1!H)6. WW. THE OMAHA' DAILY DEE: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER i ' elk " ! BBS aw .riSBB. Sl'fcUIIlL lOTICES A4 verttaemeata fee taeae rolainaa will b Ukra !! IS . fer the evvalaa; edltlaa aatll ft. m. for nortlii mm Saaitay edltlma. Ratre 1 1-3 at wra Mrmt lasertlnn. 1 wrd thereafter. Sotklac taken for leas thaa 2c for tha atrat laeer ,ioa. The i4trt liranli t I'" eseeHlr. Advertisers, by reejaestlas a nam Jr4 check, caw k.T aaawrra a reaaed a, tinktrrl latter In ear Tfc Bee. Answers addreaard "will ki 4ellTered ea areaeatatlva ft r-aeefc. . MISCELLANEOUS THE FALL TERM BOYLEH BUSINESS COLLEGE .. . IS NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGHT. Students are admitted any day. iiuaw catalogue r ree. iei. unuimi jixn.-u ' Addres II.. U. Boyies. 'remeni. Boyies Bldg. Omh, Neb. r cm WAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, i BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., ff13 8. loth St. Tel. DouglH 6M. R 464 OMAHA Safe and Iron Work, make a spe ciality of fire escapes, shutter, door and safes. G. Andreen. Prop. 102 S. loth 81. R 4 SIGN PAIXTINQ-B. II. Colo. Wl Iuglss. R ' JOWA Baditary Cleaning Co., 1019 Partial:!. R-6t UWUK-Locksmith, moved upstair; en tranM. J. 124 Kirnun. Tel. Doug. TH. R ebi ' FBKK (or 10 days, one Ufa sis elegant , crayon portrait and fitted In an excellent I frame for $1.26. Thi I to advertise, our I .60 portrait. Call 10 to o'clock. Wal i lac Bristol ft Co., 520 North 1'ith St., . near California. II M510 Novjn BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change Jf you nave a farm, lioma. business or property that you want to sli of ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVKbTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. V 1"S Nt JXo charga for treatment at Creighton Dental college. TV A N T ED Pa t Ion la, at Dental col. e. Treatment . free. V MiS41 Novli JKOK BALE At ft bargain, good stock of , dry good and millinery, with well estab- lished trudo In good county atrnL town. ?or particulars, address Bewsrd Dry I Goods mid Millinery Co., Seward. Neb. y y-MM N3x FOR SALE Half Interest In well estab lished real estato business to competent party. U-44. Bee. Y-619 Nl FOR BALK A llo.otKi atocl; of general nier 1 chHiiillne, Btrlctly flrKt-iJasa. One loi'atio.i ; and In good runtllng tomn; th)5 In a r.ar I gain. Ad'lrees Lock Box '3 4, Smith Cen ter, Kao. Y M76." Nov3 BAKERY for rent; HIS Nicholas ft.; rc-nt reasonable. Bemii. Faxton lilixk. Y M90i yOR SALKl-CompUae flrt-clii butcher outfit. AV. T. lUckly, 4911 ChlniRo St. Y M!4 4x Do You Wish to Make a Change If you hare u farm, home, buslneaa or ; property that you want to Hell or ex ' chansc. write jik. . . . OIXtBH LAND AND-INVESTMENT CO., Oitiha, Neb. !. ... Y-M9W1 Dl JUNKf) and mining-and industrial titocka bouFht and old. Robt. C. Druesdow, Stock Broker, So9 N. Y. Life Mldg. Y-M990 Dl V ;W1D OWN property urrounded by mine In the famous Bullfroa; dlMtrlct In aouthern Nevada, For partlculnrs address the Ne vada BtandarJ Oold Mining and Milling Co.. New . York HfC Bldg.. Omaha, Neb,' Y-M9S9 Dl 1 : NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposal for an Addition to tha Pavilion In Rlvervlew Park Recording to plana and specifications pre rared by J. P. Guth, architect, 516-17 i'axton Blk.. will lie received until No vember 6. !ok, at S p. m.. at the office of the architect. A certified Check for i per cent of the estimated coat must accompany each proposal. M. P. U L"f H, Architect, 51-17 Paxton Blk. " Y-M974 6 FC3 SALE MISCELLANEOUS TO Becley letter cabinets. In good condi tion, made of walnut and nave two t'rnw ra each. Call at Bes buslneas office and get a bargain. Q Hlx NIWHINGS of an 1-room modern fiat. Including lease: good location. Cheap. Rinker &. Chambers, 40$ Bee Mid Q-M970 4 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool table.; we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balks Collendar, 407 b. lota St. Q-470 6F.ND ua your mail ordera for drugs; freight paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dlllou Drug Co., Omaha. Q-ri ' MILK cows, saay terms, 4id and Centar. Q-ti72 SODA FOUNTAIN, any alie, 1U$ Farnam. ... . Q-7$ BHKRWIN-W1LLIAM8 CO., beat mixed paint. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., -74 HALL'S safes, new, 3-4 hand. 181$ Farnam. Q-475 FOR 8 ALE Empty luk barrels. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, Be mall room. W 61$ FOP. SALE Empty packing caaea, cheap. Addrrae U 3, Be ofhea. Q 4t FRESH and pure apple, cider delivered; also cider vlnavar, canned frulta and ap ples. E. G. colomon. 