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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1906)
4 J EWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA! COUNCIL Ottic. IO IVarl - MIKOR MSCV-TIO. I Darl. drug. , . ... Clark a, aoda.' fltockert sell onet. , lln engravings at Leftert. Ed RoM Tony Taint bwf, 'ift tho new photo at Schmidt's. lVinitirigand healing. Blxby A eiv I.eil rufler,- funeral 4lrotor, 'phone Ml. W'odrlrig Undertaking company. Tel. B. bjAA1U.D3 A9 AN INVWTXKNf. TALlv TO I.EFKERT AWOUT 11.. e Stephen. Bro. for ftra brick and lira '!y. swer pipe, fitting and garden hoaa. lilNNKHS AND PLI'UltKhS IvA.MtU y. A. lo W. BKOAUWAX, A mArrlag license wai rjomd yesterday Damutl Hann. aged -it. and Verlora Myer, aged 'ii, both ct UrrnUia. IT. li. W. fii,e successfully traata diphtheria. Ha haa Ntn tnreumi two epl iiemlca v4 It and never loot a oas. COAL. TEAMS WANTED to l.aul coa tor renJoa Wlckham- Cool company. IIlKher wups paid. J'7 Pearl street. mnld your hope on th Koyal Red Cro?a Kise burner and you will t hnppy tha rest of ycur a-yK t"ld t Hwsin a Mauer a, i-W and K Broadway. i tny p-r ion tor coat Iron: mixed, li'i: move, 8; tag. l'c 'per ro. : rubber, 'i copper, Ha pit lb. i. Xaisimaii. wii i.iln, boin 'phonta 660. ' )HiL UOiMI 'IV BUILD GO TO GEO. A. HOAGUNl', TUB HONttH LOU litn JIANU'lF COfNCII.. BblUFS. t:i fcf'L'TH MAIN. STREET. . TEL. 245. Illtfh grade granite Work, from tha best Barre Imuniteu granites, lettering, oarving ma traomr. hine monumental work a sreclnlty. -Wheetey Lane, 217 Hart Broad wiy. The prtrlufy ' vandetille" entertainment Mivaii at tha isew theater last niirht for the l"iiont of tho Creche building fund hrotisht iiit a Iris'' nmi fainiohabl uuuiince. It In "irwlKl the lurid will receive a nice boost uk the rwjlt of tha Tertinment. w... i iil. i rAtil ENTS. TMti KOM fLK lK pAHMS HR BX l.'HANiiK.' K. ft'KERR LiOfcH RENTAL I ihl.MB. M8 BKOAIlWAV, COUNCIL. HIJ.TKti. IA. r1M,I. Tb:l., .411. IMiK i'EMiENT.rllONK 4W RED. A number of youngmer were in police lpre(l(!ilort. Except four, who were , election of the enilre county ticket, lndud t hnrged with hlng .wp.--lmly hiUchlevoue, nc tha two caiiilhlatea for representative. Aftpy were dlw-lmra'-d with a lecture. The ,.rA, t., ,v A,nncrata art- t aring of thr- rnui wfil! contlhU!a td Bitur- , Tn "ardeat flRht by the flemocrat. an fv. but the boya were not detained. parently. haa been njade on county treae- V waa' anAotinued-laat evenlns that F. M. t tirtr, attorney and aherlff. After looking ,Ui'f'r' t"fclih.T n th Avoca Journal- th, ground over thoroughly ! see no rea t.inna biondi-muv rimee-linke to eompel ht Jamee Mitchell ahould ndt b County Auditor Chrvne to pulllh the bal- elected treaaurer by at leaat fnk. It would lot lit his p tpev. the ballot tvni be nubllabcd not aufprlae me If Mr. Mltchell a majority Ihe'lvwa.'Trtbwr" ,,,U'r .Nonp"""" '"" iover hla opponent on the democratlo -ticket Do not forget wc are "the Mole'agente for ' hul- Sheriff rartrtlnt l aure (he Radiant Hni baa burner, the moat cf re-election. depit Ihe t&Cl thif In the economical '-atoya.foti tha. market today. cUy t , Mii thltt th, panea. Irrespective AVIll. aave one-third of your coal bill. Cll . ,v. t our atore.end we wlU be pleaaed to ' Prty, Intend votlhg for the democratic vhow you. ,-Ve Arc also the nolo agents for nominee merely becaute ho happen to he V Luiglon teel rHgc, tha beat In the cf Danish birth. TM. however, t hot Aofid. ffl-ot.Co. ! the caae amont tha Dane, tfcrtratrhoiit the Mr. Martha. A, pliymple, wife Of O. W. Tw.V.iA,. , .i .oi llmirvmulo, died ycatvrdy rt her home In . eounty. Tho belOftting to ur party Will , Vjirii r lownthlp. den yeara. The funentt vote the republican, ticket' no matter wht ' wTU be hHi tftid afternoon At o'clock Ircm tha haUVlty of tha candidate may be. At the residence mid burial will be In . the . nm t t..n.... . earner u.vhlp cemetery. Hev. V. B. " m t,m b"V4 that there are ''tnmr. :fiAuif .tt the First Christian qnila a number f Dane who . will e church ft iil city, lll cohduct the eerv- th Inadvlaablllty of votlna; for the orho ivct, . , - ,.),, .; . , cratlc tiomlnee merely because lie la a iiurr yestermiy charged wuii iisuoween Wh caju1 we do to get your coal -Order T Oo to tb first- 'phen and call 71. The Co BJuffs ' if .c;. You. giit .th kwet price, eaalast term nd best gtlaranteer on your piano when 1, . A . . . . . 4S Oa..K Main I .urtuan v o.,,o o.. . " .CouncU. BlUg. . - . . .... I MALONEY ClOAR CO.. to FRARL ST, COUNCIL BLUFFS. XA., DlSTRIBOTKRS FOH THE ROKJtRT BURNS' lOo ClOAR ANO L1TTLID. BOETEIC, OLD TIMES AW1,ERR1S to. f lOARS., , " j - 'Real Estate TraBsfnr. These tranafer war repori.d to The. Be. November l "by thW PottAwattanti County Abstract .rpfhjnif Of ETouncrj Bluftsi Benlarelott'eiir vReal . Kstat .Co, - to . V.ll)im Tl.