Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
Tim (WAIT A DATLY BEE: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 100G. s J r GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wbtat Stroae, Clous? Tbreo-Licbths Bibr Than Pmioiii Dj. i news Makes the situation eulush October, 77e ritmlr, 76V, Mv, OATS To arrive, 8.'c; October, S24K DEW ;-,r. VOKK 4;KERAI. NtRKKT dwotatlooa Various Rtcflfi Hii Light Kd Btlltr Cash Deenaod Develop Good Sales ! Floor Reported Cam la Fea tereleas, Closing I nchangett. ,v " 1 OMAHA. Oct. 11. 190. V Wheat ma strong and closing prices ere o over yeeteraay. The ntwi was all jf.uilisli. Cables were firm, primary receipts ''e small, cash demand ai good at ad canted prices and a lair export demand was reported, Large aaiea of export flour were reported from tha southwest for ex port, and the flour situation there la look ing up. uorn was featireless, as for some lime paat, trade being light and cloning prlcea unchanged. Receipts are running light and the caan demand Is a shade tinner. Ele vator Interests reported fair seccpt ances and h4 considerable corn for sale. Primary wheat receipts were 861,000 bush els and shipments 692,0(10 bushels, against receipts last year of 1,494,000 bushela and shipments of 99.uO0 bushels. Corn reeMpts were 427,000 bushels and, shipments 236.(00 bushels, against receipts last year of 4X9,000 bushels and shipment, of 1&4.000 bushels. Clearances were 424,000 bushels of wheal, 78,0fO bushels corn, 8,000 bushels oats aim flour and wheat equal to 566.000 bushels. Liverpool closed d higher on wheat and unchanged to Ud hlgheVr on corn. Concerning the wheat situation In the northwest, where, receipts have been un usually light, the''' Market Record of Min neapolis will, ny 1n today's Issne: "The cash wheat situation has reached a very acute Mage owing to Insufficiency of daily receipts. The wants of the millers ennnot be. sutisfie4 with driblets of wheat which conje in every, morning. Premiums ara working 'Metier every day on account of small arrivals and have reached a point at which It is Impossible to do business on a satisfactory- ba.Ms. No. 1 northern is over December and' very scarce at that. Millers are up uglnit It In trying to make a. satisfactory quotation to flour buyers who are bearish even on the basis of tha December option. . The millers would be ab: to do a good business If the wheat market could be put on a normal basin, but until the car shortage- Is relieved to th extent of better equalising demand and supply there Is very little hope for putting tha market In a healthy condition. Wheat stocks in local elevators are below normal and arc now decreasing, fiellcra for De cember delivery are becoming uneasy, as the prospects at present for a larger mov of the Day on Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct. 31-FLOUR-Recelpts. W. I2H bbls. ; exports, 6.028 bbls.; sales, 6.W0 pugs.; market firm, with moderate tro, , winter patents, $.5.7(ft4.0O; winter straigms, S3.6iKii.lCI; Minnesota patents. $4-1!) 4.35; winter extras, li.8.Vti3.10; Minnesota bakers, S3 4tu3 80; winter low grades, $2.75413 06. Kys flour, stesrty; fair to good, $3 SofaS.); choice to fair. C3.8W&4.10. Buckwheat flour, steady, la.a.'u- 3ft, spot and to arrive. Bl. CKWHEAT-Flrm. $126 per 100 lba. CORNM EAL Bteady ; fin white and yei Inw ll.2d-jl.ia), coarse, $1.10tfl.l2; kiln dried, RYEFlrm; Jersey and state. MVi'S'tfo delivered New York. BARLEY-Bteady; feeding. 4iM4c, c. 1. t. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 1S1.700 bu.; exports, 12s, 724 bu.; sales, 2,4,Ono bu. futures; spot market firm; No. 2 red, 81e elevator and ic f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, c f. o. b. afloat; No. I hard winter, Kl'4)0 f. o. b. afloat. As a renult of big clear ances, higher northern markets and a con tinued small movement wheat was very firm all day. Trade at flrat was active, but later subsided and the market closed steady at StiW- net advance. Sales In cluded No. X red. May, 84i&84ac, closed st R6HC; December, s36390, closed at 8314c. CORN Receipts, 19.537 bu.; exports. 10.(42, u.; sales. 15,000 bu. future and 8,000 bu. siot. The spot market was steady; No. 2, 6Hc elevator and 55V,e f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, Sc; No. t white, 66e. The option market was quiet and steady all day; closed net unchanged. January closed at 6IHc; May. Wittfcwvy;. cloaed at 50Hc; December closed at 63He. OATS Reeelota. 72.700 bu.; exports. 6.6-6 bu.; spot market firm; mixed c: natural white. 30 to 33 rllnnerl white 31 In 40 tha. SOfltSC FEED Steady ; spring bran,, prompt shipment; middling, $2186, prompt ship ment. HAY Barfly steady; shipping, 80c; good to cholc, S1.WM.06; x ' HOPS BUativ; siate, common to choice, 18"6, XiU2i.c; l.'iOo. l'K13c: Purine coast, 1!HW, 15mrl8c: I90n. lift 13c. HIDES Steadv; Gelvestoit, 20 td 28 lbs., 20c; California. 21 lu ,0H.. 2le; Texas dry. 24 to 0 lbs., 19c. LEATHER Firm ; acM, 27S28c. PROVISIONS Beef, flvn:: family. S12.B0 (613.00; mess. KWdJ.W: l-ef hms, STI.O'i'gr 23 00; pa-ket, flO .WtffU.l': city, extra India mess. SIC.oOJO.OO. Ci'l mtats, steady; plck.'ed bellies. 10.?5Til2 VI; r'-Hed h ms. iJird, market easy; western riime, ?!.559.(S; refined, eisy; contTnent. Jtoco- Routh America, S10.7B; compound, S7.7fif.0(V. Pork, steady; family, tl9.rtsil9 ,V; short Clear, Sl.75'(?18.50; mess, 18 Wo 18.7b. TAUAlff-Strong; (city S2.00 per pKg.), NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Detliairi for the Day Arc Email in Volume tad rinotuatioDi Harrow. CALL MONEY ADVANCES TO 8 1-2 PER CENT Calling of Una! Forces otue Tradera to Bell aad Close la Easy aad Lower. "".Cc; country." (pkga. free). Rittbc ment appear to. dim. With sufflclint wlieiit to ro'lBve the Stringency Just within reach, but still out. of It. the cash market and the wheat market in general Is not ,an attractive position for business In any or us departments." .ocal range of options: Articls. Open. Hlgh.l Low. aoss l RICE Steady; domestic.,, fair to extra, BHTTEK Market steadv, street prices, extia creamery, 27c; official prices, c eam y, common to extra, lSftaHc; held, sec onds to extra. 21f2c; stte dairy, common to fancy. 19H2dVic: renovated, common to rtr. lSHr&22c: western factory, common to ! first, IBW&iOc; western Imitation firsts, 2Hji& Wheat' ncc..,. May.. .1 Corn rv 07 May.,.f 38 (f)atK- I . ,V lc.... Uy. ..)....., ' Ulna ,, 7H' " 7H 71v, 7m 71 37H 31 S .., -H 67 71 V4 37 38 aha Cash Prices. THEATNo. 2 hard. 67Ht'ic-; herd, tf.'iffNc; No. 1 hard, J8ioc; soilnir. twonnc. -'', OOHN No. 3, 4(Hc; No. yellow, 4'Mf 41c;. No. 3 white. 41c. i OATS No. 3 m1ed. aoiiSOHc; No. SI white. SlVW31',4c; No. 4 white. 3.)(Q;31c. I KYK No, 2. 59c; No. 3, 57Hc. ,j i'arlot Receipts. Wheat 1 rt r'uxrwnv Msrket Irreanilor: otnte fn creamery, small September fancy. 18i4o: state, October bert, 12c; state, fair to good, 12Hi: "tat- large September fancy. ISVic: state. October best, 124c; ste.te, fnr to good. 12fi'13H': state, inferior, liillic; klins MTIOS-C. Fias Market firm; state, Pennsylvania ''""H" p,c"1? ; and nearby fancy selected wnite, jiii.o. ; state, choice, SOftS'to; state, mixed, extra, 1 xvfrflOo: western first". 