Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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-'.i ;'j
! V
TTJIere are two
Jl ii facts we want
you to jot down in your ' mental
note book : More Kirschbaum
suits and overcoats are sold in the
large cities and fashion
centers than any other
make. That is definite
assurance of their style.
You find if you in
vestigate that they
nave the can in
every woolen-mill
town and every great
cloth-weaving center
where ,.men are
brought up to know
fabrics. That says vol
umes for the quality of
the goods
: mi mm
i5- iff llBi
m till
i . "r
StcreUrj of Wr Crtoks, Joke or Two ot
Hit Stenographer.
(afelaet unices Look l Omaha i
a1aral flateway Weet Clare
Meetlag CMimtiMii .
John 1,. KrmulT
Ask for Kirschbaum
Clothes (Warranted)
Good Stores Every
where, $12 tO I30.
. -tilt tn (simaiD w
linnet - Committee Wsnti to Chit Oat
Eiritof Snziuser'o Employii
Mayor thinks" he will coincid:
brdlnaare l'asse hy Majority When
FtikkDmcr and Bedford Are
Absent and They HnUe
The. finance committee of tlio cily imiiiic 1
and City Engineer Rosowater have, locked
horns over an Interpretation cf section g
. of, the city, charter,, pertiU..lng , to -.the ap
pointment' and .confirmation of certain on
ployes of tha city engineering department.
Thur day morning, nhll- Councilman
FUnkhouser ml Bedford of the finance
committee were In the city dork's office
Checking over the engineer's 8pten:h-r
pay roll, a majority of the city council, at
n adjourned meeting, pnxKc.l the appro
priation ordinance without knowledge of
what was going on In the city clerk rlflce.
When Councllmen Fdnkhouscr and B dford
nlered lh council chamber Ihey found the
Ordinance had been passed and the session
over. Then blu smoke begun to curl
through the "council chamber. '
Councilman Sheldon, tjio third . member
of tha tlnanec committee, unwittingly was
party to the parage of the' ordinance
Which contHlned the names of eight em
ployes of the engineering department, imd
about which the present contention arose.
The ordlnnncc finally was sent to the
mayor's office with a request that the
mayor veto that portion of the ordinance government ownership of railroads,
Becrelary Taft and his private secretary
left for the west on the Overland Limited
on tho fnlon Pacific Thursday morning
after having spent the night at the home
of Senator Millard. The secretary arrived
at Vnlon station about half an hour ahead
of train time and showed the Jolly good
fellow ho Is by holding a sort of Informal
reception at which the depot 'employes
were presented to him.
"Doesn't re 1 ok finny In that long rott?"
the secretary remarked as his private sec
retary went hurtling by after having
checked the baggage.
"This Is a busy galcway," added Judge
Taft. "I always look upon Omaha as be
ing the rialn gateway to the west and
northwest, the same as Kansas City I to
the southwest. That Is one of the strong
arguments John Kennedy Is always put-
ting up for a supply depot here. I have j
heard them so many times I hellevo I I
could get up and moke an argument for
Omaha myself. J
"This state Is pretty well supplied with I
military posts with Fort Omaha and Fort j
Crook and Fort Robinson and Fort Mo
brara. I snail visit these after I finish this
trip to Idaho and Wyoming. We expect to
be In Cheyenne next Tuesday and will then
return to official business and Inspect Some
of the army posts. Including Fott Illley
and Fort Leavenworth."
"Tou sec, Mr. Secretary. Omaha Is right
In the center of these." said Mr. Kennedy,
"and therefore the natural distributing
"Oh, yes. I have heard that before."' said
the secretary, smiling.
Interested to Hryan.
"Ild the west look upon Mr. Bryan's
utterances when he .landed In New York
the same aa the cast'dld?" Mr. Taft asked
a reporter for The Bee. "Tho east thought
he had become somewhat conservative from
his travels until that speech In which he
advocated the government ownership "of
railroads. Then It was seen he had not im
proved any."