-and Hannah. Maker, llts 17 ank -1. bHick S. W'ebstex'a First add to Council Bluffs, w. d $ MO I,ir.le M-ThltlRWalte and husband to .' William W. and Hannah A. Hmker.- - lot j. block y, 'Wauater' First add. to Council Bluffs, w. d ., Fainter K-nox. and wife to John John aon, lot. in,. Auditor's subdtv. ot sub lot 10, orlgU Blufts. w. d. 600 National Life lnurnoa Co. to Painter Knox, lot 1 Auditor's subdiv. of sub lot -10 original plat lot 18, Council BluJTs. w. A . Ell Heaston- and wife to Ed McClel lAod, kK. 16, blis k 12. Crawford's add. tO'Councll Blufts, w. !..... 1 W. H. Freeman and Wlf to Oakland V-Llva. Utock Pavilion Co.,' lot 1, Au 1 dltor' subdiv, of seVi. nwH. 12-73- d...........-.w. 150 Ja Holt and wife to C. R. Stona. prl, nsAt.'- 4.. 12-7W w,d 4,000 MlUl.ol J'hUlli.s and wlf to Thomas W. phlllJut, awi4v.ael4, and lot 1, -AuditpV'.a ytitkllv. of se,U, aca, 24-7i-t2, w. d..; ..!... list VIHIam Phtlltp and wtfa to Thomaa W. Phllllna. iV ne. and part ohi. W, ZO-i-4A W. U.. .,..,,... II, H, C. Demorest and husband to O. V. Ellt thorp, .part -of lut-17, block V., Wlllia,ms' First Add, to Council ' BlUff. W.-dv... 300 jjurlingtpn, Savlftk bank to Charles TV ' OHrf l.rt A 1.1. .W t niihnll AA to Council Bluffs, w. d 00 Oavrga F. Wright ftfMl wife' to Certrg ' 8 v'rlhi. lot 1. bioek 1. Riddles' suldiv.lotel, lr 7, ft, 11 nd H, block To: lots 1. 17. ll 19. t. . Si and ii to 'A, block 2T; Iota 1 to . block , bay IUs' Third add. to Council Bluffs, and nwH. 1S-74-43. . w. d. John Spearman, and wife to. Andrew O. Oleon. lot I. block 1. Terwllllger add. to Council bluffs, w. d .... Charles T. Ortlcer and wife lo WIIUm A. HutlterUud. lot 8, block 1, Bush iiell'a add. to Council Bluffs, w.. d... ISO 8&0 Fourteen, transfers,' total... .,74 PHOVIDE TOR YOUR CHILDREN .The. best lepacy -j-ou can leave theni is lai.d Th Union rm . Co- 1 lllng Iio tann and ranch Undj In, Wetrn fi'ti, Colorado and .Wyoming t- 'WTO M I'Klt ACHK. ' ' bast mat, Ff Infermailon regarding land nd excursion rate apply J-A.M AGENCY t. p. R, R. UspWB.- , 1 8. Uth Mtrt j . OatAliA, L .GOVERNMENT NOTICES MlOt'OSAUl rvtl KEEK AND MUTTON. GUI of duet Jomrol,ry, Omaha, Nrbruka, Octotxr 2i. li. dralnd pro posal tn triplicate, will be received her until 11 o'clock a. in., central mndurd tini, 2b, :v. and then publicly Opened fur lurnUhing aucn fresh !( and mutton as may ue required tj th Bub siktence' IJepditment, I . R. Army, at , Gmnha, -f'oris-.Ui.iAh. Crook ftnd Kobin- ' X . . u k . . r- r . "... - Vlni. , Jon Laavenaortft, Rllrv ' and Military I rUotl At Vort LcavAorth, Kansta, Kort A"nie. D. A. liasII and Wahkle. omiug.- An.l "ort Mead. South LMKota, aormfir Ihe six months mmnifnrln, Ian Uarr L- Itsif, rroposaia will also b re- relyeit until W o ulouh a, ni., mountain tandaid tliae, at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. V'ons D. A. Kusscll. Wasiiakle and Mmc ksiisie, Wyomma, end Koit Matle, South Imkota, and until 11 'Cl'f U n. in., cenirnl Ksbraska, fort low. FrU 1 Leavenoorth. EJer and Military Prison limit Lvenprtn, tvanaaa. and opened at . by .it.f Uve Ceoinnasariee, eitch re- : .og iu,jis lot ins own poi only. ), - i 'i .iMii'in fui milled oil application her ,;,' coiiimlMsry at p"tt kutnorlsed to f.'i.f' proposal,- I'ulicd SUt rtserve th I to ii-Lt sny or all iiropotaii or any thareo' 'fepvtlcpra fiioulj Ue marki-4 yT'roposala for Fresh Heef and Mutton." id adJrssd to unrter-jigned or Coimnia- ry' ( po.t auhoii.-'l to receive pio- t.ssra T, B. UAi.KK.rt. Captain, Coin lory, Ch!ef Coiiiiiuiim. rv. Oct. JiVTf1.;-M BLUFFS Ht. Tel. 4. . BRIGHT FOR REPUBLICANS rmiuu L. Bd 6yi t Dainocrati Will Hat Bt Ltok It. HAS JUST COMPUTED A POLL OF THE CI1Y a Kal Orerlaak fmi ! Ara Makta 1Bl riht, hmi fmr It Will Hat b Tm Aay Gaad. The. poii ot tha city, taken under tha upervlslon ot Frman Rd. chairman f the republican ' otty eentral commltiee. which ha Juat been completed, khawa tha republicans In Mtwr tondltlrtn, ToMlbly, than evef before. -Tli cliy prerlncte.'1 aald Mr. Rd yeaterdar, "will undoubtedly five tha candidate on the county ticket irood-alaed majorltlea." Mr. Reed probably la better quallflad than anybody else amotif the party work er, to know tha ettuetlon, not only In th. city,, but thfoughmit the county, aa before removing to Council Rluffa a number Tif yeara ago ha waa one of the moat active worker In tha party In tha aaet end' of th county; Ha I known by and probably la acquainted with almoat ver? voter H th county. In addition to hla dutle a city vhairman. Mr Reed haa bn over the, entire oounty during thl campaign; khd he la thoroughly poeted on condlttone. poll Heal Is:. Mr. Read la fully aware of the work done by the democratic candidates and fa not Inclined to undereaftmate It. Atkefl yea. terdiy aa to thu firopacl for a republl ca.ti victory In tha county, Mf. Read aald: Bverythlna look extremely bright for tha Dana And will vote, for their party candl- flute for hrlff. ThAt 8heriff Cannlntt wilt receive a. nuifber of democratic votes 1 urd and t woutd not be surprised If they wr not sufflcleht to offet wht h may lose among th Panei." . Walkiwr far Was. t.