeys, 14c. Dressed, unsettled; Western chickens, 9V4d 14c; spring turkeys, ltSfelgc; fowls. 8'ftillc. Coin. Init. (s. Mr. A lora(la Mid. 4a. "Colo. go. 4s Cub tl ,., I) ft. O. 4s nittlllra' Sec. ta. Krt p. I. 4s flo gsn. 4s Horklng Vsl. 4H. Japan The action of the stock on the news wag " V confirmatory of the reports hesrd for some I Am Tohatoe 4a i niie mat tnf queaiion or ine increase we really an osn one up to the time of tha meeting of tha board to decide It. ; Tha uncertainty over tha action to be taken waa attributed to tha doubt over the policy of a larger dividend disbursement. In spile of the large surplus being earned over the current rale of distribution, owing to the large capital requirement of tha com pany and the heavy Increases In Axed charges that are talng added to the com pany accounts by the Issue of new a curltle. From tha stock market point of vlw also ther was doubt amongst the operator a to the probable response of the stock In case the dividend was In creased. The heavy demand for the atOck and the manner In which It was sustained after the dividend action was taken, proved encoursirlng to speculative sentiment In ths whole IIM, as proving that rule of settling on favorable news was not of universal application. The holiday In London may have served to free the market from aome pressure from that aource. Discounts hardened In London and tha Bank of England reported a further alight decline in proportion of reserve to liability. The week's gain In bullion was trivial In. spite of large acquirement Of South African gold arrlvala. Call money rote were jstlll above the normal, but there was no aggravation of yesterday's stringency and a gradtiHl relaation Is expected with the passing of the November 1 period and the. disbursement of dividends. The time money market, however, shows sustained strength and loans for sixty and ninety daya command a premium over tha C per cent rate. Mexican Central securities reacted sharply from a recent advance on the report of a rupture of negotiation for purchase of the property by the Mexican government. Yesterday's short sellers were amongst th Influential buyer today, so far as the effect on prices went. The davs advancea. however, proved gome what more than sufficient to retrieve yes terday" declines and the market closed strong and quite active. Bonds wer steady. Total sale, par value, I2.IW4.O0O. I'nlted State 2s advanced ,4 per cent on call. Quotations on the New York Stook ex change today were os follows: ales High. Last. ... HH ... ..111 L. a N. sol. 4s till "Man. c. 4a. ..IH Mel. rsntral 4a. U . .1J0 in 1st Ine So1 .. 7li sssMlnn. A t I.. 4a. ." 40 (a '...liss "!., K. T. 4a ... At-hla g. 4a...;.il0V'B M). 4a R. R of at. c 4s. a-14 Atlantic r. L. 4 7H N. T. C. ( a Bal. Ohl 4a inH4iN. J. C, f. 1 s IH UtNa. PacMo 4s Ki4 Bra. B. T. 4a 4t ia a T ( antral ot Oa. M.. .. Ill N. W, . 4a lat tea at jo B. U rfa 4a Sft us Id Ine 74 spenn. eon. ISS.....ISI 4o M Ine......... Tl iBaaillnt sn. 4a 10 CHaa. a Ohio 4H-.-.lnVM. U 1. M. e. Is..ll44 Chlr.10 A. tt.... ill ? u. t. r. fg. 4S. 3 C, B. 9. a. 4s.... av "St. L. g. W. c. 4a.. ttt an., K I a p. 77" ssswai- A. .. 4. x llo nil. I!H So. Parlfln 4a 914 :cc. at 8. L. s 4o..l02 . on lat 4a etra. neceipta were; Official Monday.... OfTiclal Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday . Nov. 1, 14. Cattle. Hoga. Bheep. ,. 7.1f 2.7?7 12.0M ,. .6:n 040 lS.y-1 I ,. S.0ia 5.3M 10.W2 ' ,. ..MO 5.7V0 14Kt , I steers.. ..1117 4 fo steer. ...12T 4 50 5 steer. ...li I ;B A. W. Drlstol Wyo. i4 Steers.. ,.1ti74 4 U I Sam D.ll f. D. . ( fee1er..imi 1 80 j l(Mrt No gieal change took plat In the h'tg tia.de lonay. prices being a good deal ; the same aa ttiey were yesterday, but still I there was a little bnttr tendency, unit sucn cnangee ia uiu 'ine fuaie worst vn iuw aide of nightly Improved values. As was the rase esicMnv. the hgs sold very laigely at t titi."o, with Ihe li st light hoga selling on up to M M. Tha trade waa lint particularly active: In foot.. It opened ' rather slow, and It whs evident that Ihe I packet were etlli bearish In their views land that they woild not loae any oppor tunity to p' jr.d pilces. As a matter of .fact nricra at tnl point are blah as com- piir-d with other "lllng points, which makes buyer. If anything, mors bearish tnan otherwise. At the time of closing this report there were quite a number of hogs stl.l to ar rive on later trains, with the feeling very weak and the prospects good for the mar ket closing lower. Representative sales: at gctlve, although largely In tha shapa of wltMng from near to late posltlona, and the market ruled Irregular. At one tlm prices were generally I points lower, but later the list steadld up slightly and tha close Was steady, net onrhang vl to t polnte higher on covering and a better local da. piand. Sales for the day wer rcporled of )o4.:l bags. Iiiolnrtlng Novetnlier at at IteiM-mher, R fSn.lo..; elirrh. I.ai lie; M. a"iiBfic; July, "fx : September, .st'iit URcs tHtoher, gtsir. Spot Klo, nominal; No. I invoice, 7e. Cattle Hogs Bheep n 4 7S i 1M W HT aS OH 1U44 si. RalUar as in tiui a r. ia no T.. 81. U W. 4a. n I'nlon Parlfle 4a. t'. S. Stasl ?d'6a. Wahanh 1 , to deb. B Western Ml. 4a W. L. R. 4s Wla. Central 4a in ..in1 '.. "a .. .. 16 H Kx-lnterest. ssRId. Orfred. Roston rofser Market Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by 1ogng A Bryan. 2 Board of Trade building, Omaha: i Mohawk as II Nevada Consolidated.. ltt Advoftturo Allouea Atlnntle Bingham Hiark Mountain Bnatoa Connolldatfrd. Butt Coalition 1 alainet Arltlma. Calumet ft Hecla.,. Centannlal ., Coppor Rang ....... Pallr Wert kaat Bnta Franklin Qreeno Coppar Oranby , Helretle, lele Rnrnl L S. a Plttaburf ... Maasaehuaott Michigan , Four daya this week... M, 77 Same daya last week. . . Sam two week sgo t,4f5 Same three weeks ago... .667 Sam four weeks ago. . .HS,14 Sam days last year 21,7Ui The loiluaing table show the receipt of cattle, hoga and sheep at South Ornth for the year to dta, compared with last year; HUB. !!. mi. . S70.111 af.142 1B.t , 1113.026 UM&.91S , l.ftUMtt l.H4i:,74ti CATTLE QUOTATIONU. JJHu to choice corn-fed ateers.... Fair to good corn-fad steers Common to fair corn-fed steers., Oood to choice rang steer Fair to good rang steers... Common to fair range steer..... Oood trail pnoi anrf Klfro Fair to good cow and heifer 2.o4T..2S Common to fair cow and heifer.. 