Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1906, Image 12
THE OMAHA DAILY BEfi: FRIDAY. XOVKMIIKI? 2. IWfi. LJ 'Li'.-liL- mm BARGAIN FRIDAY AT BRANDEIS No womin who likes bariina and spendi her mney economically sKould ever mi one of (hem. t We Are Determined to Sell at Once Our Large Surplus ot DEESS GOODS Remnants 3 to 8-yard lengths of Mack or any colored stylish dress goods, sold tip to C $1.25 yard, at-yard JC The befit foreign dress goods we buy, blacK and colors, skirt, suit and coat lengths, sold up to $1.50 yard, at C.r yard SJG 3 Cases of Importer's Samples for 35c Each Length Black itnd colors the most fashionable goods coming to us through (he lT. 8. customs house enough alike for skirts and dresses each length, 35c. Short lengths like above, each, 10c. $1.69 for Full Dress Pattern cf Silk and Wool Goods This Is a $5 value of Imported fancy silk and wool dress goods enough for a pretty drese. In the Basement All Our 50c Dress Goods Remnants Party shades in Crepes, French and 8cotch Waisting Flannels. 15c In Our Millinery Dept. Third Floor. Old Slore AU of onr odds and ends of Buckles and Ornaments, In jets, rhinestones and pearl, also large knob jet and gilt Stick Pins, that were sold In our Millinery Dept. up to $1 each, 1( your choice in our Millinery Dept I each ; Odds and ends of Fancy Feathers. Breasts, etc., that were sold in our Millinery De partment tip to 5c, on sale at each 10c All our odd and ends of Ready-lo-Wr Halo, also children's hats, that were formerly sold up to one dollar on sale In our basement Millinery Department at, each-only le in uur 25c 1 HOSIERY SALE! On Dig Bargain Square Big lot of all kinds of Hosiery, In plain and fine . and heavy ribbed some are fleecy lined this is men's, ladles' and children's hose, worth up to 20c a pair, at pair 10c er35 : t A Large Bargain Square of Misses' & Children's Underwear 4 Broken lots, but moetly all Bizes, of underwear, $ In Vesta and Pants fine ribbed and light fleeced worth up to 3oc a garment 19 c I at REMNANTS. OF EMBROIDERIES Skirtings, Flounclngs and Corset Cover Embroideries with ribbon headings, newest patterns in Swisses, nainsooks and cambric, up to 18 Inches wide aad worth up to 75c yard, at yard. Remnant Sale BASEMENT Extra heavy quality 36-inch Flannelette, Persian and dress styles ten to twenty-yard lengths at, per yard ...,.,....... Drapery and Comfort Cretonne and fine Sateens, desirable " styles for comfort covering, useful lengths, worth up to 19c yard, at yard grade, - 5c Fleece back Flannelette .with smooth top, regular 10c m values, in mill lengths lp at yard Heavy fleeced Swansdown Flan nel. regular 15c grade, In mill lengths, at yard . . ... . . . Remnants thirty-slx-lnch Percale, light and dark ' styles as long as they last at yard Two cases fine quality Gingham, in short lengths, many pieces . to match Friday special each remnant ( t .., .............. 3c 2c A Clearance Sale of All the SHORT ENDS OF SILKS Many silks in odd lengths must be cleared, quickly A great many $1 silks here, in two lota J1 IQ city yflrcl ) wf2 5,000 yards of 24-ineh fancy metallic velvets, printed vel vets, etc., "worth. 83c yard new store, south -.. 