-a-ain the eonnlv attornsvahln Mr Reed xpreeed tha opinion that Cotinty for ra-elentlon. W. C Chy. Mr. Reed da clrd, I aur of re-election oounty auditor, ft not only Up t I well known in tne city, out. naa tn. advantage or being etremly populftf In th MM end of Kounix, wnt m mim ma Home mr many year before removing to Council Bluff. Mr. Cheyn haa demonstrated that hft ls A mot efficient foutltjr auditor ttrii na at an time piaeen nimseir at tne con- i venlencft ftf th. patrons of th. erne. . I T. J. Johna of Cnter township, th. new! candidal for member of tha Board of Supervisor, apant several days In th city this week getting Acquainted, and he made friends everywhere. ' While not so well known in th. city, Mr. John II one of th best men In th. country dUtrtct, Whre he hn the entire confidence of all who know Mm. Mr. John I regarded a on of th" most progressive farmer of the county nd Jt to conceded that h. Is In vry way wll fitUd for th office , whloh ha seeks and for Which th. republican party nemlrlftted him. The old member of th. board who are tip for re-election are too well known to need ftny Introduction and then la not the slightest doubt about their re-election. Regarding th. members of tha Board of Supervisor, Mr. Reed say It I merely a question ot how big A majority. Mr. Reed, whll out In tha oounty, took special note ot th. situation ralatlv. to tn legislative ticket. Henry C. Brande. who for ten tear served on th Board of 8u- nervlor. Mr. Read says, ha hown In - creased strength during th Ust wk or ma and nothln short of a landslld can prvnt hi election. "Mr. Brande 1 p- cullarly fitted for repreeenUtlve. He ha erved the peopl. of thl county for ten yer on th Board of Supervisor and hla record ther la unlnipeaehabl. Pottawat- tamla Will be well represented In th tt legislature by Mr. Brandea." aald Mr. Reed. Our h!ght ftinbltlon IS. Whn w frftm piuKuro tor you, . w u iism, mum please our customer. Perhaps you have A picture that need framing. Bring It to our etor and let ua sa. what w can tram It for. We'll do It ft reasonable aa K possibly can be Aon. Counoll BlutT Palat, Oil And Oiaa oompany. Mtrriara block. ' Tw Wat Dlvore. Mr a Mlnda Point filed ult In th dis trict court yteTdsy for divorce from An drew Point, to whom shs Wa married August ft. 18, At Honey Creek, 1ft. She cnargea cruet ana innuman iremimeiu ui v. . w , . ...... v. ..rr 7 ...r uu.o.. ...u n.. i IZ . . i . . Ak. th. cu.udy of their l minor o 11- dren and th court lsM,.d .- tfment Aft sain at th ttrooertt of tliA huvh4nd fi4 WftSrAinX him" . m '"t"" or iniertenn wun ner re-eiiierin oimi re- mainlng In their home. Mrs. EttA May Lewis filed suit for ill- vorc from laaao II. Lewis, whoa wife he becam April U. IVt, at Atlantlu. U. rh rharasa her husband with treating her In such a cruel And Inhuman manner that she wa forced to leave him August t laat. ror Imported win, liquor And Bui- Wlr bear go to L. Rosenfeld. whol .! liquor alr, tit South Main ut. rharrh to Be raplt. Th congtegttlon Of BL John' Snt'.l h Lutheran church has decided to comniet Ita building at the corner of W lloW Ave. nu fthd Seventh Street, which wa erected ten yeara ago. r or iaok oi iuna int con- gregatlon wa unftbit At rh time to com- pleie th Interior ot tho auditorium and haa ftinc the ereotloo ot th ediflr. held service la th baiemant, which was ln nled for the Sunday . tKhool meetln1:. Contract hav Just been 11 for th car. penter work, electric wiring and th ton I steps to th main entrance of the ehu cb, As well a for a cement sidewalk around I evening for Atlantic to attend the annual the building. The metallic roof baa proven .meeting t th Southwestern tow Teach A failure, recent Investigation having shown '' ssnoeiotlon, to h held ther today that rt had rusted clear through -rn- placoa -and Saturday. Mr. Clifford is on th pro from the underside. ' which painting cmld gram for a add re. a. With but a very few not prevent A new slats roof has beq, exception the teacher of the city wll t contrscted for. lend Ui niovting. leaving for Atlantlo this At th meeting of. the tivtr- i li n THE UMA11A Wednesday evening it waa decided to hod a "cnmpletina; hutch building" liifetlnt at PimfJay