1.6t"tf2.o5 good choice ttockera and feeders.. 4 0twjl.B0 Fair to good etocker and reeder.. J.JiSiH.t Common to flr stockers t.7Mf3.2 Bulls, Ugs,.eto t.00O Tha following N table shows tha avarag prlc of hoga at South Omal a Jor tha laat aevaraj days, with comparison. . laltg. I 190,7 UaosTTsiH Tl W . I U VHH U- nllgft lt'rl.113 1H0.749 . t.sVid.sO .. 4.6Ka5.2t . .7(ta W , 4.004.(0 Na At. tl Tt. M A'. IS v. 14 It ... I 1 1 l ! i i ... 1 n 11 t; u t ' 1 ... i 7$ If 7t l" t ; 1(1 l 44 4i M I0 1W It II ... 4 to 111 11 ... 4 M n 111 a la m ; M 4 M ait 10 1 w mT i 1 44 ?l it 4 44 ... 4 ' 41 IH HI I W 47 :7t 0 11... ..no ... 4 on tl. ...... .m lie 0 m so m 14 til .. 0 11 it.5 4ii 1 m no a 1 a 10.... ...mo to a tl ... M 44 ! 40 4 no H tM tW 4 14 M0 ... 10 .J,I ... 4 7 I lilt ID I w tt Jl 110 C71 It. 11 0 Ml 70 in) ... ( aVIVfe 44 ! 130 4 74 lit l 4 10 47 114 44 0 14 ... 4 I 44 Ml 1M 00 44 JV. ... III ( 77 120 4 0 11 10 40 4 10 . ...: ISO i ,ti, 17 lit 10 4 in 41 f7 40 f 03Vt 44 in Ion I to 40 Wt 40 4 . 74 M ... ltv, M ill ... I Mvt 71 4n 40 4 14 41 HI Id I ) 117 40 4 14 44 1M 10 I M 10 12t ... 4 II 44 lit ... 1 OA 10 tit ... 4 ITVi 44 144 114 44 77 Ill ... I fcilfe.iv.1' iot tar iron; laiy cirs oC nei 15 North Butts .114 . '." Old Itomlnion KHt . in oai-eola 127 . 8?4 pnen. Serf Irs lna4 . 7l4 Oulnir 101 .144 Shannon 134 .ton Tamarack m . 10U. Trtnltr 7H . Ht Pnlted FTUIt 10' . to I nltrd Rtatea. rom.. 4JV ' . I(l4; I'nltad Stalee. pld... H . 22 'tah ronsolldatad.... 4 I . lf I'tah Coppor 45 . 1.11, virtorla 4'4 IS Wtnona II . IS Wolverine 1 . MH Tananaa 14 . IS Nip 24 Oct. 21... Oct. 2i... Oct. a... Oct. 24... Oct. IK. . . Oct. at... Oct. ... Oct. ZS... Oct. I'D... Oct. Jtl... Oct. 31... Nov. 1... Sunday. J i 20 5 04 6 OKI Bi isi4 6 111 1 10 7o( s o: 4 12 5 14 U 14 7. h 4 (1 11! 1?V) 141 02 o vi 9 jc - 1 II 4 Mi & Mi B 2o 4 6s 6 01 6 IS, ti 1 JI t at! D v: 1 ai I 4 8i 4 7 61 4 l 4 9-1 4 92 4 Ml 4 M Oil 4 Bl 6 05 4 4S .l 4 B-S IH B89 itli 4 52 4 ftt kl: t TL i 60 4 W 611 5 67 1 4 47 I 64 t Ti il Omaha Chicago .., Kansas City MlnneanoII Ht. Loula IUluth- ...... 12 12J Hit ACO .. . . .a .... a t. . , isi4 r.-; - - t& 44 , 800 si'.i 11 .'a'ni "A.'. 1'. "' .' GRAI5 AKD PROVIflOKS V Feu tare af tb Trad lag; aad Cloalagr , rrlrea aa Beard af Trade. ' . HOACa. "nav: l.-a-Sogrclty 6f wheat j't..nt'- Ur milling purposes cauaed a st...,.a l.ni wheat market today, the De uij.'iili.)! option closing with a net gain of "a'uc. t orn was unchanged. Oat ware ui i'rovlsloiis war UVrloc to 3iVio luah'T. . Early In the day oentimtnt In the wheat pit wsa Inclined to th bear aide of the niiirkcl, there being considerable sMIIng by I'U'al holders because of easier cablea uuU tuiprnved weather- copditloiia. . Ultorta Vwic laiiiy active buyerat and aa rthe ss f,ui nuVHncd th denmnd from thai source becwni more urgent. About 4h noon, hour i,i.i'rniitn cointneiiced ' to dwindle and a quick upturn I" prlcea followed, - The con tinued email movement wan one cause for the Itr.proved demand, but the acarclly vf .milling wheat at Minneapolis and Id the suUtiiwrat wa th chief causa of the rally. At Minneapolis It wa said No. 1 northern wheat .wa aelllng 4c a bushel higher than the December option. The report of the Kansas City Grain Dealer' association placing in total crop of Kan Shi wheat at 70,ij0,0) bu., 6T per cent of whjen has already been marketed, caused additional alrengih In the market. The close wa strong, with prices near the highest point of th day.- December opened ic to V-tic lower at 74i747o to 737,o, advanced to 74T4i and closed at ?474Vic t'lrarsnce of wheat and flour were equal to 172,80u bu.. Primary reeelpta were 846. f"0 bu... agalnat I.OJI.11OO bu. for the name day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 6 cars, against Sti cars laat week, and -794 car '" year ago.- ....... Tha corn market was easier ft the open ing because of tha weakness of wheat, but later, the market becre ateadler along with the wheat market Th small crop move ment wss also a strengthening factor. Com mission houses were sctlve bidders for the Msv delivery. The market closed stesdy. TVeerrtber opened tc to ift'ao lower at 4:t' to 4SUi43Vc, old up to 43Hc and closed nt 4,i43Ho. IiOcal receipts wer i: cars, Mth seventy-flv cars of contract grade. 0ta responded nioJt-ratcW to the sharp advance In wheat, iiut the market In eaneral Was steady. Demand tame largely from caah houses Dcember opened Ve lower at J3c. aold up to 33e and closed at SSHc. Ijocal receipts were 1H9 cars. ProHstons were strung sll day because of a light movement of h;a, both here snd In the a-eat. and trading waa active. Foreign Interests were active purchaser if run, and iixsvt pavkera bought lard. Selling waa chiefly by loiigs. At the cloee January porK waa up Sv'ic at 14.17V. Lard asa up f?'j'fl?V at tS-6.'.,. Rlba wra 2o4 Z.i-v hlgli.T at .TO. ' " tsilmated receipt for tuiViorrow are: Wheat. HI cars; corn, 156 care; oata, 193 cars, hog. lii. head. The lenditig fu-tui ranged a follows; St. I.aal Oeaeral Market. 8T. IXDfia Nov. 1. WHEAT Higher; traclr. No. 2 red caah, 744j7'to; No. 2 hard, 72U74CJ December. 73&73Ao; May, 77 71c. CORN Firm: track, No. 2 cash, 4M54Ric: No. I white, 464c; December, 41ViC; My, 41t4,r-, OATB Firm; track. No. i cash. !',4e; No. 2 white, I4H: December, t3e; htav. FlJOVR Steady ; fed winter patojits, 1166 63.au; extra fancy and atrsiishl. t-1ii3.'M; clear, 2 6fn2.i. ; - . ." . HRRD Tlnmthy,- ateady; 3.25ig.7o. ' CORNMRAL Weak. $2.40. BRAN Firm; ancked, east track, 9iejc. 