252c; official price, 2fS!c: seeonds. ZiW2r.. . . I POUII'RY Alive, steady; western chick No. lirntt. 10p; fowls. I0H'; turkeys. 14c. No. 3 1 pressed, irregular; western chickens. 11c; Fprlng turkeys, lftglsc; fowls, Wile. NEW YORK, Oct. 11. Depresfcton rulad at the titock exchange today. M'.t on.y w. th nmiKtt auil in the technical fcme of small dealings and narrow nuctuailon. but the subject matter ot discussion u triv ial ami tne factors of Inttuenco on the trad ing unimportant. The volume of uealing was rather larger than yesieiduy atvd t.,e Increaue lr orders for xecucion by brokers were mostly tor selling. Calling ot loans Induced some speculative liquidation. The call mtney iat a. so-ran up early In the day to KVi per cent, giving warning of a growing scarcity ot available funds. Trust companies as well as bmks were amongst the callers of loan. Some of the scaling down, of lonns was admit tedly to supply resources for paying for securities arriving from Kurope and which were closed out at last week's stock market settlement In London for the account of New York holders. Preparations wert In progress also for the payments due tomor row for the usual November s.ttlcments. I Meantime the banks continue t lose cash I both to Interior and to the subtieasury. . tnnv'B ilntamAnl . f t V. a mv,rrm,tlt In - 1 1 - 'Hi to 32 lbs., , liitluns nhnwlnv a withdrawal from tne lbs.; 39fq 40c ;, banks alnce the last bank statement of The money situation accounted fur most of the occasional spilling out of stocks which carried prices lower. The failure to raise the Steel dividend rate seemed to shake confidence In the Increase In the Pennsylvania's dividend at tomoi row's meeting of directors, which has been the basla for some speculative buyin? this week. The decline in prices although slow, nai continuous, and thp closing was easy nnd st net declines running from 1 to over 2 points for the active stocks. Bonds were heavy. Total sales. Pr value, S.1.170,000. I'nlted Stages bonds were un changed on call- yuoiatlons on tha New York Stock ex change today were as follows: sum. High. Adam Express Amalgamated Copper . Am. C. A F Am. C. aV r. prd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfa.... Am. Rxprmm Am. H. A L. pti Amatiran lc Am. Llnatrd Oil Am. Llnwwd Oil pld... Am. Locomotlra Am. Locomotiva pfd... Am. 8. A It Am. U R. prd Am. Sugar Reflnfnf Am. Tohacr pfd ctfa. Anaconda Mining Ce... Atchlaon Atchiaun pfd Atlantlo Cosat Una.... Baltimore A Ohio...... t)l. A Ohio pfdy i mjoairn Kapia ir. gold reserve, shows.' Avallalile casTi bal ance, SIOK.443.378; gold coin and huUTTin. 8l08.34S.T31i gold certificates, Hl.'ti'U- fiKO. Iloatoa gtoeka and Bnnda, BOSTON, fct. 31 full losns, Sflt pr cent; time loans. 8,WWRvi per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds were Atchtana ad). 4a do 4a Cantntl 4t... Atrhlaon do pfd Boatnn A Albany.. Beaton A Main... Beaton Kleratad .. ntrhttiirg pfd .... Mriican Cantral .. N. T., H. H. H Para alarqnatts ... talon Paoiftc Am. A. cham. pfd Amar. Pnes. Tube. A mar. Sugar do Dtd Amar. T. A T. Amar. Woolen do pfd Pomlnloa I. A Hdlann Klac. Maaa. Rlactrtc ..... do pfd Maaa. Oaa t nltfd Fruit t'nltad Shoe Mach.. do pfd l 8. Stael do pfd Adventure Allouaa Amalgamatad Atlantle Bid. "Asked 9 .Ulnaham ..H"!a,"al. A Harla V .. n llntannlal tA ,.Vl Torpar Hanga ' ..too Pair Weal " ..tit Franklin " ..1S1 dranhr trie Royal U ..ISI Maaa. Mining .. t Mlrhlaan 1"! Mohawk 7 .. M Mont. ('. A C I ..m Old Dominion tiv, .. 114 Oarenl ... 14 V. Parrot lii 1U Dhannhn tak H7ilTamrak tun MjTriiilir U le:4it'niifd foppar i 8 2lt'. S. Mining Ki IIIU..H4 V. 8. Oil 1 ...... 1 jt'tah ti't 47 IVI.torta H .Ihw, '"Winona 11 !Wii Wolvarlna 1S . 7k North Bntt 1M4 . it Butta Coalition J"1 . H Nevada It1 .10 iMttrhell . a It al. A Arltona 1 . T7 Tai-nmaah Ibd, .IiSH Atixnna Com . !a Jtlraene Con 2t OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Hat iar Quality Ta'.ly 8tiadj and Fairly .cti, LIGHT HOGS STEADY, OTHERS 10WER 1. 1 London losing stocks. LONDON. Oct. 31. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Cnnaola. monar ,. 85 is-1 M., K. A T do account H ft. Y. Central.... Anaconda 1M Norfolk A W.:... Atrhlaon IM't do pfd do pfd K'4l Ontario A W Baltimore A Ohio 122H Pannarlvanla .... Canadian Pacific .....11 Hand Mines ...... thaa. A Ohio o'1 Reading Chicago Ot. W I j8oiithern Railway C. M. A 8t. P.... ..ITS"! do pfd PaBeera 2t ,8outhern Pacific . D. A R. 0 4H4 t'nlon Pacific .... do pfd : do pfd Erl 4S it. 8. Steal do tat prd IKStj do pfd do M pfd . i tSttjWahnh Illlnfla Central ITV do pfd IxMilavtll A Naah....l47t8panlah 4e SILVER Rar. steadyt SJ 7-16d Tier cent. The rate oi discount in tho bpen markt for short bills Is 5 per cent; for three months' bills. 5 per cent. Moderate Rao ot sheep and othln Very Choice Prlcea on All fioodl Kinds Folly Steady and Trails Active. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. SI, 190. Receipts were. Cattle 1 , cows M9 V steers. ...10-M South tinkots. cows . . ..ion feeders,. 104.1 ! 1 S 70 2 60 3 90 i 90 4 15 Official Monday 7.1 Official Tuesday 8,ft7fi Official Wednesday 4.750 Hogs. Sheep. u pteers. ...1140 4 06 7 2..-T l.u-W j. m. Cattle Co.. P 6.M0 1.-' I feeders. .1127 3 SO US 14.0i7 7.5r8 13.2,3 M.7i IS. MM 16.627 &ti.7t3 44.7lsi Low. Clnie. S7 r.tno tno 1O0 1.200 100 1104 44 3t S514 1 II lfftVi 43 102S 34 I0O 14 I. too 4M (i0 4(ll 8, t 7.100 too 1114 11V t2'tj 1011 in 1 US la It ..... 152 114i u tT toi 4, . 101 S,t0 111 11SH4 flt. Iols General Market, LOIIS, Oct. 31.-WHr.AT-Hlgher; , No. 2 red, cash, 74i876c; No. 2 TifU'Uv; December, 7-Tc; May, 7740 L'hirngo .,... Kansas City .-. Allrinenpolls OiitVhw jl. ,t ., A lJUlUtt?..i ..X rlt.Luii .......ij CltlCAOO. , ilAl 51 ...111 ...i'.'l ... i:l . 8.1 sr. track hHrd. 77-aC. Corn. Oats, p ( 'ORN Higher; track. No. 2 cash, 4. Ill 171 4SHc; No. i white. 4i')hSj4ms; December, 414 1 18 I 41c; May. 42s42He. OATtV-Hlgher; No. 2 cash, S3ff33Hc; No. . .22 J i 2 wrhlte, 34'4tr3,Hc; December, Mc; May, - ... i 34e. ' j.. 73 JIS' FTiOVK Steady; red winter patents, S3.W IiO.igo- Tim fsnc.v and stralarht. tV'i8.."i0t AMU rHOVI10S clear. S2.SivS2.90, . PFrtT1iivi steadv: S3.23iQ3.75. . ' rent.. of tho Tr-dlsi. -n- CU.I-81 tron. Zti iZckrt. east track. . Mi'-ru'rii 4in oVMru oi i rauci ...... ft7i02c. ... CHICAGO. Oct. SI. Firm cable ami j HAY Stronr; timothy, 13.0O17.OO; prai. the 4jcu1 wlicitt msrket." At the close wheat T IRON f'OTTON TJES-ll.02.v. t up 4c. Co.n B forasDeoemlxT delivery was Frovls- t A HOT NO 9lic. HfMP TW1NB PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing. S16. 70. Lard, lower; prlm steamed, S9.001. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra, shorts, $.tl2it: clear ribs, 16.26; short clears. SlO lHi. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts. 310.XJV; clear ribs, S10.00; short clear, S10.87Vs- POULTRY Steady; ctiickens. 7Vic; springs, 9Hfl0c; turkeys, 12o; ducks, Slfa; geese. 7H'u8c. Bl'TTER Steady; creamery, 21ftI7Hc; dairv. 