forenoon'a wrVlcea. At tll nieet Ina; plnne for continuing tho work of fin. eh Ing thn church will bo outlined and the moane of mlalng the neceeaary funda will ba determined. At 7 o'clock In the evening the young people of the, congregation "'H hold a rafly and the matter will bt fra aented to them by Carl F. Utouh, who will enplaln tha work r-cfor them and tha Various way In Which lh-y cart and wl,l be expected to oeelet. Tou can't afford to hare your carpet and fug beaten In the old-fashioned way When you can have them thoroughly Cleaned by Ur process at such moderate coat, without Injury to th finest fabric. Bring dawn ytiur last winter' suit and let ua make It look tike hew. Co. Bluffs Cleaning and Rug; Factory. It No. Main tst. CENTRAL rLOUR-n.1. Every acll warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Hoth 'phone 14. Mamarlal for Rev. T. F. Thlcksa. The late Rev. T. r. Thlcksturt did much to establish the Baptist mission at Avenue B and Twenty-second straet during; the later year 6f hi life, and In oommemora tlon of his work a special le'rvlce will be held Sunday evening at the mission church. Deacon Joseph Robinson will preside, and the familiar hymns favorites of tha late, minister will be aung. Mr. Charles Klngel will read an original poem on the death of the wife of the late pastor. This will be the program of the Service: Preluda and Hymn By the Choir Plography Deacon Joseph Robinson liyn.n By tha Choir and congresn tlon BcrlptiK-a J. J. Clifton Trsyer Deacon Taylor Wnolaey "What t Know of HI Mf a Pas tor" Rev. Henry DelxjrtJ ''What I Know of Hla Ufa as ft Chris- tlsn" ...J. M. IJnlngur "What 1 Know of tils Acts of Char ity" A. M. Hutchinson Nest Monday. November t, Is the day new clnsses will be organized In th West ern Iowa college. 'Phone tor Information. Both 'rhone. Don't miss seeing th wonderful Cole' eoletted steel hot blast rant. It's mad heavier, made better, doe a wldr rang of work, does It better, doe It with less , expense, than any other range. Don't fall to rome and Investigate this wonderful range. Taddock : Handachey Hardware Co., the best pUc to buy stoves. t fclke HOI Memorial. In place of the regular meeting this even ing, the Council Bluff lodge of Elk will hold memorial services for Edwin C. Walters And John Bchoentgnn, two mem bers whose deaths recently occurred. B. C. Walters, at the time of bla death, whs exalted ruler of the lodge and Mr. Schoent gen wa one of th actlvs and Influential member. The regular work ot the lodge and Initiation of new-member will he postponed until the follom-lng meeting. If you want the best light to be had buy your burner and mantle at W, A. Maurer's, Lindsay burners complete, 76c. . A beautiful diamond ring worth will U given to th. lady rscelvlng th. largaat number of vote., on. VoU given with rwj; win nwim vi i"nu fywivufwr our store, rurlty Candy Kitchen, 1M VT. Bfoadwar. flood Meetiaar la Sixth Ward. There was a large turnout last night at th republican meeting at the County build- Ing, corner of Avenue B and Twenty-fourth street, and tandlng room wa At ft pre- nuum. city Boiiaiior Kimoau ft no t:ounty Attorney He, were the speaker and their talks aroused much enthusiasm. A number of the candidate on the counly ticket were presented And some of them mad snort talk. They war. well received and IndlcA- tlon r that the Sixth wrd, as tn the past, wilt roll op a big majority for the re publican ticket next Tuesday. , This evening there will be a republican rally tn Smith' hall in the Seoond precinct of the Fourth ward. Councilman Knudaed will speaks will City Attorney Kimball and Mr, Hea.. M. T. numbing Co. Tel. So. Night, 431 Wis or Woo To Rott " Would you Ilk. to buy batter wood and more of It for less monayf We aell tov. length and chunk. Missouri oak wood At 11.10 a rick. Thla I bargain. Brldensteln & Smith, 14th Ave. and Ith St Tel. 111. Tlaea to Cover Dirt Basks. Dr. t. A. Holme of th United States geological, survey, who visited Falrmount park while In th. city a guest of Con- grenmaa Smith, ha written th. latter ...hat ha ha order. mom hla oM home at I ri,Bnel. Hill. x. c . rt rooiaH auttma "of j clinging vine o he planted In Fall-mount ark. Th. vinea ar. ' ka ,,.at ir. -o.r th. bar clav surface of tha cute and bank in th park resulting from th mak- g of roadways. When visiting the park Dr. Holme auggestad th us of vine id TOvtr th banks and thereby add to the' hnnl of the hark, hut waa Inform. that th park commissioner had ben unable u .!,. a h ateer. h&nka A. ltaar Co. New Location f Wholesale Bakery, ill Mynstar Street, Co. Bluffa, Ia Home-mad Bread a Specialty, Vlaitor Wslaom. i Pictura for wadding girts, ndsr, SSI Broadway. C B. Alsx- root Ball Thl Arterooen. Th foot bail gam between the tilth school And th alumni will be played this ' ,iii,-nj i" , Tn,. -n, w. i.