'HAY Firm; tlrrtothy, 13.0ri17.01; praltic, tie.ofsg-iavoo. IRON COTTON T1E8-I1.02 BAOOINO Rt-ic. HKMP TW1NB-M. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, 217.00. lard. higher;- prime Steam, 29.10. Dry salt meal, steady; boxed extra shorts, 29.H2H; clear ribs, $9.25; short cleara, 210,124. Wacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, $10.37',; clear ribs, $10.00; short clear, $10.SH. POt'LTKY-FIrm; chicken. 7M.e: sprirn,, InCriONkCj Turkey, U'Hc; ducks, Mjc: geese, wif 1 "Tiv. - 1 .. ..... , BliTTKH-steady; crummy. lKWici dairy. lA22s. , ' .... . : KOOS-Higher at Be. Keceipt. snipmenta. 7 ooo ' 4,0ini .&.,."0 .70.0110 . 1,it0 88,til .; 121.000 ' 141.0.10 r Flour, ,bbls.. Wheat, bit,. Corn, bu.n... Oat, bu... ' Mlnarapvlla drain Market!' (Superior . Board of Trad quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). Tha rang of prices, as reported by F. D. Day 4k Co., 110-111 Board Of Trad, was: Article.. Cpea. Hlgn.( Low. Clos. Yary. Wheal I , T , Deo....pfiKi May... 77!fi7 July...TS1i.7i Flax I .1 Noy.;. 1 lBtJ bee... 1 13 I May... 1 ltiVfcj T54 79 7974 1 1V 1 12 1 lb- .72-, 24HI 1 12Sl. I itCJal ' 754 .79 . 79;i 1 IIS 1 li 1 lS 74 7ii . 1 15' MlnheapoM . Caah Close iM'heat: No. 1 hard, sue; No. 1 northern. J(We: u arrive, 7o; No. 2 northern, 17Vc; -to arrive, 7oc; No. 2, "t'aToo; No. 1 durum, Mc; to at rives.64,c No. 2 durum. tlc; to arr.v, W'o. Corn: No.- 2, ycllotv. 4,'i'Hpi No.. 8, j 43io. Oat: No. S whit. 31c; No. I.. 29VHI w:. .avabriry. hoik,' ara. Diuwibi;. . " I 1 ' , .' ' . Knul City tirala Mad i'sovlstuus KANSAS CITY, Nov. l.t-WHEAT Dfc cemher, e7,c; May, 1Ze; caah. No. t hard, 69j7aj; No. 2. 7iygii9c; No. 2 red, 7tHtfir 71 Vi No.- 2. 7iU7tHic. CORN December, ac; May, o9'io; July, 29V; caah. No. 2 mixed, 4lc; No, ji, S9Viji 4"cl No. 2 whit. H2tc. OAT8-N0. 2 white, S3c: N. 2 mixed. 22''Mo. - - HAY Strong; choice timothy, $12.50il3.Wj; chtilce prairie, $11 &"t11.75. RYE-steady, f70o. KGO-r'lrut; extras, 23c; flisls, 22c; sec ond. IKtC. WUTTfcR Creamery, !;. packing, lfic. Receipts. Bhipnients. Wheat, btl 131.&IJ , IM.OiiO tVirrv. b-j fv"i . 1 .) , .. 22,Uo Oate, bu, t,,., .i:. ........ .. li,tSX la.tno Artl. les.l Open. Hlgli.) Low. ) Clrse.j Ya-ty. -a Wlmat I !'.. .. May,. Corn One. . May. July.. Oata- Hej... May.. Jvily, . Pork J n.. May., l.ard Not.. 1 i'C'v .la iu., May... Uil M.'i.. 43VH-V 44 I 44 , 33 V S4"l aaval 13 i 14 & SO 1 U It 46 2 4i T &0 T ..'- T1 ! 441 T3!74t'17 7'4,7 74ti 4.1'i 434,Mi, 45A, 44i WSi'tlH 33 -'33 '!B.J.- 34 V 14 17 J 14 at I 35 ft So 2 5 t 78 I 85 44 44HtJ St4 1$ 90 14 OL'H ''20 I 4.4' 2 4u 2 a 7 ?m 14 17H 14 2B IS 2 10 2 .H 61 7 7!S,I T li I 44 - 33 SS - U 12 25 II 90 17 2 1 46 2 42 7 50 7 t;4 No ! I. -al quotation wer a follow: FUJV'R-Steudy: winter im tents, $T! Jo iJn; winter straight. 23.ldid3.25; spring patetitH, $3ttSK spring straights. 13 1 1 1. t, i.i " rklladeSBhla Pradaea Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1. BCTTER tnchauged; extra Weatern creatt.ery, of ficial price. 27c; street price, 2oc; extra nearby pr'nls, 20c. KOUS Klnni nearby frrsk and . western frenh. at mark. CHEKSE Firm; New York full ft earns, fancy, 13v'qlJc; New Tork full creams, choice, 14i'c; New York full creams, fair to good, i:i7l2c. Adama Ripfas ....... Amalgamated Coppor Am. C. A P .'. Am. C. A F. pfd Am. Tottna (III Am. Cotton Oil pfd... Am. Ctpnso Am H. A L. pfd Amorleas fco Am. Llnsee'l Oil...... Am. Llnaeed Oil pfd Am. Ixicomotlea ..... Am. LoromoUeo pfd., Am. f. R Am. S. A R. prd Ana. gugmr Raflnlnf . a Am. Aobaero pf dctfe Anaeonda Mining Co., Atrhlaol Atrhlaon pfd ...... Atlantic Coast Ml Baltimore A Ohio... Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklra Rapid Tr... Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Cnesapeak A Ohio.. Chleaga Ol. Weatora. onioago a rr. Chli-ago, Chlomao T. t'hleaso T. A T. afd r r m. mt 1 ! ColnraJo F. t Colorado A 80 Colo. A . lat pfd. 1 Colo. 80. Id pfd Consolidated Gib r. Cora . Producla .........a,.. Cora Products pfd Dataware y Htidioa. Delaware, U. A ,W...., Psnear A R. O P. A R. G. pfd r!tillrs' goclrUlal Rrl4 ...... ...... .i.l..... Brio lat pM,.., , Kris Id pfd. ....... ;....., oeneril Elactrle HnvkWig Vallay, ogorvd.... Illinola rntnt International Paper ..t. Int. Paper pfd....'. Int. 'Pump Int. Pump pfd.. '. Iowa Central lows Central pfd Kanssa City go., K. O. 80. prd ... liuteTllle A Nlfh.. Meauaa Central Mlnnsapnlla A Ht. L M., at. P. A g. 8. M . .. M . St. p. A 8.' 8. M. pfd Mlaaour1 PaolAe Mtawmri. K. A T M j K. A T. pfd National Load National R. R. of M ,p(d. N. Y. Contral n. y.. o. a w..: Norfolk d: Weatern Nortolk'A W. pfd.,...'.... No Aroerii an . . i .' Paaldc Mall, 1 Psnnaylrasla FHoplo'a Qss P.. 1'., C. St L.., Pressed Stael Car.... Presoed 8. C. pfd ... Pullniaa Palace Car. Reading Readln flat pfd heading Jd pfd Republic Steel Republic Steal pfd... Rock Iiland Co..,..., Rack Island Co. Ptl. Rubber Good a pfd St. L. A 8. P. 2d pi M. fc. 8. W 81. U 8. W. pfd Ho. Pariao 80. Pad Ac pfd ro. ttallwajr ?o. Railway pfd Venneasco C. A 1.... Teiaa A Pacific Tole.10. Bl. L AW. T . at 1.. A W. pfd. Colon Pacinc tnion Pacific pfd 41,40 HIS ! 1.70 4S 41 M0 1014 lOt'i 40A K4a 4 '"iao kii l,C4 11 11 ...A. . "'jtVo '74'' ii4 t0 117V4 11 1.000 IMS Ul't '"ioo riii tad" 4.i0 lei a l 500 mi . indti loo 137 127 4,400 tit USVj 'lioo 'ii, 'fiii 1,400 n i7t4 to tit - m (.400 44 44 ton 17, 17 .100 l , JOl )l.ao HI ' IMS, 104 1.500 WO 100 1,000 400 . NO SOU 400 :.soo 1 00 1 (2 44 4S 474 II 75 Ilt4 4H 4 aO'i 44 t.7 1H 14 74 H4S . "0,1 47 Vi ' 400 ! 174 . 44 71 47 V4 in 400 ; 17ti 17S in Muj JS Milwaukee Grata Market MILWACKFB, Nov. 1. WHEAT Firm; No. 1 northern. 79ti8uV4e; No. northern, 76'a-TSc: Deceniber. .;4tii74'"j,c bid. RV E-Kteadyj No. 1. onAimjc. HAULKY tiieady; No. I. butiofic; sample, $'.(. CORN-Btedy: No. 2 cah, 4f4b'o; De cember, 4Mic aeked. Peoria Market. P120HIA. Nov. 1 CORN No. 2 yellow, new, 49c; old. 4c; No. 4, 3c for new and 46c for old: no grade, new, tl)v old, 43'Vtl44c. OATS Pull: No. 2 white, saic; white. S.11I .TUVio; No. 4 white. 