'Phone Benson 164. Q M0 4x )TOR SALE A No. I Smith Premier type writer and deak; has had very Ultle ua. $&30 Mandaraon. - Q $x FOR SALE Furniture of flra room cot tags and cottage can be rented. Ad dl E 4M Bee.' ' .. ' Q Mt3l $1 TO DISPOSE of household goods and atovea call at TO tie. 14th. Doug. 17 hi, Bmall -cum. Q attkw 'INH upright Kimball plaao, good aa new, - $116; also potiahed oak eldetoard and , pallor table; owner UaTiag city. 1419 a port. O M44 $x KalU $1 keif. Star Box Co.. UOT St, MirVi av. M41 W CHICKETRINQ PIANO, hgll tree, horse ana Duggy. etc.. enea4; leaving town; iiiijii wti. tij ciqy M r?V 4 1 PRINTING I V N P. ST A n H Urh-grad WOT Caler dara. I i-uivc ri corner 18th St. and ck. j r t,, .. mptiu Ave. 7U COUPUCTS line of wn calendara. Snail Printing Uo all m. UtA tM, -a7 NovJ JOB printing and btnalng. Springer Print Douxlaa $071. Nov lu CENTRAL PRINTTNO CO.; Una Job work typewritten lettara. IV B. 17th St.. 14 PATENTS f. J. LARSON CO., patent lawyeia; uateat tewk free. Be Bldg.. Oraeba, Nab. 7J3 HARPS MACltlNIC WORK 8 Pa tenia turoiured. tavenuous aeveiuuea. drawiiias jaiirriia, ujuutt, nuhlM work. eM-i2 . lain Bt. .i4 PATENTS Brocored and ao)4. 1 fee. Nai l invesuuaat Co., poula block, lh and lo.)te- M41X UVV AND COLLECTIONS - - I. U. MaefartauUL M X. L l!dg. Tei. WANTED MALE HELP AlTOMOBIlK drlvera. lrcrlianicn, vhrur fiim, rpHlrm"n, dfmotitritir. ialM inen, garnge rninaira wnntM all ovr, Hie country. 1W will rff-r great opif.i-' tunltlea and lilah valaii for cottipf ie;.t men. Our prut ties I nuto-edncatlon 'in lie acqulr'd by night aturiy st eiiM1.. monthly rot. Pce!ilonx accufvl throir.. our employment bureau. We hnv only priictlral aerlen of text books l:i exlutencn and our Instructor are lri. Study now axd be readv for tlv 'th Stre-l, New York t?lty B fW lx WANTED. SOUND YOCNO MEN. 1 to SS, to prepare for fireman and brakemen on new road and for fall ruah; experltiica unneceear-; fli-emen $100. promoted to engineera .: brakemen TR. promoied to .onductnrs J1W; pciltlon now open. Na. tlonal Tralnlnr aeociatlon, 20 X I'axton Blk., Omaha. Neb. B MU3 NovH Kxperlenced retail clerk, 130. WESTERN REF. BOND APS'N, INC., J40-2, N. Y. Life Bldg. C 4T 1 WANTED Reliable watchmaker, In ona of Omaha's lending Jewelry etorea; good wal ary to tho right man. Addiets U-xs. Iee. B 412 WANTED Five boys: good wage; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. 13th St. B-67S lRCO STORES bought and sold; druB clerks wanted. P. V. Knotst, tt4 N. Y". L. E-77 Yoi'np man collector. $35. WESTERN REP'. - BOND AHSN, INC., 140-2. N. Y. Life Bide B 43 1 HUSTLERS out of employment can do well to call on u; pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard. B M139 Nov2 TOOTHACHE? Free treatment at Crelgh ton Dental college. Crown or bridge work. No charge at Creighton Dental college except for ma terial. BM342 Novll YOUNO man to slep in building at nighta, .centrally located; good bed. Address 8 4n0, Bee. U MS24 WANTED Men for acrap Iron yards. A. B. Alplrn. 801 Farnam St. B 855 Ta WANTED First dus granite pr.eers; t'o months' steady work: no labor trouble, cifzen- Construction Co., Chanib'-r of Commerce. Chicrgo. B M8b3 6 WANTED Two lumber handler, two young men for factory work, two bov. Omalin Box Co., East Omaha. B 6 1 WANTED Pevi ral good buy M year old In our bottling roonv I lev & Co. E 911 2 CARPENTERS wanted, and leard Hts. N. K. corner 19tU B M9o5 2 Aewiftant cashier, $4n. WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN. INC., . M0-2, N. Y. Life Bldg. B 948 1 WANTED Grocery order delivery clerk, experience, rel'erencea. J. A. Fnuilcv. 70) No. 24th St.. So. Omahn. B-M883 3 WANTED Delivery Brnndels Son. boys Apply J. t ri-fi s ANT pernon wllilne; to distribute our sam ples; $Ji).oO weekly. "Empire." P." La Sille St.. Chicago. III. (steady position; no canvassing. B S7H 2x PH'MBERS Unain Jouriicyinon con (tet vlemly employment for years at $t.l per day minimum, eight houis. Saturday half holiday. In San Francisco. Signed by or der Association of Master Plumbers,. John L. E. Fli mln. Cor. Secretary. B-970 lx SPECIAL contract -men; several expert K" inl contract life insurance men detdred Immediately. Rupert F. Fry,- Special Supt., Mason Bldg., HouHton, Tex. : . . - . . li M9S9 x WANTED Boy between 17 und la years; must have experience In the grocery bus iness. Inquire 23U3 Davenport St. B-MP92 2 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED 'Girl for general housework; good wagus; no washing. Inquire 704 No. 23d St. . C M879 WANTED Good cook. Pin St. Mrs. Marsh. 804 C 387 ll WANTED Good pianist; must bo good slant reader. .Call for Mr. White, Music Dept.. Boston Btora. . . C 91 1 WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. Charles R. Sherman. 