- , "I J 7 " aZu V . .n7 . ,12, -til s. Id at nd Sixth .treet ftnd will be wiled at I SO orlock Captain McMU, the lumnl. rqOnii Ine tnmtM0 tn XWt t&ni lo D on th. ground at 1.15 h.rp. Thla I th aiumnl ,, . . r-m. . -".. a.,1, Smith, light . , guaro; mckey. lert guard, uuaiey. right ekle: Warner, left tackle; Benjamin, light ni- William, left end; Mitchell, quarter- back; Wheeler, fullback; Walter, left half, back: HeJsler, halfback. That old frftm I beginning to look shabby. Leg us put on A new on. We cm frm It right. Just to Slilt you ftnd Op-to- date. BorwU-y. at So. Main. Tbe famoua Acorn arov; nothing tn th market lilt It for boat, aconomy, dura bility and eeotnaa W mak tbe mnt feaaonabl price n tov In th city, con sidering th quality. W bandl larg stock of carpets, linoleum and Oil eleth. i (. w. rveuer, iui goutn Main strait Frsar Ntll 1 tdv-bushrl corn crib 13 So. Loose grlml stones, per lb., lo. 1. Zoller Merc. C. Tehr Got to Atlantic. uprtnndat Clifford and Principal B. I L. Thomas of th high sohool left Isst morning Th rltiscn of AllSntlc wlU DAILY Hfcfci liUtUV. NOVKMKl'.K throw open their hn-ne to th visiting teacher during the two fliy' meeting. Buy your lumber of lliifer. Council Bluff. Irt. He ran Outsell, them nil. Iowa tllr I'rlnter strike. IQWA CITY. Nov. 1. tffpeclal.l-Tha typographical war lis continued for 4o week now with no ili of a letup and th strike haa apparently settled down Into a loon, bard sleae which may last six month rt a year. The printers' Unl6n. wort a vic tory at tho opening of tho strike which has nerved them for gieatsr efforts. O-'orire Roddick, proprietor of tho University Pre compnny, signed the new wne" scale be fore hi metr wlked out and has been con ducting a tintcm shop ever since. Th other employers Id Ihe city allera that Rcdillrk had -reed to make hi shop nonunion with them find that ho did hot keep his narfle ment Roddick Is the democratic cud'dftte for sheriff and hi political opponents n. elare that Tie broke his aareement with the master printer In ar. attempt to secure the ttnlon labor vote. The other employer of labor ara gradually securl i more help and enlarging their forces. At th present time, however, Reddlck Is tha only man In the City who can do Any Job printing. . Oldest Ioea Oltlela.1. CEDAR FALI.8. In.. Nov. 1. (Special.) Lanfear K'nnpn Is said to be the oldest can didate for Office In the Hfc of Iowa and haa held tha position of Justice of the peace for forty-on years. Ho came lo'o Iowa lit December 158 and located In Washing-ton township two and one-half miles from this city. He paid 14 per acre for the farm of !K Acres, In this township "he wsi Justice of the peaco for four years and since mov ing tt) Cedar Fll he flaa been holding th amo office fOr t h Irty -se veil cohseou'lve years. He has been asnessor tor forty-two year and township clerk the same leiath of time. H ha In his official retnt'ons married iro oouplea. He I now Si year o'd and next Tuesday will be re-elected to th same office which h hs so faithfully erved for over four decade. Teacher at Atlantic AT.ANTIC, la-, Nov. l.-(5pecUl.)-Th largest oonventloft In lh, history of tha Southwestern lOWa, Teachers' association .opened In annual convention here today, Delegate cania In on every, train yesterday Jand It Is expected that fully 1 OA) teacher Will attand th three days' session. The program includes soma of the most promi nent educator of the west. The list Of eluentora w-ho Will conduct the conferences Include: prof. C. 6. Dsnny of Drrke uni versity, John F. Rigrs, Superintendent of public Instruction In Iowa, Superintendent W. O. Rlddell of De Moines, Vrot. Thomn McBrldo of the Iowa Srtat, university. Miss Alice IIopier of Highland Park normal mhool and many Other noted professoi-a of the day. cfcoal Confereaee- Meet. AMES, la., Nov. 1. (Special.) The pro gram of the fourth annual conference ot high sohools and college wa Issued yes terday. The meeting will be held at lh Stat COllfff. Amn. N'Avnmher Vl The Mth,,.,, lts mMltlng at th4 mmt t,m(, aM han, The raiiroad. l,av ,rajlt, a far, of one and -ona-tblrd on th. CftlnCtll plAn, Tito' offloAM are: ' Rlchaiil'.C." Barrett of Afnns, chairman; S. L. Thomas ot Council Bluffs, vice chairman, and Frank L, Smart of Davenport, secretary oh4 treasurer. lew Dolryaaea'a Cpaveotloa. rEDAH RAPIrtS T 'Nrp' 1 rfitrcl1 1 (Dftirymon of hatlonal replititloi. and gov- ernment experts Am on ,ti program for the thirtieth annual conwinMon of dairymen to b held here on NovAfr,7. and ,' An exhibition of machinery! will be hoM and butter ontered.lo tbe lcontest. Prof F.. M. Webster, chief, of tjer dairy division oi ino i.mi Diates uepartment ot Agri culture, will deliver an address. Tie pro. grftm ha on It number sdf musical fea tures And many other item of interest, Ann Teacher Hobko4.