3:'c. BYE-eH.-ady; No. X ti4tic.- . WH18KY-$l.im. No. S No. I. Dal at fc Oral a Market DCLITH. Nov l.-WHFAT-On No. 1 northern. 79',c: No. t northern. No. 4. 7ec; May. 7c: July, yjL,c. CATS To arrive, 2-"ic. . H. 8. tin t:. 8. Resile I. 8. Rubber V. B. Rubber pfd.... I'. 8. Hteel , I'. 8. Steel pfd Ve.-Camllit chemical .... Va. -Carolina tUiem. pfd.... Wabaiti Wabanti pfd ,. i Walia-Parto Kxpress ...... Weaitbghouea Kiactrle .... Wfatecn t'nlon Wheeling L. g. Wiacotialn Central Wll. (enlril pfd Northern Parltlr Central Leather Central Leather pfd ,. Sloae-ahefflrld Steal Grodt Northern prd lntsrborough Metropolitan. lot Mil. pfd Total ealea for th day. Ml Pit 14.100 10 900 ". "''if .. l.fM .. 4.700 lot .. . 400 ' "too ''4!jt'l 4 ..v. 0. - 7 (HI "jn ..141.400 l HO 1.000. 100 '"to ino ISO 11.10 '"in 10 "l709 , t0 40.J 45.: 400 11 "4 44 47 44-4 '74H 1:1 46H 4"4 14114 Close. rw 111 MH 10044 M 14 240 414 17.4 7 7SH Host ir,44 11(4 1M4 l'4 14 4 it u 114', . Mv 7H llJUj 220 64 17H son, 17114 It 44 (14 M 44 47V4 114 1414 7S 417(4 (2( .144 tt a 4T4 I7JV4 US 17t 17S 11(4 10 J'V4 4 7(4 :s lew lark Mlalaa Stock. NEW YORK. Nov. l.-Clot-Ing quotations on mining Miak. were Adama Coe Alice Breeze brunawlck Cnn .. Comatock Tssnel Con. l al. A Va .. Horn Slleor Iron Si I Tor LeadTlllo CbD ... ... fi ...ti; ... j -... 33 ...in ...IN ...474 ... ( Ontario t'pnir Potoal Ha rage Start a Nevada Coal I uva .. Bunderf .. 4 ..SO ..xra .. 14 ..11 .. to .. 44 ..IU Treiaary gtaleraent. WASHINGTON, Nov, l.-Today1 atate ment of tho treasury balance In th gen eral fund, exclusive of the $l.V.u00.oti0 gold reserve, shows r Available caah balance, 1:13.300,810; gold coin and bullion, $109, $14,001; gold cert I flea tea, $43,669, 4M. Wnol MarLtt. BOSTON, Nov. 1 WOOL Market is more active than at any time this year and ealea of Immense magnitude are under way. Many of the leading buyers are her gathering in wool fend Tt Is expected that tha smaller milts will soon follow Willi steady purchaae. H i stated that the large transfers of Montana stock were made at a round figure of 2nH77c lor the half and three-eighths blood. Great quan tities ot territories are ti transfer, three eighths and half blood' being In especial request. In pulled wools, fine , A'p and aupers are- purchased moderately at (BtiiWo and 57uc, . respectively-. Foreign grade are fi ,n.- leading 'flotation follow: Ohio and permaylvanlft, XX and above. 33-a)4c: X. I1((S'; Nf. 1, 4ifMle; No." I, 3Vftk!j fme Unwashed, Ifi'ffMc; unmerchant able, !0aaOc; one-half blod. unwashed, 3if9 ;ltc; three-eighths blod; anwashed, 34if 4V4o; ona-fourth bloodv anwushed. S'itM'4, delaine, waahttd. aoidyfi'Mc; . delaine, un waNhed. 28i(io; ' Michlgaij. ' fine unw-ashed, 24iae", half blood. Unwashed, 3'.v&33c; three, eighths blood, unwashed,1 ' SflfitMo; ono toUrtn .' blood, unwashed,-- SKi'tic: delaine, unwashed 27irT1No. Kettvtickv; Indiana and Missouri, combing, three-eighths blood. 33 4r34c; combing, one-fourth blood, JtjSlc. TSsns, acour.'d bast, line, twelve months, t.'j72c fine tx to itlglit months, atittc; line fall clean. 4Mi)c. t'nllfornlu. aoottred ha.sl, northcrr choice,; a'tiir ; tKU-thern good, oMtigcr middle coutitv, MSfiSc: sauth erti. (C3c; . full tree, ,V957c.- Oregon, sonured bal, eastern io. 1 staple, icwdc Onmlia Chicago Kansas City Ht. IxjuIs .... Bloux City .. I'ha othcial RA.NGE OF PRICES CM tie. 22.2ibti.OO i. 2.0t'W4i.7o 3.UOti'.0 2.aOiu.U0 number ot utra Hcjs $0. ioitf.l7H 6.c.j..ti.41,i 6. ,.;. 2.1 g.0U44i.4l b.Mayo.tw hi Drought In today uy iacli louu aa: L!a.ttla. 1-ioKS. Hheeu. H'ses J., M. At BL F 1 W a bosh nlsaourl rucltlo I nlon facinc. ayatem 61 ot N. V.. east 3 C. ot N. W., weat 4i C, St. P., M. At O.... C, li A. g., cast .'., 11. 4c v.. west od C. It. I. 41c P., cast.. .. C, R. I. da P.. weat.. 2 Illinois Cnntral 4 .181 2 i 1 1 2t ' 11 1 1 20 JJ 7 4 I z -a "1 mi us Total receipt Tho disposition of the day's receipts as follows, each buyer purchasing number 01 ntau indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Shcto. Omaha Packing Co i'i4 Sa'lft and Company 717 Cudahy packing Co LiJ Armour AY Co 718 Cudahy, from country... 7o Armour, trom Denver.... WJ Vanaant eV Co 2ti Carey dk Benton 4 Lobman A Co.... S(V McCreary A Carey J W. I, Stephen.... 144 Hill aV Son M Y. P. lewls.... m Hamilton AY Kothaohild.. no Wolf ) J. H. Bulln 45 Mlk Haggerty M J. B. Hoot & Co.... 4 Z. II. Clark 31 T. H. lnghram 6 Sullivan Hro 12 V. A. Brltton JI Jacobs 1 Other buyer W.l. Total.. ana lumo were on . ttii morning, in a'rvater piopuniou ot which consiatvd of t.uu oniy good enougn tor iceucra. Tiicrtt was, noeyever, a epiu,Kiing ot ted anecp aim yeaning of pretty goud quality and some lal luiu'ub. The demand tor fat stock was good, th aame- as It has been every day tnls week, and the early arrival rlmngca hand very quickly, ttood Btriiug pricea were paid for everything desirable, ecu wethers sold a high a eo.u), with fed yenning at B.M ami upwariis. The tact is tha market on killers has lieen grautmlly flrn.lng up and la at the present time aately 1iku.ioc hlguvr than II w:ia at the close ot last week, aomo would put the ndvance even higher than that. 1 Good feeder, both sheep and lambs, continue, ateady for the week. On tha other nand. common to medium kinds have been gradually eaaing olt, and are prob ably iinftoc lower than the close of last week. A feature of tha feeder trade this wok la ttio large run of old, thin and vciy common eaea. As there Is never a . .... 1 .1 r.. v. . L. 1 .. .1 , . . .. e. ...I et11 v, 111.1 n.iiu v. tun tot riilcei linvA sliiiDbad nff. and it la now possible to buy a very fair kind of old feeding ewea at right around $3.0t. Same conditions are apparently prevailing at other market points, according to reports coming to hand. This would seem to be a good time for parties figuring on feed ing old ewes to get in their orders while stuff of that kind Is coming and while prices are low.. Quotations on killers: Oood to choice lambs. $7,004)7 30: fair to good lambs, KM . . -, . ... 