3M4 N. 27tl St. C M!M 2 WAITRESS. Apply to manager Dellone C 896 31 Hotel. WANTED Cook for small family; wages K to fc. HOT UaK St. 4a WANTED 60 girls to work on coata and KKtri in alteration room. o. rrenrick Berger 4k Co., 1517 Farnam. C 1 2 WANTED Good cook: also house maid: best wages; small family. Mrs. Ben Cot ton, 4o2 8. mil Ave. C K19 WANTED A good cook; references re. quired. 3812 Farnam. C SIS WANTED Good girl for general house work; two in family; room with bath; wages $ per week. Apply Mrs. D. V. Sholes. 33n3 Woolworth Ave. C 2o 2 WANTED Competient girl fbr second work; small family. Mrs. T. J. Rugers, 1120 Park ave. C M927 3 k COMPETENT girl for general house- worg; rererence. rerfinrea. Mrs. Kooert Dumpster, 3627 Harney. C 68 WANTED 16 saleswomen for our crock ery department; apply at once. ODona-boe-Redmond-Normlle Company. C-857 $x WANTBD Girl for general housework. Cnll at 192J B. 34th St. C 9S7 3 WANTED An experienced stenocrapher, Oliver typewriter. Apply In person. 8. Fredrick Berrer & Co., 151T Farnam. C - 3 WANTED Al experienced saleswomen. millinery department. O Donahoe-Red-mond-Normlle Co. C M073 5 AN EDUCATED, business-like lady. 25 to 4o. for special work, from V to 6 dally; adaptability more essential than expe rience. Address G 4b8, Bee. C-M97S 4x WANTED Laundresa. mut be good Ironer: waaniug done uy iower; wages, ia per month. Bradford Hotel, Storm Lake, la, C-S75 2x WANTED SALESMEN SALESMEN WANTED Competent men wanted to work on cards and coupons. We pay railroad fare. Referenda rr qulred. C. G. Prouhet, 306 N. Y. Life Bldg., K. C, Mo. L-920 lx WANTED AT ONCE A salesman to repre sent an ettaDliane hosiery line in JVe braaka. Only those having experience on the road with a hosiery or dry goods line need apply. Address Y-M. care of Omaha Bee. L MSki8 i WANTED First-class eslesman for Ne riraaka; one familiar with haying tools, barn door hinges preferred. Right party can earn $luo per month. Apply with trafarenrea. sailing ability and character, forwarding photograph with application. Hunt, Halm, Fvrria at Co.. Harvard. III. L MS7 S WANTED Young man, clean out. intelli gent tu represent a apeclal line of metal work for a leading Chicago houte. Commission basis only; legitimate re turn; dealing exclusively with manu facturers and Jobbers. Prefer those who 1 . u .. L A .. 1 . , . full particulars In hrst 1 Iter. G. H. W 10th floor. 112 Dearborn St., Ctiicairo. LS;t ;x WANTED SITUATION TWO young Korean boys want position to woik for board and ruoui und laundry expenses and have time to go ti hcxil. Inquire at Lyons Hotel, Uih and Podge Bis., Omaha. A 961 2 WANTED Position by student; bookkeep ing $ to 4 p. m. O. M. Kennedy. 22J North Jolh. A IK 2x FENCING I t ANTUflR Ul.rl lrAi. !.'.. inv U'lr. !'.... .-i (c uar loou M N. 17lk Bt.' Tel. Rrd 814 nprliig opportunities. For full pnrttuuliTH M Including one frc e.-n and dlrtlonerv ll of motoring term, addles Th Corr-. II pondiu e Hohool of Aittomot'l'e Kne - , , , ' neerlna Suit" l',T7. American iiiraae. ID I '" jhiih mi Fortunes arc made by those who KolVc the courage to act while others hesi tate. Now is the time to buy Real Estate. FC R RENT FURNISH ED R00?TS DEWEY European, hotel, 13th and Pannuii. E-t.7h Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks K-S70 CAPITOL HOTEL. Ulh and CjipIU.I Ave.; American or European; steam Lear. E ') NEWLY furnished room; new bouse; cue block north of Farnam car: gentlemen cnlv; every modern convenience; hoi water heat. 107 8. 31st St. E 113 Mx FURNISHED room, with or without boa.nl. Saga California St. E-M$73 Zx SOUTH room, nicely furnished; private fnmUy; modem liuuae; tuia of telephone, 2n,! Fain-im. K 917 lx ONE fine, lai e front roam with fit. cave, all modern, with stetun h.-t, also one smaller room, $10. Ti So. ?Sth St. Tel. Douglas E M" $x FURNISHED rooms, from $1 to $4 per week. 1724 I lard. E Oil 4x HTEAM-HEATED rooms, 411 N. 14th. Sa. Omaha. E '.t 4 ROOMS for lirht housekeeping. W2T Har ney St. E-M3M 4x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. GIL O.M.E. Hauls Trunks r-ssi VIENNA ovfev hotel; private dining rooms; t-7 PARIC AVE., bright, warm room for two, with breakfast and dtnnev; pret. V-WZ 4 TWO gentlemen boardors heat: $4.50 a week. 227 1 wai.ted; steam Harney. D MfSi 4X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT SUITE of unfurnished rooms, reference. 2408 Caaa St. 1st fiOOi' G-S61 SUITE of 4 room first floor. 8. Bemls, Psxton Blk. in the Ormond. on 2Sth St.; rent, $J8. G M9u4 FIVE rooms, unfurnished, N. W. cormr 14th and Dodge. Y. Striker. G-KJStl 8x FOR RENT HOUSES NEW APARTMENTS 3th and Half-Howard Sts., I and ( rooms each, nmdern in every respect. Rent. $37.50 and $4.. ' GEORQK Mi CO., ll FARNAM. Phone Douglas 756. D 40 Nov4 4 furnished room, light housekeeping $25. 