1811?. KrtOS Hlghsr st 2-c. case count. , The receipts and shipments of flour and neceints. enipmentt and. oat were each unchanged lona were 7Vc to 15fil7Wc higher, The. wheat market was etrong all day. Karly In the session trading was active, but:' later the demand slackened and the market became quieter. Shorts nnd com mission houses were active bidders at the opening tecauje of Arm cables and contin ued wnall receipts In the northwest. The smnllness of total primary rvceipts hud a bullish effect later in the total, the total movement being only tS61,f0 bu., against l,494,oiO bu. for the same day last year. The flour lt inn Ion at Kt. I.ouls also lent strength to the market. One report claimed j rraln were: that one or tne largest mills in bi. wi nml. bhli IIMai BU1I1 IIIOI P IIUUI III II, TT inn I " ua b than during the entire previous month. Late in the day thei-e was some selling hromrht out by reports of Improved seed ling conditions In Russia. The market .. ,,.. ri. i.,..i .(ri,, T r.iwntil UfiUn ' Minneapolis urain higher at 73 "to 74c. ndvanreA to 74S',74Sc ! MINN E3 A POT IS, Oct. 81.-nX)rR and closed at I4',c. i;tearances ot wne f;'". " """. n,l flour were euual to 6M.3U) bu. Minne- 4.16; first clears, S3.26ff8.So; second ,u.llu Diilmh mid rhiCHiro reDOrted re-i S2.0t2.). celpts of 478 cars against 53-' cars cars last , week and cars one yesr ago. . , , , . BrrVall local receipts and the strength : (Superior Board of Trade rtuotatlons for of wheat caused a firm corn 'market early ; Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). Tha In the dav, but prices soon eawd off, al- ranss of prices as reported by t. D. Day thoiiKh the market was steady until the; Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, was: c lose. Cash, houses reported an Increase J - - In the marketing of new corn as well as j Articles. Open. HlgU.I Low. Close. Tss'y. of the old, and there was free selling by . i in,AMata amtlmt cash nurchassrs. wheat I ' Cola weather, which is favorable for ths Pc....'J4flV IUIU g OI mr i ' " - ' - - - ! Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.. lOats, bu.. ,.j 10,000 ... 63,000 ... 73.000 ...117,000 IS.oOO 44 001 69. (art -Klist S4.0BW cleats, BRAN In bulk, S1R.6031R.7J. t I Ing.i The close was steady, uecamoer opened a' shade mgticr at eom uu t.,w4.He. and closed at 43-ya'43Vie. Ixical rncelpta were 119 cars, with 06 of contract "There was .very little trsdlng in the oats market and the tone, of the market was steady. December oiened unchnnged at :BV4C sold between SSHc and 33Hc. and ilowod at S3c. lcal . receipts wttre 171 cr 1 revisions were easier at tne uuniin, May... 79W78U' July... 79fj7il riax- Dec... Nov... Oct.... 7RUI 79": I 741 i 1 1 w! 1 13i! 118 I I 12 1 14V.1 1 14V 74'V 7Hi . I 1 13 . 1 IS 744 77 79 . 1 14, 1 15 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat : No. 1 hard. 78e: No. 1 northern. 78'.c; No. J northern. 7S.c; to arrive. 75Tic: No. 8. 74ifJ 75c: No. 1 durum. tic; t arrive, file; No. S durum, 6JM-o; to arrive. fic. Corn: No. 3 vellow. 4Sc; No. 3. 43c, Osts: No. S C'StU OI pront-l.lKlllg uy 01111, iw"i, w lilts, aic. ,-o. o. a-v " -c --S-- rvrirj-, ooyi w ho were induced to sell by a 5c decline In 48c. Rye, 57VdMc. Flax. 81.12V the price of live hoge. Offerings wete road- 1 llv taken by several' leading shorts, riils . Kavosaa City Grain and Prarialnna 0smTf caused .,"Xnuary Prk'wa. Jp KANSAS CITT. Oct. Sl.-WHEAT-D-I,R,-rAt,a. tt M tird waS 7Vi 10c high"? cember. 6tiHe; May. 73ic; cash. No. 2 hard. fey'lR ,,yrt.t0 - . ; n .,..,1 4Y'HNtnecember.. Sr! Mav! S9c: Julv. cure: cuiu. aw i.uiv, vio, t . 17 1 m ,1 head. Ths leading futuias ranged a follows; Artlclss.1 open.Hlgh.l Low. I Cuse. Ysty. Wheat Ie. May orn Oil. i eo. May Oaits I )ec. May July Pork .Jn. . My ; I.Hfd Nov. tHc. is... !ay fUtw- J.m. May 73Va"4 74fl S4l I I I 46S I Us,, 4444'l 78 I 4B 73 7s, i 46Hi 74'4! 73 78i78'MH 45Hi i lltOHe; rah, No S mixed. 404?40tye; No. S, I S9rf40c: No. t white, 42'flf42i,c. ! OATPNo. J white. 33',434c; No. S mixed. ' S2t,fi33c. HAY-trong: choice t'mothy, S12 W13 .00; ! r'llHe. 81' Wfll.TS. ! pyre-ptencly; fi7V BUTTER Creamery. I8c: packing, 16c Central of N. J Cheaapeaka A Ohio Chicago (it. W Chleago A N. W Chicago. Mil. A 8t. P...... Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T, pfd Chicago T. A T. ptd C, C C. A St. U Colorado F. A I Colorado A So Colo. A 80. 1st pld........ Colo. A Eo. 2d pfd Cnnaolldatad Oaa f or:i Products, rfg Corn Producta pfd, rfg Ilelawara A Kudaon Delaware, L. A W Denver A R. O D. A R. O pfd Distillers' Securities ....... KrU Krla tat pfd Krla 2d pfd '. Hacking Valley, offered.... Illlnola Central International Paper Int. Paper, pfd Int. Pump' Int. Pump pfd..'. Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City So Kanaaa City Bo. .pfd. LoulBTllla A NaahTtll Mulcan Central , Mlnneapolla A 81. b M , St. P. A 8. 8. M V., Ht. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd. Mlaaourl Paolflc Mlaaourt. K. A T M., K. A T. pfd..; National Lead National R. R. of M. N. v. Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pfd... North American .... Pacific Mall Penneylvanla People a Oaa P.. C. C. A Pr. aaed Steal Preoaed 8 C Pullman Pal. Reading , Reading tat pfd , Reading 2d ptd Rfpuhllc Steel ,, Republic Steel pfd Ruck Island Co , Kink island Co. prd Rubber (londa pfd st. u & s. r. td pfd ; St. Lou a 8. W St. L. eV W. pfd So. Pao fie Fo. Pac.flc pfd So. Retlwny Eo. Railway, pfd.,.,...... Tenneeaea C. A 1 Teiaa A Pacific Toledo. St. L. A W T., St. L. A W. pfd t'nloa Paolfi,; I'ulon Pacific pfd I". S. txprcaa, x-tflT V. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber V. 8. Rubber pfd V. 8. Steel l 8. Steel pfd Va. -Carolina Chemical ... Va. -Carolina Chera. pfd.... Wabaah Waher-h pfd Wella-Kargo F.ipreie Vi'eBtlnghoura Kleclrlc .... Wctero t'nlon Wheeling A L. B Wiaconeln Central Wia Central pfd Northern Pacific Central Leather Central L-ather p'd Sloet-Shefflrld Steel Great Northern pfd lnterhorough alatropolltas. Int. Met. pfd 10, too t,oo 175ii 11M 174 1,800 M (7 (i0 8. ton 802 111 201 170 40 l.too 400 " JO0 3l0 SUA 4 H SIH 'ivi ut 2U 4 60 18 'ii" is i 2,100 111 214 00 200 .1.400 i.t-OO 2.000 100 ' iiio l.too eOO a MS 604a 44 3i 1T4 iii" 181 pfd.. St. L tr ptd Car., ai-dlf. too . 1.600 J.OnO . 200 J.600 t.000 tiK TOO 4.700 i.100 1.100 244i It'll 44 14 8H !' tl w n 4sa 178 I7 144 Mttj n MS 1S 74 84' 1U 4614 SIX) 2iK 48.100 200 700 ioo 111.(0(1 400 ' i .oni -1.HM . 8,100 800 400 3 H2'.i '4 " 84 90 'is si - 88 H . af.14 W.408 IS 1,100 80S ''ioo toe 200 40.100 8648 4. (4 m too 4U 100 , lua T8.S00 47 7,400 104 M tn 1404 "m" M tS7S 1S8 "4 0 '8444 ; T4 88 . '4 '0 88 '"isii 8344 .84 11 4 46 10414 4iii.4Stl4SiV S4SSHl I 33 36: SSV 13 85 18 ' 87WI S ?-,, . 8 4A I 44 33V, 34" S3 44'vg: 4444 13 70 13 75 S3V 36 33 13 K IS W 33 V 593." 9 17'i 8 S?"i S KH 7 40 7 bi 13 70 13 78 17V.I 'H ' 8 6?i lK1 .'iW 8 46 8 I 4W , 8 82H1 4JVi. S 7 50 I 7 40 7 60 1 7 7 2 7 66 I f SliHl 1 KOOS firm; teconds, 16c. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu extras, 23c: firsts, 2!c Revest. 98 000 sn.roo 10.000 Shipments 18 coo , 1.7M 4.400 "too toe Inn 208 i'tno aoo tint 1.100 800 (4 44 . Iff, S 17 28 iti" 1414 8IIH 34 4 It lt'4 41 8S 11 . ' tot" J4 Total aalea for the day, 4U.I08 ah area II H 1 1"4 41 lot Its ta H 840 8944 nvi 48 Vi 110 VH li 84 V4 JOlti m m 1111V4 H 74", 1TH M0 574 l'S4 200 170 It II 25 84 50, M 8 M4 13 . 