'entrance at, yard. . . i C Black 27-iu. guaranteed taf- j Balance of our Imported 'sample ,iVta, best $1 taffeta CO- 1" P!ece8 f BlIk-"earIy- 8 am the market, yd at. each. 25c-10c-5c ssBIlflB&: OMAHA rtsaMMsMBJWHsjjjsjrjsjMsjHHsysfHPja SATURDAY ,sTnE BIG SALE Hand Painted China, Cut Glass, Venetian China, Candelabra, Vases and Bric-a-Brac Ai tke. Mtst Wonderful Bargains Ever Quoted on Such High-Grade Good Fine Cut Glass and Hand Painted T C China that is worth up to $25. goes at..vjO SALE OF RUGS! The Greatest in the History of Drandeis' Sales B& MONDAY . DecLiitiful and Desirable Rvi At Actually Onc-Hsxlf Price See the Fine Window Display Omaha's Pure Food Centet j 3 - 11 . W TU , m .tsab from feg 4 U9 lai Vlllft VI in v hhv ... r3 - ' - J ... wtA .air H victory over hunter and a most U satisfying and luscious meal. All our meats are tne nest, ana iineigr that can be selected, are guaran- j teed to be fresh and tender and are sure to please the most exact- ?j ing taste. S Friday, being fish day, we have selected an abundant supply, in- A eluding Steel-Head Salmon Frog Legs, I, Shell Oyster, Little Neck Clams Live Lobnters. ;3 FRIDAY'S SPECIAL We offer b J 1,000 pounds of Baby Halibut, per pound fe r Mrs. Dwelle's lecture for Friday, 8 jg November 2, at 2:30 in the af ter- y Q noon,'' will be on the subject of fish R 8 and the following menu will be D f,- ' Stuffed Baked Fish. ' kJ Orange Marmalade. , ft Mushrooms, with Bacon. Banana Short Cake. All are cordially invited. y 17th and Douglas Streets S3 . - - - '3 Phone Douglas 647. rrivi biontntt vtnnwtt All L K N 3 8ewrM Kntrnc-DouU St., R a a it & i jm OVER ALL. All's Well vvilh the man who .... wears The OMMOD SHOE It looks well, because it liSs well. ' It wears well, because It's made well. Hand built Oniii)od art the best high grada nhoea made, ti to M. Btmcli-madw Onlmods are fplendid glint ttultubla for any Ufe. $4. The U.6U ttnd 2.bu Onlmods are splen did values and good "looker." New Fall and Winter Styles. nt sos shoeGsjsst. Sweaters In All Wool or WorstM for Men or Boys In any sle, style oi color.- Remember, we maJte all of our own Sweaters la Omaha. Prices no higher than sweat shop goods. Come and take a look at our SI. 00 and U0 Boys Sweaters the bent for the money in the city or anyw here. Men's Cardigan Jackets the very best that are made. We take uo back In the Jacket line. We have for years made the very best Cardigan Jacket made In the I'nittd ta'e. Our . prices for the same are no hiiii than other people auk for rheapt-r 'grades. Give a look before buy ing. Jlofciery and I ndi rwear, a ennui. .A fuil line. Prices al- wuvs right. Jos. F. Oilz, 32? South lEih Street, Cmah 3- A El Want-a Servant A Bw Want A4 wtS ft qulclry t amall Mat OM H A KaTHKR KOBKC Tl harniOay. t-alr nil. I rmr. ti till MM Am 1 Tcua worth or tour moiet back. Rip Tearing Sales for argain Friday Bargain Friday Double Green Trading Stamps on Dress Goods. Silks, Wash Goods arid Domestics SBVES9 GOODS. Triday morning we plaoe oa sale 13 pieces of S6 Inota ranoy Snltlags, new ehnrl. r. a great bargHiu t 11.25, on iale Bargain Friday a yard VJ W Black Satin Challla An elegant qunllt'v for waists, Hells everywhere for 39c, Hurgnin Fridsv yard ivb SII.K8, Friday we'll plaee on sale 7,300 yards of the best 85 o Taffeta, in all colors, late shades, great hn.rgs.lit Fridiiy at a yard ". wofc Nsw rsncy Telveteeae, in all colors. These goodn come In neat embroidered effects 'of rontrantinK colors: for Instance, navv blue ground and red figures; worth ic. Bargain Friday 4tiC IXTBi SFXCIAXS. Zilnlag Cambrto, la all colors, oc grade, in remnants -4 Fepperell Vnbleached Sheeting, the 25c grade, on sale yard ., 36-lnch SUkoUne, the 12 He and lie quality, E on sale Friday at "C loo