17 N. 2d St.. 7-rooin coitsg u2.t). 2M'3 N. 6th St., G-room cottage 415. )ist3 Parker Hi., V room.. all modern $1S. lf,4 South 26lh, 6 rooms and barn, modern except heat 425. - 113S South 30th Ave., 11 rooms, modem $45. 2k Hamilton St., 9 rooms nnd lath $26. fJO N. Md St., 4 rooms, entirely modorn $30. S217 Cuming St., 8 rooms, modern but het -124. 2S23 Bristol St., 8 rooms, modern $35. JX23 Paclllo St., 8 rooms, entirely mod ern $30. 1313 Soulh 2th St., 8-room cottage--I31.60.-mi South 2th St., 8 room, modern 3&. 212. South 8otu, rooms,, modern $40. , Hastings & Heyden, 1704FARNAM ST. D M981 2 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. uouriae jbja. Bcnmouer Mueller Piano Co., 1X11-1HS Farnam. D-Ctt ITnTTClT'S In all part of tb city. B. UU U OJZiO c peter, Co.. Bee Bldg. D 6fc4 tlU U oJ-ikJ 0 r, cavU Co., Bee Bldg. D HOUSES, insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Blk. - D 6S . OMAHA Van & Storage Co.. pack. move, etore H. H. roods; storehouse 1120-24 N. lth. Olflce. 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 16CJ. SJTTIT? flTT" Household eooo. iner tSXUliiVULi el,,,,,,,., at.-., jj-rcd tu Transfer Line, liW-ft-Farnam St. D M50$ N10 WE MOVE planoe. Maggard Van A Stur- hjre Co. Tel. Doug. 14!t. Office 1. is yen- sler 8t. D-4WS BEE lis when shinning household goods to large cltlrs west. We can save you nioney. EXPRESSMEN S DELIVERY CO ,214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1196. D 39 IXR RENT s-room house, all modern: fur nace; $26. C. M. Bachmann, 41 Paxton Blk. D-322 COUN8MAN-VAN BURGH CO., storage and transfer. Best storage houe In the city.- IninHdiate attention given. 1623-31-33 N. lth St. Tel. Douglas 4619. COLONIAL residence, opposite Hanscom nark modern; after Nov. 1. Phone t mug las 522. D-10S FIVE-ROOM house. 1312 S. 4th St. now being put In perfect condition; rent. $10. . Bemls. Paxton Blk. I-MCW j $ul South 28th. 8 rooms, moaern. $36. 131 S South '"' St., 8 rooms, modern j .,rna 1X1 &(1 3223 pacific St.. 8 rooms and reception hall, entirely modern, $30. 2o23 Bristol St., 8 rooms, modem. $. 820 North 3d. 6 rooms and reception ball, modern, $30. 2527 Charles St.. i rooms, modern ex cept heat. I $21. . 2t34 Hamilton Bt., 4 rooms, ifrodern ex cept furnace, $26. 113$ South 30th Ave- 11 rooms, mod - . 1 r 164 it South 2th St., 4 rooms, modem except furnace, $25. $8 82 Parker St., 9 rooms, all modern, $18 ' Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam Bt. D SI 1 FOR KENT To responsible tenant. 11(0 lxeut Bt: modem 7-room boua with re ception hall, cement basement, cement walks, good barn; $30. Inquire at prem laea. D-Uiii CENTRAL, steam, modem 7-room house. Tisard. 220 N. 2Sd. D-M614 (.ROOM cottage, city water) $7.00. Breeu A Bloom. 413 Bee Bldg. D-M789 FOR RENT After November 1. S-room house, all modem except furnace, $t'.uo. C. M. Bachman, 438 paxton Block. D M811 221 CHARLES, good 12-room house; mod ern but furnace; good repair. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam St. D-MShl N2 FOR RENT Nice 7-room house. $15.00. S641 Patrick Ave. I For Rent Fine Tat. all modern, good fur- I mice. 4' B- -tu n av,. n iiiiam rwnn, - I "Tv:l 1 m Lin.w mv n-ua receiver. 801 Brown Blk. (-room, modern house; walking distance: no children: referencea required. C. W. Blfxt. 41 N. th Bt., or First National bank. D-KV4 1 NEW modern cottage and a 6-room flat. ' close In. Apply Clinton H. Biiags. UM Farnam Bt. Phone Doug. 3224. D 466 6 FOR RENT Six-room cottage, gaa. electric light, furnace, bath. 4118 Yariiaiu. $ ki mi. Inquire B. Buina, Jr., HI N. Y. Lifo Bldg. D-MH7 4 FOR RKNTe-2t'dJ Dodge. 4 rooma. aater, I M9.1 4x ga. $in. jCKNTKAL. steam, model u, 4-roorii li'l. D-MX4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Valuable Estate for Sale . ' '. "We offer the home property of the late Col. . Matt.