1S'H 144 8114 816 13 48 754 171 121 Si 41 80 811, 4 S7 lilt 84 148 ltD 83 Vt 83 U 74 M14 126 u 8S14 BU 81 344 I4'l!4 l 4 83 ra 2MS ias H 4 M14 87H 1(74 85 MS 414 13 87 8014 llV 834 to K7t4 54 U 88 1804 2H 111 80 48 mi 41 106S 4 10 18 4t m Ml la 14V4 1.114 814 IOH44 44 101 Ti 814 ' 8884 7tV4 ... 884 ...132 ... MS . .. 3 ... 4'4 ... 13'4 ... ... 7t't ... IS . 844 .17W 41 '4 109 20 44 84 per ounce Boston Copper Market. Closing ouotatlons on Boston conrer mar ket, reported by Iogun & Bryan, 2- Board of Trrtde building, omana: Adventure Allouaa Atlantic Rlngham Black Mountain Poaton Coneoltated Butte Coalition ... Calumet A Arlinnt..147 Calumet A Heels.. 1. 888 Centennial Copper Range ' . ... Dally Weat ....... Beat Butta Pranklln Oreena Copper ... Oranby Helvetia Iala Royal ....... L. 8. A Plttabarg Maaaachuaetts .... Michigan Mohawk ' Nevada Conaolldated fold Pomlnlon 8 37 II I North Butte 38 10 'Oaeeola 32T4 Pneu. Service 47 rneu. Service, Mulncy Shannon ra'Tamarack .... .. 88 iTrlnlty ,, 80 lnlted rrull . ,. 11 1 I'nlted Statea. ... 12t( I'nlted Statea, pfd. .. JB4 vtah Conanlldatad .. 1314 Utah Copper .... .. at .Vlrtorla .. il'4 Winona d. 8734 Wolverine 1 ... V Nip , .. 1744 Cananea .J ot to pfd com . ..11614 .... si ....12514 .... 14 to Ion 154 100 "?4 108 84 .. 46 ' .. 4414 .. at ,. 4H .. 11 ..154 .. II .. 1ST4 New York Mlnloal Stoeks. NEW YORK. Oct. 31 Closing quotations 011 mining stocks wers: Adama Coa Alice 'Breeca Bruuawlck Con .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvilie Coa ... Offtred. 38 ...8M ... 41 ... 80 , ... ti ...134 ...IKS ...Snt ' ... Little Chief ... Ontario ....1.. Ophlr Potoai Savage Hlerra Nevada Small Hopea .. Standard ...... ... 8 ,...8M ...300 3U ...120 . .. 40 ... 14 ....280 BOSTON. more active Wool Market. Oct. . 31. WOOI- Market Is than at any time this year and sales of Immense magnitude are under way. Many of tne leading buyer are here gathering In wool nnd It Is expected that the smaller mills -will soon follow with steady purchase.. It Is stated that the large transfers .of .. Montana stock wnrt made at a round figure of M'Kc for the half and three-elghthS' blood. Great uuiin tltles of territories arsln. transfer, three, eighths and half blood -being In Mpecial request. In pulled Wools, tine A's and supers ars purchased 'moderately at 633c and S7fi4c, respecrjiir.jri ,"orelgn grades are firm. Ieadlng;,,..,t4uotatloiis . follow; Ohio and Pennsylvania,' XX and aboyc. 33WJT34; X, 31S2c: wry. 1. '40841c; No. 2. Stwaaic;' fine unwashsd. tniaiwe! unmerchant able. 20(30c; one-half blood, unwashed, 3347. S3Vic; three-eighths blood, unwashed, 3tiji 3414c; one-fourth blood, unwashed, 32iSS.To; delaine, wsshed.' 3514fj3c; delaine, un washed, 28bV8c; Michigan, fine unwashed. S4(8'2Sc; half blood, unwashed, 830333c; three, eighths .'blood, unwashed, SS'tiiMo ; one fourth blood, unwashed, 31ftXc; delaine, unwashed, 27328C. Kenturl.v. Indiana and Missouri, combing, three-elshthe blood. S3 i34c; combing, one-fourth blood, 3((itllc. Texas, scoured basis, fine twelve months, 7?$73o; flns six to eight months, QHitfnc ; fine tall clean, twnfiwo. ' vanrornia, scoureo basis northern choice. sHi&fftr: northern good, SMttkic; middle county. S4iSKc; south ern, 6Mt33c; fall free,' 56tfi7c. Oregon. scoured basis, eaKtern "No. 1 staple. lOijira; eastern No. 1 clothlngj 67(f7c; valley No. 1. Wif4Qc. Territory, ordinary, scoured basts, fine. a7(6c; fine medium, fTrfJWc ; me dium, 63iSt35c. Colorado and New Mex ico, spring scoured, mhutuc; no. 1, frwiwic. Hulled wools, scoured basis, extra. SlwfiTlc; fine A, 3(o)oc; A supers. b7i?rS0c; B supers, ST. IXJCIS, MA, Oct. 81. wotJij steady Three daye this week. .20.f31 Same days la-t week.... 12,31-5 8ime two weeks agit. ...2N.1.V Hsme three weeks ago. . .'.0,8.8 Bsme four weeks ago. . .iM.Sci Same days Inst year 2S.S56 the lemoning table shows the rece't ts 01 cattle, hogs and sheep st South omaf-a for ths yesr lu dale, compared with last year: 1906. 19S. Inc Cattle BfiJ.StS 847. 4 lti.3) Hogs l,938.o' 1;,6 Sheep 1.7S8.80S l,a,47tl i;.o27 CATTLE QUOTATIONS, (food to choice corn-fed steers..., W.vt,.io fair to good corn-fed steers Common to fair corn-fed steers... uood to choice range steers ralr to aoort rnno, ilpcn Common to fan- lange steers....... uood grass cows and heifers Fair to good cows and helfera.,.,. tommon to fair cows and heifers.. Good choice toct..r and fp.lnrs.. Fair to good stockers and feeders.. Common to fair stockers muiis, slags, eto ThS following fahls almvi the price of hoss at south nmiti for ths last several days, with eomiiBnsons'. 1 Joe I.inlnn. Wyoming. 1 stc, re iiw a 10 11 cows ea 4 lit 6 cows y.KS 3 '.'5 Mrs W. Iitilan, Wyoming. S cows 73 S 10 Mrs. t J. Gro. Wvomlng. 12 cows P73 3 10 8 cows KM 2 J, Jitins llan. Wyoming. 38 cows K4 S 10 12 cows 804 2 :'& Thmnns Pols 11, Wyoming. 11 cows :C5 S 10 W. Reynolds, Wj timing. 3f. cows 8R0 2 06 l. AmWson, Wyoming. IS Steers. ... fK5 8 W cows 1iu3 I.vnch & Ittirrett. Wyoming. S feeders.. !2 S 00 102 feeders.. 0"2 11 heifers... 678 3 00 77 cows 9J8 3 M lllske A 11 22 cows loll S ": 16 cows l'M7 3 0 I A Rav Cattle rrt Hiilllh Tlalrnti, ! S3 steers'. ...1073 4 06 Hi steers. ...1of. 4 0(1 t , tun t ? .... ... 11 i e iiz. Potltll ftskolg. feeders. 11 ''7 4 5.C0O 10,it j Western Ranches. South llnkotd. ' . jo -1 r 1 CJi A T r, u , r,, 1 ' eA ll'i"; ' "3 Steers.. ..1i?o S 70 3" steers. ...1 4 . 31,1.1 I 14 ptcers.. ..i :44 S 75 cows IW S 90 8i.-(,, Matsrlor I.nnd Cattle Co.. South Diik Itt.lwi M ....-a 1M I 18 steers. ...13.3S 4 (1 22 steers.. ..11M 4 00 7 steers... .1000 S 70 COLORADO. 7 cows 02 3 20 22 steers. ...lift! 5 25 3. B. Kendrlrk. Montana,. 82 steers. ...129 4 50 114 steers. ...1250 loo HOGS The best light, hogs sold at nhoul stenrly prices this morning, thnt Is. largely nt S.l'vfrA.l! and on up to W.30 for the very best. The market 011 heavy hoirs opened slow, with buyers bidding decidedly lower. When buyers nd eellirs flmillv got to- S.j.!i irether on a tmiflng busls heavy hogs hsl 4.M)iti4.J5 ; to soil about Re lower than yesterday. 4.7Ti''t6.50 I while the market was rather Inclined to 4.0O&4.75 drag, the most of the eaily arrivals changed 3.oOu4.00 Ihnmls In fnlr season. J . 2;'f'i'-'s 1 Representative soles: 2. t!j''K.fcO l.d!.7(2.BO 4.etvSIE0 3. ','..i4.O0 2.7Vf3.ri sverug srk steady, ;vchrr weak; nd mm, 4.. noti.t.Si beeves. St 40 cnives and Stockei-s and fewiel yrsriinga, . ftc ha .i. Ml Kin tteceiiils, i.-.'rtl hend. Msrket -0 lower, Keiiing at; bulk ot anion, 84 Uruti.dO. .New lor It Slock Market. NKW YORK. Oct. SI -UKKV K Re cclls, l.l, tiettii: choice Ktecrs, tirm; others steady, hot common slow; bulls slow, Inn Wesiern bulls loo higher; medium nod good txiws, slow to iCc liivtcr; steera.; oxen and M:igs. Imns. -... .1 .; cows, ; xtia. e-4S. l.lvi rpool and 1 .0 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 cmIiK-s, steady l yesterday S uiintstlons fur tiitilc snii beet. .Kitpoila, ii,!4iio qimrters beef. CAI.V Kt4 Receipts, I.7S8 bend: vr.ils, firm; gmj.'cr. full, steady; vchIm. IS oivf4!,,iw: culls. S4.8i4.oti; frrassa-rs, S.1 (j.l.2&; I'd cnlvis. 81fjt.4.i; rtresied citlvi-s, firm at 1 13e ier timiiid: cnuntrv drv.ised at V I.e. HllbHP AMI 1.A1I UK Receipts, l.'