1 1 . . . , 1 . e. ..a -e Iiui.is. aouq IV uiii'ik;' jrcnriiiian. i -j , - 7 . , . .. , rr. ,u,l ia a A . Ittll iu ' " . 1 1 1 1 1 . . ,j.uu,.w, awu w choice wethera, fnMtyd.w; good 10 choice I ewes, $4.Vssti..'S. i fjiiotatlnus on fceded-a: Lombs, (S.irvfrel.tS; yetrllnga, $n .Jf.4j6.70; wethers, $47"o51&; ewes, $3 .iVajM , breeding ewea, $4.7&4jo.2S. Keprrsentatlve (alee: No. p Nebraska feeder 111, 52 Nebraska cull lambs... 62 Idaho yearlings 131 Idrihj wethers. 2 Idaho wethers 2t at Idaho lambs 3i7 Idaho yearling tx Idaho feeder lamb t- Idaho feeder lamba 1X1 Idaho lambs 231 Ixlaho lambs 473 Idaho lamb j H9 Wyoming lamb cull ... ;. w Wyoming lamui , 80 Wyoming wether " I Krt Wyoming lamb feeders .... . ... ; native w4hr. ..i.ir.i. 407 native wether I 399 weatern . yearling ... v .... j western yeai'llng ...v, j 3U western yeuillng .... .... .yst Wyoming lambs......!. "" ' : '248 Wyoming lambs ;. .. ov 1(MJ i,iK)0 jamb feeders .... 4,8Sfi 11,160 i 64 ld'(ho "nibs holcllnif was the l.il, 1 l.nlw l.t'4 l.t'C ! Av. . 84 . 48 . 00 . "x . II . 37 . 22 . C3 . 4 . 8 . . 2 . 41 . 2. . 8 . W ..ilO) '102 ,. 101 . 10J , v ll It) &2 W 70 ..I Pr a on 4 o 5 20. 6 v S 2S i 10 i tt 26 ( 26 7 00 7 00 7 00 1 vu 2 00 I 40 5 76 2 76 1 75 e T3 a 75' ' 5 74 6 72 2 To :: 7 OU OX 411 A WHOI.K4AI.K g ARKICT. FOOlr dor, I?c. LIVE IVt'l.TRV- llena ;' roostet. 5c; turkeys. 10 IA'; durka, 9c; spring ohlck- 1 ens. Sc. Bt T I ER Packing stock. 17c; rhoVa to fancv dairy, juiCc; craamery, tlfiJesi. HAY Cholca tiplnnd. $!)(; mrditim. $0t coarae. J.i to. Hve straw, $o.ioj7.tJ. BHAN Per ton, $15.11. VrX7F.TAHl.ES. RWF:ET POT A Tl ErV-. Per bbl.. 2.tfi. TOMATOES Home arown. Der basket ai 2(t Iba, 21.i0. BBANB-I.lma, f-tjc; navy. No. 1, 21.71 per bu.; No. 2. $1 WAX BEANB Per market basket ! about 15 lbs.. $1 .35. rL RNIPS. BEETS AND CARROTS rat bu , 7f.c. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dotv . heads. 10c. CELERY Per do.. 2M740C. Cl'l'l MHKRH-Hothouse, per do.. $1.20. ONIONS Home grown. o5e per bu.l Clanlsh, tl 74 per crate. GREEN ONltiNS t'er una. nuncnes. joa. IIOKr.KRAI.H8H asc of 1 dot., $1 90. RAL'ISH KB- Per dos. bunches, 26c. NAVY BEANI4 Per bu., $l.ao; No. 2. II. Tt. LIMA BEANf-lVr lb., f.Vc. GREEN PEPPERS Per market basket, '"PAnSLEY-IIothouse, per do, buhche. 25c. CABBAGE Holland eed, homa grown, per lb.. Hfcc. , EGG PLANT Pef dog.. 76c. POTATOEW- Per bu., 40)K5c. ' ' ' RUTABAGAS Pec Ua,' IIV4C; luO lb. t Ck' FRUITS. ' PBACMES California Sal way, par bog, '"PEAK8-Wlntr varieties. pr box, 2.M 2.00. GRAPES Tokay, $1.76. ' ' ' 'm APPLES-Bcn bavls, $125; Jonathana, 23.1K; New York apple. CR AN B Eft R I EB Per bbl.. I8.SMW.I. QUINCEft-Per bng. "., TROPICAL FRUITS. . . ORANOES-Elorlda oiaoge. p LEMONS Llmonlera extra lawy, . .-4 lie, $7.60; 20 l. .l"; ' x- lnt, brands. $!. lea. . ORAPK FRUIT-Slia TO to ,'., BANANAS Per medlum-alsed bunolw tl.7bitr2.a; Jumbos, $2.60ftfiUiO. . EIGS-Kodaway. tk-; .V';. fWf tuffed walnut datea. -lK box. 2 10tsJ:1r fornla bulk, 5Hc; 7-crown Turklah. Inc. . crown, 14.'; 5-erown, He: s-cr.;wn, 13c. ... BEEF CUT PRICES. . No. I rtba. UV; No. 2 ribs, oiNo. 2 rlha 6V4c: No. 1 round. 8c; No. ! round, 7c; No. round. c: No. 1 loin. 16c; No. 2 oln. 12H o. No 2 Mn. Rc; No. 1 plt.. IVkCI ' plate, 2c; No. 2 plate. 2Uc; No. 1 ,Ji.k, oVkc,' No. 2 chuck. 4K! No. chucka. 2c. SUGAR Granulated cane. In aackS, s.i granulated beet. In sack. V21. , CHEESE -Swiss, new. lHc V lieronsltl brick. 14Wc: Wlsoonajln limberger. Hot twin. 14te; Young Americana, USo. . COFFEE Roaated. No. S.. 2.c per in.. No. 80. lc per lb.; No. a, lc Ir lb.: No. JO, Its.- per lb - No. 21. 13c per lb. - ixiCOANUTP-Per sack of 100, SYRUP-Ir. hbia.. S7o Pf,r.T'-:. 10-lb. can. 2170; rase, 11 6-lb. can, $l.4V cases. 24 2W-IU. cana. $1.86. . HONEY Per 24 frames, $3.60. . CIDER New, half barrel, 2300; barrou "c'ANNKD OOOrf4-Corn, tandard west ern. aMtt-V; Maine. Tomaloeg, 2-lb. eais. $1.10; J!-ib. cana. 7Hcil .00. Pin- . ..nlua mr-m te1 I-IO.. liafll i.ivr H''i I tti-ao: gallon apple), fanov. $2.; California I rPrTcOta. $1 .Es: Pr t.TM.2 oO: T-' fancv 21 TtVfiHO; H. C. pecha, 22 OOflJ.SO. jaU'lJlmSnrad. 21.2?; fancy CMtk. E V 10: fancv aockeye. r 21. 9j; aaraine. I' ' 11 i.l:. iha.nnartar mustard. MVR" STOCK MARKET ?l(4 JSMj 1. SO'S'Sic at uu k..ui. e.. MS 'ia 4i(4 M'4 14 111 4H ' 14 : B.OOT ...p.. u.ul I ', .. ,.u rm ,...,1 n ,K b I t Hit .Hill morning. For the weuk to date the re-j - ' . 1 ceipt ahow a very heavy gain over the Cattle MenUy Hag trgY to Higher corresponding day of last week, a will be I (,. noted from the table at the head of the I r - . ,"J.irr. , . column 1 CHICAGO Nov. 1. CATTLE Rcelpla, There' waa a acarclty of good beef cattle, 1 " hpad; i-ltet' Ldy: cornm.?n . A lhei being few in sight, either corn fedi ! Pr m x.f,eT1, 4 WJf''',?0; ".S" t.-'.r'l."; or rangera, that coula be considered really ! heirera, $2.tlij6.!ki; bulla, 22.47M.o; calves, H..ir.i.io i..ii..r em.M 1 23.it it 7 oft; rtnekerg and feeders, IJ.4ij4i4.J0. latuff and Ihe market tor anything coming i HOGrJ-Revelpt. 1",W ,',1'' nmtket una.r tt, 1 t.ead w ieji.lv 10 .tr..r.u m-..8, ! Btiohg to 6c higher: choice to . prlino the traue fairly active. A la the case ?- J YV,?L .1. if &! .id ! ' Poodstntt. ! I.lv.tvaal. I everv day Sellers Were comnlalnlnir of t hu ' $"1V0V ' blltcheT Wlitgllt. $0. Jt.'rf 4.40 ', gOild t rooainsa " . , 've.ry ua, seller were complaining or tha r A, ,,.. H n.d u. .....v.i, tT... L t tvrani nt - K. 1 enllnwln are tha 1 clothing. t!7fti58cr valley No. I ouiines 01 toe commoti anu lnrcrior kinds ; , i -J" " ' . -f .,J- r bV..rffl, and nrovlaion 111 Territory, ordinary. scoured ' corn-tea ieers. A n mcii f,llnrj 'j.t'fS Tvi, i iiiRii.p.,...in , .nraai : i ..