"The attitude of Mr. Bryan a fine man
personally reminds nte of the dog which
was the king of the walk nnd could whip
nv other dog which Came along. He
had Just one way of working. When a
Btranga dog. appeared he would Jump at
I his left fore leg ana cruen u unu
' 01 until the- other dog was whipped. One
i day a three-legged dog came along with
out any left front leg and the other dog
was completely lost and was whipped by
i the three-legged dog. Just so with Bryan.
While some or the people were out or
work he has a hobby of working on their
prejudices against those who had property,
but when prosperity became so rampant In
the land he was lost and did not Ritow
what to do, so he took up this cry of
Jeg-ro Caters t tnpla Apartment. At
teaaata Haralerr and Then
ft eta Away.
A daring attempt to rob the rooms at
the apartments, Eighteenth and
Iavenfort streets, wsa made by an un
identified colored man shortly after mid
night Wednesday. Tha occupants of tha
apartments had invited a few friends to
a small Hallowe'en party, f onrludinir
With dance, which was held in the dlr.
Itig room on tha first floor Of the build
ing. While the merriment was at Its
highest R. B. Thompson went to hla apart
ments o,i the second floor and met a
strange colored man In the hall. When
questioned as to the reason for his pres
ence the colored man snld he was look
ing for Harry Thompson. His Inquisitor
was not satisfied with this explanation
and called Charlea Ptrrn to watch tha
man while he Inquired If a man by tho
name of Harry Thompson resided III that
While Mr. Thompson was gone the ne
gro suddenly Jerked himself from tha
grasp of Mr. Steen, who was holding to
Coil Trust lfn, Foker Play en gad
Electisa Offictn An Indicted.
Iroay of Fata Makes Itlstrlet flerfc
liraadwell. Who Reeelrea the
ladlrtment Oae of the
South Omaha, coal men. Tenth ward elec
tion ofllclnls and a coterie of poker players
were caught by tho grand Jury In bills re
turned before Judge Button at 4 'O'clock
Wednesday afternoon.
Twenty South Omaha coal men ai
charged in an Indictment almost exactly
IIhc that returned against tha Omaha coal
men with operating in violation of tha
state anti-trust laws. Most of those named
arc members of the Boutn Omaha Cool ex
change. The names of those Indicted art I
William Byrne, Joseph E. Byrne, Arthur 1L
Kushford. Frank A. Broadwcll, Charlea M
containing the eight tinYnes. the dog. ha has lost the left front leg to
The finance committee enntenda that the grab ot ond doesn't know what to do.
employes In question worn employed with
out confirmation ,of tho council, which
could be held legally responsible if the ap
propriation for thelj salaries was passed.
I;nltiecr Mckes Protest.
City Engineer Rose water said: "This Is
the first council to ever go on record for
either confirmation or rejection of em
ployes of the engineering department. Sec
tion H referred to, refers to employes on
public works. Tho coilmMl might na well
lire the. whole engineering department and
put It Into politics. Appropriations for sal
aries for employes of the engineering de
partment have been passed for years with
out' question.': I" any hejd reKponslble ' for
those employes, and the charter so: pro
vides." Mnyor Dahlinan said he believed it would
be In order for Jiim to follow the wish of
the finance committee In the ipatter of
striking out the tight names.
The employes in question, w4lh their sal
aries, are: J. P, Lyons, field engineer. $HO;
George Oetrom. permit engineer, $; Paul
Hennon, W. F. Taylor. Al Hendrltkson
Farms Abhood and Pat Connell, axe men,
110 each; J. O. Bnowden, clerlt, 141.13.
Horn Thront
us Omrpi Oil.
and (old la t'hre
Trial hottlc Kc.
Police Inapeetnr ela;na.