Moleskin Flannelettea, In mill lengths, some are ft yarda and olliers 1rs, but tan be matched fir up for various purposes on sale Friday Uw Heavy Frists, in all colors, on sale Friday 3Jc All Wool Flaid Blanket. In pink only, ns Friday pair O.VO He 14c Notions Ripping Little Snaps 4 yard bolls White Tape, assorted widths, value threo for 5c. BAJIOAIH FRIDAY, six bolts tor 5c Pin Cubes, asoried colors, values 5c. each, BABOAIH FBIDAT, two for 5c r.elt Hose Support ers, assorted colors, values 1 5c. BABOAZB FBIDAT, 7c Knitting Pilk, values two spools for 5c. BABOAXW FBIDAY, six spivls for 5c Bi Purchase ii Kid Gloves On Friday morning 8 o'clock a large lot IadleV Prime Lamb skin Cloves, in ' black, brown, mode, tan, navy, green and ox blood, all sizes 5 to 7. These are not fire gloves, but all clean, perfect goods, worth to $1.25 a jiair, Bargain 7 Q Friday, a. pair . . f QC Not more than four pairs to a customer. " Handkerchiefs Ninety-five Dozen Men's Hem stitched Hand - Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, 12 c value, at 8!c Bargain Friday in Linen Section Wash Cloths, good heavy quality, regular price 24c, Bargain Friday, a dozen RaSsC Turkish Towels, extra large size, regular price VlYzc, Bargain Friday, each 9c S. E. CornerMain Floor. Hosiery Hosiery Three rase Children's Fast Black Ribbed Cotton Hose, ' A' durable knee, 12 He value, pair O3C Tvn raxes ladles' Fast Ftlnrk Hnaei. double heel and toes. Ol 12 M value, pair Boys' Extra Heavy Bicycle Hose, 17c value, at &c 12c Friday CoaJ Special Coat Mfade of fine all wool cheviot, black, blue, brown or green, DO inches long, high storm collar, strapped front and'blafck with same cloth. Collar, cuffs and facing of corresponding shades of broadcloth, ' fin-, 'fX : (TVTk i shed with Soutashe "braid, regular $15 1 1(1 (1 value,- Bargain Friday . . . . . v Women's Flannelette Gowns, made of good heavy flannel ette, two styles, high collar and collarless; pinks, blues, pink aild white stripe, and blue and white stripe, extra full body and sleeves, tucked yoke, trimmed C ffo in hemstitching and braid, regular $1.25, IM lP value, Bargain Friday ... . Women's Taffeta Silk Waists, made of good heavy taffeta, in plaid, shadow stripes and checks, strapped in same cloth, fancy stock with tie, deep flare T (C cuffs, regular $5 value, )) ""Tk Bargain Friday. DENNETT'S E1G GROCERY Bw You Been Onr Oas-Eleotrlc Coffee Boaster? Your Coffee Boaated Wall You Walt. Friday Special Offer Bennett's tol Coffee, pound pack- am Aad 30 Green Trading tamps. Teas, your cboiee, pound Wo And 60 Uieen Trading Stamps. . Pepper, pure, ground, can 19 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extracts, bottle, 18c And 20 tSreen Trading Stamps. Co-oa, Benieit's Capitol, Vi -pound can .... , S0 And 10 Green Trading Kttimpa. Camp Firo Beans, large can 1S And 20 Green Trading Utamps. Strawberries. Three Ktar, rn I50 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Table Syrup, 3-pound can 18 to And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Red CroKS Cream, two f , ... '. . . .too And 10 Green Trading f ;tanns. Velvet Cocoa Toilet Soap, 8 rakes. 