.'M head; market for sheep, sleiidy; litmlis 0,ened eteiidy to enaler; closed ;o lowerl siieep at 8.oo)5.nO: cull.; Ismba, $tt.t.4,-o.2n; one car etirly nt .3o; api,si to UotHflnll Ht close. IK HIS Receipts, . head: niaikst lower; stute Ivigs. S-iMiiiflJO, pigs, t.7k OMH4 V 114)1. KSAI.K MARKET. tSts. I :806. jl0O6.Ha.H.ilO(Xt. 190S. 11801. 11300- Oct. 2J...I a ' ; t a S 041 6 08 Oct. 2... S 16X 4 t 18 6 IS a... 0 14 1 S 14 10 141 o Oct. 24... 6 12 6 101 S 22 3 141 74 Oct. 25... 6 12V4 6 Oil 6 2w 6 71 Oct. 2C... IS 16. 4 M S 08! S-25' Oot. 27. ..I 6 13 4 X 6 Oil 6 IS Oct. 28... I ! 4 92 4 6 5 On Oot. 29... 6 14V4 I 4 Sol Oct. 80... 6 (fc'il 4 94 I Oct. 31... I 4 ij 6 821 8 'HI 70! fl 03 4 13 (Oi Ti 1 8 011 6 06l C 001 4 M 4 4 SS 4 61 4T92 e g? 61; u Kti - 4 971 8 fill 6 Mi 4 .-2 4 931 Fi(! 6 7'il 4 60 4 98 61 6 67 4 47 Sunday. RANGE1 OF PRICES Cattle. Hcs Omaha 84(V(iti.0O $o.75iiiti.20 Chicago ! l.KO'ii7.2ii 6.66tii.40 Kansas City ' 2.0"iti.76 C.75'ai.2) Bt. Louis 2.0(Kii.9J 6,ik(4t.2i Sioux City 2.60iiwi.U(i 6 iQfi.l0 Tho official number of cars of stock Drought In today l tuch road was: o av. isb. Pr. Na v. 8b Pr. 47 74 ... 8 tTi II 270 tSJ t 00 17 342 ... 8 811 all 7 40 4 00 10 SiO ... I 8n 45 Jl 40 8 W 4 840 ... i 2' 7i. ITI 40 8 ("0 47 342 80 8 IJVi 43 2f. 80 I 00 80 lit 200 8 SIVfe 16 21 ... " 00 67 300 ... 12 ' 75 243 ... 8 o;v, 54 3S5 40 i I24 44 25 1 200 t WIS, 81 298 40 S 8D M 37 too 8 02V 6S 1:83 JflO 8 W 87 2l 140 8 0! 7 383 1W0 8 r. 4 ,..858 ... 8 OZH 84 314 120 I S 55:....,. 24 121 If. 44 310 120 S lit dl ..44 10 l 80 311 80 6 85 77 23:1 KO 8 08 67 360 ... 6 H. 88 276 SOU 8 08 61 807 180 6 74 77 2:14 40 8 08 67 ;00 40 i 7'i II 280 n 8 08 4 30 240 8 87 ' (15 ...262 40 8 I 44 177 120 4 Oil II 120 4 to 80 307 1 40 8 00 81 273 240 8 C6 S 88t 120 8 00 !1 274 120 8 f-6 43 :"J4 800 8 00 42 257 ... 6 10 71 278 ... 8 00 : 2('8 20 8 111 17 284 80 8 00 M 210 120 8 16 61 285 ... 8 " SI 804 40 8 16 41 261 12() I 00 S :I2 .... 8 18 82 270 80 8 00 73 .".143 120 8 20 3 : ... 6 00 IT 24 80 8 ! ti " ... a oo ( nnelltloa of Trade aad atnwtotlooa ota Staple nnd Fnncy Pro-luce. EGG 8 Per rtoa.. 22c. l'un.'I'RI Hens. 8c; roosteis, 5c; turkevs, l"Kil'jc; ducks, ire; spring chlca ens. 8.'. Bl'T fER-Packing stock. 17c; cholotl to fancv dalrv. 2on22c: cn nmery, il'u-tlo. I HAY Choice upliiiid. SU.50; imdium, SK Oi)J i ona'', 8K.iiK.f4i. Rye straw, ti.50ti7.tJ. HRAN-Per ton. S15 00. VrJUIOTABIJCS. SWEET POTATOKS Per mil.. 12 .26. TOM ATOK8 Home grown, rer biiaket ot 20 lbs., Sl.tx. ' RhANS-I.Imn, Sivc;; navy. 'Nn. 1, tl.l per bu. ; No. 2,, , WAX RKANiJ I'er morket basket about 15 lbs., JI.2S. Tl'RNlPS. BKKT8 AND CARROTS Per bu., 76c. . LEAF KKTTl'CB Hothouse, per dos. bends, 4(V. C'KIEHV Per tjoi.. 2540c. ' ' fit I'MttERts Hothouse, per dos.. SloO- ONIONH- Home grown. 5c per. bu. Spanish. SI. 75 per crate. UKKUN ONI4NS Per dos. bunches. 2648. Ht 'Hr-r RAlilSH Case of 2 dos., Sl.SU. RADIHIIKS-Per dm. bunches, !So. NWY Ill-iANS-Per Int.. 31 6; No. 2, Sl il. I,IMA BKASS-IW lb., 6AC. OREKN PKPPKHS Per nisr;e.t- basket. ( .. . UUI1C1IO, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H ues C. M. A St. P .. Mlsuourt P.-iclflc 10 L. P. By stem. 27 C. & N. W., east 1 C. A N. W.. west..... 05 C, St. P., M. & O.... 6 C, D. & Q east 4 C B. & Q., west....'9() C, R. I. ft P., east.... 2 C, R. I. & P., west.... 1 Illinois Central 3 Chicago Gt. Western 1 Total receipts ....216 The disposition of the day's receipts as follows, each buyer purchasing nmnrar or neoa indicated: 6 2 -0 19 4 1 16 13 12 2 2 18 8 1 ,. 2 2 70 . 43 SHEEP Receipts this morning, only reported when the were quite moderate forty-one. cars being ninrket opened. The larger receipts of yesterday were urelty well cleaned up before the close of ths mar ket, onlv a few odds and ends of trash being carried over. There was very good Inquiry on the part of local packers for desirable fat sheep and lambs, but (he offerings of that kind were extren.clv small. There was. In fact, noth- " i Ing choice In the way of fat sheep. There : j were a few sheep nnd yearlings good 1 ! enough to bring 86.86. with some fair fat i ewes at SS.Oo and a little bunch of native lambs at 87.30. The market was praclloally i steady with yesterday, there being no mi- I terlal change In either direction. I While there was a large amount of trash, especially old, thin eweR. on sale, ths sup- I ply of really desirable feeders wus not very I large. At the same time there was s good 76 of per dot. PARSLEY I tot Imuxe 26c. OABUAOB Holland sefd. per lb., IV. . - -EGG PLANT Per dos., 76c. POTATOES Per hu.. 40'niC. nCTABAGAS-l'rr lb., Uc; 8aCk' ' I-RClfS " PEACHES CulnoinUi Salway ( SI. 10. home grown. 10 U8.. , per to bos. 1.J641 i'KAHfi-Winter varieties, per box, Si S.00. GRAPES Tokay. S1.76. APPLES Ren Davis, S-'2o; Jonathans, S3 26- New York apples, S3.2u, CRANBERlUEiS-l'er bbl.. SS.3m9.50. Ql'INCI'M Per lox, $2.25. . W TROPICAL KRCITB., ORANGES-Florl.lti oranges. S.US. . LKMONS-Limonliirf. extra tanfy. size $7f0; ;K slut . SS-TOf 300 slie, $8.00; othci brands. S1.4 less , 1 A PH. h'K II Blise I" iy . BANANAS Per medlum-slxed Sl.76irr2.VTi: jumbos, libwi J.'8'. bunch, 1 ; demand nnd It did not stmeur to be very was i much trouble to dispose of everything that j Uuvers. t'nttle Hogs. Omaha Packing Co 5X7 1.34H Swift and Company ,1,K 1,643 Cudahy Packing Co 1,3.8 1,742 Armour a uo W2 l,S57 Cudahy Pkg. Co.. K. C.. 70 Armour & Co., Denver...- 27 Vunsant & Co.., 63 l,hman St Cn. ;l Mccreary ft Cary W. I. Stephen Hill & Bon , F. P. Lewis .j..... Huston & Co Hamilton it Rothschild.. L. V. Husz Wolf J. H. Bulla Mike Haggerty J. B. Root & Co T. B. lnghram Sullivan ijios 33 V. A. brillon 4 Jacobs 41 Other buyers 848 .5 II 114 ton 81 183 lid 10.) 09 Sheep. -35 1,00,1 1.1 4J 310 .t, r.-.T.iouv e. savers. -o new stufVcd w JM.t date,, s-lbi bo SUO: Cali fornia bulk. 6c; 7-crown Turk lull, , 16c. b crown. "1,1..--, 12,. x-.. , ...1.. i-,;. Vo 2 ribs. 8HC: No. 3 Ml. could be classed as really good. Moreover. jr,u,,..'vo 1 round. 8c; No. 2 round, 7c; No. S prices on everything of that description rmind He- No. 1 loin, 16c: No. i loin, 12c; So. were steady. While anything In the way I I," '"' , .'. No. 1 plate. SH': No. of good feeding ewes sold freely, the old ! ,"'. v- jfo $ plate. 2'4jc; No. 1 choc and very common thin stuff was a little K"rc. 'v0 ' chucks. 