CHICAGO, Nov. 1. Police lnspecto1
Lavin, who was yesterday acquit led of
ehar(rs brought by Chief of Police Collins
today tendered his resignation,
Joka on Ills Stenographer.
' Secretary Taft'a regular private secre
tarv, Mr. Carpenter, waa detained In Wash
ington, and inerefore W. W. Mlsclilcr. Hi
stenographer, acted as secretary. Mr. Taft'a
sense of humor found much room fof ex
iTesslon at the expense of Mr. Mlschler.
The latter la a small, nervous man, al
waya doing his utmost to see that every
thing goes on all right and much upset at
the least hitch. Bomo little routine ar.
rangement about Pullman faro was nceea
sary before the Taft car proceeded west
ov'er the I'nlon Pacific Thursday morning.
City Passenger Agent Abbott of tha Vnloti
Pacific had taken pains to - make out
everything and take It to the Burwood
theater Wednesday night. Just before tha
meeting he presented it to Mr. M!chler,
who had not been put to t..o leasl, til
convenience over the matter.
But Mr. Mlse.hler'a mind was not easy.
He worried for several hours over that
Pullman matter, much to the amusement
of Secretary Taft. After the meetings
Wednesday night Judge Taft, evidently
ooklnij for some fun, asked ' his stenog
rapher: "Have you got that Pullman matter all
tved UP, Mlachler?"
"Yes, sir, but I had an awful time with
't," replied tho nervous secretary pro
tm. Judge Taft laughed heartily over the affair.
hla coat, and ran down the stairs ivttli Kllh ntU E. Crosby, Joseph H. Kopvtla,
Mr. Bteen In hot pursuit. The negro ran I t hristlnn Qunderson, O. Lorenie Uuuder
Into the yard and. In Jumping th fence. ,,, Daniel Hannon, Edward H. Howlund,
his leg wa caught by Mr. Hleen, hut the Barney 11. Luckey, Axel L. Bergquesl,
man struggled and released himself, run- , jMph F. Povonka, Louis W. Rushing,
nlng down Davenport street, toward t?e - .Frank It. Mookler, John B. Watklna, Bur
cnteenth, where he disappeared- In an ton. K. Wilcox, Samuel Christie, Joseph
allay. Wuwrzyiikiowlca.
The burg'.nr evidently hud Just begun j The Indictment consists of nine counts,
operations when discovered by Mr. ' d ntlcul with the counts in the Omaha.
Thompson, as none of the occupants of j Coal exchange Indictment, charging the
the apartments has missed anything of j oeaiers with combining to raise, fix and
value, as yet. The apartment of Clitiics conttol prices; prevent competition, pro-
Buttclle had been entered, however, and a titbit soliciting and maintaining a. schedule
pillow was placed by tho negro over tii of prices, tho latest schedule being et out
fare of Mr. Battelle'a oung son. in full in the Indictment.
Considerable excitement was created at I It was tho irony of fate that required
the time and the police were notified of District Clerk Eroadwell, Who Is named as
the attempted burglary. A good deerrip- a defendant, to tako the Indictment when
Hon of the miscreant was obtained ft out It was tele mod In open court and affix hl
which It is believed his capture w ill he signature to it as an officer Of the court
effected. ; The Indicted coal men are appearing Id
! court aradually and giving bond, which IS
Primary tleetloa Officers
William Hlmebaugli and E. E. Hurd,
clerks, and Humphrey T. Lynch and Rich'
ard C. Hivllett. Judges, of the primary elec
tion In the Third iireelnet of the Tenth
ward are charged In another Indictment
With "stuffing" the ballot box at the Sep
tember primary. The indictment charges
they entered the names uf Panic! McCarthy
and Joseph Borghoff on the poll books aa
voting and cast ballots In thlr names,
though neither of them waa at the polls:
Berth McCarthy and Borghoft were wit
nesses before the grand Jury and It Is un
derstood testified they did not vote. The
names "Daniel McCarty" and "Joseph
Three lloboea Kail Into
Police and One
Wednesday afternoon Ofi.cer Wooldrldge
rounded up three hoboi s. fteorge Brown,
Tim Murphy and William Carlnon. who hud
Just. dropped In to view the sights and In
cidentally work the cltlsens of Omaha If
possible. Murphy Is u cripple, having a
paralysed leg, and the left am: of Carlson
was terribly scarred, but the officers be
lieve the scars were effected by the use of
chemicals, an old trick of fake cripples.