-t. ' v,nr m ,, racks: wheat. basis, nne. 7; "n medium, ttWe: ma- ""I'j. "TaUle con.Vng at this season r ' head; ii"irk"t strong to Itiaine hlguer; ah", p, Ul .WO Cental ; corn, 4M.ttl cental: beon. Pullad wool, acoured basis. etra, at'tei i '"'"; " ; ii on ine.- . . , i to boo taives- lard 1 000 tlprrek nf : brltna fctW Sweet p."tatoe, 1,UV1 26; sauarttraut. $1.00: pumpkin. KOcMl.oo: -'nh-, 6i80c; lima beana, 2-lb., .i1"'v'na? 1.: $1 ; cheap ras, 2-lb 60c; extras, 6ual.t; fancy. $1 86431.78. ' ' , ... rifnt.:n FirtH Family whltefllsh, Mf quarter bbl.. 100 lb... $4 ; Norway mcg- eral. No. I, as.w; fso. , e.w. '".-. ' Irish. No. 2, 21B0O; herring. In bbla., M lbs. each. Norway. 4k. $9 00; Norway. 2k. J9.00; : Holland herring, . 4,(1 . ke. iiUlltara,. 80c; kg. mixed, 70c. ,-.a FISH Trout. 12c; halibut. I2c; eatflso, l&c; buffaW. Kdl bullhead. Hot, black baa, fine Mock.- 2Dt;f salmon, 12c; 2J snapper, fresh froaen. ltoi Whlteflsh, fraan froien, 13u; yellow perch, dressed and scaled Sc: pickerel, fresh froaen, c, smoked Wltltefiah. JO-lb. baskets, X30 Pf lb., frog leg. J5c per do, aaddlei. .- . HIDES 'ANT ' TALlAlW-liriv salt. No. 1..22;e; No. S. 1140; hull hide. WIOOJ green bid. So. 1 J-J'J fl 5twEf3.Tr.: cheep -prltfe, 5dc6H.S8.' Tfellow, No 1. 4V1 No. 2. 2Sc. V.. ' . WOOL-Per lh ir)(r)22C. NUTS KtencHi walnuts, HHe; California walnut. No. ?. hard shell. 13-; No. 1. oft shell. 14Sc; Braill. 13c: pecan. lWJo. filbert. I'.Vaile. tieantita, raw. 6'4c: foatted, 7Hc; CaMforma alinonda, Imrd shell, luc; soft shell, lac. ' - t 1IH4 eastern No. 'liif 'fe'4 . 44', (4ti 141H IH4 (4 slut, V4 4'4I 1.(00 44.400 1.400 1.I0 1.(01 1 no 1.000 1.404 l.to ioo t.im 1.400 400 14:4 UH4 'stS 'iiii 7S, 471 474 S7' ' 44 44 'ii'" "tit, 14 14 II ( 14 4H 1414 ei N 4414 'j4'4 iii (44 , M 45 (4 )o4 US 4J(( -4H 4S4 10714 ltV( 47, 44 IMS U4 ii 'i(' 4 414 14414 m' 44 44 4 'isi, 4 MS 2it4 4714 Mi ..... ... (174 11414 I4, Kt, 74 ns aharaa vantage and coat packer more on the ?! fine A. tarnOtie: A miDers. S7fl0c: B uprs. ; noon man uo ine oetier g-.-aae or ranger. 4i(Sc ' - - i Hence packerB naturally give the lange i!2 I LONDON. Nov. ; 2 -Wool-A sale of l.oOO j cattle Ine preference. I-:! bales of sheepskin waa held here tody. Cow and heifers of desirable quality aold ai There was a good attendance apd active I freely and the early arrivals changed handi M competition 'prevailed throughoiit. M-rtno ' fd good seaaon at fully leady prices. H ' I arid fine -rMuibred Advanced C to 10 per l Everyone " wa looking for good teedcr H cent but ooaraa and long stapled cross- this morning and they were selling a tittle 44 bt-edS Showed a slightly easier tendency. 1 suvm : "u ,i"'ir t'1"1 viivuign 10 sun any I44f, Foliowlng are th sales and prici obt uiteu j one, r for clothing ana comntng: iew mouiu I'Walea. 400 bale 6H,toNd': Queensland. 100 z: bule. at 7VlifMl; iciona. vv oaies, at J! li4rlod: South Australia. 100 bales, at ' u'wl i"d; Wet Auslrlla. WO Italea, at gW10.d; , e,",J Tasmania. 3t bales, at Ofi8Sd: New Zea 14 land. I.611O bale, at bV'l(i'': Vuntn Arenaa. sr.. ! HtiO bal. a. at Muvl. Falkland laland, 100 74 bales, at MlOHd mA , j 7a I ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. LA OOL Steady: a 1 ! . I.. nAMttln, -1, rl.ithtne 9'i I 27c; light fine. WiHc; heavy fine. 14tjl7o; tub wahed, KfTiXSio. ' ton of other kind. a (..ii.j men truvueu iu pull any- The atocker and Common feeder, aa I la that .... t.a r r .1 . v mnliaJ 1 1 r I I . .nK,l.t I 1.,. el rcv r,ri..mm' I Repreacniallve aales I BEEF STEERS. lot 4T4 r, 41 4 1H4 (44 4i 117 , a (4 1414 li4 : 114 40 44 1044 4744 is 44 Sis) 1H4 44 Ki 4 ft I. til IT 101 114 !7S 1114 'Hi Haataa ktaeks aad Hoads. . . . i " ti loana, o per ' ' tv-i per cni. omctal quotatlona on stuck and bond were- 1 td. per 1'' Ire-., S.:j. ita iMi. $S.acv4.7. Followlna were tflef rei-elpt inents of (lour na grrin: ' i Receipt. r . ur, O'll. . . . VV.Vhe.il. hu "rn l.u. 'itla, bu. -. ye, bu .rley. bu, Toledo teed Market. TOLEDO, Nov. 1-BEEPS-Clover, and November. $2 iv; Decerol;er, Alalke. $7isl. Timothy. $1.26 Atchlaon adj o 4a , Mai t antral 4a Atehlss Old Hution a Alhanj. Boeteo A Maine... trnck i ""i,t Klevale .. T7.e; I p'ltk6uri W kleiira Cenlral .. N'. T . N. II. A H Pera (tarouetui I sios Cause . la A Iheia. of Amar. Pneo. Tub.. Aaiar. Vagar 4 f Aaaer. T A T Aser. Woolen era D'tmlaiun I. a quiet, i Z T . , " caah $.a. an: bikers, winist WHEAT No. i spring 7fr7Stc .lU.Vc; M. i rra. .a,4c. iOKV No. 2. 4t"4c..No. yellow. r4c Lt. (.Tr--No. 2. l,ci No. $ white, Z2Q J;V. e - I; i E No. 2. ilCc; fair .o eholca malt- (4KEL.14--NO. I fl. $1 ri: No. 1 niirlh- I B'Prl44 Apples aad Dried Fralia. wst. in. $1.14'. crime timothy. $4 loft 1 NEW YORK, Nov. I. EVAPORATED e.i" iii.e.. "ni'i... r.-.io. evwi. A rrL,r.sv Ma rsei a as eteariy but rP.OVlSIsl-nolr ribs, a d-s (loose!, llleh choice are onoted at kii(Vic: chol. . t " ai 4tn:( Mefl pork. Der bbl.. IliM 7e,:.e- nnme. Ct-oTl.c. . ' Snort r'ear aides CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunea r,Ti "n.i, " " ' 'have been arriving In conwderahle ousn- . . :!3 L"fll and hlp-:i"r! but hMV Vn "to ronsumptlon and e mti available supplte on spot are not heavy, r. g. thmtt Shipments, i ''".' .r. JI'U "ri.U '1 wll S ' ' M " - ' ' T ' . i'irun ..1 I " -.", at vnlV. Aprhxila are tin- IH.WSJ ,.i.i... ITn m.,,4 t t at l(rfc. Pesuhe rr ouiet un pot. wlto old crop eh.ace quoted at lie; extra choice kt lw!-'VC, and fancy to extra fancy, l:-f !:.. Raisin are coming forward quite ! frwlv fruiu the coast, but auDiillea are nor ateady; at ; tticreaaing. owing lo shlptnenla on In tutor , LTNDfN. Nov. 1. Tli weekly statement r'". T ; orders, and prices hold firm, wlib ImiM , uf the Bank of England shoas tha fo .-. Si e 7j.S. . .in; r i . .3Ltl.l .. l.'.lsw .. !sS.il 4o pfd Hid. Asked tlVk'Alrentuee .100SAlo ;. 0 lAaMiiamaio . .iOllfcAtlantl , 10.1 Hniais 'l. A Heela. .1(1 rentenolal .... .16Ha l onper Sanle . .Ill Dale Wert . JIM Fraaklls .IUVdr.Hbr . i ,Uta R.e.l. ...lliVMeee MlDIDl . . l iMitklsas KVi Mohaak .llli Mont. (V C. .111 mi Pomluleo .iytH'teil . It I Parrot .!'