4VC- No. 8 chucks, alow and nrlces are getting down 041 that ' ' MISCELLANEOUS. ' U'.OtiS .7,009 5,990 14,887. a very decent ruii Totals CATTLE There was of cattle here this morning, for a Wednes day, not far from 'Jut) cars being reported in. The market as a whole was In very satisfactory condition and the big bulk of the receipts changed, hands In good sea son In the morning. Desirable fat cattle were In demand. Any thing answering to that description sold freely at good, steady prices; in fact, some sellers vrera occasionally quoting their sioles as strong. Uood cattle, however, were chiefly conspicuous by reason of their ab sence, ths big bulk of the receipts being on the comnionlsh order. While the better grades of be-f cattle were free sellers, shippers must understand that the warmed up corn-feds are very uncertain. No one knows exactly where they will land ami huyers seem to be very much apart In their views regarding values on cattle of that description, Judging from the fact that their hid are sometimes as much as 40c or 60c apart. Cows and heifers were also free selle-ra Medium grades cnmmng ano cioming, -iciw i and they, too, commanded steady prices 27c;. light nne. 18fi21c; heavy fine tub washed, 32i'37HO. lt&l.c; Msrket. SI. METALS TherS decline of about 12s d In the Lon- ' Metal NEW YORK, Oct waa The offerings for tho most part changed hands In good season In the forenoon, the market as a whole being la a good, healthy condition. Feeders of good quality were sought after and as a rule changed hands early In the Jon market for. CiZ . with .iot . closing at , KWiiifvlS kind. Still, they are high enough to be very satisfactory to sellers. This would seem to be a good time for parties intend ing to feed ojd, thin ewes, which are sell Ing from $2.76 on up to $4.00, to get In their orders. ' ( Quotations on killers: Good to choice lambs. $7.(W7.26: fair to good lambs. S.71 1 fa 7.00: good to choice yearlings, SS.&O&I.Sn, j fair to good yearlings, S6.26jr6.tV-. good to I choice wethers, S5.00S6.WS: good to choice 1 ewes, $4.&oii5.27i. 1 (Quotations on feeders: Lremb. tVJfrtW.iiS: yearlings, $ aMf6.70; wethers. 4.7oS 16; ewes, $3.e&4nY'; breeding ewes, $4.7u35-25,. Representative sales: , - No. ft ; ', Av, , -, Pr. 116 Wyomlng'ewes, feeders Ui .1 no 117 Wyoming ewes, 'feeders...... lou '4 t 412 Wyoming ewes 1U ' tM 214lWyommg ewes .-. Ill 6 SO 291 Wyoming cull lambs, feeders bl - 6 80 Je9 V yoiuitie cull lumbs, feeders 62 6 36 tilt) South Dakota yearungs 86 6 60 , 74 South Dakota yearling U 6 66 282i Wyoming lumbs, t'eeuers....-' U - 234 Wyoming cull ewea 71 2 16 1L37 Wyoming ewes, feeders 79 S 90 b2i Wyoming; ewes, feeders 78 3 80 118 W yoming ewes, feeders 79 4 00 80 Wyoming ewes 79 4 uo 214 Wyoming ewes 64 40 167 Wyoming lumbs, feeders 1 a 00 66 Wyoming lumbs, feeders 41 6 60 IMS Wyoming lambs, feeuet'3.... 37 6 00 t6 Wyoming wetners 108 a 60 392 Wyoming lambs, feeders 48 6 60 291 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 71 5 60 2il V j omlng yearlings, feeders 75 6 60 I b8 i.dve evv.;s 129 6 So I 32 native lambs r. 82 7 45 u'i native lambs 81 7 46 2:i6 Wyoming lambs, feeders i8 3 S" M Montana lambs, culls 32 S 60 937 Wyoming ewes, feeders 74 4 (l 124 Nebraska ewes, culls 70 IHi 60 Nebruska lambs, culls 3H 4 75 4Xi Colorado welhers. feeders... 77 5 W 138 Montana lambs, feeders 43 5 S 214 Montana lambs, feeders 42 5 l"i 60 Nebraska wethers and ewea 7S 6 28 27 Nebraska lambs 52 i 45 85 Wyoming wethers 107 it) 281 Wyoming ewes j... 98 5 20 2o8 Wyoming wethers 82 5 W Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAT'KEE, Oct. SI WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern, 797 80Hc; No. I northern. 7577Vic; Pecember. 74ia asked. RYK Pteadv-t No. 1. 8!(f?Vic. BARLEY No. 2, 6555ic; sample, 40(9 SRe. CORN Bteaay: no. 8 caan, 48Q48HS; " York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. SV-MONET-On rail steady and higher, 6H3H per cent; ruling rate, 7H per cent; cloning hid. effered at S per cent. Time loans, dull and strong sixty days. tVfitiVk per cent: ninety days '2 per cent; six months, per cent ' " PRIME MERCANTILE PA PERfi,;u. K 010 I P"" CVtt- J;7' STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with ! actual business In bankers' bills at 84 8tjji 4ao5 for demand and st $4.&440jj4.g4,.6 rJ. 'H 1 December, 4$Wc asked. 42; 66 I JL Nd. 2. Ctsli ouotallons were as follows: KLAL'll Steady; winter iwtei.ts, $3 10 ti3 40; winter airalghts. $3 1ivi8.25: spring iiatiMita. $J.BOi3.9u: spring straights, ti.Hwm i l.Ar 82 ifl 2.90. Wl I EAT No. 2 o..rlng, 7Kq80c; No. 3. 71 INSIST Vjc; No. S red. 72i74c. . ' 'ooa- CCRN wo. .. iv,c; iN o. 2 yenow, 47"c. " fAT8 So. 2. 3.4c; No. ! white. $41jI5c; I No. 8 whits, S-tflol1!!-. I RYE No. 2. tiljpiic. HARLEY ilr to choice malting, 464j0c. ! SEEDS No. 1 flax, 81.1; No. 1 northwest-; -1 en. SI. 15. Clover, contract grade, $18 uO. ! t i;i -V 1"1( 'NS Short r In. a.dea (loose), I IS.SrO" " ""S ' ' ' b'., Slti 60. I L ir.l per 100 lb .. $8.17H. Phort clear sides I those.., ,..i"i8 o-la. j Koliuoing were the ite.ptu und ship- or noui uou iam; Keieipta. Shipments. .... S&,A SatO .... 9a. um .... lTn.81,1 lo0,70 ...'o-U.frjn . Jtl, 00 . 18 t Iti 0 0 lfcMuO 48.SOJ Phlladrlohln Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 31. BUTTER Klrm; extra western- creamery, official price. ?7c; street prtce, 28c; extra nearby pr'nts. SOc. EGGS Firm; nearby fresh and western freh 20 at mark. CHEESE - Unchanged: New York full fancy, l3(U13c; choice, 13,c; fair Peoria Grata Market. PEORIA. Oct. SI. CORN Firm. No. 1 S new. 42c; old. 48c: ino. 4 new, 40c; old, 45c No grade, new S9c: old, 41 4 ft 44c. OAT8 FTeady. No. S whits. S3Vc; No. $ white, S3c; No. 4 white. S2c. RYK Steady. No. 2, 64 6 (5c. WHISKY $1 sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4ma4.ti,A- commercial bills, 84.SOi1;4.NUi. SILVER Bar. 70e; Mexican dollars' 64-Se B()NDS3overnmnt. steady; ra steady. Quotations on oonaa today wers as fol lows: ...184 IJapaa 8a, td saMas... 87U ...14 do 4e ctfa ts .. lulV4 do 4He ctfa Iiv ...10H4 do Id aerlee ai ...108 Man. 0. (. 4a loo ...lot laui. Central 4a to ...118 do lat Inc m ...131 'Minn, a St. L. 4a.. 83U ... 7144 81., K tt T. 4a 82 ...llt)'4 do ts , ' Vlv C' ?' ' " ... 8 in. Y. c. g. Ita ta ... 87tN. j. c. ,. ta 121 ...lam Na. PaclSc 4a 1041 ... S4V4! do 8a 15? ... 8H, N. a W o. 4. tt2 ...114 'O. 8. L. rfds. 4e at? ...80 Pens cear I le 10, ... 74 ReadlDf (ea. 4e etv ... 73 Ht. L I I u . 1. ' V. u a , 1 - in,,. . , - ' fhlcajo A. 81a.... T8 St. h. 8 W. c. 4. - ' ...... . - ...I. M Ij. C. B. 1. ft P. 4a ... H So. Pactac 4e do col 8a tlU do let 4a ctfa... (198 12s 8d and futures at 184 2s fd. Locally the market was easy and lower, with I42.2SH bid and $42 17 asked. Copper was f 1 lower In London, with spot out, ted at 87 2s 6d and futures at 197 17s Sd. Locally the market was very nulet. with lake aurvted at $21.76 fi2l'i. electrolytic at $ll.60ft 22.00 and casting! at 821.25W21.7o. iesa was uncuangen t, c $5.75 6.96 In the local market. Th London market was Is 8d higher at 119 2a 6d. Spelter waa Unchanged at (27 16s In London and at S8.204i6.30 In N'iw York. Iron was lower In the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 67s Sd and Cleveland warrants at 57s 5tyd. Ths local market was firm and unchanged, with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at $24.26 26 00, No. 2 foundiv northern at $2$. 76424. 60. No. 1 found ly southern st $24. 00ft 24.60 and No. 2 foun dry southern at $23,60024 00. ST. LOC1S. Oct. 81. METALS Lead, steady st $4. SO. Spelter, steady at $."0. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 31. COTTON Spot cattle In the yards to sell, speculators being especially anxious tor trcsn . supplies, lighter stockers and the lighter medium kinds of feeders sold very well, but they wers not so much sought after. Representative sales: , BEEJf STEERS. closed, middling uplands. 1060c: middling gulf, 10.76c; sales, 1.SS4 bales. LIVERPOOL. Oct.- SL COTTON Spot moderate business done: prices 12 points Iowt: American middling, fair. S.89d; good middling, 5.86d; middling, 6.81d; low mid dling, 6 59d; good ordinary, 6,. 