Brown was unable to give a good account
of himself and was sentenced to thirty . . ,, ... .
, . . . , Burghoff appear on the poll books as nav-
days In the county Jail by Judge- Crawford
ing voted and it Is claimed the names were
Thursday morning, wjille the two crlpps ,B by the rpndan ,nd wpr9
i slightly misspelled. This Is said to have
' been done during the absence of the fifth
. member of the election board.
1 4n iMlntniant la rahirn-i4 n In.f 1aI.I1
while on a spree. Frit Heits was sentenced . , . . ... . ,
. , ,, . . . Myers charging him with keeping a gam
to ten daya In Jh! by Judge Crawford , ' o, .'a .
shako the dust of Omaha from their feet.
Charged with wrecking the grocery store
at 9D3 Douglas street Wednesday morning
Mr. T. n. McGinnlat, 2141 Central At.,
Cincinnati, O., gay:
"I har bad catarrh, tor eyed yeara, and
hava tried almost every advertised remedy
without receiving gay benefit. One bottle
Cooper's New Discovery has effected a com
- plete cur. I have rained in weight and feel
' atrong-er than I hay for years. My bead ia
clear, my appetite food, ray food digests
perfectly, and my whole system bag been
freatly benefited by your wonderful remedy,
am deeply grateful for the remarkable cure
the taedicine has effected In my esse."
, (.Sig-aed: T. U. M.CGINMS3.
. From Ail Over the United States Sfartlinf At
' eountl are Received of the Unprecedented Re
sults Obtained With L. T. Cooper's Remedies.
The wonderful sew medicines, Cooper' New Diseoyery
and Cooper's Quick Relief, with which L. T. Cooper baa
hid such marvelous success in the treatment of stomach
trouble, kidney trouble, catarrh, deafness, rheumatism and
other diseases in every larg-e city and about which every one
has read numerous sccountt in the newspa perk, have become
- In reat demand and have had a tremendous sale! this de
mand for these famous remedies is increasing'. From this
very city the sale and results obtained from Cooper's New
Discovery and Cooper's Quick Relief baa been .marvelous.
If you are troubled with foul amelltur breath, inflamma
tion and soreness of nasal cavities and air passages and
the dropping of a nasty mucous from head to the throat,
if there is a dull heavy frontal headache and ringing sounds
in your bead -end you Snd yourself gradually growing
deaf, beware of catarrh.
Cooper's New Discovery should be taken internally to ex
pel the catarrhal virua from the system and heal the mu
: coua membranes of the nasal cavities and air passages. It
heals the tissues of the throat and bronchial tubes, and
frees the entire system of all catarrhal poison.
Cooper's Quick Relief should be used in connection with
Cooper's New Discovery for catarrhal headaches and in all
cases of catarrhal deafness to open the eustachian tubes and
restoro the nerves of the ear to their normal conditioa.
Coeper'a New Discovery sella for tLOO per bttle; all for
5.C0. Cooper's Quick Relief coats & cents per fcettl Yea
can get tktm f
le Beaton Drug ompany
V V Q.-W. Cor. 1Gth and Farnam
Thursday morning. The quarrel begun with
A disagreement over the proper change due
Holts and when the clerk refused to com
ply with his demands Helta charged lh
pie oounter. assaulted the preserves and
generally maltreated the canned goods until
Officer lleil arrived.