-T. Patrick, '24th and Lake Sts nine acres over 1,100 feet of business street frontage. Large modern cottage; barn; fine shade trees. A fine property, centrally located, on '24th and Dodge street car lines. Will subdivide profit ably or make a fine estate to be improved. Investors should examine this property and see us for prices and terms. McCague Investment Co. Sole Agents 106 Dodge Street $725 LOTS In Sulphur Springs Addition Just eaut of Shermao Ave nue, on Spencer St., ARB THE BEST BARGAINS OF . FERED In large lot, 60x12 4 feet, so convenient to car, Htore and pared street, and where all new houses are being built for homes; water and sewer in front of each lot. You should see these fine lots before you buy.s Hastings & Heyden, Sol? Agents, 1704 Farnam St. RK-W 1 Brand Xw and Easy Tenns We had three new niocem bouses, close In and on the boulevard. We sold one of them today for $a,750. The other two can be bought for $2,500. without fur, nace. Come and let us show you these properties. Quick: work Is Imperative, if you desire this Wind of a home. This is the Other One Everything and everybody strikes for the north, why rirtt'youT We have the best located,- -mom modern rooming and hoarding house In! the city for the money; Juat six blocks from the postofflce, in line condition: $8,400; $1,000 cash if taken at once; re at pays toe balanc. National Investment Co., 51 Douglas Block. RE 948 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS 4-room house oh Franklin street. Ev erything in good shape. $1,300 takes It. 8-room house on -a fine east front lot In Hanscom Place. It's yours for $2,100. Soma good lots on a paved street one block from car. $300 each. OMAHA VIEW LOTS Good one at $lu0 each, and some cheaper. WRIGHT & LA8BURY, 604 So. Hitll St. 'Phone Douglas 17)7. RE M914 SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE THREE LOTS Barn and;, chicken house, cherries, plums, currants, gooseberries, red and blackberries, large strawberry bed, I blocks from car line. Owner will make low figure if aold this week. W. II. GATES, 41T N. T. Life Bid. RE MS94 1 GOOD HOME ON EASY TERMS. 1.8n0 for 1704 N. S8th SL, 8 room house, all modern ex cept heat, new open plumbing, good barn, convenient to school and car line, small cash payment down, balance on easy monthly payments, or improvements and lot with ad ditional lot In rear Kxl30fcet in slxe. for only $2,(0. Imme diate possession. Inevstlgate. GEORGE ft CO., 1S01 FARNAM. " RE-823 1 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE VACANT A good, warm house, corner lot, conven- lent to Farnam car, $$.6(0. W. H. GATES, 417 New York Life Bldg. RE M697 2 For Sale One ef the finest corners near the West Farnam street motor line; three lots 140x 110 feet; perfect grade; especially deair- I able for an apartment building or block i of houses; will command highest rental j In city; only $7,760. Hicks. 4 Board I Trade Bldg. Kb-948 ' TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of Slat and Cass Sts., with ground on which to build another house. Paved street, east front, nice shade trees. Make me an offer for one or both. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, N. Y. Ufe Bldg RE- FOR 8 ALE. A 9-rootn house $2,i. A 4-room house $.'.&. A i-rooin hou 9.-41.ai 4). A (-room house $1,100. Will ell the above aiiap if taken at one. GIX5BE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Pal t ert on Block. RE Mi37 ALL modern 9-room house and Jot for sale at a bargain. Ki No. 19th. RE-M910 FOR SALE Modern house, 8 rooms. 14th and Dodge, Just completed and ready for occupancy; au offer for a few days for $7.iii0. links, 439 Board Trade Bldg. BE 942 lx SNAP FOR QUICK SALE. Flue location. i,ood paying corner. I. Con ner. S2 Nevll.t block. HE Sa Ntix TOWNBK.VD Realty Co.. Fremont. Neb., buy, sell and exchange lands, city prop erty and luerehaudiM; tiv u fur deal. RE MMi Novcx J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RE-W 1 Belongs, to a Bank That is why the price Is cheap. Ask u about the WO-acre furm of choice Washing ton county land that we ore closing out In tracts of from 120 to 240 acres. We sold lffi acres lost Saturday before advertising it, and have customers for th home quarter and expect to close the sale this wci.k. Thh; will leave .Tflo acre, which Includes the best quarter section on the farm. If you want a bargain, see us or write us at once. J. H. Dumont & Son? 806-t! N. T. Life Bids Omaha, Neb. RK-StSR 1 Brand New and Easy Terms W had three new. modern houses, close in and on the r,ulevard. W sold one of them today for $2.7fiO. The other two can be bought for $,fi0. wlthmit furnace. Come, and let us tiicw you these proper ties. Quick work is Imperative if you de sit e this kind of a home. This is the Other One Everything and everybody strikes for the 1 north, why not you? We have the best ' located, !