23c; ordinary, 4.9Pd. The sales of the day were 7,000 halt s, of which 600 were for speculation and ex port, and Included 6,6"0 American. Re ceipts, 8.000 bales. Including 4.100 American. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. Sl.-COTTON-Bpot closed steady: sales. 4.700 bales; low or dinary. 7 I-I60. nominal; ordinary, 7 9-16c, llroad 1 nominal; good ordinary, S 7-16c; low mid idling. ll-16c; middling. 10 a-toc: good mid U. 8. rat. 4a rag.. 80 eoupoa V. 8. la, rag do coupon V. I. old 4a. ref.. do eoupon V 8. near 4a. rag. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a... da la Atehteon gen. 4s.. do al. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a. B.I. Ohio 4a... do la Br. R. T. c. 4a. Central of Oa. 6a do let tne do Sd tne do 8d Inc Elour. bbls , Wheat, bu.. ('orn. bu.... Hals, bu..,. 'lye bu Iarley. hu.. Liverpool Grata ood Ptevlelonv LIVFRPOOI Oct. I1.-WHE4 T Spot, 1 firm: No. 2 red western winter. 6s: futures, 1 easy: December, 8a &d; March, 8s 6d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, 4s 4d: futures, nulet: October, nominal; De cember, 4s 6Vd: January, 4s IVad. f rr.xlure exchange todav the but- r market was barely steady; creameries i2M.c: dairits, 18M23v. Evgs, stsady; at ,-trk. cafeu Included,, S04n22c; fiista, t3cj line ti-Kts, 24Wc; extras. 27c. Cheese, firm. it.','.. c Duluth tiralo Morket. MM.t Ttl Oct. W - WHFAT On track. I ul t tidily 78;c, "Nie. I twrUuero, t.c. t otTe Market.' . , NEW YORK. Oet. SI COFFEE Mat -kl for futurea waa very quiet. It cloo.d barely steady at a net decline of 6 to 10 points. Sales were reported of (8.O0O Lags,, a large proportion, of which was in the shape of exchanges. The business Included November at ( 10c- December, 6 10(J( 16c; Jknuary, 6.20c: March. 6 40.-; May. 6.66(6 6 nr: July. 4 T0t6 7Sc; Sep tember, tlitfUlil. tipot, SteeVdriKe. 1 XtiiA. C ti c. 48 Bt. L. 4 Colo. Ind, 8a, ear. Colo. 4k So. 4s.... Cuba ta D. a H. O 4a Dletlllera' Sec. 8a. Erie p. I. 4e do sea. 4a Hocking Vel. Japan a L. N. unl Offered. 4wa. I.. 101 A. 74 ... at ...14 ... ay ... 87, ... ae . 80 l.a 8TS .18! 4t t3 81 lf 1 11a 4o. Rallwav reaae p. . . T-. Bt. I.. A W ''nlon PaclSe ta Id.'fc 8. Steel id la....loow ...11a ... so ... 11 dllng, 104c; middling fair. HV8c, nominal; fair. 1H.C nominal. Reoelpto, 24.088 bbls.; stock, loii.147 bbls. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. SI COTTON Quiet. Middling, 10Vi. Sales, 208 bales; receipts, tt bales; shlpmsnts, 132 bales: stock. 7.IM bales. . - Oils soil Reals, NEW YORK. Oct." 31. OTLS Cotton seed, irregular; prime crude, f.- o. b, mills, 29f(i30c; prlnve crude yellow, f. o. b. mills. 4ic. nomlngL Petroleum, steady; refined, New York, $7 SO: Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.46; Philadelphia and Bal;l more. In bulk, $4.85., 68 ROSIN Firm; strained, common to f4 8 SAVANNAH, Oa., Oot. 31 OIL Turpen tine, firm, StiHc. ROSIN-Firm; A. B, C. $3.9tK(J3 W, D, 81 w-w (rji; E, $1.0fo4 12; F, $4.164.17; I 11 iKhi (I- It S4 8IM4 2K: T. 84 8fl- K ll(H- I M. $6.0t; N.'Si tO; W O. $5.80; W W. SU uO. Ke. Av. P. No. Av Pr. 11 ..11374 8 88' It, 1311 6 S 6 1204 4 26 68 UM 8 II 41 H84 4 88 COW8. 1 8C3 i 80 18 812 i 80 :(., am t as 44 nmo t to I.-....., 1018 I 40 4 K.0 8 00 a ea 8 60 a tai a 00 4 M 8 60 8 Ml 8 10 16 1001 8 60 18 1114 8 68 8 1O30 1 76 HEIFERS. 1 ....lit 8 00 1 80 8 21 7 8U8 8 18 FEEDERS. 8 827 8 86 8 641 8 68 14 7D8 S at 16 718 8 88 T 611 I 80 6 812 8 46 10 644 I 80 21 8t t 48 21 123 8 in 27 178 I W 60 770 8 26 62 1008 8 80 8 710 8 38 11 727 4 04 aa 6a 3 ss a 87a 4 00 8 840 8 40 ' BULLS. 1 804$ I 60 1 880 t 7 CALVfcCl. 16 871 8 48 CHICAGO live: stock market Cattle Strong; to Tea Cents Higher Hogs Hteady to Strong. CHICAGO. Oct. SI. CATTLE Receipts, 19.000 head; market strong to 10c higher; common to prime steers, $4.fWi7.80; cows, $2.6tVri4.76: heifers. $2.60ffi3.3G; bulls, $2.4tt4.iO; calves, $3.00417.60; stockers and feeders, $2.40rt4.EO. HOGS Receipts, 24,000 hiead; market steady to strong; choice to prime heavy, $o.3itiii.SG; medium to good heavy. $S 24Kri45.30; ai-riAR Granulated enne, In Sftcgs, o.i granulated beet, in sacks,- V21. H CHEFE Swiss, new, lw: l-onsir brlc" itvic; Wisconsin llmir. ' twins 14Mic; Y'oung Americans, UV4C COFFFlURosstctl. No. S5. e :, lr lb.J No. . 21c rer lb.; No. 25. Iflc per lb.; No, Ir. r lb No 21. 13c per lb '&Zxvtp? WkPof m UM. - SYRUP-In bb'.s., 2,c per gaL v J n c J ses. 10-lb. cans. $1.70; cases. 11 5-lb. .cans, Si.tws case-. '4 i-lb. cans, $1 F6. . . , HONEY Per 24 frames. . $3.50. , CIDEH-Nsw,:iialf barrel,; $3.00; ,b8rrej. CANNKD GOODS-Corn. standard we-t-rtt. JWflik-; Maine. $1.15 -Tomatoes, 3-lh. cans SI 10: 2-ib. . nans. . PThcwSI CO. Pi": iSto-. Vrsted 2-lb,. f..rtX'AoJnff 30: gallon snplts. fancy. S2.66: California sprfcots. SI r 612.15: M.TMJO; S"; fancy, $1.752.40; H. C. peaches. $2.0tKfl260. lasPa salmon, red.; f-ncy Ch1", V S10- fancv v -keye. K.. $1.95: sardlne .'miner oil. $2.75: three-misrter IT' on Sweet potatoes. $1 l('tl.Vt5; sauerkrsut, Jl.Vo: pumfklns. 8(Jc$i.tH); wax heans,-SJb., rii..c; lima bean". 2-lb . T!irfj$1.3o; "J"".. J1.S6; cher re's, 2-fl.. (Wo: extras, 9fic$l.W. f' CVRETl 5 Ki S-H-KBtn"lly ' whit efllsh'. per oimrter bbl 100 lbs.. $!00r Norway mark- 2rTNo. 1? .: .' No S. $20.0.5$ Irish. No. 2, $1(1.10; herring. In bhls., i lbs each, Noiway. 4k. S9.CO; Norway. 8W. S9 00- ' Hol.snd herring. In kegs, milkers. :,B!,.rV:- halibut itcicaVflsh. l.'c: buffnlo. 8c; bullheads, lie; black bars, fine stock. 2Tc; iilmon. 12o: pike. 11c: red snapper, fresh frown. 12c; wh teflsh. fresh frcren. 13.-; yellow perch dressed and I-., a,,. nir.u,-rel fresh frozen. He, smoked whtttflsh. To-lh. biskets. loci per lb.t froir less. 35c per doz. saddle!. HIDES AND TAI-l.OW-Green snlted. No 1 iHc; No. 2. ll4c; bull hides. MJltk-j trreeii hides No. 1. He; No. 2. loc; horse, fl rSSffl ri? Hlieep relts." 50ca$1.25. - Tallow. No. 1, ic: No. 2, 2je. " WOOL-Per lb.. irt?;22c. ..... r,. Nl'TS French walnuts. MHc; California walnuts. No. 2. hard shell. 13c; No. 1. Sf-ft shell. 14Vic; Bruslls. 13c; pecans. H'PlTc, lllberts, lkai4c; ..eantits. raw. BA: y tert 7ir: Ca'.lfornia almonds, hard shell. 16c, soft shell. 18c. HEAL ESTATE TRACKERS. George L. Whltmors to Isabel , 8. Humplney, east 90 ft. lot 11, block 7 Humcoin Place ,-v-s William 8. Hlllls to Marie L. Bouhess lot 7. Hlllls add y -y-"V.Y.'- James- M. While and wife to Alice Msrlon Adams, lots 28 and 28. block. rara 2.750 1 firm nimel-ev ; , ,r ,a. 1 1 a. Ooldsm th and wire 10 mixed, ii.loi.3; pacKings, 8a.sixg4i.uv; piga. 50) Wa.d l'Ji.tN6e NEBRASKA. 6 COWS 8.4 19 cows 9t 8 sir. civs 3i SO steers. ... 7 cows.... 21 cows t heifers.. 14 iMUcf. 2 bulls 11 cows.... 6 calves 986 814 790 $70 , iio ,1496 . ;o 370 2 bo i va 3 tx) S 80 $ 10 S 16 s 00 1 so t 75 2 80 3 76 22 cows . 7 feeders. 43 leeders. 15 a. 7 cuws. .. . 923 bv4 to4 782 945 17 Blockers. hJ 14 cows 2 leeOerA. . 8 COWS 8 cuws 8x1 OM 901 7i4 88 cowa. 26 cowa. . 11 cows.. MUldale Catnls Co., Nebraska. 919 Ed .111 10 .1074 S 16 Roas, S 15 S 70 Nebraska. 1J oows... 823 Nebraska. F. Bresee. 14 cows 10G0 2 iO A. H. Mclaughlin-Neb. $ feeders.. 