- AMES, la., N6v1. (9peclaI.)-Mia EH' saboth Baker, a taAcher In the eighth grade here, waa robbed ot4 during school hour yesterday. Leaving her purse In her claas room while she stepped-to Sn adjoining room she found it gone, on returning. Two students were In the room at the time, but, the money has not yet been found. Happiness in a Tablet Perfect IlealUl for Kvery Oue Trocured At Htuall Coat. I How nny tlmM . hftv. you Sat down at your rn'1" "psolutely disgusted at the , or signi oi nyining to eatT ,,ow wLriy times hav you. sat down at our mea,, w,thout tn trac or Pl" "te' Just because it was "tlma to catT" ' I Ho man' tlmM na V telt.A gnaw 'n'' unt'sned "still-hungry", feeling In our w""c. ven after, foil were through " HoW mnr ,lme" '"Bve 0l f,,t that aUn- whether your meal waa well cooked .Or not? ' And how many time have you suffered A whol lot. of other thing from your stomach that you couldn't explain, but that mad you grouchy, m4erabie, out-o sorts and generally sour on everybody and everything? It la sxfe to say you couldn't tell. You don't keep track of those things, of course, but you knew you've suffered them. You probably have had them for so long tha they've become a habit with you, and you hAv come to th conclusion that your fate I to suffer them Indefinitely and, perhaps, tafmX9T . . j ,.e n.wh ui, la.. Blnntt, . An so men, much ilk horses, stanBIng unhitched at tha hitching post, think lled- -- lhplr tablt make. prlwners. B,ia. nor in- . r ",l'".- neation.. heartburn, nausea, eruotatloua. bad memory, ! of vim and vigor and the happiness that eomc from a healthy stomach and a god appetite, U he will only leave his old hitch ing post and tie himself to a new on, one . that will hold him to health, Joy, ambition and A clear mind and memory, and theist to sn-v hotel w'tn nmiwii, h sunshine that goea With them. " f to " Min to st'enit ta B-'-n That, Indeed, 1 heaven! , Aiid you can ""e'lne s"d e iv.n stclr lh, rix dv, Set It In, ft little tablet Already prepared for th purpose, in Stuart's Dysuttpsla Tableta, thoso little cherub of health and delight found In thousand. of home. to- day. Listen ona Ingredient of one of those precious Utile tablets will digest for you J,0i 4 grains, of food. Thla relieve your stomacb of the work of digesting until your stomach ran get strong and healthy again. Your stonuch ha been .overworked nd ftbused. If fagged out. It heeds a ret. Let Stuart's Dyspepiti Tablet do the work of your stomach You will be sur prised how finer you'll feel after' sating, and . how, lumiously good , everything will taste to you. That'a. beoaut the Tablets r fhorOughly dlgestlhg the food which your stomach Couldn't digest before. Have thsse tablets pa your dlniug table, nd take na or two ftfter every meal without fail. Then ypu Will realise a hever pei ore inai ine nunian stomacn m?iaiia tor eny iu.n nnvrnvc n whi a' ivrmrn or baikward-And, b.;ld.' you'll forg.-t ou , vr had a tomch t torment you. ' ,K ' - . - - ' '"' '' -v. " " t ' ....... , ' tte Hospital Will p1 ; Wl : Suiscott Knife- fl iOsOa ' ousands cf surgical operations are per ('( ill i lVf formed every year In our great city hospitals - t If I xd II lV 5 uPn women aiuictea wim serious iemaie , i ! The most organism, the literally snatched from tho operating table, Is . lydiaLPinMmrasVsgetafclsCcmpotmd Do not consent to an operation which may mean death until after you have given Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial Note what It did for Mrs. Paul Oliver, whose letter follows : Dear Mrs. PrNKHAM- I was suffering from pains In my slda and, a gsrious ftmale trouble. The doctors said to get veil I must have an Operation performed, but 1 would not consent to that. , I heard of LydlA E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and sent for a bottle; the first dost did me good, and after taking the first bottle I could sleep all right and I did rtot hive those pains in my abdomen vhtch 1 had all the time before. Now I can rtde ten miles In a carriage, my color has returned, and 1 am full of life. I owe all this tc the Vegetable Compound. It has also done wonders for my thirteen-year-old , daughter.