. Qulnrr . i'4 (hanooa ;Tantorack ... . 11 Trloll)f . nite ropttr . 41 1. . Mlnlns.. .KKS V S. oil 1 I tab . tl Virion ....... . 41W, Winona .I0f Woi.jnae ... 44 .. 41, ..lilt. .. I . 41 .(AO .. 41,14 Motal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 1. METALS There was a decline of 7s Id In the London tin market, wlh spot closing at 192 6s and fu ture at 193 16. I vocally the market a as ataady, with spot quoted at $43.10 bid and $a 40 asked. Copper 1 waa ?s Cd lower In London with spot quoted st 97 and fu tures at 97 lFia Locally th market wa r nnlet. with lake nuoted at $21.T4TfJ2 So; electrolytic at 2Sl.50tft22.00; casting l';l.LM I $1 75. lad ass unchanged at $6.7naVt.95 in the local market. In London th prlc ad- , vanced to 19 5a. Spelter was unchanged j It 4.27 li in l.onuon anu at' eo.f.iMio.e" 111 the local' market. Iron wa unchani-ed at 67 2d for (standard foundry and at 67a 6jd for Cleveland warranta In the Eneltsh mar ket. Icallv Iron wa unchanged: No. 1 foundry northern I ouoted at $?4 5tf-:'6.00; No. 2 foundry northern $21.7F.?4 50; No. 1 foundry southern. (vt.OOnjM.bO;. No. 2 foundry southern, 2"3.SO524.00. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 1 METALS Lead, strong at $5ii5.9S; spelter, higher at $ii.20 t.:i4. , s . . una (( noam. ; NEW YORK, Nov. 1. OILS Cot on- , seed, Irregulart pilule -crude, f. o. b. mill', ' 094tu30c; prim crude, yellow, t. o. b.. mil la, 4u447c, nominal. Petroleum, steady; Icw li.rK, (i.eu: e-niiaucipiua alio I- 2f to So. A Tr. No. AT. e. 1 130 ( 7( ( lll I 5(1 M laii t (0 .11) 1 ig. (7 lul 4 44 COW8. i ..i.. 44 4 14 t... 1M J On 4 1WW $ 4 11 (M ( 111 4 1014 t 40 4 Wii I 4 I 44 - ( I0U ( t I TM I 40 4 lvm t t (4$ ( M t 1ISW t 40 1 1070 t 44 - 4 lib ( 4( ' t 1100 ( 7s ( Kl ( 4u v 4 (0 I (0 ( H U I W ( W t K0 ( (J ( .It!,) (is) I Alto 4 1 ( (S4 ( 00 iJEIFEltS. t (41 t 14 14 (57 t 74 4 4.S t ( 11 4M 4 40 10 46? t (4 1 ill) 1 t, BULLS. t (as t ( 1 mo $ 10 I i. I2S0 t 44 1 lart I M I....; 12 t T( 1 1400 I u CALVES. I ( i 9 t K 4 7 4-17 t 14 ( IJ 1 M ( us ( ;t . 1 i; l in, 4 414 ( 15 I u t t6 II 414 4 IS FEEDERS. 4 4M I 0 4 ItV t 4( ' 4 467 I CO II (74 ( (0 1 110 ( 0 in ions 1 ao 4 111 1 I (Ml t (HI ( 771 ( 15 10 7M 4 On 14 (IK 3 1( ti ( 4 00 1 114 4 It" WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 1M feeder.. im H 3 SSJ IS etcr.... 692 IU 10 cowe 937 2(15 15 feeders. . tw! 3 40 t cow W 1 4 cow 990 2 Vi enwa.:...liw0 8 00 6 feeder. , lux $01) 10 lecd-rs.. Ml $ 4 feeder.. tWi6 2 $6 NEW YORK, Nov. l.-BEEVES-Re-ceipta, 214 head: feeling steady: drexsed beef, steady; nutlve aldea, SV'0 $Vio per pound; funcy beef, 9Vlti(c: Teiaa beef. tVliic; Liverpool and . London cables steady; exports., K41 head of .cattle. . CALVES Receipt, 6! hcadi good vaala, firm; other, steady; grar, nomltiul; veals. tt.oO049.OO: choice lieevea. $9.:t'i8.iii; dreaaed calves, firm; city drHsacd veals, tajf U'c pel pound; i-outttry dressed, Mtlio. HOGS Itecelpt. Z.H'iH head; market weak; state hega, $6.5ootti.;o; pigs, $4.75. SHEEP AND LA M HS Receipt, 41rJ head: sheen, olllei: araid sheen, ateadv: I lur.ilto ?'nitu. loner: sh..en. $2.0.114 50: I'till. $100; laoibs, to.7i'irT.76; one deck, $8.0o; cuil. $4.50. at. l oals I I e atoek rkel. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 1. CATTLE Re ceipt a 4.600 head. Including l.ftOO Texan; market, natives, ateadv; Tens, strong. Natlv shipping and export steers. ls,7i..ii 90; dressed beef and butcher steers. 44. is) 4i6.26:- steers under 1.000 pounds, $$.B0fj.4.0; ' (tocker nd ffeder. $2 0t4.fj; cow and liflfets, ti.to.jt.2i; canncia, $l.ata2.00; bulla, $! (4.00; r.alvea. $S.ia).76 Teiaa and In dian steer, $.'.7f,(j6 tt; cow and heifers, $;.iifis so. Mi x: Receipts, 7.510 bead; market stcadv; pig and light, $0. pack era. $C 0tti . butcher and best heavy, Iti.lMit) 3&. SHEEP AND LAMBS n-celpt, 600 head; market ateady; natty muttons. $3.0Mj6 50; lamlMi, 24.OtiOt7.ro; cull and buck, IJ.af. y J.'.G; Stockei. 3 fit4.10.. . . . 1 - 'Liverpool Crala Market. LIVERPOOU Nov. I. 'WHEAT Spot, firm: No. 2 red weatern wlntar. 4. Fu ture, dull; December. 4vid! March, ts l(d; May, aT42 -- - CORN Spot, . tlrnit American mUed, 40 4d. - Futureg, dull;. December, 44d; jarc uilj. 4g IHd. reaaaylvanla Dlvldead. PHI LA DBI .PHI A. Nov. 1. The board of director of the) Pennsylvania railroad t dav declared a arml-annunl rtlvldentl of a ft b. r cent. Thl I an increase or tinir or per cent and place the stock on I per cent hast. It UAL ESTATE 1'R AASFKR. rertned, tscw York. (100; c hiiauclpliia ai Baltimore, $7.45; Philadelphia and Bal; more, In bulk, '135. Turpentine, t ! 4 (lock calves 26 strained, common 29 to. ROSIN Firm; HAVAJMNAti, us... hut. j. vilp-j urp- n- tlne. steady, IsSV- HOSIN Firm; A. M. e( WJnt. .': u. $4.04; E. 4.ttf4 X: F, (4.16; G. $4.16ii4.:0; Hu It, (4 2"4 ; I. ( wui wi rw.. is. iv. M, ; (.. jN. 2.40; WG. $6; WW. go. . . I4 ! Cottaa Market. lii ! NEW YORK. Nov. 1-COTTON-SpOt lJ ! Closed quiet at 10 point decline; middling (7.1 1 upland. M. 40c; middling gulf, lO.taVc; lrs. 1 2,9. bale. . . 4 ST. LOUIS. Nov. I.-COTTON-Qulet; "",4 middling. Itt'c; siles, '100 bales; rec pis, . .(45 bales; shipments, 5o0 bale, mock. .! bale. . . .. . C. 1 1 'm Increaaed demand; prlcea S point higher; ' American middling lair, .44d; good mid-1 n t-iwa. . 915 tiling, id: mlddluig. I fd; low mlddlinH, , j h V44d; good ordinary, h.tfd; ordinary. i.Old 17 .w Kw' he sale of the day were $,00) hale, cf J which 600 wer for speculation and vagtrt 17 fe.drn . 9-4 2 90 2 :j li 4 1U i..:..o 4l0 4U.3t On the IToduea ei hsnge today the bitt er market na st.ady; 'reiunerlei. -A' , aan ia, . urg. mark. rio. tii'-iudi'd, Ifor.lc: Baak tleartaas. OMAHA. Nov. 1 -Bank clearing for to day war 21.M4.244.12 and for the cot--ponding duo last rr ti,6413 43l.M Baak af Eaalaaa Btalemeal. pn 1 e tli.tii. ;(Sc. olllu. lMlJ , 1J'ju13',C. Cheese. . nmar.it.