1131 4 10 i cowa 1(97 4 oows,,...ruh6 $06 O. F. t lelda. Nebraska. 6 helfera. .s5o2 $70 i heifers... 641 80 belters... 65S 2 70 26 helfera... 492 12 heifers... 738 1 SO Baoketl nros.. Natiraska. 18 heifers. 46 cows.. U calves. 62 40 . 7ti5 1 95 . 418 8 10 J. Prisier. IS cows. IS feeders. 796 (49 3 UO 2 40 4 06 5 36 S 00 S 15 2 80 8 16 3 36 1 76 8 20 3 86 t 70 2 70- $ 65 S 00 Wabaeb. la do deb. B ... 'Weatera Md. W 48 L B ( Wle. Ceatral 8918 Bank Cleartaas. OMAHA, Oct. SI. Bank clearings for to day were $1,618,907 17 and for the corre sponding date last year $1,464,157.74. Troasory Dtoteaarn. WASHINGTON, Oct. SI. Today's state ment of the treasury oral fund, exclusive lialaiiuee to tike gen, of itae 1$0.00,000 goarar oed Molasses. NEW YORK. Oct. Sl.-BUGAR-Raw, Oulet; fair refining, S 7-16c; centrifugal, 80 teat, S 16-ltc: molasaea augar, t S-lic; refined, oulet; No. 4. 4 Sc; No, 7. 4 S6c; No. 8, 4.Wc: No. . 4. He; No. 10, 4 05c; No. 11. 4 00c; No. IS, $ tSc; No. IS S 0c: No. 14. S 85c; oonfeettonera' A. 4 $0c: mould A. $16c; cut loaf. 6.60c; crushed, t.koo; lowdered. 4 80c; granulated. 4.80c; cubes. powdi lOSc. NEW regular; SeHOIids, SI 1834c. ORLEANS, Oct. Sl.-erOAR-Ir-cwntrlfugal yellow, S 13-144 7-lSo; 31ra74'iJ'!v- New molasaea syrup. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O.. Oct, SI. RSED-Clover. fli sh, x . I"--nit.rt 4i.)j. . TUiu'liy, ( 86: alwke. 87. IV. Nebraska. 4 cowa 992 2 00 8 cuws 900 WIOMLNO. tteers....llt2 4 16 60 steers. ...U88 68 steers.. ..1187 4 60 44 feeders.. 1187 4 46 ( feeders. .1036 10 cowa..... 86 $ 40 James Dolan, Wyoming. 84 feeders .1134 $ 70 21 feeders.. 98! . 9.4 8 10 11 steers.. ..1060 .1018 $ 76 22 cows Sue .. 910 S 30 ii cows 762 . 876 S 80 IS cows 878 Charles Edwards, Wyoming. IS steers.. ..1219 4 40 110 steers. ... 915 J7 COWS...Y.1048 S 10 8 cows luoj J. Dolan, Wyoming. 173 feeders 1008 S 90 Masters Bros., Wyoming. 64 feeders.. 1U42 4 86 84 feeders. .1143 Mra. N" Kenoriege, Wyoming. 17 cowa.. IS cowa.. 8u cowa. 17 cows. 12 steers. 48 feeder. 11 feeder 44 feedert--$ sttersj 4 steer. ...1216 Wyoming. 1 66 4 ei 4 10 3 CO S 36 8 So 8 00 2 60 3 70 S 60 3 60 $ 76 t5.6(-fi.20. bHEEP AND . LAMB-Receipts, 26.000 head: market sheep, steady; lambs, strong to loc hlgtwr: sheep, $40oM6.75; yearlings, $6,600(660; lambs, 80.WJir7.76. Ht. Loots Live Stock 'Market. BT. LOUIS. Oct. 81 CATTLE Receipts, 4,t( head, including 1.500 Texans. Market tendv: native shinning and eXDort SI'eis. S5 i'.5n(l .00; dressed tiee-f and butcher steers, $4.7Tj&.15; steers under 1.000 founds, $3.1048 4.15; stockers arm reeners. oe; cows and heifers. $2.rd J.2&; canners. $100fi2.oo; bulls, $2.2oia4.00; cnives, $3.0(a.76; Texas and Indian steers, Si.vsxB&a: cows aria neirers. $2.2osi3.50. HOGS Receipts, d.wju neaa. aiarset wat steadv; pigs and lights, Sf. 9oii.i6; packers, $ttfl0i6.25; butchers and best heavy, S lHT 6.35. ' BHEEP AMU umbk- iteceints. j.oo 83.00 head. Market steady; native muttons 1 5.75; lambs, $4.00(&7.75; culls and bucks, $2.2 ! Andrew Carlisle to Charles F. Falis, kv.nlc Tricka. west 44 ft. ss 101 ! 72. Glse's add : Mary F. Collins lo Continental Trust i Co.. wesl 40 ft., north SO ftv t 8, I Campbell's add.;. 1 Anna B. Whlto Baker et al to Ger trude Bticnnuis, lot. la. uniun a. laaac's add ,. Bellowe Falls Savings Institution to Charles A. and Abraham L. P reg ie, r aV lot 27, McOandllsh Place...... L. M. Bowers to Emma J. Davis, lot 3, block 2, Bowers' add George Fvrgan et St to Lore Gay msnn, lot is. block 7. Clifton Hill..- Natlunal Life Insurance Co. to Gusiav A. Fuciis, pari lot 27 and other land - Charles Newstrom und wife to Henry Rogers and wife, part lot 11, Par ker's allotment , Dorothea F. Bock and husband to Floia Btemm. part lots 10 and 11, hlnek 87. Mouth Omaha Floia Htemm to Peter J. Hock, same. 1,04 tVOOSi 1,650 225 1,250 1,600 800 10 10 4(3.75; stockers, S3.botp4.10. Kansas City live Atopic Market. KANSAB CITY. Oct. 31. CATTLE Re ceipts. 16.000 head. Including 1.2.0 southerns; market steady; choice export and dressed bet f steers. $6 7Rffi.7S; fair to good, $4 5.4o; western steers, $3 5o"6 26; stockers and feeders, $2.oiti4.0rt; southern steera, $2.75 4 75; southern cows, $2,004(3.26; native oows, $2 0iiti3.75: ratlve heifera, $2.60414.76; bulls. $2.0)k'i3.2i; calves, $2.76iij60. HOG A Receipts. 10.0141 head; market steady to 2V9o lower; top, $ti.!0; hulk Of sales, S.12Vi6-17V4; heavy. Sd.liV,tifi 17M-: lackers, Stnofie; 174; pigs and lights. 8fi.76ft6.a. BHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 6,5ft) head; market strong to 10c higher; lamba. Sd.ucrf'7.00; swes and yearlings, $4.75t78.fO; wuKtern yearllngv. $5.2on.o0: western sheep, $1.25i(fi.60: stockers and feeders, $8.7C& 26. gt. Joseph Live Stork Market. 8T. JOPEPH. Oct. 31 CATTLFV-Rece'pts 3.5i0 head; market steady; natives, $6 CO t b.75: cows and h-lfers, $1.2t'o4.,6; stockers and feeders, $2.6wij4.3). HOtliS Receipts. 4.779 head; market 5j10c lower: top, $t .15; bulk of sales, 80 0fij4i 12U SHEEP AND IAMBB Receipts, (728 head; lambs, Uulfie lower; top, $7.60; sheep, steady ; wethers, $6.60. lots 6 and . block 12, West Hide 1 Bllu A. Csrllsle to Charles F. Fahs,, same ;' The Magdalen Hoclety of PennsyU vanla to Martin Ze-chmeiater. lot 30.. bloik 2. Armstrong's First add J,li R.bert G. Pearte to James C. Kin-- sler, lot 19. block 5, West End 1 Anna L. Caldwell to Ella Penfreed, w'tj lot 16. IXMlge's add., South Omaha : 2o Grace Hheely et al to Alden A. Bar den, iota 10. 11. 12, 13 and 16. block 8. Grammer.y Park 64) Martha M-. Iah to At. ram Brbriug, .' west 44 ft. lot 6. block 88. Omaha...'. U.ftOt Lucy E. Wright to George J. Kleff ner. lot 26, Clark Place 31$ Philadelphia Mortgage 47 Truet Co. to Irabel H. Humphrey, 94 tot 6, block 102, Omaha 8.U4) Chilea F. Gruenig to Reulien Kula, kofsky. lot 8. block 2, Hmithtield 1.16) Ed 111 S. Marston and wife ,0 the I u- ots 14, dike Lumber and Coal Co., li 16 and 16, lilock 4. Brlgga l-"laoe. . ., EUuttMth M. Bhanan 10 Geutge C. Young, lots 7 and 8, block 6, ' Ken- dall's add ' ,r William Hair and wife to John M. ' Westetileld. lots 4, 6, a, 7 ana 8, Mia- sourl Avenue Place, and other land . Anna Corrlgan to Gustave Moor tans. ut..iL 1 m ii.i,, lot 2. block 7. Ligan f-lace st.-K in strut. 1 William B. Russell and wife to Ann. Receipts of live stuck at the six prlnclpui I Uttlejohn. lot 12, block 2, Selby's western markets yesterday: cattle. 104 feeders.. 711 4 28 36 feeders. . 877 $ 90 U feeders.. S2S S I 4,750 .. 1.2O0 ..lo.f'W .. 3 . 90(1 .. 4i0 . .10.1A) Hogs. 6 S.3u) ' 10.0O0 4.478 6 6. JO 24,UV0 Blieen 10.700 ' 6,6o0 2,78 1.C4K) 25,000 Hotith Omaha Bioux City .. Kansas City ' Bt. Joseph . . Bt. Louts ... CTiicago Total Bloai City Lira Stock. Market. BIOI'X CITY. Ia., Oct. 8l.-(gpeclsl Tele gratn -CA'nXfi-ileceir' l,eou tieetL .47.960 61.47$ 45.4 i Highland Realty Co. to John J. Ryan, lul 4. block B. Logun Place ..- John W Hasp to James Malta, lot I 18. block 26, Wilcox Second add.:.... j Matilda Detwller el al to O. A. Hel qulat. lots 3 and 4. block 2o6. Omaha Ann Hommell and husLaud to Emma R. White, lot r. Ems Place James Matts and wife to Herman C. -Ham, lot 19, block 25. Wilcox's Sec ond sdd 1.700 1,64) S.80O 44) 375 '.; I ".Tfto I S.6U0 Totai .1