- I will never cease to praise It and recommend It to my friends. , Mrs. Paul Ouver, Et. Martinsville, La. . Thousands of women, residing in every part of the. United States, bear willing testimony . to . the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. It cures female ills and creates radiant, buoyant female healths For your own sake try It. tydia L Pfokham's Vegetable Compound Cures Wbere Others Fail HAMERY WILLING TO PLEAD D'i Ifainci Aldarman Randy to Bg Indict if Stfetjt Bail war Mea Am. . THREE GRAND JURY MEN UNDER FlR Dabaque M, Sue for Alimony, Insists II Never fa w the Woman ; nd It Was Some Other Man Sh. Married. ..... tFroui a Staff Correepondont.) DES MOINES, Nov. 1. (Special.) Alder man 3. Ij. iiaicery took the unusual posi tion today of volunteering tha suggestion of his own Indictment on the charge .of bribery If that will bring about the in dictment of the atreet car men accused of having paid him the money for his votes. Th Only excuse of the three grand Jurymen who refused to vote for an In- dlctmeut ia that, they were unwilling to vote In favor of an indictment for the street, car men unless the sldeuman Wa Indicted also, and charged that the other grand Jurymen refused to vote' to Indict Alderman Ilamery. Alderman Hamery said today that he was perfectly willing that he be Indicted and tried by a Jury of twelve men if. that would bring the Indictment and trial of the street car officials and hla employe. It waa learned today ,t lint plans are already being framed for bring ing charges against the three grand Jury men who refused to vote for the Ind'ct ment on' the charge that they were unduly Influenced. The nt term of court and the next session of the grand Jury will open in about two weoks. At that tlma the position of tho three grand Jurymen and posalbly of the entire tieven will 'be cltnl'i-iiged and new grand Jurymen selected on the ground that these are Inteii-sted In the matters that are to be brought before them. The county attorney will then sum--, iron witnesses to appear before the grand . Jury to testify as to Influencing the grand Jury. Bert Mftlsh, superintendent of tho street railway, and Deputy BhertfT Tempi and County Clerk Coffin sr said to be some of the witnesses that will be sum- mnned. and In addition th four grund Jurymen who voted for the Indictment Ail) be summoned to testify as to any attempts td influence them In tha matter. tn the meantime the mass meeting Called for tomorrow bight, when an S'temot will I be made to x the resnonslblllty for th. I fnl-u-e fo Indict, is to p.vo an e t on the eW.lo, of next Tuesday. It 1. w . . , . , mj-te Ws-hle th-t the m.v he .am- ied at thst m'ln and oo'Ulclap ar very worried over the outlook sad pnssih'e nit'pom, of the meellnsr. . of hs-ma , of t' "W'r-'l" te mmmie ! l s s.Hiualy 111 ad Mr, rf. msleed t ber side much of the time, tranaferHa h hiiiv, r.f t-e st ci'nmii. wor1 to others Me u"'-te", Mr. "enry Stevenson-of Shellrock. la.. Is with her. - 1 la Vtel- of Itnahle. -i ' Harrv Clearfield of rmbuoue, I., mav b the victim of a douMe.. He ha em-loved, attorney in this c'tv To defrd him In. a suit to collect 1.0"O A'lmony from him by a' woman to wbom he v lis ws neve- mar- rled and never rw till she a.ked for th ll.UuO alimony. The marriage I suppose., to have taken place In Vis Tork 'hr-e year aao, and Mrs. Clerr),ld otitine1 n 'divorce in this city recently on the rounle cf desertion with alluiohy at 11. 00. CIhi field of Dilhu'iu iiy be !ntvea saw 'h woman b-fors and thinks poi'bl- soio double of bis by the same name lias nirr'id the wopian or els siwne-me lias linrei wm t,l hint. s'ourteeo H Irrr.lrd K..cri-en boys of fourtfen- ilifferent txe i-U: arreeted by the police laet nibl fot Thousands cf surgical operations are per- formed every year In our great city hospitals upon women afflicted with serious female troubles. Sometimes the operations are suc cessful oftentimes they are net t- It Is safe to say that certainly nine out of ten operations for female troubles might have been wholly avoided. valuable tonic and re-builder of medicine with a record of thousands of cases Halloween prank and were lined up be fore Judge A. t. Mat bla In polio court to day. Every boy declared he "wasn't do n' nuthln'." In consideration ot tho occasion Hnd Its traditions and - th fact that th Soy were So few In number nnd the night comparatively quiet tho lioys were turned over to the Humane society and later rc- io . lasoraoce Mrrcrr Here The National HtJlih and Accident as sociation. ot thl city has reinsured Its in' surafice pollclea with the Qrwit W t'wn Accident sssoclsUon. lrealdciit llawley an nounced today that hi company had as sumed full liability for the business of the National. . , , More RpeelUe Statement. Nannie Boyd, against whom Dollie Pair of Ml.' Ayr has started action for .0.000 for Alienating the affections of Charles Balr, today filed A motion for in rye specific stnte liienti 8ho wants Mr Hair to state tho times And occasion of tho b igy rides de fendant Is alleged tn havo taken with n il', the gifts she la allffced