-rom. modern rooming and hoarding house In the city for tho money, Just six blocks from the poatoffice, In fine condition $3,000, $1,000 cash. If taken at once; rent pays the balance. National Investment Co-,' 62 DOUGLAS BLOCK. ' RE M9S8 2 ; REMEMBEp ' Sale Noto Going On AT BEAUTIFUL LAKE JAMES PARK DAILY. If you can't so today go Saturday. See our advertisement of last Wednesday. CHA9. E. WILLIAMSON CO. RE-MWI MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS.. 10O4 Farnam, and 64 per cent loans on real estate; no delay. . W-667 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Ca W 484 WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co, Ui0 Farnam St. W-669 BUILDING loans on residence property; S per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. - . , AV-7 LOWKBT RATES Bemls. Paxton Block! W-471 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wsad. Iu24 Doug. , W-67J $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brcnnan, R. 1. N. Y. Lire. . .v WANTED City loana. R. C. Peters ft Cc. tV-474 City ft farm loans. O. F. Carson Co.. N.t"l W-475 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. 606 First National Bank Bldg. W-474 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES Low Priced Offices ' Two rooms, 620 and 607, at $15 each. I A good place to be In the winter or sum mer Is in The Bee Building Ask for Mr. Baker. Supt., who will bo pleased to show you these rooma 1-622 A VERY DESIRABLE office. TOo7aM, with south and east light, if partitioned, one rcom being b-llxl-8 and the f.ih -r i:t-8x21-7; has large slse fire-proof vault; janitor service and elect rlc light free. This is one of our test suites of offices In the building. See Mr. Baker, Bupt., Bee Bldg., 17th and Farnam. . I-32-i I FOR RENT-D.sk roo m In Be office. city hall building. 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1131 FOR RENT-Uigo corner store room, loth and vititon Bt., jo. c. M Bai h- mann. 4S Paxton Blk. I Mi21 THE two store rooms, with basement nts.J nil at 703-7O5 8. ltith street; $50 per mo for both. Inquire R. C. PETERS ft CO.. . Ground Floor. Bee Bldg. BUILDING 10i6 Farnam, will be vacant November 15; 221'); 9 floora and haste ment. Apply 311 First Nat l Bank B'dg. I-HVl r VR K room tn ona of the larae nftiii uariitioned off. $10 ner month. 8 a .'dr. i Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. I i21 STORE ROOM, ltith ajid Harney, 2bxlo ft. Can be vacated about Dec. 16, l!jG. Ad dress, F 44U. Bee ' 1 Miii MUSIC AND LANGUAGES MISS 1RMA SPRINGER, piano leaons. 60 cents. L6M N. 41" L bi.. Walnut Hill car. Mj NovU CHATELAIN School of Language Day and et cuing claxes. Freiu li. Gormau. Buanlsli; leucing. Dsvidge Bldg. Si -Novll PERSONAL SKWINO niachlr"' rented, fny nmke. 7c jut wek or $:.' per month. Hfx-onil-nend mrhln fr salf. $".d) and up. N'b. Cycle Co., l.Mh and Ilariiej. 1--71S I'R. ROY. rhlroiody. Doug. MI'i. 1"' !"-'. , ! j private confinement home- mr. Dr. King, 3'IS N. 21st St. Tel. Doiis. X'j'. PLEATING ALL KINDS. ' Bui ion. Hnrliing, Embroidering. Dvrlrg and cleaning, sponging and shrink In; only Kc per yard, bund for price list Hnd famuli. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO i) Douglas Block. Tel. IJoiinliis 1!'.X U-71ti LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Dour. 211 6. Hill St. U-717 THE SALVATION ARMY scl'clts castoft clotl'lng; In fact, nnythhiR you do not need; we collect, rtpalr 'Hid sell, nt 114 N. JHh St.. for cost of collecting to th worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 41.'t5 and WH.Ton will rail. U 511 . , , ,, . FREE medical and surgical treatment nt Creighton Medical college. 14tli nnd liiv enport fits.: speclnl attention paid to con finement coses; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. lUiV. Calls answered day or nlKht. 112? THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth Bis. Tel. Douelas 137. U-71S PURVETINO, Bllckensderfer. 312 Bee Bid?. IT-71D OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers" Institute, Ramne l-7.il M A OMF.TTnt1 tment and bath. Mme. U MW4 - 1 CHAMPION oarpet cleaning. Doug. 4T. U,23 ueavenwortn. t wiMijvwes ANT POOR GIRL In need of a friend tall or write to the nmtrot. of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U Mloo PRIVATE home during confinement; ba blfs adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Blurts, la. Tel. T74. U-8.' FOR anything In the sewing machine line 50 to P. E. Flo'jniat) & Co., li.14 Capitol ve. U-M183 N3 TYPEWRITERS rented, $2.W per month: nil make; satisfaction gunranteed. Fox Typewriter ft Supply Co., 1H22 FarnH.ni St. U 368 No MA (I V Swedish movement. 410 N. xOO-.XVJXU ll?1n poom second floor. U-M9S2 Dl 1 MOTHER'S BREAD Ask your grocer for Z. H. Reeder s MOTHER'S BREAD. U M97 Dl . : A Dollar Free for You This coupon will be taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing balance paid a you earn it. HOME CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY, 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th, Omaha. TJ-118 N18 PENNELL Millinery Co.. S23 North ltith St. U ?22 Jan S RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or write for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO.. 611 Woodmen of World Bldi;., Omaha. U 721 CEIGHTON Dental college. Patients free. Free treatment at Creighton Dental col lege. .,,.. IJ MS40N11 C. J. PALMQUIST, customer shoe maker. 