-le in..ted at IS'iT,!"; seeil J ljc, ai.d Loiidun luvti at H.tul Ti. a I . inir-a: Total ressrve. dei fee.se. t 1 . :t; vllt.uUtl.jU. liiciraav, lai,n.t.a Lb.i.uo, and Included I.ltA American. a , mm A g.u. NEW YORK, Nov. l-SUGAR-Raw, Julot; fair rehnlng. 2 7-l$u; cenlrlfuoal, ( teat. 2 15-14V; Biolassea sugar. 1 I-ls..; refined, quiet: No. , 4 20c; No. 7. 4.16c: No. 2. 4.10c; No t. 4 1c; No. 10. 4 05c; No. 11. 4 00c; Ko. 12, 2 ic; No. 1$. $ 0c: No. 14. 2 lcl confectlonors a. 4. 0v: mould ' A. 2 15c; out loaf, 6 CO. : crushed, i oVc; I powdered, .vv, granuiateo. l ive, tultea. 1 toc. IDAHO cow Vii $ i . ti feeders. . IM 4 feeder.. 9f, 2 14 ateri....ltatt 20 feeders.. 9.t $ go U Tripp Mont. . IB 2 20 6 sleet s....ti:0 C. Phelpa Mont. .1242 4 5o 1$ cows.....Hl .io;:4 ; nt E. MrKelvey Mont. .1112 4 2o - Ml feeder lt'76 G. A. Bcrkey MunL .1150 4 IV 10 rowi Ai!) W. L. Well Mont. It steer.. ..!2?o 4 50 cow 972 w. Wilkinson Neb. K9 Soo $ cows tfi h,l 2 61) Sn.kclt N. 242 2 50 D. R. Wllllam-Nf b. 17 steors....l(sij $ su tt heifers... 9u I j0 E. Lear-N. 4 E. Miller Nib. $10 Cook 4 Son Neb. 2 46 rowa '4 it Herman Neb. in a .....; 1 s H. H. Brook. Wyou-lK. IS cowt M 2 70 K. S. Sted. Wyoming u cows wi ia 1 12 cows... 9 steers.. I cows... 42 ter.. t steers.. 11 cow 2 feeler. 21 calves.. 4 to 2 V 4 19 2 20 2 If 1 75 Kanaa CH Mve Stack Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nor. l.-CATTLE-Itecelpt. S.OA Including 7tt0 anulhern. Market ateady. Choloe export and tlreaed beef steers, $5.26; cows. $2.0OJi3.26: fair to good $4 Oy.i5.26; western ateers, $:t &.uS.U; cow, ti Otsti 3.2fi: native cowa, $j.(B'iiS.tt: na- I tlve heifers. ( .'.tH.i0; nulls. (Z.toUa.jal I calves. $2.7f.'afl.75. ' Ht KIP Receipt. 9 000 head: mutkel a 1 shade higher. Top, f i bulk f sale. tii ltV7jei.i; htavy, $ti lOirt.J-J'; pacaer. 1 $H I1H1 pigs and lllit, $S.5otji1 .30. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpt. JtOO I head; market tning. Lambs. $ tVu7.W); ewes and yearlings, $4 at'u j Ki: weatot n . yearling. $6.4i4ri.uui western sheep, $4.2Mf if.50; atockers and feeders, $3.otKtjJ.uo. j aloAk rity l.lv (lock Market. ! SIOUX CITY. Nov. I.-fSpeclal Tel. ' gram. I - CATTLE Receipt, l.Oaj ,eid r'rkt steady stiK-kerg dull; beyes, $4.ir( . Andrew McBrlde and wife to Anna M. McBrlde. w.14 ft lot t. block I Reed Third I Cyru O. Nolson and wlf to Doc. J. J. Catttpbell, lot 4, block 9. epilog, laik Park, Suutlt Omaha CTt Mary Ska la k to Joaeph etaaiak, mlddl 14 lot I, block lit. Improvement Aa- ' oclatlon Add 1 F, M. Vromau and wit to 2C. W. Hev. mail, lot 1, block 2; lot 1, block' ' $, and lot 4, block 4. Kendall's X Llssle- P. Evan to Fhrtic W, Mali, lot 10, tl, 12,. block 4, Summit He-.. sae-a ....... a. Ellen M. Read and husband to Kat Ryam kit 11, loeej 4, ahterldan PlAca), .tog ( Anna Nemeta et al, to M. M. ikh on born, lot 2. block 25U, Omaha t,00 loauph Naniet to Al. M. Sohnnbnrn, ! lot tt. block 20i. j. nana. 1 Fred J. Nemeta lo anme, uttii; f M. .M. Schonborn to R. F. Swift Co., lns, ame 2,14)0 O. A. Helqulat ttt T. F. SWIH Co., Ins.. Iota 2 and 4. block Pr8, Omaha ..: "t.0.4) Gaoigc K. Barker and wife to T. F. ' , Swift Co.. lota 7 and (, blmk 266, Omaha, and other lot 4.020 - TtH-da William to Chart A. Hof- ' iiiiuitt, M40 fl aublot 1 1. kit 4, Ra gan'a , - I5B Andrea- C. Lund and wlf to Levi. ; pold Doll, lot 4. 7. g 9. 10. 11 and 12, block 1; lots 3. I, I. . 7, I, . 10. 11, 11 U. 14. block 2. snd lots 1 to R block if, Wakoley Add ..; 64) Ma B. Waldon and husband to Tins. 00 ! Homun. lot 1, block 6. Rogga A Hill's ..' in Steohen D. Hanm and Wife to Jus !: cow, bulla and intxeti, $l'SiKlnj-i """ ' 11 aio'ke.-s and feeders, $.1,0043 S3; calves an. I . . '"YI'1 iA..' ".'AU' ",J"" i" ' '.',"." yeHrllnas. 51 i:t.75. Stephen D. Bang and fl o Ha- HOUS-Receipt. f.a head: mk"kel 3Uc' , "esdeii. lot 14, block 10. lower, selling at tS.aifrt.Hi; bulk i.f sal 's, I ,Ifiu,"m', A.dd 1, utAK 1 ! Henrv P. Van IH-t creek. to Walter "''' . ' Van t'rcr.k. lot 17. block t.Smlth- lleltl . - 1 . (- . ll .1 (T,.. .- a.. 11 am tAoctiit t -.. a t , . .. W'Bllfl ntTtlllJ uiiiiwii IU dlinn J . t ST. "OSEPH. Mo.. Nov . '- ATTLE-. (tclnu and wife. irt lot 11, block !RH'lpta 2.419 head, market steady; i,. 14. IniDri.Veiiient Aaao.latlon Add ... Bvron R. Hasinas to John Balo. lot ( block 4. Military Add D V. bnolea Co. lo Joseph D. Mackey. w'i nH lot i. block 4. tihull' St. Josenb live Stock Market. . tlvea. $;.0w .6; rov,i ard belfera. $i.iolit.7 I Stockers and foedei. $2 fa(ttiV'. HOG3 Heieipts. j.'S bend: market Mifher., Too. i !0: hulk. $ti (C3fJ 15. fcHEEP AND LAMBS U-celpts, IH.;t tead. market (toady. ! " i,1a $00 424) ti atnek In filaht. Receipt of live stock at the six principal Wertetti piarseie t e-.. t u t'attle 6 Barrett A Lynch Wyo. 4 atockera. fl $ 7r 4 atocker. 442 2 uu ! 9 caJvaa. . . 2V7 4 30 I Home Broe. Wyo.' ! 90 f eedee ..911 4 10 ! R. H Gill-Wvo. lScws I'M 3 35 6 t ow :M J i F. J. Wll He Vt yo. cow 2 0 I", cow 9i7 1 t Co a 1 Ic.".' t a t 4o l"-4 3:: ! South Omaha I HI on x '"' i Kra City I St. Joseph ... pt. l.ouir .... CliJcago l.tKO fi ll 2.4' 4. wo 9 I 0 Sheep. ; Jt.iiO Anna Corrigan to John J. Katun. ,,i i).,ia is, isecona aad to tor- rVan Plai-e .... 30 Henry A. Moore and wife to Txira , . . . I.., m IT 9A 4 f. l . . . I , i ril"rl, t.r.m ... -w. o. M, l.r , . J Jav l. Foster and wife to Hartley ,i I). Thome. ni( II lot 4R and ft lol 49, bi.K-k . Jerome Park I Mat y C. lane to Patrick H. lane, nti 1" jot 2. block D. Saunders (V Him- J-7 (laugh's ...;.; t e.1.101 . i j;. Homers and wife to John Wilt s'1."' . lent snd wife, lot , block'!. Dono- 7Tn ' m van's Bub K4 4.(419 (u.iBC nam to mrpe. lot t. block 2. Donii- ' 'vn Sub 41 1 Anna M. Mi-lirtdr to Mary E Me. NEW YORK. Nov. 1 COFFEE Market 1 pnd. w:il ft lot 9, block 2. Reed for future opened "lemlv at ynchanged Third e t VU 1 10 a n""ilne 1 f ; rol"tl li s- -it'.v -si with Ivati- cable. Trading was yuli j Tutal M,$t Hogs I Tft.1 I .t 6.4H 7.40.1 IS.Otsi Total :t,9i . l'rTi Market