to have given him and the encouragement she has extend. d to him in ordr-r to Win his love. . Wst Hlarh In Poor Snap. On the eve of West High's Hnal practice and departure for Ida Grove for Saturday' game Coach Hints, It developed last night, I facing the most distressing "proposition ' ot the hiany h has encountered In shaping hi team for the state high School foot ball championship. In scrimmage last night Newman, full back, received n injury to hlr liack And ft.nlt in th left eye that caused his optic to swell Almost shut. The chance of hla being In Saturday's game are slight. Captain Macomber, who was expected to get Into last night'a practice, was tin - nblu to do to. Ho Is crippled from rheu- matishi, which has been bothering him all fall.. t ' Wiigner, quarter, Wa taken out of prac tice on account of a wrenched shoulder l hut will need much nursing If he play Saturday. 7 Howell, halfback, who ha ft bum knee, ' I not making the progress with It thst was expected. He was out of sorlmmsg - last night and will be again tonight. i Hamltt, left end, wa absolutely all in I at tha end of scrimmage last night. Ho ia badly oft condition and probably could not atand the first half of tha Ida Orove game. .,' Coal Lands Transferred. By reason' of the transfer of J.T00 Acres' of valuable coal lands in Marlon oounty from Byron Seevers to George W. Sevrti general counsel of the M'nneupoli A St. Louis railroad, it is the supposition among railroad men that a line from Oekaloos or some Iowa Central point In th acquired coal field will t run Into De Motive fn ' th near future, as the coal land would be of little benefit to them therwls. This Marlon county coal land I in the. phert of A new Unworked field said to contain SOO.OiiO Acres Of the best eoal In Iowa. It has been unmined for the reason I that transportation facilities are very poor. ! One of the pertinent facts In ronnecfon ! with the deal la that other roads are also acquiring Isnd ther. showing ft disposition' ti develop It. No plans have been an- j flounced by the Minneapolis sc Bt. Louts, hut the bitUdliiy of a new line aeema the only ten son for the deal. AAtomobll Kivlodes. CHARLES CITV, Ia Nov. 4.-(8pecial.) Bart Stevens' auto caught fir thla morn ing and blew up when he wa a mile or o out ot town On hi way to bis fat in. The carburettor r.ught fire and ha wa shout to put the fire out when It exploded, completely wrecking the machine. Mr. Stevins wa thrown about flfteen fuel, Complying with Malst Us. DAVENPORT, la., Nov. 1. Sper.lal.V- The announcement that. a statement of con ki ih, ui, - Ing lliiuor In Dnveuporl would be clrcu. lated 'or the si ana I art ot voters at ire 'e tlon was ru'elv.d With sur'irts h4r yeleiday. ft Is Ihe flmt move ihe two b!- bicwer.e und fo aalmmi ot Davehoit the female has complv with the provisions of the 1. ilct l(w. and It I stated that It Is now lntvndM to comply with several -'responsible features Of ihs !tw. low Mo Sot Leopold. , CHICAGO, Nov. 1. The man arrtd ftt Boone, la;, yesterday In connection with lh search tor Leonard Leopold, th Lesllt murder suspect, is not Leopold. A photo graph of tha man wS;..reclvd today bj the local police, -who y that h I nol the man wanted by them. College Student Dies. - AMftS. Ia., Nov. , V-lSpec4l.W. 11 Williams, a-, sanlor student at the low State college,' died In the hospital of heart disease this morning. . Ha ' had been sick two weeks, .lls home "la" At PostvIHe, 1., and his parents have been notified. Kara Meeker t Rod Oak.' RED OAK, la., NoV. 1. (Special.) Kit Meeker stopped here yesterday with hid ox tm. He left Oregon last January lor his old home In Indiana And expects to reach there by the last of December. (irer Walista Hr Me Fatal. HED. OAK. la-. Nov. I. (Special.) Morris, son of liently Nunn, la critically 111 trom eating green walnuts. He ha been , un conscious since yesterday morning. Exploslo to Ottasavra Mine. OTTCMWA. I., Nov. L An exploaior. In a coal mine thla evening killed Klnsey Houston, fatally Injured. Oscar Lowe and severely, hurt three other miner. OOOD BtlR-The America Beversae ia recommended for Peeels'S 5 It tent 9 a ad mildly atimuiatio rtti T ,'ij,Y':fTi"'- Speaking: of quality A ftnd incidentally of pUfity, cleanliness and so on bear silent testimony in Ita own bshclt T b guality character oi Blu beet could . ' hava never beea Artalned bed . not th first law otgood hrw in; purity and clean lines been observed. Butths key not of th populsritv of this bef Is -its honest, individual foodneaa. Try any of thes brand whether on draught 'or In bow ' tie wbrver you can t mmi sTocr, nitstR, I'el. t(ug. Bar ,, k I 5 mm raa swsism MgsMff seftfcsosasa, f L2)L5L5bd J I Koh viL CUT? I kT,;" I UILWMttl, i i