86o Diamond S Fruits, ran ,. . .aso And 60 Green Trading Stamps. Order by Fbone Five Bpert Claras In Our Telepaon Office Douglas 137. IIHSSTI'I OABDUiS. BTarshmall ws, fresh and nice.. In a--k, for --- Found, for 15c Bargain Friday in Shoes 229 Fairs Slippers for Even ing Wear Women's hand turned French heel strap slippers for parties and dancing, in patent and vel vet kid, values up to 3, Bar- 4 fav Kaln Friday, 7U special UV And SO Ktra Green Trad ing (Stamps. Shoes for All Kind3 of Wear 135 pairs women's hand sew ed, light and heavy soles, lace and but ton shoes, very best makes, worth $3.50 and 3, r Bargain Friday, spe- I WJ clal. at AsUV And 30 Extra Green Trading StampJ. WARM I.IXKU OVKRSHOES FOR KVERYIMiUY Watch for Children's Specials. Bargain Friday in Crockery The Busiest Crockery Section in the Whole West. . About 600 Flutes aud, Fruit Saucers from broken dinucrware am ft!. Mill be ahuvelled out in a rip roaring Bargain Friday )t sale, each item worth 25c your choice and pick, rach V TOLLF.T SFTrt IX WHITE AXD GOLD. A Xew hhfpintut Offered in a Two-Third Value Kale. C-piei e set for $2.38 10-piece set for 3.25 12-plece set for I4.0S And Here's tBe President in Porce lainJust Dandy for Your Plate Rail Decora ted in deep chocolate brown, a full dinner size plate with a faithful likeness of the president. Pates of his inaugu rations to the great office on the back; Trenton, New ersey ware. Bargain Friday each.... V Li SPECIAL SALE OF BOYS' CLOTHING GOT THE RELIABLE STORE SPECIAL sr. ft ROOM SHE RU6S Friday is Remnant Day Odd lots, short lenjths and special stocks go at nnmitchtd low pticts. In Omaha's Greatest Bargain Room 1 "''" st-bt squares plied mri, with n'W clean. seion prices wnicn will d-llgut the eeononilesl bu; cr. ft lieninimt.i 1,MW" ,n A !4 and 3 yard logins t HALF HKGl'LAIt rtllfliP r.n.'rriL1''. V.f.r??"?.''RtP-, mkn-. umi,s' am i-hii.dkk.vb 1 iwom j nHblo tin T hllle t I j! of all kind -f Tabi.. ) mifKS. . V , WASH SHIRTS AMI 1H1KSS 8IIIKT8- 11' nil MX'S. nrtt-th ,m t,i tl , . linrgilu square, at (HII.HKKMO I'SDKHWKA It HaV I finality, sises to ".4. worth UP I from th hilt . r hi, per ynni I-'' to 3:ic a g:irineat. LAPIKS- HKAVT at RIIllJKD 1 1 ij .... i worth u , in 'tvi a pMr. on bur- jOlr KHln Miunre. atv pair. S'.o and laaJW ti'-C fiTAXhAiin lvt-Min iit.i i". pnivm win git r na.i; , Hft FlKECKU i Fl.KKCK ltACK- KI.ANNi:LETTKS rKIiKHW KA v. ... ... ' lor waists unit wrnppero. K worth im t inc. at. z-.r uh ' lJG I Ml' lHr -"r1 L.AD1 K8' COMHINATION Ri;iT8-ln wMtel'-y- OERMAX BU'E CAI.lrOKHKtra or grays worth up to ll.fjn. ''- "irhr wl.le, npeclnl at. bttn ,U.A LAniKK' Fl.KKCK ular I5c qua lily, per pair SHIRTING I'KKCALK 5o I.1NKI-) Will go (It wasn goods worth up to Kk- vanl long mill ends. lit. pei' vard' . :iC. CREAM 8HAKER FLkVNnI llMht and dark oullng iliinnels. Friday, at 1AC KOXBDAKK CAxinRlf's "!'-. rnuw wniie, in long rem- itLnii.. n IOC IXMAX HKAI) HRO in s in in yard lengths, great bargain Friday, at ...... . S'C KKAnT-MADK KKANNKK ' SKIKTS-Hpcclal. at I HI 1 ( '1-1 Irt t A X 1, T'X-TT, 1.' t i-ITl.-tt HOSK-Rog. Sll KKTi.NO 2, . ; and H. yard wide, fti..1 slightly soiled worth up lo anc xA. s c , i,,,u ,.f in ,.,r,lu ... .r. , Ioli - JM1.,, ,u v Mrumii (, u.f calleoes and other 1 ir,C (SHKV:i INI'lA I.INONfl-Ppe- ...OC Marsrillrs l"n'yjj VC RYWA.F OIIX-I.OTH-111 all colors, special, at tW 1W IriF!C TWU.K COJIKORTKU Al liKAl'KRIKS gnoU colors. Until uf H yards -'will gu on ale 5jC (J. Iirf.f Cllnalnttii tr, : clal. Friday, ai W:TSC TED SrKK.U-B L. nnl I terns, lurgt jin.., 3 ; inches i Pm" 6JC ,ox "KRINrtS v' Vii-Bi tv: patterns, fas AILbl.IN j t H gustome 18 TI it customer Iday, nt LI. lu I. M. A M,IH pln.vht.rH ut 111. vui..l ipeA-ial tor two hours, at, "yard. 6ic Special Silk Bargains Friday ine ttaiance or our gi-eat mill purchase of Xoveltv and FlaJi) PIIVs. togrther with thousandH of yards of short lengths from other slocks will bo brought forward .... , omnia iu inaKe ino greate-si assoriment and best values shown this season at, yard il.oo and I1.2S Tlaln Taffetas and Novelties, all J7-ln. wide, also special Friday at, yard , , tm . .4 Jin T I . 