4124 Hamilton St. and 107 8. J6th Sr. U-M5H5 N 10 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton's Salve. B. J. ScanelL agent, 5o9 Ware Blk. U-M8X4 N IS CHRISTENSON, Doug. 1B69. carpet cleaning. Tel. U-A74 N14 THE ACORN Press. Tel. Doug. 3732. Commercial printers. 1510 Howard St. V M999 N13 ALL MAKES of typewriters for rent, $2 to $4 month. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1603 Leavenworth. 'Phone Red-6fif. U M647 24 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices; send for free catalogue. Myers " Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. T II 724 DRS. VOGEL, private hospital for wom-n and for ladles before and during roufltie- ment. 2819 S. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. V M94S N30 A RED. coarse, unsightly skin made fair by Satin skin cream and powder. 25c. MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses. discharges. Irregularities cured painlessly and snfely. Wlthnell block, 15th and Harney, Room 2, Omnha. -T25 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Grav's Nerve Food Pills," 31 box, postpaid. Sherman & Mr-Co nnell Pro g Co.. Omaha 72li FOR EXCHANGE $2S.otn mill and light plant, northwest Missouri. Want land. $7. W0 hardware and building for land. 000 acres Richardson county, Ncbraakn; $21,000. Incumbrance, $8,00. For mer chandise. ! 40J ncres Holt county Mo., $28,000. In cumbrance, 4H,S"0. Want merchandlae or Income property. 161 acres Holt county Mo., $10,000, clear; for Income property. 289 acres Harrison county,. Ia., $50 per acre lor cash. $6,000 brick residence. Council Bluffs, for land. J. P.. ADKINS. Council Blufls. Ia. Phone 1720. 14 Pearl St. Z-MH04 2 FOR EXCHANGE Modern 8-flat building on Grand Boulevard. Chicago, the choice residence locality of the city; rents for $4,9) a year; price, $4,ooo; Incumbrance, 442, OU0, at 6 per cent. 130-acre Improved farm, 34 miles from good town in Nance county. Neb.; black noli, clay suheotl; gently tolling; all fenced and crors fenced; fair Improvements; plenty of fruit; price. Pa an acre; incumbrance, $l,6u0, 6 per cent. Owner will exchange his equity for good. dear, unimproved land, or will aaaunie reasonable incum brance on Improved land. Address, W. E. Cole, Monroe, Neb. , Z AlSt 6 FOR EXCHANGE An up-to-date drag stock, $., to exchange for South Da kota or Iowa land. Globe Land and In veatment Company, Omaha. Nebraska. Z M545 IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put aa ad in aud you will soou get It. Z 32 FOR EXCHANGE A number of good first mortgage loans and good lauds to ex change for groceries or a general stock of merchandise. Globe Land and Investment Company, Patterson Bids., Omaha, Neb. Z Mill DANCING I CHAMBERS Now open. Adult beginners I Mondays and Thursday. Clill.lren ' Wednesdays and Saturday. Special clas sir;ctiy for msrriea couples, now tornium. every Tuesday evening. Tel. Douglas 1.1. . -Hi WORTH considering. Isn't It-. whn M4 rand's Dancing bcnool foe adults will kell you a ticket, good 'ort12 lesaons at the reduced price or, ladles $4. gentlemen $5. which will teach you how to dance per fectly. Former fiupiis $1 less. Three as siHtants to help beginners. Call or Tel. Ixiuglas l'sll. Fall terms begins Friday, Nov. 2, t p. m. 2N14 VANTED TO BUY i WANTED TO BUT. SECOND-HAND furniture, atovea, carpet, clothing und ahoes; pay the best price. Tel Douiilas ton. k-m Nova WANTED to buy, 10 acres Improved, soma fruit, near Benson. Address ar.o Dodge. N-M872 Nj WANTED tu buy u flat top nrllce dek, oak; must lx- In flii-'Uss cumin h.n. Ad dress D 465. inre Bee. N M9J) 2x HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE HORSLS-AU kinds. Myers, 1715 Jackson. r-lifc Dl DEATH NOTICES ruiiUE Chris, "red 11 yr s mon'hs !5. sen of Mr. anl Mis. Chrl l-'ii'S'' N''Vml-r 1. I' ' Funeral Rntunlnv sMetnoou t 2 1 ft f lamllv rerldence, 2.M Webstor avenue. terment Foret.t Dawn cemetery. Frier..1 .nvli'd. FLORISTS lllS & SWOBt 1 'A. HIS Fsrnam. 7X0 L. HENDERSON. ISIS . Fonts m. Tel. Doug. 125;:. 731 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite C Iorigla . ..M! ', N"T MONEY TO LOAN CHATTEL WHEN YOU FIND IT ,.VECESSARY TO BORROW wive us a trial, sfter which we will by fair ti-eatnynt nttempt to retslit your pntionaao. We loan from $10 , up oti furniture, pianos, live stock, etc. We also make loans lo SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or endois.'V." Wa transact business quickly and quietly. We do not deduct interest In advance. We always tiy to please our trons. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. ' Tel. D-jg. X.X. (Established 18321, fi 8. ltith Bt. X-Msih $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $" V i"Vt MONEY TO LEND ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSES AND WAGONS. This Is your opportunity ttr.gef money and pay those little annoying debts. Ar range your affairs now no that when tit cold weather comes you . will only bav one company to owe.- You can repay us In small weekly or monthly payments, bst suited-to your In come; amounts ruid before due, full rebat Is ALWAYS allowed. . Reliable Credit Co- Rooms H07-308 Paxton BUicls. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Sts. X MiHO Nov 80 $$$$$($( SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnlahed . money upon their own ixaines. lthout security; easy pay ments: offices In 63 principal Cities. Bars yourself money by getting my terms first. D. 11. TOLwAN, 714 New York Life Bldg. ' ' ' X-7t DR. PRIBBENOW 3 MONEY. loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horaeaT Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances prl-ate money en chattels or sslary; essy to get; no red tape; you gat money same day asked for at small coat. Open evenings till 1. X (42 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all business confldautl.il. 130t Douglaa. X $44 UriVITV lninH nil nlnnoa ftirnlrti- im mr - etc., in any amount; lesa than half rates; y perfect privacy : Immediat attention: any I terms wanted. Payments suspended wheat I sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Bik.X 20 South 15th St. JC-Jf ' elry, horses, cows, etc. . C. F. Reed, 810 8. 18ti. X-844 ( r FURNI1TTRE, live stock, salary los ns." r3 Durr ureen J-oan Co., room s, Bsrker-; block. X-8S CHATTELS, lary and Jewelry loans. .. 1504 Farnam Bt. X-840 Foley Loan Co, CHATTEL and sslary loans. -Phoenix Credit Co.. 833 Paxton block. X 447 WANTED AGENTS NEW sleeve protector for ofnc and- house . work; samples free this week; other nov elties. Ladles Supply Co., 8253 Pralrl Ave., O.. Chicago. J M635 Not12x SALARY and commission will be paid to an old line life man of experience. Ad Ores Box 1196. Lincoln. Neb. J 77$ Novl WANTED A fw good solicitors for oily and country work. Only those of ex perience good address, with good refer ences need apply. Address W. H. Burg hardt. Merchants Hotel, Omaha. J-M931 42 WANTED General traveling; agent for Nebraska. Good salary and expenses pain, t-aii s to i a. m . i to t p. m. w, IT. I tlx . Enerman, IMr.gr Hotel. J w? FOR SALE FARMS THREE farm bargain. Writ J. T. Cams bell, Litchfield. Neb. H M9U Nlx CHEAP western lands near the 84 CV-acre homestead a specialty. THE STEWART-LEAVENWORTH CO., (19 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha, Nob. ' H-M774 Nt $12 TO $18 FARM LANDS. EXCURSION EVERY TUESDAY, ROUND TRIP $12 48. TO LYMAN COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, LANDS. WHITE TOR PARTICULARS, THE PUTNAM CO., ..' 604 N. Y. LIFE BLDG., OMAHA H-980 t DRESSMAKING MMK! WOODRUIT Wishes to announce that on account of close quarters she Is obliged to more tu her home, 615 N. 41st Ave., for the present. -&83(4 DRESSMAKING In famtiy or at home. Miss Hturdv. 2ftlC Davenport. 'Phone Har ney 212. ' . . M72S M' DOW ELL system of dressmaking and cutting: patterns cut to measure; leasons Tuesday anl Thursday evenings. 12I Farnam. ' Mil$ "Rt& WANTED TO RENT COUPLE wlshea three modem, comfort-' ahly lflYnlshed rooms for light hour keeping. Best reference. Qond location. Address 4467. Bee. K-Mli 7a WANTED A home to take In emergency' case, tich a scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles. Must rs? without children. Will pay well tu.r ame. Call at Heulth Office. City Hall. Telephone Douflu '. . - ' K-Mflsi PLUMBING BUY plumbing suppllea direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Only first class gix-da hsnlded. Prompt attention to ev-ry order. Bend for catalogue. B. F. Karol, 235 Harrison St., Chicago, III. LYNCH BROS Repair work our specially. 11$ N. 16 Hi Bt. Tel. Douglas 147.. -MU N26 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute 418 N. T. . L. T Doug. WM. --729 DS. BOWSER. Ik Ug. lyTrJ. over 1600 Farnam, Tal. -,61M4 Novat ' ' CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The leaitinr ualnust of Omtha, Revelations of p-it snd tuture deaenbed. Parlors. 1U B. lb Hi 3'.. Opp. t-oston Btor. I ... - DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE fielective Pel vie. ThOl.e RcyJ floon.M u and 14. U uioti H . k. lii aud I amain. WtJt Id 4 .7. . "vt i -46 Nuvl4