Inquiries mode by John Wrilton. a laborer,
to Officer Wilson late Wednesday night
elicltated a prompt response on the part
of the officer and Wilson was speedily ac
commodated at the city Jail and, after con
sultation with Police Judge Crawford. Wil
son will be a welcome guest at the same
hostelry for the next ten days. WI'sjo,
the prisoner, went on n hilarious Celebra
tion of Hallowe'en, but his funds were soon
gone and, to continue the excitement, he
solicited money from' pntrons ff aa'oons.
He was thrown out 1ofllly from on saloon
three times, but rsMhlng could quell hla
ardor until he met 'Wilson, th officer.
Burglars added to tho cxcltemnt Incident
to the proper celebration of Hallowe'en by
attempting to rob the home of Frank
Jelen, 1!17 Boutn.' TifTeenth street. They
made their entrance Xy raising the window
of the dining room, but were frightened
away by Mr. Jelen before they had an op
portunity to ransack the house.
Representative Urn Will Attend
Traasmlaslaslanl Congress Three
Daya This Week.
Indications are Omaha and Pouth Omaha
will have a good representation at th
TransmtsHlssippI Commercial congress,
which meets In Kansas City November 10
iS. All the delegates appointed by Gov
ernor Mickey from these two Titles and
those selected by tha Commercial club
and the Real Estate exchange are making
plans to attend, and a fair proportion ap
pointed by the mayor will go.
The Commerlcal ciub has just named its
representatives, W. I Yetter and George
H. Kelly. Governor Mickey appointed F.
W. JUdson; J. M, Oulld and Mark U Fel
ber. Tha Real Estate exchange will send
Henry T. Clarke, a vice president of the
congress, and Byron Hastings. These are
the men appointed by the mayor:
Frank Johnson, Charles Fanning, FreJ
Krug, W. R. Bennett. Joseph Kelly, Jamea
K Paxton, Gould Diets, Joseph BaldHga,
A. J. Love, J. A. Cavers, Emll Brandels,
Charlea N, Robinson, R. rltewart, William
Sunderland, E. E. Howell, L. J. Plattl,
O. M. Hitchcock, J. B. Watklns, Scott
King, Frank Broadwell.
The commercial clun delegates exp-ct i
to study Missouri river transportation, j
and will talk with Kansas City business ;
men about the packet line which they run
from that town to Ht. Louis. Borne of tho
Omaha men are agitating tha establish
ment of a boat line from Omaha.
bllng room on October 27 and running a
game of cards for gambling purposes. In 1
, another bill rick Williams and William !
Kinney are charged with playing pc-Ver on i
October 27. with a $175 pot as the stike.
The grand Jury spent tho forenoon Thurs-
day looking over the poor farm. The final i
report will probably deal with con'Mtlona
as they found them at the poor farm and
i at the county Jail.
Paul. Mtnneonolls stnd Return
Via Chicago Great Western railway.
Tickets sold November 1 and I. Alt In
formation at city ticket office, 1S1J Far
nam St
DIAMOND! Edhoim. ifltn and Harney.
Marrlaa-c Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been
Name and Residence. Age
Frank Zych. South Omaha Jg
Mary Panek. South Oniahu... a
Michael Blowlk, Omaha , 5-5
6olila Bdeb, Omaha jrj
mpmmrT flaws.
rai ami OTzn accdkhutkm a va poem
BOY wmni WMi a mrviii.
tun rot atisWAXAKf iliyatu ncKtn
If ROTHANnt mY vruisi nun unt
16"?sr IUMK rW WW Cfn
At the Stroke
off 8 Tomorrow
Commencing tomorrow promptly at eight o'clock we will
place on special sale the following special Items that we
have selected from our different departments. Every
item listed here ia a decided bargain. Remember that
pone of the lots are large, in some there axe broken lines
of sizes, and that if you find what you want you'll be
getting a bargain that is a bargain.