1. T . . . T . ... . . 1 at yard. .. ; OuC 75c Crepe da Chines, full Una cf colors, at, ' . yard , ...49C .....oc -0-lji. Plaids. 5Qg Remnants of Wool Dress Goods 84c Danish Cloth, the genuine article, in long remnants, all colors and cream, 5,00.1 yards sells at 16c yard. Friday only, yard rarBXXTTAS, -worth 39o and Boo yard. 85o yard 1. not) yards of KnglUh Hen riettas. In all colors and cream. In Ion? lengtus, worth up to a0c yd. "-r will go at a yard ...i BKOADOLOTHa Worth 11.00. $2.00 ard J3.00 yard, at 6c, 49o and 39c yard, 13,000 yards of fine broadcloths, in all colors, worth up to $3.00 per yard, in three lots at 39o, 4jeo and-- 50-In. MOBULXXH AT 86a TAJtD 10 000 vards of 40-ln., 4-ln.. 50-ln. and 62-ln. fine Sicilians and Mohairs of all kinds. In all colors and rream, worth up to 1.25, yard, remnants from 2Vi to yards, at, a yard , Draperies & Curtains ODD Z.OTS OF CTTBTA1HS AX,MOI OITEH A WAT. 100 pairs of Eeru Kace Curtains, JVi yards long, 1 V yards wide, line pat . terns and sells at 3.7B, $4.50 and Jo.00 per pair, In three lots as long as Ihey last : , , I,ot 1 will go at. each 37V4o Kot 2 will go at, each 76o I,ot t will go at. each We SJFSGXAX, OX rABTCT rOBTXSBZM TO ciioax. $S.B0 Bamboo Portieres will bo at ..BO $10.00 and 7.50 Rica Portieres will go at i 2G Leather. Portieres, slightly soiled, j. sold up to 116, will go in threa lots: f Kot 1 will go at ..Mo Kot 2 will go at Kot S will go lit a.B, 20 pieces of $1.00 Tapestry to clode at, yard 390 I Remnants of High Grade Linen Main Linen Dtpt. Ut Floor, Middle Section BUnmTAZTTBJ Of our high grade Tsbla Klnen. odd lengths from our regular stock, all good lengths, up to yards long, many of them sold as high as $1.94 per yard. In three lots, rCif at. yard 69c, 49o and OV4V ODD Z.OTS Or HArxnra In good size, up to 22x22-in.. many of thm full doa ens; goods that sold up to $3.00 lnrv. dozen. In two lots, -illr' k- at. dosen 9bO and ... - mEMWAJTTS of rQVnsiIXa tn pleached J and unbleached, ail linen and Xin(onr' ' good lengths for roller towcW, fold a high as 15c yard. In three lots. Ale yard. 8l4o, 6V4o, and 8V. ODD LOT Or DBESSEB BCABTS Dol lies and stand covers, somo of thmn slightly soiled. In art linen and damask, 25c sold up to 9 Si; piece, to close at. pair ,. ODD LOT Or BED SrBEADB Full lz. both fringed and plain, slightly soiled, worth up to $2.u0 a piece, UNc while they last, pleoo HUW High Grade Wash Goods Dept. - 50.000 yards of all kinds of Cotton Drosa Goods on sale for Friday. Toil du Norrt Ginghams. A. F. C. Ginghams, Scotch Ginghams, Fbxnnelettes, Cotton 1'Uids, Checks, Percales, Scotch Plaids etc., that sell from 10c to 25c yard all will go st yard, gc 100, TUe and f . BXMirABTB Or riXB X.XKtxaB Lustra! Gloria, Heatherbloom, Manhattan, Spun Glass, etc-., goods that aell up to 40o yard, all will go at, Br. yard, lOo, TMiO and "w t j $6.00 and $7.00 Trimmed Hats, $1.98 The wonderful popularity of great sale haa exceeded even our expectations. Thiit these offerings excel in merit Is attested by the ready buying of those who bay looked elsewhere. Many delightful new Ideas will be on display J (U Friday for the first times greatest assortment and best values tJO shown In Omaha at SEB TX1 WIBDOW DISPX.AT of sale specials In Trimmed Hats, 1.08 at ; In Our Cloak Department TOHSH'l BO-IB". OOATS Satin lined throughout $15.00 and $18.00 values at, choice WOHIU'I WAIII1 In flannels, alpacas, poplins, etc, all colors KBIT TOr UBDEBBKXBTB Sold elsewhere at $1.50 and $2.00 7QC S JCriaH.y ai uu Other Friday Bargains Ladies' Macraina Cord Shopping Bags, the greatest bargain ever gg otierea at, eacn 10.00 , 49c 7 50c Corset Cover Embroideries, at, per yard f 25o Silk Bella at ,.10o loe Laces at. yard $..00 Hand Bags, only S5o Taffeta Ribbons at Jo 26c Hose Supporters at , 100 15c Tooth Brushes at THe 41.00 Automobile Veils at , 4o $1.50 Lace Vests, each .79o i Watch for special Xsndkorchlsf Bais Batarday. Ws are Bsbraska Arsnts lo Ball Borohart Srtii ronua. f1 Sanitary Steel Couch, $3.25 A carload of splendid Steel Couches, tha kind you would regularly pay $4.60 to $5.00 for. were secured by ua at a price and will be sold during the next week at, choice, . '"It Hayden's, the Great Universal Providers of Groceries, Butter, Crackers, Cheese, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. V !iao I .81,0 a'.o . . 0 6 8 lbs. Fancy Hand Picked Navy Beans. 85o t lbs. Best Rolled Oatmeal 850 10 bars Best Brands Laundry Soaps.. 8SO 10-lb. sacks Pure Buckwheat Flour.. oo 10-11'. sacks Best Cornmea.1 1- lh. package Imp. Macaroni 2- lb. package Pancake Flour .... Qt. cans Golden Table Syrup... 2-lh. can Fancy Kweet Sugar Corn 3-lb. can Fancv Wax or String Beans.810 3-lh. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hoiulny. Squash or Hakcd Beans SVa Oil or Mustard Sardines, per cn.......3o Fancy Santos Coffee, rr pound lie Choice Tea Siftlnga, per pound 18Vie BT7TTEB ABD CHEJSSB. Fancy Separator Creamery Butler, VT pound 89e Fancy Full Cream . Wisconsin Cheese. per pound .. . .15o Fancy Full Cream Brick or Llmburgcr Cheese, per pound 16o Fancy Full Cream N. T. White Cheese, per pound ISO Sap Sngo Cheese, each .. Neufchatcl Cheese, each ...To ao per . . 80 Fresh Vegstablss and Tralta. Largo heada t'uhbugc. each Fancy New Jerpey .Sweet littoes, nound Fancv Colorado Red Onions, per lb. Fancy Home Grown Swot Potatoes, per pound AVe Fancy fresh Parsn'ps. Beets, Tumlps or Carrots, per lb. , J0 Fancy Fresh Spinach, per peck THo Fancy CooKing Ainaes. per peck loo Fancy AVax or String Beans, par lb.. ..I0o V bushel baskets White Plakllu Uiilons 39e Cspe Cod Cranberries, per quart.. ., .ga 4 bunches Fresh Onions g0 bunchus Frenh Radishes Be Fancy New York Quinces, per doz,.,.15 8 bunches Fresh I'arsley ga Fancy VS"ln Sap or Jonathan Applas, per peck i aso HAYDEW-'EJR, 50c J22 f the I FRENCU 1 V WAY J II )w Is Your Old Overcoat? Why not brio it to us ajid have it cluaaad and prtod Tjp. Tou will be turprliied bow much better It wlU look. Tbs coat is very little and it v 111 save you getting a uew one. FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS. T l. Loujr. 4172 IVOS Parnam Slraa J Rings and Rings f... f j. Diamonds. Signets, Opals. Garnets, Turqouisei, Ruby, f . ( f J Kraerals. Sapphires. Plsln Rings, and Rlngt and' Kin fH. f f . I l 1 Spend a fuw minutes In our store. Look for the name. ' r I If! Jf S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. Vci-Wif "VjrfV 1510 Douglas Street. -,.-V - ; ? : ; - The Purchasing Power of ThousanJs of nnrt(r n TlfC' nTC Prosperous Western Families is Found Udlri Ui I IlL ULL