These bargains for women
50o Corset Covers for 25c Fine muslin and cambric cor
set covers with full and dip fronts low, round neck,
pretty lace and embroidery trimmings 50c values,
will go for.., k 25
50c Flannel Gowns for 25cGood quality fancy striped
outing flannel, knee length ekirts regular 50c Value,
will go for 25
75o Outing Flannel Gowns, 43c Women's outing flan
nel gowns, made of fancy blue and pink striped flan
nelettesplendid quality regular 75o values, for 45
75o Muslin Gowns for 45c Women's muslin gowns, good
quality of cambric, "V" or high neck, trimmed with
lace insertion 75o values, tomorrow .45
75c Combination Suits, 39c Ladies' derby ribbed, fleece
lined combination suits or separate shirts ordrawers
regular 75c values, tomorrow 39
$1.00 and 75o Kid Gloves, 45c Ladies' fine kid gloves,
one or two clasp, silk stitched backs, made to sell at
$1.00 and 75c tomorrow 45c
$1.50 Gloves for $1.00 Ladies' fine silk lined or flooct
lined, also imlincd mannish gloves, all colors, one or
two clasps $1.50 values for $1.00
Men's l5o Pur Linen Collars for 5c We are disposing
of several brands of discontinued lines, "Arrow Brand"
"Coon Brands", "Nebraska Special Brnnd"-all sizes
all stvlcs 15c collars for 5
On November 6th and 20th.
One-way and round trip tickets sold from
nearly all Ilock Island points in the Noxth and
Central West to practically all points South
west. Kate about half in many cases less than
half the regular fare.
Special Tourist Sleepers on our Southwest
trains these dates.
Pluck meant sure success la tha Southwest." An Illus
trated book or two will belp you to a better acquaintance
with the country. I'll be flad to send them on request.
1323 Ftfn.m Si,
; Om.ha, Neb.
Beware of Frequent Colds.
A succession of colds or a protracted
cold is almost certalu to end In chronic
catarrh, from which few persons evur
wholly recover. Olva every cold the at
tention It deserves and you may avoid thii
disagreeable disease. How can you cur a
cold? Why not try Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy? It Is hljthly recommended a a
cure for colds. Mrs. M. iVhlta of Butlfir,
Tenn., says: "Several years ago I was
bothered with my Ihrost and lung-a. 'Some
cne told me of Chamberlain's Cough Hem
edy. I began using It and It relieved me
at once. I used It for some time and It
cured m. Now my throat and lungs are
sound and well."
Very Low Rales Taesdai.
Every Tuesday, balance of the year, tha
Chicago Oreat Western railroad will sell
nomesoelters' tickets to Minnesota. North
Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
half rate; to other territory, first snd third
Tuesdays. Wilt J. A. Ellis, O. A.
U12 Farosm street. But number In party
snd when going.
Wosaea. la Raaaway.
An eneltirg runawsv occurred on West
Lttavenaortli atrest Wednesday afternoon
about i:V. A horse atitU'tit-d to a light
buggy, which was being driven by two
women, ass frightened bv papr blowing
across th stioet nr Twfciitv-touith strert
and daxhrd wildly eastward. I-'rdestrla na
wet attracted by the screams of the
fnghtentd women In the vehlcl and at
tnptd to stop th horse, but only sut
reeded., in urng the animal on to further
erfort. Al Twentieth and Ieaven worth
sireets the w se rsn Into a telephone ple,
thtew on n.H-uiMnla wlrtWiit damns
and smui-l-e, two wheels of th buggy. The
women t f . s .1 t. iv their names, but
unhitched the horse and set ntr fur home
aa If nothing out vC th wralntu hJ n. .
rrn m n im
at j m a a m a
Leave Omaha 6t00 P. M.
Arrive Chicarjo 7;30 A M.
Connecting with all early east bound trains.
.Union Depot connections.
Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points.
Cafe Car Service. v "
Reservations and information at City Ticket Office,
1402. Farnam Street, Omaha.